CORD-19:185e78aee848db9cc3a4510619048a6e4acd22cc / 17110-17637
{"project":"Epistemic_Statements","denotations":[{"id":"T19","span":{"begin":0,"end":527},"obj":"Epistemic_statement"}],"text":"[22] [23] [24] Multiple cytokines have been implicated in CRS, including interferon-g, IL-10, and IL-6, and monoclonal antibodies targeting the IL-6/IL-6 receptor axis such as tocilizumab are used for CRS treatment, 24, 25 Marked elevation of serum IL-6 was noted in the case report by Suzuki et al, 19 but to our knowledge, tocilizumab has not been used in the context of bleomycin-associated febrile, hypotensive reactions, and in all cases in the present series, symptoms resolved rapidly following corticosteroid treatment."}
{"project":"CORD-19-PD-MONDO","denotations":[{"id":"T172","span":{"begin":58,"end":61},"obj":"Disease"},{"id":"T174","span":{"begin":201,"end":204},"obj":"Disease"},{"id":"T176","span":{"begin":254,"end":257},"obj":"Disease"}],"attributes":[{"id":"A172","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T172","obj":""},{"id":"A173","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T172","obj":""},{"id":"A174","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T174","obj":""},{"id":"A175","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T174","obj":""},{"id":"A176","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T176","obj":""}],"text":"[22] [23] [24] Multiple cytokines have been implicated in CRS, including interferon-g, IL-10, and IL-6, and monoclonal antibodies targeting the IL-6/IL-6 receptor axis such as tocilizumab are used for CRS treatment, 24, 25 Marked elevation of serum IL-6 was noted in the case report by Suzuki et al, 19 but to our knowledge, tocilizumab has not been used in the context of bleomycin-associated febrile, hypotensive reactions, and in all cases in the present series, symptoms resolved rapidly following corticosteroid treatment."}
{"project":"CORD-19-PD-UBERON","denotations":[{"id":"T57","span":{"begin":243,"end":248},"obj":"Body_part"}],"attributes":[{"id":"A57","pred":"uberon_id","subj":"T57","obj":""}],"text":"[22] [23] [24] Multiple cytokines have been implicated in CRS, including interferon-g, IL-10, and IL-6, and monoclonal antibodies targeting the IL-6/IL-6 receptor axis such as tocilizumab are used for CRS treatment, 24, 25 Marked elevation of serum IL-6 was noted in the case report by Suzuki et al, 19 but to our knowledge, tocilizumab has not been used in the context of bleomycin-associated febrile, hypotensive reactions, and in all cases in the present series, symptoms resolved rapidly following corticosteroid treatment."}