@Tarable_Tara You should! Would be fun for you since you might be pouring some of the local samples in the shops? Either way, it is fun!
Wrapping Christmas pressies. I'm not one to leave it till the day before. Enjoy the whole process!
Want to know what I will be sipping on this evening? Let's just say it is a classic at Chambar! New blog post! http://t.co/oPLmbBTaPm
@Tarable_Tara I find that living in a small space, I just have to wrap them ASAP. Not a lot of secret storage to tuck things away in!
Wish you were here! About to enjoy Chambar's The Blue Fig cocktail. My favourite. Oven roasted fig… http://t.co/SSlIe14Zgy
Feeling frustrated! Kept checking up on my Minted Christmas card order as it was very slow...turns out the order was lost! LAME!
Now to cancel the Minted card order. Super lame as we did a photo just for the card.
@BitsofBee Oh my goodness!!! That is SO cool!!! Must see the photo!!!
@Huntersprize It can be so frustrating. Minted actually came through. They did a rush reprint and upgraded shipping to arrive tomorrow. PHEW
@Tarable_Tara @BitsofBee Yes! Very cool!!
My nearly 2 y.o daughter figured out that my name is Andrea. So, obviously, she keeps yelling for 'Andrea!!!!' just for kicks.
@emikatj Congratulations! Very exciting time in your lives!
@Huntersprize I totally agree. I don't want it just be 'here is my money'. I want there to be thought behind it.
Need ideas! Christmas gift for our nanny. She is young, hip and fun. Want it to be more than just cash. But maybe cash is what she wants?
@Huntersprize booze lol. Love it!
If you need to do some Christmas shopping for your kids, think about doing some on line shopping with @raspberrykids. SUPER fast shipping.
Husband is home from his business trip to LA and brought flowers and the suggestion to order in dinner. Welcome back!
You need to fetch the oldest from school right during the toddler's nap time. No worries! Strap on the… http://t.co/Fr8heSfQAE
It's not everyday you look out the window and see a Santa paddle boarding in False Creek. #cityliving #Vancouver
Baking 9 dozen sugar cookies for an annual cookie exchange. Every year I say it is my last...but here I am.
@marepants 9 dozen is TOO much. It is 9 people with a dozen each. I think less than a dozen each would be ample. I'd be happy doing 1/2!
9 dozen cookies baked! 3 tiny finger burns.
My home is now filled with 9 dozen different cookies and...I want to eat them all. #cookieexchange
Some growing pains with the change in frequency and route of the C21 bus @TransLink. Seemed to be off schedule. Hope tomorrow is smoother.
@mommyingaround It is hard to resist them. :P
@TransLink Not loving the new route and frequency for the C21. Also feel badly for the elderly people who used to take it up Davie St.
@TransLink Done!
Feeling a bit like @jkossowan & created my girl her own rice table. She is in heaven. The 5 y.o is all, 'you never did that for me.'.
There's a girl in my son's K class and I was at her birth in 2008. Today she ran up to me and gave me a big hug. Seriously love my job.
@jkossowan He's totally right. :P
@Huntersprize @jkossowan Check out Jen's blog. So many great ideas. I used a big rubbermaid, threw in rice and some kitchen utensils.
@Huntersprize @jkossowan Used it for a good chunk throughout the day. Even the 5 y.o had to have a turn. haha
I got to 'sleep in' till after 7 AM! My husband made me coffee and is taking the oldest to school. Win win win!
RT to enter to win a LEGO set from @KaboodlesToys + @Miss604 http://t.co/SJ7bMd9ipb
@CanadianKelli are you also trying massage therapy? Our benefits are awesome for RMT. Unlimited.
@CanadianKelli Maybe you need both therapy? Chiro and RMT. RMT to help with muscle compensation when body is out of wack.
@CanadianKelli well take it easy over there!
I am not aiming for perfection at Christmas. I am just wanting to be relaxed and enjoy my family.
@bcbeautygirl made even more awesome as I got to leave work early tonight! It was a quiet day for babies! Good for me ;)
First *groan* of the day. Silly Putty found on the couch cushion.
It is so quiet in our neck of the woods! I guess most people must have left downtown for Christmas holidays? #cityliving
@alexishinde Usually we see tons of peeps walking the seawall and there is like the odd person walking a dog. SO quiet too! Sort of love it
Someone has come into my home and SHRUNK my jeans. Seriously. #holidayindulgence
Reading his new Cocker Spaniel book while cuddling with his new adopted Cocker Spaniel! #Christmasgift… http://t.co/f4gXU4NoWn
Planning a Hawaiian family vacation for 2014. Have been to Maui X2, Kauai X1. What is your pick for best island to visit? #hawaii #family
@Robinjoy604 Yikes! Must be extra hungry to do that??
My husband cooking up a storm in my mum's kitchen wearing her apron ;) http://t.co/RPfZn6tYyl
@jennkg We had a vet come to our apartment downtown. She was a farm vet and said it was her 1st time doing the city visit ;)
What am I doing tonight? I am going to have a bath and go to bed soon. Working in the morning bright and early.
Side note: I get to meet Vancouver's New Years baby. #maternitynurse
@alexishinde How is the crazy on your side of downtown? We've got some shenanigans along the sea wall in Yaletown starting :) #NYE
Besides all of the cute New Years babies being delivered, my favourite delivery was lunch and a coffee… http://t.co/FynLtCmdVL
Today at work I had someone else's blood, sweat & tears all over me and I actually didn't mind too much. Luckily, I get to wear work scrubs
@willkidsmusic My kids were just dancing to your music!
@willkidsmusic @kidscbc No! I didn't even know about it.
@willkidsmusic Walk n' Roll!
@emikatj Is she in Vancouver? There are prenatal breastfeeding classes!
@emikatj http://t.co/oKmif9mkbT has a good section on preparing to breastfeed. Love when my patients come informed!
Starting soon I will be teaching prenatal classes in Vancouver. SO excited for this new chapter in my career.
@OverTheLoom We LOVE the dress that arrived yesterday. The gray dot tutu dress. Absolutely gorgeous and the price...amazing!
Love getting emails from my blog readers about topics that are passionate to me. Latest question answers on the blog: http://t.co/r4Xo6xWLlQ
@jkossowan I thought you might have a good idea about a party favour for a low key birthday party for my nearly 2 y.o Josie.
@marepants Yes! I am very excited (a little nervous too!).
@jkossowan It is a teddy bears picnic...low key!
Everyone slept in until 8 AM...which is AH-mazing in our home. Now it smells like fresh waffles and coffee. Perfect Saturday morning so far.
@jkossowan Yes I like the idea of the play dough! Thanks :) :)
Out with the old and in with the new. Declutter. Clean. Organize. So, I finished up the Baileys. Just trying to do my part.
Kids have been up for awhile...still so black outside.
Whirl wind morning gathering birthday party supplies for my nearly 2 y.o Josie. We are having a Teddy Bears Picnic this weekend! #birthday
@Archaeolemur I know! #toddlerhood
Oh my goodness... This is the best smelling candle. Plus it burns so nicely. Love love love!! This was… http://t.co/uuWRwqPFlh
@birdonthestreet Hormones?
@birdonthestreet Yes! Those are the most confusing times!
Good morning! A little blog post about my kids and their doctors kit...and why I love being a nurse. http://t.co/vkBy2Xgztd #YVRMoms
@erinireland Great list Erin! #coffeelover
A little bit of art fun at the community center. This girl loved it and keeps asking to go back. http://t.co/g3FgzgDtJt
A photo filled blog post. Rainy days in Vancouver with my almost 2 y.o. http://t.co/KUleE0QN3V
@MomMusicManager @cbcdocs Interesting point. I am hoping to watch it very soon.
You know who loves Vancouver rain the most? This nearly 2 y.o city girl... http://t.co/KUleE0QN3V New blog post! Rainy days in downtown!
@harrietglynn I'm over it. However, the gross factor is helping me get through my 'to do' list by staying inside ;) #Raincouver
I told myself not too get overly worked up about my daughters 2nd birthday party. Meaning no uppity self induced stress!!!
So far, it is working!
My oldest is at a hotel down the road with his visiting grandparents. Having only 1 at home seems so much more quieter. Enjoying it.
Just sharing an afternoon glass of vino with this little cutie ;) http://t.co/KNNS3u1ASh
@BlastedChurch I think the two can go hand in hand sometimes ;)
@TorensMom Gosh I am terrible at email responses!! So sorry Andrea. Anyways, just sent you one. Let's connect.
West End traffic jam! http://t.co/ab9PfGFP4E
Waiting for the birthday girl to wake up to FaceTime with her grandparents #toddlertimes #mybabyis2
My oldest is home from school today with a cough. Another thank you to the kindergarten germs.
A low key family birthday party where we all crammed into our apartment to celebrate Josie's 2nd bday! http://t.co/qbpFii9Jxk
@emikatj Thanks Emily! I am surprised the parachute actually fit in our condo. Moved 1 of the couches to the wall to make room ;)
@emikatj It's my sisters and we bring it out to ALL kids parties. Always lots of giggles and laughs (and I love it too!).
@emikatj Yeah do it!! It folds up to be so small so storage is easy. You can be the cool parachute lady around the neighbourhood.
@emikatj Good question! It has been around for so long that I have no idea. She bought it to use as a teacher in her class.
@chaptersindigo My daughter got a gift shipped from you...and inside the box was someone else's return and refund request??
So..what's with the 8 random people standing on the seawall with various small recording devices. All standing still pointing them around?
@chaptersindigo I received the right gift :) Just must have been someones previous return. Slip with all the info inside our gift :)
@DrJenGunter I would much rather deal with meconium than dog diarrhea!!!!
@SandraGarcia_PR @4angelsbeauty Hi Sandra, I didn't get it. Where was it sent to? Would love more info :)
@SandraGarcia_PR Yes! Right contact. Funny, I didn't get it. Have had mail from you before to that email address for Shiny Fuzzy Muddy.
@erinireland Love Bacchus at The Wedgewood for a romantic dinner. Dark, lush seats, fire, piano music. It really writes itself for love ;)
@worldbysmith @chrispilkington we're a city family but when we dine out with all of us we often choose chain places that are kid friendly
@worldbysmith @chrispilkington we also probably order in for just the adults once a week from all the delicious spots we don't take our kids
@worldbysmith @chrispilkington If we go as a family we go close to home. Milestones in Yaletown knows my kids by name.
@worldbysmith @chrispilkington and once a month or so we take the water taxi over and go to The Keg on Granville Island.
@chrispilkington @worldbysmith you are a few yrs ahead of us in the kid dept. I'm sure at some point we will get tired of it too.
@chrispilkington @worldbysmith @Glowbal_Group Oh you bet. Society is in our neighbourhood so we love their family deals.
@pieholevan I need to put in a pie order soon!! Husbands birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I know he will want one of your pies
@SandraGarcia_PR must be a glitch. Just did some website moves. Try me at Nuggins at gmail dot com Thanks!
@worldbysmith Teachers comment on maturity of students sure. What is the question?
@worldbysmith In front of the kid with the parent or just alone?
@worldbysmith Not knowing whole picture...so tough to say. If it was meant in positive way then that's different
Tonight Im thankful for the New Balance shoes I just bought for my shift today. After 12.5 hours of wearing them, my feet feel decent!
Why yes! I would love to start the day by going to a massage. Don't be too jealous... I'm working a night shift later on ;)
I love all those donation bins around the city. BUT I really hate the people who dive in them and pilfer out the donations.......
leaving them all thrown on the ground. I bundle up my donations to go to a good cause and hate seeing them being tossed on the ground.
Watching a dude go diving in the donation bin from my 10th floor condo. He has a head lamp. He is going right inside of the tiny bin.
Between night shifts....best part of having to do that is getting the bed ALL to myself.
Working a night shift and am happy to be getting a break and putting my feet up. Who else is awake? #shiftworker
@nervouschef Oh yes! I remember those days! I spent my night up with some moms to be. Lots of tired ladies out there! #newmoms
@trudymacinnes @AmberStrocel @worldbysmith I love playing this game! I think it is fun for the kids too ;)
Just relaxing after getting off of my night shifts. Trying to rest after a bath and this puppy just… http://t.co/HrrCoyRlS2
Blogging about the birthy side of me! http://t.co/ekdGEAraJR Did you have good labour support during your births?
@emikatj I wanted to be able to move around as much as I could & not be offered medications unless I asked. I got my wishes!
@marepants Thank you!
@dovetailblog So sweet of you to say that Shawna. Thanks for the RT too!
@LT_Distillery Hello!!! best news ever!
My 'TO DO' list is starting to give me heart palpitations! I feel like so many little things to do and just not enough time focus on it.
@5and1 I totally understand that feeling.
@OhBoy_Mom Always nice to hear some positive love for the care that nurses do :)
@OhBoy_Mom That is lovely!
Today I am using avoidance. By going outside for a play date instead of cleaning. It works. You should try it.
In support of my morning tweet...we skipped the housework and the never ending story of crumbs and did this... http://t.co/QyEh1y9KVa
I'm watching Peter Pan for the first time. I'm 34.
@jennkg I said that exact same thing to my husband!
Good morning! Which parent got up with the kids this Saturday morning?
I was the parent up before 6 AM...but forced everyone to cuddle for 30 more minutes. Now my husband is out walking the dog and...
fetching the coveted JJ Bean 3 shot latte for me. He was the one to sleep in ;)
I was feeling anxious with my to do list & job of wiping pee off the bathroom floor for again. So, I blogged. http://t.co/QyEh1y9KVa
@alexishinde Hope you also get a decent coffee this AM!!
@marepants I woke up with the 2 of them and the littlest demands food right away too ;) I'm like, 'can't we just lay around and relax?' haha
My 2 y.o is absolutely in love with Charlotte Diamond's 'I Am A Pizza' song. It's on constant replay right now.
Enjoying watching the fog roll in. Started off with a bit while we were at Granville Island..now home and it is looking nice and thick.
Fog horn! My kids love hearing it! lol
Homemade guacamole. So delicious and easy.
@hillarywith2Ls so gorgeous!
@racheljonat asked me what it's like to have a WHITE couch and live with kids...let me tell you (blog style!) http://t.co/jDznxH2PZL
I'm a lefty! Are you? The 18 Worst Things For Left-Handed People http://t.co/yJqsUPNv5k via @buzzfeed
Yes! I would love to have a busy kid filled day and work all night long! #doubleday
Hey families! 'This West Coast Mommy' blogger is giving tickets away to Vancouver's performance of the Backyardigans. http://t.co/oCuYL5SGs2
Dear Night Shift Headache, please see yourself to the door. This lady has things to do and kids to play with! Sincerely, a tired mama
What's the worst thing you had to wipe off your living room furniture? http://t.co/jDznxH2PZL #livingwithkids
After a night shift I never feel like cooking dinner. NEVER. Either my husband cooks or we order in.
Family trip to Hawaii booked! @WestJet here we come!
@Josiejacob Same with us...kept putting it off because of work schedules, etc. Finally it worked out! We are heading to Maui. Very excited!
Holy gorgeous day Vancouver!! Love the blue sky and sunshine! Can't wait to spend some time outdoors today.
Looking forward to attending the @4angelsbeauty appreciation party tonight!
I had such a nice evening celebrating at @4angelsbeauty with all of the lovely ladies. I love my henna and my finely shaped brows!
Loved my henna and my fabulous brows too! Thank you to the ladies at 4 Angels Beauty Care! #angelic2014 http://t.co/JCduzQqJks
@Eschelle my 2 y.o was very concerned when she the henna on my hand this morning. Asking me why did I colour on myself, etc. Was very cute.
@pieholevan I've got to put my pie order in ASAP! My husband's b-day is next Thursday and he's requested a day of pies!!
@pieholevan I'm just doing an on line order...do you still deliver the pies downtown? I don't see an extra payment option for that?
@pieholevan Awe that's so nice of you! We would love it! I've picked out 4 different 5 inch pies. To spread through the day ;) #dayofpie
@pieholevan Should I just put the order in through your website then?
Oh really! I went and had a bath and came out to find a boy and a dog sleeping in my bed. http://t.co/zHDh2r6GcW
@pinkchai My favourite for white is @kimcrawfordwine Sauvignon Blanc.
@MamaJaws Me too...could care less.
That moment when you realize your kids have been very quiet and you get worried and go check on… http://t.co/oNnRLYsXuY
@harrietglynn LOL I love that!
I've got a question: do you practice self care? Sunday is a great day to take time for yourself. Here's what I do: http://t.co/pJ5RjoDbz0
It is a totally gorgeous day and I'm heading to bed. Watching the blue sky and sun through the slits of my blinds. #nightshift
'Give me coffee....lots of coffee'...said the night shift working nurse. 1 down, 1 to go!
Remember how I was blabbing about the importance of self care? Well it worked! 2 night shifts and I don't feel like a huge piece of crap!
Also, I really love coffee. Best part of waking up post night shift is a delicious cup of french press java.
@pieholevan I put my order in on line! I am hoping for a lot of pie for Thursday. Does that work? I forgot to put that in the notes.
Just ordered FOUR mini pies from @pieholevan for my husbands birthday. He is a HUGE fan of their pies (and so am I). Yum!
@pieholevan Lovely!! Thank you!
@pieholevan Perfect! #birthdaypie
Night shift insomnia you make me CRAZY!!!!!! No coffee in the house makes me crazier though.
@LeLeIsMe I'd pick to skip the hydration. I'd hate to have to pee so badly while getting a MRI.
@pieholevan I'm putting together a blog post for Valentine's Day....do you still have your VDay pie boxes available so I can mention you?
Can't seem to get our condo warm! With the cold weather outside and ALL the floor to ceiling windows...we are all cuddling under a blanket
@emikatj Ooh!!! Now that would be cold!!
Dont sign me up for a US credit card if you can't handle my Canadian payments. @Nordstrom You closed my account for a really dumb reason
@Juliabug @Nordstrom Having to send a check for payment is so archaic.
@Juliabug lol thats hilarious! It seems like a really out dated system. So surprising as they are building a Vancouver location right now.
@mommyingaround I know right?
Need some Vancouver V-Day ideas? A post full of ideas from @pieholevan @4angelsbeauty @SweetBakeShop #locallove http://t.co/QA4in433nj
@trudymacinnes I know!! Hate complaining when parts of the country are much colder...but BRRRR these windows don't keep a lot of heat in.
@4angelsbeauty Thanks for the lovely Indian head massage and facial today. Felt so relaxing!!
@pieholevan Okay...so your Fat Elvis pie is AH-MAZING!!! I've seen them forever @BettyAtBurrard and I'm so glad I finally got to taste it.
I am such a nerd. I'm so excited that I just bought a ticket to hear Dr. Jack Newman speak in Vancouver. #breastfeeding
It felt like such a novelty to come home from work at 5 PM and not the usual 8 PM after a hospital shift.
Very excited to find my groove with teaching prenatal classes. Still in the training process but it is my second nature, so it'll come!
You know when you were expecting your baby and people told you to get your sleep cause once you have kids its over.....yawn. They were right
Its awesome having nurse friends...they don't mind seeing you sick as a dog in the ER with crazy lady hair and no bra. #sosick #ilovenurses
The problem with the 'MAN COLD' is that it is hard to decipher if things are truly truly bad or if it is just a regular crappy cold.
@ClearlyContacts #howfast? SUPER FAST. Order put in on Friday afternoon, Mix in our Family day holiday...and Tuesday they were delivered!
@Tarable_Tara I think I am also harder on him being a nurse. I know what really sick is. Then there is the grey area of man sickness.
I've yearned for a long long time to be able to lounge in my bed all day long. I just wish I didn't have to be sick to do so ;)
However, I am feeling well enough to on line shop. Just did some with @peekaboobeans. At least my kids will be well dressed.
@Tarable_Tara Yes, you are on to something Tara ;)
@erinehm Tis the season...hate this season! #coldandflu
@hillarywith2Ls I'm waiting for that to happen with olives. I dislike the taste but I actually want to love them.
I have an issue with asking for help...even when I'm super sick and heading to the hospital. http://t.co/K1Gyj25f4j
My head is pounding...have had minimal food since Sunday and NO coffee since Sunday. #coffeewithdrawl
@emikatj I'm ready for a fresh start! And I miss my kids!!
@carolynleanne poor bubs. The adults in our have been swept away with sickness. Feel so sad when kids are sick.
Home sick...thinking of trying out Stong's Market for grocery delivery. Has anyone used them before? #Vancouver #Groceries
@marepants Norovirus is terrible. I've had that before and it bites. I had acute gastritis. So much tummy pain! On the mend now :)
@mommyingaround is that for public school? For some reason I thought he was in K this year.
@mommyingaround Oh I see! So, he goes into K next year there but if you were still here he would go into Gr 1?
@mommyingaround Oh that is too bad. When does he turn 6?
@mommyingaround I actually find it crazy how my son had a boy who wasn't 5 till Dec. 31 and a girl who was 6 in Jan. in the same K class.
@mommyingaround It seems like a big age difference at that age. Maybe not so much as they age up.
@trudymacinnes Excellent. Thanks :)
@bcbeautygirl That is really normal newborn behaviour. Try lots of different comfort measures. I liked Dr. Sears site for ideas.
After a week of illness...I am hoping that tomorrow means health and wellness for me and my family.
I'm excited to review a lovely baby book from mushybooks and already know a baby coming this Spring… http://t.co/gxSd2R3yA0
Watching Sex and the City episode #1. It makes me feel old ;)
@bcbeautygirl This is exactly what happened to me! LOL
@bcbeautygirl #youknowyourgettingoldwhen ;)
It's a gorgeous day in the neighbourhood! Hello sunshine! Today is going to be a good day.
It's Monday so why not have a giveaway? Come meet the designer of Mushybooks and enter to win a modern day baby book http://t.co/J0MrD6vhcV
@trudymacinnes @davemoses @pieholevan I love that! It's seriously tasty pie.
Mama to be? New mama? I have a lovely baby book review from Canada's Mushybooks. Win a modern baby book here: http://t.co/J0MrD6vhcV
Hey BC RN's...don't forget to renew your license. Nearly $500 later...I just did mine.
@Huntersprize My girl is still going on. 2 years this last January. I'm 50/50 over it but she is 100 % into it ;)
@TheLeakyBoob @DeltaAssist @Delta I flew @WestJet and the flight attendant actually recommended I nurse my baby at take off. #breastfeeding
Taking the troop of little cousins to Butterfly Gardens in Victoria. Feeling excited for some happy fun.
Seeing the butterflies, flamingos and Koi fish in Victoria. http://t.co/NL9KUA91i9
@WestJet @TheLeakyBoob @DeltaAssist @Delta That is what traveling mamas LOVE to hear! Also, why we picked you to travel with next week!
Happy Birthday to my dad. He is an amazing man and such a good role model for what a dad can be. A… http://t.co/KJJwCDyfp9
Oh wow. So exhausted. Driving in the snow after the ferry ride home made me tired. But no snow downtown!
I really want to sit down and blog tonight..but I also want to veg in front of the TV and watch things like The Walking Dead
4 knitted boobs all ready to go! Teaching RN's about breastfeeding. http://t.co/SW7DNwrFzx
@QueenofGreen All of my favourite indulgences.
I've been working an extra job on top of my usual stuff and am officially DONE and on vacation!!! Hard work pays off!
I hope I can take my own advice! Going to try and be all relaxed and low key flying with my kids in a few days. http://t.co/TYorN7uzlB
Bah! The dog we rescued in Dec is having a terrible time at the trial of a dog kennel. We had plans to leave her their while we went on....
but the pup is too stressed from her previous experiences. Need a new plan ASAP. We leave Sunday.
@CanadianKelli She's a 1 y.o cocker spaniel. Left alone in a backyard for her first 9 months so some anxiety for sure.
@marepants and our poor pup has separation anxiety due to previous neglect. Does better with someone being with her...makes it more tricky!
@marepants @muttandmoggy Thanks for the recommendation!
@muttandmoggy @marepants Thank you! I will check Vanessa's site out :)
@muttandmoggy Thanks so much. Really appreciate the recommendation!
@muttandmoggy any other downtown dog sitters you know of? #inabind
@muttandmoggy I've sent her an email but it is outside of her office hours...so not sure! Thanks for the other suggestion!
@muttandmoggy We are trying! I'm sure it makes it harder being Friday evening!
@muttandmoggy Thanks for your help!!!
@jenwilsonca Totally agree!
I thought I was being such an awesome mama and made my kids Nutella & banana on toast...only for them to say they didn't like it. WHAT?
@TorensMom @MISS_Foundation Thank you so much for the info. I really appreciate it.
Morning tea time http://t.co/ju1P9mwQ1L
Looking forward to flying with @WestJet tomorrow!
@muttandmoggy Something came together. PHEW! A friends parents that live out in the valley were able to help us out. :)
'I'm in Hawaii! I'm in Hawaii!!' Sang both of my kids this morning.
Nice and sore after a great walk on the beach and playing in the waves with my 5 y.o son. Love being able to play with no interruptions.
ALOHA! Youngest is having a big nap so I am hanging out and writing a post for you. New blog post: http://t.co/dp9xWg1zXI #Family #Vacation
@lilahbility Ben is coming along with his sounds! Has perfected 'Kiddy pool' with no prompt ;)
Breakfast in bed is the perfect way to start the morning.
Relaxing at the luau before the rain came. http://t.co/npu9ixLQuJ
Pool day! Fun in the Hawaiian sun. Yes please! #family #sun #holiday
I'm digging this post I did about being in photos while on a family vacation. http://t.co/pGePb9EzUk Are you in the shot? #familyphoto
Napping cabana style in Wailea Maui. #toddlerlife #naps http://t.co/DQdkGWZI1I
@discoveryparent I would recommend @WestJet for sure. Very family friendly service. Which is why we keep booking with them!
Yep, that's my girl! If you know Josie than you know this is her usual toddler antics. Wearing the… http://t.co/EtG14VKh4Q
Hey @GwenFloyd is this you and your boys? http://t.co/47ifkK4Oqk #photo
Love plumeria. Love soap. Love buying local when I'm traveling away from home. http://t.co/k5exyzDwQN
We had a fantastic dinner date at the @FourSeasons in Wailea last night. Found a lovely nanny service and had the perfect nanny too!
Home sweet home. Also, 2 year olds on a plane. UGH. Practiced some major parent skills with that one.
Blargh! Totally dropping the ball on my preplanning for this month. Goofed up the nanny shifts, my work shifts, conference dates. Oh man!
I need to take some time to get on top of the multi tasking I need to do
Extremely happy to see the new JJ Bean opening near my kids school. Think I will become a regular ;) #coffeelover
@alexishinde Good question!! We always take the water taxi over to Granville Island for Siegel's. Must be somewhere downtown though!
Back to work tomorrow after a fabulous Hawaiian vacation with my family.
3- 12 hour day shifts done! Lots and lots of babies! Looking forward to seeing my sisters for a few days of fun! @SarahinVictoria
@hillarywith2Ls It just seems to sort of happen. Josie was dancing around in the buff today and I couldn't get over how tall she was now.
@VIHippieChick I hate that. I've been served the wrong coffee and was up all night. Let's hope this isn't the case for you!
Just found out my sisters upcoming baby's name and I'm in love. Not that I'm sharing it yet but I'm so excited!
@MommylovesPark A couple of more weeks and I've got another newborn in my life! Very excited! Major baby lover ;) #auntietime
Had a massage, pedicure and dinner with my sisters. Pretty decent Friday!
Nice to see you (again!) @BitsofBee ! My son saw your hubby and kids and was so excited to run into them again.
My niece turns 10 next month. So, I bought her the book, 'Are You There God It's Me Margaret'. I think it's a classic! Have you read it?
@LisaSchwartz05 I really loved it so much as a young girl. Read it so many times.
@LisaSchwartz05 Also bought Blubber and Deenie by Judy Blume
Calling all #sisters! I'm writing about how we HATED each other growing up but now we are friends. #siblingrivalry http://t.co/XQUHmSZ17v
My toddler is an angry toddler today. So much emotion. I am not energetic enough for all of her expression today ;)
Thanks for the fresh brows @4angelsbeauty!
Dinner @chambar tonight?? YES please!!
Feel free to tell me your parenting advice about parenting during the 'TERRIBLE TWOS'. New blog post: http://t.co/7lmd2eiprB #parenting
Lovely dinner out @chambar last night. Excited to see their big reveal in their NEW space this summer. Lunch/dinner on a patio? YES!
Just about to go and check out @LT_Distillery for a delicious G+T tonight. Bringing some visiting Florida family to sample this local gin!
Spring Cleaning! I thrive to be more organized than I currently am. Thinking a label maker might help get me there. Thoughts?
@catriona @alexishinde SO, what else are you labelling? New to the idea. Share the wisdom ;)
@catriona @alexishinde Perfect! I love it!
So sad. Went to buy usually buttery delicious @cadeauxbakery croissants from the coffee shop by my work...and they are stale. #dayold
@cadeauxbakery Good to know!
@BettyAtBurrard Thanks!
@racheljonat I totally agree Rachel! Especially living in an apartment. Time for another big purge!
@missteenussr @cadeauxbakery Totally agree!
Just returned from the retirement part of the doc who delivered my first baby. Was a great party! Even a Gangnam style goodbye video.
What other breastfeeding nerds are going to the Dr. Jack Newman conference downtown tomorrow? #Vancouver #Breastfeeding #DrJackNewman
I'm looking to do a Spring revamp on my bedroom. Good sites to look at for inspiration? #style #bedroom #makeover #newpaint
@NurseSnarky lol too funny
Happy folk live here! Walking home from school on a sunny afternoon. http://t.co/FKsIbT7ciO
Hey #bloggers! Looking for YOU to post your link in my comment section for all of your 'Day in the life' posts. http://t.co/PxKl9xqPD2
@TheMamaship is always good for a great 'Day in the life' post! Maybe a little inspirational even! New blog post: http://t.co/PxKl9xqPD2
I'm wearing dangly earrings and my 2 y.o comes up to me and shouts, 'are you going out?'. I need to get out more.
@Josiejacob Classic!!!!
Make shift rice table FTW! 2 y.o has LOTS of energy this AM. I do not. Set her up with a bowl of dry rice and utensils and littler toys.
@discoveryparent @cindyandjana Stop milk..as in a let down or weaning?
Arrived at school just in time for my 5 yo boy to throw up all over the sidewalk. Better than in the classroom! Quiet day at home now.
Who knew that even in adulthood friends could be sort of sassy!
@AmberStrocel hoping it isn't one of those that spread through the whole family!
Decided today was a great day to go through my kids room and do a major purge. 3 garbage bags, 5 donation bags, 1 lot for the storage room.
@jkossowan Looks fun! I'm sure you will have a grand time!
Thanks for playing along! A Day in the Life http://t.co/7nMr0ucjzf from @NikoNonnie and my own: http://t.co/PxKl9xqPD2 #blogging
I've been a bit under the weather since my last night shift. Lethargic, achey, yada yada. and it's my 1st weekend off in awhile BOO!
@worldbysmith At the movies! They had a date! I told them to bring me home some popcorn. In case you see them eating it all..kick the seat!
Ladies! Given the choice would you pick to wear a dress OR pants. What would you choose?
I'm voting for the dress today! http://t.co/ULTzmkt4WR New blog post.
@Archaeolemur My friend who wants no children gets major harassment. Like she has something wrong with her mentally. Craziness.
@Archaeolemur You need to have some good one liners to give people and stop them in their tracks.
Oh wow! Someone in our building is baking the most delicious smelling somethingarother. Delicious!
@harrietglynn I just sent my kids out for a bike ride with their dad..in hoodies. Hello!
@marepants We always check out @Crumsbys and then head to Buddys toys just down from there.
@NursingNurture What a sweet tear inducing story
@laurenacarlton Congrats! That is big news!
@YMCbuzz I have a few friends that could use this ;)
Blogging about normal term #breastfeeding today with @hillarywith2Ls! http://t.co/ezrnqO8jtp
@SabrinaEnaya @hillarywith2Ls Thanks for sharing Sabrina!
@TorensMom Hi Andrea! Thanks for the reminder (I needed it!). I've got some good news. Will send you a proper email. :)
@Mamaofabean That is what I did too. It was such a great balance.
@alexishinde My nanny takes July off...so I've switched around my shifts so I can also have the month off. Child care is stressful.
@alexishinde Big ugh.
@Mamaofabean I had 2 days a week...and sometimes needed just 1. I'd book things like my hair cut/lunch with friends/errands...it was awesome
Do you #breastfeed a baby over 2 years old? You're not alone! So does @hillarywith2Ls @spokesmama and me! http://t.co/ezrnqO8jtp
@momrecreated @hillarywith2Ls @spokesmama I didn't. My babes were 3.5 yrs apart and I had stopped nursing the first one before that.
@emikatj Ben got the short end of the stick and I stopped nursing him by 13 months because, at the time, I thought 1 year was the end.
@emikatj I just went from nursing to regular kid stuff. He had cow milk/water out of cups.
@emikatj Just went to Dr Jack Newman talk. Toddler formula..such marketing. Apparently in Philippines there is a formula for every age group
@emikatj Oh yeah! He said he couldn't believe it! Pregnant? There's a formula for that? Old person? Yep, a formula for that too!
Any other Vancouver families finding it much easier to get physical activity in with the extra daylight and the SUNSHINE? :P
@marepants Yeah! I know! It really is a great stress buster for me too! Plus I love knowing my kids are getting more physical activity.
@MsJamieLynne @JayGordonMDFAAP Thanks for reading and sharing our posts about #breastfeeding toddlers!
SO much POSITIVITY on my blog post about normalizing breastfeeding & nursing a toddler. SO MUCH LOVE! @hillarywith2Ls http://t.co/ezrnqO8jtp
@alsmacki @MC_Canada Sounds fantastic!
I'm not going to let the fact that I work a night shift ruin my SUNNY Saturday. Bring it on!
Soaked in as much sunshine as I possibly could..now onto the dreary night shift.#ICANDOIT
Who else is working a night shift? #shiftworker #nurse #welcomingbabies Bye family! See you in the AM!
Not sure how it happened but I slept till 5 PM post night shift. Now in a scramble to get things done before heading back to work #shiftwork
Post night shift and all I wanted was a perfect chocolate croissant made by @cadeauxbakery. It was delicious! #happynurse
@worldbysmith Not amazing..just tired ;)
My 2 y.o daughter is majorly LOUD. Working on volume control but oh man. Nothing is instant!
My 2 y.o is sneakier than my 5.5 y.o is. She found the Easter chocolates and unwrapped the largest one, cracked it open and was feasting.
Here you go! I've got your easy dinner idea right here. New blog post! Cooking with kids! http://t.co/fcvaoYNa8K #dinnertime
@marepants J did great at helping! An easy dinner for a 2 y.o to help with. Had all the pieces ready to go and fixed hers up at the end. ;)
Need a dinner idea? Here is my kid friendly/kid involved cooking: http://t.co/fcvaoYNa8K #cookingwithkids #dinnertime
Combo of rain and my kid being sick from school...made me have a bit of an 'off' day. I'm used to heading out daily but today we stayed put.
@LindsayDianne Yes. Yes it is.
That moment when you are fixing your kids breakfast and they are asking you for 101 other things. Practicing patience.
Linking up with @QueenEarlGrey for a #5ThingsParty! Here is mine: Baby LOVERS edition. http://t.co/uY5ThZfXwe
Baked (whole wheat) spaghetti. It's what's for dinner.
A girl and her Tonka truck http://t.co/ICaVwXRLWu
Waiting on a baby...not at work though ;) #auntieisready!
@NSMusicTogether So sweet of you Caroline :)
I've got a new lovely niece! I am one smitten auntie! Sweet baby Isla was born yesterday and I'm ready to smooch her all over! #babylover
Snuggled my sisters newborn today and it made me feel some baby fever! Then went home with 4 kids and a bunch of chocolate and was like WHOA
@NurseNerdy Assessment skillz! You got 'em!
@CrunchyCarpets Obviously that means it is time for no pants.
Waiting so impatiently to go for a KID FREE visit to see my sister and her new baby. I've brought a troop of kids each visit so far.
@LittleUsBlog Both of mine are early risers. We celebrate when the oldest sleeps in till 7 AM. My little girl usually wakes up just before 6
@erin_braincandy mine too!
@alexishinde We were moving a bit over here
@alexishinde I could feel it sitting on the couch and my husband felt it in his office.
@erinehm I could feel the jiggle here in Yaletown
@whistlerkristen I said the same thing about our dog. Where was the animal instincts there?!
@willkidsmusic How do we get you to come to our kids school? :)
What time do you put your kids to bed? New blog post: http://t.co/3nQGG2JBk9 Come and weigh in on the topic! #sleep #bedtime #parenting
@Robinjoy604 I like a 7 PM bedtime for kids!
@willkidsmusic @MomMusicManager Great!!
@Josiejacob My kids are such early risers in comparison!!
Look who is famous! Went to check out details for the Children's fest and saw your lovely family @harrietglynn
@mommyingaround @Robinjoy604 My husband takes the kids in the morning and spends special time with them then. My 5 y.o is 730P-630A.
@mommyingaround @Robinjoy604 When I work I'm gone 630 AM- 8 PM. And usually both kids are fast asleep. So, I don't see them on either side!
How can there be NO @PolysporinCA for pink eye in ALL of Vancouver? How does a company let that happen?
According to my FB page most of you put your kids to bed at 7 PM. Some earlier! http://t.co/3nQGG2JBk9 When do you put your kids to bed?
@catriona We have early risers over here too!
@kitten_arms At 745 PM I heard silence from my 5 and 2 y.o. They were in pet about 715 PM and both chattered and read books on their own
@jenarbo I love that you need an alarm! I have my own alarm clocks called Ben and Josie haha!!
In the perfect world @bellagelateria #Yaletown would be open right now so I could stroll by and sample some delicious gelato!
@MommylovesPark I think that is a great time! Seems very common with little ones to go to bed around that time.
@jenarbo I love that!! It's sort of sweet!
@MommylovesPark Ah! There is no rules with that! So normal! I do it to for Josie. She does just fine without when I work and am not around.
@nervouschef Pretty decent for a tiny babe! Does she wake up through the night?
@MommylovesPark LOL. Truly whatever works! I find nursing to sleep so quiet and calming.
@jenarbo @hungrytaurus Yeah for new babies! I am such a big baby lover. It is a surprise I don't have 5 already haha.
@hungrytaurus @jenarbo Yes! Toddlers vs newborns is so different for sure! Hello personality times 100!
@hungrytaurus Such a normal rhythm for a one month old! I think both of mine went into more of a night mode around 11 PM too.
@hungrytaurus and it's so normal for it to change as they grow and their needs change!
@erinehm @catriona Those early risers! My husband and I dream of those teenage years where we have to wake them up! lol
@alexishinde Perfect for a kindergarten boy!
@PolysporinCA Apparently it is not low stock..it is NO stock in downtown Vancouver. Called 17 pharmacies.
@hillarywith2Ls I have to take injections the exact same time a few times a day. Hard with shift work..and small children who keep me busy!
@hillarywith2Ls Hope your day gets better!
@bellagelateria Well my family can't wait!
Mama worked the nightshift and my family picked me up! What a treat as I always walk home! http://t.co/l6wAKRPfI5
Post night shift I am all about the coffee and laziness.
Oh the allergies! I love the sunshine and all the blooms but holy allergy attack!
I've got a serious case of the post night shift lazy bones. Still in my pyjamas from this AM. Sent husband out to pick up dinner and wine.
Watching out my window...see a lady fall off her bike on the seawall. NO ONE stops to ask her if she is okay or help her up. Disgusting.
@mikeinvictoria Terrible! One dude literally just side stepped her to get around as she lay flat on the cement.
@mikeinvictoria It's the tourists.
@mikeinvictoria I was too busy tweeting. I can't do it all!
My 5 y.o just told me that I don't have 'the right voice' to sing the songs from Frozen.
Does any other shift workers deal with insomnia after coming off of nights? So annoying. #shiftwork #swingshift #nurseproblems #sleep
I wish the food and drinks at Cat's Meow in Granville Island was so much better. Mediocre all around with service and food. So disappointing
@NurseNerdy Exactly. Maybe it keeps afloat by tourists? Sad mojito. Sad brunch. Not great service. Blah
Those mornings where you bust ass and get everything done and even a bit more, all without yelling. BOOM! #motherhood
I love my job but hate how tired I am after some shifts. Takes away from being present with my family. Makes me sort of grumpy too. #nurse
It's gin o'clock over here.
@mikeinvictoria We have a great distillery by our place that we love to support. You know, support local business and all ;) @LT_Distillery
Does your kid see a Speech Language Pathologist? Mine does. New blog post: http://t.co/w8JlNoCCBf #Speech #SLP #kindergarten
@alexishinde @VancouverAqua Thanks for the tip!
@marepants Both of you get into the bath! #cureforeverything
We are having root beer floats as a special treat tonight. My 5 y.o was so excited about it. #1stfloat
Operation 'Ice cream Float' was a success.
Monday, I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to tackle you. #workedallweekend #tiredmama
What's your kid's currency? For good behaviour and getting chores done we do a little family racing #Nintendo style! http://t.co/sz4fvLzVeh
@hillarywith2Ls Boo sorry to hear that. Hope things settle down for you very soon.
Paid for a babysitter and stepped out to get a pedicure. I'm a supporter of 'me time' making me a better mother.
Hello Vancouver! I am so happy to see some sunshine this morning. Makes for the fact that I stayed out too late a little bit easier. :)
My 2 y.o is in LOVE with Yo Gabba Gabba.
@Huntersprize We have just moved on from Teletubbies. So I was happy for the change ;)
@Huntersprize We got into a Tubbies rut back when Josie was in the hospital. Only thing I had on my laptop. Same episode over and over.
Spent the afternoon loving on this sweet baby. Brought out our 5.5 year old baby tunnel from IKEA.… http://t.co/WV9snVibSk
Whose working on Mother's Day? I'm happy to be spending time with new mamas...but also wish I could be with my own family. #ShiftWorker
@carolynleanne Oh that's no good! I've never had mastitis...but wow 4 times! I feel for you.
@atyourcervix78 I'm doing a night shift..so I do have the day with my fam. Can't really complain! I just get 'night shift dread' lol!
@Katontherun2 Hope you have a bit of a special celebration once you wake up!
Friday night blog reading...http://t.co/78r6O3tc6E My 2 kids share a bedroom . My thoughts. #blogging
Chocolate croissants in bed with my 2 kids....maybe not the greatest of ideas. #crumbsinthesheets
@erinehm Yes!! My kids are thoroughly enjoying these fresh warm croissants. It's crumb city all over the bedsheets. Trying to embrace it ;)
Waking up post night shift and realizing there is NO coffee in the whole house....tragedy!!
PHEW!!! Husband saved the day and went out and fetched me a perfect coffee from @JJBeanCoffee #Yaletown
People noodling away on their flutes/trombone/harmonica/etc while walking the seawall, always gives me a little giggle. #Yaletown
Binge watching Sex and the City. Love.
Sometimes I think working shift work and being a RN is slowly killing me. Physically drained today after night shifts. Don't want to move.
The moment when something 'cool' from my past feels 'old'....and how I've been binge watching Sex and the City. http://t.co/BposdJE1Vz
@theTsunamiMommy Still it seems sort of relevant...except without all the social media added to their lives ;)
Took the 2 y.o for lunch at a restaurant. It was actually totally relaxing and I ate with 2 hands. Now to keep it a secret from her bro.
@marepants I think I got used to taking the 2 out...and so just the 1 felt like a decreased work load for sure!
@marepants that and I ordered some sweet potato fries.... ;)
Spending some time with my girl Kim.... @kimcrawfordwine
Kids discovered my old wedding veil hanging in my closet...now dancing like crazy folk to 'Let It Go' from Frozen. Keeping it real.
Had a brunch date today with my husband! Eggs Benny, mojitos, sunshine, patio dining. Love! http://t.co/yGmMtxuiIk
A busy shift on the maternity unit yesterday has zapped my energy and spark for today.
Watching Sex and the City in the bath....that's how I roll! #kidsareasleep
Woke up at 330 AM with the worst case of allergies I've had in ages. Feeling like a ball of misery. Waiting for drugs.
I'm a working mother to 2 young kids. I'm not afraid to admit that I can't have it all. http://t.co/15QDD8k9n7 #Motherhood #WorkingMom
My husband and 5 year old went to bed at the same time tonight. Which was 730 PM. It's just me and the 2 y.o hanging out now ;)
@jenwilsonca nerd alert :)
@jenwilsonca Yes! For sure!!
Put in the 'mom time' today! Aquarium with a troop of little friends, Starbucks visit, train engine stop in Yaletown and a park play. PHEW!
@onesmileymonkey Too funny! I blogged about this in 2009 but have NEVER seen anyone on one. How do you like it?
Enjoyed fish tacos from @TacoFinoCantina & G+T from @LT_Distillery. We didn't get to join in ON site but we did enjoy at home! #wehavekids
First face painting experience. It lasted 20 minutes before she rubbed it all over ;) @charlenechiang http://t.co/pSuHa0e8n4
A little inspiration for your kitchen: http://t.co/A8DFoiMh36
@Archaeolemur My sis really appreciated it, and the show of support, when she was on the picket lines in Victoria awhile back. #Teachers
Loving my husband right now. He's making a banner for my blog. Seriously this is my love language! #blogger
@Sarah_SLP Oh thank you Sarah! That means a lot :)
A bunch of sunny days made us feel inspired for Summertime! New blog post: I'ts The Summer Of George! http://t.co/4twVboM9qO
@vicf Super cute tees!
Who said this: 'It's the Summer of George!'. Am I dating myself? hehe New blog post...The Summer Of Us! http://t.co/4twVboM9qO
This W/E I'm teaching prenatal to Vancouver parents-to-be. What's 1 thing you loved about your #prenatal class? #pregnancy #babies #birth
Even teacher gets a bit of 'first day' jitters! Feeling excited and ready to meet the 10 couples in our prenatal class! #Vancouver #Prenatal
Day 2 of prenatal class today! We did all things birth yesterday and focusing on the baby side of things today. #prenatal #Vancouver
@NSMusicTogether I have 2 already but this time I was teaching! Very fun!
Hey #Vancouver! I've got a giveaway on my blog for a prize pack for Shrek The Musical compliments of @TUTSVancouver http://t.co/YjiTtfWzaY
@cindyandjana I just had someone ask me this Q in the prenatal class I taught this weekend!
A weekend of playing hard has left my 5 y.o totally zonked this afternoon! Early to bed!
@cindyandjana The curriculum was already there but it is a W/E course and the 2nd day covers breastfeeding and newborn care.
@cindyandjana Yes that's right!
@cindyandjana My favourites & the ones I recommend are: http://t.co/UHZZtzGza1 and Dr. Jack Newman. Probably ones you thought of already!
@cindyandjana for blogs I like to recommend @TheLeakyBoob
@cindyandjana @TheLeakyBoob Yes! Agreed!
Hey #Vancouver! We found the most delicious handmade popsicles! Loving @mexipops! http://t.co/e4lFYJ2JU2 #foodtruck
Knock knock! We found a tiny door. Who lives inside? http://t.co/JMxfBV83dG
Impromptu beach play after school! 2 hours digging and building sand castles. Brought home 2 filthy kids! #loveit #thisislife
A most delicious chocolate raspberry cake from Pure Vanilla on Victoria. Bonus that it was gluten free… http://t.co/blfOgF7Hhj
@carolynleanne Which is great as summertime fruit in BC is ah-mazing!!!
Well, one thing is for sure. I am NEVER bored with this crazy 2.5 year old around ;) #toddlerhood http://t.co/Fvyr0WsW8v
@carolynleanne @KrauseBerryFarm Visiting my sis in Langley and this is on our agenda for sure!
@west_coastmama The gondola is on our summer to do list!
@KrauseBerryFarm we are coming! First trip to visit your farm. My city kids are going to love it!
@carolynleanne Go sleek and straight! #vmtop30
Binge watching Orange Is The New Black. #OITNBseason2
@LisaSchwartz05 Yes! Same spot as you!
@cheeriodiaries Just wear something that you feel good in! Whatever that is! Bring your smile and it will be perfect! #vmtop30
Woke up with a terrible case of allergies. *ACHOO!!! WHEEZE!*
Yesterday I was an unprepared city girl at my visit to a berry farm. Wrong shoe choice and a big ol' Coach purse to tote around. #farmfail
@trulymegan Yes there is! It is caused by a case of 'the children'. Even though mine are 2 and 5 I still feel that ragged tired feeling.
@CKNW @billgood980 If @christyclarkbc actually listens and admits the issues...then I feel a deal can be made.
@Archaeolemur Teachers are under enormous stress right now. Not that this is an excuse for negative interactions with parents.
@Archaeolemur Yikes! Is your child's teacher a friend on your personal FB page?
@Archaeolemur That must sting even a bit more
Best brunch spot in #Yaletown? I've got a few favourites but looking for a spot I might not have discovered yet. Any locals have ideas?
@5and1 @erinireland Yes! Thanks! Love this!
Just getting ready for the #vmtop30 event! If you see me first, please come over and say hello!
@vodkainfusedlem You will love it! #vmtop30
On my way to @amberstrocel #VMtop30 blogging event! If you see me please say hello! My name is Andrea… http://t.co/HLq08gytnI
I'm the coat check girl! @amberstrocel #vmtop30 http://t.co/51s9OvflPr
Prepping for bloggers to arrive! @amberstrocel #vmtop30 http://t.co/Ku5nLCSXs3
Meet Tamara! Winner of the 2014 @amberstrocel #vmtop30 blog! @discoveryparent She is absolutely lovely… http://t.co/IcIfsvZcNC
I love living somewhere that delivers delicious sushi to my door. #Vancouver
@discoveryparent lol! You are in Langley right Tamara?
@discoveryparent My hubby is out tonight and my kids went to bed extra early...so I am enjoying a sushi delivery for dinner!
Also, I'm rewatching Sex and the City..and I can't believe how terrible all the friends are when Miranda has her baby.
I guess I got lucky that when I had my first baby my single girlfriends at least tried to be helpful
@kitten_arms I have a couple of single GF who love babies. That was me when I was single. Those are GOOD friends to make as parents.
@kitten_arms Time to meet some new friends?!?
My whole family is taking a nap. My home is quiet. It is so peaceful right now ;)
@Huntersprize Amazing!!! 2!!!
@CrunchyCarpets I'm on the same page as you
I asked my husband if he'd make some popcorn. Now he is showing off and making some hand popped corn on the stove top. Love him.
Just editing some photos of my kids and can't help but be taken aback by how big my oldest is all of a sudden. #bittersweet #loveithateit
Final few hours to enter this #Vancouver giveaway! Tickets to @TUTSVancouver Shrek the musical. http://t.co/ckR8AEjkSb
Thanks for having us to your farm @KrauseBerryFarm! We can check one of our Summertime To Do's off the list! http://t.co/4IaIB7Tiup
I'm so lucky. I've got a full coffee shop in my apartment! Cake, pie, cookies and even sushi! Plus… http://t.co/feiNRKAZym
Off to the night shift! Let's hope my eyelids keep open despite my 5:20 AM wake up call from my little girl ;) #doubleday
The answer to the teachers strike is NOT to consider private school for your child. #bced
@Mamaofabean They had their 'talks' over the weekend with @christyclarkbc and it went no where. So today is the full scale strike. #bced
Nothing like finishing up the night shift by seeing some gross drunk guy peeing on the sidewalk on the walk home. Gross.
Need a delicious dinner idea? Try these fish tacos! http://t.co/7sUzgeHtY5
@audreytheturtle YIkes! That's rough. Are you okay?
@buddhiBaby how old is your baby?
@buddhiBaby and what have you tried?
@buddhiBaby Tried a pouch sling or wrap? I did lots of eating standing up wearing my babies (Especially the 1st who was high needs/fussy).
@buddhiBaby If your baby is exclusively breastfed then not pooping in a couple days is normal.
@buddhiBaby Keept at it mama! It sounds like you are doing a great job with your baby!
@MomParadigm ...and does your boy ever look like your hubby!
New blog post: Why You Should Be Friends With A Nurse. Do you have a nurse in your life? http://t.co/3h3Hfiph75
Woohoo. SO glad to see the SUN today. Yesterdays overcast muggy weather made for a grumpy mama.
Winner for the @TUTSVancouver prize package announced! Was it YOU? http://t.co/ckR8AEjkSb
Teaching prenatal classes this weekend! Looking forward to meeting all of the excited parents to be! #Vancouver #Prenatal #Baby
Those weird bubblegum cupcake/muffins that @Glowbal_Group serves up at Glowbal during brunch. Not a big fan at all.
My weekend prenatal series went fantastic! Very happy to meet the 10 expectant couples and talk about birth/breastfeeding/babies #love
@emikatj It was a lot of fun!
Hey #Vancouver dog lovers. Looking for a recommendation for overnight pet sitting for July. Idea?
I'm getting old...but I'm okay with that! http://t.co/DmFdnctMhR #blogging #aging #motherhood
@modern_mama BBQ chicken breast, oven roasted potato wedges and salad. Done!
@hillarywith2Ls What a mess! I can't believe it has been such a hassle for you.
I have the urge to be lazy and do absolutely nothing
At the same time I hate it and want to do IT ALL.
'Mum! That lady is waving at us!!!'...no..no she is not.- Convo after she cut me off and flipped me off after I honked at her bad driving.
A funny tale of a mama to 4 and her trip to the grocery store: http://t.co/R76QhRQIzt Can you relate?!
@catriona Ack! These moments make me sweat!!
@meliss604 @DanielleASigne That can only be a guess though.
@CrunchyCarpets Looking good!! Very...sparkly!
@AngellaD @YummyMummyClub Ooh! Have so much fun!
@runnerskye I celebrated my staycation by sipping a G+T out of an old tumbler while letting my kids run wild at the playground next to us ;)
I don't normally publish a post in the evening, especially a really personal one, but here we are. http://t.co/cLBfql32qn ALL.THE.FEELINGS
@Kateskate604 Thank you so much :) #feelingthelove
@writerunmum Thank you Kelly :) Self care is top of my priority list this week for sure!
@thegreatmama I am sure so many people get this one. I am sure that tomorrow I will feel differently/better too!
No coffee in the house. Luckily my husband will skip hop and go to @JJBeanCoffee up the road. PHEW!!
It's not even 9 AM and we've baked a birthday cake for Canada Day.
Cake baked, decorated and I let them enjoy a piece. Doesn't seem so early when your kids woke up at 530 AM ;) #itsmiddaynow
People watching from our condo windows. Lots of red and white and Canada flags! #CanadaDay2014 #seawallwatch
I totally think that on days like today @granville_isle should be car free. Terrible experience with car traffic as a pedestrian with kids.
@granville_isle or maybe something else creative like no cars during peak busy hours. Just for safety and comfort. #CanadaDay2014
@kelly_clarkson pump and dump is old school! #breastfeeding
Any news on the big #Yaletown opening @bellagelateria?
@bellagelateria lol just saw your last tweet. I bet it is driving you nuts not to be open during prime Summer weather.
@harrietglynn love it!
@BitsofBee I always found that to be what worked for us too ;) Or just as I sat down and took the first bite.
Today Im taking time for myself. The sitter is here for the day and I've got a hair appointment and lunch date for 1. #selfcare #staycation
In lieu of THIS --> http://t.co/cLBfql32qn ... I'm taking a self care day so that I can be a better mama to my 2.
@Kateskate604 @Dads_two_cents That is love!
It's a BBQ kind of night. We waited till the kids were in bed and now we are dining on the patio overlooking False Creek. #summer
It's okay...don't worry. I'm fine with not being a Pinterest Mom. http://t.co/KJnVefg12T
Is your child going to kindergarten this year? A great guest post from a teacher on how to ready your child for K! http://t.co/gsHF5Dwhsc
My husband's 80 hour work week is starting to feel ridiculous to me. Need to hire someone to watch the kids so I can do the boring errands.
Dragging kids along to boring errands is not fun for either parent or kids.
Trying sloe gin for the first time tonight. Very delicious. Here's some info if you haven't heard of sloe! http://t.co/04oYChbqxS
@5and1 Sounds organized to me!
That time when you bought some Purdy's Chocolates for a gift and then ended up eating all of them.
Need some idea for a hot day with kids? Check out the list of spray parks in North Van! http://t.co/QP8DfvCpV1
Going out for dinner (early!!) with kids to a restaurant that isn't really a family restaurant. In prep I made the kids have a massive nap.
@Kateskate604 We had a 5 PM reso at Glowbal and the kids were great! Who knew they had an actual kids menu.
@emikatj It went fantastic! Little Josie was a hit and the kids were well behaved!
@Kateskate604 Seriously so early!!! But it made for an empty restaurant and so we all felt relaxed.
Dead body in green space by our condo. #seawall #Vancouver police not on scene. Ambulance crew here. Related to critical mass last night?
Now police on scene. Yellow tape up. So sad to think someone lost their life right outside of where we slept.
At least 2 K bike riders passed through and partied in the same area less than 12 hours ago.
@whistlerkristen It's really awful
Heard that the dead body is possible suicide from Granville Bridge. Terrible news.
@News1130radio Any info on the police incident down by the seawall? #Yaletown Lots of cops/ambulances.
@News1130radio Same area where a dead body was found yesterday #Yaletown
@News1130radio No photo. Ambulances left, empty. Lots of cop cars still here. Big discussions going on and weapons in view.
Long weekend away is booked! Looking forward to family time and a stay at @FourSeasons in Whistler.
@FSWhistler This weekend starting Saturday!
@FSWhistler Sounds perfect! We are excited!
New blog post! THE BIG F : http://t.co/3TyIPhu7wM #YVRmoms
Are any bloggers going to the Subway event today? #YVRMoms
@pinkchai Tylenol is great for throat pain.The nurse in me goes to drugs first ;)
What's on your agenda for today?
We had an impromptu dinner meet up with cousins yesterday. Lots of little cousins and lots of laughter.
Followed by playtime at a spray park and staying up well past usual bedtimes. Summer is here!
@CanadianKelli Ooh! What speciality are you doing now?
The last few days my 2.5 y.o has traded her 5-530 AM wake up call for 6-630 AM. I can live with this. Feels HUGE! #sleep #toddlers
@scatteredmom Sounds like living in the West End!
@RebeccaMichi I am just happy for a change! Even if it is temporary (which I hope it is not haha)
Went to a @stelladot party and the consultant is a blog reader. I love meeting my readers in fun places!
One more day till we are enjoying some family time at @FSWhistler! Not sure who is more excited, my kids are me ;) #longweekend #getaway
@FSWhistler Thank you!
Feeling spoiled by A/C in our #Yaletown condo. Especially knowing all my friends are sweltering in their condos.
It's Johnny Pops for dinner cause it's HOT and it's the Sunset Beach Food Truck Fest! http://t.co/ftjo1ByKMZ
@worldbysmith So much love!
It's the day!!! The start of our much needed family long weekend in Whistler. So happy to spend time with my 3 favourite people.
@FSWhistler We are about to leave downtown! Looking forward to getting up on the mountain and enjoying your hotel!
@FSWhistler we are on our way!
Great kids welcome at the hotel! Thanks @FSWhistler! http://t.co/Kfv30GofQ7
It's going to be a HOT day on the mountain! Starting it off with a swim in the pool @FSWhistler
Sunday afternoon nap in the big bed at the @FSWhistler. Tired from playtime in the pool on a very hot… http://t.co/ScIs4Hrutz
Kids admired my hotel robe and slippers and so I had some cute kids ones sent up! @FSWhistler http://t.co/VFn02hFWSY
The boys went for a hike and us girls slept in are lounging in the big bed and ordering room service. @FSWhistler #familygetaway
It feels great to have a break from routine. No laundry! No dinner to make! No WORK! We are enjoying life up in the mountains right now!
On the heels of that....I want to be a fun mum. New blog post: http://t.co/IDq8tpiunl Can you relate? Are you a fun mum?
My sweet girl and I hung out this morning and she insisted on wearing her slippers like me ;) #love… http://t.co/QfziUKVzvQ
Checking out. See you later @FSWhistler! We had a great stay! Special shoutout to Sophia at the pool… http://t.co/y1TbogR56z
Back in the city! Hit up a coffee shop first thing! Couldn't find any great coffee in Whistler. Now at… http://t.co/phl6ZP97eL
This weekend without the distractions of every day life...I WAS the fun mum I wanted to be for sure! New Blog post: http://t.co/IDq8tpiunl
@meliss604 Ooh so nice!
I am going to have an awesome day.
Is what I'm telling myself hehe
Interesting comments on this blog post about parenting: http://t.co/Y0GpmMa52b Do you parent from the sidelines while your kids play?
It's a BBQ kind of night! We love summer!
I've got a sweet giveaway happening on my blog! 100 craft market dollars to spend at @circlecraft Summer Market! http://t.co/BQVAJi9oEo
Hey #Vancouver! We've got $100 Summer Craft Market dollars for you to win (and SPEND!).Enter on the blog: http://t.co/BQVAJi9oEo
Walked to 2 different parks. Had smoothies. Walked home. Now lunching and then boat ride to Granville Island. I love #Vancouver!
Oh wow. We and a big day together and it was totally awesome...but I am done. It's just after 7 PM and I feel like I could go to bed.
@spokesmama Nice! My hubby just took our 5 year old for a little dad and son aquarium fun.
Having a giggle at this card I bought and forgot about it until I was cleaning my bedroom. http://t.co/p6orS1VLEY
I can't remember where I saw this trick but I tried it out and it's so good! Take a straw and shove it… http://t.co/eGu0whNBBR
Ice cubes in my white wine...cause we are fancy like that ;)
Victoria dog walks with my 10 year old niece. http://t.co/NWil86qPLQ
@CrunchyCarpets I've found the same experience with the Milestones in Victoria along the waterfront.
Is your child starting kindergarten soon? Guest post from a K teacher giving you the insider tip to ready your child! http://t.co/gsHF5Dwhsc
Boo! Think my youngest is under the weather. Pretty sure I'll be cancelling my plans for an outing tonight.
That moment when you aren't sure if you should wake your child from an unexpected (late!) nap...or let them keep on sleeping.
Well the mail arrived and this Vic & Vie doll sure cheered up my girl! We are working on her name… http://t.co/pPyF31I7h1
Teaching prenatal classes all weekend. It's always fun to meet the expecting couples! #Vancouver #Prenatal
Some excellent reasons to eat blueberries! http://t.co/ReBrMVwWuM Living close to the 'berry capital' means lots of fresh summer fruit!
@Tarable_Tara It's so hard. Nothing easy about it. My boy had a few sad days when our old doggy died before Christmas.
Feeling sort of lazy this Monday morning. IN the last few days of my vacation from the hospital. Trying to embrace IT ALL!!! #summertime
I have a dinner date with my husband and a decadent spa trip planned to celebrate my 35th birthday. A good way to cap off a holiday
and by 'holiday' I mean I wasn't working at the hospital and was staying home with my kids ;)
When was the last time you got out of your comfort zone? New blog post: http://t.co/kcyWJUJYWc Find out what made me feel uncomfortable.
Check out what @SalmaDinani has to say about summer essentials! Love this post. http://t.co/27DqFVcO6f
YUM! Need a dinner idea? Try this delicious Prosciutto Spinach and Roasted Garlic Pizza - http://t.co/pPdnnPDlFx via @Shareaholic
With these lovely summer days...downtown Vancouver is sure increasing it's smell of URINE. UGH. P.U
A great way to use delicious summer cherries...plus CHOCOLATE...Oh chocolate! From @Food_Whine http://t.co/0wX22iodTZ #baking #cherries
Heading to the beach to play with our @MelissaAndDoug ice cream sand set. Kids are beyond excited. Plus...love living right near the beach!
Impromptu beach play happened this afternoon! We love living right next to the beach! #Vancouver http://t.co/71JvN4Od9G
Walking home from the beach and found some shade at this little 'rest stop'. A picnic table in a… http://t.co/m28zRyVg32
I'm in the 2nd to last day of my month off from the hospital. So, I'm feeling extra lazy and loungey this morning.
@marepants It's pretty loud laying here on my couch downtown haha #imold
Best present goes to my boy who wrote me this love note. #birthdaywin http://t.co/TkppvekJOS
Eye spy a delicious looking birthday cake from @cadeauxbakery. Can't wait to blow out the candles!
@cadeauxbakery Thank you! We love your cakes!
@FairmontPacific Absolutely LOVED my time at your spa today. A perfect way to ring in my birthday!
@Culvercitysalad I heard a rumour that you deliver your delicious salads downtown? Would love more details please!
Willow Stream Spa at the @FairmontPacific is the top in the city. Best spa trip a birthday girl could dream of! Shout out to @cheeriodiaries
Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to work I go! #shiftworker #nurse
It's lunch on the go for this busy maternity nurse! #culvercity #salad #lunch #nurse #healthyeating http://t.co/JiPptbjGn5
I could use a cup of coffee right about now. This night shift is feeling long and I'm just half way through. #coffee #nightshift #nurse
I have absolutely no idea how night shift workers who DON'T drink coffee survive and function. No idea. Bring on the iced americano!
Parenting post night shift yada yada blah blah blah. #notparentoftheyear
Oh YUM!! If you have some strawberries then check out this strawberry bread pudding from @Shaunna13! http://t.co/ZMT0DFtCV7
How much could you get done if you had 1 month off of work? I thought it'd be A LOT! I was wrong! http://t.co/do80al07x7 #realitybites
Siblings sleeping so soundly, so snug. Sweet sleep! #notapoet #sleep #siblings #cosleeping http://t.co/iwcXzan62L
I'm totally digging this post. Why I'm Not Reading Your Blog - http://t.co/NJfRgjAXHQ via @BLUNTmoms
I think it is the perfect day for a beach day! Despite being back at work I'm still embracing THE SUMMER OF US! http://t.co/do80al07x7
@discoveryparent It just goes by so fast. Daily life can do that to you. One day rolls into the next...then BAM! It's over!
Life is great when you're at the beach! Flying our pocket kite at English Bay. #summer #Vancouver… http://t.co/MSiplcHXxV
Here is a fun giveaway for you! Compliments of @heather_vmil http://t.co/yFNUedKh9z #bathtime #giveaway #bathproducts #Taslie #skincare
@ComoxStreetBar Thank you!
Enjoying some @LT_Distillery gin and tonic. Perfect way to cap off our beach day at the beach!
@carolynleanne It's so true
This spaceship is ready for take off! Hoping to find some alien friends along the way ;) http://t.co/c1ms0zYLzg
This boy has such a thirst for learning. He is so sad not to be on school right now and asked to go to… http://t.co/NwA7ngcRdd
This little guy will be 6 in a month and loves to tell everyone that he's in grade 1. He also is.… http://t.co/clP5R7onHg
I love being able to live somewhere that has so many potential things to do...that the hardest part is deciding what we should get up to!
@carolynleanne Agreed! Plus this gorgeous sunny day makes everything a little bit better.
We're joining @LT_Distillery tonight for the Gin & Tonic night and the deliciousness from @FliptopTruck. You should come too! #Vancouver
@marepants awe boo. You're a great mama and whatever 'it' is...I bet we've all either done it/been there/or are doing it too. #parenting
I merged my professional life with my personal blog: http://t.co/2Fk2oh6W3L #breastfeeding #thesacredhour #worldbreastfeedingweek
Are you having a baby soon? I'm sharing my tips for breastfeeding in those early moments/days. http://t.co/fJ0eS6RM2O #Breastfeeding
Just enjoyed some delicious dinner from @FliptopTruck outside of @LT_Distillery. Husband came back with gin and dinner. #perfectcombo
I worked the whole weekend. Saw the kids for about 30 minutes total since Friday. Thinking tomorrow should be a FUN in the SUN day.
Especially as I saw rain rain rain on the forecast coming up.
@bcbeautygirl I LOVE garlic!
@bcbeautygirl as long as both parts of the couple eat the garlic then life is good ;) #garlicbreath
HELLO! We love where we live! Summer in #Vancouver is how we deal with the rain the other +8 months of the year. http://t.co/CcjCeGAdiA
Coffee break! Youngest is napping in the stroller, oldest is colouring in his new book and I'm sure… http://t.co/YBEGHUVVfw
Remember Mr. Sketch the smelly markers? We found some on sale and the kids were thrilled. We had to… http://t.co/M1c5EFgSVS
I've just started watching Suits. Any other followers out there?
@lilykittycat99 Yes! We are really getting into it. Watching it nightly so far!
@Huntersprize Oh no! That really sucks! Did she complain of tooth pain or just found on a routine exam?
@Huntersprize Poor bubs! How did her big brother do?
@jenwilsonca Yes. Ugh. Hate that feeling.
Watching this art exhibit unfold across the water on Granville Island at the cement factory. Will be a… http://t.co/JNU2LsaItz
@TorensMom Just sent you an email. Feeling very excited! Let's get this ball rolling. Crossing fingers you say yes!!
Listening to happy people laughing while walking along the seawall. So many giggles! #citylife #Yaletown #downtown #Vancouver #condoliving
@Kateskate604 donuts in a bag should not require a tip!
I hate the stress I feel when my childcare is potentially up in the air. Blah. Our nanny informed us she is going back to school next month.
@Robinjoy604 I have such a 'special' kind of schedule too. Such a unique nanny position to fill. Oh the stress of childcare!
Just a little peek from my living room. Lots of progress in 24 hours! My kids love the colour.… http://t.co/JHljYZTuUo
Thanks to my son who woke me up by doing 'alarm clock' beeps beside my head...on my day off from work..at 6 AM. Oh joy! Oh joy! #parenting
@marepants LOL yes coffee for sure ;) It is my morning crutch for sure haha
@west_coastmama Of course! The earlier the better to cram in all the potential fun...right? :P
New blog post where I'm honest that some parts of #parenting can be annoying and how I'm struggling with something. http://t.co/AJsyUS7rO3
Taking in the fun music at Granville Island! Kids are loving the beats. #granvilleisland http://t.co/30iDzCUOgW
Are you having a baby soon? I've got some tips on how to promote successful #breastfeeding for you. http://t.co/fJ0eS6RM2O #tipsfromaRN
Cleaning (PURGING) my kids room. Easiest to do when they are not around.
Sipped Kir Royales at the Bacchus Lounge in The Wedgewood hotel downtown. It felt so good.
I have an overwhelming urge to go and buy something. After I just did a big purge and clean haha.
I'm pretending that I'm still on summer holidays and taking a pool day in the backyard of a friends home. Sounds about right.
Yesterday I got to attend the birth of the person who delivered my firstborn almost 6 years ago. So cool. Love my job.
Did you have a #doula at your birth? New blog post about my experience with doulas! #maternitynurse @PacificRimCol http://t.co/OG5tIuH8mO
@News1130radio Totally agree with this! #WiFi
Maybe @SwankMama can weigh in on my birthday party stress! New blog post: http://t.co/d3SdbJpT1V To Do..or not to do?
Loving my new Cady wrap bracelet from Stella & Dot! #armcandy http://t.co/6Xk5kcb38S
Enjoying the backyard at my parents house. Kids running around, splashing in the little play pool. Realizing the summer days are almost done
@lilykittycat99 Maybe it means you really enjoyed it?! :)
@SheratonYVR That is SO true. We will be changing seasons so very soon. Going to embrace these last days with another BBQ for dinner!
Watched Princess Diaries with my 10 year old niece. Her choice. Didn't hate it. haha
@erinireland @SPUDVancouver Awesome timing!!! Was just going to put our first order through!
RT to enter to win a #WeHeartLocal prize pack from @Miss604 @EatLocalNatural http://t.co/KWokkBhRUt
A morning latte fresh from @JJBeanCoffee...yes please! Perfect way to boost up after 2 busy day shifts at the hospital.
Hey @christyclarkbc bring the funding and resources to the bargaining table to properly deal with the learning needs of BC students. #bced
So, it is POURING rain downtown #Vancouver. Watching everyone huddle under the Granville Bridge for shelter.
@CanadianKelli Oh brother! Hate that.
@carolynleanne Even if your children won't go the public education route, this problem is everyones problem. Public education is vital.
@MommylovesPark Oh so sorry to hear. :(
@sarahbessey So happy for you Sarah!
@Kateskate604 my almost 6 year old boy is so sad not to be going to school on Tuesday.
@TwoFunMoms @carolynleanne I definitely agree with you @TwoFunMoms. To thrive as a society, support for public education is huge.
Need a great way to show off your Instagram pics? We are loving our framed 9 pic print from socialps! http://t.co/fTNMLBAfPL
I'm going to be honest...I will need a really big coffee to pull me through this night shift. #doubleday #shiftworker #motherhood
Apparently I will not meet any new babies on my night shift. However, I will meet 4 AM and I'll sate him down! #nightshift #nurse #maternity
Banana bread crumb in my bedsheets...but I don't mind! 1) @erinireland makes delicious banana bread 2)cuddles with my kids #todiefor
Hubby took the kids out to play at the park. I'm having the classic debate of enjoying the peace and relaxing or, you know, being productive
@erinireland someone on my FB page is asking where they can buy your BB in the Fraser Valley.
You know the seasons are changing when you suddenly have to go change all of your light bulbs because you've enjoyed the sunlight so much.
Thanks mamapapabubba for the great activity idea! #schoolathome #teachersstrike http://t.co/KgL5AsXD8V
So impressed! Survived and enjoyed a lunch out with my 2 at a restaurant. It always feels like a victory at the end!
I'm feeling ultra lazy and thinking it is an easy kind of dinner night.
I wish I had more time to blog. I really do. I have stories to tell & things to share.I find the balance of life/work/kids/family hard.
Q for the frequent bloggers out there. How do you do it? How do you get out those frequent lovely posts that I love to read? Sometimes daily
@Archaeolemur I want to know the secret. How do some people get it done?
@Archaeolemur Interesting point! Actually that makes a lot of sense to me.
@helen_engelgray It is a challenging balance for sure. Sometimes I am so wiped from working that I feel there is no energy left to write.
@Tarable_Tara If only my brain could directly dictate my stories and writing to my blog post haha
I am wanting all things carb related. I feel like I might need to carb load? ;) or fat load.
Just found a hole in my favourite bed sheets. My boy says, 'don't cry mum. I will get some white paper and tape and fix it for you'. :LOVE:
@pieholevan I think I need to order some pie...because all your latest pics have gotten me craving it!
Tee time with my toddler! Just kidding. Playing in the putting green in the backyard of our condo. http://t.co/VTfL3G8MQA
@bcbeautygirl @mariasherm LOL! This! This is hilarious!!! For those people who REALLY love Fall ;)
Birthday cupcakes delivered by a special friend from #Yaletown's @sweetbakeshop! Delicious! Birthday… http://t.co/CHVAdc06am
Retelling my story about the time we brought home our first baby..and he got left in the elevator. http://t.co/kVnjKskSso
@pieholevan I saw you aren't accepting orders this week. Will you be at the Farmers Market on Thursday?
Trying to find my groove today. Where did it go? I want to get stuff done but my lazy bone is taking over.
@SweetBakeShop had a tiny bite of each of the 6 cupcakes that my friend delivered for my son's birthday. Delicious! Loving the pumpkin one!
@parentsmagazine Baby is 3 weeks old. I get eventually returning to work but why is the mum stressing about pacifier use for a newborn??
Was grocery shopping and running errands and as we were leaving we saw that @FliptopTruck was outside @WFMVan. So sad to have missed out!!
I've got a cleaning lady coming today so obviously I am running around like a crazed woman cleaning up everything.
Exciting! @VONBONapparel how many weeks are you now?
@alexishinde I feel like this most nights when I'm cleaning up the mess on the table after my kids have eaten.
2.5 year old got a gum ball and was so upset when she realized the gum ball turns into...gum. Cue toddler hysterics. Where is the gum BALL?
@Archaeolemur Those tweets aren't in my feed! Everything I'm reading is just about the teachers vote coming up...but all is positive.
@erinlpugh Yeah!!!
I'm feeling like today is a good day to take it easy, slow down and enjoy snuggles with my funny 2 year old who I'm hanging out with today.
Headache! Headache! Go away!
Her last blog post before she died touched my life @charlottekitley http://t.co/HqiBi3jpBN #blogging #fucancer #motherhood #Gratitude
Husbands out of town on business. Had a lovely dinner with my 2 littles and tried to soak in the moment. #Gratitude
Tasty dinner from @hellpizzacanada. I love a pizza joint that makes a delicious pie AND puts together a tasty salad. #vancouver #delivery
He was so proud of his newfound cup stacking skills. #myboy #newskills #learning http://t.co/XQHdEVI4NJ
@CanadianKelli wow that is tough. sorry to hear
I started browsing RN jobs but all of a sudden and I was ready to go back to school and relocate. Just by clicking a link on a random page.
Hey #Vancouver! @Elasticpantcity has a fun giveaway on. A pass for artists for conservation on @grousemountain http://t.co/ZshgZXe0OP
Eating oatmeal in bed with my best girl. Having a slow morning. Trying to give the memo to my body to get back to normal functioning levels!
Awe. I have a nervous boy going to his first full day of grade 1. Being in a random classroom is hard on him. He's my sensitive guy.
Looking forward to hearing who his actual teacher will be and where his actual class will be!
@CrunchyCarpets Mine is in a random empty classroom with a TOC.......
@CrunchyCarpets They did 15 minutes in their old K class...and then off to an empty classroom where we've been told, they'll be for the week
@CrunchyCarpets Apparently our school has 6 K classes this year! Last year it was 4. Lots of little kids downtown!
@CrunchyCarpets Is this normal in BC? I don't know the system yet. It's normal to not know who the teacher is or where the class is?
Rain rain go away! This Vancouver mama wants to play. Seriously...I'm not ready for boots and layers. #indenial
My boy just started Beavers and he is loving it. Totally adores it. I have good memories of being a Brownie & a Girl Guide back in the day.
@abhorrent_wife now that is something else!
Debating which pies to order from @pieholevan. Bringing some pie on my to see my parents..the problem is I love ALL the pie.
@Mama_AndTheCity @pieholevan You have to have some. It is truly the best.
@Mama_AndTheCity @pieholevan the key lime for sure is one of my top picks
My son is so in love with grade 1 he woke up at 530 am weeeeeeee!!
@UPPAbaby I have '12 Vista and need to replace the basket on it. I can't find it on line anywhere. Is there an option to replace? #stroller
Coffee served to you in bed has to be one of those most civilized ways to start the day. For real.
I'm really looking forward to the routine of this week. Back to school and my grade 1 boy couldn't be more happy. #readytolearn
That moment when your kid says something and you're like 'whoa!'. New blog post: http://t.co/q3EoLdbg4X
@foodee I love it!
Tonight I made a dinner my kids requested..tacos.. with everything on the table so they could put it together themselves. They ate nothing
One kid literally just sat there and chatted and the other ate some random shredded cheese and meat. C'est la vie. #parenting
I let her make a big mess with paint all over the apartment living room. Was freaking out then she told me something http://t.co/q3EoLdbg4X
Sharing a dark chocolate mint bar from @PurdysChocolate makes this evening perfect. Seriously delicious.
and by sharing I mean with myself.
@CanadianKelli OMG did that happen? I've had really bad morning sickness in a really tense situation. The smells almost had me on the floor.
@CanadianKelli PHEW!!!
Seriously feeling thankful for today's gorgeous fall weather. Sunshine and no rain drops to dodge. Seriously in love.
Thinking about going to Scottsdale for the week of US Thanksgiving. Any tips for a nice hotel in that area? #travel #Arizona #Scottsdale
@Violetsouffle Why does it bother you?
@Violetsouffle I mean why does it bother you that they know you co sleep etc?
@Violetsouffle Weird! Why would she keep asking Q's? Could it be a good chance to introduce a new idea to her brain?
@Violetsouffle Don't even worry about the negative. If she thinks its weird or different..whatever! You are obviously happy with your choice
@Violetsouffle People can be weird and so inappropriate when it comes to kids/parenting.
@mum1stdoctor2nd @the_doofy ooh let me know if you remember!
@Violetsouffle I know that feeling. Hard to let is just roll off you sometimes too.
@the_doofy @mum1stdoctor2nd Aha! I was just looking at the reviews there. Thanks!
Absolutely loving this gorgeous Fall photo: http://t.co/lvSzZYdYmv #pumpkins #toddlersandpumpkins #bringonthepumpkinphotos
@kristen_anne I know!
Excited to enjoy a delicious dinner from @romersburger in #Yaletown. Even better...my husband is bringing it home for us. Pyjamas at dinner!
@harrietglynn Mr. Personality!
'Look at me mama!'..said my toddler who was slathering Vicks vapour rub all over her hands. AHHH!! #toddlermoments
Q: What is a reasonable time for a small business to refund your money for an unpaid service? #moneytalk #business
We signed my son for a 'teachers strike camp' and were told when school went back, we'd be refunded our $$. The company still has our money.
They said 'maybe another 4 weeks' on top of the 2 weeks we've been back at school. Not impressed.
@jenarbo It's Skills 4 Kids in Yaletown. My son had a good experience at the actual camp and left happy. But as a consumer I'm not happy.
@jenarbo They owe me over $800. I'm just surprised that a credit card refund takes 6 weeks or longer. Is that normal?
@jenarbo I've been told its in the hands of the accounting company. But they make interest out of all of our money sitting in their account
@jenarbo Just frustrated!
@Tarable_Tara I am! So annoyed! Feeling stuck though.
I hate to break it to you: Sands Alive is not allowed in our apartment anymore. http://t.co/aUkUsvV5B3 #sensoryplayfail
I've got a couple of hours to myself..and all I want to do is have a nap. So annoying. I could be doing like 101 productive things.
@BunOutOfTheOven I know....this is so true! Maybe a short one and I can be more productive?!
@Jenarbo After getting a little lawyerly advice plus talking with Visa..the company that owed me a refund is going to.. refund my money!
I'm not a small business expert by any means, but I do know that I will spend money when I get good customer service. #businesstalk
This day is going to be amazing, awesome and, dare I say it, productive too. I need to get on top of a lot of stuff and today IS the day.
I've felt so disorganized lately and let things slide. Those things need to be picked back up. #getittogether
My first born is not great at playing by himself. My second born is amazing at playing by herself. I love how kids can be so different.
I'm confused (genuinely) when someone from the US is surprised that Canadian Thanksgiving is different than the US Thanksgiving. Am I alone?
@emikatj Yes! I think you described my feelings exactly! #canadianthanksgiving
@emikatj pretty much
@Huntersprize My hubby is from Florida so I get to celebrate BOTH Thanksgivings..which I think is awesome. Plus..more pie.
My husband strongly dislikes pumpkin pie. I'm all confused about this...I love pumpkin in sweets but he is all no no no.
@alexishinde LOL. He has a strong opinion about it but I do like a nice slice. I bought a mini one for just me haha.
We had our Thanksgiving dinner last night and my husband went all out on the cooking. Absolutely love leftovers from big dinners. #Thankful
I should know to make 2 breakfasts if I want to eat a full one. The kids act like I never feed them or that my toast is WAY more tasty ;)
Woohoo! I love having a trip to look forward to. Just booked our for Scottsdale Arizona for our first US Thanksgiving.
I'm about to go start making a healthy dinner for my family. AKA making disgusting things that they will turn their noses up at and pick at
On my days off we get out for the most part...but today its rainy and a perfect 'at home' day. Playing, doing laundry, dancing, relaxing
Also, craving lots of delicious soup. So funny how the seasons effect you like this. Summer I want fresh salads. Fall..its ALL soup.
@GwenFloyd you look lovely! great colour!
@BitsofBee enjoy it mama!!
That time when you ate TOO much delicious dinner TOO late..and you woke up and realized you are getting older.
Channeled my inner 'nurse Jenny' from Call the Midwife early this morning. #birth #nurse #welldone
No, YOU fell asleep putting the kids to bed. I do not love night shifts but I have to work them to do the job I love #yawn #postnightshift
It's a windy chilly day out there. So, I'm starting it by hiding in bed with a perfect cup of coffee.
@Candidly_Andrea So stressful!
There sure are some big puddles downtown this morning! #Vancouver
According to my 2 year old, all soup can only be orange. She was quite surprised and confused by the mushroom soup I just served up!
Made sweet potato fries with dinner, and the 6 y.o acted horrified with the idea. #ohbrother
I might be the only person under 40 who has a land line in Vancouver. Also, disliking all the voting spam calls. It never changes my mind.
I wasn't sure if my Sensodyne toothpaste was actually working...and then I stopped using it and owe. Okay, it works.
@Archaeolemur I think it would have to depend on the kid on how much detail you think they could absorb and understand.
@LindsayDianne Seriously sounds perfect!
@caffeinated_mom @Archaeolemur I can't even really recognize him!
Sometimes 12 hour shifts feel so much longer than 12 hours. Total time warp! #nurse #shiftwork
Our nanny had her apartment broken into while she slept. Crazy and terrible. A homeless man looking to steal stuff. #Vancouver #Westend
He climbed up her fire escape and had a weapon. How terrifying would that be? #DavieStreet #Vancouver
I had a break into my #Westend apartment years back when I lived alone. Gave me PTSD for years. Waking up to people in your home. AHHHH
@Clippo okay the thighs on the pink bottom just look weird and unnatural. Boo!
@Clippo If you took those images and made them real, those people couldn't actually walk around normally!
@duchessamantha Thank you! xxo
@SnarkySteff I found hIs statement to be carefully constructed and worded...but I know a story has 2 sides and truth is often in the middle.
@Clippo Someone was way too liberal with the photoshop that is for sure!
Feeling so lazy today. but that's okay. No guilt just lots of lazy bones!
@carolynleanne same for us tonight!
Just got a sneak peek from @imagesbybethany and can't wait until next week when I get to see ALL the images from our 'secret' photo session.
'Secret' cause these photos are a surprise for my hubby...who is always the one taking the photos of our kids. He is going to love it!
@sofawned is it butter or cheese between?
Making apple crumble and it is smelling delicious in here!
I am seriously loving this blog post by @TwoFunMoms. http://t.co/bpDxkpkuUz #Iwillnevergiveup
@Katontherun2 Wow! That is busy!
@DiabetesAssoc with either juice or glucose tabs. I find what I use to treat impacts the outcome.
Headed out with some girlfriends for 'a taste of Yaletown' at Brix. Sort of excited not to be having to make dinner ;)
My hubby usually works till 7 PM or later...but today he cut out early to carve pumpkins with his kids. Love. #familyfirst #heishisownboss
What is your best way to get out of a lazy funk? Open to ideas! #solazy #whataslump
@jonniker Getting the heartbeat can be hard. Especially if your placenta is in the front. I had this happen at 19 weeks with my 2nd. STRESS
@jonniker Yep. Those anterior placentas can make you sweat. Good to hear it's all fine.
@cindyandjana That's great! Thanks!
@cindyandjana Thanks for sharing my post!
Kids are ready for the #Yaletown trick or treat! Our 5th year participating in this neighbourhood event. Love seeing all the city kids out!
How the city kids go trick or treating. New blog post: http://t.co/qrbbQwphCW Thanks @iyaletown!
I don't get the 'give your Halloween candy' away thing. Why do you take the kids to so many houses if you don't want the treats in yours?
Good morning #Vancouver ! I'm hosting a giveaway for 2 tickets to @circlecraft Christmas Market. Enter on the blog: http://t.co/LyRWkx7iBs
Sharing a great blog post this Sunday: How I Beat Depleted Mother Syndrome (DMS), and Found Myself - http://t.co/6FeweJTNL1
@Tarable_Tara Did you do the quiz? I got 'moderately depleted'..not too bad I guess but room for improvement.
I've got 2 tickets to give away for the @circlecraft Christmas Market happening next week: http://t.co/LyRWkx7iBs #giveaway #Christmas
@SarahAFunk Oh yes! Some sidewalks downtown are terrible too.
@Huntersprize Ooh tell me how it goes! Josie is still happy in her crib and we told her by January she gets a new bed. Fingers crossed!
@SarahAFunk Yikes! That does sound bad. I would rather dislike that too!
@bcfamilyca Thanks for sharing my blog post! #diabetes #pregnancy
Feeling rough this morning. No good story like an all night party with lots of champagne to explain all my feelings right now ;)
Last day to enter to WIN tickets to @circlecraft Christmas Market! Im going and so excited to check out the vendors! http://t.co/rhVkoBmoqN
@QueenofGreen I saw a cute idea of a reusable snack/sandwhich bag filled with popcorn/animal crackers, etc.
Best sound of the morning is hearing the coffee grinder churning away!
@BitsofBee Totally agree Bianca. Saw a girl out in shorts the other day and she wasn't coming from the gym. It was raining. I don't get it?
Im decidedly not a morning person. Hate rushing around getting things done. I'd much rather lounge in bed and sip coffee.
However, the latter is not my reality.
A lovely day at work. Meeting new babies and waiting on other ones. #maternitynurse
@discoveryparent I love it! That sounds seriously perfect.
I'm taking the kids away to the grandparents for a couple of nights. IN lieu of this I got to sleep in and my husband is making me breakfast
Pancakes in bed are tricky to eat but this girl isn't complaining ;)
@shesconnected @Living_Lou Now that is impressive!!
Taking the troop of cousins to go see Big Hero 6 in 3D. I win for coolest auntie. Plus I say yes to popcorn and treats.
Get $5 toward your first Etsy purchase! Redeem now or use later to buy something you’ll love. http://t.co/865TQsUa61 via @Etsy
Blah! Longest coldest trip home on @BCFerries this evening. I hadn't thought it would be so busy and we were soon proved wrong. 3 hour wait.
I started using a brand new parenting voice after only the first 30 minutes.
I feel the need to douse my body in lotion. Love the dry sunny days but the cold is zapping all the moisture!
Nothing like enjoying a glorious walk in #Yaletown and crossing paths with a coyote.
What it looked like to wean my toddler. New blog post: http://t.co/PZYq3YcG7z #Breastfeeding
@emmawaverman Does it come with the head strap too or just the neck strap? Cause I'd like it to have both. Childhood memories.
@GwenFloyd @alexishinde @harrietglynn @QueenofSpain @spokesmama @AngellaD Thanks for the tag Gwen!
When people talk about 'child led weaning' and you wonder what THAT looks like. Here is our story: http://t.co/1lzh79QIED So gentle and easy
@GwenFloyd 5 Random Things About Me: http://t.co/MWtHfI5vyR I tag @mitzdemeanor @RuminatingMommy @helen_engelgray @TheMamaship @AliRose_MN
Cute Christmas cards selected and ordered! @TinyPrints did it again!
@harrietglynn I could not agree more about the political robocalls. Hate them.
Going to the @circlecraft this afternoon! Feeling excited and hopeful that I will find a few great Christmas pressies.
Did well at this years @circlecraft Christmas Market! Lots of goodies for my kids for Christmas and 1 thing for myself! win win!
Today I attempt being more productive. Let's see how it goes.... ;)
@abrittdesigns It was happy and gentle and...easy! She was 2 years 8 months. Thanks for sharing :) #breastfeeding
@Archaeolemur I do! I love the process of getting them ready AND I love receiving cards too.
Who am I?? I've made 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies WITH the kids...and a lasagna is bubbling in the oven.
@frugalyegmama did you have the actual shot or the nasal spray?
@frugalyegmama Oh yes! Apparently the side effects are stronger with the nasal spray since it contains a live virus. Boo!
@ScotiabankHelps I have a very old account with you that I let go dormant over several years. How do I get go about 'reactivating' it?
@ScotiabankHelps Thank you!
@VancouverPD Yikes! 8 police cars and an ambulance outside my door. Seems kind of serious! #Yaletown #Seawall #Vancouver
@ScanBC What is happening along the Yaletown seawall with 8 police cars and an ambulance?
Thank you @harrietglynn for the amazing story about bringing home baby via open adoption. Love your story! http://t.co/N9iZvJnPIu #adoption
Arthritis is Canada's most common condition, enter to win $50 VISA #giveaway with #tylenolarthritis http://t.co/UXn3qAT2Kv
@pacbluecross Is your site down? Have been trying to download claim forms for awhile with no luck.
Good giveaway for all those pumping mamas out there! http://t.co/p5eHmQnFz2 #breastfeeding #pumping #giveaway @shawnadovetail
I do love shopping at Chapters Indigo! Especially loved getting this mail today! http://t.co/pp8YALdETv
Hooray! They're here! Super fast delivery too. @tinyprints #Christmas http://t.co/8NkrhcIfxU
WIN 2 tix to the Nutcracker pres by @balletbc via @bitsofbee: http://t.co/WPR1TaPYOX…allet-giveaway/ http://t.co/tCMuzfcGmw
'Well Santa, let me tell you what's on my list!'. Visiting Santa in Candytown in #Yaletown! http://t.co/sp6BbM4aQx
I shared a secret over on my blog. Link in profile. #happysecrets
@5and1 thanks! Weeee! IN for a ride!
@Huntersprize I'm going with the flow and not over stressing. One day at a time!
@lilykittycat99 yes! Exciting times!
I know I posted this pic on my FB page...announcing my 'secret'... But I just really love this pic of… http://t.co/xPykXBSBdD
@Kateskate604 #3 yeah yeah!
@Kateskate604 Yeah! SO exciting! This was a 'surprise' for us. Baby due around April 15. You?
@Kateskate604 I am totally doing the 'one day at a time' thing lol
@bcbeautygirl lol! Thanks :)
Love these photos that of my 2 that were taken last month. http://t.co/boeSlnxWWO
@CrunchyCarpets LOL!
@racheljonat Yeah for #3! Hope you are able to enjoy the lovely newborn moments amongst caring for #1 and #2. This is what I'm curious about
Excited to be heading to Arizona tomorrow and about experiencing our first US Thanksgiving! #Scottsdale #Family #Thanksgiving
@pacbluecross Despite trying a diff browser the on line claim forms to download still dont work. Same thing for my coworker.
Last full day in sunny Scottsdale Arizona! We've enjoyed our time so much and had our 1st US Thanksgiving too. #thankful
Like usual. Leaving to fly back home and have too much stuff to fit into my suitcase. I swear I tell myself every time to pack less!
Plus, kids grandma gave them early Christmas gifts that are largeish and somehow I must pack these into the suitcase. Bring on the challenge
YVR airport is really the best. Especially notice this after traveling.
First Christmas party of the year done! I love this time of year.
Happy baby visit checking up baby #3. Took my current youngest who loved hearing the heart beat :)
@mommyingaround Yes! Just came 'public' with the news ;) Nearing 19 weeks. Kids are beyond ecstatic. 6 y.o keeps saying, 'you're pregnant!'
@MamaJaws Our boy lead the way and he was ready at 3 years 4 months. Our girl was ready way earlier. We followed their cues. NO stress!
@Kateskate604 We didn't find out with #1 or #2. I wanted to find out this time but hubby does NOT. ;) So we will once again be surprised!
@Kateskate604 How about you guys?
@Kateskate604 Well now you know what both experiences feel like! I did love the excitement of working so hard and then hearing, 'its a...!'
@Robinjoy604 Thank you! Only just starting to feel somewhat decent. Had major nausea and vomiting this time around. New experience.
Is there a #Vancouver @scentsy rep? Looking at trying it out after hearing some good things! #Yaletown
@FineFinds Do you have purse hooks in your shop? The kind you put on the table to keep your bag off the floor.
I love having my sister in town for a visit! She has seriously done some fun Christmas stuff with my kids. So lucky! #sisters #auntietime
I'm asking you, do you travel when you're pregnant?I'm 19 weeks and did one international travel but am done now. http://t.co/8Ck7faTKlh
I just don't feel comfortable traveling internationally when I am getting on the cusp of viability. Total OB nurse brain for sure.
It's the curse of knowing too much.
More coyote sightings in downtown #Vancouver. 2 walking around the West End today and see at the school in the West End too.
Pregnancy related insomnia is frustrating. Especially when there are 2 kids waiting for their breakfast bright and early.
@Archaeolemur Thanks!
I've booked a pedicure for myself this morning. I need it but I want it too. Totally deserve a one hour moment for some self care.
@NursingNurture I totally agree! A fantastic way! Plus nice for mama to sit and relax while everything is busy busy.
@FairmontPacific Thinking of being a tourist in my own city and booking a night to celebrate my December wedding anniversary. #Vancouver
@Kateskate604 Thanks! Weekends are my only chance to do it...and I usually work most weekends! So today was the day. Loved it.
@Huntersprize I took the 'Canadian version' of Unisom and thankfully slept decently with just the regular bathroom breaks haha
Had a movie date with my 6 y.o and he held my hand through most of it. tee hee. Awesome way to spend the afternoon.
@discoveryparent It was great and the place was packed with parents and grandparents with the same idea haha
@darling_nurse Sounds so nice!
Already booked a table for our wedding anniversary at @chambar ! It's not till Dec. 30 but that place can be hard to get into!
It's a pancake kind of morning!
The intersection of Granville and Beach needs some traffic help! Major back ups with the parade going on. So many impatient drivers.
In other news, if you are driving downtown check the Santa parade route before you get going! Major back ups and angry divers out there.
Getting ready for the Stanley Park Christmas train...love that we just have to venture down the street to go to a fun event! #Vancouver
Oh wow! Stanley Park's @BrightNightsVan was amazing this year but the crowds...oh my! Totally jam packed.#brightnights #Christmas
The lights were ah-mazing this year and I think I enjoyed @BrightNightsVan just as much as my 2 kids!
This pregnancy has been stressful for me so far. Here's why: http://t.co/71g562toD4 #pregnancy #HG #notjustmorningsickness
@darling_nurse Sorry to hear you are feeling so down.
Slowly getting my Christmas cards done and out the door. Slower this year than other years!
@Robinjoy604 I love sending them and the whole process but this year I am just so slow! Usually they are done and in the mail box by now.
Half past midnight is a great time for your 6 y.o to get a massive nosebleed with sleepy hysterics. Our bathroom looks 'interesting'.
Instead of doing anything actually productive, I watched bad Christmas movies.
@CrunchyCarpets Whoa! That is impressive!
I've been having a rough go this pregnancy and let things slide for the last 5 months. My mum came over and reorganized ALL the stuff!!
Feel so much lighter! #purge #cleaninghouse
@thegreatmama So far it is working ;)
When you are an apartment mama you don't have that much space to store unwrapped Christmas gifts, so you wrap them ASAP #smallspace
@connieaw ha! That's a good idea Connie!!
@marepants I've got lots of them wrapped while my husband played with the kids! Now I get my closet back haha. Hard to find hiding places!
@marepants Lots of fun smaller stuff! Art supplies, Lego, a special Pokemon guide book that the 6 y.o requested ;)
@SnarkySteff Wow! That's amazing!
Kid was up coughing all night long. Now it's time for my paying job of taking care of people. #nurse #doubleday
and also....I need coffee. *yawn
Spending the morning at the dentist! Low on my priority list this week...but there is nothing like the rath of rebooking your dental appt ;)
That candy cane ice-cream from Western Families brand is delicious!
That time I was so exhausted I went to bed without brushing my teeth. YUCK!
@4CatsYaletown I've sent a few emails your way but haven't yet heard back. Curious if they are going through?
@DagmarBleasdale that link didn't work for me?
What bad Christmas movie shall I watch tonight?
#Win a $50 @tinyprints GC via @SwankMama's blog! US only until 12/21 http://t.co/8iit2Cnjqf
Win a breakfast/brunch for 4 at @Chambar’s newly renovated Crosstown restaurant via @VancityBuzz http://t.co/kzNBvOtgT7 RT to Enter!
The best gifts my kids received this Christmas were games! Connect 4 is a huge hit and so is Jenga. #nowires #nobatters
thats #nobatteries!!
Just had the most intense game of Jenga with my 6 year old.
A great reason to be Canadian! Boxing Day! 1 more of being in holiday mode! Eating chocolates for a 2nd breakfast with my 2 kids ;)
Letting my 2 devour whatever they want on the gingerbread house. Surprised old candy has such an appeal ;)
@BitsofBee My 76 y.o MIL has a computer and we FaceTime as much as we can and share photos that way. I love how she keeps up with tech
@BitsofBee My MIL just uses an iPad.She often has tech questions but apparently my 15 y,o niece is her best tech support.
I'm going through some tough health issues right now and surrounding myself by AWESOME friends and family has made a huge difference for me.
My choice to choose to be resilient has helped me seek out those positive friends and really have them rally around me.
Also, I'd like to thanks CARBS for helping me cope with stress. Just as amazing ;)
@Tarable_Tara Thanks you Tara :)
@emikatj So sweet of you Emily. Im hanging in there!
Husband is serving me dinner in bed! Not too shabby!!
@Kateskate604 Just dealing with some 'glitches'. Taking things slow and doing lots of resting.
Coffee brought to you while you lay in bed. Yes, please!
@frugalyegmama I got a kick out of the parents who say it ruined their child's Christmas. LOL. Really?
@frugalyegmama think of the children Lori! ;) haha
@Nurse_Problems I totally do the same thing.
My kids got this for Christmas and they love it. We've read it so many times this past week.… http://t.co/gRmfPhsryl
Have had some big pregnancy stress in my life the last few weeks. Feeling comfortable blogging about it just now: http://t.co/7NWyUu8Tug
@marepants Thank you xxo :)
@OVMCrystal Do you life the wife character?
@OVMCrystal It's an interesting read!! Keep reading!
I finally feel like I've reached a calm moment where I'm comfortable sharing what's going on in my pregnancy: http://t.co/3T9tPaeG0h
Have played Connect 4 many times this morning and now moved on to Honeybee Tree. Love when my kids want to play hand on games!
@jen_stamps When I was pregnant with #2 I remember hauling the recycling down to the basement in the #1's stroller
My husband just bought our almost 3 y.o a whoopee cushion and she was so excited and yells, 'I got my own toot sitter!' Love kids.
@SnarkySteff or that no one puts cream in their coffee? I always notice this. It's always black.
@BroccoliandDip possibly a ganglion at first glance.
@TheMamaship Ugh. I had a sinus infection last Winter and could not get over the teeth pain. So annoying. I ended up on antibiotics.
@TheMamaship Oh I remember reading all your blog posts about thrush!! Stay away for sure!
@marepants I know. It makes me giggle every time she says it!
It's official. Im OFF work so this baby can grow and grow and I don't have to worry about running around to Code Pinks or other nurse stuff.
Operation 'Grow baby grow!' is in effect!!
@marepants Yes! Much easier to focus on myself and health and baby without shift work and caring for other people and their babies.
@LenaMamaBean Time to focus just on me and the baby!
@HavenOrganizing This is the exact reason I had to put that stuff away. The kids LOVED it. It was trekked all through the condo.
@emikatj I know that without work I will have way more time to focus on myself and grow this baby!
Oh pregnancy.Up all night with hormone induced insomnia & major acid reflux. It is much harder the 3rd time around to deal with these parts
Apparently the other two still require breakfast and lunches made and dashes out the door to get to school in time. Where is my sister wife?
@MommylovesPark Thanks 23 weeks. This time around we are having some complications and so it is not a stress free pregnancy.
Such a lazy bones morning for me. Had a bath with my wee girl. Felt good to laze in warm water and watch her play.
Saw some Pringles and was like 'yeah I need those! and bought some and ate some and HOLY SALT!!
I had a 'big' outing today considering Im on modified bedrest. Saw my OB and then went to Burgoo for lunch and am now in a cheese coma. OMG.
Now for more post cheese laying down!
@armstrong_RN It's a tough balance isn't it?! Hope it gets easier!
Good morning! How did you sleep last night? #sleep #givememoresleep #pregnancyinsomnia
@CityofVancouver Who is responsible to remove dumped furniture? A couch, bed, bookcase under the Granville bridge at Beach.
@CityofVancouver It is a mattress. Was dumped into a parking spot over night.
@howetolove You'd think by my 3rd baby I'd have a snoogle!!
@3BeesPaperie lol a bit late with the tweet?
@CityofVancouver Thanks for TCB!! Someone is cleaning things up tonight. Perfect!
I'm resting it up at home while this sweet sunshine went to art/music class. Total look of joy on that… http://t.co/4uut4CB0iN
@jonniker Sounds like the time the Starbucks dude double checked I didn't mean DECAF cause..I was pregnant.
@3BeesPaperie lol yeah no that was obvious. Just weird it was in a current feed.
My massage therapist told me that the extreme nausea and vomiting I had in this pregnancy was because I hadn't accepted the baby.
I'm glad she is an expert in pregnancy.
@CanadianKelli I nodded. Said that was a new one for me and I'd tell my placenta. Then stared.
@CanadianKelli I hadn't had the massage yet! lol
@0dessaTrujillo Ha! NO. My friend who had a surprise 4th said she had her best pregnancy and DID NOT accept the baby.
@lulumumblog And..things to keep to yourself! Where's her client filter?
@alexishinde I know! I said something like 'a surprise pregnancy!' and 'so much nausea and vomiting this time!' so she mushed it together
@LisaSchwartz05 As someone educated in the field I'm not buying it either lol
@hillarywith2Ls I had to wait till the massage was over..cause I really needed the massage lol
@0dessaTrujillo Oh yes. It was a surprise that is a very happy surprise!!
@hillarywith2Ls Oh lord. The things! People! Say!
@discoveryparent It was really weird and awkward. If only the cure for extreme nausea and vomiting in pregnancy was to accept the baby
and anyone who knows me knows I am like the biggest baby lover!! Hello, read my blog people! haha.
@erinehm She does but apparently she knows more. I gave her massage therapy tips while she was doing her job.
@TheMrsCupcake Maybe it's a sign she doesn't get enough support? It can be overwhelming bringing a new baby into your life.
This is how I am coping. High risk pregnancy at 24 weeks: http://t.co/pMl63rMgBH #growbabygrow #resilience
@jen_stamps Thank you so much. That means the world!
Laying around makes me way more tired than if I was out and about! Feeling frustrated with feeling tired all the time! #bedrest #pregnancy
I've got the window wide open to get some fresh air and I slept okay last night. But. Oh my. The tiredness from...laying around. Ridiculous.
@zainabsmom thanks mama!!! I appreciate the support!!
She asked for a tattoo for her birthday and she got one (or two!). #birthdaygirl http://t.co/6aC8hcJ7uI
Seriously. This girl. She was floored with her birthday gifts. Her own umbrella?!?! It blew her mind.… http://t.co/5LhjOgQKNC
Don't tell a 3 y.o you are going to make cupcakes unless you plan to eat them the same day.#parentinglessons Blog: http://t.co/gaRlVb0N1y
Seriously. I love my new threenager. She is sassy and funny and was hugely disappointed that we baked cupcakes but didn't eat them.
Me: Ugh, why do I feel so gross today!! Threenager: That's cause you are growing my baby *pats my belly* Awe. Love my kids!!
@emikatj She is 3 and hilarious!! I love it!!! And I love that she talks about the baby growing in my tummy. She decided its a baby sister.
@emikatj We don't yet!! Considering I've even had an amnio this time!
@emikatj We never found out with the other 2. And on the routine scan we checked 'we don't want to know/dont tell our doc'.
@emikatj but now I kind of want to know!!
@MommylovesPark It was super cute. Total moment lol!
@emikatj I will be 25 weeks tomorrow. And another ultrasound tomorrow too. Maybe I will ask what they see lol!
@emikatj LOL. I think since this is a 'special baby' I would be more than happy to share the news once we know.
Sitting in the tub about to watch @mindykaling in her awesome show and my husband brings me coconut shrimp. What kind of paradise am I in?
Fog horn! #vancouverlife
Well we had another big appointment with the top docs to check on our sweet baby and we asked! Is it a boy or a girl? http://t.co/kzqxtxnoSg
Sisters are coming over...and sushi is being delivered. Sounds like a good Friday night to me!
Classic 3 year old. Must wear rain boots despite the sunshine yesterday AND must bring new backpack… http://t.co/2bGWj6f0ZK
@TheMamaship Oh my goodness!! Sounds dramatic and kind of terrible!
I got a little birthday party for my daughter happening tomorrow and I'm actually feeling LOW KEY and not stressed. Seriously amazing.
@MM_NorthShore Something I do too regularly!
Birthday cake secured and waiting to be devoured tomorrow! Decorations starting to go up! It's beginning to look a little Frozen around here
Its time!!! Getting ready for a birthday party!! @cindy_dueck #caketopper #frozenparty http://t.co/Rr95Oup1be
Busy outside in the water with the fire over at @granville_isle! Can smell the smoke from our condo. #Vancouver
My girls 3rd birthday was a hit this year. Just a tiny Frozen influence with lots of old fashioned games and fun! http://t.co/l7X4no5dl4
A special thank you to @OverTheLoom who delivered my girls dress to Yaletown while I've been on modified bed rest! http://t.co/nJJ952G4ix
Awesome Costume Giveaway for your kiddos - http://t.co/NeWxfJknN5 KAPOW!
Enjoyed your last post @sarahbessey. Love reading the writings of other pregnant mamas.
It's a #Frozen birthday party for this 3 y.o! http://t.co/l7X4no5dl4 Dress from @OverTheLoom and cake from @originalcupcake.
@onesmileymonkey yes please!
Mama is resting it up today. 26 weeks pregnant and lots of growing pains today. This three year old is… http://t.co/a9NzymOEja
Look what we got in the mail! Fresh delicious oranges from sunny Florida! #maildelivery #florida… http://t.co/kHVP7byIik
You know you're a parent on a Friday night when....... Fill in the blank! #parenthood #Fridaynight
Here are some answers from our family! When you hide in the bathroom having a bath to eat ice cream by yourself...without sharing.
When you have an evening cocktail and it makes you fall asleep on the couch just after the kids go to bed too! lol
@Mymilababy yes! totally true!! #Parenthood
@shandyrae How did you know what I was doing lol! ;) #Parenthood
Binge watching @TheGoodWife_CBS on #Netflix
@boardchic haha that was my hubby tonight!!!
I'd love to lay down..but alas the glory of acid reflux has me sitting up right chomping on Tums.
@YummyMummyClub Thanks! My blog link is in my profile! #nurse #blogger
@YummyMummyClub Im on the West Coast..mama gets to sleep in..time zone lol
MIL in Florida sent a case of fresh oranges. Kids are getting lessons from hubby about fresh squeezed OJ and why you should always go fresh.
It's a seriously gross day out there. So, my husband went across to Granville Island and is making pulled pork for nachos later.
Im wearing extreme stretchy clothing and puttering. Think today is a classic lazy Saturday. Missing the sunshine though.
@TheMrsCupcake actually my pregnancy brain tells me that would be delicious!! lol
woohoo!!! I woke up to NO raindrops pouring down outside.Which means hubby took the dog and kids for a coffee shop walk
Stocked up on bath products...for my therapy. Feels good to have a restocked basket of stuff. I've spent half this pregnancy in the tub!
My crazy family! Hubby took the kids to Science World while I was resting it up at home. They took the… http://t.co/SP0TWacEbk
Last night it was a 5 pillow night. I think I need the queen bed all to myself. ;) #pregnancytalk
Great customer service today @ the Shoe Box at the @KidsMarketGI ! We walked in, got measured, found fantastic shoes and 25% off! #Vancouver
HOLD UP!! Finally @GapCA has their maternity line for Canadian shoppers. Was wondering when that would happen.
@bcbeautygirl @GapCA I was using their US site to order on my last pregnancy and was frustrated they didn't offer it directly!!
@MamaJaws Both times was so different for me. I remember feeling super ripped off when it was 4 months with the 1st..and we co slept and BF.
My husband just delivered me a sandwich....in the bath tub #pregnancyperk
Mornings like this get me excited for springtime in Vancouver!! Then Im like, oh yeah its still January.
Friday Night #Blog Reading AND a belly selfie of me at 27 weeks. http://t.co/d4sYzWmrXQ #growbabygrow #pregnancy #resilience #stress
Things you learn from sharing a wall with your neighbour: He sneezes 5 times in a row. Always. #apartmentneighbours #VancouverLife
I have to say, usually I work most weekends..and it is nice and also weird to have yet another weekend off together with my family.
Is there anything on the weekends that you do specifically? I like to change the beds on Saturday. #weekendroutine
It's my cleaning crew. 3 and 6 years old and they both have Saturday jobs to do. The best part is… http://t.co/RMw8Bl8XW4
@NurseNerdy haha my OB brain reads PV as 'per vagina' lol
@hillarywith2Ls You can always ask your friendly OB RN blogger friend ;)
Lazy Sunday at its best! Lounging in bed with the 2 kids, sleepy dog and bouncing baby in my tummy. It's raining out so we will stay put
She asked her daddy if he'd buy her her nail polish while they were out grocery shopping. He said yes… http://t.co/HgPFwQQeWO
@Clippo Oh I am right there with you.
@Clippo If it means everyone gets a decent nights sleep...I am ALL for it!
Third baby. Nearly 28 weeks. Feels like hips are going to fall off. #PregnancyProblems #Thankful #Stillhurts
Rainy afternoons call for hot chocolate at the coffee shop before we fetch big brother from school.… http://t.co/NmMYAUCU4V
Tonight's dinner is brought to you by CHEESE. Ricotta in my meat sauce and plenty of mozzarella on top of the spaghetti. Now into the oven!
Are @StarbucksCanada inside Safeway the same deal? Barista wouldn't charge me for kids drinks and they arrived boiling hot. #fail
@Archaeolemur @StarbucksCanada Yes. He wouldn't charge the 'kid price' and it was ridiculously hot. Frustrated!
@Archaeolemur @StarbucksCanada He made it a 'short'. So I ended up paying $2.55 or around there.
@pfindling @StarbucksCanada totally agree with you
28 weeks and we are celebrating this milestone! It has been a stressful pregnancy and sometimes I… http://t.co/cYnDMuZqjQ
@Kateskate604 Thank you :) Hope you are feeling well too!
Can't believe it! Had my 'best' sleep in weeks and weeks. Solid from 11-5 AM. Out of this world! Woke up feeling..kind of normal! lol
@discoveryparent I was so ill with extreme pregnancy nausea and vomiting that I had to tell my family and close friends early. 6-7 weeks.
I am so excited for my prenatal massage today!! Bring it on. My body feels old.
I need a new RMT for massage. Mine doesn't feel comfortable doing third trimester massages:( boo!! #Vancouver #yaletown #RMT #Massage
@nervouschef thanks Monica!
@5and1 Where does Teri work out of?
My son has a field trip today and woke up at 5 AM SOOOOOOO excited to tell me!! #mommoments
@5and1 When you were 36 weeks with twins did you have your massage laying on your side or face down?
Exciting package #1 for hubby's 40th birthday! A special gift box from @Dirty_Apron delivered to our… http://t.co/gosAZeNdZw
Special delivery #2... Delicious pies for my pie loving husband from our favourite local pie shop… http://t.co/LnoawXWYnb
What's inside the chefs box from @Dirty_Apron?!? So many amazing things! My hubby was impressed and… http://t.co/laUOfKS14N
Stealing a few bites of my husbands birthday 'breakfast pie' from @pieholevan . It's all french toast and bacon and maple goodness. Oh my!
Oh, this banana bread is sooo good! caffeartigiano @erinireland Coffee shop date on a rainy grey Tuesday. http://t.co/seNi6yWA6o
So glad this girl doesn't mind being a lazy bones with me! 29 weeks pregnant and was awake most of the… http://t.co/AeC3wVSFOV
Impromptu ice skating with the nanny! I'm busy with baby checkups today and this girl is out having… http://t.co/JKpsUiEqFE
Today is the day. After a short worry that Wednesday was his classroom party, we have arrived at the… http://t.co/2F4UK3p93c
I'm not one of those pregnant ladies who feels ah-mazing and extra strong with each day and week that goes by. No. I feel like I'm 70+ y.o.
@Kateskate604 One of my last patients, before I had to go off work early, was ice climbing just a few weeks before delivery. So not me.
I have a Man Cold. Well, I'm pregnant and can't take ALL the good drugs so it is like I have a Man Cold.
It's official. I had to take my wedding rings off until baby #3 is here! Finger joints were swollen and I didn't want to take a chance!
@phdinparenting I am sure it is a legal thing. Unless it is a nut free plant they can't take the legal risk.
@kitten_arms lol!! I was wondering when the time would come this time around. It is earlier than with my other 2!
@kitten_arms lol!! I am positive I could keep them on longer before. This 3rd baby is a game changer for my body haha.
@mrsjenryan Ugh the panic feeling is the worst. That was me today after a bath and when they did come off...I said they were off for good!
Being on bed rest meant I saved A LOT of $$ on frivolous spending ;) Now that I'm off bed rest this is what I did: http://t.co/Zvfu9uHntQ
Thankful that @romersburger is delivering me a delicious burger tonight! @Orderit
@osnsmom I totally agree. As someone who doesn't routinely swear, I did yell F**K a lot while pushing out my last baby. It totally worked.
So, my apartment neighbours are cooking something that smells delicious. Im wondering if it would be weird to knock on their door?
When their dad gets a big work related delivery the kids get so excited...for the box!! So many hours… http://t.co/IdwxGJDE1X
@marepants It smelled divine but I thought it would be awkward lol
Now that I am not feeling like death warmed over, my husband is in the kitchen cooking me steak and garlic prawns. Bring it on!
My 3 y.o is very familiar with womanly parts. Tomorrow I have my OB appt and she is chatting up a storm about going to see the vagina doctor
Hold me now.
@hillarywith2Ls ugh that is rough :(
@CrunchyCarpets WOW! Amazing!!
@hillarywith2Ls Hope things are going okay
2 months ago I had an amnio for concerns about our baby. I was told I'd be lucky to get to 30 weeks. IM 30 WEEKS TODAY!! Baby is doing A-OK!
We have a Pro-D day today and decided to do some silly science. http://t.co/vymwwaohds
@Mamaofabean Awe. It's so sweet looking lol!! That little face scrunched up under all that!
I had great intentions to get a lot done today...but I didn't. I am slow. So the 'TO DO' list has to wait. Again.
@jen_stamps LOL 100? That is crazy.
@jen_stamps Totally. 10 items, sure. I'm planning for #3's arrival and I feel like I could come up with maybe 10. Or even be more minimal.
@jen_stamps I've always liked to be a bit minimalist with babies. They grow and change so fast. You really don't need a lot!
@jen_stamps We are going to have 3 kids in an apartment. It's doable. Baby stays in our room for at least first 6 months.
@jen_stamps We have heard it all! You're having a 3rd child? So you must be moving? Nope! Not anytime soon.
Best place to buy kids bedding? Need all new stuff for an all new boy/girl room!
@marepants Totally was scouting out Potter Barn Kids...well the sale page ;)
Oh what a beautiful Sunday! Big brother Ben pushing his sis on the swing at the park next door.… http://t.co/KEqWCRQTpK
@marepants Well I got the girls bedding from the sale section at Pottery Barn Kids..now for the boy bedding!
Great day for a picnic! So many of spring on its way! #vancouver#Yaletown #spring #picnicforlunch https://t.co/MS5lSybWcg
We had a spontaneous picnic then playtime before we headed inside for 'mummy's pregnancy nap' ☺ï¸ðŸ’¤ https://t.co/jfTSDP3aLz
Such bad hip pain during third trimester. Makes sleeping on my side impossible and tear inducing. What to do! #PregnancyProblems
@5and1 I have! But Im finding it not that helpful this time around!
@5and1 Maybe in 7 weeks lol ;)
@5and1 I know, it feels amazing..and with all the pregnancy stress we've had..it feels like the longest pregnant too lol
@HomeToHeather This has been my issue the last couple of weeks lol!
He's teaching her how to massage my feet lol!! It's pretty cute. #siblings https://t.co/vyBxIJYJ0H
Do you find friendships as an adult easier than when you were a kid...or harder? More complex for sure! http://t.co/szdWrAeGKv
I asked the 3 y.o if she had a good sleep. Apparently no. 3 y.o dreams filled with Santa coming and taking back your toys. #toddlerdreams
@Envirokidz My kids love your cereals (and so do I ;) ).
What does it look like to be a high risk pregnancy? Fetal monitoring in the AM. Detailed growth ultrasound in afternoon. Top doc appt after.
A busy day checking up on me and this baby. 31 weeks and growing. Very thankful for the vigilance. #highriskpregnancy
@UPPAbaby Curious why you D/C your fashion swap kits? I'm on my 2nd Vista and wanted to use it for baby #3 but current seat is too stained.
@UPPAbaby Was hoping to just buy the fashion swap kit and was so sad to see that you've D/C the product.
@UPPAbaby Can you buy a rumble seat and use the fabric on the original seat?
@UPPAbaby Thanks. We have scoured the internet and can't find any of the fashion swap kits. They were such a great idea!
If I wasn't a type 1 diabetic and pregnant I'd totally be eating my way through a giant pack of Twizzlers Licorice right now.
@hillarywith2Ls Hope there is a G+T with that pizza!
@hillarywith2Ls Oh man. Yes do not mix! Super sucks though.
@yayababy_ca The link says the contest has been closed?
Yay! Is right! Cupcakes from @sweetbakeshop for dessert. Kids are so excited. We've got chocolate… https://t.co/wLzlofEAxL
Pregnancy Accomplishments? Finished off a large bottle of Tums.
Just starting the day off right! Icing my hip like a good old pregnant lady with bursitis!
@CanadianKelli LOL too funny!
Bunk beds are ready to go!! Can't believe how excited my kids are. I think they might go to bed early because of it haha! #parentingwin
@mommyingaround LOL! I didn't know the kid appeal to just now. They have the cool loft bunkbeds meant for 1 kid!
I feel like I could justify use of a helper monkey (I'd treat it really good!). I am in seriously slow mode over here with growing baby #3.
@mommyingaround Oh I hear you!!! I am seriously thinking about buying this bedding https://t.co/jNz9b0WVpm because of the PITA factor!
My kids were beyond floored when I told them we were going to play at the school park after school.… https://t.co/Qkvi7eM8Yf
Loving this post! To the losers who haven’t sleep trained their babies http://t.co/krW3dUTHiC
Bunk bed update: kids are loving it. They are actually spending more time playing in their room and mostly have used it as a pretend boat ;)
Mail delivery from @skoah ! So excited to refresh my skin tonight!
@JennInVancouver @skoah Oh yes! I had an at home facial last night and my skin feels awesome this morning. It was long over due!
We are in serious nesting mode over here. I think maybe my husband even more than me! Spring cleaning at its best!
It's a day date with this man! Enjoying brunch at The Flying Pig in #Yaletown. Delicious!! https://t.co/VFSf4mmPwk
What we are up to! Six more weeks or so till baby arrives and my hubby is refreshing our crib. Both… https://t.co/qQ57EL4R8p
Operation #growbabygrow worked! I've also grown an extra chin but that's okay. I'm over 32 weeks and… https://t.co/2BI4w2ai6d
Blogging on randomness: My favourite @Netflix_CA shows I'm binge watching and on prepping for baby #3 to arrive. http://t.co/CND6FbSxVF
I just told my kids we are having a Lego building contest and the winner gets chocolate. All of a sudden it was quiet and off they went!
I'm not proud that I bribed them with chocolate but sometimes it is survival in parenting that matters.
@Kateskate604 Thanks! 32 weeks and counting! So happy to be here after so much pregnancy stress!
@boardchic I agree! I was so happy to cross off 28 weeks and now 32 weeks I feel so happy!
It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood! Digging in the sand at Granville Island! https://t.co/kofvUlS9eW
Took this dude to his first barber. He said he's over those kid cut places and so he sat amongst the… https://t.co/aPVt53S1jT
@emikatj He was so proud too. Major heart bursting moment.
@kristen @united Sorry you had such an annoying experience with breastfeeding your baby on airplane. It is sad and pathetic and NOTED.
Sometimes being a type 1 diabetic and pregnant can be HARD. I'd love to stuff my face with cheesecake..in a bad bad way. But..yeah.
@jonniker Im feeling the same. Third time around is so much harder for me.
@GwenFloyd So true. I like to get good blood sugar numbers and that does feel better than eating a chunk of cheesecake.
Oh those damn babies! Wanting to soothe and comfort on a human breast. ICK!! How dare that baby want a snack mid flight!
@cbcnewsbc The headline should read: 'baby chastised by flight attendant on United Airlines for requesting mid flight snack.
Once I took my then baby on a flight with @WestJet and the flight attendant actually ENCOURAGED me to nurse the baby for the baby's comfort.
I'm having one of those days. Feeling very pregnant and full of symptoms and I would love to just lay… https://t.co/TQ1B49rHxz
Sort of surprised to see two different dogs inside the @UrbanFareYT. One at the restaurant. Non service dogs. Where are the managers?
Thankful to see some blue sky and sunshine this morning. Definitely perks me up. #yvr
My 3 y.o said, 'MUM!! Your tummy is getting so big!!!'..which is great cause Im all pregnant etc. but follows it ups, 'AND YOUR TUSH TOO!!'.
Nothing like a 3 year old to keep it real
@Zoe_Schamehorn No we love dogs! Have one ourselves. But don't think they should be brought into grocery shops or restaurants.
@Zoe_Schamehorn That is how I feel. Service dog, yes for sure! A dog in a book shop..sure! Grocery shop..probably not.
No one wants to be that high risk pregnancy. Here is my blog post: My Decision To Have An Amnio: http://t.co/wdlUFtAoPS
@erin_braincandy Im totally the same
@emikatj Thanks Emily! Love to hear that. I am big into self care for sure. Learned that in nursing school and stuck with it.
'MUM! Let's have chocolate but we let's not tell the boys! SHHH!!' - that's my 3 year old daughter. She knows real life things.
@Zoe_Schamehorn lol totally!
I didn't really want an amnio but I did want to know what was going on with my baby when red flags were raised http://t.co/wdlUFtAoPS
@familyfunyvr @ChevroletCanada Looks like a good fit!
@sarahbessey A big congrats to you Sarah...and by big I mean..wow she is a BIG newborn!!
I've only had 1 kid the last few days and PEOPLE I've been feeling great. Who knew?! #pregnant #threekids #tiredmama http://t.co/Rb0pfgvVJm
Now my question to all those mamas with 3 or more kids who are pregnant, how do you do it? I know we all feel pregnancy different but how?
How are you not just throwing Cheerios on the kitchen table and laying down on the couch in exasperation?
@MommyNews I was never scared...but I see birth happen in my professional life on a daily basis. Over exposure cured any scared feelings!
Life is good. Spring Break and at Playdome for fun! #Vancouver #SpringBreak #Familyfun https://t.co/xedv7i96DG
No pictures please! Miss Josie having fun at Vancouver's indoor Playdome. Her big brother and dad are… https://t.co/rJPSM0Tj8r
I had a REAL pregnancy massage today. None of the laying on your side crap. Face down with proper pillowing system. Absolutely LOVED it.
Thanks @SomaStudioRMT for an awesome pregnancy massage!! Baby was dancing away the whole time I was face down.
@5and1 Oh it was lovely and over due and much needed! Already booked more appointments. Why did I wait so long?!
@5and1 I have about 4 more weeks left of potential massages..and I have booked them all up lol
Im on the hunt for newborn nightgowns that are gender neutral. Finding this a difficult task! #shoplocal #Canadianmade #newbornessentials
I'm on line 'window' shopping at @ParadeBabyCo and I just can't make my mind up!! Looking for newborn nightgowns and so many sweet ones!
@MommiHealth It's a journey and you don't know what your story will be. Will you have an easy breezy time or be high risk #mommi #pregnancy
Best husband award: hubby took our 2 to the Aquarium this AM so I could rest...and then brought me lunch upon their return. Seriously nice.
@cbcnewsbc Interesting concept as breastfeeding in public is completely legal in Canada and discriminatory to ask to leave or cover.
My husband is having some Sloe Gin over ice and a bit of tonic for fizz and it looks absolutely delicious...and I'm sipping my mint tea.
@VONBONapparel Such a sweet capture!
@VONBONapparel About 4 more weeks for me! Not feeling super hot. This has been the most challenging of all my pregnancies.
@ParadeBabyCo I'm trying to send a gift via your website. How can I be sure it is sent as a gift with no price tags, receipts and a To/From?
@unwrittenlife No, not necessarily. Sometimes it means the blood clotted at the lab or insufficient amounts etc etc.
Feeling your baby hiccup inside of you right at your butt...is pretty much that weird charming type of motherhood experience.
I seriously love @PurdysChocolate and would have a nibble of something right now if I could!
I did my 'just in case baby comes early' pedicure. Being in the high risk category means you never… https://t.co/X69aUmc1R4
I got a 'just in case I have the baby early' pedicure...cause being high risk you never really know… https://t.co/KWgt0LysJb
Hold up mama! Have a little read into the life of a high risk pregnancy: http://t.co/aTrfLk0L0t #pregnancy #mamadrama
@ParadeBabyCo Perfect! Thank you! Ordered for myself too. A sweet newborn nightgown and blanket. Can't wait for them to arrive! #shoplocal
@5and1 Wow now that is impressive! I tried to do that on Friday afternoon and it was useless!
@5and1 Yes! Hotel spots are the best/easiest for catching a cab for sure.
I am feeling SLOW and a little bit lazy. Wish I could tele transport my child to school this morning ;)
Type 1 diabetes & pregnancy ...She has a really funky placenta that requires the most ridiculous dose of insulin.’ http://t.co/piwBDkYkvd
We figured out the hard way the dog peed under the baby's crib. My oldest found out the during a game of 'let's play under the crib!'.
@howetolove Don'r fret just yet! Baby still has lots of time to 'get in position'. My baby was breech/transverse/head down till 33 weeks.
@howetolove You still got lots of time! Baby just has lots of room to wiggle. Mine has finally settled into cephalic after bouncing around!!
Well that was a new one. Sat down on my bed for a second and...woke up 20 minutes later. I guess growing a human can take a toll on you.
Im trying to be all chill and calm that my husband is going on 2 hours of a nap... but Im grumpy and full of hormones. So Im just jealous.
I love the package that arrived from @ParadeBabyCo! The blanket is even better than I thought! Absolutely love the neutral side to it!
Type 1 diabetes keeps things in check with frequent monitoring! Full day! Fetal monitoring for a non stress test than a growth ultrasound.
Now I am all ready for a nap...
@vanaqua My kids loved this exhibit last weekend!
When mum is tired and not wanting to venture too far, out comes the glue and dried pasta noodles.… https://t.co/BlIyLlSVuB
I haven't worn pants the entire day. Is this a new level of nesting or... ? I'm not sure. #pregnant
@gorgeousbaby_ca Still love seeing my first born as your profile pic. Can't believe that he.s 6.5 now with #3 on the way!
Our condo neighbours decided loudly party till 5 AM. Think it's t time my kids go by the door and SING with their musical instruments.
Sure kids! You want your harmonica and your kazoo? You've got it! No, need to be quiet. Feel the music!
I got home and told the kids I had to lay down and 'elevate my feet' (swollen!!). They all whooped… https://t.co/gfhnGHoBer
@MotherhoodMat I just received a formula sample in the mail. The only way they would have got my personal info is from when I bought stuff.
@MotherhoodMat Do you sell your customer information to formula companies? I'm so disappointed.
Has anyone else had a maternity clothing shop SELL your customer info to a formula company? #ViolatesWHO #breastfeeding #notimpressed
It's almost my turn!!! Bring on the evening prenatal massage! I get to lay face down and relax for… https://t.co/k91szDZhuw
@Kateskate604 I go see a RMT at @SomaStudioRMT. So lucky my work covers massage therapy!! If I had the childcare I'd be there more often!
@Kateskate604 Yes you should! This place is all into the prenatal massage too.
@5and1 Oh no. You should. I totally agree.
@5and1 Not at all!! I think it is very reasonable actually.
@MommiHealth Not much this time! Even with the drugs I was still suffering. Was severe this time. Mild the other 2 pregnancies.
@KINDSnacks mmm I love your snacks! Going to pack some in my labour bag for baby #3! Especially the peanut butter ones.
There is a mom at my kids school who loves to comment on my pregnant body...but in like a mean way.
Today's comment from said parent, 'Wow! Your face is really getting fat!'. Thanks lady.
Last weeks comment, 'wow I thought you were getting fat but you're pregnant!'. Yeah. I was 35 weeks pregnant at the time of that comment.
She also said, 'wow 3 is plenty. Is your husband getting a vasectomy?' Seriously. What the what.
@Jenn052 I'm sort of flabbergasted. I mean, yeah my face is getting puffy but I'm like pregnant pregnant. I don't even know what to say!
@Jenn052 The interesting thing is that it is repeated too! It's not a one time thing. I just smile cause I have no energy to 'get into it'.
@zainabsmom I just am so surprised! Think it in your head but don't say it! Oh brother!
@zainabsmom lol that is what my husband said too!
@Jenn052 Once sure..but now I avoid seeing her but she finds me! lol. Oh man. She also asked how much weight I've gained. Funny lady.
@zainabsmom Thank you :)
@zainabsmom It is pretty crazy. I think maybe she has some personal issues.Otherwise how do you explain all of the weird comments!!
@NursingNurture Exactly. Which is why I really cringe when people put time amounts on feeding.
@CrunchyCarpets I love it Kerry.Totally. I feel like the abnormal one!!!
@jenarbo Same lady. I sort of smile and nod cause I don't know what to say! I have thick skin so I don't take it personally. But really?!
@alexishinde I might need it! lol! I still have a couple of weeks ahead.
@DShenelle Totally! I guess sometimes #meangirls grow up to be parents!
@HappyBabySleep LOL that is exactly what happened. Weirdly enough I smiled lol! Oh brother.
@missteenussr @emvandee I totally buy the good chocolate because of this very reason
Not a bad way to spend the morning! Filling up eggs with treats for the big hunt this weekend.… https://t.co/CUXUKR3XUT
After that crazy school pick up, my kids are bonkers!!!, I'm sure my BP in the OB's office will be a little wonky.
Reflecting back on pregnancy #1. I just didn't know how much rest and quiet I actually got even with working full time. Retrospect.
Excited to share this guest post from @BitsofBee about surviving the 1st year with 3 kids! ALMOST my turn people http://t.co/sQroGndwaY
Im glad theres just 4 drop off/pick ups this week and next...cause I am starting to feel like it is an impossible feat to haul myself out.
@emikatj I am not a naturally hearty pregnant lady. I know this. I get sore and puffy and DONE.
@emikatj Totally! Said that to my OB yesterday. Can't believe Ive come this far! And now I get to complain about all the aches and pains!
My kids are so envious of the Tums that I chomp on regularly. They cry and beg to have one. Ridiculous. They think I'm chowing candies?!
How does science explain feeling terrible all day..the minute my kids are asleep...feeling sort of awesome and energetic? #pregnancy
No really. I want an explanation.
Also, I think my husband is trying to romance me as he came home with a NEW flavour of Tums that I haven't yet tried. ;) #pregnancy
@emikatj I never loved them! But my parents always bought the regular minty ones. Now there is fruit flavour and fruit smoothie flavour. LOL
The last 2 winners of the @vancouver_mom top blogger are both baby #2 this Fall! Exciting times for @mitzdemeanor and @discoveryparent !!!
@vancouver_mom @mitzdemeanor @discoveryparent both 'having' babies! oops!
@mitzdemeanor @vancouver_mom @discoveryparent exciting times ahead! more things to blog about too lol!
When strangers come up to you and excitedly ask how you are feeling in your pregnancy...am I not suppose to tell them about the hemorrhoids?
Great guest post on my blog right now from @Elasticpantcity! She gives me her take on adding #3 to the family. http://t.co/odHQLmbZ40
Is the need to listen to 90's power ballads a sign of early labour? haha
Our 3 little lambs! A family tradition of welcoming the newest baby. You can see how much love the… https://t.co/m4rwCV9yJl
Walking around with my 37 week belly seems to get a lot of attention. Someone asked if I was having twins. Nope! Just an average sized baby.
I find it socially interesting how having a baby belly gets strangers smiling and talking to you. Just random people coming right at you.
@Kateskate604 LOL. Same! People downtown are SHOCKED when they find out it's #3 baby for me. Very rare in the city!
@mommyingaround I know!! I almost can't believe it!
@Kateskate604 Today the stranger had it right. She said. 'wow 3! you are so experienced!' lol I like that better!
They always said the third one is the wild card. A bit of a crazy labour and this wee girl joined our… https://t.co/Z90WQBUXrB
After a stressful pregnancy my baby is here! http://t.co/2olh0jrIQi
My sweet girl is finally out of the NICU and our marathon stressful pregnancy is behind us. We are… https://t.co/qgfQuSLdZg
It has been an incredible /crazy/tiring week with lots of awesome. I got ill from a medication I was on. Not awesome.
Oh those post partum hormones! Then you get sick and can't be with your new babe and those post partum hormones flow like a river.
My babe is 5 days old and we are still in hospital. For me. For her. Looking forward to going home soon!
@Huntersprize Crossing fingers for tomorrow! It's like the 'olden days'. We will be 1 week post partum by the time we get home.
Seriously loving this blog post from @TheMamaship about adding number 3 to the family. This girl can write! http://t.co/WinDdDS8tn
@Kateskate604 Hoping to be home tomorrow!
Love this post from Kerry! https://t.co/uMLTxcZSnY
@CrunchyCarpets and seriously that photo of your 3 in the hospital..it was a LOL and an 'awe' at the same time.
Feeling really thankful that we could get donor breastmilk from BC Women's Milk Bank. My wee girl and I really appreciate all those donors!
@CrunchyCarpets That was really good timing to capture on camera too!
@Robinjoy604 Thank you! She is my tiny sweet baby! So different to cuddle her than her brother and sister who were big newborns!
Oh we are home sweet home!! Checked into the hospital last Friday at 1:30 and home a week later.… https://t.co/e7Q39IBHhA
Did your baby have jaundice after birth? All 3 of my babies did! http://t.co/Qp2kkRb9Jo
I am totally zonked and going on a couple hours of broken sleep but I can close my eyes. Staring at my amazing newborn.
First night at home with the baby and it was SO much better than our nights at the hospital in the photo therapy box.
I just got a gorgeous flower delivery and I have to say it makes things seem so cheery!! Love fresh blooms!
With phototherapy we used my own milk and donor milk from BC Women's Milk Bank to clear up our newborn's jaundice. http://t.co/Uoj3gmIHLG
Skin to skin post baby bath. Absolutely soaking up every second. It was such a rocky journey and now here we are. Falling in love
@ourfamilystone I think it depends on the story. Some of the stories are just amazing and I love to see the photos!
@jen_stamps Thanks Jen! She arrived in her own way. Much like those third babies do!
1 week post partum and having my first outing san bebe. To the massage therapist for 1 hour. Did some funny stuff to my neck during labour.
I put a bra on for the first time in a week and EW!! Gross!! Wearing a bra fresh post partum just feels really terrible to me So off it came
I just can't believe she's here. If you've followed along on our journey, I thank you for your… https://t.co/TCb0eNj2Sf
@alexishinde Thanks Alexis!
The gorgeous Vancouver sunshine sure helps with the sleep deprivation! #newborninthehouse
@SnarkySteff Having kids is not for everyone and I deeply respect that. Sorry people are jerks!
@cheeriodiaries decent!
@CanadianKelli wow that is intense!!
The baby doctor called to make a check up for tomorrow...at 930 AM. I was fretting over having to wear pants for 930 and actually up et etc
Then they called back and said, 'actually come at 130 PM'..much better time for a mum with a newborn!!
@emikatj lol! I have it! I have it! A week and a bit later we officially welcomed Elisabeth Violet!
@emikatj Had to go with Benjamin and Josephine. No nick name yet. But Ben likes Lizzie. Josie likes Ellie.
@emikatj Decent. Just the usual tired! Like whoa tired with crazy hair to boot lol
@Zoe_Schamehorn Im totally content chilling at home in pajama mode as long as I possibly can!
@RobinPregnancy Im looking for people to bring me their cooked recipes for my post partum time lol It doesn't seem to happen anymore.
@RobinPregnancy Well to be fair I've get most visitors away so far and we've only been home 5 days but I do like how you think!
He got home from school and it was all, 'where is baby Elisabeth!' He was so excited to hold her!… https://t.co/0SmhgMw6cg
@CanadianKelli It was a doozy of a post partum bit this third time!
@CanadianKelli Literally a 1 week hospital stay. Craziness!
Apparently we were 'abnormal' since it took over a week to name our baby. How did you come up with your baby's name? http://t.co/NABfyC7beO
@Kateskate604 Thanks! It took awhile to figure out 'who she was' but a week later we did lol!
@CanadianKelli Memorable! IOL. Cervidil. Slow progress. Then 24 hrs later rapid multip progress, decel, FECG. Boom. Baby! Hardest of my 3.
@CanadianKelli I sucked back so much entonox over the labour I had a massive hangover the next day.
@CanadianKelli Exactly! The 9 lb second baby was easier than the 6 lb 3rd baby.
@CanadianKelli Good position the whole time! Think it was just the trick of IOL at 37 weeks taking its sweet ass time.
@CanadianKelli I used the entonox for hours. Sucked back two portable tanks. Couple hours post birth. Massive headache and eye pain.
@CanadianKelli Made all the residents anxious lol.
@CanadianKelli Good thing my husband went to U of Florida and knew all about entonox. Who knew that was a university party thing? I didn't!
@CanadianKelli well nitrous.. those college boys did straight nitrous.oh lord.
Cluster feeding. All night long. Funny how you can forget things like the 10 day growth spurt. Thanks @KellyMomdotcom for the reminder.
My tiny baby needs to gain more weight. We're feeding every 2 hours at least. So much skin to skin. Im in zombie mode so that's a + sign
@Zoe_Schamehorn Last babe was 9 lbs and a voracious nurser. This babe is so different. Smaller and needs more help with nursing.
@Zoe_Schamehorn Well in my small sample of an 8, 9 and now 6 lb baby...I'd agree! I have to work harder to get the food in the 6 lb baby.
That morning where you haven't really slept cause of a cluster feeding newborn but the big kids are SO excited for life. #reallife #momlife
Totally not a sponsored tweet BUT I LOVE @amazon and their Prime delivery. Especially with a newborn. Diaper delivery? YES. Same day? YES!
Things I adore. Fresh fragrant blooms delivered to my door from friends. Absolutely a bright spot in… https://t.co/Dp6Im7zIGg
Despite some serious sleep deprivation today has been great! Chocolate croissants, fresh flower delivery and an uninterrupted bath.
@howetolove Yeah for 30 week! I breathed a sigh of relief when I got to 30 and then 32 and...well then I had a baby at 37!
Fresh sheets on the bed! Love that! It's totally the little things.
@mrsjenryan Something about it just feels so good!
SO much satisfaction picking out a large booger from my newborns nose. Can't even explain it. #momlife #newborn
@Zoe_Schamehorn It's been whistling since last night lol and I don't have a fancy nose booger sucker device. Instant satisfaction!!
Baby cot recall due to an infant death. I was just admiring this cot in someones Instagram feed and then this. http://t.co/EYs7vwDFRz
Woohoo for good mail deliveries!! #purdysarrived! Two boxes of chocolates sent in celebration of our… https://t.co/mOHPqEqVaQ
Yum!! - Purdys Chocolatier Mother's Day Giveaway http://t.co/6i7cdM14u2 from @ http://t.co/6i7cdM14u2
Looking forward to my 1st event since having the baby 2 weeks ago. Seems like the perfect kind of event too @modern_mama! #eatsleepplay
I'm binge watching my way through Friends on @Netflix_CA I needed something easy to watch while I'm in newborn zombie mode and its perfect
What #YVR bloggers will I see tonight with @modern_mama & @BabyBjornUS for #eatsleepplay? @carolynleanne @cheeriodiaries @discoveryparent?
@BitsofBee Im actually thinking of coming by and leaving her home with her daddy. Perk of living close to the event.
@cheeriodiaries I'm thinking of popping out without her! Perk of living so close to the event. Plus her daddy is eager to cuddle her!
Im purposefully taking it slow with my post partum recovery this time. No rushing. No over planning. #pregnancy http://t.co/j78rE62I32
My wish is that all mamas in North America could take the time to recover after pregnancy and birth and adjusting to their new baby.
Too often I see friends and my patients the rush to return to 'normal' and to get 'out there'. Be good to your body and your baby. Slow down
I read this article about America's post partum practices are so rough on new mothers and I agree with it so much. http://t.co/pJPG9iSajs
@Kateskate604 It's the gift of the 3rd for sure.
@Kateskate604 1st baby I was in such a rush to get back to my normal life and it was exhausting and unrealistic.
@TheJessicaHugh @heather_vmil @gravitypope @BabyBjornUS shhh I had like 3..okay 4
Sweet baby Elisabeth nestled in the babybjorn_us bouncer that we bought for baby # 1 back in 2008!… https://t.co/tjxhQLCViU
@heather_vmil @TheJessicaHugh @gravitypope @BabyBjornUS well err...like 4 off one of the plates..not 4 in total ;)
I feel like today will be a 2 coffee kind of day.
She's come around to the idea of being a middle sister and no longer the baby. We gave the baby a… https://t.co/U5raUbpO0z
@mrsjenryan This one is different than your first baby?
@mrsjenryan How old is Cole now?
Mamas! What's your absolute favourite skin care products for baby? I like something lightly scented and with a good rating from Good Guide
@Kateskate604 I've heard good things about that brand too!
@DShenelle Thanks for doing the foot work for me!
Hey Vancouver! Who is your favourite newborn photographer? #newborn #photographer #Vancouver
Not a fan of a lot of props on a newborn and want to include the 2 big kids too. #newborn #photographer #Vancouver
Warning!! Visiting a newborn may give you baby fever. I guess I shall expect a new niece or nephew by… https://t.co/qMNrKz8gsT
3 week cluster feeding going on! I will just park myself in my comfy bed with a big glass of water and a straw. #newborn #breastfeeding
This is my friend Cheri. She's also a coworker and also the nurse that laboured with me during… https://t.co/bkg41yH8Id
Im a middle child...and now I have my OWN middle child and can already feel her angst of being the middle sibling.
Is birth order actually a 'thing'? Does it shape our personalities? http://t.co/xwzbtJdVfT #middlechild #siblings #birthorder
@mommyingaround I can see it even in my parenting. More stressed with #1 and then more relaxed with #2..and so forth. It must shape them!
The 3 week growth spurt is real. Up all night to feed feed feed this darling wee girl. We are now… https://t.co/IRX07DZAX1
@howetolove It took a week for us to get baby #3's name! We just could not agree!
@howetolove When I pushed out baby #1 I shouted out his name before we had agreed. We had waited to see boy/girl and had a short list.
@howetolove So just putting that idea out there ;) haha. Somehow the hubby has a hard time saying no when you just pushed out his baby.
@howetolove Keep a short list. But then when the baby emerges, you loudly declare the baby's name. I tell you. It works haha. ;)
@howetolove and then the people in the room will be like 'oh wow baby ____! How lovely!' and that is that.
My gr 1 son got home from a class field trip to @AME_BC. Gold panning was a top fave and so was everything volcanoes. Sparked a new interest
A new fan of BC Mining! @AME_BC http://t.co/xxgKw1JRDe
Any other middle children out there? Are you a classic middle child? I think I was growing up. #whataboutme http://t.co/xwzbtJvw7r
@Mamaofabean lol! I don't think it mattered as an adult for me, but as a kid it did!!
@MommylovesPark Yes! I think that makes a difference too! Mine was middle between two sisters.
Just bought some products from you for our newest arrival @tawnahillbaby ! I absolutely love these local products. #bathtime #skincare #baby
She's 3 and a bit and just had her first haircut today with @mrsmonicaryan. Josie's pretty proud of… https://t.co/cKpUKdBByN
Chocolate Nutella for this boy and it ended up ALL over his face! #gelato #Yaletown #BellaGelateria https://t.co/YT0lPyFlcd
@vancouver_mom top blogger nominee @michaela_evanow lost her sweet daughter Florence tonight. Let's send her some love tonight. #YVRMoms
@harrietglynn i know. Same here.
@boardchic Too funny! They left me to sleep and bought brunch supplies after feeding the ducks!
Had like 1,500 calories of brunch in bed and ate while nursing the baby. If you eat while nursing its negative calorie consumption. Right?
This sweet babe loves her mini bouncer from @babybjornsweden! Perfect size for my tiny girl! Also… https://t.co/Si6CvJSDOI
Well @UPPAbaby your customer service on the phone was awesome! So happy to be getting replacement parts so I can reuse my Vista with baby #3
@CanadianKelli @howetolove I thought you 2 were at the same place? lol
@CanadianKelli @howetolove LOL. We represent!
This one please mum! At @sweetbakeshop for a cupcake run! https://t.co/DmOfkrUHzj
My husband was out and brought me home gnocchi from @FlyingPigVan. So, tonight he wins best husband award.
For all you Canadians who love ALL things baby AND giveaways. I've got this sweet mini bouncer from @BabyBjornUS. http://t.co/dRbflRLvpt
@MommyNews When my babies are really close in proximity, they tend to nurse and go right back to sleep. Which is why I love safe co sleeping
@Kateskate604 I think this carries over to the newborn days cause I've said 'yes yes go ahead' more times than I'd like to admit ;)
'DON'T wipe your nose on my foot!' -tweets from mom life.
@MamaJaws What? Oh lord. Why not advise the students to dress classy or some other twist instead of 'skanky'.
Final 12 hours to enter to WIN this lovely mini baby bouncer from @BabyBjornUS! We love ours for baby Elisabeth. http://t.co/ywKl7uM9Pp
@Kateskate604 Congrats! Great timing with baby #3 joining you oh so very soon! @modern_mama will be in touch and you can choose your colour!
2 little boys throwing soccer balls at 2 geese in David Lam park while their mothers watched on with smiles on their faces. HUH?? #Yaletown
You better believe that was my dirty look heading your way. Not cool.
5 week growth spurt? I can't remember! #breastfeeding #newborn
@CanadianKelli I couldn't do 7 hrs either!
Who else is already day dreaming about their morning coffee?
@jen_stamps Im secretly hoping my husband will bring me a full mug to my bedside table when the other kids are up in the AM
Absolutely crazy RAIN FALL right now. Was wondering what the 'noise' was and it was massive rain drops. #yvr
Feeling badly for anyone that was caught outside in this rain. Rain drops so huge!!
@NurseNerdy Yes! It's pretty intense right now!
@NurseNerdy Crazy! Was so intense for a little bit! but now just normal Vancouver rain lol
@NurseNerdy lol yes so true!
Nice stuff @VONBONapparel ! Just saw your items while looking at baby stuff on @chaptersindigo website.
Every time I put the baby down to sleep she cries out...so we are having a mega cuddling session instead. #newborn
I may have had a 3rd baby but this motherhood is NEW to me. http://t.co/8QQjpNgPIc #motherhood #newbon #postpartum
@erinlpugh wow lovely!
Hooray!! It's my first diaper cake made by a friend! Complete with some soft soled baby shoes on top!… https://t.co/92C7otcuOk
@Kateskate604 I love crafty gifts!
Dad @ the park asked how I managed life with 3 kids...then #1 took a plunge off the monkey bars, #2 fell on the cement, #3 needs to eat NOW.
Then he just kind of stared at me.
Everyone is fine. Settled back home and my hubby made me a G+T.
@NurseNerdy Oh too funny! Seawall walking? We all left after the 'incident' and did the short, yet dramatic, trek home lol
I have a good husband. He's in the kitchen cooking dinner. No prompting. He knows I'm busy with the baby and just does it.
My hubby refers to baby and I as the 'BFU'...the Breastfeeding Unit. SO, he brings me breakfast in the morning after she clustered all night
Then I try to eat over top the nursing baby hoping I don't drip egg yolk on her head or tiny toast crumbs. lol
@Kateskate604 very appreciated!
In this family we all baby wear each other's babies. Auntie G wearing baby Elisabeth â˜ºï¸ https://t.co/73DVUQfiro
@VONBONapparel So sweet!
My sisters are hosting a 'welcome party' for the baby. We like to wait till baby is here to throw a shower. Excited for everyone to meet her
@Breaking911 @birdonthestreet 9 Brians? 9 Brains. That one little letter changes the story lol.
Excited to receive these minimoc for Elisabeth at her Welcome Party! I was secretly hoping we'd get a… https://t.co/xq1v6qnzov
Had such a nice time at my baby's welcome party! Time flew by! Not sure where the time went. Busy laughing and showing off my girl!
Each shower guest brought a bloom to make a big bouquet for me. Love it! My home smells ridiculously awesome right now!
While we haven't yet hit this milestone with baby #3, we know what's ahead of us! Thanks to… https://t.co/fMPpIekRSO
@Kateskate604 Hope you are feeling okay in this final stretch of baby growing!
@Kateskate604 oh I hope in the next 2 days for you! I bet you are so DONE!!
Each guest brought some fresh blooms for me today. Loved this!! My home smells so amazing and love… https://t.co/BnJrFlIy07
that time I was all gung ho and thought i could be ready with a clean tidy home and out the door before noon. who am i trying to impress?
cause I don't think the baby cares or the 2 big kids..it's just me. I WANT TO DO IT ALL!
@KidsCBC Super cute idea!
@K_WhiskeyPants and some of the best boyfriends are nurses
Today was hard. Wrote this blog post after the big kids were in bed and nursed the baby while writing. http://t.co/Y0UKGHjEIb #blogger
Today is a good day. A walk outside with a sleeping babe, a lunch date with girlfriends. Feeling refreshed and ready for the 'TO DO' list
This was our yesterday: http://t.co/Y0UKGHBg6L I don't sugar coat my motherhood. Some days are HARD. Living for the good days.
@whoorl Oh your family is so cute Sarah. Love it!!
@CanadianKelli Not me!! lol I do teach clinical 1 for them but I'm so on maternity leave right now
@Kateskate604 It's not bad but Im being so gentle on myself. Lowered my expectations. Taking up anyone who offers to do nice things for me
@Kateskate604 plus I have a great husband and he was able to take time off in lieu of vacation in the beginning. Was so nice.
Excited for the Farmers Market in #Yaletown today! Perfect weather to stroll around and stock up on fresh food!
@carolynleanne I bet you will look totally cute Carolyn!
Strolling in the city with our babies. https://t.co/YQNtwFtfYV
Wine Friday! Thanks to @BlastedChurch and their Sauvignon Blanc! https://t.co/riiOMlChRe
Hello world! I'm 7 weeks old today! #babylove https://t.co/nBp8khNkWJ
@Kateskate604 yeah!! she's here!! I guess she wanted to wait to be extra cooked! She looks so darling and those cheeks!
@Kateskate604 Oh what great news! Who was your nurse?
@Kateskate604 So nice to hear! Jenna is a good friend of mine too. We love food...and coffee.
Teeny tiny tootsies. It never gets old. The smells, the sounds, the snuggles with your baby. Feel… https://t.co/TWZvh7KmmF
@Kateskate604 Look at your girl!! So lovely!
@CanadianKelli Oh wow. Unimaginable and incredibly tragic.
Had to take the baby for a blood test. Took all my strength NOT to take over the very anxious timid lab tech who obviously was scared.
Tried to be calm but very hard when your baby is screaming and staring into your eyes with a look of horror as timid lab tech does lab test
And the whole calling the lab beforehand to ensure someone comfortable drawing blood from babies was a waste of time.
@LeLeIsMe Oh it was awful. i did NOT cry which I'm proud of but it took all my mama power to stay calm for the baby.
@howetolove Yes!! I could have literally done it while nursing her and taken the blood at the same time. Im that talented lol ;)
@howetolove Part of me felt bad for the tech who seriously looked ill when she realized it was a baby she had to draw blood one.
@howetolove I never told her lol! I just said I was a mum of 3 and so I would be calm haha. But I was a bundle of stress walking out!!
@howetolove I feel like 50/50 that we will have a clotted specimen or inadequate sample. Next time Im just going to Children's out pt lab
@howetolove I am too nice. Drove my hubby nuts when we had to do MFM and I wouldn't say Im a perinatal RN. He'd always tell them haha
@bcbeautygirl @howetolove LOL
@howetolove My hubby was hilarious by the time we had baby #3. He insisted on getting supplies for the nurses, who are friends.
@howetolove He was hooking up the nitrous for them. They just let him haha
@howetolove LOL!!
Ah! Blah! Baby's blood test CLOTTED so we have to go back and re do it. Seriously. Seriously? Of course it did.
@5and1 Apparently they all can do it. Apparently. But I could see the anxiety creep up the woman when I said 'yes, the test is for the baby'
@5and1 boo! And now we have to repeat it because it clotted. Super sad face.
@howetolove So lame. Happens all the time where I work too. So slow to collect the sample and then it clots. Lame in the ass.
@Kateskate604 We did a lot when she stayed in the NICU. But now she is a bit older. She gave me the stare down with huge crocodile tears.
@Kateskate604 Luckily we just have to recollect 1 vial and not the 2 we did today.
@Kateskate604 Oh no! I cried with baby #1 when he had a heel prick for jaundice levels. The lab tech was like, 'don't you work here?' lol
This just happened. 😠big brother asked to cuddle his baby sister. He is a huge baby lover. He was… https://t.co/6XD3tDTYY4
@alexishinde He had it all calculated out. Apparently every 3 years I have a baby. Next one and he will be 9.5. I said no haha.
Family pool time. Sushi dinner while the big kids are in bed. G+T with the hubby. Sounds like a good Saturday to me!
tonight I've got an 8 week old night owl hanging out with me ;)
Big kids out having fun at the water park with my hubby...baby sleeping in her bassinet...mama stops… https://t.co/uoxtEXviOb
Just a family of 5 having fun Vancouver style! http://t.co/7BWOtiJ1Ow #family #citylife #outdoorpool #Vancouver
Playtime at the park next door before bedtime (for the kids!) = super awesome!
So my boobs got me out of doing dinner dishes tonight. Thanks be to comfort nursing and my 8 week old nursling! #breastfeeding
What does a day on maternity leave look like? http://t.co/rfZ5LbXctL It's not all diapers and stress. #blogger #parenting #babies #love
@PumpEase Ha! I knew you'd like that! ;)
Every time I read comments on someones FB post about BREASTFEEDING in *gasp* public my eyes start to roll and my head starts to shake
Why are we still talking about this? #NIP
I am proudly feeding my baby whenever she wants to eat. The alternate for us is her crying bloody murder. So, I choose FOOD. #NIP
and I personally do not like having my boob hang out. NOR do I love having my belly hang out or my inner thigh. That is just my preference.
but when the baby's got to eat...well...I do what it takes!
@howetolove My MIL, who is in her 70's, was quiet taken aback each time I nursed in public or the privacy of my home. Lord help me.
@howetolove When my 1st sis had a baby BF was new to our family and it was my parents who didn't know what to do. Formula generation.
@howetolove BUT now there has been 3 adult daughters nursing 7 babies and its boobs and milk and life goes on. No one cares anymore.
@howetolove I took it as an opportunity to be like a teacher lol. You will learn from me haha.
@howetolove I remember hearing,'well when they can ask for it you should stop..'. UM they ask for it right from the start. Total eye opener.
@howetolove Love that! The pioneer breastfeeder! Lucky for you, you come from a world of breastfeeding!
@emikatj Good hat right? I needed one that would also cover baby when she NURSED IN PUBLIC. lol
@howetolove You might need to come up with a few one liners to toss their way as you pioneer your way through :)
@howetolove I had a LC friend help me each time and Im a super prenatal breastfeeding educator. It is totally different when its you.
@howetolove It's hard to learn when you are tired and hormones are crazy and you have a dependant tiny being waiting for you.
@emikatj Honestly, no. I've NIP all around Vancouver and have gotten thumbs up from old ladies and smiles from tired moms.
@emikatj I nursed at The Keg on Sunday..the waiter was a 20 something dude and he did not show any weirdness.
@howetolove For me, it was usually once we got home. So happy my LC friends could drop by and help me out. Meant the world to me.
@emikatj I agree. When I've traveled in the US it does seem different and more bottles? I see more bottle nursing than boob nursing.
@emikatj Im sure it is a big part. If I had to pump and worry about leaving the baby after a few weeks. Different story.
@Kateskate604 It's so true. The big thing is the new baby so little things totally make the day. Hope you are feeling good these days!
@emikatj If they want to formula feed right off the books, totally respect it. If its because of BF support and frustration, we want to help
@emikatj We support the mom formula feeding if thats her wish. We just use the BC's Baby's Best Chance.
@emikatj Theres a whole thing how you have to watch the baby bottle the first time...educate re: volumes, etc.
I forgot how sore your arms and neck and shoulders get when nursing a baby. Even laying down I still get sore. I feel old!
Out of my 3 babies, this one is the best night sleeper so far.
Am I suppose to knock on wood or something know that I've put that out there? lol
@emikatj hardest pregnancy, hardest labour, easiest baby? lol Friends would comfort me in pregnancy saying how easy of a baby she'd be lol
Just spent an hr snuggling a sleeping baby on our sunny patio while watching boats go by. Man I love where we live! #Vancouver
@howetolove @Babe_Chilla @mrsjenryan I did 5 in a rolling boil too. Did you have the baby? Did I miss it?!
@cbcnewsbc I'm still amazed that people don't know that feeding your baby is LEGAL here. Ladies, feed your babies! #breastfeeding
@howetolove I've seen them! Will fess up to buying them for my son recently lol
@loulou_lollipop OOh we missed it!
Just being a kid in a warm Summery day! https://t.co/9f9UPg3304
What I look for in a man. Hint: a non psycho murderer is a key point http://t.co/D5bFhOWPYr
At the #Yaletown community BBQ! This one is really loving it! https://t.co/0sbgRoyBPV
Tiger meets horse. #Yaletown community BBQ is a hit amongst the 3 year old crowd! #RCMP https://t.co/zId0V9fULN
Live music! Open dance floor! Awesome! #Yaletown https://t.co/STi2iskZdL
My husband is a better cook than me and I'm more than okay with that. Check out what he cooked for us this past week. http://t.co/D5bFhPern1
When we first started dating, he'd cook for me and I gained like 15 pounds from the all the butter he used. It was heaven. Love and butter.
Pre knee scrape...she's on top of the world! I'm enjoying the sunny days and my maternity leave. This… https://t.co/sWM4ecZlHr
'Baby, when you're bigger you can have chocolate and treats that I like!!'. 3 year old Josie to her… https://t.co/9wwZ31RO68
@RobinPregnancy My hubby was great helping with #breastfeeding. He cooked delicious food for ME! Brought me water with a straw.
@RobinPregnancy We just had baby #3 and he really gets the breastfeeding duo even more so this time.
Nursing stop along the way. Baby dictates the flo of plans 😉 and I'm cool with that. https://t.co/Fwq7XSOJj0
@ISA2015_Van Hoping some colleagues will also be able to attend
@ISA2015_Van Yes some promo materials mights be great. I have put the word out and just trying to secure some funding for a group.
It started to rain on us while we were out walking to the park. So, my 3 year old says,'mummy we… https://t.co/ZO0WiglKtz
@PracticalMD Yes!! That would be great!
I should not walk long distances wearing flip flops. I'm too old.
My 3 y.o asked me if I could put some coffee in a sippy cup for her. Oh dear. ;)
Operation 'cover the grey' was a success!! Not a big hair makeover but a happy one. Feel so much… https://t.co/s9KfbEAhyH
Throwing this out there. #Breastfeeding mamas: Did your baby have an upper lip tie? Did you get it released? Want to hear your experience
We are experiencing the side effects of upper lip tie and Im looking for some parents with personal experience! #upperliptie
@NuuNest_CandJ What are your thoughts on upper lip tie and #breastfeeding?
@NuuNest_CandJ I think we have a classic case with baby #3! Who would have thought! Slow weight gain, very frequent nursing, clicking, gassy
@NuuNest_CandJ I 'Flipped The Lip' and she has a classic lip tie.
@NuuNest_CandJ We have 1 dentist who does laser in Vancouver and the greater Vancouver area. So we are going for a consult. Curious!
@NuuNest_CandJ Possible mild posterior..but honestly I haven't dug around too much. Once I saw the upper lip tie I just booked the consult.
@NuuNest_CandJ Such a great point. See normal and then it's easier to see the difference. Yes, she is a lot of work to nurse!
@NuuNest_CandJ It's a good thing she is the 3rd baby for me. I have more tricks up my sleeve and am more relaxed. It's been a bit of work!
@NuuNest_CandJ Tuesday morning thankfully!
My hubby is out with the baby in a carrier. Someone stops to ask him why he doesn't have a stroller. #babywearing Come on #Vancouver
Oh sweet Elisabeth. We are still all formal and have only called her 'Elisabeth'. Everyone always… https://t.co/3KmDaqW3tx
@birdonthestreet We have a Benjamin 'Ben' and a Josephine 'Josie' so just assumed Elisabeth would be shortened.but I think it might not be!
'Mum! This is awesome!' At the new local Menchies and loving the Oreo mix! #oreomenchies #Yaletown https://t.co/5jcX343Peh
It's a smokin' hot day in the city! We are having fun at the cooling area in our hood. Jets of cold… https://t.co/rZm66cjp6Q
Thanks to @Violetsouffle I recognized my baby had upper lip tie AND posterior tongue tie. Just had them both revised with a laser.
Also a great doctor/dentist who is knowledgable about breastfeeding is a MAJOR plus!! Now on to working with a lactation consultant
And, in usual blogger form, I feel a blog post coming on! #breastfeeding #tonguetie #upperliptie
A totally different latch post tongue and lip tie revision. What a change! #tonguetie #upperliptie #breastfeeding
Thanks @DShenelle! I'm hoping it helps her gain some weight! She's a tiny peanut!
@NuuNest_CandJ Well we did the upper lip tie and posterior tongue tie revision and it was a positive experience. Now to see how things go!
@NuuNest_CandJ Was taught the 'flipple' method to help baby correct that upper lip always tucking in. So far so good! #breastfeeding
@alexishinde Totally! I knew something wasn't right but it took awhile to figure out just what it was!
@DShenelle She is so sweet!
@NuuNest_CandJ Laser. No bleeding. Baby seems normal. Maybe a bit swollen and a bit more drool than usual.
@NuuNest_CandJ was taught the 'flipple' latching to help her relearn what to do with upper lip
Weeee!! Happy Birthday Canada!! We love where we live! #citylife #Yaletown https://t.co/E8ebtHqEKa
Who knew that the 3rd baby would bring so many breastfeeding challenges? http://t.co/LKCCyLrxii #breastfeeding #tonguetie #milksupply
It's totally true. A kids best friend can be their imagination. I had to stop along the way to feed… https://t.co/E25C3KDOI5
@CBCParents @jkossowan I think I'd like her to be my mom lol!
Thanks @VPL for the fun kids afternoon! My 2 loved making the seed bombs and the bee houses! #Vancouver #summerfun
I had a bath! And a glass of wine! In the bath! I'm a new woman. It's the little things.
'MUM! The baby is crying! Go and nurse her already!' -my 6 year old son #breastfeeding #family
@mommyingaround oh my goodness!! That is scary!!
Eyes on Toy Story movie and hands on their new toys. These two love their gifts sent from Arizona.… https://t.co/XLefLI2vxt
Im pumping to increase my milk supply and overtime I pump I think of Hillary from @PumpEase lol
I don't get the people running for exercise outside when it's 1) hot and 2) extremely smokey from fires out there. Enlighten me please.
@PumpEase Overtime was auto sub for every time lol..but it does feel like I am doing over time haha
@alexishinde Neither do I?!
It's too smokey outside from all the fires to go out with the baby, so we are doing an inside day.… https://t.co/XLlxpXHL3v
I sing and she smiles and it's like the best love affair possible. #babysmiles #mamalove https://t.co/MBOCMYfQCw
My 3 y.o comes home and tells me, 'Mum! I met a new friend today! Her name is Labia!'
Wow! I followed her on Instagram! So sad to hear about the Shymanski Family http://t.co/LwbtiPemOn via @gofundme
@DShenelle Same here lol
@marepants I have no idea what the kids name really was since I wasn't there but... Labia? I don't think so. lol
It really should be his shirt that reads 'Love Bug'. Such a doting big brother with amazing love for… https://t.co/MjxJvtJSWx
Alright Vancouver! Want to go see @TUTSVancouver production of Hairspray? I've got a whole prize pack for you to win! http://t.co/3uBJ2QQQSH
@TrufflePigBar I love your mint chocolate! So delicious and tasty! Hiding it from my kids ;)
Sleepy little sister. My tiniest babe. My sweet Elisabeth. We went through a stressful emotional… https://t.co/V08a16G2HZ
Alright Vancouver peeps who like to win things to cool Vancouver events: http://t.co/3uBJ2QQQSH 2 more days to enter! @TUTSVancouver
@cheeriodiaries My kids are seriously in relax mode today with this cool weather.
@cheeriodiaries Agree! We've been so busy enjoying the heat and escaping it at the same time. Glad to be home today!
@cheeriodiaries However, the big kids already did a morning at @vanaqua with my hubby. So they've been out!
@alexishinde Thanks! I still can't believe she is here after all the crazy things we were told when I was pregnant with her.
Patio book tent FTW!! We are doing a sunset reading program al the library and daily reading is part… https://t.co/tcuuWVCvPh
Hubby knows how to woo me. He's going out for the evening and brought us pizza from Bella Gelateria… https://t.co/wyO8ILkbnj
2 more hours to enter this @TUTS giveaway! Someone will have a good Monday morning when they WIN! http://t.co/3uBJ2QQQSH
I'm not like 'afraid' of spiders but I still can't sleep with the spider on my ceiling. Especially with the baby in my room.
Morning hot chocolate date with her daddy at Small Victory in #Yaletown. https://t.co/126h3R8p2m
Excited to finally visit @delishgenstore on Granville Island. More excited for what we are bringing… https://t.co/s6JoSQEKaT
Love my new shirt and love the tribe of motherhood. Especially when we cheer each other on and pull… https://t.co/Eae2Fon7R0
Today's the day when my kids are really something else. So I pretend Im on a reality show like 'The Amazing Race' but for parents.
Things I LOVE: Vancouver edition. I love buying local. http://t.co/LnOYCmpTOH #shoplocal #Vancouver #smallbusiness
Oh, it's been a day!! Taking just a few moments to relax on the patio with #3. Hoping tomorrow is a… https://t.co/BbkGzAS5x1
Feeling lucky? I've got 100 dollars to shop at @circlecraft Summer Market up for grabs! http://t.co/7w1rRqpwHA Seriously. 100 bucks to shop.
Picking up from Summer day camp the Vancouver way! #Vancouver #Yaletown #summertime https://t.co/aMtkLexyJC
Do you want 100 craft dollars to spend at @circlecraft Summer Market? What would you buy? Win! Win! Win! http://t.co/7w1rRqH7z8 #giveaway
@Kateskate604 Today was better! Baby slept without major fuss!
Last day to win 100 dollars to spend at this years @circlecraft Summer Market! http://t.co/7w1rRqH7z8 What would you buy? #shoplocal
Best Dad Ever. Dancing with the crazy 3 year old before bed while taking a break from barbecuing for… https://t.co/BKWxnlRIBc
Remember when blogs were about real life. No sponsored post or trying to sell shit. Just an old fashioned blog post: http://t.co/53Ac5WzHET
Pizza picnic in the park with my sister and the kids. Even Kimmy made an appearance! #kimcrawford… https://t.co/G4rNDGoovM
Shove everything into the mouth phase is just starting! #handsandwhich #bumbo https://t.co/m9RQ6QANxH
Sisterly love. Smothered in smooches till the baby put up a fuss. #sisters #babylove https://t.co/LVSP1wgbUX
Paper Mine Craft is a hit! Thanks to the Vancouver Public Library and the fun summer program! https://t.co/LVYy2JRev0
Picked up our shirts for tomorrow's run/walk! #EndSMA https://t.co/dSZDGAOTPV
Rain gear check! Ready to walk for SMA! #florenceandcharlies10ktoendSMA https://t.co/cnpmp9BkE9
Truth is: Im feeling disillusioned by social media right now. I used to love Twitter for the social connection and now it is all marketing
Old fashioned tweet: Im going to the dentist today. Without children. Im looking forward to the quiet restful time in the dentist chair.
@zainabsmom yes!! I hate when you think it is legit and then they try to sell you a wrap or something!
@jenarbo Im seriously half looking forward to it lol
Hooray!! MY party decorations for ME arrived from @cspartyshop. 36 is my year to celebrate!
Hooray! A little something arrived from @cspartyshop! I can't wait till Friday for them to be cake… https://t.co/Xsvno4Lje1
Well Im off to the spa!! Just kidding. It's the dentist. I'm going to the dentist by MYSELF! Weeeee!!
So my 'dream' dentist appt turned into torture today. New hygienist and hate to see it but there was a Cruella Deville streak about her.
Also, how to know you are getting older: I was writing my complaint letter in my head the whole way home.
Old fashioned tweet: Favourite morning combo is, french press coffee and a piece of multi grain toast with Adam's peanut butter. #breakfast
@cbcnewsbc Seriously a bad PR move by the hotel. If locals LOVE a hotel they will tell their out of town friends and boost business.
I spy with my little eye something that is orange. Hint: it's the newest Vancouver art installation… https://t.co/moNRoZFvyE
@peekaboobeans The dino hoodie is fantastic! My 6 y.o boy saw it in the pics and was so excited about it!
In a very quiet whisper....ALL of my kids are napping right now. This does not happen to me. I am beside myself with giddiness.
We just spotted a parachuter in the sky above English Bay and my kids are going crazy!!
Is it normal for smoke to come out of the parachuter?
Well they landed on the beach..so I guess so!
@mommyingaround Can he bike along next to you?
Summer afternoons are for bike riding. https://t.co/Ik8CIg03V7
'Mum! Stop! I just need to stop and nurse my baby!'. #beautifulbreastfeeding https://t.co/S6MDgcEGtE
@hillarywith2Ls the best part was that it was seriously all her..but can you believe she named her baby MY baby's name! #namestealer
@SarahAFunk her baby had to stop a lot more than my baby did!
@Archaeolemur @YMCbuzz @BlissDomCanada @HartGalla @BlueMtnVillage CONGRATS!!!!
We love getting mail! Especially when it's stuff from @Peekaboobeans! Thanks for the beans!… https://t.co/A3gCPfcBed
Doing my 1st trip from Vancouver to Victoria with my 3 kids on my own. Packed a lot of snacks and charged up the iDevices for the ferry ride
City girl enjoying some backyard bliss! #summerfun https://t.co/WzcuEaRr3h
@howetolove over active let down?
@howetolove I had that with #1 and with #3 after taking fenugreek to up a lower supply.
@howetolove I kind of think my supply was decent but the LC/Peds was worried about weight gain and so I did it. Made supply sky rocket!!
@howetolove It evened out for me after a bit once I stopped fenugreek.
@howetolove and then I'd do a feed and sometimes start the next feed on the same side. It seemed to help things become more moderate.
@howetolove I also found nursing laying down on my side helps them to cope with the forceful letdown. Have you looked @KellyMomdotcom site?
@howetolove I need lots of pillows for lower back, between the legs, and then get comfy. Big boobs can work in your favour!
Who else is watching @Netflix_CA Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp? Definitely loving the cast!
I love a day camp that focuses on physical literacy. Just what these 2 cousins needed! Obstacle… https://t.co/FAfImQYqqN
@cheeriodiaries Your own pillow. Your own towel. Flip flops. Sarong. Bikini top. SNACKS!
@cheeriodiaries Sounds like a list for holiday packing lol
@cheeriodiaries Wear the sarong on your lower half during labour. Easy to whip on and off.. move around in..get wet and dries quickly.
@cheeriodiaries Bikini top for the boobs..for the tub. I was just a 'let it all out' lady with my 3 but Ive seen some use bikini tops
@cheeriodiaries I was an induction with all 3. So I had to do early labour in the hospital. With #2 I used the sarong. #3 I was like 'meh'.
That time I tried to teach my kids street smarts cause we live in the city. #citykids #havealaugh Blog post: http://t.co/QYrPLGiBeq
@cheeriodiaries Maybe your bag should just include some towels to dry off your baby in case you have a car baby! 2nd time can be even faster
Oh you know. Just a morning foot soak in a big copper bowl. A little aromatherapy in the warm water.… https://t.co/tS1UfSPILo
Ive got the 'teach my kids street smarts' thing down but not the 'be aware of people sleeping at your feet' thing. http://t.co/QYrPLGiBeq
@enithhernandez Oh my goodness! That is awesome!!
@harrietglynn Enjoy! Have fun!
@mommyingaround That is awesome. I love going to movies and find it fun to bring my kids along. $6 you can't go wrong!
@carolynleanne Soak it up mama! I think the theme of my #3 was the bath lol. I'd set up my lap top for a show and stay in for-evah!
@hillarywith2Ls I read it but I see no weird comments?
I bought this sweet pink sweater from @thecrossdesign a few weeks back on a cold rainy day. However,… https://t.co/SH6xacdXoQ
Apparently we love purple in our home! Baby discovered she can pick up this ball. Enjoying playtime… https://t.co/9KOhj2fh8s
How did you know if you wanted to try for another baby or stay status quo? Here is where I'm at with baby #4 http://t.co/xA3xCX5fkA
@kristen_anne will you be joining the NYC rental market?!
@jenarbo ugh!!! I hate that!!
@monikahibbs Hope you are feeling well! Pregnancy is different when you already have one or more at home! Not as many naps!
@kristen_anne I love dreaming like that and looking forward to something even if it is just a potential!
@Kateskate604 It is really a great feeling when you can get there!
@LindsayDianne same with me
@Kateskate604 love it!!!
@CanadianKelli lol too funny
That time I thought I was being so ON TOP of it and put my favourite bottle of wine into the freezer to 'chill' it faster...TBC
only to have the big kid fling open the freezer door and have it come crashing out and onto the floor. My kitchen SMELLS awesome though.
Mail delivery! My first @birchbox has arrived!! #beauty #birthdaygift
I am trying so hard to get more organized. Baby is 4 months old and I feel like this is a good time to try to get on top of 'it'.
Any type A mamas out there want to give me some tricks of the trade? What makes you feel on top of parenting/life?
@Mamaofabean Yes! I agree. I need to get more on top of that. 4-6 hour at home is my hardest!
@Mamaofabean Im not yet a slow cooker gal and I find making the time to properly pre plan tough. Im sure I just need to do it!!
6 weeks after baby had her upper lip tie and posterior tongue tie released, here is where we are at: http://t.co/3XT5Rs6xVW #breastfeeding
Did your baby have a tongue or lip release done? How did you find your experience afterwards? #tonguetie #upperliptie #breastfeeding
Hey @NuuNest_CandJ here is where we are at post tongue and lip tie release: http://t.co/3XT5Rs6xVW #breastfeeding #tonguetie #upperliptie
@LouiseChapman @RuggedManiac Way to go!
@VanMoms not too bad! Still a bit on baby days with #3 so we have been staying close to home and having easy going days (for the most part!)
Oh on line shopping. I seriously love you. A LOT. Way more since I've added another baby to the mix.
I feel like the multi tasking queen by on line shopping while nursing the baby.
Here's where we're at after my baby had a frenectomy for #upperliptie and #posteriortonguetie http://t.co/3XT5Rs6xVW #tonguetie @DrGhaheri
@Violetsouffle Show off ;)
@Violetsouffle That was me with baby #2. I got one of those milk savers and could catch a full feed in it while feeding in the other side
Trying to make dinner but 'someone' wants to nurse/nap. I can't say no. ;)
@jenniferweiner Did I miss something!!!? Do you have a new book out?! Ahh!! Happiness!
Tips from a kindergarten teacher to help ease those school jitters for parents and soon to be kindergarteners! http://t.co/BW1OHfPemD #kindy
Loving my new lipstick that came in the mail today! Not a colour I'd usually choose. Blog post to… https://t.co/jMlXB2c2Uz
@TheLeakyBoob @PhyliciaSP @PregAwareness nursing bra by brand Anita is fantastic choice for an underwire nursing bra!
The drains are clogged! Who else experienced post partum hair loss? http://t.co/075usBRp9n #postpartum
You can basically tell how my night went with the baby by the state of the master bed. Sheets all pushed off= Baby needed mama a lot.
Poor tiny baby cried her whole way home from the Fraser Valley. With a tiny break for an exhausted nap and then carried on until we got home
@Kateskate604 I know! And it was the sad cry too. Boo!
@DShenelle When they reach the hysterical level and you are trying to focus on driving. I always do the 'should I pull over or keep going?'
I always thought I was a hip mama and now I really truly am!! First day in her hip brace to help… https://t.co/PXYZWO6rVp
@emikatj wow amazing!!!!
Today we have BIG plans!!! Checking out @karamellercandy shop in #Yaletown. My kids are so excited and so am I! #Fridayplans
Mamas folding laundry everywhere. That's just part of life. Wash. Dry. Fold. Try and get it put away.… https://t.co/WFKKWD2PpG
There is basically zero support about breastfeeding when you find out your baby has to wear a hip… https://t.co/TJKYOf1oDE
Cheers! Drinks on the patio with my girl! #bellagelateria #yaletown #weekendlife https://t.co/v7So5fG60r
Not loving the new cocky manager/employee at the #yaletown @CaffeArtigiano. i guess he doesnt get how to treat customers with kids in tow.
Who is going to @LeadingMoms this year? Love their 7 reasons to go! http://t.co/RRqD0zMZmq
I'm kind of excited to go to a fun event with my sweet baby E in tow #LMinspire
@MommylovesPark oh my goodness Molly. I am so sad to hear about this tragedy for your family.
We've been busy adjusting to our baby's new fixed abduction brace for her hips http://t.co/NWZ8hF2xXC #healthyhips
When Elisabeth was in the NICU she was given this lovely handmade quilt. She uses it for tummy time… https://t.co/eOibwBwIPu
...and I win mom the year because I made S'mores for my kids dinner. I feel unapologetic about it too. We can eat vegetables tomorrow.
@MommylovesPark Awe how are you doing with everything? So much all at one time.
Inside the kitchen! Making s'mores kitchen side! http://t.co/Vrm7FiWQuW #cookingwithkids
@UPPAbaby Had a BIG problem with a fashion swap kit I bought on line for my Vista. And your customer service leader was SUCH a big help!
There is a reason I've bought 2 Vistas from your company @UPPAbaby and the excellent customer service goes a long way.
@CaffeinatedMama Yes it can!! PPD can be even a year..and I've heard even later!
Coffee. Toast. Baby tummy time. Watching rain drops outside the window. Feeling cozy!
@whistlerkristen it's feeling pretty great!
@BitsofBee yikes!! No!! That seriously sucks!
sweet warm cuddles in the big bed with my 2 little girls. starting the morning off right!
The poor third baby doesn't get regular baths quite like my first and second baby did. However,… https://t.co/ot2dNv9heH
My shopping buddy insisted we stop for chocolates. So we did. purdyschocolatier https://t.co/PKvAY5ivUP
I'm getting excited about this year's @LeadingMoms event! It's my first one and I am seriously relieved that I can bring the baby with me.
It's hard just to go to events when you have kids and especially wee babes. Any other baby mamas bringing their babes to @LeadingMoms?
I will admit to faking excitement when I hear about my boys Pokemon battles.
Every morning I wake up stiff and in pain. Part of it is from nursing laying in bed. I feel way older than my actual age.
Hello!!!!! From the PNE!! Did anyone else notice the decrease in rides for the little kids this year?… https://t.co/NDXRNxgWNl
It seems I am always cleaning up someones pee. In the bed sheets, around the toilet and now the dog peed in the entry way.
At least we have a consistent theme
How to put a baby gift together with no stress and without spending a fortune: http://t.co/PKsjKBPcam Also, find some local #Vancouver gifts
I've got 1 back to school boy AND it's his 7th birthday. Remembering my teacher/sister telling me @ his birth that he would have this happen
He is actually so excited about having a back to school/birthday.
@harrietglynn Ben goes for 30 minutes ;) He wants to do a birthday brunch afterwards lol
It's my boy's birthday and I let him pick what he wanted for dinner. We could have gone out but he asked for sprinkle pancakes and sausage
A big HELLO BABY and congrats to 2 top 30 @vancouver_mom's @cheeriodiaries and @mitzdemeanor! Both welcoming their 2nd baby! #YVRmom
That time of the day when I can switch off from Netflix Kids to my own Netflix. ;)
Whenever one of my babes has been sick, I prefer to co sleep with them. I feel like I can better 'keep watch' when they are right there
So tonight its just me and baby in the big bed. She's got a cold and I feel better knowing I can just peek open my eyes and check in on her.
@CanadianKelli wow 2 births already! Hope they were both multips? And hoping the rest of the shift calms down!
@CanadianKelli Oi! I always hate coming on a shift and the crap is hitting the fan and you are trying to do shift change and take over.
Mamas of small kids..how do you find the time to shop for YOU!! I need new clothes so badly but I really don't want to shop with the 3 kids.
@Archaeolemur I loved getting new sleepers for each baby. Just cause you've had 1 doesn't mean you still have all the basics!
@Archaeolemur and my last blog post was about this topic! How timely ;) http://t.co/PKsjKBPcam
@Archaeolemur I actually had 'welcome baby' parties for all 3 babies! Any gift is appreciated. You could also do a gift for mum!
It's a menchiesyaletown for dinner and this girl approves 😉. We've got peanut butter frozen yogurt… https://t.co/fQfoPgsaCe
@jenarbo french press is the bag and pot equivalent! I love coffee from a french press.
@CrunchyCarpets totally agree with you! Where is the middle ground?!
@Mamaofabean Bring a robe. You can wear nothing underneath and open it up for skin to skin and endless nursing..and close it up for visitors
@Mamaofabean You might still lol!! I never loved visitors right after baby but that is me. So I just wore big underwear and thats it.
I forgot how intense the 4 month sleep regression is. When you're sleep deprived parent with a newborn people expect it. #thistoshallpass
@Kateskate604 She's my best sleeper of the 3 but the sleep regression at 4 ish months is so real. Naps became 45 mins and more night wakings
@LeadingMoms It is happening over here!! Just the baby to snuggle! #LMinspire
@LeadingMoms Hoping to check things off my giant to do list. Last year was spent on bedrest and everything stood still #LMinspire
@LeadingMoms I'm trying to reconnect with my old true self but also making room for my new self. if that makes sense! #momof3 #LMinspire
@kelsey_bar @LeadingMoms but when you accomplish them..of my!! That feeling is amazing!!
@Busymom silly mom! #nurseproblems #blah @TheView
@LeadingMoms A2) Don't just try to suck it up chug through it ASK for help.
@LeadingMoms A3) We set limits. When we feel it's enough, they get shut off. We are active outside so we have a decent balance. #LMinspire
@LeadingMoms A4) Im not a poet but Im excited to hear from Samantha Reynolds of Bentlily blog fame!
@DanielleASigne @LeadingMoms ha so true! Loaded question! #LMInspire
@LeadingMoms @vanaqua oh man that place is such a hit for the whole family! #LMinspire
@LeadingMoms A5) Well I know that both my big kids LOVE the trampoline when we go to gymnastics. City kids with no backyards! #LMinspire
@LeadingMoms @JamieKhau @springfree Your girls are going to go crazy when they hear you won!
13 party bags packed up and ready for the birthday party! I love putting party bags together. We've got treats from @karamellercandy!
@karamellercandy The candy was a HUGE hit! Mamas came up to me saying, 'OMG! Where is this candy from? It's so delicious!'.
@CaffeinatedMama In my 10 years of OB nursing I've only been part of 1 uterine rupture and I will never ever forget it.
@CaffeinatedMama It just means she cares. I'm sorry that happened to you.
@CaffeinatedMama In this case the mum had a prior term loss. She was going for a vaginal birth this time but turned into rupture.
@CaffeinatedMama Both ended up being okay after some very serious moments and rushes to the OR.
I've got 2 tickets to this Friday's @LeadingMoms event!! Check out the blog post to get your hands on a ticket http://t.co/hE0X9ANvmL
Fresh clean sheets on my bed. I already feel like I'm going to sleep well!
Also, I've got the heating pad on and Im already laying down in my bed. Signs Im older than my years. ;)
@Huntersprize I totally agree with you!
@AmberStrocel I feel like there is some science behind it lol
@EmpressAvenue Oh it is so true! Your husband is right ;)
@RebeccaMichi That's where breastfeeding is not just about nutrition and is also a huge part of comfort.
2 more sleeps till it's @LeadingMoms!! Who else is going? #LMInspire
@LeadingMoms Yes! Let's hoping she snoozes through ;)
Blog post from @EmpressAvenue about her journey to become more of a morning person. http://t.co/pnGBGXwiTf I WISH I was a morning person.
Phew!! We made it to Leading Moms this morning!! #lminspire vancouver_mom https://t.co/4Icu6sRrJz
Talking about how amazing a hugs are!! Have you had a hug today? #lminspire @leadingmoms https://t.co/pcqlEyTjSb
This is where it's at. Burgers, Gin and Netflix IN the bath on a Friday night. So many times I see… https://t.co/LZdLilWROL
Who else has kids that love playing with boxes? Good thing we had a big mail delivery yesterday 😆… https://t.co/vDoKIgEjQT
6 inches later... https://t.co/clggzZl8h6
My middle kid is LOUD. Like volume control out the window. Trying to nap the baby with her around is like mission impossible ;)
So my parenting trick is total bribery. Tea time with mama while baby naps. Keeps her quiet, happy and keeps me caffeinated ;)
Trying to keep my lively noisy girl quiet while her baby sister naps. I decided to stop everything I… https://t.co/Wf40fY6PWR
Apparently it is controversial but I am loving the half up top knot! What about you? http://t.co/hnh4xAs9st #hairstyles #blog #blogger
When one kid is up barfing over night I go crazy with the Lysol wipes and I become an infection control nurse.
We found an abandoned hula hoop, so of course we had to stop and play with it! #playingwithPB https://t.co/EYO1q04PQy
Since we had a 'bad day' yesterday we accidentally ate all our candy from @karamellercandy that we were suppose to bring to the cousins oops
Don't worry! We restocked. This will be our little secret, okay Twitter? ;) #ateallthecandy
Just introduced my preschooler to the idea of Google. Asked her what she wanted to look up. 'How do you pick up dog poop?' and so we did.
@mrsjenryan We are 5 in the city! It is tight ;)
@mrsjenryan Ours are 7 and nearly 4. We put the 4 year old to bed while the 7 year old does reading in the living room.
@mrsjenryan I've decided it is always something when it comes to parenting. Always!
@mrsjenryan the baby is in our room. Sometimes there is musical beds and my motto is :whatever gets everyone the most sleep.
@CaffeinatedMama My 1st was like that. In the end I realized he was over tired. We had to bump up bedtime WAY earlier and it helped a lot.
@CaffeinatedMama Its tough for sure! We were doing a ridiculously early bed time. 6 PM but it really worked for him.
@CaffeinatedMama He would wake to nurse but he was in night mode till 8 AM.
@CaffeinatedMama As soon as I recognized tired signs I would start our little night routine. He was a high needs baby and this worked for us
We forgot our umbrella on our outing. Good thing you can buy one easily in Vancouver! #umbrella… https://t.co/7XBatbU3MX
Waiting an hour in line to vote. Such a slow system. People are leaving. Not encouraging. #electionscanada
Tweets from the line. Why in this modern age is the voting system so slow? #electionscanada
Baby and I waited 1.5 hrs in line to vote! She was the hit of the polling station! #electionscanada
It's raining and it felt like a perfect time to wear our rain gear and head to Granville Island to… https://t.co/vRgDSvK4km
What an appropriate day to stop in at Vancouver's Umbrella Shop! This boy is excited with his new… https://t.co/tJ5qPVIHNz
Why do people say, 'Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!'?. I hate that.
In November people don't say 'happy US Thanksgiving!'.
I wish we could just leave it at Happy Thanksgiving and let the US people figure out that Canada has a separate Thanksgiving.
@vancouver_mom lol yes! I am totally nodding my head in hearty agreement!
Going to Phoenix for 'US' Thanksgiving. Where should we stay in Scottsdale? We are going for nice/pool/resort. Ideas? #Scottsdale
It's pumpkin patch day with the family. Baby's 1st patch and the big kids are so excited to show her ;)
Who knew that post partum could make you lose yourself so much? This is my story: https://t.co/O4BiquiyMK #postpartum #birth #blogger
@nugglemama You want what you can't have ;)
@Chatelaine Now this is good news!
Sipping delicious coffee while my hubby takes the boy to school today. Feels good! Watching baby do tummy time. Nice and slow!
@MsYouDoYou Im sitting in my living room and watching ALL the cars dead stopped on the Granville Bridge.Yikes!!
@MsYouDoYou Construction? I don't know! It is all open now!
You guys!!! All those cute things your first baby does is STILL cute and amazing the third time around!! #babymilestones #lookwhatshecando
@Clippo Like remove all ability to leave a comment?
@Clippo What is the thinking here? Just curious as a blogger. To cut spam/negative comments?
@Clippo What if you add Facebook comments to your site instead?
We just had an amazing time at Fly Over Canada! The kids loved the spook-tacular Halloween flight!… https://t.co/G30JIdJhiU
Fun mail delivery! A package of amazing kids clothes from @WheatCanada!
Kind of surprised how many people go to the passport office without the right documents or paper work filled in. #passportcanada
Also surprised that each time I go to renew or get kid passport the Vancouver office is in a new spot! @PassportCan
@bostonpizza I'm just not feeling you tonight. Waiting and waiting for an order and when we call to check on it we get 'downtown is busy'.
@bostonpizza We know what downtown is like..cause we live here. #handtoface #slowdelivery
We love the clothes @wheatcanada!! Especially these super soft harem style pants. Review and giveaway… https://t.co/E1pczz0qx1
I dislike this monetary ruling in this court case re: a mum who had an injury related to an epidural. https://t.co/2pA54lOEX7 1 million $$$
It seems like a huge settlement for this kind of injury. #legaltalk #OBnurse
Maybe it was the reporters take and there is more to the story. For a million dollar settlement I'd expect there to be more to the story.
@JumpGym your on line portal isn't working to register for Wednesday drop in. Usually after 9 PM it opens up but not tonight.
@JumpGym Oh! No problem! Still says 9 PM on the website. No worries, we got a spot! #playmatters
WHOA the annual Yaletown trick or treat was way way busier than any year we've ever participated in in the past.
Sad to see so many shops out of treats so early on in the trick or treat event. #Yaletown
Maybe since it was a Saturday it increased attendance? Could not get over the mass of congestion through Mainland and Hamilton #Yaletown
@jencloss We went just before 4. It was insane!!!
@jencloss I've never seen so many people. One shop said they prepared 800 treats and were out an hour and a bit into it.
@jencloss For sure. Suppose to start at 330 PM, for when it falls on a school day for the local kids to get there but people started at 3.
@iyaletown We love the annual trick or treat you help host! Is there any way to make the 2 main roads close next year? So many near misses
@iyaletown with cars rushing down Mainland and Hamilton and tiny tots darting around since the side walks were over full.
@iyaletown Or at least some police presence to help keep things safe. Especially with the news about a car killing trick or treaters in NYC.
I totally did the 'a year ago... and now' comparison. Kids are amazing at showing you what 1 year does.https://t.co/HRQ8YUERdI #blogging
@iyaletown Perfect. It is currently a hot topic amongst the local parents right now. Safety first is our concern.
Why is a construction site on Beach and Granville still going on with noise at 11 PM? What the?@!# @CityofVancouver
How do you get a construction site to stop making noise at 11 PM? Trucks beeping. Machines whirring. Ridiculous. @CityofVancouver
Sorry let me be more clear. Theres a crane operating under the Granville Bridge with a spot light and loud motors. What is this? #Vancouver
It was a movie filming. That who was making so much noise all night under the Granville Bridge with their huge spot light shining all over.
@WheatCanada has opened their pop up shop here in Vancouver! I've got $100 for you to shop there! https://t.co/O9Ykjv0NQe #microfashion
We've got the hot chocolate made trying to warm us up after our rainy walk today. #Vancouverlife
Calling all Vancouver micro fashionistas! @WheatCanada is in town and I've got $100 to giveaway for you to shop! https://t.co/O9Ykjv0NQe
One of my kids stuffed candy wrappers in my pillowcase. I think they thought they were being extra tricky...but didn't thin it through ;)
Dear Science, Why am I so utterly exhausted every single day by 7 PM and then my kids go to bed and it's like 'HELLO!' energy boost?
Hey @Minted we really love you guys and we were excited for our art delivery but one of prints was placed completely crooked.
How do we get this problem fixed? We were so excited for this piece but kind of bummed now @Minted
@Minted It seems I can't send you a DM
Our sweet Lizzy wearing her super soft clothes from Danish designed @wheatcanada. I've got $100 to… https://t.co/DzH0vldAIy
@mommygoggles July 4th?! Let's get through responsible drinking the next half of the year first.;)
Pretty sure my husband fell fast asleep putting the 3 year old to bed. #parentlife #Fridaynight
I just want to stay lounging in my bed sipping coffee today.
@DShenelle total dream world lol...and yes!!!
@WestinKierland We are coming for a visit in a few weeks. We booked a suite but am curious if there is a bigger suite available?
Looking forward to some sunshine in Scottsdale in a few weeks and trying out the pool at @WestinKierland too!
@Kateskate604 @WestinKierland that's great to hear!!
Napping the baby and the 3 year old is all 'look how loud I can be!!!'. Every single time.
Thank you to Lindsey in reservations at @WestinKierland in Scotsdale for getting us sorted out!
I'm (advance!!) planning my daughters 4th birthday and she's chosen a unicorn theme. Who has some great ideas? #partyplanning #unicorn
@DShenelle Yes!! Such a great resource. I am not super crafty so I love a bit of inspiration!
The nearly 4 year old is all about unicorns right now. Good thing we found a tiny soft one at… https://t.co/v7qcRZb8pb
@emikatj Fantastic!! Love it!!
@emikatj also glitter makes things feel special and fun!
@emikatj Not sure at this point! I've done both in the past! Maybe if I find a good design/recipe I'll do it! Nothing too intricate!
@emikatj edible glitter?!! Need to know about this!
Pretty happy I bought this 'baby's 1st Christmas' ornament from @TheLandofNod! https://t.co/iwCUc1J5RD #babys1stchristmas #holidaydecor
Just a bit of silliness with grandma in the kitchen. 27 gingerbread guys were made and decorated by… https://t.co/kjAgfMSfdb
@Mamaofabean lol great question! I think my mum will take some back with her when she leaves!
Baby it's cold outside ☃⛄ï¸â˜ƒ https://t.co/QaTU5zPDGS
@Mamaofabean My mum came over and we won't see her for awhile so the kids requested she do some holiday baking with them. Traditions ;)
It's a rainy day and the baby is napping so we got out the paints and potato stamps and bubble wrap… https://t.co/TGT75e2yOh
@emikatj is this person looking for resources? Like advice or you just want to help?
Do you see what I see?!! My @kartellpeople ghost chairs have arrived. These were a gift from my… https://t.co/9pqFxye7kU
Its seriously gorgeous outside today. I hope everyone in Vancouver gets a chance to get outside and soak it in...before the rain comes back
Headed to Granville Island with the big kids! First up dinner and then seeing 'The Music of Junk'!… https://t.co/pxFKpDGkTE
We are here! The Music Of Junk At Granville Island's Waterfront Theatre! #mediareview #themusicofjunk… https://t.co/rntXGDPyJF
Looking for something awesome to do with your family this weekend? Check out #TheMusicOfJunk on Granville Island. Your kids will love it
Saw a dude pee in a bottle on Granville St today. Then toss the bottle on the sidewalk. Gross. Gross. Gross. #Vancouver
@SarahAFunk I had a terrible look on my face and then he looked right at me..EW is right. gross.
@DShenelle Super nasty!
Let's all send virtual love and hugs to the amazing mama @jkossowan!! She has had a pretty tough week and I'm sure she could use it! #YVRMom
Counting down till we head to Scottsdale to meet up with family for US Thanksgiving. @WestinKierland we are coming! #havekidswilltravel
My baby slept the entire flight to sunny Arizona!! Literally. Slept. In my arms. It was ah-mazing!!
Just checked into the most fab room at @WestinKierland! We have the 'Bill Keen' room and its decorated in all his sweet comics.
@WestinKierland We are here with 3 kids (7,3, baby). Can you tell me any fun amenities for them. I think we heard about a snake feeding?!
Travel with kids. Got the lucky card today! @westjet https://t.co/bMfHdbudaJ
Packing up your suitcase case post holiday is really not too fun. Dirty laundry crammed in a bag to take home.
@racheljonat Hooray!!
My girl LOVED wearing her red cowgirl boots and riding horses in Scottsdale the other day. https://t.co/uJ6IDc2OPj #Scottsdale #RidingHorses
My sweet baby has turned into a teething monster complete with Mariah Carey pitch noises. #teethingbites
@howetolove awe sorry to hear you are feeling so sleep deprived.
@howetolove Is your baby being a 'high needs' sleeper
@howetolove that was my first. So exhausting. He needed a lot of parenting around the clock. But then was my easiest toddler.
Where can I donate new hats and gloves? #vancouver #donate #coldweather
@howetolove it's ok to be in survival mode. Don't compare her to friends babies for your own peace of mind!
@howetolove how old is she now?
@UPPAbaby I need to replace my toddler seat rain shield for my Vista but am having trouble locating a replacement. Any ideas?
Last week we rocked our airplane trip as a family of 5. Here are my essentials that made things easy: https://t.co/DaPF97Q5XJ #familytravel
@cheeriodiaries @CWandJWBlog you can't win unless you enter! I love a good giveaway!
@YaletownVibe Thanks for the mention!
Im happy my hubby works from home. With a sick baby and 2 big kids that need to be picked up/dropped off and parent teacher interviews.
He is saving our day!! I can focus on taking care of sad sick baby and he can help us all out.
@racheljonat Flexibility is really helpful when you are a parent. No grandmas nearby to come help out in a pinch. So I really appreciate it
I always have a tough time finding cool gifts for the guys in my life..Here is a great guide: https://t.co/pfjj6G6kb0 From @CWandJWBlog
This morning I have a house cleaner coming. SO of course I spent the hour before running around like a crazy lady picking stuff up......
@CaffeinatedMama My oldest had it as a baby and at 7 he still struggles. We gave up regular baths and that helped.
@Providence_Hlth your email link within your link is not working
@howetolove Wow!!! Where are you moving? Local or further?
What is your favourite cookie to bake for a cookie exchange..or favourite one to eat?! I need to bake 9 dozen for Monday. Need inspiration!
@Violetsouffle thanks! I need a bit of inspiration!!
@howetolove oh wow! A pretty big move!
@howetolove I know 2 nurses who work L+D in Kelowna.
I feel like people in my circle gave up on sending out Christmas cards. Do you still practice this tradition or is it just for old grannies?
New blog post: https://t.co/T84QJHIPll I'm staying in tonight and practicing the tradition of writing and sending Christmas cards
@Huntersprize I know! And the cost of mailing adds to it too. I just love the idea of it so much. I am downsizing but still mailing!
Went to the cookie exchange last night, 6th annual, and am now ranking best cookies in lieu of breakfast.
@TorensMom Pretty interesting stuff: https://t.co/aSDlpKGaZ7 #thinkingofToren
So surprised that @chaptersindigo is out of SO many items already. So early to be out of stock. I guess good for them, bad for me!
@Kateskate604 @chaptersindigo Yes! I feel like it is worse this year than in the past. Hard to find items and then lengthy shipping.
@Kateskate604 Same here. I seriously don't remember on line shopping being such a PITA before. What has changed? More people or less stock?
Excitedly awaiting the delivery of my holiday wreath from @celsiafloral!
I just bought a fresh wreath for inside and I have NO IDEA how to hang it. It came with a piece of ribbon. Crafty people, what do I do?
@Huntersprize I was just surprised it didn't have anything on the back to fasten something to. Im new to wreaths haha
The verdict is in: use a push pin to hang your holiday wreath! The experts at @celsiafloral confirmed! Now our wreath is looking gorgeous!
@howetolove I feel that way when I see people out and about with improper baby wearing.
@howetolove Someone saw a pic of my girl on a pony with no helmet, wrote me a very sweet message about wearing helmets while on horses
@howetolove It was done like a compliment sandwich lol
Who else has Christmas shopping left to do?
Im trying my best to not be stressed about it but I seriously have no free time right now. Hoping it comes together soon so I can be done.
@emikatj Im usually done a lot earlier too. This year on line shopping, my go to, was a lame experience. Out of stock, long shipping times.
@DShenelle Same over here!
@emikatj I love experience gifts! I cut back on buying stuff this year. No excess or fillers. I feel good about that...but am still not done
@emikatj even on line shops like @chaptersindigo were sold out and long shipping.
@DShenelle Yes! Unless another one joins the group lol ;).
@howetolove Look at you go! You just moved and you are doing paint colours! Amazing!
Emergency of the Paw Patrol Pup Pad!! My sis got the white board not the highly coveted must requested electronic Pup Pad.
It is all the 3 year old is requesting. A Pup Pad and some glue and some gum. Yeah I know. Should I go buy the actual Pup Pad?
@jenarbo It isn't like an amazing high quality toy..its electronic and you push buttons to get messages. but super coveted. $20ish.
The @UPPAbaby replacement rain shield is NO match to Vancouver rain. Sadness as tiny baby's legs got soaking wet from the 'breathing' holes.
@jenarbo I am too! Plus it was $18.99. So not crazy and will make one kid very happy! #PawPatrol
@Kateskate604 So I am! Luckily it wasn't a crazy price!
@racheljonat It was suppose to be a pressie from an auntie but she got the wrong thing! It is so coveted and under $20.
@racheljonat This is my last thing for the kids. I did great on no excess or fillers this year!
@racheljonat Luckily my kids have low standards..its totally me and my 'ideas' about how things should go ;)
Who else is mad enough to go out shopping today? Im heading to Toys R Us to pick up something I've prepaid for but am dreading it!
Took my boy shopping. He picked out gifts to give his sisters. We smelled stuff at @LOCCITANE_CA and he goes, 'thanks for the fun day mum'.
and Im like, 'what part was fun?'....'smelling all the stuff at the bath shop'. He is so my boy haha. He also knows the good stuff!
When you buy a brand new toy at as shop and you get home and realize it doesnt work.. you go exchange it right? Or do you try and fix it?
Was surprised as bought a gift for a kid and it didn't work. When I returned it to the shop for exchange I was told that I should have....
replaced the batteries in it. I think a brand new toy should work when I buy it and not require me to change batteries.
Knowing that store clerks are over loaded with consumer stress I was extra nice even when I wanted to be really annoying about this topic.
I left with a brand new replacement. Which is kind of what I think should have happened right from the start.
@zainabsmom I ended up getting an exchange but not after a bit of a consumer hoo ha! Oh brother.
It's a Christmas miracle! Because we aren't rushing around for school the baby is still fast asleep! #3rdbaby
Thanks to some awesome readers I've got a great list of Holiday movies lined up! From the cheesiest to the classics! https://t.co/kKQAZy7MAF
@erinlpugh So do I!!
Last night was a bit rough (teething hell). So tonight Im being proactive and the person warming the other side of the 'big bed' is my baby.
@Kateskate604 #3 was the latest to get first teeth. At 8.5 months she got her 2 bottom teeth together.
@Kateskate604 milestones!
@howetolove lol awe you are so cute!
The Magic of Santa! All 3 kids were fast asleep shortly after 7 PM. #parentingwin
Is anyone else doing a big post Christmas clean/purge? Something about the upcoming New Year makes me want to get things in order!
@howetolove yep! basically lol!
@CWandJWBlog I love a good purge!! We do it a few times a year.
@5and1 oh yes I did!!
I woke up in a jolt as my baby is sleeping next to me and thought she was moving around. No. It was an actual earthquake.
@LisaSchwartz05 @harrietglynn Um same over here! I am now wide awake. Husband is fast asleep.
@shesavalleymom I seriously was like, 'oh my god the baby!' who is sleeping soundly next to me..thinking she was having a seizure!
If you're needing some fun plans for tomorrow think about playing tourist in our city and checking out @FlyOverCanada! #Vancouver
They've got their Christmas at @FlyOverCanada on until Jan 5th. Seriously a fun treat! #Vancouver #whattodoinVancity
Happy New Year! I love the freshness that a NY seems to promise. So, I blogged about why I love a new year. https://t.co/WPCz643KID
Happy New Year! We are currently walking in thick fog along the seawall! https://t.co/i04LqDI7F5
@Mamaofabean I remember those days with my first. I gained so much muscle and lost so many pounds due to all the baby dancing we had to do
@Mamaofabean He somehow required deep knee bends on my part to soothe.
@mommyingaround Every birthday we get to have is worth celebrating! Even if it is a small acknowledgment. Happy Birthday!
@Todaysparent the trick is to lower your expectations of what 'sleep through the night' actually means. #Parentingtruths #Ivegot3kids
@TheBabyGuyNYC @netflix @MakingAMurderer This is my next binge watch after I finish season 6 of @TheGoodWife_CBS
@hillarywith2Ls you can get them over the counter you know. Just take 2 to make the prescription dose.
@Mamaofabean I hate baby colds! I love Nosefrida but my baby acts like it is torture.
What's your comfort zone when it comes to writing about your kids? I've found my comfort zone recently https://t.co/8PfhlYsKVc #blogger
@CoquitlamMommy My first LOVED it! Living in a condo we see the truck pull up and the big kids love to rush to the window and watch
@LindsayDianne Oh man!!! I haven't reached this level of parenting yet. Not looking forward to it!
@PurdysChocolate These are my favourites! #himalayanpinksaltcaramels
Who knew?! I made @JELLO with the nearly 4 year old and the kids are acting like we made magic. lol!
@cheeriodiaries Time to bring it home and regroup! Hang in there! We all have these days too.
@CanadianKelli I hate that. I know a few of those coworkers. You've got to be awesome on your own actual shift first! OT can burn you out
Following is the unsolicited parenting advice I got from 3-4 PM today while out with my 3 kids.
1: Why did you cut her hair? (speaking about the curl trim of the nearly 4 year old girl).
Speaking to my daughter: 'don't you want long blonder hair to attract the boys?'. #OMG #WTF
' Don't you want hair like Rapunzel?' . What. No. So wrong.
See an older woman approaching. She is staring at me and my 3 kids. She points to the 7 year old who is red faced from running for an hour.
Points her finger and says, 'where is his jacket!! He is freezing!!'.
@erinehm Downtown. Blah blah blah. After school parenting antics.
Sorry people. I do not want or need you parenting advice. Unless you are bringing me a coffee and or offering me nap. Hold your tongue.
I can get over the 'your child looks cold because I feel cold' comment. But the whole suggesting a girl needs long hair. Blah. Terrible.
@Mayathabee She is the same lady who said 'Oh I thought you just got really fat' when she found out I was 36 weeks pregnant.
@CanadianKelli Right? I wish I was meaner and more confrontational in person. Im all 'lets make nice and be kind'. Blah!
@CanadianKelli It is these moments I wish I was quicker at comebacks.
@CanadianKelli Especially as this person had a weave..which is fine..but don't be all 'your kid shouldn't cut her hair so it can be long'
@Mayathabee Oh.My.God. Seriously. Where are the filters for these peoples mouths? They need something to suck their words back in!
@Eden_Fine_Day Oh I bet! 'Hi, you didn't fit MY societal norms and I'm going to tell you!'. Oh brother.
@Mayathabee It's so frustrating to see those kinds of things happen. Hands off!
@Eden_Fine_Day because boys can't grow hair past their ear lobes. Oh dear. Hold me!
@purenailbar Was so sad to see your Yaletown location closed down! I was a regular for almost 9 years.
@howetolove Oh yes! She has said odd things to me in the past. Told me I had a muffin top and that I was 'fat' but really was super pregnant
@howetolove She also told me my son was fat once.
@howetolove Apparently she lives in a world where there is no filter in her brain or in her mouth.
Calling all you bibliophiles out there! Need some advice! https://t.co/EKRkN3vOHv #blogger #wannabebibliophile #Iliketoread
Anyone else laugh out loud watching HBO's 'Getting On'? I love nurse humour. I woke up the baby with my giant laughs.
@thewritemama thanks for sharing.
Signs I am getting old. Having dreams in which I have back pain and wake up with said back pain.
@erincg This is great Erin!! Actually kind of perfect for the unicorn themed party I'm throwing for my almost 4 year old! #eatallthesnacks
I will be making this! https://t.co/eNsmbbLUiB
@emikatj Here are some good ones: @WheatCanada. On Instagram check out Whistle and Flute, Lilfoxshoppe. On Etsy I really like mimishop.
@emikatj I really love buying small and local. Plus I really like cute kids stuff!
Oh you guys. Today was such a 'Monday'.
So my condo neighbour got a new stereo system..and well, I'm old. The constant boom boom boom is making me turn even older.
What is the 'nice guy' approach to a condo neighbour with loud music? I don't want him to get strata fines by telling the concierge.
Im also not into the 'knock knock! Hi, can you turn down your music'. Apparently Im anti social
9 months into my 1 yr mat leave I've started to have work dreams. Thank you Canada for this time! #maternityleave #Canadarules #1yrmatleave
Ive got a bit of nerves about leaving my baby in 3 months. Can't imagine having to go back to work when she was 3 months. #maternityleave
What kind of maternity leave did you get after you had your baby? #maternityleave
@Mamaofabean I've done this once with #3. I had someone watch the big kids and I rode it out in the bathroom and on the bed with baby.
@Mamaofabean It was terrible and not easy and I wish that I had another option. Sorry to hear you are so sick.
@Mamaofabean If it was possible, I'd have had a family member come take all the kids and bring baby back to nurse.
@frickfrackfrock @Mamaofabean that is what I did this last time. Quarantined myself and baby to our room.
Where can I buy 'alphabet' bits to make alphabet soup? #Vancouver #Cooking #MakingSoup
@meagscampbell thank you!
@amandalea_b welcome to the mother hood!
3 kids later and I'm still googling sleep stuff related to babies lol #sleepistherulerofall
I don't usually swear in front of my kids. No F bombs at least. Until that one day... New blog post: https://t.co/7AiR3ivTnU #blogger
Little ears area always listening!
I love figuring out what makes me happy. For me, it's an organized home around me. Total mood booster. https://t.co/SamkijkRJx #blogger
@BlastedChurch lol yes!! totally!
Oh @KitchenAid_CA why did the oven panel have to get 'stuck' now? I have birthday cupcakes to bake for a special party!
1st baby I was all, 'I can't wait till he crawls!!' and with #3 I am literally tripping her up to delay crawling cause Im just not ready.
In other news #3 is totally crawling and getting into all sorts of trouble.
Do any nursing mamas wake up and feel like their body is old and achey? I think it is from the side nursing we do over night.
Watching rain pour down outside. Contemplating walking to get #2 from preschool or driving to stay dry. Wishing for teleportation.
I grew up with a mum always on a diet. That's my memory. Enjoyed reading @JamieKhau blog post. Dear Self... https://t.co/DrID8sNXjD I
Small space living means my bedroom becomes 'party central' but not in the potential sexy way..more as in 'store all the things' way.
@motherTheresaBF How old was your baby when they had it done? I am really glad we had it done for our baby. #tonguetie
@motherTheresaBF She was 2.5 months and I self referred to a dentist who did laser. Upper lip and posterior tongue tie.
We had the BEST time hosting a unicorn themed birthday party for our 4 year old girl! She LOVED it! https://t.co/NF0MApMFRX #birthdayparty
Thank you to @chicfete for the lovely pint sized table and chair rental for our girls birthday party!
@motherTheresaBF Luckily, the peeps I was 'up against' were also my coworkers and they were like 'whatever you need lady!'.
@motherTheresaBF Since theres no research based evidence, yet, they can't medically back it. Everything has to be proven and researched
@motherTheresaBF However, being in my field as a perinatal RN and educated in lactation, I just did my own thing and got lots of support.
@motherTheresaBF I kind of feel like I paved the way a bit and opened some eyes. It made a big difference for us and people saw that
@keenmommy2013 This girl quite enjoyed celebrating this year!!
@motherTheresaBF Well I have never regretted getting my RN. It is stable as all can be. Professional. Room to grow. Autonomy. Love it.
@motherTheresaBF It depends how much time you want to spend 'getting there' and what you really want to focus on.
@motherTheresaBF I just had baby #3 but my next goal is IBCLC on top of my perinatal specialty RN. Then masters or nurse practitioner.
@motherTheresaBF Being a RN is great for stability. I work with lots of single moms!
@motherTheresaBF If it is a long term goal to go for RN, focus on being a doula and going to all the breastfeeding courses you can.
@motherTheresaBF I get to be an advocate for my patient. Red tape or not. Yes you do follow policy/procedure but you don't do it blindly
@motherTheresaBF When you are a perinatal RN you are also a doula! I love labour support for my patients. My favourite thing! I rock it!
@motherTheresaBF but really if I was giving career advice I'd ask you, how much time do you want to invest?
@motherTheresaBF RN is 4 years. Specializing is 4 or so months plus experience. It can be a work in progress kind of goal.
@motherTheresaBF A friend Im mentoring is a single mom. She is a doula and now going to school for her RN. Did upgrades, night classes, etc.
@motherTheresaBF well yes and no. As a labour RN I provide one to one labour support. I also have certain medical responsibilities too.
@motherTheresaBF I also leave after 12 hours and come back 12 hours later. There are huge differences between perinatal RN and doula.
@motherTheresaBF but ultimately in my practice I provide a lot of 'crunchy granola' kind of birth support.
@motherTheresaBF I also get to do promote a lot of skin to skin, initiate breastfeeding.
@motherTheresaBF but I also deal with post partum hemorrhages, still birth, traumatic cases. So it's not all normal birth that I see.
@motherTheresaBF You could also do LPN. Work post partum. Focus on breastfeeding, post partum care, newborns, etc.
@emikatj Thanks! Help is so nice to have when throwing a party. Especially as I wanted to enjoy it a bit too and not just run around crazy!
@CaffeinatedMama How old is your baby? I know we have to cut out the late naps and make bed time earlier or she is up way too late!
@CaffeinatedMama oh yes so classic at that age! I feel like it is always something when it comes to babies and sleep!
I got the dreaded preschool email. 'We are having a GI outbreak'. Keeping my girl home and preventing the sharing of bugs. No thanks!
@RebeccaMichi gastro intestinal boo! That stuff spreads like wild fire with kids!
@Kateskate604 Flashbacks to the Fall when everyone got it in our home. Baby and me were miserable. No repeat performances needed!
Fresh sheets. Netflix. And I found a forgotten stash of dark chocolate. All is well!
@SportballVan Thank you @SportballVan :) She really did love and appreciate it!
@carolynleanne I hope so lol!
Really enjoyed reading about these teens participating in hospice care. Love that teens go involved. https://t.co/mhrRvjD0st #palliativecare
Any other nurses out there? I'm returning to work after a maternity leave and THIS happened: https://t.co/9w1s5F28bo #workdreams #nurselife
@hillarywith2Ls When is your baby due? Spring time but when?
@harrietglynn Oh man! We have 1 kid sick too. Im surprised she is in bed as she had a late nap.
@cheeriodiaries I am sure it helps going back to a job that I actually like. If I hated it, man that would be another blog post!!
@hillarywith2Ls So 'May-ish'. Can't wait for your Springtime babe!
@NurseNerdy Thank you @NurseNerdy! Nurses in Canada have a great maternity leave. So supportive of family.
Does anyone else get a weird kind of satisfaction fishing boogers out of their baby's nose? No? Just me.
@DShenelle yes! lol! so true @DShenelle
Want to feel like a real true adult? Get sick and have a sick baby. That shit makes you feel like an adult.
No one can hear me calling. Until I say, 'if you want pizza for dinner I need you to come here'. Then they all come running. 'Coming mum!'.
I need all of this please! https://t.co/TvN98qNHXS
@CWandJWBlog @lc_organics That one is a house favourite over here!
Thanks to @doordash for meeting my @romersburger craving today! Being home with a sick baby and all I wanted were their truffle fries!
@mindykaling very pretty carpet look!
I really (really) want to support small on line businesses but when their business practice is so poor it becomes frustrating.
Found 2 different cute on line shops via Instagram. Both totally flaked on sending stuff out. I paid and then had to email repeatedly.
Now I get that small businesses have different issues. Kids get sick. People have problems. I get it.
Unless I am your BFF, not your paying customer, I don't really want a detailed email about all that personal stuff. Especially after paying.
Has anyone else had this frustrating experience when buying on line from a small shop? Poor customer service. Slow service.
@Mymilababy I really want to LOVE buying from small shops. I've just had 2 in a row of the same and as a consumer it's frustrating.
@emikatj These 2 shops aren't via Etsy. They have their own website. It looks so professional so was so surprised when it was a fail.
SHHH but..all 3 of my little people were fast asleep before 7:!5 PM. That's from going swimming, walking outside and riding bikes.
Was at the park yesterday and a boy we know through preschool was there with his nanny. Nanny sat and watched him hit and kick another boy.
It wasn't an accidental or provoked hitting/kicking. Nanny just sat and watched. Sort of surprised by that reaction.
Then the little boy did it again. Hit/kick/hit/kick till the other boy was crying. Nanny..just sat and watched.
@Melissa808 who knows! Was very awkward. She didn't even go over and 'break it up'. The kid was 3 kicking a 5 year old into tears.
@erinehm Right? I would want to know if my kids nanny just sat and watched their terrible behaviour.
@erinehm I know! Turns out my kid goes to preschool with the hitter/kicker kid.
@Melissa808 the sweet older kid got up and left the situation. the younger kid went and kicked pigeons. oh lord.
@howetolove Enjoy it! Aunties caring for your baby is always the best!
@howetolove Oh and that is such a normal feeling too! Once you've done it the first time it becomes easier and easier!
@kristen_anne ew yes. terrible feeling! especially if you are a worrier (like me!).
The Mom Cold. Step 7 was definitely repeated a few times for me on my last bout with The Mom Cold. UGH! https://t.co/BZDKTuBurd #momcold
I always have lofty expectations of the weekend. Things I will do and get done and the fun Ill have with the kids.
Then reality sets in and Im still in pyjamas, sipping coffee, cleaning up their crap from the week.
Watching Frozen for the thousandth time but I'm having a girls night with my 4 year old and she picked it. ;)
@erin_braincandy lol I was thinking the same thing!
My big kids love Concept B @ParkBoard https://t.co/ywMdtAxggY
@howetolove My oldest did that so bad that the crib looked like a beaver had gone to work on it by the time he was moved into his big bed.
@ParkBoard We did! And we posted it on our Yaletown Parents FB group!
My baby was practicing waving while she was sleeping. It would wake her up and she would be so angry but still madly waving. #babysleep
Love that it is so light out right now! Watching all the cyclist ride by while I lay on the couch ;)
Who else plans their day around coffee? I can't be the only mother who does this. Right?!
@Kateskate604 I have a morning cup and then an early afternoon second one. I've already had the second one and its only just after 1 PM!
Today I had 1:1 time with my middle girl and while we were out I saw a mum with a little baby and I was like, 'man, I need another baby'.
Which is ridiculous and basically a lesson to all of us not to listen to that weird part of our mama brain.
Then I went home and actually had a baby that needed me and was all, 'man I wish I could get a break'. What the what?!
A cyber Easter sale at Old Navy? What the what? Sorry but no. I hate emails like this.
@hillarywith2Ls What the what?! That is terrible. How do they deal with emergencies in birth with no anesthesiologists around? Stat C/S etc.
@hillarywith2Ls Either they will all have to agree or they will seriously be replaced.
@alexishinde Oh man. I feel for you.
My kids are currently asking Siri different questions. They think it is the most hilarious thing in the universe.
@CanadianKelli ugh I hate that tired foot feeling between shifts. Not looking forward to that part come April.
I can't be the only one that isn't digging the marketing of Easter? The 'stuff'. Shoes, clothing, facials? What?
@racheljonat I had emails for Easter facials, kids play clothing, jewelry. No thanks!
If you have a 1 year old and are feeling any kind of stress that you have not done up an Easter basket for them, relax.
Unlike the cute photos you've maybe seen, your baby does not need an Easter bag filled with presents. So, you get to take a breath and relax
@racheljonat chocolate is one thing! I'm talking about all the gorgeous baskets filled with baby sunglasses, clothing, blankets, shoes. WHOA
Well I was late to the game but I just finished the last episode of Big Love.
@mamizombie I loved it! I started watching it awhile back and didn't really get into the 1st episode. Rewatched it and was hooked.
@birdonthestreet funny! I got so many 'Easter' sale flyers. Gross. Easter facials, Easter sale on pants, on kids clothes. No thank you!
Help a mother out! In line @BCFerries and the baby used her last diaper 😳. thought I had more but i dont. send me your great ideas! #SOS
I'm traveling alone with 3 kids and I'm not sure if the ferry gift shop sells diapers. Thoughts? Ideas? Calling all mothers!
@jenarbo we've got 30 minutes. Crossing fingers we can buy one on the boat.
@BCFerries we are in line waiting for the 4 pm from Swartz Bay to Vancouver
@racheljonat I think that will be my plan. Oh man! Of course it's a doozy ðŸ˜
Diaper secured and in the right size too!!
Went to drive off the ferry and my car battery was dead. Thanks to @BCFerries for 1st helping me with the diapart issue AND starting my car!
@pfindling oh you know it! Red wine was served to me in the bath...in a mason jar 😄 https://t.co/ke5XmN8DkC
I feel like I know something about a crappy day. 5 ways to get through a crappy day: https://t.co/blyidXqxN1 #blogger #lifehacks #crappyday
@DShenelle I know lol! Seriously memorable!
@jennkg @BCFerries I was so happy for the fastness and how they were like 'we've got this'.
@5and1 Oh man!! Sorry to hear! Sounds like guys need to a re do on the dinner celebrations!
My baby had a blow out and I had no more diapers and was traveling. New blog post: https://t.co/blyidXqxN1 #blogger https://t.co/OyATTkzrOo
Does anyone get sore from baby wearing? Maybe I'm just really out of shape but at the end of the day after baby wearing my body is like WHOA
@Violetsouffle wow! that's amazing!!
@Violetsouffle Totally! Those busy legs need to walk not sleep! lol
@emikatj I have but have preferred the Ergo usually. She's not a heavy baby. It's totally my body.
@sunshinemama14 Yes! When mine was wee she was in a sling wrap and would be in it for hours.
@Mamaofabean I think I am just tired and out of shape. She's a light weight, 18 pounds and its an Ergo. I usually feel it in my legs later.
@Mamaofabean She's almost 1! I wore her so much when she was younger but now wear her about once a day. I need to get stronger for sure!
@scienceworldca summer camps for kids was sold out in like the first 2 hours on line. Crazy.
@scienceworldca I thought registering opening day at 10:30 AM was being on top of it! I guess not! lol. Very popular summer camp. #momfail
@5and1 @theonecrazykid It's just another way to expand your 'brand'. Blogging has changed so much in the last few years. This is another way
@5and1 @theonecrazykid I'm not a big fan. I just don't have the time or space in my life to do short video clips of this and that.
@5and1 @theonecrazykid However, I think the 'younger' crew is very into it! I'm old.
@theonecrazykid @5and1 I do follow some snapchats but don't read their blog. I find people I follow on FB, I do read those people blogs.
Im throwing out my short term bucket list to Twitter. Let's see how many I can cross off before I go back to work! https://t.co/8btN9aCdI2
My crew and I are going to the @vancouver_mom event at @WesbrookVillage! this Saturday. Lots of fun for families! https://t.co/Hux6ZiJSgT
I've started to get the odd comment when out with my 3 kids (7,4, 1 yo). Because we live downtown or...? https://t.co/GCjnI736pq
Update! My short term #bucketlist is happening! Stuff is booked and ready to happen! So excited! https://t.co/8btN9aCdI2 #blogger #listmaker
@erinlpugh Nice! Enjoy it!
Did anyone else get to enjoy the cherry blossom 'rain shower' today? Oh my goodness we loved it! Blossoms whirling everywhere!
My kids are excited for the Mozart School of Music session this Sat. at @WesbrookVillage Family Fun Day! Who else is going? #WesbrookVillage
Turkey meatballs with four cheese tomato sauce and whole wheat spaghetti is what's for dinner over here! What about you? #dinnertime
Pretty sure my husband fell asleep reading books with the big kids before bed...that was like 1.5 hours ago. lol
Taking the baby for her hip dysplasia check up today. X Ray to confirm her hips are growing within normal range. #hipdysplasia #healthyhips
My 3rd baby had more doctor and specialist appts in her first year than my oldest two combined and multiplied.
@RebeccaMichi bedtime routines are great! Our kids go to bed earlyish and we have a great routine down pat.
So excited for baby's first birthday cake from @cadeauxbakery! Some bunny is going to love her carrot cake! #somebunnyisturningone
I'm not usually a beer drinker. I usually like crisp white wine but when I was told to give this… https://t.co/JVeO5npu1M
@vancouver_mom Especially with fun events coming up tomorrow! Woohoo!!
Looks like a great day for some family fun @WesbrookVillage today with @vancouver_mom ! My kids are so excited! #WesbrookVillage
@HushababySleep I like 'Welcome Baby' parties over showers! For every baby!
@WesbrookVillage Awe I love this! Thanks for the photo!
@bcmomdotca That is so fantastic Tara!
A cute but simple 1st birthday for my baby! Go see the party details on the blog! https://t.co/rNzwrKGrC3 #partyplanning #blogger #somebunny
This wee girl sure enjoyed her first piece of birthday cake! Details on the blog for the BEST cake in #Vancity https://t.co/9gzOmyQRT7
@Mamaofabean Oh man! Hope it goes smooth for everyone!
@Mamaofabean It's so true. It's like the biggest test of all to have to parent babies together or however that looks.
@Kateskate604 My bigs kids were all, 'where is the piñata?' but they got over it lol
We found family fun at @WesbrookVillage this past weekend! Check out the details! https://t.co/1CSZt8sDdZ #YVRfamily #Vancity #Vancouver
Our nanny of 3 yrs is traveling. So I need a new nanny as of June. Happy to have notice to find someone but sad to see her leave!
@Kateskate604 I have such a weird schedule and we've been so lucky that we were able to have the same nanny for 3 yrs!
@ninaonthemoon Thank you Nina! :)
@jonfrate Oh yes! You know us nurses are rolling in the riches!
Trying to take an on line exam for work and your 4 y.o keeps popping by to say HELLO.
Okay. I've got coffee and ALL my kids are taken care of. Time to crack the books and get serious! #studytime #backtowork #nurselife
This is the longest I've been apart from my baby: 8 hours. She's doing great. TMI: my boobs on the other hand. OUCH #breastfeeding
@Mamaofabean She just turned one! Lucky baby and lucky me that we able to spend so much time together this last year! Maybe a few 3 hrs away
@DShenelle How is it going? Smooth transition?
@DShenelle I'm lucky that my go to work outfit will be scrubs provided by the hospital. Like pyjamas for 13 hours. There's my perk lol
@DShenelle Ha~ Im not looking forward to 13 hours overnight. Im already so tired!
@Kateskate604 She won't take a bottle and barely takes a straw. Half of it spits out. Needless to say she nursed all night to catch up ;)
@Kateskate604 She did great though. Ate lots of food and was happy. If she is with me she nurses in the day but without me she was happy.
Well I just watched 'There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane' on HBO. Probably not a great choice before going to sleep.
Has anyone else seen this documentary? I've got my thoughts on it.
@harrietglynn @willstroetmusic Ben LOVED that Theo was there!
So my 7 yr old just said to me. 'Mum can you get that new game called Snapchat'. Ahhh what?!
What's your favourite thing about four year olds? I have many and am curious about yours. #blogger #writingablogpost #childhoodmemories
Meeting new Vancouver babies this Mother's Day! After being away from work for my crazy pregnancy and then a year with the baby, I'm ready!
Besides all things baby, I have a soft spot for the 4 y.o. I find 4 year olds kind of hilarious. https://t.co/ZPxWyMpeDC #blogger #childhood
@sunshinemama14 I know! I feel you mama!
Here's what I have to say on my favourite kid age. Do you have a 'favourite'? https://t.co/ZPxWyMpeDC #childhood #parenting #myfavouritekid
@SalmaDinani @SkyZoneSurrey I haven't heard of this place before! Have fun with your birthday boy!
Achoo! Anyone else dealing with seasonal allergies? It's earlier for me this year. Usually I get bogged down middle of May.
@helen_engelgray @Impark We've had issues too. Valid parking ticket purchased and we got a ticket. Took a lot of phoning to get it fixed.
One thing I LOVE about motherhood is random connections with other moms. New blog post: https://t.co/K5fr13cLbF #motherhood #momblogger
I bought an iced americano from @CaffeArtigiano and it was crappy. Sadness. What has happened to their quality? #Yaletown #coffee
@RockyMtnSoap Yes! We love ALL things from your shop! Especially that you use natural ingredients.
@theonecrazykid I've only had one letter in the 3 yrs of elementary school but it's always on my mind!
@willstroetmusic I just did a trip back and forth to Victoria with the kids and they requested your songs in the car.
@momrecreated Yes! This!! And when they ask to go to a coffee shop lol
@bcbeautygirl @theonecrazykid Yes! I've heard this too! Prevention.
@willstroetmusic Robots and Tots was on repeat and we all belted out Share With You :) #roadtrip
@theonecrazykid A friend's daughter's class had over 4 cases. She makes them put their backpack and coat in a plastic bag in the coat room.
@jenquattrucci Looks fun! Love the colour!
@FearNoFood @hillarywith2Ls @CanadianKelli They are given with informed consent and there is no law around it.
@hillarywith2Ls @FearNoFood @CanadianKelli I'm with Kelli. Make it short and sweet and bullet points.
@CanadianKelli @hillarywith2Ls @FearNoFood and yes 2nd babies can come rapidly. Epidural might be your wish but baby has different plans
@hillarywith2Ls @CanadianKelli @FearNoFood If an epidural is the plan than yes. Get there and get your IV and your blood work right away.
@hillarywith2Ls @FearNoFood @CanadianKelli Sometimes I get consent from dad while mum is busy. Now its norm to do ALL that skin to skin.
@CanadianKelli @hillarywith2Ls @FearNoFood What?! No eating in labour? We are still no eating during oxytocin. Getting more relaxed with epi
@hillarywith2Ls @CanadianKelli @FearNoFood I always encourage eating if you feel like it if things are progressing well and in normal range.
@ohhthatsyum @CaffeArtigiano It's sadness for sure. Plus Vancouver has such a lively coffee scene that it's easy to go elsewhere.
I've been doing the 'is it a cold or is it allergies' debate all day long today.
@spokesmama hooray for recovery!
@howetolove Oh yeah! My 1st was a super early riser and still is..but at 7 you can get up on your own, fix breakfast and watch a show.
@howetolove if he was my one and only I'd be snoozing late each weekend. Alas, two other little sisters in the house!
Hey @vanaqua I'd love to see more stools in your stingray exhibit. Many little kids got pushed to the side today because they couldn't see.
@howetolove My kid was actually small for her age. I ended up telling them to guess her age and then I'd be like, 'yep that's right!'.
@NuuNest_CandJ With # 3 I went to bed early, set myself up with Netflix on the lap top and we'd nurse all evening snuggled in the big bed.
@QueenEarlGrey How exciting for you!!
@erinireland @todieforFF I hope you find someone because we love to eat your banana bread over here!!
Mother's Day is my 1st day back to work in 16 months. 4 months bedrest, 12 months maternity leave. Now back to helping mamas have babies.
The time off felt like a little blip in the scheme of things. I already feel like I can feel the ache of the 12+ hr shift.
@SajeWellness I am seriously loving my new nebulizer. My bedroom smells so amazing!
@cheeriodiaries I really do love the work. I won't love the 12 hours or the night shifts. I know that for sure. I'm tired thinking about it
Vancouver! I've got a family 4 pack of tickets to the @artsumbrella upcoming event! https://t.co/gB9H6CRZFc #granvilleisland #giveaway
What part of raising kids is it when you don't feel tired all the time? I'm asking for a friend. Obviously.
Give your kids a bit of culture go check out @artsumbrella shows next week. Ticket giveaway on the blog: https://t.co/UGBFA8eBxT #vancity
@discoveryparent ooh her little face is changing!!! What a darling baby.
Last day to enter to win tickets to @artsumbrella Expressions shows. https://t.co/gB9H6CRZFc #giveaway #vancity https://t.co/ErEetw95Bc
@Mamaofabean This is my life too. So hard.
@cheeriodiaries Hubs has been smoking ribs all afternoon. I've got a hubby who loves to cook. Part of the reason I wanted to marry him ;)
@discoveryparent @nativeshoes they look great!!
Enjoying my last day of maternity leave by laying in bed sipping coffee and its 10 in the AM! WHOA. Planning to take it slow today.
@purenailbar Wow those are so beautiful!
@theonecrazykid What the what? This sounds crazy!!
I'm that total nerd who has already packed my work bag for tomorrow but I've also laid out the clothes I'll wear to the hospital.#nurse
I'm sure I will wake up through the night anticipating the alarm clock. It's been awhile since I 'reported for duty'.
@Kateskate604 It has been a fantastic year off. Being home with the other big kids and the baby.
@Mamaofabean I'm an OB nurse. Excited to go back!
@marepants Thank you! The 2 12 hour shifts went by and just like that I'm done for right now ;)
@loulou_lollipop Thank you so much!! Mother's Day turned out to be a good day to head back to work post maternity leave!
@Mamaofabean and there were LOTS of babies! Whoa mama!
This nurse needs to get some new shoes STAT!! Back to work and I would've been better off wearing heels than my old New Balance shoes.
Where's all the nurses at? Here's my story on how I decided to become a RN. https://t.co/j5KeYqougS #NursesWeek #nurses #RN #maternitynurse
@discoveryparent Its' not bad at all! It's the best!
Walked my 4 y.o to preschool. Love these moments. A perk of a being a shift worker is having random days off during the week. #nursesweek
@SalmaDinani Good luck! Are you moving far? Bigger? Smaller?
@SalmaDinani Happy unpacking! Hopefully you can find new spots for everything!
@Mamaofabean What does your night look like typically?
@JamieKhau @chicfete WOW that looks amazing!!
@rachparcell You will do great with a boy! Today I helped my 7 y.o fit a mouth guard and a jock strap for a karate tournament.
@rachparcell I grew up with all sisters and this was my first experience with this gear but I rocked it. You will be a great mom to your boy
So, I kind of surprised myself and HATED Fuller House but love Grace and Frankie so much. #Netflx #WhatIWatch #GraceandFrankie
I love my job. It takes everything in me not kiss new babies. My professional side says DONT KISS THE BABY!! My mama side: kiss the baby!!
At 36 years old I've learned that 1) it feels SO amazing not to care what other people think and 2) it feels so amazing to love your job
@hillarywith2Ls It is SO ridiculous. I know. I think I might love it even more after baby #3. It's like now I really 'get it'.
@howetolove I agree!! I just hope I don't slip up and forget lol
@Mamaofabean Who can resist a newborn? Its so hard!
Looks like my work summer will be a busy one. So many baby bumps around the city today. #maternityRN
Going to visit a new baby today!! My baby niece! So excited! #totalbabylover
@Mamaofabean yeah it can be heavier and more cramps post partum. sadness.
@Mamaofabean I think it can take awhile to settle down but everyone is different. You are still nursing? Sometimes that can play into it too
@Mamaofabean hormones! hormones! hormones! ruler of everything!
@Kateskate604 8 cousins between 3 sisters. 6 girls and 2 boys! Think this is the last cousin. SO we are capped! lol
@Mamaofabean same with me for all 3. and we co slept, no soother..and boom. period.
@Mamaofabean All 3 times it surprised me too. Third baby was the earliest at 2 months.
Going to a wedding today. Im sure the bride is watching those big clouds roll in. I guess outdoor ceremonies always have the risk of rain!
My dress for the wedding today has pockets in it. I couldn't be more thrilled. My husband asked why I was so excited for pockets...
and thought it was so that I could carry a flask in them lol
I've got my first night shift tomorrow. Last night shift was a long long long time ago. Curious how it'll go. Mama all day. Nurse all night.
@Mamaofabean It's a max of 2 night shifts in a row. 12.5 hours each. I used to not mind them so much but they are getting harder.
@Mamaofabean I think the lack of sleep from parenting and then the night shift push me over the sleep deprivation cliff. lol
@Mamaofabean It's not bad. She sleeps with me. She usually is decent unless teething. Which was last night ;)
Night shift hangover. Oh I remember you. You felt gross at 23 and you feel even grosser at 36.
Twitter, do you think wine will help me get over my night shift hangover? #nurselife #shiftworkproblems #nightshiftsarekillingmeslowly
Congrats on your little (big) baby @hillarywith2Ls ! She's here! She's here!
Sharing my favourite summer dress that has pockets! https://t.co/286yYTLn00 #blogger #summerdresses #Aritzia https://t.co/1j51cDeot7
Anticipation at its highest level. Waiting for that perfect scoop of chocolate gelato.… https://t.co/DhiX732HYz
@CWandJWBlog my husband was perplexed by my excitement lol
Everyone of my kids is fast asleep. It was such a busy day that I'm trying to catch my breath. #momlife
I think taking care of other peoples needs is like a lot of work.
Apartment problems. You put your baby for her AM nap and the window washer shows up to wash your large condo windows. Clank clank bang bang.
Best part is hearing the window washer belting out a song. Like really really giving it.
I'm just wondering if I should throw open the blinds and start singing with him? Like on Elf when Will Ferrel randomly sings with people.
Let's see how many vancouver_mom bloggers you can spy in this frame! @springfree #tgomatime… https://t.co/S11z8VZkXd
@TorensMom These are the cases that make me sometimes question being an OB nurse.
Weee! Caught some air at tonight's event @ @springfree with #VMTop30. So fun to see everyone and ALL those kids! https://t.co/iYugImIDUR
Can I get a little nurse love? Any other nurses in Twitterland pulling the double shift? #shiftworker #nurselife https://t.co/C6tRRtMnGm
@Mamaofabean Im not either lol. Lots of coffee and a passion for the actual work I think!
@howetolove It is extra bad as of late. So congested. BOO
Yum yum baby's first ice cream cone! Perfect way to end this warm evening! ☀ï¸â˜€ï¸â˜€ï¸ #icecream… https://t.co/YLLr1LkufW
@howetolove boob out over the top?
Hey Vancouver! I need to find the BEST gluten free birthday cake #Vancity has to offer. Who has a lead on this? #glutenfree #vancouver
@howetolove my morning go to for the baby is yogurt with a side of waffle cut in strips that she uses like a spoon. Messy but she loves it.
@howetolove If she is getting a feed in the AM I am betting she is just not hungry! Maybe try after an hour of being up?
@howetolove If she is full of milk she might just not be interested for anything else! See how it goes if you wait a bit longer to feed her
@howetolove It works out. There will be some days you are hand expressing over the bathroom sink lol ;) I found that on my night shifts.
@howetolove I find we nurse a bit more on my days off and she does fine without nursing when Im not around on my work days.
@howetolove My girl did have a bit of an adjustment and the first 2 weeks back to work she was a wee bit constipated from lack of fluids
@howetolove So I made sure the nanny or my hubby gave her an extra one of those fruit squeeze pouches.
@howetolove Yeah none of my 3 took bottles. #3 is still not a big drinker. She can sip from a cup and I found a sippy she likes.
@howetolove No mostly water. She isnt a fan of other milk lol. Spits it out. So sometimes I nurse her before leaving for a day shift.
@howetolove With #2 I'd come home and do a dream feed. #3 is usually awake when I get home and I nurse her then.
@howetolove are you back full time?
@howetolove That's doable. It's so normal to feel worried about going back to work.
Here's how it's going with the whole back to work after baby #3: https://t.co/4DeLPNvIPx #blogger #nurse #doubleshift
@racheljonat send coffee lol
Dear Tooth Fairy, please don't forget to come AGAIN tonight. Please don't remember the moment the boy wakes up #toothfairy #momlife
@howetolove lol too funny!
@kelsey_bar phew! Things were sorted out and Tooth Fairy duties were done!
@vancouver_mom I get to go to the bathroom alone at work. Does that count? Ugh. #VMTop30
@erinehm @vancouver_mom lol exactly!!
@VancityMommyD lol 😂
@harrietglynn @mitzdemeanor I load up the cart but don't always buy. That's not just me right? #VMTop30
@ohmyviolet_ @vancouver_mom exactly! Just those calm moments in between worlds!
@vancouver_mom A4) I like to dress it up with different jewelry and accessories but am a jeans kind of lady! #VMTop30
@vancouver_mom A5) Lots of local fun! Second Beach pool, Whistler and a trip to the burbs for some berry picking fun. #VMTop30
@SGrochowski3 @vancouver_mom We just booked a little trip there for August. Lots of summer fun there! #VMTop30
@discoveryparent @vancouver_mom Yes! We are hoping too!!
@chrispilkington @vancouver_mom @KrauseBerryFarm Yes! That is where we want to go too!
@discoveryparent @chrispilkington @vancouver_mom @KrauseBerryFarm got to love a giveaway! #VMTop30
Woo! It's a good pace to keep up with the #VMTOP30 twitter party. Enjoying the convo so far! @vancouver_mom
@chrispilkington @JamieKhau @vancouver_mom @KrauseBerryFarm TOTALLY!! @discoveryparent is the resident berry blogger! She's always there!
After 3 babies the signs of toddlerhood are extra clear! 5 signs your baby is now a toddler: https://t.co/NO3VjIi2k4 https://t.co/Fe5ZnVSWWD
Weekday kitchen inspiration for cooking with the preschool crowd! https://t.co/mQMdMGVcJ4 #cookingwithkids https://t.co/jNzvy7K1rA
@kelsey_bar ugh! so bizarre and sounds stressful.
Nighttime parenting antics always set the tone for day time parenting. Teething baby. Sad middle child. Someone always needs something 24/7
@Mamaofabean that is so nice!!
@howetolove oh I bet that the thin skin gets super swollen. Hopefully it eases up soon.
That moment of calm. Living room fort moments with the girls. I need to catch my breathe today… https://t.co/NJhs1wcyoO
My hubby is away for work for a week and I just found a bottle of my favourite wine that he left in the back of the fridge as a surprise.
@Mamaofabean I swapped off my shifts since he was away for the week. Making them up last weekend and this weekend. :)
@houseofjoanne @kimcrawfordwine sauvignon blanc!! My favourite!!
@Mamaofabean I'm just trying to exist lol. Seriously though the day to day grind with the 3 is just enough it seems!
@Mamaofabean Between pick up and drops offs for school, baby naps, the need for regular meals. It's keeping me busy lol.
Took all 3 little kids into a tiny doctors office today so kid # 1 could see the doc. Feel like a parenting magician when I have to do that.
@Mamaofabean It's less inspiring not having another adult to cook for lol! We just did BBQ burgers and watermelon.
@QueenEarlGrey nice!!! Obviously you guys LOVE it!
@Becominggranola Yes. This is me too. Get it sorted and then it's right back to it. Mess. Piles of stuff. Things to put away.
Talking on the blog about mastering motherhood. New post: https://t.co/PS21iMLTOc #motherhood #blogger #parenthood https://t.co/uBMO6erVLf
@elsinosis Thanks for sharing Amanda!
@NuuNest_CandJ Yes! This! I hear it so frequently. Thanks for sharing this post! #breastfeeding
@bcbeautygirl @relocatedmike WOW! Looks amazing!
@discoveryparent @peekaboobeans They are a great choice for travel wear for kids.
I don't get to go out too much for dinner with friends and it's always disappointing when you go and the food is just mediocre. #Yaletown
Give me @chambar any day! There's a reason a few top places are my go to dining spots. #quality #consistency
@alexishinde Ugh yes!!This was a group dinner and I didn't choose the place but still hoped for the best! Company was great but food was not
She likes happy hour for the margherita pizza. I like it for the Prosecco. Win win! #Yaletown… https://t.co/UHmxTNloIi
@helen_engelgray The Distillery. Very mediocre food. Very.
My mother in law is visiting and she's gluten free. I was happy to find these gorgeous macarons… https://t.co/4Z5a0UIkQM
@howetolove Same with early reading. A 4 years old or a kid who reads by grade 3...doesnt change how great of a reader they are. Research!
Planning to do some binge watching of @OITNB tonight. Perfect way to end a busy week! #netflix
@JamieKhau @MaryinVancity I've never tried one! I like the usual espresso latte. How did it taste?!
It just might've been 'one of those days' at work today. I'll need some Advil before I crash to… https://t.co/lDS5yuloPT
Writing a grant proposal to get funding for our breastfeeding committee. That's what nurses do when they aren't working shift work #reallife
The baby just got her leg stuck in the crib slots and I legit could not get it out. Not a great feeling to see her sobbing and stuck.
Favourite Vancouver pool? Extra points for outside and family friendly! #Vancity #Vancouver
@kelsey_bar I was like, 'Andrea calm the sh*1 down! You help in emergencies at work all the time. Way worse situations!'
@kelsey_bar but I was still, 'MY BABY!!!! ;)
@Huntersprize She is kind of tiny still so it slipped through the slat so easily but it was a bugger to get out!
Throwing it out to the universe. I need a new bathing suit in a bad way. I WILL be in the pool with my kids https://t.co/a4lhyL3GLM #blogger
Survived taking three kids to the dentist (again!!). Also impressed myself by transferring sleeping baby from stroller/carseat/stroller.
@Mamaofabean My # 3 had it done at 2.5 months old. I blogged a lot about our experience.
@JamieKhau @peekaboobeans We love our beans! Especially the shorts and hoodies!
@Mamaofabean @emmmmilio https://t.co/Ishg96Oo8y Part 1 #liptie #tonguetie
@Mamaofabean @emmmmilio https://t.co/3XT5Rs6xVW part 2 #liptie #tonguetie
Time for some happy hour fun at @bellagelateria!!
Thought something was wrong with my kids when they weren't scarfing down the @annieshomegrown honey graham bunnies. Turns out they were BAD
It was a rancid box of the usually delicious honey graham bunnies from @annieshomegrown. Sadness. Store sold OLD bunnies.
@CWandJWBlog I've been at many VBACs. Good for you for making that decision!
Interesting! I guess the batch of @annieshomegrown honey grahams was actually recalled!
Tired day. Post night shift with no sleep. . Hustle and bustle. Seems appropriate to catch a… https://t.co/ew6adBDE4v
Rainy wet afternoon in #Vancity! That didn't stop us from enjoying the old wooden teeter totters… https://t.co/zwZsOsU2cy
@howetolove I'm game to get them done once my kids can take care of the piercing and they ask me for it.
I've got the baby who stays up practicing their new skills. This time it is singing and finding her belly button. Adorable but so exhausting
Today at Forrest school....taking advantage of our afternoons rain or shine. Today it's rain!… https://t.co/sIyQ5w8j7r
Last day of our summer camp at @artsumbrella! My 2 big kids have sure enjoyed their classes. I've enjoyed hanging out on @GranvilleIsland
Feel like I've seen more of Granville Island than I ever have and I've lived here for 15 years!
@hillarywith2Ls those can turn out to be the best days and the best decision!
I think this smile sums it up! She loved her week at @artsumbrella summer camp! #granvilleisland… https://t.co/fyHjkXpPyn
@jenquattrucci Very sharp!
Hubby is out tonight and the kids were going bonkers inside. So, we packed up dinner (chicken… https://t.co/ctZpKhEUtP
Summer nights are looking alright! Anyone else's kids staying up later these days? The late… https://t.co/iKBhs1k2iO
My boy is really loving his @endlessbiking summer camp! I love to see him gaining confidence. #summercamp #vancouver https://t.co/Yv3pRSbgTK
I find life so busy to find time to blog. How do other busy bloggers make it work? I have 3 kids under 7 and work part time shift work.
I miss the connection that blogging brings and also I miss writing and sharing. #blogger
Tell me I'm not alone in this. My baby has major FOMO and if we are out she won't nap on the go. https://t.co/sYtZmyeBtJ #babysleep #FOMO
@CWandJWBlog Yes! Totally used to do the same thing! It was the way I would unwind. After #3 things shifted for me and that time isnt there.
@CWandJWBlog For now at least. I also still don't find time to regularly shower still lol. #reallife #motherhood
@discoveryparent Something has to shift right? I was able to blog a lot more before #3. That is when things shifted a lot for me.
@CWandJWBlog At least those first few months you can do a lot with a tiny baby napping on you or next to you!
So kid #1 is at bike camp. Kid #2 is at preschool. I've got just baby #3 and it feels so good! Sipping coffee and playing. #livingthelife
@alexishinde That can be my excuse today too lol!
This is so annoying. Move your car!!! https://t.co/CpkTj6u1yf
@cheeriodiaries Sounds like a hard day Andria! Probably not made easier if you weren't feeling 100%.
Sigh. Oh, Vancouver. https://t.co/oxbBTBKBDn
@hillarywith2Ls I know. I did too. So incredibly sad and devastating.
Feeling pretty excited to be a 2017 Ambassador for @HealthyFamExpo! Looking forward to all the fun ahead. #healthylife
@jonniker awe man!!
DOH!! My baby pressed a button on my husbands home server and boom... everything was done. Including my blog. Oops!
@marepants Exactly. There would be big change when things are so tight and unavailable.
@peekaboobeans I got stopped by 2 teams as my girl was wearing her PB at the park!
We accidentally ended up being part of a scavenger hunt for @peekaboobeans stylists today. https://t.co/RRuN7D4Bc3
@VanVitaminDaily @GetKabuni @HethPR @kimcrawfordwine That is my favourite wine!!
What an amazing human she is! https://t.co/DXiZIdufA3
Butterfly fun this afternoon with a community butterfly tea. Worth the hour drive out of the… https://t.co/l04A1Z3Rp4
Had an awkward text with our temporary nanny asking if she could come 4 hours later to her shift tomorrow..and to please not tell the agency
Not so cool on your 3rd shift to ask to change hours when they were set a month ago.
@howetolove Every baby is different! Almost better if it is your first that doesn't sleep through the night!
@VONBONapparel Where is the new space located?
@RebeccaMichi 2-3-4 worked excellent for us!
Happy Birthday to our favourite candy shop! You have been a great addition to our hood!… https://t.co/5mSlC96f30
I know there has been an abundance of new baby Vancouverites lately. I am ready to meet more of you newbies tomorrow! #maternitynurse
All I really hope going into a shift is 1)No dramatic emergencies right at the start and 2)there is a coffee/pee break. #maternitynurse
Big kids are wanting to do a lemonade stand this weekend. City style along the seawall. Any tips from parents who have been there, done that
Very excited to be celebrating my birthday at the @willowstream Spa at @FairmontPacific! Cannot wait!! #treatyoself
Had some good LOL moments at last nights advanced screening of @BadMoms. I wish my PTA meetings were like the party one in the movie.
Pretty proud of herself. Checking out the things her big siblings get to do. #thirdbaby… https://t.co/MdHaiXuw4b
So proud of these two! They raised $100 selling lemonade along the seawall tonight! 100% of the… https://t.co/0wFgwzozJ9
Yum! A waffle bar definitely gets my vote! Especially when you can pick tasty toppings to go… https://t.co/cHGErmjoDz
Hey @FSWhistler do you have strollers for families to use? We check in tomorrow and will need one!
@FSWhistler This is fantastic! Thanks for checking into it. We are very excited for our return visit!
Just used @SajeWellness refresh oil on a cloth and shined up the bathroom faucets. So shiny and smells SO good!!
Well the weather looks kind of meh out there...we are still excited to head to Whistler for the week. #familytime
She is totally my daughter. First thing she wanted to do at the hotel was make a Nespresso and… https://t.co/EbvOWWRd1z
Pool time!!! Totally not pool weather but when you're on holiday taking a dip just feels so… https://t.co/vs57brCNbT
@FSWhistler Do I just ask the concierge for the stroller? We are here and ready to roll!
Sharing 5 Reasons To Visit @FortLangleyNHS on the blog today! https://t.co/Ybd13o8kLr #explorebc #frugalfamilyfun #Vancouver
Still giggling at this photo of my 4 y.o daughter and 3 y.o niece carrying these packs at Fort Langley last week. https://t.co/G0h4ZMMkkv
@GoWhistler Thank you! We are here and so excited!
Very excited to try out @alta_bistro tonight! Birthday celebrations with the husband continue. Kids are having fun with the hotel babysitter
@OceanScented @alta_bistro It was fantastic! Ate way too much lol
@OceanScented @alta_bistro We did! We did a chefs tasting menu and that was the first thing. Delicious!
@alliespins loved it!! It was so well done!
Thank you to the great staff who hunted us down tonight so the kids could pick a stuffed animal… https://t.co/Kf957VFD9o
Watched the weirdest movie last night in the hotel. 'The Boy'. To be honest, I'm kind of surprised we watched it lol.
@VONBONapparel Im liking the colours that I see!!
@discoveryparent @StarbucksCanada @Starbucks I'm guessing same caffeine amount with less milk (for whatever reason!).
@theonecrazykid We had such a great time! Back to reality already over here but living on the memories!
When you need a vacation from your vacation 😂👌ðŸ»ðŸ˜#postholidayblues #napsohard #vacation #sleep… https://t.co/wyeWFTdNp8
Just your usual afternoon dress up antics! This is a Wolf hybrid 😂 • • • • #picoftheday… https://t.co/Ifb2mqcMFW
Worked hard. Shift work is getting harder the older I get! Need more time to recover from night shifts. #nurselife
Tomorrow I am taking my 3 kids and going to Victoria to visit my family. Should be a good adventure peppered with stops for coffee ;)
@cheeriodiaries me!!
Blogging about my experience at the @willowstream spa in Vancouver. https://t.co/JsTi4GzmAO #vancity #blogger #willowstreamspa
@jillianharris Only 4-6% of babies arrive on their 'due date'! Sounds like he was right on time! Congrats! #babylove
So my working mama brain is fuzzy after night shifts. Took the 3 kids out of town. Forgot to pack the babies pyjamas. We will survive.
@alliespins LOL good one!
@CindyandJana Yes! And more common for subsequent babies if your first had it.
@Mamaofabean Self care lady! I hear you! Slowly slowly it returns. Good for you!
Today I'm asking, 'Should you have a baby shower for baby #2?' Find out what my answer is. https://t.co/EmIf4Ey6Qz #babyshower #blogger
Very excited to pick up my 'Get Well' gift box from @TaraMcHughFlora. Bringing it from Victoria to a special nurse friend in Vancouver.
Give-away time!! https://t.co/BdyKJCGYxR
Looking for ideas for my son's upcoming 8th birthday party! Anyone in Vancouver have some great insight? Active. Fun. Something kind of cool
Is it legit to have a baby shower for baby #2? New blog post: https://t.co/EmIf4Ey6Qz Tell me your two cents #blogging #baby #babyshower
@FearNoFood Sounds so creative! I love this!
@Juliabug @4CatsArt We love 4 Cats! I'm hoping for a physical keep them moving party. 8 year old boys are something else ;)
@loving_littles He loves all of those things too! One of them will for sure be incorporated into the party.
Hey #Yaletown parents. If your toddler loves @lc_organics as much as mine does, @urbanfare has the BEST price in the city. $1.29 per pouch.
Oh sweet girl! We had a busy night with lots of wake ups and teething sadness. She's looking… https://t.co/7RcXExEg3J
This afternoon I decided to make the most of these remaining summer days and off we went to the… https://t.co/UAT2RvcMKi
My biggest parenting hack for when things are feeling overwhelming is here: https://t.co/CzEvvqfmjK #parenting #blogger #momof3
@Providence_Hlth @VCHhealthcare @InsiteVan I love this whole concept but I'm feeling frustrated with all the drug paraphernalia I find.
@Providence_Hlth @VCHhealthcare @InsiteVan Is there a better way to keep old sharps, empty vials of water, etc back to where they started?
@VCHhealthcare @Providence_Hlth @InsiteVan Definitely do call. See them at least every other day while walking with my kids in Yaletown.
Love looking out my window and seeing all the people on their @mobi_bikes cruising the seawall!
@hillarywith2Ls Poppy sounds just like my first baby. It's exhausting. I feel your pain.
Great post topic Kelly! I am in the same boat as you! https://t.co/eY32SiuHEx
@hillarywith2Ls My boy was so high needs and fussy. It was a shock. I had no ideas babies could even be like him.
There is a slipper slope in friendship when your friends start selling stuff. Anyone else have this experience?
I know I can't be alone here. From makeup to wraps, kids clothing to skin creams. It's all too much sometimes.
I swear one friend only contacts me just before she needs to meet a sales goal.
@zainabsmom Yes exactly. Uncomfortable. There is just so many friends selling stuff now!
My maternity OB brain can't help but see 'work' here in this image 😂🙈🤔 Can anyone make a guess… https://t.co/Q7kx4GAcUx
@emikatj Totally. This exactly! I get what networking is but sometimes I hate that friendship is the audience.
@howetolove Exactly why I HATE when people say, 'My 6 month old is wearing 12 month clothes'. 1)Who care and 2)Everything fits different
Does any Vancouverite know if Grandview Lanes Bowling is wheelchair accessible? #Vancouver #BCDisability
I took dinner outside tonight. A little more fresh air and a little less crumbs to sweep up post… https://t.co/IYX2fASktI
@BobsandLoLo @OptikLocal lol I love this!!
Last night I was playing with my 4 year old and she jumped and sat on my knee. Needless to say, woke up and can't walk. Am getting old.
@carolynleanne @CartersOshkosh We love Carters!
Hooray for napping toddlers!! Had a little giggle when I went and checked on her and realized I… https://t.co/jst419ixOn
Looking for a custom Pokemon birthday cake for my favourite boy. Any ideas for fabulous local bakers? #Vancouver #Vancity #birthday
Feeling excited about our Pokemon bowling party! I like a party that has an activity so this is perfect. Plus..not in our home lol
@discoveryparent @HondaCanada @HondaCanada Yes! I love that!
@pieholevan @PigsFlyPastries That means a lot coming from my favourite Vancouver pie baker!
Good morning Vancity! I'm off to meet some fresh new Vancouverites but first lets breathe in… https://t.co/63OVSTaccZ
I find it kind of eye rolling when people give expert tips on babies when they have a few week old baby. Sorry. Parent yes. Expert no.
Also, your baby's personality totally plays into your own experience. If you're a 1st time parent with a mild personality baby you...
will have a totally different experience than a parent with a high needs baby
@bearca Yes!! The honeymoon phase.
@helen_engelgray Yes! My first was high needs and NO easy baby advice would even touch him. I thought I was doing it wrong but it was just..
@helen_engelgray his temperament and personality. I learned that too late.
Mamas, if you read blogs and sleep books and the advice does NOT work for you, you might just not have that kind of baby.
@racheljonat When I had #2 I couldn't believe how different the experience was! #1 just threw me into the fire of parenting. I did survive!!
It's almost back to school! One more week to go but we are in prep mode over here. Which means a… https://t.co/NzNtoM8RJw
@vancouver_mom Thanks for the RT. 3 babies and they've all been different! High needs babies don't respond the same was a 'text book' baby.
@CindyandJana Love this and a big yes! #normalizebreastfeeding
You guys! Past Andrea from 2 months ago booked an early AM appt and I seriously got so much stuff done before it was even 11 AM.
Big difference from yesterday. A little sneak peek with photos of yesterday. https://t.co/7gi4JIvo2o #blogger https://t.co/HgTIzsoEBR
@emikatj lol I hate that!! but tomorrow is really FRIDAY!
@howetolove and you are officially the best wife
@emikatj I know! It's so funny to see actually! The other two are like their dad for sure!
@emikatj Okay. Right? I know! It sometimes weirds me out how impressive genetics can be!
There were three in the bed and the little one said... https://t.co/ueeIcVpuZ0
@discoveryparent is there two parents or just you and the girls traveling?
@discoveryparent You will do great!
@CindyandJana Yes! So frequently they doubt their supply or don't have the info on how supply works.
@carolynleanne @TimHortons YUM! Looks delicious!
@Latteguru LOL OMG yes!! Seriously. Come on now.
Spent the day helping a mama labour while my oldest went off to his first day of grade 3.
Good thing my hubby has a flexible job and was able to bike to school and be there for him.
Rainy afternoons spent at the tea shop chit chatting with your bestie 💖 https://t.co/gLhajgrrg1
How to know your neighbour is a jerk: You find they locked your kids locked up bike to their bike in protest of using a communal spot.
So, this is how life works. When there is no assigned spots. It is first come first served. Even if you had previously been in a spot.
Locking up a kids bike to your bike in protest is just lame and made us late for our bike ride to school. Not cool neighbour.
@mrsjenryan Fantastic! Love my job!
@discoveryparent Upsetting discovery for sure.
@jkossowan I know!
Pokemon invites picked up. Pokemon everything arranged and ready. Seems like a perfect birthday plans for my 8 y.o ;) #pokemon
Picking up a special birthday cake before we fetch the birthday boy from school and this girl… https://t.co/SNdN50xRaW
@racheljonat Thanks for the book drop off! It looks amazing and I can't wait to start it!
A moment to myself. I had an hour where I could do whatever I wanted. For ME! I picked out some… https://t.co/8pkmiT2fGu
@howetolove My #3 is still not wanting to independently walk at 16 months. Big kids walked by 12 months. Im savouring these days lol
@JamieKhau @peekaboobeans Love Peekaboo Beans! All 3 of mine love wearing these clothes!
What kind of baby did you have? Text book, easy, high needs? I think I have had one of each.
Sharing my thoughts about parenting a high needs baby over on the blog. https://t.co/Gr8QCscqLR #attachmentparenting #blogger #drsears
@Violetsouffle I have seen him on your Insta and Oh Wow he is so babylicious!
So Monday is going pretty A OK. We decided on screen free school mornings and it is going well. #BackToSchool
If you don't follow Codi yet you should! Plus fab giveaway going on! https://t.co/YPG7yJtOnt
@racheljonat Thanks so much Rachel. The things we learn by trial and error hey! #parenting
Hey @BRANDFX we got a box filled delivered to us with delicious tasty @Martins_Chips and we LOVE them!
Taking the time while the littlest naps and the biggest is still at school to read… https://t.co/NLn0UKpEMZ
Birthday party prep is underway for our awesome Pokemon Bowling Party. Totally going for low… https://t.co/GBKGPTp1tV
@5and1 WOW not the service that makes you want to come back!
Apparently today is the world's most popular birthday. Explains A LOT about work the last 2 nights. Holy babies and WOW I am so exhausted.
@JamieKhau HA! Caught myself saying that to my oldest yesterday and reminding myself that it didnt work lol
@emikatj Oh yes! I have a September baby too! Not the 16th but close! lol
One thing about parenting that I love is watching my kids learn new things and their confidence… https://t.co/1xsEH2q4KO
@kelsey_bar lol I love this pic!
PHEW! Weekend fun has been amazing but now I need a rest! Birthday party and aquarium made for a memorable weekend for sure!
Recommend this baby app! #nurseadvice https://t.co/7VviVZTEiA
This is pretty much the life! Sunday afternoon snuggles after a busy weekend of fun. Motherhood… https://t.co/8CwYFlYyzb
Learning as I go Hosting a birthday party for my big kid was a totally different game than when he was tiny https://t.co/1lxYrWatNx #blogger
It turns out that all the Pinterest shots and amazingly cute themed cake is best for the under five crowd. 8 year old boys just don't care.
Lesson: know your audience lol
My 'baby' is 17 months old and I still nurse her to sleep. I wouldn't change it. When I work or am out she goes to sleep just fine for....
other people who are putting her to bed. It's kind of 'our thing' and I know there is an end date so I don't feel rushed. #momof3
@loving_littles Yeah CONGRATS! All of you look so happy and full of love!
For the late night party crew! 8 year olds just want to have fun and eat chips. https://t.co/1lxYrVSSVZ #bloggers#b… https://t.co/UyUpNuecSL
Just put on some good ol' Dolly Parton and my 8 y.o does a 'yes!' and starts singing along with Jolene.
@SandraNomoto @YogiboCanada Thanks Sandra!
@RaisingJandA lol been there!
We went last year and this was so much fun! https://t.co/FGZW8iOri3
Yes! See this A LOT. People want a quick fix and tend to think antibiotics are the only way to go. #nurse https://t.co/JshGGM1b1M
@CWandJWBlog I was the same when my third was tiny. I think I saw 1 AM more often than not. Hard to shut down sometimes.
Thanks for sharing! It's definitely lonely when you're parenting a high needs baby! #parenting #PURPLECrying https://t.co/10qLV0CkQN
@CanadianKelli Oh my goodness! That would be a shock to hear!
@cbcnewsbc Interesting story! I'd love to hear more about the owners and why it is vacant.
@SGrochowski3 You look absolutely blooming!! Much harder to feel not so great when there are kids at home! My last pregnancy was my hardest.
Okay! I need some dinner inspiration for tonight. What are you cooking for your family? #dinnertime #itsnotevenlunchandImplanningdinner.
@emikatj Smart woman!!
@SGrochowski3 Hope you can do some horizontal parenting and catch your breath!
Facts about me: Im a RN. Mum to 3 kids. I'm also a type 1 diabetic and sometimes balancing ALL of that can be tricky https://t.co/LvG1Q1OuUx
@DiabetesAssoc A blog post about type 1 diabetes and how managing it changes with motherhood.https://t.co/LvG1Q1OuUx
@vanaqua WOW! My 8 year old would love to attend this! Looking into it! Thanks!
Getting ready to work a 12+ hour shift tomorrow makes me into crazy mom. Organized. Ready. Rested? No, but let's do it! #nurse #mother
I only 'just' learned the term 'diabuddy' from a girl at work with my same name and same disease. #type1diabetes doesn't discriminate!
No family history. No big risk factors. Yet, at 19 years old I was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic. My body just stopped making insulin.
Any other mamas out there with #type1diabetes? It's a hard gig. Hard enough to do the mother thing with lack of sleep + constant kid needs
and then have to take time to care for your chronic illness. Whoa!! #diabetes #blogger #type1diabetes
I'll be there! So excited!! https://t.co/Ul4xpcdYGb
@LuluBWines @Titchicat @sunshinekid10 @ShadowDogDesign GAH!! The photo attached with your chit chat makes me want to run!
When the littlest is just born knowing the art of weekend lounging ☺ï¸ðŸ˜œðŸ™Œ https://t.co/KOV62mgMwb
PHEW! The sales people in @NordstromVAN kids section were so in your face today. If you say you are fine don't keep trying your sales pitch
I love to browse and if I say 'Im good thanks!' coming back to make sales chit chat is actually just really annoying and a put off.
YOU GUYS!! Without getting into details. I got to be the nurse at a friends birthday yesterday and was totally misty eyed!! #nurse#babylover
Someone is beyond tickled to be Max from The Secret Life Of Pets for Halloween. Her little sis… https://t.co/L98lEeSs12
I totally bought salad rolls with peanut sauce to eat when I woke up post night shift...however, all I wanted was coffee and banana bread.
Clearly night shifts are bad for you
I had an awkward interaction with a fellow nurse as I was leaving my night shift and it has been bugging me all day. #nurselife
@LittleLeafAsh We have a 1200 sqf condo and we LOVE our robot vacuum. In fact it is closed off in the bathroom right now. #livingthelife
Thanks for sharing my birthday party post @HealthyFamExpo #partyplans https://t.co/D1qkHUCA02
I can't wait to see this!! https://t.co/FRS9W2Bev1
@CWandJWBlog @Mushybooks Good for you! I always say 'our poor third baby' cause she has gotten left out on a lot of those sweet baby things.
I forgot how much fun toddlers can be! You'd think by the 3rd one I'd be all like 'Finally! So much fun! Cute and hilarious'.
...but every time it's a total surprise. Things you forget! #toddlers
Okay. Never mind. Forget the last two tweets. Tiny toddler turned into Tiny Dictator. LOL
Today I will be supporting this holiday. Mainly because teething toddler had me doing musical beds and lots of nigh… https://t.co/tpTsUZeKrv
Oh hey Fall! Feeling the need for sweater weather and warm drinks. Love this time of crispness… https://t.co/ojuGw9rcUN
Thanks for sharing my experience! #type1diabetes https://t.co/Nbl57oQKtE
Saturday morning baking at grandma's house! The kids picked ginger snaps to bake and they're… https://t.co/cxXqW3nXv3
Fierce!!! Playing party games at my nephew's 9th birthday. Theme: Plants vs. Zombies. Game: Wrap… https://t.co/Aeew5YukML
Hey @CWandJWBlog I sent you a message a few days back. Did you get it?
Tongue/Lip tie seems to be talked a lot more these days. Here's our experience: https://t.co/3XT5Rs6xVW #nurse #tonguetie #breastfeeding
@sarahbessey too funny Sarah!
Excited about this big box that arrived from @tommeetippee! Looking forward to mixing my mama knowledge and nurse k… https://t.co/KPPFyR9g11
Excited to share a guest blog post by @hillarywith2Ls in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week!… https://t.co/0k8tiuiEhP
How long did you nurse your baby for? Did you set a goal or just kept going? #breastfeeding #worldbreastfeedingweek #canadianblogger
@sarashka My 2nd was similar. She just kept going but then I got pregnant with #3 and was so sick that I had to stop!
@jencloss Wow! Amazing!!
Hey Canada! Let's try hard not to say 'Canadian Thanksgiving' this year. When our neighbours celebrate they don't say' US Thanksgiving.
Let's just say 'Happy Thanksgiving!' and let other people figure out that other countries do things differently than they do.
@Nurse_Scarlett haha. I hear you!
Today my 4 y.o kept shouting 'PUMPKIN CORE!!' and I totally heard something quite different.
@cheeriodiaries This is a great reason to use a breast pump!
@hillarywith2Ls shares her breastfeeding story. What's yours? https://t.co/4fX9WYDniq #blogger #breastfeeding #WorldBreastfeedingWeek
Vancouver mamas, if you're feeling like you need a break...book tickets to The Motherload at the Cultch, Recommend for the recharge you need
Thank you @vancouver_mom for the chance to see this play! It was seriously great to see so many other Vancouver mamas there!
Mamas and bloggers celebrating World Breastfeeding Week in Canada with some amazing guest posts! We have Andria from @cheeriodiaries up next
Inspiring guest post by Vancouver blogger @cheeriodiaries and a letter to her younger self on her amazing boobs!… https://t.co/tXKxGznjyr
After two night shifts helping mamas have babies my body is aching and sore. That's the real life part of my job that I take home with me.
Holding up legs so mamas can push and holding their whole bodies up when they can't go on...gives me my own body aches on my day off. #nurse
Currently bemoaning major hip pain and shoulder pain while sipping coffee and trying to play with my big kids. #nurse
@CindyandJana @PeggyOM Unfortunately as a Canadian HCP I am not able to tell my families about co sleeping/bed sharing.
@CindyandJana @PeggyOM Only room sharing for safe sleep and 'in a crib with nothing else'. Have to stick to 'the script' unfortunately.
@CindyandJana @PeggyOM Unfortunately we aren't even allowed to talk about safe bed sharing. Just Canadian Pediatric guidelines.
Okay @Rogers your on line support is super disappointing!! The agent was slow and then ended the chat for no reason.
Just trying to pay my bill but @Rogers doesnt make it very easy.
Insomnia post night shifts sucks greatly and even more when you have young kids. #nurselife
We made a BIG change in our home. We banned ALL screens in the mornings. This is what happened: https://t.co/Hw7CG2PG2X #blogger #parenting
Its raining so no one in downtown Vancouver knows how to drive. Never fails. #dangerousdriving #Vancity
@HealthyFamExpo Great list! Let's hope the rain slows and we can all get to the pumpkin patch!
Great list of pumpkin patches for Vancouver! https://t.co/ueAtZGb6hI
These kids earned their diploma tonight at Broomelda's Haunted Witch Academy. Thanks… https://t.co/kPzGdzSXWV
Totally enjoyed our flight with @FlyOverCanada and their Halloween themed event. My 4 y.o kept whispering, 'is this real mum?'. Adorable.
The brake on my @UPPAbaby Vista has stopped working. Major safety concern. Any info on how to fix would be appreciated. #blogger #uppababy
We love our @UPPAbaby and I really hope the brake can be repaired or is an easy fix. #strollers #uppababy
Shared this duo with my beer loving hubby. He's a bit of a beer snob when it comes down to it.… https://t.co/ZqlcBYY2Bk
@hillarywith2Ls @UPPAbaby I hope so! We've been a fan since '08 and this is our second Vista. Waiting for a response. Hope it is an easy fix
My kids want to make the apple teeth snack! https://t.co/HGzuMe5xR4
One day your first baby will go off to school and you'll wonder how it went by so fast. Those… https://t.co/4p2O4yzrer
Time to stock up! https://t.co/99K6SdQu7O
@CindyandJana YES!!!! This one so much!!! Understand normal variances before thinking something is wrong!
I wasn't planning to be a minimalist mama raising my family in an apartment. Here I am and we are thriving!… https://t.co/Pqt8UXodlq
@seenielsen My favourite wine!
Oh man. Working shift work is making it such a challenge to find GOOD child care for my kids. Such an extra stress on top of it all.
@RheaWheeler8 Yes! Almost think it'd be easier if I was full time. Part time shift work is great for family life but hard for childcare
@Nurse_Scarlett Ahh!! What was it?!
At #momsbrunchclub with Dr Justyna talking colic and teething. Two things I know a lot about!
Would you try this? Warming socks to boost your immune system. #momsbrunchclub https://t.co/NXAmdbEv9I
Oh teething! Third baby and she's my trickiest teether! Love that these camilia drops are in ready to go packages.… https://t.co/MldmctZN9a
@sarashka Pretty sure I won't be either! Had you heard of it before? I just did today for the first time.
@Hobo_Mama How special!!
Post night and this mum is all 'ugh where's the coffee?'.
@KoalaMomBlog talks fashion and breastfeeding. Two things that CAN go together! https://t.co/7MiYeAWmeH
@carolynleanne No! Totally do it! Even on the down low ;)
@jenquattrucci Looking fabulous! Love the colours you combined!
These two sisters adore taking a bath together. Especially when it's in my tub and with a little… https://t.co/DB1Qaqn1Um
We were out of coffee beans this morning, which was a total devastation 😩 So, after we dropped… https://t.co/45XsWh7dWW
@Violetsouffle I think our 'babies' are the same age but they look so different lol. You've got the super chunks and I've got my lil' tiny!
@michaelkwan Thanks for the mention!
@CindyandJana Love this! I totally agree that is better to teach safe bed sharing than saying 'don't do it!'. Be realistic and be safe.
I'm all about SAFE bed sharing. Planned bed sharing where the sleep environment is purposefully set up for baby. https://t.co/sXjjyPXGxs
This new mama is missing and she may have post partum depression. Let's be her village and help find her. https://t.co/Zz1059qh94
Going through convertible car seat reviews and feeling lost! So many reports. So many reviews! I'm lost on what to buy. #carseattalk
@harrietglynn I feel the same. I feel unsettled being all cozy in my bed with little Lizzy curled up next to me and this mama is missing
@Mamaofabean It's so overwhelming to search through car seat reviews on line! So many opinions and I pick something and then read a review!
@racheljonat Yes! I keep reading ALL the reviews and it gets to be a lot of information.
I've had my heart and eyes opened extra wide today as I walked around the city and seawall. Looking for a glimpse o… https://t.co/3T6Y9BPqxL
Yum! Looks like a perfect tea time Tazim! https://t.co/6eb1evaIPz
I've got 2 tickets to giveaway to @circlecraft Christmas Market! I love going here each year. Enter here: https://t.co/uOj3oJhLbf #giveaway
Yeah! My @peekaboobeans arrived and the kids were excited to try them on. Not sure who loves them more, me or them!
Obsessively checking my 'latest news' for updates on Florence Leung. Missing mom of a 2 month old with post partum… https://t.co/bxFd5cnYiu
Is it too late to say that I'm Sorry? What happens when you leave your toddler alone for 20… https://t.co/zW4Ozk0bEU
Anyone sitting at home daydreaming about the upcoming Holidays? Anyone? ;) This is for you: https://t.co/uOj3oJhLbf #Vancouver #Giveaway
After a rainy day spent inside day these kids were bursting with energy. Which led to some… https://t.co/cYtMfnstCE
Nothing like a 1 AM fire alarm to bond you and your neighbours. Well, the 1% of people that actually leave when the fire alarm goes off.
Night shift rambles.: Nurse shoes and macarons. Taking the night shift one sip of coffee at a… https://t.co/RT1sD9HvEX
Who likes to get a head start on their Christmas cards?! It's me. Totally me. Giveaway with @cheeriodiaries and… https://t.co/t5IOcyuj5E
It's your last day to win tickets to this years @circlecraft Christmas Market! Easy entry on the blog: https://t.co/uOj3oJhLbf #giveaway
Looking forward to finding ornaments at @circlecraft Christmas Market this year. I love buying friend's babies their first ornament.
Hoping for dry clear skies today! Need to do some outside photos for a blog post. It's been raining so much that it hasn't been possible.
I had to do a literal LOL reading an email sharing 'Great stocking stuffer ideas!!' - anti nausea meds, toothpaste, vitamins. Sorry. No.
Getting our smoothie fix while we run some errands. Feeling ever so thankful for the break in… https://t.co/ZtGv6v4g9o
@SGrochowski3 Oh man!! I feel ya mama!! I had Hyperemesis with my third and it was seriously so exhausting and hard.
Hooray! There is sunshine!! Quickly heading outside to do some belated photos for the blog.
Feeling extra frustrated with child care issues. Apparently finding your own Mary Poppins is like a needle in a hay stack.
@racheljonat My schedule is so all over being a part time shift worker. I need a nanny like 5 times a month!! We had the same nanny for...
@racheljonat for 3 years as the other family was able to work around my 5 days that I needed her...but now they need her more so..
@racheljonat I was using Nannies On Call but have been having too many misses with them. Feeling kind of frustrated!
@racheljonat Thinking once #2 is in K maybe we'll go back to the original home day care we used back with kid #1. Lots of balancing for sure
Well Vancouver, it was nice and dry today! Even though there's a chill and crispness in the air… https://t.co/Ff9W1cAQOA
I've got a fabulous giveaway for all you mamas that love to put your kids in awesome clothing! Think Danish design… https://t.co/7aekIXyCh7
Hop on over to the blog to enter to win $$ to spend at @WheatCanada! https://t.co/4WH2piqiC7 #blogger #giveaway
@VONBONapparel @erinireland It's such a great pic!!
@discoveryparent @maplelea Wow! That is a pretty awesome Canadiana outfit!!
@VONBONapparel @erinireland Couldn't agree more!
Starting the day off right with a french press and a massage.
Oh wow @kimcrawfordwine the new bottle definitely is eye catching! Loving the new holiday bottle! #winelover https://t.co/FPjOw2B5IM
@houseofjoanne @kimcrawfordwine Oh it is so delicious! Even if you aren't a wine drinker! Also a fab gift to give!
@Kateskate604 A great festive touch hey?
Feeling thankful for today! Somehow my 3 kids actually slept in, even with the time change. #itsachristmasmiracle
Don't worry. I'm not totally smug. Back when #1 was little we were those parents up at 4:50 AM after the time change.
Night shifts mean Im always planning ahead, writing lists, organizing. Already planning for Tuesday. as night shift swallows you up!
@jenwilsonca EW! No! That is not right.
Dear Coffee, I love you. Let's always be friends. xoxo Andrea Post night shifts and there's… https://t.co/QSbwGYjKby
Today is going to be a good day!
Picked up some fun things at @circlecraft Christmas Market today! I'm aiming to buy at least 80% small businnes/locally made this year.
I don't do this very frequently but when I make it happen it's amazing and everyone reaps the benefit! https://t.co/jPf0YO1NpS #blogger
Today's finds at circlecraft Christmas Market! Excited to try out these reusable beeswax food… https://t.co/tnfkV0eLlI
@racheljonat It was great! Thanks :)
Received my new @UPPAbaby Vista replacement frame. Thanks @UPPAbaby for good customer service. Safety issue resolved. Back to strolling!
Friday night dinner date with friends who also happen to have three kids! The best bread basket… https://t.co/Yq0K5g4fVQ
@GaineySuites We are thinking about staying with you next week. Have heard good things. Do you know the nearest car rental to you?
Growing up I had the best possible dad to raise us three daughters and I definitely looked for… https://t.co/yGohKv7VZz
Time for some shopping! https://t.co/qtsFDoMpsk
@HealthyFamExpo @yogibobags @kidsdirectory I am loving these bean bag chairs!
This Christmas I really want to focus on buying 80% locally made/small business products. I leave a little room for all things Paw Patrol.
What are your favourite small business shops to buy from? #Vancouver #Etsy #Christmas
@thevanblog Ooh these are good picks!
Feeling a range of emotions upon hearing that Florence Leung's body was found. #postpartumdepression #florenceleung
@NurseNerdy Yes. I feel upset to think that she must've felt so incredibly alone and unable to go on.
@beecomms Sometimes I think I've totally got it down and then other times I am so wiped out I don't know if Im coming or going!
@CindyandJana @BreastfeedingT1 YES! Love to teach hand expression for that exact reason! Plus, it doesn't cost you anything.
Hey baby, there's something on your face! My hubby has been into making smoothies for our three… https://t.co/jvQ8NioVqB
Got up for my third 12 hour day shift. Stumbling around in the dark to make coffee and my hubby decides its prime time to try to scare me
Like a good old fashion unsuspecting BOO from a naked man standing in the dark in a corner.
I'm not sure if I should laugh or give him a big scaredy cat wack cause he legit freaked me out. PS. Woke up all 3 kids with my screaming
@WestJet there needs to be better info for baby wearing parents on board. Your attendants all have confusing differ… https://t.co/BntjXPp8Ir
One attendant says sleeping toddler in a carrier is fine, next says the whole carrier must be off. Very confusing! @WestJet
Sunny morning in Scottsdale! Thinking of checking out the Phoenix Children's Museum. #scottsdale https://t.co/qdWlsnuuZv
Vacations are a bit different than they were pre kids! There are park stops and playground… https://t.co/EQOsUnkUzJ
This girl has fallen in love with horses! We get to ride them once a year at our family's home… https://t.co/brp7Pg4Qfa
Kind of impressed that we travelled as a family of 5 for five nights and only did carry on. Checked 2 car seats and didn't bring a stroller
We have a carrier we brought and use. Portable for naps on the go!
We did it! 5 people and 5 nights away. All carry on and no checked luggage. https://t.co/GkAG2LsTFm #blogger #travel #familytravel
'Don't worry little sis, I've got you!' There sure is something special about sisterhood.… https://t.co/7SZi0bf42q
Today my 3 kids and I had to witness a disgusting name calling battle between 2 grown women at the Phoenix airport. I cannot believe the...
immature and rude words that came out of 2 grown womens mouths. It was embarrassing and so unbelievably inappropriate.
However,it was more amazing that the other grown adults just stood around and either started or LAUGHED. Sorry. NO. I most definitely...
..I most definitely interjected and was that person to alert security. Sorry. Not sorry.
Also, on a totally small research sample over a totally unscientific experiment. I've never witnessed so many racists interactions as I did
On our families trip to Arizona. How? What? Why? How does racism still exist? Blows my mind!
@smamela So proud of you!
On our trip back home we forgot our baby carrier at someone's house. A huge oops! Traveled in the airport without. https://t.co/GkAG2LsTFm
What is the best airline to use for YVR to Maui? #Vancouver #travel I've used @WestJet in the past. Curious about options.
@tristapeterson_ @ShopPinkBlush YOU look gorgeous!
So many great family activities to do this Christmas season! https://t.co/HCBMJ2kJew
Who is going to the media event for the @VanChristmas? @discoveryparent @cheeriodiaries @carolynleanne
@cheeriodiaries Technically separate events but right next to each other! Are you going?
@cheeriodiaries Oh yes! Sounded like last week was a bit dreadful of an opener. This one is a repeat media night. Looking forward to it!
@cheeriodiaries Same night as the Flyover media night. I've heard the Christmas Market media night is so family friendly. Bring it on!
@cheeriodiaries This is a different PR company. Not the group we are working with on FB. Hoping to see some familiar faces!
@carolynleanne @VanChristmas @discoveryparent @cheeriodiaries @DisneylandToday Of course you are LOL!!! Fun!
@discoveryparent @FlyOverCanada Yeah! Hope to see you there!
@JamieKhau @PurdysChocolate Such a great mail delivery!!
@lisa_lu_ Right? I saw it so much. So bold and full of hate.
Tuesday morning bubble baths with Peppa Pig and his family 💦ðŸ–💖 My hubby did the morning school… https://t.co/z5a0RmZiEF
@pieholevan I might have to make my husband's pie dreams come true lol!
Do you enjoy sending out Christmas cards or is it a thing of the past? New post: https://t.co/ZXmZ2NlGJC PS. I LOVE paper cards #blogger
Sending out paper cards is one tradition I plan to keep. Curious if you are also keeping this tradition or cutting costs and forgoing?
@LisaSchwartz05 Love it!! I just ordered some on line. Cant wait for their arrival and to post them off.
@DShenelle haha!! I feel you! I am usually last minute and unsure if my cards will make it to their destination if not local.
Mamas of boys that are over 7. What are the coveted toys? I feel stuck. Im great with babies and little girls but big boys I feel lost!
@scatteredmom Yes! Looking for some fun science stuff. My 8 y.o boy loves experiments. Thanks!
Tell me! What is your favourite sugar cookie recipe? Link me up! #baking #marthastewart #sugarcookies #tistheseason
@harrietglynn My favourite!
Tried my first Glühwein tonight at the @VanChristmas Market. I think I'll head back with my hubby but sans kids. https://t.co/4R1KQw0kGM
Downstairs neighbour complained I was pouring water off my patio and ruining his patio. Turns out it was just RAIN. Because IT'S RAINING.
She woke up from her nap and was totally blown away by the fact that our Christmas tree was up… https://t.co/L9SPVwTR9O
@tamarataggart @LifeLabs I always wait and wait too. I think it's a non efficient system. The lab techs also do all the desk work.
Hooray for a snow day in the city! We ran outside this morning to catch as many snowflakes as we… https://t.co/tDhs0JCB9N
@JamieKhau Congrats on being part of Project Gratitude!
Snow in downtown Vancouver? Feels like a rarity and so we made sure to make use of each and every flake! https://t.co/lWBwduB65p #YVRblogger
Tomorrow I am getting a private tour of BCWH milk bank! Do you have any questions about Vancouver's milk bank? #breastfeeding #donormilk
I'm feeling quite excited to tour the behind the scenes! I'm definitely interested in the process of pasteurization that takes place....
and to hear more about the donors! Wow! They are amazing mamas. The time, cost and energy. #donormilk #bcwhmilkbank
Oh what a great day! It wasn't an easy day but I know for sure my kids loved every moment of our… https://t.co/sqtX4TkrXU
Have you ever thought about pumping and donating milk for BC's provincial milk bank? #pumpingmamas #vancouver #donormilk #BCWHmilkbank
I was moved today when I saw a donation that a mama made. 2 huge bags of individual milk bags full! How many babies will benefit? SO MANY!
If you live in BC and considered donating your pumped milk, here are some FAQ: https://t.co/eyjXKM2YJc #BCWHmilkbank #donormilk
Brrr!!! â„ï¸â„ï¸â„ï¸It sure was a cold morning over here! We literally hustled and bustled to get the… https://t.co/TMN4cXzPIa
@howetolove What kind of shit are they dishing out?
What? This is a real toy? https://t.co/RFJB6dCkCn My Poopin' Pet.
Nighttime parenting isn't something I gave much thought to when I became a mom. I knew babies waked but 4 year olds… https://t.co/5ezmPPccKQ
Crossing fingers that tonight won't include a dozen wake ups from my sweet curly haired 4 year old.
Baby, it's cold out there! Why not really live the Winter dream and go ice skating on this… https://t.co/RYeAeYFwlR
Kids had a total blast ice skating at the Robson Square Ice rink today! So much fun! Skate rental is just $4 and admission is free.
Feel like doing some baking today? These Mexican Hot Chocolate cookies have such a subtle kick… https://t.co/RUhztTVbqJ
Everyone downtown is ordering pizza. Am I right #Vancouver? The elevator has been non stop pizza smell and I keep seeing delivery cars
@pieholevan I am hoping to order some pies from you. Will you have pie pick up for Dec 24?
@pieholevan Thanks for letting me know! I was looking on your website but wasn't certain!
I've got a few of those picky receivers on my list ;) https://t.co/JWsWOlyw6m
@littlebeanxco You are one busy mama this season! You are everywhere!
@heather_vmil As a mama with a chronic health condition, type 1 diabetes, I have to make sure this happens!
'Hello Santa, I'm just checking that I'm on the nice list. I've been good. I promise!' We had a… https://t.co/Gq43DktMbs
@jkossowan He's so cute Jen!
I'm sorry @amazon but are you for real? A product cost $3.99 and shipping is $63.97. Huh?
@PurdysChocolate I'd love to order some treats but your website is down
@AmazonHelp Third party seller. https://t.co/HCqoWX4OBT
Mamas, it's okay to let go of some traditions in order to better maintain your sanity this Christmas Season. https://t.co/o4R9UAnRHw
@HealthyFamExpo @capsuspbridge YES! This is on our family's must do for this year!!
We absolutely love visiting Santa for story time and a sing along in Granville Island. We go a… https://t.co/rC8CpIdIwN
Every time I hang a unit of blood I always do a big cheers and thank you with the recipient. https://t.co/KW1LYzoqu8
Tonight's night shift is getting in the way of my seasonal fun ;)
Mama day done and it was a packed full day...now on to my 12.25 hour nurse shift. How many babies will I get to meet tonight?
A snowback if you will! Toddler in a muddy buddy with layers upon layers in lieu of any actual… https://t.co/AH1NVqw0eN
Favourite classic Christmas cookie? I love shortbread. Dont have too much of it but its my favourite to enjoy!
@LisaSchwartz05 Yes! A good sugar cookie is hard to resist! mmm
@carolynleanne @DisneyCruise A great morning! FUN!
Looking forward to fancying things up with afternoon tea at @Wedgewoodhotel. This is my favourite place to have tea in Vancouver. #insider
Sometimes mamas dress up and go out for afternoon tea with their friends. When they get home,… https://t.co/CAeVgMhWIh
Kind of wish downtown business actually shovelled their snow filled side walks today. Saw 2 different elderly people wipe out. #Vancouver
Oh no!! My baby!!!! The kids are absolutely loving this practical joke kit that their nanny… https://t.co/fnJIHh5fJ7
What are you putting in your baby's stocking this Christmas?Here are a few easy ideas: https://t.co/XkTFOH2JWz… https://t.co/XQUmj1UF4p
@discoveryparent @TeaIndiaUSA Got to love a good cup of tea!
@VanChristmas Oh! So glad I got one on my first visit a few weeks back!
@carolynleanne @TimHortons WHOA!!! YUM!!
Oh what fun we had today! We checked out the Christmas trees at @fsvancouver and then had a… https://t.co/zAaJFpMplb
I'm feeling over saturated on all the sponsored posts and Instagram photos. Starting to feel like things aren't genuine. I can't be alone.
@LittleLeafAsh AHH!
@alexishinde Love that!!
@acraftymom @alexishinde SO many sponsored posts and it just feels like one big commercial.
@KristineBrite @alexishinde YES! Blogging has changed so much over the last couple of years. Less genuine story telling and sharing.
@houseofjoanne @alexishinde I agree! Love that idea!
Starting Christmas Eve off on the right foot! I donut know about you but I've been so good about… https://t.co/XjB8aDaHVA
Blogland, Ive loved connecting & sharing with you this year! Posted a fewof our traditions this calm Christmas Eve. https://t.co/dab52kBxAI
@cbcnewsbc Something I am thinking of more and more each year. Waste not, want not.
Everyone is all, 'what are you doing for NYE?!!!' and I'm all 'delivering babies!'. Which honestly sounds like more fun lol. #NYE #NYEbaby
@slysala Yes!! Will I meet Vancouver's New Years baby?! Time will tell!!
@SGrochowski3 AND I wasn't even suppose to work NYE but I kind of love spending NYE with the 'potential' New Years Baby lol #birthnerd
@bewitchinkitch What a great idea! Yes please!!
@SGrochowski3 Oh no way! I love that!
Not all of the Christmas gifts I picked out were met with the enthusiasm I was hoping. However… https://t.co/78FDcCRosn
It's my wedding anniversary today. My husband took all 3 kids to Costco and gifted me the gift of time alone :) #totallyromantic
We've got a case of the Holidaze over here. Anyone else feel like having long afternoon naps?… https://t.co/Yd5HSzhGMj
@DianCreations Had a long shower, wrote a blog post and puttered. Was heaven!
@bookgirlb Hoping to greet the New Years baby!!! #working #nurselife
Afternoon couch cuddles? Yes please! I'm crossing my fingers for an afternoon nap today as I've… https://t.co/JIZ2bZVMEx
Putting on my dance shoes and my pearls! J/K! Putting on scrubs and big white nurse shoes. Going to meet the New Year's baby! #Vancouver
@heather_vmil @Absolute_Cheer I LOVE hosting a good birthday party! I get totally excited. I splurge on some things and cut back on others.
No New Year's resolutions over here! Instead Im continuing a practice I find heart warming and rewarding. https://t.co/RP56tt6oij #blogger
Anyone else make dinner for their kids and had them act like you're feeding them something disgusting like rotten garbage scraps?
@DianCreations Not until now!
So, we have the chance to go to a movie tonight. As a couple, no kids! What movie should we see?
@CanadianKelli GAH!!
YEP. This. If you are a healthy person with no underlying issues. Home is best. https://t.co/5AQUKb5cZV
@howetolove My big kids keep waiting and waiting for snow in Vancouver. Share some with us ;)
Just saw a Vancouver paramedic check on a sleeping homeless person and then proceed to fluff up their blankets and tuck them in. #humanity
Families that travel. Do you book your hotel or flight first? Curious. #travel #family
Practicing our 'are you serious??!' faces. This kid is such a fun side kick. I just registered… https://t.co/hD7LF5QeVG
As parents we spend a lot of time with our kids! Why not make a social life with them? Lets have some fun! https://t.co/JP0eJ51nhY #blogger
@discoveryparent @bcmomdotca My family loves munching on these!
Third baby got to go to her first class...at 21 months old ☺. I think back to my other kids,… https://t.co/6Rcpyfcygz
AHH!! Updating my @WordPress and BOOM the blog is down. Good thing I have a husband who has the IT smarts. I just write and deliver babies.
@modern_mama What a beauty! I'd love to stroll with that!
She can't stop talking about her first @JumpGym class! We've been a Jump family since the doors opened when my firs… https://t.co/KLdGkMEjyR
@nicevicecream Oh wow! Sorry to hear you guys are closing up shop! Feels like the doors just opened!
Behold the cake made and decorated by the (almost) birthday girl herself! There may have been… https://t.co/SGAGTXjDMJ
I don't love making dinner at all. Least favourite part of my day. I found this recipe and am trying it. https://t.co/VegP4UrTmx YUM
@Dylan_Cutler Thanks for sharing Dylan :)
@OurHappyPlaceCA YUM! Great recipe!
Why do we celebrate birthdays? Feeling all the feels that mamas get as their babies grow older #blogger… https://t.co/w6RnYTqcag
Looking for a little inspiration for Valentine's Day? @OurHappyPlaceCA has some for you! https://t.co/zCIvI2xV84
I can't be the only other shift worker who stares intently at their schedule. Day shift. Night shift. Weekend. #nurselife #shiftworker
My 8 y.o is beyond excited to go to his first @Canucks game tomorrow night. Thanks @Our_KIDSWORLD for the tickets! #vancouver #hockey
Reflecting on my 1st post partum experience & how difficult it really was. New blog post on mothering the new mothe… https://t.co/NBLBNjufPH
This was delivered to us right at breakfast time today. It was very hard not to swipe a little… https://t.co/IRFFdKgulZ
Love this post. Mother the mother. https://t.co/HXsHVnAprG
We spent the morning with @vancouver_mom over at @artsumbrella having fun with music and… https://t.co/khWfpsOefD
Having a major tired moment but have so much on the 'to do' list and school pick up very soon. **Yawn**
Remember to 'mother the mother'. New mamas, no matter who they are, still need to feel the love from their village… https://t.co/BJ5xbTPeEP
When you're a shift working nurse and your hubby forgets you have another night shift to get to....it's pizza for dinner! #nurselife
Caught a baby this morning. Glad I get to change and leave my scrubs at work. Birth can be messy! #nurselife
Excited for a little 'Friendship Party' that I'm co hosting this afternoon for some littles. I love Valentine's for all the love themes.
It feels like we all need a little more love and friendship in our lives right now.
Spreading the love! https://t.co/Mlq1tJNE61
Little sister washing big sisters curls...umm all the heart eyes!! We had a fun 'day off'… https://t.co/TM22O4GG0e
Hooray for sweet little Valentine's cards! These ones are getting sent out in the mail. I'm a… https://t.co/WKLtN7BhCn
Have cared for all 3 kids as they dealt with GI illness. Now just waiting for my turn. Right? How can you care for them without getting it.
Especially when they are tiny and demand to be held by you and then barf all over you. Ahhh!
@eastvanshan crossing my overly washed fingers lol
@racheljonat 3 kids done. In recovery mode. One hubby quarantined to one of the bedrooms. Either we will all be staggered or I missed it?!
Being sick while living in a small space means big kid sleepover in the living room, 1 sickie in one bedroom and I take other room with LO
@VONBONapparel He is just perfect and growing so well!
@modern_mama We love taking our kids here! So family friendly!
What do you think about doing this for your child's next birthday party? https://t.co/mHfhuhU7C2 #birthdayparty… https://t.co/O6RG5WPksI
@BitsofBee super cute!
@BitsofBee OH Bianca!!!
@dboyceMD @CindyandJana Im a huge fan of teaching breast compression! It can make such a difference!
We loved doing this cute 'Pet Adoption' themed birthday party for my girl's 5th bday.https://t.co/TcA04QiYGy… https://t.co/3rgMiQXbP0
A super cute printable for Valentine's from @avatozoeblog! Who doesn't love s'mores? https://t.co/eokXoq9utz #printable #ValentinesDay
Even though I see babies being born all the time I still get all misty eyed watching @CallTheMidwife1. Every.single.time. #nurse
I legit has so much stuff I need to be doing right now but Im all 'here's the couch!'. No focus tonight.
I love snow when it is first coming down as it feels like a novelty but Im feeling over it. I know Im not alone. #vancouversnow
Also, I'd love to be able to push my stroller along a shovelled sidewalk. Its terrible out there.
Okay Hawaii lovers! We have been to Maui many times but not as a family of 5! Need condo/hotel recommendations. We like amenities! #hawaii
We've stayed at @FairmontKeaLani @GrandWailea @KaanapaliAlii before. Just looking to change it up. Great pools are a plus. #hawaii
We WILL be in!!! YUM! https://t.co/HUxyOHf83p
We found them! The wonderful red LOVE balls! There were lots of questions about 1) Who put them… https://t.co/qF86RBzs4W
Doing Valentine's cards between night shifts is a true test of parenting patience lol
Sharing about why I always wanted to have a baby on Valentine's day. New blog post: https://t.co/cavjr3mOM0… https://t.co/iKaDHIYj4n
Bake me a cake as fast as you can! Love making this homemade chocolate play dough from… https://t.co/DJcLJebiCM
@cadeauxbakery I was just raving about you guys to the hospital crew last night. We miss getting your croissants at Container (now Elysian).
@discoveryparent @lushcosmetics @ShopGTC Great customer service always gets my money!
Bloggers beware! Woke up to my site hacked. Wordpress virus. Content injection virus. Lucky to have such a tech savvy hubby who fixed it.
OH WOW!!!! I think the nurses in maternity might just be needing some croissants @cadeauxbakery ! @Foodee! https://t.co/vIwaQGTTq3
LOVE a day of play that leaves my kids happy (and tired). Here's our review of Richmond's @Kidtropolis New blog pos… https://t.co/FU7RJ4klpa
Looking at visiting @Tigh_Na_Mara in @VisitParksville. Wonder if my family of 5 would like the rustic log cabin. Who's been before? #tourism
@howetolove EW that sounds seriously terrible. I am always tired after NRP. I find I get zoomed in on the concentration.
@LouiseChapman DONE!
Got to love that! https://t.co/aTKiOkOkRL
@howetolove FRACK. Well at least if you are working tonight and there is a resuscitation you will be all, 'move out my way people!' ;)
Yep. This. lol https://t.co/MwEFsbYPIL
Contemplating professional family photos while away on our holiday. SO rare we are ALL together with the time on our hands to do it.
@LeLeIsMe hahahaha so funny and so true lol
Ready to roll! She's pretty excited to have her own suitcase for our trip. She's been practicing… https://t.co/tcbn4vjfqI
What's the magic that Hawaii has? When you arrive, feel that humid air and hear those birds chirping...it's like you are in a magical place!
Vote for my friend Louise! Make her dreams come true! https://t.co/e6HRZU7qp9
@alliespins lol me too... me too!!
@alliespins and an Advil before bed sounds even better lol
3 things that made traveling as a family of 5 easier! https://t.co/7FXsAbMoei @miFoldBooster @GoGoBabyz @silikids #blogger #familytravel
@Mamaofabean I did! Thanks for spear heading this project! #theperiodpurse
Vancouver families! The @HealthyFamExpo is sneaking up on us, March 26th is the day! Get your tickets.… https://t.co/RTZFxZiZb6
Did a big walk with two girls! Well, a 'big walk' for a 5 year old and one in the stroller! Hawaii is so beautiful! #aloha
Looking forward to changing things up and checking into the @GrandWailea tomorrow. Kids are going to be thrilled with the pools! #blogger
Just staying up late so I can make use of the washer and dryer before we leave this condo. Packing clean clothes is better than dirty!
Family holidays are amazing and yet totally exhausting. Kids fighting in the car is the pain of… https://t.co/8IkLwMjYBI
One week of family time. No work, not a lot of rushing around. Soaking it up. We fly home on Tuesday. https://t.co/GNJkywJFJl
...and that's a wrap folks! I planned and saved for this family holiday and just like that it's… https://t.co/vPLo4GnIbC
@5kids1condo Yikes! What an aggressive email!
Half the fun of going on a family holiday is looking at all of the photos once you get home. Did some serious memor… https://t.co/FJOaqZVKGw
@HealthyFamExpo I can't wait to go to the Healthy Family Expo! #Vancouver
1 WEEK till @HealthyFamExpo. Who is excited to go? Enter for your chance to win $200 to spend at the Expo: https://t.co/i3s5EeqG58 #HFE2017
Here's the top activities my 3 kids loved while we were in Maui! https://t.co/70I8RCgwNA #familytravel #Hawaii… https://t.co/5OVlP5OLiD
@raincityparent Oh, we will be there!
Everyone cries when watching 'This Is Us' right? #notalone #ThisIsUs
@NBCThisisUs Thanks for the support!!! Bring on the tears @ThisIsUs
@bullatrix1967 SO good to know I'm not alone! Cue the water works!
Checked out @thecottagexyz in Victoria today. A little bit crazy but the coffee was good and the kids had fun.… https://t.co/77VYI3WneH
Knowing what is in the range of normal can be helpful in your #breastfeeding journey. Great tips @CindyandJana https://t.co/EAgecvE4Wg
@LouiseChapman Look at her sunshine kissed cheeks!
Seriously good prizes! Join in on the fun all while you're cozy at home. #HFE2017 https://t.co/crHHq9eHm7
Home sweet home after a lot of time away over the last 3 weeks. It has been great but now Im ready to go back to routine.
Nothing like seawall drama on a Saturday night. Fancy dressed people down on the sidewalk. Ambulances. 2 people taken away. #Yaletown
So excited for tomorrow! Checking out the @HealthyFamExpo for the first time. I'm bringing my 2 big kids for some fun. #HFE2017
@AllThingsMikita lol. Right?!
We went to our first @HealthyFamExpo and we had a great time! Reminding myself to wear more… https://t.co/jhVP0wXSeE
@howetolove Isn't that the natural progression of nurse talk? Especially labour delivery nurse talk lol
Today I saw this girl as the toddler she is and not 'the baby' that think of her as. She's my… https://t.co/hvU2NwTgPl
That moment you see a photo and it totally changes your perspective. That just happened to me. https://t.co/lVHVK9lzPd #blogger #mothering
My 5 y.o has cowgirl boots from @Nordstrom. The littlest is now requesting her own pair of 'Cow Boots'. She's currently sobbing about it
I've got a text book case of toddler who is almost 2 ;)
@CWandJWBlog Love the purple!
@howetolove Gah! It was terrible!!! It seriously sucked the life out of me yesterday. Doing school pick up/drop off with small kids in tow.
@CWandJWBlog Those smoothies look like such a great idea.
@thejoyofstyle_ @shopviemere All the mamas looked so great in their outfits! Lovely!
I'm totally that person that finds every baby bump in a crowd of people! I restrain myself from touching them but I… https://t.co/IA80KTQRV4
@howetolove I legit think it did not stop yesterday.
@thejoyofstyle_ I legit can't help myself. Plus I've had a month of on holiday from work. Think it's time to get back to those mamas!!
I'm planning a summer trip to #Parksville with my family. What do I need to see while I'm there? @VisitParksville #blogger #exploreBC
@VisitParksville Thanks! I'm looking forward to our visit!
@VisitParksville This is perfect!
@CindyandJana @VisitParksville Oh thank you! That sounds wonderful! I love the idea of exploring at low tide.
PHEW!! Registering your child in Vancouver's @scienceworldca summer camp is like a parenting marathon lol! #summercamp
@LeadingMoms @scienceworldca We had a glitch with on line registration. We made it a 'Vancouver moment' and hubby r… https://t.co/XKEoZJNkRm
I love these three nerds! It's serious work to get all 3/3 looking good in one photo. I'll take… https://t.co/v4ZOV12uVN
Well, I had no idea! https://t.co/2IRn4DKoMa
@GroundsYVR @goodlifevan @JasmineHoffman Classic cinnamon all the way!!!
Can't believe I was one of the 'originals' back in 2010! Time to nominate for 2017!! https://t.co/bTKH4O9Lib
I LOVE living in downtown Vancouver. Except when it comes to enrolling your kid in kindergarten. New blog post: https://t.co/tSbH9kvXDD #YVR
There's many pros about being a family in the city. Being able to walk every where. Being able to pop to the beach, the park, the forrest.
BUT enrolling your child in Vancouver's public school. Well, that deserved it's own blog post. #publiceducation #lotterysystem
Survey time! Did you take a prenatal class when you were expecting? If yes, what was the thing you took away from it the most?
@bcbeautygirl YES! Meeting people who are also having a baby is great! Did you feel there were topics that were cov… https://t.co/l2HyD6yJ0u
@whistlerkristen Did your class use a mix of ways to show you and talk to you about this? Did you practice positioning with dolls?
@jenarbo WOW that is seriously amazing!
@hillarywith2Ls To be honest, there is something about birth videos that is so very different than when it is really happening.
@hillarywith2Ls I think the breastfeeding stuff is a big part. What to expect. What to do if it's not working.
@bcbeautygirl So did the instructor just ask you what you hoped to learn right at the start?
Shared this post on Facebook and the comments are eye opening. BC's public school system needs a big change. https://t.co/tSbH9kvXDD #BCed
@emvandee I love it! Someone who actually listens to the nurse. I don't just make shit up, I actually know what I'm doing lol.
We strive to be an active family and today we had a birthday and kept birthday gifts active! #yvr #blogger… https://t.co/d3KQBy4laT
Are there any other moms that don't go crazy on gifts at Easter? My kids will do a chocolate egg hunt and that's it.
I don't get the whole big present thing for Easter.
@racheljonat I just see so many blog posts about what to put in your kids Easter basket. Clothes, big toys...I don't really get it.
@racheljonat @emvandee I'm ALL for Purdy's too. I mean, I do want to eat some of it too lol
@rochellepauls So did I! Just surprised by so many people talking about buying gifts. Clothing, big toys, art supplies, the list goes on.
@thejoyofstyle_ I'm all about the chocolate!
@jen_stamps Do it only if you want. I think with my 1st at 2, we did a couple of eggs. That was it.
My new 2 y.o is seriously loving her @SpawnCycles bike. Such a fun birthday gift to give! #activefamily https://t.co/AM8McfTs7r
@Kateskate604 @SpawnCycles It's a great bike! My hubby ordered it on line actually.
Vancouver parents I've got a fun giveaway on the blog. We've paired up with @flatbreadCo for a birthday pizza party! https://t.co/bUUDPVMAVv
@Kateskate604 Thanks for sharing! I love hearing about other peoples traditions they carried over from their own childhood.
Winner winner PIZZA dinner! Fun giveaway on the blog. Vancouver parents could win a pizza party for up to 10 kids!… https://t.co/GUPH8WOpud
This afternoon we checked out Victoria's bumbleandhiveplay for a birthday party! This was such a… https://t.co/P4gSUg7D9m
We had to say goodbye to our long weekend at the grandparents house. We definitely made use of… https://t.co/xFwmQR4IRI
Party bags. Goody bags. Whatever you call them, these little girls knew ALL about them! Just… https://t.co/g2tsImzBJp
Don't drive downtown Vancouver today unless you enjoy sitting in your car idling in 1 spot STUCK. Terrible construction and 420.
Can't get anywhere you actually need to go. Where are the traffic cops when you need them? They need to be out directing this traffic.
Last 12 hours to enter to win this fun pizza party from @flatbreadCo in Vancouver! https://t.co/bUUDPVMAVv… https://t.co/onGWci2tta
@alexishinde Last year we had to get our kids from school early as the traffic was so terrible by 2 PM and the scho… https://t.co/uxggl3UtYk
5 y.o to me: 'MUM! Did you know there really is such a thing as killer instincts?'.
What do you do when your child wants to quit a sport they used to love? Do you follow their lead, investigate or just quit? #sports
@jen_stamps It's karate, so continuous. The 5 y.o was super into it and even moved up in belts but now refuses to go in. Sobbing. It's sad.
@jen_stamps I'm ready to tell her to take a break and see what happens!
Looking forward to our birthday fun at @Maplewood_Farm tomorrow! Pony rides and lots of fun! Plus these horse cooki… https://t.co/RDNexCEPih
@jen_stamps She used to like it but I think she is just done. It's twice a week for an hour each time and she just turned 5.
@jen_stamps Her older brother (8) has been going for a few years and she wanted to be like him ;) but.....
@jen_stamps That's what I think. We've done it with her for the last 8 months. 5 y.o's can take a break!
Sweet dreams little one. Who else can't stop staring at their littles when they sleep? I could… https://t.co/tn1abqYjHM
@ActuallyNPH @rickorford Welcome to the neighbourhood!
Hey Vancouver parents! What are you go to sites when searching for occasional child care from qualified amazing people? #yvr #childcare
@racheljonat I'm still looking!! Not having much luck with my usual go to of @NanniesOnCall. Even advance bookings are hard to fill.
@racheljonat @NanniesOnCall There is definitely a need for MORE occasional high quality child care in Yaletown!!
That's perfect! All parents want high quality caregivers! https://t.co/nLdmogWBgB
Thank you @Maplewood_Farm for helping us host a fun birthday party! New blog post: https://t.co/0b9YgRBSCe #YVR… https://t.co/i3TaCHwa7N
GOOD MORNING VANCOUVER!! It's sunny, blue sky and I'm not working. Seems pretty awesome so far.
@MsYouDoYou That is a great partner!
@JamieKhau @FairmontWhistlr WOW that looks amazing!!!
@howetolove I FEEL YOU!! This is my magic trick too.
@CindyandJana @FoxNews My partner!
These city kids know where the best croissants in Vancouver are! New blog post: https://t.co/4SKvl67Xq1 #Vancouver… https://t.co/alPKc0BqeP
@RaisingJandA @TheKeg YUM...plus, you didn't have to make your own dinner. Win win! lol
@modern_mama @TheKeg Looks delicious!!
@modern_mama @TheKeg Those are tasty, I've had them before!
@RaisingJandA @TheKeg @YummyMummyClub So cute! She looks so happy!
@howetolove Where are the parents? The teacher of the class? I do a big sing song voice 'gentle hands!'. Sounds ridiculous but it works.
@howetolove Maybe that kind of class isn't right for the other kid? Super lame for you.
@katelynmryan I love their cream soda!
Tonight during dinner my middle girl was full of love and told me what she'd like me to have for Mother's Day ;)… https://t.co/ZQBTOdIto4
@LynnColliar @beta5chocolates They are so pretty! How do you eat them lol?!
Pumping mamas! NICU mamas!! @snugabell has a giveaway on their FB page for one of their amazing @PumpEase product. https://t.co/V6gaWkz2gH
@harrietglynn It's Josie. We were spending 2 hours twice a week so they could both go. She picked it up after him a… https://t.co/UBzf2FxyXS
@harrietglynn I feel like if it seems that traumatic for them, I'm not pushing it. If there is a pattern than I wi… https://t.co/Vc9LLQOYwn
@lenadunham You should be at the table when nurses get together for dinner. haha
She speaks the truth. We are a funny bunch. Get us together and the hilarity is non stop. https://t.co/9yGHI6VOBh
Everyone is posting these gorgeous Mother's Day gift guides and Im all...I just want to sleep with no one touching me.
Seriously great coffee today @ROCANINI in Yaletown. They serve up @todieforFF banana bread and lemon loaf. All thin… https://t.co/2aU2fYhYCo
I love my job. I work with such a great team of people! https://t.co/AwWkjgwZUY
You better believe I'll be rocking this awesome visor all weekend long! ☺ Preschool crafts are… https://t.co/hrh58J0OQZ
Do you know why nurses are awesome? Let me tell you about a few amazing nurses. https://t.co/c03iyVTTHj #birth #nurse #THISisnursing
@howetolove When my littlest was like 5 months I had to give Nystatin and it was ridiculous. How do you do that?!!… https://t.co/qNjCCwGkZH
Made a home made birthday card with my son for a friend's party. To say it was painless would be lying. Next time, I am buying the card
@VONBONapparel I love this so much! I think I will need my two girls to do a bit of VONBON twinning in that cute dress!
Bottle. Boob. Both. @CWandJWBlog blogs about it all over on Creative Wife and Joyful Worker. https://t.co/zdGmQsvn2j
Took my middle girl out. Lunch, walks, coffee shop hangs and a little trip to @karamellercandy. I love being a Mama in the City. #yaletown
@callmeburnsie Your book arrived! We can't wait to read it. My 8 y.o will be giving a detailed report over on the b… https://t.co/6yNSRZiSkH
Yes! Happy Mother's Day for ALL of you mamas out there! https://t.co/uQwi8ho0Uh
What are some good consignment shops in Vancouver for women's clothing? To sell to not buy. #closetpurge #consignment
@howetolove Ive heard it all. My first was and is a very picky eater. His younger sisters..they eat anything and ev… https://t.co/zFvMFZdpxe
@hillarywith2Ls OMG what?! Crazy!
@seenielsen It's nice now that it is easier to use debit on line!
@howetolove We all just do our best! I just don't like the implication that you are doing something wrong and that is why they are picky.
@howetolove I wish I was better at coming up with quick comebacks. I often feel hurt too. Then way way later I figu… https://t.co/mzpuvfaGME
Thanks for all the help in the shop today @hipbaby_kits! We love the new shoes we went home with (plus all of our o… https://t.co/tNrXnPZo6i
Dear New Mama, This blog post is for you. Sharing about post partum anxiety and what a jerk it can be. Blog post: https://t.co/2WHW2J4VMd
It seems more of you experienced post partum anxiety than not. Common thread, no one asked us about it at the time.… https://t.co/SzUd4TjWac
@carolynleanne @Pampers We love @Pampers over here!
@Clippo That is such a defensive reaction for sure. Kind of a ridiculous response.
@CindyandJana Love it! So many questions are actually so common too.
@WesbrookVillage @vancouver_mom I am so looking forward to this day!
We had so much fun last year! Vancouver, bring your families! https://t.co/vOwGYbYsSh
@bcbeautygirl Too funny. I actually love weddings and have ZERO to go to haha
@Clippo Exactly!
@bcbeautygirl Oh yeah that totally changes everything!
Excited to check out tonight's performance of Charlotte's Web! https://t.co/90EOWj7wKi
@RebeccaMichi Totally agree with it. Getting out in the AM before the first nap can really make a difference. Plus… https://t.co/gvp5tqOOxn
@cbcnewsbc I just can't get over that! Survival of the fittest right here.
@CindyandJana @momdotme Super normal! We are now actually relaxing more with the 'dreaded 10%' that would throw peo… https://t.co/rvbeFxF7UG
Last night I met @tarathepainter at @flatbreadCo for a 'Paint & Sip'. Went in hoping I was naturally talented...… https://t.co/aA0r89PNb0
@vancouver_mom @WesbrookVillage @biercraft @DoughgirlsBake Oh my goodness!! This all looks like such a tasty treat!!
Hi!! I'm Andrea. A #vmtop30 from 2010. My blog is https://t.co/2fmAhXXI5i. Looking forward to following along at this party!
@tvpoe We love you Judith!!
@vancouver_mom Q2: Love the community. Lots has changed w/ blogging but connection has always been there. I also lo… https://t.co/W1adYZhIQc
@kelsey_bar @vancouver_mom I agree! I LOVE going back in time and reading about daily life!
@vancouver_mom @UncorktheSun HELLO!! You are talking my language! #vmtop30
@vancouver_mom @reglok @WesbrookVillage woohoo!!! Way to go @reglok!!
@vancouver_mom @avatozoeblog @UncorktheSun Congrats to you @Avatozoeblog! How exciting!
@vancouver_mom A Q3-Used to blog more often. Feels harder now but I blog when inspiration strikes or on a good nigh… https://t.co/MlxJDm7lat
@vancouver_mom @GwenFloyd @WesbrookVillage Yeah congrats Gwen!! One of the 2010 crew!
Yes! Love learning new tricks! https://t.co/pLCoQ2MnE0
@vancouver_mom A Q4: 1 big one is posting at the right time of the day. 2 PM is good, after 7 PM is better for me.… https://t.co/zSucSDJs6J
@vancouver_mom A Q5: yes and no!! Vancouver in the summer is seriously the place to be.
I DO!! Can't wait to see all the new bloggers there! https://t.co/Imuz6dKSxE
I don't usually share stuff like this but *BOOM!* this hit me where it hurts: https://t.co/XR5WmozTQQ #nurses #postpartum #motherhood
This was such a great birthday party! Easy on the parents and the kids LOVED it!! #yvr https://t.co/zsiiy6EcH3
Tomorrow is the day to be at @WesbrookVillage for some family fun! 11 AM to 3 PM i t is ALL family fun. Vancouver f… https://t.co/0jf4GVrbeM
@vancouver_mom Of course it was! Look at that ROAR!!
Best app to manage a family & their lives & my shift working life too. I've had a few 'misses' this past week. Need to be more organized.
@Maplewood_Farm we had a blast celebrating with you last month! https://t.co/8bNLUjzGRc
I am looking forward to attending! I missed the last two years and am ready for some fun! #vmtop30 https://t.co/SoQi13jhvG
Jumped on the boat and headed across the water to get to Granville Island's annual vankidsfest.… https://t.co/FIQu8gJizJ
PHEW! Nurse life is tiring y'all! Five 12 hour shifts in eight days is a lot for me. Looking forward to having a few days off with my babes.
Yes! I'm looking forward to Thursday! https://t.co/igCQjcRbmR
#chrissysentme YES https://t.co/CIons44mvc
@cheeriodiaries Always Andria. Always.
Dear Mama of Three, This is what I've learned. I hope it helps. New blog post: https://t.co/fXJyV8cj7y #blogger #parenthood #motherhood
Always nice to run into @racheljonat on our weekly Wednesday coffee shop run @ROCANINI! #yaletownparents
@Kateskate604 That is so cute!
Congrats to the actors from @artsumbrella on their Charlotte's Web performance at the Expressions Theatre Festival… https://t.co/kDsxR1NQd1
YES! I learned that with my first who was high needs fussy frequent waker! NOT looking at the clock helps keep your… https://t.co/DRj1SqkWmg
Thank you @vancouver_mom for giving us local bloggers a community! New post: https://t.co/vLmHsFCN8c #blogger… https://t.co/E0ag3uQHoo
Apparently most people in downtown Vancouver don't know how to properly go through a four way stop. Majorly aggravating. #Yaletown #YVR
YEAH. SO, I've got the 'Daddy Finger' song stuck in my head. This is life with three kids ;)
Went to bed, pulled the sheets back and went to get ready..came back and massive spider is dancing on my sheets. I guess I'll stay awake.
@peachjammers I KNOW!!!
@howetolove In maternity 7 patients is really 14 patients. We've been having staffing issues lately too. Seriously terrible.
@sarcasticmommy4 I hear you. Same stuff, different stove ;)
Have you heard of Inclusion Body Myositis before (IBM)? Curious of current research/treatment. #medicine #raredisease #inclusionbodymyositis
@eastvanshan LOL YES!!! This haha!!!
@happygomama Thanks for sharing! I think storytelling is a great way to help other post partum mamas who might be e… https://t.co/lt84totuoB
@happygomama Couldn't agree more Brie.
Feels weird going to bed without 1) any kids in my bed & 2) no kids to wake up too. At my parents house tonight while my dad is in ICU.
Feels like a weird time warp of a day. Ready to sleep before we head back to the hospital to check on my sweet dad.
@Kateskate604 Thank you so much. Appreciate it a lot.
Such an interesting topic! #parenting https://t.co/UQ6AmFbVrr
WOW @DoorDash_Help. Total delivery fail. Waiting for an order that was picked up an hour ago. OLD food, long wait. No thanks #fail
There's enough food delivery services in downtown Vancouver. Having food picked up and take over an hour in transit is a major fail. #fail
@DoorDash_Help Thanks for your reply. We already cancelled the order because who wants food that's sat around for 1… https://t.co/CV3n1Qa1U9
Hey Vancouver parents! @flatbreadCo is hosting some really fun events for the 0-5 crowd and their parents. https://t.co/pF7rOp2BIZ
@emvandee @flatbreadCo Monday to Friday full time is tough. It doesn't have to be parents who go, I'm planning to s… https://t.co/YrNqRMGDz2
My first 'Apartment Baby' did a book review of @TheCondoKids! Blog post: https://t.co/ruX3gdWA0Y #bookreview #thecondokids #literacy
Walked down @RobsonStreet today. What the heck has happened? SO many closed businesses. I was shocked. Heard @GapCA is shutting it doors too
I know rent is SO expensive in Vancouver. That has to be part of it. Just seriously shocked. Looks SO bad. #RobsonStreet #YVR #Vancity
@whistlerkristen @RobsonStreet @GapCA YES! SO many stores closed. For Lease signs everywhere. Total change. Total d… https://t.co/vU16hNqgWo
@whistlerkristen @RobsonStreet @GapCA Even as a local, this is my neighbourhood, it is sad to see what Robson Street has become.
@callmeburnsie My Ben loved reading a book about other kids in a condo! Such a fun book! Thanks Jackie!
@callmeburnsie Yes my boy is 'Ben' too!
My 5 y.o just told me, 'MUMMMM, you are totally copying my dance moves!!!'. hahahahahaha
How to make your eight year old insanely happy. 1) Let him replace his missing fidget spinner… https://t.co/T7k2x7Tuk6
It's officially summer days here with many more sunny moments ahead of us! I had three happy… https://t.co/YScjL56LSB
@vancouver_mom @DoughgirlsBake We love @DoughgirlsBake! So tasty and fresh!
My toddler got ahold of our iPad. She is talking with Siri. 'What is your mother's name?'..her response... 'BOOBS!'.
@kelsey_bar What an accomplishment! You deserve to celebrate!
@Latteguru Yes. SO many empty store fronts on @RobsonStreet. I actually do miss the @CaffeArtigiano that used to be there.
I can't be the only mom who has this mix of feelings when it comes to change. #motherhood #blogger New blog post:… https://t.co/MbmnpmSZNz
@CindyandJana Yes! Babies are SO smart! They can smell a tiny drop and get interested in latching!
We had an after school school beach visit today. These three kids actually played well together… https://t.co/932hkygclm
My first 'Apartment Baby' is 1 floor down with a new friend. They've been going on the elevator to come back and forth. #condokids
Then they took our copy of @TheCondoKids to read together. ADORABLE. Real life meets books. #condokids #apartmentbaby
@harrietglynn UGH. Adulating.
Thank you to @helpstpauls for the generous grant the maternity unit received to enhance our breastfeeding care and support for families!
@jkossowan Good teachers make ALL the difference!
It happened again. A spider in my bed. I was watching @OITNB and a huge spider appeared on my screen. Then in my bed sheets. Irrational fear
I know spiders exist in our environment but I'd rather the environment not be my bed. Know what I'm saying?
It was our last chance for a girls only day before school gets out for the summer. So, we packed… https://t.co/WgOs7UHps4
This was SUCH a great birthday party! So quick to get to from downtown Vancouver too. https://t.co/n0axqLietd
I'm looking forward to going to work tomorrow and meeting the freshest newest baby Canadians! #nurselife #maternitynurse #Canada150
Came home to a dead body in front of my condo. It's the 2nd suicide jumper since I've lived here, 4.5 years. Feeling all the feels #suicide
This is the really sad part of living beside one of the main bridges in the city. #suicide #vancouver
Since Ive lived downtown Ive seen 3 suicides. 1 was a construction worker who jumped from the highest floor of a building he was working on
The hard part was we saw him falling from our living room across the way. #SuicideAwareness His death effects me to this day.
@jenarbo Thank you Jen. I do. Just feel so sad for the individual who decided to jump off the bridge this evening.
@thegreatmama I feel so sad for the person who jumped off the bridge this evening.
@bcbeautygirl So sad. I feel deeply for the individual who decided to jump off the bridge and on to the road below.… https://t.co/SAyVjRWeCZ
@jenarbo Yes, I've heard of that too. Which is a real human tragedy when our rush to be somewhere is more important… https://t.co/cmBDE7nQzW
@thegreatmama Yes exactly. So sad that they felt this was the only choice.
@thegreatmama Yes, the depth of some peoples pain is unimaginable. If only to catch a glimpse of what is in their head.
@carlyrigby Thanks Carly-Ann. I just feel so sad for them and the pain they must have felt making that decision.
@carlyrigby It definitely does. You are right. It becomes your own story too.
@Kateskate604 We kept them from seeing it. They were 100% oblivious. Which is the way I wanted it.
@empathywarrior Yes. So sad. Another one in the same spot happened July 6 two years ago.
I love a sneak peek into other families homes! Im sharing my kids shared bedroom in our condo… https://t.co/ClU7Gfl9HZ
I too am fond of beautiful Victoria, BC! Check out Jamie's post on where to find good food! https://t.co/kiILgfLXwO
@racheljonat Thanks for sharing Rachel! I truly have a love with peeking into other families homes. Is that weird? LOL ;)
@callmeburnsie @TheCondoKids When will you travel to Vancouver? So many Condo Kids! ;)
How we make living in a condo as a family of 5 work for us! Yes you can thrive with small space living!… https://t.co/9UzAc751Lr
Somehow I stumbled upon a Go Fund Me page on Facebook for a Vancouver man and I think it is the same man that died in front of my condo.
@parismommy1 His name was Jerry. I sent you a message.
Anyone else? ☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ Even back when I was pregnant and cutting out caffeine, I still loved… https://t.co/C9TyKMaEOi
Our super filthy grill is now sparkling. Great home service from local company BBQ B Clean https://t.co/h61yKX0trb… https://t.co/It64cHNBzm
Woke up in Vancouver and spent the afternoon in the backyard of my parents home in Victoria.… https://t.co/Two4Pf6CLy
Berry picking in grandma's backyard. This curly haired girl was more interested in picking these… https://t.co/v3WrRJCfkD
@howetolove YEP. Every. Single. Summer.
@CanadianKelli EW!!!! That sounds seriously gross!
@CanadianKelli Breaking up a load of shifts like that is better. Agree!!
I've got your Thursday dinner idea right here. Sharing my favourite summer salad. https://t.co/v08srcU6Rf… https://t.co/zvbLL3WtSK
@VONBONapparel These are lovely Jen! I'd love to swaddle a baby in this gorgeous blanket!
@kelsey_bar OMG Kelly! You are hysterical! lol
What is the longest length of time you stayed in one position in your career? I'm nearly 12 years as a labour and delivery RN and I'm....
...just starting to wonder what else is out there for me? I want to stick with maternal health. Thinking cap is on. Waiting to feel inspired
Nurses, how long have you stayed in one speciality/unit? #nurselife #RN
@howetolove Oh man. We had a bad situation over the weekend. 20 Toblerone bars, 20 Kit Kats, a tray of brownies, a… https://t.co/AuXz92ago4
@howetolove My favourite is the Edible Fruit creations! Or a coffee delivery!
A few afternoons ago life was all gelato, lattes and lazy summer afternoons. Fast forward to… https://t.co/S5gvNDO6e9
@cadeauxbakery I need my hubby to order my favourite chocolate birthday cake from you! How do I give him the hint? ;) hehe
I just entered the @vancouver_mom contest to win a $100 Gift Certificate from @cineplexmovies https://t.co/dkAetR4Acd
@modern_mama My toddler loves FreeYumm bars and calls them 'baby bars' because they fit in her tiny hands ;)
@gosiliproducts We LOVE your universal straw cup topper. It was perfect for travel too! Can't wait to check out you… https://t.co/y7m6vCJqcj
Where is Bruenau? Vancouverites, keep your eyes open for this missing boy. https://t.co/6idbNEJrVJ
FOUND!!!! https://t.co/Ugrd3XQQha
Did anyone else do anything for Nation Belgian Day last Friday? Check out what I did! https://t.co/Q59hUvmeU6… https://t.co/N5u8pwDJBr
I just love this photo! Skin to skin after birth can be done with mom or dad! So amazing! https://t.co/gLUg2sSAfl
@hillarywith2Ls Ooophf! Hope it's your turn next!
Who here has a kid going to kindergarten this Fall? ME!! Special guest post from my sis the kindergarten teacher! https://t.co/BW1OHfPemD
@hillarywith2Ls This is me every night. Ugh!
My husband bought me fancy bedsheets for my birthday. Trying out @thecrossdesign and their 'The Pacifica Collection'. They feel like butter.
@hillarywith2Ls @AngellaD @AngellaD was literally the first blogger I started to read way back when blogging was so… https://t.co/QR5VW8akTt
Have to say, those new bed sheets were the perfect birthday gift for me! Love them. Also, signs Im getting older. Bedsheets are a good gift
@vancouver_mom @chaptersindigo Super cute! We love unicorns over here!
Walked 2 KM downtown and was way more exasperated than my usual self. The air is so thick!
@racheljonat Oh I was thinking how bad this is for all respiratory compromised people! The air is so thick!
I always think THIS is the time to be here in the city. Summer in Vancity is my favourite! https://t.co/tLEUC1ouPe #blogger #yvr
@racheljonat @andrea_coutu I'm using the BC Gov website for air quality updates. Have you check it out?
@andrea_coutu @racheljonat This is the guide I am using: https://t.co/5uqxN1mC45 I'm reading it as 'yes there is an… https://t.co/6P4S47WAUA
@howetolove It keeps spreading. It rolled into the city and the sky is thick! However, the seawall is filled with c… https://t.co/amEAYQaZOL
@bookgirlb Both! THat's terrible. Grab some polysporin pink eye!
@VisitParksville Looking forward to our visit to Parksville in a few weeks! Taking the family out of the city and to the beach!
Outdoor public art in Vancouver! This is what we checked out the other day with the kids: https://t.co/tLEUC1ouPe… https://t.co/kIgDF2Q1Tc
@TheBabyGuyNYC @skinit LOL!!! Best thing ever!
@howetolove Do what I do, assume there is Norovirus all over them. Who knows, there really could be. Just waiting t… https://t.co/paWj6FbcS7
Stopped by the Teddy Bear picnic today! Had to bring our own sweet bears to this event! https://t.co/RcCUlZdG2s
@jenwilsonca Im feeling fortunate that I just have to give $25 per kid to the school. They bulk order. WAY less str… https://t.co/y3HA6ULpAu
Oops! This girl was excited to bring her tiny teddy to a Teddy Bear picnic but literally fell… https://t.co/KR6rvzhHOS
@jenwilsonca Yes, it's not even an option. It's like 'give us your $25' end of story. Not sure how it started but I love it.
Received an amazing box of cheese from @fhcheeses. Don't know who sent it! My husband said, 'love the cheese but where's the amazing butter?
'Mum!! Take a picture of me walking by!' and so I did ☺. We did a big city walk today, from one… https://t.co/I6wbbvHMLD
Is there wheelchair accessibility on the beach @VisitParksville? Coming with my dad who's in a wheelchair. Would love to get him down there.
Thanks so much! Always on the look out for accessible areas when traveling! https://t.co/Nys77Ne7mV
Crossing in a zebra strip on @granville_isle and the woman ahead of us narrowly escaped being hit by a vehicle leaving Granville Island.
As a long time local of this area I am continually confused as why there is not more traffic control in Granville Island.
...and when I say narrowly escaped, I mean 0.5 sec diff and the woman would have been run over at 40 km/hr. With me and my kids behind her.
@granville_isle, you need better and more traffic control especially during these high tourist months.
@racheljonat @granville_isle I've often thought this too. Especially in busy summer months with lots of tourists dr… https://t.co/Ve4Em7s9rA
@eastvanshan @granville_isle More traffic controllers guiding people and watching cars? So many near misses with pe… https://t.co/fXAUzyVQFc
What you see is what you gets when it comes to my real life and my social media life. I choose happiness.… https://t.co/fOvFu1cbTQ
Looking forward to exploring @VisitParksville this weekend! Bring on the family fun! Does anyone have good tips to eat with kids? #exploreBC
@jenarbo @VisitParksville Thanks Jen! Looking for any hidden gems ;)
@scwink @VisitParksville Ooh I do love dessert lol! Think we are checking out Lefty's on Friday night.
@eastvanshan @VisitParksville DO you think it would be wheelchair accessible?
Mail delivery! It is the sweetest dress from @aliceandames. I am legit so excited for this sweet dress for my 2 year old.
'Hi Grandma it's me Lizzy. Can you bring me some cookies please?'. This little lady is excited… https://t.co/zj1CAN5Fzh
For whatever reason it is IMPOSSIBLE to get @YellowcabVan to my door? Why is that? I live downtown in a city. Getting a taxi should be easy.
Another reason I am PRO UBER in Vancouver. The taxi scene here is a mess.
One of our favourite Vancouver beach walks with kids! https://t.co/TcEiHb3oeo
We had a backyard picnic table dinner here on our first night! Great place for families! https://t.co/CCNNp042KH
The kids loved the tie dye shirts we did on our long weekend. They also loved the bumper boats and mini golf we did… https://t.co/h35mL4YLbB
ISO: Small shops for Back To School shopping at! Blog collaborations are possible. We love shopping local! #Vancouver #ShopLocal #blogger
@kelsey_bar hahahahaha Mine get confused when commercials come on. We don't have cable, just Netflix. So when we ar… https://t.co/quc6mVkmpD
@adventurous_ma Look at you go mama!! 31! Trying to remember what I was doing at 31. I think I was just a mama to o… https://t.co/Cs1ppfsscc
Not only did we make sweet family memories on our big family long weekend. We also shared a stomach bug from cousin to cousin. YEAH!
My only silver lining is that my kids didn't get it in the hotel room.
Second silver lining is that it seems short lived. First kid was sick for 6 hours over night. Second kid is working on her turn now. YEAH!
Sharing memories and germs the family way!
@eastvanshan My worry now that I have three kids is just that. That it is never contained to ONE kid. It goes through everyone.
So, who else agrees with me on this one? The 1-4 year old age group is the worst at spreading germs. https://t.co/27fhqgutpc
Any pumping mamas or mamas to be? @myameda and @snugabell are giving away a pump! https://t.co/Mk6YE00CaR #breastfeeding #pumpmamas
@bcbeautygirl Oh that is good! lol
@pinkchai Yikes! That is a long wait for dinner! Hope they fixed the problem ASAP!
Giveaway! My littlest LOVES @freeyumm & calls them 'baby bars' when asking for a snack. #giveaway @HealthyFamExpo https://t.co/8Bc70bN5RO
So excited for this gorgeous diffuser from @SajeWellness to arrive! Isn't it lovely? https://t.co/4XhteS4Inb
A few things that made traveling with our family of 5 a wee bit easier: https://t.co/7FXsAbMoei #familytravel #travelingwithkids
ISO: Ideas for a cool cake for a 9 year old birthday boy that is themed around rock climbing. AND GO!
@Parksville_CA Still searching the wealth of ideas on Pinterest lol
@HealthyFamExpo @freeyumm @WholeFoods Have you tried these? My kids love these bars!
Ahhh!!! My friend just gave me tickets to see Janet Jackson next month! Obviously..day made! #JanetJackson
@coota91 She's taking me and two of our friends! Wee!!!!
@TammyLynnMcNabb @CineplexMovies UGH that sounds terrible! Where was the A/C?
@Juliabug I know!!!
@cheeriodiaries Oh yes our birthday boys! Hot Wheels is a great theme. Im thankful for Pinterest but honestly I AM… https://t.co/X1t9IJ9HPd
@Juliabug I can't believe I'm going lol. Pretty sweet of my friend to give me a ticket! #bucketlist!
@Juliabug Now Im so excited!! I hope she sweats on me too LOL!
@LindsayDianne and not everything was a promotion or attempt at a sale.
@Mamaofabean Heck yes! It is a quad of good friends going. We were all surprised! She even checked our work schedul… https://t.co/oMuNSbRa2T
@HealthyFamExpo has a great list of Back To School snack ideas for you & a giveaway with @WholeFoods https://t.co/8Bc70bN5RO #WINWIN
It's too hot for soft serve ice cream today. Unless you bring a straw or eat next to an A/C haha.
@Mamaofabean That is so tragic. Sincerely sad.
After 3 kids, I totally get that birth order and parenting goes together. https://t.co/5ahOMeereY
@LouiseChapman I LOVE this Louise! You are such an inspiration!!
@5kids1condo Oh wow!! All 5 in 'big' school now. That IS a parenting milestone!!
@TorensMom Wow that is really hard to watch. I'm curious why it had to turn so brutal when she was being so calm?
We're in back to school prep mode over here! Hair cuts done. New shoes secured. @Eschelle interviewed me about the… https://t.co/O1vjlafM9A
@FairmontPacific We just had a glorious stay in the Owner's Suite. Where I can purchase the pillows? They were amazing!
@Mamaofabean So important! Love that you make this a priority!
@FairmontPacific Thank you so much! Ordering a new pillow right now!
I loved the bed at @FairmontPacific so I came home and ordered two of their Fairmont pillows for my own bed. They were that amazing.
Hey locals! There's a fun family festival this weekend at @WesbrookVillage! Check out the blog for all the details… https://t.co/YcwHVa5MTS
@5kids1condo Right back at you! https://t.co/5BpFjoKfQo
@Laura_Lape EW. I do not like this at all.
We should be supporting parents who are trying to raise kids who will be a positive part of our society. This is ri… https://t.co/QZc3Ecaygb
Vancouver: Where can I buy chocolate rock candy? Walked to @candyaisle downtown and they were out. #ISO #YVR https://t.co/nieR3POt3P
@thepiehole Thank you!
It's Thursday! 2 days until @WesbrookVillage Festival. I'm looking forward to the free BBQ & seeing @willstroetmusic https://t.co/0hLC1W8JMe
Oh this kindergartener of mine. Big feelings in a tiny person. I am SO glad I booked vacation from work in anticipation of starting school.
However, I did not see separation anxiety on the radar at all!
@sherribrooks Yes I wasn't expecting it either! Was kind of surprised actually. Good thing I took vacation from wor… https://t.co/V3u85Vdzg6
@howetolove All I read was, 'Im not yet 30' and I was all, 'Oh my god a baby!' ;) hehe
Free local family fun right here! https://t.co/15TRGImwvy
YES! https://t.co/yec5S7tkyG
Got my 9 y.o an @instaxHQ camera for his birthday. He LOVES it. Such a good gift idea for this age. Also, just had my photo taken again ;)
When your kid gets an instant camera for his birthday and suddenly it is surprise photos at every chance lol… https://t.co/txJl5BoH4f
@thesoupsolution @instaxHQ The film is not cheap but my 9 y.o is really really loving it.
@Mamaofabean @instaxHQ Yes, the film is not cheap!
Calling all parents/teachers/emotionally intelligent people. Do I stay or do I go? My Kindergarten girl is having major anxiety when I leave
Today I ended stayed 2.5 hours in the class! Then the teacher had to hold her as she was sobbing. However, picked her up and happy as a clam
The teacher is keen on me staying. I think we have to get the goodbye over with and she will be okay. Thoughts? #teachers #anxiety
If I picked her up and she was miserable...different story. Also, have my 2 y.o with me so staying is seriously stressful for me too.
Welcoming words of parenting wisdom over here!
@MaggieAdams10 @racheljonat We are doing gradual entry to get to a full day. We are at the third time dropping at the class.
@lisa_lu_ The five minutes turned into 2.5 hours and the teacher picked her up and took her in the classroom. It wa… https://t.co/bxvNDI3Yhm
@lisa_lu_ me staying is actually helping. It is not making the goodbye any easier and possibly worse. IDK!
@emikatj She is so happy when I get her. Beaming. Jumping. School is so fun! The teacher wants me to stay...but I d… https://t.co/RpyA4RgHEE
@racheljonat It was so dramatic too. Hard as I have #3 with me and so am distracted a bit. Taken back by her reacti… https://t.co/GsSv2A8VFy
@sherribrooks Did the teacher help you leave? I tried to leave today and she chased me down sobbing.
@marepants Our plan tomorrow is to put something special in her pocket for tomorrow! The drawn out goodbye of me st… https://t.co/klFva4NPc0
@marepants I agree. Especially when you know your kid can do it! I know she can! I am so surprised by the anxiety.
@Kateskate604 I would love that and that is what my instinct says too BUT the teacher is very pro me not leaving until the kid is ready....
@Kateskate604 Once we said goodbye, very painful, when I returned she was so happy and bouncing with joy. Ugh. Parenting is hard.
@JamieKhau @LifeDelish @FSWhistler Oh man! I would LOVE to join you. This looks amazing. Next year I need to rememb… https://t.co/VprZ76D89g
@sherribrooks Thanks so much for sharing! Today was a better day. Not perfect but we have positive movement!
@kelsey_bar Great photo Kelly!
@kelsey_bar Um what?
@kelsey_bar OMG that is SO lame!! Sure it is fun and sure you can have a TURN..but come on!
Oh my! It is smelling delicious over here. Nothing like baking muffins to give you that true Fall feeling. #hurryupandbake
You live downtown and don't feel like cooking. So, you order from a Lebanese restaurant that will deliver you a delicious dinner. LOVE IT!
I don't love cooking. It's not my 'thing'. I do love eating tasty hot fresh food though. Conundrum.