PMC:1247195 / 12399-13492 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"1247195","source_url":"","text":"Note that for Simu 3, the twenty 1% clusters each have a total expected count close to 17 but a large disparity in terms of numbers of constitute areas: 10 clusters had 2 or 3 areas, whereas 8 clusters had more than 8 areas, up to a maximum of 18 areas. Correspondingly, the expected counts in each of the wards in the clusters ranged from 0.3 for some wards in the 18-area cluster to 12 for the cluster with 2 areas. Simu 3 thus corresponds to a realistic situation of heterogeneity of risk where both small clusters with high expected counts, for example, typically a populated area, and large clusters each with small expected counts, for example, in rural areas, are present. This high degree of heterogeneity has to be considered when interpreting the results for the Simu 3 case where an average over all the 20 clusters is presented. Note also that contrary to the Simu 2 case, about half the background areas in Simu 3 have a neighbor that belongs to one of the 20 clusters. In each case, apart from the elevated risk areas described above, all other areas are called background areas.","tracks":[]}