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Antimicrobial prescribing in Australian hospitals; antimicrobial choice and indications for inappropriate prescribing Abstract publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active. Propensity-score matched analysis comparing clinical benefits of antimicrobial de-escalation and non-switch in adults with community-onset monomicrobial Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, and Proteus mirabilis bacteremia Background: The Hospital National Antimicrobial Prescribing Survey is an auditing platform that enables facilities to determine the appropriateness of their antimicrobials prescribing. All Australian hospitals can participate in the survey which has been collecting prescribing data since 2011. Methods: Data from 385 facilities and 562 surveys which were submitted between January 1st 2015 and December 31st 2016 were analysed and assessed against an appropriateness assessment guide. The top 10 antimicrobials inappropriately prescribed were determined, both as the total of all antimicrobials and percentage of each prescribed. The top 3 indications with the highest rate of inappropriate prespring were determined. Results: There were 36,502 antimicrobial prescriptions analysed and the top inappropriately prescribed antimicrobial was ceftriaxone with 1123 prescriptions. Amoxycillin-clavulanic acid was the next most inappropriate, with 786 prescriptions, followed by piperacillin-tazobactam, with 575 prescriptions. The antimicrobials with the highest percentage of inappropriate prescribing were cefaclor (58%) Kenacomb (gramicidin-neomycin-nystatin) (56%) and dapsone (50%), although there were only small number of these antimicrobials prescribed, (26, 18 and 2 respectively). The indications for which antimicrobials were most inappropriately prescribed were; • Ceftriaxone; community acquired pneumonia (29%), infective exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (11%) and urinary tract infection (11%) • Amoxycillin-clavulanic acid; community acquired pneumonia (31%), infective exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (20%) and urinary tract infection (10%) • Piperacillin-tazobactam; community acquired pneumonia (14%), hospital acquired pneumonia (10%) and cellulitis/ erysipelas (7%) Conclusion: The antimicrobials that have both high numbers and percentages of inappropriate prescribing are ceftriaxone, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, cefalexin and azithromycin, which were most inappropriately prescribed for respiratory tract infections. It is evident that these are obvious targets for targeted quality improvement activities. of patients with critical illness, but economical and resistant impact of de-escalation strategies for bloodstream infections was rarely reported. Methods: Patients having community-onset monomicrobial Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, and Proteus mirabilis (EKP) bacteremia and empirically treated by broad-spectrum betalactams, including 3rd-generation cephalosporins (GC), 4th-GC, or carbapenems, were analyzed and categorized according to the antimicrobial spectrum of definitive therapy: 1st-or 2nd-GC (deescalation group), the same agents as empirical antibiotics (noswitch group), and broader-spectrum antibiotics (escalation group). Clinical information was retrospectively collected from chart record. The propensity score was calculated by the independent predictors of 4-week mortality. Patients in the deescalation group were matched on the 1:1 basis with those in the no-switch group by the closest individual propensity scores. Results: The eligible 454 adults were categorized as the deescalation (231 patients, 50.9%), no-switch (177, 39.0%), and escalation (46, 10.1%) group. In general, those with de-escalation therapy were more females, had less critical illness and less fatal comorbidity, and had a higher survival rate than the other two groups. After appropriate propensity-score matching for the deescalation and no-switch groups, not only critical illness at onset (Pitt bacteremia score ≥ 4; 16.5% vs. 12.7%; P = 0.34) or day 3 (2.5% vs. 2.5%; P = 1.00), and fatal comorbidity (16.5% vs. 21.5%; P = 0.25), but also the time to defervescence (4.6 vs. 4.7 days; P = 0.89), hospital stays (11.5 vs. 10.3 days; P = 0.13), and 4-week (4.4% vs. 4.4%; P = 1.00) crude mortality rate were similar. However, lower antibiotic cost (mean: 212.1 vs. 395.6 US$, P < 0.001) and less complications of bloodstream infections due to resistant pathogens (0% vs. 5.1%, P = 0.004) was observed in the de-escalation group. Conclusion: For adults with community-onset EKP bacteremia empirically treated by appropriate broad-spectrum beta-lactams, the de-escalation to narrow-spectrum cephalosporins is safe and cost-effective. The establishment of auxiliary mechanisms of intimate reminders improves rational antibiotic utilization Hui-Yun Liang 1 , Iig-Ling Chen 1 , Hung-Jen Tang 1,2,3 *. Background: Surgery is to have no time to lose, however, how to effectively manage the use of prophylactic antibiotics is a challenge. There is a reminder mechanism but not like the ad window so that users do not want to see the content and just want to close. To multi-oriented check can not affect the conduct of surgery. The establishment of auxiliary mechanisms intimate reminders, and more humane management, Not only can educate the use of the correct concept of antibiotics, but also to improve of rational antibiotic utilization. Methods: First, "Time out" immediately before starting the procedure, include the antibiotic prophylaxis within 1 hour prior to incision, If not, will be asked the reason. Followed by the use of antibiotics in the half-life and surgery time to calculate, and use the music to remind the team to add antibiotics; During the operation, the amount of blood loss, When more than 1000 ml will also be the same way to remind the team to assess and prepare add antibiotics. Results: Up to now, the antibiotic prophylaxis within 1 hour prior to incision arrivals to 98%; The proportion of antibiotics added to the drug in surgery was 80%. From here, we can see the effectiveness of management is significant. Conclusion: At the right time to use the appropriate antibiotics to prevent the occurrence of surgical site infection, and we use the intimate reminder to achieve this goal, and improve the patient's safety. Should we continue to implement contact precautions and environmental cleaning for MRSA Hui-Yun Liang 1 , Iig-Ling Chen 1 , Hung-Jen Tang 1,2,3 *. Background: Increased drug resistance is one of the most important issues of global concern, effective way to stop the transmission of drug-resistant strains must have antibiotics stewardship and isolation protection measures, Strains of MRSA were first found in the 1960s there is evidence that concerted efforts that include surveillance cultures, contact precautions and isolation in hospitals can reduce MRSA, but the implementation of isolation measures need to spend the manpower and costs. According to the TNIS System (Taiwan Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System) statistics reported that 51% of MRSA detection, so the implementation of the contact for the hospital Isolation is a great burden, so the policy formulation and implementation is the need for many considerations. Methods: Our hospital for the MRSA patients with standard protection. Beginning in 2016 for the first detection of patients to implement contact isolation, cohorting, and the patient after discharge for the final disinfection. For the first isolated of MRSA patient must immediately check the use of antibiotics and related medical behavior, and the unit who isolated of MRSA to the hand hygiene audit, environment cleaning and disinfection of the joint inspection when the patient was discharged. Weekly fixed view of new cases detected distribution trends. Results: The number of new cases isolated by MRSA was reduced from about 120 in 2013 to about 75 in 2016, while DID usage density of antibiotics ( per 1000 bed-day-occupancy) has been declined 30%, the Penicillins have been declined 35%. Conclusion: Through the continuous monitoring of the trend of drug resistance distribution at the same time prudent use of antibiotics and the use of antibiotics stewardship, the most important thing is to implement contact isolation, hand hygiene and medical environment, such as cleaning and disinfection of infection control measures, Reduce the transmission of drugresistant bacteria. Pharmacy efficiency of censor inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions with pharmacist and infection specialist in a community teaching hospital Meei-Shoue Kuo 1 *, Huei-Ming Pan 2 . 1 Pharmacy, St. Joseph Hospital, 2 Home Medicine, St Joseph Hostipal Purpose: Overuse of antibiotics should induce increase number antibiotic resistant bacteria and its side effects, there is evidence to suggest that proper use of antibiotic helps control quality and efficiency. Build up censor mechanisms with pharmacist and infection specialist can increase clinical take care quality. Method: Data were retrospectively collected on 36 items of controlled antibiotics of censor meeting at a community hospital from January to December 2016, A pharmacist analysis appropriate of antibiotic prescriptions within 24 hour, and an infection specialist censor the indication of clinical use. Conclusion: Total analysis result of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions of pharmacist are 475 cases, ranking of case first item is wrong adjust of renal function 329 cases (69%), not suitable of dose 79 cases(16.6%), incompatible with culture result 21 cases (4.4%), Mistake frequency 14 cases (2.9%), relative laboratory data 11 cases (2.3%), Improper indication 8 case (1.7%), Ignore drug allegic history 5 cases (1.1%), prolong use duration 5 cases (1.1%), side effects 1 case (0.2%). Total analysis result of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions of infection specialist are 622 cases, first item is wrong adjust of renal function 498 cases (80.1%), incompatible with culture result and change to narrow spectrum antibiotics 74 cases (12.1), Improper indication25 cases (25%), use more than 3 kinds of antibiotics12 cases (1.9%), Ignore body weight 8 cases (1.3%), prolonguse duration 1 case (0.2%). Compare result of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions between pharmacist and infection specialist there are same opinion in many ways of total results. Results: Ranking of result of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions of pharmacist and infection specialist first item is wrong adjust of renal function, although the doctors can adjust antibiotic dose by dose calculate formulars, but during the procedure of censor meeting following within 24 hour after prescription, will helps the doctors use sensible and proper antibiotics and improve communication between pharmacist and doctors. On the other hands, can hoist safety of use antibiotic patients. Prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistant rectal flora in patients undergoing transrectal ultrasound guided prostate needle biopsy: a prospective multicenter study Myung Soo Kim 1 , Eu Chang Hwang 1 , Ho Song Yu 1 , Seung II Jung 1 , Dong Hoon Lim 2 , Won Jin Jo 2 , Hyun Sop Choe 3 , Seung-Ju Lee 3 , Sung Woon Park 4 . 1 Department of Urology, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea, 2 Chosun University School of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea, 3 The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital, Suwon, Korea, 4 Kwangju Christian Hospital, Gwangju, Korea Background: We estimated the prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistant rectal flora in patients undergoing repeat transrectal ultrasound guided prostate needle biopsy and identified high risk groups. Methods: From January 2015 to March 2016 rectal swabs of 557 men from 5 institutions undergoing transrectal ultrasound guided prostate needle biopsy were obtained. Results: A total of 268 patients had cultures positive for fluoroquinolone resistant bacteria for an overall rate of 48.1%. The incidence of fluoroquinolone resistance and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production was 48.1% and 11.8%, respectively. The most common FQ-R bacteria was E. coli (81% of total FQ-R bacteria, 39% of total rectal flora). Univariable and multivariable analysis of clinical parameters affecting FQ-R showed no factor associated with FQ resistance of rectal flora. The clinical parameters associated with infectious complications after prostate biopsy were operation history within 6 months (RR 6.60; 95% CI 1.99-21.8, p = 0.002). Conclusion: Prevalence of FQ-R rectal flora from the rectum before transrectal prostate biopsy was 48.1% and most common FQ-R bacteria was E. coli (39%) However, antibiotic resistance of rectal flora cannot predicted by clinical factors. So Risk based approach cannot recommended and we should consider targeted antibiotic prophylaxis or extended antibiotic prophylaxis. The relationship between antibiotic consumption and antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Wei-Lung Tsai 1 , Meng-Chiao Lin 1 , Chun-Hsiang Yu 2 , Chun-Ming Lee 2 . 1 Department of Pharmacy, St. Joseph's Hospital, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, St. Joseph's Hospital Background: Antimicrobial resistance is a global concern now. The prevalence of antibiotic resistant species is increasing with time. This makes us to spend more money, more time, and more medical resources to fight with them. Diversify the use of antimicrobial agents seems to be effective in reducing the growth of antimicrobial resistance. Methods: Using retrospective study to evaluate the correlation of anti-pseudomonal antibiotic comsumption and antimicrobial resistance of pseudomonas aeruginosa by Pearson's correlation coefficient. The data were collected from a regional hospital in middle Taiwan from 2014 to 2016. Antibiotic use was expressed as DDD(defined daily dose) per 1000 patients-days developed by WHO ATC/DDD. Results: During the study, the consumption of Ceftazidime, Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin increased significantly. The consumption of Gentamicin and Amikacin decreased. There was no significant change in the consumption of Imipenem/cilastatin, Cefepime and Piperacillin/tazobactam. Susceptibility rates of pseudomonas aeruginosa to Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin and Imipenem/cilastatin were decreases, the others remained stable. The Correlation between antibiotics and their susceptibility was modestly negatively correlated with Ciprofloxacin (r = −0.36, p = 0.034) and Piperacillin/tazobactam (r = −0.40, p = 0.015). The others, although showed negatively correlated, but p-values (>0.05) were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Our study shows only modestly correlation between anti-pseudomonal antimicrobial usage and pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance. We concluded that the diversity of antibiotic use delayed the antimicrobial resistance development. But with the raising of consumption, susceptibility of pseudomonas aeruginosa to each agent is going down. Therefore, keeping antimicrobial stewardship, diversify the use of antibiotics and good infection control will be important strategies to overcome the problems of antibiotic resistance. Analysis of the C. difficile associated diarrhea and antibiotic use Hui-Yun Liang 1 , Iig-Ling Chen 1 , Hung-Jen Tang 1,2,3 *. Background: Patients' expectations for antibiotics in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) have been observed to increase antibiotics prescribing in primary care clinics, but the phenomenon is less well understood in time-strapped emergency departments. We sought to assess for non-clinical factors associated with antibiotics prescribing in a 1600-bed adult acute-care hospital's emergency department (ED) in Singapore. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study on 250 consecutive patients who presented with uncomplicated URTI at the ED between May 2016 and Feb 2017. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was instituted and the medical records of the participants accessed for information on antibiotics prescription. Multivariable logistic regression models were constructed to assess for independent non-clinical factors associated with antibiotics prescribing. Results: Participants had a mean age of 39.4 (SD 14.9) years and tended to be male (64.0%). Almost half (47.2%) had received diplomaand university-level education. 67.6% had no major pre-existing medical conditions. Antibiotics were prescribed for about one-third (35.2%) of the participants, with amoxycillin-clavulanate being the most commonly prescribed antibiotic (72.7%). Although 117 (46.2%) participants reported that they were expecting to receive antibiotics during the ED visit for their illness, only 18.8% informed their physicians about their expectations. Those who expected to receive antibiotics (41.0%) were more likely than those who didn't (30.1%) to be prescribed antibiotics (P = 0.070). Among those who expected antibiotics, there was no difference in the antibiotics prescribing pattern between those who had informed their physicians about their expectations (36.4%) versus those who had not (42.1%) (P = 0.622). After adjusting for age, pre-existing comorbidities, and presenting complaint of fever, expectations for antibiotics (aOR 1.60, 95% CI 0.94-2.72, P = 0.086) and a higher educational level (aOR 1.63, 95% CI 0.94-2.83, P = 0.085) were marginally-significantly associated with antibiotics prescribing. Majority of participants were satisfied with the consultation at the ED, with no difference in satisfaction levels between those who received (90.9%) versus those who did not receive antibiotics (90.7%) (P = 0.965). Conclusion: Patients' higher educational levels and expectations for antibiotics, regardless of whether they were explicitly informed to their physicians, were associated with increased antibiotics prescribing. Further studies are warranted to better understand the influence of non-clinical factors such as these on antibiotic prescribing decision making. Investigation the relationships of MDR (multi-drug resistant) pathogens isolated and defined daily dosing (DDD) of antibiotics prescription in one teaching hospital at Mid-Taiwan Chung-Hsin Liao, Frank San Fan. Changhua Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare Background: Chunghua Hospital is a 700-bed available hospital at Mid-Taiwan. It contains the ability of medical, surgical, intensive and long term care facility. MDR pathogens are progressively becoming the major threats to immunocompromised and non-immunocompromised patients. So, we want to investigate the relationships of MDR pathogens and antibiotics used in our hospital. Methods: By way of Tamis System, we retrospectively collect the DDD of 33 inject form of antibiotics (from 7 main classes) and 6 important bacterial (including their MDR companions) during the 1st quarter of 2017. The clinical divisions of antibiotics used and regulatory or nonregulatory antibiotics are stratified and recorded. The important bacterial (including E. coli, K. pneumonia, P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii, S. aureus and enterococci) and their MDR companions (CRE, CRPA, CRAB, MRSA, VRE) are collected and analyzed. By way of t-student test, the DDD of antibiotics and the proportion of MDR pathogens are compared. Different cultures of each MDR pathogens are also compared with 7 main classes of antibiotics. Results: 1. HIV-AIDS infected is no more deadly disease under HAART with well adherence, case management and good quality of life 2. MTR (multiple tablets regimen) is gradually repaced by STR. More and more studies about the outcome, adherence, immunologic recovery and viral suppresion are reported. Bacteremia, antimicrobial resistance and prescription pattern in pediatric patients: prospective observational study in a teaching hospital in southern Taiwan Bai-Xiu Jian 1 , Wen-Liang Lin 2 , Wen-Chuan Lin 2 , Ching-Lan Cheng 1,2 . Background: Antimicrobial resistance in Taiwan is more studied in adults than in children. This study aims to estimate pediatric antimicrobial resistance, bloodstream infection rates and pathogens, and to describe the antimicrobial prescribing pattern by monthly point prevalence survey (PPS). Methods: We conducted a prospective observational study of all blood cultures reporting studied pathogens from pediatric patients in a tertiary teaching hospital from August 2016 to April 2017. The monthly PPS days were randomly chosen from each month of 2016. Pediatric patients with ongoing antimicrobials on the survey days or who had received antibiotic for surgery on previous days were included. Results: There were 48 bacteremia isolates from 44 patients enrolled, in which 30 (62.5%) were resistant to at least 1 antibiotic. The most frequent organism was Salmonella species (n = 13) and 85% of them were yeilded from children aged more than 12 months. E. coli (n = 9) was most frequent resistant organism. The susceptibility to ampicillin/sulbactam and cefazolin was 11% and 22%, respectively. PPS were conducted in 2 ICU and 1 general pediatric ward. 371 (65%) of 573 eligible person-times were prescribed antimicrobial. 645 antimicrobials were prescribed ( Fig. 1 ), in which 71% were for therapy and 29% for prophylaxis. The most presribed for prophylaxis were sulfonamides/trimethoprim (31%). Combination of penicillins were most prescribed for therapeutic indication (28%). The most common indication for therapeutic antimicrobials was LRTIs (22%). Background: Our hospital in Tangerang District, Indonesia has an Antimicrobial Restricted Antimicrobial Program (ARCP) implemented since 2015. The rate of bacteria drug-resistance and their antimicrobial susceptibility are extremely crucial to enhance the program. Therefore, through this study, we have shared information about the susceptibilty of 11 (eleven) broad-spectrum antibiotics, including carbapenems, fourth generation cephalosporines, glycylcycline, glycopeptide, and oxazolidinone. Methods: Limitations of broad-spectrum antibiotics therapy are applied to inpatients and outpatients in order to supervise and control prescribing systems by requesting integrated and enclosed information such as clinical and relevant reasons. Futhermore, the rationale for antibiotics utilization should be shown comprehensively in the form provided. Our data were extracted from July 2015 and December 2016 data base retrospectively. Results: A total of 420 cases of infection, 284 (67.6%) were multidrug resistant gram negatif bacteria. The most common pathogens were Acinetobacter baumanii (23.1%), Klebsiella pneumonia (22.1%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13.8%), and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (8,6%). An increasing susceptibility trend for gram negative bacteria (GNB) was noticed in almost all groups of broad-spectrum antibiotic (5-14%). The drug susceptibility between July 2015 and December 2016 were cefepime (40%, 30%, 48%); cefpirome (45%, 40%, 58%); carbapenems (69%, 65%, 75%); tigecycline (62%, 65%, 67%); piperacillin/tazobactam (52%, 58%, 61%); cefoperazone/sulbactam (81%, 72%, 86%); and amikacin (63%, 64%, 77%). In the other side, the susceptibilty level of linezolide and vancomycin against gram positif bacteria, Staphylococci and Streptococci remained the same at 100%. Conclusion: Our results present the tendency towards improving susceptibility level of broad-spectrum antibiotics, although the number of MDR-GNB still quite high. Outcome of pharmacist interventions on antibiotics use Yung-Ming Huang, Yi-Shan Chen, Tsai-Yen Liu*. Department of Pharmacy, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Hualien, Taiwan, R.O.C Background: The launch of a new antibiotic has become rare in recent years. This is impacting the therapeutic options to treat infections caused by multidrug-or extensively drug-resistant bacteria. As a response to these challenges, optimal use of antibiotics, control the resistance rate is now we need to confront. Methods: Pharmacists participated the Committee of Antibiotics and Infectious Disease Control and implemented some means such as direct interventions, educations, and routine evaluation to improve utilization of antibiotics. IT (Information Technology) was set up to screen each second-line antibiotics prescription and also provided real-time recommendation for poor renal function patients' dose adjustment. The consumption of antibiotics (counted by Defined Daily Dose, DDD) and the resistance rate are reported and evaluated every month and every half year. Background: To prevent increasing antibiotic resistance among microbes, antibiotic stewardship program (ASP) has been performed in the outpatient clinic (OPD), wards and surgical prophylaxis, but the emergency department (ED) has not been included. However, empiric antibiotics have often been prescribed to patients during their ED stay. Previous publications addressed that initial prescriptions applied in ED often be continued in ward. As a result, we compare the differences of initial antibiotic regimens between ED and ward to evaluate whether the empiric antibiotics has been continued in ward. Methods: We conducted retrospective review of medical records within March 1, 2016 to May 31, 2016. Those records belonged to patients of age less than 18, patients who were not admitted and those without any antibiotic as part of treatment were excluded. The initial antibiotics prescribed in ED, the grade of medical staffs who prescribe antibiotics in ward and the initial antibiotic used in ward were recorded. We made judgement as consistence, deescalation or escalation of antibiotics by comparison of initial antibiotic between ED and ward. IBM SPSS version 22 (2013) was used as the statistics software. Results: During the study period, 604 medical records were included and reviewed. The medical staffs who prescribed initial antibiotics in wards consisted of post-grade year one (PGY-1), residents of first to fifth year (R1-R5) and nurse specialists (NP) who made prescriptions under guidance of visiting staffs. The proportion of PGY-1, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 were 14.9%, 35%, 30.9%, 13.9%, 4.8%, 0.7% and 0.8% respectively. Among the antibiotic prescribed in ward, the proportion of consistence, escalation and de-escalation in comparison with ED were 69.7%, 16.9% and 13.2% respectively. In consideration of grades of staffs in wards who applied the same antibiotic as in ED, there were 80.57% of PGY-1, 75% of R4, 70.89% of R2, 69.9% of R1, 60% of R5, 52.27% of NP and 37.93% of R3. The antibiotic ordered by PGY-1 has significantly high coherent rate to ED ( p < 0.05) in comparison with R3, R2, R1 and NP. Conclusion: Antibiotics prescribed in ED, as other medications, had been continued in wards around 80% by junior doctors. As a result, implantation of ASP in ED is important. Evaluation of broad-spectrum antibiotic prescription in a Tunisian infectious diseases department Adnene Toumi*, Ikbel Kooli, Abir Aouam, Hajer Ben Brahim, Chawki Loussaief, Mohamed Chakroun. Department of Infectious Diseases, UR 12SP41, Monastir University Hospital, Tunisia Background: The emergence of bacterial resistance is a public health problem, leading to broad-spectrum antibiotic prescription. Consequently, particular attention must be paid to broad-spectrum antibiotic prescription, in order to preserve their effectiveness. In our hospital, no recommendation exists for broad-spectrum antibiotic use. The aim of this study was to describe the modalities of broad spectrum antibiotic prescriptions in an infectious diseases department and confront them to the guidelines. Methods: We carried out a professional practice evaluation to assess broad-spectrum antibiotic prescriptions made at the infectious diseases department (Fattouma Bourguiba teaching hospital, Monastir, Tunisia), between January and December 2016. We evaluate 6 broad-spectrum antibiotics: imipenem, ertapenem, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycoside, tigecycline and colimycin. Evaluation was done by two infectious disease specialist based on national and international guidelines. Results: Ninety eight prescriptions were included for 95 patients. The mean age was 53 years (14-84 years). Sex ratio was 0.86. Broadspectrum antibiotics were mostly used for skin infections in 41 cases (41.8%) and urinary tract infection in 33 cases (33.7%). It was community acquired infections in 90 cases (91.8%) and nosocomial infections in 8 cases (8.2%). Antibiotic combinations were used in 68 cases (69.4%). The broad-spectrum antibiotic was first line prescribed in 58 (59.2%). Prescriptions were documented only in 24 cases (24.58%). Extended-spectrum betalactamase producing Escherichia coli was isolated in 7 cases (25.9%). Fluoroquinolones were used in 64 cases (65.3%), imipenem in 15 cases (15.3%), aminoglycoside in 8 cases (8.1%), colimycin in 6 cases (6.1%), tigecycline in 2 cases (2%) and ertapenem in 1 case (1%). Broadspectrum antibiotic usage was judged adequate in 65 cases (66.3%). Otherwise, antibiotic duration was adequate in 89 cases (90.9%), posology in 97 cases (99%) and the use antibiotic combinations in 40 cases (57.1%). Twenty-six cases (26.8%) of the initial prescriptions seemed to be adapted to the identified bacteria. Conclusion: In our department, global evaluation showed that more than third of prescriptions were inadequate. Moreover, broad-spectrum antibiotics were prescribed in communityacquired infections in more than 90% of cases. In order to improve the quality of broad-spectrum prescriptions, standardized protocols must be implemented, supervised by an antibiotic stewardship team. study was to evaluate the stability of daptomycin in serum at various temperatures. Methods: Daptomycin serum samples were prepared and stored long-term in a refrigerator (4°C) or in freezers (−80°C and −20°C), as well as at assumed body temperatures (35°C, 37°C, and 39°C). The stability of daptomycin under various conditions was evaluated by repeatedly measuring concentrations. Results: Although the decrease of daptomycin concentration in serum samples stored in freezers was less than 10% after 168 days (6 months), the concentrations in samples stored in a refrigerator decreased by more than 70% over the same period. Furthermore, daptomycin concentrations in serum samples stored at close to body temperature decreased by more than 50% after only 24 h ( Figure 1 ). The rate of daptomycin elimination from serum samples increased with the rise of temperature, especially under conditions that assumed living body. The results of the present study demonstrate that the measurement of serum concentrations of daptomycin needs to be performed rapidly or the samples collected from patients should be stored in freezers until analysis. At close to body temperatures, daptomycin was unstable and its stability was affected by variations in temperature. The daptomycin elimination from living body and its pharmacokinetics may be affected by the instability in serum. Hsin-Wen Ko 1 , Wei-Jen Chen 1 , Shu-Wen Lin 1,2 . 1 Department of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University Hospital, 2 Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, National Taiwan University Background: The therapeutic range and pharmacokinetic (PK) properties of vancomycin have been addressed in many researches. To ensure the optimal antibacterial efficacy and to avoid the potential toxicities, various dosing methods have been developed for non-obese patients. However, the available information is scant when it comes to the obese patients. In our study, we aimed to analyze the data from a medical center in order to further improve the current dosing method for obese patients. Methods: In our hospital, a vancomycin dosing calculator based on the Bauer's method was built to assist pharmacists in dosing vancomycin. The essential information, included patient profile, predicted PK parameters, and measured concentrations, was documented in a fixed format. We retrospectively collected all the records from Jan. 2016 to May 2017. The definition of obesity is body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2. All adults (≥18 years old) with at least 1 measured steady state trough levels were included. During treatment period, patients who had acute kidney injury, serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL, dialysis, concomitant use of mannitol, or missing data were excluded. To measure the performance of this dosing calculator in obese patients, the percentage of patients whose predicted Ctrough was within 2.5 and 5.0 mg/L from measured Ctrough were calculated. Results: Overall, 69 obese patients were included. Sixty-two percent of obese patients whose trough concentration fell into the range of 10 to 20 mg/L after initial dosing. The mean dose per kg for those who achieved the levels of 10-20 was significantly lower in obese patients (9.7 mg/kg Q8H and 11.0 mg/kg Q12H). Comparing the difference between predicted and measured concentrations, 35.2% of obese patients had the predicted concentrations that are within 2.5 mg/L from measured concentrations; 66.2% had the predicted concentrations that are within 5.0 mg/L from measured concentrations. Conclusion: Lower dose per kg was needed to achieve therapeutic range in obese patients which may imply the PK change of vancomycin clearance doesn't correlate linearly with total body weight. Therefore, when empirically giving the guideline recommended initial dose of 30-45 mg/kg/day, lower daily dose per kg might be considered for obese patients. The performance of our calculator in obese patients was well comparable to that in nonobese patients. and epidermal lesion due to toxidermia in all cases. Drugs imputability was established by pharmacovigilance investigation: allopurinol (n = 6), salazopirin (n = 3), carbamazepine (n = 3), ceftazidime (n = 2), ampicillin (n = 2), meglumine antimoniate (n = 1), cefotaxime (n = 1) and lamotrigine (n = 1). The discontinuation of the incriminated drug was indicated in all cases with good progress without prescription of corticosteroid therapy. Conclusion: Our study showed that drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome is a severe and rare disease. Clinically, It seems to be an autoimmune-like reaction. Corticotherapy should not be systematically used. Early diagnosis allows an adequate care and a favorable outcome. Effect of antimicrobials and antifungals against human drugmetabolizing cytochromes P450 Toshiro Niwa. School of Pharmacy, Shujitsu University Background: Cytochromes P450 (CYP) are a superfamily of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous chemicals. Although CYP2C subfamilies (CYP2C8/9/19) share more than 82% amino acid sequence identity, they have rather distinct substrate specificities. Piperacillin, a penicillin-based antibiotic, is partially metabolized by CYP2C8. CYP3A4 is the predominant form expressed in the human liver and intestine, whereas CYP3A5 is expressed polymorphically. Azole antifungals inhibit CYPs including CYP3A4, and macrolide-based antibiotics exhibit mechanism-based inhibition against CYP3A4. However, there have been a few reports describing the effect of these antimicrobials and antifungals on human drugmetabolizing CYP activities. Methods: CYP2C8/9/19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4/5 expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli (Bactosomes) were obtained from Cypex Ltd. Aminopyrine N-demethylation, tolbutamide hydroxylation, dopamine formation from p-tyramine, and testosterone 6βhydroxlation activities were determined as reported previously. Results: Inhibition of amoxicillin, ampicillin, and piperacillin at 0.5 or 1 mM concentration was not observed for CYP2C9, CYP2D6, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, however, amoxicillin and piperacillin inhibited CYP2C8-mediated aminopyrine N-demethylation at 50% inhibitory concentration (IC 50 ) of 0.83 and 1.14 mM, respectively. The predicted free fractions of the maximum inflow concentration of the inhibitors into the liver calculated with reported pharmacokinetic parameters are much lower than the concentration investigated in this study and estimated IC 50 values for CYP2C8. Although fluconazole, itraconazole, and voriconazole at a concentration of 2 or 10 µM neither inhibited nor stimulated CYP2C8mediated aminopyrine N-demethylation activity, ketoconazole and miconazole noncompetitively inhibited CYP2C8-mediated aminopyrine N-demethylation with the inhibitory constant values of 1.98 and 0.86 µM, respectively. Erythromycin inhibited CYP3A4mediated testosterone 6β-hydroxylation preincubation-timedependently but had little influence on the CYP3A5-mediated metabolic activity. Conclusion: The interactions between these three penicillin-based antibiotics and other drugs that are metabolized by CYPs investigated would not be clinically significant. Ketoconazole and miconazole might inhibit CYP2C8 in addition to other CYPs clinically. resistant Gram positive pathogens, such as S. pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus, will be used to assess in vitro resistance development to nemonoxacin, in comparison to ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin. Methods: Four strains of each bacterial species, include S. pneumoniae (one will be penicillin resistant S. pneumoniae), Staphylococcus aureus (one will be methicillin resistant S. aureus), Enterococcus faecium (one will be vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium) and Enterococcus faecalis (one will be ampicillin resistant Enterococcus faecalis) will be isolated for testing from patient specimens. All clinical isolates will be confirmed wild-type at GyrA, GyrB and ParC, ParE before further in-vitro test. A stepwise resistance selection will be conducted at 1×, 2× and 4× MIC. DNA sequencing for the QRDR of gyrase and topoisomerase genes were performed. Results: Inducible in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility test for ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin and nemonoxacin against each three different strains of Staphylococcua aurues, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Nemonoxacin has shown the lowest MIC among all quinolones. For example, the MICs of three S. aureus strains are 0.03, 0.06, 0.03 μg/ mL for nemonoxacin, compared with 0.016, 0.125, 0.047 μg/mL for moxifloxacin, 0.125, 0.19, 0.19 μg/mL for levofloxacin, and 0.19, 0.38, 0.25 μg/mL for ciprofloxacin, respectively. In the MIC inducible test, nemonoxacin has shown low resistance potential after quinolone exposure. The MICs of nemonoxacin did not increase for S. aureus, E. faecium, E. feacalis and 4-fold increase of S. pneumoniae over three cycles of selection. Conclusion: Our in vitro inducible antimicrobial susceptibility test revealed that nemonoxacin has a low propensity for selecting resistant Gram positive pathogens compared to other fluoroquinolones. Chu-Chung Lin*, Hung-Chuan Chen, Chia-Hui Wang, Chiayn Chiang. TaiGen Biotechonolgy Co., Ltd, Taipei, Taiwan Background: The increasing of multidrug resistance in serious Gram-negative bacterial pathogens has posted an emerging threat to public health. Novel targets or mechanisms of action against multidrug resistance are needed to avoid the preexisting antibiotic resistance mechanisms. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is the major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) and serves as a permeability barrier that protects the bacterium from many antibiotics. For most GNB, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and members of the Enterobacteriaceae, the inability to synthesize the LPS has a bactericidal effect. And thus the interference of LPS assembly by a small molecule inhibitor would result in antibacterial activity. The UDP-3-O-(R-3-hydroxymyristoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase (LpxC), encoded by lpxC, is an essential enzyme that controls the first committed step in LPS biosynthesis in Gram-negative bacteria. Moreover, there is no counterpart enzyme in human. Methods: Through computer-aid drug design and rational drug design, TaiGen has discovered a proprietary series of selective potent LpxC inhibitors. Results: In this report, we demonstrated a novel class of LpxC inhibitors showed good and equal potencies against P. aeruginosa, K. pneumonia and E. coli in bacterial growth inhibition assay (MIC: <1 ug/mL) and reduced LPS biosynthesis (LpxC enzyme assays IC: <50 nM) significantly. Conclusion: Our novel chemical class of LpxC inhibitors provide the potential as new antibacterial agents for treatment of Gramnegative infections. In vitro killing curves of tedizolid and linezolid against clinical strains isolated from patients in China Shan Wang, Yun Li, Yuan Lyu*, Feng Xue, Jian Liu, Wei Yang, Jia Zhang. Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100191, China Background: Tedizolid is a novel antibacterial oxazolidinone derivative, which is approved in both oral and intravenous formulation for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infection with Gram-positive pathogens (including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus [MRSA] ) in certain countries. This study determined the in vitro killing activity of tedizolid and linezolid against recent clinical strains isolated from patients in China. Methods: Time-kill curves were generated for recent clinical isolates of MRSA, penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae [PRSP] , and linezolid-resistant Enterococcus faecalis [LREF] , using also ATCC control strains. Bacterial cultures (inoculated at approximately 1 × 10 6 CFU/mL) were grown at 35°C in the appropriate liquid medium for up to 24 hours. Tedizolid and linezolid were added to cultures at baseline, at clinically relevant concentrations based upon standard dosage for humans (200 mg once-daily and 600 mg twice-daily respectively), and also based upon recent minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) data. Samples were removed at fixed time points, plated onto standard culture medium and then incubated at 35°C for 18 hours. Curves were plotted using the colony counting method, based on CLSI Guideline M26. Results: Key data are displayed in the table. The control and clinical strains were susceptible to both drugs, except a linezolid-resistant E. faecalis clinical strain had an MIC = 8 µg/mL. Tedizolid and linezolid displayed notable bactericidal effects against PRSP and bacteriostatic inhibitory effect against MRSA at clinically relevant concentrations. Against LREF, both drugs exerted an inhibitory effect independent of concentration. Conclusion: Tedizolid exerted a greater bactericidal effect than linezolid against streptococcal species in vitro and exerted a bacteriostatic against MRSA and LREF. Background: During the last decade, colistin ( polymyxin E) has been used as the last line defense against infections caused by multidrug resistant pathogens. Unfortunately, the re-use of this drug has been obviously followed by the emergence of colistin resistance, mediated by chromosomic gene mutations into pmrA/ pmrB, phoP/PhoQ, ccrA/ccrB, lpxA, lpxC, lpxD, and mgrB. These mutations induce a complex gene regulation cascade leading to the synthesis and addition of the 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N) to lipid A of the membrane inducing therefore the colistin resistance. However, in 2015, it has been described for the first time, a plasmid-mediated colistin resistance gene mcr-1. Nowadays, a worldwide dissemination of mcr-1 has been reported. Here, using a phylogeny approach, we investigate the mcr-1 gene origin. Methods: All described mcr-1-harboring plasmids were collected from the NCBI database. Plasmid typing was performed from PlasmidFinder 1.3 database. The sizes and %GC content were estimated using infoseq. Homologous sequences of MCR-1 were collected by BlastP analysis. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using MAFT and FastTree. The "Rhizome" analysis of MCR-1 was performed by segmented this latter into 10 fragments of 50 amino acids, and then phylogenetic analysis of each fragment was conducted. Results: Comparative genomics of the 59 mcr-1-harboring plasmids reveals a wide diversity of these latter composed by different incompatibility plasmid groups. These plasmids can be distinguished into three groups according to their sizes ranged from 6.36-Kb to 369.3-Kb and their %GC content ranged from 41% to 50%. They are identified into several Enterobacteriaceae and Gramnegative bacteria. Mcr-1 gene is shared by all plasmids and located into a transposon (3'442-bp; 46 .34%GC) composed by an insertion sequence ISApl1, mcr-1, and a sulfatase encoding gene, pap2. The blastP analysis reveals a total of 9'025 homologous sequences to MCR-1. The phylogenetic analysis of these sequences reveals a huge number of phosphoethanolamine transferases within the Campylobacter genus. Moreover, this analysis reveals that the most closely related homologous sequences to MCR-1 were those identified in Moraxella species, with high similarity (≥98%). This finding was confirmed by a "Rhizome" analysis of MCR-1 which clearly shows that this latter is a chimeric sequence from Moraxella catarrhalis, Moraxella pluranimalium, and Psychrobacter urativorans and the most part of the gene was from M. pluranimalium. Conclusion: Mcr-1 gene is disseminated and transmitted through a transposon. Campylobacter could be potential source of new phosphoethanolamine transferase genes. The origin of this mcr-1 gene was Moraxella genus, especially, M. pluranimalium. Identification of the molecular support of the intrinsic resistance to colistin in Proteus vulgaris by a genomic comparative approach and in vitro tests Sophie Baron, Jean Marc Rolain. Background: For several years, facing, colistin has been used as the last line antimicrobial drug for the treatment of multi-drug resistant Gram negative bacteria infections. Unfortunately, the renewed interest for this antimicrobial peptide led to the emergence of acquired resistance especially in Enterobacteriaceae, but also the increase of infections due to intrinsic colistin-resistant bacteria. Mechanisms of resistance to colistin are complex and misunderstood, particularly in these bacteria. While all Proteus bacteria are naturally resistant to colistin, we were surprised to recently isolate a P. vulgaris clinical strain susceptible to colistin, and we propose in this work to understand the molecular support of colistin resistance in this species by a comparative genomic and phenotypic approach. Methods: Genomes of P. vulgaris susceptible strain CSUR P1868_S and a resistant one CSUR P1867_R were sequenced and compared to select groups of interesting genes that were absent, truncated or mutated in the susceptible strain. Among the group of mutated genes, we selected those that were already known to be putatively involved in antimicrobial peptide resistance and we realized a SIFT score to predict the probability mutation could alter protein function. Use of electronic microscopy and lipid A analysis by mass spectrometry after lipid A extraction help us to understand pathways involved in colistin susceptibility/resistance. Results: Genome of CSUR P1868_S was 4.28 Mb in length with a GC content of 37.8% whereas CSUR P1867_R genome was 3.9 Mb and 38.1%. It contained numerous resistant genes particularly against aminosides, β-lactamines, fluoroquinolones, and cotrimoxazole, carried by various plasmids. We found significant difference in outer membrane glycoside structures in the susceptible and resistant strains, and this was corroborated by MALDI-TOF analysis, which showed the absence of 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N) in outer membrane lipid A moiety of the susceptible strain. Comparative genomic analysis with others resistant strains of Proteus vulgaris available in local database found mutation in arnBCADTEF operon of studied susceptible strain. Transcriptomic analysis of genes belonging to arnBCADTEF operon showed significant decrease in mRNA expression level of tested genes in the susceptible strain, supporting that addition L-Ara4N in the outer membrane of lipid A moiety can explain the increase in colistin susceptibility. Finally, the insertion of the arnD gene in the susceptible strain led to a 32 folds increase of colistin MIC, showing the role of this gene in Proteus vulgaris colistin resistance. Conclusion: We showed that the arnD gene of the arn operon was mutated in the susceptible P. vulgaris. It is known that sugars fixation on lipid A is a key pathway for polymyxin resistance. However, it is certainly not the only one because lots of enigmas on colistin resistance remain. Other genes that were absent in the susceptible strain could be linked to colistin resistance including a whole operon involved in sialic acid metabolism. We are currently developing knock-out techniques to study these different hypothetical targets and to discover new pathways involved in colistin resistance. Bacterial defense system and antimicrobial peptides coexist for a long time, and mechanisms of resistance to colistin are complex and implied a lot of genes. This is the first report that describes genomic differences between this particular susceptible strain and a typical P. vulgaris opening new research pathway to understand colistin resistance. 1 Bunkyo Gakuin University Graduate School, 2 Bunkyo Gakuin University Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is a common cause of chronic airway infections in patients with pulmonary disorders such as diffuse panbronchiolitis (DPB) and cystic fibrosis (CF), and DPB and CF had a poor prognosis. Long-term, low-dose macrolide treatment has markedly increased 5-year survival rate of patients with DPB. Consequently, researchers are interested in using macrolides such as erythromycin and clarithromycin that not included in the anti-pseudomonal therapeutic weapon because of the absence of bactericidal or bacteriostatic activity. Previous studies have demonstrated that macrolides influence P. aeruginosa virulence. However, most studies evaluated the regulatory effects of macrolides on P. aeruginosa virulence factors after treatment over a short period (<48 hours). In this study, we subcultured P. aeruginosa for two years in the presence of low-dose macrolides, and evaluated virulence factors such as total protease, elastase, and pyocyanin. In addition, the effect of macrolide exposure strain on A549 cell was investigated. Methods: P. aeruginosa PAO1 was repeatedly subcultured 104 times over two years on Mueller-Hinton agar containing 1.6 μg/mL erythromycin or 0.8 μg/mL clarithromycin. The macrolide concentration was determined by referencing the maximum drug concentration (Cmax) at the time of oral administration. Strains that subcultured in the presence of low-dose macrolides were frozen at 2 month intervals. Macrolide exposure strains were used to examine the time-dependent change of total protease, elastase, pyocyanin and A549 cell survival rate. Results: The production of the virulence factors gradually decreased with macrolide exposure, and elasetase and pyocyanin were maximally affected after only 2 months. Also, as the period of macrolide exposure to the P. aeruginosa PAO1 increased, the death of A549 cells to which the bacterial supernatant was added decreased, and the survival rate increased. Conclusion: We showed that three virulence factors gradually are inhibited by macrolide and the cytotoxicity declines as the macrolide exposure period to bacteria becomes longer. These findings exhibit that long-term, low-dose macrolide exposure may gradually reduce the pathogenicity of P. aeruginosa via timedependent inhibition of virulence factors. We suggest that longterm, low-dose macrolide treatment for chronic airway infection should be administered for at least 2 months or more to achieve optimal effects against P. aeruginosa. isolates is associated with carbapenem treatment of ESBL-and/or AmpC-producing bacterial infection. One of the mechanisms is the insertion in outer membrane protein genes ompK35 and ompK36 by various insertion sequences. Here, we investigated the effects of different carbapenems on development of carbapenem resistance associated in ompK35 and ompK36 mutations of carbapenemsuceptible ESBL and non-ESBL producing K. pneumoniae. Methods: 10 carbapenem-susceptiblee isolates, including ESBLproducing isolates 7, 8, 17, 18 , and 21 and non-ESBLproducing isolates CLKP-2, 32, 36, 56, and 60, were incubated with ertapenem (ETP), imipenem (IMP) and meropenem (MEM) induividually at 1X and 1/6X concentrations for 36 h. The isolates in the inhibition zone of ETP, IPM and MEM were collected for ompK35 and ompK36 analysis of insertion sequence types ans carbapenem resistance. Results: Higher carbapenem concentration (1 X) stimulated more resistant isolates for both ESBL and non-ESBL producing isolates. Under high concentration, MEM and ETP treatment induced resistance to both carbapenems for ESBL producing isolates, while ETP treatment only developed resistance to ETP for non-ESBL producing isolates. Among selected ESBL isolates induced by carbapenems, insertion sequences were found mostly in ompK36, not ompK35. Few isolates with normal PCR sizes of both genes demonstrated carbapenem resistance, suggesting involvement of other mehcanism for carbapenem resistance. Conclusion: Both ESBL and non-ESBL producing isolates could develop carbapenem resistance associated with carbapenem types and ompK35 and ompK36 mutations. Novel aminoglycosides that evade bacterial resistance mechanisms Dev P. Arya. Clemson University Background: Aminoglycosides inhibit bacterial growth by binding to the A-site decoding region of the bacterial 16s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) within the 30S ribosomal subunit. Previous work has shown that there is approximately a five-fold difference in the affinity of neomycin for the human A-site model and the E. coli model. The methodology for synthesizing, screening for both ribosomal binding/selectivity and bacterial growth inhibition, and rapid analysis of the data provides a systematic method for identification of bacterial ribosome specific antibacterials that can evade bacterial resistance pathways. Methods: We have developed rapid synthetic and screening methods that rapidly identify compounds that discriminate between the two model rRNA structures. Results: Novel potent aminoglycosides that show high selectivity for the bacterial ribosome over mammalian ribosome were identified. Conclusion: Our approach, coupled with a rapid solid phase synthesis of peptidic aminosugars, has identified active aminoglycosides that show large differences in binding affinity for the E. coli A-site vs. the human A-site. Activation of efflux pumps accounts for low-level moxifloxacin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates causing urinary tract infection Xiang-Jun Chen 1 , Jung-Yien Chien 2 , Chong-Jen Yu 2 , Po-Ren Hsueh 1,2 . 1 Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan Background: To evaluate the prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates causing urinary tract tuberculosis (UTB) and the rates of resistance to moxifloxacin in Taiwan. Methods: Of the 3034 patients with culture-confirmed TB at the National Taiwan University Hospital in Taiwan during the period 2005-2012, 47 (1.5%) patients had UTB and were included in the study. All isolates were assessed for mutations in the gyrA and gyrB genes. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of moxifloxacin were determined in the presence or absence of efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs), including verapamil, reserpine and carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone. Responders to EPIs were defined as isolates that showed at least a 4-fold reduction in MICs in the presence of EPIs. Results: During the study period, there was an increasing trend in prevalence of UTB (P = 0.029). Among the 47 isolates, 2 (4.3%) were resistant to rifampicin, 5 (10.6%) were resistant to isoniazid, 24 (51.1%) were resistant to ofloxacin, 22 (46.8%) were resistant to moxifloxacin and 7 (14.9%) were resistant to streptomycin. Among the 22 isolates with moxifloxacin resistance, 19 (86.4%) had lowlevel resistance (MIC = 1.0 to 2.0 mg/l). Patients with prior exposure to fluoroquinolones (FQs) were more likely than non-exposed patients to have moxifloxacin-resistant isolates (14/22, 63.6% v.s. Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP), a member of the family Enterobacteriaceae, is a pathogenic gram-negative bacterium commonly found in respiratory and intestinal tract in human. In recent years, multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae (MDRKP) is rapidly increasing because of antibiotics overuse and it has been implicated in a variety of nosocomial infections. MDRKP cause a problem in the clinical treatment of patients and some references demonstrate that antibody-immune response is essential for host defense against bacterial pathogens. In this study, we've developed a monoclonal antibody for the treatment of MDRKP. DCB's human single B cell antibody discovery platform allows screening of single cells to rapidly isolate and sequence fifty of antibodies with known binding specificity or functional properties. Methods: Fully Human Monoclonal Antibodies from Single Peripheral Blood B Cell Using K. pneumoniae (KP) as a sorting model, we established a platform technology that can obtain human mAbs against KP directly from each single human plasma or memory B cell by cloning the VH and VL variable regions. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from human whole blood, and KPspecific single memory B cells were sorted into 96-well PCR plates by fluorescence-activating cell sorter. The antibody genes of these single cells were then amplified by RT-PCR, and expressed by FreeStyle 293 expression system. Opsonophagocytic killing assay (OPK assay) The target K. pneumoniae was grown in TSB. HL-60 cells was differentiation by DMF (N,N-dimethylformamide). For the OPK assay, contains 1 × 10 3 CFUs of bacteria, antibody, 4 × 10 5 differentiated HL60 cells and complement. The reaction was plating on TSA plate incubate for overnight at 37°C, then count colonies and analyze data. Conclusion: We demonstrate an established platform, which generates a panel of human monoclonal antibodies from human PBMCs. Twenty-five antibodies clones were selected high affinity with K. pneumoniae in single B cell technology. The average KD value is up to 10 −10 . In vitro opsonophagocytic assays demonstrate that twenty anti-KP antibodies can increase the antibody-mediated phagocytosis in K. pneumoniae. Our results suggest that the selected antibodies can be potential lead drugs for further testing in a K. pneumoniae infection animal model. The recombinant Abs might play a crucial role in treatment of MDR-KP infection. Background: The rapid emergence of multidrug resistant (MDR) bacterial strains is a global public health challenge, which has accelerated by the overuse and misuse of antibiotics. There is an urgent demand for antimicrobial agents effective against these super bugs. The natural chemopreventive compounds isothiocyanates (ITCs) are widely found in cruciferous vegetables have been shown to possess cancer chemopreventive efficacy, antioxidative properties and immunomodulatory activity. ITCs such as allyl isothiocyanate and benzyl isothiocyanate are revealed to be bactericidal through an unidentified mechanism. Our previous study indicated that sulforaphane (4-methylsulfinybutyl isothiocyanate) significantly reduced the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Vibrio vulnificus. Though ITCs are effective in bacteria killing, the application of ITCs on MDR bacteria is still unknown. We aimed to evaluate the application of ITCs on MDR E. coli. Methods: Antibacterial activity of ITCs against MDR E. coli was assessed by minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay and growth inhibition assay. Bacteria survival rate was evaluated by plate count and calculated as the percentage of the control group. The experiments were done in triplicate. All results were presented as the means ±S.D. and analyzed by Student's t-test. Results: The MICs of benzyl isothiocyanate and sulforaphane for MDR E coli were 1.25 and 0.28 mM respectively. MDR E. coli was effectively killed by BITC within 1h at 37°C. BITC treatment also inhibited MDR E coli growth, this inhibition could be reversed by adding thiol reducing agents including N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), L-Glutathione (GSH), Dithiothreitol (DTT) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) to the culture medium. Background: Economic pressures and legal constraints increasingly force hospital pharmacies to purchase generic drugs rather than original branded products. Yet, differences in key properties have been noted between suppliers of antibiotics with the same denomination (INN), even if all approved by local health authorities. This has raised concerns among clinicians about drug quality when dealing with patients in critical conditions such as in Intensive Care Units where ease of preparation, efficacy, and stability of the prescribed antibiotics are of paramount importance. Methods: We compared (i) the rate of dissolution (by experienced nurses), (ii) the coloring (spectrophotometry) and degradation (LC-MS-MS) over ward storage of the original meropenem (MERONEM ® ; AstraZeneca) vs. 4 generics of meropenem authorized in Belgium, France and/or Spain (Sandoz, Hospira, Fresenius-Kabi, Aurovit). Samples were prepared following manufacturer's recommendation and exposed to fixed temperatures for up to 8 h. Results: A summary of key results is presented in the Table Product Mimicking administration by motor-activated pumps for extended or continuous administration in Intensive Care Units for severely-ill patients (drug dissolved in 0.9% NaCl); Background: It is suggested that susceptibility results for cephalosporins be reported according to the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), regardless of whether or not the isolate produces an extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL). The revised breakpoint MIC defining susceptibility to cefotaxime (1 mg/L) might be a surrogate for ESBL detection. Cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae are challenging organisms with little treatment options. Carbapenems such as imipenem, ertapenem or meropenem are frequently used, but the emergence of carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae is a concern issue, which may hinder the use of carbapenems. Although, cephamycins such flomoxef are effective against cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in vitro, there are a few clinical data demonstrating effect against bloodstream infection (BSI) caused by these organisms. Methods: We performed a retrospective observational study on adults with BSI caused by flomoxef-susceptible, cefotaximeresistant Enterobacteriaceae to investigate the efficacy if flomoxef compared with ertapenem. The outcome assessment was evaluated with propensity score-based matching and logistic regression analysis. Results: Demographics and clinical characteristics of 246 adults with BSI caused by flomoxef-susceptible, cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae treated by flomoxef (n = 58) or ertapenem (n = 188) were compared. Crude mortality at 28 days was found in 41 (16.7%) patients. After adjustments in the multivariate model, patients with severe sepsis (adjusted OR = 3.84, 95% CI = 1.16-12.78, P = 0.03), high BSI mortality score (adjusted OR = 5.59, 95% CI = 2.37-13.21, P < 0.01), ultimately or rapid fatal co-morbidity (adjusted OR = 10.60, 95% CI = 3.43-32.75, P < 0.01) and pneumonia (adjusted OR = 10.11, 95% CI = 3.43-29.81, P < 0.01) were independently associated with 28-days mortality. By the propensity scores, 58 patients with flomoxef therapy were matched with 116 treated by ertapenem therapy at a ratio of 1:2, and there were no significant differences in terms of BSI severity, co-morbidity, or BSI sources between groups. Moreover, crude mortality rates at 28 days (20.7% vs. 13.8%, P = 0.28) did not differ significantly. However, the length of hospitalization stay was shorter in the ertapenem group (10.2 ± 8.5 vs. 14.6 ± 9.4 days, P < 0.01). Conclusion: Ertapenem therapy is associated with shorter time of hospitalization than flomoxef therapy following flomoxef-susceptibile, cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae BSI in adult patients with both guarded prognosis. (p = 0.04) and lower 30-days mortality ( p < 0.01) when compared with initial daptomycin group. By the propensity scores with age and Pittsburgh bacteremia score ≥4, 25 patients in initial high maintenance teicoplanin dosage group were matched with 25 in initial daptomycin group at a ratio of 1:1. There was no different significance in overall 30-days mortality rate in these two groups (p = 0.26). However, the Kaplan-Meier curve for 30-days mortality reveled patients in initial high maintenance teicoplanin dosage group had better survival than those in initial daptomycin group (p = 0.02). Conclusion: After propensity score match with age and patient's severity, the clincal outcome in initial high maintenance teicoplanin dosage group was not inferior than in initial daptomycin treatment group. • 18 years old when antibiotics initiated. • Baseline serum creatinine (sCr) measurement within 48 hours of antibiotics initiation. • Received minimum one dose of PT and V within 24 hours when either PT + V initiated concurrently or if one agent initiated first followed by addition of another. Exclusion criteria: Patients excluded if medical records incomplete, receiving dialysis, had history of chronic kidney disease (CKD) (Stage IV or higher) or recent history of acute kidney injury (defined as increase in sCr of 0.5 mg/dL or greater or increase of sCr of 1mg/ dL or greater for CKD). Data collection: Medical records were reviewed to collect demographic data, antibiotic use, sCr concentrations, comorbid conditions and concomitant nephrotoxic agents. In the event of nephrotoxicity, management and outcome recorded. Primary and Secondary Endpoint: Primary endpoint was incidence of nephrotoxicity defined as ≥ 50% increase in baseline sCr concentration or increase from baseline sCr of = 0.5 mg/dl. Nephrotoxicity was based on Rifle classification, focusing on change of sCr. Secondary endpoint was association of nephrotoxicity with potential confounding factors that may increase risk of nephrotoxicity. Statistical Analysis: Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics presented as mean standard deviation (SD) or median (interquartile range [IQR] ) for continuous variables and frequencies ( proportions) for categorical variables. Secondary endpoints assessed with univariate analysis (Chi-square/Fisher's exact). Simple logistic regression attempted. Results: 103 patients were screened for eligibility with 21 patients excluded from study. Final study sample included 82 patients. 94 patient visits recorded. Incidence rate of nephrotoxicity was 22.3%. Nephrotoxicity group had marginally significant lower baseline sCr when PT + V were initiated (mean 54.7 vs 69.1, p = 0.037). Nephrotoxicity group had higher mortality than non-nephrotoxicity group (Death rate 33.3% vs 9.6%, p = 0.013). Conclusion: Nephrotoxicity incidence rate was 22.3%. Figure: (abstract PS 046). Abstracts of the 30th ICC 2017 / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 50 S2 (2017) S69-S278 S86 Background: Tissue stroma is known to be important in regulating Hp-mediated inflammation, but the molecular basis of its interaction with Hp and its potential crosstalk with dendritic cells (DCs) remain to be determined. To this end, the potential crosstalk between H. pylori (Hp) infected gastric stromal cells (Hp-GSCs) and DCs were investigated. Methods: The expression of IL-23 and IL-17 indicative activation of DCs and Th17 cells, respectively, was evaluated as the primary experimental readouts. Primary CD90 + GSCs from cancerous and adjacent normal tissues were generated from gastric cancer patients, and monocyte-derived DCs were obtained from healthy individuals. Levels of cytokines and prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) were measured by ELISA, and C-type lectin expression in GSCs was assessed by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Results: In a trans-well co-culture system, significantly upregulated DC-derived IL-23 expression was found when DCs were cocultured with Hp-infected GSCs (Hp-GSCs). Further, PGE 2 from Hp-GSCs was discovered to possess the priming effect, which could be inhibited, by anti-COLEC12 (Collectin subfamily member 12) blocking Abs, COLEC12 knockdown or when alpha3-fucosyltransferase-null ( futB; HP0651) strain of Hp was used. Also, the expression of COLEC12 was co-localized with CD90 + stromal cells in cancerous tissues. Furthermore, Hp-GSCs-conditioned DCs were able to induce the expression of IL-17 from CD4 + T cells, which could be inhibited by IL-23-neutralizing Abs. Conclusion: These results suggested the importance of COLEC12 as a receptor involved in Hp-stromal cell interaction and its subsequent conditioning effect on DCs. cellulose, releasing cellobiose from either non-reducing or reducing ends and β-glucosidases hydrolyze cellobiose to glucose. Methods: The exo-1, 4-β-D glucanase gene CBH from the thermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima MSB8 ATCC DNA was placed under the control of T5 promotor in the plasmid pQE-30 (3.46 bp) and integrated into the genome of Escherichia coli Top10F by transformation. The high enzymatic activity strain was selected and designed as E. coli cel-3A and cultivated in shaking flasks with IPTG induction at different concentrations and time. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis assay for cell bound and supernatant revealed a single band at about 52 kDa. Moreover, the recombinant E. coli cel-3A manifests to possess the ability of carboxymethyl cellulose utilization as a carbon source. Results: CBH with improved catalytic and kinetic characteristics is a matter of utmost importance to withstand the current robust industrial environment. The recombinant cellobiohydrolase produced by E. coli exhibit maximum activity at pH 4.0 and temperature 80°C, indicating it was a thermophilic acidic. Exo-1, 4-β-D glucanase is worthy for denim biofinishing/washing. Further research was carried out in appropriate medium in 200L batch fermentation. Conclusion: IPTG induction magnified the exo-1, 4-β-D glucanase activity to 32.5 IU/ml. The exo-1, 4-β-D glucanase secreted by recombinant E. coli represents an appealing potential for both research and textile industry application. The effect of post translational phosphorylation on halophilic methanoarchaeal molecular chaperone DnaK ATPase and substrate protein refolding activities Wei-Ling Chen, Shih-Shan Chen, Shih-Wen Fang, Mei-Chin Lai*. Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C Background: Molecular chaperone plays an important role to assist folding and assembling of nascent polypeptides, preventing protein misfolding and aggregation which were damaged by temperature, pH and osmotic stresses. DnaK belong to the heat shock protein 70 of molecular chaperone and cooperates with cochaperone DnaJ and nucleotide exchange factor GrpE. ATP is required for DnaK to active and remodel their substrate client protein. Although it was generally recognized that the molecular chaperone DnaK system is highly conserved within the Three Domains of life, investigation on the molecular chaperone system in Archaea are limited. Genes related with molecular chaperone in halophilic methanogen Methanohalophilus portucalensis FDF1 T were analyzed and the dnak, dnaJ and grpE genes are induced by the heat and salt stresses. Moreover, our phosphoproteomic analysis in strain FDF1 T indicated that there are four phosphorylated sites in DnaK (Wu et al., 2016) . Methods: The phosphorylated sites of MpDnaK were mutated to alanine as the dephospho-mimic state and also to aspartic acid as the phospho-mimic state with the site-directed mutagenesis method by PCR. The overexpression of wild type and mutants MpDnaK were induced by IPTG in E. coli DE3(RIL)BL21 and were further purified by nickel affinity chromatography. The ATPase activities of MpDnaK was measured by colorimetric assay for inorganic phosphate. The structure modeling of MpDnaK was constructed by Easy modeler with highest identity species as template. Results: The ATPase kinetic assay revealed that substrate ATP hydrolytic velocity in phospho-mimic type MpDnaK was similar with the wild-type which suggested that the phosphorylation on Ser518 did not affect the ATP hydrolytic activity. Further structure modeling analysis revealed the phosphorylated Ser518 is located in the lid domain of MpDnaK which relate to the open/close of the substrate binding pocket and initiate/terminate the disaggregation process. Distance measurement within the wild type Ser518, dephosphomimic Ser518A and phosphomimic Ser518D to the substrate binding pocket residue Arg414 showed that after phosphorylation on Ser518, the distance are the shortest (1.8 Å). The shorter distance may contribute more stable conformation for lid closing and promote more efficient disaggregation process. This analytical result suggest that post-translational phosphorylation may involve the regulation of the substrate binding and disaggregation. Conclusion: The phosphorylation on Ser518 did not affect the ATP hydrolytic activity of MpDnaK, whereas the PTM-phosphorylation on lid domain-Ser518 promote the lid-substrate binding pocket interaction, which may further enhance the refolding activity. Xue-Hua Ling 1,2 , Shang-Kwei Wang 2 , Chang-Yih Duh 1 *. 1 Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan Background: Therapeutic drugs, Bortezomib, Carfilzomib and Ixazomib, target ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) have been licensed in treating multiple myeloma. Moreover, UPS inhibitors are demonstrated to attenuate the progression of neural degenerative diseases. UPS is a versatile complex composed of multiple subunits. Proteolytic function of UPS is involvoed in diverse and important biochemical pathways in cell. Therapeutic prospect of UPS inhibitor is promising and valuable. We aimed to establish a high-content image-based drug screening assay directing UPS. Our natural compounds are purifed from Formosan soft corals with distinctive structure elucidated. Methods: Human cytomegalovirus UL76 interacts with proteasome regulatory subunits of 26S proteasome. In HEK293T cells, the transient-expressing EGFP-UL76 fusion protein exhibits distinct nuclear aggresome. Fluorescence intensities and the phenotypic behaviors of UL76-aggresome are used as markers for proteasome inhbition. The image acquisition is accomplished using ImageXpress Micro widefield high-content screening system (Molecular Device). The imagng data were analyzed by MetaXpress software package. Proteasome inhibitors, Bortezomib, MG132, and clasto-lactacystin β-lactone are used as paradigm control to validate the screening efficacy Results: The phenotypic behaviors and intensity profiles of UL76aggresome are responsive to the treatment of the three known proteasome inhibitors in a dose-dependent manner. This cellbased high-content screening system is established and employed in search of proteasome inhibitors from marine natural products. One hundred and forty structural elucidated natural products were assessed. Among them, three groups of structural disctinct groups purified from Formosan soft corals were shown with inhibitory activity for proteasome. Conclusion: We established an efficient high-content system for screening UPS inhibitor. waste water. Taiwan area is small, so little arable land can be used, if the land is subjected to heavy metal pollution and water irrigation, have accumulated in the soil. the residues of heavy metals in the soil, resulting in reduced the area of cultivated land, the main is to assess P. chrysosporium to treated heavy metals ability. This experiment using SDB as basic medium, carbon source respectively sawdust and starch, and adding calcium sulfate 0.5 g and calcium carbon 1 g in the medium was the best, tolerance test of white rot fungi. We also study the influence of removing heavy metals in different pH, culture period, calcium ion, anion and common metal. The experiment of adding calcium in this test, calcium ion in the liquid culture that can promote the degradation of white rot fungus of heavy metals, especially for copper ion and lead ion, copper ion degradation in the concentration of 10 ppm to 1 ppm and lead ion degradation in the concentration of 20 ppm to 1.5 ppm, then explore the degradation ability of zinc, copper, mercury, lead, all have good results, but only the zinc ions in the zinc copper exception. The ion in the mixed solution, zinc ions can be degraded by this strain. Experiment that starch medium than in sawdust medium, can provide more nutrients, prompting the white rot fungi to produce catalase, may be because in adversity, this strain can secrete more peroxide dismutase to help themselves to resist adversity and sawdust medium, Although the activity of SOD in sawdust medium was low, the degradation rate was better, and it could buffer the pH value of polar acid, and stable and sustained supply of nutrients. Bacterial genotoxin enhances radiosensitivity in cancer stem cells by regulating autophagy Yu-An Chen 1 , Yu Chen 2 , Chih-Ho Lai 1,3 *. Background: Cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) produced by Campylobacter jejuni is a genotoxin that induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in mammalian cells. We recently reported that CDT can overcome the radioresistance of prostate cancer (PCa) cells by intervening in the repair of radiation-induced double-strand breaks (DSB). However, the detailed mechanisms underlying the effects of CDT on radioresistance in PCa cells require further investigation. Methods: Recombinant C. jejuni CDT subunits were cloned, purified, and then subjected to functional analysis. CDT impairs radiation-induced autophagy flux was investigated using immunofluorescence microscopy. The molecular mechanisms underlying CDT regulates autophagy to enhance radiosensitivity in PCa cells were explored. Results: Our results demonstrated that C. jejuni CDT suppresses the IR-induced autophagy pathway in PCa cells by attenuating c-Myc expression and therefore sensitizes PCa cells to radiation. We further showed that CDT prevents the formation of autophagosomes via decreased high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) expression and the inhibition of acidic vesicular organelle (AVO) formation, which are associated with enhanced radiosensitivity in PCa cells. Conclusion: Our findings reveal that C. jejuni CDT inhibits c-Myc and reduces HMGB1, resulting in prolonged IR-induced DSB and impaired autophagy, thus converting radioresistance to radiosensitivity in PCa cells. Shih-Wen Cheng, Yu-Tze Horng, Po-Chi Soo. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Biotechnology, Tzu-Chi University, Hualien 97004, Taiwan Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae, an important opportunistic pathogen in nosocomial infection, usually causes urinary tract infection, pneumonia, and pyogenic liver abscess (PLA) in human. K. pneumoniae produces many virulence factors that contribute to pathogenicity in humans. Bacterial biofilm represents a key virulence determinant in promoting bacterial persistence and resistance to antibiotics. The ability of bacterial adherence to biotic or abiotic substrate is an essential step for biofilm formation. Such adherence can be mediated by bacterial fimbriae, which are also important virulence factors in many bacteria. In enterobacteria, cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein (CRP) plays a vital role as a global regulator. CRP protein regulates several essential bacterial virulence gene expression, including fimbriae and biofilm formation, responsing to intracellular concentration of cAMP. It is reported that CRP-cAMP complex regulates type 1 fimbriation in Escherichia coli. Methods: Here, we used CRISPR/Cas9 system to perform targeted gene knockout with a transgene intergration by homologous recombination (HR) using a suitable donor sequence. Results & Conclusion: Our preliminary data indicated that the gene KPN_00353 encoding EIIA homolog up-regulates biofilm formation. Thus, our purpose is to clarify how the CRP-cAMP complex mediate the biofilm formation. Loss-of-function mutagenesis is an important tool characterize gene functions, and CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)/Cas9 (CRISPR-associated protein 9) system has emerged as an efficient and precise gene editing tools for targeted mutagenesis in microorganisms in recent years. In the present study, we show the designation of crp mutant of Klebsiella pneumoniae by using CRISPR/Cas9 system followed by evaluating the efficacy of CRISPR/ Cas9 system in K. pneumoniae genome editing. Then, we will examine the importance of CRP in K. pneumoniae. PS 055 Type VI secretion system of Proteus mirabilis N2 Yi-Hwa Chou, Zhong-Ting Chiu, Yilin Tsai, Shwu-Jen Liaw*. Department and Graduate Institute of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Proteus mirabilis is a common human pathogen causing urinary tract infections (UTIs), especially in patients with indwelling urinary catheters. Many regulatory mechanisms have been evolved for bacteria to adapt to changes of diverse environments. Type VI secretion systems (T6SS) are known to contribute to bacterial pathogenicity by exerting toxic effects on host cells or competing bacterial species and are involved in a broad variety of functions such as biofilm formation and stress sensing. This large array of functions is reflected by a diversity of regulatory mechanisms. The regulation of P. mirabilis T6SS remains unclear. Recently, our transcriptome analysis revealed P. mirabilis T6SS was regulated by a global regulator Crp. Methods: We first confirmed the regulation of T6SS by Crp using real-time RT-PCR and the promoter reporter assay and identified one T6SS main structure operon and four Hcp/VgrG effector operons by using sequence specific RT and then PCR. We investigated whether Crp can bind directly to T6SS promoter region using a DNaseI footprinting assy. Overexpression of the effector toxin was performed to disclose its function. The growth predominance test and killing assay were used to observe the competition between wild type and crp mutant. We contructed vipAB (encoding the T6SS sheath) mutant to confirm the Crpregulated killing of T6SS. We also purified the possible toxin to assess its function in killing of E. coli. Results: Crp positively regulated T6SS by binding directly to T6SS promoter region and also positively regulated the expression of the effector toxins. Overexpression of the effector toxin in wild-type P. mirabili resulted in killing of both crp mutant and E. coli. Accordingly, the growth predominance test and killing assay demonstrated that P. mirabilis T6SS conferred growth predominance on the wild-type over both crp mutant and E. coli. Conclusion: Crp positively regulated the expression of P. mirabilis T6SS and affected its killing function. T6SS contributed to growth predominance over crp mutant and E. coli, suggesting P. mirabilis T6SS as an antibacterial weapon. Epinecidin-1 protects mice from LPS-induced endotoxemia and cecal ligation and puncture-induced polymicrobial sepsis Bor-Chyuan Su 1 , Han-Ning Huang 1 , Tai-Wen Lin 2,3 , Chwan-Deng Hsiao 2 , Jyh-Yih Chen 1 *. Background: The antimicrobial peptide, epinecidin-1 (Epi), was identified from Epinephelus coioides and may have clinical application for treating sepsis. Epi has been shown to ameliorate antibiotic-resistant bacteria-induced sepsis in mice, but further evaluation in mixed-flora models and a description of the protective mechanisms are essential to establish this peptide as a potential therapeutic. Methods: Therefore, we first tested the protective effects of Epi against polymicrobial sepsis-induced bactericidal infection, inflammation and lung injury that result from cecal ligation and puncture in mice. Furthermore, since lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a key inducer of inflammation during bacterial infection and sepsis, we also tested the LPS-antagonizing activity and related mechanisms of Epi-mediated protection in mice with LPSinduced endotoxemia and LPS-treated Raw264.7 mouse macrophage cells. Results: Epi rescued mice from both polymicrobial sepsis and endotoxemia after delayed administration and suppressed both lung and systemic inflammatory responses, while attenuating lung injury and diminishing bacterial load. In vitro studies revealed that Epi suppressed LPS-induced inflammatory cytokine production. Mechanistically, Epi disrupted the interaction between LPS and LPS binding protein, competed with LPS for binding on the cell surface, and inhibited Toll-like receptor 4 endocytosis, resulting in inhibition of LPS-induced reactive oxygen species/p38/Akt/NF-κB signaling and subsequent cytokine production. Conclusion: Overall, our results demonstrate that Epi is a promising therapeutic agent for endotoxemia and polymicrobial sepsis. An open-label, randomized and comparative study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of cefoperazone/sulbactam in comparison to cefepime for the treatment of hospital acquired pneumonia and healthcare-associated pneumonia Fu-Der Wang 1 , Jien-Wei Liu 2 , Yen-Hsu Chen 3 , Wen-Sen Lee 4 , Jung-Chung Lin 5 , Ching-Tai Huang 6 , Hsi-Hsun Lin 7 , Yung-Ching Liu 8 , Hung-Jen Tang 9 , Yao-Shen Chen 10 , Wen-Chien Ko 11 , Min-Chi Lu 12 . 1 Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2 Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 3 Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, 4 Wan Fang Hospital, 5 Tri-Service General Hospital, 6 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Linkou, 7 E-Da Hospital, 8 Shuang Ho Hospital, 9 Chi Mei Medical Center, 10 Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, 11 National Cheng Kung University Hospital, 12 Chung Shan Hospital Background: To compare the efficacy and safety of cefoperazone/ sulbactam and cefepime in treatment of hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) and healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP). In this open-label, randomized phase 3 trial, we randomly assigned (1:1) patients aged 18 years and older with HAP and HCAP to receive cefoperazone/sulbactam or cefepime. The primary endpoint was to compare the clinical response to cefoperazone/sulbactam with cefepime at the test of cure (TOC) visit evaluated within 7-21 days after last dose. Secondary endpoints were overall survival and objective response in all patients assessed by intention-to-treat (ITT). During the study period, all subjects who received at least one dose of study drugs were included in the safety population and monitored for safety issues. Results: From Sep. 22, 2009 to Aug 06, 2012, a total of 174 subjects in 12 hospitals were screened, A total of 147 subjects were included in the evaluable population. The clinical response rate at TOC visit was 81.8% (54/66) in the cefoperazone/sulbactam group, while it was 79.0% (64/81) in the cefepime group. In the ITT population, the clinical response rates were 82.1% (55/67) in the cefoperazone/sulbactam group, and 79.0% (64/81) in the cefepime group. Non-inferiority of cefoperazone/sulbactam to cefepime was demonstrated in both populations with a noninferiority margin at 20% ( p-value <0.001). Thirty-five adverse events were judged as related to study medications. No statistically significant difference regarding adverse events was observed between the two groups. Conclusion: This study indicated that the combination of cefoperazone/sulbactam was not inferior to cefepime when used to treat patients with HAP/HCAP. All the reported serious adverse events were not related to study drugs, and the incidences of adverse drug reactions were low. Therefore, cefoperazone/sulbactam (2g/2g every 12 hours) was tolerable and effective to treat patients with HAP/HCAP. Study about the risk and prognostic factors of invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infection Hiroki Kurata 1,2 *, Naoki Iwanaga 1,2 , Yosuke Nagayoshi 1,2 , Shinnosuke Takemoto 2 , Tadayoshi Oono 1 , Keiko Hisatomi 2 , Seiji Nagashima 2 . 1 Department of Infectious Diseases, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical Center, 2 Department of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical Center Background: Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is the most frequently isolated causative pathogen in communityacquired pneumonia, approximately 10% of it is considered invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD). However, there have been only a few reports about the influence on risk and prognosis factors of IPD. Methods: 37 cases of pneumococcal isolation from two sets of blood cultures in Nagasaki Medical Center from April 2009 to March 2016 were designated as IPD. We compared the IPD cases with 49 cases of pneumococcal pneumonia without isolation from blood cultures about the risk and prognostic factors. We defined pneumococcal pneumonia in which pneumococci were isolated in sputum culture or urine antigen test was positive, in addition to respiratory symptom such as fever, cough, sputum, and dyspnea, elevated inflammatory response and chest abnormal shadow. Comparative study was done backwardly about the underlying disease, blood test, quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) score, antibiotics regimen and prognosis. Results: Pneumonia rate in adult IPD was 62.2%, and the mortality rate of the cases was 16.2%. In the IPD group, there was a tendency to select broad-spectrum antimicrobials as an initial treatment of pneumococcal pneumonia. In the multivariate analysis, several independent risk factors of IPD, including malignant tumors [odds ratio (OR), 19.60; 95% confidence interval (CI), 4.58-84.04; p = 0.0001], and initial qSOFA (OR, 19.90; 95% CI, ; p = 0.0009), were associated with IPD. Initial qSOFA (OR, 5.60; 95% CI, 1.14-27.13; p = 0.0343) was also elucidated as a prognostic factor in the multivariate analysis. Conclusion: High initial qSOFA could be a risk and prognostic factor of IPD. We might suspect IPD earlier by using qSOFA and lead to the improvement of prognosis, because qSOFA was extremely easy scoring on bedside. Background: Anaerobes are rare causes of spinal infections and constitute less than 4% of all cases. Methods: In this report, we presented a case with Parvimonas micra, a gram-positive anaerobic coccus, spinal infection. We also searched the PubMed database using the terms "spondylodiscitis," "discitis," "spondylitis," "osteomyelitis," "spinal," "vertebral," "Peptostreptococcus," "Micromonas," "Parvimonas" to find similar cases in English literature. The clinical information of all cases, including ours, was extracted and analyzed using SPSS 18 software. Results: Totally, 14 additional cases with P. micra spinal infection were found in English literature. Table 1 shows the demographic data, co-morbidities, and outcomes of patients with P. micra spinal infection. The median age of these patients was 70 years. Over half of the patients were male and nearly half of all cases (46.7%) had dental problems or a prior history of dental work. Back pain (80%), but not fever, was the most common symptom and the median duration of symptom was 6 weeks. Thoracic and lumbar vetebrae were the most commly involved sites. Increased values of inflammation markers were recorded in all cases. Five cases (33.3%) received surgical intervention. The median duration of antimicrobial treatment was 8 weeks and all but one case were cured without clinical relapse. Abbreviation: IQR-interquartile range. a Including malaise, anorexia, fever, and headache. Conclusion: In summary, P. micra spinal infection should be considered in patients with a medical history of dental problem or work acccompanied with an insidious onset of back/neck pain and elevated inflammation markers. Acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis caused by influenza A virus: a case report Mei-Yu Su*, Wen-Liang Yu, Che-Kim Tan. Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan City, Taiwan Background: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) in severe complicated influenza A has been reported in Taiwan. We report refractory acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to Aspergillus pneumonia in a patient with influenza A infection. Methods: A 56-year-old man of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and old cerebrovascular accident suffered from dyspnea for days. He was brought to emergency department on February 20, 2016. Laboratory data revealed WBC, 5200/μL; platelet count, 22,800/μL; procalcitonin, 19.89 ng/ml; lactate, 5.8 mmole/L; and creatinine, 0.68 mg/dL. Arterial blood gas showed pH, 7.29; PCO 2 , 44.5 mmHg; PO 2 , 80 mmHg; HCO 3 , 21.1 mmol/L; Base excess, −5.1 mmol/L; FiO 2 , 65%; and P/F ratio, 123 mmHg. Real Time PCR for FluA showed positive. Antimicrobial therapy included oseltamivir, tamiflu, levofloxacin and piperacillin/tazobactam. CXR showed diffuse mixed interstitial and alveolar infiltration over bilateral lungs, suspicious of pneumonia. He was intubated and then was admitted to intensive care unit. Initial hemodynamic support with fluid resuscitation and infusion of vasopressor were administered. ARDS occurred with persistent hypoxemia and inhaled nitric oxide therapy on February 25. Aspergillus antigen index was high (>4.43). Intravenous voriconazole was used on February 26. However, spiking fever was noted. Sputum culture yielded Acinetobacter baumannii and Eenterobacter aerogenes. We adjusted antibiotic therapy to imipenem/cilastatin and teicoplanin. Results: After aggressive treatment, poor prognosis was informed to his families about the limit of medical treatment. The patient was critically discharged on March 14, 2016. Conclusion: IPA may complicate influenza pneumonia in a previously healthy adult. Early diagnosis and treatment of Aspergillus infection complicating influenza is mandatory as high mortality. Given the rapid symptom-onset and deterioration, the clinician must be vigilant in promptly diagnosing and treating influenza-like illness. Antibiotics for bacterial co-infection and antifungal therapy should be considered. Finally, corticosteroids in patients with influenza may pose a risk for invasive fungal infections. Concurrent cytomegalovirus colitis and Aspergillus pneumonia in a patient with plasmacytoma Mei-Yu Su*, Wen-Liang Yu, Che-Kim Tan. Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan City, Taiwan Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections of the gastrointestinal tracts most commonly affected the colon, followed by the small bowel and esophagus. The clinical presentation is largely dependent on the digestive site of infection. Hematemesis can occur in CMV esophagitis, gastritis and duodenitis. We report lower gastrointestinal bleeding caused by CMV infection in a patient. Methods: This 68-year-old woman had a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, right femoral neck plasmacytoma with pathologic fracture post bipolar endoprothesis on September, 2016. She suffered from dyspnea for two days. She was brought to emergency department on March 12, 2017. Laboratory data revealed WBC, 5500/μL with 8.9% bandemia; platelet count, 60,000/μL; C-reactive protein, 75.4 mg/L; procalcitonin, 1.28 ng/ml; lactate, 3.1mmole/L; creatinine, 1.4 mg/dL; and K, 6.62 mmol/L. CXR showed consolidations in bilateral lungs. Intubation was done for desaturation. Then she was transferred to intensive care unit. Piperacillin/tazobactam and levofloxacin were used. Levophed and fluid resuscitation were given. Initially treatment showed improvement. Bloody stool was noted and colonoscopy revealed ulcers of ileocecal valve and proximal colon on March 20. However, bloody stool persisted, repeated colonoscopy showed the same lesions and diluted bosmin was injected with hemoclipping. Colon biopsy showed ulceration of ileocecal valve. Blood CMV-PCR showed positive. CMV viral load showed 559,808 IU/mL on March 23. Ganciclovir was given. Bloodly stool was improved. But fever and hypotension occured. CXR showd increased infiltration at both lungs, more at right side. We shifted antibiotics to piperacillin and tigecycline because sputum culture yielded Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. Results: Unstable blood pressure with abdomen guarding was noted. Left decubitus showed moderate free air on liver surface, hollow organ perforation with peritonitis was impressed. Profound shock requred high dose vasopressor. We discussed with surgeons and family, and informed poor prognosis and high mortality rate. Family members declined surgery and requested DNR. She was expired on March 25, 2017. Later, the blood Aspergillus antigen index was 7.3 (normal, < 0.5). Conclusion: CMV disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. CMV colitis in patients with plasmacytoma is quite rare but challenging. Broader use of sensitive CMV detection methods will certainly bring about more chance to early diagnosis of the infection. Although ganciclovir resulted in symtomatic improvement of blood stool, but hallow organ perforation developed, suggesting colon ulcer perforation. Concurrent Aspergillus pneumonia was unexpected. Higher mortality of severe influenza patients with probable aspergillosis than those with and without other co-infections Wen-Liang Yu. Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan; Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Aspergillus-associated infection might comprise up to 23-29% of severe influenza patients from the community throughout stay in an intensive care unit (ICU). In Taiwan, cases of severe influenza with aspergillosis are increasingly reported. Therefore, we describe the relative risk of mortality among severe influenza patients with aspergillosis and other coinfections compared to severe influenza patients without Aspergillus coinfections. Background: Respiratory infections are commonly seen clinically. We hereby report a young male diagnosed with Lemierre syndrome that initially presented with sore throat and dyspnea. Methods: A previously healthy 20-year-old soldier visited our emergency room (ER) with sore throat, dyspnea, and fevers for five days. When presented to our ER, physical examination revealed bilaterally enlarged tonsils without exudates, and right lower lung crackles; the rest of his physical findings are otherwise unremarkable. Lab showed neutropenia, metabolic acidosis, and acute kidney injury. A chest computed tomography (CT) without contrast showed a right lower lung consolidation, suggesting pneumonia. We thus treated him with intravenous moxifloxacin empirically upon admission. Results: Despite promptly starting antibiotics, intermittent fevers and progressive dyspnea persisted. Blood culture grew anaerobes in preliminary reports on hospital day 3. We shifted his antibiotics to intravenous imipenem. However, his dyspnea and fevers did not resolve after switching to imipenem, and a follow-up CT scan on the hospital day 5 showed a worsening bilateral pneumonia. His final blood culture report yielded Fusobacterium nucleatum. An ambulatory ultrasonography examination of the persistently painful right neck revealed an intravascular mass in right internal jugular vein, suggestive of thrombosis. The diagnosis of Lemierre syndrome was made. He was intubated on hospital day 6, and was added ampicillin/sulbactam in addition to imipenem. A neck CT scan on hospital day 8 (Figure 1 ) clearly demonstrated his right internal jugular vein thrombosis, along with surrounding fat tissue stranding. Right internal jugular vein ligation was performed on hospital day 10. He was successfully extubated after the surgery, and had no more fevers. He was transferred to the general ward on hospital day 11. We then de-escalated his antibiotics to ampicillin/sulbactam. The subsequent clinical course was smooth, and the patient was discharged on hospital day 24. Conclusion: Leimerre syndrome has decreased in incidence and been described as "the forgotten syndrome" as antibiotics advances. In a young patient with acute pharyngitis accompanied with signs of septic embolization, Lemierre syndrome should always be considered. Background: Mycoplasma hominis, a well known cause of neonatal infection, has been reported as a pathogen in urogenital infections in adults; however, central nervous system (CNS) infections are rare. We report here the first case of M. hominis meningitis in China, post neurosurgical treatment for an intracerebral haemorrhage in a 79-year-old male. Case presentation: We describe a 79-year-old who developed M. hominis meningitis after neurosurgical treatment and was successfully treated with combined azithromycin and minocycline therapy of two weeks' duration, despite delayed treatment because the Gram stain of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) yielded no visible organisms. The diagnosis required 16S rDNA sequencing analysis of the cultured isolate from CSF. Literature review of M. hominis CNS infections yielded 16 cases (13 instances of brain abscess and 3 of meningitis). Delay in diagnosis and initial treatment failure was evident in all cases. With appropriate microbiological testing, antibiotic therapy (ranging from 5 days to 12 weeks) and often, multiple surgical interventions, almost all the patients improved immediately. Conclusion: Both our patient findings and the literature review, highlighted the pathogenic potential of M. hominis together with the challenges prompted by rare infectious diseases in particular for developing countries labs with limited diagnostic resources. Pulmonary mucormycosis in a kidney transplant recipient Yu-An Chen 1 , Chia-Hui Chou 2 , Mao-Wang Ho 2 . Background: Fungi of the order Mucorales are ubiquitous in nature but rarely cause human infection. However, because of the rising amount of immunocompromised patients, the incidence of invasive fungal infection also increased. There was only one case report of pleural empyema related to mucormycosis to date. Here we report the first case in Taiwan and review the literature of the previous reports. Methods: A 54-year-old man with a history of end stage diabetic nephropathy presented to our hospital 35 days after receiving kidney transplantation, complaining progressive dyspnea and pleuritic right chest pain for 5 days. The initial laboratory data showed leukocytosis (WBC 16,200 cells/micro liter) and chest plain film showed right side ill-defined opacity with pleural effusion. Broad-spectrum antibiotic was initiated but the clinical improvement was limited. The pleural effusion Gram's stain and further analysis yielded mold of Rhizopus species. Results: Pig-tail was inserted for pleural effusion drainage, and we started Liposomal Amphotericin B for mold of Rhizopus species. Fever subsided and the respiratory condition also improved. The pig-tail was removed 40 days later when the drainage amount decreased to 30 ml. Liposomal Amphotericin B was discontinued after 25 days of therapy, and was shifted to oral Posaconazole for maintenance. Currently the patient is doing well and received regular follow-up in our outpatient clinic. The advance of solid organ or hematologic stem cell transplantation, improvement of survival in patients with hematologic malignancy, and the increasing number of HIV-infected patients all contributed the enlarged number of immunocompromised patient. And the number of previously rarely, opportunistic infection will rise with time. Obtain the adequate sample and make the right diagnosis will reverse the potentially life-threatening infection of the patients and is of paramount importance to achieve long-term survival in these patients. A retrospective analysis of the posaconazole prevention for acute myeloid leukemia patients receiving induction chemotherapy-induced invasive fungal infection Chia-Hsuan Wu, Hui-Chen Su. Department of Pharmacy, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) consists of a group of hematopoietic neoplasms. The treatment includes induction chemotherapy, consolidation chemotherapy and allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Induction chemotherapy induces severe neutropenia and such immunocompromised patients often become septic shock because of infection. Some clinicians prescribe posaconazole to prevent invasive fungal infection before induction chemotherapy. We want to analyze the posaconazole prevention for acute myeloid leukemia patients receiving induction chemotherapy-induced invasive fungal infection. Method: This is a retrospective study. Patients were diagnosed AML and received induction chemotherapy from 2014 to 2017 at a medical center in southern Taiwan are included. We compare the incidence of invasive fungal infection, the period of neutropenia and the survival rate between two groups, one group consist of patients with posaconazole prevention and the other group consist of patients without posaconazole prevention. Results: There were 25 patients included for analysis. There were 18 patients received posaconazole prevention and 7 patients didn't. The incidence of invasive fungal infection is both 0% in two groups and the period of neutropenia in the prevention group is 17.4 days and 16.1 days in the group without prevention. The survival rate is 59% in the prevention group and 100% in the group without prevention. Conclusion: This retrospective analysis reveals that the incidence of invasive fungal infection and the survival rate show no statistically significant difference between two groups. The one month cost of posaconazole is 59769 NT dollars. Suggest clinicians evaluate the necessity of posaconazole prevention for AML patients with induction chemotherapy according to disease severity or the risk rate of infection. The limits of this retrospective analysis include the small sample size and the absence of disease severity. Therefore, we need more cases to evaluate the long-term efficacy. Valganciclovir for treatment of cytomegalovirus disease in kidney allograft recipients Hsin-Lin Lin 1 *, Yu-Feng Tian 2 , Ling-Hsien Lee 2 , Li-Ling Chu 1 , Hui-Chen Su 1 . 1 Department of Pharmacy, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan, 2 Division of Transplantation surgery, Department of Surgery, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is a frequent complication after transplantation, with its associated morbidity and poor transplant outcome, represents a serious threat to transplant recipients. Valganciclovir is off-label use to CMV infection after renal transplant. Retrospective chart review of patients with CMV disease treated with valganciclovir. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data on the diagnosis and treatment of CMV infective complications in 20 patients transplanted between 2008 and 2016 (98 men and 95 women), age at the time of transplantation 21-80 years. Results: The overall CMV infection rate was 10%. The cumulative incidences of CMV infection at 3, 6, 9, 12, 60, 120 and more than 120 months after transplant were 2.6%, 3.6%, 4.1%, 5.2%, 7.3%, 9.8% and 10.4% respectively. Patient survival rate and graft survival is 70%. Duration of Valganciclovir were 78.7 ± 38.7days. 70% of patients with renal function is not affected by CMV infection (P < 0.05). The most combination of immunosuppressant were Tacrolimus plus sirolimus and prednisolone. Conclusion: CMV infection after renal transplant recipients due to high mortality rate. CMV infection did not directly affected graft survival rate, but if immunocompromised patients can be due to patient expire. CMV infection with renal transplant recipients should be closely monitor and active treatment. Increasing risk of Pneumocystis pneumonia among newly diagnosed HIV-infected patients with Pneumocystis colonization Nan-Yao Lee 1,2,3 , Ming-Chi Li 2,3 , Po-Lin Chen 1,2,3 , Chia-Wen Li 2,3 , Wen-Chien Ko 1,2,3 . 1 Departments of Medicine, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, 3 Center for Infection Control, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Pneumocystis jirvecii pneumonia (PJP) is a lifethreatening opportunistic infection, and develops primarily among HIV-infected persons with a low CD4 count. The epidemiology of pneumocystis colonization among such patients is unknown. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of Pneumocystis colonization and risk factors of Pneumocystis pneumonia among newly diagnosed HIV-infected patients. Methods: A prospective study was conducted at a medical center in southern Taiwan with a one-year follow-up after enrollment. P. jirovecii DNA was detected by real-time PCR and sequencing in oral swash samples. Clinical data were collected from medical charts in a uniform data record form. Results: Of 82 enrolled cases, P. jirovecii DNA was detected in 37 (45.1%) asymptomatic cases, who were recognized as colonizers. There were no significant differences in terms of age, sex, comorbidity, risk factor of HIV infection among participants with or without colonization. Eight (9.8%) cases developed PJP during follow ups and there was no fatal case. Pneumocystis colonization was associated with a lower CD4 count (median [IQR]: 144 (42-308) cells/mm 3 vs. 320 (169-492) cells/mm 3 ; P = 0.007), a higher HIV plasma viral load (1.97 × 10 5 [1.02 × 10 5 -4.24 × 10 5 ] vs. 3.59 × 10 4 (1.28 × 10 4 -7.89 × 10 4 ) HIV RNA copies/mL; P < 0.001), and receipt of steroid treatment (P = 0.03). The incidence of Pneumocystis pneumonia for participants with or without colonization was 239.0 and 22.3 cases per 1000 person-year respectively. By the Kaplan-Meier analysis, the cases of Pneumocystis colonization were associated with a higher risk of PJP than those without colonization (Log-rank test, P = 0.04). Conclusion: Pneumocystis colonization is not uncommon in newly diagnosed HIV-infected patients and associated with an increasing risk of PJP. Increasing urinary tract infections among chronic kidney disease patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria Nan-Yao Lee 1 , An-Bang Wu 2 , Yu-Tzu Chang 2 , Chin-Chung Tseng 2 , Wen-Chien Ko 1 *. Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is more common, and its prevalence is increasing over the world. Asymptomatic bacteriuria, also referred to as bacteriuria or asymptomatic urinary infection, is a common finding among CKD patients with varying prevalence by age, sex, sexual activity, and in both men and women with abnormalities of the genitourinary tract. The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of and the risk factors for asymptomatic bacteriuria among CKD patients. Methods: A prospective study will be conducted at a center in Tainan, Taiwan. Participants if they are aged >20 years with chronic renal disease attending the outpatient clinic will be enrolled in this prospective, observational study. At the initial visit, all subjects were interviewed with a standardized questionnaire and submitted a midstream urine specimen for evaluation of bacteriuria and pyuria. During the subsequent follow-up for one year, the care of participants will be followed the treatment guidelines and clinical practices for CKD according decision of attending physicians. Clinical data will be obtained from a standardized medical chart abstraction by use of uniform data abstraction forms. Results: 482 participants were enrolled, asymptomatic bacteriuria was identified among 41 participants (8.5%). The incidence was 85.1 per 1000 person-years. Participants with diabetes were risk for asymptomatic bacteriuria (P < 0.001). Of 19 (4.0%) cases developed urinary tract infections during following period and there was no fatal case. The participants with asymptomatic bacteriuria (P = 0.017) and diabetic (P = 0.014) participants were risk for development of UTIs. Escherichia coli (30, 70.7%) following Enterococcus species (6, 14.6%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (3, 7 .3%) were most common identified bacteria of asymptomatic bacteriuria. Conclusion: The diabetic was risk factor associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria and developing UTIs among participants with chronic kidney disease. PS 074 CMV colitis with coexisting or false-positive amebic colitis in a HIV patient Wen-Chi Hsu 1 *, Liang Yu 2 . 1 Department of Nursing, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan, 2 Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Ameba and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) virus are common pathogens causing gastroenteritis in a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patient. Symptoms include abdominal pain, watery diarrhea and bloody stool. We report on a HIV patient with delayed diagnosis of CMV colitis, who was initially treated for amebic colitis but with relapse. Rapid diagnosis and appropriate treatment are therefore particularly important in these contexts. Methods: Case study Results: A 27 year-old man with HIV infection had water diarrhea for 2 weeks. Fever with general skin rash was noted for 3 days. Then, he visited our hospital. On examination, the temperature was 38.1°C; the blood pressure, 107/68 mm Hg; and the pulse, 84 beats per minute. Diphenhydramin and methylprednisolone were used for suspected allergy. Initial laboratory data showed WBC, 11.200/ μL; CD4 counts, 478/uL; creatinine, 0.65 mg/dL; S-GOT, 664 U/L; S-GPT, 619 U/L and total bilirubin, 2.82 mg/dL. Amoebiasis antibody titer was 1:4096 by using indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA). Metronidazole had been used for 5 days. However, acute hepatitis (S-GOT, 1377 U/L and S-GPT, 1696 U/L), elevated bilirubin (total, 7.77 mg/dL and direct, 5.85 mg/dL) and severe coagulopathy ( prothrombin time, 31.6 seconds) occurred. He was transferred to the intensive care unit for suspected sepsis and acute liver failure. Colonoscopy showed mucosal hyperemia with edema in the whole colon and multiple ulcers in the transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum, favoring amebic colitis. Piperacillin/tazobactam and metronidazole had been given for one week. His condition improved and he was transferred to general ward. However, worsening water diarrhea relapsed and episodes of hypotension occurred. The pathology of mucosal biopsy revealed CMV colitis. Meanwhile, blood CMV viral load was 889 IU/mL and CMV antigenemia was 1 cell per 200,000 PMN. The CMV-PCR results were positive in blood and stool samples. Therafter, intravenous ganciclovir achieved rapid improvement of diarrhea and liver function. He was discharged after 3 weeks of hospital stay. Conclusion: False-positive amebic IHA was ever reported. Our case highlights the importance of histopathological diagnosis for watery diarrhea in HIV patients. Blood and stool CMV-PCR might help presumptive diagnosis. However, the possibility of CMV colitis alone, following or coexisting with amebic colitis was difficult to discern. CMV activity might be enhanced by steroids, which therapy should be careful in HIV patients even without low CD4 count. Mycobacterium avium complex lung infection in a patient with anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies and previous Mycobacterium abscessus neck lymphadenitis Lih-shinn Wang 1 , Chia-ching Jackie Wang 3 , Cheng-lung Ku 4,5 , Jen-jyh Lee 2 , Chia-jung Chiang 6 , Po-ren Hsueh 7 . Background: Mycobacterium abscessus is extremely difficult to treat and considered incurable. Pulmonary disease caused by M. avium complex (MAC) usually occurs in patients with chronic lung disease or HIV/AIDS. Here we report a case of MAC lung disease with a previous history of M. abscessus lymphadenitis in a 50-yearold female chef. Methods: The patient presented with chronic cough and dyspnea in April, 2013. Sputum was negative for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). Neck computed tomography (CT) revealed multiple cervical lymphadenopathy ( Figure) . Chest HRCT revealed a RUL alveolar lesion and right hilar lymphadenopathy. Multiple fixed enlarged cervical LN's were found along level II-V, right lateral neck with desmoid adhesion to surrounding soft tissue at surgery. Pathology revealed granulomatous inflammation, and AFB was positive. Antituberculosis (TB) treatment was initiated with HERZ (isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampin, pyrazinamide). Sputum culture later grew a non-tuberculous mycobacterium (NTM), and pyrazinamide was switched to azithromycin in June 2013. She had free T4 of 0.87 ng/ dL, TSH 0.260 uIU/mL, anti-TG 95.1 IU/mL, and anti-TPO 146.1 IU/ mL. Fine needle aspiration in Dec., 2013 revealed Hashimoto's thyroiditis. She completed her anti-TB treatment in Jan., 2014. Pus culture grew M. abscessus, and anti-mycobacterial treatment was switched to clarithromycin and ciprofloxacin at National Taiwan University Hospital in Feb., 2014. The patient could not tolerate ciprofloxacin, which was changed to levofloxacin and doxycycline. The patient did not respond to the new anti-NTM therapy, so she was admitted to Tzu Chi Hospital in April 2014. Results: Chest film revealed RLL infiltrate, and Mycoplasma IgM was positive. Anti-NTM treatment was switched to intravenous tigecycline, levofloxacin and amikacin, in addition to oral clarithromycin and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim treatment. Antiinterferon (IFN)-γ autoantibodies were positive. Sputum culture grew a NTM, which was identified as MAC by an official TB Center at Tainan. Because the patient responded to the new anti-NTM therapy, we didn't change the regimen. Eventually the neck lymphadenopathy relapsed when we changed her oral anti-NTM treatment to clarithromycin, levofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim. Unfortunately, the patient succumbed to this infection. Conclusion: Patients of M abscessus lung disease could have coexisting or previous history of MAC pulmonary infection. Anti-IFN-γ autoantibodies may play a role in mycobacterial infections, particularly in persons without predisposing conditions. Patients with M. abscessus pulmonary disease should be treated with multidrug anti-mycobacterial therapy based on susceptibility test results whenever available, and surgical resection may offer a more favorable response in selected cases. Mycobacterium mucogenicum infection presenting with generalized follicular hyperplasia and prurigo nodularis in an immunocompetent patient Lih-shinn Wang 1 , Ting-shu Wu 2 , Chia-ching Jackie Wang 3 , Cheng-lung Ku 2,4 , Yung-hsiang Hsu 5 , Pau-yuan Chang 6 . Background: Mycobacterium mucogenicum is a rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) frequently isolated from tap water or from respiratory specimens. It is associated with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. Methods: A 69-year-old male florist had a medical history of BPH, anemia, and hypertension. He started taking a health drink called "Imumio Miracle Water," which was hydrogen enriched water with "Super Lutein" produced by Naturally Plus Company, in mid Aug., 2015. He then developed nodular skin lesions involving bilateral upper limbs 2-3 weeks thereafter. He lost 3 kg of weight, and had intermittent fevers since Sep., 2015. He stopped taking the health drink in late Sep., 2015. Whole body Gallium scan revealed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, and chest computed tomography (CT) revealed cervical, axillary and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. ESR was 103 mm/hr, CRP 5.85 mg/dL, cold agglutinin 1:128 (+), and CMV IgG: 144 AU/mL. He was referred to Infectious Diseases service under the impression of Kikuchi disease. Results: The skin lesions were consistent with prurigo nodularis. ( Figure. ) Sputum culture grew a non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). He was started on azithromycin, rifabutin and ethambutol for possible MAC, although HIV test was negative. MAC PCR was negative. Anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies were also negative. Axillary biopsy did not show lymphoma, or toxoplasmosis. Additional lymph node biopsy by mediastinoscopy revealed lymphoid hyperplasia. He remained febrile, and anti-NTM treatment was switched to tigecycline and meropenem for possible RGM. Bone marrow biopsy was negative for lymphoma. Clarithromycin was added, and the patient became afebrile. The isolate was finally identified as M. mucogenicum, and susceptibility testing showed susceptible to clarithromycin, tigecycline, imipenem, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, and linezolide. The patient had oral clarithromycin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, and linezolide at OPD, but we soon discontinued sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim due to allergy. The skin lesions resolved a few weeks after initiating the combination treatment, and repeat Ga scan and chest CT demonstrated resolution of lymphadenopathy, but follow up ESR and CRP levels were still high after anti-NTM treatment for a total of 18 months. The patient did not have thrombocytopenia with linezolid treatment throughout the course. Testing of the health drink did not show M. mucogenicum. Conclusion: M. mucogenicum is often of no clinical significance, but it can cause systemic illness even in an immunocompetent host. The basis of combination antimicrobial therapy should be based on susceptibility test results whenever available. The optimal duration of therapy is unknown. Fulminant liver failure secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus reactivated in a chronic hepatitis B Hui-Chun Chao. Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Chi-Mei Medical Center Background: The frequency of liver dysfunction or abnormal liver enzyme values during the course of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) ranges from 19% to 60%. Patients with SLE have a 25-50% chance of developing abnormal liver tests in their lifetime. In many cases, the prevalence of the concomitant hepatopathy is higher when associated with SLE than alone. Use of these drugs in patients with previous HBV infection can result in severe liver damage if the virus is reactivated. Case Report: This 52-year-old man, a business man working in China previously, had hepatitis B and SLE. He began to have leg edema and bowel habit change and hyperbilirubinemia was found. Gastroenterologist suspected "acute cholestatic hepatitis or chronic hepatitis B with reactivation, decompensated status." Baraclude was started, however bloody stools passage occurred. Colonscopy were repeated and showed a large nearly circumfrential rectal ulcer with out-pouched sac and large blood clots, and blood-covered mucosa from rectum to terminal ileum with much blood clots at terminal ileum. After admitted to our ICU, there were only intermittent bloody stools in the first days. Dyspnea aggravated and was suspected due to lung edema r/o pneumonia by CXR. He received endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation after failure of diuresis/albumin and high flow nasal cannula use. Fever was present on admission and recurred up to 40 degree Piperacillin/ tazobactam and moxifloxacin were given since admission. Pre-liver transplant computed tomography scan showed suspicious lower rectal perforation and then sigmoid loop colostomy performed on 3/31. After further discussion with radiologist, SLE vasculitis involving several major vessels was suspected, which rendered liver transplant not feasible according to the radiologist's suggestion. His liver function also continued to deteriorate. Due to severe coagulopathy, recurrent bleeding occurred. ICH was suspected when dilated and fixed pupils were found. Brain image could not be performed due to unstable oxygenation and hemodynamics. After discussion with his wife, she requested for comfort care only. He finally passed away after 2days later. Conculsion: Liver dysfunction in the presence of SLE can be caused by many factors, but when at the time of SLE onset, either SLE itself or drugs can be the cause. The features of liver dysfunction and its causes need to be elucidated and considered before treating SLE. Multiple opportunistic infections in a patient of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis Pin-Chuan Lin 4 , Li-Shinn Wang 1 , Shih-Tzu Tsai 2 , Ya-Ju Wu 5 , Chih-Bin Lin 3 , Teng-Yi Lin 6 . 1 Division of Infectious Diseases, 2 Division of Rheumatology and Immunology, 3 Division of Chest Medicine, 4 Department of Internal Medicine, 5 Department of Intensive Care Medicine, and 6 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Background: Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA; also known as Churg-Strauss syndrome) usually presents as recurrent asthma that cannot be controlled without systemic steroids, which, unfortunately, increases the risk of opportunistic infections. Methods: We report a 36-year-old male electronics processing staff presented to the Emergency Department with a rapid onset fever with productive cough. He'd been hospitalized for many times in recent 5 years due to recurrent asthma requiring oral prednisolone, and pneumonia, including a Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia 2 years ago and an aspergillosis pneumonia 6 months ago He recovered from 4 months of voriconazole treatment, which had been stopped for 2 months. Complete blood count showed peripheral eosinophilia during the attacks. He also developed palpitation and neuropathy since 3 months ago. Physical examination demonstrated a fever of 39.7°C, tachycardia at 122 bpm, wheezing and basal crackle breath sounds, elastic nontender purplish nodules at fingers and palms, and paresthesia and muscle atrophy predominantly at both thighs. Chest X-ray showed interstitial infiltration and lab tests demonstrated leukocytosis of 21,940/μL, eosinophilia of 65%, elevated procalcitonin of 67.54 ng/mL, and elevated CRP of 13.37 mg/dL. Results: The patient was given piperacillin/tazobactam as empiric treatment. He then developed ventricular fibrillation on hospital day 2, and was intubated and transferred to medical ICU after CPCR. Chest X-ray showed consolidation with air bronchogram in both lungs ( Figure 1 ). Cardiac echo demonstrated global hypokinesia. EGPA was diagnosed according to the 1990 ACR diagnostic criteria, treatment with high dose intravenous methylprednisolone and rituximab started, and his eosinophilia, leukocytosis, and pulmonary infiltration on chest X-ray gradually subsided. His intermittent fevers persisted, though. Blood, urine, and stool cultures were negative for common pathogens, and influenza, HSV, CMV, Cryptococcus, P. jirovecii, and HIV were negative. A sputum culture grew Candida albicans, and Aspergillus DNA tests were equivocal in blood and sputum. The patient became afebrile and procalcitonin and CRP levels returned to normal limits after antibiotics were shifted to the combination of meropenem, tigecycline and caspofungin after several attempts. Finally, the patient was confirmed to have CMV replication by positive CMV pp67, and was discharged after completing 14 days of ganciclovir treatment. Conclusions: Opportunistic infections should be considered when fever with abnormal procalcitonin and CRP levels persists despite that EGPA was grossly under controlled. Cardiac involvement may lead to life-threatening arrhythmia in EGPA. Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is increasingly recognized in critically ill immunocompetent patients because of previous studies demonstrated an association between CMV disease and increased mortality rates, prolonged intensive care unit and hospital length of stay, prolonged mechanical ventilation, and nosocomial infections. Molecular assays are now considered to be the "gold standard" for assessment of human CMV infection and disease in those at risk from severe associated clinical manifestations. The nucleic acid sequence-based amplification assay, CMV pp67 late Gene transcripts (CMVpp67) is suggested by published reports for reliable prognosis. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of the medical records of patients in medical, surgical and burn intensive care units (ICU) with positive and negative detection of human CMVpp67. We compared the characteristics of 18 patients with positive CMVpp67 with those of 64 patients with negative CMVpp67. Results: Under the univariate analysis, patients with positive CMV pp67 are associated with higher proportion of sepsis (56.2:83.3%, p = 0.036), longer ICU lengths of stay ( p = 0.004), and longer hospitalization days ( p = 0.002). However, after considering all the variables in the multivariate analysis, there were no statistical significances among all the variables and CMV pp67 status. In addition, we also found that CMV pp67 status was not associated with the mortality rate (OR = 0.07, 95%CI = <0.001-9.09). But those who died were associated with more different antibiotics use (OR = 2.3, 95%CI = 1.05-5.05), higher percentage of vasopressor use (OR = 206.5, 95%CI = 5.52->999.99), higher prevalence of end stage renal disease (OR = 195.1, 95%CI = 2.27->999.99) but shorter hospitalization days (OR = 0.96, 95%CI = 0.93-1.00). Conclusion: In conclusion, in our cross sectional study, within critically ill patients, there were no correlation of positive CMV pp67 with the characteristics we assumed to be; therefore, we couldn't tell if there is any parameter with higher positive CMV pp67 rate. In addition, positive CMV pp67 wasn't related to higher mortality rate. Owing to controversial results compared to previous studies, further larger sample size studies are necessary to develop more accurate correlation results. Background: The establishment of bacterial species identification through gene sequencing triggered an increase in the reported cases of non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection caused by new bacterial species, which prompted the urgent need for the establishment of diagnosis and treatment regimens. Methods: The patient was a man at age 64. Upon being observed with minor hemoptysis in December 2011, the patient visited our hospital. Granular patterns were observed dominantly in the rightlung, along with bronchodilation and partial cavitary lesion, which led to the suggested diagnosis of pulmonary mycobacteriosis. Sputum and bronchoscopically-extracted bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were examined for mycobacteria. While both specimen were identified with mycobacteria specularly±and in culture positive, TB and MAC-PCR found it negative, and it was confirmed unidentifiable through DNA-DNA hybridization (DDH). The case was then followed up as pulmonary non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection but observed with gradual progression of the lesion, which led to two courses of sputum cultivation to identify the mycobacteria in September 2016. While the cultures were identified positive, both TB-LAMP and MAC-PCR returned negative results, and DDH failed to identify it. In order to identify the causal bacteria, 16S rRNA gene sequencing was conducted. Results: 16Sr RNA gene sequencing found it 100% phasic with M. shinjukuense. As the clinical and bacteriological findings suffice the criteria by American Thoracic Society/Infectious Diseases Society of America Guideline, the patient was diagnosed with pulmonary non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection triggered by the said bacteria. Conclusion: M. shinjukuense, initially reported in Japan in 2011, is a new type of non-tuberculous mycobacteria belonging to the 3rd bacterial group under Runyon classification. Because tuberculosis complex rapid diagnostic techniques like Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct (MTD) or Transcription-reverse transcription concerted method (TRC) occasionally return a false-positive result, diagnosis requires an extra caution. There are reports of chemotherapies using CAM/RFP/EB and INH/RFP/EB, suggesting the treatments' effectiveness. A probable case of Mycobacterium gordonae infection presenting as cervical lymphadenopathy and fever of unknown origin Sy-harn Lian 1 , Lih-shinn Wang 1,2 , Jen-jyh Lee 1,3 , Ying-huei Chen 4 , Huei-jen Chao 4 , Chia-jung Chiang 5 . 1 School of Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, 3 Division of Chest Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, 4 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan, 5 Ministry of Health and Welfare Chest Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Mycobacterium gordonae, a scotochromogenic nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), is ubiquitous. Many isolates represent colonization or contamination of the specimen, but not true infection. Methods: This 24-year-old woman, a nurse of a local clinic, presented with a 3-month history of fevers. She started with intermittent fevers of 40°C, with blood-tinged sputum, sore throat, vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting and headache. She also noted a mass on the right neck, 3 centimeter in size. Additionally, she had recurrent oral ulcers. Her grandmother had a history of tuberculosis. She had a history of exposure to a dog. No drug, toxin or travel history was identified. Results: The complete blood counts with differential count and platelet count, blood cultures, blood chemistries, ESR, CRP, urinary analysis, purified protein derivative skin test, abdominal sonography, chest radiograph and high resolution computed tomography of the chest revealed unremarkable findings. The acid-fast stain of sputum showed equivocal result in only one of the initially three specimens. Only one of the three sputum cultures grew a NTM. The head and neck CT showed bilaterally enlarged neck lymph nodes over level II/III, especially right level II. The survey of Streptococcus A, Cryptococcus, M. pneumoniae, syphilis, HIV, CMV and HSV, revealed unremarkable results, and no infectious sources were identified despite the investigations by the dermatologist, gynecologist, otolaryngologist, dentist and gallium-67-labeled leukocyte scanning. No malignancies were found by examining CEA, CA15-3, CA125, CA19-9, and by colonoscopy . The surveys of autoimmune diseases, including T3, T4, TSH, anti-TG, anti-TPO, C3, C4, ferritin, IgA, IgG, IgM, rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibodies, anti-Jo-1, anti-SSA, anti-SSB, anti-CENPB, anti-Scl-70 , anti-Sm, anti-RNP and anti-nDNA, were negative. The anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies were also negative. The NTM was further idntified as M. gordonae by PCR at an official Mycobacterium reference laboratory. The diagnosis was established by one equivocal AFB stain and only one positive culture result, which did not fit American Thoracic Society Diagnosis Criteria for pulmonary NTM infection. However, the patient became afebrile with rifampicin, ethambutol and isoniazid treatment, and the cervical lymphadenopathy resolved a few weeks later. All the associated symptoms were gone and the patient cured without relapse with a total of 11months of the anti-NTM treatment and 12 months of follow-up. Conclusion: The most effective treatment regimen for M. gordonae has not been established. However, the clinical response to specific antimycobacterial therapy indicates possible disease presence. The recommended duration of therapy is not known. The accuracy of GeneXpert test as the first-line mycobacterium tuberculosis identification tool in a regional hospital in south Taiwan Chih-Hsiung Kao, Chiung-Yin Chuang, Tzu-Wei Juan. Department of Laboratory Medicine, St. Martin De Porres Hospital, Taiwan Background: The GeneXpert test is a new automated molecular test which detects the DNA in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB), as well as testing for the genetic mutations associated with resistance to the drug Rifampicin (RIF). Some organizations have claimed that the GeneXpert test is going to revolutionize the diagnosis and care of patient with MTB. It provides results directly from sputum specimen in less than 2 hours. WHO recommended that the test should be used as the initial diagnosis test in individuals suspected of having Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB). The purpose of our study was to assess the performance to detection of drug resistant MTB of the GeneXpert Test compared to conventional culture methods when implemented into the normal clinical workflow of a regional hospital in south Taiwan. Methods: WHO emphasized that the GeneXpert MTB/RIF test does not eliminate the need for conventional microscopy culture and drug sensitivity testing (DST), as it detects both live and dead bacteria. We assessed the performance of GeneXpert test from April 2015 to April 2017 with all of new directly sputum smear acidfast bacilli (AFB) stain positive tuberculosis suspects. Each new AFB smear-positive patient's specimen was processed with reflecting GeneXpert test and then sent to our referral laboratory for conventional MTB culture and DST. Results: A total of 40 patients with suspected pulmonary MTB who had a smear positive AFB sputum specimen were enrolled into the study. Among these 40 patients, 39(97.5%) had no prior history of MTB and 1(0.25%) were retreatment MTB case. Overall, 32(80%) samples were culture positive, 8(20%) samples were culture negative. Both GeneXpert and conventional DST revealed 32 (100%) MTB isolates had no RIF resistance. There was 100% agreement between the GeneXpert and conventional DST results in detecting RIF resistance MTB. Conclusion: This study showed and verified the accuracy of GeneXpert test, and this result was similar to those of some early experimental findings and previous reports. The main advantages of the GeneXpert test are, for diagnosis, reliability when compared to sputum microscopy and the speed of getting the result when compared with culture. For diagnosis of MTB, although sputum microscopy is both quick and cheap, it is often unreliable. Although culture gives a definitive diagnosis, to get the result usually takes weeks rather than the hours of the GeneXpert test. Multiple skin nodules in a post-renal-transplantation woman Jia-Yin Guo, Mao-Wang Ho, Chia-Hui Chou, Yuan-Ti Lee, Chiu-Ching Huang, Wen-Shin Hsih. Department of Internal Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan Background: Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are ubiquitous in soiil and water. Mostly, NTM only cause disease in whom with impaired host defense, such as immunosupressed patients. Mycobacterium haemophilum is belonging to the group of NTM, which frequently found in environmental habitats, and known to cause cutaneous and subcutaneous infections. Mycobacterium haemophilum infection is hard to treat and there is no standard guidelines are available now. Hence, we share a patient infected with cutaneous Mycobacterium haemophilum responded well to the treatment. Methods: A 75-year-old female with a history of type 2 DM and end stage renal disease received renal transplantation 18 years ago, was under mycophenolate mofetil and prednisolone as immunosuppression drug for years. She got a left wrist contussion injury and received tranditional chinese herbal medicine applied on the wound 6 months before. Initially, the wound swelled with erythematous base, later much erythematous papules developed along forearm, fingers and face, then progressed to tender nodules, ruptured with odorous pus, and poor healing ulcers left. She was admitted under the impression of cellulitis, which pus culture yield NTM, Mycobacterium haemophilum by molecular test. She received antibiotics with rifampin, moxifloxacin and clarithromycin. Immunosuppression was adjusted to low dose prednisolone only. However, due to persistant poor healing wound, antibiotics was adjusted to rifabutin, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin and doxycycline. Clarithromycin was withdrawn on the second week for suspected side effect of vomiting. Tigecycline was added for secondary wound infection. In addition, plastic surgeon suggested wound care with hypochlorous acid and Microdacyn 60 and performed local debridement once. Results: After admission for one month, there was progressive epithelialization over skin defects of left hand. No more new nodules were found over the integument. She was discharged with oral rifabutin, ciprofloxacin, and azithromycin. After 3 months of treatment, her skin lesion had totally recovered. Conclusion: In immunocompromised host with ulcerating skin lesion, M. haemophilum infection should be taken into consideration, especially when AFB is seen by direct microscopy while routine mycobacterial cultures remain sterile. In most cases, recovery after prolonged antimycobacterial treatment is common. Control of community outbreak of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in three aboriginal villages of Hualien County in eastern Taiwan Cheng Po-Pin 1,2 , Lee Jen-Jyh 1,2 , Lin Chih-Bin 1,2 , Sun Hung-Chieh 4 , Wang Lih Shinn 1, 3 Spoligotyping identified the Beijing strain as the predominant genotype (n = 49, 65.4%), followed by Haarlem H3 (n = 19, 25.3%), and T1(n = 1, 1.3%). Six (8.0%) isolates did not match any spoligotype in the spolDB4 data base. We have determined that 18 (24.0%) isolates were determined to have a unique pattern and 57 (76.0%) were clustered pattern strains (classifying into 6 clusters). The largest cluster (E cluster) belonged to the Beijing genotype and included 26 cases, 12 of whom lived in the same community (ShilinTownship) of 1346 inhabitants with close relationship (relatives, neighbors or friends). The second largest cluster (F cluster) belonged to the Haarlem H3 genotype and comprised 19 patients, 18 of them lived in another community (Hechung Township) of 470 inhabitants with close relationship (relatives, neighbors or friends). All 75 MDR-TB patients in three aboriginal villages were enrolled in the DOTS-Plus program. Five cases were still in treatment, and among 70 patients with final outcomes, 56 (80%) were treated successfully. The prevalence of MDR-TB patients improved dramatically over the last ten years. The proportion of MDR-TB patients with a clustered pattern strain in the three aboriginal villages of Hualien County in eastern Taiwan was very high. The control of community outbreak of MDR-TB is successful over the last 10 years. (See figure) PS 086 Tuberculosis in patients with active malignancy and transplant recipients Louisa J Sun, Heather L Isenman, Catherine WM Ong. Division of Infectious Diseases, National University Health System, Singapore Background: Transplant recipients and patients with malignancies are at high risk of developing tuberculosis (TB). Diagnosis may be delayed in this group of patients as they often present with atypical symptoms. We reviewed the clnical characteristics and treatment outcomes cancer patients and transplant recipients who developed TB in our center in a moderate TB burden country. Methods: Patients with malignancies and transplant recipients were identified from a database of total 724 active TB cases from January 2013 to December 2015. Medical records were reviewed we analysed clinical characteristics including mortality outcomes, site of infection, chemotherapy regimes, duration from transplant to infection, TB drug regimens used and treatment complications. Results: In 3 years, we found 73 cancer patients and 6 transplant recipients who were diagnosed with TB. Lung and haematological cancers accounted for 22% each of the total number of TB cases diagnosed in cancer patients. The median age was 59 years old. Pulmonary TB was the most common site of TB (82%). Other sites included lymph node and gut. Of concern, a large majority of patients with pulmonary TB were smear negative (39 out of 60). Diagnosis was made by positive GeneXpert or culture. 89% of patients had received chemotherapy, including steroids. Patients were treated with standard first-line TB drugs, except for 5 haematology patients who received rifampicin-sparing regimes and 8 oncology patients who received levofloxacin instead of pyrazinamide. 11 patients developed treatment-related complications. All cause-mortality was 22.2%. The transplant group comprised of 4 renal and 2 haematopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCT). There were no liver transplant recipients. The median age was 53 years old. 4 patients had pulmonary TB, of which 3 had positive sputum smears, indicating high infectivity rate. 3 of four renal transplant recipients developed TB at a median of 6 years post-transplant (range 5-7 years). Both HSCT patients developed TB within 6 months post-transplant. All but 1 patient were still on immunosuppression at the time of TB diagnosis. Of the 4 patients who completed treatment, rifampicinsparing regimes were used, with drug-associated complications occurring in 2 patients. The median treatment duration was 9.5 months (range 9-15 months). All-cause mortality was 14.3%. Conclusion: Transplant patients and patients with active malignancy who develop TB are at risk of complications of disease and treatment, and have a high mortality rate. Efforts to decrease active TB rates in this group of immunocompromised patients can reduce patient morbidity and mortality. Serum ferritin levels predict disease severity in pediatric dengue infections Tzong-Shiann Ho 1,2,3 , Han Lee 1 , Ning Chung 1 , Fu-Chun Kuo 1 , Ching-Fen Shen 1 , Shih-Min Wang 1,2,3 , Ching-Chuan Liu 1,3 *. Background: As one of the most prevalent mosquito-borne infectious diseases, dengue results in various clinical outcomes ranging from mild fever to fatal hemorrhagic shock. There is continuously an unmet clinical need for biomarkers of dengue severity. Macrophage activation has been recently observed in severe dengue patients. Serum ferritin is also one of the macrophage activation markers in vivo. This study aims to clarify the relationship between serum ferritin levels and the development of severe dengue in children. Methods: Patients younger than 18 years admitted to a tertiary medical center in southern Taiwan with laboratory-confirmed dengue infections during the 2015 dengue outbreak were included in the current study. Epidemiological characteristics, clinical manifestations and laboratory data of these patients were analyzed by electronic chart record. Serum ferritin levels were determined in patients with available specimens by commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Results: Totally seventy-two pediatric dengue patients (40 males) were grouped by the updated World Health Organization classification. Among them, 53 patients (73.6%) were with warning signs, 6 (8.3%) were classified as severe dengue. Serum ferritin levels was significantly increased in patients with clinically severe dengue (7298 ± 1497 ng/mL) compared with dengue with warning signs (1008 ± 261.3 ng/mL) and age-matched healthy participants. Serum ferritin levels are higher in severe cases on 4th day of dengue infection, a cut-off value of 2377 ng/mL also predicted severe dengue in children with area under curve 0.9853 in receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Results: 40 patients were histopathologically confirmed as KFD, and the mean age of the patients was 13.9 ± 3.1 years. The male to female ratio was 1:1. The lymph node involvements were often cervical (95%) with features of unilateral predisposition (75%), polyadenopathy (84.4%) and tenderness (56.3%). Fever, cough, rhinorrhea, and tonsillitis were other common presentations. Laboratory findings included leukopenia (56.5%), monocytosis (63.6%), and positive results of EB-VCA IgG (88.9%), EB-VCA IgM (22.2%), EBEA IgG (22.2%) and EBNA IgG (88.9%). The univariate analysis of prolonged fever with lymphopenia, monocytosis, thrombocytopenia and necrotizing type in histopathology was disclosed as statistically significant (P < 0.05). Glucocorticoids and Hydroxychloroquine were administered in 15.6% of patients respectively, along with symptomatic treatments for the rest. Recurrence occurred in 11.1% of patients without Hydroxychloroquine treatment. In situ hybridization was performed using internal repeat 1 fragment DNA and EBV-coded small RNA (EBER-1) for EBV, and showed that cases were negative for EBV genome. Conclusion: KFD should be suspected in children with febrile cervical lymphadenopathy, especially when concomitant with leukopenia, monocytosis and past Epstein-Barr virus infection. Lymphopenia, monocytosis, thrombocytopenia and necrotizing type in histopathology are reliable predictors for prolonged fever. Our results suggest EBV may not have causative role in the pathogenesis of KFD. Epidemiology of RSV and Non-RSV acute bronchiolitis and effectiveness of palivizumab Chia-Wan Tang 1 *, Kai-Shen Hsieh 2 . 1 Department of Pediatrics, An-Tai Medical Care Corporation Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital, 2 Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan. Background: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes 50-90% of acute bronchiolitis and 4-50% of pneumonia. Almost 40-60% of all infants infected in the first year and 85-90% infected by age two. Reinfection is common, even within one respiratory season and children tend to have increased risk wheezing episode after RSV infection. The aim of this study is to study the epidemiology of RSV and non-RSV acute bronchiolitis and the effectiveness of Palivizumab, a monoclonal antibody produced by recombinant DNA technology. Methods: A retrospective review of the medical records of children under 2 years of age with acute bronchiolitis hospitalized in a tertiary medical center (VGHKS) in southern Taiwan between January 2005 and December 2014. The patients were grouped in two: RSV positive and RSV negative. We checked the gender and age distribution from the two groups and in addition, we reviewed the duration of hospitalization as well. Results: There were 1727 patients hospitalized for acute bronchiolitis, and (16%) were RSV infections. The male to female distribution was 148 vs 96 in the RSV positive group and 944vs 539 in the RSV negative group. RSV bronchiolitis had longer hospital stays (9 vs. 7 days, P < 0.0001), and the patients suffer from RSV related bronchiolitis were younger of age (0.23 vs 0.5 years, P < 0.0001). Conclusion: RSV related acute bronchiolitis has different seasonality in Taiwan. This disease cause higher morbidity in younger infants and has a more prolonged length of hospital stay. Children who received Palivizumab had less RSV related bronchiolitis. Fever of unknown origin as the first manifestation of malignancies in Albanian adults Migena Qato, Najada Como, Arjan Harxhi, Pellumb Pipero, Iris Koshovari, Dhimiter Kraja. Infectious Diseases Service, UHC "Mother Theresa", Tirana, Albania Background: In the last 60 years, there have been many researches on the various causes of fever, as the definitions and patterns of disease have changed and serological and imaging tools are improved estabilishing in this way the diagnose sooner. Tumoral pathologies are often presented as prolonged febrile syndromes, with fever as the only dominant clinical pattern. In everyday practice they also represent a considerable number of misdiagnoses, mainly infectious nosologies. Considering that tumors and fever are already a solid clinical binomial, the febrile profile has become the most attractive part of tumoral pathologies. Methods: Our study includes 123 cases, during 2010-2015, age groups 20-70 years. The epidemiological study is based on a survey, according to gender, age group and residence; the clinicaldiagnostic study is based on detailed anamnesis, epidemiological survey, clinical, biological, biochemical, microbiological and serological research. Results: Epidemiological Males were 79 cases and females 44 cases. Mean age was 45 years old, resident in town 82 and countryside 41. Clinical A. Topography/tumor Head and neck 9 (Cerebral tumor 7,thyroid 2) Thorax 11(pulmonar adenocarcinoma 8, breast 3 ) Gastrointestinal tract 49 (gastric cancer 4, colon 16, pancreas 15, liver 8, billiary tract 6) Blood 46 (leucosis 19, lymphoma 17, myeloma 8, Hairy Cell Leukemia 2) Urogenita tract 8 (renal cancer 2, prostatic 2, seminoma 1, ovarian3) B. Type of fever/ tumor Continuous (cerebral 3, thyroid 2, pulmonar 6, colon 6, intestinal 1, pancreas 5, acute leucosis 8, billiary tract 2, renal 1, seminoma1, breast 1) Remmitent (cerebral 2, colon 5, intestinal 2, pancreas 4, liver 2, billiary tract 2, acute leucosis 2, HCL 2, seminoma 1,breast 2) Intermmitent (cerebral 2, pulmonar 2, liver 6, billiary tract 2, pancreas 6, colon 5, renal 1) Recurrent (lymphoma 7, acute leucosis 6, myeloma 2) Ondulant (lymfoma 10, acute leucosis 3, myeloma 6). Conclusion: We identified 17 types of febrile tumors, with fever as the first clinical manifestation. Tumor fever debuted in 5 different types; continuous fever dominated with 29.3% of cases. Diagnostic orientation to malignances followed a detailed anamnestic, laboratory and imagery screening which excluded important infectious disease in the first place. At the end of this study we are convinced that the febrile profile is also an important diagnostic tool for a rapid diagnosis of malignancies. Epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and therapeutic survey on HCV infection in hemodyalisis patients Najada Como, Migena Qato, Esmeralda Meta, Pellumb Pipero, Arjan Harxhi, Elda Zogu, Dhimiter Kraja. Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Center "Mother Theresa" Background: Patients of hemodialysis actually represent a target group closely related to infection by hepatitis C virus. Efforts to manage this group of patients are strongly focused on both; the clinical profiling of infected patients and their adecuate treatment, always aiming at the efficacy and maximum safety for these patients Methods: During a one year period, out of 863 hemodialysis patients, we selected 55 patients who resulted anti-HCV IgM positive, agegroup 20-75 years old who had different underlying chronic diseases. Patients evidenced a creatine clearance of <10 ml/ min, detectable anti-HCV antibody and HCV-RNA in the serum, and elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Patients HIV and Hepatitis B coinfections and patients with decompensated hepatic cirrhosis were excluded from the study. Patients underwent monotherapy with pegylated interferon Alfa 2a 135mcg per week for 24 weeks. Results: Epidemiological and clinical findings: 55 patients with mean age 43.5 years, F / M 1.16 ratio, average time in hemodialysis 10.5 years and underlying diseases: chronic renal failure −55 cases, acute pielonephritis −1, renal polycystosis −6, congenital renal atrophy −1, nephrolithiasis-2, transplant −2, nefrectomy-3, arterial hypertension-2, and spondiloarthrosis −1 cases. Laboratory data evidenced elevated serum level of ALT which varied from 98 to 2047UI/L and bilirubine levls up to 2.3 mg/dL. Laboratory data also evidenced anemia in 53 cases, leucopenia 43 cases and thrombocytopenia 46 cases Therapeutic: Peginterferon Alfa 2a monotherapy resulted with sustained virological response in 60% of cases (mean HCVRNA at baseline 3.6 × 10 (5) and in the end of 24 weeks resulted undetectable). Conclusion: HCV infection in hemodyalisis patients remains the major cause of chronic liver and its complication. Each of our patients evidenced a mild clinical form of hepatitisprobably related to immunocompromised status and HD procedure and the adverse effects of peginterferon therapy appeared minimal compared to the efficacy of treatment in our patients. Nevertheless, at the end, the HCV infection negatively impacts survival on dialysis. Monomicrobial necrotizing fasciitis predicting factors: a prospective case series study in a single center Tsung-Yu Huang 1,2 , Yao-Hung Tsai 3 , Hui-Ju Chuang 3 , Wei-Hsiu Hsu 3 *. 1 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of ascertain whether the clinical presentation and outcome for patients with this disease differ for those infected with a gramnegative as compared to gram-positive pathogen. Methods: Seventy patients with monomicrobial necrotizing fasciitis were examined prospectively from April 2015 to May 2017. All patients received prompt radical debridement, adequate broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, aggressive resuscitation with or without adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Thirty-nine patients were infected with a gram-negative pathogen (Group 1) and 31 patients with a gram-positive pathogen (Group 2). Results: Group 1 was characterized by a higher incidence of marine related events, hemorrhagic bullae, tachypnea and septic shock, higher Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score, a higher rate of bandemia, bacteremia, hypoalbumenia and a lower prevalence of Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis score (LRINEC score). Higher International Normalize Ratio (INR), lower level of C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen were more prevalent in Group 1. Shorter time to diagnosis, fewer delay diagnosis for necrotizing fasciitis, a higher rate of acute respiratory failure and higher admission rate of intensive care unit (ICU) admission were more common in Group 1. In a multivariate analysis, marine related events (odds ratio ( Background: Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is widely known as the pathogen that usually causes chickenpox and shingle in primary infected patients and reactivation of endogenous latent virus host respectively. However, VZV-caused pneumonia is quite rare comparing to the skin lesion. Methods: This is a 42-year-old male without any chronic illness was admitted because of skin eruptions, fever up to 40 degree, coughing with little sputum, general malaise and muscle soreness. Laboratory data revealed leukocytosis with monocyte predominate, percentage of band form neutrophil and atypical lymphocyte elevation, and liver enzyme was two times higher than the upper limit. Results: On admission, chest X-ray film showed coarse lung markings in the bilateral lungs with diffused reticulonodular density which developed into interstitial pneumonitis. Under the medication of dexamethasone 5 mg Q12H and acyclovir 250 mg Q8H for 5 days, his skin lesion started crusting and his pulmonary symptoms improved. Conclusion: This is our first proven case of VZV pneumonia in this year. Although pulmonary involvement of VZV is uncommon, we should be kept in mind in order to prevent patient from severe VZV pneumonia causing disaster which often require ventilator support. The Background: Diclofenac, one of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), was reported to be associated with the alleviation in the severity of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), due to its inhibitory effect on phospholipase A2 and cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2), which play important roles in disruption of epithelial integrity and gut inflammatory response induced by C. difficile toxin A. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of NSAID exposure on CDI. Methods: A published mouse model of CDI, which was induced by prior exposure to antibiotics and proton pump inhibitor, was used. The mice were fed by diclofenac at the dose of 5 μg/kg or 10 μg/kg or phosphate buffered saline (as the control) by oral gavage prior to CDI. The severity of CDI, including body weight change, stool consistency, cecum and colon length, and bacterial burden of C. difficile in the cecum and stool, were evaluated. The mRNA and protein levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and Cox-2 were determined in the colonic tissues. Results: Cox-2 and PGE2 were highly expressed in the colonic tissues during CDI. PGE2 levels were decreased after treated with diclofenac. The severity of colitis induced by C. difficile, including body weight loss, cecum weight loss, and cecum length shortening, was decreased in the diclofenac-treated mice as compared the vehicle-treated control mice. Besides, treatment with diclofenac at either dose can decrease the bacterial burden of C. difficile in the cecum and stool, and also reverse the ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes in the microbiota of cecum and stool. Conclusion: Treatment of diclofenac attenuates the severity of CDI in a murine model. Use suppository form of metronidazole to avoid encephalopathy side-effect Huai-En Lu 1 , Li-Hsin Tsao 2 , Yuarn-Jang Lee 3,4 , Shu-Chen Chien 1 . Background/Case Presentation: A 65-year-old man was diagnosed rectal cancer in 2011 and recurrent perianal abscess since 2012 for more than 4 years. All his pus cultures yield Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Finegoldia magna, Eggerthella lenta, Anaerococcus prevotii, and Bacteroides uniformis. He was followed in infectious outpatient department and taken metronidazole plus ceftibuten for relapse perianal abscess recently since Dec. 2016. However, dizziness and ataxia developed about one month later. Metronidazole-induced encephalopathy was diagnosed by clinical symptoms and image study, and reversibly improved symptoms after metronidazole cessation. But, untolerable side-effect and uncontrolled infection noted when received other antibiotics for anaerobic pathogen covering. Thus, we tried to re-challenge metronidazole to achieve well infection control and to avoid it associated side-effect. Discussion: Our problem was how to avoid metronidazole related encephalopathy when re-challenge metronidazole. Our hospital has different dosage form of metronidazole, including entericcoated tablets, injection, suppository and gel. We thought suppository form (supp.) is a good choice base on pharmacokinetics of metronidazole for perianal infection. The rectal absorption of metronidazole was about one-half or even less of that oral administration. Hepatic first-pass elimination of metronidazole may partially avoid after rectal administration. Therefore, we used metronidazole 250 mg supp. every night for few days then titrated to 500mg supp. every six hours. The discharge got better and no more metronidazole related encephalopathy symptoms observed. Conclusion: Encephalopathy has been reported in patients who received metronidazole or some antibiotics. Different dosage form of drug is another choice to avoid side-effect. And we also need to consider site of infection, severity of infection and bioavailability of drug. Salmonella osteomyelitis: a single center, retrospective case series with literature review Chin-Kang Wan 1 , Da-Wei Wang 1 , Cheng-Hua Huang 1 *, Wen-Chun Hsu 2 , Ming-Hsueh Tsai 2 , Li-Min Chang 2 . 1 Department of Internal Medicine, Cathay General Hospital Taipei, 2 Clinical Pathology, Cathay General Hospital Taipei Background: Salmonellae cause a broad spectrum of illness including gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, or extraintestinal manifestations through hematogenous metastases. Salmonella osteomyelitis is an uncommon extraintestinal manifestation and especially rare in patients without predisposing factors such as sickle cell disease, systemic lupus erythematosus or immunocompromised. Previous studies reported that Salmonella osteomyelitis accounts for only 0.8% of all Salmonella infection and 0.45% of all type of osteomyelitis. We herein present 5 immunocompetent cases of Salmonella osteomyelitis without sickle cell disease. Methods: 128 patients were diagnosed of Salmonella bacteremia between January 2006 and April 2017 at Cathay General Hospital, and clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Results: All patients were older than 60 and three of them were female, showing age predilection. Three patients were diagnosed of vertebral osteomyelitis, one patient was diagnosed of tibial osteomyelitis and the remaining one patient was suspected to be sacroiliitis. All patients received protracted antibiotics treatment according to susceptibility and two patients received prolonged antibiotic administration with add-on probenecid for recurrent salmonella osteomyelitis. No patients underwent surgical intervention and all patients survived the disease. Conclusion: Salmonella osteomyelitis is rarely seen in immunocompetent adults. Duration of antibiotics is of paramount in treating these patients to avoid relapses and failure. Add-on therapy with probenecid in relapses of salmonella osteomyelitis has never been reported in preceding studies and its efficacy is encouraging in our study. Further studies are needed to investigate this approach in patients of salmonella osteomyelitis. Distribution of extended-spectrum β-lactamases, AmpC βlactamases, and carbapenemases among Enterobacteriaceae isolates causing intra-abdominal and urinary tract infections in the Asia-Pacific region from 2008 through 2014: results of the study for monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends (SMART) Shio-Shin Jean 1 , Po-Ren Hsueh 2 . Background: To investigate the antimicrobial resistance and assess the molecular characteristics of β-lactamases (ESBL, AmpC βlactamases, carbapenemases) among Enterobacteriaceae isolates that caused intra-abdominal infections (IAI) in patients hospitalized in the Asia-Pacific region during 2008-14. Methods: Multiplex PCR assay was applied for detecting the specific types of β-lactamases in 2893 isolates with ertapenem MICs >0.5 g/L. In-hospital acquisition times for most isolates were also delineated. Results: Among 2728 isolates proven with β-lactamase production, the rates of non-susceptibility to imipenem were low (average= 7.9%) among IAI Enterobacteriaceae isolates from all Asia-Pacific countries except Vietnam (17.7%) and the Philippines (10.2%). A stepwise and significant increase in annual rates of carbapenemase production among these isolates was noted. CTX-M-15, and CTX-M-14 were the dominant ESBL variants in most IAI Enterobacteriaceae species. The most abundant AmpC β-lactamase variants were bla CMY-2 among isolates of Escherichia coli and bla DHA-1 among isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. In addition, the IAI Enterobacteriaceae isolates harboring the bla CMY-2 and bla DHA-1 alleles were associated with high community-acquired rates (38.0% and 42.6%, respectively). AmpC ACT and MIR variants were mostly detected in IAI Enterobacter species. The IAI bla NDM-1, 4, 5, 7harboring isolates of E. coli, K. pneumoniae and Enterobacter cloacae were mostly commonly identified among IAI isolates from Vietnam and the Philippines. Also of note, bla OXA-48 -harboring IAI Enterobacteriaceae isolates were detected in the Vietnam. Conclusion: The high resistance burden in Vietnam and the Philippines warrants aggressive control policies to combat the worsening resistance trend in antimicrobial resistance among Enterobacteriaceae isolates causing IAIs. Background: The Brugada syndrome is a well-known autosomal dominant genetic disorder (sodium channel SCN genes: SCN5A or SCN10A…etc) which predominates in male, and one of the major reasons for sudden cardiac death in middle age adults. Brugada syndrome had been widely discussed but the prevalence has not been well studied, and the risk factors are still in debate. We found a case of influenza A infection induced Brugada syndrome. Methods: Patient was a 64-year-old previously healthy nonsmoker man who had been traveled to Taitung four days prior to this admission. He denied any contact experiences but suffered from dry cough with rhinorrhea and myalgia for three days. He visited Fenglin Veterans Hospital where rapid flu test was positive for influenza A, and the patient received Relenza treatment. Two days before the admission, he had a new onset of intermittent retrosternal pain which was not aggravated by exertion or relieved at rest, and could be radiated to upper back and last 5-10 minutes. There was no fever, no nausea or vomiting during chest tightness attacked. At our Emergency room, he was afebrile with 36 o C, blood pressure was 118/53 mmHg; Heart rates was 63 beats per minute. On physical examination, he had cold sweats, regular heart beats without murmur. Chest x-ray film showed bilateral lower lungs infiltration. Serial ECG showed intermittent AV dissociation, downsloping ST-elevation at V2-4. Results: On admission, troponin I levels were elevated from 0.05 to 0.1ng/ml. He had no obvious chest pain or cardiopulmonary distress. Repeat throat swab for influenza PCR test confirmed influenza A infection. The serial ECG showed Brugada pattern and cardiac echo revealed mild anterior wall hypokinesis. Coronary angiogram revealed non-significant stenosis of left main artery and left anterior descending artery. Aspirin and statin were administered. His general condition was much improved after treatment, and chest x-ray showed decreased bilateral infiltrations. He was discharged with much improvement six days after admission, and followed up at Infectious Disease and Cardiology OPD. Later, the gene laboratory at National Taiwan University confirmed SCN5A gene mutation. Conclusion: Brugada electrocardiographic changes has not yet been associated with Influenza in current medicine, only two case reports were found on the Pubmed. However, this time we had genetic with clinical evidence shows that Infuenza A may had related to induce Brugada syndrome, which gives more information in study groups for Brugada syndrome in Taiwan. Herpes zoster sacral with dysfunction of the urinary bladder and anorectal muscle Como Najada, Meta Esmeralda, Kraja Dhimiter, Pipero Pellumb, Harxhi Arjan. Infectious Diseases Departament UHC "Mother Theresa" Tirane Introduction: Affect of visceral organs during herpes zoster is rare phenomena, althought very important because can occur diagnostic and therapeutic errors, exacerbated the progress of diseases. Case Presantation: A 61 years old men was hospitalized in our clinic as herpes zoster sacral multidermatomes. He presents vesicular eruption in the sacral region including 4 dermatomes, associated with urinary retension and combustion, preceded by pain of lower limbs started a week before. After 5 days abdominal pain occours, pain in the right testicle, fever, the hipersensitivity during palpacion on right part of abdomen; urinary catheter settled as result of urinary retension. In lab exams resulted high level of leukocytes, pyuria, (blood culture sterile, urinary culture P aeruginosa), in abdominal imaging (ultrasound, CT scan) identified fluid in duglas, and hydrocele at the right epidedimis, which resulted an orchioepididimitis. EMG was in its normal physiological parameters. The case is being treated with acyclovir oral and locally, antibiotics, NSAI. Defecation was settled in 6th day of hospitalization;eruption began to disappear by the 13th day, while during persist urinary retention and urinary catheter was removed after 5 weeks. Conclusions: Case was considered Herpes Zoster sacral complicated with urinary bladder dysfunction, the extended urinary retension, urosepsis by P Aeruginosa, anorectal dysfunction with constipation and erectile emphatic. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae bacteremia: an uncommon zoonotic pathogen Chu-chun Lin 1 , Lih-shinn Wang 1,2 , Huei-jen Chao 3 , Si-shiuan Peng 3 , Teng-yi Lin 3 . 1 School of Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Buddhist Hualien Tzu-Chi Hospital, Taiwan, 3 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Buddhist Hualien Tzu-Chi Hospital, Taiwan Background: Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae usually infects animals but not humans. Patients with history of wild animals contacts should be considered as having an infection caused by an uncommon zoonotic pathogen. Methods: Patient was a 44-year-old man with HBV infection, alcoholic liver cirrhosis, gastric and esophageal varices, and hypertension. He just had an admission for cellulitis and blood culture grew Streptococcus equinus, which is always abundant in the feces of horses, but uncommon in humans. He was sent to Yu-Li Tzu Chi hospital for altered consciousness with bloody vomiting for a few hours. At ER, he had a mild fever of 38.5°C, with blood pressure of 169/72 mmHg, and pale conjunctivae and icteric sclerae were noticed. Then he was transferred to Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. Lab data showed normocytic anemia with hemoglobin of 7.3 g/dL, thrombocytopenia with platelet count of 38,000/uL, and a white blood cell count of normal range but with bandemia (7%). Elevated NH3, AST, TBI, DBI, PT and aPTT, and decreased albumin were noted. He was diagnosed of upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and a systemic infection with unknown source, and was given PRBC and platelet transfusion, pantoprazole, tranexamic acid, and terlipressin. Flomoxef was initiated as an empirical antibiotic treatment. Results: Panendoscopy revealed gastric varices and small erosive shallow bleeding ulcers at antrum and body, and he had histoacryl injection and Argon plasma coagulation. Because of previous S. equinus bacteremia, the patient might have a unique contact history. On the second hospital day, blood culture grew an uncommon gram-positive bacillus, with borderline gram-negative staining ( Figure A) . Clear rod-shaped bacteria were seen on blood smear ( Figure B ). The colonies grew selectively on blood agar plate ( Figure C) , and the H 2 S precipitation was seen on triple sugar iron media ( Figure D) . The isolate was identified as Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. The patient indeed had a recent exposure to wild boars, deer and Formosa muntjac. Flomoxef was switched to ceftriaxone treatment. Echocardiography did not reveal vegetation, and Gallium-67 whole body inflammation scintigraphy did not demonstrate any source of inflammation. The patient was afebrile after admission. All laboratory data were improving during hospital stay. Then he was discharged after 15 days of ceftriaxone treatment. Conclusion: E. rhusiopathiae occurs most commonly as an occupational disease. Penicillins and cephalosporins are the drugs of choice for treatment. A fatal case of primary sternal osteomyelitis presenting as anterior wall abscess Chen Peichen 1 , Wang Lishin 1,2 , Chang Paoyuan 1,3 . 1 School of Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, 3 Department of Radiology, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Background: Primary sternal osteomyelitis (PSO) is rare, yet potentially carries a devastating outcome. It is generally caused by Staphylococcus aureus, but can be caused by S. epidermidis, gramnegative bacilli, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Clinicians need to consider PSO when a patient presents with anterior chest pain, swelling, and bacteremia. We report the case of a 41 years old female presented with PSO without previous chest surgery or trauma. The patient was a 41-year-old woman with a medical history of diabetes mellitus and liver cirrhosis, Child C. She presented a painful, anterior chest wall swelling for one month. The patient denied any cardiac surgery, trauma or acupuncture history. She began with a fever, and had progressive dyspnea 2 days prior. The patient was sent to the emergency room of another hospital, and had a debridement of the chest wall abscess than admitted to the intensive care unit. Pus and blood cultures grew Klebsiella pneumoniae, and cefoperazone/sulbactam was administered. Liver abscess was considered as a possible source, but not confirmed. She was then transferred to our hospital. Results: On physical examination, there was a 7 cm long, 4 cm wide, and 3 cm deep open, clean surgical wound with some cauterized granulation tissue. White blood count was 11,400/uL. Wound culture grew oxacillin-resistant S. aureus (ORSA), and sputum culture grew Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Cefoperazone/ sulbactam was switched to pipercillin/tazobactam and tigecycline. The patient had a second debridement on hospital day 14. Whole body inflammation scan and chest computed tomography ( Figure. ) showed sternal osteomyelitis, mediastinitis and pericarditis. Tigecycline was switched to daptomycin for coverage of ORSA. She had sternectomy on day 47, and wound culture grew K. pneumoniae. Pipercillin/tazobactam was switched to cefmetazole. However, the infection wasn't well controlled. She had an altered consciousness and died on hospital day 90. Conclusion: Due to rare clinical experiences, we have no standard approach for PSO. However, the presentation of PSO is insidious, and a diagnosis can often be delayed. PSO should be borne in mind when a patient presents with an anterior wall abscess. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome presenting as purpura fulminans Yuh-shyan Wu 1 , Lih-shinn Wang 1,2 , Ya-ru Wu 1,3 , Si-shiuan Peng 4 . Background: Purpura fulminans is a rare syndrome of intravascular thrombosis and hemorrhagic infarction accompanied by vascular collapse and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). It is typically associated with meningococcal infection and is rapidly progressive. Our patient is a case of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome presented as symmetric peripheral gangrene and necrosis of large areas of the skin of limbs. Methods: Patient was a 59-year-old obese woman. She came to the hospital with yellowish productive cough for one week, and had fevers for 2 days. Septic shock developed during hospital stay, and she was transferred to intensive care unit for resuscitation. She had progressive swollen face, eyelid and neck. Head and neck, chest and abdomen CT disclosed extensive cellulitis of the neck. Results: Laboratory data at admission revealed leukocytosis with left shift, acute kidney injury, and lactate acidosis. Blood cultures showed group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus. Examination of pleural fluid disclosed gram-positive cocci. Cultures of sputum, pleural fluid and urine showed negative findings. The patient was treated with vancomycin, meropenem and clindamycin. 5 days after admission, she had a fever of 40°C, and blood culture grew Candida albicans. Sputum culture also grew Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis. Catheter and urine cultures were sterile. Antifungal agent was administered. She had gangrene of bilateral upper and lower limbs, and right upper chest on hospital day 14. The manifestations were consistent with purpura fulminans and DIC, and she was treated with platelet transfusion and anticoagulant. 23 days after admission, she had bilateral below knee amputation. 13 days after admission, DIC developed and laboratory data revealed prolonged aPTT (>180 sec), low platelet (91 × 10 3 /uL), and elevated level of D dimer (8261.93 ng/mL). Amputation of the hands was also suggested, but the family refused further management. Then the patient had hospice and was discharged due to terminal condition. Conclusion: Purpura fulminans is rare and most commonly occurs in babies and small children, but can be more rare in adults. In severe sepsis, purpura fulminans typically develops in the distal extremities and progresses proximally affecting the whole body surface. 40-70% of adult patients with sepsis-associated purpura fulminans die. histoplasmosis. It is usually self-limiting or localized in immunocompetent individuals. Disseminated disease usually occurs in immunocompromised patients or in patients with chronic illness. We describes a Taiwanese who have human immunodeficiency viral infection and histoplasmosis. Methods: A 23-year-old man, denied major systemic disorder or foreign country travel before admission, presented to emergency room with 2-week fever. Cough, abdominal fullness and body weight loss were associated. Thrombocytopenia (Platelet 19,000/ ul), cavity in left upper lung zone and hepatosplenomegaly were noted initially. After admission, acute human immunodeficiency viral infection was diagnosed. The laboratory data also revealed hypertriglyceridemia and high ferritin. He received antiretroviral therapy immediately due to suspected virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome. The bone marrow studies were also arranged. Hypotension, metabolic acidosis with respiratory failure still developed on the fifth day of hospitalization. Results: The bone marrow studies revealed abundant yeast-like microorganism in histiocytes and hemophagocytosis. The serum Galactomannan test was positive result also. Liposomal Amphotericin B was administered for invasive fungal infection. Three weeks later, the blood fungal culture which collected when admission and the bone marrow fungal culture all yield Histoplasma spp. The Liposomal amphotericin B was switched to Voriconazole orally. He was extubation successfully and discharge on the 42th day of hospitalization Conclusion: Histoplasmosis is a rare disease in Taiwan, and few microbiologically documented cases have been previously reported. It is commonly diagnosed in areas of endemicity but frequently overlooked in areas of nonendemicity due to a low index of suspicion among physicians. In HIV-infected patient who present with thrombocytopenia, hemophagocytotic syndrome and cavitary pulmonary lesion, a differential diagnosis of histoplasmosis should be kept in mind. Imaging in sepsis-associated encephalopathy Masaki Fujioka 1 *, Akihiro Shindo 2 , Kei Suzuki 1 . 1 Mie University Hospital, the Emergency and Critical Care Center, 2 Mie University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Neurology Background: Sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) refers to acute neurological dysfunction that arises in the context of extracranial sepsis. Despite use of variety of diagnostic techniques, however, SAE remains a clinical diagnosis and could represent a variety of pathophysiological processes that are both related and unrelated to coexistent sepsis. Herein we describe impressive imaging in patient with SAE. Methods: We experienced a 66-year-old man with prolonged fever and diarrhea progressed into a coma, who brought to our hospital. Laboratory tests revealed multiple organ failure, and a computed tomography scan showed severe intestinal inflammation. Initial resuscitation was initiated for septic shock due to severe enteritis. His general condition gradually improved, without consciousness restoration. On day 15, his Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score was 3, and MRI was continuousuly performed. Results: MRI showed enhanced fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) signal in the white matter. Susceptibility-weighted imaging revealed multiple microbleeds. These findings indicated SAE, which is associated with extracranial sepsis. The pathophysiology is thought to involve blood-brain-barrier leakage. His GCS score improved to 7, and FLAIR signal enhancement in the white matter decreased on day 36. Furthermore, MRI showed decreased enhancement on day 60, without further improvement of consciousness. The diffuse and severe white matter abnormalities like those we observed in our patient are rare and have been associated with poor outcome. This case shows that severe encephalopathy with extensive white matter lesions might be a reversible condition. Clinicians should realize that this condition and give cautious eyes to the first signs of improvement of the clinical condition. We deem it necessary to do follow-up and repeated MRI study. A scheme to test Clostridium difficile and rapid to improve performance of detection for C. difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) Jiann-Yuan Chen, I-Jen Wang, Ling-Na Shih, Jiin-Chyr Hsu. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan Background: Clostridium difficile (CD) is a common cause of hospital-acquired diarrhea, which is usually associated with previous antibiotic use. C. difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) is most strongly associated with fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, carbapenems, and clindamycin. most common cause of pseudomembranous colitis (PMC). Clostridium difficile should be considered in diarrhea cases with a history of antibiotic use within the last 8 weeks (community-associated CDI) or with a hospital stay of at least 3 days, regardless of the duration of antibiotic use (hospitalacquired CDI). Methods: 43 stools were collected from the suspected CD infection cases (all > 25 years of age) admitted in two regional hospitals in north Taiwan. The samples during the period of November 2016 to May 2017. The effectiveness analysis of glutamate dehydrogenase antigen (GDH)and toxin A/B combined assay (brand A: RIDA ® QUICK) versus a two-step algorithm for optimal detection of toxigenic CD. Each two-step algorithm, stools were using the RIDA ® QUICK GDH for screening, if positive, tested for toxin by RIDA ® QUICK Toxin A/B and tested for Toxin A &Toxin B single each other (brand B:Mascia Brunelli) to double check, then were underwent anaerobic stool culture on Cycloserine Cefoxitin Fructose Agar (CCFA). Results: Over 7 months, we can calculate the laboratories' expenses were 37% less than if combined assay alone. The brand A&B testing kits provide a rapid turnaround time than anaerobic stool culture (1 hour vs 72 hours). A total of 43 suspected CDI patients, 34.9% (15/43) were GDH positive and Toxin A/B positive was 9.3% (4/43). Distribution of sex and age with CD colonization (GDH + ) were 6 males and 4 females in age group ≧65 years (66.7%, 10/15). Two (13.3%, 2/15) were GDH-positive and toxin A/B positive by both tests. The risk of toxigenic CD (GDH + , Toxin A/B + ) infection between male and female was not significant (2.3% vs 2.3%). Conclusion: Our study suggested one or two-step algorithm for the detection of CD infection is a reliable, cost-effective, and timesaving strategy. The prevalence of toxicgenic CD infection based on a two-step algorithm is similar to that reported in previous literature in Taiwan. When GDH antigen positive had 100% match compared to the culture on CCFA agar was indentified Clostridium difficile. Also proved that C. difficile strains appear to produce the cell wall-associated enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase antigen (GDH). Clinical characteristics of bacteraemia caused by Burkholderia cepacia complex species and antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates in a medical centre in Taiwan Ying-Chun Chien 1 *, Chun-Hsing Liao 2 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1 , Jung-Yien Chien 1 , Yu-Tsung Huang 2,3 , Chong-Jen Yu 1 , Po-Ren Hsueh 1, 3 Background: Data about bacteraemia caused Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC) among patients without cystic fibrosis are limited. This study is intended to investigate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with bacteraemia due to different species of BCC. Methods: Patients with BCC bacteraemia who were treated at a medical centre from January 2013 to February 2015 were evaluated. BCC isolates were identified to species level by Bruker Biotyper MALDI-TOF MS and sequencing analysis by 16S rRNA and recA genes. Antimicrobial susceptibilities of the isolates were determined by the agar dilution method. Results: Sequencing of the recA gene in the 54 blood isolates revealed 37 (68.5%) isolates of B. cenocepacia, 9 (16.7%) B. cepacia, 4 (7.4%) isolates of B. multivorans and one isolate each of B. arboris, B. pseudomultivorans, B. seminalis, and B. vietnamiensis. The overall performance of the Bruker Biotyper MALDI-TOF MS system for correctly identifying the 54 BCC isolates to the species level was 79.6% that was better than that (16.7%) by 16S RNA sequencing analysis. Bacteraemic pneumonia (n = 23, 42.6%) and catheterrelated bacteraemia (n = 21, 38.9%) were the most common types of infection. Higher rates of ceftazidime and meropenem resistance were found in B. cepacia isolates (33.3% and 22.2%, respectively) than in isolates of B. cenocepacia (21.6% and 10.8%, respectively) and other species (12.5% and 12.5%, respectively). Overall, the 30-day mortality rate was 38.9% (21/54). Bacteraemia caused by BCC species other than B. cenocepacia and B. cepacia (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 20.005, P = 0.024) and high SOFA score (aOR 1.412, P = 0.003) were predictive of higher 30-day mortality. Conclusion: Correct identification of BCC complex to species level is important because different BCC complex species was associated with different outcomes of bacteraemia and exhibited different susceptibility patterns. Evaluation of TPLA as an initial syphilis-screening test Ryosei Murai 1 , Koji Yamada 1 , Nozomi Yanagihara 1,2 , Satoshi Takahashi 1,2 . 1 Division of Laboratory Medicine, Sapporo Medical University Hospital, 2 Department of Infection Control and Laboratory Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine Background: Syphilis serological tests are divided into nontreponemal and treponemal tests, and neither is sufficient alone for diagnosis. Traditionally, initial syphilis screening begins with the nontreponemal test (traditional algorithm); however, recent advancements in instrumentation have enabled more automated and objective approaches to the treponemal test (reverse algorithm). The reverse algorithm for initial syphilis screening was limited to enzyme immunoassay (EIA) or chemiluminescence immunoassay (CIA). Recently, a TPLA method that uses Treponema pallidum components coated on latex particles using a chemical wide use automatic analyzer was developed. We evaluated the use of this reagent, instead of EIA or CIA, for initial syphilis screening in the reverse algorithm. Methods: A total of 90 stored samples were reacted with Mediace ® TPLA (Sekisui Medical Co, Tokyo, Japan) or Mediace ® RPR (Sekisui Medical Co, Tokyo, Japan) and tested. We evaluated four different automated syphilis serological tests, including Architect Syphilis TP ® (Abbott Diagnostics, Tokyo, Japan), Lumipulse ® presto TP (Fujirebio Inc, Tokyo, Japan), Serodia ® -TP·PA (Fujirebio INC, Tokyo, Japan), Esplain ® TP (Fujirebio Inc, Tokyo, Japan). Samples were stored at −40°C and thawed immediately prior to analysis. We confirmed the results with FTA-ABS and TPPA. Results: In the analysis, 46 of 90 samples tested positive with Mediace ® TPLA, and the false positive rate was 0%. However, the false-negative rate of Mediace ® TPLA was 2.27% (1 of 44), whereas that of Lumipulse ® presto TP was 0% and that of Architect Syphilis TP ® was 2.27%. Conclusion: The performance of Mediace ® TPLA is nearly equivalent to that of Lumipulse ® presto and Architect Syphilis TP ® . The cost per test for Mediace ® TPLA is lower than that for other tests. Because Mediace ® TPLA has various advantages such as low cost, high IgM-detection power, and easy operability, it should be recommended for the initial screening test. Using a new method to culture the C. difficile from environment Chih-Chen Lin 1,2 , Chang-Pan Liu 1,2 , Fu-Chieh Chang 1 . 1 Infection Control Center, MacKay memorial Hospital, 2 Department of Infection, MacKay memorial Hospital Background: C. difficile is a gram-positive bacillus that belong anaerobic bacteria which contain spore. In previous studies, this bacterium can survive in hard situation for 3 months or longer. In clinical, if we don't disinfect complete, it will provide a chance to spread it. So, if we had a efficient method that can culture this bacterium from environment, it would be useful for infection control. Methods: In this study, we used Banana broth as a selective broth. We collected the sample from the environment that CDI patient used before. We use the swab and 0.9% normal saline to touch the surface then put the swab into the broth. Then we culture it on 35°C without anaerobic incubacted. After 48 hours, we checked the color of the broth, if C. difficile growth on this broth, the color will become to yellow. Results: In this study, we collected 12 sample from the environment. And there were 2 broths changed to yellow. After PCR checked, all of the bacterium were C. difficile. That's to say, this broth can be a selective broth for C. difficile. Conclusion: In this study, we found the Banana broth was a great selective broth to culture C. difficile without anaerobic incubated. Otherwise, through the change of color, its very easy for staff to check the result and don't need to culture by using CCFA agar. Burkholderia pseudomallei causing urinary tract infection and fever: a case report Yin-Tai Tsai 1 , Tzu-Ying Lee 1 , Ruo-Tzu Li 1 , Chuan-Ru Wang 1 , Chia-Hsin Hsieh 1 , Jui-Hua Hsu 1 , Meng-Ting Hsieh 1 , Wen-Shyang Hsieh 1,2,3 , Hsaio-Wei Wang 4,5 , Yung-Ching Liu 4,5 . We present a case of urinary tract infection and fever caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei who was admitted at a Northern Reginal hospital in Taiwan. The case is presented to highlight the identification of this rare pathogenic organism in the laboratory from the samples collected and to start the treatment early for better prognosis since the mortality is high without treatment. Methods: 46-year-old male presented to Emergency Department with symptoms of breathe heavily and hematuria and fever. On examination patient suspected urinary tract infection. Samples of urine, blood and pus collected using sterile swabs from the discharge of cellulitis was sent to microbiology laboratory for culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Microbiological culture and identification revealed the etiologic agent to be Burkholderia pseudomallei. The organism was susceptible to ceftazidime (30 μg), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (1.25/ 23.75 μg). The strain was resistant to amikacillin (30 μg), and colistin (10 μg). His fasting blood glucose was 233 mg/dl. Results: Patient was started with Ciprofloxacin, Ceftazidime, or Doripenem/Imipenem/Meropenem at least 14 days. He was put on antidiabetic therapy. Second sample of blood collected after five days was negative for culture. Conclusion: Urinary tract infection is common in diabetics, and in a diabetic patient B. pseudomallei, a rare pathogen can cause infection. This organism can be overlooked in routine cultures as contaminant especially if the bacterial growth on the culture plate is polymicrobial. Identification requires a great deal of clinical suspicion as well as alertness on the part of laboratory personnel. Melioidosis caused by should be considered in the differential diagnosis in diabetic men with urinary tract infection, especially if they come from areas where melioidosis is prevalent. Appropriate treatment must be initiated to prevent complications. Diagnostic accuracy of Interferon-γ Release Assay for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in children above the age of 5 years Fang-Ching Liu 1 , Yuan-Hsin Chu 2 . 1 Division of Infectious Disease, Jen-Ai Hospital, 2 Department of Infection Control, Jen-Ai Hospital Background: Taiwan CDC promoted the TB preventive program which introducing international recommended new LTBI diagnostic tests such as IGRAs (Interferon-γ release assays) and treatment prescription for TB contacts of all age groups from March 1, 2016. IGRAs have been widely used for the diagnosis of latent and active tuberculosis in adults, but their role in diagnosing LTBI in children younger than 5 years remains debating. Here we perform an EBM approach to evaluate diagnostic accuracy for LTBI in children above the age of 5 years. Methods: A PICO was formulated, P: children above 5 years old; I: (IGRAs OR interferon-gamma OR Interferon-γ); O: diagnostic accuracy for LTBI. These terms and synonyms were engaged with Boolean character (AND, OR) into a keyword to search Cochrane Library and PubMed databases. Clinical diagnostic questions, according to the Oxford Level of Evidence 2011, systematic review (SR) of cross-sectional studies with reference standard would be the best evidence. In PubMed a relevant SR was retrieved out of 87 searching results for critical appraisal. Conclusion: Though Taiwan CDC still use TST as diagnostic tool for LTBI in children younger than 5 years. Probably due to blood draws can be more difficult in young kids, or other considerations such as cost-effectiveness. However, this Level 1 evidence showed that the diagnostic performance of IGRAs were slightly higher than TST and can be used as supporting assays to detect LTBI in children above the age of 5 years. PS 114 10 cases of hematologic malignancy that caused gastrointestinal perforation Kazuhiko Natori, Daisuke Nagase, Akiko Shibuya, Yurika Mitsui, Yasunobu Kuraishi, Haruka Fujino. Division of Hematology and Oncology, Toho University Medical Center Oomori Hospital Background: It is common that malignant lymphoma infiltrates the digestive tract. It may also cause gastrointestinal perforation after starting chemotherapy, resulting from its good response to the therapy. The occurrence of gastrointestinal perforation during chemotherapy often leads to a fatal outcome. We report our experience with 10 patients who developed gastrointestinal perforation while being observed for malignant lymphoma. Methods: Among patients with histopathologically diagnosed hematologic malignancy between 1988 and 2015, 10 patients with gastrointestinal perforation were selected. The histopathological diagnosis was consistent with the WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, fourth edition (2008). Results: The ratio of men to women was 8:2 and the median age was 64 years (range: 40-77 years). The histopathologic type was non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in all patients, with a subtype of T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) in 1 patient, follicular lymphoma in 1 patient, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in 6 patients, diffuse large Tcell lymphoma in 1 patient, multiple myeoma 1 case. About malignant lymphoma, according to the Ann Arbor staging system, the clinical stage was IE in 2 patient, IIIE1 in 1 patient, IV in 5 patients. Perforation occurred prior to chemotherapy in 2 patients, after completion of the first cycle of chemotherapy in 6 patients, after 4 cycles in 1 patient, after 6 cycles in 1 patient, during the advanced stage of chemotherapy-refractory lymphoma in 1 patient, and during recurrence after complete response in 1 patient. Conclusion: According to our experience, it was suggested that curative resection is not mandatory in patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal perforation and it is important to start chemotherapy in the early postoperative period and select a safer surgical procedure, such as limited surgery, flexibly assessing the necessity of removing the lesions. Background: Serum procalcitonin (PCT) has been touted as a diagnostic marker to predict severe bacterial infection these days. This study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of PCT in diagnosis of various types of bacterial infection in children, by comparing with other inflammatory markers. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 447 patients under the age of 18 years who were admitted to Chung Ang University Hospital between 2011 July and 2014 June, for whom PCT value had been obtained. Patients were categorized into bacterial infection group and non-bacterial infection group. Furthermore, bacterial infection group were categorized into invasive bacterial infection (IBI), mucosal bacterial infection (MBI), toxigenic bacterial infection (TBI), and mycoplasma infection (MI) groups. IBI was defined as the infection of sterile body site such as bacteremia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, and pyelonephritis. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome and scarlet fever were included into TBI. MI was defined as positive mycoplasma IgM (≥770 IU/mL) or mycoplasma PCR. Results: Of 447 patients, 104 (23.3%) patients were diagnosed with bacterial infection. Among bacterial infection group, 73 cases (70.2%) were identified to IBI, 17 cases (16.4%) were MBI, 7 cases (6.7%) were TBI and 9 cases (8.4%) were MI group. The values of PCT (9.53 ± 32.10 vs. 0.60 ± 2.13), C-reactive protein (CRP; 57.86 ± 55.63 vs. 33.66 ± 51.55), and white blood cell (WBC; 12388.29 ± 6805.38 vs. 10439.30 ± 7437.23) count were higher in bacterial infection group than non-bacterial infection group (P < 0.05 for all). However, only the value of PCT was higher in IBI group than other bacterial groups (13.11 ± 38.01 vs. 1.26 ± 1.65 in MBI, 1.10 ± 1.87 in TBI, and 1.69 ± 2.06 in MI, P < 0.05 for all). In the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis, the area under the curve was 0.706 for PCT, 0.691 for CRP, 0.603 for WBC and 0.501 for erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The specificity for serum PCT (80%) in diagnosing invasive bacterial infection was significantly larger than those of other inflammatory markers (0.35 for CRP, 0.54 for WBC, 0.22 for ESR). Conclusion: PCT is a highly effective diagnostic marker of IBI but not effective to differentiate MBI, TBI, or MI from non-bacterial infection. Also, PCT is more useful marker to predict bacterial infection than CRP, WBC, ESR. Investigate the incidence and antimicrobial susceptibility test of Elizabethkingia meningoseptica in a teaching hospital Yao-Shen Tung 1,2,3 , An-Chi Chen 1,2 , Shen-Min Huang 1,2 , Yui-Yein Yang 1,2,3 , Li-Hung Wu 1,3 . 1 Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, 2 Departments of Medical Laboratory, 3 Background: The increasing emergence of antibiotic-resistant nosocomial infections is a worldwide concern. E. meningoseptica infection inhumans have been presented as meningitis outbreaks in premature newborns and infants. It has a unique antibiotic susceptibility pattern. It is resistant to many antibiotics commonly used to treat infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria. This is a challenge for clinicians to treat patients. Methods: In this study, 100 E. meningoseptica clinical isolates were collected from teaching Hospital from 2012 to 2016. The phoenix 100 Automated Microbiology System (Becton Dickinson) with the GN panel was used to identify bacteria and confirm antimicrobial susceptibility. The antimicrobial susceptibility against 14 kinds of antibiotics were tested. Results: The incidence of E. meningoseptica isolates increased from 7 in 2012 to 41 in 2016. Among them, 52% from sputum, 33% from blood, and more than 50% samples isolated form intensive care units (ICUs). The in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility test results are presented in Table 2 . E. meningoseptica was most often susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxzole (97.3%) and fluoroquinolones, including levofloxacin (23.7%) and ciprofloxacin (28.5%). However, most antibiotics that target Gram-negative bacteria were not very effective against. Conclusion: E. meningoseptica had a high resistance to various antimicrobial agents. Pneumonia was the most common infection caused by E. meningoseptica, and the mortality rate was quite high. However, despite the high mortality rate, the rate of appropriate antibiotic use was notably low. Clinicians should pay attention to the disease progression and evaluate the response to current antibiotics, and if possible, consider using effective antibiotics based on culture reports. Co-resistance to antimicrobial agents of extended-spectrum β-lactamases producing E. coli in a regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan: implication on clinical treatment Yi-Ping Chen 1 , Po-Liang Lu 2 , Chun-Chi Huang 1 , Jeng-Yih Wu 1 , Chen-Min Kuo 1 , Tung-Nan Liao 3 Background: Extended-spectrum β-lactamases producing E. coli (ESBL-E. coli) is an important nosocomial pathogen in Taiwan. It has been reported that ESBL-E. coli isolates were resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents. The related data is less known in regional hospitals in Taiwan. Methods: We retrospectively analyze the antimicrobial resistance profile of E. coli collected from Sep. 2015 to Aug. 2016 in a regional hospital in southern Taiwan. Only the first isolates recovered from one person is included for further analysis. The ESBL phenotype and the drug susceptibility testing were performed with Vitek 2 compact system. Odds ratio was estimated with SAS JMP software 12th version. Results: Among the 2113 E. coli isolates, 286 (13.52%) isolates produced ESBL. The susceptibility rates to antimicrobial agents of ESBL-E. coli were ampicillin: 0%, amikacin: 99.30%, ceftazidime: 0%, cefazolin: 0%, cefepime: 0% 2.47 ). Co-resistance to ESBL phenotype is observed for ampicillin, ceftazidime, cefazolin, cefepime, gemtamicin, sulfamethoxazole, levofloxacin, and ampicillin/sulbactam. Conclusion: The epidemiology data in a regional hospital in Taiwan revealed ESBL-E. coli were most susceptible to amikacin, ertapenem, tigecycline, colistin and piperacillin/tazobactam. Besides the co-resistance of ESBL phenotype to all tested beta-lactams, Coresistance was also observed for gemtamicin, sulfamethoxazole, ampicillin/sulbactam, and levofloxacin. The extent of co-resistance may impact the choice of empirical antimicrobial therapy. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-A. baumannii complex, Taiwan Tsai-Ling Yang Lauderdale*, Hui-Ying Wang, Yih-Ru Shiau, Jui-Fen Lai, I-Wen Huanag, TSAR Hospitals. National Institute of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, National Health Research Institutes Background: A. calcoaceticus-A baumannii (ACB) complex comprises four genospecies: A. baumannii, A. calcoaceticus, A. nosocomialis, and A. pittii. Considerable differences exist in their epidemiology and clinical relevance but routine differentiation of these genospecies is not commonly done. The present study investigated the distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility of the ACB complex genospecies in the Taiwan Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (TSAR) program. Methods: Acinetobacter isolates were collected biennially as part of the TSAR program between 2010 and 2016 from 26 to 28 hospitals using the same collection protocols. Susceptibility to different antimicrobial agents was determined by broth microdilution in every study year but colistin was not tested in 2010. All ACB complex isolates were subjected to gyrB genospecies typing to differentiate the 4 species. Data from 2010 to 2012 were grouped together to compare with combined data of 2014 and 2016. Results: A total of 1321 ACB complex isolates were identified, including 337, 405, 290, and 289 isolates from 2010 337, 405, 290, and 289 isolates from , 2012 337, 405, 290, and 289 isolates from , 2014 337, 405, 290, and 289 isolates from , and 2016 337, 405, 290, and 289 isolates from , respectively. From 2010 337, 405, 290, and 289 isolates from -2012 337, 405, 290, and 289 isolates from to 2014 337, 405, 290, and 289 isolates from -2016 , the proportion of A. baumannii decreased from 85.7 to 79.4% while that of A. nosocomialis increased from 4.4 to 11.2% ( p < 0.001 for both), with A. pitti remaining stable at around 9%. The specimen distribution differed among A. baumannii, A. nosocomialis, and A. pitti isolates, with 55.1, 51.0, and 34.5%, respectively, from respiratory tract, and 13.9, 43.9, and 35.3%, respectively, from blood. Carbapenem nonsusceptibility in ACB complex was 64.6% in 2010-2012 and 59.9% in 2014-2016 overall ( p = NS), but was significantly higher in A. baumannii (71.1%) than in A. nosocomialis (23.5%) and A. pitti (15.1%). Colistin resistance was not detected in 2012 and was 3.1% in 2014-2016 but no mcr-1 was detected. Conclusion: The prevalence of carbapenem resistance in A. baumannii remains very high in Taiwan. The changes in ACB complex genospecies distribution in recent years plus differences in their antimicrobial susceptibility and specimen distribution indicate the need for continued surveillance of this important group of pathogens. Study of integrons in multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolates Chao-Tsai Liao*, Ya-Chi Shin, Tien-Yu Yeh. Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology Background: Integrons are genetic elements capable of integrating or mobilizing gene cassettes encoding antibiotic resistance determinants. Escherichia coli is often resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents and is often associated with the production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs), which are frequently described as a part of complex integrons, facilitate their horizontal transfer to other related and unrelated microbes. The aim of this study was to define the current prevalence and phenotypes of 100 multidrug-resistant (MDR) E. coli isolates from clinical specimens in central Taiwan and to investigate associations between multidrug resistance and existence of integrons. Methods: Non-duplicate 100 MDR E. coli isolates from January to July 2013 were used in this study. Firstly, susceptibility of 100 isolates to 12 antibiotics was determined by the Vitek 2 system. The extended-spectrum β-lactamases production was detected by disk diffusion confirmatory tests. Then, prevalence and class of integrons was detected in MDR strains by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Finally, the gene cassette arrays of class 2 integrons were identified by PCR, DNA sequencing and restriction enzyme digestion. Results: The extended-spectrum β-lactamases production was detected in 82% (82/100) of E. coli isolates by disk diffusion confirmatory tests. Antibiotic resistance patterns were as follows: ampicillin 100%, ampicillin/sulbactam 89%, amikacin 96%, ceftazidime 100%, ciprofloxacin 82%, ceftriaxone 100%, cefazolin 100%, imipenem 0%, gentamicin 87%, cefoxitin 38%, sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim 87%, and piperacillin/tazobactam 5%. PCR-RFLP results showed that the prevalence of integrons was confirmed in 20% of MDR isolates. Class 1 and 2 integrons were detected respectively in 5% and 20% of MDR strains. Moreover, 5 strains were found to contain both class 1 and 2 integrons. No integron class 3 was detected in any of the isolates. All of these integron 2-positive isolates contained constant gene cassette arrays of dfrA1 + sat2 + aadA1 which confer resistance to trimethoprim and streptomycin. Conclusion: In this study, MDR E. coli isolates with resistance to four or more different antibiotics were common. The data suggest that multiple and complex mechanisms involving mobile genetic elements in class 1 and class 2 integrons and antibiotic resistance have been developed in the evolution of E. coli strains in Taiwan. Clinical characteristics of patients with bloodstream infection caused by metallo-β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in a tertiary hospital in Japan Nobuaki Mori 1 , Yasuko Aoki 1 , Akiko Higuchi 2 , Shoko Hirose 3 , Shiko Seki 4 . 1 Department of General Internal medicine, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center, 2 Departmet of Clinical Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center, 3 Department of Pharmacology, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center, 4 Department of Surgery, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center Background: Infections caused by carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae have been reported worldwide and have become a great threat to public health. However, clinical characteristics of patients with bloodstream infections (BSI) due to metallo β-lactamase (MBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae are not well studied. Therefore, we investigated the clinical characteristics of patients infected with the MBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Methods: We retrospectively conducted a chart review of the patients with MBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae, which were isolated from blood samples, in a tertiary care hospital in Japan between April 2013 and March 2017. MBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae was defined as isolates from blood culture showing decreased susceptibility to meropenem (minimum inhibitory concentration, ≥2 mg/dL), and a positive result in the test using metallo-β-lactamase SMA Eiken (Eiken Chemical Co., Japan). Clinical and microbiological characteristics and therapeutic outcomes of these patients were investigated. Results: During the study period, a total of 6 adult patients were identified. The median age was 55 years, and 3 (50%) were women. All patients had severe underlying disease at the time of admission (cardiopulmonary arrest (n = 3), invasive pneumococcal infection (n = 1), bleeding esophageal varices (n = 1), and peritonitis due to diverticulitis perforation (n = 1)). Of the patients, 5 were admitted to the intensive care unit. The sources of MBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae BSI were as follows: catheter-related BSI (n = 2), pyelonephritis (n = 1), cholangitis (n = 1), bacterial peritonitis (n = 1), and bacterial translocation (n = 1). Of the 6 isolates, 4 were Enterobacter cloacae and 2 were Klebsiella pneumoniae. The immunochromatography assay showed that all isolates were IMPtype. No isolates were resistant to levofloxacin and aminoglycoside. All patients had a previous history of antibiotic treatment and all isolates were isolated after more than 12 days of hospitalization. All patients were treated with either levofloxacin only or levofloxacin and aminoglycoside. Microbiologic response rates based on the results of culture tests using samples from the original infection sites were 100%. However, the all-cause 30-day mortality rate was 50%. Conclusion: This study showed MBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae BSI was fatal, although rare, in patients with severe disease and longterm hospitalization. Further research is necessary to study the appropriate treatment options for MBL-producing BSI, including levofloxacin treatment based on antimicrobial susceptibility test results. Objective: With the increasing of methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) all over the world, the surgical sit infection caused by MRSA also increased. Health care workers (HCWs) carried by MRSA is the role of transmission of MRSA in the hospital. Our study will investigate the carriage rates of S. aureus and MRSA of surgical HCWs in our hospital, and have a molecular epidemiology analysis for all S. aureus strains. Methods: There were 242 pharynx swabs collected from 242 HCWs working in surgical wards, medical wards and an operating room during March-April 2016. The swabs were cultured on mannitol salt agar for choosing suspicion colony. The isolates were identified as S. aureus based on morphology, coagulase test, and VITEK test. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of all isolates was performed by modified Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method. The isolates were recognized as MRSAs if they were resistant to oxacillin. All of isolates were analyzed for epidemiological relatedness by pulsedfield gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Results: Out of the 242 healthcare workers, 70 (28.9%) carried S. aureus, and 10 (4.1%)carried MRSA. MRSA carriage rate was highest among nurses (7.5%), while carriage rate among doctors was 1.9%. However, the difference was not significant (P = 0.812). The carriage rates of surgical ward A, ward B, ward C, ward D and the operating room were all above 30%. Similarly, the difference of departments and wards was not significant (P = 0.420). After the PFGE analysis, the isolates were grouped into five similarity groups: A-E. The largest number of isolates belonged to the group D and E, which accounted for 78.2%. On the other hand, two MRSA isolates of surgical ward C were identical in the term of PFGE denderogram. Conclusion: The mean carriage rate of S. aureus is 30% among our healthcare workers, which is similar to the other countries' in the world. The MRSA carriage rate is lower than other developing countries'. The carriage rates of surgical wards are not significantly different to other wards', so the surgical sit infection cause by S. aureus is not related with the difference of HCWs' S. aureus carriages. The PFGE denderogram gave the popular gene groups of S. aureus, which might help the surgical sit infection control. Ribotypes and antimicrobial susceptibility among clinical toxigenic Clostridium difficile isolates in Taiwan Yuan-Pin Hung 1,4,5 , Yuan-Ti Lee 6 , Hung-Jen Tang 7 , Hsiao-Ju Lin 1,4,5 , Hsiu-Chuan Liu 2,3 , Jen-Chieh Lee 4 , Pei-Jane Tsai 8 , Bo-Yang Tsai 8 , Po-Ren Hsueh 9 *, Wen-Chien Ko 4 *. Background: Some Clostridium difficile hypervirulent strains, including RT027 and RT126 had been reported in Taiwan. The data of toxin gene or ribotype distribution of toxigenic C. difficile isolates in Taiwan remain limited. Methods: The study was conducted from January 2015 to December 2016 in five hospitals in Taiwan. Stool culture for C. difficile was done in fecal sample from patients with diarrhea. Multiplex PCR was used to detect tcdA, tcdB, cdtA, cdtB, and tcdC deletion, and antimicrobial susceptibility was investigated in toxigenic C. difficile isolates. Ribotypes (RTs) of those isolates with tcdC deletion and tcdA-/tcdB+ were determined. Results: Of 1199 C. difficile isolates collected from five hospitals, 904 isolates were toxigenic: tcdA+/tcdB+ (794, 87.8%) and tcdA-/ tcdB+ (110, 12.2%). Of the toxigenic isolates, 81 (9.0%) isolates had tcdC deletion and binary toxin, i.e., hypervirulent isolates. RT078 family (61 isolates: 75.3%, including RT033, RT078, RT126, and RT127) and RT027 family (15: 18.5%, including RT027, RT034, and RT075) were predominant. Of 110 tcdA-/tcdB+ isolates, 100 (90.9%) isolates were identified as RT017. Metronidazole and vancomycin resistance, though rare, was present in 1.2% and 2.0%, respectively, of toxigenic isolates, and of note there were 9 isolates resistant to both metronidazole and vancomycin. Irrespective of toxigenic or non-toxigenic isolates, MIC 90 of doxycycline (8 μg/mL) was higher than that of tigecycline (≤0.0625 μg/mL), suggestive of more potent antibacterial activity of tigecycline than doxycycline. Conclusion: Hypervirulent isolates accounted for 9% of toxigenic isolates in Taiwan, and the dominant ribotypes were RT078 and RT027 family. Metronidazole or vancomycin remains active against the vast majority of C. difficile isolates. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clones: preferences for nasal and extranasal sites and acute and subacute healthcare settings Angela Chow 1 , Jani Ong 2 , Jia-Wei Lim 1 , Aung-Aung Hein 1 , Grace Tin 1 , Vanessa Lim 1 . 1 Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, 2 Infection Control Unit, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is the most common healthcare-associated multidrug-resistant organism. Intermediate-care (ITC) and long-term care (LTC) facilities have been observed to have greater diversities of MRSA clones than in acute-care hospitals (ACH). Differential factors associated with colonization of different MRSA clones have not been well studied. We sought to compare and contrast factors associated with colonization with various MRSA clones among patients contemporaneously hospitalized across acute and subacute healthcare settings. Methods: Over two consecutive years during June-July 2014 and June-July 2015, we screened randomly-selected inpatients with >48 hours stay at a 1600-bed ACH and all inpatients at its 6 affiliated ITC and LTC facilities in Singapore. Separate nasal, axillary, and groin swabs were cultured for MRSA and isolates subject to wholegenome sequencing. Clinical data were subsequently obtained from medical records. To account for clustering, multivariable 2-level multinomial regression models were constructed to assess for factors associated with colonization of major MRSA clones, using SAS Proc Glimmix. Results: A total 10,367 samples from 3483 patients were screened for MRSA. MRSA was isolated in 9.4% of the samples. Sequence type ( However, the groin was 7 times as likely as the nares to be colonized with ST45 (aOR 7.19, . Conclusion: Colonization of MRSA clones differed between nasal and extranasal sites and between acute and sub-acute healthcare settings. Regardless of healthcare facility, contact precautions should be taken for recent MRSA-colonizers/infected to prevent MRSA transmission. Epidemiology of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization in different health care associated workers Hsin-I Shih 1 , Hsiang-Chin Hsu 2 , Chia-Yu Chi 3 *. Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a main cause of health care-associated disease burden. Health care workers (HCWs) have been identified as the source of MRSA in numerous outbreak investigations. Epidemiology of MRSA nasal colonization in a range of HCWs have been studied, and yet out-ofhospital health care providers have limited data. This study aims to characterize the risk factors and molecular epidemiologic characteristics of MRSA colonization in out-of-hospital health care providers and HCWs in a teritary hospital. Methods: This was a prospective study. Participants included outof-hospital health providers such as Emergency Medical Technicians, paramedics, nurses working in the long term care facilities and in-hospital health care providers such as physicians and nurses. Swabs were obtained from nares and processed using standard laboratory techniques. Standard microbiologic methods were used to identify methicillin-susceptible S. aureus and MRSA. Molecular epidemiologic methods included pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, PCR detection of Panton-Valentine leukocidin, and SCCmec and multilocus sequence typing. Results: A total of 112 out-of-hospital health care providers and 137 in-hospital HCWs participated. The combined prevalence rate of MRSA was 7%. The majority of the MRSA colonization were in female (16/17, 94%) and in-hospital nurses (12/17, 71%). Five (29%) of the out-hospital providers had MRSA colonization. Nurses (OR: 9.33, 95% CI: 2.03-42.90) and clinical service year between 5 and 10 years (OR: 3.66, 95% CI: 1-13.67) had higher risk for MRSA colonization. Eight different strains of MRSA were identified by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The majority of the MRSA was SCCmec IV and V strains, three of which carried Panton-Valentine leukocidin. A unique ST typing 398 from a hospital nurse who ever traveled to Europe was identified in this study. Conclusion: The findings suggest that there is substantial colonization of MRSA among in-hospital and out-hospital health care providers. Implementations of infection control strategies should be applied high priority in those HCWs. Trends in Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, Taiwan, 2012-2015 Sheng-Kang Chiu 1,2 , Ling Ma 3 , Ming-Chin Chan 4 , Chang-Phone Fung 5 , Tsu-Lan Wu 6 , Yin-Ching Chuang 7 , Po-Liang Lu 8 , Jann-Tay Wang 9 , Jung-Chung Lin 1 , Kuo-Ming Yeh 1 *. Background: Before 2011, the prevalence rates of carbapenemaseproducing Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPKP) among carbapenem nonsusceptible K. pneumoniae (CnSKP) isolates were below 10% in Taiwan. We present the dissemination trends of CPKP from January 2012 to August 2015. Methods: Twenty-one hospitals in Taiwan were enrolled in the study. K. pneumoniae isolates with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of >1 mg/L for imipenem or meropenem were collected for carbapenemase genes screening and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Results: A total of 1457 CnSKP isolates were collected and screened for carbapenemase genes, and tested for antimicrobial susceptibility. Among 457 CPKP isolates, three classes of carbapenemase genes were identified: class A ( Background: Lancefield group B streptococci (GBS) are increasing as a cause of invasive disease among non-pregnant adults. We set out to characterize GBS isolated from adults in Portugal in 2009-2015. Methods: All GBS isolates (n = 555) were serotyped, assigned to clonal complexes (CCs) by multilocus sequence typing and characterized by surface protein and pilus islands (PI) gene profiling. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was done by disk diffusion and resistance genotypes identified by PCR. High throughput sequencing of representative isolates was performed. Results: Overall, serotype Ia was the most frequently found in the population (31%), followed by serotypes Ib (24%), V (18%), and III (13%). Serotype Ib increased significantly throughout the study period ( p < 0.001), to become the most frequent serotype after 2013. Over 40% of the isolates belonged to CC1, including most isolates of serotypes Ib (n = 110) and V (n = 65), all sharing surface protein gene alp3 and PI-1 + PI-2a. Overall erythromycin and clindamicin resistance rates were 35% and 34%, respectively, both increasing throughout 2009-2015 ( p < 0.010). Macrolide resistance was associated with CC1 ( p < 0.001) and serotype Ib ( p < 0.001). Genomic analysis revealed that the Ib/CC1 lineage probably resulted from the acquisition of the type Ib capsular operon in a single large recombination event (≈300 Kb) by a representative of the V/CC1 macrolide resistant lineage. Conclusion: The serotype Ib/CC1 genetic lineage was detected for the first time and expanded in Portugal in the last six years and is now dominant among the GBS population causing invasive disease in adults. High percentage of multidrug-resistant pathogens among long-term care facility residents hospitalized due to urinary tract infections in southern Taiwan Chia-Ming Chang 1,2 , Hsin-I Shih 3 , Chi-Chang Huang 1,2 , Deng-Chi Yang 1 , Yu-Wei Chen 1 , Wen-Chien Ko 2 . 1 Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Department of Internal Medicine, 2 Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine, 3 Department of Emergency Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Fever and infections are the major causes of transferal to hospitals among residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs). There were rare studies on the infections in LTCFs and pathogens if these residents were hospitalized. This study aims to investigate the clinical characteristics, pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility from LTCF residents who were hospitalized due to urinary tract infections (UTIs). Methods: During February 2013 to January 2015, patients from the LTCFs that were sent to emergency room (ER) due to diagnosis of UTIs were enrolled in a medical center in southern Taiwan. Clinical information including demographic data, co-morbid conditions, functional status, catheterization status, will be collected. Urine cultures were obtained at emergency room within 24 hours of admission. The cultured gram-negative rods from urine and their susceptibility results by disc diffusion methods were also obtained. Results: A total of 185 patients were enrolled between February 2013 and January 2015. Among these patients, 90(48.6%) were male, mean age was 77 years (range, 20-100 years),156 (84%) were totally dependent in ADLs, 129 (70%) were bed bound and 96 patients (52%) used urinary catheters. E. coli (117 isolates), K. pneumoniae (45), and P. aeruginosa (28) were the most common pathogens. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producers accounted for about 38% of E. coli and 24% of K. pneumoniae. The non-ESBL isolates also showed lower percentage (<60%) of susceptibility to 2nd generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides, but susceptible to fosfomycin and carbapenem. Multidrugresistance (MDR, resistance to ≥3 classes) accounted for 57% and 70% of non-ESBL E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates, respectively. P. aeruginosa also showed high percentage (>80%) of resistance to fluoroquinolones, but lower resistance (<20%) to ceftazidime and carbapenems. Two isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii were pandrug-resistant (PDR). All 7 A. baumannii isolates were fluoroquinolone resistant, 30% were resistant to carbapenems. Conclusion: Our findings highlight MDR and resistance to commonly used oral antimicrobial agents among LTCF residents with UTIs, especially to fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins. Empirical antimicrobial therapy might be optimized in these patients. Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of Enterococcus faecium clinical isolates in a Japanese hospital Asami Matsumoto 1 , Yuka Yamagishi 1,2,3 , Hiroyuki Suematsu 3 , Kentaro Oka 2 , Motomichi Takahashi 2 , Hiroshige Mikamo 1,2,3 . Background: Enterococcus spp. are well-known indigenous bacteria that often isolated from human and/or animal specimens. Generally, these species are non-pathogens but it can sometime induce infectious diseases especially in compromised host. The purpose of this study was to assess the molecular typing of Enterococcus faecium which isolated from single site to evaluate the association and/or differentiation of genotype, infection site, patient group and antimicrobial sensitivity. Methods: We extracted DNA from 159 of E. faecium isolates at Aichi Medical University Hospital in 2015 and assesed random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR method to analysed genotypeing. The antimicrobial sensitivity were examined by the RAISUS automated method (Nissui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd, Tokyo). Retrospectively analysed with the patients background and/or infection site by medical records to characterize with the correlation between genotype. Results: The results of RAPD-PCR showed that 159 clinical isolates of E. faecium classified into 8 genotypes (Type 1; 52.8%, Type 2; 4.4%, Type 3; 20.8%, Type 4; 11.9%, Type 5; 8.2%, Type 6, 7 and 8; 0.6%). As a result of classification, more than 50% of strains isolated from pus, urine, urinary catheter and venous blood were categorized into Type 1 and more than 80% of strains isolated from choler and ascites were categorized into Type 1 or Type 3 (choler; Type 1 : Type 3 = 39.5% : 44.2%, ascites; Type 1 : Type 3 = 47.4% : 36.8%). In addition, the results of the comparison between genotype and the clinical department where the strains isolated has shown the statistically significant correlations. Moreover, the result of antimicrobial sensitivity, resistant to ampicillin, levofloxacin and minomycin was 69.2%, 67.9% and 30.8%, respectively. However, all isolates were sensitive to linezolid, vancomycin and teicoplanin. Furthermore, more than 90% of strains were categorized into Type 1, 2 and 4 were resistant to ampicillin and levofloxacin. Conclusion: These results clearly suggested the correlation of genotype and infection site of the E. faecium and need to be further analysis of detailed virulence/antimicrobial resistant genes in each genotype. Epidemiological study of Salmonella serogroup from November 2010 to December 2014 in a regional teaching hospital in middle Taiwan Fang-Ching Liu, Chien-Sheng Cheng. Pediatrics Jen-Ai Hospital Tali Background: The frequency with which Salmonella cause diarrhea and antibiotics resistant was increasing in these years. We attempted to determine the pattern of Serogroups and antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella infections in a regional teaching hospital during the period of November 2010 to December 2014. Methods: Children with Salmonella enterocolitis were retrospectively reviewed and epidemiology, age, sex, clinical manifestations, laboratory results were recorded between November, 2010 to December, 2014. The isolates and susceptibility of these Salmonella were carried out accordingly to standard microbiological methods. Results: Case records from 205 children were reviewed beteen November 2012 to December 2014. Of the 199 patients whose stool underwent complete testing for Salmonella Serogroup and the majotiry was D1 group (42%), then B group (39%), C1 (10.2%), D2 (5.9%) and C2 (1%). Eight stools (3.5%) tested positive for Salmonella and Rotavirus infections. Overall, 75.6% of cases were under three year of age, with 6.3% being younger than 1 years of age. Fever (95.5%), diarhea (87.4%), vomiting (25.6%) and bloody stool (15.1%) were the most common symptoms for Salmobella infections and abdominal pain (( p < 0.041)were associated with Salmonella Serogroup D1 (17%) and C1 (19%) infections. The resistance rates were 48.2%, 30.7%, 2.5%, 1.5%, and 2.5%, to ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ceftriaxone, cefixime and ciprofloxacin, respectively. The majority (98.5%) of CRP was elevated with 53.1% between 0.05 and 5 mg/dl, and 45.5% >5 mg/dl. The symptoms with Salmonella infection to admission was about 2.58 ± 0.96 days and the average hospital date with Salmonella infections was 6.07 ± 1.35 days. Conclusion: Salmonella gastroenteritis is the important causing pathogens in infants and children and 75.6% in our study was less than 3 years age. The prevalence of Salmonella Serogroup B decreased from 48% in 2007, 36.8% in 2010 and 39% in 2015 and Serogroup D2 (42%) was predominated in our study. 3.4% of our patients had co-infections with Rotavirus and Salmonella infections. Most of the salmonella serogroups isolated in this study were highly susceptible to the third cephalosporins (97.5%) while resistant to ampicillin (48.2%) and bactrin (30.7%). The rising resistant antimicrobial agents informed us the rational antibiotics uage and the importance of infection control. Background: There are many currently available epidemiologic strain typing methods including antibiogram, pulsed-filed gel electrophoresis, restricted fragment length polymorphism and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Among them, MLST is the most widely used method for the evaluation of clonality. MLST is an unambiguous procedure for characterizing isolates using pairwise sequence analysis of the internal fragments of seven housekeeping. However, major disadvantage of MLST is high-cost and labor-intensity. We designed Microsoft Excel-based macro system for the automated analysis of DNA sequences of seven housekeeping genes. Methods: Using excel-based macro, sequencing data were called to the spreadsheet as string-type text. Next, sequences with reverse primer were replaced with a complementary base sequence. Forward sequence and complementary base-replaced reverse sequence were assembled and aligned by matching 100-consecutive 20-identical sequences. Finally, assembled sequence were compared to the pre-built database constructed from online MLST database (http://www.mlst.net/databases/) to determine the type of allele. In case of non-typable allele, we manually checked through the online database. To evaluate the accuracy, we compared the result of our program with the result of pre-manually determined sequence typing. Results: We chose the fasta-format text files as the raw data which should be called to the spreadsheet for analysis. For process of the raw data calling, all the fasta files in the specified folder was automatically loaded, which takes most of the running time, however, is the main advantage of our program. The running-time of the whole process was 10 minutes per 50 strains, which is much faster than the manual typing method, which would generally take several hours. Comparing with the results of manual typing, concordance rate was 100%. All the non-typable alleles through our program were revealed as new allelic type when confirmed manually. Conclusion: MLST is a good method for epidemiologic evaluation, however, labor-intensity is the major disadvantage. We designed macro-based automated analysis, and the concordance rate with manual typing was excellent. Also, this program may prevent clerical error of manual typing. Excel-based macros can be used by anyone, and can be constructed through uncomplicated coding. This might be useful for the large scale epidemiologic studies. Accuracy of bleaching concentration used in a medical center in Taiwan Pei-Chun Pan 1 , Ying-Chun Chen 1 , Hui-Mei Huang 2 , Zhi-Yuan Shi 1 . 1 Infection Control Center, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, 2 Nursing Department, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan Background: The cleaning and disinfection of contaminated equipment and environment are essential for the prevention of healthcare-associated infections. The most common chemical used to clean the hospital environment is bleach (sodium hypochlorite). The concentration of bleach will decay by chang of temperature and light. As a result, the bleach with suboptimal concentration cannot kill the microorganism effectively. However, the concentration of bleach is not routinely checked in the daily cleaning practice. The aim of this study is to investigate the concentrations of various brands of bleaches used in hospital, and ensure the optimal concentration of bleaches can be achieved. Methods: Twelve bleaches from 5 chemical companies were purchased during February 2016 to July 2017. The bleaches were diluted with tap water to a presumed concentration of 500 PPM, according to the procedures suggested by the manufacturers. The diluted concentrations were determined by a bleach concentration meter. 1. The concentration of 12 bleaches varied from 234 to 466PPM. 2. The average diluted concentration was 370 PPM. The concentrations of the bleaches could decay gradually. We are concerned about that the suboptimal concentration will not kill the pathogens effectively. For quality assurance, the manufacturers should focus on 3 aspects. First, they should provide product certificate that meets the required specification in contracts. Second, they should assure appropriate storage, transport, and dispensing of the products. Third, they should perform the product monitoring system. The hospitals have to carefully inspect the quality of the bleaches that are reliable for use. Could the HOCl as a high level disinfection solution for environment cleaning Wen-Jun Yeh 1 , Fu-Chieh Chang 1 , Ya-Ling Chen 1 , Chang-Pan Liu 1,2 , Nan-Chang Chiu 3 , Hsin Chi 3 . 1 Infection Control Center, MacKay Memorial Hospital, 2 Department of Infection, MacKay Memorial Hospital, 3 Background: HOCl is a unstable weak acid. In vitro, this production can kill pathogen. So in this study, we wanted to investigate the function of this produce in clinical. As we know, if this can kill pathogen from surface, then we could not culture any pathogen from the surface. So we used the traditional method to check its fuction. Methods: In this study, we choice 15 beds for culture. Before the terminal disinfection, we collect the sample from environment. Then we used the HOCl as a high level disinfection solution to cleaning and disinfection. After that, we still collected the sample from the environment then culture it. After incubated 48 hours, we check the result. Results: The result showed 26% culture positive after HOCl cleaning and disinfection. Otherwise, the culture positive ratio of chlorine solution was 21% before this study. So, the result showed there were no different between each method. But the price of HOCl are higher than chlorine solution. Conclusion: In this study, the HOCl solution function were not good enough to replace chlorine solution. Even though the experiment were great in vitro. So, according to this study, we didn't suggest the hospital use HOCl solution as a High level disinfection solution for environment Cleaning. The improvement of food safety through tableware washing at hospital in Taiwan Yu-Hong Tsai, Lin-Lin Pan. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi Background: The quality of meals provided in hospitals is essential to patients. The nosocomial food contamination can cause various food-borne illnesses of patients and healthcare staff. The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) abrogated and amended the regulations about tableware in 2014. We examine whether the regulation is enough to monitor the food safety base on our experience about non-conformity in 2016. Methods: The surveillance was performed based on the standard "Methods of test for food microorganisms-test of coli-form bacteria" announced by MOHW in Taiwan. The lauryl tryptose broth (LST) and eosin-methylene blue (EMB) agar were used to measure the most probable number (MPN) of coli-form bacteria and Escherichia coli in tableware and meals. Results: The spoiled meal was informed from wards in 2016. At first, the negative result was reported in the MPN of Escherichia coli from tableware and meals. However, the result revealed that 1150 MPN/g of coli-form bacteria in the meals was more than the threshold (1000 MPN/g) from the regulation "Sanitation Standard for General Foods" approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Taiwan. Klebsiella pneumonia was isolated from contaminated simultaneously tableware and meals through further identification. Thus, the infection control team-driven intervention was activated immediately to correct the procedure of tableware washing performed by subcontractor. We implement the condition with dry-heat 110°C for 30 min from food industry to disinfect the tableware. The surveillance was continued monitored to confirm the cleanness of reusable tableware. Conclusion: In summary, we identified the contaminated meals were resulted from inadequate tableware washing and improved abnormal procedure. We suggest that the regulation about pathogens isolated from reusable and disposable tableware should be considered and established in hospitals to improve the food safety of patients and healthcare staff. Investigation of an abnormal result in dialysis water Ya-Ling Chen 1 , Jih-Roung Lu 2 , Fu-Chieh Chang 1 , Chang-Pan Liu 1,3 . Background: According to TSN2013 guideline, dialysis water have to exam every month, and the reference range was lower than 200 CFU/mL. If the data was under 200 CFU/mL higher than 50 CFU/mL, clinical staff or engineer have to find the possible reason that caused the data higher than 50 CFU/mL. In this investigation, we report a situation that caused the data higher than 50 CFU/mL for two months. And after finding the possible origin, we did some change, then the result showed its useful that no cases present after the change. Methods: In this study, we drew a picture to check the possible site of the RO system. Otherwise, we collected 35 dialysis water from RO system. Then we used the TGEA agar as a culture media. After 168 hours incubated in 20°C, we check the colony count. Results: After incubated, we found the RO system's dialysis water were qualified, but the outlet of RO system's dialysis water was unqualified. Otherwise, we found all the unqualified water were cultured positive for fungus. The result showed the fungus belonged to Candida and Aspergillus. After checked the data, we tried to find possible source. Conclusion: Finally, we found all the positive culture site that something inside or something nearby the outlet. And the goods were tooth mug、toothbrush and some personal belongings. So we suggested the clinical staff clean the space that empty the space of outlet. Thanks to the supporting of nurse, there are no more culture positive data present. Systemic analysis of the culture data after terminal disinfection Ya-Ling Chen 1 , Fen-Mei Chen 2 , Li-Chuan Kao 2 , Fu-Chieh Chang 1 , Chang-Pan Liu 1,3 . 1 Infection Control Center, MacKay memorial Hospital, 2 Department of Nursing, MacKay memorial Hospital, 3 Department of Infection, MacKay memorial Hospital Background: As we know, the terminal disinfection is very important to prove new patient avoid bacteria from environment. In clinical, we suggested to use the disposable wipe for clean. And the chlorine solution had to over 500 ppm for terminal disinfection. Otherwise, we taught the cleaner the way to clean. So, in this study, we wanted to check if the environment still have Multi-drug resistant organisms after cleaning or not. Methods: In this study, we chose 41 beds 492 sites that contain MDRO before cleaning. Then we used the chromogenic agar as a culture media. After 48 hours incubated, we can check the bacteria growth or not. Finally we did the Antibiotic susceptibility test to check the MDRO still present or not. Results: After experiment, we found 21% (9/41) of bed that culture positive for MDRO. And the bacteria were Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (8/9) and Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacter cloacae (1/9). Most culture positive bed were from Medical Intensive Care Unit. Conclusion: According to this study, we did the education of the staff in Medical Intensive Care Unit. Besides that, we ask the cleaner used the disposable wipe every time. Then have to check the concentration of the chlorine solution before clean. Background: According to the chemotherapy bleach detection of the bacteria assessment SOP. After the environment is clean to perform a bacteria test. The culture dish needs to be left 1 hour and then sent to the laboratory culture. To facilitate environmental clean monitoring. But after the petri dish inspection, often more than the laboratory to work time. So for the evaluation of postharvest petri dish placed in the chemotherapy room until the next morning to the laboratory culture. And the original work manual implementation process is different. The traps are evaluated after the test feasibility of inspection for the next day. Methods: Each time the implementation of the bacteria test will be divided into the control group (immediately check after the colletion) each time 8 pieces, test group ( petri dish every other day checked) each time 8 pieces. Observe the results of training. The control group was tested on October 13, November 17, 2016 and January 5, February 23, March 9, April 13, 2017. The test group was on October 14, November 18, 2016. January 6, February 24, March 10 April 14, 2017 respectively implementation training. Results: In the chemotherapy room to blood agar plate (BAP, 90 mm) for 1 hour and the collection was complete sent to laboratory training. The control group was submitted six times (48 pieces of specimen). The test group submitted six times (48 pieces of specimen). Total of ninty-six samples no colonies were grown. The results of the control group and the test group were consistent ( Figure 1 ). Conclusion: From the experimental results that whether the postharvest petri dish is immediately sent to the bacterial chamber culture or after the inspection of the petri dish every other day. As long as the chemical deployment room environment clean thoroughly And colony culture dish inspection and disposal appropriate. Can get a good environment for the deployment of chemotherapy drugs. To protect the patient's medication safety. Reducing HAI by implementation of environment clean separation management measures using 4 different color disposable wipes Swee Siang Wong 1 *, Chiu Chu Yang 2 , Yi Pei Hsieh 2 , Chen Ni Kuo 2 , Yi Ru Chen 2 , Li Ching Chen 1 , Ko chung Tsui 1,3,4 , Cheng Hua Huang 1 . Background: Environmental cleaning is a fundamental principle of infection control in healthcare settings. However, the comparative application methods and contamination assessment techniques is unknown, and no consensus exists around benchmarks for cleanliness. We sought to determine whether implement environment clean separation management measures in a medical intensive care unit (MICU) could reduce the density of healthcare associated infection. Methods: We performed a 4-month prospective cohort intervention study, August ∼ December 2013, at medical intensive care unit in a 700-bed tertiary care hospital. Following one month of preintervention phase, implementing education and training for all cleaning staff and related personnel to use environment clean separation management measures by using 4 different color disposable wipes to clean high tough surfaces. The cleaning staff was asked to use red wipe to clean the toilet door knobs, isolation room and waste room, yellow wipe to clean the patient's bedside, green wipe to clean the nursing station and meeting room, blue wipe to clean the procedure tables, refrigerator handle and water dispenser button. The cleaning effect of the MICU environment was measured by using ATP bioluminescence. Then the density of health-care associated infection of the MICU was monitored every month. Results: The ATP bioluminescence value <100 is determined as pass and >200 is determined as fail. Within the study period, the value of pass increase from 13% to 53%, the value of fail decrease from 47% to 20%; numerical difference trend of the pass value increase from −7% to 20% and fail value decrease from 13% to −20%, showing the use of different color disposable wipes and the correct wiping method or wiping process can improve the environment cleanliness. The density of health-care associated infection one month before the intervention phase is 12.8‰ and one month after the intervention phase is 12.6‰. Conclusion: Using environment clean separation management measures is effective in cleanliness of MICU environment. However, there is no decline of the density of health-care associated infection. Experience sharing of improving surgical hand scrub water quality Chih Hao Tseng. Infection Control Office; Clinical Laboratory Department Background: According to 2006 New Hospital Accreditation: The Surgery and Anesthesia departments should regularly implement bacteriological examination, yet relevant literatures did not suggest regular inspections, and these inspections should be implemented only when associated epidemiology data was required to confirm outbreaks. However, in consideration of healthcare quality and patient safety, infection control (IC) team had routinely collected and cultured surgical hand scrub water samples from total 4 faucets in our operation room (OR) by IC technician every month. The results had been less than 50 cfu/ml. On Sep 23, 2015, the cultured result of 4 water samples showed abnormal increase: from 70 to over 200 cfu/ml Methods: IC team had discussed with OR head nurse and ruled out anthropic factors but we were not conscious of ultraviolet germicidal lamp (UVGL) factor. After further discussion with public works department, "decay of UVGL" was recognized as the primary cause of decreased germicidal efficacy. Improvement measures were subsequently developed and implemented as described below: (1) Check and wipe off the dust on the surface of UV lamp every week to avoid penetration reduction that might affect germicidal efficacy (executed by sanitary staff, and included the practice in the routine clean work). (2) Staffs should always be aware of the status of UVGL, and once UV system is in alarm, beeping, immediately report to the OR leader nurse to call the manufacturer. (3) Renew UVGL and filter cartridge every year and every six months, respectively, to ensure the germicidal ability. Results: The measures were taken and carried on. We follow up in the next 6 months and the water quality of all 4 faucets were normal (<50 cfu/ml). Conclusion: UV germicidal lamp is widely used for sterilization. It is generally thought that UVGL has sustained germicidal intensity until the lamp is full dimmed. Thus, decay of UVGL tends to be neglected in such case. In fact, its germicidal ability is associated with Irradiation intensity (I) and Time (T). Therefore, the dust and grease on the surface of UV lamp may reduce penetration and germicidal efficacy. Hopefully, the experience sharing can remind IC healthcare workers of the link between decay of UV lamp and incomplete sterilization that is closely related to patient safety. The experience of ameliorating abnormal reverse osmosis water quality in hemodialysis room of the reginal teaching hospital Hui-Ying Chuang 1,2 , Yea-Fang Wu 2 , Shu-Jiuan Tsai 1,2 , Ya-Lan Chen 1,2 , Mei-Lan Shen 3 , Chorng-Jang Lay 1,4 , Chen-Chi Tsai 1,4 . Background: After typhoon in July, 2014, we found that the 67% of dialysis machines had >50CFU/ml bacterial count of the reverse osmosis (RO) dialysate in the hemodialysis room. Methods: After survey, we found that the typhoon-induced turbid tap water contributed shortening life of RO membrane. So, we made some provisions for this problem, including changing RO membrane, disinfection of pipeline every week, and sampling RO dialysis after disinfection. When the result of RO dialysis sampling achieves <50CFU/ml for 6 months, the frequency of pipeline disinfection was prolonged to every other week. In addition, RO dialysis sampling must be performed immediately after typhoon. Results: Three months after these procedures, <5% of dialysis machines had >50CFU/ml of RO dialysate. In 2017, there were no dialysis machines with >50CFU/ml of RO dialysate. Conclusion: After typhoon, sampling of RO dialysate for bacterial count should be performed immediately. When water quality is abnormal, it is necessary to change RO membrane and reinforce disinfection of pipeline for guaranteeing good quality of RO dialysate. Effectiveness of an ultraviolet-C disinfection system for reduction of multidrug-resistant pathogens Jui-Hsuan Yang 1 , Un-In Wu 1 , Huei-Min Tai 1 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1,2 . 1 Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 2 Center for Infection Control, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Healthcare-associated infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens are significantly associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Environmental cleaning can reduce transmission of these pathogens but is often inadequate. Adjunctive, no touch methods are warranted to enhance the effectiveness of disinfection particularly in hospital settings where healthcare-associated infections are of major concern. Methods: The study was conducted at National Taiwan University Hospital, a 2400-bed acute care medical center in Taipei, northern Taiwan, during the period October 2015 to March 2016. We examined the effectiveness of a mobile, automatic device, Hyper Light Disinfection Robot (model: Hyper Light P3), which utilized ultraviolet-C (UV-C) (254 nm) to kill clinical strains of MDR-Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MDR-Acinetobacter baumannii, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE), ATCC strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Mycobacterium abscessus and Aspergillus fumigatus in experimental setting. The device was wheeled into different strategic position that was 1 meter from the agar plate. Then, the device was wheeled to a distance of 2 and 3 meters from other sets of agar plates with the same number of colonies, respectively. The above experiments were repeated with 5, 10 and 15 minutes of exposure time. The performance of this device in disinfecting three hospital rooms previously admitted by patients harboring MRSA and VRE was also assessed. Results: In vitro, more than 3 log 10 reduction of vegetative bacteria colonies was observed after UV-C irradiation of 5 minutes at a distance of 3 meters from the device, except for VRE and M. abscessus. At the distance of 1 meter, substantial and comparable reduction of colonies was observed across all tested bacteria regardless of exposure time. The killing effect was less pronounced for A. fumigatus particularly at the distance of 2-3 meters. In uncleaned hospital rooms, there was significant reduction in the number of bacteria colonies sampled from different surfaces after UV-C irradiation for 15 minutes (24 hours incubation: 35 CFUs vs 0 CFUs, p= 0.0005; 48 hours incubation: 165 CFUs vs. 0 CFUs, p < 0.0001). Conclusions: The Hyper Light P3 device was effective in killing MDR pathogens and could be considered as an adjunctive method in disinfecting hospital environment. Urinary tract infections associated with cross-contamination of ureteroscopes Jung-Hui Chen 1 , Mei-Hua Lin 1 , Wei-Rong Huang 1 , Yi-Ching Hsieh 1 , Chun-Yi Lee 1,2 , Mei Huang 1,2 *. Background: Ureteroscope is a minimally invasive procedure widely used for examination and treatment of the urinary tract conditions. Cleaning and disinfection of the ureteroscopes used for the sterile procedure should follow standardized guidelines to prevent iatrogenic infections associated with cross-contaminations. In May 2016, the urology department of a hospital found that 4 patients fevered and urine cultures were positive about 1 to 3 days after ureteroscope. The Infection Control Group investigated and took relevant measures in order to avoid a similar situation happen again. Methods: The urology department of a hospital informed that 4 patients underwent ureteroscope during 17, 18 and 23 May 2016. They had fever and urine cultures were positive about 1 to 3 days after returning home. The Infection Control Group tracked data and found that there were 5 people fevered and urine cultures were positive among those patients who underwent ureteroscopy since 1 May, and 4 of them use the same ureteroscope. Furthermore, their urine cultures were Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA*3). By preliminary judge, it's a cluster event. Further investigation revealed that ureteroscope cleaning staffs didn't performe in accordance with standard procedures. The Infection Control Group intervened immediately and implemented the infection control measures as follows: 1. To modify the disinfection method, and soak ureteroscope into the enzyme for 1 minute before cleaning; 2. To purchase ureteroscope brushes, and clean lumens by using the brushes while cleaning all ureteroscopes; 3. To strengthen the examination of ureteroscope cleaning process; 4. To suspend the use of problem ureteroscope until the test is qualified. Results: After the intervention, there were no cases of infection due to ureteroscope from that day to 21 June 2016. But 4 cases of infection appeared when the problem ureteroscope was re-used on 22 June. Therefore, prompted another investigation which indicated that the ureteroscope was suspected to be damaged and should no longer be used on any patient. Conclusion: Contaminated ureteroscope could lead to transmission of infections resulting in increased healthcare cost and even life-threatening adverse events. Competency training, periodic auditing and biologic testing, and maintenance of ureteroscope are important to ensure the quality of ureteroscopy and the safety of the patients. Investigation of a suspected outbreak of nontuberculous mycobacteria infected associated with bronchoscopy Chun-Ming Lee 1 , Hsiu-Tzu Chiang 2 , Fu-Chieh Chang 2 , Chang-Pan Liu 2,3 . Background: Genus Bacillus, especially Bacillus cereus is a pathogen in patients who are immunocompromised or have underlying conditions. Also contamination of reused hand towels by Bacillus cereus spores sometimes causes severe sepsis, wound infections following surgery. However, treatment of the towels with disinfectants in the washing process hardly removes the contamination. In Japan, beauty salon also use the steamed reused towel for removing the cream after facial treatment and healing. However, there are few reports about the bacterial contaminations for the steamed towel. In this study, we investigated the contaminations of bacteria from reused towel and steam warmer for beauty salon in Japan. Methods: The five steamed towels before using were randomly selected from the steam towel warmer. The test objects were cut off 1 piece (1 cm 2 ) from each towel and extracted bacteria by saline. For examination for contamination of steam warmer, the samples were collected by cotton swab in saline. The extracts were spread on the blood agar and incubate them on 37C for overnight. Then, the bacterial identification were done by 16sRNA sequencing. Results: Cultures from towels showed Bacillus spp. contamination of all of 5 towels. Each bacterial number of towels were from 6.8 × 10 2 to 3.4 × 10 3 cfu/cm 3 . No bacteria were detected from the steam warmer. Conclusion: The steamed towels from beauty salon were heavily contaminated by Bacillus spp. Accordingly, we recommend the use of disposable hand towels for treatment in beauty salon. The impact of regular urine drainage bag outlet disinfection on the urine cultures Yu-Yi Yang, Mei-Yu Wu, Chun-Hsing Liao. Infection Control Center, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Background: In the Taiwan CDC "Prevention of catheter related urinary tract infection bundle care" program, the board asks participating hospitals to disinfect the outlet of the urinary drainage bag after each opening. This recommendation is based with limited evidence. In order to understand the effect, we perform a prospective study to analyze the urine cultures from urinary bags with/without outlet disinfection. Methods: Due to significant risk differences of contamination for short-term and long-term urinary catheters, we separated the study group into short-term catheter (<3 days) and long-term catheters (>7 days). For test group, we asked the nurses and family members to disinfect the outlet with alcohol swab every time the outlet is opened. For control group, no disinfection was performed. The samples for urine cultures from urine bag and swab culture for urine bag outlet (cotton swab inserted into the outlet) were collected when the urinary catheter was removed. Results: For short-term catheter, the positive urine culture rate was 0% (0/10) for the test group and 10% (1/10) for the control group. The outlet swab positive rate was the same. For long-term catheter, the positive urine culture rate was 80% (8/10) for the test group and 40% (4/10) for the control group. The outlet swab positive rate was 40% for both control and test group. The most common isolated microorganisms were E-coli, Enterococcus spp. Conclusion: Disinfection of urinary drainage bag outlet with alcohol swab after each opening is not found to be useful in this small group of patients. Background: Observation and feedback is a core strategy for hand hygiene (HH) improvement. Direct overt observation is currently the most common method to monitor HH. Observation bias, also known as the Hawthorne effect, was one major disadvantage of the method. Although the magnitude of the Hawthorne effect has been described in several studies, subgroup analysis of the Hawthorne effect has not been clear yet. Methods: A case-control study was conducted in a tertiary teaching hospital during a 15-month period. The HH overt observation results were matched for category, department, observation time and location with those observed covertly at a ratio of 1:1. The matched pairs were then analyzed for the Hawthorne effect by different variable. Results: Among the study period, a total of 31,522 HH opportunities were observed (4581 by overt observation, 26,941 by covert observation). There were 3047 matched pairs after 1:1 case control matching. The overall HH compliance by overt and covert observation was 78.2% and 54.6%, respectively (the overall Hawthorne effect 23.6%). The Hawthorne effect in nurses (30.0%) was almost three times as large as that in physicians (10.5%), and tended to be more obvious in outpatient clinic (40.6%) than in the intensive care units (11.4%). Further analysis revealed the Hawthorne effect was significantly different between by categories of healthcare workers and observation location (p value both <0.001), but not different by department, observation time, and HH indications. Conclusion: The heterogenicity of the Hawthorne effect in hand hygiene may influence the interpretation of overt observation results. We suggest covert observation be performed at least once in health facilities in which HH observation are routine. Realizing the heterogenicity of the Hawthorne effect may help identify target population with lower HH compliance. A project to improve rates of correct Hand Hygiene among healthcare workers in intermediate care nursery Chia-Ying Wu*, Liang Ling Ling, Shu-Ting Chang, Sheng-Fen Hung, Shu-Ling Chen, Mi-Hua Lee. Yung Kung Campus Chi-Mei Medical Center Background: Since 2009, the WHO has launched the "Save Lives: Clean Your Hands" campaign promoting the provision and use of alcoholic hand sanitizer in patient care areas to enhance accessibility of hand hygiene facilities and developed guidelines, including "Five Moments for Hand Hygiene," aiming for minimal complexity of the process and time spent on hand hygiene to ensure maximum protection and embed hand hygiene into an integral practice. To promote hand hygiene in hospitals, the CDC of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare established hand hygiene model centers and implemented a hand hygiene accreditation program from 2010 to 2011, in an effort to improve hand hygiene behavior and practices among healthcare workers. Methods: A quality improvement project was conducted and the fishbone diagram was used to identify problems. The main problems identified to such as lack of awareness and knowledge regarding hand hygiene timing, the boundaries between patient care and non-patient care areas are not well-defined, steps for hand hygiene are not performed properly… and other seven major issues. Improvement in educational and training, evaluation and feedback, and systematic strategies was implemented. In-ward medication dispensing procedure was changed to distinct patient care and non-patient care areas, the importance of hand hygiene was promoted to health-care workers at ward or division meetings, standard hand-washing was repeatedly demonstrated by hand hygiene auditors to reinforce hand hygiene compliance, and crossaudits were conducted by infection control link nurses/hand hygiene representatives on a monthly basis to assess compliance of Five Moments for Hand Hygiene and Seven Steps of Hand Washing in the Intermediate Care Nursery, with provision of feedback to the teams for continual improvement. In addition to increasing the number and locations of hand sanitizer placement, all mouse pads were replaced with the ones printed with hand washing diagram to strengthen memories and foster retention. Results: After implementation of the project, rates of correct hand hygiene improved from 81% to 100% for eight consecutive months and the compliance rates rose from 91% to 100%. Conclusion: Interventions and approaches used in the project successful improved correct hand hygiene and hand hygiene compliance rates, both achieving 100%, for 8 consecutive months. We hope that this model can be extended to other pediatric units to enhance the quality of care, reduce healthcare resource consumption and social costs, and ensure the safety of patients and healthcare workers. A data review of staffs' hand hygiene compliance in a local hospital Tsao Ya Ching. Longtan Min-Sheng Hospital Background: Since past decades, hand hygiene in infection control prevention has been proof by research. It is one of the most effective methods in decreased healthcare associated infection transmission among patients' care. Therefore, the attitudes of healthcare staffs and hospital workers perform an essential role. The purpose of the survey was to discover the relationship between hand hygiene compliance and attitudes of the employees in a local hospital. 41% staffs of it have been worked over 10 years. The yearly average rate of its hand hygiene compliance was decreased from 77% to 71% between 2015 and 2016. Methods: The study was conducted by means of a questionnaire. It divided into three sections within 26 questions. The first section was dealt with personal background and hand hygiene training experiences. The second part of the questionnaire was concerned with hand hygiene knowledge and attitudes. The third section was related to hand hygiene behaviors. Questionnaires were given to the staffs in two different periods: September 2015 and September 2016. 73% of staffs in the hospital were submitted their questionnaires during these two periods. Hand hygiene surveillances also applied before and after the surveys submission. Results: 251 surveys were collected. 93% of participant explained they had been to a hand hygiene training. 99% of questionnaires followed 5 moments for hand hygiene. It showed significantly higher than the handwashing surveillances. Indeed, only 73% staffs washed hands in hand hygiene 5 moments during the observations. In the second section of questionnaire discovered, 86% staffs had positive attitudes toward hand hygiene and infection control prevention. By contrast to hand hygiene compliances, just 67% staffs completed hand washing process while they provided healthcare. Moreover, 34% interviewers answered they wore dual gloves when they cared patients. From these interviewers, the results found out they only changed gloves by handwashing opportunities as well. Conclusion: This study investigated, most staffs knew hand hygiene is one of the effective and easy methods for infection control preventions. Virtually, they are difficult to perform it. They even wore gloves to replace handwashing moments. However, a regularly hand hygiene training and handwashing audit programs are required. The investigation of clusters of diarrhea in the staffs Hui-ju Hu, Meng-Chuan Lu, Hsiu-Wen Yu. Infection Control Unit, Cheng Ching Hospital Background: There were twenty staffs attending a staff trip to Yilan on 6-7 January, 2016. The symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea were found continually in some staffs. The clusters of diarrhea were assumed and we reported to the Department of Health, Taichung City Government. The investigation and samples collection were implemented soon and we also educated the staff to keep caution to avoid spreading. Methods: There were twenty staffs attending a staff trip to Yilan on 6-7 January, 2016. They had lunch on the second day at a seafood restaurant in Gonglian and sashimi was served. There were three staffs suffered from vomiting and diarrhes on 8 January, 2016. We reported to our trade union of welfare, and the Department of Health, Taichuny City Government as diarrhea clusters. There were eleven staffs suffered from gastrointestinal symptoms and one staff even resulted in hospitalization until 14 January, 2016. All the eleven staff received examination of stool bacterial culture and three stool samples were sent to the laboratory of Centers for Disease Control. Our implementing measures are as followings: (1) Educate the staff with symptoms should keep aerosol and contact isolation, rest at home. (2) The other staff who took care of these patients should wear masks and keep hand hygiene. (3) The environment that the patients worked should enhance cleansing. (4) Watch out for the possible symptoms of infection and informed infection control department. Results: All three stool samples revealed Norovirus infection. Conclusion: Norovirusis a very contagious virus, it can live in stool or vomitus for a long time. The virus is transmitted by fecally contaminated food or water, by person-to-person contact, and via aerosoli zation of vomited virus and subsequent contamination of surfaces. Norovirus is rapidly in activated by either sufficient heating or by chlorine-based disinfectants and polyquaternary amines, but the virus is less susceptible to alcohols and detergents. Early implementation is helpful and important to prevent spreading. We hoped to share this special experience to prevent possible clusters and save the resources and costs. Outcomes of implementing infection control strategies in a psychiatric unit Ching-Feng Huang 1 , Shiu-Feng Lu 2 . 1 Department of Chang Gung University of Science and Technology at Chiayi Campus Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan, 2 Department of Nursing Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Background: A psychiatric unit is usually closed space; there are many interactions among patients and their family. The chance of cross and cluster infection is higher. Infection control strategies are implemented to prevent cross and cluster infection among patients, visitors, and health professionals. Methods: The infection control strategies were conducted in the year of 2016. The strategies include four aspects. (1) Patient and their family: The poster was posted to remind individuals suffering from fever, cough, and cold should wear a mask, or educate them not to visit. The knowledge of hand hygiene and mask was promoted through patient group education session monthly and family forums every two month. Chest X-ray was performed for each inpatient. (2) Health professionals: The staff should take three-hour lessons to strengthen his or her knowledge regarding infection control and reporting system. The unit audited staff's compliance with hand washing to reinforce practice and develop good habits. Each staff checked own body temperature (BT). The staff should be arranged off if his or her BT is above 37.5. The staff could on duty after no fever for 24 hours. The unit also evaluated the infection signs and symptoms of inpatients who were implemented an intrusive cauterization. Validity period of all healthcare products should be examined. Staff should take at least one-hour lesson of needlestick and sharps injuries prevention yearly; new staff should complete this course in three months. One registered nurse (RN) was assigned to be responsible for infection control; another acted as an infection control consultation liaison RN. They were responsible for monitoring safety use of healthcare products and reporting suspected cases. (3) Equipment: Hand sanitizer was provided at fixed places. The gate of the unit was equipped a vending machine for masks. If there was diarrhea or vomiting, it is important to strengthen environment clean and disinfection. (4) Suspected cases: The suspected patients should be held on isolated rooms in order to decrease contact with others. Related library tests or examinations should be followed up. 1. Patients and visitors can compliance with hand hygiene and masks. There was no reported cluster infection in year of 2016. The rate of completing chest X-ray examination was above 95%. 2. The rate of compliance with hand hygiene correctly among staff is 100%. Conclusion: It is effective to decrease and prevent cross infection by promote infection control strategies for patients, visitors, and health care providers. It further enhances healthcare quality. The effectiveness of environmental cleansing to improve infection control of upper respiratory infection in a psychiatric center Yu-Ping Liu 1 , Shiun-Yin Jeng 1 , Huei-Lan Lu 1 , Tso-Jen Wang 1 , Chung-Shin Liao 2 . 1 Jianan Psychiatric Center, 2 Chang Hua hospital Background: Environmental cleansing was a key point in the prevention of medical care, psychiatric patients generally had poor personal hygiene and habits, therefore while infectious disease occurred, indirect easy to make the environment contaminated by bacteria, when cleaning staff cannot effectively clean the disinfection environment, and contact with the patient with a infectious disease, would increase the medical care-related infections, in order to put an end to the breeding of infectious diseases, environmental cleansing to improve intervention is very important. Methods: Retrospective monitoring data found that the average upper respiratory tract infection rates were 2.5‰, 1.9‰ and 2.8‰ in a psychiatric center in 2013-2015. A investigating of the cleaners' cleanliness status in acute and rehabilitation ward in 2016, the result showed that the cleaner was not familiar with the process of cleaning, the bleach concentration is not correct, the cleaning equipment is not used separately. Environment cleaning intervention was provided for improving, the content included: (1) Education and training: through the video, to strengthen the priority of the clean process, from clean area to the contaminated area, the correct bleach concentration of the way and reply to the effectiveness of teaching acceptance. (2) The provisions of unified cleaning appliances: measuring cups, bucket clearly marked. (3) Clean appliances management: planning area and mop to the red tape clearly identified to use the division of cloth wiping. (4) Conducting internal and external audits: audit by the ward staffs and infection control division to understand the cleanliness and implementation of the cleaners' environment. Results: After the improvement of environmental cleanliness, the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection from 2.8‰ down to 2.24‰, cleaning staff also expressed that through the in-service education, unified cleaning appliances and management, can more clearly implement the environmental clean disinfection of the operating process. Conclusion: Environmental improvement can effectively reduce the upper respiratory infection, the in-service education will be included in the cleaning staff in future, to develop cleaners on the environment clean operation process familiarity, and continue to audit the implementation of the situation in order to maintain the best hospital environment clean quality. Pseudo-outbreak of nontuberculous mycobacterium infection caused by bronchoscope contamination Yi-Chuan Chen 1 , Ting-Ying Chung 1 , Chun-Sui Lin 1 , Mao-Cheng Ge 1,2 , Ting-Shu Wu 1,3 *. 1 Infection Control Committee, 2 Background: The growth rate of non-tuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) from bronchial wash specimen reached 9 cases/month (infection control threshold: 6 cases/month) was reported by the microbiology laboratory in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou branch, in March 2017. Five out of 9 cases were M. chelonae complex. Methods: Infection Control Committee investigated the outbreak by enhancing hand-washing in the bronchoscope room, performing culture of individual bronchoscopes and the surfaces, filtered water, cleaning chemicals and tubing of automatic washing machines. Results: There was no growth of NTM from culture of the bronchoscopes. After the investigation, handwashing compliance of the bronchoscope staff reached 100%. All specimen (N = 4) from the filtered water of 3 automatic washing machines and tap water culture showed growth of NTM, however, the strain was different from the outbreak M. chelonae complex strain. After re-sterilizing all tubing system and staff re-education, there was no more NTM outbreak in the following months. Conclusion: Threshold monitoring and alertness from microbiology laboratory and clinical staff are important measures in infection control in the hospital. The vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) case study and disposal experience of intensive care unit in a regional hospital Chun-Feng Chiu 1,2 , Min-Han Hsieh 1,3 , Tun-Chieh Chen 1,3 . Background: In a regional hospital in southern Taiwan, vancomycin-resistant entorococci (VRE) was isolated from four patients in intensive care unit (ICU) in one month. The sites where VER was isolated were bloodstream, urine, pus and ascites. One of the four patients was healthcare-associated bloodstream infection. This study was intended to analysis the possible cause of VRE transmission and to prevent outbreak. All of the four patients were at the risk of VRE infection. About the hand hygiene in medical staff, the mean compliance rate was 70% in previous 3 months, which is lower than the stander 80%. In this ICU, there's no audit for the terminal cleaning of the ward when patient transferred to ward. Therefore, once culture result of multidrugresistant organism (MDRO) was obtained after patient transferred out of ICU, the ward can't accomplish the terminal cleaning according to the standard of MDRO-exposed ward. Methods: First, patients from whom VRE was isolated were placed in single ward for isolation and selected cleaning tools were exclusively to this ward. Second, hand hygiene of medical staff was regular monitored. The goals of accuracy rate and compliance rate were 90% and 85%, respectively. Third, take preventive segregation measures and regular check. Fourth, the terminal cleaning of the ward was regularly monitored. Fifth, the education of appropriate antibiotic use was held for medical staff. Results: The results of following six months after these measurements included the followings. No more VRE isolated in this ICU. The mean accuracy rate and compliance rate of hand hygiene in medical staff were 92.8% and 88.3%, respectively. The mean rate of monitoring terminal cleaning was 96.7%. Conclusion: With the increasing use of antibiotics, the vancomycin-resistant in enterococci was kept increasing in ICU in Taiwan region hospital. In this study, all four isolates of VRE were from different site and the antibiogram was also different, which means outbreak is not likely. During the investigation and intervention measurements, we found that reduction of healthcare associated infection can be achieved by improvement of hand hygiene and making sure of environment cleaning. Outbreak investigation of influenza at pediatric intensive care unit of a medical center in southern Taiwan Shu-Ching Hsu 1 , Iig-Ling Chen 1 , Hung-Jen Tang 1,2,3 *. Background: A total of 16 medical staff had symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, including 12 nurses, 3 physicians and 1 nursing caregiver, who were diagnosed with a group of pandemics in a pediatric intensive care unit of a medical center in southern Taiwan in mid-May 2015. A type of influenza confirmed a total of 8 (50%) symptoms, including fever (≧38°C) 7 (43.8%), cough 14 (87.5%), sore throat 14 (87.5%) and other symptoms. Which involved in the relevant infection control measures, making the influenza group sudden effective control. Methods: The hospital for the southern Taiwan 1273 bed of medical center, pediatric intensive care unit a total of 34 medical staff. Received units in charge of the notification unit recently staff have fever, upper respiratory tract and other symptoms, and the rapid diagnosis of influenza A type. The investigation interval from 5/18 to 6/5. In order to avoid the expansion of the incident, the Infection control division visited the site and discussed with the unit supervisor, and initially judged the A-type influenza group. In order to avoid the event, The incident was conducted to describe, analyze and review the epidemiological changes in the course of treatment, the control measures for segregation infection, and the influenza vaccination of the staff, and actively informed the health bureau. Results: Through the intervention investigation, the daily monitoring of the epidemic and return to the Health Bureau, a comprehensive staff health monitoring log, and the implementation of measures, including strengthening the environment disinfection, unnecessary time should be fully wear masks, strengthen the implementation of hand hygiene. After the relevant intervention measures, this influenza cluster event was effectively controlled. Conclusion: Medical personnel when there is a history of exposure to influenza respiratory symptoms should seek medical diagnosis and early treatment. Personnel should implement abnormal body temperature notification. In order to provide a safe medical environment, the Infection control division by monitoring temperature feedback system and daily active surveillance, as soon as possible to find the ward and unit influenza abnormal cluster events and early control of the epidemic. The efficacy of infection control courses for caregivers at a hospital in southern Taiwan Hsiuo Kuo 1,2 *, Huiwen Sung 1,2 , Tepei Tang 1,3 , Chelung Su 1,3 , Shufeng Chang 1,3 . 1 Infection Control Committee, 2 Department of Nursing, 3 Department of Medicine, Mingjong Hospital, Pingtung, Taiwan Background: The study is to discuss education and training to promote the efficacy of caregivers' infection control recognition. Methods: Thirteen caregivers at a southern hospital were studied to use "infection control recognition evaluation chart" as a tool. Tests were performed two weeks before and after the education and training. Results: At this study, the average work year of these caregivers is 6.6. The nationalities are 7 Taiwaneses (53.9%) and 6 Vietnameses (46.2%) 38.5% of them felt by themselves the related knowledge of infection control inadequate. The general recognition of infection control progressed to reach 9.5% (238/25) (Table 1) . Conclusion: The intervention of education and training could promote a caregiver's infection control recognition and protect the safety of a patients hospitalization. An investigation regarding a tuberculosis cluster happened in intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in eastern Taiwan Yun-cheng Wang 1 , Xin-yi Zheng 2 , Hui-Li Jiang 1 , Lih-Shinn Wang 3 , Hsiu-tzy chiang 4 , Soon-Hian Teh 1,3 *. To reduce this high rate of CLABSI an action plan was worked out: 1. Intensive training session of the nursing staff 2. Implementation of the Clear MicroClave, a needle free connector system 3. Implementation of a custom made closed IV system, with less risk of introducing infection in the system The whole process was intensively supported by the infection control department and the multi-professional vascular access team. Results: These actions resulted in a dramatic decrease in CLABSI, from 7.6/1000 tunneled catheter days to 0 at the end of 2015, and from 5.74/1000 port catheter days to 0 at the end of 2015. Conclusion: Intensive staff training, introduction of a new IV prepared system and the introduction of a needle free system resulted in a dramatic fall of central line infections on a pediatric hemato-oncology ward. Applying system-oriented event analysis model to the safety of center catheter care systems Lin Shi-Hua 1 , Chuang Sheu-Wen 2 , Hsueh Kuei-hsia 1 , Chen Han-Hsing 1 . 1 Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2 Taipei Medical University Background: At 1990 Institute of Medicine (IOM) proposed "To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System," the construction of safe sanitation systems have become a modern medical industry objectives pursued. Central line (CL) bundles to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) are widely promoted. However, in 2010 the studies also a policy for the CL bundle is often present but frequently not well implemented by National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). Therefore, understanding the center catheter care systems during the depth of the interaction cross relationship becomes a very important issue. In addition, in recent years, to develop resilience engineering bringing new opportunities to enhance patient safety. Therefore, the study Applying System-Oriented Event Analysis Model (SOEA) and resilience engineering to the safety of center catheter care systems. Methods: Used SOEA and qualitative research interviews in an Intensive Care Unit of regional hospital. Results: The study found the goals of central catheter care systems to save patients live and control the CLABSI, in system-wide, there are three important sub-systems of working system functions to achieve system goals. Use SOEA, we found that there are 9 kinds of hazards in the central catheter care system. However, sampling a total of 15 cases of exposure to hazard among those in January 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015, only 3 cases to get the CLABSI. In view of this situation, interview doctors and nurses, found that in the same system hazers caused by the various states, have the same or different reaction practices to maintain their system and can implement functions continue to work, and may reduce the risk of patient injury. In the other hand, the SOEA can clarify the relationship between the various elements of central catheter care systems, combined with resilience engineering to understand HealthCare worker that how to respond the system in daily hazards, and under the anticipated and unanticipated occurrence of various adaptively adjust its central catheter combined practices, rather than blindly follow, and to maintain patient safety practices. Conclusion: Applying SOEA in addition to the ability to the structure of the system can complete presentation, including relevance of the system, orderly, purposeful, providing system improve important information. SOEA analysis of the resilience of the system, allowing the HealthCare worker to understand the occurrence and learning control method reaction only after full cognitive system structure in order to achieve the goal to Building a Safer Health System. Staffs' cognition, attitude and behavior for central venous catheter bundle care program in medical intensive care units of a medical center in southern Taiwan Wan-Ching Wu 1 , Po-Lin Chen 2 , Wen-Chien Ko 1 , Nai-Ying Ko 1,3 . Background: To promote the quality of care for central venous catheters (CVCs) and reduce the incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infections, a CVC bundle intervenion program was implemented in the electronic health management system in 2012. In order to understand the staffs' cognition, attitude and behavior for CVC bundle care program, an investigation with questionnaire was underwent in July, 2016. Methods: The staff members, including doctos and nurses of 54bed medical intensive care units (ICUs), were invited to annyomously fill out the questionnaire for CVC bundle culture awareness. The itmes incldued in the study questionnaire were based on the Taiwan CDC guideline for CVC bundle care, which addressed the critical procedures for CVC placement and care. The study was ethically approved by The Institutional Review Borad of National Cheng Kung University Hospital (IRB no.: B-ER-105-82). Results: A total of 138 members (128 nurses and 10 doctors) of medical ICUs participated this study. The average year of service of the nurses was 5.1 years. Most of the study subjects (123, 89.1%) admitted "catheter-related bloodstream infections is zero-tolerance." All of them agreed "the doctors should evaluate the necessity of catheter for patient every day." The majority (116, 84.1%) of the participants agreed that CVC must be removed within 48 h, if it was inserted in an emergent situation. In addition, a significant proportion (83, 60.1%) ever proposed removal of CVC catheters inserted in such situations. Major contributing factors for catheter-releated bloodstream infections recognized by our colleagues included critical patients who need multiple venous lines for treatment (n = 42), overt bleeding during the process of CVC placement, prolonged procedure time (n = 23), incomplete disinfection of CVC conector (n = 34), and patients with multiple chronic diseases (n = 30). However, 63.8% of the respondents conisdered that the bunde care would increase their work load. Most of the study subjects (108, 78.3%) admitted the bundle program would fail, if the practioners did not take it seriously. Conclusion: All respondents recognized CVC bundle care program would reduce the risk of catheter-related bloodstream infections. However, most of the practitioners worried that heavy workload would be an obstacle to practice the bundle care. Investigation of outbreak caused by Elizabethkingia meningoseptica at a respiratory care center in Taiwan Guan-Jhou Chen 1 , Ning Ting 2 , I-Chen Hung 2 , Jann-Tay Wang 1,2 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1,2 *, Yee-Chun Chen 1 , Shan-Chwen Chang 1 . Background: Elizabethkingia meningoseptica is a ubiquitous pathogen that could be found in clinical environment and equipment surfaces. E. meningoseptica had the nature characteristics of resistant to various antimicrobial agents, such as carbapenem. Increasing frequency of human infection, especially from healthcare associated infections, had been reported in recent decade. However, efforts of infection control of outbreak caused by E. meningoseptica remains less reported. Methods: The Respiratory Care Center (RCC) at the National Taiwan University Hospital is a 15-bed unit which provides care for ventilator-dependent patients. During October 2016 to November 2016, 3 patients developed bacteremia due to E. meningoseptica during the stay at RCC, which was significantly higher comparing to background incidence. All three isolates had identical antimicrobial susceptibility pattern. An environmental investigation and infection control measures of outbreak, such as strict hand hygiene, contact isolation and environmental cleaning were conducted. Molecular typing by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to investigate the relatedness of isolates and isolates with more than 90% of similarity were considered the same cluster. Results: In the investigation of outbreak, eight clinical isolates were cultured from six patients, including 6 isolates from blood and two isolate from sputum. Two additional isolates were cultured from the hospital environment. PFGE of the 10 isolates revealed three different clusters, including three, three and two isolates in each cluster. A blood isolate from one patient was identical to one of the isolates from the medical environment (Cluster 3, Figure 1 ). There was no linkage to the environmental isolates of the other two clusters indicate the possibility of cross transmission by healthcare personnel (Cluster 1 and 2, Figure 1 ). After use of strict cohort nursing, hand hygiene and environmental cleaning, the outbreak was controlled. Conclusion: We reported the investigation of an E. meningoseptica outbreak at the RCC of a medical center in Taiwan. Our results demonstrate potential transmission of E. meningoseptica via medical environment and person-to-person contact. Vigorous infection control measures should be applied to prevent spreading of E. meningoseptica at hospitals. Implementation of care bundle to reduce the ventilatorassociated pneumonia Yu-Hsia Hen 1 , Ying-Chun Chen 1 , Hui-Mei Huang 2 , Zhi-Yuan Shi 1 . 1 Departments of Infection Control, 2 Nursing, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan Background: According to previous studies, some 5% of hospitalized patients had healthcare-associated infections. Ninety percent of the healthcare-associated pneumonia in the intensive care unit were ventilator-associated pneumonia. Compared with pneumonia which are not ventilator-associated, the risk of using ventilators gets six to twenty times higher than patients not using ventilators. Each ventilator-associated pneumonia was estimated to increase by 19.2 days of the length of hospital stay and US$5,335 of the cost in Taiwan. To prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia and improve the quality of medical care, we launched a campaign to promote the care bundle of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Methods: We implemented many strategies to promote the care bundle of ventilator-associated pneumonia from June 2015 to December 2016. The daily checklist was developed for five elements, including elevation of the head of the bed to at least 30 degrees, daily sedation vacation, daily assessment of readiness to extubation, mouth care with 0.2% chlorhexidine and emptying the water from the tubing of ventilators. Furthermore, we educated the healthcare workers and monitored the compliance with care bundle. Results: Compared to the data in 2015, after introducing the care bundle of ventilator-associated pneumonia in 2016, the infection rates of ventilator-associated pneumonia reduced from 2.31 to 0.86 per 1000 ventilator days. The utilization rates of ventilators decreased from 28.98 to 26.80 per 100 resident days. The compliance rate of care bundle increased from 80% to 95%. By the decrease of ventilator-associated pneumonia from 32 to 14 each year, we saved medical cost about US$ 100,000 each year. Conclusion: There are many benefits to adopted care bundle, including improving the quality of medical care for the hospitals, avoiding suffering from infections for patients and reducing medical cost for social insurance. Outbreak of surgical site infections related to mastectomy with/ without reconstruction at a medical center Ju-Chun Lo 1 , Ying-Ying Chang 2 , Ya-Hui Huang 1 , Jann-Tay Wang 1,2 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1,2 . 1 Center for Infection Control, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Background: The National Healthcare Safety Network classifies breast operations as clean procedures with an expected cumulative incidence of 1%-2% surgical site infection (SSI). SSI will increase hospital days, mortality, medical costs and the workload of staff. The prevention of healthcare-associated infections have always been the important topic of medical institutions. The incidence of mastectomy-related SSI increased from Nov. 2016 at a medical center. An outbreak investigation and some relevant interventions were conducted. Methods: In recent four years, the incidence of mastectomyrelated SSI at the medical center ranges from 0.1 to 0.2%. An active surveillance by infection control nurse found that the SSI incidence increased since Aug., Sep., and Nov. 2016, and even went higher in Dec. 2016 and Jan. 2017. Outbreak was therefore suspected. In order to realize the cause for the unusually increased SSI, an outbreak investigation was conducted to analyze the probable factors, including staff's daily work, environment and equipment cleaning, the operation procedures, and post-operation wound care processes. Results: It was found that the concentration of antimicrobial detergent was not enough, the prophylactic antibiotics were not used properly, surgical hand preparation using alcohol-based handrub was not adequate, wound coverage when re-draping was also not proper, alcohol-based hand hygiene equipment was insufficient in the treatment room, and there was no standard procedure for tissue expander injection. After discussion with the operation team, we establish a new standard procedure of for tissue expander injection, and improve the hand hygiene and aseptic technique. The SSI incidence data was thereafter also feedback to the operators. After these interventions, the incidence of mastectomy-related SSI decreased since April 2017. Conclusion: A timely implemented outbreak investigation and effective intervention can stop the outbreak of SSI. PS 164 10 years' experience in implementing VAP bundle in the medical intensive care unit of a regional hospital to reduce ventilatorassociated pneumonia incidence Chin-Te Lu 1 , Hui-Chen Kuan 2 , Chia-Chun Chi 2 , Liang-Wen Ding 3 . (1) readiness-to-wean assessment daily, (2) check endotracheal cuff pressure daily, (3) diary "sedation vacation" (4) hand hygiene, (5) oral care every 8 hours, (6) head-of-bed elevation above 30 degrees, (7) suctioning of both the oropharynx and the endotracheal tube. We correct the data including: compliance rate of VAP bundle, ICU stay days, rate of ventilator usage, case number of VAP cases, VAP rate. For analysis the effects of VAP bundle, we divide into 4 periods: (1) Pre-intervention period (2004) (2005) (2006) , (2) Intervention Period (2007) Results: The compliance rate of VAP bundle was 16.7% in the Preintervention period increasing to 80.0% after the implementation of first year. The ventilator usage rate decreased 10.3% after implanted VAP bundle, and ICU stay days decreased 1.96 days of each patient from Pre-intervention period to Confirmation Period. The VAP cases decreased from annual average of 8 cases before VAP bundle implementing to an average of 1.33 cases a year after VAP bundle implementing (decrease of 83.3%). The implementation of the VAP bundle during three years got a total reduction of 20 cases of VAP. A record of 20 month period of zero VAP case from March 2008 to October 2009 in Confirmation Period, and 37 months form January 2011 to January 2014 in Maintenance Period had achieved. Conclusion: Our experience has shown that the implementation of VAP bundle, can be effective in reducing ventilator-associated pneumonia occurred. Upgrade bundle care to reduce the catheter-associated urinary tract infection rate Pai Mei Chao 1 , Mei Fang Liang 2 , Yu Chen Yang 2 , Pao Tsuan Kao 3 . Director of Nursing Department, 2 Infection Control Center, 3 Background: According to literature review, urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection site in many hospitals. UTI exists 30-40% of all health care associated infection (HAI), also one of common sites. Urinary catheter is utilized in about 15% to 20% of inpatients. Every more one day use of urinary catheter can increase UTI rate by 3% to 8%. During 2015-2016, in medical ward and intensive care unit, overall urinary catheter utilization rate is 27.1% to 28.3% resulting in UTI rate ranged from 0.83‰ to 0.72‰. In order to implement more complete and effective strategy for reducing UTI rate, we participate in Invasive Health Care Procedure Program in 2017. The previous strategy for prevention of UTI is not adequate, and we expect for reducing of UTI rate by implementation of current UTI bundle care. Methods: Since February 2017, we start to implement the strategy as following: 1. Educate all health care providers and selected special personnel, arrange small unit training for basic and new knowledge of urinary catheter application. The selected health care personnel are trained for application of urinary catheterization and skills of catheter care. Through this training course, they can share these skills to other members. 2. In order to promote the facility and procedure method, use the appropriate disposable urinary catheter package which can facilitate health care providers to apply and shorten the duration of catheterization, also reduce contamination rate. There is utilization of 2% chlorhexidine for disinfection, preconnection of urinary catheter and urine collecting bag, using sealed valve designed urine collection bag if urine specimen is necessary to be obtained which can avoid for damaging the closed circuit, wiping the catheter opening with alcohol based paper before and after collection of urine. 3. Warning for hand hygiene before and after contact with urinary catheter and urine bag by using small card attached to urine bag, and warning for catheter care by using picture in language of Chinese, English and Vietnam easily to be recognized by main care giver. Catheter placement checklist and daily care checklist are monitored for effective implementation. Results: Followed from February, 2017 to June, 2017, in medical ward and ICU, the utilization of urinary catheter rate is 28.4%, the catheter related UTI rate is 0.46‰. Although the utilization rate is not differed from previous rate, the UTI incidence is reduced significantly after implementation of current UTI bundle care. Because health care providers strictly follow the strategy in all aspects, the incidence of UTI reduced significantly. At the same time, nursing department adjust and standardize the urinary catheter placement procedure and urinary catheter care manual. Conclusion: During this UTI bundle care strategy, reusable urinary catheter package is replaced by disposable urinary catheter package supported by hospital authority. All health care providers strengthen to implement all aspect of UTI bundle care, keep awareness of catheter care knowledge, keep proper disinfection before urinary catheterization, and assess daily for catheterization requirement, avoid unnecessary urinary catheterization. Therefore, catheter related UTI rate can be reduced significantly. The survey for the effectiveness of implementing VAP (Ventilator-associated Pneumonia) bundle in the ICU of a regional hospital in Taiwan Catheter utilization ratios and microbiological characteristics were also analyzed. Results: The incidence rates of both CLABSI and CRBSI decreased significantly from the baseline to the intervention periods (from 9.27 to 7.66 per 1000 CL-days, and from 1.51 to 0.89 per 1000 CLdays, respectively, with both p < 0.001). The yearly incidence rate decreased by up to 31% (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.69; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.59-0.81) for CLABSI and 59% (IRR, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.26-0.65) for CRBSI since the initiation of the interventions. The incidence rate by quarter also showed a trend of decrease for both CLABSI and CRBSI ( Figure 1 ). The catheter utilization ratio decreased from 0.71 to 0.63 ( p < 0.001). Microbiological analysis showed that among all CLABSI isolates, the proportion of coagulase-negative staphylococci significantly decreased during the intervention period. Conclusion: Implementing multimodal interventions focusing on CL bundle improvement was effective in reducing the incidence rates of CLABSI and CRBSI in Taiwan's adult ICUs. Effectiveness of insertion and maintenance bundles to prevent central-line-associated bloodstream infections in critically ill patients: experiences and challenges in a medical intensive care unit Ya-Wen Chang 1 *, Miao-Fang Tai Background: To determine the effectiveness of a care bundle, with a novel line maintenance procedure, in reducing the rate of central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) in the intensive care unit (ICU). We aimed to quantify the effectiveness of centralline bundles (insertion or maintenance or both) to prevent these infections. Methods: This was a prospective interventional quality improvement project aiming to decrease CLABSI in one adult intensive care unit. The intervention study was conducted over a period of 7 months. "Plan-Do-Study-Act" cycles, checklists for insertion and a standardized real-time ultrasound-guided cannulation of the internal jugular vein was adopted to implement the central line insertion bundle in clinical practice. The compliance of health care staff with central venous catheter bundle elements was also measured. The implemented CLABSI prevention bundle that included: implementation of central-line insertion and maintenance bundles that proper hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, maximal barrier precautions and iodine alcohol skin preparation during line insertion, daily discussion of catheter necessity, and meticulous site and tubing care. The rate of CVC related infections during the intervention period (1 October 2016 to 30 April 2017) was compared with the average of the 6 months prior to implementation. Results: The rate of CLABSI decreased from 10.86 to 5.02 per 1000 catheter days ( p < 0.05). The length of ICU stay and catheter duration was associated with a higher risk of infection associated to these devices ( p < 0.05). Annulation of the internal jugular vein was achieved in all patients by using ultrasound. Average access time (skin to vein) and were significantly reduced in the ultrasound group of patients ( p < 0.05). The staff adherence to the bundle was over 95%. Conclusion: Improving the reliability of the central line insertion bundle has reduced infections. Key steps in the process were setting clear aims and ensuring staff understand the change process and measurement of results. This is fundamental to the success of any quality improvement process. Using ATP bioluminescence technique to reduce surgical site infection in orthopaedic surgeriesthe clinical experience by a regional hospital Liang-YI Wu 1 , Yueh-Ying Hsieh 2 , Wen-Chuan Lin 1 , Ya-Fang Wang 1 , Hsiao-Yun Wen 3 , Yang-Hwei Tsuang 2 , Yong-Ching Lau 4 . 1 Infection Control Office, 2 Department of Orthopedics, 3 Operating Room, 4 Background: The annual rate of surgical site infection associated with orthopedic operation in our hospital was 1.43‰ (25/17468) in 2015, which increased by 0.91‰ when compared with 0.52‰ (9/ 17128) in 2014. According to the investigation and analysis, it was found that part of the surgical instruments used during the implantation of prosthesis and implant were provided by the orthopedic implant suppliers who were also in charge of the cleaning and sterilization of the surgical instrument after the operation. After intense testing the passing rate of the adenosine triphosphate [ATP] bioluminescence assay test was only 38.5% (5/ 13) for the instruments from the orthopedic implant suppliers. Methods: The followings are the methods we used to improve the infection rate. 1st, develop the protocol for the use of Managing Rental Equipment in the Operation Room. 2nd, standardize the protocol for the process of surgical instrument cleaning and sterilization. 1. Develop the processing protocol of surgical instruments which includes: itemization, decontamination, soaking, cleaning, inspection, packaging, and sterilization. 2. Conduct the educational training program for the personnel who are responsible for equipment cleaning and sterilization. 3. Use of 3M™ Clean-Trace™ ATP Surface Test and 3M™ Clean-Trace™ NG Luminometer as the testing tools, and randomly test the operation equipment after cleaning. The passing value is <150RLU, and the passing rate was calculated as the number of qualified items divided by the total number of testing items (%), to make sure that the extent of cleanliness has reached our goal of effective sterilization. Results: The passing rate of ATP randomized testing was increased from 72.5% (50/13, 2015/01) to 72.9% (140/192, 2015/20-2015/12) and continued to increase to 92.8% (205/221, 2016/01-2016/12). The infection rate of SSI decreased from 1.43‰ (25/17468, 2014) to 1. 07‰ (20/18628, 2015) and kept improving to 0.82‰ (15/18203, 2016) . Conclusion: This study used ATP bioluminescence assay as an objective and rapid tool to determine the environmental cleanliness and effectively demonstrated a decrease in the rate of surgical site infection caused by the surgical instruments. Therefore, we now include this protocol in our standard operating procedure. Creating an health environment by the implementation of bundle care for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections at a medical center Hsin-Hsin Chang 1 , Jann-Tay Wang 1,2 , Yee-Chun Chen 1,2 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1,2 . 1 Center for Infection Control, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital Background: According to the 2006-2016 Taiwan Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (TNIS), the most common HAI is catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). CAUTIs result in significant morbidity, mortality, and medical cost. This prompted us to investigate the impact of infection control measures, such as CAUTI bundle care. Bundle care has been proven to effectively reduce CAUTI in many literatures. Well-structured infection control programs are imperative in order to the prevent CAUTI. Methods: Prospective surveillance was performed on all patients admitted to the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). All patients developing healthcare-associated uninary tract infection (HAUTI), including CAUTI while their staying at NTUH during 2008 to 2016 were enrolled for analysis. A CAUTI bundle care was implemented in the entire hospital, particular focus on ICUs, since 2010. The bundle care emphasized 4C elements: clean practice, clean products, clean equipment, and clean environment. A comprehensive educational program including optimization of the catheterization process, demonstrating by teaching videos for learning purposes, clinical audit, Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for nurses and interns, and competitions to test the operators' practical knowledge and skills was also conducted at the same time. A computer-based infection surveillance system and checklist was also developed to monitor the adherence to the CAUTI bundle care. The outcomes were analyzed on Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. A p value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significantly. Results: During the study period, there were 6557,971 patient-days with a total of 9845 episodes of HAUTIs in the entire hospital identified. CAUTIs accounts for about 56.7% of HAUTIs. Among them, 1922 episodes of CAUTIs were assessed in 620,019 patientdays over 353,609 catheter-days in adult ICU. Comparing the incidence density of CAUTI in adult ICU patients before and after the implementation of bundle interventions, CAUTI incidence density remarkably decreased from 7.9 to 4.8 per 1000 patient-days ( p = 0.02). Foley utilization was seen significantly decreased, from 1148.5 catheter-days to 956.1 catheter-days ( p = 0.028) monthly between the pre-CAUTI and post-CAUTI bundle care. Conclusion: CAUTI incidence density decreased in response to the implementation of an effective bundle care intervention. Multidisciplinary teamwork, education, a comprehensive checklist and from time to time audit feedback to improve healthcare workers' compliance are the keys to success. Efficacy of daily bathing with 2% chlorhexidine for reducing healthcare-associated bloodstream infections in hematology patients Kuei-Lian Tien 1 *, Jann-Tay Wang 1,2 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1,2 , Chi-Tai Fang 2,3 . 1 Center for Infection Control, National Taiwan University Hospital, 2 Department of Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, 3 Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University Background: Hematology patients undergoing immunocompromising cytotoxic chemotherapy are at risk for healthcareassociated infections. It remains unclear whether daily bathing with 2% chlorhexidine can reduce the risk. The aim of this study is to compare the incidence of healthcare-associated bloodstream infection (HABSI) between patients using of 2% CHG daily bath and those using general antibacterial cleansers daily bath. Methods: This was a single-arm prospective interventional study. Patients admitted to two hematological units during the period from December 2015 to June 2016 were the study population. We recruited patients to receive 2% CHG daily bath (intervention group). Those who refused to participate were provided with general antibacterial cleansers daily bath (control group). The incidence rate of skin flora-related bloodstream infection (SKIN_BSI), central venous catheter (CVC)-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI_CVC), and HABSI of the intervention group were compared with that of the control group. Results: In total, 485 patients were enrolled as the intervention group, and the other 408 patients served as control group. Compared with the control group, the incidence rate of first SKIN_BSI was reduced by 65.5% (1.0 vs 2.9 per 1000 patient-day, p = 0.012), the incidence rate of first CLABSI_CVC was reduced by 61% (6.6 vs 16.9 per 1000 patient-day, P = 0.005) and the incidence rate of first HABSI was reduced by 34.2% (7.9 vs 12.0 per 1000 patientday, P = 0.042) in the intervention group. After adjusting for effects of confounding variables by logistic regression, the 2% CHG daily bath reduces the risk of first SKIN_BSI by 70% (adjusted OR = 0.3, P = 0.02), the risk of first CLABSI_CVC by 68% (adjusted OR = 0.32, P = 0.01), and the risk of first HABSI by 59% (adjusted OR = 0.41, P = 0.002). In contrast, the risk of gut-origin bacteremia, such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae-related bloodstream infection, did not change (adjusted OR = 0.993, P = 0.99). Conclusion: Daily bathing with 2% CHG is effective in reducing skin flora-related bloodstream infection and cathether-related bacteremia. We recommend routine adoption of this simple and low-cost intervention to reduce BSI among patients with hematological malignancy. Investigation of orthopedic arthroscopic surgery of Staphylococcus aureus infection outbreak Li Chen Chen 1 *, Tuzz Guang Young 1 , Wan Chen Lin 2 , Hui Chien Hung 3 , Hsiu Yu Peng 1 , Yuh Chyun Chiang 4 . 1 Department of Infection Control, 2 Department of Laboratory Medicine, 3 Department of Nursing, 4 Administration Office Background: October 2016 three patients underwent arthroscopic surgery have Staphylococcus aureus surgical site infection in our hospital. We used Fisher's exact test and found there's significance ( p < 0.05). Infection control team immediately responded and investigated environmental survey, the relevant infection control measures was also initiated. Methods: In our hospital, orthopedic department has a total of 35 patients underwent arthroscopic surgery in October 2016. Infection control nurses reviewed daily bacteriologic reports and medical records routinely. We have surveyed doctor and nurses with total of seven nasal swabs and hand specimens before and after hand scrub to identify the source of pathogen, including carrier and colonizer. All the pathogen specimen will compare with RAPD (Random amplified polymorphic DNA) to reconstruct ribonucleic acid and to distinguish whether the strains were identical. Results: We found all 3 infected patients received their surgery on October 3. The causative pathogen is S. aureus. Thirty nine of the environmental specimens were negative for S. aureus. Three of seven staffs have been found S. aureus in the nasal cavity. Two circulating nurses showed positive identification of S. aureus before and after they had scrubbing their hands. We conducted RAPD Analysis Typing for the pathogens and found that all patient's pathogens and pathogens from 2 circulating nurse were identical. The outbreak of surgical site infection has been confirmed. Conclusion: During investigation, we found that the circulating nurse was not required to wear gloves. Furthermore, we have confirmed S. aureus moved from the nurse's hands to surgical site, because of ineffective clean process while the nurses has severe eczematous skin lesion in her hands. After group meetings and discussions, we have revised the process for circulating nurse, which including hand hygiene and personal protective equipment. From November 2016 to May 2017, there was no more S. aureus surgical site infection. It can be well explained that our efforts for this outbreak are effective and successful. The effect of bundle care intervention on catheter-associated urinary tract infections rate in medical intensive care unit Meng-Yi Liu, Chien-I Su, Yi-Hsuan Chen. Registered Nurse, Department of Nursing, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, New Taipei City, Taiwan Background: Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are the most common health care-associated infections (HAI) in medical intensive care units (MICU), accounting for 30-40% of all HAI. CAUTIs prolong hospital stay and exacerbate mortality rate. According to the 2016 nosocomial infection records provided by the Infection Control Center of Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, the infection density of CAUTIs in MICU was elevated to 4.17‰ and medical costs increased. Therefore, the collaboration practice team assembled from Infection Control Center and Center of Quality Management promote the bundle care intervention. Methods: The collaborating team surveyed the bundle care intervention through brainstorming and cause-and-effect analysis. After reviewing literatures, the team investigated the current states of indwelling catheter implementation of three aspects: the "care knowledge," "placement," and "care checklist." Different understandings of the bundle care process were survey for medical team. The completion rate of accurate catheter care calculated from nursing team scoring. Daily evaluation instruments for catheter placement and care investigated. Finally, the team invited external infection control experts to MICU for intervention measures of bundle care implementation, standards of the placement and daily care, professional training sessions, instructional films for placement, daily care for patients, and a digitized platform for daily care evaluation. The team expected that these measures would alleviate the CAUTI rate. Results: The research team enhanced health care professionals' knowledge of bundle care intervention for CAUTI through revised standard operating procedures of indwelling catheter placement and care, lecture instructions, and self-learning via instructional films. Furthermore, this study ensured accurate implementation through an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), group discussions, and subsequent audits. The CAUTI infection rate was decreased from 4.17‰ to 1.68‰, indicating the effectiveness of the intervention. The OSCE results demonstrated that after educational training, both nurses in the nurse postgraduate nursing year training program (NPGY program) and the clinical nursing teachers had higher levels of knowledge on bundle care intervention of CAUTI than clinical nurses. The NPGY nurses received 2 years of dedicated training, whereas the clinical nursing teachers must receive relevant training continually when mentoring NPGY nurses. Therefore, clinical nurses should regularly receive the latest information to enhance their expertise and improve health care quality. Lung cancer post-surgical with pleural effusion caused by Aspergillus infection: a case report Ching I Ting. ChiMei Medical Center Intensive Care Unit Background: Lung infections can be severe consequences of chemotherapy-induced immune defects. Aetiological causes of infection include bacteria, viruses and fungi. Most infections are caused by bacteria, but viruses are being increasingly identified. Diagnosis is difficult and frequently time-consuming. Other immunosuppression conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, alcoholism, connective tissue diseases and prolonged corticosteroid therapy, are also situations of increased risk. Case Report: This 76-year-old female, patient has past history of (1) Right side Low Lung bronchioalveolar carcinoma post operation on 88-04 (2) Hepatitis B related with liver cirrhosis (3) Hepatocellular carcinoma (4) Tachy-brady syndrome post Permanent pacemaker in 105-04 (5) Chronic kidney disease. She was just discharged due to 1. Adenocarcinoma, right upper lobe post CT guided biopsy. In this hospitalization, chest CT revealed Right Up Lung mass (size: 3 × 2.7 cm) and chest CT-guided biopsy was performed on 4/14. The pathology showed Adenocarcinoma, right upper lobe. This time, she was admitted for surgical treatment. We arranged Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery operation on 5/2. Post operation transfer to intensive treatment. In the ICU, empiric antibiotic treatment with Piperacillin Sodium for infection control. Successful ventilator weaning, extubation on 05/03. However, sudden onset of PEA and apnea with cyanosis were occurred. Emergent intubation and resuscitation were provided. suspected pulmonary embolism further survey. May 19th the Chest CT was arranged that impression. Discussion the Chest CT report to her family and suggest insertion pig tail, they are agree then Chest CT guide for Pigtail drainage was performed on 5/23. 5/29 right pleural effusion: Aspergillus species. We add voriconazole 250 mg q12h therapy. 6/5 right pleural effusion: Aerobic culture: No Growth. voriconazole treatment course (5/29-6/9). However, unstable hemodynamic was done with renal, liver function failure, condition poor response, discharged on 6/11. Discussion: The definite diagnosis is made through the histological demonstration of tissue invasion by the fungus and the growth of Aspergillus species in a culture. Therapy with voriconazole or itraconazole has emerged as the first-line treatment and is safer than amphotericin B. The long-term prognosis for patients with CNPA is not well documented. The ideal treatment duration has not yet been defined and depends on the extension of the disease, the patient's response to treatment, the base disease and the patient's immunological condition. In some cases, lifelong therapy may be required. Enhancing the quality of bundle care in patients with Ventilator associated pneumonia through crossdisciplinary teamwork Wan-Ling Hsu, Ni-Huang Lin, Yi-Hsuan Chen. Department of Nursing, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) commonly occurs in intensive care unit patients who have a tracheal tube. In Taiwan, approximately 13.7-25.3% of hospitalized patients contract VAP, which has a mortality rate of 20-33%. Hospital infection control center reported the VAP infection rate in our medical intensive care units was 1.17‰ in 2015, which was higher than the nationwide in medical centers (0.6‰) and which has steadily increased. Accordingly, hospitalization days and medical costs in Taiwan have risen. For this study, we collaborated with the infection control center, respiratory therapist team, information management center, and medical quality management center to develop and implement a bundle care intervention to reduce the VAP infection rate. Methods: A medical intensive care unit that has 45 patient beds and which averages a 96.4% occupancy rate was adopted for this study. Through cross-team cooperation and brainstorming, we analyzed several crucial factors related to VAP, and developed a VAP bundle care scale by referring to previous studies for investigating medical employees' knowledge of VAP bundle care procedures. The results showed that their knowledge varied, and that they did not adopt consistent care standards or have adequate daily assessment tools. In response, we invited external infection control experts to train hospital medical personnel on how to provide bundle care, modify daily VAP care standards (e.g., raising bedhead to 30°-45°, adopting daily sedation cessation, using 0.2-0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate for oral care, draining ventilators water, and washing hands), provide training, develop a daily care assessment form, and establish an information sharing platform. Results: In this study, we modified VAP bundle care standards and the medical team enhanced their knowledge of VAP bundle care through classroom learning and digital training videos. Through visual management and reminders from an information system, the accuracy of the VAP bundle care increased from 44.6% to 95.9%. Moreover, the VAP infection rate reduced from 1.17‰ to 0.44‰. We found that when bedheads were raised to 30°-45°, alert conscious patients could not fall asleep and experienced sacrum pain; accordingly, these patients refused this care procedure. Conclusion: The bundle care information system not only improved the comprehensiveness of the bundle care that patients received, but also reminded medical team members or helped them to keep track of its tasks and the quality of care provided. The effectiveness of the medical team was critically enhanced through the information-sharing platform. Using bundle care approach to reduce the ICU VAP and CAUTI infection density Yu-Wen Huang 1 , Yih-Giun Cherng 2 , Ya-Fang Wang 1 , Yu-Lan Wang 1 , Yong-Ching Lau 3 , Chun Mah 4 , Chien-Ling Su 5 , Wen -Chuan Lin 1 . 1 Infection Control Office, 2 Dean Chamber, 3 Infectious Diseases, 4 Department of Nursing, 5 Respiratory Room Background: We implemented an invasive medical intervention bundle care quality improvement program in 2015-2016, the VAP had remarkably decreased from 3.10‰ (2011) to 0.65‰ (2015). The incidence rate of CAUTI was 1.77‰ (2015), a significant reduction relative to the pre-intervention period 2.34‰ (2013). Methods: Comparing to the Taiwan Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (TNIS) in 2010, the VAP for medical centers and regional hospitals was 0.9‰ and 1.2‰, respectively, but our ICU was 3.1‰ in 2011. The incidence of CAUTI in ICU was increased from 1.29‰ (2012) to 2.34‰ (2013). Because of the results, our hospital has implemented bundle care in the adult ICU with special focus on VAP and CAUTI prevention 2015-2016. Several wrong interventions were noted after quality control circle for VAP (2011): (1) Not implemented hand hygiene (2) lack of the recognition of appropriate sputum suction timing (3) did not elevate the head of the bed to an angle of 30-45°(4) did not drain and discard any condensate that collects in the tubing. For CAUTI, the problems were included: (1) did not implement sterilize procedure of catheter insertion. (2) hand hygiene adherence and accuracy before and after 5 moments. (3) the audit for CAUTI bundle was 58%, the implementation arte for daily insert urinary catheters was 60%. Five intervention measures (1) video for hand hygiene and hand hygiene activity was performed (2) superintendent, vice superintendent and director of nursing department were participated for video performance. (3) monthly audit was done (4) certificate activities for VAP and CAUTI bundle care prevention. (5) monthy feedback. Results: 1. Hand hygiene adherence and accuracy rates was 85% and 80%. 2. Implementation of VAP+ CAUTI was above 90%. 3. The incidence rate of VAP and CAUTI of our ICU in 2015 was 0.65‰ and 1.77‰, which was lower than other medical centers (0.9‰) and regional hospitals (1.4‰) in 2015. Conclusion: Bundle care is an effective measure for promoting medical care quality, monthly meeting and surveillance system should be applied to evaluate its efficacy. Using Hepac Lock Flush for reducing Port-related bloodstream infection Shu-Jiuan Tsai 1,2 , Chen-Chi Tsai 1,3 , Chorng-Jang Lay 1,3 , Hui-Ying Chuang 1,2 , Ya-Lan Chen 1,2 , Lin-Jia Lin 1,2 , Hsiu-Lun Su 2 . Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is defined as pneumonia that developed 48 hours or longer after the use of mechanical ventilator. According to previous studies, oral hygiene care using 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) as an element of the ventilator bundle is supposed to decontaminate the mouth, avoid aspiration of contaminated secretions into the respiratory tract, and prevent VAP. The aim of the study was to evaluate the antiplaque efficacy by using oral care with 0.2% CHG gel in an adult intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: This study was conducted in an adult ICU at a regional hospital from February, 2016 to April, 2016. During the study period, VAP bundle care was implemented, including (1) head-ofbed elevation 30°−45°, (2) maintenance of ventilator circuit free from accumulated water, (3) daily interruption of sedation, (4) daily assessment of readiness to extubate, (5) hand hygiene, and (6) performance of oral hygiene with 0.2% CHG gel twice daily. Plaque disclosing solution was used to evaluate the amount of plaque. Modified Quigley-Hein Plaque Index (MQHPI) score was recorded before and after each oral hygiene care with 0.2% CHG gel. Independent t test was perfomred to evaluate the significance of difference. Results: There were 15 patients enrollwed in this study during the 2-month period. All of the study subjects were male with a mean age more than 75 years. The mean difference of MQHPI score was 0.28 ± 0.38 (95% C.I. 0.07-0.49, p = 0.01) before and after 0.2% CHG gel use. Conclusion: Oral hygiene care with 0.2% CHG gel can significantly lower the MQHPI score in adult critically ill patients. Further largescaled investigations are warranted to evaluate whether it had impact on reducing the incidence of VAP. To evaluate the effectiveness of Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) care bundle and to enhance the ratio of recognition and compliance in a district hospital Chia-Yun Pan 1 , Yu-Chiao Chen 1 , Yu-Jen Chang 2 , Hui-Ling Tsai 2 , Man-Ling Yu 2 , Li-Chu Lee 2 , Ming-Chi Tsai 3 , Wen-Chi Cheng 4 , Wen-Chih Wu 4 , Cho-Chin Sun 5 . Background: According to previous studies, there were many evidences suggested that bundle care can reduce healthcare related infection effectively. However, clinical staff didn't know the meaning of bundle care clearly and didn't obey the measures well. That's why we implemented ventilation-associated pneumonia (VAP) bundle care since June 1, 2015 to now. In the beginning, the accuracy of bundle care was only 76.6%, which may cause in low compliance rates of bundle care. Compliance rates of VAP were merely 57.1% respectively. The lack of recognition can affect the compliance of performing the measures. Methods: The VAP bundle care intervention include: head-of-bed elevation above 30 degrees, twice "oral hygiene" for patients daily, patency control on ventilator circuit, daily assessment of sedation cessation, hand hygiene, and evaluation ventilator need for patients every single day. We made up a special group that led by our assistant administrator. After observation of promotion to bundle care in clinical unit, we found that most of clinical staffs were poor recognition about bundle care and were not wellknowing in the measures. We elaborated corrective measures, including holding education training activity and bench-marking, instituting bundle care checklist and demonstration, hold "King of Knowledge" responder game, making informational materials for promotion and carrying out examination seriously to promote bundle care smoothly. Results: After promotion of corrective measures, compliance rates of VAP bundle care were from 83.3% to 100%, respectively. Improvement rate of the test before and after education training reach 20%. Correction rate of performing policy was 100%. And the most important was that our VAP achieved zero tolerance for 16 months continued. Conclusion: Improving recognition of clinical staffs can enhance compliance rates of bundle care, leading to reduced healthcare related infection. So, we will still follow this study and hope to achieve the goal of zero tolerance. Cephalosporin-glycopeptide combinations for use against clinical methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates enhanced in vitro antibacterial activity Hung-Jen Tang 1,2 , Chih-Cheng Lai 3 , Chi-Chung Chen 4,5 , Chun-Cheng Zhang 1 , Tzu-Chieh Weng 1 , Wen-Liang Yu 1,4 , Hung-Jui Chen 1 , Yu-Hsin Chiu 6 , Wen-Chien Ko 7,8 *, Yin-Ching Chuang 4,6 *. Background: The empirical combination of both a beta-lactam and glycopeptide to counter potential staphylococcal pathogens may improve the clinical outcomes for cases of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Methods: We reported comparative in vitro studies of combination effects of different cephalosporins (i.e., cefazolin, cefmetazole, cefotaxime, and cefepime) combined with glycopeptides for 34 randomly selected methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates by three methods, including the checkerboard, time-killing, and combination MIC measurement methods. Results: Thirteen SCCmec type III isolates with a cefazolin MIC of ≥128 µg/mL were classified as the high-cefazolin MIC (HCM) group, whereas 13 SCCmec type IV and 8 SCCmec type V isolates were classified as the low-cefazolin MIC (LCM) group. With the checkerboard method, synergism was present for vancomycinbased combinations at 30.8-69.2 and 13.6-66.7%, as well as teicoplanin-based combinations of 38.5-84.6 and 0-47.6%, of the HCM and LCM isolates, respectively. No antagonism was noted. The in vitro inhibitory activity was evident even at a low concentration of 1/512x MIC of cephalosporin combined with sub-inhibitory concentrations (1/2x MIC) of a glycopeptide. With time-killing assays, synergism was noted at 1/2x or 1x susceptible breakpoint concentrations (SBCs) of a cephalosporin combined with 1/4 or 1/2 MIC of a glycopeptide. In the presence of 1/2 SBC of a cephalosporin, vancomycin or teicoplanin MICs decreased an average of 2.0-to 6.6-or 1.6-to 5.5-fold, respectively. With 8 µg/ mL cephalosporin, the decline of glycopeptide MICs was most obvious in the presence of cefmetazole. Conclusion: Cephalosporin-glycopeptide combinations at clinically achievable concentrations can exhibit in vitro synergistic antibacterial activity against clinical MRSA isolates. Such combinations require more clinical data to support their application for use in human MRSA infections. The impact of inoculum size on the activity of cefoperazonesulbactam Chih-Cheng Lai 1 , Chi-Chung Chen 2,3 , Ping-Chin Chang 4 , Yin-Ching Chuang 2,4 *, Hung-Jen Tang 5,6 *. Background: This study was performed to assess the in vitro activity of cefoperazone alone and different cefoperazonesulbactam ratios against different inoculum sizes of ESBL-E. coli and K. pneumoniae. Methods: Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of cefoperazone, cefoperazone-sulbactam at fixed ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 against a normal inoculum size of 5 × 10 5 CFU/mL CFU/mL and a high inoculum size of 5 × 10 7 CFU/mL CFU/mL were measured. Results: After the addition of sulbactam at a 1:1 ratio, most MIC 50 and MIC 90 values decreased. The susceptibility rate of cefoperazone-sulbactam at a 1:1 ratio is greater against most organisms, except P. aeruginosa; for P. aeruginosa, the susceptibility rate of cefoperazone-sulbactam was at a 2:1 ratio. For extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) E. coli, the susceptibility rate of cefoperazonesulbactam at ratios of (1:1) and (2:1) decreased from 97.0 to 87.9% and 90.9 to 60.6%, for normal to high inoculum, respectively. For ESBL K. pneumoniae, both susceptibility rate of cefoperazonesulbactam at ratios of (1:1) and (2:1) decreased from 75.8%, and 63.6% at normal inoculum to 51.5% and 42.4% at high inoculum. Conclusion: Cefoperazone-sulbactam at a 1:1 ratio has greater in vitro activity against most multidrug resistant organisms than cefoperazone-sulbactam at a 2:1 ratio. Such combinations were not influenced by the inoculum size of ESBL E. coli and K. pneumoniae and could be a therapeutic option for treating severe infections. Clinical experience of patients receiving doripenem-containing regimens for the treatment of healthcare-associated infections Chien-Ming Chao 1 , Chi-Chung Chen 2,3 , Yin-Ching Chuang 2,4 , Chih-Cheng Lai 1 , Hung-Jen Tang 5,6 *. Background: In this study, we retrospectively reviewed the clinical experience of patients receiving doripenem-containing regimens for the treatment of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) in a tertiary care center and assessed the clinical usefulness of doripenem therapy in this clinical setting. Methods: In this retrospective study, the medical records of all adult patients who had ever received doripenem-containing therapy for the treatment of HCAIs were reviewed between September 1, 2012 and August 31, 2014, and the following data were extracted: age, gender, type of infection, disease severity, underlying comorbidities or conditions, and laboratory results. Additionally, we also extracted data regarding the rates of mortality and clinical and microbiological response. Results: A total of 184 adult patients with HCAIs who had received doripenem-containing therapy were included in this study. Respiratory tract infections (n = 91, 49.5%) were the most common type of infection, followed by urinary tract infections, intra-abdominal infections and skin and soft tissue infections. The mean APACHE II score was 14.5. The rate of clinical success was 78.2%, and the overall in-hospital mortality rate was only 13.0%. Among patients, in-hospital mortality was independently and significantly associated with APACHE II score (odds ratio (OR), 1.2825; 95% CI, 1.1123 ± 1.4788) and achieving clinical success (OR, 0.003; 95% CI, 0.0003 ± 0.409). Conclusion: The overall in-hospital mortality rate was low and the clinical success rate was high among HCAI patients receiving doripenem treatment. These results suggest that doripenem may be judiciously used for the treatment of patients with HCAIs. Combination of cephalosporins with vancomycin or teicoplanin enhances antibacterial effect of glycopeptides against heterogeneous vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (hVISA) and VISA Chih-Cheng Lai 1 , Chi-Chung Chen 2,3 , Yin-Ching Chuang 2,4 *, Hung-Jen Tang 5,6 *. Background: Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) is one of the most common health care associated infection. The most imprtant risk factor for development of CAUTI is prolonged use of a urinary catheter. Active surveillance and infection control are needed to disclose in each hospital and to deal with this problem effectively. Methods: Prospective surveillance was conducted according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) procedures at a major teaching hospital from 2013 through 2016. Fisher's exact probability test and Kruskal-Wallis test ware performed. Results: During the study period, 3,229,898 patient-days and 659,165 catheter-days were evaluated, and 2,144 CAUTI occurred. The overall rate of CAUTI was 3.25 per 1000 catheter-days. The mean age of 71 ± 19 years, and female gender accounted for 44.8%. The length of hospital stay was 75 (1-105) days in median. Parts of patients had past history of diabetes mellitus (31.9%), cancer (27.8%) and bedriddern (30.2%). Those patients who were admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) was 31.7%, and the length of ICU stay was 14±11.4 days in average. Conclusion: The cases of CAUTI and the distribution of risk factors were stable. Then, we intervene infection control measures such as using computer reminder to reduce usage of urinary catheterization, that can be attributed to obvious decrease in the rate of urinary catheter utilization ratio. Early detection of healthcare-associated urinary tract infection by using an electronic active surveillance system at a medical center Hui-Chi Lin 1 , Yi-Ju Tseng 2,3 , Hsin-Hsin Chang 1 , Ming-Yuan Chen 4 , Jann-Tay Wang 1,6 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1,6 , Yee-Chun Chen 1,6 , Feipei Lai 4,5 , Shan-Chwen Chang 6 . 1 Center for Infection Control, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 2 Department of Information Management, Chang-Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 3 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 4 Information Systems Office, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 5 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 6 Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan Objectives: We apply a hospital-wide electronic automatic system to early detection and intervention for healthcare-associated urinary tract infections at a medical center. Methods: A real-time information technique integrated clinical and laboratory data into a signal entry point user interface to assist infection control personnel in making decision for healthcare-associated urinary tract infections. We use web services techniques based on Service-Oriented Architecture, which are suitable for integrating heterogeneous platforms, protocols, and applications. Results: Provider of Quality Indicator: During study period, 269 episodes of ICP-detected HAUTIs and 325 episodes of computerdetected HAUTIs were found throughout the 20 departments. The correlation of HAI events counted with and without the HAUTI surveillance system in different department is displayed. The square of the sample correlation coefficient was 0.995 (by departments) and 0.958 (by weeks). Accuracy of the Detection Rule: A total of 396 episodes were verified during June 1, 2015 and November 30, 2015. The episodes of computer-detected HAUTIs correlated closely with the infection control personnel detected (P < 0.001). Compared with reference standards, this system performed excellently with regard to sensitivity (84.89%), specificity (99.87%), positive predictive value (93.65%), and negative predictive value (99.65%). Decrease in the Delay of HAUTI Confirmation. The system shortened the delay in confirmation of HAUTI cases, on average, by 30.78 days (59.9 days versus 29.1 days, P < 0.001). Conclusion: An electronic active HAUTI surveillance system simplifies the workflow of hospital infection control, and provides convenient service and is time-saving for detecting HAI. It allows specialists to have more time to deal with ad hoc occurrences. In the process of improving efficiency, was also manage to strengthen the quality of medical care as well as patient safety. Shu-Ling Chen, Chi-Fen Tsou, Ying-Ling Chen, Hung-Jen Tang. Background: July 7, 2016, the neurosurgery resident informed infection control center. He found that was an increase in the number of patients who had suspected postoperative infection in neurosurgical outpatient clinics. He suspected that It related to construction work of operating room. The construction period of the operating room was from June 8 to July 24, 2016. Based on chi-square test, the null hypothesis was that the operation of neurosurgery in different operating rooms, and postoperative surgical site infection (SSI) chance was the same during construction. Methods: During 2016 June to September, on healthcareassociated infection's SSI numbers were the highest in July, there were 13 cases. SSI patient surgery divisions distributed in the largest number of neurosurgery, it was 7 cases (53.8%). From the control chart was not difficult to find that SSI (0.92%) had exceeded 2 times the standard deviation of the control chart in July. The department of neurosurgery had 177 knife times (7th of the all surgical numbers). There were 87 knife times in No. 2 operating room and 47 knife times in No. 9 operating room in the majority, the rest operating rooms only 43 knive times. In No. 2 operating room SSI was 6 cases and In No. 9 operating room SSI was 5 cases, other operating rooms were without infection. Based on the chisquare test, the event of SSI was not significant with construction work of operating room (P = 0.2570, >α = 0.05). Results: Definition from the Taiwan CDC 2009 edition healthcareassociated infection surveillance, SSI's follow-up survey is divided into implants and no implants. So, there are implants to track until July 7, 2017 so far. Up to now SSI has not increased. The construction range of the operating room was In No. 8 operating room, adjacent to No. 7 and No. 9 operating rooms. No. 9 operating room mainly perform neurosurgical surgical procedures. The result of the survey was no correlation between postoperative infection and construction work of operating room. Conclusion: Here is the suggestion, surgery room if the construction plan, it should notice surgeon to evaluate the surgical schedule postponed or canceled, or to make a mandatory stop disposed of operating by the surgical committee. Moreover, after the completion of the construction, it should to commission qualified manufacturers for dust detection and bacteria sampling. Until normal environmental testing result to begin to surgery. In order to ensure the quality of surgery. Background: The incidence of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) related healthcare-associated infection (HAI) has increased in recent year worldwide. This study is to investigated the risk factor of CRPA infections in a universityaffiliated teaching hospital in Taiwan in order to provide more information under the current infection control system. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study included P. aeruginosa HAIs events from January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2014, and divided to CRPA infected case group and carbapenem-susceptible P. aeruginosa (CSPA) infected reference group. The medical records were collected to identify risk factors for CRPA HAI and mortality. Patients with prior use of any anti-pseudomonal carbapenems were included in subgroup analysis. Results: 395 P. aeruginosa infection case enrolled from total 3,263 HAI events; 63were CRPA and 332 were CSPA. The prevalence of CRPA was 15.9% (63/395). A significant risk factor related to CRPA infection were longer time at risk, prior use of anti-pseudomonal carbapenems, and prior use of aminoglycoside ( p < 0.05, 0.01, and 0.05). Besides, anti-pseudomonal carbapenem monotherapy did not significantly increase risk for CRPA infection. Conclusion: CRPA prevalence tended to be elevated worldwide as well as in Taiwan. Antimicrobials use should be monitored carefully, especially carbapenems and aminoglycoside. Further study on bigger population with carbapenems use would be needed to confirm the association between using carbapenems in monotherapy and the risk to get CRPA infections. The implementation of care bundle to prevent catheterassociated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) in medical wards of a Taiwan regional hospital Hsiao Yung-Tsung, Jian Shu-Min, Lin Yi-Chih, Lin Shi-Hua, Hsueh Kuei-Hsia, Hsu Jiin-Chyr. Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare Background: Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are one of the most common health care-associated infections; thus, CAUTI reduction metrics have been included in the Health and Human Services. According to a survey in 2016, the incidence of CAUTI was 1.38‰, accounting for 85.71% of all urinary tract infections, and the catheter utilization rate was 25.29% in a Taiwan regional hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare. The aim of this study was to reduce the incidence of CAUTI by the introduction of bundle care. Methods: A total of 49 beds when placed with indwelling catheter were study from a general medical ward of Taiwan regional hospital. From January to May 2017, we recruited and analyzed 69 cases who received CAUTI bundle care. The CAUTI bundle care included 4 components. First, avoid unnecessary urinary catheter in situ, and check for clinical indications. Second, prior to every catheter care procedure, perform hand hygiene and then wear gloves and apron. Third, maintain the quality of urinary catheter, including regularly empty urinary drainage bags into a clean container, and urinary drainage bags should be placed lower than the bladder level but not on the floor. Lastly, the physician checked the necessity of using catheter every day, and the catheter was removed as soon as possible if not required. In addition, an internal audit team led by the chief physician of the ward conducted internal audits monthly using a table specifically designed for CAUTI bundle bare, and provided feedback to the ward. Our project team had regular meetings to check the compliance of the intervention plan and important index of the results of the review to improve. Results: The compliance rate of CAUTI bundle care increased from 66.7% in the beginning to 80%. Based on 20.44% of urinary catheter utilization rate, the incidence of CAUTI improved from 1.38‰ in 2016 to zero infection during the 5 months in 2017. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that the catheter-associated urinary tract infections can be effectively reduced through the implementation of CAUTI bundle bare coupled with the establishment of the management organizational system. A project to improve Ventilator-associated pneumonia bundle care in a respiratory care center Zin-Min Huang, Yi-Sin Lu, Shih-Han Tung. Department of Nursing, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital and Tzu Chi University Taipei, Taiwan Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common nosocomial infection in respiratory care center (RCC), our respiratory care center began implementing ventilator-associated pneumonia bundle care in March 2016, but the compliance rate of bundle care intervention was poor and the ventilator associatedpneumonia infection rate increased by 3.5‰ in December, led to high mortality and prolonged hospital stays. So the aim of this project was to upgrade knowledge, improve the compliance rate and the correctness of bundle care, and reduce the infection rate for the patients in our unit. Methods: The project was established on January 2017. A previous evaluation on our unit found that the compliance rate of VAP bundle care intervention of nursing care was 70.6% and care correctness was only 78.0%. The causes of the low compliance rate for bundle care and low care correctness were: lack of recognition by the nurses, lack of remind system on daily assessment for patient, lack of standard care guidelines for Mouth care, the lack of standard to make sure the correct elevation of the head of the bed. For these shortcomings, we (1). conducted education and elearning programs about VAP bundle care, (2) . developed a remind system on medical operating system for VAP bundle daily assessment, (3) . established the standard care guidelines for mouth care and for checking the correct elevation of the head of the bed. Results: After implementing our intervention, we found the project effectively improved the compliance rate of VAP bundle care intervention of nursing care(from 70.6% to 96.0%), increased the care correctness (from 78.0% to 97.4%), upgraded the knowledge about VAP bundle care in our nursing staff (from 71.6 to 96.6 points). The ventilator associated-pneumonia infection rate decreased and reached zero tolerance from February to April in 2017. Conclusion: With effective implementation, the ventilator associated-pneumonia infection risks can be lowered, mortality and days of hospitalization reduced, protecting patients from disease and ensuring patient safety. Systemic analysis of the bacteria of urinary tract infections and its risking factor I-min Che 1 , Ning-jen Tsai 2 , Pei-wen Tsai 2 . 1 En Chu Kong hospital Medical Quality Division specialist, 2 En Chu Kong hospital Infection Control, Department Infection control practitioner Background: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) is a common infection, in Taiwan Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System database, UTI was the first infection in Hospital association infection. In this study, we wanted to analysis the bacteria of UTI and its risking factor According to previous studies, the bacteria caused UTI were Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Candida albicans, and the most risking factor is the day that foley used. Methods: In this study, we collected the UTI data from 2014 to 2016. Then we analyzed the strain of bacteria and its risking factor. Otherwise, we used the SPSS tool to analyzed the UTI ratio of the day that foley used or not. Results: Through the analyzed of statistical, we found the top 3 bacteria were: E.coli, candida spp, Enterococcus spp, and the 51% (106/206) UTI cases were associated with foley. The average of foley used day was 8.8 days. Conclusion: According to our analyze, the foley used or not would not arise the ratio of HAI-UTI. That's to say, if we can execute the UTI bundle, we still can avoid the UTI. Otherwise, according to our analyze, the E.coli was the popular bacteria in UTI, so if we can prove the AST data for doctor, the doctor can quickly treat and avoid bacteremia. Finally, the average of foley used day was higher than other, so we had to try to reduce it. Risk factors of healthcare-associated Elizabethkingia meningoseptica infections in Taiwan medical center Chia-Ping Chen*, Yin-Yin Chen, Fu-Der Wang. Infection Control, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan Background: Elizabethkingia meningoseptica (Chryseobacterium meningosepticum) is a non-glucose-fermenting, Gram-negative aerobic bacillus. The incidence of E. meningoseptica healthcareassociated infection (HAI) has increased in a major teaching hospital in the northern part of Taiwan over the past 5 years. Methods: Between Jan 1, 2012 and Dec 31, 2016, a total of 250 patients with Chryseobacterium spp. associated HAI at a major medical center and teaching hospital in northern Taiwan were enrolled. Host factors, hospital services, surgical and medical interventions, infection sites, and the treatment and complications of HAI were analyzed retrospectively. Results: During 2012-2016, the incidence of Chryseobacterium spp. associated HAI has increased from 0.05 episode per 1000 inpatientdays to 0.08 episode ( p = .001). the major infection sites were bloodstream infections (79.2%), urinary tract infection (12.8%) were secondly. Overall, 67.8% were E. Meningoseptica and 31.3% were C. indologenes. The mean age was 74.9 ± 18.5 years, and 174 patients (69.6%) were male. APACHE II (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II) scores were 21 ± 9. Admission days prior to HAI was 29 (3-227) days, and 191 patients (76.4%) was ever exposed to antibiotics. 55.6% has urinary catheter and the median duration of catheterization were 13 (1-62) days. 36.4% received central venous line and the median placement durations were 10 (1-74) days. Conclusion: There was a secular trend of an increasing number of E. meningoseptica HAIs in our hospital over the past 5 years. In addition to reinforcement of standard infection measures and hand hygiene, Antibiotic stewardship is a key to reduce healthcareassociated E. meningoseptica infections. Elimination of catheter-associated urinary tract infection: the CAUTI Bundle Ya-Ling Shih, Hsiang-Ju Chiu, Chia-Wei Yu. Department of Nursing, En Chu Kong Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan Background: The density of catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) in the surgical intensive care unit was 4.14‰ in the 3 quarters of 2016 which was higher then Taiwan clinical performance medicating from 30 regional hospitals (2.70‰). Infection control unit, medical quality management center, department of medical, purchasing department were involved to be a team in order to reduce CAUTI. Methods: There were 5 implementation strategies: (1) Revising a clear standard for the insertion of a urine catheter; (2) Interdisciplinary education for CAUTI prevention and evaluation; (3) Embracing bundle concepts-A.B.C.D.E., A: aseptic insertion, B: bag empty regularly with an individual collection container, C: close the drainage system, D: do not use the indwelling catheter, E: early remove. (4) Using reminder system. (5) unscheduled audits to assess the members' three abilities, including: cognition, affection and technical skills. Results: Regarding these strategies, we gained three effective outcomes as follows: (1) the catheter associated urinary tract infection density reduced from 4.14‰ in the 3 quarters to 2.81‰ in the fourth quarter of 2016 (implementation period); (2) compliance and accuracy rates of proper hand-hygiene techniques increased to 90%. Conclusion: CAUTI density was still maintain low in SICU: 0‰ in the first quarter of 2017. An important lesson learned is that interdisciplinary team leads to improved collaboration and outcomes for critically patients. Furthermore, even though we each possessed the knowledge to execute our individual professional responsibilities, realizing the exceptional outcomes achieved through genuine teamwork. Outbreak investigation of Citrobacter koseri related urinary tract infection after bed bath Yi-Ru Hsiao 1 , Jen-Hsien Wang 2 , Ya-Wen Chang 3 , Shu-Yen Hsu 4 , Shiao-Yin Hung 5 , Hsiao-Hui Chen 6 , Chia-Yu Tsai 7 , Jui-Hsing Wang 8 *. Background: Enterobacteriae is the most important pathogen of urinary tract infection. It is an international serious problem as regarding the antimicrobial resistant strains in the healthcare system. For these, the medical personnel keep going to reduce healthcare associated urinary tract infection in medical institutions. Once the cluster infection develops, it is difficult to estimate the further harm and impact. In March 2016, Infection Control Center in our hospital found several events of urinary tract infection with Citrobacter koseri in respiratory care ward through the microbiology laboratory daily report. For the case number was above the mean threshold, we initiated the outbreak investigation. Methods: We collected the information according to the clinic observation, laboratory result and medical recording in the past half year retrospectively. Furthermore, we performed 10 items environmental test, such as ward ground, drainage hole, shifting plate,bathing bed, shared shampoo and bath gel. Results: Three urinary specimens and one blood culture in three patients with Foley catheter revealed Citrobacter koseri with similar antimicrobial susceptibility testing in Feb and March, 2016. Six patients with Citrobacter koseri infection from Sep, 2015 to Jan, 2016 developed sporadically. Besides, environmental sample culture reported Citrobacter koseri in bathing bed, shared shampoo and subpacking bath gel, also. Intervention of infection control measure and education for caregivers were performed immediately. Shampoo and bath gel without re-using of empty bottles were applied individually. With bathing, the drainage system of Foley catheter must be shut down temporarily to avoid the countercurrent urine related infection. Besides, we emphasized principle and infection control policy of respiratory care ward about equipment, environment and daily care in personnel training. No more Citrobacter koseri related infection was reported and followed environmental tests revealed negative result till now. Conclusion: Enterobacteriae induced outbreak of urinary tract infection in the healthcare system is a notified issue. In this presentation, our experience about outbreak of Citrobacter koseri related urinary tract infection after bed bath was rare to be mentioned before. Transmission of enterobacteriae via equipment and environment should be reminded. Effectiveness of bundle care intervention in reducing catheterrelated urinary tract infection: sharing in a reginal hospital in Taiwan Jeng-Hua Ling 1,3 , Chia-Hung Liao 1,2 *, Pei-Chen Chen 3 , Hong-Chang Hong 2 , Li-Yue Ye 3 , Ya-Chin Lee 1 , Yu-Shiue Chen 3 . 1 Infection Control Center, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, 3 Background: In the hospital, the urinary tract infection accounted for 58.82% of the healthcare-associated infection in the intensive care unit, which catheter-related urinary tract infection (CAUTI) accounted for 90%, infection density were 4.05‰. Literature reviews that hospitalized patients CAUTI high medical-related infections the highest, accounting for about 36%. According to the empirical medical literature, it can be seen that the combination of care measures can effectively reduce CAUTI, so the unit to promote the prevention of urinary tract infection combined care measures, hoping to reduce the rate, to provide high-quality medical care. Methods: Started implementation of CAUTI Care Bundle in January 2015 for all patients with catheters. According to the literature, five nursing measures were established: (1) Daily assessment of whether the catheter can be removed; (2) Hand hygiene should be performed when care of the catheter; (3) Daily check the catheter for fixation; (4) Confirm the catheter drainage system to maintain a closed, sterile and smooth; (5) Clean the urethra with soap or water every day. Use checklist daily to check whether or not all care is performed. Through the establishment of consensus, operational standards revision, improvement of care tools and education and training and other intervention measures to implement. Through the audit mechanism and CAUTI detection, the results of feedback units to discuss and improve. Results: Between January 2015 and December 2015, urinary tract infection is still the most common infection site in the intensive care unit, accounting for 57.14% (4/7), slightly lower than the intervention before the 1.68%. In the case of no significant difference between the date of hospitalization and the previous year, the number of indwelling catheters decreased from 2264 days to 2060 days. CAUTI decreased from 4.05‰ to 1.46‰. Conclusion: The Care bundle is effective in reducing CAUTI while improving health care-related infections and improving patient safety. Enhance the intensive care unit to prevent health-associated infection. Tigecycline susceptibility of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolates from central Taiwan Background: Tigecycline has a wide range of anti-bacterial spectrum, including methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). Not much is known about tigecycline resistance in CNS. This study is aimed to exploring tigecycline resistance in CNS from central Taiwan. Methods: Totally 311 isolates of CNS were collected from Central Laboratory of the Central Region Hospital Alliance. The speciation was performed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Tigecycline susceptibility was determined using both Vitek 2 and broth microdilution methods. Interpretation was done according to the EUCAST standard. Results: By gene sequencing, the most prevalent three species were found to be Staphylococcus epidermidis (108 isolates), Staphylococcus capitis (68 isolates), and Staphylococcus haemolyticus (38 isolates). The tigecycline resistance rate using Vitek 2 and broth microdilution methods was 6.4% and 1.6%, respectively. The MIC consistency (within one doubling dilution) rate among the 311 isolates was 91.0%. The consistency rates of S. epidermidis, S. capitis, and S. haemolyticus were 90.7%, 88.2%, and 84.2%, respectively. In S. haemolyticus, 9 isolates (23.7%) were interpreted as susceptible using broth microdilution method, however, they were regarded as resistant by Vitek 2 method. Conclusion: Tigecycline resistance toward CNS from central Taiwan was first revealed. The inconsistency MIC using commercial Vitek 2 method and standard broth microdilution method, especially in S. haemolyticus, deserves continuous study. Background: The goal of this performance improvement study was to evaluate the effect of a targeted intervention to decrease catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) and urinary catheter utilization by implementing quality improvement initiatives. Methods: CAUTI rates and urinary catheter utilization between 2013 and 2016 were calculated from 4 adult intensive care units. The intervention study was conducted over a period of 12 months. During a pre-intervention phase, the base line catheter associated CAUTI incidence rates were determined and compared with the incidence rates during the post-intervention phase. The compliance of health care staff with urinary catheter bundle elements was also measured. The implemented CAUTI prevention bundle that included: setting clear expectations for indications for indwelling urinary catheter use (an indwelling catheter policy which included criteria for catheter use); catheter insertion using aseptic technique and sterile equipment; acatheter maintenance; hand hygiene; documentation of catheter placement); daily assessment of the continued need for indwelling urinary catheter by physician; audit of checklists, checking insertion procedures and reviewing with supervisors were done by a multidisciplinary team once a fortnight. Results: During the study period, 108 of the 6650 patients were diagnosed with a CAUTI. There was a statistically significant reduction in the rate of CAUTI in ICUs, from 3.3 per 1,000 catheter-days (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-3.1) before the intervention to 2.6 per 1,000 catheter-days (95% CI, 1.1-1.6; P <.05) after the intervention. The urinary catheter use rate decreased from 64.6% (95% CI, 60.9%-73.4%) at baseline to 52.2% (95% CI, 46.3%-58.1%; P = 0.09). The compliance rate of the ICU nurses to the bundle elements was raised to 100% during the last 6 months of the post intervention phase. Conclusion: Increased compliance to recommended catheter associated urinary tract infections preventive practices reduced the incidence of CAUTI in ICU units. It is simple and effective and is recommended as a part of patient safety culture. Screening and analysis of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO) in patients from long-term care facility in Taiwan: experience in a community hospital in southern Taiwan Hsaio-jung Huang 1 , You-yu Shen 1 , Ying-ling Chen 2 , Tzu-Chieh Weng 2 , Han-siong Toh 2 , Ping-Yu Chen 1 . 1 Chi Mei Medical Center, Chiali, 2 Chi Mei Medical Center Background: More than 40% of patients in our hospital are from long-term care facility. These patients have higher possibilities of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO) infection. It is commonly detected during admisssion period, and its culture periond is 3∼5 days. In order to early detect these special organism and strain early intervention including contact isolation, we started routine screening of MDRO in our hospital from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31th, 2016. Methods: We assessed all our inpatients on the admission day for the risk of multiple drug-resistant bacteria. For those who from long-term care facility and hospitalized history in six month, we did routine rectal swab with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) medium and urine culture. We also performed preventive contact isolation on the first day of admission. Laboratory staff received the sample and repored according to 2015 CLSI norms. Background: Both measles and rubella are vaccine-preventable diseases. According to the guideline of Taiwan CDC for healthcare workers (HCWs), we aimed to evaluate the boost efficacy of 1-dose or 2-doses of MMR vaccine among young HCWs. Methods: From Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2016, the elegible individuals included new junior staffs and interns working in the hospital for at least one month. For anti-measles virus-IgG, VIDAS ® Measles IgG test kit (bioMérieux) was used, and the results were read by mini VIDAS ® immunoanalyzer (bioMérieux) and were expressed as negative, equivocal, and positive. For anti-rubella virus-IgG, Elecsys Rubella IgG test kits (Roche) was used on Cobas ® 6000 analyzer (Roche). The results were expressed as non-reactive and reactive. Second or third measurement of serum antibodies were performed at one month after MMR vaccination. At their discretion of the staffs, one or two doses of MMR vaccines at one month interval were freely provided only for the staffs with negative/equivocal or non-reactive results of serum IgG antibodies. Results: A total of 1,291 and 1,430 individuals were tested for measles and rubella, respectively. At baseline, the positive rate of anti-measles or -rubella IgG was 69.5% or 83.9% in interns, and 57.9% or 94.3% in the staffs, respectively. The number of junior staffs tested requiring vaccination was 418/993 (42.1%) for measles and 65/1,132 (5.7%) for rubella. Among the vaccinated staffs, 225/269 (83.6%) had seroconversion for measles after the first dose vaccine. Among 28 staffs receiving the second vaccine, there were additional seroconversion in 15 (53.6%). Among 19 seronegative staffs vaccined for rubella, 18 (94.7%) had seroconversion after the first vaccine, and among the latter one remained seronegative after the second vaccine. Conclusion: Our results suggested 42% and 6% of the junior staffs need MMR vaccination for inadequate serum IgG titers to measles and rubella virus, and after one dose of MMR vaccine, 84% and 95% of the vaccinees exhibited seroconversion to measles and rubella. To prevent the occurrence of measles or rubella among young hospital staffs during patient care, MMR vaccination should be advised for the seronegative staffs. The improvement project of scabies infection in a regional teaching hospital Meng-Chuan Lu, Hui-ju Hu, Hsiu-Wen Yu. Infection Control Department, Cheng Ching Hospital Background: There are three nurses and one caretaker suffered from itchy skin continually between 12 January and 16 January, 2016 in our 3F medical ward. Our infection control department investigated it and found that one nursing staff, one caretaker and one patient were diagnosed as scabies infection, we assumed that they were infected by a patient who was transfered from nursing home. The patient had thick black crust in his two fingers and two lower limbs when he was admitted to our hospital since 1 January, 2016. We consulted the dermatologist, he was diagnosed as subacute dermatitis and contact isolation was implemented thereafter. He was referred to other hospital and then scabies was diagnosed. Methods: The spread of scabies clusters were due to delayed diagnosis and contact isolation (No wearing a protective clothing when contact with the patient, not using of personal medical equipment). The infection control department implemented the following strategies: (1) Organizing the education and training of scabies. (2) Formulate the rules of those patients who were transferred from nursing home should implement contact isolation, and the skin should be checked such as: fingers, palms, wrist, armpit, hip, around the navel, genitourinary parts. If any abnormality are found we should consult the dermatologist. (3) Set up the computer information system to order the contact isolation according to the diagnostic code and medication of scabies. (4) Use personal sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. (5) Make sure cleaning and disinfection of the equipment and environment. Results: Long-term care institutions patients are at the high risk of scabies infection, and the symptoms are often atypical, and caused medical staff easy to ignore the isolation measures and resulted in outbreak, and also increases the risk of infection in medical staff. In order to reduce the spread of scabies, the implementation of longterm care institutions patients with contact isolation on his own initiative and skin assessment is very important, and the setting of information reminding system can also help. Following the implementation of the above measures, tracking the incidence of scabies in the medical ward of the third floor from February 2016 to April 2017, and we found no spread of scabies, showing that the strategy was effective. Experience report on surveillance of vancomycin-resistant enterococci Lin-Hui Chao 1 *, Ya-Wen Chang 1 , I-Ling Chen 2 , Ing-Kit Lee 3 . Background: Hospitals use many strategies to control nosocomial transmission of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). Strategies include "passive surveillance," with isolation of patients with known previous or current VRE colonization or infection, and "active surveillance," which uses admission cultures, with subsequent isolation of patients who are found to be colonized with VRE. To study epidemiologic features of and risk factors for intestinal colonization and infection by vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) in hospitalized patients. Methods: We analyzed surveillance data from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 in a center where VRE is endemic. All clinically significant enterococci were tested for susceptibility to vancomycin. All intensive care unit admissions were screened on admission and weekly thereafter. Interventions included isolating/ cohorting VRE patients, monthly prevalence surveys of VRE patients, the introduction of an electronic alert system, programmes to improve hand and environmental hygiene, and the appointment of an antibiotic Physician. Results: In the sample of 264 patients investigated, 11.7% of patients had positive VRE while in the performance of periodic surveillance directed at patients at risk (193 cases), 8.08% showed positive result for the VRE. 11.0% out of 161 VRE colonized patients developed BSI by VRE. 43.9% had central venous catheter inserted as well. Most patients had one or more of the known risk factors associated with colonization with vancomycin-resistant enterococci. 94.7% of the patients received antibiotics during the study, and 15.2% received vancomycin. Conclusions: Colonization by VRE was mostly endemic and the colonized patients were not often infected. However, when clustered cases of colonization occurred, they were then associated with an increased rate of infection. Routine surveillance for VRE together with other measures can control VRE infection and colonization, even where VRE is endemic, and where facilities are constrained. Evidence of colonization of patient's means it can be empirical precaution and thus provide patient safety by minimizing the risk of nosocomial infection. Influenza A outbreak investigation and control measures of regional teaching hospital Chun-Hua Chung 1 , Ya-Chi Li 1 , Ya-Fang Wang 1 , Yung-Ching Liu 2 , Wen-Chuan Lin 1,3 . 1 Infection Control office, 2 Division of infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, 3 Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Taipei Medical University Background: In November year 2016, an outbreak caused by influenza A occurred in the nursing home of regional teaching hospital. Ninety residents of a total of Twenty four residents of respiratory symptoms, with fever and cough. Clinical attack rate was 26.7%. Methods: Among 10 residents with flu symptoms, eight were laboratory-confirmed influenza A with rapid antigen testing. Influenza virus chain reaction with polymerase nucleic acid detection (Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR) and virus isolation and culture. At the same time the application of epidemiological methods: to investigate, to collect suspected cases, to determine the clinical epidemiological data for analysis and monitoring. Results: Influenza A H3 was confirmed among 4 patients, only one was confirmed with swine H1N1. Confirmed that the pathogenesis of respiratory tract infection incident is Influenza A virus. Immediately take care of patients with strict infection control measures, the epidemic soon to be controlled. Conclusion: Strict infection control measures were applied including isolation of infective resident, early rapid test for those with flu symptoms, using mask for all our staff and family members and reinforce hand washing and environmental cleansing. Effective chemoprophylaxis was given for all staff. To lessen the impact of this infection, very strict infection control measures should be done. No more new case reported by 9th November. Intervention programs for healthcare-associated infections control in a teaching hospital in Taiwan (from 2011 to 2016) Frank Lien 1 , Yu-Hong Tsai 1 , Wan-Ling Tai 2 , Lin-Lin Pan 1 *. Background: According to WHO's report, healthcare associated infections (HAIs) is the most frequent adverse event in healthcare. Previous studies also showed HAIs results in prolonged hospital stays, increased medical cost, and leads to significant mortality. Methods: Cases meeting the CDC's criteria of HAIs are categorized and included into surveillance system. Interventions for infection control was implemented including HAI related staff education, internal auditing and antibiotic stewardship program. Of all infection control methods, hand hygiene remains one of the most fundamental and critical part, thus hand hygiene compliance rate was set as threshold and monitored for improvement. Data of HAIs and internal auditing of hand hygiene at Chiayi Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, a regional teaching hospital of southern Taiwan, between 2011 and 2016 was collected and analyzed. Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the correlation between hand hygiene compliance rate, and overall and ICUs' HAIs incidence per thousand inpatient-days. Linear regression method was adopted to reveal the trend of the HAIs' rate. Trend analysis is based on the slope of regression trend lines. Results: Slopes for overall inpatient and ICU inpatient HAIs are −0.018 (R 2 = 0.65) and −0.201(R 2 = 0.72), respectively. Results show over the period of time (from 2011 to 2016), ICUs HAIs has declined markedly. During 2016, the overall and ICU HAIs per thousand patients-day are 1.38‰ and 4.52‰, respectively. Using our linear regression model, the average of first 4 months of 2017, overall and ICU HAI rates will be approximately 1.37‰ and 4.45‰, showing large portion of HAI reduction will be contributed by ICUs. Preliminary data of first 4 months of 2017 showed, overall and ICU HAI rates are 1.43‰ and 3.43‰, respectively. Such result showed HAI rate has an overall slight increase (0.05‰) and a markedly decrease in ICU (1.02‰) in the first four month of 2017, which is compatible to our assumption based on prediction model. Pearson correlation showed hand hygiene compliance rate has significantly strong correlation with ICU HAI rate (r = −0.843, p = 0.035), but not with overall HAI rate (r = −0.532, p = 0.277). Background: Blood culture contamination (BCC) results in not only increased workload on lab staffs but overuse and abuse of antibiotics, which causes a raised cost, prolong hospital stay, and invalid treatment. Therefore, decreasing BCC rate is very important. During 2015-2016, ICU in a regional teaching hospital in midland of Taiwan showed average BCC rate was 14.9-18.1%, much higher than threshold value (3%). The infection control team had inspected the procedure of blood sample collection and found 3 improper operation procedures as the followings: (1) hand hygiene, to (4.17∼4.76%). Conclusion: Although the BCC improvement program did not reduce the BCC rate to be below 3%, yet the use of 2% CHG to execute skin disinfection did decrease the BCC rate, shorten the waiting time of skin disinfection, increase working efficiency of medical staffs, and elevate quality of healthcare. Improve the quality of Ventilator associated pneumonia bundle unit by means of team cooperation Hsiao-Shan Chen 1 , Hung-Jen Tang 1,2,3 , Iig-Ling Chen 1 *. Background: With the innovation and progress of medical technology, invasive devices are also important factors related to infection. In the intensive care unit, respirator-associated pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death. Reference to the Taiwan Clinical Performance Indicator (TCPI), The incidence of respiratorassociated pneumonia in the intensive care unit was slightly higher than that of peers. Combined with the prevention of respiratoryrelated pneumonia infection combined care. Improve the quality of combined care and reduce the rate of respiratory-related pneumonia infection in a team-based mode of cooperation. Methods: The hospital in June 2015 to December 2016, In the intensive care unit to use the prevention of breathing apparatusrelated pneumonia combined care -checklist a total of five projects: (1) Daily out of respirator assessment, (2) Daily suspension of sedatives, (3) At least 2 times a day with 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate gel for oral care, (4) Bed head raised 30-45°, (5) Drain the ventilator pipe apply to patients who use respirators for clinical care. Results: The correct rate of combination of respirator-associated pneumonia infections between June 2015 and March 2016 is increasing, from 75% to 100%, infection rate decreased by about 43%. After the implementation of the respiratory tract although the number of days is not reduced, But the number of cases of infection was reduced from an average of 2.25 cases per quarter to an average of 1 per quarter (22% reduction), after the implementation of VAP Bundle, about 8 cases of VAP were reduced. It can be seen that the correct rate of combination of respirator-associated pneumonia infection is associated with a decrease in respiratory rate. Conclusion: "VAP Bundle implementation" of the team to establish the need for cross-departmental staff common participation and cooperation, to educate people to correct the correct training, establishment of staff attention and identity, and then willing to put into action. Regularly provide the implementation of respirator-associated pneumonia infection combination of correct rate and respiratory-related pneumonia infection rate and other relevant information, feedback to the implementation unit for continuity review. Effect of the implemention of multidimentional infection control measures on healthcare associated infections in an intensive care unit Ya-Ling Lee, Chiung-Hui Ho, Tzu-Ting Kuo. Infection Control Office, Da Chien General Hospital Background: There was an outbreak of carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoinae (CRKP) in our intensive care unit (ICU) for that multi-faceted interventions were implemented in two stages since 2015. We hypothesized that the infection control response may have had a secondary benefit of reducing incidence of healthcare associated infections (HAIs). Methods: We implemented first stage of infection control measures since October 2015 including complete terminal disinfection and cohort isolation of patients with CRKP or CRPA or VRE. Second stage of interventions started since April 2016 and comprised applying chlorhexidine (CHG) bathing to patients in ICU as well as finding and disinfection or eradication of niduses from which MDRO were cultured. The items of niduses discovered were feeding cups and plastic baskets belonging to individual bed but not individual patient, working tables of nurses, and two communal bedpans. We analyzed data retrospectively from a prospective infection control database since May 2015 at the ICU of 41 beds and calculated the monthly trends of HAIs before and after two stages of infection control measures in ICU after adjusting the effects of hand hygiene and antibiotics usage. In order to assess the changes of HAIs in 3 periods, we used the generalized additive model (GAM). The fixed effects were period, time ( per 1 month), DID, the compliance and the accuracy of hand washing, and the random effect was period*time. The random effect showed the change of HAIs after interventions. Results: After implementation, the trend of UTI showed reversely downward although the trend of HAP was as same as before ( Figure) . There was a significant reduction trend in UTI after second stage of interventions (RR 0.48, 95%CI 0.23-0.99) (Table) . Results: There were 53 patients infected with CRE, whose specimens including sputum (n = 18), urine (n = 13), wound (n = 9), ascites (n = 2), line (n = 2), bile (n = 1), and blood (n = 8 The group had 19% non-compliance in hand microbial counts. 15% of the acceptable group had microbial load close to the upper limit (>10 6 ). Observation revealed they all did not have thorough scrubbing during HH but most of them achieved 90% or above reduction of bacterial load after using sanitizer. All participants used <40 seconds in hand washing (WHO recommends 40-60 seconds). Over 50% reported washing their hands only when observable dirt was found. Cohort at the most crowded location had the highest microbial count per individual but lowest incidence and counts of Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA isolates were found in 4 participants before HH but they were all removed after use of sanitizer. Coliform counts were compliant. Yeast and mould count was relatively low. 80% of them claimed that their employment agencies provided hygiene training. Discussion revealed that they all welcome further enhancement in hygiene knowledge and on the job training. Conclusion: Domestic helpers require enhanced supports on hygiene training. Special attention should be given on infection control. Carriers could have the risk of spreading MRSA/resistant species in the community. On-the-job training for Domestic helpers is desirable. Improve the quality of self-made ice consumption of the number of bacteria to improve the quality of the project Yi-Chia Chen 1 *, Yu-Hsiu Lin 1 , Yee-Huang Ku 1 , Jyh-Jou Chen 2 . 1 Infection Control Center, 2 Intensive Care Department of Medicine Background: The hospital has a Western restaurant and Chi Mei coffee food sales, all use self-made edible ice. October 2014 to January 2016 Chi Mei coffee homemade edible ice number of bacteria were more than the standard test, in addition to the temporary suspension of the use of the number of additional raw bacteria to meet the ice, but also continue to explore the reasons, but the improvement measures are invalid. Methods: March 2016 by the nutrition department, infection control center, safety and health room, public affairs room, jade meal company to improve the project team, through the "characteristics of the map" and "true verification" and other quality management practices and tools, establish five issues and set the target pass rate of 100%, and to develop improvement measures (1) the development of equipment, equipment, cleaning and disinfection norms, check the mechanism and training methods, (2) formulate the standard of inspection and operation standards, check the mechanism and training methods, (3) formulate inspection standard operating rules, check the mechanism and training methods, 4. update of water quality filtration equipment, through the above four measures to improve. Results: Since March 2016 intervention to improve, until September 2016 pass rate of 0%. But completed the development of three standard operating manual, and continued in accordance with the standard implementation of the implementation process, October 2016 to November 2016 to achieve self-made consumption of ice 100% pass rate target. But, From December 2016 to January 2017, the number of bacteria and more than the standard(100 cfu/ mL), may be due to lack of ice machine pipeline sterilization equipment and ice machine surrounding environment pollution. So the development of countermeasures: (1) Regular cleaning of the ice machine's surroundings (once a month) and (2) ice machine lines use ozone (once a month) and disinfectant (once a quarter) sterilization, Finally, in February 2017 to April 2017 monitoring results pass rate of 100%. The hospital provides safe food for the staff and the public, use teamwork to develop a standard operating process and check for the extent to which the problem and the staff can be matched. Therefore, we will continue to monitor the number of bacteria, and to assess the increase in E. coli flora test, to ensure food safety and hygiene. To explore the practical utility of chlorhexidine gel in clinical care unit Shu-Yuan Kuo 1 *, Yu-Hsiu Lin 1 , Yee Huangku 1 , Pak-On Leung 2 , Mei-Fe Sie 3 , Jyh-Jou Chen 4 Conclusion: We concluded that in addition to early ART, safe sex education should be enhanced in HIV prevention campaign. Evidence-based assessment of mortality of patients infected with carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) Background: Carbapenem resistant K. pneumoniae (CRKP) has aroused widespread attention due to its very limited therapeutic options, and in recent years this strain has increased rapidly. Though it seems inferable that drug resistance is associated with higher mortality in general, but some other studies found no such relationship. We utilize EBM methods to obtain and critically appraised best evidence to estimate mortality of patients infected with CRKP in general and analyze factors for mortality of this infection, for awaking to awareness of infection control and working out preventive strategies. Methods: The terms: Carbapenem, Klebsiella pneumoniae, CRKP, motality, and associated synonyms were combined with Boolean characters (AND, OR) to formulate as keyword to search Cochrane Library, PubMed and C.E.P.S databases. No relevant systematic review (SR) or trials were found in Cochrane and C.E.P.; In PubMed, Three SRs were filtered out of 126 searching results. The titles and abstracts of 3 SRs were subsequently reviewed and one latest 2017 SR/meta-analysis was selected for critical appraisal. We analyzed data retrospectively from a prospective infection control database since May 2015 at the ICU of 41 beds and calculated the monthly trends of MDROs before and after two stages of infection control measures in ICU after adjusting the effects of hand hygiene and antibiotics usage. In order to assess the changes of MDROs in 3 periods, we used the generalized additive model (GAM). The fixed effects were period, time ( per 1 month), DID, the compliance and the accuracy of hand washing, and the random effect was period*time. The random effect showed the change of MDROs after interventions. Results: The changes of the four MDROs were subtle in period 1 (baseline, before interventions) and still non-significant in periods after interventions (Table) . The fixed effects of hand hygiene and DID were either non-significant. Conclusion: Although our CRKP outbreak was controlled by these infection control measures, the trends of previously stationary MDROs did not change as well. Pulmonary tuberculosis in cancer patients at a medical center in northern Taiwan Chi-Lan Kao 1 , Yen-Ping Tsai 2 , Hsin-Yen Chen 1 , Wan-Tsui Huang 1,3 . Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis and cancer are two major public health problems. The association between pulmonary tuberculosis and cancer is interesting and distinct. Cancer is a known risk factor for the development of active tuberculosis. This retrospective study aims to investigate the characteristics of active tuberculosis in cancer at a medical center. Methods: Data of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were retrieved from the electronic medical records from January 2012 to December 2016. Pulmonary tuberculosis documented with microbiologically Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection was defined when sputum were found to be positive by culture or polymerase chain reaction. The study was emphasis on patient characteristics, cancer type, and the development of pulmonary tuberculosis in cancer patients. Results: There were 29 cancer patients with pulmonary tuberculosis during the period studied. Twenty-one patients (72.4%) were men. The median age was 68 years (range, 47-92 years). Twenty patients had one solid-organ tumors. The most common site for underlying malignancy was lung (6 patients, 20.7%). Two patients had two kinds of solid-organ tumors. One patient had gastric cancer, oral and tongue cancer, and acute myeloid leukemia. Four patients had B-cell lymphoma. One patient had T-cell lymphoma. One patient had multiple myeloma. The pulmonary tuberculosis was developed in 5 patients (17.2%) within 30 days of the diagnosis of cancer. Pulmonary tuberculosis was developed during chemotherapy in only 3 patients (10.3%). Conclusion: As a result, physicians should be aware of the risk of developing pulmonary tuberculosis in cancer patients. investigate the influence of antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery and effect of probiotics on the gut microbiome. Methods: The patients who underwent spine surgery between July and December 2016 were included in this study. Twenty patients were classified into two groups according to permuted block method: control (n = 10) and postoperative administration of drugresistant lactic acid bacteria for 5 days (treatment group, n = 10). The patients received surgery and antimicrobial prophylaxis as usual. The feces of the patients were sampled at preoperation, postoperative day (POD) 5 and 10. The gut microbiome were analyzed by using Ion-PGM system and CLC genomics workbench. Results: There were no significant differences between control and treatment groups in the basic characteristics, such as age, gender, underlying diseases and surgical site. The antimicrobial agents at perioperative period in the control group were cefazolin (CEZ) (n = 8), clindamycin (n = 1) and combination of CEZ and vancomycin (VAN). those in treatment group were CEZ (n = 8) and combination of CEZ and VAN (n = 2). There were no significant differences in antimicrobial agents and administration period between two groups. In the control group, two patients showed soft stool at POD5. The mean number of (operational taxonomic units) OTUs at preoperation, POD5 and 10 in the control group were 487, 370 and 418, respectively (Fig. 1) . The number of OTUs in the control group was significantly decreased in POD5, compared with preoperation (P < 0.05). The mean number of OTUs in the treatment group were 490, 423 and 439, respectively ( Figure 1 ). The changes of the gut microbiome were showed in Figure 2 . In PERMANOVA analysis (weighted UniFrac), the composition of the gut microbiome in POD10 was significantly different between both groups ( p = 0.012). Conclusion: The gut microbiome was influenced by the antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery, and the probiotics might reduce the influence. Evidence-based efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy Yi-Ching Huang 1 , Yuan-Hsin Chu 2 . 1 Division of Infectious Disease, Jen-Ai Hospital, 2 Department of Infection Control, Jen-Ai Hospital Background: Elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy may result in surgical site infections (SSI), which may increase length of hospital stay and healthcare costs. Antibiotic prophylaxis in the form of a single dose of cephalosporin is still administered before the skin incision in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy in many clinical settings. There has been a controversy over the use of routine antibiotic prophylaxis in patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. We apply EBM methods to search systematically analyzed evidence to evaluate the safety and efficacy of routine antibiotic prophylaxis in patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methods: The terms elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Antibiotic prophylaxis, surgical site infections and the synonyms were used to formulate a PICO and were engaged as keywords to search Cochrane Library, and PubMed to filter systematic review (SR) in priority. One relevant 2016 SR (and meta-analysis) was included out of 33 searching results in PubMed afterward for critical appraisal. Results: The SR included 21 RCTs (5207 patients). Antibiotic prophylaxis decreased the incidence of surgical site infections [risk ratio (RR) 0.61, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.45 to 0.82, P = 0.001) and global infections (RR 0.55, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.79, P = 0.001) during hospitalization or after discharge, and postoperative length of hospital stay (weighted mean difference −0.16 (95% CI −0.28 to −0.04, P = 0.008). No adverse events were reported. Subgroup analyses revealed that two doses of antibiotic and 3-10 doses of antibiotic significantly reduced the incidence of surgical site infections compared with placebo or no antibiotics (two doses: RR 0.16, 95% CI 0.06-0.47; 3-10 doses: RR 0.46, 95% CI 0.27-0.80), while a single dose of antibiotic administration did not. Conclusion: Antibiotic prophylaxis is safe and effective in decreasing the incidence of surgical site infections and global infections during hospitalization or after discharge, and postoperative length of hospital stay in low-risk patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Two or more doses of antibiotic prophylaxis should be recommended for such patients (Level 1). To reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection in psychiatric patients in a regional teaching hospital experience (ICN) and timely reminders were given. 4. We cohort care the patients with upper respiratory tract infection. 5. We increased the frequency of inter-patient environment cleaning including bed, dining table, chair. After these interventions, this event was stop on June 24 th . Conclusion: Since the influenza is transmission by droplet and contact especially in psychiatric patients. They always share their food or can't control themselves. So the healthcare workers need more alertness to patients and inform the message to infection section immediately. Prognostic factors of healthcare-associated bloodstream infection in adult patients older than 40 years Hsuan-Yin Ma 1 , I-Chen Hung 2 , Ya-Huei Huang 2 , Ying-Ying Chang 2 , Wang-Huei Sheng 2,3 , Jann-Tay Wang 2,3 , Wei-Chu Chie 4,5 , Jen-pei Liu 6 , Yee-Chun Chen 2,3 . 1 Derchen Women and Children Hospital, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, 2 Infection Control Center, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 3 Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 Department of Family Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 5 School of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 6 Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Healthcare-associated bloodstream infection (HABSI) may worsen clinical outcomes among hospitalized patients, especially in geriatric population. We aim to known the characteristic and search the prognostic factors regarding HABSI of geriatric patients. Methods: The demographic characteristics, comorbids, laboratory data and 30-day mortality after HABSI from electronic chart records between January and December 2014 at a medical center were reviewed retrospectively. Differences of demographic characteristics and outcomes between the middle aged (40-64 year) and geriatric population (≧65 years) were performed. Prognostic factors associated with 30-day mortality were identified through multiple logistic regression. Investigation on the needle and sharp injuries of healthcare workers at a regional teaching hospital in Taiwan Chien Chen Wang. Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan. Background: Needle and sharp injuries is the most common occupational injury in the hospital, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), syphilis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a common cause of occupational exposure to health care workers, Infection can cause physical and psychological discomfort. This article explores the incidence of needle and sharp injuries in a hospital and the investigation and analysis after the implementation of the safety needle. Methods: The hospital have standard for the Staff were injured by the needle and sharp. The process includes: (1) wound treatment, Conclusion: The promotion of safety needles belongs to Taiwan's legislative policy, and provides 105 years to be fully used safety needle. We investigated the behavior of the medical staff in 2016 and the types of items, obviously the use of safety needles does reduce the incidence of scraps (reduced by 19%). The only safety needle is not the only needle, It also contains special needles for inspection, and the promotion of safety tools also includes changes in the use of habits, will also affect the occurrence of acupuncture. It is still the industry for the special safety needle research and development and medical staff habits, period can reduce the incidence of needle and sharp injuries. Background: The hospital will begin in 2015 to execute "invasive medical treatment care quality upgrade program" from the Ministry of Health and Welfare Department of Disease Control Agency. The project is needed to complete the catheter placement checklist and daily care table, which is a big burden for the clinical staff. However, comparing of before and after the implementation of the project, arrangements for staff to fill out the cognitive questionnaire, it was found that the implementation of CAUTI Bundle for the patient is meaningful and recognized, but if the form of information can reduce the burden of paper work, can increase the implementation of combined care of health care workers to implement the wishes. Methods: In October 2016, the CAUTI Bundle form was compiled into the participating units. When nurses added pipelines to the familiar piping system, they set up the table and brought the basic information into the future. In addition, when the doctor opened the urinary catheter surgeon, that is, start the placement of the table to fill the reasons for the placement. In the future when opening of the doctor's advice, then jumping out of the doctor's account and checking the table, you can immediately know the number of days placed, and to assess the reasons for indwelling, a substantial reduction in clinical staff to fill out the time of the paper form, and missed the fill or assessment of the phenomenon. In addition, with the project to give the quarterly report, the information program can be transferred out of materials of physician and cares, significantly reduce the quarterly report of the typing time, and paper consumption. Results: In September, 2016, the hospital started to promote in every unit of departments, from October to December to participating unit began to fill the form, the form completion rate of the doctor was about 20%, while the rate of nursing staff was about 90%. In January 2017, the hospital began to promote (except pediatric), and to the department, the units of education and training, and in the competent meeting of the propaganda, and continue to review and improve the project. As of May 2017, the physician form completion rate has been as high as 70%, caregiver form completion rate of 98% or more, a substantial increase in completion rate. Conclusion: Combination care is not difficult for health care workers, the difficulty is the time spent to fill out the form, and the time of find physician to fill the form. The effective use of information programs can indeed increase the implementation of medical care for health care workers. Scoring systems for identifying hospitalized critical patients at risk of imipenem-resistant gram-negative bacilli septicemia at sepsis onset I -Ling Chen 1 , Cing-Ling Tai Background: The emergence of carbapenem resistance among Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) has been increasingly reported worldwide and is a matter of great concern, since it complicates both empirical and guided treatment for severe critical ill patients. Inappropriate administration of empirical antibacterial may increase the mortality rate of septic patients. We aimed to derive a clinical prediction score to predict the risk of acquisition of imipenem-resistance (IR) GNB septicemia. Methods: This retrospective cohort study enrolled all patients suffered from GNB bacteremia 48 hours after admission to Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (KCGMH), a 2700 bed tertiary-care medical centre in southern Taiwan between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2015. Adjusted analyses were performed by multivariate analysis and propensity score-based matching. Risk factors for IR-GNB septicemia were evaluated by multivariate logistic regression with backward selection (<0.05) and a novel prediction score (IR-GNB septicemia) was derived. Results: Three hundred and seventy episodes were included, after controlling for age, Charlson index and sex. The following independent risk factors were obtained by a multivariable logistic regression analysis: prior extended-spectrum cephalosporins exposure days ( Youden's index statistics indicated a score of > 10 as best cutoff value that had a sensitivity of 78% and specificity of 73%. Conclusion: This score might help clinicians to stratify the risk of IR-GNB septicemia infection when deciding empirical therapy for these patients at sepsis onset. The effectiveness of application information technology to improve tuberculosis phase assessment Ya-Jhen Ji 1 *, Yueh-Ying Tsai 2 . 1 Yunlin Christian hospital of Tuberculosis case manager, 2 Yunlin Christian hospital of Supervise of Nursing Department Background: The medical service followed the update progress with the development of information technology. The rate of tuberculosis assessment at all stages was 33-45% in a regional hospital in 2010. It may lead to treatment failure and drug resistance occured if the patient was not assessed by chest X-ray examination and bacteriological testing on time. The outpatient message list was used to remind the physician to take the chest Xray examination and the bacteriological test in 2013. But, the rate of each tuberculosis phase assessment was about 73-76%. Therefore, we hoped that the rate of achievement will be improved by application of information technology. Methods: We developed electronic message board in the medical information system in order to remind the physician to order chest X-ray examination and bacteriological test in the outpatient medical system before the prescription in 2014. Each stage of continuous improvement was up to 93-96% in 2015. We applied mobile phone Line to contact the public health care division to communicate in August 2015. So, the health care division can enhance the case to remind the sputum test and side effects of medication. Results: The rate of tuberculosis assessment of phase three was 97% in 2016. Other phase was up to 100%. It can really improve the continuity of tuberculosis assessment using the electronic message board and Line information software. The income of tuberculosis stage continuous assessment of Health insurance payment was 154,000 NTD in 2010, we lose 92500 NTD because the low rate continuous assessment. The health insurance payment rose up to 138,000 NTD in 2016. The estimated amount of loss was 500 NTD and the amount of loss has been reduced significantly. Conclusion: The application of information technology can improve the continuity of stage assessment to remind patients to perform chest X-ray examination and bacteriological testing. However, the case take medicine regular although, but there are treatment failure occurred such as three case CXR deterioration and the sputum smear turned positive in four case before the end of treatment. Medical staff should pay attention to precaution the Line leaked personal information. Results: Whole data from our HIS database, including surgical scheduling system, medical system, birth notification system, anesthesiology system, operating room management system, and nursing operation system. And booking surgical scheduling was the key point to start the SSI system. We created three table into HIS to increase the data collection integrity; we found that the manager support was the key point that provide this system useful. According to this study result, the cover ratio of SSI data was from 0% (July 2016) to 96.6% (October 2016), 100% (January 2017). And 3 surgical data can automatically. Supervisor support and practice of medical personnel are indeed the important antecedents of system quality, information quality and service quality. Service quality of IT department has positive significant influences on system quality and information quality. Conclusion: Through this experience to prove that the integration of medical information system, can reduce the burden on clinical staff, automatically bring the information to avoid multiple input caused by inconsistencies. genomes, the T. pallidum Amoy strain owns eight strain-specific genes, however, miss ten universal genes in other genomes. For instance, the Amoy strain loss some tpr family genes, which likely answer for the increasing immune escape. Interestingly, we also identified the 23S rRNA A2059G mutation in the Amoy stain, which is the first report outside of its initial identification in Czech Republic and is different from the frequent A2058G mutation identified in China. Conclusion: In summary, we sequenced the whole genome of T. pallidum Amoy stain in this study. This work will aid our better understanding of the different pathogenesis of syphilis and as well the geographical distribution of syphilis epidemiology. phenotypic and MALDI-TOF MS identification methods were compared for their performance in species identification. Methods: The fungal isolates were rechecked to certify their authentication by mycology methodologies and then characterized by ITS gene sequencing. Then we evaluated D1/D2 regions sequencing, SCGE and two MALDI-TOF MS systems (Vitek MS and Bruker MS) and Vitek 2 Compact system in C. haemulonii complex identification. A susceptibility assay was performed using the Sensititre YeastOne TM YO10 methodology following the manufacturer's instructions. Results: Twelve of 13 (92.3%) isolates were identified as C. nivariensis and one as C. bracarensis using ITS sequencing as the reference method; results obtained by D1/D2 sequencing and ITS SCGE were concordant with ITS sequencing results for all (100%) isolates. SCGE was able to subtype 12 C. nivariensis into four ITS SCGE length types (LTs). All isolates failed to be identified by the Vitek MALDI-TOF MS system (bioMérieux), whilst the Bruker MS system (Bruker Daltoniks) correctly identified all C. nivariensis isolates but using a lowered (≥1.700) cut-off score for species assignment; the C. bracarensis isolate was identified but with score <1.700. The Vitek 2 Compact system could not identify 11 C. nivariensis and one C. bracarensis isolate and misidentified the remaining C. nivarensis strain as "C. glabrata". All isolates had low MICs for azoles, echinocandins, amphotericin B and 5-flucytosine. Conclusion: Our results reinforce the need for molecular differentiation of species of C. nivarensis and C. bracarensis. The performance of MALDI-TOF may be improved by adding mass spectral profiles (MSPs) into the current databases. The antifungal susceptibility profile of isolates should be monitored. More researches are needed to study its effectiveness and its role as first-line therapy. Clinical manifestations of candidemia caused by uncommon Candida species and antifungal susceptibility of the isolates in a regional hospital in Taiwan Background: This retrospective study investigated clinical manifestations of candidemia caused by uncommon Candida species and antifungal susceptibility of the isolates in a regional hospital in Taiwan. Methods: The uncommon Candida species was initially defined as Candida species other than C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata complex, C. parapsilosis complex and C. krusei. All uncommon Candida isolates were identified and confirmed by molecular methods. In vitro susceptibility testing of the uncommon Candida species to nine antifungal agents was conducted using the broth microdilution method with the Sensititre YeastOne (SYO) system (Trek Diagnostic Systems, Ltd., East Grimstead, UK). Results: Twenty-one patients, comprising 11 males and 10 females with a median age of 69 years, were recruited. Cancer (n = 11) was the most common underlying disease, 19 (90.5%) cases had prior antibiotic exposure, and only two patients had prior antifungal use. The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 38.1%. C. guilliermondii (n = 11) was the most common pathogen, followed by C. curvata (n = 3). C. guilliermondii isolates exhibited relatively high rates of azole minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) above epidemiological cut-off values (ECVs), whereas C. pelliculosa and C. lusitaniae isolates all remained susceptible to azoles. All three C. curvata isolates had high caspofungin (>8 mg/L) and fluconazole MICs (8 mg/L) and could be defined as multidrug-resistant. Conclusion: Uncommon Candida species frequently exhibit high rates of non-susceptibility to antifungals. Identification of all Candida isolates at the species level from blood samples is of value for treatment. The incidences and outcomes of cryptococcosis among different risk populations in Taiwan Background: Invasive fungal diseases are life-threatening infections in prolonged neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancies who are treated with intensive cytotoxic chemotherapy. Although liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) or an echinocandin class agent is administered as an emperical antifungal therapy in such patients, adverse events including breakthrough infections despite treatment and substantial drug toxicity have been becoming significant problems. There is therefore a critical need for antifungal treatment strategies to overcome these impediments. We conducted a single-arm, multicenter (5 institutions), prospective study in order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of sequential administration of L-AmB after micafungin (MF) as an empirical antifungal therapy for antibiotics-refractory febrile neutropenia in patients with hematologic malignancies who received cytotoxic chemotherapy. Results: A total of 18 adult patients were enrolled, and 12 patients who fulfilled the protocol defined criteria were evaluated. Underlying diseases consisted of acute leukemia (n = 10), malignant lymphoma (n = 1), and myelodysplastic syndrome (n = 1). Prior antifungal prophylaxis was given in 9 patients. Treatment success was achieved in 8 patients (66.7%). None of the patients showed pulmonary lesions in the radiological imaging or developed breakthrough infections. Serum galactomannan antigen increased in one patient, and plasma (1-3)-β-D glucan test was positive in 2 patients, but these tests improved in any of these cases. Treatment failure was observed in 4 patients. Among them, 3 patients discontinued the study drug due to adverse events. These events were drug-related toxicities such as hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, hypokalemia, skin eruption, and muscle stiffness, but all of them were below grade 2 toxicity, and were reversible after finishing the drug. One patient revealed a persistent fever probably due to cytomegalovirus infection, which subsided by ganciclovir administration. Conclusion: Although the number of patients studied was limited, sequential therapy with MF and L-AmB seems to be an encouraging antifungal treatment strategy for those with hematologic malignancies who experience antibiotics-refractory neutropenia after cytotoxic chemotherapy. Further investigation in large-scale studies are needed. Background: Azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus (ARAF) has become a growing public health concern. International consensus suggests that empirical therapy for A. fumigatus aspergillosis should be guided by the local clinical and environmetal resistance rate. This study investiagted the current status of aozle resistance among A. fumigatus clinical isolates in Taiwan Background: Candidemia has become an emerging healthcareassociated infection with significant mortality, and Candida tropicalis is a common pathogen in Asia. The present study aimed to identify specific biomarkers to predict patient survival by metabolomics. Methods: Patients aged >20 with candidemia caused by Candida tropicalis with blood samples available within 4 days of the onset (Day 0) of candidemia were included for analysis. They were categorized into two groups depending on their survival at Day 14. Metabolomic profiles of the blood specimens collected at Day 0-4 of survival and death groups were compared to identify specific biomarkers to predict patient survival at Day 14. The partial least square-discriminate analysis (PLS-DA) were performed, and the scores of the first two components were plotted to visualize how well the relevant metabolites could identify the death and survival groups. Statistical differences between death and survival groups were compared by Wilcoxon rank sum test. Results: A total of 31 patients with C. tropicalis candidemia were included. The median interval from the candidemia onset to the collection of blood specimens was 3 days (interquartile range 1-3.5 days), and 11 patients (35%) received antifungal agents before blood sampling. Day 14 mortality was 29% (9/31). The PLS-DA scores plot separated the survival and death groups (Figure 1 ). The identified potential markers to predict day 14 mortality were phenylalanine, deuteroporphyrin IX, and hippurate. The area under the curve (AUC) and coefficient of logistic regression model, and results of Wilcoxon rank sum test of the three metabolites are shown in Table 1 The age-stratified uptake rates of once-weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid. The rate for the permanent discontinuation due to 3HP intolerance was similar to 9H. However, overall, patients with 3HP experienced significantly lower rates for the permanent discontinuation of treatment compared with 9H. Further evaluation of factors facilitating treatment completion of LTBI will be crucial to achieving our End TB goal, reducing incidence to 32/ 100,000 by 2020. Surveillance of severe community-acquired pneumonia of unknown etiologyresult from unknown pathogen detection/ investigation group (UPDIG), Taiwan Tsung-Pei Tsou 1 *, Wan-Chin Chen 2 , Min-Nan Hung 3 , Sung-Hsi Wei 4,5 , Hsin-Chun Lee 3 , Chia-Ping Su 2 , Jung-Jung Mu 6 , Ming-Tsan Liu 6 . Patients with pathogen identified by isolation or PCR from respiratory tract specimens or blood, or those with seroconversion will be classified as having a definite etiology. Patients with pathogen identified by means of antigen detection will be classified as having a possible etiology. Background: Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen that can also asymptomatically colonize the nares of between 20% and 40% of the adult population. Methicillin-resistant strains (MRSA,) which may also display resistance to multiple other drugs, are a major cause of healthcare associated infections worldwide. There is increasing concern that strains of S. aureus in the clinical setting can also harbour genes (qacA/B and smr) for reduced susceptibility to commonly used antiseptics and disinfectants, such as benzalkonium chloride and chlorhexidine. It is well recognised that elderly subjects residing in long-term care facilities (LTCF) can act as reservoirs of MRSA, but little is known of its prevalence in healthy elderly living in the community. We aimed to determine prevalence of MRSA and presence of biocide resistance genes in healthy elderly subjects attending community centres for the elderly. Methods: Elderly attendees at seven community centres for the elderly were screened for MRSA nasal colonization. Swabs were cultured on chromogenic agar for MRSA and isolates confirmed by MALDI-TOF. Susceptibility testing was performed following EUCAST guidelines. qacA/B and smr were determined by PCR. Results: A total of 450 elderly subjects were screened. 31% (140/ 450) of subjects were positive for S. aureus nasal carriage. Of these isolates, 11 (7.8%) were methicillin resistant. Overall 14.8% of isolates were positive for qacA/B and 13.5% for smr. There was a significant association between methicillin resistance and presence of qacA/B genes ( p = 0.034; CI 1.024-14.8). Four MRSA strains were resistant to ≥ 3 other drugs. Conclusion: Overall carriage of MRSA in these subjects (2.4%) is marginally higher than the figures reported for the general population (0.5-1%,) but considerably less rates reported for elderly subjects in LTCF (15-50%). The presence of biocide resistance genes is of concern as multi-drug resistant strains with resistance to biocides may be difficult to eradicate. Tolerance to biocides may contribute to persistence of MRSA in the community as well as the healthcare setting. Continued monitoring of such strains is essential, as well as education on the proper use of biocides and antiseptics to prevent residue remaining in the environment which could act as a facilitator for induction of biocide tolerance. Emphysematous cystitis in the geriatric patients with Escherichia Chih-Cheng Lu 1,2 , Wen-Chou Fan 1 . cytoplasmic antibody were all negative. The serum microscopic agglutination test for leptospirosis was positive. The kidney and liver biopsies confirmed leptospirosis by immunohistochemical stain (Figure 1 ). 3 weeks after admission, he remained intubated with mechanical machine support, still had intermittent fevers and hemoptysis despite transfusions of erythrocyte and platelet and antibiotics treatment. We started 5 sessions of plasma exchange with 1.5 plasma volumes on 22, 24, 26, 28, 30th hospital days. After 5 times of plasma exchange, his consciousness, pulmonary hemorrhage and icterus were improved dramatically. He was extubated on 31th admission day. He recovered well and was discharged 38 days after admission. Conclusion: Although the role of plasma exchange in management of Weil's disease is not well defined, our experience shows that combined antibiotics and plasma exchange may be helpful in severe leptospirosis with pulmonary renal syndrome. Association of scabies and psychiatric disorders in childhood: a nationwide population-based study Chien-Yu Lin 1,2 *, Hsin Chi 3 , Shey-Chaing Su 1 , Cheng-Yin Tseng 1 , Po-Huang Liu 1 , Nan-Chang Chiu 3 , Jui-Ming Liu 4 , Ren-Jun Hsu 5 . Background: Streptococcus sanguis is a gram-positive anaerobic bacterium found in oral cavity and proven to be related with infective endocarditis. Leptospirosis and scrub typhus are zoonoses with worldwide distribution, and co-infections have been reported. We present a case of S. sanguis bacteremia in a farmer who also had scrub typhus and leptospirosis co-infection. A 73 year-old male farmer referred for altered consciousness, sepsis related multi-organ failure, GI bleeding and pneumonia. He was admitted to intensive care unit once arrived at the Emergency Department. Blood culture showed S. sanguis bacteremia but the patient did not respond to empirical antibiotics with Tapimycin and his multi-organ failure got worse. On examination, the patient still had fevers, low blood pressure (100/ 60 mm Hg) with tachycardia (120/min), and presented more symptoms such as yellowish skin color, diffused petechiae of body surface, and oliguria (0.7 mL/kg/day). Troponin I was 2.42 ug/ L, but ECG revealed no ST elevation, consistent with NSTEMI. Echocardiogram did not reveal vegetations. Gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed bleeding gastric ulcer. Laboratory studies revealed platelet count of 9,000/uL, elevated D-dimer and fibrinogen, which could not explain DIC as the cause of bleeding diathesis. He also had liver dysfunction, jaundice, high blood level of ammonia (130 umol/L), A/G reverse and acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia (5.5 mmol/L). Abdomen sonography revealed ascites, splenomegaly and cirrhosis of the liver. Picture above showed multiple petechiea found on gastric wall during panedoscope on 6/29. Methods: Female BALB/c mice (7 weeks old) were infected with approximately 1 × 10 9 CFU of MRSA strain MW2, intraperitoneally. Subsequently, mAbs, vancomycin hydrochloride (VCM) and daptomycin (DAP) were injected intraperitoneally (alone or in combinations). The animals were monitored and their mortality recorded. Statistical analysis was done using the log-rank test to determine differences between treatment groups. Results: There is a significant difference ( p < 0.05) in treatment groups (single and combination therapies) with the most effective lifesaving activities exhibited by the 3H + DAP combination at 65%. The finding of this study shows higher survival rates after 8 days in the lethal sepsis model with combination mAbs (3H + 5H at 0.5 mg each) at 60%, than single mAbs used as 1 mg of 3H (45%) or 1 mg of 5H (35%) alone. Also, combination mAb and antibiotics (3H at 1 mg + VCM at 5 µg or 3H at 1 mg + DAP at 5 µg) showed higher survival rates (55% and 65% respectively) compared with VCM (20%) or DAP (25%) alone ( p < 0.05). Conclusion: Combinations including ZBIA3H and antibiotics represent an attractive alternative to antibiotic monotherapies currently used to treat S. aureus bacteremia. Epidemiology of sepsis in children: a nationwide cohort study Conclusion: BCG-osteitis/osteomyelitis is more strongly correlated with the vaccination of newborns than with that of older infants. The question of whether postponing BCG vaccination could lead to decreased risk of BCG-osteitis/osteomyelitis without increasing TB meningitis, BCG-lymphadenitis, and injection site suppuration in young infants needs careful evaluation. The prevalence of bone loss and short term effect of antiretroviral therapy on bone mineral density in male Japanese naïve patients with HIV Yusuke Yoshino, Keita Misu, Kazunori Seo, Ichiro Koga, Takatoshi Kitazawa, Yasuo Ota. Department of Internal Medicine, Teikyo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan Background: It is well known that low bone mineral density (BMD) is prevalent in HIV patients. Many studies in North America, Europe and Oceania revealed the relationship between HIV and low BMD, and there were still few studies about that in Asian countries. Especially, research of the anti-HIV drug early impact on BMD after treatment initiation is underrepresented in Asian countries. We studied the prevalence of bone loss and changes of BMD after initiation of continuous anti-retroviral therapy (cART) in Japanese naïve patients with HIV. Methods: Male patients with HIV who visited the outpatient clinic of Teikyo University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan between April 2010 and November 2016 were enrolled. Patients underwent BMD analyses before and 44-56 weeks after initiation of cART with the same dual energy X-ray absorptiometory scan. Both the lumbar spines BMD and the average of bilateral femoral necks BMD were analyzed and employed to calculate Z-scores. Clinical factors were collected, including age, body mass index, smoking status, corticosteroid use, cART regimens and laboratory data. We assessed changes in BMD after cART initiation by paired t-test. To determine risk factors for low bone mass in naive patients and influencing factors on BMD after the start of cART, stepwise multiple regression analysis was used. Results: Thirty-one patients were followed up. Median lumbar spines Z-score was −0.500 and median femoral necks Z-score was −0.350 in naïve settings. Age, serum AST level and serum ALT level were the independent risk factors for low bone mass in naïve patients. The change of BMD after cART initiation was shown in Figure 1 . Use of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF), use of protease inhibitors (PIs) and low CD4 cell counts were independent risk factors on BMD loss in the lumbar spines. N-terminal telopeptide/creatinine (urinary test) was the independent risk factor in femoral necks. Conclusion: Slight decrease of BMD was observed in Japanese naïve patients with HIV. BMD decreased significantly after cART initiation. In lumbar spines, using TDF or/and PIs more significantly increased the risk of BMD loss. In femoral necks, cART more significantly affected on BMD of patients with higher bone metabolic activity. Short-term and long-term effect of highly active antiretroviral treatment on incident tuberculosis in people living with HIV/ AIDS Yung-Feng Yen 1,2,3,4 , Pei-Hung Chuang 5,6 , Ian Jen 7 , Marcelo Chen 8,9 , Yu-Ching Lan 10 , Chun-Yuan Lee 11 , Yun Lee 4 , Yi-Ming Arthur Chen 4,12 . 1 Section of Infectious Diseases, Taipei City Background: The short-term and long-term effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) exposure on incident tuberculosis (TB) has not been extensively studied. This nationwide populationbased cohort study was aimed to determine the short-term and long-term effect of HAART on incident TB in people living with HIV/ AIDS (PLWHA) in Taiwan Background: In the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) era, bacteremia is the one of an important cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected patients. Few studies have described these patients. The study aimed to assess the etiologic pathogens, sites of infection, mortality rate and the factors associated with the mortality in HIV-infected patients who had bacteremia. Methods: Retrospective electronic database and chart review of the HIV-infected patients with bacteremia at Vajira Hospital between January 1, 2009 to November 30, 2014 was performed. Results: Of the 115 HIV-infected patients, 67 (57.4%) were male, of these 83 (59.7%) were not receiving antiretroviral drug and 65 (46.8%) had CD4 below 50 cells/mm 3 . Among 150 isolates of bacteremia, we found that the most common organism was Salmonella spp. (46, 30.67%) and Escherichia coli (E.coli) (35, 23.33%). Ceftriaxone resistance was high (91.3%) in bacteremia caused by Salmonella group C. The common sites of infection were primary bacteremia (38%) and urinary tract infection (15.1%). The mortality rate was 23% and the factor that affected the mortality were albumin level (P = 0.002), underlying disease (P < 0.005), cirrhosis (P < 0.005), chronic renal failure (P = 0.009), malignancy (P = 0.012), focal site of infection (P < 0.005), lower respiratory tract infection (P < 0.05), and intraabdominal infection (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli are the leading caused of bacteremia in HIV-infected patients. The common sites of infection were primary bacteremia. Dengue virus nonstructural protein 1 induces platelet activation Wei-Chueh Wu, Trai Ming Yeh. Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Dengue virus (DENV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus, is responsible for ∼390 million infections annually, and leads to dengue fever or potentially lethal dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or shock syndrome (DSS). DHF/DSS patients often show severe symptoms such as vascular leakage and thrombocytopenia. During dengue infection, DENV nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) can be secreted into blood and causes vascular leakage. However, whether NS1 is involved in the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia remains unclear. In this study, we hypothesized that NS1 may play a critical role of DENV-induced thrombocytopenia. Methods: To verify this hypothesis, freshly isolated platelets from healthy donors were treated with DENV type 1 recombinant NS1 from drosophila and were evaluated for markers of activation, cytokine secretion and aggregation. Results: We found that NS1 could bind to toll-like receptor 4 of platelets. Furthermore, P-selectin expression and macrophage migration inhibitory factor secretion were increased in NS1stimulated platelets. Last, platelets aggregation with suboptimal dose of ADP was enhanced after NS1 stimulation. Conclusion: Taken together, our results demonstrate that NS1 could directly bind to platelet and induce platelet activation. These results suggest that NS1 may contribute to the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia during dengue infection. MARVAS09 acts as a potent inhibitor of human enterovirus A71 replication through suppressing viral IRES Gunaseelan Saravanan, S/O 1 , Justin Jang Hann, CHU 1,2 . 1 MARVAS, Department of Microbiology and Immunology 2 National University of Singapore 2 CTU, IMCB, A*STAR Background: Human Enterovirus A71 (HEVA71) is the main causative agent for hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in young children in many parts of the world especially in Asia. The neurotropic nature of HEVA71 can cause severe infection and complications including encephalitis and even death. Due to the lack of effective antivirals to curb HEVA71 infections, this study adopted an approach of identifying potential therapeutic agents through reverse genetics and high throughput screen of a flavonoid compound library. Methods: A 500-compound flavonoid derivatives library was screened with the HEVA71 Bi-cistronic IRES construct to identify compounds with anti-HEVA71 IRES activity. Chosen hits were further verified with cell viability and viral plaque assays. Results: The high throughput screen with the flavonoid compounds has identified MARVAS09 as a potent inhibitor of HEV71. Downstream secondary assays reaffirmed that MARVAS09 can disrupt viral protein and viral RNA synthesis through reducing HEV71 IRES activity. Further studies deduced that MARVAS09 was a narrow-spectrum antiviral, which is only effective against human enteroviruses but not chikungunya virus or herpes simplex type 1 virus. The development of HEVA71 resistant mutants against MARVAS09 demonstrated the effectiveness of MARVAS09 against a critical target of HEVA71, namely the viral IRES. More importantly, we are able to show the strong in-vivo efficacy of MARVAS09 with the murine model challenged with HEVA71. Conclusion: In conclusion, MARVAS09 is a potent antiviral against HEVA71 and possibly other human enteroviruses which can be further developed as a potential clinical antiviral for HFMD. Seroprevalence of human herpesvirus type 8 in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cheng-Chuan Su 1,2 *, Shih-Ming Tsao 3,4 , Chun-Liang Lai 1,5 , Ming-Nan Lin 1,6 , Jen-Pi Tsai 1, 3, 5 Background: Seroprevalence of human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8) is high in patients with various immunologic abnormalities. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are immunocompromised, but HHV-8 seroprevalence in COPD patients has not been documented. Methods: Blood samples collected from 64 COPD patients and from 64 age-and sex-matched healthy controls were used to determine lymphocyte and monocyte counts and HHV-8 antibody and DNA. Results: COPD patients had a lower lymphocyte count and a higher monocyte count than healthy controls (P = 0.0006 and 0.0003, respectively). The seroprevalence of HHV-8 antibodies was moderately higher in COPD patients than in controls (37.5% vs. 26.6%, P = 0.18). Three patients who were positive for HHV-8 antibodies were also positive for HHV-8 DNA. Lymphocyte counts were higher in COPD patients positive for HHV-8 antibodies than in negatives (P = 0.014) and in COPD patients positive for HHV-8 DNA than in negatives (P = 0.048). Lymphocyte count increased (from 1,688 to 2,856 and 3,184 cells/μL) with increasing HHV-8 viral load (from 133 to 1,450 and 2,090 copies/mL). Conclusion: COPD patients have a modely higher HHV-8 seroprevalence than healthy controls. Lymphocyte count is significantly higher in COPD patients positive for HHV-8 antibodies or DNA than in negatives. Lymphocyte count increases with increase in HHV-8 viral load in patients positive for HHV-8 DNA. Methods: Multiple and sequential specimens of serum, nasopharynx swab and sputum/tracheal aspirate were collected. The virus (A/Taiwan/1/2017) was isolated from the respiratory specimen. The important and different molecular signatures of the A/Taiwan/1/ 2017, compared with previous H7N9 viruses were investigated. Results: The important and different molecular signatures of the A/Taiwan/1/2017 virus included an insertion of three basic amino acid residues (RKR) at the cleavage site connecting the HA1 (hemagglutinin) and HA2 peptide regions. For antiviral resistance, R292K substitution in the NA (neuraminidase) protein was found in the A/Taiwan/1/2017 virus, suggesting that this virus had developed resistance to oseltamivir. The NS1 of A/Taiwan/1/2017 is 237 amino acids in length and the previous isolates were 217 amino acids. The extended C-terminal region of 20 amino acids contains PDZ (PSD-95/Discs-large/ZO-1) binding domain, which also contributes to pathogenicity. Conclusion: The signatures of high avian pathogenicity and oseltamivir resistance is of a concern and may have implication on clinical management and antiviral therapy. Current guideline that specifies neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) as drug of choice to treat patients infected with avian influenza A (H7N9) virus, should be revised based on geographic distribution of resistance, especially in Asia-Pacific region. Trends in the molecular epidemiology of HCV: an individualpatient-and sequence-level analysis Siao-Ru Lin, Ming-Huei Gu. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Taiwan Background: Regional and genotype-specific mutational patterns of HCV are essential for informing direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) and designing diagnostic assays for use in regions where standard genotypic resistance testing is not affordable. We try to understand the molecular epidemiology of drugresistance associate variants (RAVs) in treatment-naïve HCVinfected patients. Methods: First, we set up a workflow for specimen collection, viral nucleic acid extraction, performing PCR assays, and directedsequence analysis. Then, we performed 2-step PCR assays on several specimens to find HCV genotype 1b-infected patients. To investigate the prevalence of RAVs to DAAs in treatment-naive HCV genotype 1b-infected patients, we amplify HCV viral regions of NS5A, and 5′ untranslated-region. Using Bioedit ® and Genotype tool on NCBI website analyzed the sequencing data. Results: We collected 34 reference genome of HCV from NCBI genebank as templates for HCV-specific primer set. The amplified target in silico was submitted in Genotyping tool. It showed 100% agreement. From November 2016 to May 2017, a total of 159 patients were enrolled in HCV genotype analysis. The genotype or subtype 1a, 1b, 2, 2a, 2b, 3, 3a, 6, 6a and 6w were identified in 6.9%, 56.0%, 5.0%, 20.8%, 4.4%, 0.6%, 0.6%, 3.1%, 1.3% and 1.3% of the successfully amplified cases, respectively. At same period, we performed HCV NS5A mutation analysis on 54 patients, mutation of codon 31, 93, and both of them were detected in 3.7%, 18.5% and 1.9% of cases, respectively. Conclusion: This study is still in progress, the conclution remaining unclear. However, naturally occurring RAVs to DAAs pre-exist in treatment-naive HCV genotype 1b-infected patients. Clinicians should consider RAVs before start DAA-based antiviral therapy. He suffered from upper airway infections (cough, running nose and sorethroat) 4-5 days prior to admission. He also fell onto the ground but brain CT showed no obvious intra-cranial hemorrhage. He suffered from rapid respiration and chest CT revealed subpleural consolidations at LUL and bilateral lower lobes, more at RLL, which favoured bilateral pneumonia. He had to be admitted to our intensive care unit after ET tube intubation and mechanical ventilation use. Influenza rapid test showed influenza A. Oral Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) was initiated and 600mg Peramivir (Rapiacta) was added in use as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) developed. FiO2 100% had to be used. However, his ARDS improved soon after Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and intra-venous Peramivir (Rapiacta) were continued in use. RT-PCR of Taiwan CDC confirmed influenza A (H3) infection. (Oseltamivir and Peramivir (Rapiacta) had been used for 5 days and 7 days respectively.) His ET tube could be removed 1 week later. He became stable and could be discharged on day 14. Discussion: (1) This patient suffered from severe respiratory complications induced by influenza but could get well soon after proper prompt use (within 24 hours) of the neuraminidase inhibitor. (2) There was not any guideline or studies about concurrent use of neuraminidase inhibitors Oseltamivir and Peramivir together. In our patient, his fever subsided after Peramivir use and no need for ECMO use. It seemed that Oseltamivir and Peramivir could be used together and had no antagonism to each other. After Peramivir binds to NA enzyme, they are not easily dissociated, and Peramivir can inhibit the NA activity for longer period. Reactivation of cytomegalovirus during the hospital course of sepsis and its association with outcome Hsin-Pai Chen 1 , Ping-Liang Hung 2 , Wan-Huai Teo 3 , Yuan-Ming Lee 4 , Yu-Jiun Chan 5 , Cheng-Yu Chen 2,6 *. Accumulating evidence suggests that CMV reactivates in critically ill patients such as those with sepsis. Controversy exists with respect to the association between CMV reactivation and outcome of sepsis, and how the virus reactivates during the course of sepsis were not fully investigated. In this study, we systemically investigated the reactivation pattern of CMV during the course of sepsis and correlated the results to the outcome of sepsis. Methods: For sepsis patients admitted to the intensive care unit, blood samples were collected on day 1, 4, 8, 14 , and 28 during the hospital stay. CMV was detected by PCR and the viral loads were measured by quantitative PCR. Serum cytokine and CMV IgG were determined by ELISA. Patients' clinical characteristics and survival within 28 days were recorded and correlated to the results of CMV detection. Results: All the 262 included patients were seropositive for CMV IgG. During the 28-day in-hospital follow-up course, CMV was detected by PCR at least once in 25.2% (66/262) of the patients. The positive rate of CMV PCR increased from the initial 7.7% on day 1 to 36.7% on day 28. The median viral load was lower during the early (day 1−8) than the late (day 14−28) follow-up phase (relative median viral load 1.42 vs 4.29, p = 0.020). Detection of CMV on day 1 was associated with a lower 28-day survival rate compared with those whose blood was negative for CMV on day 1 ( p = 0.0057). A higher serum interleukin (IL)-2 level, which denoted monocyte activation, was observed in patients with positive CMV PCR, especially on day 1. Conclusion: The frequency of CMV reactivation increased during the course of sepsis. Early reactivation of CMV during the initial phase of sepsis was associated with a poorer outcome. Interaction between CMV and host monocytes may play a role in the pathophysiology of sepsis. Methanoculleus taiwanensis CYW4 T Wen-Hsin Wei, Chieh-Yin Weng, Sheng-Chung Chen, Mei-Chin Lai*. Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Background: Viruses infect all Three Domains of life, however the knowledge of archaeal viruses is limited. Lately, the diverse virus morphology and the independent virus development outside the extreme thermophilic/acidophilic archaeal host attracted the attention on archaea viral investigations. Currently, over 100 archaeal viruses have been discovered, most related to thermophilic Crenarchaea and extreme halophilic Euryarchaea. However, almost none methanoarchaeal virus was reported for the past two decades. From the core sediment on the top of gas hydrate habitat in the deformation front site offshore south-western Taiwan, Methanoculleus taiwanensis CYW4 T was enriched, isolated and characterized. Cell lysis was observed at stationary phase and a lytic virus (designed as Mta) which caused the lysis of strain CYW4 T was observed under TEM. Methods: The stationary phase grown M. taiwanensis CYW4 T culture was harvested. And virus was purified by PEG precipitation and gel filtration through a Sephacryl S-500HR column. The purified viral DNA was obtained after phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. Whole genome sequencing of virus Mta was performed using Illumina MiSeq. Functions of predicted ORFs and putative conserved domain were analyzed by BLASTP and BLASTX. The distant homologs searches were performed by HHpred (Söding et al., 2005) . Background: Chronic active EBV disease (CAEBV) is a rare and fatal complication of EBV infection. Unlike the cases in western countries, where EBV infected B cells, the majority cases in Asia and South American are found in T cell or natural killer cell. CAEBV is characterized by (1) markedly elevated EBV antibody or EBV DNA in blood (2) histologic evidence of organ infiltrated with virusinfected cells (3) detection of EBV protein or nucleic acid in tissue. We report a fatal case of EBV positive clonal T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder presenting as pulmonary cryptococcosis. Methods: This 69 year-old farmer, was admitted in mid July, 2014, because of intermittent fever up to 39^C, cough with whitish sputum for two weeks. Cryptococcal pneumonia was confirmed by sono-guided lung biopsy in March, 2014, with blood cryptococcal antigen at titer of 1:64. Ineffective initial fluconazole treatment was replaced with combining liposomal amphotericin B and 5flurocytosine. Later, however, even adding pip/tazo treatment for possible nosocomial infection, the patient was still febrile. Results: On admission day 11, diffuse skin rash and multiple lymph nodes in level I∼IV were found. Chest and abdomen CT revealed multiple lymphadenopathy in neck, mediastinum and retroperitoneum. Skin rash biopsy showed dermis infiltrated by T cells. Neck lymph node showed necrotizing lymphadenitis with eosinophilic necrotic debris and lymphoid hyperplasia. Immunohistochemistry by staining CD3 was performed on fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, compared with in situ hybridization for EBV-encoded RNA (EBER). Both skin biopsy and lymph node were positive for EBER and CD3, confirming EBV infected T cells ( Figure A) . Also, EBV viral load was markedly elevated of 72,888 copies/mL. Other study met the characteristics of CAEBV, including positive EBV-VCA-IgG, EBV-NA-IgG and negative EBV-VCA-IgM, EBV-EA-IgG. CD4 was 104/uL, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was initiated for prophylaxis of Pneumocystis Jiroveci pneumonia, although HIV negative. Anti-IFN-gamma antibodies were negative. The patient became afebrile with tigecycline, and was discharged in late August, 2014. He completed 1 year oral itraconzole treatment, but died of sepsis at other hospital in June, 2017. Conclusion: This case presented with pulmonary cryptococcosis was diagnosed with fatal T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder with CAEBV which is characterized by generalized lymphadenopathy, fever, and rashes. EBV is detected in T cells by immunohistochemistry. Studies for T-cell clonality confirm the diagnosis. Topical use of antimicrobials for surgical prophylaxis in Australian hospitals Rodney James*, Kirsty Buising, Karin Thursky. National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Background: There have been many studies supportive of the use of appropriately administered surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis in reducing surgical site and other postoperative infections. Guidance for the appropriate use of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis in Australia is available via national prescribing guidelines and suggested principles of antimicrobial prescribing in regard to surgical procedures are: • only prescribe prophylaxis if there is a clear need • the use of topical antimicrobials is not recommended for surgical prophylaxis The use of topical antimicrobials for prophylaxis during surgical procedures has been a practice commonly utilised by surgeons with limited evidence of benefit. There has currently been no major study into their general use in Australian hospitals. Methods: A Pilot Surgical National Antimicrobial Prescribing Survey was conducted from the 18th April 2016 to 3rd November 2016. Using data from the 67 hospitals that participated in this pilot, the procedure groups for which topical antimicrobials were prescribed and appropriateness of these will be described. Conclusion: Although topical antimicrobial surgical prophylaxis accounts for only a small percentage of intra-operative prescribing, more than three-quarters of these prescriptions were deemed inappropriate. Due to reported poor documentation of the use of topical antimicrobials in surgical procedures, this would represent an underestimate of the true proportion of their use. There were several procedures for which prophylaxis was prescribed with little to no evidence for their use highlighting areas where practices should be reviewed. Experiences share of antibiotics stewardship in four years and effectively reduce the multidrug-resistant organisms Hui-Yun Liang 1 , Iig-Ling Chen 1 , Hung-Jen Tang 1,2,3 *. Background: Drug resistance issues are worrisome and concerned all over the world. The appropriate use of antibiotics has been mentioned all the times. However, facing up to the constantly detection of the various multi drug resistance microorganisms, brings out that the rigor examinations and the control execution effectiveness of the antibiotic needs to be reviewed and improved all the time. Coordination from the antibiotics stewardship and the database system can make the control more effectively. Our hosptial since the beginning of the implementation of antibiotics stewardship has been four years. Both of the detection of drugresistant strains and the use of antibiotics have been declined. Methods: Our hospital has utilizing the database systems to assist executing in the antibiotic medication control, the infectious disease specialist would follow the "laboratory reports" and "current medical orders" at the analysis systems to exam then provide the professional commends especially before the report of the blood culture, it could only approved three days of antibiotics for the upgrade or downgrade. The quick identification of the equipments and methods can shorten the reporting time, so that clinicians can choose the appropriate anti-auxiliaries. Drugresistant bacteria were checked out immediately then proceed to isolate immediately. When the patient moves out then implement the disinfection of environmental cleaning and proceed the joint auditing. Results: Overview of the antibiotics stewardship in a 4-year study period (2013-2016) The DID Usage density of antibiotics (per 1,000 bed-day-occupancy) have been declined 30%, the Penicillins have been declined 35%, and Carbapenems declined 40%, Glycopeptide and Fluoroquinolone use to show stability. Carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus reported a 50% drop in new cases. Conclusion: The original use of antibiotics is for the treatment of bacterial infection, but must pay attention to the use of the period and follow the rules and the recommendations. To avoid the occurrence of bacteria cause by the filter pressure of orthodontic, need to pay attention to monitoring or induced bacterial resistance to follow up, Surely it should be monitored. Clinical impact of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in combination with antimicrobial stewardship intervention in adults with candidemia Nan-Yao Lee 1 , Ching-Lung Lo 2 , Wen-Liang Lin 3 , Jen-Chieh Lee 1 , Ming-Chi Li 1 , Chin-Shiang Tsai 1 , Wen-Chien Ko 1 *. Background: Candidemia is one of the severe infections associated with a poor outcome. Integration of rapid species identification via matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) with antimicrobial stewardship intervention (ASI) has the potential to early customization of appropriate antifungal therapy and improvement in patient outcomes. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of such an approach on the outcomes of adults with candidemia. Methods: A pre-post quasi-experimental study was conducted in a medical center in southern Taiwan from January 2015 to December 2016. The ASI team, mainly infection disease specialists, provided evidence-based antimicrobial recommendations after the receipt of the causative Candida species for the intervention group. Clinical outcomes were compared to that of a historical control group. Results: A total of 303 patients with candidemia were included in the final analysis: 151 patients in the intervention group and 152 patients in the control group. The intervention group had shorter time to Candida species identification (73.6 ± 31.7 vs. 105.2 ± 63.5 hours, P < 0.001) and to optimal antifungal therapy (1.2 ± 1.2 vs. 2.0 ± 1.6 days, P < 0.001). Of note, the sepsis-related mortality rate (17.2% vs. 27.6%; P = 0.038), 30-day crude mortality rate (27.2% vs. 39.5%; P = 0.028), in-hospital crude mortality (39.1% vs. 46.1%; P = 0.246) were lower in the intervention group. Conclusion: MALDI-TOF-MS in adjunction with ASI can result in rapid species identification, early initiation of optimal antifungal therapy, and most importantly a better clinical outcome for adults with candidemia. Klebsiella pneumoniae perirenal abscess complicated by endogenous endophthalmitis Shu Hua Lin, Che-Kim Tan. Chimei Medical Center Intensive Care Unit Background: Endogenous endophthalmitis is an uncommon but severe ocular infection caused by hematogenous bacterial seeding in bacteremia and septicemia. In East Asia, there is an increasing incidence of disease caused by gram-negative organisms, with Klebsiella pneumonia (KP) now as the most common cause of endogenous endophthalmitis. KP can produce infection at a variety of sites, with the risk being increased in patients with impaired host defenses (e.g., diabetes mellitus, liver abscess). KP is the main cause of Taiwan induced liver abscess, accounting for about 80% of all liver abscess cases. KP perirenal abscess complicated by endogenous endophthalmitis is few. Endogenous KP Endophthalmitis has an extremely poor prognosis, is exacerbated by delayed diagnosis. A 75 year-old female has been past histories of type II diabetes mellitus poor controlled and recent HbA1c revealed 9.9%. She was complained of left lower quadrant pain, sleepy and septic shock was also noted. The abdomen computed tomography revealed right perirenal abscess, that pigtail drainage catheter was inserted. The blood culture and pig tail drainage abscess culture showed KP, emperical antibiotic of flomoxef use. However, she started to have redness of left eye within 24 hr then she had sudden pain, eyelid swelling and conjunctival chemosis was found and endogenous KP endophthalmitis was suspected. A orbital computed tomography revealed left orbital intraconal/extraconal space and left periorbital abscess and postseptal cellulitis, consistent with left endophthalmitis. Results: Thus, the ophthalmology was given intravitreal injection of antibiotic of ceftazidime 2 mg/0.1 cc and eye drops use. Visual acuity in the left eye deteriorated to no light perception over a 48-hour period, the intraocular pressure was 47-49 mmHg. We adjusted antibiotic to meropenem and prescuded mannitol to reduced intraocular pressure. The left eye received intravitreal injection one dose, mannitol intravenous injection three dose and meropenem for two weeks therapy. Although, the left eye no bacteria could be cultured and blindness, but stable hemodynamic status and transferred to ordinary ward. Conclusion: Acute endophthalmitis is a medical emergency. Endophthalmitis is a clinical diagnosis that is confirmed by positive aqueous or vitreous culture. However, a negative culture does not exclude the diagnosis. The primary part of the specimen culture and blood culture has a high diagnostic value, but because the eye is not easy to obtain a large number of specimens. Eye culture of the positive rate is low, even less than 30%, so usually as long as the clinical symptoms can be diagnosed. Decrease in ambulatory consumption of cephalexin and cotrimoxasole in the period of five years (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006) was observed, followed by significant decline in antimicrobial resistance of E. coli to these two drugs (to 10.2% and 23.3% in 2010, and to 6.7% and 24.5% in 2015, respectively), especially in females aged <65 years ( p < 0,01). The highest resistance rates for any isolate-antimicrobial combination ( particularly to fluoroquinolones) were detected in older males. The total proportion of ESBL producing E. coli strains rose from 1.6% in 2005 to 4.0% in 2010, and to 5% in 2015, with especially high resistance rate in older age groups ( p < 0.001). Conclusion: Decrease in consumption of certain antibiotics in the community leads to improvement in bacterial susceptibility. Due to the updates in Croatian guidelines on empirical treatment of CA-UTIs, changes in ambulatory use of antibiotics occurred. Withdrawal of amoxicillin, cephalexin and co-trimoxasole from the list of first line agents for empirical treatment of uncomplicated cystitis, elicited significant improvement in susceptibility of uropathogenic E. coli to these antibiotics. Since no obvious rise in fluoroquinolones use occurred, the increasing trend in resistance which might be caused by the spread of highly epidemic fluoroquinolone-resistant uropathogenic E. coli clonal groups, particularly in older men, requires further investigation. Treatment of extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli bacteremia at a medical center in northern Taiwan Tsai-Wei Wang 1,2 , Ting-Ching Wu 1 , Chi-Lan Kao 1 , Wan-Tsui Huang 1 . Clinical outcome: In the total duration of antibiotics treatment, the ETC-flomoxef was 14.5 ± 6.28 days, the ETC-quinolone was 11.5 ± 3.35 days; the DTC-flomoxef was 11 ± 3.6 days, the DTC-quinolone was 12.3 ± 5.2 days, the DTC-carbapenem was 15.7 ± 6.3 days. In the 30-day mortality rate, all groups of ETC were 0%; the DTCcarbapenem was 8.6%, whereas the other 2 groups were 0%. In the 30-day relapse rate, the ETC-flomoxef was 35%, the ETCquinolone was 0%; the DTC-flomoxef was 33.3%, the DTC-quinolone was 16.7%, the DTC-carbapenem was 31.4%. In DTC-carbapenem, its higher rate of mortality and relapse may relate to the patients' characteristics of more percentage of DM (45.7%), malignancy (45.7%), immunosuppression (42.9%), and nosocomial bacteremia (25.7%). All the data of clinical outcomes showed no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Compared to ETC-quinolone, ETC-flomoxef revealed a tendency of higher relapse rate. In the definitive therapy, the flomoxef use in our hospital was restricted due to lack of the MIC. Next-step, we should take comorbid conditions and disease severity into consideration. Recruiting more patients validated by Charlson score should be done in the future study. Invasive pulmonary aspergillus with lung fibrosis, probably the sequelae of influenza infection Chia-Chen Hsu. Chi Mei Medical Center, Intensive Care Medicine Background: Fatal invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) may follow viral influenza infections. Superinfection or coinfections are major causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with influenza. We conducted a patient with IPA following influenza infection with refractory hypoxemia by Veno-venous mode extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-V ECMO) therapy. Case report: A 60-year-old man with hypertension history presented to ED. According to his family, he visited a friend about 7 days ago, and his friend had the symptoms of a common cold. Few days later, fever, frequent cough during spiking fever, scanty sputum and sore throat developed. Shortness of breath was also noticed. In emergency department, acute respiratory failure developed, so endotracheal intubation was performed and the patient was admitted to intensive care unit. Oseltamivir, intravenous (iv) with broad-spectrum antibiotic, vasopressor and iv albumin supplement were initiated. However, refractory hypoxemia was noticed so lung recruitment therapy was performed. After the discussion with cardiovascular surgeon and family members, the VV-ECMO was applied. The serum Aspergillosis antigen was positive; therefore voriconazole was added. Owing to the development of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), unstable hemodynamic status and oxygenation did not improve. Another 5-day course of oseltamivir was then administrated. Repeated Real Time PCR for FluA showed positive result, so another 5-day course of oseltamivir was given. Antibiotics were shifted to Imipenem, voriconazole and Sulbactam sodium because of intermittent fever. However, desaturation and profound shock developed despite of vasopressor and aggressive fluid resuscitation. Progressive hepatic failure developed later. We discussed with the family about the grave prognosis and they requested for hospice care. We removed ECMO and the patient expired three weeks later. Conclusion: In summary, Aspergillus is a potential complication of severe influenza infections. Progressive pulmonary infection after the initial diagnosis of influenza should raise the suspicion of superinfections including Aspergillus. It is important to take heed of positive sputum microscopy and cultures for Aspergillus in this setting and to follow up with appropriate diagnostic procedures. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to this fatal complication of influenza disease. Empirical caspofungin for severe influenza suspected with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis Hui-Chun Chao 1 , Wen-Liang Yu 1,2 . During recent years, a rising incidence of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) in critically ill patients has been reported. IPA was diagnosed in critically ill patients with H1N1 virus infection after 3 days of intensive care unit (ICU) admission, which render them more vulnerable for fungal infections. The mortality of IPA remains as high as 30-50%. Backbone of management are prophylaxis, early diagnosis and early initiation of antifungals for reduction of invasive aspergillosis related mortality. Case report: A 53 years old man has a major past history of hyperuricemia with gout, dyslipidemia and chronic kidney disease (CKD), stage 5. He suffered from progressive dyspnea in recent 1∼2 weeks. Then, he was brought to our emergency room and the laboratory data revealed anemia, hyperkalemia, acute on CKD with uremia, elevated cardiac enzyme, severe metobolic acidosis. Rapid Influenza virus antigen revealed positive and chest X-ray showed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Due to respiratory failure, intubation was done and emergent hemodialysis was performed. Empiric antibiotics with tazobactam, caspofungin and oseltamivir. All culture revealed negative finding. Meanwhile, the result of a serum aspergilus galactomannan (GM) antigen assay was 0.88 index. So we kept antifungus use. Clinical significance of regional multicenter surveillance on antimicrobial consumption and resistance in Japanese acute care hospitals Arufumi Shiota. Aichi Prefectural Infection Control Network; Department of Infection Control and Prevention Aichi Medical University Hospital Background: Regional continuous monitoring of antimicrobial consumption is very important to prevent the development of drug resistance in the region. Aichi Prefectural Infection Control Network, which is led by the regional administration in Japan, has performed a surveillance of antimicrobial consumption and resistance after 2010. Herewith, we present the results of the regional multicenter evaluation of the antimicrobial consumption and resistance within seven years. Conclusion: We had clarified the regional transition of antimicrobial consumption in seven years. Notably, although analysis of carbapenems consumption showed an increase based on the values measured by AUD and DOT after 2013, no increase was noted in the carbapenems resistance for P. aeruginosa. The AUD/DOT ratio of carbapenems might contribute decreased carbapenems resistance in P. aeruginosa. Previous studies also showed that high plasma concentration of linezolid may induce thrombocytopenia. Only few studies demonstrated the relationship between plasma concentration and clinical outcomes, and to our knowledge, no research was conducted in the Han Chinese population. This study aimed to investigate the association between concentration of linezolid, AEs and clinical outcome. Methods: A prospective observational study was performed in a tertiary teaching hospital between December 1, 2016 and May 15, 2017. Adult patients with therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of linezolid were included. Linezolid peak and trough concentrations were measured by HPLC and then used to calculate the 24 hour areaunder-the-curve (AUC). All patients' data were collected via electronic medical charts. The safety and clinical outcomes were assessed throughout the treatment course until 7 days after the completeness of linezolid and 30-day mortality was also recorded. All AEs were evaluated by Naranjo score, and the definite/probable AEs were defined as linezolid-related adverse events in the analysis. Results: Among 49 patients enrolled in the study, mean age were 61.2 years old and 49% were male. There were 66 linezolid TDMs collected, and most (80.4%) were performed within 14 days. The median trough, peak and AUC of standard dose (600 mg twice daily) and reduced dose (600 mg daily) were 9.19 mg/L, 24.33 mg/L, 360.98 mg/L-hr and 3.48 mg/L, 21.59 mg/L, 199.97 mg/L-hr, respectively. Plasma concentrations were 1.5-to 2 folds higher than which in the prescribing information but similar to the results in Japanese studies. Thrombocytopenia was the most common adverse events (62%) and peripheral neuropathy appeared infrequent (6%). Median trough concentration was significantly higher in patients with thrombocytopenia (total AEs: 13.06 vs. 6.97 mg/L, p = 0.0292; related AEs: 17.55 vs. 6.97 mg/L, p = 0.0007). Median trough level was also significantly higher in related leukopenia AE (22.54 vs. 9.62 mg/L, p = 0.0291). No association was identified between plasma concentration and anemia, lactic acidosis, peripheral neuropathy or clinical outcomes including mortality. Conclusion: Linezolid plasma concentrations of standard dose were 1.5-to 2 folds higher than which in the prescribing information, but similar to the results in Japanese studies. Higher trough concentration was associated with thrombocytopenia and leukopenia; however, no significant difference was observed between linezolid concentration and other AEs or clinical outcome. Dose adjustment tailored by TDM may be considered to prevent linezolid associated thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. Investigation of the outcome of patients infected with MDR (multi-drug resistant) pathogens in one regional hospital at Southern Taiwan 2. The culture sites of clinical specimens were more on sputum (110), urine (51), than blood (24) and wound (13). 3. The distribution of age was more above 60 year-old (80%) and male predominant (54%) was noted. 4. The outcome of our cohort was more on refer to medical center (59%), still admission (22%) than died (13%), discharge (6%). Conclusion: 1. More and more MDR pathogens were isolated from clinical specimens and morbidity and mortality were increasing in these elderly patients. 2. The curde mortality rate of our cohort was 13% and MRSA, CRAB were predominant (69%) between MDR pathogens. 3. Limitation of staff and equipment available, there were many patients refer to medical center (59%) and transfer back to long term care facility later. 4. Respiratory and urinary tract infection were two major sites of infection at our hospital, especial at these elderly patients. 5. Targeted group (elderly and long term care) was our focus of infection control and well antibiotic stewardship was needed. Effectiveness of antimicrobial stewardship programme in reducing incidence of ESBL cases Lau Hui Shan 1 *, Wong Ke Juin 2 , Fong Siew Moy 3 . 1 Department of Pharmacy, 2 Infection control Unit, 3 Infection control Unit, Hospital Wanita dan Kanak kanak, Sabah Background: Since the first reported case of Extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) in 1983, these resistant beta-lactamases has been reported worldwide and its presence is ubiquitous. Cefuroxime is one of the cephalosporin that has been implicated in the emergence of ESBL gram negative organism. The ESBL rate in paediatric surgical ward in Hospital Wanita and Kanak-kanak Sabah (HWKKS) was alarmingly high from our surveillance study and it could be linked with the common usage of cefuroxime. The objective of this study is to describe the effectiveness of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programme in reducing the incidence of ESBL producing Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kleb Pneumoniae). Methods: This study was conducted from July 2015 to December 2016 in a peadiatric surgical ward in HWKKS. For first six months, usage of Intraveneous (IV) cefuroxime 750 mg, described in number of vials and total number of ESBL cases were calculated. All positive ESBL cultures from any specimens were included. Starting January 2016 AMS team suggested IV ampicilin/sulbactam 1.5 g as an alternative to cefuroxime in peadiatric surgical ward. After the intervention, a 6 monthly post interventional audit was done. Occurence rate of ESBL case pre and post intervention were compared with mean score of iv cefuroxime usage. Results: Two hundred and forty-seven patients were included in this study. There were no significant differences in the variation of Clcr with vancomycin treatment in daily dose (≧30 mg/kg /day vs <30 mg/kg/day) and duration of treatment (≧7 days vs <7 days). However, the creatinine clearance decreased after vancomycin treatment, comparing with baseline (before treatment), were a significant difference in the total dose of vancomycin treatment (≧14 g or <14 g) and the vancomycin trough level (≧15 mg/L or <15 m/L). Conclusion: This study demonstrates the higher vancomycin cumulative dosage and trough level were associated with higher incidence of kidney injury. Further studies should be performed to evaluate the correlation between dosage and trough level to treatment response, and assess the applicability of high dose regimen of vancomycin in Taiwanese population based on IDSA guideline. Impact of antibiotic stewardship and rapid diagnostic testing on coagulase-negative staphylococcus blood cultures Wen-Liang Lin 1 *, Nan-Yao Lee 2 , Hui-Hung Yu 1 , Wen-Chien Ko 2 , Pheng-Ying Yeh 1 . Background: A part of Escherichia coli most frequently isolated as a causative agent on urinary tract infection is a strain called UPEC (Uropathogenic Escherichia coli). UPEC is involved in chronicity and refractory urinary tract infections due to adhesion and invasion to the urothelial cell surface by type I pili and formation of Biofilm. It is elucidated in our previous study that proanthocyanidin A2(PAC), a cranberry-specific component, influences the adhesion and invasiveness of UPEC to urothelial cells. In addition, there are reports that PACs affect the quorum-sensing mechanism contributing to the formation of Biofilm and decrease pathogenic factors. Methods: As strains to be used, 3 strains (BK1, BK2, BK3) of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), standard strain E. coli K12, Pseudomonas aeruginosa standard strain PAO1 and blood derived Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 strain (568). First, the Microtiter Plate Assay was performed to evaluate biofilm formation and compared with non-addition of PAC and addition of PAC. Second, expression of csgA, csgD, crl, fimH which are biofilm related genes of Escherichia coli was examined by Polymerase Chain Reaction assay. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of PAC on the expression of biofilm associated genes was also investigated. Results: Biofilm formation was more decreased in case of addition of PAC than in case of non-addition of PAC. K12, BK1, BK2 and BK3 all expressed the genes of csgA, csgD, crl, fimH. However, even if PAC is added, it did not affect to expression of biofilm genes of E. coli. Conclusion: Our study showed that PAC suppresses biofilm formation and proved that its cause is not inhibiting the expression of biofilm associated gene. In addition, it was inferred that the cause of inhibition of biofilm formation by PAC is not by the gene mutation but the PAC itself influences intermolecular relationship such as quorum-sensing mechanism. Therefore, we need to further investigate how PAC affects quorum-sensing intermolecular. Chih-Hao Hung 1 *, Tien-Yuan Wu 1,2 , Chi-Hua Chen 1 . 1 Department of Pharmacy, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan, 2 Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan Background: Colistin is a polymyxin class of antibiotics with bactericidal properties. It has excellent bactericidal ability for many nosocomial infections, including Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Due to the limitations of antibiotics selection for multidrug resistance gram-negative bacteria (MDR-G(-)) infected pneumonia, the risk of infection mortality is very high. In this case, colsitn is the most common used antibiotic for MDR-G(-) infections. Except conventional intravenous(iv) injection of colistin, inhaled colistin increasing the concentration in lung tissue is a new administration route as an off-label use. However, the uncertainty effectiveness and safety need more investigation. Therefore, the effectiveness of inhalation colistin was compare with injection colistin in this study. Methods: Patients from January to December in 2016 using iv injection and inhaled colistin for more than 72 hours were enrolled into this study. The assessment criteria included bacterial culture results, down-grade or withdrawal colistin after treatment, the average length of hospital stay, and mortality rate. Results: The total number of patients treated with colistin iv vs. inhalation were 106 vs. 56 respectively. The mean age was 74.01 ± 14.51 years old vs. 75.82 ± 13.19 years old. The days of drug use were 10.09 ± 4.56 days vs. 11.06 ± 6.40 days, respectively. Down-grade or withdrawal colistin after treatment was 55 cases (51.89%) vs. 24 cases (42.86%), respectively. The average hospital stay was 28.50 ± 17.17 days vs. 46.00 ± 25.41 days after treatment, the mortality rates were 50.94% vs. 53.57%. Conclusion: In the study, iv injection of colistin in patients with complex infection was still better than inhalation. At present, iv injection of colstin treating hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) or ventilator acquired pneumonia (VAP) was still recommended as the primary route. Since the patients used colistin with very complicated infections, the effectiveness and safety may need the largescale clinical studies to approve in the future. Hypersensitivity to betalactam antibiotics: results of a 10-year study based on clinical history, skin and challenge tests Adnene Toumi 1 *, Karim Aouam 2 , Mohamed Chakroun 1 , Amel Chaabane 2 . 1 Infectious Diseases Department, UR 12SP41, Monastir University Hospital, Tunisia, 2 Pharmacology Department, Monastir University Hospital, Tunisia Background: Betalactams hypersensitivity remains overestimated because of the lack of an objective diagnosis tool which leading to unjustified therapeutic alternatives. This study has been performed in order to analyze the epidemiological, clinical and chronological features of betalactams hypersensitivity, to evaluate the skin tests value, and to establish a practical approach exploring such drug hypersensitivity. Methods: We included all adverse effects suspected to be induced by betalactams and notified to the pharmacovigilance unit of Monastir during 10 years. The drug imputability was established according to Begaud et al. Method. Skin tests were performed as recommended by ENDA. Results: Betalactams hypersensitivity was retained for 168 cases (25% of all notifications). Almost all of reactions were cutaneous mainly macula-papular rashes. The severity was estimated at 11.3%. The delayed reactions occurred 60.7% of cases. All reactions resolved after drug withdrawal. We identified 19 positive rechallengers. Skin tests were performed for 386 cases and were positive in 26.2% of them. Penicillins were implicated in 62.5% of cases. Almost all of immediate reactions were induced by penicillins. The hypersensitivity was selective to one betalactam in nearly half of cases. Cross-reactivity was objectified among penicillins and cephalosporins in 19% of cases, involving piperacillin-tazobactam in two cases and imipenem in one case. Conclusion: Through the present study, we determined the betalactams hypersensitivity reactions feature and developed an exploration practical approach. The diagnosis was confirmed using skin tests and a possible dreg rechallenge. To improve these findings, drug provocation test would be a reliable tool. PS 296 ATP has antimicrobial activity based on the chelating action of the ferric ions and shows its combined effect with anti-Mycobacterium avium complex drugs Yutaka Tatano 1 *, Yuichi Kanehiro 2 , Seiko Yamabe 2 , Chiaki Sano 2 , Toshiaki Shimizu 4 , Hideki Yagi 1 , Haruaki Tomioka 2,5 . 1 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare, 2 Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University, 3 Department of Nutritional Sciences, Yasuda Women's University, 4 Department of Basic Medical Sciences for Nursing, Department of Primary Education, Yasuda Women's University Background: ATP up-regulates macrophage antimycobacterial activity in a P2X 7 -dependent manner. However, whether ATP directly exhibits antimicrobial effects against intracellular mycobacteria is still unknown. Since we recognized direct antibacterial activity in ATP against bacteria including mycobacteria, we studied the mechanism of its antimicrobial effects. Additionally, we examined the detailed profile of the anti-Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) activity of some antimicrobial agents in combination with ATP. Methods: We used mycobacteria including MAC, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and common bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus. To confirm the mediation of antibacterial activity of ATP by its ironchelating effect, we established an enterobactin-deficient mutant strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae by deleting the entB gene. Bacterial siderophore production was measured by CAS (Chrome Azurol S) assay. We used clarithromycin, ethambutol, rifampin and rifabutin to evaluate the combined effects of ATP with anti-MAC drugs against MAC organisms. Results: The species and strain dependency of common bacteria were examined for their ATP susceptibility. ATP markedly inhibited the growth of M. intracellulare. Meanwhile, M. avium was moderately susceptible or resistant to ATP. S. aureus was moderately to highly susceptible. ATP's anti-MAC activity was significantly reduced by MgCl 2 and FeCl 3 . ATP-resistant Escherichia coli and K. pneumoniae produced significant levels of siderophores when cultivated in the presence of ATP. ATP exhibited moderate levels of antimicrobial effects on the mutant K. pneumoniae strain. Moreover, it was found that the anti-MAC activity of the selected drugs was markedly potentiated in a strain-dependent manner. In this case, the onset of the regrowth of antimicrobial agent-treated mycobacteria during cultivation was significantly delayed in the presence of ATP. Conclusion: In this study, ATP's antibacterial activity was found to be attributable to its iron-chelating ability. We also found that ATP inhibited the growth of various bacteria, including mycobacteria, without damaging the bacterial surface structures. Thus, ATP is promising as an adjunctive agent for chemotherapy against mycobacterial infections using anti-MAC drugs. We are currently examining the change in anti-MAC activity on increasing the intramacrophage ATP concentration. Evaluation of synergistic antibacterial mechanism between SC5005 and a natural product against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Chui-Hian Lim 1 , Chia-Min Yuan 1 , Chung-Wai Shaiu 2 , Hao-Chieh Chiu 1 *. Background: The emergence of antibiotic resistance has imposed a serious challenge to public health worldwide. In the United States, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections claim nearly 11,300 lives each year. As conventional antibiotics are not sufficient to treat MRSA infections, a new antibiotic with novel action mechanism is highly needed. Previously, our group showed a small-molecule compound, SC5005, exhibiting synergistic antibacterial activity with a natural product against MRSA. Here, we aim to uncover the synergistic antibacterial mechanism of this combination. Methods: The antibacterial activity of SC5005 combined with HRCA7 against MRSA was assessed by MIC assay, MBC assay and Time-Kill assay. The cell toxicity of this combination was examined in different epithelial cell lines by using MTT cell viability assay. Furthermore, in vivo efficacy of SC5005 in combination with HRCA7 is evaluated in a mouse model of MRSA skin infection. Results: The screening of nature products identified HRCA7, which is capable of potentiating SC5005's antibacterial activity for more than 8,000 times. This combination also displayed a fast-killing activity against MRSA as demonstrated by an over 97% eradication of bacteria in broth within 5 minutes. In contrast, no effect of HRCA7 on SC5005's cytotoxicity toward human epithelial cells was observed. Subsequent experimental result indicated that short exposure of MRSA to SC5005 increased bacterial susceptibility to HRCA7. While the combinatory effect of SC5005 and HRCA7 can be reduced by antioxidants with long acyl-chain, including astaxanthin and alpha-tocopherol, in a dose-dependent manner, the addition of phenolic antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), by contrast, stablized HRCA7 and increased the antibacterial activity of this combination. Currently, studies to evaluate the efficacy of SC5005 combined with HRCA7 on MRSA skin infection are underway. Conclusion: The findings provide strong evidences that HRCA7's prooxidant activity plays an important role in the synergistic bactericidal effect with SC5005. This combination could be further developed as a topical medication for MRSA skin infections. In vitro activity of ceftolozane-tazobactam against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae isolates from medical center in Taiwan Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae are leading nosocomial gram-negative pathogens which are often multi-drug resistant. Ceftolozane-tazobactam (TOL/TAZ), an antipseudomonal cephalosporin with a β-lactamase inhibitor, is approved for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections (in combination with metronidazole) and complicated urinary tract infections by FDA in the United States and by European Medicines Agency. Methods: Antimicrobial susceptibility of TOL/TAZ and ten comparators (cefepime, cefoperazone-sulbactam, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, colistin, imipenem, levofloxacin, meropenem, piperacillin-tazobactam (PIP/TAZ) and tigecycline) was evaluated against isolates collected from medical centers in Taiwan. All testing of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) followed 2016 CLSI guidelines at a central laboratory (IHMA, Inc.). Results were interpreted using CLSI guidelines for all drugs except colistin (EUCAST) and tigecycline (FDA). Quality control strains were used in each day of testing. Background: Antibiotic therapy is the recommended choice for nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections currently. Multidrug therapy is a standard practice, but few treatment options exist. Solution of intrinsic and acquired antibiotic resistance is a major difficulty of treatment. Several previous studies suggest that single extracts or formulations of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) alone or in combination with antibiotics may treat common bacterial infections. Therefore, synergistic combination therapy with antibiotics plus TCM could be an effective solution. This study is to provide an evidence for combination of TCM and antibiotics which may yield synergy in treatment of NTM infections. Methods: Two standard mycobacterial strains, Mycobacterium abscessus (College of American Pathologists, CAP) (RGM) and Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (serotype 2) ATCC25291 (SGM), were chosen in this study. Three Scientific TCM formulations in extract subtly granule including Scute & Cimicifuga Combination (SCC), Dandelion & Wild Chrysanthemum Combination (DWCC) and Gleditsia Combination (GC) were applied to our experiment. Three steps of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) measurements for a preset concentration of both mycobacteria were performed: monotherapy of CLSI recommended antibiotics, monotherapy of TCM formulations with serial dilution concentrations and combination with antibiotic plus SCC. All of the above steps were repeatedly performed to estimate the average of MICs. Results: Bacteriostatic effects of 3 TCM formulations were observed on both M. abscessus and M. avium. The inhibitory concentrations for SCC, DWCC and GC were above 60, 100 and 70 mg/mL, and above 60, 80 and 100 mg/mL, respectively. Significant reductions of MIC for M. abscessus and M. avium were also measured when SCC was added with a concentration of more than 25 mg/ml onto the commercial antibiotic wells. The MICs of M. abscessus for clarithromycin, tigecycline, ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, doxycycline, and cefoxitin, M. avium for clarithromycin and ethambutol were significantly decreased when they were combined with 12.5 mg/mL of SCC. Conclusion: TCM formulation alone yielded a similar bacteriostatic effect as antibiotics on NTM was observed. Combination treatment with the TCM formulation plus antibiotics could have a synergistic antibacterial effect on NTM. The machanism of TCM formulation on the antibiotics resistance in NTM will be explored. Antimicrobial resistance to various antibiotics against Escherichia coli in Western part of Japan -9 years study Tetsuro Muratani 1,2,3 , Haruhisa Saku 1,2,4 , Tomoko Kobayashi 1,2,3 , Jun-ichi Ohno 1 . 1 IHibiki AMR Laboratory, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2 Hibiki Research Group for Clinical Microbiology, 3 Kyurin Medical Laboratory, 4 Background: Although Escherichia coli is one of bacteria consisted of human intestinal normal flora, E. coli is a bacteria that has been able to cause infectious diseases at various site, such as urinary tract, intestinal tract, respiratory tract, wound, biliary tract, blood stream, etc. E. coli had been susceptible to various antibiotics. It is major problem that multi drug resistant E. coli have been emergence and increasing. We investigated the susceptibility to various antibiotics against E. coli isolated in Western part of Japan. Methods: A total of 8,079 non-duplicate E. coli isolated from urinein the period from 2008 to 2016 in Japan were used in this study. We divided the isolates to isolation period every 3 years, duration A is 2008 to 2010, duration B is 2011 to 2013, and duration C is 2014 to 2016. The MICs of various antimicrobials against the isolates were determined by the two-fold serial agar dilution method as described by the CLSI. The resistant isolates to antimicrobials were basically interpreted according to CLSI breakpoint. Results: E. coli isolates from urinary tract, respiratory tract, wound, and blood stream accounted for 72.6% (58.7/81.9 inpatients/outpatients), 12.4% (25.1/4.1), 4.0% (6.0/2.6), and 3.0% (4.6/2.0), respectively. Table shows the ratio of ESBL producers and quinolone-resistants. ESBL producers have been increasing in both inpatients and outpatients. The ratio of quinolone-resistants from inpatients have no change between 2008 and 2016, however, the ratio of them from outpatients have been increasing, oviously. Background: Increased with resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to ceftriaxone (CTRX) is a global problem. We conducted a molecular epidemiological analysis of N. gonorrhoeae isolated in Japan for the purpose of examining CTRX resistance mechanism. Methods: Antimicrobial susceptibility to cefixime (CFIX) and CTRX was measured using N. gonorrhoeae isolated in Japan in 2014. Thirty two isolates were analyzed by amino acid sequence of penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2). Furthermore, the molecular epidemiological similarity was analyzed by Neisseria gonorrhoeae multiantigen sequence typing (NG-MAST). Results: Thirty two isolates were classified into three groups (group A: CFIX susceptible/CTRX susceptible, group B: CFIX resistance/CTRX susceptible, group C: CFIX resistance/CTRX resistance) based on susceptibility records. The common mutations of PBP2 were group A: pattern V (5/15, 33.3%), group B: pattern X (9/ 15, 60.0%), and group C: pattern XXXIV (1/2, 50.0%). Patterns X and XXXIV were mosaic-like mutations in amino acid sequence. The common sequence type (ST) by MG-MAST were group A: ST5887 and ST6771 (2/15, 13.3%), group B: ST6778 (3/15, 20.0%), group C: ST1407 (1/2, 50.0%). In each group, characteristic ST by NG-MAST was not confirmed. In addition, 1 isolates with the same PBP2 (XXXIV-A501P) as the high-level CTRX resistant strain in France were confirmed. However, we detected the strain was sensitive to CTRX. Conclusion: We indicated the mutation of PBP2 was significantly associated with decreased susceptibiliies to CFIX. But the mutation of PBP2 did not confer a clear influence on the decreased susceptibiliies to CTRX. This study suggested that the resistance mechanism of CTRX is not only due to the mutation of PBP2 but also by a complicated mechanism. The plasmid carrying the bla OXA-72 carbapenem resistance gene was transferred between Acinetobacter baumannii and Acinetobacter nosocomialis Hsing-Yu Chen 1 , Hung-Sheng Shang 2 , Jun-Ren Sun 2 . Background: Acinetobacter nosocomialis has been found to serve as a reservoir of resistance determinants in the health care settings. In our hospital, the carbapenem non-susceptible rate in Acinetobacter nosocomialis is approximately 20%. However, the carbapenem resistant mechanisms of Acinetobacter nosocomialis were rarely studied. The main objective of this work was to investigate the resistant mechanism and molecular epidemiology of imipenem non-susceptible Acinetobacter nosocomialis in Taiwan. Methods: Forty-one imipenem non-susceptible Acinetobacter nosocomialis isolates were collected from bloodstream infection from 2012 to 2016. All of them were identified using the automated VITEK 2 system and confirmed by 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer sequencing. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed by the broth microdilution method. All 41 imipenem non-susceptible isolates were examined by PCR assays for the presence of the carbapenemase-encoding genes. The plasmid was sequenced and transformed into Acinetobacter baumannii to assess the transfer ability. Results: The carbapenemase gene was detected in forty-one isolates. The most common carbapenemase gene was blaOXA-24/ 40-like (n = 29; 41%). Furthermore, six blaOXA-23-like, five blaOXA-58-like, and one blaOXA-51-like were detected. The blaOXA-24/40-like gene products were all sequencing as the blaOXA-72 gene and was conformed at the plasmid. The plasmid was sequenced as pAB-NCGN253 with one copy of the blaOXA-72 gene. In previous studies, the plasmid, pAB-NCGN253, was transmitted in Acinetobacter baumannii rather than in Acinetobacter nosocomialis. The plasmid was extracted from the clinical Acinetobacter nosocomialis and transformed into Acinetobacter baumannii. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of imipenem, meropenem, doripenem and ertapenem were increased from 0.25 mg/L, 0.38 mg/L, 0.125 mg/L and 6 mg/L to ≧16 mg/L, ≧32 mg/L, ≧8 mg/L and ≧32 mg/L, respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, it was found that the plasmid pAB-NCGN253 carrying blaOXA-72 was dominant in the imipenem non-susceptible Acinetobacter nosocomialis isolates. The plasmid contributes to carbapenem resistance and may spread between Acinetobacter baumannii and Acinetobacter nosocomialis. Background: Carbapenem resistance is a serious global concern and efforts to find novel resistance mechanisms is on-going. The well-known mechanisms include loss of both the porins (OmpK35 or OmpK36), derepression of AmpC-β-lactamase, ESBL production along with loss of either one of the porins. In this study, we isolated two Klebsiella pneumoniae strains from a single patient, before (K1) and after (K2) meropenem treatment. The two strains showed identical PFGE pattern, but differed only in their carbapenem susceptibility. Methods: Hodge test, DDS, SDS-PAGE, WGS along RNASeq were performed to get the holistic views on the changes of all alleles and their expression. We developed a K. pneumoniae network system (KlebsiellaNet) covering 88% of 5316 coding genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae HS11286 strain with 161,507 co-functional links. The putative candidate genes were shortlisted comparing the WGS, transcriptome analysis and the use of KlebsiellaNet. pUC-19 plasmid carrying zeocin marker was used for complementation of these genes into K2. Disk diffusion using meropenem and ertapenem was performed to check the diffusion pattern. Results: Both the strains lacked OmpK35, while OmpK36 was present only in the K1 isolate. While, K1 was susceptible to meropenem, K2 were highly resistant. 14 putative candidate genes were short-listed for further analysis ( p < 0.05) among the 78 putative candidates. A transport protein exhibited a tendency towards meropenem susceptibility when complemented into K2 (Table 1) . Conclusion: 14 putative candidate genes were selected from >200 genes by using KlebsiellaNet. A protein belonging to MFS family transporter protein was obtained after gene complementation. Interestingly, the transporter was specific to meropenem alone. This is the first report on the contribution of this protein to meropenem resistance profile. While the transport protein mostly acts as efflux pump, the above results are contrary. Identification of a new plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamase from a clinical isolate of Citrobacter freundii Chih-Ming Chen 1,2 , Hwa-Jene Wu 3 , Lii-Tzu Wu 4 *. Background: Citrobacter freundii in recent years have demonstrated resistance not only to traditional agents such as ampicillin, carbenicillin and cephalothin, but also to newer β-lactam agents such as third-generation cephalosporins, and monobactams; and some of them even produce carbapenemases. This study was performed to characterize a C. freundii isolates JA3 collected in Taiwanese hospital, carrying a novel AmpC-type β-lactamaseencoding gene. Methods: Using antibiotic susceptibility testing, plasmid analysis, transconjugation, clonimg and sequences analysis AmpC-type βlactamase-encoding gene. β-Lactamase gene-containing recombinant plasmids transformed into Escherichia coli were selected using ampicillin. Results: The resistance phenotype of JA3, was found to produce a β-lactamase that conferred resistance to oxyimino-cephalosporins and cephamycins. Resistance arising from production of a betalactamase could be transferred by conjugation with an IncW plasmid pJA3 into E. coli J53. The substrate and inhibition profiles of this enzyme resembled those of the AmpC beta-lactamase. The resistance gene of pJA3 proved to contain an open reading frame showing 96% amino acid identity with the plasmid-mediated enzyme CEF-1 of C. freundii KU6400. DNA sequence analysis also identified a gene upstream of ampC whose sequence was 91.0% identical to the ampR gene from C. freundii KU6400. In addition, a fumarate operon (frdABCD) and an outer membrane lipoprotein (blc) surrounding the ampR-ampC genes in C. freundii were identified, and insertion sequence (IS26) elements were observed on one sides of the sequences identified. Conclusion: These results clearly show that a new plasmidencoded AmpC gene with an ampR gene from C. freundii. The presence of the resistance region in this isolates, with diverse genetic determinants of resistance and mobile element, may further contribute to the emergence and spread of the gene, both at a chromosomal or/and plasmid level. Hiroshi Hasegawa 1 , Keita Noguchi 1 , Yoko Mano 2 , Katsumi Fujitani 1,2 , Nobuhiko Furuya 1,2 *. Background: Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are responsible for 70-90% of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Additionally, 20-40% of women who have been treated for UTIs experience recurrence at least once within 6 months of the initial infection. Despite proper antibacterial treatment, recurrent UTIs are secondary infections caused by the same strain of E. coli that caused the primary infection. The first-line agents for the treatment of UTIs are fluoroquinolones (FQs); however, in recent years, FQresistant E. coli have been increasingly reported worldwide. Proanthocyanidins (PACs), which are abundant in cranberries, have been used for the prevention of UTIs for over a century; however, the mechanism underlying this effect is unknown. In this study, A-type PAC was used to prevent recurrent UPEC infection via a different mechanism from that of conventional antibacterial therapy. Methods: The E. coli strain K-12 and the UPEC strains BK1, BK2, and BK3 were used in this study. The checkerboard method was used to evaluate the effect of the combination of an antibacterial and PAC on E. coli. Swarming and twitching motility was assessed using a plate-based assay. PAC was added at a concentration of 500 μM and was tested for its ability to inhibit the adhesion of E. coli to human bladder epithelial cells (HTB-9). Cell invasion inhibition was also tested in a similar manner. Results: The combination of PAC and CAZ showed a synergistic effect on BK1. PAC treatment significantly reduced the mean spreading range for swarming and twitching motility in K-12 and UPEC strains. The results for inhibition of the attachment of the UPEC strain to HTB-9 cells showed a statistically significant difference ( p < 0.05) with PAC (500 μM). Conversely, PAC did not inhibit the adherence of K-12 strain to HTB-9 cells. Mean values for HTB-9 cell invasion in PAC-treated UPEC strains were significantly smaller than those in untreated UPEC. Furthermore, K-12 did not show any invasion of HTB-9 cells. Conclusion: The combination of PAC and CAZ has an inhibitory effect on BK1. Because flagella-mediated motility has been suggested to be essential for UPEC to disseminate into the upper urinary tract, we propose that inhibition of flagellamediated motility may be a key mechanism through which PAC prevents UTIs. The in vitro anti-adhesive and anti-invasive activity of cranberry-derived PAC against UPEC suggests that its presence in urine can reduce bacterial colonization and UTI advancement. food. Clinical manifestations include gastroenteritis, cellulitis, soft tissue infections, and a series of clinical syndromes that appear in immunocompromised patients. Due to the extensive use of antibiotics in clinical practice, the isolates of multidrug-resistant Aeromonas strains were increased. The pumps of the resistancenodulation-cell division (RND) superfamily are ubiquitous in Gram-negative bacteria and have the broadest substrate ranges. Increased expression of chromosomal genes for RND-type efflux systems plays a major role in the multidrug resistant of some Gramnegative bacteria. However, the contributions of RND efflux genes in development of multidrug resistant Aeromonas strains have not been evaluated in clinical settings. Methods: Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was used for determination of the patterns of resistance to antibiotics in the presence or absence of efflux inhibitors. Multidrug resistance (≥3 antimicrobial drug classes) in Aeromonas strains were selected for further analysis. The bactericidal effects of treatments that combined efflux inhibitors with antibiotics were evaluated by survival rate. Real-time PCR was used to investigate the expression level of RND efflux genes. The experiments were done in triplicate. All results were presented as the means±S.D. and analyzed by Student's t-test. Results: Multidrug resistant Aeromonas strains were resistant to antibiotics including β-lactam, sulfonamides, quinolones and aminoglycoside. The MICs of piperacillin/tasobactam, erythromycin and imipenem were significantly reduced in multidrug resistant clinical isolates in the presence of efflux pump inhibitors PAßN. The expression level of RND efflux genes were elevated in multidrug resistant Aeromonas strains. Conclusion: RND efflux systems contribute to the drug resistance of Aeromonas strains. Higher level of RND efflux genes are found in multidrug resistant clinical isolates. More studies are needed to elucidate whether over expression of efflux systems confer intrinsic resistance to antibiotics in Aeromonas. Hydrogen peroxide enhances bactericidal effects of toluidine blue-mediated photodynamic therapy on Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus Yi-Ching Tsai 1 , Shin-Bei Wu 2,3 , Ya-Fang Tsai 2 , Yu-Chen Hsu 2 , Chia-Lun Yu 2 , Tak-Wah Wong 2,3 *. Background: The emergence of multiple-drug resistant bacteria, including Salmonella, has been a serious threat to public health worldwide. On top of that, Salmonella is capable of avoiding antibiotic attack after invading into host cells, leading to a problem in treatment. Thus, a novel therapeutic intervention to eradicate intracellular bacteria as well as to reduce the incidence of resistance is highly needed. Previously, we identified a small-molecule anticancer agent, AR-12, showing potent activity against Salmonella Typhimurium in macrophages and in a salmonellosis mice model. To dissociate its antibacterial activity from antiproliferative activity, a focused library of AR-12 was synthesized and screened for antibacterial activity against intracellular S. Typhimurium in macrophages and cytotoxicity toward the host cells. Methods: The antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of AR-12 derivatives were first assessed by using an image-based highcontent system. Compounds showing good selectivity of antibacterial activity over cytotoxicity were further analysed with intracellular infection assay and MTT cell viability assay. The effect of compounds on bacterial growth in broth was evaluated by using MIC assay. Results: Among the 125 compounds tested, Cpd42 and Cpd9 exhibited a better antibacterial activity than that of AR-12. Cpd22 and Cpd24 showed an antibacterial activity equal to that of AR-12, but have a much lower cytotoxicity toward host cells. The result of MIC assay indicated that these compounds have no inhibitory activity on bacteria in growth medium, suggesting that the suppression of intracellular bacteria is via a host-targeted mechanism. Currently, studies to evaluate the efficacy of selected AR-12 derivatives on Salmonella-infected mice are underway. Conclusion: The findings provide a proof-of-concept that the antibacterial activity of AR-12 can be dissociated from its antiproliferative activity via structure optimization. AR-12 represents a promising scaffold for the development of novel hosttargeted antibacterial agents for the treatment of salmonellosis. Background: Clinical antibiotic failure may result from bacterial resistance but also from persistent forms of infection. Intracellular bacteria are protected from host immune defences and partly also from antibiotic action. Here, we study the activity of moxifloxacin in a model of intracellular infection of S. aureus (localized in phagolysosomes), comparing a reference strain to clinical isolates collected from patients with persistent infection. Methods: Reference strain: ATCC25923. Clinical isolates: collected at the Bachmai Hospital (Hanoi) from patients still infected after 5 days treatment with an active antibiotic or with recurrence of a previous infection. MICs: microdilution (CLSI recommendations) with susceptibility according to EUCAST. Intracellular infection: human THP-1 monocytes (1 h phagocytosis and elimination of non-internalized bacteria by exposure to gentamicin; intracellular activity: change in CFU from initial inoculum at 24 h using a wide range of extracellular concentrations (0.003-100 × MIC). Static concentrations (C s ) and maximal efficacy (E max ): calculated from Hill equation fitted to concentration-response data (see Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2006,50:841-51). Results: As shown in the table, moxifloxacin C s was always close (1.5-4.2×) to its MIC for all strains, whatever their susceptibility in broth, but E max was significantly lower (less negative) for clinical isolates compared to reference strain. Conclusion: Intracellular forms of the clinical isolates obtained from patients with persistent infections are significantly less eradicated than the reference strain, suggesting a state of less responsiveness to moxifloxacin in the phagolysosomal environment. A potential link with therapeutic failure in vivo remains to be established. Hsiow-Yun Hsue 1 , Wen-Po Tseng 2 , Huei-Ying Chen 3 , Shy-Ming Lee 4 , Wy-Chan Lee 5 *. 1 Chung Shan Hospital Infection Control Committee Leader, 2 Department of Medicine, 3 Laboratory of Department, 4 Chairman of the Committee, 5 Chung Shan Hospital Superintendent Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health problem both in hospital and community acquired infections. The knowledge and attitude of the public toward the use of antibiotics are the key factors influencing the antibiotics prescription and the consequence of antibiotics resistance. The antibiotics educational interventional program is designed to deliver the correct knowledge regarding the appropriate use of antibiotics in order to reduce the possibility of antibiotics resistance. Methods: The intervention was conducted by the educational intervention group with self-constructed survey list and the Cronbach's alpha value of 0.873 and the results were evaluated by using t test ( paired t-test) with random participants located around Da-an district in Taipei. There were 162 participants in the period from March to June, 2016. Results suggested that most participants have the correct knowledge after the educational intervention. Results: Participants still prefer to take their antibiotics by their ways rather than follow the doctors' prescription, mostly because they didn't realize the important consequences of antibiotics resistance. Importantly, the educational intervention improved the knowledge of antibiotics use but have very limited influence on the attitude and behaviors of the participants. The study suggested that a suitable way to deliver the correct knowledge regarding the use of antibiotics to the public is still an issue of concern to the authority. Methods: Each of 2 strains of E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa were exposed to Ciprofloxacin DC ranging from 0.01-0.1 µg/mL; 50 µL, 100 µL and 200 µL of organism suspension was plated to ciprofloxacin containing agar plates. Following incubation at 35-37°C in O 2 for 18-24 hours, colonies selected off drug containing plates were tested to determine MIC and compared to pre-drug exposure MIC values. MIC values identical or within 1 doubling dilution were taken to indicate no impact on the tested strains. For killing, 10 5 cfu/mL of each organism was exposed to 0.01, 0.5, 0.1 Ciprofloxacin DC and log 10 reduction (and % kill) measured at 5,10,15,20,25,30,60,120,180 minutes after drug exposure. Results: MIC (µg/mL) values were as follows: E. coli 0.25 and 0.25, K. pneumoniae 0.5, 4; P. aeruginosa 0.25, 2. In all instances, regardless of the ciprofloxacin DC from 0.01-0.1µg/ml, post exposure MIC values were the same or within 1 doubling dilution to the pre-exposed MIC values. For kill experiments, log 10 reduction and percent kill of viable cells was not different than the organisms tested without drug; organism growth was minimal for the first 60 minutes of drug exposure after which organism growth was observed following 120 and 180 minutes following drug exposure and was not different between drug exposed and without drug assays. Conclusion: Ciprofloxacin DC of 0.01-0.1 µg/mL below the MSW did not select for resistant subpopulations of E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa. Similarly, exposure of the organisms in kill assays to 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 µg/mL of ciprofloxacin did not show any difference between drug exposed bacteria and those without drug. Low ciprofloxacin DC as observed after Cipro DPI administration does not appear to select for resistance with the organisms tested. Background: Fluoroquinolone is a commonly prescribed antimicrobial agent, and up to 20% of its users registers adverse gastroenterological symptoms. We aimed to evaluate the association between use of fluoroquinolone and gastrointestinal tract perforation. Methods: We conducted a nested case-control study on a national health insurance claims database between 1998 and 2011. The use of fluoroquinolones was classified into current (<60 days), past (61-365 days prior to the index date) and any prior year use of fluoroquinolones. We used the conditional logistic regression model to estimate rate ratios (RRs), adjusting or matching by a disease risk score (DRS). Results: We identified a cohort of 17,510 individuals diagnosed with gastrointestinal perforation and matched them to 1,751,000 controls. Current use of fluoroquinolone was associated with the greatest increase in risk of gastrointestinal perforations after DRS score adjustment (RR, 1.90; 95% CI, 1.62-2.22). The risk of gastrointestinal perforation was attenuated for past (RR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.20-1.47) and any prior year use (RR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.34-1.59). Current use of macrolide, an active comparator, was not associated with a significant increased risk of gastrointestinal perforation (RR, 1.11, 95% CI, 0.15-7.99). To mitigate selection bias, we have also excluded people who have never used fluoroquinolone before or people with infectious colitis, enteritis or gastroenteritis. In both of the analysis, a higher risk of gastrointestinal perforation was still associated with the use of fluoroquinolone. Conclusion: We found that use of fluoroquinolones was associated with a non-negligible increased risk of gastrointestinal perforation, and physicians should be aware of this possible association. Background: Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), especially multidrug-and extensively drug-resistant (M/XDR-) TB are the emerging menace in the world. In recent years, to shorten the time for drug susceptibility testing (DST), the molecular diagnostics become popular. The accuracy of such methods depends on the reliable DST data. Then, we compared the whole genome sequencing (WGS) data with our DST results about 108 M. tuberculosis (MTB) isolates including MDR and XDR, to detect the mutations and evaluate those using the "all-in-one web-based WGS analysing tool" and to identify novel resistance responsible mutations. Methods: 108 MTB were collected basically from DR-TB patients in Osaka Habikino Medical Center (Osaka, Japan) from 1998 to 2016 and we conducted WGS analysis of the isolates using MiSeq (illumina). TGS-TB (https://gph.niid.go.jp/tgs-tb/) was used to predict the mutations in responsible genes. The phenotypic DST results were obtained using the proportion method (Welpack-S, Kyokuto) for 10 anti-tuberculosis drugs and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for 16 drugs. Results: 108 DR-TB included 44 MDR and 34 XDR, as the results of DST, and consisted of 88% lineage 2 (East-Asian) and 12% lineage 4 (Euro-American). To date, we analysed 30 isolates for 6 drugs. The Potential AMR prediction program of TGS-TB site (as of June 28th, 2017) predicted 85% of M/XDR-TB correctly. The proportion of the discrepancy between the phenotypic and the predicted DST was 6.7% in Isoniazid and Kanamycin, 10.0% in Rifampicin and Ethambutol, and 3.3% in Fluoroquinolones. To increase the quality of molecular DST, we need to establish high quality genome database for DR-TB strains with reliable phenotypic DST. We will show the more detailed results of the DR-TB gene analysis including MIC data. Li-Li Liu 1 , Shao-Gang Zhu 1 , Yong-Lin 1 , Ning-Ning Zhang 1 , Man-Li Tong 1 , Hui-Lin Zhang 1 , Li-Rong Lin 1 , Jiang-Hua Yan 2 , Tian-Ci Yang 1 . Methods: To analysis lncRNAs expression profiles and identify differentially expressed lncRNAs in CD4+ T cells response to T. pallidum infection in neurosyphilis patients. CD4+ T cells were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. RNA extraction was performed to conduct further experiments. Expression profiles of mRNAs and lncRNAs in CD4+ T cells isolated from neurosyphilis patients and healthy controls were analyzed by using microarray assay. Four lncRNAs were selected to conduct validation by using real time-quantitative polymerase chain reaction and the expression levels of those above mentioned lncRNAs in neurosyphilis patients and healthy controls were compared. Results: In total, 17, 278 lncRNAs and 15, 840 mRNA were found to be differentially expressed when comparing the CD4+ T cells between neurosyphilis patients and healthy control individuals. Of these transcripts, 2258 lncRNAs and 1728 mRNAs were significantly over or under expressed, respectively. Compared with healthy controls, AC068282.3 (fold change: 21.90) and CTD-3064M3.3 (fold change: 23.93) were the most over-expressed and under-expressed lncRNAs in neurosyphilis patients. The majority of differentially expressed lncRNAs are from intergenic regions (∼57.5%), intronic antisense to protein-coding loci (∼15.0%), natural antisense to protein-coding loci (∼12.1%). It is worth noting that 59 lncRNAs were significant difference along with significantly different mRNA. Among the 59 pairs of genes, LOC7999 mRNA was positively correlated with lncRNA RP11-160E2.16, RP11-160E2.11, RP11-160E2.19, respectively; NKX1-1 mRNA was positively correlated with lncRNA RP11-1398P2.1, RP11-160E2.19, XLOC_003422, respectively. The following five mRNAs were correlated with two differential lncRNAs, namely DUSP16, AP000349.1, FAM115C, TIMM8A, SMCHD1. GO analysis revealed that the differentially expressed coding genes were mainly involved in the biological processes, and among them, the most significant association was observed in defense response to fungus, defense response to bacterium, killing cells of other organism and disruption of cells of other organism. Subsequent pathway analysis was also conducted, and T cell receptor signaling pathway, MAPK signaling pathway, TGF-beta signaling pathway, etc. were found out to be associated with differentially expressed mRNAs. Conclusion: The present study revealed the differential expression profiles of lncRNAs in CD4+ T cells response to T. pallidum infection in neurosyphilis patients. LncRNAs are involved in the key biological process in CD4+ T cell response to T. pallidum infection. CovS regulates the expression of rgg through differential phosphorylation level CovR Chih-Yuan Kao 1 , Chuan Chiang-Ni 1,2,3 . Spd3. In addition, the inactivation of rgg enhances the ability to resistance stress conditions, which is thought to provide survival advantage to bacteria against the host immune system. Our previous study found that the expression of rgg is downregulated in the covS mutant. In this study, we aims to further elucidate whether CovS participates in the regulation of the rgg expression through modulating the levels of CovR phosphorylation. Methods: CovS has been shown to have both kinase and phosphatase activities. To elucidate how CovS influences on the CovR phosphorylation status and to regulate the rgg, the kinase and phosphatase activities were inactivated by the site-directed mutagenesis (H280A and T284A, respectively). Phos-tag western blot analysis was performed to detect the CovR phosphorylation level in the covS mutants. In addition, the expression of rgg in covS isoallelic strains was analyzed by the RT-qPCR. Results: The present study found that nonphosphorylated CovR inhibits rgg expression more strongly than the phosphorylated CovR. In addition, the expression of Rgg is regulated in the isoallelic strains (CovS H280A and CovS T284A strains). The results showed that the expression of rgg is decreased significantly in the CovS H280A strain; however, the expression of rgg is increased gradually in the CovS T284A strain compared to the wild-type strain. These results suggest that CovS regulates the expression of rgg through differential phosphorylation level CovR. Conclusion: CovS regulates the expression of rgg through differential phosphorylation level CovR. Campylobacter jejuni cytolethal distending toxin suppresses HMGB1 and mobilizes RAGE into lipid rafts in response to inflammatory response Zhi-Pei Jiang 1 , Mei-Zi Huang 1 , Yu-An Chen 2 , Chih-Ho Lai 1,3 . Background: Cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) produced by Campylobacter jejuni contains three subunits: CdtA, CdtB, and CdtC. The interaction of CdtA and CdtC with membrane lipid rafts delivers CdtB into the nucleus, follows by induction of inflammation and cell death. High-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), one of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), is a nuclear DNAbinding protein that stabilizes nucleosome and promotes DNA repair. Activation of HMGB1 signals is mediated by the receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE), which is important for defending against bacterial infections. The aim of this study was to explore how CDT regulates HMGB1-mediated autophagy and what DAMP triggers RAGE's mobilization to lipid rafts to induce inflammatory. Methods: The molecular mechanisms underlying CDT regulates autophagy process that conferred cell death and cell cycle arrest were investigated. Biochemical analyses were conducted for exploring DAMP-mediated triggering of RAGE mobilization to lipid rafts in response to CDT-induced inflammation. Results: Our study showed that CDT induces RAGE expression, but suppresses that of HMGB1, indicating that DAMPs other than HMGB1 trigger RAGE activation in the inflammatory response. As the intracellular availability of HMGB1 activates autophagy, our results revealed that CDT controls HMGB1 that is important for regulating autophagy. We also found that DAMPs mobilize RAGE to lipid rafts in response to CDT-induced inflammation. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that CDT suppresses HMGB1-mediated autophagy and triggers the DAMP-RAGEinflammation axis, which are important to the pathogenesis by C. jejuni. Comparison of intravenous anesthetics in inhibition of IL-1β secretion and ROS production in S. aureus infected RAW264.7 cells Wen-Chun Lin 1 , Ming-Shan Chen 2 , Shew-Meei Sheu 3 *. Background: One of key pathways employed by the opportunistic pathogen P. aeruginosa to establish pathogenesis is by the formation of biofilms. Apart from biofilm formation, this bacterium is able to produce different virulence factors which will help in drug resistance and nutritional uptake. To overcome this problem, there is a need to establish alternative antimicrobials. Hence, this study was taken up to investigate the antibacterial and antivirulent properties of a flavonoid, quercetin against catheter associated P. aeruginosa. Methods: Selective P. aeruginosa strains were used to evaluate the effect of quercetin at different concentrations in, Bactericidal, biofilm viability, elastase, siderophore, pyocyanin, twitching motility, biofilm. Results: Bactericidal assay showed that, except one clinical strain (YU-V28) all the isolates were completely inhibited by quercetin at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, but quercetin did not show any significant effect on siderophore, pyocyanin and elastase production. The motility assay showed that in all the concentrations the strains formed microbial colony but unable to spread on the plate. Quercetin showed significant inhibitory effect on biofilm formation. At the concentration of 0.5 mg/mL except YU-V28 (OD 580 0.25) all the strains formed weak biofilm (OD 580 0.087-0.174) and at the highest concentration two clinical isolates formed weak biofilm (OD 580 0.12) and other strains were unable to form biofilm. Conclusion: Our study revealed that quercetin has good antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity. We suggest that this compound can be used in treating P. aeruginosa either as food supplement or in developing new antibiotic combinations. Background: Colistin resistance (CR) in Gram negative bacteria is a worldwide concern that increased recently with the discovery and spread of mcr-1 and mcr-2 plasmid-mediated genes. Active efflux is a mechanism that is known in various bacteria to confer resistance to various antibiotics, including tigecyclin, fluoroquinolones and carbapenem. Recently, one efflux pump inhibitor (EPI), the carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) showed an ability to reverse colistin resistance in colistin resistant Gram negative bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Acinetobacter baumannii) with an unknown mechanism of action. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of this EPI on a collection of well defined colistin-resistant strains isolated in our laboratory, including naturally-resistant Gram negative bacteria and acquired-resistant bacteria (mcr-1, mgrB, pmrAB…) Methods: We have compared diameters of inhibition of colistin disk or Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) realized by E-test method on Mueller-Hinton medium (MH) and on MH supplemented with 10 mg/L CCCP. Statistical analysis was performed using a Student test at a risk of 0.05. We studied a collection of 103 strains including 24 mcr-1 CR strains (19 Escherichia coli, 4 K. pneumoniae, 1 Enterobacter cloacae), 6 with a known mechanism of resistance (PmrA, PmrB, mgrB) for which 4 associated with mcr-1, 46 with unknown mechanism (Enterobacter spp., E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Salmonella enterica) and 27 intrinsically resistant Enterobacteriaceae (Serratia marcescens, Proteus spp., Providencia spp. and Morganella morganii). Results: Preliminary results showed a mean increase of colistin diameter of 6.44 ± 2.42 mm in mcr-1 positive strains when CCCP was added to the medium (diameters with colistin disk alone: 14.8 ± 1.66 mm; diameters with colistin disk with CCP: 21.3 ± 2.52; p-value = 1.72.10-13). In S. marcescens, MICs of colistin decrease from >256 mg/L to a mean of 0.132 [0.064; 0.19] mg/L ( p-value = 6.92.10-59). Genomic analysis is ongoing to identify the efflux pump(s) that could be involved in this mechanism of action due to CCCP. Conclusion: Here we show that CCCP, an efflux pump inhibitor, is able to reverse resistance to colistin in all colistin-resistant Gram negative bacteria and that this phenomenon is independent of the mechanism of resistance involved. Since other genes of resistance are implicated in resistance to colistin in these bacteria (mcr-1, mgrB…), this means that efflux pumps play an additional role in resistance to colistin. Genomic analyses are ongoing to identify such pumps that could be further targeted by specific EPIs in the future. This work opens a new area of research for the development of adjunctive therapy for CR bacterial infections. Two lysine 2,3-aminomutases genes (AblA) in Methanoarchaea: AblA1 function as compatible solute synthesis gene and AblA2 as translational modification Yi-Shan Wu, Chuan-Chuan Hung, Cheng-Yu Chen, Mei-Chin Lai*. Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C Background: N ε -acetyl-β-lysine is a ubiquitous compatible solute (osmolyte) among all methanoarchaea to counter the osmotic stress, which is synthesized from lysine through lysine 2,3aminomutase (AblA) to form β-lysine and the acetyl group is further transferred to β-lysine by β-lysine acetyltransferase (AblB). Whole genome sequences of the halophilic methanoarchaeon Methanohalophilus portucalensis FDF1 T revealed that there are two ablA genes; ablA1 and its co-transcribed ablB are responsible for N εacetyl-β-lysine synthesis, whereas ablA2 located within translation associated proteins and without ablB. Methods: RNA-seq was performed with Illumina HiSeq 2000. Phylogenetic relationship of AblA2 and 16S rRNA gene from methanogenic archaea and bacteria were constructed with Neighbor-joining method by MEGA 6 program. Both MpAblA1 and MpAblA2 were heterologously overexpressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3)-RIL and further purified by nickel affinity chromatography. And maintained both overexpressed proteins under the reduction state in the dihydrolipoic acid and sodium dithionite buffer. The enzymatic activity assay was determined by β-lysine production through ultra performance liquid chromatography. Results: Transcriptomic anslysis showed that the transcriptional expression of ablA2 are higher than ablA1 at the optimal growth condition and also under salt stress (29-457 fold) and temperature stress (16-669 fold), which indicated that demand for β-lysine was higher than compatible N ε -acetyl-β-lysine. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid of AblA2 from archaea and bacteria indicated that this halophilic methanoarchaeal ablA2 may be horizontally transferred from Deltaprotebacteria. The amino acid sequence similarity between AblA1 and AblA2 are 41%, AblA2 and lysine 2,3-aminomutase from Desulfuromonadales bacterium C00003107 are 75%. As AblA1, homology modeled structure of AblA2 contains the Fe-S cluster, SAM binding domain, PLP binding site, but the C-terminal zinc binding sites was not found in AblA2. To further investigate the enzyme activities of AblA1 and AblA2, both genes are transformed and overexpressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) RIL, respectively. Both MpAblA1 and A2 proteins were maintained at reduction state with the addition of dihydrolipoic acid and sodium dithionite. And the UPLC system used to identify the end product β-lysine was established for future AblA1 and A2 enzyme kinetic investigation. Conclusion: Through genomic, transcriptomic and phylogenetic analysis, we identified two lysine 2,3-aminomutases genes (AblA) in Methanoarchaea: which AblA1 functions as compatible solute synthesis gene and AblA2 may function as translational modification that involve in PTM-β-lysylation. Methanoarchaea community in the cold seep area at four way closure ridge offshore southwestern Taiwan: by culturedependent method Sheng-Chung Chen, Mei-Chin Lai. Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan Background: Widespread accumulations of methane hydrate within the accretionary prism offshore SW Taiwan are postulated to occur based on the presence of the intensity of bottom simulating reflections. Four Way Closure Ridge (FWCR) is one of the sites with intensive methane seepages and the chemosynthetic community with highly dense mussel bed was found. The carbon isotopic composition of fluxed methane indicates the biogenic methane source known only produced by methanoarchaea is dominant in this area. Here we describe the methanoarchaea community in this cold seep area through culture-dependent method. Methods: We used video-guided multi-corer (V-corer) to collect sediment samples in the cold seep area, C5 station at FWCR, during the OR3-1900 cruise of R/V OR3 on 16-20 Nov, 2015. Methanoarchaea in sediment samples were enriched at room temperature using rich media (MB/W) with mixed substrates, including acetate, formate and methanol. The growth of methanoarchaea was monitored by methane production using gas chromatography. Pure or partial pure methanoarchaeal isolates were purified through roll-tube technique and were identified by using phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Results: Total 4 sediment cores and 30 methanoarchaea enrichments were retrieved from the cold-seep region of the FWCR. After 4 months incubation, 20 bottles of methanoarchaea enrichments contained methane production (∼14 to 6900 μmole/bottle), which indicated that there were methanoarchaea grew inside. And anaerobic roll-tube technique was performed to obtain single colony from the methane produced enrichment samples. Conclusion: Through culture-dependent method, we reveal that dominant methanoarchaea are Methanoculleus strains which occur ∼73% relative abundance in the cold seep region of FWCR offshore SW Taiwan. This may indicate that Methanoculleus strains are prevailing methane producers in cold seeps. In addition, endemic and potential new species of methanoarchaea from cold seep regions were collected in this study. Inhibitory effect of Ganoderma neojaponicum water extract on osteoclast differentiation via up-regulation of heme oxygenase-1 and down-regulation of NFATc1 expression Chin-Huei Lee 1 , Hai-Wei Cheng 2,3 , Jiin-Tsuey Chen 1 , Chi-Liang Chern 3 . 1 Department of Biological Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2 Department of Orthopedic surgery, Fooyin university Hospital, Pingtung, Taiwan 3 Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences and Biotechnology, Fooyin University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Background: Osteoclasts are multinucleated bone-resorbing cells that are differentiated by receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF). Reactive oxygen species (ROS), generated by NADPH oxidase upon RANKL stimulation, has been demonstrated to play a key role in osteoclast differentiation. Our previous studies have shown that Ganoderma neojaponicum water extract (GNES) increased heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) protein expression and decreased hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in murine RAW264.7 macrophages. Methods: GNES, isolated from water extract of Ganoderma neojaponicum, was used to test its osteoclastogenesis inhibition effect in RANKL-stimulated bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) or murine monocytic cell line RAW264.7 in vitro. The results showed that GNES could inhibit RANKLinduced ROS production and the formation of osteoclast. Moreover, GNES treatment decreased the expression of nuclear factor of activated T cells cytoplasmic-1 (NFATc1), a master regulator of osteoclast differentiation, and of osteoclast marker such as cathepsin K. In addition, GNES impaired the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Conclusion: Our data suggested that GNES inhibited osteoclastogenesis through downregulation of RANKL-induced ROS production by HO-1 upregulation. The amino acid residue Histidine-65 of a novel Enzyme-IIA affects 1,3-popanediol production in Klebsiella pneumoniae Novaria Sari Dewi Panjaitan 1 , Yu-Tze Horng 2 , Po-Chi Soo 1,2 . 1 Institute of Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Tzu-Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2 Department of Laboratory Medicine and Biotechnology, Tzu-Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan 1, , also known as trimethylene glycol, a multifunctional valuable organic compound, recently has been used in various industry field, such as the synthesis of biodegradable polyesters, polyurethanes and polyethers. Besides the chemical methods, 1,3-PD can be produced through fermentation processes of glycerol in certain bacteria, including Klebsiella pneumoniae. Glycerol is metabolized fermentatively to 1,3-PD in bacterial aerobic or anaerobic metabolic pathways. Aerobically, glycerol can be uptaken into bacterial cell through glycerol facilitator protein (GlpF), then will be phosphorylated by glycerol kinase (GlpK) to become glycerol-3-P, for being further metabolized. In Enterobacteriaceae, phosphotransferase system (PTS) protein Enzyme-IIA Glc (also called Crr, for catabolite repression resistance) was found to be the central regulator of carbon metabolism. Unphosphorylated Crr protein can bind to GlpK to inhibit its function. In previous study we found that KPN00353, a novel KpEIIA, could inhibit 1,3-PD production in Klebsiella pneumoniae by direct binding to GlpK. Based on the protein-protein interaction site prediction, amino acid residue Histidine-65 (His-65) is predicted to be the important residue for KpGlpK-KPN00353 binding. Several mutations at His-65 of KPN00353 were designed in order to mimic either unphosphorylation or phosphorylation of KPN00353 protein. We found that the unphosphorylated KPN00353 could bind stronger to KpGlpK than the phosphorylated form, resulting in higher nonuptaken glycerol concentration in the used medium and lower 1,3-PD production. Background: Proteus mirabilis is a common human pathogen causing urinary tract infections (UTIs), especially in patients with indwelling urinary catheters. Many regulatory mechanisms have been evolved for bacteria to adapt to changes of diverse environments. Type VI secretion systems (T6SS) are known to contribute to bacterial pathogenicity by exerting toxic effects on host cells or competing bacterial species and are involved in a broad variety of functions such as biofilm formation and stress sensing. This large array of functions is reflected by a diversity of regulatory mechanisms. The regulation of P. mirabilis T6SS remains unclear. Recently, our transcriptome analysis revealed P. mirabilis T6SS was regulated by many regulators. Methods: We first confirmed the regulation of T6SS by regulators using real-time RT-PCR and the promoter reporter assay and identified one T6SS main structure operon and four Hcp/VgrG effector operons in P. mirabilis N2 by using sequence specific RT and then PCR. We investigated whether the regulators can bind directly to T6SS promoter region using a DNaseI footprinting assy. Overexpression of the effector toxin was performed to disclose its function. The growth predominance test and killing assay were used to observe the competition between wild type and the regulator mutant. We contructed vipAB (encoding the T6SS sheath) mutant to confirm the regulator-mediated killing of T6SS. We also purified the possible toxin to assess its function in E. coli killing. Results: Many regulators positively regulated T6SS by binding directly to T6SS promoter region and also positively regulated the expression of the effector toxins. Overexpression of the effector toxin in wild-type P. mirabili resulted in increased killing of regulator mutants and E. coli. Accordingly, the growth predominance test and killing assay demonstrated that P. mirabilis T6SS conferred growth predominance on the wild-type over regulator mutants and E. coli. Conclusion: The expression of P. mirabilis T6SS was positively regulated by many regulators, which affected its killing function. T6SS contributed to growth predominance over regulator mutants and E. coli, suggesting P. mirabilis T6SS as an antibacterial weapon. Background: Rapid diagnosis of Bacteremia is critical for sepsis patients. The new generation blood culture system, VirtuO™, possesses fully automatic functions including sign-in, loading and unloading bottles which reduce hands on time and is easy to operate for hospital staffs. To improve the delay-entry into blood culture system for the specimens in the evening and night shifts for lacking manpower to run a 24-hour microbiology service, VirtuO™ was introduced into a emergency room (ER) of a Taiwan hospital that allows nursing staffs to load blood culture bottles immediately after collection in day, evening and nigh shifts. The benefit of the intervention in turnaround time (TAT) of blood culture was investigated. Methods: The study was conducted in a 1500-bed hospital. The efficacy of introducing VirtuO™ into ER was compared to an existed procedure that blood culture specimens were loaded into BacT/ Alert 3D system only in the day-shift in a microbiology Lab with regards to TAT from medical order to detection time for evening and night shifts specimens. Results: Application of VirtuO™ in ER has achieved the following results. First, The time from medical order to blood culture bottle loading into incubator shortened for 13.7 hours in average. Second, TAT from medical order to positive detection in 90% positive cultures when VirtuO™ in ER were within 43.3 hrs, while this TAT in 90% positive cultures for the previous procedure with only BacT/Alert 3D in microbiology laboratory were within 55.7 hrs. Third, 56% VirtuO™ bottles were positive in 24 hours, while 19% in previous BacT/Alert 3D procedure were positive in 24 hours. Conclusion: VirtuO™ is an automated blood culture system and easy to operate for ER staffs. Introducing VirtuO™ in ER solves the problem of delayed entry including the time for transportation of blood culture bottles from ER to microbiology room and avoids the need of manpower for transportation in evening and night shifts, while loading blood specimens into blood culture system can be performed immediately. The intervention resulted in faster blood culture results, and therefore would be helpful for treatment of sepsis patients and antibiotic stewardship. Background: Tedizolid phosphate 200mg, once-daily, 6-day treatment has been demonstrated to be non-inferior to linezolid 600 mg, twice-daily, 10-day treatment in patients with ABSSSI, which was further investigated in a multicentre phase 3 study in a predominantly Asian population. Methods: Adult patients with ABSSSI (i.e. cellulitis/erysipelas, major abscess, or wound infection), due to suspected/confirmed Gram-positive pathogen, were randomised to receive intravenous/ oral (IV/PO) once-daily tedizolid phosphate (200 mg, 6 days) or IV/ PO twice-daily linezolid (600 mg, 10 days). The primary endpoint was early clinical response rate based on ≥20% lesion size reduction at 48-72 hours after treatment initiation in the intent-to-treat (ITT [all randomised]) population. Non-inferiority was predefined as the lower limit of 95% confidence interval (CI) for the betweentreatment difference was greater than -10%. Results: Patients (N = 598) from Mainland China, Taiwan, Philippines, and the USA were randomised: N = 300 and N = 298 in tedizolid and linezolid arms, respectively. Baseline characteristics were similar between tedizolid and linezolid arms regarding mean age (45.7 years, 47.5 years), proportion of Asian patients (63.7%, 64.8%), males (69.7%, 64.4%), and cellulitis/erysipelas (64.0%, 64.1%), respectively. As for the primary endpoint, the treatment difference was -4.6% (95% CI: -11.2%; 2.2%). In the modified ITT population (mITT; excluding patients without taking any dose of study drug [tedizolid: n = 8, linezolid: n = 1]), the treatment difference was -2.7%, with the lower and upper limits of 95% CI as -9.4% and 3.9%. Secondary endpoints including clinical response rate at end-of-therapy (EOT) and investigator's assessment of clinical success at post-therapy evaluation (PTE) showed high clinical efficacy in ITT and clinically evaluable (CE) populations. Microbiological eradication rates were favourable for both treatments, including MRSA infections (tedizolid: 72.4%, linezolid: 62.5%). Treatment-emergent adverse event (TEAE) rates for tedizolid and linezolid were 49.7% and 45.8%, and drug-related TEAEs were 20.9% and 15.8%, respectively. Drug-related injection site phlebitis was slightly more frequent with tedizolid (n = 8) than linezolid (n = 0). Discontinuations due to TEAEs were ∼2% in each arm. No deaths were reported. Conclusion: Non-inferiority of 6 days of IV-to-oral, once-daily 200 mg tedizolid phosphate to 10 days of IV-to-oral, twice-daily 600mg linezolid in early clinical response was inconclusive at 48-72 hours after treatment initiation. Tedizolid showed consistent high clinical efficacy at the later timepoints (EOT and PTE) comparable with the pivotal ESTABLISH studies1. Tedizolid was highly efficacious against MRSA infections and was well tolerated. Tigecycline treatment for severe C. difficile infection: CDI BI/NAP1/027 Tse-Hao Chen 1 , Soon-Hian Teh 1,2 , Lih-shinn Wang 1,2 , Wei-Yi Lei 1,3 , Huei-jen Chao 4 , Siao-ru Lin 5 . 1 School of Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, 3 Background: Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is a common cause of iatrogenic diarrhea. Hypervirulent toxinotype III BI/NAP1/027 strain of C. difficile was easily found in the North America, but only three cases were previously described in Taiwan. Metronidazole and vancomycin are used as first-line treatment for CDI. As refractory/severe CDI becomes more frequent and the drug of choice, fidaxomicin, is not available in most hospitals in many countries, we may need to consider an alternative treatment, such as tigecycline, for NAP1/BI/027 strain CDI. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all patients with diagnosis of CDI confirmed by stool culture, Ag testing or PCR, from January 2016 to March 2017 in a tertiary hospital in eastern Taiwan. GeneXpert C. difficile/Epi Assay was used to identify NAP1/BI/027 strain CDI in selective cases when the physicians in charge felt necessary. Results: A total of 71 cases were diagnosed with CDI. Among them, two were identified as NAP1/BI/027 strain CDI by GeneXpert, both were also confirmed by culture. Both of our cases can be classified as severe complicated CDI because they had consciousness change accompanied with severe bandemia. Both failed to conventional combination treatment with metronidazole and vancomycin. As a result, intravenous tigecycline treatment was prescribed as an adjunctive therapy. Both of our patient recovered uneventfully from this hypervirulent strain. The successful results were shown by sigmoidoscopy before and after tigecycline treatment in one patient (Figure) . Conclusion: In this study, the advantage of adding tigecycline to standard treatment of NAP1/BI/027 strain CDI was clearly manifested. Tigecycline combined with either metronidazole or vancomycin appears to be a reasonable therapy for severe and severe-complicated CDI. Clinical characteristics of bacteremia caused by vancomycinsusceptible Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus feacium in a tertiary hospital; a case-control study: alert to Enterococcus faecium strains with high minimum inhibitory concentrations of daptomycin Hiroki Namikawa 1 , Hiroshi Kakeya 1 , Koichi Yamada 1 , Wataru Shibata 1 , Hiroki Fujimoto 1 , Yukihiro Kaneko 2 . 1 Infection Control Science, 2 Bacteriology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, 1-4-3 Asahi-machi, Abeno-ku, Osaka 545-8585, Japan Background: The mortality of bacteremia due to Enterococcus faecium was high. Further, E. faecium strains with high minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of daptomycin (DAP) have recently been a problem in clinical practice. This study aimed to assess the predictor factors and prognosis of patients with bacteremia due to E. faecium and the antimicrobial susceptibility focusing on DAP against E. faecium isolates. Methods: The medical records of 60 patients with E. faecalis bacteremia and 48 patients with E. faecium bacteremia who had been admitted to Osaka City University Hospital between January 2011 and March 2016 were retrospectively reviewed. Patient backgrounds, predictor factors for infection, prognosis, and antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates from bacteremia were evaluated. Results: The mean Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score and the mortality did not differ between the two groups. However, independent predictors associated with E. faecium bacteremia in the multivariate analysis were the use of quinolones ( p = 0.025), malignancy ( p = 0.021), and prolonged hospitalization ( p = 0.016). Cardiovascular disease was the opposite predictor ( p = 0.015). Further, the number of E. faecium isolates with DAP MIC ≥3 was more than that of E. faecalis ( p = 0.036). Conclusion: Careful use of DAP is crucial when administering therapy for E. faecium bacteremia. Background: Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome, which was first described in 1920, is defined as perihepatitis concomitant with pelvic inflammatory disease. Chlamydia trachomatis is considered the culprit pathogen. This syndrome usually features with right upper quadrant abdominal pain mimicking other hepatobiliary diseases, posing a clinically diagnostic challenge. Case report: A 29-year-old female was admitted because of fever, chills, persistent right upper quadrant abdominal pain, and vaginal discharge. The laboratory data revealed leukocytosis with neutrophils predominant. On admission, the abdominal CT revealed mild right side pelural effusion, and a 3.8-cm-sized mass lesion below the cecum. The transvaginal ultrasound indicated fluid accumulation in the pelvic cul de sac, and bilateral adnexa mass, favouring endometrioma. The serum serology revealed Chlamydia trachomatis IgA positive. Clinical and laboratory findings were suggestive of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome. Two weeks after treatment with intravenous Flumarin and Clinicin, the patient showed significant clinical improvement. Conclusion: Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome should be included as a differential diagnosis in women with right upper quadrant pain, especially at their reproductive ages. Positive Aspergillus galactomannan assay in a severe influenza patient co-infected with fungal Curvularia species Wen-Liang Yu. Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan; Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) might occur in severe influenza patients. In Taiwan, cases of severe influenza with IPA are increasingly reported. Aspergillus galactomannan (GM) antigen assay greatly facilitates early diagnosis in high-risk patients. However, GM antigen could be positive in infections caused by other filamentous fungi, such as Penicillium and Curvularia species, and careful clinical correlation is advised. Methods: A 58 y/o man of COPD had fever and productive cough for 2-3 days. He denied other systemic disease. Dyspnea on exertion (like climbing stairs), wheezing sound and mild chest tightness were noted. He was brought to our ER, where his temperature was 39.7 degree Celsius and BP was 141/116 mm Hg. Emergent intubation with mechanical ventilation was performed for impending respiratory failure. Lab data revealed leukocytosis, elevated lactate level (8.8 mmole/L), and mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis. Influenza A antigen was positive. PCR methods confirmed FluA but different to H1N1 and H3N2. CXR showed emphysematous change with mild infiltration in both lungs. Hypotension occurred at ER, so fluid resuscitation with inotropic agent infusion was used. Under the impression of septic shock, COPD with acute exacerbation, and influenza A infection, he was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for further management. Results: In ICU, piperacillin-tazobactam and oseltamivir were used. Sputum culture yielded a mold species of Curvularia. Blood Aspergillus GM antigen index was >9.24 (normal index, <0.5). Therefore, voriconazole was initiated. Another sputum culture yielded Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Elizabethkingia meningoseptica. Antibiotic was shifted to imipenem and tigecycline. However, dyspnea became air-hunger pattern. CXR showed bilateral consolidation in progression, compatible with acute respiratory distress syndrome. He developed profound shock status and was expired after 10 days of hospitalization. Conclusion: Aspergillus GM positive has been found in patients with severe influenza in Taiwan. We first report positive Aspergillus GM testing in a severe influenza patient with Curvularia infection. Early diagnosis and management for IPA is important. Treatment of Curvularia infection usually consists of amphotericin B or itraconazole. Voriconazole also appears promising. Our case highlights that positive Aspergillus GM testing could occur in other invasive fungal infection. Therefore, GM assay must be interpreted with caution due to cross reactions to other fungi, which might need different antifungal therapy. Background: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) might comprise up to 23-29% of severe influenza patients. In Taiwan, epidemiological association of severe influenza with IPA has been reported. Meanwhile, prior high-level ambient fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometres (PM 2.5 ) before influenza epidemic was also noticed. However, detailed evidence of epidemiological linkage between PM 2.5 and IPA has been limited. Therefore, we compare the correlation of PM 2.5 (as monthly average level) by different exposure periods and critical level to the development of IPA among severe influenza and non-influenza patients. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed adult patients with severe influenza in a tertiary medical center in Taiwan from January 2015 through March 2016. The definition of probable IPA required abnormal radiological findings and positive Aspergillus galactomannan (GM) antigen and/or Aspergillus isolation. Platelia Aspergillus Ag EIA (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Marnes-La-Coquette, France) was used to detect GM in blood with a positive cut-off value of ≥0.5 index. PM 2.5 as an index of ambient air pollution in Tainan city was obtained from Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Network. Spearman's correlation was used to measure the strength of epidemiological association between two variables. Results: A total of 124 patients with severe influenza were found during the study period. Monthly average PM 2.5 level and exposure to monthly critical level of >30 μg/m 3 within previous 1-2 months has significant correlation with the development of IPA in severe influenza patients, but has no significant correlation with IPA in non-influenza patients (Table) . Influenza cases significantly increased when average PM 2.5 exceeded critical level during prior 1st month. Conclusion: PM 2.5 exposure within previous 1-2 months, particularly above critical level, may be positively correlated with the development of IPA in the setting of severe influenza. Results: Among these 7 cases, only one patient was more than 65 years old, and 5 patients were female (71.4%). Clinical manifestations include life threatening encephalitis, pneumonitis, generalized lymphadenopathy and multi-organ involvement. Two patients received PCR for Toxoplasma; one showed positive result (50%). Two patients was confirmed to have HIV infection (28.5%). Two patients had fever or sepsis during the course, one of them presented with brain lesions. Four patients (57%) presented with multiple lymphadenopathy. Three patients with CNS involvement had ICU stay for one to two months, with one mortality; alsoToxoplasma antibodies were undetectable in two of these three cases. In the two cases taking IFN-γ profile study, anti-IFN-γ auto-antibodies were not detected in plasma; however, IFN-γ levels in whole blood were both lower compared with control group, which might be indicative of immune deficiency. Conclusion: Most patients with multiple sites of lymphadenopathy could be controlled well with medications after excision; however, CNS involvement may cause more complicated clinical course, which need intensive medical care and may even cause mortality. Lab tests for Toxoplasma antibody is usually a rapid tool for detection but has its limitation especially in patients with immunodeficiency. IFN-γ profile could provide information of patients' immune status in disseminated toxoplasmosis. Chun-yu Chang 1 *, Lih-shinn Wang 2 , Tsung-lang Chiu 3 , Pau-yuan Chang 4 , Chih-ming Hu 5 , Chia-ching J. Conclusion: Previous publications have reported ischemic stroke complicating meningococcal meningitis. However, to our knowledge, this is the first report of subdural effusion secondary to meningococcemia and meningitis in an adult. Early detection and appropriate treatment may improve the outcome. Streptococcus acidominimus endocarditis presenting as acute coronary syndrome Yen-Chen Lin 1 , Lih-shinn Wang 2 . Background: Filamentous basidiomycetes are emerging fungal pathogens in immunocompromised hosts. Volvariella volvacea is a non-sporulating filamentous basidiomycete that is commonly known as the straw mushroom. We describe a case of invasive fungal infection by Volvariella volvacea in a patient with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) on chemotherapy. This infection involved the brain, lung and skin, and was eventually fatal. Methods: A 45-year-old male Chinese Singaporean resident was diagnosed with T-cell ALL in October 2016. He was treated with the first cycle of hyper-CVAD regimen and intrathecal cytarabine with fluconazole prophylaxis. His treatment was complicated by a linerelated bloodstream infection and intermittent confusion. MRI brain showed several ring-enhancing lesions. CT thorax showed nodules with cavitation. He was started on empiric IV ceftriaxone 4 gm daily and was switched to posaconazole prophylaxis. He underwent bronchoalveolar lavage, lumbar puncture and brain biopsy but these were not diagnostic. 3 weeks later, a repeat MRI brain and CT thorax demonstrated improvement of the lesions. He was continued on the second cycle of hyper-CVAD in December 2016. Unfortunately, he deteriorated 1 day later with another line-related infection and new nodules on repeat MRI brain. Again, brain biopsy did not yield a diagnosis. The patient became progressively obtunded and was commenced on empiric pyrimethamine, clindamycin, folinic acid, meropenem and liposomal amphotericin B. He then developed new skin nodules which were biopsied. Histology revealed broad-appearing fungal hyphae. The patient succumbed to the infection a few days later. Results: Skin biopsy culture grew colonies of a light browncoloured mould. It was identified as Volvariella volvacea by molecular sequencing. Conclusion: Our patient may have partially responded to the switch in prophylaxis from fluconazole to posaconazole, which paradoxically may have made the diagnosis more difficult. This patient's infection resembled other forms of invasive fungal infections with lung-brain syndrome and skin involvement. On histopathologic examination, it was difficult to distinguish Volvariella volvacea from other invasive moulds. The key to managing this infection is in obtaining tissue diagnosis by microbiology, assisted by molecular sequencing techniques. Volvariella volvacea is an emerging and potentially fatal cause of invasive fungal infection in patients with haematologic malignancies, for which prompt diagnosis and treatment is crucial. Staphylococcus warneri bacteremia complicating peritonitis in a patient with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) Wen-Sen Lee 1 , Fu-Lun Chen 1 , Shio-Shin Jean 2 , Tsong-Yih Ou 1 . erythromycin (≧8 mg/L), oxacillin (≧4 mg/L), gentamicin (≧16 mg/ L) and tetracycline (≧16 mg/L), and susceptible to vancomycin (≦1 mg/L), linezolid (≦2 mg/L), moxifloxacin (≦0.5 mg/L), ciprofloxacin (≦0.5 mg/L) and clindamycin (≦0.5 mg/L). The examination of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) showed negative finding. The pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of Staphylococcus warneri of the strain 1 ( peripheral blood) and strain 2 (ascites) showed the same identical pattern (Figure 1 ). Figure 1 : The pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of Staphylococcus warneri of the strain 1 (peripheral blood) and the strain 2 (ascites) showed the same identical pattern. Conclusion: Pulmonary aspergillosis was proved. However, the tissue prove of brain and liver was not performed due to patient's will and complication. However, the patient's condition and image study showed improve after the Voriconazole was prescribed. Hence, the invasive aspergillosis involve lung, liver and brain was highly suspect. Background: Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding is more common in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) and is associated with higher mortality than in Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. CMV disease may occur in ESRD patients without the presence of overt immunodeficiency. The gastrointestinal tract is the most common site of involvement. Clinicians should be aware of this possibility in ESRD patients who have GI symptoms. We reported a case of ESRD with regular hemodialysis (HD) accompanied with severe GI bleeding by CMV colitis. Case report: This 70 years old female had a past history of ESRD on regular HD. This time, she suffered from coffee ground and vomiting tonight. His husband said she recived HD program with weight loss only one kilogram yesterday. Due to above reasons, she was sent to emergency room (ER) for help. At ER, laboratory data showed severe hyperkalemia, with atrial flutter and coffee ground. Emergency HD was done, then she was then admitted for intensive care ward due to coronary artery disease with three veneral disease (CAD with 3-V-D), and intermittent tachy-bradycardia. After ICU, blood transfusion was performed and high dose protonpump inhibitor (PPI) infusion were also performed. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGI endoscopy) was was done, which showed gastric ulcers, antrum, with bleeding, post hemoclips; duodenal ulcers. Electrocardiogram revealed T wave -inversion so echocardiography and cardiologist was consulted due to CAD with 3-V-D, with the suspicious of non STelevation myocardial infarction due to anemia. However, echocardiography showed no evidence of hypokinease so medication use after clinical condition improved. Chest X-ray showed right upper lobe consolidation, and sputum culture was Acinetobacter baumannii. So we added antibiotics with ceftazidime plus vancomycin for infection control. We informed the condition to her family and repeated UGI endoscopy due to high risk for rebleeding. Due to easy bleeding and positive CMV-polymerase chain reaction in gastric fluid was noted. GI bleeding was stopped after ganciclovir infusion for two days. General condition got much better, so we shifted iv form ganciclovir to valganciclovir from 2016/11/29 to 2016/12/05 and she was discharged on 2016/12/05. Discussion: CMV can be established as a potential infection, which can lead to reactivation with immunosuppression. It can affect almost any organ system, gastrointestinal tract involvement is the most common. Because of the rare occurrence of CMV-associated fatal multiple gastric and duodenal bleeding, high index suspicion is needed in immunocompromised patients with gastrointestinal bleeding for early diagnosis and possible beneficial outcomes. Histoplasma blood stream infection with bone marrow involvement in an AIDS patient Da-Chuan Yeh 1 , Yu Huai Ho 1 , Lih-Shinn Wang 1 , Ming-Huei Gu 2 , Huei-jen Chao 2 , Yung-Hsiang Hsu 3 . 1 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, 2 Department of Laboratory Medicine, 3 Department of Pathology, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Background: Histoplasma capsulatum are rarely seen in Taiwan. Here we report a case of disseminated histoplasmosis in an AIDS patient. Methods: A 37-year-old man was admitted with one-month history of high fever and abdominal pain. He was newly diagnosed AIDS two weeks before and transferred to our hospital for further treatment. On physical examination the patient appeared weak and thin. His temperature was 38.5°C, with a pulse 105 beats per minute, respiration rate 21 per minute. Laboratory studies revealed hemoglobin of 8.5 g/dL, leukocyte count 1,310/μL, platelet count 45,000/μL, AST 165 IU/L, ALT 96 IU/L, CD4 count 0/mm 3 , and HIV viral load 3,570 copies/mL. Abdominal to pelvic CT showed splenomegaly, enlarged retroperitoneal, mesenteric LNs and massive amount of ascites. Lung CT showed consolidation at left lower lung field with pleural effusion. Opportunistic infection surveys were negative except PCR assays for herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus from blood and bronchial alveolar lavage were both positive. Lymph node biopsy was not feasible due to severe thrombocytopenia. We managed to perform bone marrow aspiration and biopsy after platelet transfusion which showed hypocellular marrow with marrow content less than 5% and negative for malignancy. Patient's condition deteriorated and he was transferred for hospice care. Results: Six weeks later, the TB culture of the peripheral blood showed growth of mold. The microorganism was subsequently identified as H. capsulatum by PCR assay. Blood culture and fungal culture were reported as sterile after one and two week incubation period. Bone marrow biopsy was revised with GMS stain which showed numerous intracellular yeast-like micro-organisms, consistent with histoplasmosis ( Figure A) . Conclusion: Histoplasmosis is rarely seen in Taiwan and only a limited number of cases had been reported. It could be missed by laboratories if incubation for recovery of fungi is shorter than four to six weeks. It would be advisable for laboratories to review their culture policies and extend fungal culture incubation to at least four weeks or more. Slow growing mold would be underestimated by a short incubation time for fungus in service laboratory. Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension in HIV patients Yu-Huai Ho 1 , Lei Wei Yi 2 , Yung-hsiang Hsu 3 , Lih-shinn Wang 1 . Based on these findings, liver biopsy was performed. Histology analysis of the biopsy (Figure 1 ) revealed focal spotty necrosis and swelling of hepatocytes with lymphocytic satellitosis, compatible with mild acute hepatitis and mild portal area fibrosis. Noncirrhotic portal hypertension was diagnosed. Background: Voriconazole is an antifungal medicine by killing the growth of the fungi that cause infections. It is usually used for the treatment of patients with invasive aspergillosis, especially for chemotherapy patients to their infectious diseases. Voriconazole has a nonlinear pharmacokinetic profile with wide inter-and intra individual variability. High total voriconazole concertration also induce the toxicity in live, and unbounded form is more poisonous in sepsis patients. And in the hypoalbuminemia patient, we use fomula to adjust total voriconazole concertration. So the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring is important for patient avoiding the toxicity in liver. In this study, we intended to establish a liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method for clinical diagnostic purpose. Methods: By using multiple reaction mornitoring (MRM) of tandem mass analysis, the mass-to-charge (m/z) of the precursor and the product ions of voriconazole was 350.3/172.4. The internal standard, a ketocozole, was used for the calibration and basis of quantitative measurement. The m/z of ketocozole was 531.1/82.1. We also use High-throughput equilibrium dialysis method to quantitative analysis of unbound voriconazole concertration. Results: According to the preliminary results, the within-run and between-run precisions of the method were 6.2% and 9.9%, respectively. The recovery of this tandem mass assay was 80%. Background: Immunodeficiency is a known risk factor of cerebral toxoplasmosis. Causes of immunodeficiency include usage of immunosuppressants. Methods: A 72-year-old man who had right kidney transplantation with prednisolone, tacrolimus and cellcept treatment, was brought to another hospital with ataxia and urinary incontinence for about 3 weeks. Brain computed tomography scan was arranged at that hospital and the family was told that the patient might have cerebrovascular accident. He was then transferred to Tzu Chi General Hospital. On physical examination, body temperature was 36°C, pulse rate was 78/min, respiratory rate was 20/min and blood pressure was 112/86 mmHg. Laboratory testing revealed leukocytosis and normocytic anemia. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed at least four lobulated nodular lesions over both frontal and right temporal lobes with marked perifocal edema and rimenhancement. After admission, stereotactic brain biopsy was performed. Results: The pathological results of the brain biopsy showed necrosis of brain tissue with a few neutrophils, macrophages and nuclear debris. The biopsy tissue showed negative for bacterial culture and acid-fast stain. Tuberculosis and fungal culture of the biopsy tissue were also done. After discussion with the infectious diseases doctor, toxoplasmosis, nocardiosis or other fungal infections were suspected because of long term immunosuppressive for previous kidney transplantation. Paired Toxoplasma immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G were negative. The brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed enlargement of the right frontal lesion. The whole body positron emission tomography showed multiple brain lesions, mainly right cerebrum with mass effect and a tiny nodule in the posterior segment of right upper lung. Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim treatment was initiated for possible cerebral toxoplasmosis. Then, the patient had hyperkalemia and was transferred to surgical intensive care unit. Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim treatment was immediately discontinued. The patient had craniotomy with removal of the tumor, and had hemodialysis after the operation. However, the patient had septic shock, and his condition went downhill. He was discharged due to terminal status 4 days later (on hospital day 22). Tachyzoites were found in the necrotic brain tissue. Special stain including periodic acid-Schiff stain, Grocott's methenamine silver stain and Toxoplasma immunohistochemistry staining confirmed toxoplasmosis ( Figure 1 ). Conclusion: Long term immunosuppressants after kidney transplantation led to immunodeficiency in our patient, which became the risk factor of the infection of Toxoplasma gondii. Negative results of Toxoplasma immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G levels could not exclude the diagnosis of Toxoplasma infection, which were correlated with previous study. Mycobacterium celatum pulmonary infection in a patient of AIDS with cryptococcosis and multiple STD's Lih-shinn Wang 1 , Tzu-yu Tsai 4 , Jen-jyh Lee 2 , Teng-Yi Lin 3 , Huei-jen Chao 3 , Chia-ching Jackie Wang 5 . Results: This is a 41 years old man with diagnosis of HIV. He was admitted the hospital due to bilateral pneumonia with septic shock on August 6, 2016. With inotropic agent used, unstable oxygenation and rapid acute respiratory distress syndrome, he received endotracheal intubation with mechanical ventilation. Laborartoy data revealed a HIV viral load test of 302,695 copies/mL; CD4+, 5%; CD8+, 61%; CD4+/CD8+ ratio, 0.09; and a Mycoplasma pneumoniae Ab titer of 1:80. Chest X-ray showed ill-definded ground-glass opacities in bilateral lung fields, predominantly in central lung zone and upper lobes, PJ-associated pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) was condiered. After admission, antibiotic therapy was used, including piperacillin/tazobactam and levofloxacin for possible bacterial pneumonia. TMP/SMZ was initiated for probable PCP. As intensive care was continued, the thrombocytopenia around 11∼19 × 10 3 /uL persisted, even pneumonia seemed better. Piperacillin/tazobactam was changed to cefpirome. However, persistent thrombocytopenia was still noted. We checked his blood CMV-PCR and result was positive. Sputum CMV-PCR was also positive and a CMV viral load was 1,216 IU/mL, so ganciclovir was added for CMV infection. After that treatment, the thrombocytopenia was improved to 76∼97 × 103/uL. Solumedrol was tapered to solucortef and then oral prednisolone by standard dosing regimen. Extubation was performed on August 25, and recover well. Antibiotic therapy was shifted to oral forms of levofloxacin, TMP/SMZ and valganciclovir. He was discharged uneventfully on September 3, 2016. Conclusion: PCP remains the most common disorder at the onset of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in a HIV patient. Coinfection with CMV is a poor prognostic sign in a setting of PCP. CMV-related organ disease should be suspected in patients with CD4+ cell number lower than 50/μL. After suscessful antipneumocystis treatment with steroid therapy, our patient still presented with severe thrombocytopenia, which led to secondary diagnosis of CMV syndrome. Other cases may experience worsening pulmonary infection due to CMV pneumonitis by the use of steroids, which therapy should be careful in the patients with a high HIV viral load and low CD4 count. However, tachypnea and fever were noted on post-operative day 4. Additionally, AST/ALT, TBI/DBL were all elevated two folds. He was reintubated and Imipenem was administrated as empiric antibiotic agent. A day later, seizure attacked twice; and Imipenem was shifted to Meropenem. The following lab exam showed DIC. CT scan revealed portal vein thrombosis occuping 50% of lumen and massive pleural effusion. Sputum and blood culture sample grew candida. The initial impression was hepatic failure and candidiasis. The patient expired two weeks later due to multiple organ failure. At autopsy, liver showed central cholestasis and bile canalicular cholestasis. In the liver specimen token via surgery, there were hepatocellular carcinoma and portal area inflammation without the cholestasis, which indicates post hepatectomy liver failure. Leptospirosis was confirmed in the samples of liver, kidney, bone marrow, lung, brain and soft tissue based on strongly postive Warthin Starry stain and Leptospira antibody. Conclusion: This case demonstrates leptospiriosis may progressed to Weil's disease and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. According to previous publications, the incidence of leptospirosis with CNS involvement is around 10%, mostly diagnosed by lumbar puncture. Early diagnosis may be challenging. In this case, CNS symptoms may be confused with drug-induced seizure. Weil's disease is a severe form of leptospirosis characterized by jaundice, hemorrhage and renal failure. There is cholestasis with leptospires invading the intercellular junctions of hepatocytes in this patient and the diagnosis is solid. As a conclusion, in patients with multiple organ failure after major operation, Weil's disease and ADEM should be considered as a differential diagnosis. Co-infections of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and nontuberculous Mycobacterium: difficulty in diagnosis and treatment Lih-shinn Wang 1,2 , Chia-ching Jackie Wang 8 , Xin-yi Zheng 3 , Jen-jyh Lee 1,3 , Teng-Yi Lin 4 , Yung-hsiang Hsu 1,5 , Cheng-lung Ku 6,7 . Background: Mycobacterium abscessus subspecies massiliense is one of the three subspecies of the M. abscessus complex (MABC). It is the most important cause of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections by rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM). MABC is considered highly drug-resistant; it is extremely difficult to treat and often incurable. Prosthetic joint infection due to M. abscessus subsp. massiliense is rare, and optimal therapy remains unknown. Methods: A 48-year-old male with history of gout and prolonged corticosteroid treatment presented with left hip pain with instability and limited range of motion for one month in Sep., 2014. Hip X-ray and computed tomography (CT) scan at another hospital revealed findings consistent with avascular necrosis of the left femoral head, and he underwent left total hip arthroplasty. He required reduction for subluxation of the prosthesis the next day. He was admitted again two weeks later for an open revisión to repair a recurrent subluxation of the prosthesis. Within one month of the first surgery, he underwent a third surgery (trochanter advancement osteotomy) for prothesis dislocation. One year later the patient had a one month history of bulging cyst at the left hip. The left hip cyst was felt to be a hematoma, but NTM was isolated from the culture of the cyst fluid. The isolate grew in subculture within 6 days of inoculation, and was considered as a RGM. Anti-NTM treatment was started empirically with azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and doxycycline. Results: The isolate was later identified as M. abscessus subsp. massiliense, susceptible only to clarithromycin and tigecycline. Anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies were negative. The patient stopped anti-NTM treatment by himself after a one-month therapy, and was discharged against medical advice. The patient experienced recurrent pain of the left hip a few months later, and developed a draining sinus tract. Pus grew M. abscessus subsp. massiliense. After removal of the prosthesis, anti-NTM treatment was re-started with intravenous tigecycline, clarithromycin, clofazimine and amikacin. The patient again stopped anti-NTM therapy due to nausea, malaise, anorexia, weight loss, acute kidney injury and liver dysfunction. Symptoms improved after discontinuing clofazimine and tigecyline. The same symptoms appeared after rechallenge with clofazimine and tigecycline. Finally, the patient was placed on oral suppressive anti-NTM treatment with Results: Serotype Ia was the most common in patients less than 72 hours old, whereas III the most common in patients older than 72 hours. In early-onset disease (0-6 days), Ia and III each caused 27.5% of the infection, followed by Ib (14.5%). In late-onset disease (7-89 days), serotype III predominated (75.3%), followed by Ia (10.1%) and Ib (6.8%). Thirty-one episodes (17%) were complicated with culture-confirmed meningitis. We compared serotype Ia and III patients, and found that serotype Ia patients were significantly younger (median age, 3 days), had higher male percentage, more perinatal maternal fever, and higher mortality. The survival curve of patients with serotype III infections was significantly better than those with non-type III infections. ST17 and ST19 were exclusively found in serotype III, while ST23 and ST24 comprised of 85% of serotype Ia. Conclusion: Serotype Ia caused invasive infections in younger infants with higher mortality than serotype III. A trivalent (Ia, Ib, III) GBS vaccine might prevent 69.6% of early-onset disease, 92.2% of late-onset disease, and 91.3% of GBS meningitis in Taiwan. Sphenoid sinusitis complicated with cavernous sinus thrombosis Yun-Hu Wang 1,2 , Po-Yen Chen 1,2 , Pei-Ju Ting 1 , Fang-Liang Huang 1,3 . 1 Department of Pediatrics, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, 2 Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 3 Hung Kuang University, Taichung, Taiwan Background: Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST) is a rare infective disease and it was associated with high mortality rates. CST can result from infection of any of the tissues drained by the cavernous sinus. The purpose of this study was to review rare case of CST secondary to sphenoid sinusitis, which is under-researched in children. Methods: We reported a 12-year-old girl who was diagnosed with cavernous sinus thrombosis and sphenoid sinusitis presenting with fever and nuchal pain for one week. We also reviewed the literature of cavernous sinus thrombosis secondary to sphenoid sinusitis. The clinical manifestations, laboratory data, imaging findings, pathogens, medications, surgical treatment and clinical outcomes were analyzed. Results: All eight cases (100%) had headache, five cases (62.5%) had fever. All cases had one or more ophthalmic symptoms. Four cases (50%) of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings had revealed isolated sphenoid sinusitis. Three cases had evidence of Streptococcus infection from blood culture; two cases had Staphylococcus aureus from blood and sinus cultures; seven cases had surgical intervention followed by antibiotic therapy. All cases had received antibiotic therapy, and 5 of 8 (62.5%) were administered intravenous ceftriaxone and metronidazole. Six cases had received intravenous and oral form anticoagulation therapy. Only a case had corticosteroid treatment. Most cases had good prognosis except for three cases had morbidity. The management of CST should the use of intravenous antibiotic therapy combined with endonasal sinus surgery. The early use of anticoagulation can reduce morbidity and mortality in CST. Corticosteroid treatments for CST remain controversial. Background: Acute febrile illness (AFI) is a very common syndrome and also represents the most frequent admission diagnose in our service. Even though this syndrome has always been conventionally included as a major indicator of an infectious disease, sometimes it takes big effort to estabilish an etiologic diagnose. Therefore, many patients with AFI are empirically diagnosed, according to clinical manifestations and certain epidemiological (like sessonal strokes, proffesional exposure, traveling.) No wonder why clinicians are always focused on clinical-epidemiologicalbinom, considering the dynamic changes of infectious nosologies in Global Era. Methods: 1455 patients hospitalized to the Infectious Disesase Hospital during 2007-2015. All patients had the same inclusion patterns and also astandardized clinicaland laboratory evaluation of all patients who met the following case criteria: (1) >14 years of age and admitted to the participating institution; (2) history of fever for at least two days; (3) temperature at admission >38°C (oral or rectal); (4) no identified cause of fever ( physicians were instructed to exclude other causes of fever such as diarrhea, hepatitis, cough and/or symptoms of respiratory tract infection, urinary tract infection, cellulitis, rheumatic fever, abscess, and/or any other known cause of fever). Admitted patients with AFI provided anamnestic data, epidemiological details and a blood sample for bacterial culture and serologic analysis. Risk factors included animal contact and consumption of raw dairy products, which were significantly associated with brucellosis, exposure to vectors in endemic areas,professional exposure and travels outside the country. Results: Case definitions were based on laboratory results. On 1455 patients evaluated between 2007 and 2015, 41% were positive for Brucella, 5% had positive hemocultures for Bacterial Endocarditis (with predominance of staphyloccouccus aureus), 16% for Riketcia and other tick borne pathogens, 3% for Hemorrhagic fever, 10 for Infectious Mononucleosis, 3% for Malaria, 8.3% for Leishmaniasis and 12.5% for Leptospirosis. Conclusion: Our survey identified several important pathogens; each one of them with an important specific percentage. The correlation of these pathogens to the specific clinical manifestation and epidemiological data allowed a better recognition of these infectious nosologies features in our country, and may also lead to the development of targeted prevention strategies. Background: Acinetobacter baumannii is an important pathogen of nosocomial bloodstream infection and pneumonia, which accounts for high morbidity and mortality rates. However, studies regaring the optimal treatment for Acinetobacter baumannii bacteremic pneumonia are limited. Methods: We conducted this retrospective study from January 2012 to December 2015 at 4 medical centres in Taiwan to compare the efficacy of colistin-based and sulbactam-based therapy for A. baumannii bacteremic pneumonia. The clinical features and outcomes of patients were investigated. Results: During the study periods, 71 patients received either colistin-based or sulbactam-based treatment. Among them, 2 patients who received concomitant treatment with colistin and sulbactam were excluded. Twenty-five patients who received colistin-based therapy and 44 who received sulbactam-based therapy were included in final analysis. There was no difference of baseline characteristics, 14-day mortality, 28-day mortality, and overall in-hospital mortality between the 2 groups. Those with ventilator-associated pneumonia were more likely to receive colistin-based treatment rather than sulbactam-base treatment (odds ratio [OR], 7.935; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.157-29.187; p = 0.002). The only risk factor independentlyassociated with higher 14-day and 28-day mortality of A. baumannii bacteremic pneumonia is a higher APACHE II score (OR, 1.105; 95% CI, 1.024-1.192; p = 0.01 and OR, 1.127; 95% CI, 1.044-1.217; p = 0.02, respectively). Our results concluded that patients with A. baumannii bacteremic pneumonia treated with either colistin-based or sulbactam-based therapy had similar clinical outcomes. More severe diseases (higher APACHE II scores) were independently associated with higher 14-day and 28-day mortality. Further largescale prospective studies are needed to investigate the clinical efficacy of these two regimens for the treatment of A. baumannii bacteremic pneumonia. Comparison of culture-negative and culture-positive necrotizing fasciitis: clinical characteristics and outcomes of treatment Tsung-Yu Huang 1,2 , Yao-Hung Tsai 3 , Ching-Yu Lee 3 , Wei-Hsiu Hsu 3 *. Background: Necrotizing fasciitis was rapidly progressive and lifethreatening. Surgical intervention and broad-spectrum antibiotics usage were very important. But no bacterial was proven in some patients with necrotizing fasciitis. This study was undertaken to ascertain whether the clinical presentation and outcome for patients with this disease differ for those infected with culturenegative as compared to culture-positive pathogen. Methods: One-hundred and forty-three patients with necrotizing fasciitis were examined prospectively from April 2015 to May 2017. All patients received prompt radical debridement, adequate broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, and aggressive resuscitation. Thirty-eight patients were infected with culture-negative pathogen (Group 1) and 105 patients with culture-positive pathogen (Group 2). Results: Group 2 was male predominated. Group 1 was characterized by a lower incidence of tachypnea and local pain/tenderness, lower Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score, a lower rate of bandemia, bacteremia, lactate acidosis, hypoalbuminemia and a lower prevalence of alcoholism plus diabetes mellitus. A higher rate of acute respiratory failure, acute renal failure and higher admission rate of intensive care unit (ICU) admission were more common in Group 2. In a multivariate analysis, male (odds ratio (OR): 0.443, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.199-0.986), local pain/tenderness (OR: 0.144, 95% CI: 0.029-0.722) and tachypnea (OR: 0.275, 95% CI: 0.092-0.824) were identified as infected with culture-positive pathogen. Conclusion: Culture-positive necrotizing fasciitis mostly presented with local pain/tenderness, tachypnea, and men predominate. There were no difference about mortality rates, limbs amputation rate, hospital stay, and ICU stay. We still need more data to confirm those above findings in our hospital. cirrhosis or diabetes. However, it is a rare cause of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in cirrhotic patients. Methods: A 46-year-old man with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class C) and type 2 diabetes mellitus developed abdominal pain and fever. His abdomen was distended with shifting dullness. Laboratory examination showed a white blood cell (WBC) count of 8500/µL with 86.50% neutrophils. Paracentesis of ascites revealed a WBC count of 743/μL with 79% neutrophils. Based on the patient's history, physical examination and the results of paracentesis, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis was suggested and blood cultures were positive for Campylobacter coli. Intravenous Ciprofloxacin was administered and the patient was recovery after treatment. Results: SBP caused by Campylobacter is rare. The first case report of SBP caused by Campylobacter was presented by Targan et al in 1976. Since then, five cases have been reported in the literature. Three of the five patients were associated with peritonitis and bacteremia as the present case. Main underlying conditions are related to liver disease (34%), including alcohol abuse (27%), cirrhosis (20%), cancer (33%), diabetes (21%) and chemotherapy (19%). In the present case, the patient was at a high risk for Campylobacter infection as he had severe alcoholic liver cirrhosis. We reported a case of SBP caused by C. coli. Campylobacter-related SBP mainly occurs in patients with severe underlying alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Mimic fungal ball in urinary bladder caused by tissue invasive C. glabrata, complicated with acute obstructive uropathy Lin-Fang Chen, Fu-Lun Chen. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Wan Fang Medical Center, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan A 68-year-old female patient had underlying asthma and type 2 diabetes mellitus for decades and 3 months history of C-spine injury with central cord syndrome consequence left hemiparesis, neurogenic bladder status post Foley catheter insertion. She had an episode of urinary tract infection by extended spectrum betalactamase (ESBL) -E. coli and K. pneumoniae, suspected bilateral chronic nephritis with peri-renal effusion found by the computed tomography. She was admitted for sepsis, recurrent urinary tract infection. However, after 6 days of antibiotic therapy with Doripenem (500 mg every 8 hours) as an empirical therapy for ESBL-E. coli and target therapy for P. aeruginosa. she had light yellow turbid urine with lots of necrotic debris, low-grade fever, increased dose of insulin to control hyperglycemia, and aggravated leukocytosis. Foley urine culture yielded C. glabrata. After high dose Fluconazole (6 mg/kg/day), Foley catheter obstruction developed, partially relieved by manual irrigation and Foley catheter revision. Amphotericin B continuous irrigation (50 mg every day) via 3-way Foley catheter was applied as salvage therapy, but the frequency of Foley catheter obstruction caused by necrotic debris progressed from every day to every several hours. She had acute obstructive uropathy, complicated by retrograde vancomycin resistant E. faecium septicemia. After Daptomycin (10 mg/kg/day) therapy, vancomycin resistant E.faecium septicemia was resolved without infective endocarditis. Amphotericin B continuous irrigation was replaced by systemic fluconazole (4 mg/kg/day) combined with flucytosine (40 mg/kg/day, divided in 4 doses) therapy. Urologist performed urethro-bladder cystoscopic irrigation and found a large area of thickening necrotic tissue coating over anterior and rightposterior urinary bladder wall, mimic lots of separated fungal ball. Transurethral resection of bladder debritic tissue found yeast form fungus with budding phenomenon without hyphae and pseudohyphae. The tissue culture proved mixed invasive C. glabrata and ESBL-K. pneumoniae infection. After extensively surgical cauterization, she had no more Foley catheter obstruction, and there was no more necrotic debris grossly. There were rare case reports talking about candida fungal ball in urinary bladder with severe complication, mainly candidemia. This is the first case in our acknowledge discussed about invasive urinary bladder C.glabrata mixed infection with severe complication. There should be some aggressive invasive procedure performed to treat selected C. glabrata urinary bladder infection. Role of doxycycline in a mouse model of Clostridium difficile infection Chun-Wei Chiu 1 *, Yuan-Pin Hung 1 , Pei-Jane Tsai 2 , Wen-Chien Ko 3 . Background: Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is a major cause of nosocomial antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Metronidazole and vancomycin are therapeutic choices for CDI but their use was associated with colonization of vancomycin-resistant enterococci and a high recurrence rate. Doxycycline shows promising in vitro antibactieral activity against clinical C. difficile isolates and can achieve a high concentration in bowel tissue. However, the efficacy of doxycycline in treating CDI is not clear. Methods: Clinical C. difficile isolates from the Tainan Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare were tested for the susceptibility of doxycycline by the agar dilution method. To evaluate whether doxycycline will faciliate the proliferation of C. difficile in intestines, the ex vivo assay was performed for the growth of C. difficile by coculturing with cecum content from the mice after oral doxycycline administration. Therapeutic effect of doxycycline therapy for CDI was examined in the established CDI mouse model. Results: Of 192 clinical C. difficile isoaltes, the MIC 50 of doxycycline against clinical C. difficile was 0.25 μg/mL. The growth of C. difficile by co-culturing with cecum content showed a decrease in mice after doxycycline administration, than that in the mice after clindamycin use (clindamycin vs. doxycycline: 5.04 × 10 7 ±4.33 × 10 7 CFU/mL vs. 2.49 ± 2.28 × 10 3 CFU/mL; P = 0.0003). Meanwhile mice orally challenged by C. difficle after doxycycline administration excreted less C. difficile in faces (0.67 × 10 5 ±0.54 × 10 5 CFU/mL vs. 4.33 × 10 5 ±1.16 × 10 5 CFU/mL; P = 0.029) and less body weight loss (0.52 ± 1.13 kg vs. 1.89 ± 1.19 kg; P = 0.01) than mice after clindamycin use. Mice treated by doxycycline showed less body weight loss than control mice (1.11 ± 0.56 kg vs. 2.87 ± 0.98 kg; P < 0.0001). Besides, doxycycline therapy showed non-inferior to metronidazole or vancomycin therapy, according to body weight loss in mice with CDAD (doxycycline vs. metronidazole: 1.11 ± 0.56 kg vs. Hospital Center "Mother Theresa", Service of Infectious Diseases, 3 University Hospital Center "Mother Theresa", Service of Reanimation and Anesthesia, 4 University Hospital Center "Mother Theresa", SID Background: Although Tetanus is currently a relatively rare infectious disease it remains a high mortality disease (20-30%) with high management costs. The reason for that are the severe forms and complications, which require the application of therapeutic protocols in the intensive care unit. The study of these protocols is important for analyzing not only the patient prognosis but also the treatment cost effectiveness. Methods: Collection of cases and grouping them by gender, age and therapeutic protocols; Group classification according to the therapeutic protocol, adapted to the gravity of cases (mild, moderate, severe, very severe); The used method consisted in 53 cases, of group age between 14 and 85, with generalized tetanus, hospitalized in the reanimation of the infectious diseases hospital, during the period 1985 -January 2015. Results: Data by sex: 32 males, 16 females; age groups: prevalent age group 46-55; According to therapeutic protocols: First group: patients who underwent paralysis with curare and artificial ventilation 39 cases, second group: patients undergoing tracheostomy 4; Third group: patients using sedation alone (diazepam and/ or opiate) 7; Fourth group: deep sedation, anesthesia, adrenergic blockade 2 cases. Death 5 cases. Causes of death are mainly due to paralysis and artificial ventilation complications, which apply to severe forms such as severe brain damage as a consequence / side effect of treatment, cerebral thrombosis 1 case, pneumothorax 1 case, staphylococcal pneumonia 1 case, pulmonary embolism 1 case. The complications of sedative procedures, of deep sedation and of endotracheal intubation is bradycardia and cardiac arrest, 2 case, because of hypoxia and vagal stimulation. The duration of paralysis was 24 days, between 5 and 52 days. In lighter forms, the period under mechanical ventilation was shorter, while in the severe form it was longer. Conclusion: Overall tetanus mortality in adults resulted in 9.43%. of cases. Deaths were caused by cerebral thrombosis 1 case; spontaneous Pneumothorax 1 case; staphylococcal pneumonia 1 case; Pulmonary thromboembolism 1 case; Cardiac arrest 2 cases. Application of MALDI-TOF MS in clinical diagnostic anaerobes from blood cultures Shin-Wei Wang 1 , Pei-Fang Tsai 1 , Ya Hui Liu 2 , Pei-Jane Tsai 2 *. Background: Information regarding the use of MALDI-TOF MS as an alternative to conventional laboratory methods for the rapid and reliable identification of anaerobe in blood isolates is still limited. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of MALDI-TOF MS in identification of anaerobes from blood cultures. Methods: Retrospective, a surveillance study from July 2013 to March 2014 was conducted at the National Cheng Kung University Hospital in southern Taiwan. Identification results by MALDI-TOF MS were compared to those obtained by 16S rRNA sequencing. Results: In this study, MALDI-TOF MS was evaluated on 122 anaerobic isolates previously identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and with biochemical tests (Rapid ID 32A system, BioMérieux). In total, 12 genus and 25 species were identified. All strains were confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Among these, 90.9% of the isolates were identified by MALDI-TOF MS (BioMérieux) at the species level vs 92% using the Rapid ID 32A system, with an agreement of 77.8% between the methods. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing of isolates with discrepant results showed that MALDI-TOF and API ® correctly identified 86.1% and 78.7% of these isolates, respectively. This discrepancy in MALDI-TOF MS probably mainly among the non-fragilis Bacteroides spp. and GPAC, and only 11 of them could not be identified using the method. The results show that MALDI-TOF MS is a robust and reliable tool for the identification of anaerobic blood isolates in the microbiology laboratory. The extensive development of a database, not only frequently isolated anaerobic species, but also newly recognized and taxonomically rearranged genera and species, should be well continuously established. This technique really reduce the turnaround time for a final identification and the number of isolates that require 16S rRNA sequencing. Wei-Han Huang 1 , Ming-Huei Gu 1 , Siao-Ru Lin 1 , Chia-ching J. Wang 2 , Lih-shinn Wang 3 *. Background: Myeloma patients may present clinical signs such as hypercalcemia, anemia, renal dysfunction and bone disability when inital diagnosis. However, infection is still a significant cause of morbidity and the leading cause of death in patients with myeloma. The increased susceptibility of patients with myeloma to infection not only results from the antineoplastic therapies but also age-and disease related immunodeficiency. Methods: A 66-year-old businessperson was informed stage II chronic renal impairment possibly due to uncontrolled hypertension for two years. He suffered from bilateral flank pain and urinary urgency for one week prior to admission and treated with oral antibiotics under the impression of urinary tract infection at local clinic. He had fever, chills, and altered mental status one day prior to admission. On presentation, the patient had unclear consciousness, confusion to stupor, with E4V2M4. Brain CT revealed mild cortical brain atrophy. CSF studies showed slightly turbid appearance, with orange color, low sugar (CSF glucose: 6 mg/dL, vs normal blood sugar: 102 mg/dL) and high protein (Total protein-CSF: 431.7 mg/dL). He had pleocytosis (WBC: 10-20/HPF, WBC Count: 990/uL, with segmented neutrophil: 48%, Lymphocyte: 41%, and Monocyte: 11%). CRP was 9.57 mg/dL. There was no pathogen identified by Gram stain, AFB stain nor India ink stain or even further culture. Under the impression of bacterial meningitis, he was admitted for antibiotic treatment. Results: After admission, lab data showed hypercalcemia (corrected calcium 3.13 mmol/L), renal impairment (creatinine 3.0 mg/ dL), A/G reverse (albumin/globulin 1.5/11 g/dL). treatment. Serum protein electrophoresis and immunofixation electrophoresis disclosed IgG kappa monoclonal gammopathy. The quantitation of IgG was 6,380 mg/dL. Serum free light chain ratio was 29.66 (kappa/ lambda: 961/32.4 mg/L). Bone marrow biopsy and flow cytometry analysis confirmed multiple myeloma, with IgG by immunohistochemistry staining. Patient was treated with standard therapy with VTD regimen (Velcade, thalidomide & dexamethasone) then with strigent complete remission. Conclusion: We present a myeloma patient initially mimicking as meiningitis. Since myeloma patients have higher susceptibility for infection, we cannot ignore general evaluation and integrate the clinical information in patient with repeated infection. Serratia marcescens lung abscess presenting as pseudo-hemoptysis Hsin Yu Lu 1 , Li Hsinn Wang 2 , Chih Pin Lin 3 , Si Shiuan Peng 4 , Pao Yaun Chang 5 , Yung Hsiang Hsu 6 . 1 School of Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, 3 Division of Chest Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, 4 Department of Laboratory Medicine, 5 Department of Radiology, 6 Department of Pathology, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Background: Serratia marcescens, which can produce a red pigment, prodiogiosum, has been regarded as a harmless gramnegative bacillus. Recently, It was recognized as a nosocomial and opportunistic infections. Methods: Patient was a 35-year-old male with history of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) with resolution 9 years ago, but he often had "hemoptysis" since then. He was admitted due to progressive "hemoptysis" and general soreness. Laboratory data showed influenza A&B antigen, Aspergillus antigen and acid-fast stain all negative. Mycoplasma IgM was positive. Chest computed tomography (CT) showed sporadic fibroinfiltration at both lung and "ball in cage" feature at right upper lung. He was treated with clarithromycin and tranesamic acid. Bronchoscopy revealed "active bleeding", ( Figure) and bronchial alveolar lavage showed Aspergillus antigen positive. Therefore, voriconazole treatment was added. However, 3 days after discharge, he came back due to massive "hemoptysis" of 150 mL. Associated symptoms were dyspnea, dizziness and right upper chest pain. Results: S. marcescens was grown in sputum culture on admission, but he was still treated as aspergillosis. Chest X ray showed right upper lung atelectasis. Right upper lobectomy was performed, and patholgy revealed chronic abscess, no granuloma, and surprizingly no evidence of fungal infection or active tuberculosis. So, voriconazole was shifted to piperacillin/tazobactam. However, he had a fever of 37.9°C, tachycardia and leukocytosis. S. marcescens was again grown in sputum culture with mixed flora. S. marcescens lung abscess was the final diagnosis, and "hemoptysis" was considered as "pseudo-hemoptysis" when repeat sputum grew the same organism which could produce prodiogiosum, mimicking fresh blood. Repeat chest CT showed severe adhesion without adequate expansion. Therefore, piperacillin/tazobactam was shifted to levofloxaxin, and the patient had right lower lung superior segmentectomy. Bronchopleural fistula was found, and there was air leakage without improvement. The patient finally cured with thoracoplasty of right 2 nd to 6 th ribs, and was discharged. Conclusion: Hemoptysis is common in patients of TB or aspergillosis, but rare in lung abscess. S. marcescens lung abscess is rare. But if the presenting symptom is "hemoptysis", it could be the red pigment, prodiogiosum, produced by S. marcescens. Splenic abscess: an uncommon entity with potentially life threatening Mei-Chun Lee 1,3 , Chien-Hung Lu 1 , Wei-Ying Lee 1 , Chun-Ming Lee 2,3,4,5,6 *. Background: Splenic abscess is rare with potentially life threatening. Scanty published studies are available. The aim of this study is to review the clinical features, microbiologic etiologies, treatments, and outcomes of patients with splenic abscesses in recent 5 years. Methods: We reviewed admitted patients with suspected splenic abscess and made the diagnosis of splenic abscess. The clinical characteristics, underlying disease, treatment course, organism spectra, abscess number and size, therapeutic methods, and clinical outcome at a tertiary medical center in northern Taiwan over a period of 5 years (from Jan 2012 to Dec 2016) were analyzed. Results: Of 16 patients with splenic abscess, male to female ratio was 1:1, with a mean age of 49.9 years (range 1 day to 52 years). Common presentation were fever (11 patients, 68.7%), diffuse abdominal pain (6 patients, 37.5%), left upper quadrant pain or tenderness (6 patients, 37.5%), splenomegaly (4 patients, 25%), and Left-sited pleural effusions (8 patients, 50%). Leukocytosis was noted in (15patients, 93.7%). Antimicrobial therapy was administered in all patients. Fourteen (87.5%) patients recovered under medical treatment. One (6.2%) patient underwent splenectomy, and four (25%) patients performed percutaneous drainage of their splenic abscess and 11 (68.7%) patients received antimicrobial therapy alone. Conclusion: We noted mortality may be more related to patients with underlying immunodeficiency. There was a relatively high proportion in patients with splenic abscesses receiving antimicrobial therapy alone and got a good prognosis especially in patients with small and multiple abscesses. Background: Association between psoriasis and leptospirosis has been previously mentioned but seldom cases were reported. We described a case at below. Methods: A 66-year-old woman with history of hypertension under medical control and psoriasis, was admitted to Tzu Chi General Hospital for itching erythmatous plaques over whole body and four extrimities for 3 months. She has been diagnosed with psoriasis for fifteen years and flared up intermittently. She previously worked at breakfast stand, and engaged in farming when she was young. Upon admission, she had multiple psoriatic lesions over her trunk and extremities. Stiff neck and arthritis of finger and toe joints were also noted. Results: Ten years ago, she came to our hospital for controlling her psoriasis condition. Phototherapy, acitretin, calcipotriol, and methotrexate were prescribed by dermatologist. Skin biopsy was done and showed superficial perivascular lymphocyte infiltration with elongated rete ridges, which was consistent with psoriasis. Urine PCR comfirmed Leptospire infection. Penicillin G and rifampicin was added. Her skin lesion was dramatically controlled in a week. The patient was discharged home with oral penicillin G and rifampin. In this time of her admission, antibiotics for leptospirosis were changed to ceftriaxone and fosfomycin due to unavailable of penicillin G. Skin biopsy ten years ago was also taken out for immunochemical staining of leptospira which revealed positive (Figure) . Conclusion: Psoriasis is fundamentally an inflammatory skin condition with reactive abnormal epidermal differentiation and hyperproliferation. Current research suggests that the inflammatory mechanisms are immune based and most likely initiated and maintained primarily by T cells in the dermis. Reactivation of T cells in the dermis and epidermis and the local effects of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor lead to the inflammation, cell-mediated immune responses, and epidermal hyperproliferation observed in persons with psoriasis. Cytokines produced in response to infection have been proposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis. The clinical impact of sputum isolation of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae Maki Shikata 1,2 , Naoki Iwanaga 1,2 , Yosuke Nagayoshi 1,2 , Shinnosuke Takemoto 2 , Tadayoshi Oono 1 , Keiko Hisatomi 2 , Seiji Nagashima 2 . 1 Department of Infectious Diseases, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki, Medical Center, 2 Department of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical Center Background: The infection caused by extended-spectrum betalactamase (ESBL)-producing organism has been emerging problem recently, because broad-spectrum antibiotics are needed for the treatment of ESBL-producing organisms. To reveal the characteristics of bacteremic pneumonia caused by ESBL-producing organisms is extremely important for clinicians, yet few studies have effectively achieved. The aim of this study is to evaluate the correlation between sputum isolation of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae and outcomes of bacteremic pneumonia. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 83 patients of bacteremic pneumonia caused by E. coli and K. pneumonia (including of 38 ESBL-producing) objectively between January 2015 and December 2016 in Nagasaki Medical Center. Bacteremic pneumonia was defined as cases in which E. coli and K. pneumoniae were isolated from sputum culture and clinically suspected because of respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, sputum and dyspnea, elevated inflammatory response of the laboratory data and chest abnormal shadow. Clinical information and outcome of adults with bacteremic pneumonia caused by ESBL-producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae were analyzed. Results: A total of 83 patients with bacteremic pneumonia (including of 38 ESBL-producing) caused by E. coli (45 patients, 54.9%) and K. pneumoniae (37 patients, 45.1%) were identified, and classified 72.5% as hospital-acquired pneumonia, 14.5% as healthcare-associated pneumonia, and 13.0% as community-acquired pneumonia. Their mean age of ESBL and non-ESBL were 75.5 years and 76.4 years, and male patients of it were 73.7% and 77.8% respectively. The disclosed risk factors of sputum isolation of ESBLproducing E. coli and K. pneumonia are as follows; low BMI (P = 0.0195), antibiotic use history (P = 0.0495), ESBL isolation history (P = 0.0004), high Charlson Comorbidity Index (P = 0.0262), and high quick SOFA (P = 0.0376). About the impact of sputum isolation of ESBL-producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae on clinical course, inappropriate empirical therapy was initiated more often (62.1% vs15%, P = 0.0001), and associated with 60-day mortality (37.9% vs7.5%, P = 0.0026) Conclusion: ESBL-producing bacteremic pneumonia was associated with comorbidities and severity of the disease. Appropriate empirical therapy could lead to the improvement of prognosis. Liu Yao-Chang 1 , Wang Lih-Shinn 1,2 , Chang Huai-Ren 1,3 , Chen Yi-Ting 1,4 , Lin Teng-Yi 5 . 1 School of Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, 3 Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, 4 Department of Intensive Care Medicine, 5 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Background: Myocarditis is a life-threatening disease, and leptospirosis-associated myocarditis is often underestimated. Methods: A 21-year-old previous healthy man presented with 2day history of general malaise. The patient worked in supermarket, contacting with frozen meat frequently. Since 2 days before initial presentation, he began to experience general malaise, chest tightness, and mild fever. He reported no dyspnea, no abdominal pain, no recent traveling history, nor similar symptoms among his family or friends. Due to persistent symptoms, he was brought to emergency room of another hospital. On examination, hypotension of 72/50 mmHg was noted, and laboratory examination reported bandemia of 34%, C-reactive protein of 20 mg/dL, and troponin-I of 2.12 ng/mL. He was immediately transferred to our hospital. At Emergency Department, he was afebrile, tachycardia of 104 beats/ min, and hypotension of 76/45 mmHg. Physical examination reported no prominent findings except a 1 cm knife cut wound on his left hand, which happened at work 2 weeks ago. ECG revealed normal sinus rhythm. Chest X ray showed congested status. Cardiac echography reported diffusely poor wall motion. Under tentative diagnosis of acute myocarditis with septic shock, the patient was admitted. Results: Adequate hydration and vasopressors were carried, and he was empirically treated with vancomycin and meropenem. On hospital day 2, Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibody was positive at a titer of 1:80, and antibiotics were switched to levofloxacin. Oral penicillin-V was added by Infectious Diseases doctor's suggestion, considering leptospirosis according to the patient's occupational exposure. Hydrocortisone and colchicine were prescribed for myocarditis. The patient improved dramatically in following days. Blood cultures were sterile and there was no evidence of active viral infection. He was discharged 1 week after admission uneventfully. One month after initial presentation, microscopic agglutination test for leptospirosis revealed significant rise comparing paired sera. Leptospira santarosai serovar shermani was positive at a titer of 1:400, which confirmed leptospirosis. Conclusion: Previous studies have reported that myocarditis can result from M. pneumoniae and leptospirosis. However, antigenic mimicry between Leptospire and Mycoplasma could play a role in biologic false positive reaction. Physicians should be careful when a patient presents risk factors of Leptospira infection. Mycobacterium abscessus complex pneumonia and possible progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) as a presentation of AIDS Yu-Hui Lin 1 , Soon-Hian Teh 2 , Lih-shinn Wang 1,2 , Chia-jung Chiang 3 , Yi-wen Wu 2 . 1 School of Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan, 3 Ministry of Health and Welfare Chest Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan Background: M. abscessus complex (MABC) is a group of rapidly growing non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) species that can cause pulmonary infections in AIDS. Methods: A 29-year-old bisexual man presented with productive cough for 6 months. He started to have a fever of 38°C accompanied with productive cough. The fever subsided spontaneously but the patient still had intermittent cough with yellowish sputum without hemoptysis nor night sweats. He had weight loss from 104 to 77 kg. The patient went to another hospital one month prior to this admission. Chest X ray (CXR) revealed multiple nodules with cavitations over bilateral lung fields ( Figure A) . Chest computed tomography (CT) showed multiple nodules and cystic lesions over bilateral lungs ( Figure B ). Three sets of sputum acid fast stain showed negative results. One of the three sets of sputum cultures showed NTM. The patient was admitted to treat possible NTM pneumonia. Results: On admission, complete blood counts showed pancytopenia with white blood cell count of 2,720/ul and lymphocytopenia (15.8%). HIV Ag/Ab was positive by ELISA and Western blot. HIV viral loads were 186,547 copies/ul. HAART was initiated with abacavir/lamivudine and nevirapine on hospital day 5. Other tests showed that sputum Pneumocystis jiroveci, blood Aspergillus and HSV-1 were positive by PCR. Sputum M. tuberculosis complex was undetectable by PCR. NTM pulmonary disease was confirmed by a second expectorated sputum samples. Ethambutol and clarithromycin were prescribed to treat possible M avium complex (MAC), which is the most common NTM infection in HIV/AIDS. Rifabutin and levofloxacin were added on hospital day 8. Clarithromycin was shifted to azithromycin because of intolerance. Further study of the sputum culture confirmed MABC by an official mycobacterium laboratory. Progressive lower limb pain, blurred vision and difficult speaking were noted. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed no mass effect, and PML was suspected. The patient was discharged after 9 weeks of hospital stay. His HIV viral loads were lower than 20 copies/uL within 4 months. Seizure happened once per month and follow-up MRI showed aggravating PML. He took ethambutal, azithromycin and rifambutin as outpatient treatment for a year, and follow-up CXR showed improvement. Conclusion: MABC infections are difficult to treat because of multidrug resistance. MAC and MABC co-infection is possible, and MAC may need to treat empirically when CD4 counts are extremely low in AIDS. Unique physiological properties of toxigenic Clostridium difficile ribotype 078 Cheng-Ju Tseng 1 , Yung-Chieh Fu 1 , Bo-Yang Tsai 2 , Ya Hui Liu 2 , Pei-Jane Tsai 1 *. Background: The spore-forming microorganism Clostridium difficile enables itself to tolerate the extreme environments, and lots of strains enclose the toxin genes and generate toxins that damage the host and lead to various diseases, from the mild diarrhea to the severe pseudomembrane and megacolon. Two C. difficle genotypes ribotyped as 027 and 078 have been found to possess three toxin genes tcdA, tcdB, and cdtA/B, and been demonstrated as the most harmful ribotypes to creatures, which implies the importance of immediate recognition for the proper treatments. Methods: Retrospective, a surveillance study from January 2011 to January 2013 was conducted at the medical wards of a district hospital in southern Taiwan. Molecular characterization of isolates was performed using PCR ribotyping. Results: Ribotype 078/126 (25.0%) was the most frequently identified. Focusing on the zoonotic RT078, we seen its unique performances compared to the conventional C. difficile, including RT027 and other ribotypes. The colony morphology on agar and the cellular aggregation in broth revealed the dissimilar behavior of RT078 rather than other ribotypes. The highly aggregation of RT078 cells was examined and shown neither correlated with the growth rate of bacterial population nor the formation of biofilm. The results of this study suggested the C. difficile RT078 had the distinct physiological phenotype that could be observed easily without further molecular typing. Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscess associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome: first case in Taiwan Background: Antecedent infections are common with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), and are thought to trigger the immune response that leads to acute polyneuropathy. Campylobacter Jejuni, human immunodeficiency virus(HIV), Zika virus are the wellknown common specimen of the antecedent infection. However, there are no report about the Klebsiella pneumoniae primary liver abscess could also lead to GBS. Case report: A 75-year-old retired male patient had undeylying disease of Type II diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease, stage V. He just discharged 2 weeks ago due to biliary tract infection with bacteremia which is proven of K. pneumoniae infection. He was admitted because of fever with chills for few hours. Abdominal echo was arranged and showed bile duct dilatation. Abdominal MRI revealed lobulated lesion at the S2 liver, with restricted diffusion which favor liver abscess. Flomocef 2g every 8 hours was prescribed for the impression of liver abscess. Blood culture during this admission showed no growth. However, bilateral lower leg muscle power and deep tendon reflex (DTR) decreased quickly from distal to proximal, progression of difficulty in defecation and urination during the hospilitation. Cerebrospinal fluid study showed albumino-cytological dissociation and electromyogram (EMG) indicate sensorimotor polyneuropathy of axon degeneration which indirect prove our impression with GBS. Intravenous immunoglubumin was injected. He finally discharged since the symptoms did not progress anymore. Three month later, He could walk and defecate normally when he came back to out patient department follow up. Discussion: Bilateral leg weakness with DTR decreased spreading up from distal to proximal, EMG indicated sensorimotor polyneuropathy of axonal degeneration and albumino-cytological dissociation truly correspond to GBS in this patient. Besides, he did not have other typical symptoms that present with C.Jejuni, HIV or zika virus. Thus, we could boldly associate his GBS with K.pneumoniae liver abscess. This is the first reported case of Guillain-Barré syndrome in Taiwan associated with K.pneumoniae liver abscess which should be kept in mind when making a diagnosis of acute onset of bilateral leg weakness. Methods: After admission, intermittent high fever was persisted, and lab data showed leukocytosis and persisted elevated CRP level. However, there was no respiratory or urinary symptoms. Lab data showed PCT level in reference level. During 5/7∼5/13, chemotherapy was done on 5/8 and there was no major complications noted. However, watery diarrhea was noted since 5/8 night, and CRP level elevated to 45.28 mg/L. Furthermore, stool examination showed positive toxin A + B, which suspected Clostridium difficile infection. We prescribed Flagyl 2# Q6H since 5/10 for him. We also prescribed Trancolon and Smecta for symptom relieving. We had collected rectal swab culture for Clostridium difficile identification and we had ordered to keep contact isolation. Results: During 5/14-5/20, intermittent fever up to more than 39°C was still noted. Intermittent diarrhea was still noted and we kept oral Flagyl use. Furthermore, severe electrolyte imbalance persisted during this week, with hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia, and frequently electrolyte supplement was needed, especially hypokalemia. The watery diarrhea was improving to semi-fluid-solid like stool, with decreasing frequency. We therefore discontinue contact isolation since 5/19. Conclusion: Clostridium difficile is a kind of normal bacteria in human intestinal tract, the use of antibiotics will lead to other intestinal bacteria to reduce the normal therefore cause a lot of breeding and cause disease and severe electrolyte imbalance. Cancer patients, elderly, Immune function deficiency, long-term hospitalization and the use of antibiotic treatment are more susceptible to infection. Clostridium difficile infection is through the hand and body surface contact. Hand washing for the patient has chemotherapy and medical team to prevent Clostridium difficile is particularly important. The epidemiology of urinary tract infection in a Singapore teaching hospital: results of a pilot audit Goh Yi Suan Vivian 1 *, Low Wei Ting Gabriel 1, *, Aw Liang Cheng 1 , Park Chang Joon 1 , Low Taoyang Isaac 2 , Sarah Binte Mohd Sidek 2 , Paul Anantharajah Tambyah 2 . 1 Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2 Division of Infectious Disease, National University Hospital, Singapore *Co-authors Background: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) are among the most prevalent infections worldwide. However there are limited data from Southeast Asia. Methods: We conducted a clinical audit to describe the epidemiology of UTI at the National University Hospital, a 1,200-bed teaching hospital covering the western sector of Singapore, from 15/5/2017 to 13/6/2017. Patient data were extracted from patient charts and electronic medical records on demographics, clinical and microbiological features and outcomes. We defined UTI as positive urine culture >10 3 CFU of bacteria/mL. All other definitions followed international standards. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact test and Student's t-test. Results: Overall, 103 patients had 106 urine cultures of which, there were 41 positive urine cultures, and 65 negative urine cultures. Bacteriuria >10 3 CFU/mL was more common in females than males ( p = 0.008). Of 41 positive urine cultures, 21 had fever >38.0°C, 6 had altered mental state and 7 had lower urinary tract symptoms. 5 had a combination of symptoms while 12 patients had asymptomatic bacteriuria. There was no significant difference in symptom frequency between patients with positive and negative cultures (95%CI 0.5 to 2. 9; p = 0.67) and fever (95%CI −0.4 to 0.4; p = 0.94). After excluding 41 patients with concomitant infections, the presence of fever >38.0°C 48 hours before culture was also not associated with bacteriuria >10 3 CFU/mL (95%CI 0.67 to 5.1; p = 0.3). Urine WBC counts were significantly raised in patients with positive urine cultures ( p = 0.0001) (247 ± 357/hpf ) compared to negative urine cultures (11 ± 16/hpf ), suggesting that urine microscopy should be used as a screen for urine culturing even for hospitalised patients. Hospital-onset UTI accounted for 16 (39%) UTIs while Communityonset UTI accounted for 25 (61%). The length of hospitalization in HOUTI patients (16.5 ± 10 days) was significantly higher than that of COUTI patients (6 ± 2.6 days) (95%CI 5.6 to 15.5; p = 0.0002), otherwise, there were no differences between the two groups. The commonest causative organism cultured was E. coli (n = 17, 41%) followed by Klebsiella Pneumoniae (n = 6, 15%). There was a high degree of antimicrobial resistance detected in the E. coli: 14 (82%) were ampicillin-resistant, 7 (41%) were ciprofloxacinresistant, and 6 (35%) were resistant to third-generationcephalosporins. Conclusion: This pilot audit is limited by the small sample size and presence of concomitant infections. Larger studies are needed to confirm our findings so we can effectively target therapies for patients with UTI without exacerbating the problem of antimicrobial resistance. Development of an improved in-house protocol for fast and reliable identification directly from positive blood cultures using MALDI-TOF MS Menglan Zhou 1,2 , Qiwen Yang 1 *, Yingchun Xu 1 *. Background: Bloodstream infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients worldwide. The application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) directly to blood culture (BC) broth has a potential to identify bloodstream infection earlier and facilitate timely management. Methods: We developed an in-house (IH) protocol for direct MALDI-TOF MS based identification of positive BCs, and compared its performance with the commercial Sepsityper™ kit. The protocol was initially evaluated and improved with known selective positive BC samples. We then studied in parallel the performance of the protocol and the colony MS identifications in positive clinical BC samples. All discrepancies were investigated by "gold standard" of gene sequencing. Results: Of the 54 spiked BC samples, the IH method showed comparable results with Sepsityper™ after applying the modified cut-off values. Accurate species, genus level identification was achieved in 88.7%, 3.9% of all the clinical monomicrobial BCs (284/ 301, 94.4%). It showed superior performance for Gram negative bacteria than for Gram positive bacteria (92.8% versus 82.4%). For anaerobes and yeasts, 80.0% and 90.0% accuracy in species identification were achieved, respectively. For polymicrobial mixed cultures (17/301, 5.6%), MALDI-TOF MS correctly reported a single species present in all the polymicrobial BCs under the Standard mode, while using the MIXED Method, two species were correctly identified in 52.9% of the samples. Comparison between different bottle types, the results indicated that the BACTEC™ Lytic/ 10 Anaerobic/F culture vials exhibited the best performance among the three (BACTECTM Plus Aerobic/F: 87.4%; BACTECTM Lytic/10 Anaerobic/F: 92.1%; BACTECTM Myco/F Lytic: 80.0%). In conclusion, we developed a novel, simple and costeffective sample preparation method for direct identification of pathogens from positive BCs. Evidence-based comparison of diagnostic accuracy of xpert MTB/RIF assay, with smear microscopy for pulmonary tuberculosis and its rifampicin -resistance detection evaluation Yi-Ching Huang 1 , Yuan-Hsin Chu 2 . 1 Division of Infectious Disease, Jen-Ai Hospital, 2 Department of Infection Control, Jen-Ai Hospital Background: Accurate and earlier detection of TB, and TB drug resistance is critical for TB control. Mycobacterial culture is considered as the best reference standard but is relatively complex and slow. Thus, Taiwan CDC recommends to develop rapid technique. Xpert MTB/RIF (Cepheid) assay has been introduced for the diagnosis of TB and RIF(rifampicin)-resistance. We herein compare its diagnostic accuracy of pulmonary tuberculosis with smear microscopy and assess the assay for rifampicin resistance in adults. Methods: It's a diagnostic question, Acquiring systematic review (SR) of cross-sectional studies with reference standard and blinding is priority. P-pulmonary tuberculosis; I-Xpert MTB/RIF; C-smear microscopy; O-diagnostic accuracy The PICO terms and their respective synonyms were engaged by boolean character "AND"→ to search CochraneLibrary and Pubmed→ 3 SR were filterd out of 6 searching results in Cochrane Library→ One most relevant SR was selected and in PubMed we included the same SR. Results: As an initial test replacing smear microscopy, Xpert ® MTB/ RIF pooled sensitivity 89%; pooled specificity 99%. As an add-on test following a negative smear microscopy result, Xpert ® MTB/RIF pooled sensitivity 67%; pooled specificity 99%. For smear-positive, culture-positive TB, Xpert ® MTB/RIF pooled sensitivity 98%. Compared with smear microscopy, Xpert ® MTB/RIF increased TB detection among culture-confirmed cases by 23%. For RIF-resistance detection, Xpert ® MTB/RIF pooled sensitivity 95% and pooled specificity 98%. Conclusion: Compared with smear microscopy, Xpert ® MTB/RIF substantially increases TB detection among culture-confirmed cases. Xpert ® MTB/RIF has higher sensitivity for TB detection in smear-positive than smear-negative patients in adults. Nonetheless, this test may be valuable as an add-on test following smear microscopy in patients previously found to be smearnegative. For rifampicin resistance detection, Xpert ® MTB/RIF provides accurate results and can allow rapid initiation of MDR-TB treatment (Level 1). Clinical aspect of Rhodotorula fungemia in a regional teaching hospital Yi Ching Huang. Division of Infection Diseases, Jen-Ai Hospital -Dali branch Background: Rhodotorula species are common environmental pigmented basidiomycetous yeasts, and also present in skin, nails, and respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary tracts in humans. Rhodotorula species as infrequent yeast pathogens increasingly cause invasive infections such as fungemia, meningitis, ocular infection, peritonitis, and endocarditis. Risk factors included immunocompromised patients and the presence of a central venous catheter. The propose of the study was to review cases of Rhodotorula fungemia over a period of 6 years to determine risk factors and outcome. Methods: The records of the microbiology laboratory at Jen-Ai Hospital -Dali branch, a 602-bed regional teaching hospital in Taiwan, were reviewed to identify patients with positive blood cultures for Rhodotorula species from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2016. The following information was collected: age, gender, underlying disease, presence and type of central venous catheters, parenteral nutrition, use of corticosteroids and exposure to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Results: 25 cultures of blood samples obtained from 12 patients grew Rhodotorula species, mainly Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. The median age was 66 years. Female patients were predominant. Central venous catheters presents in 9 patients, including 4 patients having Hickman catheters. Broad-spectrum antibiotics were administered in 9 patients. Only 2 patients received antifungal therapy. 30-day mortality was 33%. Conclusion: The most common predisposing factors were presence of central venous catheter and use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Results: 13 cases were collected from May 2006 to April 2017 in a single tertiary teaching hospital. All of them were men aging from 17 to 54 years old. 11 were MSM and most common acute syndrome included fever and skin rashes. 6 were co-infected with syphilis. All HIV Ag/Ab EIA /ELISA showed positive and HIV RNA viral load ranged from 3.41 to more than 7 log 10 copy/mL. 7 had CD4 counts less than 200/uL. At the same time, 5 of 13 showed negative Western Blot and the other 8 showed indeterminate results. Repeat Western Blot was done in 6 of 13 and all revealed positive results finally, with time interval from 3 to 17 months. Conclusion: Although indeterminate Western Blot may be present in acute and early HIV infections, confirmation of HIV infection still need more information such as HIV RNA viral loads, PCR or seroconversion. For most clinicians, negative Western Blot usually excludes HIV/AIDS, and may ignore the fact of window period present in acute HIV infections. In high risk population, the diagnosis of acute and early HIV infections can be made by obtaining exposure history or a presentation of a STD. The experience sharing of using system alert mechanism for Clostridium difficile toxin detection in a metropolitan hospital Chiung-Yin Chuang, Chin-Hsiung Kao. Background: Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is associated with long-term or multiple use of antibiotics. It disrupts normal gut flora resulting in diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, or megacolon, etc. The difficulty of diagnosis and the strain diversity make early treatment and isolation a challenge. Bacterial culture and identification are time-consuming and cannot to be used for confirming the virulent strains. By introducing inspection equipment actively and setting the molecular analysis mechanism of toxin-producing strain detection, toxin carriers receive timely treatment and infection control is implemented. Methods: Gene Xpert Dx system was used to detect the toxin genes of Clostridium difficile and NAP/O27 strains which is highly pathogenic. We set an alert mechanism in our hospital information system. It provides not only the daily list of the inpatients meeting the inclusion criteria, such as the times of diarrhea more than or equal to five time or the weight of watery diarrhea is more than or equal to 500 g a day, but also advice items and codes automatically. Results: Among 155 samples, 27 were positive for toxins (17.4%) and no NAP/O27 strains were detected. The laboratory sent information to the physicians and the infection control department immediately when positive outcome released. Also, medical information system and nurse information system revealed alert signal for isolation reminding. Conclusion: Patients suspected infected with Clostridium difficile can be diagnosed and treated by rapid molecular biology analysis. At the same time, contact precaution, antibiotic evaluation, and environmental cleaning rules establishment are carried out to control nosocomial Clostridium difficile infection and improve medical care quality. Performance assessment of the automated iCubate platform for identification of gram-positive cocci in flagged blood cultures, including drug-susceptible and resistant isolates Tai and vancomycin (vanA/vanB) resistance associated genes using multiplex PCR technology. Methods: A total of 212 consecutive flagged blood culture bottles with Gram-positive cocci were evaluated using iCubate platform in National Taiwan University Hospital. The results of this platform were compared to the final results of combined culture-based MALDI-TOF/MS identification, minimum inhibitory concentrations (oxacillin and vancomycin), 16S rRNA (species identification) and resistance-associated genes sequencing (mecA and vanA/vanB). Results: After exclusion of 15 (7.1%) samples with processing errors, the overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of this platform for identification of Gram-positive cocci species were 87.0% ( Background: Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, particularly E. coli producing extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and/or carbapenemase causes global public health concern. To date, limited data was available on genetic study of multidrug resistant E. coli in Myanmar. Methods: A total of 390 non-duplicate consecutive isolates of E. coli collected from North Okkalapa General Hospital, in Yangon, Myanmar from January to December 2016, were analyzed. The presence of bla CTX-M , bla TEM , bla SHV was confirmed by a multiplex PCR and their subtypes were assigned by sequencing. Sequence type (ST) was determined based on Achtman scheme of MLST. Carbapenemase genes, virulence factors genes, O25b allele, and aac (6′)-Ib-cr were detected by PCR. MICs against 18 antimicrobials was determined by broth microdilution test. Results: Among all the isolates, ESBL production was confirmed in 173 isolates (44.4%), and 30 isolates (7.8%) were resistant to carbapenems. Among the ESBL-producing E. coli, dominant phylogroup was A (n = 54, 31.2%), followed by D (n = 49, 28.3%), B2 (n = 48, 27.7%), and B1 (n = 22, 12.7%). Half of the isolates (47.4%, 82/173) had aac-6′-Ib-cr gene whereas O25b allele was detected only in phylogroup B2 isolates. A total of 154 (89%) isolates carried CTX-M and/or TEM-1b. CTX-M genes were classified into group 1 (n = 117, 67.6%) and group 9 (n = 9, 5.2%), which were identified as a dminant CTX-M-15 type, and minor CTX-M-55, CTX-M-27, and CTX-M-14 types. Isolates with CTX-M-15 gene were mostly classified into phylogroup B2-ST131. NDM gene was detected in 70% (n = 21) of carbapenem-resistant isolates. Among them, NDM-5 gene was predominant, followed by NDM-4, NDM-7 and NDM-1 genes. NDM gene-positive isolates were classified into various phylogroups/genotypes including B1-ST448 and D-ST405. OXA-181, a variant of OXA-48, was detected in one isolate each from urine and wound swab which belonged to phylogroup A-ST410. ST131-B2 clone poccessed more virulence factors than NDM genepositive isolates. Conclusion: Our study revealed high rate of ESBL-producing E. coli classified into O25b-ST131-B2 and ST405-D, and emergence of carbapenem-resistant isolates with various NDM genes in Myanmar. Analysis on distribution features and drug resistance of clinically isolated Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in a regional hospital of central Taiwan An-Chi Chen, Yao-Shen Tung, Yui-Yein Yang. Background: S. maltophilia is naturally resistant to many broadspectrum antibiotics that is an opportunistic pathogen capable of causing respiratory, bloodstream, and urinary infections. Hospitalized patients and receiving treatment for other conditions may be susceptible to infection, especially those with severely impaired immune systems. The purpose of this study was to collect samples of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in order to determine drug sensitivity and epidemiological features. Methods: Epidemiologic data were obtained from 158 strains of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia collected between January 2014 and December 2015 in a regional hospital in central Taiwan. Fullyautomatic microorganism identification and drug sensitivity analysis was conducted using Phoenix 100 System (BD). Results: A total of 158 strains of S. maltophilia were obtained from 22 outpatients (13.9%), 53 (33.5%) in the general wards, 83 (52.5%) in the intensive care units. In terms of gender, 91 of the patients were male (58%), the remaining 67 patients were female (42%). The sources of samples were sputum (N = 99, 62.7%), wound (N = 32, 20.2%), blood (N = 12, 8%), urine (N = 7, 4%); bile (N = 3, 1%)and other(N = 5, 3%). The resistance of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates to Ceftazidime (CAZ), Levofloxacin (LVX), Sulfamethoxazole (SXT) were resistance rate was 77.8%, 25.9%, 19.6 respectively (Fig 1) . The results showed that S. maltophilia had a high rate of separation from hospitalization, and prevention should focus on the cleanliness of the hospital, disinfection of the equipment and the handwashing of the staff in order to reduce the infection rate of the nosocomial infection. The drug sensitivity of S. maltophilia should be monitored and analyzed to assist the clinical Physicians choose a reasonable treatment of antibiotics. Demographic characteristics of patients infected with Carbapenem Susceptible Acinetobacter baumannii (CSAB) and Carbapenems Resistance Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) with or without Multiple Drug Resistance (MDR) isolates in a regional teaching hospital in Southern Taiwan Yi-Ping Chen 1 , Po-Liang Lu 2 , Chun-Chi Huang 1 , Jeng-Yih Wu 1 , Chen-Min Kuo 1 , Tung-Nan Liao 3 , Ko Background: Overuse of antibiotics in health-care institutes had led to emergence of resistant pathogens in Taiwan. While the prevalence of multidrug resistant organism were closely monitored in the hospitals in Taiwan, the prevalence of colonization with these organisms in the community, especially among the adults, is largely unknown. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of colonization with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL)-producing or carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli or Klebsiella pneumoniae, and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) among healthy adults in the community in Taiwan. Methods: Between March 2017 and May 2017, a prospective, observational study was conducted at National Taiwan University Hospital, Hsin-Chu Branch. Nasal swabs, anal swabs (or stools) were collected from healthy adult volunteers. Bacterial culture and identification were performed using selective culture medium assisted with Vitek-2 bacterial identification system. A standardized case record form was used to collect demographic data of the paricipants. Results: A total of 44 paricipants were included. Their average age was 45 years old. The male to female ratio was 1:1. The most common chonic cormobidities of the paricipants was hepatitris B (13.6%). 54.5% of paricipants had travelled abroad, and 25% of them had exposed to antibiotics in the previous one year. Among them, the prevelance of nasal carriage of MRSA was 6.8%. The prevelance of stool carriage of cefotaxime non-susceptible and ESBL-producing Escherichia coli was 25% and 18%, respectively. No carbapenem-resistant enterobactereciae or VRE was isolated. Conclusion: A high rate of colonization with Escherichia coli carrying cefotaxime non-susceptibility or ESBL was found among Taiwanese adults in the community. On the contrary, no carbapenem-resistant enterobactereciae or VRE was detected. The prevelance rate of nasal carriage of MRSA remains stationary. The plasmid-mediated fosfomycin resistance determinants and synergy of fosfomycin and meropenem in carbapenemresistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in Taiwan Tsung-Ying Yang 1 , Ting-Yin Wang 1 , Sung-Pin Tseng 1,2 , Methods: 642 CRKP clinical isolates were collected from a nationwide surveillance study (16 hospitals) in Taiwan in 2012-2013. Antimicrobial susceptibilities were determined. PFGE and MLST determined the clonal relatedness. Carbapenemases and fosfomycinases genes were detected by PCR, and their flanking regions were determined by PCR and sequencing. Synergistic activity of meropenem with fosfomycin was examined by the checkerboard method. Results: In total, 36.4% (234/642) of CRKP isolates in Taiwan Conclusion: A clone ( pulsotype XXIII, ST11) has been found to be prevailing among fosfomycin-resistant CRKP in Taiwan. According to the in vitro data, the combination of fosfomycin and meropenem is a potentially alternative choice. Antimicrobial susceptibility to various antibiotics against Staphylococcus saprophyticus isolated from urine in Japan Koichi Takahashi 1,2 *, Tetsuro Muratani 1,3 , Jun-ichi Ohno 1 . 1 IHibiki AMR Laboratory, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2 Fukuoka Shin Mizumaki Hospital, 3 Background: Staphylococcus saprophyticus is one of major uropathogens that causes acute uncomplicated urinary tract infections. However, few data about antimicrobial susceptibility against S. saprophyticus isolates in Japan have been reported. We investigated the susceptibility to various antibiotics against S. saprophyticus isolated in Japan. Methods: A total of 230 non-duplicate S. saprophyticus isolated from urine in the period from 2011 to 2016 in Japan were used in this study. The MICs of various antimicrobials against the isolates were determined by the two-fold serial agar dilution method as described by the CLSI. The resistant isolates to antimicrobials were basically interpreted according to CLSI breakpoint. The mecApositive isolates were determined by PCR using specific primers. Results: The isolates from female patients accounted for 93.5% (215/230). The isolates from male patients were not isolated in 2011 to 2013, however, in 2014 to 2016 they accounted for 8.9%. 81.4% of isolates from female patients were isolated from patients of less than 50 years old. In contrast, the isolates from male patients of less than 50 years old accounted for only 33.3%. Monomicrobial infection accounted for 87.0% (female: 89.3%, male: 53.3%). Betalactamase were not detected from all isolates. The mecA-positive isolates accounted for 15.2%. In 2011 In , 2012 In , 2013 In , 2014 In , 2015 In , and 2016 , the ratio of mecA-positive isolates were 6.7, 5.3, 0, 18.3, 17.2, and 23.5%. The ratios of mecA-positive isolates from female patients and it from male patients were 13.0% and 46.7%. The MICs of oxacillin against mecA-positive and negative isolates were ranged 2 to >128 mg/L and 0.016 to 2 mg/L. The isolates with MIC 2 mg/L to oxacillin existed 2 strains, one was mecA-negative, the other was mecA-positive. There were no isolates resistant to levofloxacin (0.008-1 mg/L), minocycline (0.004-0.25 mg/L), vancomycin (0.12-4 mg/L), and teicoplanin (0.12-8 mg/L). The resistant ratios to clarithromycin, azithromycin, clindamycin, fofomycin, and sufamethoxazole/trimethoprim were 29.6, 30.0, 2.6, 48.7, and 0.9%. Conclusion: In Japan, the mecA-positive S. saprophyticus have emerged and been increasing. The ratio of it accounted for 15.2%, especially in 2016 it accounted for 23.5%. In Japan, the increase of mecA-positive S. saprophyticus isolates is not clinical problem of chemotherapy because fluoroquinoles have no resistant. However, it is considered that we have to continue survey of antimicrobial susceptibility in S. saprophyticus. Epidemiological analysis of drug resistant bacteria from 2015 to 2017: an experience from a regional teaching hospital in Hsin-Chu Hui Min Fan 1 , Ya I. Hsiao 1 , Yu Tin Cheng 1 , Yu Shan Huang 2 , Yi Shun Chen 1 *. 1 Laboratory Medicine Department, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch, ROC Background: Since our hospital joined the antibiotic stewardship program in 2015, we had been focusing on reducing the contamination rate of clinical specimens, monitoring the prevalence of multi-drug resistant bacteria, and promoting the proper use of antibiotics. For these purposes, we set up quality indicators and underwent internal discussions and staff trainings. By analyzing the isolation rates of drug-resistant bacteria for the past two years, we evaluate the effectiveness of infection control in our hospital. 1. Investigation of 4 drug-resistant bacteria with clinical significance to healthcare-associated infections, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycinresistant Enterococcus (VRE), carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB), and carbapenem-resistant Enterobactoriaceae (CRE). 2. By using the Whonet system and working with our IT (Information Technology) department, a statistical report format was constructed. We could analyze the isolation rates and trend of drug-resistant pattern of the above bacteria from January, 2015 to February, 2017. 3. The analyzed results were reported and tracked in group meetings regularly held by our infection control committee to provide timely and effective clinical information to our infection control practitioners and physicians. Results: The isolation rates of 4 multi-drug resistant bacteria are as follows respectively: MRSA, between 27.7% and 55.3% (means: 47.4%); CRAB, reduced from 71.8% to 33.3% (means: 44.0%). Both the annual isolation rates of MRSA and CRAB declined significantly. The isolation rates of CRE dropped from 5.4% to 3.3% (means: 4.0%), with flat trend. However, VRE increased from 1.9% to 23.9% (means: 13.0%), which showed an upward trend. Conclusion: The trend analysis of MRSA, CRAB and CRE indicated successful infection control. However, the increased isolation rate of VRE highlighted the need to reinforce further monitoring of VRE infection, which is the key point of infection control in our hospital. Epidemiological analysis of multi-drug resistant pathogens could assist clinicians in choosing the appropriate antibiotics. By this analysis, a decrease of multi-drug resistant microorganisms, improved patient survival, a better quality of care, as well as the reduction of medical expense would all be expected. Antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa from otorrhea of chronic suppurative otitis media patients Yee-Hyuk Kim. Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, School of Medicine, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu, Korea Background: Knowing the bacteria that cause chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) and the antimicrobial susceptibility of the causative bacteria is important in the use of antibiotics as a primary treatment. Methods: This study was conducted retrospectively, from March 2011 to February 2017, at the tertiary hospital in Korea using the medical records of 488 patients with otorrhea caused by CSOM. Results: The most commonly identified bacteria was Staphylococcus aureus (164 participants, 33.6%). Of the 164 cases, 60.0% (98 cases) were Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The MRSA in 1 case was resistant to Vancomycin and 97 cases were susceptible. Seven cases were resistant to Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) and 91 cases were susceptible. MRSA had the highest sensitivity to TMP-SMX except Vancomycin. The second most frequently identified bacteria was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (109 patients, 22.3%). Of these 109 cases, 54.1% (59 cases) were Ciprofloxacin-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA). CRPA were highly susceptible to Ceftazidime, Amikacin, and Meropenem. In 28.1% of patients (137 cases), the remaining bacteria were detected except for the two bacteria. No growth was found in 16% of patients, which may be due to antibiotic use before arriving at the tertiary hospital. Conclusion: MRSA was the most susceptible to TMP-SMX among oral medicine. Therefore, TMP-SMX may be a preferential treatment for MRSA in outpatient settings. CRPA showed the lowest resistance to Ceftazidime. Because no suitable oral antibiotic exists for CRPA, inpatient treatment should be considered in these cases. Background: Previous studies have suggested that sequence type 59 (ST59) predominates among borderline-oxacillin resistant mecA-positive Staphylococcus aureus (BORSA) (minimum inhibitory concentrations of oxacillin, 0.5-4 μg/mL) isolates, and clinical data related to bacteremia caused by BORSA ST45 isolates are limited. Methods: Patients (age >15 years) with bacteremia due to BORSA who were admitted to the emergency department in a tertiary hospital between January 2001 and December 2015 were evaluated. Clinical characteristics of patients with bacteremia caused by BORSA, methicillin-susceptible S. aureus and MRSA bacteremia were compared. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was determined using the agar dilution method. Genetic characteristics of all BORSA isolates were analyzed using typing of the SCCmec gene and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was performed to identify the clonality of the emerging ST type isolates. The promoter region sequence and quinolone-resistant genes were also analyzed for all BORSA isolates and the major ciprofloxacin resistant clone, respectively. Results: Among the 65 patients with bacteremia due to BORSA, the in-hospital mortality was 24.6%, significantly lower than that of bacteremic patients caused by MRSA (38.5%, P = 0.03). The underlying conditions were similar between BORSA and MRSA patients, but with less dialysis of the former (P = 0.01). Multivariate analysis revealed that septic shock (odds ratio, 15.95; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.41-180.89) and bacteremia originating from lower respiratory tract infection (OR, 5.78; 95% CI, 1.10-30.28) were two independent risk factors for 30-day mortality. Multidrug resistant ST45 with high-level ciprofloxacin resistance (MICs range, 8-128 μg/mL) replaced ST59 as the predominant clone since 2012. No major clustering of ST45 isolates was detected. Conclusion: Clinical presentations and underlying condition of BORSA and MRSA bacteremia patients were similar, with lower inhospital mortality. The emerging multidrug resistant ST45 clone has replaced ST59 as the most common in BORSA isolates. Repeat HIV testing and early HIV diagnosis among clients attending voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) clinics in Wuxi, China 2013-2015: a retrospective cohort study Xiaojun Meng 1 , Wenjuan Ma 1 , Xuan Zhang 1 , Hao Cheng 1 , Jing Gu 1 , Andrew Grulich 2 , Huachun Zou 2,3 *. (3.7, 2.7-4.9 ), injection drug use (9.9, 6.5-15.1)] and having ever tested for HIV (2.0, 1.6-2.4) . The overall rate of incident HIV diagnosis among all VCT clients was 1.6 per 100 person-years. Incident HIV diagnosis was associated with male gender (adjusting hazard ratio: aHR = 8.5, 95% CI: 1.9-38.1), attending hospital-based VCT clinics (7.8, 1.1-58.3) and male-male sexual behaviors (8.4, 1.5-46.7). Higher CD4+ T cell count was observed among cases diagnosed at VCT clinics based at a local center for disease control and prevention compared to those based at other clinical services (median 407 versus 326 copies/mm 3 , p = 0.003). Background: In Japan, the 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine (PCV7) was introduced in 2010, and the PCV7 was replaced with the 13valent pneumococcal vaccine (PCV13) in 2013. Our previous study on non-invasive pneumococcal disease (non-IPD) in outpatients among children demonstrated an increase of non-PCV13 serotypes from 39.7% in 2011 to 75.1% in the PCV13 period (Nov. 2013 to Nov. 2014 . The present study aimed to investigate serotype distribution and antimicrobial susceptibilities of S. pneumoniae among children in 2016. Methods: From May to November 2016, a total of 678 pneumococcal isolates were collected from noninvasive infections in pediatric outpatient (<16 years) who visited various hospitals and clinics throughout Hokkaido, northern main island of Japan. All isolates were serotyped by sequential multiplex PCR methods. After the PCRs, additional genetic subtyping for serogroups 6 and 15 was performed as reported previously. Susceptibilities to 18 antimicrobials were measured by broth microdilution method using "Dry Plate, Eiken" for all isolates of dominant serotypes 15A, 35B, 15C and 23A. Results: Among the isolates, the prevailing serotypes were non-PCV13 serotypes 15A (14.5%), 35B (11.8%), 15C (9.3%), 23A (9.0%), 10A, 15B, 11A, and 34, accounting for 74.3% of all isolates. In total, 87.9% of the isolates were non-PCV13 serotypes. The nonsusceptibility rates to penicillin among serotype 23A, 15A, 35B, and 15C were 100%, 96.9%, 81.3%, and 7.9%, respectively. Most of the isolates with serotypes 15A, 35B, 15C, and 23A (≥91.3%) were nonsusceptible to erythromycin and tetracycline. High rates of cefotaxime non-susceptibility were found in serotypes 15A (65.3%) and 35B (82.6%). All the isolates examined were susceptible to vancomycin and quinolones. Conclusion: Our present study indicated further increase of nonvaccine serotypes following the use of conjugate vaccines, associated with increase of antimicrobial resistance in the dominant serotypes. Background: Cellulitis is usually caused by indigenous flora colonzing on the skin and appendages, such as Staphylococcus or streptococcus. However, in absence of abscess or open wound, it is difficult to establish the bacterial etiology. We usually prescribe antibiotics basing on local epidemiologic data. In recent few years, community-acquired MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) increases gradually in Taiwan, whether antibiotics against MRSA and MSSA (methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus) should be prescribed at the same time become a clinical dilemma. Herein, we conduct a study to establish epidemiologic data and evaluates the association between treatment response and nasal carriage status in adult patients with cellulitis. Methods: Patients, aged over 20, with diagnosis of cellulitis will be enrolled. Nasal swab, clinical samples and information will be collected and sent to further microbiologic culture and susceptible test. Results: Totally 89 patients were included in the two-year consecutive prospective observational study. The nasal swab surveillance showed 74 (83%) patients without S. aureus colonization, 11 (12.4%) patients with S. aureus colonization, and 4 (4.5%) patients colonized by MRSA. No specific background factors, such as age, underlying disease, patients' sources and so on, can be identified to predict their carriage status. The four patients with MRSA colonization, none of them was given anti-MRSA antibiotics empirically but their clinical response, including days of antibiotics and days of hospitalization, have no different from those with MSSA colonization and without S. aureus colonization. However, once the pus formation, we noted the pus culture result was correlated with their nasal carriage status. The limitation of our study was small case number in patient group of nasal MRSA colonization. Conclusion: In Taiwan, MRSA nasal carriage rate is not high (4.5%) in adult patient with cellulitis. No specific factor can be identified to predict a MRSA nasal carrier in this group of patients. However, whether a patient is a nasal MRSA carrier or not, there is no different in their treatment response to antibiotics, empiric antibiotics against MRSA is not needed. Background: Carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKp) have been recognized in healthcare settings and pose a serious threat to hospitalized patients. CRKp is resistant to almost all available antimicrobial agents. Mechanisms of resistance to carbapenems involves the production of carbapenemase and loss of porins. However, the types of carbapenemase involved varies from country to country. Previously, CRKp isolated in 2013 from a tertiary hospital in Malaysia have been characterized (Low et al., 2017) . In this study, we aimed to determine the changing trends of genotypic characteristics of CRKp by comparing the isolates from 2014 with the published 2013 data. Methods: A total of 18 CRKp isolates from 2014 were collected from the diagnostic lab in the hospital. Presence of carbapenemase genes and outer membrane protein (OMP) in 2014 isolates were determined using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The isolates were subjected to multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The results obtained for 2014 isolates were compared with the published data on 17 CRKp isolated in 2013 from the same hospital. All isolates from 2014 and the isolates published in Low et al. (2017) were the first isolate per patient. In addition, in this study, the clonal complex of related isolates was defined by eBURST based on the assigned sequence types for 2014 isolates in this study and the sequence types for 2013 isolates in previous study (Low et al., 2017) . Results: NDM was the most common carbapenemase gene detected among the 2014 isolates and majority of the NDM producing isolates were co-producing other carbapenemase. Loss of porin was detected in 5 isolates from 2014. Compared to the previous study, the number of NDM in this hospital was significantly increased from only 1 isolate in 2013 to 12 isolates in 2014. Overall, increasing numbers of carbapenemase coproducing isolates over the 2-year period had been observed. In addition, 9 sequence types with 3 new sequence types (ST2198, ST 2199, ST2200) were identified among 2014 isolates. Similar to previous findings on 2013 isolates, ST101 was predominant in 2014, followed by ST147 and ST11. Finally, based on the eBURST analysis, the isolates from 2014 have been grouped into two clonal complexes while all 8 sequence types of 2013 isolates appeared to be singleton. Conclusion: High heterogeneity among the isolated CRKp were observed. The increasing cases of CRKp in this hospital might be due to the emergence of CRKp harboring various carbapenemases coupled with the loss of porin. Analysis of Salmonella strains in 2016single hospital experience Chia-Chun Tsaz, Li-Chiu Weng, Pei-Ling Lien, Chi-Ching Chen. Background: Salmonella is one of the main causes of diarrheal diseases. In general, humans contracted it from consumption of contaminated food by manure of animal origin (eggs, meat, poultry, and milk) or vegetables, which have been implicated in its transmission. It is usually characterized by acute onset of fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Most cases of salmonellosis are mild; however, sometimes it can be lifethreatening. Salmonella is a gram negative rods genus belonging to the Enterobactericeae family. In the genus, Salmonella, more than 2,500 serotype are currently recognized. Antimicrobial resistance is a public health concern and Salmonella is one of the microorganisms in which some resistant has been emerged. So we analyzed 284 strains of Salmonella, to understand its serum group, specimen source, antimicrobial drug resistance. Methods: A total of 284 strains of Salmonella were isolated from the clinical specimen of the patients. The analysis was done from 2016 samples. Salmonella grouping, analysis of 284 strains of Salmonella, type B has 85 strains (30%), type C has 66 strains (23%), type D has 83 strains (29%), E type has 47 strains (17%), unidentified (non-PolyA-I & Vi) type has 3 strains (1%). 284 strains of Salmonella is isolated from bile, blood, pus, feces and urine, which account for 88% of feces, 8% blood, and 2% urine. We analyzed a routine antibiotic susceptibility testing of ampicillin/sulbactam, ceftriaxone, ertapenem,imipenem, levofloxacin and trimethoprim/sulfame. Ampicillin/sulbactam had 55% susceptibility, ceftriaxone had 69% susceptibility, ertapenem had 100% susceptibility, Imipenem had 100% susceptibility, levofloxacin had 70% susceptibility, and trimethoprim/sulfame had 69% susceptibility. Conclusion: O antigen group of Salmonella, found to have various types, not more often type have been separated, they mainly isolated from the feces, and in the antibiotic susceptibility test part of the carbapenem class (Imipenem, Imipenem) has 100% susceptibile, fluoquinolone drugs (levofloxacin) has 70% susceptibile, other drug also has more than 50% susceptibile testing. Salmonella is one of the most common causes of food poisoning. Symptoms of salmonellosis are mild and patients recover without specific treatment in most cases. However, in children and elderly patients, the associated dehydration become severe and lifethreatening. Antimicrobial resistance of salmonella have emerged,the right antibiotic choice is very important. Improving the condition in operation rooms Fu-Chieh Chang 1 , Hsueh-Wen Wu 2 , Li-Lin Kuo 2 , Chang-Pan Liu 1,3 . Background: The HOCl was a weak acid which can production anions then interacted to the cell wall or cell membrane. Once this acid interacted to the pathogen, it will destroy the structure of pathogen then the osmolality will change. Finally, the pathogen will die. So, in this study, we wanted to know the really effect of HOCl killed pathogen in vitro. Methods: In this study, we used the Acinetobacter baumannii as a pathogen. In the begging, we transferred Acinetobacter baumannii to normal saline, then check the MacFaland to 0.5. We used this suspension and add HOCl, then we used the TSA agar to culture. According to previous studies, these bacteria can live in the surface of hospital over 3 months, and once the staff touch the surface, it would be a chance to infect patient by any actions. That is to say, it's very easy infected by CRAB with imperfect infection control. In this report, we found some error in our hospital that occurred on the action of bronchoscopy operated. Methods: In this Investigation, we collected the five strain CRAB from 5 patients' BAL culture. Then we check all the action of staff who operated the bronchoscopy. Then we used the Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis to check the strain were the same or not. Results: After the investigation, we found the staff did not use the disposable gel for bronchoscopy. It wound be another risking for infection. Otherwise, we found the staff didn't wash their hand correctly. But, thanks to the PFGE, the result showed all the CRAB were not the same. That's to say, these CRABs could live in the surface, and not only one train were presented on this ICU. Conclusion: In this case, even the CRAB were not the same, but we still found the possible chance that would cause infection once the staff don't take care. Besides that, we suggested that it's better to use the disposable gel for Bronchoscopy. Table 1 . The ward environment cleaning monitoring took 13 months, the results showed even cleaning and disinfection have been implemented, MDRO still exists in the ward environment. Thus, we provided sanitary unit these data for educational training and ask them to improve their practice on environment cleaning. Besides, Table 1 also showed non-high-risk ward sections was free from MDRO, indicating high-risk ward sections should be regularly monitored, and supervised implementation of environment cleaning and disinfection to ensure better cleanliness in hospital environment and better healthcare quality. The trend of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a regional teaching hospital Among these drug-resistant species, CRAB and CRPA are in the majority. Therefore, this article aim to analyze the trend of CRAB and CRPA in recent 5 years. Methods: The statistic data of antibiotic susceptibility of the gramnegative bacteria regarding to Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were collected from the Medical Information System of the hospital from 2012-2016, and Carbapenem was seen as the index, that is, the percentage of Carbapenem-resistant strain depends on the highest percentage, either of ertapenem-, or of imipenem-resistant strain. Results: Our statistical result showed that during the year 2012-2016, Acinetobacter baumannii were 3137 strains in total; CRAB was 86.9% (81.21%∼90.29%) in average; Pseudomonas aeruginosa were 6,607 strains in total; CRPA was 18.01% (13.89%∼20.82%) in average. We found since 2012, CRAB and CRPA decreased year by year. In 2015 they suddenly raised, yet through infection control interventions, CRAB decreased in 2016 again (the results were listed in Figure 1 ). Conclusion: CRAB showed the highest percentage of antibiotic resistance MDRO in our hospital. In addition to promotion of Antibiotic Stewardship Program, more attention should be paid to MDRO monitoring. Our monitor data were counted and the results were reported in the infection control meeting quarterly. Therefore we were able to find pre-described the trend of raised CRAB in 2015, and immediately took interventions, including contact precautions, arranging areas to place and treat MDRO patients. Besides, the auto messaging system has established in 2015, reminds the healthcare staffs of implementing contact precautions, to facilitate the prevention of MDRO transmission. Cleaning efficacy for contaminated mobile nursing carts Tun-Chieh Chen 1,3 *, Chun-Feng Chiu 1 , Jennifer Nai-Hwa Shih 2 . Background: Mobile nursing cart is a trend for modern nursing practice, which can enhance the working efficiency and reduce the processing mistakes. But the mobile devices might become the media for transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms. This study aims to investigate the adequacy and accessibility of surface disinfection process for nursing cart, which can provide the experience for establishing standard operation processes of environmental cleanliness and disinfection. Methods: 1. We performed surface culture of every mobile nursing cart from 10 highly frequent touched points. 2. We tested the disinfective efficacy of different agents (alcohol or quaternary ammonium based spray or tissue), which determined by surface ATP bioluminescence. 3. We conducted questionnaire from healthcare workers for the convenience and accessibility of different disinfective agents. Results: We yielded 180 microorganisms from total 320 points (56.3%) and there were 62 clinically significant bacteria (19.4%), which followed by the frequency was 14 Enterococcus faecium, 14 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, 10 Enterobacter cloacae, 7 Enterococcus faecalis and 7 Acinetobacter baumannii. The efficacy of different disinfective agents were well, which determined by significant decline of ATP value after surface cleaniness. The healthcare workers reported similar convenience and accessibility of diffecent disinfective agents. Conclusion: The mobile medical devices are widely used in modern healthcare service. We demonstrated the devices could be the media of bacterial transmission and might result in healthcare associated infection. Alcohol or quaternary ammonium based agent is a suitable agent for this purpose. The small parts of the automatic endoscope reprocessor may cause the positive results of repeated microbiological monitoring of gastrointestinal endoscopes after high-level disinfection Che-Yi Hung 1 *, Shu-Shia Chang 2 . 1 Kuang Tien General Hospital, 2 Kuang Tien General Hospital, Dajia Branch Background: Contaminated endoscopes have been linked to more outbreaks of healthcare-associated infections than any other medical device. Microbiological surveillance may help in monitoring the effectiveness of GI endoscope disinfection. In this study, what caused GI endoscope cleaned and disinfected with the standard procedure but still tested positive for bacterial growth was discussed. Methods: The EW-30 and OER-AW automated endoscope repressors(AERs)(Aizu Olympus Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) were used for endoscope reprocessing. One EW-30 and one OER-AW AERs were used for endoscopes and the other EW-30 was used for colonoscopes. To monitor the quality of gastrointestinal endoscope reprocessing, two endoscopes and one colonoscope were randomly selected for obtaining surveillance cultures monthly. Cultures were obtained by adding 10 ml of sterile water to the biopsy channel of an endoscope. This wash was collected in a sterile container, plated onto blood and Eosin-Methylene Blue agar, incubated at 35°C, and examined for bacterial growth. A fishbone diagram was used to identify possible causes of a problem and to sort ideas into useful categories. Results: A total of 30 cultures were obtained from January to November in year 2016. 8/30 (26.7%) cultures were positive; 7 (87.5%) were from endoscopes. The fishbone diagram showed that the root causes of the positive cultures may be job rotation and old equipment. The reprocessing procedure was altered, with improvement. However, 6 (60.0%) positive cultures were obtained from endoscopes processed with the EW-30. The fact was found that the joints of the water/air channel and the instrument/suction channel in the AER were damaged and could not allow the circulation of the fluid under pressure through the channels. There are different methods used for monitoring environment clean in hospital, include: direct observation, bacterial culture, and ATP (adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence assay). The purpose of terminal disinfection after patient discharged is to ensure environment clean of ward to keep next patient from infections caused by polluted environment. Thus, a regional teaching hospital apply ATP to evaluate efficacy of monitoring environment cleaning after terminal disinfection. Methods: Two medical ward, 2 surgical ward, Obstetrics ward, and 2 intense care ward sections were selected according to number of beds. Ten to 20 high contact surfaces of each ward sections were chosen for ATP test. Sanitary staffs clean the ward environment with 500 ppm hypochlorous acid after patient discharged. After they cleaned these surfaces 30 minutes to 2 hours later, these surfaces were rubbed for sampling by ATP swab for environment monitoring. Results: There was a total of 100 samples in which RLU values of 5 samples were over 500, thus unqualified rate of ward environment cleaning was 5% (5/100). Refrigerator door handles in surgery ward 5F showed highest RLU (1684); next were EKG monitor keyboard (RLU = 769) and bedside cabinet table surface (RLU: 671) in the medical intense care ward (CCU); then desk drawer beside the bed (RLU = 550) and closet door handles (RLU = 509) in the medical ward 3F. Besides, all 20 surfaces in surgical intense care ward (ICU) showed RLU values < 100, indicating high efficacy of terminal disinfection. RLU values were showed in Table 1 . Conclusion: Some environmental surfaces in the monitoring showed unqualified cleanliness, which means clean work have not been thoroughly implemented. We provided sanitary unit these data for educational training and ask them to improve their practice to these high-RLU environmental surfaces, which help making environment clean better. Clean environment is associated with better healthcare quality. In general, regularly monitoring environment clean is necessary, either method is used. Correlation between first line anti-tuberculosis drugs and hepatitis Background: According to American Society for Microbiology, blood culture contamination rate should be lower than 3%. Bacteriological laboratory of a regional teaching hospital set 3% as threshold and monitors blood culture contamination rate every month. The average blood culture contamination rate from July to September, 2016 was 3.6% (3.1-4.0%) which was higher than the threshold 3%. We further analyzed all causes and made a critical examination. The possible causes were as follows: (1) Results: Blood culture contamination rates of November and December were 1.6% and 2.6%, respectively, and both were lower than 3%. Monthly monitoring and quarterly evaluation of collecting blood culture samples were being carried on. Conclusion: Blood culture report provides an important basis for physicians to recognize pathogens result in blood infections and prescribe drugs for effective treatment. Through operating appropriate sample colleting skills helps reducing blood culture contamination rate, and providing correct result to ensure accuracy of laboratory report and increase healthcare quality. Application of fluorescent marker with quantitative bioburden methods: for cleanliness assessment I-Chen Hung 1 , Hao-Yuan Chang 2 , An-Chi Chen 1 , Ling Ting 1 , Yeur-Hur Lai 1 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1 . 1 National Taiwan University Hospital, 2 National Taiwan University Background: Improvement of environmental cleaning in hospitals has been shown to decrease cross-transmission of pathogens. Several objective methods, including aerobic colony counts (ACCs), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence assay and fluorescent marker were developed for cleanliness assessment. However, few published data are available regarding the interpretation of fluorescent marker. Methods: This study was conducted a prospective survey of a stratified sampling in 2 hospitals. The same 10 high-touch surfaces were tested after terminal cleaning, using fluorescent marker, ATP assay and ACC. The surfaces with fluorescent marker of our evaluation defined totally cleaning, partially cleaning (1/4 to 3/4 residual gel), no cleaning. The benchmark clean criteria of ATP and ACC were <500 relative light units (RLU) and <100 colony forming units (CFU)/100 cm 2 , respectively. Results: Of the 830 high-touch surfaces, 321 (38.7%) surfaces were totally cleaning according to fluorescent marker, 84 (10.1%) surfaces were partially cleaning, 425 (51.2%) surfaces were not cleaning. Respectively, 66.7% and 91.4% of ATP and ACC assessment were considered clean according to each test standard. The surfaces with fluorescent marker totally cleaning group had significant lower ATP value and ACC value than partially cleaning group and no cleaning group (Table 1) . And totally cleaning group had significant higher ATP clean rate and ACC clean rate than other groups. Totally cleaning vs no cleaning significance at P < 0.0001. Our evaluation provide the surfaces with fluorescent marker totally cleaning could offer objective standards for hospital cleanliness. Strengthen the reliable wipe off of high-touch surfaces can improve the cleaning quality. Further studies are necessary to establish the association of cleanliness and microbial transmission and healthcare-associated infections. Background: Hand Hygiene by using alcohol hand rub has been extensively promoted in our hospital since 2008. We had adopted all elements of the WHO multimodal promotion strategy of Hand hygiene including preparing resources, obtained baseline compliance rate, formal kick-off ceremony and serials education program, continued monitoring and feedback. We also developed ongoing action plan for promoting hand hygiene every year. The compliance rate had risen from 21% in 2008 to 76% in 2012. However, we found the compliance rate have reached the plateau during the period from 2012 to 2014 (76%, 73% and 74%). The objectives of the program were (1) to empower, engage, educate and train up Infection Control Link Nurse (ICLN) in Hand Hygiene promotion and supervision, (2) to recruit an ICLN from each ward and unit and appoint them as observer in hand hygiene practices, (3) to reinforce hand hygiene compliance and enhance safety culture. Methods: The observation period had been divided into two parts: part 1 in 2014 and part 2 in 2015. 20 ICLNs had been recruited as hand hygiene observers. Introduction to hand hygiene observation had been provided by Infection Control Nurse (ICN). ICN provided orientation and coaching on the day of observation to every observer till ICLNs were able to perform observation independently. ICLNs had been assigned to observe wards except their own ward in order to avoid bias. Each observation session last for 30 minutes. ICLN self-respond questionnaire was used to evaluation the programme afterward. ICT would than collected the duly completed questionnaires and performed data analysis. Results: The total number of hand hygiene opportunities observed by ICLN were 1262 (Part 1) and 1248 (Part 2) respectively. There is no significant variation (75.9% vs 74.1% P = 0.320) between hand hygiene compliance rate in the first part of hand hygiene observation and the observation performed by ICN in previous quarter before the study. The overall hand hygiene compliance rates had been significantly improved from 75.9% to 80.3% (P = 0.007) in all staff groups. All of the 20 ICLNs had completed the evaluation questionnaires. Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a common legal infectious disease in Taiwan. The lesions of Tuberculosis are sometimes non-classical, leading to difficulties in making clinical diagnosis. Thus, Tuberculosis easily causes nosocomial infection and the reason behind is worth exploring. The diagnosis of Tuberculosis mainly depends on chest X-ray, TB/AFB, and TB/culture so that the patients can be diagnosed and receive treatments in time. In July 2016, another hospital notified us that one of our patients had Tuberculosis. In June 2016, this patient was admitted to our hospital for 8 days. We found 3 contacts after estimating the communicable period, which was 3 months before the patient was diagnosed. The patient neither presented with classical symptoms of Tuberculosis nor received any chest x-ray inspection. As a result, we wanted to analyze the reasons and make improvements. Methods: We used Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and implemented interventions including: (1) to add inpatient's chest X-ray inspection into routine standardized operating procedures and announce it in infection control committees and visiting staff meetings, (2) to provide in-service education, and (3) to follow up the contacts' chest X-ray inspections regularly. Results: After the interventions, chest X-ray inspection is now one of the routine admission inspections for inpatients. Also, there are two regular courses relating to Tuberculosis each year and the course completion rate of all health care professionals was 95.5%. Conclusion: Some patients with Tuberculosis may spread mycobacterium tuberculosis in hospitals before their diagnosis is confirmed, thus, increasing the risk of exposure to infections for staffs and patients. It is necessary to make convincing diagnosis in time and implement infection control interventions. All in all, we provided our caring experiences as a reference for medical and nursing management. Investigation and treatment of abnormal increase of MDROs in surgical intensive care unit of a medical center Chi-Fen Tsou 1 , Ying-Ling Chen 1 , Hung jen Tang Results: These control measures were successful and no further cases of VRE colonization were identified. VRE was isolated from the environment (surfaces of bed rails, ambu bag, on a patient bucket urinal, and curtain). All isolates were sent to a reference laboratory for typing and confirmed that the environmental samples were the same strain as the 2 patients who isolated VRE on the first occasion. Conclusions: Although VRE is known to persist in the environment, we were concerned that VRE persisted despite cleaning of the ICU. Further investigation revealed that ward cleaner is responsible for cleaning the bed and that nursing staff are responsible for cleaning the medical instruments. But as the cot sides of a bed may be moved, it was unclear whose role it was to clean the cot sides. Transmission to patients is however more likely to occur in "near-patient" areas such as the hospital bed and patient equipment. While cleaning of soiled linens room and floors is usually done by the ward cleaner, which cleans these "nearpatient" areas is greyer and may be carried out by nursing staff, ward cleaner or healthcare assistants; depending on the nature of equipment to be cleaned. Most importantly on "near-patient" areas, this can be an important niche for transmission of multidrug resistant organisms. Investigation and control of outbreak of impetigo infection among newborns in maternity nursery of regional teaching hospital Yu-Lan Wang 1 , Yu-Wen Huang 2 , Ya-Fang Wang 3 , Yong-Ching Lau 4 , Wen-Chuan Lin 5 . 1 Infection Control Office, 2 Infectious Diseases, 3 Pediatric Infection Disease Background: Five new born were reported of the pustules on skin, arms, and eyes, impetigo was suspected at 13th October year 2015 in Maternity Nursery. Implementations of infection control measures were applied in order to control the outbreak. Methods: Environmental and laboratory investigation: We started our study by interviewing healthcare workers who worked in Maternity Nursery, five neonates presented with pustules during 10 days admission. We found that workers did not change protective clothes; medical files were located at patient's room, workers failed to clean their hands, repeated use baby towel, clean stuff located at patient's room. Environmental samples, 59 specimens, from the most frequently used neonatal care equipments, such as radiant warmer, weight scale, baby incubator, nursing ward and keyboards were collected for bacterial culture. Nasal swab samples (98) Background: An accurate diagnosis of bloodstream infection relies on the result of blood culture, especially in the emergency room (ER), where emerging or critical patients were taken care of and relied heavily on rapid and correct blood culture results. In the case hospital, the contamination rate of blood culture constantly remained as high as 7.6% (CLSI <3%), which would influence a physician in making correct diagnosis and choosing suitable antimicrobial agents. Therefore, how to reduce the contamination rate of blood culture becomes a critical issue. Methods: An interdisciplinary team was set up. Through a quality control approach, the team analyzed the causes of blood culture contamination through real-time observation on site. Certain infection control strategies were implemented, including: (1) a new trial of 2%CHG detergent and preparation procedure; (2) a newlytested soaking time of 3 secs for disinfect cotton swabs at 2%CHG; (3) a revision of disinfection procedure; and (4) a feedback of blood culture contamination for consequent re-education and training. Results: From January to April 2017, the contamination rate of blood culture decreased from 7.6% to 5.3%. In addition, the waiting time for evaporation of detergents decreased from three minutes to less than one minutes. For an average of 665 blood cultures in ER per month, about 1330 minutes (22 hours) were saved in one month. The weight of medical waste per sample was decreased from 12 grams to 4.07 grams with a total of 5273.5 grams, indicating a cost saving in waste handling by nealy 66% per month in ER. Conclusion: Implementation of infection policy toward blood culture procedure is beneficial for physicians in making precise therapeutic decisions, and demonstrates to be an effective approach to reducing waiting time and cost in ER. Background: Hand hygiene is the leading measure for preventing the spread of antimicrobial resistance and reducing healthcareassociated infections. However healthcare worker compliance with optimal practices remains low in most settings. We evaluated the impact of multifaceted hand hygiene (HH) intervention on the adherence of HH and isolation rate of antibiotic resistant organisms. Methods: Multifaceted HH intervention was conducted between 2011 and 2016, and the isolation of resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was compared with conventional intervention period (2006) (2007) (2008) (2009) (2010) . The intervention consists of multidisciplinary HH campaign, encouragement of the 5 moments for HH, monitoring of the consumption of HH products and feedback using reported benchmark, and direct observation of HH practices in MRSA high risk wards. Antimicrobial use density and antimicrobial heterogeneity index were also evaluated (antibiotic class evaluated: tazobactam/piperacillin, carabapenems, 4 th generation cephalosporins/ceftazidime, and fluoroquinolone). Results: Participation rates in HH campaign increased from 48.7% to 90.4% ( p < 0.001). Number of HH episodes per patients day calculated by the consumption of alcohol hand rub increased from 5.6 ± 5.5 to 8.5 ± 10.3 ( p < 0.001). There was a significant difference in the isolation rate of hospital onset MRSA between the 2 intervention period (1.07 and 0.74/1,000 patient days, p < 0.001). Isolation rate of P. aeruginosa which reveal resistance to 2 or more classes of antibiotics was also significantly decreased (0.163 and 0.134/1,000 patient days, p = 0.004). In addition to direct HH observation, relocation to a new ward had a beneficial effect in the MRSA high risk wards. Rate of antimicrobial use density in carbapenems decreased from 36.4% to 25.1%, and antimicrobial heterogeneity index improved from 0.82 to 0.85. Conclusion: Paralleled introduction of multifaceted HH intervention and other strategies such as appropriate use of antimicrobials had a significant impact on the isolation of antimicrobial resistant organisms. The infection control experience of suspected gastrointestinal tract cluster incidence in a psychiatric center rehabilitation ward Shiun-Yin Jeng 1 , Yu-Pin Liu 1 , Huei-Lan Lu 1 , Tso-Jen Wang 1 , Chung-Shin Liao 2 . 1 Jianan Psychiatric Center, 2 Chang Hua Hospital Background: Most of psychiatric patient had poor self hygiene and self-care, while infectious diseases occurred; it is easy to lead a cluster event in a psychiatric rehabilitation ward. The implementation of gastrointestinal monitoring system and early intervention are very important in a low function and closed rehabilitation ward. Background: In order to maintain the quality of bacterial culture tracing, infection control medical staff regularly participate the infection control training course and implementation in clinical related business, such as notification the positive results of bacterial culture, and the significant abnormalities of legal infectious pathogens, so that patients can receive effective treatment immediately. Annual collection of drug sensitivity test results, statistical analysis, groups discussing regularly with infections control team member, to discuss and collaborate on meaningful cases for promoting clinical interaction. Methods: Bacterial culture notification mechanism, the pathogen of bacteria included in this monitoring system, then the pathogenic bacteria strains to monitor the infection cases,to avoid the spread of infection and to avoid cluster infection occurred, through the TNIS system to provide the reporting function, the hospital can analyze the medical care-related infection, the results of the bacterial culture and the antibiotic resistance distribution of the hospital, as a reference for the internal review and improvement, to assist the hospital in developing appropriate monitoring mechanisms and methods, to enhance the quality of nosocomial infection control. As long as the patient test report in the presence of bacterial culture positive, the laboratory will be informed to send a newsletter to the Infection Control Center, Medical, Pharmacy, Abnormal culture results will tabulation, and in the sense of the meeting to review whether the absence of negligence. Results: From January 1 to May 31 2017, there was one abnormal information data, three set sputum culture has sent to the laboratory on March 9 to 13, the data found abnormal on March 13, and this report has registered on the March 16, and send messages to doctor, pharmaceutical, infection control center, the relevant report sent to the Infection Control Center, to notify the ward and provided a district area care immediately after received this abnormal report. Family medicine consultation, medication used followed X-ray, blood examination on March 21. Conclusion: The establishment of a mechanism for the prevention of bacterial culture can prevent the spread of infectious diseases in the hospital, to speed up the diagnosis of infectious diseases by the physician's expertise, for the understanding of the domestic epidemic, rapid and correct diagnosis of the patient's condition. According to the severity of the disease and infectious, the patient to provide appropriate treatment and isolation measures, and require the relevant medical staff to take appropriate protective measures to avoid causing nosocomial infection. Experience sharing on application of fluorescent agent detection in personal protective equipment put-on and take-off training En-Tse Yang 1 , Jann- Tay Conclusion: The application of fluorescent agent detection in the evaluation for skill of putting-on and taking-off PPE not only increases the learning motivation of trainees but also provides an objective indicator and real-time feedback. In addition, by analyzing the contaminated parts, and referring it to prior put-on and take-off procedures, a better procedure and instruction manual could be figured out. Effectiveness of active screening of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) in the intensive care unit of a regional hospital Wanling Tai. Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Background: The prevalence of vancomycin resistant enterococcus (VRE) of healthcare-associated infections was significantly increased (9.8% in 2010 and 32.5% in 2010), and most of them were in the intensive care unit (76% CHG) bathing to patients in ICU as well as finding and disinfection or eradication of niduses from which multiple drug resistant organisms (MDRO) were cultured. The items of niduses discovered were feeding cups and plastic baskets belonging to individual bed but not individual patient, working tables of nurses, and two communal bedpans. We analyzed data retrospectively from a prospective infection control database since May 2015 at the ICU of 41 beds and calculated the monthly trend of CRKP before and after two stages of infection control measures in ICU after adjusting the effects of hand hygiene and antibiotics usage. In order to assess the changes of CRKP in 3 periods, we used the generalized additive model (GAM). The fixed effects were period, time ( per 1 month), DID, the compliance and the accuracy of hand washing, and the random effect was period*time. The random effect showed the change of CRKP after interventions. Results: The upward trend of CRKP turned downward after second stage of interventions significantly (Figure) . Second stage of interventions showed significant effect (RR 0.53, 95%CI 0.37-0.78) (Table) . The fixed effects of hand hygiene and DID were nonsignificant. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the incidence of MDROs and the occurrence of two abnormal events. The first occurrence of MDROs was the same as that of MDROs. Sudden changes in the cause of the KPC, further analysis of the cause of the abnormal events, contact isolation measures and environmental cleanliness, so infection control intervention measures in addition to the original hand hygiene and contact isolation measures and environmental clean, the other for high-risk cases and Has been identified in the case of centralized care, the second occurrence of MDROs abnormal events, suspected bursts of bacteria for the CRAB, monitoring the cause of this event may be due to the unit space can not clean the bed and equipment into the care area, in the bed Abnormalities in the process, so the infection control measures for the collection of the original collection area is not collected, to strengthen the detection of the same ROOM is to increase the non-CRAB environmental cleaning frequency. Results: The second use of MDROs is abnormal, the first use of the bundl care for hand hygiene, contact isolation protection measures, environmental clean and high-risk partition isolation; second use of the bundl care for the hand hygiene, contact isolation protection measures And the environment clean. It is found that the combination of MDROs is suspected to be in the group, and each time the MDROs are detected in the unit, the analysis of the abnormal events is discussed with the care unit, and the main reason for the occurrence of the event is possible, Combined care work, can still effectively solve the outbreake of events. Conclusion: In Taiwan, the medical care environment and clinical care workers often fail to clarify the care area and the patient area immediately when the work is busy. As a result, the compliance rate of hand hygiene and contact isolation can not reach 100%. Therefore, to reduce the care workers due to hand hygiene or contact isolation measures are not implemented lead to migration and cause infection. In addition, for the detection of MDROs must be concentrated to receive, from the two abnormal event handling still need to consider all the staff, infection control requirements in a holistic manner to consider the most efficient way to solve this problem, by this experience is used as a reference for dealing with suspected the MDROs outbreake of events. Background: Following the pilot study of 6 alcohol-based hand gels in TTSH in 2014, 4 of them were chosen for more extensive evaluation in April-June 2015. Methods: 4 inpatient wards and 2 outpatient occupational and physiotherapy clinics were chosen based on their alcohol-based handrub utilization in 2014. During the study period, 1 of the 4 hand gels were placed in wards and clinics at the beginning of each week, and existing handrubs removed during the trial period. All healthcare workers did handwashing or handrub according to WHO 5 Moments, as per hospital policy. After each week of trial, there was a "wash-out" period of a week when hand gels were replaced with existing handrubs. Healthcare workers were invited to participate in a survey on nine attributes of product using a Likert-scale of 1-5 during trial period. The mean score was computed for each attribute and student's t-test used to compare the differences. Staff were told to report any adverse reactions to the study team who monitored and recorded skin reactions during the trial. Results: Of 1056 participants, 637 were nurses, 286 were alliedhealth professionals and 133 were doctors. 82.5% of the participants thought that Product C worked better than the current product and was rated the best in overall satisfaction. Comparison of two means for Product C and current handrub on eight attributes were significant, for example-splashing (mean score of 4.23 vs. 2.46, p < 0.001). Conclusion: Product C was the most preferred hand gel and should be considered as alternative to current hand hygiene product. Phase 3. Model sharing phase (July 2015 to September 2016): we hold experience sharing conference and regular meeting to help eight hospitals in southern Taiwan to improve CAUTI. Results: In phase 1, CAUTI rate declined from 12.6‰ to 6.9‰ in three ICUs. In phase 2, CAUTI rate reduced from 6.3‰ to 5.6‰ in six ICUs. In phase 3, total 9 hospitals overall CAUTI rate improved from 3.7‰ to 2.89‰. Conclusion: Multi-modal interventions with nursing-driven base are essential in reduced CAUTI and point extension make successful experiences to duplicate in other units and other hospitals. The epidemiology and predictors for mortality of bloodstream infections among patients with temporary hemodialysis catheters Meng-Ching Chen 1 , Yin-Yin Chen 1,3 , Fu-Der Wang 1,2,3 . 1 Infection Control, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 3 National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Bloodstream infections (BSIs) are common in patients with temporary hemodialysis catheters, and result in prolongation of hospitalization, increasing medical expenses, and increased risk of mortality. This study aims to explore the profile, recognized pathogens and predicted prognostic factors for mortality of bloodstream infections. Methods: The retrospective study was performed in a medical center from 2010 to 2015. Epidemiologic investigations were conducted. Patients with temporary hemodialysis catheters and reported as BSIs were inclueded except individuals under the age of 20. The chi-square test was used for categorical variables, the Mann-Whitney U test was used for data that had nonnormal distribution, and the logistic regression analysis was used for assessing predicted prognostic factors for mortality. Results: A total of 309 patients with BSIs were included in the study period. These patients were predominantly male (66.2%), and had a mean age of 72 ± 16 years. The median of length of stay were 24 days. The most common isolated organism were Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The most common isolated antimicrobial-resistant pathogens were methicillin-resistant Coagulase-negative staphylococcus (75%), Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (64.6%) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (63.1%). The crude rates of in-hospital mortality rate was 55.1%, and the 30day mortality rate was 78.3% in all deaths. The logistic regression analysis identified shock (odds ratio [OR], 14.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], bedridden (OR, 2.3; CI, ), using of continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH, OR, 15.8; CI, antibiotics (OR, 2.5; CI, , and mechanism ventilator (OR, 2.2; CI, 1.04-4.61) as independent predictors for mortality. Conclusion: The most common isolated organism of BSIs was Staphylococcus aureus in patients with temporary hemodialysis catheters. Shock, bedridden, using of CVVH, antibiotics, and mechanical ventilator are independent predicted prognostic factors for mortality. Use of VAP bundle to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia in a medical center intensive care unit Ya-Ching Huang, Chun-Hsing Liao, Mei-ling Fang, Ching-jung Tsai, Pei-chi Tu, Shu-chuan Huang. Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Background: Mechanical intubation is an essential part for critical patients. Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is an important complication of intubation, which will increase hospitalization cost, prolonged hospital stay and potentially threaten patient's life. Bundle intervention is proposed to effectively decrease the incidence of VAP. In order to reduce the occurrence of VAP, a VAP care bundle care was implemented in an intensive care unit since 2015. Methods: This intensive care unit provides care for medical cases mainly and has 30 beds. The VAP bundle includes (1) Education to enhance the VAP bundle care awareness. (2) Background: Many critically ill patients can survive by use of mechanical ventilation. However, these patients have serious clinical condition, and are immune-compromised status, many health care associated infections like ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) will be the major complication. VAP is defined as pneumonia after 48 hours use of ventilator mainly due to bacterial infection. According to the US nosocomial infection surveillance system data, the incidence of VAP is 5-16‰ which is also an important indicator of quality control in a critical care unit. The incidence of VAP is related to length of hospital stay, duration of mechanical ventilation. The incidence will be increased by 1% in every one day of hospital stay, peak incidence occurred on the seventh day, average 5-10 days of ventilator use. Thus, if ventilator is used for longer duration, there is increase in patient' hospital stay and mortality. In our hospital, incidence VAP in intensive care unit is 0.69-1.72‰ from 2014 to 2016 which is expected to achieve zero tolerance in coming year. However, there are many new health care personnel in these year, multiple health care measures are not fulfilled for our target. In 2017, Central Disease Control department implements the program of bundle care for invasive health care procedure. Fortunately, we can participate in this program, and strengthen to prevent VAP with application of bundle care. Methods: We have applied the health care personnel training for basic knowledge of bundle care. Since February 2017, we implement VAP bundle care which include (1) elevate the head of bed for 30-45°, (2) oral cleansing by using tooth cleaning sponge, small tooth brush, and chlorhexidine contained mouthwash, (3) setting of cleaning and sterilization of steam inhalation therapy equipment and changing the tubing regularly, (4) addition of setting bottle to facilitate the removal of fluid inside the ventilator circuits under avoiding contamination of environment. These standard infection control measures are added to intensive care unit manual and keep health care personnel to follow. Results: Follow up from February 2017 to June 2017, there was no VAP cases during this period. We continue the health care providers education and training, and apply bundle care for VAP, thus the incidence VAP will effectively be reduced. Conclusion: Evidence based strategy for bundle care seems to be simple, but how to develop, promote, and implement the strategy and counter checking of these measures are more significant. Implementation of VAP bundle care will prevent and reduce VAP incidence, decrease the duration of ventilator use and the average length of hospital stay, and decrease the patient morbidity and mortality. An experience of reduce the catheter-related urinary tract infection in a medical center Huei-Wen Lai 1 , I-Lun Hou 1 , Yu-Lin Lee 2 , Tsun-Jung Liu 1,2 . 1. the doctor's orders for Foley insertion, change to standing order instead stat order. 2. After catheterization for 48 hours, the system at 11:00 was reminded doctor to remove foley every day. 3. The skin disinfection for foley insertion use 2% aquae CHG. 4. Change the size of the catheterrecommended in addition to urine sediment, hematuria, after surgery, BPH, etc. recommended the use of 16Fr or other size, the rest of the situation can be considered using 14 Fr. 5. Expand the aseptic area and pre-connected catheter and urine bag to prevention comtamination. 6. Use bladder scan to avoid repeat foley insertion. 7. Training specialists check the bundle care of foley insertion and daily care. Catheter-related urinary tract infection in 2015.01∼2016.03 for 5.95‰, after intervention in 2016.04∼ 2017.03 reduce to 3.61‰ (P-value = 0.0001). Conclusion: The Infection Control Committee has identified effective measures in the Infection Control Manual and will reduce the catheter-related urinary tract infection as a continuous monitoring quality indicator. The survey for the effectiveness of VAP (ventilator-associated pneumonia) prevention after implementing care bundle in the ICU of a regional hospital in Taiwan Background: The ICU within 17 beds belongs to general adult intensive care unit. It started to implement care bundle for VAP prevention from June, 2015. To realize the effectiveness, we analyze the densities of infection and the use rates of ventilators during the two periods of pre-intervention (Nov. 2013 -May 2015 and postintervention (Jun. 2015 -Dec. 2016 . The result can be as a reference to continuously improve the quality of medical care. Methods: After infection control practitioners collected cases based on surveillance definition of VAP formulated by CDC, the cases have to be reconfirmed by the minister of Critical Care Medicine. Following the interventions proposed by CDC and JCT, 5 items were lifting the head of bed 30-45°higher, ceasing sedative daily, daily evaluation of extubation, draining the water in ventilators to empty, and performing oral nursing care with mouthwash containing 0.12-0.2% chlorhexidine at least 2 times per day and then keeping records in the check list. Results: Statistics show the densities of infection during the periods of pre-intervention and post-intervention respectively were 1.38‰ (6/4350) and 1.71‰ (8/4666). The use rates of ventilators were 51.08% and 54.29%. Conclusion: The density of infection increased by 0.33‰ in 19 months of post-intervention stage. The value of Chi-squared Test was p > 0.05 (=0.686). The use rate of ventilator increased by 3.21%. The rate (54.29%) was higher than the rate (51.2%) in the equivalent ICU which identified by TNIS, Taiwan. By further analyzing the cases, it can be found no more than 3 cases per season and they individually occurred in every different month. Zero infection maintained in the latest season shows that if daily evaluation of extubation can be put into effect, it is definitely able to improve the quality of medical care. Exploring the effectiveness of the urinary catheter care bundle system Shaw-Shin Wu 1 , Hui-mei Huang 2 *, Wei-Pin Lai 3 . 1 Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Registered Nurse, Taichung, Taiwan, 2 Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Supervisor, Taichung, Taiwan, 3 Taichung Veterans General Hospital, IT Engineer, Taichung, Taiwan Background: To establish an information system and online catheter removal assessment tool for urinary catheters bundle care. To Improve bundle care compliance, and thus reduce the urinary catheter indwelling days, usage and infection density. Methods: Patients of a comprehensive ward of a medical centre were selected as study object by purposively sampling. Study period was from January 2016 to April 2017. The program designer set up an online catheter removal assessment tool, real-time query system, and mobile APP program. The mobile APP program includes a placement check and a daily care evaluation. Results: During the study period, 913 patients had urinary catheter, with a total of 3920 days of the catheter indwelling. After the program has been set up, catheter placement check was done for 168 patients during catheter insertion, the compliance rate of utilizing the program was 100%; and a total of 2833 staff preformed urine catheter daily assessment using the program, the compliance rate increased from 29.4% to 60%. The average length of catheter indwelling decreased from 4.40 days to 3.94 days. Catheter utilization rate decreased from 25.34% to 21.63%. Catheter-related urinary tract infection density decreased from 2.76 ‰ to 1.19 ‰. And the satisfaction rate after informatization is 100%. Conclusion: When the system was first implanted, the initial compliance rate was only 29.4%. The reason was that physicians did not complete the daily assessment of catheter removal in the program. By adding an evaluation path and a reminder window to the physician's ordering system, the compliance rate increased to 60%. Through combining the implantation of informatization, online real-time inquire system, mobile devices and user-centered program design to achieve the purpose of simplifying the process, increasing the efficiency of data processing and integrating, and enhancing compliance. As a result, significantly improved the compliance rate of care bundle and user satisfaction, reduce the use of catheter, the length of indwelling and infection density. Effectiveness of ventilator-associated pneumonia bundle intervention in the regional hospital Yu-Hsiu Lin 1 *, Siao-Pei Guo 1 , Pak-On Leung 2 , Mei-Fe Sie 3 , Yee-Huang Ku 1 , Jyh-Jou Chen 4 Background: Nebulizer devices are widely used to deliver aerosol therapy, especially in pediatric patients with respiratory disease. However, nebulizers are potential sources of microbial contamination of the respiratory tract. Small-volume nebulizers medications for administering bronchodilators, including hand-held nebulizers, can produce bacterial aerosols. Ultrasonic hand-held nebulizers have been associated with nosocomial pneumonia Methods: In order to understand the suitability and influence of the ultrasonic nebulizers used in treatment of respiratory diseases of paediatric patients, we conducted a systematic literature review of the articles published before April 2017. Keywords in both Chinese and English were entered into the search engine which comprised of 5 medical database. We then selected 5 articles which match our standard for further review. Results: After 24 hours of usage, the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) can be isolated from ultrasonic nebulizers. Bcc isolates were obtained from nebulizer draining tubes, operating water chambers, oscillator and nebulizer solutions. The Evidence-based medicine literature suggests that appropriate maintenance of ultrasonic nebulizers is crucial for preventing Bcc contamination of nebulizers and subsequent respiratory tract and blood infections. New contamination control measures were implemented as follows: (1) Availability of ultrasonic nebulizers was strictly limited to <5 d. At that time, the devices were returned to the medical engineering section for maintenance. (2) Nebulizer draining tubes and oscillators were completely disinfected once every 24 h using 85% ethanol; and (3) After each use, nebulizers were surveyed for diaphragm breakage or pinholes using a device that measured electrical resistance. In addition to that, observation of children breathing patterns, to avoid cold and high and dense fog caused by respiratory spasm problems. Conclusion: The literature evidence shows that the use of ultrasound nebulizers does have the risk of nosocomial respiratory infections. Moreover, additional maintenance procedures are required for instrument maintenance, so it is recommended to use a single use and disposable jet nebulizers. In regards of patient's safety, cost consideration and therapeutic effectiveness, it is recommended to implement the cleaning and disinfection procedures. In order to make the best treatment of spray therapy, the right equipment such as mouth tube or mask, should be chosen to fit children's age and cognitive ability. The effectiveness of deploying care bundle for the precaution of catheter-associated urinary tract infection in the ward of orthopedics belonging to a regional hospital located in southern Taiwan Li-Chun Liu 1 , Li-kuan Chih 1 , Chih-Lin Liu 1 , Su-Chen Liu 2 , Chih-Hsuan Cheng 3 , Wen-Han Chang 1 , Ying-Sheng Pan 1 . 1 Infection Control Committee, Tainan Municipal Hospital, Taiwan, 2 Nursing Department, Tainan Municipal Hospital, Taiwan, 3 Orthopedics, Tainan Municipal Hospital, Taiwan Background: The hospital is with 516 beds for acute patients while 48 beds laid in the ward of orthopedics. The beds are applied for placing and curing the patients from the Departments of Orthopedics, neurosurgery, and Urology. The density of Urinary Tract Infection in the ward in 2014 occupied the 3 rd place from the ranking of all wards in the hospital. It became the only ward which participated in the measure, Care Bundle for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection, proposed by CDC and JCT on June 1 st , 2015 and started to collect the number of patients using catheter per day. To realize the effectiveness, this sheet is discussed in depth. Methods: The cases of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection were collected based on the surveillance definition of Healthcare-Associated Infection, which is the second edition revised by CDC in 2009. Following the measure proposed by CDC and JCT, 4 items placed for inspection were executing hand hygiene before inserting catheter, using aseptic technique and sterile when inserting catheter, catheter in proper fixed ways, and executing hand hygiene immediately after inserting catheter. The 5 measures of daily care evaluation to take precaution against Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection were evaluation of extubation, hand hygiene, fixed position, aseptic and fluent, and urethral orifice clean. Results: Statistics show that the density was 3.27‰ during the first half year (Jun.-Nov. 2015) after deploying Care Bundle while those were 4.55‰ and 2.63‰ during the second half year (Dec. 2015 -May 2016 and the third half year (Jun.-Nov. 2016 ). The use rates were respectively 15.88%, 17.496%, and 18.96%. Conclusion: Comparing the measures deployed after one and a half year with those after the first half, the density of infection obviously declined by 0.64%. The value of Fisher's Exact Test, P > 0.05(=), shows deploying Care Bundle can lower down the density but there is still room for improvement. The rate of using catheter rises by 3.08%. The possible reason can be related to the specific patients being received and cured. The above information provided to the medical profession as a reference. Investigation and treatment of abnormal increase of bloodstream infection in peripheral blood stem cell transplantation Hsiao-Shan Chen 1 , Hung-Jen Tang 1,2,3 , Yin-Hsun Feng 4 , Ya-Ling Hsien 4 , Chin-Yi Li 4 , Iig-Ling Chen 1 *. Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common healthcare-associated infection in intensive care units, which can cause patients to have severe morbidity and mortality. In Jan. 2013, we executed the ventilator care bundle (VCB) to reduce VAP in our hospital, including daily assessment of readiness to extubation, daily sedation vacation, elevation of patient's head of bed to 30-45°, using 0.12% chlorhexidine for oral care, and exhausting water in ventilator circuit every two hours. In 2015, the VAP incidence reduced to 2.45‰ in our surgical intensive care unit (SICU), but it still higher than those in the SICUs of other teaching hospitals (1.26‰). In order to further reduce VAP incidence in our SICU, we used quality control circle to reinforce the efficacy of VCB. Methods: Our hospital is a 960-bed regional teaching hospital with a 16-bed SICU. We used quality control circle to find 3 disadvantages in our VCB program, including poor cognition of VCB in SICU members, a lack of internal auditing to carry through VCB, misarrangement of suction tubes and aerosol therapy apparatus, and inaccurate angle of elevation of bed head. So, we executed an improvement plan, including regular training programs for VCB in SICU, development of the auditing system, adequate storage of suction tubes and aerosol therapy apparatus, and adding angle scale on bedside. Results: After this intervention, the VAP incidence in our SICU reduced to 0.36‰ from 2.45‰. The accuracy of VCB increased to 95.2% from 65.1%. Conclusion: Quality control circle is a good way to reinforce the efficacy of VCB. To explore the effectiveness of CAUTI Bundle care in a southern regional hospital Yan Ru Chen*, Yee-Huang Ku. Infection Control Center, Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying Background: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common medical care-related infections, accounting for about 40%, of which about 70% is associated with the use of the catheter, and the hospital is involved in the Department of Health and Welfare Medical treatment care quality improvement program to promote the catheter-related urinary tract combination of care measures, through the clinical field audit, found the problem, the feedback unit to improve, to reduce the urinary tract-related urinary tract infection, improve medical quality, protection Patient safe. Methods: The internal control of the catheter is carried out by the internal care manager, the external control of the infection control nurses, the monthly audit statistics and feedback, and the "male catheterization" competition will be held, and the "This technology is standardized, the actual application in clinical practice'". Results: Before the promotion of the program (from January to June in 2015), the general hospital CAUTI density of 0.7‰, intensive care unit of 1.9‰, in July 2015 to start the field audit, catheter placement and care compliance and CAUTI infection density Table 1 shows that although the audit compliance rate increased, but the intensive care unit CAUTI density increased by 38.7%, the general ward CAUTI density is flat before the plan to promote. In January and March of 2016, the compliance rate of Nurse Practitioner perform male patient catheterization was only 25%. In April, the "male catheterization" competition was held in the course of internal medicine, surgery and The rate of compliance was 96. 88% (93/96), and the compliance rate was increased to 75% from April to August in 2016. The compliance rate was 96%. Conclusion: Leading to catheter-associated urinary tract infection may be a large number of factors, as soon as possible to remove the catheter, aseptic technique operation and daily care is necessary to perform a ring, through the audit, regular feedback, into the unit staff in-service education and evaluation indicators, and Continuous tracking, period can effectively reduce the catheterassociated urinary tract infection density. The application of diversified strategy to improve quality of catheter care Yu-Mei Ho 1 *, Wen-Yin Huang 2 , Wen-Jen Yau 2 , Tsung-Yen Yang 1 , Po-Wen Yang 3 , Nan-Ping Yang 4 The key elements of CAUTIs bundles consisted of hand hygiene, wearing personal protective equipment, use of disposable gloves, cleansing of urethral meatus prior to catheter insertion using sterile saline, daily assessment of catheter need, aseptic urine sampling technique, making sure that draining bag and catheter were at right position. The multidisciplinary team was led by deputy superintendent; regular educational programs and committee were held. Incidences of CAUTIs and costs were compared between pre-and post-intervention phases. Results: There were 30 and 9 patients suffered from CAUTIs during pre-and post-intervention phases. The incidence rates of CAUTIs were 2.87 and 0.86 per 1000 catheter-days during pre-and postintervention phases, respectively ( p = 0.02 1. Establishment of the standard process of catheter care: The education and training of the standard catheter placement process and the daily care process, besides, keep monitoring the SOP, and production of catheter flow chart. 2. Remind early assessment of the possibility of removal of the catheter: remind the card of catheterization in bed-side, remind the days of catheterization in chart, and remind the days of catheterization in HIS system. 3. The implementation of the standard catheter care: To design new catheter fixed stickers,out of bed patients to use convenience pants which could hide urine bag, 3 M hooks affixed to keep urine bag smoothly. Placed ruby-red tape on the 1000 mL of the urine bag, checked the drainage system to maintain closed, and to avoid distorting or compressing after changed position. Results: After the implementation of intervention measures, we rechecked from September 1 to 30, the uncompleted care of indwelling urinary catheters rate of 13.66%. the indwelling catheter associated urinary tract infection rate was 0‰, the average number of days of indwelling catheter dropped significantly to 7.8 days in January to August. Conclusion: In our unit, the indwelling catheter associated urinary tract infection rate was 3.35‰ last year. we checked, and did problem analysis, found out the causes of problem. With creative strategies to intervene, which those interventions included in the SOP. So that, the indwelling catheter associated urinary tract infection rate decreased to 0‰. Through transdiscipline, enhance the care of the implementation of infection control. Interprofessional collaborative practice to reduce the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia and the days of mechanical ventilation used in the intensive care unit Wan-Er Jang, Hsin-Yu Cheng, Yu Lin. Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare of Jang, Wan-Er Background: Ventilator associated pneumonia is a common hospital infection in critically ill patients, but also an important indicator of healthcare quality. In 2017, the infection rate of ventilator associated pneumonia was increased, so the establishment of this project, Interprofessional collaborative practice to reduce the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia and the days of mechanical ventilation used in the intensive care unit, thereby reducing mortality, hospital days and health care costs Methods: Further research with a larger cohort study could help to clarify these characteristics. The impact of bundle care on preventing healthcare-associated infections in an intensive care unit at a local hospital in Taiwan bundle care on preventing HAIs in an intensive care unit (ICU) at a local hospital in Taiwan. Methods: A quality-improvement intervention, including education, VAP bundle, central venous catheter (CVC) insertion bundle, CAUTI bundle, process and outcome surveillance, have been sequentially introduced since 2013. During the intervention period, we implemented a multidisciplinary care bundle consisted of (1) hand hygiene, (2) use of maximum barrier precautions, (3) use of 2% chlorhexidine scrub for the insertion site, (4) head-of-bed elevation 30°-45°, (5) education of providers, (6) a dedicated line cart, (7) checklist, (8) oral care with chlorhexidine solution twice daily, and (9) daily consideration of the need for the catheter and so many measures. The incidence rates of HAIs before and after bundle intervention were measured and compared. Results: The incidence rates of overall HAIs were 7.57‰ and 1.82‰ before and after bundle intervention. There was no episode of VAP recorded during the study period and the rate of ventilator use in ICU significantly decline from 60.89% to 42.96%. The incidence rates were 5.71‰ and 1.27‰ for BSI and 2.24‰ and 0.00‰ for CAUTI before and after bundle intervention, respectively. Background: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) oral rinse and normal saline in reducing the number of oral bacteria and incidence rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), in order to establish a standard procedure for clinical practice. Methods: A double-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted in an intensive care unit(ICU) of a district hospital. The patients were randomly assigned into the experimental group (n = 22) received 0.2% CHG and the control group (n = 24) received normal saline for mouth care. Before the study initiated, education training was carried out in the ICU for the nursing staffs on oral care and oropharyngeal swab sampling. Chi-square and t-test were used to analyze the differences between the two groups. The survival time was analyzed to show whether there was a difference in the occurrence of VAP. Results: There were no significant differences in age, sex, types of artificial airway and the days of artificial airway use in the two groups. There were significant differences between colony growth (X 2 = 12.458, p < 0.001) and abnormal body temperature (X 2 = 5.123, p = 0.024). The incidence of VAP in the experimental and control groups was 1 (4.5%) and 4 (16.7%) (X 2 = 1.741, p = 0.187), respectively. The incidence of VAP in the experimental and control groups was 1 (4.5%) and 4 (16.7%) (X 2 = 1.741, p = 0.187), respectively. The survival analysis showed that the mean duration of VAP was 11 days in the experimental group and 5 days for the control group. Conclusion: In comparison with the effectiveness of normal saline for oral care of patients with artificial airways and ventilator, the use of 0.2% CHG can significantly reduce the oral bacteria growth, reduce abnormal rate of temperature, and delay the time of VAP occurrence. It is recommended that future studies may be necessary to increase the sample size, to determine the effectiveness of 0.2% CHG in reducing the incidence of VAP. The findings suggest that 0.2% CHG can be used for oral care to reduce patient oral bacteria and delay the time of VAP occurrence. Coexistence of MCR-1 and NDM-9 in a clinical carbapenemresistant Escherichia coli isolate Chih-Cheng Lai 1 , Chi-Chung Chen 2,3 , Yin-Ching Chuang 2,4 *, Hung-Jen Tang 5,6 *. Background: Since New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) was first detected, several variants have been further identified that differ by one or two amino acid substitutions. In 2014, a novel NDM-9 metallo-β-lactamase was first identified from a sequence type 107 (ST107) Klebsiella pneumoniae strain. Like the other NDM variants, NDM-9 confers high levels of resistance and compromises the effectiveness of most antibiotics, including carbapenems. Although polymyxin B and colistin ( polymyxin E) offer limited treatment options for multidrug-resistant (MDR) organisms carrying NDM-9, the emergence of the plasmid-mediated colistin resistance gene mcr-1 (for mobilised colistin resistance gene) conferring resistance to colistin ( polymyxin E) may attenuate the utility of colistin. Methods: Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of the clinical isolate was tested by the agar dilution method. Genetic backgrounds were detected including multilocus sequence typing (MLST), drug resistant gene by PCR and sequencing. Results: The 79-year-old female patient had a history of colon cancer and chronic kidney disease and had undergone a radical left hemicolectomy 1 month prior to the current hospital admission. She was admitted to intensive care unit for peritonitis with septic shock. Her clinical condition and haemodynamic status gradually improved following antibiotic treatment with piperacillin/tazobactam (TZP) for 7 days. The results of laboratory examinations were as follows: white blood cell count, 22,100/ mm 3 ; platelet count, 191,000/mm 3 ; creatinine, 4.89 mg/dL; aspartate aminotransferase, 10 IU/L; and C-reactive protein, 43.7 mg/L (reference value, <5 mg/L). Despite TZP being resumed for UTI complicated by sepsis syndrome, her clinical condition rapidly deteriorated and the patient's family requested supportive care. Finally, the patient died on the 11th day of hospitalization. Meanwhile, the urinary catheter specimen grew carbapenem-resistant E. coli. Molecular diagnosis was identified the E coli isolate carrying MCR-1 and NDM-9. Conclusion: The present case indicates the possibility of coproduction of MCR-1 and NDM-9 among clinical isolates and indicates the importance of surveillance of colistin-and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolates and associated genes in humans, with special reference to MCR-1 and NDM-9. Background: This study was intended to investigate the impact of implementation of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CA-UTI) bundle care on the incidence of CA-UTI in high-risk units in Taiwan. Methods: Thirteen high-risk units, including medical (n = 5), surgical (n = 3), cardiac intensive care units (n = 2), respiratory care centers (n = 2), and respiratory care ward (n = 1) were included in this quality-improvement project. The stud period was divided into the pre-intervention phase (between January 1, 2013 and July 31, 2013) and post-intervention phase (between August 1, 2013 and October 31, 2013). Results: The incidence of CA-UTI decreased from 3.86 to 2.98 per 1,000 catheter-days (95% CI, 0.65-0.82; p < 0.0001) before and after the introduction of the CA-UTI bundle. Among 66 episodes of culture-proven CA-UTIs, Candida spp. were the most common pathogens (n = 17, 25.8%). For the seven elements of the insertion bundle, the compliance was the lowest for cleaning of the perineum, followed by hand hygiene. The overall compliance rates of the insertion bundle were 93.4%, 99.5%, and 96.3% in medical centers, regional hospitals, and district hospital, respectively. For the six elements of the maintenance bundle, the compliance was the lowest for daily review of the need of a Foley catheter. The overall compliance rates of the maintenance bundle were 95.7%, 99.9%, and 99.9% in medical centers, regional hospitals, and district hospital, respectively. Conclusion: The implementation of CA-UTI bundle care reduced CA-UTI. A process surveillance checklist can be helpful for understanding which parts of the bundle care require improvements. The role of doxycycline in the therapy of multidrug-resistant E. colian in vitro study Chih-Cheng Lai 1 , Chi-Chung Chen 2,3 , Yin-Ching Chuang 2,4 *, Hung-Jen Tang 5,6 *. Background: This study assessed the in vitro antibacterial activity of combinations of amikacin and doxycycline or tigecycline against multidrug-resistant E. coli isolates. Methods: Twenty-four different pulsotypes, including 10 extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-, 10 carbapenem-resistant, 2 New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM)-and 2 Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-E. coli isolates were collected. Combination effect was detected by two methods, including the checkerboard, time-killing. Results: All 24 isolates were susceptible to amikacin and tigecycline. Only 30% of ESBL and 50% of carbapenem-resistant E. coli were susceptible to doxycycline. Both of the NDM-E. coli had a MIC of 64 μg/ml. The checkerboard method showed that for the ESBL-and carbapenem-resistant E. coli, the synergistic effects of amikacin/doxycycline were 80% and 90%, respectively. For the two KPC-and two NDM-E. coli, the FIC index of amikacin/doxycycline were 0.5/0.375 and 0.5/0.281, respectively. For the ESBL-and carbapenem-resistant E. coli isolates, the combinations of amikacin and doxycycline exhibited synergistic activities against 80%, and 80% and 10% vs 60%, and 80% and 10% of the isolates at concentrations of 1x, 1/2x and 1/4xMIC, respectively. The synergistic effect seems to be similar for doxycycline and tigecycline based combinations with amikacin. Conclusion: The antibacterial activity of doxycycline can be enhanced by the addition of amikacin and is observed against most multidrug-resistant E. coli isolates. The impact of 30-day mortality with central venous catheter associated bloodstream infections in a medical center Shu Mei Sun 1 , Yin Yin Chen 1,2 , Fu Der Wang 1,2,3 . 1 Infection Control, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2 National Yang-Ming University, 3 Medical Department, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Background: Central venous catheters are significant risk factors for healthcare associated bloodstream infection, and often increased mortality risk. Methods: A retrospectively surveillance study was conducted in a nearly 3000-bed medical center in taiwan. All hospitalized patients were older than 20-year-old and developed healthcare associated bloodstream infection admitted after 48hrs during 2013-2014 were included. We only included the first episode of bloodstream infection,if patients who had experienced more than one episode of healthcare associated bloodstream infection. Univariate analysis using the Chi-square test or t-test or Mann-Whitney U test to identify significant risk factors of CABSI. And finaly the logistic regression was used to explore the impact and prognostic factors of 30-day mortality with CABSI. Results: A total of 1538 healthcare associated bloodstream infections were enrolled in this study, and 36.2% of these were central venous catheters associated. Patients who experienced CABSI were high mortality rate than non-CABSI group (44.8% vs. 27.1%, p < 0.001) as well as 30-day mortality (34.7% vs. 20.8%, p < 0.001) in the univariate analysis result. After controlling for potentially confounding factors by use of logistic regression modeling analysis, we identified CABSI was the independent risk factors for 30-day mortality (OR, 1.57; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.18-2.10, p = 0.02). Conclusion: Our result demonstrated central venous catheter associated bloodstream infections led a higher mortality in a medical center. Removing catheters to reduce usage of urinary catheterization and urinary tract infections in hospitalized patients Wan Tsuei Huang 1 , Yin Yin Chen 1,2 , Fu Der Wang 1,2,3 . 1 Infection Control, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2 National Yang-Ming University, 3 Background: This study applies "removing catheters" to evaluate the effect of evaluation measures on the rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infections, catheterization days, and urinary catheter use. Methods: A Prospective follow-up study was performed in medical center. we approach all indwelling urinary catheters presence for more than 24 hours during Jul 2014 to Jun 2015. Since July 1, 2014, intervention in catheter catheterization of urinary catheterization evaluation measures to observe the use of catheter and catheterrelated urinary tract infection rate changes. Results: A total of 4,677 patients were recruited. Utilization rate of indwelling urinary catheters from 33.91% before the intervention decreased significantly to 30% ( p = 0.032). The duration of catheterization was increased from 5.1 days to 6.9 days ( p = 0.001). The average rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infections is 4.42‰ ( p = 0.826), The chi-square trend test had no significant difference. Conclusion: Evaluation of urinary catheter extraction provided physicians or nurses to assess and remove of the catheter as soon as possible. There are many factors that affect CAUTI, It is recommended that the future continue to promote multi-faceted measures such as through teamwork to reduce unnecessary catheter indwelling; and to more attention to bladder function assessment, Continuing to reduce catheter use and resuscitation rates, and hope to be able to reduce CAUTI finally. Regional hospital using bundle care to lower ventilatorassociated pneumonia infection in ICU Hsiao-Pei Kuo*, Yee-Huang Ku. Infection Control Center, Chi mei Medical Center, Liouying, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Respiratory-related pneumonia not only increases patient mortality, prolonged hospital days and medical expenses, more seriously affect the patient's prognosis. Intervention of respirator-associated pneumonia combined with compliance with the rate of compliance audits, can effectively reduce the respiratory rate of pneumonia associated. Methods: There are five adult intensive care units in a district hospital in the south, and a combination of respirator-associated pneumonia is based on the 2015-2016 Intrusive Care Disposal Quality Improvement Program. July-December 2015 for the first phase after implementation, January-June 2016 for the second phase after implementation, July to December 2016 for the third stage after implementation. Results: Statistics of the first phase of compliance: daily extubation assessment 100%, 100% stabilization agent, oral care 98%, 87% bedside, 100% of the emptying. Due to bedside elevation compliance is low, by the respiratory therapist and unit care chief to enhance the reminder and feedback. The second stage of the audit effectiveness of bedside elevation compliance rate of 86%, the third stage audit results bedside compliance compliance rate of 92%. Oral care from the first stage compliance rate of 98% to upgrade to the third stage of 99% compliance. Respiratory associated pneumonia infection rate decreased from 2.64‰ before intervention to the third stage 2.12‰. Conclusion: The establishment of regular feedback and audit mechanism is very important, and then through teamwork, can effectively improve the compliance rate, thereby reducing the respiration rate of respiratory-related pneumonia. So the third phase of the hospital compliance rate of up to 91.4%, can reduce the respiration of 24.5% of pneumonia. Improvement of ventilator-associated pneumonia bundle care through teamwork in an intensive care unit Yu-Hsia Wang*, Li-Hsueh Chen, Nai-Zhen Hou. Department of Nursing, Tainan Municipal Hospital Background: With a mortality rate approaching 35-90%, ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) accounts for 13-18% of health care-associated infections (HCAIs). Patients receiving mechanically assisted ventilation have more risks for acquiring pneumonia compared with patients not receiving ventilatory support and the risk for acquiring pneumonia increased 1% per day. Prevention is better than cure. Therefore, caring for patients on mechanical ventilators is especially important. It's expected that implementation care bundles improved HCAIs rates and ensure high care quality. Methods: Care bundles including care of ventilator circuit, daily assessment of sedation, oral hygiene, head of the bed elevation to 30-45°, intermittent subglottic secretion drainage, and drain from ventilator circuit was implemented from January, 2015. The incidence of VAP was higher than other hospitals during initial implementation stage and the causes were lack of knowledge of care bundle strategies, low implementation rate, lack of unified mouthwash ingredients, lack of standards and auditing practice, low correction rate (50%) in care practice. For strengthening implementation of infection control measures, the changes in institutions, management, and human behavior were needed, hence the measures included education programs, evidence-based research, innovative approach, VAP guideline and audits through multidisciplinary team work. Results: Care quality improved. In addition, staff's knowledge about VAP increased from 70% to 100% and accuracy and implementation of care achieving 100% via audit. The analysis of control chart for monitoring rate of VAP indicated that the process was under control with dramatic improvement by comparison with other hospitals. The other benefits included higher rate of ventilator weaning and lowered infection rate. Conclusion: The use of teamwork builds safety culture and contributes to further promote compliance with care bundles. The changes in institute, management and staff's behavior not only improve quality of health care but also assure patient safety, and benefits of hospitals, health workers and government. Reduced the ventilatorassociated pneumonia in the surgical intensive care unit: upgrade the integrated care Pei-Yu Taeng, Fang-Yu Shih. Nursing, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital Background: The incidence of ventilator -associated pneumonia in the surgical intensive care ward in 2015 was 2.22‰, which was higher than that of others(1.26‰). In 2016, integrated care was carried out. However, it was found that was poorly practiced. The program is not familiar with the lack of relevant education and training, in April 2016, the incidence of respiratory-related pneumonia was as high as 6.33‰. Resulting in the nursing care quality has a great challenge. Methods: The intensive care unit physician, nurse and respiratory therapist composed of special committee in July 2016. Using of innovative methods to produce VAP Bundle Care posters. To standardize elevating the bed 30 degrees, modify the oral care and daily Teamwork hand over document. Sustained training on the job to enhance colleagues' realizes the integrated care. Results: After 10-month later, the unit-integrated care increased from 58% to 98%. The improved cognitive test increased from 62 points to 95 points. The ventilator-associated pneumonia rate decreased from 4.16‰ to 2.87‰. Conclusion: The implementation of integrated care in the respiratory cause of the relevant pneumonia, can reduce the infection caused by the ventilator. Also reduce the number of days the patient to use respirators,and shorten the length of patient stay and mortality in the intensive care unit. The efficacy of care bundle to improve catheter-associated urinary tract infection Si-Yin Lin 1 , Chih-Jen Liu 2 , Chen-Szu Chin 3 *. In addition to formal program, we started a protocol that recruiting patient himself and the family members to participate the care bundle of CAUTI in order to improve the care quality and reduce the rate of CAUTI. Methods: The hospital task group started the program of intervention from July 2105. After primary surveying on 20 staffs on the performance of "urinary catheterization," it revealed that, although the knowledge of CAUTI was 90% correct, the performance was only 55% correct. Since then, we introduced the care bundle programs for urinary catheterization in our medical /surgical wards. The programs are: (1) in-service education for the medical team members, including hand-on teaching and on-line learning; (2) were the independent risk factors for 28-day mortality. We further stratified patients into critically ill and non-critically ill group, and found appropriate antimicrobial therapy was not associated with survival benefit in both groups. Conclusion: Host factors were the predictors for mortality in patients with CRKP bacteriuria. Antimicrobial treatment was not associated with survival benefit in either critically ill or noncritically ill patients. The findings may provide some insight on future antibiotic stewardship interventions. The influence of changing frequency of patient's urinary drainage bag on the cleanliness and urinary tract infection Chu-Chun Lin 1 , Yin-Yin Chen 2 , Fu-Der Wang 3 *. Background: Indwelled urinary catheter is one of the commonest clinical treatment. There is no evidence based on replacing timing of foley catheter or urinary drainage bag, the range from a week, two weeks to per month in cilinical standard operation procedure. The research motivation comes from our operation is different from the guideline of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Methods: Observational study between June 1st, 2013 and July 31st, 2014, 107 of patients were allocated to our study. Cases were inpatients with foley over 14 days that were in infection ward of central hospital in Taipei city. The risk factor of the contamination quality of the urinary drainage bag with binary outcomes was analyzed by logistic regression. And we observe two groups with changing urinary drainage bag in 14 days or not. Results: It is found that there are 63 (58.9%) patient's foley were clean and 44 (41.1%) were contaminate in not changing bag group. In changing bag group 29 (78.4%) were clean and 8 (21.6%) were dirty ( p = 0.033). The two groups in the urinary drainage bag of cleanliness there was no significant difference ( p = 0.302). In silicone material than latex catheter coated silicone coating material has trained more microorganisms ( p = 0.013). Compared to the two groups, the not changing bag group microorganism culture data was over 105cfu, and with 14 patients (13.1%), changing group is 4 patient (10.8%), there is no significant in statistic analysis ( p = 0.486). Logistic regression were use analyzing, we adjusted other variables, not changing group has sheltering effect. However, whethere changing urinary drainage bag or not would be not significant in bacteria culture ( p = 0.717). Conclusion: Patients indwelling catheter for more than 14 days in the group did not change the urinary drainage bag every 14 days the catheter is significantly dirty, but there is no significant difference in the urinary drainage bag and microbial culture with the replacement urinary drainage bag group. Background: Most of the residents in the LTCFs were survivors from acute medical conditions and frequently harbored multi-drug resistant organisms resulting from their previous treatment course. Therefore, infection or colonization with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have become an important issue. This study planned to investigate the antimicrobial agent susceptibility of and the molecular typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the residents and environments in six long-term care facilities (LTCFs) in Taiwan. Methods: We prospectively investigated the existence of MDROs, including MRSA, in residents of six LTCFs and their environments from January to December 2016. Active surveillance of colonization of MDROs was performed by culturing nasal and rectal swab samples every three months for the residents. If MSA was identified, then swab specimens from environmental sources were collected and cultured. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MICs) of common anti-microbial agents were tested. The SCCmec genotype and Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of selected MRSA isolates were further analyzed. Results: A total of 339 isolates of MRSA was identified during the study period. Among them, 135 isolates (39.8%) were identified from LTCF residents. Generally, the isolate numbers from LTCF residents in each surveillance culture correlated with the number of isolates from the environment. The predominant SCCmec genotypes were type IV and V. The predominant MLST types belonged to ST59 (42.3%, 60/152) and ST45 (19.7%, 28/142). The predominant MLST strains varied from facilities to facilities. However, the MLST typing from the environment cultures could correlate with the culture from the residents. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MICs) of 339 isolates of MRSA to various commonly used antibiotics were determined. All isolates were susceptible to vancomycin, nitrofurantoin, quinopristin-dalfoprestine, linezolid, mupirocin, and teicoplanin. Daptomycin (99.7%), rifampicin (97.9%), and fucidic acid (96.8%) also exerted excellent in vitro activities against these 339 isolates of MRSA. However, the MIC values of tetracycline, trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole, and ciprofloxacin were significantly lower in ST59 as compared to ST45. Conclusion: The MRSA widely distributed in some but not all the long-term care facilities in Taiwan. No single clonal expansion was found in different facilities. However, the MLST typing of the environmental stains highly correlated with the colonized strains in LTCF residents. An individualized environmental cleansing policy should be adopted to facilitate the LTCF to reduce the environmental colonization with MRSA. Commonly used antimicrobial agents against hospital-acquired strain of MRSA remained highly active against these isolates from LTCFs. Fang-Chen Hung, Chun-Hsing Liao. Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Infection control center Background: Oncology patients with central artificial venous catheters have increased risk of bloodstream infection. Up to 70% of the patients in our oncology ward use central venous catheter for chemotherapy and the incidence of bloodstream infection was 5.92‰ in 2014. Due to the high incidence of bloodstream infection at this unit, a series of improvement program was carried out since 2015. Methods: This unit has 55 beds and an average hospital stay of 11.3 days. A task force was formed by oncologists, nurses, and infection control staffs. A serial of interventions were enforced including (1) use of pre-filled heparin syringe (2) reduction of non-essential use of artificial blood vessels (3) Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a frequent hospital acquired infections among intensive care unit patients. The goal of this study was to apply a bundle for ventilatorassociated pneumonia prevention as a process for quality improvement in a single surgical intensive care unit. Methods: It consisted of the implementation of an evidence-based ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention bundle adapted to surgical ICU and using the plan-do-study-act cycle as a strategy for quality improvement. The 7-element care bundle was implemented, including head-of-bed elevation 30°-45°, daily sedation vacation and assessment for extubation, peptic ulcer disease prophylaxis, oral care with chlorhexidine, and prevent tube condensate from entering the airways and maintenance of endotracheal tube cuff pressure at 20-30 mmHg. The bundle compliance and VAP rates were then followed. This study analyses the SICU utilization, ventilator utilization, and VAP incidence between January 2014 and June 2014 to assess the impact of VAP bundle in a clinical setting. Results: A total of 202 SICU patients were analyzed in this study. The mean age was older than control group (63.83 vs. 48.71 years old). The ventilator days were longer than control group (9 vs. 4.8 days). Compared with control group, the patients with VAP has higher incidence of underline with COPD(16.7 vs. 11.2%), higher rate of H2 blocker or PPI use (100% vs. 70%), higher rate of using inotropic agent immediately after ventilator support (33.3% and 18.4%), and higher rate of TPN use (66.7% vs. 13.3%). The mean interval between intubation and diagnosis of VAP was 14.3 days (1-56). The mean interval between intubation and mortality was 36.6 days (9-92). In response to VAP bundle interventions, no difference in SICU utilization ( p = 0.32) between the pre-VAP and post-VAP bundle phases was noted, whereas the ventilator utilization was decreased, from 359 ventilator days to 295 ventilator days ( p = 0.19) monthly; the VAP density had remarkably decreased from 1. 4 Background: There is a worldwide increase in the incidence of Carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae (CPE). CPE contain plasmid-borne genetic materials that are capable of spreading rapidly between bacteria and between individuals, rendering Carbapenems, an important group of broad spectrum antibiotics useless. We detected a significant increase in CPE, including three outbreaks, in a 285-bed convalescence hospital in 2016. Although standard infection control measures like hand hygiene audit and regular environmental decontamination were in place, the CPE incidence increased and rose to 0.34/1,000-patient-bed-days in 2Q2016. Hence, a CPE reduction program was formulated. Methods: The CPE reduction program started in July 2016 and focused on three areas: (1) active surveillance screening: Patients who complained of diarrheal symptoms or stayed more than 7 days with antimicrobial therapy were screened for CPE. This enabled early identification and isolation of CPE carriers; (2) Focused hand hygiene compliance improvement program during napkin care and enteral feeding. Concurrent feedbacks were given to frontlines, and results were reported to senior management on monthly basis. (3) Patient environmental care improvement: environmental cleanliness was further maximized by regular ward decontamination by the central cleansing team and ad hoc cleaning once CRE was detected. Staff cleansing technique was assessed by regular procedural and hand hygiene audit. UV fluorescent marker was also utilized and applied to high touch areas including the pantry sinks to monitor their performance. Further environmental measures were initiated including sink decontamination, revised body fluid disposal procedures, revised handling enteral feeding milk and equipment, and patient utensils. Results: The incidence of nosocomial CPE dropped by 67% to 0.11/ 1,000-patient-bed-days in 1Q2017 and there were no CPE outbreaks after the launch for our CPE reduction program. Hand hygiene compliance improved from 90.9% to 95.4%: in particular, hand hygiene before enteral feeding was increased from 95.6% to 100%; Hand hygiene for napkin care were >95%. UV fluorescent marker assessment showed percentage of marked environment being effectively cleaned increased from 71% to 83%. Conclusion: Our CPE reduction program controlled the nosocomial spread of CPE in our hospital. Early identification and isolation of CPE carriers, enhanced environmental hygiene and focused hand hygiene are essential elements of our success. Finally, good communication and cooperation between frontlines and infection control team are indispensable for any MDRO reduction programs. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study on 286 patients treated with mechanical ventilation for more than or equal to 2 calendar days from April 2015 to October 2016. We compared mechanical ventilated patients defined as VAE with patients defined as no VAE. We also analyzed risk factors and clinical outcomes of VAE. Statistical analysis was performed with Chisquare test and significant difference was determined by p < 0.05. Results: Among 286 episodes of mechanical ventilation, 18 episodes were complicated with VAE; 6 of ventilator-associated conditions (VAC), 9 of infection-related VAC (IVAC) and 3 of possible VAP (PVAP). Chest Xp findings were as follows; 11 of pleural effusion, 5 of pulmonary edema, 1 of pneumothrax and 1 of no findings. VAE occurred more frequently in medical ICU than in surgical ICU ( p < 0.0001). The length of ICU stay became longer in VAE ( p < 0.0001). The mortality rate in VAE group was significantly higher than no VAE group ( p < 0.0001). There were no significant differences between VAE group and no VAE group on intravenous volume overload and nutritional management. All patients defined as VAE showed hypoalbuminemia (<3.0 g/dL). Conclusion: Since VAE affects patient's QOL and prognosis, It might be also important to improve malnutrition in VAE patients with nutrition support team for preventing VAE. The excellent infection control policy of zero infection in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in hemodialysis roomone teaching hospital experience Han-Chuan Chuang 1 , Jen-Zon Chen 2 , Yuarn-Jang Lee 1 . 1 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Medical University Hospital, 2 Department of Infection Control, Taipei Medical University Hospital Background: The patients under regular hemodialysis has risk of staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. The risk factors included vascular access and co-morbidity. The mortality rate of staphylococcus aureus was high up to 15-50%. S. aureus can cause infective endocarditis, septic arthritis and osteomyelitis after bacteremia and in-hospital mortality of infective endocarditis was 22-66%. This important issue is how to prevent the episode of staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. According to previous studies, staphylococcus aureus nasal carrier would follow staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Therefore, we wonder to know if decreasing nasal carrier rate of staphylococcus aureus in hemodialysis room would reduce the incidence of staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Methods: One infection control policy was implemented since May 2016 to Dec 2016 in the hemodialysis room of one 736-beds teaching hospital in Taiwan. We included 319 patients. The policy included two steps: (1) active surveillance of staphylococcus aureus nasal swabs every 3 months and (2) decolonization as staphylococcus aureus carrier. Results: After this policy, the rate of staphylococcus aureus nasal carrier diminished as three sequential screening. The incidence of staphylococcus aureus bacteremia was near zero except one patient with methicillin-sensitive staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Conclusion: As this study supported that the active surveillance give the good infection control in the patients under regular hemodialysis. An outbreak of influenza in the psychiatric hospital in Taiwan Yu-Chen Lin*, Kuan-Sheng Chung, Hsiu-Chu Liu, Jui-Sui Wang, Chih-Lung Hsieh, I-Yen Lee, Kuei-Ching Lin. Kaohsiung Municipal Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital Background: The study was investigated the process of influenza transmission and infection control intervention was applied in the psychiatric hospital. In addition, the weakness point of infection control intervention, fomite transmission, the effect and timing of Tamiflu ® (oseltamivir phosphate) used was discussed in this study. Methods: The action research method was used in order to offer the suitable intervention of infection control on time in the psychiatric hospital. The information about the influenza vaccination rate, the way of Tamiflu ® (oseltamivir phosphate) used, symptoms of influenza, result of influenza rapid screening, epidemic curve of disease transmission was collected. Results: The first patient with influenza-like illness (ILI) was reported by the critical intensive care unit on 22nd of Jan, 2016. Six cases with influenza-like illness were reported after one night. An acute ward, a pediatric and adolescent ward was reported an outbreak event within 7 days. 25 patients and 6 health care professionals were suffered from seasonal influenza in the three psychiatric wards. The influenza vaccination rates among health care professional were 97.65% in average. Unfortunately, the seasonal influenza vaccination rates among psychiatric patients were 44.33% in average. Beside of this, morbidity of seasonal influenza was 15.20% in average. Unfortunately, positive influenza rapid screening result was not higher than expectation (36.36%), even though type A influenza virus (H1N1) was detected and quantitated by real-time RTPCR. Tamiflu ® (oseltamivir phosphate) was applied not only for psychiatric patients, but also for health care professionals. As a result, dosing rate of Tamiflu ® (oseltamivir phosphate) was 82.35% in average. The average days of isolation were 8.7 days in three psychiatric wards. Conclusion: In conclusion, the infection control intervention in the psychiatric ward is not as easy as in the medical or surgical ward due to the movement ability among psychiatric patient. Seasonal influenza vaccination could see as the health prevention intervention to protection patient before influenza season coming. Tamiflu ® (oseltamivir phosphate) dosing could suggest if an outbreak event was occurred in the ward. Environment clean and disinfection was highly suggested in order to stop drop infection be transformed into contact infection by psychiatric patients' hands. Evaluation of quality of hand hygiene skills using fluorescent lotion and ultraviolet test Wan-Ching Wu 1 , Po-Lin Chen 1,2 , Chia-Wen Li 1,2 , Wen-Chien Ko 1,2 , Nai-Ying Ko 1,3 . 1 Center for Infection Control, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan, 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan, 3 Nursing Department, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan Background: To promote the quality of hand hygiene skill, several innovative teaching programs has been initiated since 2012. In order to evaluate the quality of hand hygiene skills of employees in the study hospital, an investigation with the ultraviolet light (UV light) test was underwent in March, 2017. Methods: A total of 706 staff members, including administrative workers and healthcare providers of different specialties were enrolled. The quality of hand hygiene skills was evaluated using fluorescent lotion and UV light test. Briefly, fluorescent lotion was smeared evenly on both hands before doing handwashing, and then UV light was used to check the lighting spots on both hands, indicating fluorescent lotion not removed by handwashing. The cleaness of seven main areas (including palms, back of hand, gaps between fingers, knuckles, thumbs, finger nails, wrists of both hands) were measured (+1 for each section) and scored 0 to 7 for each hand. Results: A total of 706 employees (321 nurses, 180 members of hospital administration, 93 medical technicians, 76 doctors, 26 maintenance workers and janitors, and 8 other staff ) in a medical center participated in this evaluation. The results showed 394 (55.8%) participants passed the test perfectly, and 225 (31.9) with missing no more than 2 areas on both hands. The most missing points were the finger gaps of left hands (122, 39.1%), left hand fingers (116, 37.2%) and gaps between right hands (120, 38.5%). The scores for 323 nurses, 180 administrative members, 93 medical technicians, 76 doctors, 26 maintenance workers and janitors, and 8 other staff were 12.96 ± 1.57, 13.02 ± 1.55, 13.18 ± 1.28, 12.59 ± 1.75, 13.23 ± 0.99, and 12.25 ± 1.67( p = 0.106). Staff from examination rooms/departments got the highest score of 13.48 ± 0.81, followed by the intensive care units (13.46 ± 0.97), administrative stations (13.10 ± 1.58), ( p < 0.001). Conclusion: The ability of performing good hand hygiene skills varied in different stations and departments, while no significant difference was observed among employees of different specialties. The fluorescent lotion and UV light test can reveal the missing points of hand hygiene skills individually, and help the staff to improve their skills accordingly. Using quality control circle to reduce the positive surveillance culture rate of intestinal endoscopes Mei-Yu Wu 1 , Pei-chin Hung 2 , Chen-Shuan Chung 2,4 , Hsin-Yen Tsai 3 , Chun-Hsing Liao 1,3 . 1 Infection control center, 2 Ultrasound and Endoscopy center, 3 Infectious Disease Division, 4 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Division, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan Background: Positive surveillance culture from endoscope after disinfection is not uncommon. In 2015, the overall positive rate of surveillance bacterial culture was 12%, and the rate was 39% for endoscopes not disinfected in the endoscopic center. There are several problems including incorrect manual cleaning, inappropriate storage, or lack of automated washing device. A quality control circle is formed by staffs from endoscopic center and departments with endoscopes to improve the quality of endoscope disinfection. Methods: The quality control circle had implemented meausres including (1) Cleaning performed by qualified personnel after and education and training. (2) Annual educational workshop and trainging. (3) Poster of standard operating process in the cleaning room. (4) Insepct the correctness of manual cleaning and use of disinfection agent by circle leaders. (5) Procure the washing machines and storage cabinets. The circle member meet quarterly and inspect all participating units regularly. Results: In 2016, a total of 53 people had received education and training. On-site audit for 8 units was performed every six months, including use of automated washing machine, process of manual cleaning, storage of endoscopes, regular check for concentration of OPA, etc. The most common defects were incorrect manual cleaning process, inappriate endoscope storage, and expiration of OPA test stripe. After the effort of quality control circle, the number of defects decreased from the 29 (total) (March 2015) to 9 (December 2015). The positive surveillance culture rate reduced from 12% in 2015 to 0% in the first quarter of 2017. The top three isolated organisms were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas putida, Enterobacter cloacae. Conclusion: With quality control circle to perform regular checks and interventions, the quality of endoscope disinfection could be improved significantly. An outbreak of severe respiratory tract infection due to human metapneumovirus infection in one regional hospital in Southern Taiwan Wan-Ling Chen 1,2 , Bao-Chen Chen 3 , Ye-Hsuan Jao 2,4 , Miao-Ci Cai 2 , Ying-Chen Hsu 2 , Yeuh-Ju Chen 5 , Wen-Hsin Tsai 5 , Hung-Chin Tsai 5,6 . August 2016. The mean±standard deviation(range) age for staff members and patients, was 45.3 ± 15.5 (23-63) and 67.6 ± 19.2 (21-92) years old. The most common presentations were upper respiratory tract infection, but 14 (27%) of 52 patients had pneumonia. Besides, 10 (19%) of 52 patients had hypoxia. The fatality rate was 7% (1 of 15 patients) among confirmed cases and 5% (2 of 37 patients) among patients with possible cases. In this outbreak. there were 15 confirmed cases by viral cultures or polymerase chain reactions and 37 possible cases by clinical diagnosis. The phylogenetic tree analysis showed the high degree strain similarities, indicating they originated from the same source. Conclusion: HMPV is an important pathogen, invading elderly persons and health care workers in this outbreak at the regional hospital. The survey and disposal of CRE-KPC in a regional hospital in Taiwan Chih-Lin Liu, Li-Kuan Chih, Li-Chun Liu, Wen-Han Chang, Shu-Chen Wang, Chao-Tai Li, Pao-Chen Chen, Ying-Sheng Pan. Background: The hospital owns 516 beds. From March to July 21 st , 2016, 10 cases (28.6%) were proved to be positive CRE-KPC results which were reconfirmed by CDC, Taiwan. Comparing with one case (1.1%) occurred from 2010 to 2015, the results were obviously higher. In order to prevent the spread of disease, the related interventions were implemented immediately. The experience would be shared with the medical profession as a reference. Methods: Bacteria culture laboratory isolated the specimens which fit the CRE drug resistant condition defined by CDC. Then active notification was proceeded and infection control interventions were activated. On June 21, 2016, after discussing with the staffs in the Division of Laboratory Medicine, related interventions were adopted. To clarify whether each individual case is relavant to one another, interventions adopted were investigation in the ward, proceeding the sampling inspection of environment in the ward where the patients have lived as well as the hands of staffs who worked there, and revising the standard operation procedure of multiple-drug resistant strains. Results: By analyzing those 10 cases, one was the patient of healthcare-associated infection while the other 9 weren't. On July 26, 2016, 119 specimens, including those collected from the ward as well as from the hands of staffs, and 1 rectalswab specimen from CRKP case, were sent for inspection. 3 specimens (3.36%) verified to be CRE-KP drug resistance were the same as KPC drug resistant case identified by CDC. They are specimens collected from bedside bar, bedside table, and rectalswab of CRKP case. Conclusion: Colonization often occurs before infection. In this event, 3 specimens from one inpatient and his surroundings were verified to be CRKP through environmental collection and inspection. Although the source of infection can't be confirmed, the investigation was continously proceeded and finally found it resulted from the insufficient concentration of bleach formulated by the staffs. After improvement, we kept following up from August 29th and found no cases in the following two months. Environmental clean and disinfection are the key points of epidemic prevention. This study would be provided to the medical profession as a reference of how to implement the interventions to deal with multiple-drug resistant strains. The key words were as follows: "citrate" [tiab] AND "catheter lock" AND ("cancer" OR "malignancy"). Results: In our synthesis of 8 papers, 2 papers met the inclusion criteria distinguished by PICO. Chaftari AM 2017 (level 2) enrolled 60 patients with hematologic malignancies who had peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC),use lock consisted of 15 or 30 μg/ mL of nitroglycerin in combination with 4% sodium citrate and 22% ethanol. Each lumen was locked for at least 2 h once daily prior to being flushed. It can reduce central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) rate from 1.9/1,000 catheter days to 1.6/1,000 catheter days. The adverse events were one headache and one rash but mild and transient. Rosenblatt J 2013 (level 5) reports on the synergy of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) with citrate and ethanol in rapidly eradicating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans biofilms in an in vitro model for catheter biofilm colonization. Conclusion: Sodium citrate may effective central venous catheter lock solution in hematologic malignancies because of it's antimicrobial and antithrombotic effect. But the evidence was not sufficient,we need to more prospective trails confirmly. Effectiveness of preventing needlestick injuries and body fluid exposure by implementing safety-engineered devices at a medical center in Taiwan Shu-Fen Chien 1 , Ju-Chun Lo 1 , Yu-Ling Lai 2 , Jann-Tay Wang 1,3 , Wang-Huei Sheng 1,3 , Yee-Chun Chen 3 , Shan-Chwen Chang 3 . 1 Center for Infection Control, 2 Occupational Safety and Health Office, 3 Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Since the increasingly complicated medical environment and the threats of emerging infectious diseases, issues of workplace safety and health promotion are getting more important. The needlestick injuries (NSIs) and body fluid exposures are common occupational hazards at medical institutions. Besides continuously enhance the training and education of personnel protection as well as continuous improvement of tools and equipment in the workplace are also expected to avoid the occurrence of accidental NSIs. Using safety-engineered devices (SEDs) is an important reform and step for the prevention of NSIs. In 2011, Taiwan has allowed laws for the usage and promotion of SEDs in the daily practice at hospital settings. It is necessary to investigate the effect of using SEDs in term of reducing the incidence of NSIs. Methods: The study was conducted at a medical center with 2300 beds. Since 2011, it has started to promote the usage of SEDs over the hospital phase by phase. Training and education program to prevent healthcare personnel from NSIs were also conducted. Closely monitoring on the incidence and analysis on the underlying mechanisms of NSIs were implented simutaneously. Interventions to improve the medical and practice understanding the factors result in NSIs were performed. Results: The overall incidence of NSIs decreased from 3.90% in 2011 to 2.82% in 2016. The decrease is especially obvious for interns and nurses. In addition, the rate of NSIs caused by conventional devices (including syringe, intravenous catheter, winged needle, insulin syringe, etc.) decreased from 57% in 2011 to 39% in 2016, which resulted from conventional syringe declined from 41.7% in 2011 to 26.9% in 2016. However, the occurrence of NSIs made by the incorrect operating of safety devices and safety devices being not activated had increased from 1.94% in 2011 to 8.97% in 2016. Conclusion: The use of SEDs can effectively prevent NSIs but must work correctly with standard operating procedures. Training and education on the usage of SEDs are necessary before promoting use of SEDs. Keeping and making a more safety workplace environment with sustained efforts should be ongoing to promote occupational health. Diffuse rectum ulcer bleeding with severe cytomegalovirus infection patient: a case report Ching I Ting, Wen lian Yu. Chimei Medical center Intensive care unit Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) usually causes an asymptomatic infection or produces mild flulikesymptoms; afterward, it remains latent throughout life and may reactivate. In immunocompromised individuals, symptomatic disease usually manifests as a mononucleosis syndrome. Symptomatic CMV disease can affect almost every organ of the body. Rare manifestations of CMV infections in immunocompetent individuals include thrombocytopenia, and hemolytic anemia. We present a case of colon cancer and recived chemotherapy with UFUR. However, massive bloody stool passage was found and pandoscopy revealed esophageal ulcer and the pathology confirm CMV infection. Ganciclovir therapy was performed and stopped bleeding after surgical intervention. Case Report: This 81 y/o male patient was admitted due to left femoral intertrochanter comminuted fracture. After admission, surgical treatment was performed on 11/03. Aspiration pneumonia was developed with fever and dyspnea condition after the operation. Due to unstable vital sign and dyspnea, he was transferred to ICU on 11/11 and intubation due to respiratory failure. Broad spectrum antibiotic, septic work-up and fluid resuscitation were perscribed for the patient. Much bloody stool passage was noted on 11/13, GS was consulted and anal fissure bleeding was suspected. However, recurrence of bloody stool was noted, colonoscopy on 11/21 revealed multiple rectal ulcer s/p biopsy. The pathology of rectal ulcer showed favor CMV colitis, thus, ganciclovir was added (11/26-12/2) and combined with antibiotic (Tazobactam/Piperacilin) for pneumonia treatment. We had repeat colonoscopy due to persistent intermittent bloody stool passage, repeat CMV-PCR and antigenemia. The repeat colonscopy showed rectal ulcer with oozing. Antibiotic was adjusted as infection men suggestion, diflucan was added for funguria. The patient's condition became getting stable. Due to negative of antigenemia and negative of stool CMV-PCR, oral form ganciclovir was discontinued (12/2-12/23) after discussing with ID man. Due to improved of clinical symptoms, the patient was discharged on 12/28 in relative stable condition. Discussion: Most gastrointestinal CMV infections respond well to ganciclovir treatment, Independently from the cause of the underlying immunosuppression. Therefore, the patient should be offered an antiviral treatment as soon as possible. Early diagnosis of suspected CMV infection in immunosuppressed patients with gastrointestinal symptoms is of the utmost importance. Repeat endoscopy may be considered if previous study did not meet a conclu gastrointestinal CMV disease should be kept in mind with immunocompromised patient compatible with clinical symptoms. Evaluation on the effectiveness of cleaning products for action care work car in a region hospital Chun-Feng Chiu 1,2 , Min-Han Hsieh 1,3 , Tun-Chieh Chen 1,3 . 1 Infection Control Office Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, 2 Department of Nursing Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, 3 Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Background: In a regional hospital in south Taiwan, there were e-nursing carts for nursing staff for their daily medical work. In order to evaluate if the mobile e-nursing carts became the media of multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO) transmission, ATP-bioluminescence and culture were performed to assess the efficacy of surface cleaning in 10 high-touch surfaces of mobile e-nursing cart. The mean value of ATP-bioluminescence of the surfaces was 1112.6 RLU. The culture grew 180 isolates of microorganism (56.3%). The result revealed that the cleaning is insufficient. There's no a universal regulation. After investigation the will of cleaning by questionnaire, it correlated with the convenience of cleaning tools. Therefore, this study tried to assess efficacy of cleaning by four different cleaning tools. This study also evaluated the will of medical staff for cleaning the mobile e-nursing cart by different cleaning tools. By the analysis, we try to find out how to increase the will of medical staff for cleaning the mobile e-nursing cart, to make sure the cleaning and to avoid healthcare-associated infection. Methods: 1. The mobile e-nursing carts were cleaned by four different tools. To assess the outcome of cleaning, ten high-touch surfaces of each cart was checked by ATP-bioluminescence after cleaning. 2. Questionnaire was designed to medical staff to evaluate the satisfaction the medical staff for different cleaning tools. Results: 1. The use of four different cleaning tools in the e-nursing carts of the vehicle clean, found that different cleaning products can make the surface after cleaning. The mean value of ATPbioluminescence of the surfaces was 484.5 RLU. 2. Total 128 questionnaire were filled in by medical staff. The questionnaire included the items of convenience, operation, cleaning effect, odor and stimulation to skin. The result showed that the medical staff satisfied with antiseptic wet tissue B. Conclusion: A cleaning tool with convenience to operation, effective cleaning, lower stimulation to skin and smell will increase the will and frequency of cleaning for medical staff. If medical staff implement the cleaning is more important for the cleaning of mobile e-nursing cart. Therefore, the establishment of standard procedure for the mobile e-nursing cart cleaning and system of audit is essential. Improve the integrity of oral care for nurses in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia Shwu-Hwa Leu 1 *, Mei-Ju Su 1 , Li-Yao You 1 , Shu-Chun Chang 1 , Yueh-Chen Fu 1 , Hsia-Ling Wu 1 , Li-Chu Li 1 , Chin-Yu Chen 2 , Tzu-Ping Shih 2 , Wen-Chih Wu 3 , Cho-ching Sun 4 Background: The use of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) for the intensive care unit quality indicators to monitor important items,not only will extend the hospital stay will increase the cost of medical care (Ashraf & Ostrosky-Zeichner, 2012), so there is a systematic introduction to prevent the combination of care, remodel the correct concept of staff care, the implementation of unified and more effective care measures in the combined care, but also to respirator patients with oral care is more important, Expect effective prevention of VAP, improve patient cleaning and comfort, in order to enhance the professional care and service quality. In April 2016, The team used technical audit and observation methods. The average correct rate of nursing staff was 73.3%, and the integrity of oral care was only 68.7%. First, the newly transferred personnel to protect the lack of awareness (19.7%); Second, the lack of appropriate care products can be used (21.8%);Third, there is no relevant care operation check mechanism and standard operating practices (16.2%), so the purpose of this project is to improve the integrity of oral care to 95%. Methods: In order to improve the integrity of oral care for nursing staff, improvement measures are made every month from June to September, 2016. 1. Participate in TRM competition and external expert clinical guidance. 2. Improved care products and equipment, use multi-functional aspiration toothbrush,oral denture and 0.2% Chlorhexidine oral cleaning gel to mouthwash. 3. System to prevent the prevention of VAP care standards: revised special oral care technology, and develop the use of breathing apparatus operating instructions. 4. Implementation of VAP care check and reward: internal check, outside the hospital inspection counseling, Bundle protection angel recognition and implementation of the incentive system. Results: June 2016-May 2017prevention of VAP care integrity check results care integrity 99.4%, Nurses' knowledge of oral care increased from 81.2% to 100%; And maintain VAP zero case. Conclusion: Since the introduction of modular care, the unit has been effective in preventing infection and significantly improving peer awareness and care skills. Effective teamwork can increase the efficiency of the work, in the process of care, while buy and use the new improved care products, not only more convenient and effective; the current hospital has been promoted to the implementation of the respiratory care ward, To share the unit to promote the implementation of experience, in order to achieve the purpose of maintaining patient safety and improve the quality of medical services. The role of cytomegalovirus in post-H1N1 pneumonia: contributor or bystander? Hui-Ling Huang 1 *, Wen-Liang Yu 1,2 . 1 Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan, 2 Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Influenza may cause severe disease that needs care in the intensive care unit (ICU). Viral infections in the ICU often involve the respiratory system and can cause significant morbidity and mortality especially in immunocompromised patients. Meanwhile, critically ill patients admitted in ICU are predisposed to many nosocomial infections due to underlying illnesses, various invasive procedures and prolonged hospital stay. We report detection of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Morganella morganii in a patient after prolonged ICU stay. Both pathogens are often ignored but might be of clinical significance. Methods: Case study. Results: This 78 y/o man had history of hypertension, chronic kidney disease and brain stroke under medication control. He was in acute respiratory distress and required immediate intubation. He was admitted to the ICU. Hemodialysis was used because of increasing metabolic acidosis and progressive pulmonary edema. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing of nasopharyngeal sample was positive for influenza A (H1N1). He completed a 10-day course of oseltamivir therapy. Then piperacillin was used for pneumonia caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae. After 32 days of ICU stay, he was transfer to the Respiratory Care Center (RCC) because of difficulty in weaning ventilator. However, septic shock was noted during stay in RCC. The cultures of blood and sputum yielded M. morganii. Blood Aspergillus galactomannan antigen index was 0.11 (normal, <0.5). In addition, CMV-PCR results of sputum and blood samples were positive. CMV viral load was 9,550 IU/mL. Imipenem had been used for 14 days without anti-CMV treatment. His condition improved thereby and he was successfully extubated and weaned from the ventilator. After 24 days stay in RCC, he was transferred to the ward. He was discharged uneventfully after 71 days of hospital stay. Conclusion: CMV antigenemia is not an uncommon finding in ICU patients with immunocompromised status. Although associated with a higher morbidity and mortality, the clinical significance of CMV in ICU patients is unknown. Meanwhile, the organism M. morganii with proven pathogenicity could be potentially dangerous and should not be overlooked. Thus M. morganii infection was vigorously treated, whereas CMV reactivation was ignored in the current case. It is difficult to discern whether CMV plays a role in post-H1N1 pneumonia status. CMV might be a bystander as no anti-CMV therapy was given, but it might be a contributor associated with prolonged hospital stay. Clinical characteristics of the patients infected with vancomycin-resistant enterococci Hsiu-Lun Su 2 , Ya-Lan Chen 1,2 , Chen-Chi Tsai 1,3 *, Shu-Juan Tsai 1,2 , Jia-Lin Lin 1,2 , Hui-Ying Chuang 1,2 , Mei-Lan Shen 4 , Chorng-Jang Lay 1,3 . 1 Infection Control Committee, 2 Nursing department, 3 Division of infectious disease, department of medicine, Methods: Our hospital is a 960-bed regional teaching hospital. This study is a retrospective case-analysis study. We reviewed the medical records of the patients infected with VRE from Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2016. Results: There were 114 patients infected with VRE, whose specimens including urine (n = 68), wound (n = 14), blood (n = 7), stool (n = 7), Ascites (n = 5), Bile (n = 4), CVP line (n = 2), Drain tube (n = 1), other (n = 2), Pleural effusio (n = 2), pus (n = 2). Most patients are 70-80 years old (61.4%). The most common comorbid disorders included hypertension (50%), diabetes mellitus (46.5%), and bedridden status (48.2%). There were 6 patients re-admitted in half year. One of them had 4 times of re-admission, and another had 5 times of re-admission. VRE was isolated from these two patients in every re-admission. Conclusion: This study showed that most of the patients infected VRE were elderly people with comorbid disorders. About one half of the patients were bedridden. We found that VRE could be found in re-admission of the patients infected with VRE. Using bundle cares to reduce ventilator associated pnumonia density-case by a regional teaching hospital in Taiwan Chiachi Liu 1 , Chunchih Yeh 1 , Siangru Syu 2 . 1 Infection Control Committee, I.C.U, 2 Ten Chan General Hospital, Chung-Li, Taoyuan, Taiwan Introduction: Prevention of infection counts in intensive care critical ill patients. Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), for one, not only prolong the time of ventilatior usage, but also increase the durations of hospitalization and the medical costs, and that even counted one of the important cause for mortality of patients. Methods: Ventilator associated pneumonia reached 1.61‰ in 2014 for I.C.U. for Ten Chan General Hospital, Chung-Li, Taoyuan, Taiwan, of which seemed on the rise compared with the following two years. Reviewing the bundle cares, the causes for ineffective execution were: care professionals short of understanding of care methods, lack of standing operation procedure, didn't lift the bedhead measuring instruments and short of the evaluation charts. Therefore, the following infection control and contain measures were introduced, of which include: Consclusion: The most effective way to reduce VAP is to remove the tubes earlier, and that chime in with the medical qulity demands and the object N.O. 6 -Implementation the idea of bundle cares and lower the medical care associated infection. It will shorten the hospitalized days for the patients, to stay away from deseases, and make sure the safety for medical care. PS 492 I-CARE intervention to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections in an adult intensive care of medical center Yueh-Ju Chen 1 , Cheng-Ho Chang 2 , Jui-Kuang Chen 3 . 1 Infection Control Committee, 2 Nursing Department, 3 Background: In our hospital, as early as 2001, we implemented nurse-generated reminders to physicians to remove catheters 5 days after insertion. We were able to effectively reduce catheter duration from a mean of 7 to 4.6 days, lowering the rate of CA-UTI by about 25%. Unfortunately, reminder interventions can also be easily ignored and catheters may remain in place without action. Since then, the rate of CA-UTIs began to increase in recent years, reaching 7.2 cases per 1000 urinary catheter days in 2015. Methods: I-CARE intervention was performed in August 2015 with coordinated strategy comprised of (1) I-CARE slogan poster: Indication Clean Aseptic Remove-early Easy and smooth (2) team works with focus on nurse driven catheter removal potoca (3) Background: Ambient air may be contaminated with or carry significant levels of a variety of potentially detrimental microorganisms. Exogenous flora are primarily aerobes, especially grampositive organisms. The microbial concentration in an indoor operating room (OR) is one of the extrinsically influencing factors for surgical site infections. The aim of this study were to assess microbial colony counts in working ORs in a tertiary referral medical center. Methods: This prospective observation study was conducted at the 28 ORs of a medical center in Taiwan. Each OR was equipped with a ventilation system with a high efficiency particulate air filter. The ventilation systems of the ORs produced a minimum of approximately 20 air changes of filtered air per hour. The vertical laminar airflow systems were used to move particle-free air over the aseptic operating field at a uniform velocity. The microbiologic air counts were measured using an impactor air sampler for 4 months. Results: The overall mean number of bacterial colonies in the ORs was 78 cfu/m 3 . The mean number of colonies was the highest for transplant surgery, followed by pediatric surgery. No fungi were cultured from the air samples. A total of 25 (10%) contained pathogens isolated from air in ORs; Coagulase-negative staphylococcus was the most common pathogen, followed by Micrococcus spp., and Staphylococcus. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that free fungi and the number of mean bacterial colonies were far from the suggested levels during surgical activity despite a well-controlled OR ventilation system with a HEPA filter. Air flow conditions in hospital ORs are controlled and regulated to remove airborne microorganisms to help control infections. Methods: The IC team visited bacteriology lab for more information about cotton batting-like material as received abnormal results. Next we visited OR in the company of OR head nurse to investigate and to see whether the number of surgical site infections cases show abnormally increase in the past 6 months. Results: We found green cotton fibers on the top surface of the operation lampshade when visited OR. These green cotton fibers should be from green cloth used to wrap surgical instruments. We speculated cotton fibers scattered when surgical instruments parcels were opened. We also found in sanitary staff's operation procedure that they routinely clean the floor, operation tables, walls and so on, but didn't include operation lampshade and therefore, resulted in fibers accumulation. Environmental cleaning and disinfection were implemented. Air quality monitoring was followed again subsequently and the results were all normal. Also, there were no abnormal increase of surgical site infections [SSI rate was 0.20% (6/2952), there was no significant difference ( p = 0.632) compared with the mean value of pre-infective stage (0.13%)]. Conclusion: Operation room is an important environment where surgery was performed and saving lives. To ensure the OR environment clean and free from pollution is very important. In this case we rechecked and revised sanitary staff's SOP and added works cleaning the top of the lockers and the operation lampshade to avoid accumulation of cotton fibers and dust to cause environmental pollution. Evidence-based assessment of the effects of antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing burn wound infection Fang-Ching Liu 1 , Yuan-Hsin Chu 2 . 1 Division of Infectious Disease, Jen-Ai Hospital, 2 Department of Infection Control, Jen-Ai Hospital Background: Burn injuries are associated with significant death and disability, multiple surgical procedures, prolonged hospitalization, and high costs. Taiwan ICST and French Burn Association suggested that antibiotic prophylaxis should be given as soon on severe burns rather on local infection burns patients or infections not assured. We herein perform a search to provide evidence-based recommendations for prophylactic treatment in burns patients. Methods: We used the relevant terms as keywords (Prophylaxis AND Antibiotic AND burn) to search Cochrane Library and PubMed electronic databases and acquired a 2013 Cochrane systematic review for critical appraisal. Results: Thirty-six RCTs were included and 11 trials were metaanalyzed about a particular antibiotic, silver sulfadiazine, showed a significant increase in burn wound infection and longer hospital stay, compared with dressings/skin substitute: (OR = 1.87; 95% CI: 1.09 to 3.19, I2 = 0%) and (MD = 2.11 days; 1.93 to 2.28), respectively. There was no evidence of an effect of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in non-surgical patients on burn infection rate (3 trials) . Systemic antibiotics (Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) were related to a significant reduction in pneumonia (only one trial) (RR = 0.18; 0.05 to 0.72). The limited evidence about the effects of antibiotics was unable to draw reliable conclusions. Therefore, antibiotic prophylaxis is not suggested routinely administrated for all burns patients, which is consistent with Taiwan ICST suggestions and French Burn Association guidelines. Further, 48-72 hours after antibiotic prophylaxis interventions, appropriateness of drug usage should be reassessed, preferably by the results of bacteria cultures, to adjust the applications of antibiotics for burns patients. Experience sharing of amblyopia caused by EMB drugs in regional hospitals Ya-Jhen Ji 1 *, Shu-fan Lin 2 , Yueh-Ying Tsai 3 . 1 Yunlin Christian hospital of Tuberculosis case manager, 2 Yunlin Christian hospital of Thoracic surgeon, 3 Background: Tuberculosis is the oldest disease. The standard treatment includes four kinds of medication combination treatment as INH, RMP, PZA and EMB. The treatment process will vary from person to person with different side effects. EMB related blurred vision is most likely to be confused with degenerative diseases in the elderly. Methods: Mr. A is a 70-year-old person who has the history of Type 2 DM and cataract. Tuberculosis was found on September 24, 2015 and the patient began to use a four-in-one standard treatment regimen. Before treatment, left eye blurred vision was mentioned and his right eye had 20/70 vision and normal color discrimination (from Public Health Center). The patient complained that blurred vision deteriorated on January 5, 2016. He was diagnosed denegerative glaucoma at local clinic on January 7, 2016. But he did not informe to the doctor at chest OPD on the next day. The patient only told the information to the DOTS observers. The patient received operation of cataract of right eye on local clinic on Jan 18, 2016. Then, abnormal color discrimination was found on January 26. 2016. Therefore, we stopped anti-TB treatment on January 30, 2016. His family questioned the deterioration of vision due to EMB. So, (1) we referred the patient to Ophthalmology authority. (2) The case was applied for phytosanitary relief. (3) The patient was transferred to tuberculosis hospital (PCH). Methods: 1. A visual checklist was printed automatically for the patient who take EMB by computer settings. 2. Check simple vision test including color discrimination by case manager before treatment and every month during treatment with EMB 3. Record the result of simple vision test 4. Use the questionnaires for tuberculosis diagnosis, treatment in the case of the occurrence of abnormal to keep the record by case manager and the public health department. Results: We have implemented the program including 36 cases since Sep, 2016 and there is no new onset of occurrence due to taking EMB caused vision-related medical disputes. Conclusion: Every medical dispute is the process of learning and improvement. We hope to provide better quality service after this event and want early prevention of drugs induced side effects. Therefore, we could put the end to medical dispute and support a win-win strategy between the patient and medical caregiver. Through the combination of care to reduce the respiratory care center catheter-related urinary tract infection effect I Ping Yang. Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Infection control commissions Background: Respiratory care center in January 2016 catheterrelated urinary tract infection density of 15.3‰, compared with the previous 6 months average duct-related urinary tract infection density 5.1‰ high; by the chi-square test statistical value of P = 0.0083, field audit found that the implementation of hand Health is not implemented, catheterization process in the urethral disinfection process and disinfection time is not enough, set the urine bag at the exit of the bed along the situation, in recent years found in the import and active combination of infection control measures to help reduce Catheter-related infection, the project will be further explored. Methods: From the beginning of 20160201 to 20161231 only, after the collection of information and the status quo analysis, the solution according to the planning period, the implementation period, the evaluation period of the implementation of the planning period: planning education training courses to investigate the catheter placement and care process, Revised the placement checklist, care assessment form and audit plan; implementation period: the revised operation process, including the time of hand washing, the newly revised indwelling catheter checklist and care assessment table published in the unit bulletin board and publicity know, Conduct education and training, perform technical audits and use catheterization, care checklist; evaluation period: through the unified teaching of the correct catheterization and care process, reply teaching and planning audit. Catheter-related urinary tract infection density increased from 6.1‰ before the reduction to 5.5‰, catheter placement compliance rate increased from 0% to 100% Results: 1. Catheter -related urinary tract infection density: from the planning period 6.1‰, the implementation of 5.8‰ to the evaluation period has dropped to 5.5‰. 2. Catheter compliance compliance: increased from 0% to 100% before improvement. Conclusion: The UTI bundle is listed as a catheterization and care standard, and educational training and auditing system is organized to make the catheter placement and care concept more effective. According to the literature, it is pointed out that the removal of the catheter is a preventive urinary tract The main cause of infection, but because of the relationship between patients with respiratory care center, the implementation of the catheter in the early removal of the more difficult, but also the resistance of the project. Due to the January 2016 catheter-related urinary tract infection density rise, and then timely analysis and improvement, to achieve the desired results. Impact analysis of hemodialysis-related bloodstream infection after bundle care intervention Chia-Hung Liao, Jeng-Hua Ling, Zong-Fang Jhung, Hung-Ni Lee. Background: In Taiwan, most end-stage renal failure patient received hemodialysis replacement treatment. Health-care associated bloodstream infection may result in elevated morbidity, mortality, prolonged admission, and higher cost. We conducted previous evidence-based procedures identified as having the great effect on the rate of bloodstream infection as "bundles care" to the hemodialysis units. Finally, we compared hemodialysis associated bloodstream infection rate before and after the interventions. Methods: This project was conducted step-by-step. Staff education was performed before June of 2016. And we used double-lumen hemodialysis catheter insertion checking list, double-lumen/ hickman hemodialysis catheter care checking list, and arteriovenous fistula care checking list to standardize the procedures since 2016, June, 1st. We calculated and analyzed compliance and correct rate, and gave feedback to the hemodialysis units every month. Finally, we analyzed hemodialysis associated bloodstream infection rate before and after the interventions. Results: After education and coarse, we conducted the evidencedbased procedures identified as lowering the rate of bloodstream infections as checking lists. After intervention, compliance and correct rate improved gradually. And hemodialysis associated bloodstream infection also improved (January ∼ May of 2016: 0.692‰; June ∼ October of 2016: 0.32‰). Conclusion: An evidence-based bundle care intervention of hemodialysis units may resulted in improved compliance and correct rates of medical staff, and reduced hemodialysis associated bloodstream infection rate. Use of an education programme to encourage hand hygiene with alcohol-based handrub and reduce near-patient environmental contamination in elderly residents in long-term care O'Donoghue Margaret 1 , Yang Lin 1 , Siu Gilman Kit-Hang 2 , Lee Paul Hong 1 , Boost Maureen Valerie 1 , Ho Jacqueline Mei Chi 1 , Suen Lorna Kwai Ping 1 . 1 School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2 Department of Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Background: Elderly residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs) colonized or infected with multidrug resistant organisms act as important reservoirs leading to cross-contamination within the LTCF as well as transfer to the hospital upon admission. Colonization with MRSA is well recognized as a major risk factor for subsequent infection. The role of patients' hands has been neglected both in hospitals and LTCFs even though it has been suggested that they may represent an under-recognized reservoir of pathogens. We aimed to determine if education, regular reminders and improved availability of alcohol based hand rub (ABHR) would increase frequency of hand hygiene by elderly residents in long term care capable of performing hand hygiene without assistance. Methods: Nasal swabs were collected from 321 elderly subjects attending community centres for social activities. Swabs were cultured on chromogenic agar. Species identification was performed using MALDI-TOF. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed and results interpreted according to EUCAST guidelines. Presence of AR genes was detected by PCR. Figure 1 . Hand and near-patient environmental contamination before-and after a one-month hand hygiene intervention involving use of ABHR in a LTCF for elderly residents (data for test subjects). Results: All participants complied during which time we were able to demonstrate a significant reduction in both hand and nearpatient environmental contamination for those patients who previously had highest levels of organisms present (Figure 1 ). Frequency of hand hygiene events per day also increased significantly over the period with significant change in frequencies in each quartile ( p = < 0.001). Conclusion: By adopting directly observed hand hygiene for subjects capable of using ABHR without assistance, it should be possible for all residents of a LTCF to achieve improved hand hygiene on three occasions by introducing this methodology before each of the main mealtimes. For elderly unable to perform hand hygiene by themselves, we propose that HCWs physically assist these patients by rubbing the ABHR on their hands for them. This preliminary study shows promise as an approach to reduce the MDRO problem in the LTCF setting. Background: In order to monitor infectious diseases and avoid potential epidemic outbreaks in Taiwan, our hospital participated in the Epidemic Prevention Cloud Project driven by Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2016. We developed and established automatic laboratory data delivered platform connected with CDC server to provide prompt and sustained data for disease surveillance. Methods: Several strategies were launched in our hospital to achieve the assignment. First, the medical technologists and information technicians participated in the training courses on LOINC (Logical Observation Identifies Names and Codes) and RELMA (Regenstrief LOINC Mapping Assistant). Then, we mapped and organized all laboratory raw data from laboratory information system database. The information technicians developed the automatic data exchange programs based on LOINC to standardize laboratory report information. The data were analysed and audited by medical technologists before uploading daily. In addition, the uploading data were sampling investigated by CDC during testing period to confirm the accuracy. Results: We could successfully transfer twenty kinds of regulated organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Hepatitis C virus, and Streptococcus agalactiae and so on. We totally submitted 2892 designated items from August to November to CDC. More than 10% increases in overall uploading pathogens were observed compared with baseline in 2015. Conclusion: In summary, we finished the automatic data exchange programs and transfer platform to provide data for public health surveillance. The goverment could immediately monitor all hospitals report data in Taiwan to effectively analyze recent trends in all kinds of infectious diseases by Epidemic Prevention Cloud Project. The continued surveillance of infectious diseases should be performed and popularized in the future. Adopting the gatekeeper model to enhance quality of port-acath Hsin-Hsu Chen, Hui-Ping Sun. Tainan Municipal Hospital Background: Port-a-cath is most often used for chemotherapy regimen and nurses have been playing a central role in patient's catheter care. The quality of catheter care directly influences patients' safety so patients and family members should be incorporated into the gatekeeper model of port-a-cath care to enhance communication between healthcare professionals and patients and quality of care through shared decision-making (SDM) strategy. Methods: The team used Maternal Health booklet for reference to formulate Port-A-Cath Care booklet which contained the information of self-assessment, postoperative wound care, infusion notes, principle of care after discharge to home and infusion record after discussions and allowed patients to understand the use and management of port-a-cath. Results: Patients' condition at home and present condition at admission would be understood through self-assessment of brochure after their admission to hospital; therefore, nurses could provide patients with timely access to relevant information and nursing intervention. Since the implementation of the study at a regional hospital in February, 2017, we found that completion rate of port-a-cath care guidance reached 100%; in addition, patient satisfaction scores increased from 3.31 to 4.1, with a significant improvement in suitability of nursing procedure and timeliness of nursing care. Conclusion: Although we worry that giving more information regarding port-a-cath to the patients and family members will increase probability of disputes occurrence between patients and hospital staff if the staff members don't follow the standard of care, it is necessary to incorporate patients and family numbers into the gatekeeper mode to have a better understanding of clinical quality and thereby enhance education training of practice staff to improve patient safety. Background: Effective control of tuberculosis (TB) requires a close partnership between private and public healthcare providers. An integrated web-based information system is vital and crucial for engaging all relevant healthcare providers in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of TB. Methods: A "MONITOR" information system was established in 2016 by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (TCDC) with single entryway and enhanced capacity and flexibility. Main purpose of the system is to promote more rapid response and provide decision support. Information such as TB epidemiology, case management, treatment, DOTS rate, contact tracing coverage, TB clusters, TB statistics and laboratory data are included in the system. Information without personal data can be viewed online with access permission. Daily laboratory data including AFB-smear, culture, identification, drug susceptibility testing and the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) are automatically entered from different interface of diverse information systems in clinical settings and public health sectors. The system provides timely warnings of drug-resistant cases, IGRA-positive cases and high-risk populations to management staff according to their responsibilities. In addition, daily scheduled analyses of laboratory quality indicators, turnaround time and visualized profiles are updated automatically. Results: Currently, the information system covers 100% of TB patients under management and 100% high-risk populations which need to be rapidly diagnosed of drug-resistant TB. Automated data transfer reduces workload and prevents entry errors caused by first-line staff. We observed increase of timeliness and accuracy of data. Automated real-time analysis of indicators can enhance laboratory quality management and facilitate prompt response to occurrences. Moreover, centralized monitoring of effectiveness of the laboratory services and case management are conducted by TCDC periodically. The system improves mobilization of TB control activities and outbreak responses. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that effective, timely and comprehensive information sharing through the web-based "MONITOR" system can improve TB care and control. Assessing the effects of different processing procedures on the yield of Treponema pallidum DNA from blood Li-Rong Lin 1 , Jin-Yi Fan 1 , Xiao-Zhen Zhu 1 , Zheng-Xiang Gao 1 , Xu Shen 3 , Kun Gao 1 , Dan Liu 1 , Jian-Jun Niu 1,2 , Li-Li Liu 1,2 *, Tian-Ci Yang 1,2,3 *. Background: Blood is convenient for the extraction of Treponema pallidum DNA for PCR, but the sensitivity of T. pallidum DNA detection is unsatisfactory. Here, we investigated the effects of different processing procedures on the yield of T. pallidum DNA from blood to improve the sensitivity. Methods: We employed a real-time PCR with the target of tp0574 to evaluate the T. pallidum DNA yield in a series of simulated experiments and from infected rabbit blood, testing different centrifugal forces, processing times, and storage temperatures. Red cell lysis pretreatment was also conducted. Results: The T. pallidum DNA yields following red cell lysis pretreatment were 40.4 times greater from whole blood and 32.4 times greater from residual hematocytes than without pretreatment. For the whole-blood simulated experiments, the T. pallidum DNA yields in the lower layer were 2.8, 4.6, 7.3, 12.6, 15.24, 16.7, 65.1 and 73 .1 times that of the upper layer at the centrifugal forces of 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 5000, 7000, 10,000 and 20,000 g, respectively. However, the T. pallidum DNA yields from clots were only 1% at different centrifugal forces. The infected rabbit blood experiment had similar results to those mentioned above. In addition, sample processing time (within 48 h) and storage temperature (between 4°C and 25°C) did not affect T. pallidum DNA extraction efficiency. Conclusion: The T. pallidum DNA yield can be significantly improved by red cell lysis pretreatment and appropriate centrifugation. Furthermore, the DNA extraction yield of T. pallidum is greater from whole blood or residual hematocytes compared with plasma, serum or clots. Comparison of three preparation methods for direct identification of microorganisms from positive blood cultures by MALDI-TOF-MS Jeong Su Park 1,2 *, Da Yeong Song 2 , Taek Soo Kim 2,3 , Kyoung Un Park 1,2 , Eui-Chong Kim 2,3 . 1 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam-si, Korea, 2 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea, 3 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Background: Direct identification of microorganisms from positive blood culture bottles using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization time of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) has been reported effective to treatment of septic patient. However, additional cost for commercialized MALDI Sepsityper kit (Bruker Daltonics) may be burden to clinical laboratories. This study evaluated three preparation methods (simple centrifugation, ethanol/formic acid preparation, Sepsityper method) from positive blood culture. Methods: This study was performed between September 2013 and March 2014 at the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital in Seongnam, Republic of Korea. Bottles showing positive blood cultures by BacT/ALERT 3D (bioMérieux) were tested. Cultures were subjected to further MALDI-TOF-MS, VITEK II (bioMérieux), and Microscan (Siemens Healthcare) analysis. The pellets from three direct preparation methods were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS and the cut-off score was 1.7. Fisher's exact test and McNemar Chi-square test was used; a p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. For simple centrifugation method, 1.5 mL of broth in tube was centrifugated at 13,500 rpm for one minute and the supernatant was discarded. For ethanol/ formic acid preparation, after simple preparation, non-Sepsityper pellet from aerobic bottle was suspended in 1 mL of 0.26% saponin and washed. The pellet was treated with 75% ethanol, and then in 70% formic acid and acetonitrile. The Sepsityper preparation was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Results: Total number of identified patient was 83 and 26 were cultured both aerobic and anaerobic bottles. 5 fungi, 7 mixed bacteria, 1 polymicrobial samples were excluded. The samples from Sepsityper method were identified better than other methods ( p < 0.001). Especially in simple centrifugation, Gram positive bacteria were significantly less identified than Gram negative bacteria. echinocandin agents is preferred for C. glabrata infection. We suggest that echinocandin should be started as an empiric antifungal therapy if the blood culture turns positive after 50 h of aerobic incubation. Efficacy and safety of echinocandins for the prevention of invasive fungal infections in patients with hematologic malignancies Mei-Chuan Lee 1 , Han-Siong Toh 2 . 1 Department of Pharmacy, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan, 2 Department of intensive care medicine, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Patients with hematologic malignancies are at high risk of invasive fungal infections (IFIs), which has been associated with high mortality rate. In the past, azoles are the only available antifungal prophylactic agents. The novel antifungal agents, echinocandins, had been found to have strong antifungal activity against most isolates of Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of echinocandins for the prevention of invasive fungal infections in patients with hematologic malignancies. Methods: The following databases were searched: Medline, Pubmed (1966 to May 2017 and Cochrane databases (The Cochrane Library 2017) without language restrictions. We also handsearched the related references. Only randomized control trials (RCTs) comparing azoles and echinocandins were included for further analyses, and all echinocandins (micafungin, caspofungin and anidulafungin) were compared in their effectiveness. Statistical analysis was performed with Review Manager Version 5.3 and meta-analysis was synthesized using the random-effects model. The results was expressed as relative risks (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and heterogeneity was tested using the Cochran Q statistics generated from the χ 2 test. Results: After quality assessment, we reviewed evidence from 5 RCTs that enrolled 1632 patients with hematologic malignancies who received antifungal agents as prophylaxis for IFIs. There were 3 RCTs comparing micafungin and azoles, and 2 other RCTs comparing caspofungin and azoles. There has no RCT comparing anidulafungin with other antifungal agents. The overall incidence of IFIs has no significant difference between the two echinocandins and azoles (RR:0.84, 95% CI 0.71-1.01). However, subgroup analysis showed that micafungin is more effective than azoles for prevention of IFIs (RR:0.78, 95% CI 0.61-0.98), and caspofungin has similar effects with azoles (RR:0.94, 95% CI 0.72-1.23). (Figure 1 ). Conclusion: This meta-analysis shows that micafungin might be a better choice for IFI prophylaxis in patients with hematologic malignancies. However, the effectiveness of caspofungin might be mitigated due to the smaller sample size in the studies. The data of safety is still insufficient and further RCTs are required. Consider the cost and efficacy, micafungin could be suggested as the first choice of IFI prophylaxis. The distribution and drug susceptibility of Candida species in cancer patients with candidemia in a cancer center Yi-Hsuan Chen, Ting-Mei Liu. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center, Taiwan Background: Candida is the most common cause of invasive fungal infections in immunocompromised cancer patients. The knowledge of antibiotics susceptibility of different Candida species may help clinicians in treatment planning. Methods: We retrieved the data of the Candida species in patients with candidemia during the period from 2014 to 2016. The yeast identification methods included window test, CHROMagar Candida, Urease, Pellicle, API-20 C AUX, and VITEK 2 YST. We also performed yeast drug susceptibility test by ATB FUNGUS 3. The Interpretive guidelines for in vitro susceptibility testing of Candida species were applied according to the CLSI M27-S3. Results: There were 50 colonies of Candida species in candidemia. C. albicans [n = 21 (42%)] was the most commen species, followed by C. parapsilosis [n = 10 (20%)], C. glabrata [n = 7 (14%)], C. tropicalis [n = 6 (12%)], C. guiliermondii complex [n = 2 (4%)], C. krusei [n = 1 (2%)], C. inconspicua [n = 1 (2%)], C. haemilonii [n = 1 (2%)], C. lusitaniae [n = 1 (2%)]. We also performed anti-fungal drug susceptibility tests including Flucytosine, Amphotericin B, Voriconazole, Fluconazole, and Intraconazole for 82 Candida colonies isolated from aseptic specimens. C. albicans (n = 42) and C. tropicalis (n = 9) was susceptible to Intraconazole with sensitivity of 98% and 67%, respectively. Both species were susceptible to other antifungal agents. However, C. glabrata (n = 12) was indiscernibly susceptible to Fluconazole and Intraconazole but had susceptible rates to Amphotericin B, Flucytosine, Voriconazole with 100%, 92% and 83%, respectively. All of C. parapsilosis (n = 12) and C. lusitaniae (n = 1) were susceptible to all antifungal agents. C. krusei (n = 3) was a species with intrinsic resistance to Fluconazole. The susceptibility of C. krusei to Flucytosine was intermediate, and had the susceptible rates of 100% and 67% to Voriconazole and Amphotericin B, respectively. C. guiliermondii complex (n = 2) were susceptible to all anti-fungal agents except intermediately susceptible to Intraconazole. C. Inconspicua (n = 1) was intermediately susceptible to Fluconazole and Intraconazole and susceptible to other antifugal agents. Conclusion: C. albicans remains the most common species found in patients with Candidemia, which is similar to reports in other countries. Nevertheless, the incidence is decreasing to be less than 50%. C. tropicalis is not the second common species, but C. parapsilosis or C. glabrata. The knowledge of the distribution of anti-fungal drug susceptibility of different Candida species in the hospital may help clinicians in prescription planning. Ocular candidiasis in patients with candidemia Takashi Ueda 1 , Yoshio Takesue 1 , Kazuhiko Nakajima 1 , Kaoru Ichiki 1 , Kaori Ishikawa 1 , Yasunao Wada 1 , Toshie Tsuchida 1 , Yoshiko Takahashi 2 , Mika Ishihara 2 , Takeshi Kimura 2 . 1 Department of Infection Control and Prevention, Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Japan, 2 Department of Pharmacy, Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Japan Background: Ocular candidiasis is a major complication of candidemia. At our institution, ophthalmological examinations are routinely performed in patients with candidemia based on the bundle approach (Takesue Y et al., JAC, 2015; 70: 587-93.) . Methods: The incidence of ocular candidiasis among patients with candidemia, the timing of diagnosis, the vitreous body involvement rate, antifungal use, and clinical outcomes were reviewed in non-neutropenic adult patients with ocular candidiasis that were reated between April 2007 and December 2016. Results: Among 120 candidemia patients, 116 underwent ophthalmological examinations, and ocular candidiasis was detected in 28 patients (24.1%). Twenty-one patients were diagnosed at the initial examination (median 4 days from the culture of the blood sample positive), and 7 further patients were diagnosed at follow-up examinations (median 11 days). Vitreous body involvement was detected in 9 of 28 patients (32.1%). Among the 24 conscious patients, 9 complained of visual abnormalities (37.5%). Candida albicans was the most commonly detected causative agent in the patients' blood specimens, and the C. albicans isolation rates of the patients with and without ocular candidiasis differed significantly (92.9% vs. 31.1%, P < 0.001). The patients with ocular candidiasis had significantly higher β-D-glucan values (278.4 ± 212.6 pg/mL vs. 132.6 ± 197.6 pg/mL, P = 0.001). Treatment success (an improvement in the patient's clinical data and the resolution of ocular disease confirmed by an ophthalmological examination) was achieved in 20 of 28 patients (71.4%) and visual recovery was obtained in 7 of 8 patients (88.9%). The 28-day mortality rate was 7/28 patients (25%). Fluconazole, voriconazole, and liposomal amphotericin B were administered as initial antifungals to 10, 4, and 14 patients, respectively. As alternative selection, voriconazole was used in 4 and liposomal amphotericin B in 6 patients. Stepdown oral therapy was introduced in 9 of 28 patients (32.1%). None of the patients received intravitreal injections of antifungals or underwent vitrectomy. The mean duration of intravenous antifungal therapy was significantly longer in patients with vitreous body involvement compared with patients with Chorioretinitis (42.8 ± 12.4 days vs. 31.2 ± 13.7 days, P = 0.047). Conclusion: The incidence of candidiasis (24.1%) was concomitant with previous reports. However, a higher frequency of vitreous body involvement was experienced. In addition, a considerable number of patients who were not diagnosed with ocular candidiasis at the initial examination exhibited the condition during follow-up ophthalmological examinations. Outcome of fluconazole dosing on candidemia caused by different Candida species Ching-Yao Shih*, Hui-Shan Tsai, Wen-Liang Lin, Feng-Ying Yeh. Department of Pharmacy, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Fluconazole was amongst the first line of antifungal agent in invasive candidiasis in Taiwan. Different Candida species showed various susceptibilities to fluconazole which dosedependent sensitive of fluconazole posed concern on its efficacy. Methods: This retrospective study included 194 adult patients with candidemia who has treated with antifungal agents at least 48 hours from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2014. We recorded patient's medical history and laboratory data during treatment. Mortality 14 days after the end of treatment and pathogen eradication rate were primary and secondary endpoint respectively. Logistic regression and Mantel-Haenszel test were utilized to analysis the variant that might influence clinical outcome. Results: Mortality rate and pathogen distribution were Candida albicans (30.7%, 45.4%), C. tropicalis (37.2%, 22.2%), C. parapsilosis (25.9%, 13.9%), C. glabrata (28.0%, 12.9%) and other Candida species (27.3%, 5.7%) respectively. Overall mortality rate was 30.9%. C. tropicalis infection has higher mortality rate, but no statistical significant. Overall eradication rate was 79.4%. C. albicans infection was higher proportion to clear (86.4%, median: 8 days) then C. glabrata (68.0%, median: 9 days) ( p = 0.56). Fluconazole was used as initial treatment in almost all case (96.4%) and 80.9% of fluconazole dose adjusted by renal function and weight accordingly, but only 37.1% of them gave loading dose. Logistic regression found that continue treatment with another 2 weeks after documented clearance was significant associated with survival rate (Odds ratio: 5.6, 95% CI: 2.18-14.38). However, to give fluconazole loading dose and to keep maintenance dose of fluconazole more then 6 mg/kg were showed no significant associated to mortality rate and pathogen eradication. Conclusion: In this study, adequate treatment course of fluconazole is associated with patient survival. Even if different Candida species do not reveal poor clinical outcome, but a new treatment strategy of candidemia for increasing fluconazole-resistance Candida pathogen is necessary. Pulmonary fungal infection due to a Basidiomycete species (Ceriporia lacerata) in a HIV patient Lih-shinn Wang 1 , Chia-ching Jackie Wang 5 , Huei-jen Chao 3 , Siao-ru Lin 3 , Chih-bin Lin 2 , Yung-hsiang Hsu 4 Background: Basidiomycetes are rarely reported as a cause for invasive respiratory infection, despite airborne spores being abundant in the environment. Immunocompromised individuals are more susceptible. Methods: A 27-year-old MSM was admitted for 2-week history of FUO in Aug., 2013. He complained of fever, dizziness, sore throat, purulent sputum, cough, and myalgia. He denied abdominal pain or diarrhea. He received antipyretics, which did not resolve the fevers. He had been treated with entecavir for HBV infection for 4 years. He was found to be HIV-infected on admission. His CD4 was 42 cells/uL, and he was started on zidovudine, lamivudine, and nevirapine. Chest X-ray (CXR) revealed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. He also had reactive RPR and positive TP-PA in both the serum and CSF. Intravenous penicillin treatment was administered for neurosyphilis, and the patient partially improved with sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim treatment. Then the patient developed generalized erythematous patches and plaques, which was attributed to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim or nevirapine. Nevirapine was changed to Kaletra, and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim to clindamycin. He was diagnosed with PCP by sputum PCR, but CXR did not improve. Toxoplasma serology and IHA for ameba were negative. Results: The patient was again febrile on hospital day 12 and blood PCR confirmed CMV infection. Whole body Gallium scan showed increased uptake of bilateral lungs without other focus of infections. He became afebrile after initiating intravenous ganciclovir treatment, but still CXR did not improve. Chest HRCT revealed mixed alveolar and interstitial lesions of bilateral lungs, and patchy consolidation of hilar regions. Pathology of bronchoscopic biopsy revealed fungal infection, and amphotericin B (AmB) was added. The patient could not tolerate conventional AmB due to rigors and fevers, and we replaced it with the liposomal formulation. After 2 weeks of liposomal AmB treatment, his antifunal therapy was changed to oral itraconazole treatment. Culture of bronchoalveolar lavage grew a filamentous fungus ( Figure) , and PCR confirmed the isolate as a Basidiomycota sp., Ceriporia lacerata. The patient was treated with oral itraconazole for 6 months. No recurrence was found after a 3 year follow-up. Conclusion: Fungal infections account for a large number of AIDSindex diagnoses and complicate the course of many patients with HIV infection. Clinical suspicion and broader recognition of diseases caused by filamentous fungi among clinicians and microbiologists would improve therapeutic experience and selection of better treatment strategies. Background: Candida glabrata species complex includes Candida glabrata sensu stricto and two major cryptic species, Candida nivariensis and Candida bracarensis. Distinction of these species is relevant for epidemiological purposes and for antifungal management. Phenotypic identification methods frequently misidentify these species as "C. glabrata." Hence their identification depends on molecular methods, or by MALDI-TOF MS. Although DNA sequencing of the fungal rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region or the D1/D2 region of the 28S rRNA gene is accurate, molecular analysis is time-consuming and expensive. In the present study, we sought to examine the ability of the Vitek MS and Burker MS systems to differentiate between the species within the C. glabrata complex, using a variety of software including ClinProTools. Methods: Two commercial MALDI-TOF MS systems (Vitek MS system [bioMérieux] and the Bruker MS system [Bruker Daltoniks]) employing the Vitek MS RUO and Bruker ClinProTools programs, respectively were evaluated for the identification of 33 isolates of C. glabrata complex (17 C. glabrata, 14 C. nivarensis, 2 C. bracarensis). Results: C. glabrata sensu stricto was identified correctly by both systems with distinct principle components compared with the two cryptic species. All C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis could not be identified to species level by the Vitek MS v2.0 IVD and Bruker Biotyper MS v3.1, but were all correctly identified by the Vitek MS RUO. The generic algorithm model from ClinProTools software showed 100% recognition capability and cross validation for the discrimination of C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis. Spectra peak statistics revealed that five markers (3292.47Da, 4152.64Da, 6245.75Da, 6585.15Da and 7304.68Da) can reliably distinguish between C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis, with area under the curve (AUC) values of 0.928, 0.9998, 1, 1 and 1, respectively. A small "inhouse" Bruker spectral database was established incorporating spectra of two clinical isolates representing C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis identified in this study. After complementation with the "in-house" database, all the remaining 14 C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis isolates were correctly identified to species level (score >2.00). Conclusion: MALDI-TOF MS enabled rapid and reliable identification of C. glabrata complex isolates. The use of the Vitek MS RUO system, Bruker ClinProTools software and the addition of MSP to Bruker MS databases representing the local diversity of isolates assisted with achieving differentiation of cryptic species within C. glabrata complex. Background: The Gram-positive bacterium Enterococcus faecalis and the fungus Candida albicans are both common opportunistic pathogens in human body, such as the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. An estimated 27-56% of nosocomial C. albicans bloodstream infections are polymicrobial. The top three most commonly co-isolated bacterial species were Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus spp., and Staphylococcus aureus. Previous in vitro studies showed that E. faecalis could inhibit the C. albicans hyphal morphogenesis and reduce its biofilm formation, furthermore co-infection of E. faecalis and C. albicans in mice resulted in less mortality than infection with either species alone. However, in clinical mixed bloodstream infection associated with Candida and Enterococcus is rare but it causes with worse clinical outcomes in immune compromise cancer patient. The interaction between these two microbes in mixed-type infection in bloodstream, i.e. the planktonic form is investigated in this study. Methods: The epidemiology of bloodstream infection with E. faecalis, C. albicans, and mixed infection cases collected from Chi-Mei hospital were analyzed. RPMI-1640 medium was used to co-culture the two microbes for testing their interaction in growth. An in vitro biofilm assay was used to study the influence of yeast form C. albicans mixed infection with E. faecalis. The drug susceptibilities against antibiotics, ampicillin and gentamicin, and antifungals, caspofungin and amphotericin B, of these microbes will be analyzed to check their phenotypic changes that associate with virulence. Results: In Candida-associated mixed bloodstream infection, the incidence of infection cases with E. faecalis is significantly higher than any other gut bacteria. Similar to previous reports, the decrease in biofilm formation in C. albicans was proved by an in vitro biofilm assay. The resistance to antibiotic was enhanced in E. faecalis by co-cultured with C. albicans. Conclusion: The interaction of E. faecalis and C. albicans might alter the antibiotic susceptibility of E. faecalis in patients, no matter presenting in biofilm or planktonic forms. A special attention must her. Generally, acute hepatitis caused by LTBI treatment with isoniazid is quite rare. At present, the exact mechanism of Isoniazid related hepatotoxicity is still unclear. It might be related to age, slow acetylation to toxic Hydrazine metabolites, or CYP450 2E1 homozygous wild type (CYP2E1c1/c1 genotype). Conclusion: For adverse events of acute hepatitis induced by LTBI treatment with isoniazid, we recommended to trace liver function 1-2 times every week closely, especially those patients whose liver function fail to recover after quitting medication. In conclusion, during the treatment, paying highly attention to the patient's clinical symptoms with closely tracking the biochemical tests of blood, treating the adverse events in time, are all important to ensure the completion of treatment and achieve the purpose of cure. Spatio-temporal analyses on mild and severe influenza illness and their association with air pollution in Taiwan Pin-wei Shih 1 , Ta-Chien Chan 2 , Chwan-Chuen King 3 *. Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University (NTU), 2 Research Center for Humanities and Social Science, Academia Sinica, 3 Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, NTU Background: The epidemic of influenza in Taiwan usually varies in different years. For example, in early 2016, the epidemic was so severe that it led to massive crowd in emergency rooms of many teaching hospitals, shortage of human resource in intensive care unit (ICU) and insufficient availability of ECMO. On the other hand, since the exchanges of cross-strait between Taiwan and mainland China becomes more frequent, the diversity of influenza virus has increased. Therefore, we should understand the spatio-temporal distributions of mild and severe cases of influenza and their associated factors. Methods: We use the software, Satscan, to discover the areas that suffer from high incidences of influenza-like illness (ILI). Then we went further to understand the epidemiology of the illness in these areas to figure out the risk factors, such as weather conditions, population density, air pollution, or poultry farms density. Finally, we confirmed the strength of the association between the risk factors and the disease by using the regression model. Results: Air Quality Index (AQI) refers to the impact of daily concentrations of six substances including O 3 , PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO 2 and NO 2 . AQI can imply the degree of effect of the air pollution on our health. It is also well-documented that the respiratory system becomes more sensitive during the period of poor air quality and in addition to the condition of local weather. Such an interaction of weather and air pollution may help us observe that cases of respiratory illness increase after certain time lags. Therefore, the higher incidences of influenza-like illness would occur more frequently in those time periods with poor air quality, and those areas with severe problems of air pollution. Conclusion: We hope that the results from this study involving AQI, local weather, and more implications from epidemiology of mild and severe influenza cases altogether can provide an early warning for harm reduction of influenza-like illness and implementing the most appropriate preventive measures. Comparative assessment of guidelines for individuals with a risk of infective endocarditis Takahiko Fukuchi. Division of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University Saitama Medical Center Background: Infective endocarditis is a severe disease with high morbidity and mortality rates. Health care providers worldwide should consider means to prevent this disease; however, guidelines related this topic differ among industrialized countries. The author makes close examination of these guidelines. Methods: The guidelines of the United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) are the most notable, but do not contain prescription recommendations for prophylactic antibiotics, while the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) recommends antibiotics for only the highest-risk individuals, and only during dental procedures. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends antibiotics for the highest-risk individuals during dental, urological, gastroenterological, dermatological, and other invasive procedures. In contrast, the Japanese Society of Cardiology recommends antibiotics for a broader range of individuals including those with lower risk such as during procedures for almost all congenital and valvular heart diseases. In addition, the recommendation in the NICE guideline has been changed slightly because an English population-based study revealed higher incidence of endocarditis after the introduction of an aggressive new guideline in 2008. One reason for the many differences among guidelines might be that no randomized control trial has been conducted on the prophylactic effect of antibiotics for individual at risk of endocarditis; therefore, guideline formulating committees do not do not have access to concrete evidence. In terms of causative pathogens of endocarditis, staphylococcal endocarditis, which is unpreventable by oral amoxicilline, has increased worldwide. Findings from studies in East Asia, including Japan, show that up to one third of endocarditis cases are caused by Streptococcus spp. Moreover, as states in all major guidelines, oral hygiene is more important than dental procedures for preventing Streptococcus infection. Results: A historical cohort study reveals indirect evidence for prevention of endocarditis with amoxicilline, which indicates that the UK guidelines might be insufficient. The Japanese guidelines implemented standard practices driven more by the local political climate than scientific evidence. On the basis of current evidence, neither the AHA nor the ESC guidelines can be considered superior to the other. Conclusion: Primary care physicians and dentists should consider prophylaxis against endocarditis during dental procedures as recommended AHA or ESC. Establishing assessment of chemotherapy order templates side effects Hui-Ping Sun, Huang-Pin Liang. Tainan Municipal Hospital Background: The side effect of chemotherapy got worse with doses accumulation over time and length of chemotherapy. Nurse staff played a vital role in maintaining patients' quality of life and effectiveness of treating, preventing or reducing distressing side effects due to chemotherapy and reinforcing knowledge related to chemotherapy and self-care behavior. Currently, staffs often focused on possible side effects of separate chemotherapy drug. However, chemotherapy templates varied from the types of cancer and the side effects depended on the type of chemotherapy being offered. The purpose of the study was to establish assessment form of chemotherapy order templates side effects. Methods: Retrospective chart review was performed to collect six chemotherapy order templates for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma which were the top three most common cancers at a regional hospital. The side effects regarding every chemotherapy order template were assessed and identified as the common and specific side effects based on literature review of reaction to chemotherapy. Results: Offering information about potential side effects to the treatment before starting chemotherapy could reduce the discomfort and deterioration in quality of life. Furthermore, the process of information-giving not only improved nursing care quality but reinforced strong nurse-patient relationship. Conclusion: The chemotherapy side effects in patients are sometimes different from those recorded in literatures so staff can record the chemotherapy side effects on patients through the assessment process. After analyzing the assessment form, the data can be used to establish guideline for education of the common side effects of chemotherapy order templates. Reduce the incidence of needlestick injuries in clinical staff Yi Fang Hsieh 1 , Ya Fang Wang 1 , Wen Chuan Lin 2 , Yong Ching Lau 3 . Conclusion: Needlestick injury as long as a second, that is able to change the life of a medical worker, through education to strengthen awareness, reduce the staff due to lack of habit or lack of cognitive use of safety needle, Expect to effectively prevent the injury and blood, body fluids exposure events, training every clinical medical staff to develop a safe culture. Prevalence and risk factors for extended spectrum betalactamase producing Escherichia coli in patients with urinary tract infection Minori Matsumoto, Kazushi Tanaka, Yoshizumi Takechi. Background: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli (E. coli) in patients with urinary tract infection. Methods: One hundred and four of ESBL producing E. coli were isolated from urine between 2016 April and 2017 March. The prevalence of ESBL-producing E. coli in patients with urinary tract infection was examined. Univariate analyses were performed with gender, age, inpatient status, previous hospitalization, recent history of urinary catheterization, recent exposure to specific antibiotics, and past history of urogenital organ operation as risk factors for the emergence of ESBL-producing E coli. Then, multivariate analysis was performed with all significant variables. Results: In patient with urinary tract infection, the antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli to each of the oral antibiotics, Cefcapene Pivoxil, levofloxacin and Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim was 100%, 84%, and 91%, respectively, and the prevalence of ESBLproducing E. coli was 38.1%. Conclusion: The overall prevalence of ESBL-producing E. coli was 38.1% and the risk appeared to be increased in cases with a previous hospitalization, inpatient status. Incidence and mortality trends of infections among sepsis patients: a nationwide study on 23 million residents Meng-tse Gabriel Lee 1 , Shih-Hao Lee 1 , Yueh-Sheng Chen 2 , Wan-Chien Lee 1 , Shy-Shin Chang 3 , Szu-Ta Chen 4,5,6 , Shyr-Chyr Chen 1 , Chien-Chang Lee 1 . Background: Estimation of sepsis source of infections and mortality based on a nationwide database with linkage to death certificate is lacking. We aimed to determine the trends of the source of infections and outcome of sepsis for the entire 23 million Taiwanese population. Methods: Using the entire health insurance claims data from the National Health Informatics Project, we identified patients hospitalized with sepsis and their sources of infection. Sepsis cases were identified using validated ICD-9CM codes conforming to the sepsis-3 definition, and the 30-day all-cause mortality was obtained by linkage to a death certificate. enzyme-containing microcapsules (MC) were tested to remove three the SAs in sediments. Methods: The remaining SAs were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a photodiode-array detector. The extracellular enzymes were extracted from the spent mushroom compost (SMC) of Pleurotus eryngii from a mushroom cultivation farm. The bacterial community were analyzed by next-generation sequencing. Results: Degradation of three SAs was enhanced by adding MC to the sediments. The order of SA degradation was SMX > SDM > SMZ. Different bacterial communities from different sediments exhibited different SA degrading rates. SA-degrading bacterial consortiums increased and adapted during four time re-additions of SAs and could efficiently degrade SAs for 75 days. 13 bacterial genera (Achromobacter, Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Aquamicrobium, Arthrobacter, Brevundimonas, Flavobacterium, Methylobacterium, Microbacterium, Oligotropha, Paracoccus, Pseudomonas and Rhodococcus) were major bacterial communities involved in SA degradation in the sediment. Conclusion: Microbial degradation is a promising process for SA removal in the sediments. The addition of MC in the sediments enhanced SA degradation. MC could be used for SA removal in the sediments. Chin-Te Lu. Section of Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine, Lo-Hsu Medical Foundation, Lo-Tung Poh-Ai Hospital Background: Scrub typhus, a vector-borne zoonosis caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi, is an important endemic disease in Taiwan. The seasonal occurrence of scrub typhus varies according to the climates in different countries, and the disease occurs more commonly during rainy seasons. Forest clearings, riverbanks, and grassy regions provide optimal conditions for mites. I-lan country is in the northeastern of Taiwan with unique northeast monsoon climate region. By the record of Notifiable Infectious Diseases in one community hospital of I-Lan during the year 2012-2016, 19 confirmed cases, 16 cases (84%) occurs in winter (12 cases in January, 2 case in February, 2 case in December). For the finding of winter type in our hospital, we collect and analysis the cases data of Taiwan area including I-Lan country. Methods: For this study, monthly data of cases number were obtained from the Notifiable Infectious Diseases Statistics System and Infectious Diseases Database at the Taiwanese Center for Disease Control. The scrub typhus is a 4 th grade notifiable disease, blood samples from patients with suspected scrub typhus were collected and sent to the CDC for laboratory confirmation. Confirmed diagnosis for scrub typhus are based on a positive real-time polymerase chain reaction test, or a 4-fold increase in OTspecific immunoglobulin M or immunoglobulin G antibody of paired sera by using an indirect immunofluorescence assay technique. Epidemiological data were obtained from 2001 through 2016 to analysis the difference epidemiology of I-lan and Taiwan. Results: During the years between 2001 and 2016, Confirmed cases totaled to 6,424 cases in Taiwan area. Focus in I-Lan County, 121 cases during past 16 years, and 41 cases were found in In aboriginal area (Datong and Suao Township) and 80 cases in plain townships. The average number of cases was about 400-500 per year in recent 5 years of Taiwan area. The data of incident months of the confirmed cases show, scrub typhus cases occurs throughout the entire year with a rapid increase in numbers in April and May and reaches its peak in July in the data of Taiwan area except I-Lan County which reach its peak in December to January of next year. In Taiwan area, most cases occurs in summmer (41.7%) and fall (27.5%), but in I-Lan County most cases occurs in Winter (62.0%) with the peak in January(38.8%). The seasonal variation of scrub typhus cases in I-lan, different from those reported in other area of Taiwan may due to the unique northeast monsoon climate which needed further studies. In comparison with the summer type of other area of Taiwan, our study revealed the unique epidemiologic characteristics winter type scrub typhus in I-Lan country. These findings may provide valuable information in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the disease in the local area. Background: To determine whether intestinal Angiostrongylus cantonensis antigens can induce protective immunity in rats, gut antigens prepared from female adults (FAGP) and somatic antigens prepared from both male (MA) and female (FA) adult worms were used to immunize rats. Methods: Rats were immunized twice with MA, FA, or FAGP antigens and then challenged with 50 third-stage A. cantonensis larvae, and different readouts were used to monitor protective immunity. Additionally, protein profiles of MA, FA, and FAGP extracts were analyzed and characterized by immunodetection methods. Results: A 15% reduction in fifth-stage larvae from brains and a 14% reduction in adult worms from pulmonary arteries were observed in rats immunized with FAGP compared to controls. However, there was a >50% reduction in rats immunized with MA or FA. The lengths of larvae and adults recovered from FAGP-immunized rats were shorter than those recovered from other groups. The number of first-stage larvae recovered from fecal material in FAGP-immunized rats was significantly reduced. Additionally, FAGP induced the highest splenocyte proliferation. Serum IgG titers were not directly correlated with protective immunity. An 84 kDa gut membrane protein was strongly recognized by anti-FAGP antibodies, which may be important in anti-A. cantonensis immune responses. Conclusion: We demonstrated that immune responses induced by FAGP reduced the growth, development, and reproduction of A. cantonensis in subsequent infections. While the possibility of using FAGP combining with MA or FA antigens as a multi-function vaccine in immune protection against A. cantonensis needs to be further elucidated, we hope that it provides a novel strategy for this parasite vaccine development. 2). Then, we checked whether they received at least twice measlescontaining vaccine from the record of the infection control office. Results: The number of subjects was 1,084. In test 2, 296 people (27%) were LMI (A). Of them, 165 (15%) fulfilled the criteria in test 1, so it was regarded as secondary vaccine failure. 54 (5%) had two vaccination records (B). There were 26 persons who had both (A) and (B), and the number of vaccine subjects was 270. When the vaccination records were kept in the infection control office, assuming the examination cost was $15 per person and the vaccination cost was $70, the expenses of at least $2,210 could be reduced. Conclusion: It is speculated that the measles antibody decreases markedly year by year. In order to take measures against nosocomial infection, HCWs need to accurately manage the vaccination history twice, not once. Managing the vaccination record in the infection control office is more reliable and more economical than the procedure that repeats the test. Neuraminidases NanA, NanB and NanC based vaccine to prevent pneumococcal infection Rajendra-Prasad Janapatla 1 , Mei-Hua Hsu 1 , Cheng-Hsun Chiu 1,2 *. Background: Routine immunization with the pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV7/PCV10/PCV13) increased the incidence of non-vaccine serotypes in community and clincal isoaltes, this increased the need for developing pneumococcal protein vaccines that have broader serotype coverage. Since neuraminidases are major virulence proteins they are potential targets for both vaccines and small molecule inhibitors. In this study, we explored the possibility of combining the three neuraminidases together as vaccine antigens to devise a universal protein vaccine to prevent systemic pneumococcal infection. Methods: To evaluate the degree of protection of NanA, NanB and NanC protein antigens against S. pneumoniae intravenous challenge, individual or combination of neuraminidases NanA, NanB and NanC (10 μg each) were injected subcutaneously. To confirm the presence of anti-neuraminidase antibodies in the antisera, we performed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). S. pneumoniae cell suspension was used to infect immunized ice by tail vein injection. The antisera against individual neuraminidase (NanA, NanB or NanC) were also tested for their inhibitory effect on the activity of neuraminidases. If a specific antineuraminidase serum neutralizes neuraminidase activity, the exposure of Thomsen-Friedenrich antigen (TA) antigen on RBC cells, and the value of fluorescence intensity will be reduced. Results: We observed high (4-6 logarithm fold) IgG class antibody titres against NanA, NanB, and NanC; this indicates that all the three neuraminidases are immunogenic and ideal as antigens for immunization. We found that the antisera against only full length NanA and NanA-Lectin efficiently inhibited (>90%) neuraminidase activity. However, antisera against lectin domains of NanB and NanC were sufficient to neutralize their enzyme activity. Immunization with combination of NanA, NanB and NanC caused significant increase in survival rates relative to PPV23 vaccine group and negative control, in serotype 3, 6B, 14, 15B, 19A and 23F survival was 60%, 60%, 20%, 60%, 40% and 40%, respectively. Conclusion: In future formulations of pneumococcal virulence proteins and adjuvants will be needed to develop serotype independent protection against pneumococcal infections. We recommend the inclusion of three pneumococcal neuraminidases in future protein vaccine formulations to prevent IPD. PS 532 PCV13 serotypes are still important causes of pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal after more than a decade of conjugate vaccine Catarina Silva-Costa 1 , Andreia Horácio 1 , Sandra I Aguiar 1 , Joana P Lopes 1 , Maria J Brito 2 , Mario Ramirez 1 , Jose Melo-Cristino 1 . Results: The number of isolates recovered in each epidemiological year was constant and similar to that of 2011-12, except 2015-16 but this may be due to the fact that we are still receiving isolates from participating laboratories. Overall, 37 different capsular types, as well as non-typable isolates were detected. Although most isolates expressed capsular types included in PCVs, serotypes not included in any PCV formulation accounted for a significant fraction of the isolates (50%, n = 111). Among these, serotypes 10A, 24F, 8, 15B, 12B were the most frequent, represented by at least 10 isolates each. Regarding PCV serotypes, isolates expressing serotype 14 (n = 25), serotype 1 (n = 18), serotypes 3 (n = 14) serotype 7F (n = 13), 6B (n = 12) and 19A (n = 10) were the most frequently found. Overall, 23% of the isolates were penicillin non-susceptible. Resistance to erythromycin was expressed by 22% of the isolates and simultaneous expression of erythromycin resistance and penicillin nonsusceptibility was found in 14% of the isolates. Conclusion: PCV13 serotypes are still expressed by a considerable proportion of isolates responsible for IPD. The data presented here emphasizes the potential role of PCV13 in the NIP in further diminishing pediatric IPD. vaccination programme. We have previously described our methodology 1 and aim to present results of surveillance data from 2016. Methods: All paediatric cases of febrile convulsions, Encephalitis/ Meningitis/Encephalopathy, Kawasaki Disease, thrombocytopenia, lymphadenitis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, intussusception admitted to KKH from January-December 2016 were prospectively screened and evaluated for any possible associations with vaccination. Clinical charts were reviewed and vaccination histories extracted from the National Immunisation Registry. A standardised criteria, in accordance with the World Health Organization Uppsala Monitoring Centre (WHO-UMC) definitions was used to identify cases with higher probability of being associated with vaccination. The criteria included duration between disease onset and date of prior vaccination as well as excluded cases with alternative diagnosis based on laboratory infective screens. All event rates were generated based on per 1000 patients admitted. Results: In 2016, there were 6.38 possible vaccine-related monitored events per 1,000 admitted patients, compared with 6.803 per 1,000 patients in 2015. There was an increase in the rate of Meningitis from 0.07 per 1000 patients in 2015 to 0.50 per 1000 patients in 2016. The rates for febrile convulsions, Kawasaki Disease, thrombocytopenia and lymphadenitis were lower in 2016 compared to 2015. There were no cases of GBS detected that were associated with recent vaccination. Two cases of intussusception following Rotavirus vaccination (Rotarix) were identified. One case occurred 12 days after receipt of dose 2 and the second, 10 days after receipt of dose 1. The findings of the HK-INSPIRE active childhood vaccine safety surveillance in KKH, 2016 provides reassurance on the safety of the childhood vaccination programme in Singapore. No significant safety concerns were detected for most events of interest. An increase in risk of intussusception after receipt of rotavirus vaccination is known to be about 1 in 40,000. Preliminary analysis of the meningitis safety signal suggested that it may be attributable to a wider total increase in aseptic meningitis admissions and unlikely related to vaccines. Prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions in HIV-infected adult on antiretroviral drugs at Faculty of medicine Vajira hospital, Navamindhradhiraj university Kittisak Pholtawornkulchai 1 *, Sirote Luengsupabul 2 . Background: Presentation with multiple tumor is rare and differential diagnosis is important. A young man presented with multiple tumors was admitted and the tumor biopsy revealed smooth muscle tumor. Methods: A case report and review of literature was performed. Results: EBV infection is associated with many tumors and regarded as a tumor virus. With increasing number of patients with HIV infection, the incidence of smooth muscle tumors is increasing. Such patients may present with variable aggressiveness and clinical outcomes and may exhibit a more favorable prognosis compared to conventional leiomyosarcoma. Conclusion: As medicine advances, the presence of multiple smooth muscle tumors in HIV-infected patients should be alert. Vigilance and familiarity with distinctive tumor presentations can contribute to early diagnosis. Aminoacid polymorphism in Gag p6 domain alters Galectin-3 promoting effects on viral replication and budding of HIV-1 CRF07_BC isolates from injecting drug users (IDUs) in Taiwan Background: Bell's plasy is an acute peripheral facial nerve affection.Severe pain suggests herpes simplex or zoster infection and may precede a vesicular eruption or/and progression to Ramsey -Hunt syndrome.In half of the herpes zoster infections,vesiculationnot necessarily appears or may be delayed (zoster sine herpete). New evidence (detected viruses with PCR within the facial nerve) implies that Bell's palsy is caused by latent herpes viruses. Methods: We clinically evaluated 10 patient, 17-65 years old, withpheripheral facial palsy. The patients are clinically assessed for the severity of facial nerve damage and scored with the House-Brackmann facial nerve grading system. They were sreen with routine blood test,thyroid hormone evaluation,serology for herpes Zoster and Borreliaburgdoferi; MRI of the head with gandolinium; was requested to have nerve conduction studies. Results: 6 patient were female, 4 male, 5 patient are scored with grade II, 3 with grade III, 1with grade I and 1 with grade IV at House -Brackmannscale. Six patients were positive for herpes Zoster. None of them had vesicular eruption. In eight patient was normal MRI, in two of them,internal acoustic meatalsegment of the facial nerve was enhanced only on the affected side. At the conduction studies four had demyelination of the nerve, two severe axonal damage(with Zoster positive antibodies and have eanhancment at the internal acoustic meatal segment of the facial nerve in the affected side) Patients with Yosterpositive and Zoster negative were treated with corticosteroid and antiviral therapy. In five patient with facial nerve damage was totally recovered, in two significant improvement, three of them remainwith severe sequelae. The recuperation was greaterat the patient that was used corticosteroids and antiviral therapy (acyclovir, valacyclovir)even in them with Zoster negative antibodies. The patient with severe sequelae were from the group with Zoster ntibodies,with enhancement in the MRI and with axonal damage at the conduction studies. Conclusion: New evidences ipliestha Bell's palsy isa caused by latent herpes viruses. Considering zoster even without eruption and start antiviral therapy, is important sinceit is thought to be the cause of Bell's palsy in quite a number of cases. Although the number of cases at this study are small to have significant statistically conclusion. Background: Several new direct antiviral agents (DAAs) against the HCV virus are approved and marketed. The combination of DAA with SOC ( pegylated interferon and ribavirin) is only recommended to patients with tolerance to interferon. Therefore several IFN-free treatments are now considered, including NS3/4A protease inhibitors, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitors, and NS5A inhibitors. TG-2349 is a novel protease inhibitor of the acylsulfonamide class, and is orally active with significant plasma and liver exposures from an once-a-day dosing regimen for CHC. DAG181 is a NS5A inhibitor. It has superior potency in cell-based assays. This in vitro study examined the potential of combining TG-2349 with DAG181 to reduce HCV replicon colonies. Methods: Cells containing a genotype 1a or 1b sub-genomic replicon carrying the neo gene were plated in 6-well plates and treated with either one or two compounds at 1, 10 or 20 x EC 50 . Culture medium was changed twice a week and cells were split at 95% confluence. Results: On HCV 1a H/SG-neo replicon, the number of colonies reduced dramatically to below 110 when TG-2349 was combined with DAG181. Numbers of 109 ± 1, 6 ± 5, and 2 ± 3 were found for TG-2349 at 1.5, 15, and 30 nM, respectively, when combined with DAG181 at 74 pM. With 150 pM of DAG181 included, the number of colonies further reduced to 65 ± 43, 1 ± 1, and 1 ± 1 for TG-2349 levels of 1.5, 15, and 30 nM, respectively. Another replicon, HCV 1b PI-Luc/neo-ET, with a more dramatic reduction of colony count was observed when the combination of TG-2349 and DAG181 were applied. Numbers of 2 ± 2, 0, and 0 were found for TG-2349 at 1.5, 15, and 30 nM, respectively, with 74 pM of DAG181. Addition of DAG181 at 150 pM resulted in cell colony numbers of 1 ± 1, 1 ± 1, and 0 for TG-2349 at 1.5, 15, and 30 nM, respectively. Conclusion: No antagonistic effect on the number of resistance colonies was observed when combinations of TG-2349 and DAG181 were investigated. Significant reduction of the number of resistance colonies were observed when TG-2349 was combined with DAG181. These studies indicated that the combination of TG-2349 and DAG181 has at least an additive, if not synergistic antiviral effect. Novel lytic bacteriophage YMC16/01/N133_KPN_BP targeting Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Jongsoo Jeon 1 *, Yong-Joon Cho 2 , Dongeun Yong 1 , Kyungwon Lee 1 . Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemases (KPC) are an important mechanism of carbapenem resistance of Gram-negative bacteria. Lately, KPC-producing bacteria are rapidly increasing in clinical settings and their high drug-resistance is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Especially, KPC-producing K. pneumoniae has been spread rapidly worldwide and it becomes a major hospital pathogen. Herein, we characterized the novel Klebsiella phage Βφ-N133 (YMC16/01/N133_KPN_BP), which can lyse KPC-producing K. pneumoniae clinical strains. Methods: K. pneumoniae lytic phages were isolated by using the agar double-layered method from sewage samples from a university hospital in South Korea. Their host ranges were determined by the spot test with 58 KPC-K. pneumoniae clinical strains. Whole genome sequencing was performed using the Illumina Miseq sequencer. The isolated phage was characterized by transmission electron microscopy, one-step growth curve, adsorption rate, thermal/pH stability analysis, and bacterial lysis assay. Results: A novel Klebsiella bacteriophage Βφ-N133 belonging to the family Siphoviridae with an isometric head and a long noncontractile tail. It showed a very broad host range lysing clinical KPC-K. pneumoniae strains of 42 out of 58 (72%). Whole genome analysis of Βφ-N133 exhibited double-stranded DNA with 53,443 bp, a G + C content of 59.3% and 75 putative open reading frames, and known toxin-related genes were not identified in silico. Moreover, bioinformatics analysis results revealed that the whole genome of phage Βφ-N133 is a novel genome that has no BlastN matchs with any other Klebsiella phage genomes in the NCBI database. One-step growth and adsorption curve showed the latent period of 60 min, the burst size of 17 plaque forming units/infected cell and adsorption rate of over 89% within 10 min. The strain showed the broad pH stability in the pH range 5-10 from 1 day up to 4 days, with the high thermal stability observed at 40 and 50°C. Bacterial growth was strongly inhibited by Βφ-N133 at multiplicities of infection (MOIs) of 10. Conclusion: A novel Klebsiella phage Βφ-N133 was isolated and characterized using clinical KPC-K. pneumoniae strains. These results showed that Βφ-N133 can facilitate development of alternative antibacterial agents to treat infectious diseases caused by KPC-K. pneumonia. In vivo safety and efficacy of Βφ-N133 will be examined in further studies. Background: Most people infected with Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) remain asymptomatic carriers. Its prevalence in Taiwan was only 0.5%. We present a case of HTLV-1 related adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL). Methods: Patient was a 58-year-old retired nurse. She suffered needlestick injuries over 20 years, and her blood was rejected for donation at a blood bank 4 years ago. She received a report from blood bank, and someone interpreted it as having HIV infection. But HIV infection was never confirmed. Three weeks ago she had intermittent fevers, night sweats, and general malaise. She then developed general lymphadenopathy over bilateral neck, axillary, and inguinal regions three days prior to admission. Acute retroviral syndrome was suspected but HIV EIA and Western blot were negative. Results: Laboratory testing revealed mild leukocytosis, 9% atypical lymphocytes, CD4: 824/μL. Chlamydia IgM was positive, strategies was applied as follows: to use QR code to convenient online education course, regular monitoring of the standard procedures, to use red alarm marker at the level of 1000ml on the Foley bag, regular audit for correct Foley catheter insertion, in-hospital broadcasting of proper hand washing, to setup procedure to remind the attending doctor by nurses orally, to show the days of Foley catheter insertion on computer, and to use special trolley for Foley catheterization. Evaluation of the effectiveness includes monthly audit of the correct rate of the Foley catheter insertion and daily care by nursing staffs, and the test for the knowledge about CAUTI bundle care. Results: Before conducting the CAUTI bundle care in our hospital, CAUTI rate was 1.4‰ (2/1426 person-day) in March to June 2016. After this plan, CAUTI rate during the same period in 2017 was reduced to 0.73‰ (1/1364 person-day). Knowledge measurement of CAUTI bundle care increased from 87.4% to 96.4% after the strategies (Figure 1 ). Correct rate of the Foley catheterization and daily care were changed from 84.5% and 86% to 99.4% and 100%, respectively ( Figure 2 ). Conclusion: During the initial period of CAUTI-Bundle Care plan, our nursing staffs thought that it was not necessary to perform this plan due to the manpower shortage and the limited resources at our hospital. In addition, there was lower CAUTI rate of our hospital compared to other local ones. After understanding the upgraded evidence of practice guidelines of prevention and maintenance of Foley catheter, they later realized and accepted the promotion of the plan. After the systemic strategies, correct execution rate by nursing staff can achieve 100% and CAUTI rate can further reduce by 0.67‰. Our study showed that CAUTI Bundle Care plan can be executed correctly by a series of promoting strategies and further reduce CAUTI rate. In future, we expect this CAUTI Bundle Care to be a part of our regular medical care. By computer assist, the workload could be reduced. Finally the CAUTI Bundle Care will be promoted to other medical branches in our health system to promote nursing care quality and to reduce CAUTI rate. Promotion of ventilator-associated pneumonia bundle care implementation rate Yu-Ling Huang 1,2 , Pei-Jung Chuang 3 , Hsiao-Wei Wang 1,2 , Ming-Tzer Lin 1,2 , Chuang-Cheng Hsiao 4 . 1 Respiratory care ward, 2 Respiratory care center, 3 Chief president, Hsiao Chung-Cheng Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) prolongs duration of ventilator usage and length of hospital stay and may even result in mortality of critically ill patients. So prevention of VAP is up most important. Our hospital as a local community hospital began to take part in VAP bundle care plan since 22 nd March 2017, including total 32 beds (Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 2 beds, Respiratory Care Centre (RCC) 10 beds and general ward 20 beds). By the bundle care team setup and cross-functional teamwork, the purpose of this plan is to promote implementation rate of bundle care in health care workers, which would further reduce VAP rate to protect the patient safety, improves the care quality, and lowers the healthcare cost. Methods: This plan has been initiated in a local community hospital since March to June 2017 according to practical steps. Poster propaganda and education training with pre-and post-test about ability was done to promote perception and implementation of VAP bundle care in health care staffs. Implementation rate was evaluated by the weekly field audit after the plan began. Audit was done from randomly selected samples in each unit (2 patients from ICU and 5 patients from RCC and general ward). Results: Before execution of VAP bundle care, VAP rate during March to June 2016 was 0.86‰ (3/3480 person day). After the plan, the VAP rate was 1.49‰ (5/3365 person day) during the same period of 2017 ( Figure 1 ). Implementation rate can achieve to 100% in each unit within seven weeks after application of the plan ( Figure 2 ) (six weeks, five weeks and four weeks for general ward, RCC, and ICU, respectively). Conclusion: Based on the psychological theory, a habitual behavior would be acquired through repetition of the action or the experience. At the beginning of the implementation, it took much time to remind and educate the staffs because they did not form a habit to carry out the bundle care in daily practice yet. After the establishment of the habit, the implementation rate can achieve to 100% within five to seven weeks. Different duration to achieve maximized implementation rate could be related to the different bed numbers of each unit. The less the bed numbers, the shorter the duration to achieve 100% implementation rate. VAP rate did not change much after the application of this plan .The possible explanation for this is that the VAP rate was already low in our hospital before, and that there is not enough time to observe evident change of the VAP rate. Our study showed that, the implementation rate can achieved 100% within seven weeks as a result of systematic propaganda, staff education and training. The bed numbers was the possible issue in the achievement of 100% implementation rate. Future research with longer duration is needed to observe the change of the VAP rate. Impact of the bundle care model on ventilator associated pneumonia in medical intensive care unit Shu-Chien Liang 1 *, Yu-Mei Ho 2 , Wen-Yin Huang 3 , Wen-Chen Yao 3 . Intensive care unit, 2 Infection Control, 3 Background: Due to the progress of thoracic medicine and medical instrument technology, improve the survival rate of patients with respiratory failure, but increase the ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), VAP is the most frequent nosocomial infection in the intensive care unit (ICU). Some studies have even found mortality attributable to VAP. Statistics of the ICU of a regional teaching hospital in 2015, the average VAP rates were 0.94 ‰. In order to avoid infection and death of patients, it is recommended that early weaning ventilator and involve the reduction of VAP in hospitalization and the proper management of the patients safety. Methods: Through the database literature verification and team decision-making, in 2016 from January to December intervention prevent VAP bundle care. Intervention projects include education and training, DOPS technical learning activities and improvement of bed equipment, and enhanced 5 combined care modes, including twice daily 0.12% CHG oral care, daily discussion of early removal of endo, patients continuous intravenous sedation with a daily wake-up trial, in which the infusion of sedatives was discontinued, and Level of arousal will be assessed using the Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale (RASS), head of bed elevation to 30 degrees, and water in the ventilator tubing can be emptied. In addition, designed a bundle care nursing information system to enhanceis learning and provide prevention tips. The study results revealed that the patients in the experimental group significantly reduced the VAP. The average rates of VAP were 0.94 ‰ (n = 1061) in 2015, post VAP bundle care, the average VAP rate was zero tolerance (0 ‰, n = 1191) in 2016. The rate of staff confidence in VAP care knowledge and compliance with ventilator care bundle practices were significantly increased, from 25% and 33.3% in the pre-intervention stage to 83.3% and 91.6% in the post-intervention stage. The accuracy rate of RASS sedation evaluation was increased from 0% to 82.6%. Moreover, the sedation patients reached the RASS clinical recommendation level ratio increased from 9% to 87%. Not only reduce iatrogenic injury, but also enhance the use of sedative safety care. Continued tracking to July 2017, VAP density is still zero tolerance. Conclusion: Through the team resource management, the establishment of VAP bundle care, and design of nursing information system, include slogans tips, so that be able to provide the prompts and operation to ensure that the correctness of the clinical care process and monitoring mechanisms to enhance care accuracy rate, achieving the goal of "zero tolerance" of VAP, to enhance the patient safety. In vitro analysis of activities of antimicrobial agents against clinical common organisms causing bloodstream infections, hospital-acquired pneumonia and intra-abdominal infections from twelve teaching hospitals in China: results from the Chinese antimicrobial resistance surveillance of nosocomial infections (CARES) program Henan Li 1 , Chunjiang Zhao 1 , Qi Wang 1 , Ji Zeng 2 # , Yan Jin 3 # , Zhidong Hu 4 # , Kang Liao 5 # , Yanping Luo 6 # , Chao Zhuo 7 # , Rong Zhang 8 # , Xiuli Xu 9 # , Wenen Liu 10 # , Yingmei Liu 11 # , Yunzhuo Chu 12 # , Hui Wang 1 *. 1 Department of Clinical Laboratory,

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