> top > docs > PMC:1253828 > spans > 17054-17283 > annotations

PMC:1253828 / 17054-17283 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5344 0-3 IN denotes For
T5345 49-57 VBD denotes compared
T5346 4-7 DT denotes the
T5347 8-22 NN denotes identification
T5348 23-25 IN denotes of
T5349 26-29 NN denotes MTF
T5350 39-44 NNS denotes genes
T5351 29-30 HYPH denotes -
T5352 30-31 CD denotes 1
T5353 32-38 NN denotes target
T5354 44-46 , denotes ,
T5355 46-48 PRP denotes we
T5356 58-61 DT denotes the
T5357 79-87 NNS denotes profiles
T5358 62-67 NN denotes liver
T5359 68-78 NN denotes transcript
T5360 88-90 IN denotes of
T5361 91-95 NNS denotes mice
T5362 96-100 IN denotes with
T5363 101-104 CC denotes and
T5364 105-112 IN denotes without
T5365 113-123 JJ denotes functional
T5366 129-133 NN denotes gene
T5367 124-128 NN denotes Mtf1
T5368 134-138 WDT denotes that
T5369 153-160 VBN denotes treated
T5370 139-142 VBD denotes had
T5371 143-147 VBN denotes been
T5372 148-152 JJ denotes mock
T5373 152-153 HYPH denotes -
T5374 161-163 CC denotes or
T5375 164-171 VBN denotes exposed
T5376 172-174 IN denotes to
T5377 175-182 NN denotes cadmium
T5378 183-184 -LRB- denotes (
T5379 188-189 CD denotes 3
T5380 184-185 NN denotes n
T5381 186-187 SYM denotes =
T5382 190-193 IN denotes per
T5383 194-202 NN denotes genotype
T5384 203-206 CC denotes and
T5385 207-217 JJ denotes respective
T5386 218-227 NN denotes treatment
T5387 227-228 -RRB- denotes )
T5388 228-229 . denotes .
R3330 T5344 T5345 prep For,compared
R3331 T5346 T5347 det the,identification
R3332 T5347 T5344 pobj identification,For
R3333 T5348 T5347 prep of,identification
R3334 T5349 T5350 nmod MTF,genes
R3335 T5350 T5348 pobj genes,of
R3336 T5351 T5349 punct -,MTF
R3337 T5352 T5349 nummod 1,MTF
R3338 T5353 T5350 compound target,genes
R3339 T5354 T5345 punct ", ",compared
R3340 T5355 T5345 nsubj we,compared
R3341 T5356 T5357 det the,profiles
R3342 T5357 T5345 dobj profiles,compared
R3343 T5358 T5357 compound liver,profiles
R3344 T5359 T5357 compound transcript,profiles
R3345 T5360 T5357 prep of,profiles
R3346 T5361 T5360 pobj mice,of
R3347 T5362 T5361 prep with,mice
R3348 T5363 T5362 cc and,with
R3349 T5364 T5362 conj without,with
R3350 T5365 T5366 amod functional,gene
R3351 T5366 T5364 pobj gene,without
R3352 T5367 T5366 compound Mtf1,gene
R3353 T5368 T5369 dep that,treated
R3354 T5369 T5366 relcl treated,gene
R3355 T5370 T5369 aux had,treated
R3356 T5371 T5369 auxpass been,treated
R3357 T5372 T5369 amod mock,treated
R3358 T5373 T5369 punct -,treated
R3359 T5374 T5369 cc or,treated
R3360 T5375 T5369 conj exposed,treated
R3361 T5376 T5375 prep to,exposed
R3362 T5377 T5376 pobj cadmium,to
R3363 T5378 T5379 punct (,3
R3364 T5379 T5375 parataxis 3,exposed
R3365 T5380 T5379 nsubj n,3
R3366 T5381 T5379 punct =,3
R3367 T5382 T5379 prep per,3
R3368 T5383 T5382 pobj genotype,per
R3369 T5384 T5379 cc and,3
R3370 T5385 T5386 amod respective,treatment
R3371 T5386 T5379 conj treatment,3
R3372 T5387 T5379 punct ),3
R3373 T5388 T5345 punct .,compared


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5131 26-31 PR:000010717 denotes MTF-1
T5132 39-44 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T5133 62-67 UBERON:0002107 denotes liver
T5134 68-78 SO:0000673 denotes transcript
T5135 91-95 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T5136 124-128 PR:000010717 denotes Mtf1
T5137 129-133 SO:0000704 denotes gene


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5218 26-31 PR_EXT:000010717 denotes MTF-1
T5219 39-44 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T5220 62-67 UBERON:0002107 denotes liver
T5221 68-78 SO_EXT:0000673 denotes transcript
T5222 91-95 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T5223 124-128 PR_EXT:000010717 denotes Mtf1
T5224 129-133 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T5225 175-182 CHEBI_EXT:cadmium denotes cadmium
T5226 194-202 SO_EXT:genotype_or_entity_with_genotype denotes genotype