> top > docs > PMC:1140370 > spans > 22999-23357 > annotations

PMC:1140370 / 22999-23357 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7078 0-358 sentence denotes In order to examine other natural replication origins with different thymine contents for the ability to activate Mcm helicase on a bubble substrate, we constructed new bubble substrates, Bub82/c-myc, containing sequences derived from the DUE (DNA unwinding element) region of the human c-myc origin which is essential for c-myc replicator activity (29,30).
T7079 1-3 IN denotes In
T7080 154-165 VBD denotes constructed
T7081 4-9 NN denotes order
T7082 10-12 TO denotes to
T7083 13-20 VB denotes examine
T7084 21-26 JJ denotes other
T7085 47-54 NNS denotes origins
T7086 27-34 JJ denotes natural
T7087 35-46 NN denotes replication
T7088 55-59 IN denotes with
T7089 60-69 JJ denotes different
T7090 78-86 NNS denotes contents
T7091 70-77 NN denotes thymine
T7092 87-90 IN denotes for
T7093 91-94 DT denotes the
T7094 95-102 NN denotes ability
T7095 103-105 TO denotes to
T7096 106-114 VB denotes activate
T7097 115-118 NN denotes Mcm
T7098 119-127 NN denotes helicase
T7099 128-130 IN denotes on
T7100 131-132 DT denotes a
T7101 140-149 NN denotes substrate
T7102 133-139 NN denotes bubble
T7103 149-151 , denotes ,
T7104 151-153 PRP denotes we
T7105 166-169 JJ denotes new
T7106 177-187 NNS denotes substrates
T7107 170-176 NN denotes bubble
T7108 187-189 , denotes ,
T7109 189-194 NN denotes Bub82
T7110 197-200 NN denotes myc
T7111 194-195 HYPH denotes /
T7112 195-196 NN denotes c
T7113 196-197 HYPH denotes -
T7114 200-202 , denotes ,
T7115 202-212 VBG denotes containing
T7116 213-222 NNS denotes sequences
T7117 223-230 VBN denotes derived
T7118 231-235 IN denotes from
T7119 236-239 DT denotes the
T7120 268-274 NN denotes region
T7121 240-243 NN denotes DUE
T7122 244-245 -LRB- denotes (
T7123 245-248 NN denotes DNA
T7124 259-266 NN denotes element
T7125 249-258 NN denotes unwinding
T7126 266-267 -RRB- denotes )
T7127 275-277 IN denotes of
T7128 278-281 DT denotes the
T7129 294-300 NN denotes origin
T7130 282-287 JJ denotes human
T7131 288-289 NN denotes c
T7132 290-293 NN denotes myc
T7133 289-290 HYPH denotes -
T7134 301-306 WDT denotes which
T7135 307-309 VBZ denotes is
T7136 310-319 JJ denotes essential
T7137 320-323 IN denotes for
T7138 324-325 NN denotes c
T7139 326-329 NN denotes myc
T7140 325-326 HYPH denotes -
T7141 341-349 NN denotes activity
T7142 330-340 NN denotes replicator
T7143 350-351 -LRB- denotes (
T7144 354-356 CD denotes 30
T7145 351-353 CD denotes 29
T7146 353-354 , denotes ,
T7147 356-357 -RRB- denotes )
T7148 357-358 . denotes .
R4778 T7079 T7080 prep In,constructed
R4779 T7081 T7079 pobj order,In
R4780 T7082 T7083 aux to,examine
R4781 T7083 T7081 acl examine,order
R4782 T7084 T7085 amod other,origins
R4783 T7085 T7083 dobj origins,examine
R4784 T7086 T7085 amod natural,origins
R4785 T7087 T7085 compound replication,origins
R4786 T7088 T7085 prep with,origins
R4787 T7089 T7090 amod different,contents
R4788 T7090 T7088 pobj contents,with
R4789 T7091 T7090 compound thymine,contents
R4790 T7092 T7083 prep for,examine
R4791 T7093 T7094 det the,ability
R4792 T7094 T7092 pobj ability,for
R4793 T7095 T7096 aux to,activate
R4794 T7096 T7094 acl activate,ability
R4795 T7097 T7098 compound Mcm,helicase
R4796 T7098 T7096 dobj helicase,activate
R4797 T7099 T7096 prep on,activate
R4798 T7100 T7101 det a,substrate
R4799 T7101 T7099 pobj substrate,on
R4800 T7102 T7101 compound bubble,substrate
R4801 T7103 T7080 punct ", ",constructed
R4802 T7104 T7080 nsubj we,constructed
R4803 T7105 T7106 amod new,substrates
R4804 T7106 T7080 dobj substrates,constructed
R4805 T7107 T7106 compound bubble,substrates
R4806 T7108 T7106 punct ", ",substrates
R4807 T7109 T7110 compound Bub82,myc
R4808 T7110 T7106 appos myc,substrates
R4809 T7111 T7110 punct /,myc
R4810 T7112 T7110 compound c,myc
R4811 T7113 T7110 punct -,myc
R4812 T7114 T7106 punct ", ",substrates
R4813 T7115 T7106 acl containing,substrates
R4814 T7116 T7115 dobj sequences,containing
R4815 T7117 T7116 acl derived,sequences
R4816 T7118 T7117 prep from,derived
R4817 T7119 T7120 det the,region
R4818 T7120 T7118 pobj region,from
R4819 T7121 T7120 nmod DUE,region
R4820 T7122 T7121 punct (,DUE
R4821 T7123 T7124 compound DNA,element
R4822 T7124 T7121 appos element,DUE
R4823 T7125 T7124 compound unwinding,element
R4824 T7126 T7120 punct ),region
R4825 T7127 T7120 prep of,region
R4826 T7128 T7129 det the,origin
R4827 T7129 T7127 pobj origin,of
R4828 T7130 T7129 amod human,origin
R4829 T7131 T7132 compound c,myc
R4830 T7132 T7129 compound myc,origin
R4831 T7133 T7132 punct -,myc
R4832 T7134 T7135 dep which,is
R4833 T7135 T7120 relcl is,region
R4834 T7136 T7135 acomp essential,is
R4835 T7137 T7136 prep for,essential
R4836 T7138 T7139 compound c,myc
R4837 T7139 T7141 compound myc,activity
R4838 T7140 T7139 punct -,myc
R4839 T7141 T7137 pobj activity,for
R4840 T7142 T7141 compound replicator,activity
R4841 T7143 T7144 punct (,30
R4842 T7144 T7135 parataxis 30,is
R4843 T7145 T7144 nummod 29,30
R4844 T7146 T7144 punct ",",30
R4845 T7147 T7144 punct ),30
R4846 T7148 T7080 punct .,constructed


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6953 35-46 GO:0006260 denotes replication
T6954 35-54 SO_EXT:0000296 denotes replication origins
T6955 70-77 CHEBI_EXT:thymine_nucleobase_or_nucleoside_or_nucleotide_molecular_entity_or_group denotes thymine
T6956 115-118 GO:0042555 denotes Mcm
T6957 119-127 GO_EXT:0004386 denotes helicase
T6958 195-200 PR_EXT:000000084 denotes c-myc
T6959 213-222 SO_EXT:biological_sequence denotes sequences
T6960 245-248 CHEBI_SO_EXT:DNA denotes DNA
T6961 245-258 GO:0032508 denotes DNA unwinding
T6962 282-287 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T6963 288-293 PR_EXT:000000084 denotes c-myc
T6964 294-300 SO_EXT:0000296 denotes origin
T6965 324-329 PR_EXT:000000084 denotes c-myc
T6966 330-340 GO_EXT:DNA_replicator denotes replicator


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6905 35-46 GO:0006260 denotes replication
T6906 35-54 SO:0000296 denotes replication origins
T6907 115-118 GO:0042555 denotes Mcm
T6908 195-200 PR:000000084 denotes c-myc
T6909 245-258 GO:0032508 denotes DNA unwinding
T6910 282-287 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T6911 288-293 PR:000000084 denotes c-myc
T6912 294-300 SO:0000296 denotes origin
T6913 324-329 PR:000000084 denotes c-myc


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
15917436-7935372-76775525 351-353 7935372 denotes 29
15917436-12589000-76775526 354-356 12589000 denotes 30