BB-rel@ldeleger:BB-rel-F-25496341-006 / 0-19
The reference strain Psychrobacter immobilis
PG1 was isolated from the dairy plant that produces the smear-ripened
cheese E, but two years earlier. The high proportion of perfect matches
with reference strain PG1 may thus be explained by the presence of an
offspring of this strain in cheese E. Many reads were also assigned to
the genomes of the yeasts Geotrichum candidum CLIB 918 and Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767.In the second smear-ripened cheese (cheese L), Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125, Halomonas sp. 1 M45 and Psychrobacter celer
91 were the three dominant reference bacteria, with 17.0%, 10.5% and
1.7% of the good quality matches, respectively.