> top > docs > PMC:1064895 > spans > 12648-12825 > annotations

PMC:1064895 / 12648-12825 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9358 25-31 UMLS/C1442450 denotes ur, wh
T9357 39-51 UMLS/C1881488 denotes lysates wer
T9347 81-86 UMLS/C1136359 denotes s by
T9342 4-9 UMLS/C0231290 denotes r inc
T9337 81-86 UMLS/C1948049 denotes s by
T9332 81-86 UMLS/C0007634 denotes s by
T9320 130-141 UMLS/C0993864 denotes rifuged at
T9317 112-117 UMLS/C0024348 denotes s buf
T9313 4-9 UMLS/C0687676 denotes r inc
T9307 57-65 UMLS/C1521827 denotes ared fro
T9297 118-124 UMLS/C0006353 denotes er, an
T9289 81-86 UMLS/C1704653 denotes s by
T9279 10-20 UMLS/C1980044 denotes bation for
T9268 81-86 UMLS/C1269647 denotes s by
T9267 33-38 UMLS/C0444667 denotes e cel
T9252 10-20 UMLS/C1979572 denotes bation for
T9219 112-117 UMLS/C1536403 denotes s buf


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9444 173-176 NN denotes min
T9443 170-172 CD denotes 15
T9442 166-169 IN denotes for
T9441 164-165 -RRB- denotes )
T9440 163-164 NN denotes g
T9439 156-162 CD denotes 19,000
T9438 155-156 -LRB- denotes (
T9437 148-154 NN denotes r.p.m.
T9436 141-147 CD denotes 14,000
T9435 138-140 IN denotes at
T9434 126-137 VB denotes centrifuged
T9433 122-125 CC denotes and
T9432 120-121 -COMMA- denotes ,
T9431 114-120 NN denotes buffer
T9430 108-113 NN denotes lysis
T9429 104-107 DT denotes the
T9428 101-103 IN denotes in
T9427 86-100 NN denotes homogenization
T9426 83-85 IN denotes by
T9425 77-82 NN denotes cells
T9424 73-76 CD denotes 107
T9423 67-72 IN denotes about
T9422 62-66 IN denotes from
T9421 53-61 VB denotes prepared
T9420 48-52 VB denotes were
T9419 40-47 NN denotes lysates
T9418 35-39 NN denotes cell
T9417 29-34 JJ denotes whole
T9416 27-28 -COMMA- denotes ,
T9415 23-27 NN denotes hour
T9414 21-22 CD denotes 1
T9413 17-20 IN denotes for
T9412 6-16 NN denotes incubation
T9411 0-5 IN denotes After
R4863 T9412 T9411 arg2Of incubation,After
R4864 T9412 T9413 arg1Of incubation,for
R4865 T9415 T9413 arg2Of hour,for
R4866 T9415 T9414 arg1Of hour,1
R4867 T9419 T9417 arg1Of lysates,whole
R4868 T9419 T9418 arg1Of lysates,cell
R4869 T9419 T9420 arg1Of lysates,were
R4870 T9419 T9421 arg2Of lysates,prepared
R4871 T9419 T9434 arg2Of lysates,centrifuged
R4872 T9421 T9422 arg1Of prepared,from
R4873 T9421 T9433 arg1Of prepared,and
R4874 T9424 T9423 arg1Of 107,about
R4875 T9425 T9422 arg2Of cells,from
R4876 T9425 T9424 arg1Of cells,107
R4877 T9427 T9421 arg1Of homogenization,prepared
R4878 T9427 T9426 arg2Of homogenization,by
R4879 T9427 T9428 arg1Of homogenization,in
R4880 T9431 T9428 arg2Of buffer,in
R4881 T9431 T9429 arg1Of buffer,the
R4882 T9431 T9430 arg1Of buffer,lysis
R4883 T9433 T9411 arg1Of and,After
R4884 T9433 T9416 arg1Of and,","
R4885 T9433 T9420 arg2Of and,were
R4886 T9433 T9432 arg1Of and,","
R4887 T9434 T9433 arg2Of centrifuged,and
R4888 T9434 T9435 arg1Of centrifuged,at
R4889 T9434 T9442 arg1Of centrifuged,for
R4890 T9437 T9435 arg2Of r.p.m.,at
R4891 T9437 T9436 arg1Of r.p.m.,"14,000"
R4892 T9437 T9438 arg1Of r.p.m.,(
R4893 T9440 T9438 arg2Of g,(
R4894 T9440 T9439 arg1Of g,"19,000"
R4895 T9441 T9438 arg3Of ),(
R4896 T9444 T9442 arg2Of min,for
R4897 T9444 T9443 arg1Of min,15


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9369 108-113 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019835 denotes lysis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9615 77-82 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T9614 35-39 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9364 0-177 Sentence denotes After incubation for 1 hour, whole cell lysates were prepared from about 107 cells by homogenization in the lysis buffer, and centrifuged at 14,000 r.p.m. (19,000 g) for 15 min.
T94 0-177 Sentence denotes After incubation for 1 hour, whole cell lysates were prepared from about 107 cells by homogenization in the lysis buffer, and centrifuged at 14,000 r.p.m. (19,000 g) for 15 min.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9945 67-82 Entity denotes about 107 cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9753 176-177 . denotes .
T9752 173-176 NN denotes min
T9751 170-172 CD denotes 15
T9750 166-169 IN denotes for
T9749 164-165 -RRB- denotes )
T9748 163-164 NN denotes g
T9747 156-162 CD denotes 19,000
T9746 155-156 -LRB- denotes (
T9745 148-154 NN denotes r.p.m.
T9744 141-147 CD denotes 14,000
T9743 138-140 IN denotes at
T9742 126-137 VBD denotes centrifuged
T9741 122-125 CC denotes and
T9740 120-121 , denotes ,
T9739 114-120 NN denotes buffer
T9738 108-113 NN denotes lysis
T9737 104-107 DT denotes the
T9736 101-103 IN denotes in
T9735 86-100 NN denotes homogenization
T9734 83-85 IN denotes by
T9733 77-82 NNS denotes cells
T9732 73-76 CD denotes 107
T9731 67-72 IN denotes about
T9730 62-66 IN denotes from
T9729 53-61 VBN denotes prepared
T9728 48-52 VBD denotes were
T9727 40-47 NNS denotes lysates
T9726 35-39 NN denotes cell
T9725 29-34 JJ denotes whole
T9724 27-28 , denotes ,
T9723 23-27 NN denotes hour
T9722 21-22 CD denotes 1
T9721 17-20 IN denotes for
T9720 6-16 NN denotes incubation
T9719 0-5 IN denotes After
R5112 T9719 T9729 prep After,prepared
R5113 T9720 T9719 pobj incubation,After
R5114 T9721 T9729 prep for,prepared
R5115 T9722 T9723 nummod 1,hour
R5116 T9723 T9721 pobj hour,for
R5117 T9724 T9729 punct ",",prepared
R5118 T9725 T9727 amod whole,lysates
R5119 T9726 T9727 compound cell,lysates
R5120 T9727 T9729 nsubjpass lysates,prepared
R5121 T9728 T9729 auxpass were,prepared
R5122 T9729 T9729 ROOT prepared,prepared
R5123 T9730 T9729 prep from,prepared
R5124 T9731 T9733 nmod about,cells
R5125 T9732 T9733 nummod 107,cells
R5126 T9733 T9730 pobj cells,from
R5127 T9734 T9733 prep by,cells
R5128 T9735 T9734 pobj homogenization,by
R5129 T9736 T9733 prep in,cells
R5130 T9737 T9739 det the,buffer
R5131 T9738 T9739 compound lysis,buffer
R5132 T9739 T9736 pobj buffer,in
R5133 T9740 T9729 punct ",",prepared
R5134 T9741 T9729 cc and,prepared
R5135 T9742 T9729 conj centrifuged,prepared
R5136 T9743 T9742 prep at,centrifuged
R5137 T9744 T9745 nummod "14,000",r.p.m.
R5138 T9745 T9743 pobj r.p.m.,at
R5139 T9746 T9745 punct (,r.p.m.
R5140 T9747 T9748 nummod "19,000",g
R5141 T9748 T9745 appos g,r.p.m.
R5142 T9749 T9745 punct ),r.p.m.
R5143 T9750 T9742 prep for,centrifuged
R5144 T9751 T9752 nummod 15,min
R5145 T9752 T9750 pobj min,for
R5146 T9753 T9729 punct .,prepared