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@BLAH6-Tweets:45416544 JSONTXT

13% done with Broken Monsters, by Lauren Beukes https://t.co/GL00t5LtGw Is it pumpkin season yet? @gingerlyreview https://t.co/cZwui1N7MR @BookNerdAddict I need it to be!! 🍁☕🎃 @kathryn_hegarty @ThePaige_Turner Looks like they are trying to introduce Snapchat's story feature 😑 @kathryn_hegarty @gone_pecan I need all the pumpkin things!! @kathryn_hegarty @carlywatters @allison_day Yummmm!!! @ThePaige_Turner @kathryn_hegarty NOT NECESSARY, @instagram. How about you fix your crappy algorithm instead? Disney Tsum Tsums are just the cutest things ever!! I want them all! @ThePaige_Turner @kathryn_hegarty @instagram I STILL REMEMBER YOUR PAST MISTAKES! When you accept a friend request on Goodreads and then realize that was a really bad idea. Goodbye, Randy. This is basically me. https://t.co/zql6sXiqbx @lovedmetoruins @Urs_Uriarte That's The Spirit is my faaaave Unpopular opinion time: I like the new Goodreads I maybe spilled sour cream in my purse and probably need a new bag now. @RachelllRaeee I'm so embarrassed! @nautigirlreads I just wanted sour cream with my lunch at work, but it didn't transport well 😖 @MichelleEGreco DONALD GLOVER/CHILDISH GAMBINO💕💕💕💕💕 #otspsecretsister https://t.co/UIuc8e8xhQ @carlisajc it's so pretty @nautigirlreads mostly I'm just kind of embarrassed and my bag smells sour 😂 @StefaniSloma Do you have any suggestions? https://t.co/fpHPCzFy5e @MissyPrissy12 @MichelleEGreco HE IS SO DREAMY!!! #otspsecretsister @StefaniSloma @MichelleEGreco I KNEW YOU WOULD APPROVE, STEFANI!! @Suz4AU0608 I have a 15 lb dog and 2 guinea pigs!Toys/treats are great,but we try to keep their food on the natural side. #otspsecretsister @bookchic13 I tried to take it to work as part of my lunch and it didn't handle the fifteen minute trip well 😖 @YAIndulgences I have a smallish dog, two guinea pigs, and a husband! Treats/toys good for pets, husband likes Supergirl. #otspsecretsister YOU GUYS! Jennifer Latham's newest book is so incredible!!! I am loving the alternating… https://t.co/BmlGgOnWMu @nautigirlreads Oh no!! Our purses take so much from us 😂 On page 195 of 384 of Dreamland Burning, by Jennifer Latham https://t.co/DsqsfoNU2d @gone_pecan This has been happening to me so much lately. And then all of a sudden it's at my door. Mornings are not my thing. GUYS!! @jenandapen's NEWEST NOVEL IS AMAZING!!! https://t.co/bvPWOHKTOX @gingerlyreview DID YOU NOT SEE MY STATUS UPDATES?! https://t.co/LcW88SQAPj @thebooktraveler I've wondered this too. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/EtO87YeJuf @jenandapen I hope so too!! @thebooktraveler Now I feel bad for always reading in my email 😕 @Emren @SenpaiAlona @RockinRita03 @bookwishblog Yay!! Thank you!! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/mLRBZJ8ouv @gingerlyreview https://t.co/tS4B1gopbp @NormalChey How cute! @NormalChey hahaha, dogs can sleep anywhere! 89% done with Broken Monsters, by Lauren Beukes https://t.co/s0rKv3mQGI Is anybody else collecting these Funko minis? I'm wanting to trade my extras! https://t.co/mUDviValTY @bftReviews I love greens, blues, and earthy tones. I despise reds and pinks. #otspsecretsister @gingerlyreview What?! How exciting!!! @nautigirlreads Book mail = best mail! @gingerlyreview Oh my gosh YAY!!!!! I do not have as many green books as I thought I did! Pink is not a common color for me either.… https://t.co/FUWI1KPXmF @VanessaBarger It will probably take a day or two before you'll start to feel a difference. 😔 I get strep several times a year. Feel better! 2 of 5 stars to Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes https://t.co/3R4U1BFc19 @VanessaBarger You're welcome! @kathryn_hegarty I have a ton of black ones too! There aren't many things I can do well in the kitchen, but damn am I good at frying eggs. #breakfastfordinner @iheartnandn Darn! I need them all! @kathryn_hegarty Sushi! I can feel the migraine coming on 😦 I need an author with a lot of books out that I can binge. Just general fiction (not fantasy, mystery, thriller, horror). Any suggestions? @skrandolph76 STARBUCKS!! I'm in love with Dunkin, but the closest one is two hours from me *cries* #otspsecretsister @gingerlyreview THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY! @bookchic13 I will look into those! Thank you!!! I've started taking biotin so I can get my long hair back 😂 @readbykarleigh I adored it!! Guys, you want this book. Trust me. https://t.co/0YXtZRVuHp @MissyPrissy12 I recently read Finding Audrey by her. I'll have to look into that series! Marked as to-read: Deeper by Robin York https://t.co/4fO9jwZ5dx @bookmarklit I'm so sorry 🙁💕 @C_L_McCollum I'll look into her! Thanks! @ceceliabedelia I love Sarah Dessen! I was thinking about maybe rereading hers! @ceceliabedelia I haven't heard of them., So I'll look those two up. Thank you!! @bookchic13 Me too! Same when I'm adding things to Amazon wish lists! #otspsecretsister @bloomsburykids @BrianConaghan Glass (book by Ellen Hopkins song by Ingrid Michaelson) @vivacioushobo I enjoyed Lullaby by him, but not Choke. So I'm not sure how I feel about him. @MissyPrissy12 Is that the next one I should read by her? @MissyPrissy12 I'm good with stand-alones! I'm not entirely wanting a series, just an author with a bunch of stand-alones to binge. @MissyPrissy12 if that's even a thing. Seems like everything is a series these days. @MissyPrissy12 Yay!!! I'm hoping to get a Barnes and Noble gift card for my birthday. If I do I'll pick up I've Got Your Number! I'm 10 followers away from 900. What is this madness?! 33% done with The Bane Chronicles, by Cassandra Clare: Ooops, I think I should have read... https://t.co/TFMxMVYFcK @aGREATreader The entire series would be so fun! I love binging series. #otspsecretsister @zoey_river I forgot that I hadn't read Clockwork Princess yet, and I'm reading this and was like, WHAT?! @JordanStephanie https://t.co/1Di1bNzlQh @zoey_river I haven't read anything by her before. Does she do series or standalones? @zoey_river I will look them up! Thank you!! @JordanStephanie haha, yahs! Marked as to-read: Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky https://t.co/5A3hNxq7cl @iheartnandn Do you have a book wishlist? I'm still looking to trade my extra Harry Potter Funko Mystery Minis! https://t.co/yOkgsTEYqt @gingerlyreview https://t.co/DC4DxFXUXi @gingerlyreview I've never been either! I'm so happy for you! I haaaate flying, but as my husband would say, you'll be fine! @gingerlyreview That will be such an amazing experience! 5 of 5 stars to Paper Girls #8 by Brian K. Vaughan https://t.co/uDduj00ouF I got the new issue of Paper Girls today and it was so good! I'm only missing issues two and… https://t.co/ksbAUA1E0e I'm currently reading The Bane Chronicles right now, and I'm actually enjoying it a lot more… https://t.co/4Z1Q9kGzWM 4 of 5 stars to The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare https://t.co/39vpun7fDZ 5 of 5 stars to Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham https://t.co/BG1CQeUz2W @thebooktraveler I need to try this!! @MarissaOsman It'll only let me tweet 1 pic at a time right now,so my main collections in 4 parts #otspsecretsister https://t.co/q7AQjJ9tBo @MarissaOsman part two #otspsecretsister https://t.co/Qvl9gCnnOe @MarissaOsman part three (Gayle Forman and John Green) #otspsecretsister https://t.co/05QtUpaUnY @MarissaOsman part four (Jane Eyre) #otspsecretsister https://t.co/eqK2uXzPYJ @aGREATreader Probably! Not finishing series bothers me. #otspsecretsister @torialexandra_g Thin Mints all the way! #otspsecretsister @bringmybooks @MarissaOsman Oooh, yay! Another Jane Eyre fan!! We have a lot of the same editions! @MarissaOsman My HP collection is the one I'm most serious about. It started out just wanting a matching set of the books, and then exploded The opening ceremony for the Olympics is tonight! I'm so excited for the games. I probably won't… https://t.co/CIBin1YWEb 3 of 5 stars to Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn https://t.co/CP4LStQHa8 49% done with Dark Places, by Gillian Flynn: I hate how the animals are treated in this ... https://t.co/ZVLdGoma3D @skrandolph76 Harry Potter and Gayle Forman's #otspsecretsister @gingerlyreview https://t.co/eFnXv29k4a @gingerlyreview https://t.co/QymQvAdz4M @hermitlibrarian Either! #otspsecretsister I think I need to start focusing more on my Gayle Forman and John Green collection. This is what I think about when I should be working. Like seriously, Book Depository has so many cheap foreign editions. Why have I not been utilizing this?! I need them all! @bookmarklit This needs to happen! 78% done with Dark Places, by Gillian Flynn https://t.co/6MaKArWXbY That new Tove Lo song though 👌 #pixelrexdsaug16 - spine appreciation #backtobooksaugust - national colors #augustofpages… https://t.co/CIBin1YWEb Time for a Liv and Maddie marathon! @knoxdiver I'm sorry, Mary 😕 https://t.co/nnIeQPM027 It's only 7 o'clock and I've already had so many beers. @YouBookMe Fall! I NEED ALL THE PUMPKIN THINGS! #otspsecretsister Somebody was stomping up the stairs, so I told my husband to make sure the door was locked (I'm a scaredy cat). Instead, he goes outside. Thirty seconds later, he comes inside with pizza. HE ORDERED PIZZA AND DIDN'T TELL ME. @bookchic13 He did! https://t.co/k98ROcl46d @bookchic13 I would have been so upset if he hadn't! @bookchic13 WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! @thebookbratz are giving away a mystery box full of books and swag! Enter here: https://t.co/HUpI3wL5V3 @ssbme83 k-cups for me! #otspsecretsister I actually am freaking out! This is such a lovely book! https://t.co/IOsOuzxLrl @gingerlyreview https://t.co/yihmqW4Mgb @gingerlyreview https://t.co/xbR6Tei8XG @gingerlyreview https://t.co/EhmUDFNAQ9 @torialexandra_g YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!! #otspsecretsister These are two of my favorite John Green editions that I own. I love how they stand out on my… https://t.co/RixsUgNFkx @BlankSlaters Ugh. Yes. I see pictures that people took of Barnes&Noble displays that are blurry, no editing, etc, and they have 1000 likes. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/kmFlBs7sHb @gingerlyreview https://t.co/OPP2tbQOCq Anxiously awaiting more MIL tweets from @gingerlyreview https://t.co/T5JvcrNCpp @gingerlyreview OH MY GOD NO @JenESmith It's gorgeous!! @gingerlyreview I just want to give you all the books for putting up with that. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/bZlIvjD5cv @gingerlyreview https://t.co/qGLGN9fdL6 win a haul of 7 new hardcover YA books! https://t.co/71b4ApgzC1 @gingerlyreview I feel like my gif game has been strong lately! Can we have a gif Olympics? @gingerlyreview Ahahaha, I love this one. @kathryn_hegarty Oh my goodness the cuteness!! @ThePaige_Turner https://t.co/HebvxPvG0g I need a good strong coffee. @cfbriggs1 Nick and Judy, Anna, Jasmine, Sadness #otspsecretsister @dduffield75 I love Death Wish! It's really good! I think I'm finally starting to get a steady aesthetic that I like on my Instagram 🙂 forever listening to Melanie Martinez https://t.co/15pUJI1zFM @osoordinary @cfbriggs1 She had me crying that entire movie haha Writing a letter to my #otspsecretsister! I love this part! @osoordinary Yes! I love this aspect as well! I deal with depression, and its just really nice to see it acknowledged! That feeling when you go to make coffee and discover you don't have any. 🙃🙃🙃 I stole my husband's socks for today's #socksunday. I need to find some new cute ones to wear.… https://t.co/XsBQONPdoR GIVEAWAY! RT & follow by 6 PM CST on 8/12 to win mystery stack of 8 books. Mix of ARCs and HCs. US only. https://t.co/9NBRLNdqNM For extra entry, follow me on Instagram (username MusingsOfAGirl) and tweet me with your username. @brittany_reads You're welcome! Good luck! @deadtossedwaves I adore mystery minis!!!! #otspsecretsister @MissyPrissy12 Mystery stacks are so fun I think! @JordanStephanie Yay!!! @JordanStephanie My husband saved me and went to the store 😂 @JordanStephanie Our guys must really like us! 😄💕 @LiliReflects Same. I tried to turn it off and read earlier, and I couldn't concentrate on my book. @kathryn_hegarty Ehhhh, never powdered creamer 😝 @NormalChey https://t.co/jpdTFfetIv @kathryn_hegarty Good choice! @bookstacksamber I'm always like, nah, man, that was perfect. For the evening crowd - I have a giveaway going on! Check the corresponding tweet attached to it for an extra entry! https://t.co/NORXhk3bQF @RachelllRaeee Not able to attend many events, so it's really exciting for me to get a signed book. Not necessary though! #otspsecretsister @thebooktraveler Afterward by Jennifer Mathieu! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/XwqblNSjtk @bookchic13 @thebooktraveler So far it is! I'm not too far in it though. The Olympics are cutting into my readinf time! @thebooktraveler @bookchic13 It's literally all I've done this weekend. @thebooktraveler How was your vacay?? @thebooktraveler They're never long enough! @RachelllRaeee SAME! I'm totally lacking in the sock department. I like crew socks! #otspsecretsister @thebooktraveler I always have that problem too! @gingerlyreview Can you come to Oklahoma now? Okay, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow. Byyyyeeeeeeee. https://t.co/pQBQAYnntq @gingerlyreview https://t.co/wCn2sTxv93 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/whQa8UtzyK @nautigirlreads Oh my gosh how exciting! @lovedmetoruins This happened to me and when I went to reenter my payment info the book was on backorder. @1999Kevin13 I'm not sure how USPS shipping would count it, so I'll research and get back to you! @gingerlyreview ISN'T IT AMAZING?! https://t.co/abmyjHvudE @lovedmetoruins I was so mad. @gingerlyreview I already want to reread it. @lovedmetoruins this: https://t.co/FZw2Gp5oNo @gingerlyreview I'm so glad I was able to put it in your hands!! No rush💕 @lovedmetoruins Yep. I'm still pretty bitter about it haha @lovedmetoruins @shdowandbone THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL OLD @dduffield75 OH HOW CUTE!!!! @bayy_245 @gingerlyreview READ IT!!!! @dduffield75 Definitely one of the cutest cats I've ever seen 💕 After being up until 11 pm watching the Olympics, I'm not a big fan of waking up at 5 am for work. @inknstories I am going to need LOTS of coffee. @JBelkBooks Thank you so much! Good luck! @wallace71 You're welcome! Good luck! @lavendermud Happy anniversary!!!!! On page 50 of 320 of Afterward, by Jennifer Mathieu: If it weren't for the Olympics, I w... https://t.co/cBXXLhRBYE 3% done with Harry Potter and the, by J.K. Rowling: I'm not ready..... https://t.co/SKxZiXyW4N Good morning! Let's be friends on Goodreads too! https://t.co/tw6AqRSeSM @JordanStephanie I'm not a writer, but as a reader I like it when the chapter ends and a new one begins in that instance. @travel_write I love the Buzz Lightyear stamp!! #otspsecretsister @katiesbookblog WHAT IS THIS?! @JordanStephanie Right! I enjoy varying length in chapters. It feels too monotonous to me when they are all the same length. @JordanStephanie You're welcome!! 😄 You know it's Monday when you keep throwing paperclips and pens all over your desk 😂 @travel_write I can understand why! That's a fun ride! @katiesbookblog I'm going to have to look into that!! @katiesbookblog I just looked up pictures and it really does look neat. I love how they customize it to your house. @katiesbookblog That's what my library does too and I don't like it 😕 @knoxdiver It's so hard!! #otspsecretsister This ends on Friday! See the corresponding tweet attached to it for an extra entry. https://t.co/NORXhk3bQF I just got the email from @FierceReads with the Crooked Kingdom pre-order goodie info and I'm FREAKING OUT Y'ALL @LBardugo @katiesbookblog I was told it costs them a lot to process them and add them to their system. @katiesbookblog I completely agree. @nautigirlreads @FierceReads Same here 🙁 @dduffield75 @FierceReads Try reloading the website and submitting again. If you get a 404 error, you're submission went through. @Kris10MFAF I'm curious about this too. @FierceReads I need to temporarily move to the UK 😰 @NightBookThief No HB of We Were Liars in the stack. Good guess though! @quirkbooks Pear @quirkbooks A bracelet? @quirkbooks A sponge? @quirkbooks A paperclip? @quirkbooks A crazy straw? @quirkbooks The letter O? @gingerlyreview https://t.co/MyDKhcvZr4 @jenandapen Feel better!! @NormalChey you're not! Marked as to-read: Beautiful Broken Girls by Kim Savage https://t.co/5MwXyJ4WWE @gingerlyreview https://t.co/XrC6vfHZeG @heatherdoss The Other Boy sounds so wonderful! @carlisajc Congratulations!!! 🎉 40% done with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling https://t.co/nrTi1SQXC3 Happy Monday! I hope you all have a wonderful week! Head over to my Twitter page (username… https://t.co/LjKRUHeGso The response to my giveaway is amazing. Thank you, guys!! Whenever one of my Instagram photos reaches 100 likes (which isn't often), I always feel so proud and do a little happy dance. Ben Bridwell's voice ❤ #purrrfectaugustbookchallenge - instalove character (Alice) #lilbookishaugust - books that got… https://t.co/LjKRUHeGso I'm so ready for my free birthday Starbucks. @miss_print I'm going to have to get mine out at some point and I'm trying to forget about it because I'm terrified. @miss_print Thank you!! I will probably do that soon. Don't forget that you can earn an extra entry in my giveaway! See my pinned tweet for more info. https://t.co/AKqMLVB5OD On page 142 of 320 of Afterward, by Jennifer Mathieu: This story is so gripping. https://t.co/b1UIsEflOc When your former HS theater teacher/comp speech coach texts you about Cursed Child wondering how many kids will pull pieces from it 😂 So thankful to still have her in my life. HS was a really hard/dark time for me, & I literally wouldn't have survived it without her. Teachers are so important. They have the power to truly impact students in ways nobody else can. @gingerlyreview Oooh, I'm really excited to find out what books you find intimidating🙂 @gingerlyreview GO!!! I'm dying to read her books because it looks like you've been binging them. @JordanStephanie HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Let the celebrations begin! https://t.co/nRhIewQq4a @JordanStephanie I sure am!! Celebrate #NationalBookLoversDay by entering to win 8 books! See corresponding tweet for extra entry! https://t.co/NORXhk3bQF @gingerlyreview I know, same here. I totally agree with your list. I feel the same @gingerlyreview Eeeep! I've been looking for an author exactly like that!!! @gingerlyreview Thank you 😄 @gingerlyreview I'll try and pick up one of her books soon!! 63% done with Harry Potter and the, by J.K. Rowling: Unpopular opinion time: I've never ... https://t.co/r3SiQAbYpf If I revived mg blog, would you read it? @mintnovels I love your header!! @NormalChey That's terrifying! I hate bridges. Marked as to-read: The You I've Never Known by Ellen Hopkins https://t.co/9VW33KrcD6 OH MY GOD I MUST HAVE ALL OF THESE I'M DYING https://t.co/xMQC6PYdSi @gingerlyreview I KNOW I JUST SAW I AM FREAKING OUT I MUST HAVE THESE BABIEA @gingerlyreview TWILIGHT WAS MY LIFE I'M DYING @mintnovels I'm not an expert, but I really like it. And your colors are perfect. They're basically my favorite. @knoxdiver @gingerlyreview They really are kind of creepy but I must have. Probably they'll release a second series with the other siblings? @mintnovels You're welcome! I think mint novels is cute and catchy. But I like the little tea bag you had. @quirkbooks is it questions? @NormalChey I'm bet it was! Glad you made it home! 82% done with Harry Potter and the, by J.K. Rowling: I WILL NEVER BE OKAY WITH RON SPEAK... https://t.co/RKMeuEU64S 5 of 5 stars to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling https://t.co/BlYNKBCbNh That was a big earthquake. Blue and green - my favorite colors! Sometimes I wish I was a Ravenclaw or Slytherin so all my… https://t.co/XIwMZGntVp I'm having a hard time coming up with bookstagram ideas and it sucks. @leaninglights My last 5 star book was a reread of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! Thanks for the giveaway! Like I've seriously taken two different photos, posted them, then deleted them because I hate them. But I want to post something. @gingerlyreview I'm really interested in this one! I hope it's good. This is just shaping up to be a gross week and I'm really not a fan. @125Pages Happy birthday! #otspsecretsister @MarissaOsman @Dizneeee Oh yay!!! I'm so glad you were able to get one! I like your color choice! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/t4eof3z7Z8 @JordanStephanie I feel this so much. Only a few days left to enter! https://t.co/NORXhk3bQF @Dizneeee Oh no. What have you done to me??? https://t.co/nAX7q7SC1S @Dizneeee I'm loving the looks on their faces when time is running out 😂 @Dizneeee Isn't there a game for the Tsum Tsums? This is an awful day. Please send cat pictures and Zootopia gifs. @JordanStephanie I'm just too much of an introvert. 5% done with Trial by Fire, by Josephine Angelini: I've been super nervous/intimidated b... https://t.co/nBTkuQvsZQ Marked as to-read: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/uq7zxdjBpp On page 50 of 385 of Maybe Someday, by Colleen Hoover: Ooooh, burn! Go, Sydney! https://t.co/D0PckF5JtB 5 of 5 stars to Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/yeBMxThk1T 27% done with Trial by Fire, by Josephine Angelini https://t.co/Y2N2xZMsul I haven't read this series since it came out, so I figured it was past time for a reread.… https://t.co/hR3yBfWgUx @AngelinaFable Thank you!! It did! @carlisajc Thank you! I finally did! @bookchic13 Thank you 🙂 I hope your day turned out okay! @brittany_reads Thank you!! @lavendermud It did! Thank you! @kathryn_hegarty Haha, thanks!! @LBardugo YES! I haven't been able to read the folk tales because I have a hard time reading ebooks 😕 Only two days left to enter to win 8 books! See the corresponding tweet for an extra entry! https://t.co/NORXhk3bQF @JordanStephanie I cannot wait to read this!! @JordanStephanie Girl, it's normal to be nervous, but YOU GOT THIS!! @JordanStephanie Awww, thank you so much. I hope tomorrow is better for you 💕 @hesaidbooksorme HOW CUTE!! Is this one of your Bengals? @bookchic13 I'm so glad! Mine did. @hesaidbooksorme I seriously LOVE your cats! @JordanStephanie https://t.co/SuJrcqT50g @JordanStephanie I understand this all too well 😂 @hesaidbooksorme vocal cats are so much fun! @JordanStephanie Unfortunately 😂😂 32% done with Trial by Fire, by Josephine Angelini https://t.co/a5sObkMdzX I read my first book by Colleen Hoover today and now I just need everything she has ever written RIGHT NOW. @gingerlyreview WHAT DO YOU MEAN THESE ARE NOT YOUR JAM?! Guys in kilts slay. On page 197 of 320 of Afterward, by Jennifer Mathieu https://t.co/5jzxv26zV4 @___k__i__m___ I am really loving it! You'll definitely want to make sure you read this one. @___k__i__m___ Good! It's an audiobook extravaganza! @whatsarahread is giving THREE winners their book choice from Audible! https://t.co/vcAmpabwP7 THANK YOU STARBUCKS FOR MY FREE BIRTHDAY DRINK YOU ARE A GODSEND @JordanStephanie HAVE A GOOD DAY!! https://t.co/dl7x36Uac6 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/oichvCjUqC BARNES AND NOBLE SENT ME A COUPON THAT EXPIRES THE DAY AFTER MY BIRTHDAY 🙌 @JordanStephanie This is the perfect gif 😂 @JordanStephanie They won't have any books left by the time I'm done! @paperlanternlit Best excuse to buy all the books for my birthday! @bookchic13 I'm so sorry 😕 @PolishedPage HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! https://t.co/nmo0Mig8cs @bookchic13 @CassieopiaB Good! And that looks delicious! @gingerlyreview My dad used to compete in those Scottish games and wore kilts quite frequently 😑 @gingerlyreview I had a feeling you would! @gingerlyreview Oh my god this gif is cracking me up 😂 @gingerlyreview YES IT IS AND I AM PROUD @gingerlyreview BARNES AND NOBLE FO SHO! @gingerlyreview I'm gonna be real honest. I don't know what I am. I'm just a person. BARNES AND NOBLE TONIGHT!!!!!! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/rCXHEo5bPY @naturallysteph I do not speak Swedish, but this would be an amazing edition to add toy collection!! @bookchic13 I don't know! There are so many I want! While in the break room at work making lunch, two guys are trying to figure out how to turn the stove one. One of them said they needed(1/?) to find a female to tell them how to work it. Seriously? Sexist much? (2/2) 4 of 5 stars to Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini https://t.co/HmCBlqicgY @hesaidbooksorme Congratulations! @gingerlyreview Hahaha, yessss https://t.co/UzhX7bI6Zy @mintnovels It was ridiculous. @thebookishfeels Right?! @RachelllRaeee Totoro! @c_bookaddiction Happy birthday!! 🎉🎉 @bookchic13 I haven't, but it does sound really good. @bookchic13 My mom is taking me for my birthday, so what I get depends on how much she says I can spend 😂 @bookchic13 I remember you told me to check out Janet Evanovich, was the author author Jennifer Echols? 34% done with Anna and the French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins: I'm enjoying this so much ... https://t.co/BOx53iblMn I adore this series by @officiallyally, and cannot wait for the third Embassy Row… https://t.co/ruXNAVdFBC 48% done with Anna and the French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins https://t.co/hjHWKD7dN4 @JordanStephanie I honestly wasn't that into contemps the first time I read it, but now they are my fave. So I think that's why it's better. Less than 24 hours to go! Don't forget to enter!! https://t.co/NORXhk3bQF @OfficiallyAlly Oh my gosh, thank you!! I am DEFINITELY going to be #ReadingForGold soon! Anybody else?? #ReadingDecathlon https://t.co/4nZaS4agUR @JordanStephanie Me too! I'm really into contemps and NA right now! @StefaniSloma all the hugs! If you need anything, let me know 💕 Don't forget that you can follow me on Instagram (MusingsOfAGirl) for an extra entry! Just reply with your Instagram username. @ShootingStarMag That is such a neat idea! 70s would be my decade. #otspsecretsister Are we friends on Goodreads? Well, why not?! https://t.co/tw6AqRSeSM It's an audiobook extravaganza! @whatsarahread is giving THREE winners their book choice from Audible! https://t.co/vcAmpabwP7 70% done with Anna and the French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins: ISLA AND JOSH!! https://t.co/M0ADEVqz0C @bookchic13 I'm going to keep it a secret until after my birthday in case I getore books and then I'll do a birthday haul thingy 🙂 @MichelleEGreco @ShootingStarMag Yes!!! https://t.co/qhPNtEDSE5 @bookchic13 I will tell you I got three hardcovers and three paperbacks! I'll be picking a winner for my contest tonight! Follow me on Instagram (MusingsOfAGirl) and reply with your IG username for an extra entry! @SwiftBooks13 That's okay!! P.S. I love your Taylor Swift pictures 💕 4 of 5 stars to Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins https://t.co/IyGycfijPW If you are following on Instagram for the extra entry, make sure you are also RTing the quoted tweet. https://t.co/NORXhk3bQF @lavendermud Same!! @KylieKaemke https://t.co/QbW9s9sQJf Marked as to-read: The Odds of Lightning by Jocelyn Davies https://t.co/NJUo5h1YQn It's almost like @gingerlyreview and I are the same person. https://t.co/NoIXjYp2XR This has to be the funniest new article I've seen in a while. https://t.co/3rghQC8dfP You want this book!! https://t.co/0hV8nBwJk1 36% done with Fairest, by Marissa Meyer https://t.co/CjLCPNzaRg @gingerlyreview Do you have another copy or do you want me to send this one back to you? @gingerlyreview https://t.co/flrZ33H6Nx @gingerlyreview Oh, you 💕💕💕 @gingerlyreview I'm honestly not a huge fan of Lonely Island, but The Creep is a good one 😂 @gingerlyreview Okay, just wanted to make sure!! I know it's taking me forever to get through it, but it's so goos! @GrangerLiv Yay! @gingerlyreview Mission accomplished! @gingerlyreview How was that one? @gingerlyreview Not my best genre either. Right after fantasy. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/GBS1RDb4ZE @gingerlyreview *whispers* it's empty @gingerlyreview I'm obsessively refreshing it. It shall come when it deems itself ready! @gingerlyreview YOU ARE THE BEST! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! YOU DID NOT HAVE TO GET ME ANYTHING! THAAAAANK YOOOUUUUU! https://t.co/z6au0z6FGX BACK TO BARNES AND NOBLE I GO THANKS TO @gingerlyreview WHO IS BASICALLY THE BEST EVER!! https://t.co/OaM7qxUtzU 4 of 5 stars to Fairest by Marissa Meyer https://t.co/YDWwVJjJ4i @gingerlyreview I will! https://t.co/vruFQeS6K5 10% done with The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins: This narrator does not fit the story... https://t.co/85anhbnCnv @gingerlyreview @AP WHAT WHAT WHAT @gingerlyreview YOU are perfect! YOU ONLY HAVE 30 MINUTES LEFT TO ENTER TO WIN 8 BOOKS!! https://t.co/NORXhk3bQF CONGRATULATIONS, @Novel_Knight!! You won my giveaway! DM your mailing address to me and I'll get your books out tomorrow! @Novel_Knight Yay!! I'm so glad! @JordanStephanie Thank you!!!! 💕💕 @gingerlyreview THAAAAANK YOOOUUUUU!!!! @gingerlyreview BALLOONS!!! @thebooktraveler Thank you!! 🎉💕 @ReadWriteLove28 Thank you, Nori! @lovedmetoruins Thank you!! ❤😄 @gingerlyreview Oh my god I didn't even notice that 😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/d8XcCG38VQ @JordanStephanie Eeeeeep! https://t.co/5GSLSag7S5 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/YYy84gqww4 @Harlee_S Thank you!!! 🎉🎉🎉 @inahreads Why thank you! 😄 @NormalChey Hahaha, thank you!!!! @JordanStephanie oh my gosh this is great 😂 @bookchic13 This is SO CUTE!! Thank you!!! It's an audiobook extravaganza! @whatsarahread is giving THREE winners their book choice from Audible! https://t.co/vcAmpabwP7 @gingerlyreview UNICORNS 😍 @JordanStephanie 😍😍😍😍 @MissyPrissy12 NEW GIRL!! Thank you!!! @RachelllRaeee @SJMaas THIS IS GORGEOUS!! @JordanStephanie meow meow meow meow meow meow! 😻😻😻 Birthday book haul! https://t.co/QkjaXbEuv6 @tammygeo Thank you!! 😄 I discovered Colleen Hoover this past week and now I'm in LOVE!! I had to use some of my… https://t.co/zJWO2Gv08d 5 of 5 stars to Afterward by Jennifer Mathieu https://t.co/DO69Th5A0d @gingerlyreview Barnes and Noble! I was so lucky and was given several gift cards. It was AMAZING!!! @lavendermud Yay!! @lavendermud I wish I had joined sooner 😂 @JordanStephanie It has been wonderful!! And your gifs have been 👌 @bookchic13 I've only read one by her but I already love her! I was going to pick up a Janet Evanovich, but they were all mass markets 😔 @iheartnandn I'm new to her books! So far I love her! @MissyPrissy12 Just for you 😉 @gingerlyreview Thank you!! It's been really nice💕 @JordanStephanie Oh, Stephen Colbert 😂😂 I'm so sorry you've had a migraine all day, those are rough. I'm glad you're feeling better though!! I won my first @goodreads giveaway ON MY BIRTHDAY!! https://t.co/j79FzWbP87 @JordanStephanie I've got that department covered! https://t.co/3sPOh9vImD @nautigirlreads Thank you!! @osoordinary It is! I love it!! @osoordinary Thank you!! @carlisajc Thank you!! 🎉 @bookchic13 I think I'm going to see if my library has the audios and maybe listen to them! Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes yesterday. You guys are the best. ❤ Today's #socksunday features my birthday book haul! I was so fortunate to receive gift cards to… https://t.co/TtcRW3Ur7z @Netherreads Thank you!! @hesaidbooksorme Thank you, Valerie! @hesaidbooksorme AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! @bookchic13 I love rereading books by listening to the audio! Did anybody else have a hard time getting into More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera? @RunYouCleverBoy Feel better!! @rebeccalynnh527 I'm sticking with it, but I'm about 70 pages in and still just not liking it. Seriously so tired of reading the phrase no homo @NoBentSpines OF COURSE! I'm so excited for you! @ReadWriteLove28 I really loved Every Last Word, Half Bad, and The Sun Is Also A Star! @ReadWriteLove28 I enjoyed Fangirl, but it isn't a favorite. @ArtemisHi My parent's divorce is almost final and there's just a lot going on with it that is hard for me #otspsecretsister @NSchumacher85 Thank you ❤ @MissyPrissy12 YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS @MissyPrissy12 I WATCHED IT BACK TO BACK THE FIRST TIME 😂 @ladyshanelise I really appreciate that ❤ On page 59 of 340 of Allison Hewitt Is Trapped, by Madeleine Roux https://t.co/t48vJ4YwqI One of my wisdom teeth is so swollen 😭 2 of 5 stars to More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera https://t.co/LusomqEzBR @ArtemisHi Thank you so much! 5 of 5 stars to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins https://t.co/ajmaL821Gd 22% done with Maybe Not, by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/N2GGtqJeYw @BookNerdAddict HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🎉🎂🎈 When it comes to quotable YA authors, John Green definitely takes the gold.… https://t.co/g4MZVnunAm 43% done with Maybe Not, by Colleen Hoover: Holy moly :) https://t.co/tih0zc478P @arcticbookss Possibly! Do you have a wishlist? @readbykarleigh SAME @arcticbookss It doesn't look like I have anything. Thank you though! @readbykarleigh Also same. I'm so awful when it comes to losing weight though. 😭 UPDATE: numbing gell is a wonderful thing @bookchic13 That's what I had for dinner! @bookchic13 My husband makes the BEST grilled cheese. We collect cups and things. https://t.co/XWsLBO2UA9 On page 107 of 340 of Allison Hewitt Is Trapped, by Madeleine Roux https://t.co/tFGelD3mJm @Dizneeee I actually did 😂 5 of 5 stars to Maybe Not by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/JEpF60WvWX 5 of 5 stars to Afterward by Jennifer Mathieu https://t.co/DO69Th5A0d Why is it not pumpkin season yet? I need pumpkin coffee in my life. #ZzzQuil is not for pain. It is just for Sleep. #SleepLovers #ad #gotitfree https://t.co/2v7mMEgO6M Feeling refreshed and recharged with the #ReviveVoxBox thanks to Influenster! @StefaniSloma CONGRATULATIONS!!! I would choose We Are the Ants because I've been dying to read it! Don't miss out! This book is so funny! https://t.co/fbpJfd2Cjt @JordanStephanie OH MY GOSH HOW PRECIOUS!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ @JordanStephanie I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures 😄 @completelybkd You're welcome!! @JordanStephanie I'm in love 😍 5 of 5 stars to Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins https://t.co/9imc0G0het 12% done with Clockwork Princess, by Cassandra Clare: Oh, Jem..... https://t.co/D3VamJsklf Yellow is best because yellow is for Hufflepuff! #purrrfectaugustbookchallenge - best summer… https://t.co/wumP0QG6Qs Okay, guys, give me your bookstagram tips! I really want to get good at the whole bookstagramming thing, but I feel all my pics are blah. When is the best time to post? How do you come up with ideas? The coming up with ideas thing is what I'm worst at! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/NpRwU5PL7q @carlisajc THANK YOU!!! 16% done with Clockwork Princess, by Cassandra Clare https://t.co/daZGFpz5mg @nautigirlreads Thanks for the tip! I love your theme, it's too cute! @readingrapunzel Yes! I love natural lighting! @StefaniSloma This is so exciting! I am incredibly happy for you!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! @gingerlyreview Hi!! I've deemed you my BBFF (best book friend forever). https://t.co/jTC59EIS2d @JordanStephanie https://t.co/5CC9ftDRCi 4 of 5 stars to Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare https://t.co/uedGhW2ajo Green is one of my favorite colors, and green books always looks so nice. #lilbookishaugust -… https://t.co/338ulsM79s Thank you for sending me such a sweet card, @gingerlyreview 💕 https://t.co/tLgj09n8Ey @hmz1505 I saw this at my Target too 😂 @RachelllRaeee I love it!! @gingerlyreview it doesn't even matter! @JordanStephanie I hope your day got better 💕 @JordanStephanie I'm so sorry 😔 I want to be tour Goodreads friend!! https://t.co/tw6AqRSeSM @iheartnandn Yay! Marked as to-read: Fairest of All by Serena Valentino https://t.co/DKrDBpCLQo Marked as to-read: The Beast Within by Serena Valentino https://t.co/YTXmoR6pQL @Novel_Knight They came early! I hope you enjoy them! @gingerlyreview @goodreads https://t.co/xg6G5faVNX @gingerlyreview I'm so so glad you liked this one. Have you read any or her others? @gingerlyreview It's been on my shelf for forever 😳 @gingerlyreview I'll sneak it into my immediate TBR 🙄 Finally trying these. I'm a bit obsessed with Doritos. https://t.co/Ko7taMwa8n Marked as to-read: Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn https://t.co/94slD8LJiR I'm #reading Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins https://t.co/5cLnOQ3bbc Marked as to-read: Nemesis by Brendan Reichs https://t.co/gGQMOYcZol 41% done with Isla and the Happily Ever, by Stephanie Perkins: Isla is still definitely ... https://t.co/0Ugkuxm4WD @MarissaOsman *hugs* My one pair of sandals broke, and I thought I could fix them but I can't. I'm kind of devastated. Enter to win an ARC prize pack including #Heartless from @knoxdiver! #MarysClearingHouse https://t.co/R6MUzaDl5x @paperlanternlit The Grisha Trilogy ❤ When I'm bookstagramming and not giving him all my attention. https://t.co/ttRuNbPC0p My Grisha collection might not be impressive, but it is seriously one of my absolute favorite… https://t.co/MwzmBYPCmJ If your Instagram picture has a cat in it, I'm probably going to like it. @paperlanternlit WITH MALICE!! @paperlanternlit @LaurenEMorrill Contemporaries are my faaaavorite! Can I just say all of Gayle Forman's? @nautigirlreads TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!! https://t.co/3mtC27IzXl TFW you're really proud of your Instagram picture but then it hardly gets any likes. https://t.co/4t62YJANBl Have you ever written something really funny only to have your editor not get the joke? #CrackYourShelfUp @paperlanternlit DEFINITELY If I Stay/Where She Went @JordanStephanie It's the thought that counts 💕💕💕 62% done with Isla and the Happily Ever After, by Stephanie Perkins https://t.co/rBtkrQQhQr @torialexandra_g Yay!!! Congratulations!! @paperlanternlit Holy cannolis, this series sounds SO GOOD!! @lpdeal @paperlanternlit I'm definitely going to have to check it out! @paperlanternlit OF COURSE I'M GOING TO FOLLOW YOU!! @naturallysteph YOU ARE A GEM!! Thank you for giving away so many books! @katiesbookblog The struggle is real! @thebooktraveler MusingsOfAGirl! Mal and Alina will forever give me all the feels. #purrrfectaugustbookchallenge - favorite… https://t.co/MwzmBYPCmJ @thebooktraveler Thank YOU for following me! Your account is cracking me up 😂 @thebooktraveler Oh my gosh thank you!! I'm still pretty new at it too, so I'm still trying to find my groove. @thebooktraveler I really appreciate that 😄 Hey, guys! I'm on Instagram too! Just in case you didn't know 😊 https://t.co/4qHR3h1lX2 @lovedmetoruins LOVE. So cute! 2 of 5 stars to Allison Hewitt Is Trapped by Madeleine Roux https://t.co/BCfmirdJ9l I see that all of my Goodreads friends either DNFed or hated this book. Why, yes, I think I will read it! @otakutwins1 Save Me by Jenny Elliott @ReadWriteLove28 Save Me by Jenny Elliott @ReadWriteLove28 It was a definite cover buy! https://t.co/pDQUjoIiUl @otakutwins1 Me too! But if not, I was warned 😂 @thebooktraveler @ReadWriteLove28 Isn't it pretty?! On page 69 of 309 of Save Me, by Jenny Elliott https://t.co/UnOBSF4Qe1 90% done with Isla and the Happily Ever, by Stephanie Perkins: I still need a book about... https://t.co/kNHCxstfsL @BooksWithMaps https://t.co/bJI2zh5mRu 5 of 5 stars to Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins https://t.co/5cLnOQ3bbc @BooksWithMaps You're welcome!! #augustofpages - used books #serialtalesinaugust - most anticipated read (Crooked… https://t.co/MwzmBYPCmJ 70% done with Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins https://t.co/3DrPBbrLGB @gingerlyreview What's wrong with you? @AngelinaFable https://t.co/2044iOOajw @AngelinaFable You're welcome!! @gingerlyreview It's okay! Even though I hate it, sometimes it's good to take a break. Every now and then I get to the point where I've just @gingerlyreview listened to too many audios and need to shake things up with some music instead. @gingerlyreview Yep, I definitely get that. It gets to the point where the narrator voice just hurts my head, even if they aren't a bad. @gingerlyreview Those are normally the ones that send me into the slumps! 88% done with Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins: I was hoping that wouldn't happen this tim... https://t.co/z3mZZdtWh8 5 of 5 stars to Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins https://t.co/DasnwYZtfN Oops 🙊 https://t.co/U8aSXXTDeK @SamjamRose I listen to a lot of audios while I work 😳 @gingerlyreview This gif is perfect 😂 @BookCatPin Thank you!! 😄 My Grisha collection might not be impressive, but it is seriously one of my absolute favorite… https://t.co/MwzmBYPCmJ @Shybooknerd Oh my gosh, All in Pieces!!! Did you read it? HUGE thank you to my #otspsecretsister!! I'm already wearing the shirt. I love everything so much! The HP goodies https://t.co/NB0g0SxVU3 are AWESOME!I went to the midnight release for Cursed Child,but didn't pick anything up. So THANK YOU!!I'll write soon ❤ #otspsecretsister @JordanStephanie YOU HAVE TO READ IT IMMEDIATELY!! @Shybooknerd Oh no! I'm dying to read it. I loooove Suzanne Young. @gingerlyreview @Shybooknerd I've heard it's amazing. But I might be biased. You know how I feel about Suzanne Young, Sara 🙄 @JordanStephanie It's noooooooooo good. Like, I seriously cannot accurately express how good it is. @GRgenius I love it!!! #otspsecretsister I am so impressed by how many of my favorite things you managed to include in one package! #otspsecretsister @JordanStephanie THAT'S THE SPIRIT!! @JordanStephanie I used to work for Books-A-Million. I got this!! @gingerlyreview Squeeee!!! @bookchic13 Right?! @MichelleEGreco I love it all!! @SamjamRose Books are a priority! I'm sure your boss understood 😂 @NoBentSpines Haha, nope!! @Dizneeee 😂😂😂😂😂 that cracked me up. Don't worry though! You still have four whole months!! On page 95 of 309 of Save Me, by Jenny Elliott: What the heck is even going on? This is ... https://t.co/8w3GuVMGYS Happy Caturday 😺 https://t.co/XinPrvVJUT @SamjamRose Success! @Chasm_of_Books I have no life 😂 @zoeytalbon I REALLY LIKE BOOKS 🙃 @beautylizzy2013 Why thank you! @carlisajc Aaah, thank you!! I'll DM you now! 1 of 5 stars to Save Me by Jenny Elliott https://t.co/nTmR73wEyz @jenmathieu's newest comes out next month, and you are NOT going to want to miss it. Afterward… https://t.co/fAmDkucDTC @beautylizzy2013 https://t.co/bj0As0vEAR @KATUTlN Definite sorcery. And audiobooks while I work. On page 98 of 288 of The May Queen Murders, by Sarah Jude https://t.co/GIPpl8zYIR I'm creeping up on 500 Instagram followers and I just honestly never thought that would happen. @carlisajc Thank you ❤ Watching Stranger Things. This better be good. I episode in and I'm definitely intrigued. Afterward is filled with so much raw emotion and I loved every sentence. #serialtalesinaugust -… https://t.co/fAmDkucDTC Chapter four and I am loving this show so much. It is currently around 8:30 pm, and I'm drinking a red bull because Stranger Things will be finished tonight. The only thing I don't like about Stranger Things is Winona Ryder. @bayy_245 https://t.co/OjIoQ3eivw @bayy_245 I know I'm definitely the black sheep when it comes to her. I like this character! Oh,they died... I'm starting to like this other character! Oh.... Hey, you're cool! Damn... I will never love again. @bayy_245 thanks for liking me even with my flaws 😂 @bayy_245 this is so so true. @thehidingspot I watched the first six episodes tonight. So goos. @thehidingspot Or good. More like so good. I just discovered Andy Grammer and just 💕💕💕💕💕💕 I should maybe not be reading The May Queen Murders so late at night when I'm the only one awake. On page 201 of 288 of The May Queen Murders, by Sarah Jude https://t.co/jCukXYDHr3 @thealaskanyoung three years later, my apartment is still a mess. @nautigirlreads I just want to ship all the ships! @AngelinaFable Absolutely!! #otspsecretsister @bookchic13 I feel so behind! I can't get enough of honey, I'm good. @carlisajc That's so cool! I discovered him on Liv & Maddie 😂 @bookchic13 I haven't listened to his first album yet 😳 #socksunday has to be my favorite day of the week! I hope you all are having a lovely weekend… https://t.co/dW13w4wxf0 When you find an old unused journal and instantly think of @ThePaige_Turner https://t.co/BFvLz3heE2 @bookchic13 I will!! @ABookishFangurl Yes! They are disgusting, but I love them 😂 #otspsecretsister @bookstacksamber I wish I had known about him sooner! @bookstacksamber Ah, how cool!! @ThePaige_Turner I found it and instantly yelled out, PAIGE! My husband gave me a really funny look 😂 Happy #socksunday! It's my favorite day of the week! https://t.co/dW13w4eVQq https://t.co/sopkdehqZg @thebooktraveler I usually post once a day, but I don't sweat it if I miss a day. It's veeerrryyy rare that I'll post more than once a day. I have 50 pages left of my book and I just don't care. 3 of 5 stars to The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude https://t.co/16p1oW5ZB2 I just finished Stranger Things and I am not okay. @bookchic13 Ummm, no. Who is he?! @bookchic13 THAT WAS GREAT @Dizneeee HOW DID YOU GET HER?! Do you have to beat ALL of her rounds? @bookchic13 Are they a band? @Dizneeee Yay! Thanks! I'll get there eventually 😂 https://t.co/MysE7lnyfO @bookchic13 Oooh, okay!! I'll look him up. @Dizneeee That makes sense. I feel like it's gonna take me forever. It hardly ever puts tridents on the board anymore for me. @noirmentality AGREED. I may have had a few choice words for Nancy when I saw that. @noirmentality Her choice is very stereotypical. On page 61 of 228 of Keeping the Moon, by Sarah Dessen https://t.co/Idyqd7rxzo Marked as to-read: Sing by Vivi Greene https://t.co/ElVxdzacXc I am so close to 500 followers this is exciting!! I really appreciate all of you and hope you… https://t.co/YndXhqNEbD 59% done with Confess, by Colleen Hoover: I don't think I've ever hated a character more... https://t.co/cS4UybxSLv 5 of 5 stars to Confess by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/kVVx5XX2h3 @bookchic13 Oh no, feel better! 59% done with The Rule of Thoughts, by James Dashner https://t.co/Tmx0LheFPw @a_bookish_world This is the first book by her I have read in such a long time! @aGREATreader I always need pretty copies of Jane Eyre! #otspsecretsister @2many2read Whichever you prefer! #otspsecretsister @genissa It is so good!!! @a_bookish_world I actually haven't read that one yet! I've read most of her others though. 4 of 5 stars to Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen https://t.co/u6WJHMqzB8 I want a new background for my phone. Something bookish or fandomish. HALP. This is what it currently is. https://t.co/vwUizwOST5 @XOmsugirlXO OH MY GOSH YOU ARE WONDERDUL THANK YOU!! @kathryn_hegarty Awww, thank you!!! 💕 @onlynoor That's a good idea! I always see really cool TARDIS pictures. @XOmsugirlXO Twitter people always have the answer 😂 @onlynoor Like this? https://t.co/yEGQHHem9k @onlynoor I'm such a sucker for anything galaxy themed. @XOmsugirlXO I always forget about Pinterest! @genissa I really enjoyed Everything, Everything, but this one was so much better. @XOmsugirlXO I go through spurts where I don't use any other app but Pinterest for a month and then I forget about it for six months 😂 Jane Eyre is by far my favorite classic, and one of my all time favorite books. https://t.co/YndXhqw2N3 https://t.co/21aJKfZeLA @XOmsugirlXO That's how I am with Instagram. @XOmsugirlXO I don't think I could keep up with more than one 😳 @XOmsugirlXO Wow, that's awesome! On page 27 of 325 of The Assassin Game, by Kirsty McKay https://t.co/Y0x5llNqhF I want to win ARCs from SDCC!! https://t.co/ilwqDkw88c 📚 Blogiversary #Giveaway Bash • Enter to #win a 1 of 5 prizes, incl $100 B&N giftcard • @SarahLiteraryMe #giveaway https://t.co/61nreK1Cc8 Enter to win an ARC prize pack including #Heartless from @knoxdiver! #MarysClearingHouse https://t.co/Q2dbZl5yuI @BlankSlaters Elle King 👌❤ How is everybody's week going? I actually took pictures in advance this weekend. Normally I… https://t.co/9OpCg7VZLl I'm bad at keeping up with FB. Just got on for the 1st time since before my birthday and saw this. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/4pY6Ds8Xxy @gingerlyreview This was exactly what I needed to see today and not gonna lie I'm crying now. I am so thankful to have you in my life, BBFF💕 @gingerlyreview They were good tears. Thankful for you tears. 😊 @pattycakess20 Yay! What is your first favorite? 3 of 5 stars to The Rule of Thoughts by James Dashner https://t.co/ptL3RERZEA #AugustOfPages - fave female character (I love Lena Duchannes!!) #BackToBooksAugust - character… https://t.co/9OpCg7VZLl @gingerlyreview https://t.co/AkPtbPgOG1 Why is today so long?? @gingerlyreview I'm glad ❤❤❤ 35% done with The Dead House, by Dawn Kurtagich https://t.co/FvXFMvFw4P I had such a crummy day, but I came home to the best thing. https://t.co/za8sGKF4Bw I have so many now, but the majority of them are duplicates 😭 https://t.co/TwUqBmnpFo Is anybody looking for these? I'm wanting to trade for ones I need. #booksfortrade #swagfortrade https://t.co/qyTB74LShZ @XOmsugirlXO Good vibes coming your way! @AvidReaderBlog I'm only looking to trade them for other mini figures right now. Sorry! @gingerlyreview THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD Did you know I'm on Instagram as MusingsOfAGirl too? I am! https://t.co/uHOKIWhJPr @TakeMeAway02 I have it! I don't really have a WL though. Do you have a picture/list of what you have available to trade? @AvidReaderBlog I will! @gingerlyreview That last one you listened to was MASSIVE. @gingerlyreview Yeah ❤❤❤❤❤ @gingerlyreview https://t.co/NDhP7FcODW @Harlee_S He's pretty great ❤❤ @gingerlyreview Oh! I only saw Heart of Darkness? Something like that. @bookwishblog I'm pretty lucky!❤ Want a chance to win a $1000 gift card to Book Outlet? Learn how here! https://t.co/1qazWU05o2 @gingerlyreview Holy Moly. I had no idea Beauty Queens was that long. @bookchic13 GO YOU! That is so awesome! Congratulations! @bookchic13 I really really do! @MarissaOsman https://t.co/JveZKXOKWZ @gingerlyreview Was it good! I have a love/hate relationship with her books. @bookchic13 You're gonna be GREAT! @gingerlyreview Now you need to read The Diviners! Except not really because it's huge. @MissyPrissy12 I love your background!!! Also, look at you being all cute! YOU WANT THIS BOOKS IT IS SO GOOD https://t.co/6QSU6NAdkw @MissyPrissy12 I KNOW!! ❤❤❤❤❤ @c_bookaddiction That is so cute!!! Thanks for the tag @nautigirlreads! https://t.co/StiAPfm2Ey @gingerlyreview DON'T DO IT!!! @TakeMeAway02 Do you have an ARC of All in Pieces by Suzanne Young by any chance? @c_bookaddiction That is so sweet of you! @MissyPrissy12 https://t.co/CDZy7pDpsg @nautigirlreads Yep, that's one of them! His name is Pork Pie. @nautigirlreads Thank you!! He's the grumpy old man, but his brother is a sweetheart. @gingerlyreview I think so! You can get most audios to fit that criteria by speeding them up, so I don't think you'll have a problem! @gingerlyreview New Kids On the Block?! *Cough*oldie*Cough* @gingerlyreview WHAT?! @gingerlyreview Also, A+++ gif usage there. That one got me 😂 I loved Freaky Friday! @nautigirlreads No! But it looks so cute!! @gingerlyreview I'll keep an eye out for some good shorter ones too! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/YhIODcXEKB @gingerlyreview https://t.co/dDKhvxiaLU @nautigirlreads I'm definitely going to have to watch it soon!!! @gingerlyreview I still don't believe it. @JordanStephanie This gif always cracks me up because the kid in the red shirt looks like my brother and this is something he would do 😂 @gingerlyreview TWITTER IS A LIAR My husband just called and told me to get Starbucks on my way into work this morning. 😭❤ @carlisajc I don't think so. There are so many things to do in each park, you won't have time for more than one. You'll feel too rushed Now I don't know if I want a flat white or vanilla latte. @XOmsugirlXO I'm so sorry 😔❤❤❤❤❤ @gingerlyreview 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 @gingerlyreview Okay, the next book I am pushing on you is The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. @gingerlyreview I'm so glad to hear that!! You enjoyed Stalking Jack the Ripper too, right? @gingerlyreview 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 @gingerlyreview Oh, good. Those are two books I'm really excited for but was afraid they wouldn't live up to the hype because literally @gingerlyreview everybody is talking about them. I'll just wait until it releases to read it since it's in less than a month. THANK YOU! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/I94UHaT7uX @gingerlyreview That was me yesterday. I'm sorry I passed it onto you 😂 I have seen it. Now you will too. Tweet #WatchMe below to unlock the trailer and pass it on. #RingsMovie https://t.co/vhTz300CO5 OH MY GOSH I AM LEGIT SO EXCITED FOR THIS #RingsMovie @aGREATreader They are on my WL, but really wanting all The Hunger Games, & Miss Peregrine and Twilight when released. #otspsecretsister @gingerlyreview I'm afraid so https://t.co/Koxi8uld6l @gingerlyreview https://t.co/h5ncaNOhHh I don't understand how people my age have their life together. Like, seriously, what am I doing wrong? All I want is a house, but how am I supposed to save up thousands of dollars for a down payment with all my other bills? I'm so tired of living in my apartment. It's overpriced and I have nothing to show for all the money I'm giving them. 4 of 5 stars to The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich https://t.co/cm71s7ivYu 9% done with I've Got Your Number, by Sophie Kinsella: This is off to a REALLY cute start! https://t.co/6pN0EKO4Ne Do ARCs of Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo exist? @bookaddictguide Thanks! And there isn't going to be anything other than the Sampler for Crooked Kingdom, right? I've heard conflicting info @bookaddictguide @gone_pecan Thanks, guys!Not having ARCs/bound manuscripts for all her books makes me feel like my collection is incomplete @gone_pecan @bookaddictguide Oooh, good to know. I'll have to try and track that down. @bookaddictguide @whatsarahread SAME! I'm refreshing my feed like crazy with my fingers crossed. @bookaddictguide You'll probably know the answer to this question too. Do all of Gayle Forman's have ARCs? @bookaddictguide Those are going to be hard to track down I bet. Thank you for all your help!! @Reenie0429 NO! I bought pumpkin spice coffee creamer the other day. #otspsecretsister @TakeMeAway02 I actually already have that one. Do you have any other ARCs of hers? I need them all except for Just One Day and I Was Here. I'm trying to work on my Gayle Forman collection! Send me your wishlists! #booksfortrade https://t.co/65ZOH7NrVT @PolishedPage If you are willing to part with it I wouldn't mind! @SlobodnikAshley Thank you! I didn't know HPB had foreign editions online. I'll have to look into that! @PolishedPage That's okay! Thanks for checking!! 😊 @SlobodnikAshley Very cool! I have a ton of US editions, but definitely need to add some intl ones. @SlobodnikAshley Yeah, ordered from them one time and they sent me a different edition than what I ordered. So I'm nervous to order again. @katiesbookblog Oh no, what happened? @katiesbookblog I've noticed that. It's super frustrating and unfair. @Novel_Knight Sending book mail is my favorite thing!! @Novel_Knight YES!!! That is what it is all about! @gold_lilies I always have to sing the alphabet to myself 😳 TFW you're trying so hard to keep your nose out of something that doesn't concern you but is making you so mad. 3 of 5 stars to The Assassin Game by Kirsty McKay https://t.co/G6jGzCnjBf @knoxdiver @ReadWriteLove28 @katiesbookblog I think I know the situation you're talking about, and that was definitely different. @PolishedPage These! https://t.co/KyOwRJX0hl 22% done with I've Got Your Number, by Sophie Kinsella: This book is absolutely cracking... https://t.co/gxBRvCvC18 @katiesbookblog Which Unexpected Everything sticker? I'm meeting Gayle Forman next month and am trying to get the last few ARCs of hers I need. Does anybody have these? https://t.co/wHjAeOzbB1 I know it's a huge long shot but she is seriously my favorite so I thought it was worth a try. @NormalChey Oh my gosh, really? Do you have a WL of books you are looking for? @NormalChey Oh my goodness, yes! That is one I need! @NormalChey HECK YES WE DID!!!! https://t.co/osh04kNkyy @fictionfare Do you have any Gayle Forman ARCs by any chance? I'm looking for these minus If I Stay. https://t.co/aXnUnCDHgE @fictionfare That's okay! I really appreciate it! @knoxdiver One of my favorite things about this community is how we take something bad and turn it around into something good. @readbykarleigh How???? @PolishedPage Sounds good! Is your address still the same? 5 of 5 stars to I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella https://t.co/XKKCKdIESH 25% done with The Hunt, by Megan Shepherd https://t.co/lWYYfsevp2 Thank you so much to everybody who RTed this morning! I'm still looking for all of the above except for an If I Stay ARC! @PolishedPage Same! I'll mail it off either tomorrow or Saturday! I'm dropping off a response letter tomorrow, #otspsecretsister! Sorry it took so long 😳 @MissyPrissy12 IT WAS SO CUTE AND HILARIOUS AND I WANT TO READ ALL HER BOOKS NOW My face is breaking out hardcore (which hardly ever happens), and I'm pretty sure I can thank work stress. @MissyPrissy12 I'm so glad she has so many books out. I can't wait to make my way through them. I listened to the audio for I've Got Your # @MissyPrissy12 and the narrator was FANTASTIC! I maybe ordered two Spanish editions of Gayle Forman books today with a leftover birthday gift card. Okay okay, I definitely did. I'm trying to get my hands on as many editions of her books as possible before I see her again next month. @bookchic13 @MissyPrissy12 I think I'm going to try the first Shopaholic book next! @MissyPrissy12 I listen to a ton, and this was one of the better ones by far! On page 32 of 199 of The Truth About Alice, by Jennifer Mathieu https://t.co/YDwXlez36e THEY HAVE SHIPPED!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! Marked as to-read: The Valiant by Lesley Livingston https://t.co/WwQjERUtBU 9% done with How to Hang a Witch, by Adriana Mather: I am already loving this author's w... https://t.co/0CYzMhaeMz 35% done with How to Hang a Witch, by Adriana Mather: Sam's attitude is a little ridicul... https://t.co/H1PtN4xBJP Friendly reminder that I'm looking for all of these except for the If I Stay ARC! #booksfortrade https://t.co/O71W3McA7x I'M SO READY https://t.co/xqLVdQYVEh I don't know what's going on but don't worry it's all gonna be okay it isn't the end of the world life goes on. @paperlanternlit I'm READY! @otakutwins1 @AngelinaFable IT'S FRIDAY!!! @bookishbrian Oh my god I completely forgot about them 😂😂😂 @SheBookedIt Do you have a wishlist? @bookishbrian I just looked them up on Spotify and I still remember all the words to their songs. Major blast from the past. @bookishbrian Smart girl! Haha @paperlanternlit My favorite YA villain is The Darkling and I don't think I could bring myself to punish him. #TheLanternGames @paperlanternlit Oh my gosh I cannot stop laughing over this 😂😂😂😂😂😂 @seesarawrite I'm always amazed by character names. How did you come up with yours? #FrostLikeNight @seesarawrite Have you ever sorted your characters into Hogwarts houses? #FrostLikeNight @paperlanternlit Four (from Divergent) and Edward Cullen because why not? #TheLanternGames @seesarawrite Holy. Moly. Thank you so so so much!!! I'm in shock. #FrostLikeNight @VentralliSLA Thank you!!!! @Lucygirl5x Thank you!! 😊 @Eng_Teacher @paperlanternlit AMEN!!! @Lyanna_T CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 🎉 @AvidReaderBlog THANK YOU!! @paperlanternlit The world of The Giver because everybody is so chill I could just sit back and read all day. #TheLanternGames @thebooktraveler I've always been obsessed with archery, so I'm going to say a bow. But since it's a fantasy novel maybe a magic bow? @AngelinaFable https://t.co/HL5hKyJZFb @paperlanternlit Also: You @AngelinaFable Any time! 😄 Do I order sushi or do I order sushi? @courtalameda SO CUTE!!! 😍😍😍😍 @NormalChey This looks delicious 😍 @nautigirlreads Ugh. Husband said no. I will get my sushi soon! I' @ladyshanelise These pictures are possibly the cutest/sweetest/best thing I've ever seen. @carlisajc I disconnected my Instagram from Facebook because of this! I'm so happy with my last 6 Instagram pictures and I don't want to mess up my feed 😭 https://t.co/xv9l7zo3i5 IT'S SO CUTE 😭 https://t.co/FTiJ4y5g4a @bookchic13 YOU GOT THE HOUSE?! CONGRATULATIONS!! @NormalChey I just DMed you the list I use 😊 @NormalChey https://t.co/QoZfuxm8KY @suzanne_young I don't want to wait either! @yearningtoread Thank you for this. It is driving me crazy how everybody things every single character needs to be LGBTQ now. @yearningtoread Characters are still allowed to be straight and have deep connecting friendships with same sex individuals! @yearningtoread I am so glad that there is an increase in LGBTQ YA, but it doesn't ALL have to be like that. @yearningtoread This topic has been on my mind a lot lately, and I've honestly been so scared about sharing my thoughts because.... @yearningtoread people are so vicious. @yearningtoread I'm getting harder for the first time to because of my response to your rant. Like, it looks like somebody created an.... @yearningtoread account just to give me shit. @yearningtoread UGH. Freaking autocorrect. I meant hate, not harder.... Literally ran into a tree while trying to tweet and walk the dog at the same time. #noshame @takashishiros I hope your 8 followers appreciate your difference of opinion ✌ @yearningtoread It's not a huge deal. Really just kind of makes me laugh because it's so pointless. https://t.co/DfAkRnpc7E @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread I totally don't have a problem with LGBTQIAP+ people/characters, but straight people having..... @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread straight friendships represents the real world too. It ALL needs to be represented and accepted. @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread They are! But authors are getting a lot of shade for not including LGBTQIAP+ characters or for making.... @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread ....certain characters not be LGBTQIAP, and that isn't okay. @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread I don't. If the author doesn't think THEIR character would be that way, who am I to judge them for that? @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread Im not saying your opinion is wrong, and I'm glad you have an opinion,but it is their character,nobody elses @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread I want to see myself in books too, but I don't look for myself in every single book I pick up. @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread That would be way too much of myself. @Bookishwithtea @yearningtoread Having all characters being LGBTQIAP isn't realistic though either. FINALLY!! https://t.co/hODLeVxCKt @nautigirlreads @yearningtoread I have! @nautigirlreads I would have been fine if Albus and Scorpius would have got together, but it would have been weird since Scorpius was so.... @nautigirlreads into **** (trying not to tweet spoilers!). It bothered me how upset/offended people got over it. @nautigirlreads It was actually kind of refreshing to see such a strong bond/friendship between those too without any romance. @nautigirlreads This makes me so happy! I really adored their friendship and how they didn't let parent's dislike of each other sway them @nautigirlreads Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 You guys have been so helpful in my Gayle Forman quest! I'm down to only needing the below! #booksfortrade https://t.co/TqJSVhhNnF @yearningtoread Okay, now it's turning into something that makes mad. https://t.co/2qzHveuLXp @yearningtoread If I block this person will I still be able to go to their profile and see their tweets? I want to be able to report.... @yearningtoread anything further but don't want them to see my tweets or anything. @yearningtoread Okay, thanks. Guys, this is not okay. https://t.co/4FvANNUn22 @yearningtoread Thank you!!! @suzanne_young YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!! @otakutwins1 Target! I think they have a lot on sale right now too. @otakutwins1 You're welcome!! I've never had tweets like this directed at me before and it's stressing me out. @deannareads This should never be said about anyone. @yearningtoread reported @yearningtoread Of course!! @otakutwins1 So cute! Cat gifs always make everything better! Thank you!! @otakutwins1 Ahahahahahaha, that one is so funny 😂 @ladyshanelise these are adorable! @ladyshanelise I love camping style things. And giant mugs and the best mugs. @gone_pecan I'm really hoping I can find this at my Target. It's too cute! @gone_pecan I meant to ask if it was back with the school supplies before I sent that last tweet. 4 of 5 stars to The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu https://t.co/vaZyrog6TC @KaitlinS16 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! @KaitlinS16 I hope you do enjoy it! I loved it! @yearningtoread I think I set a personal record for number of accounts blocked/reported today. @MollysBookNook @yearningtoread I was not a fan! @Aimee_NZ Thank you for the kind words! ❤ On page 253 of 352 of Silence Is Goldfish, by Annabel Pitcher https://t.co/Og8WP2t44P 5 of 5 stars to Silence Is Goldfish by Annabel Pitcher https://t.co/5Ua7HDAbNs @thebookvoyagers @yearningtoread I never said that I get annoyed by LGBTQIAP+ characters. One of my favorite reads this year (1/2) @thebookvoyagers @yearningtoread was actually IF I WAS YOUR GIRL, so please do not twist my words. (2/2) @thebookvoyagers @yearningtoread Also, I wasn't saying having all characters in a book being LGBTQIAP+ is unrealistic. I meant having (1/2) @thebookvoyagers @yearningtoread every single character ever written being LGBTQIAP+ is unrealistic. Again, don't twist words. (2/2) You can disagree with what I say, but don't twist my words around and turn other people against me. This is all really starting to get to me. Just don't attack authors for not taking THEIR characters in the direction you wanted. @tayberryjelly Oh my goodness, thank you so much for this ❤ @tayberryjelly I completely agree. @tayberryjelly Thank you for this. If I had known that my three tweets would have sparked this, I would have continued to keep my mouth shut @otakutwins1 Thank you so so much! ❤ @tayberryjelly It will all be okay in the end! @bookishbrian I really appreciate this. Thank you ❤ New favorite quote: Feelings are like three-year-olds. They're not rational. They're just there. - @LaurenMyracle @NormalChey @SwoonRomance YAY!!!! @XOmsugirlXO JANE EYRE IS MY MOST FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME I'M THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY @XOmsugirlXO I know the feeling, but you belong just as much as everybody else! We were all new at some point 😊 @XOmsugirlXO I think so! It is lengthier than some of the others, but it is a lot easier to understand and a lot more interesting than most. @XOmsugirlXO ❤❤❤❤ @XOmsugirlXO You're welcome!! @JordanStephanie YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS 😍 I'm going to take a little Twitter break for a few days. My DMs are always open if you need me. 5 of 5 stars to The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle https://t.co/1uCQuTCCTD 3 of 5 stars to How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather https://t.co/sJHm5Vb7rV 17% done with The Sin Eater’s Daughter, by Melinda Salisbury: I feel like this entire th... https://t.co/LeZkiNrJAz 40% done with The Sin Eater’s Daughter, by Melinda Salisbury: I wanted to like this one ... https://t.co/zjUMeY52Ci Marked as to-read: Dear Mr. M by Herman Koch https://t.co/8cx9B7ZMOl 49% done with The Sin Eater’s Daughter, by Melinda Salisbury https://t.co/ii4aDQ12S8 I want to thank all of you so much for the kind words and thoughts sent my way this weekend and through today. They meant the world to me. I was pretty blindsided by what happened, upset, and really hurt, but y'all helped more than you know. From the bottom of my ❤ thank you. You are all so wonderful and I'm thankful for each of you! If I could, I would send you all books! @Positivebooksss Awww, thank you ❤❤ I RECEIVED THE BEST BOOKMAIL THANKS TO @NormalChey!!! YOU'RE A PEACH!! https://t.co/smFOPO3ATb @NormalChey Such a good home!! I'm really on the hunt for a Just One Year ARC before I meet Gayle Forman next month if anybody has one! https://t.co/jMF44WMBoS @JordanStephanie https://t.co/M9WRSxAu2O @gingerlyreview OH MY GOSH YOU ARE FAMOUS NOW DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME @JordanStephanie oh my god I'm glad I wasn't taking a drink it would have come out my nose I laughed so hard at this response @JordanStephanie sometimes I just can't! https://t.co/bc9ilvbbFr Do people really have nothing better to do than dig up a tweet from over two days ago and start more shit over it? This is getting ridiculous. The tweet didn't even mean what people think. It was part of a long discussion that stemmed off another point. You can't take one sentence that somebody said and decide that was all they said. You have to look at the big picture. Sometimes, it's even necessary to ask for clarification. Because what we think sounds right in our head might sound wrong to you. So instead of instantly getting outraged about what somebody said, ask for clarification. Make sure you understood correctly. Odds are, the person didn't mean what they said the way you are taking it. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/nfyNYFOeJQ @thebooktraveler I need this in my life. @JordanStephanie https://t.co/OEiD9eHBm6 Hi, guys! I'm still looking for this! https://t.co/qp7mBDgN67 @misterkristoff YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS THAT IS GOING TO BE SO COOL! https://t.co/M0Hapz9MZH @gone_pecan The bookplates! https://t.co/yA3GHgeX6k @gone_pecan @miss_melissalee I definitely understand that. @randomhousekids @misterkristoff @AmieKaufman https://t.co/eMD5JkMvwL @otakutwins1 SAME @otakutwins1 Again, same 😂 @Jess_Sankiewicz I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! @otakutwins1 I love Marie Lu, but I'm hoping there's more news and they are just dragging it out 🙃 @otakutwins1 I've only read the legend trilogy, but it was SO GOOD @thebooktraveler @otakutwins1 I'm TRYING to wait patiently until they are all in Paperback so I can binge and her books will all match @thebooktraveler @otakutwins1 Is Midnight Star the last in that series? @thebooktraveler @otakutwins1 Goooooood. That means I'll be able to read them sooner. I really want to find an ARC of Just One Year by Gayle Forman before I meet her next month! #booksfortrade @DailyJulianne This is amazing, thank you!!! I've really been wanting to try Jodi Picoult! @ChelseaCMayse Thank you ❤❤❤ @AngelinaFable @otakutwins1 Book Depository! I'm really struggling with The Darkest Minds. @DailyJulianne Do you need us to pay shipping? @DailyJulianne I'm not able to right now, or I would. I'll leave them for somebody who is able to. Thank you! 😊 Marked as to-read: Before the Fall by Noah Hawley https://t.co/mBMcxMTgRq @gingerlyreview https://t.co/VL0Rqtroub @gingerlyreview OH MY GOSH YAY!! Do you have them all now?? Are you going to binge them?! You're going to want to!! @gingerlyreview ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING THE RETRIBUTION OFARA DYER?! IF YOU ARE YOU NEED TO STOP IMMEDIATELY. On page 130 of 488 of The Darkest Minds, by Alexandra Bracken: I'm struggling with this ... https://t.co/1nte3WBy2e @gingerlyreview YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS 🙌🙌 @gingerlyreview You must have been so lost! I tried to save you! Probably I can send you the first two in paperback. @gingerlyreview I actually read a sequel once in its entirety before I realized it wasn't the first 🙊 2 of 5 stars to The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury https://t.co/o47bdUGTtw 18% done with Snow Like Ashes, by Sara Raasch: THIS IS JUST AS EXCITING THE SECOND TIME https://t.co/1ju6dRORay @gingerlyreview Do you have a list to choose from? @JordanStephanie @evernightpub It won't let me reply when the super awesome gif I picked out, but YAY CONGRATULATIONS!!! @gingerlyreview Okay, let me think for a minute and I'll get back to you soon. @gingerlyreview Does it need to have an available audio? Or are you going to read the hardcopy? @gingerlyreview How about a perfect cutesy contemporary with a massively swoon worthy guy?? 😃 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/LpquvCQX3r @gingerlyreview Oooh, or do you want to be broken? You could always read Holding Up the Universe 😆 @gingerlyreview Or do you want to be cared? Shutter by Courtney Alameda is really good. @gingerlyreview Or if you are in the mood more for action/adventure, Illusive by Emily Lloyd Jones @gingerlyreview What about Cinder? @gingerlyreview Send me a picture of your unread books 😂 60% done with Snow Like Ashes, by Sara Raasch https://t.co/tjTBfmTpFG @JordanStephanie THIS WAS IT https://t.co/7vZ2OS0aiy @gingerlyreview Isn't it one that everybody LOVES? @gingerlyreview I know you've been busy! https://t.co/1tTRW4vMTQ Yay!!! It's quite possible I read 36 books in August 🙊 A Hunger Games coloring book? Really? So we're going to color Katniss killing people. Sounds fun. https://t.co/Dglv5WfZeA @bookaddictguide It's overwhelming me and I don't even like to color 😂 @cbsmaby Thanks! I utilize audiobooks when I'm at work! @bookaddictguide Coloring actually stresses me out. Majorly. I'm too much of a perfectionist. @Jess_Sankiewicz The sneak peak actually looked okay haha @___k__i__m___ Thanks! I don't know which my favorite was though. I reread so many past favorites! @JordanStephanie I'm already stressed enough as it is without having to worry about coloring inside the lines and making my shading nice. @cbsmaby I love audios! @nerdherdreads @PIVOTBOOKTOTES @amandapate I actually haven't read her book yet, but I'm about to read it, and I'll probably go. @BrookeWorm33 Probably Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles! I usually have a hard time with retellings, but I enjoyed hers. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/aoEjpnAqLb @BrookeWorm33 I followed via Bloglovin as Mariah Johnston! @bookstacksamber Happy birthday! @Harlee_S @gingerlyreview I'm going to muddle through it and I'll eventually read them all. I of course couldn't say no to adding these two Spanish editions to my collection. https://t.co/NpDXhMNibK @buttermybooks I hadn't ever heard of this artist, but now I'm in love. I'm getting the Tallest Man vibes I've been searching for! @buttermybooks @josiahandthe I currently have it on repeat 👌 @TheRealPSL IS THIS VALID STARTING NOW?! GUYS GUYS GUYS IT'S HERE 🙌 https://t.co/TCa7kQowT1 @AliceOseman I CAN ALREADY FEEL ALL THE FEELS!! ❤❤❤ @NormalChey Bob's Burgers is always appropriate. Pretty sure I'm going to be Louise for Halloween! Well, this is gorgeous 😍 https://t.co/DeQkzFw1xo @gingerlyreview I NEED SO MUCH INFORMATION FROM YOU https://t.co/ew54OvcEUC @gingerlyreview I KNOW IT IS LIKE CHOOSING YOUR FAVORITE CHILD BUT I NEED TO KNOW: ILLUMINAE OR GEMINA? @gingerlyreview GOOD CHOICE! Okay, second question. Have you bought any of the Harry Potter blind boxes yet? @gingerlyreview https://t.co/Bx9KJP3Lub On page 250 of 488 of The Darkest Minds, by Alexandra Bracken https://t.co/gekJk4uHAQ @gingerlyreview I had something else to ask you but I forgot 😣 When that first taste of @TheRealPSL hits and you feel your soul come back to life. https://t.co/X6P0zYpNYS @BriannaShrum I got my first pumpkin spice latte this morning! @NormalChey @TheRealPSL YES GO NOW!!!! @gingerlyreview What books/authors do you collect like I collect Gayle Forman? @nautigirlreads @TheRealPSL https://t.co/fHk7FR0sTI @nautigirlreads @TheRealPSL Yep! I was in their drive through at 6:30 this morning 😂Not normally a morning person, but today I was! @gingerlyreview Good to know! Okay, last question for now. Have you read An Ember in the Ashes? @gingerlyreview Do you remember if it was good? She is coming to Edmond on the 15th. I just ordered the book. @gingerlyreview Oh good! This makes me happy. And I can try and get you a signed copy 😊 @gingerlyreview Of course! Would you prefer the first or the second in the series? @NovelCravings pumpkin everything, sweaters, cardigans, the weather, EVERYTHING! #otspsecretsister @gingerlyreview https://t.co/SbPWnUlroR 95% done with Snow Like Ashes, by Sara Raasch: UM...WHAT?! I DON'T REMEMBER THAT HAPPEN... https://t.co/wX3TvXrrta I think I'm going to need to track down ARCs of Snow Like Ashes and Ice Like Fire. I have so much love for the series! @genissa Happy birthday!! https://t.co/fqRENbK8yK 63% done with If I Stay, by Gayle Forman: I will never not cry at this book. https://t.co/D0F290n9b3 5 of 5 stars to If I Stay by Gayle Forman https://t.co/DjEXhH2Azo @JordanStephanie Always 😭😭😭😭 @MissyPrissy12 https://t.co/BbdUDxaLuB @JordanStephanie me every time https://t.co/DlMNaNUiZk @MissyPrissy12 I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season this morning and I swear I felt life going into my soul. @MissyPrissy12 Most coffee places will have their own version of it. I know Dunkin' Donuts does, and we have a coffee place called... @MissyPrissy12 ...Rocket Brothers that has one. @MissyPrissy12 Local places usually have them too! You can also find pumpkin spice coffee creamer at the store. Not the same, but still good @MissyPrissy12 Let me know when this happens! @gingerlyreview How is this one? @gingerlyreview I've been on the fence about it. I think I'll definitely pass on it now though. Thanks for the heads up! On page 388 of 488 of The Darkest Minds, by Alexandra Bracken https://t.co/Vf63iXySHb @gingerlyreview I'm incredibly thankful for you too!! https://t.co/fzlUf63Rfu PSA: scissors are actually sharp enough to cut you. @ReadandJeep DEFINITELY! I don't have an Etsy WL, but if my secret sister wanted to make me something I would love it. #otspsecretsister @trippingbooks Happy birthday!!!! https://t.co/5Vpa4ppchF I've updated my wishlist and am looking for the below books if anybody has them! https://t.co/jYPaR5e2gu @CrazyBookLover_ @thebooktraveler YAY!!!! @bookaddictguide NEVER https://t.co/jGSpnfldZa @dizzylizzii @amazon I ordered a book two days ago w/ prime. Shipped yesterday but won't get here until Tuesday.Their shipping is worsening. @kimberlyreads I'm the opposite. They're always like, whoa, calm down, you're going to be okay. Are you crying? Does anybody remember what day Zootopia comes to Netflix?? @BookishinBed That's what I was thinking. It's too far away! 5 of 5 stars to Ice Like Fire by Sara Raasch https://t.co/Ou5FjPDUH9 @Harlee_S The Girl at Midnight! I'm looking for ARCs of Snow Like Ashes, Ice Like Fire, and Illuminae! https://t.co/uYAZV96Mkn @gone_pecan Definitely silver THANK YOU SO MUCH, @seesarawrite!! I reread SLA yesterday and ILF today, and can't wait to start this tonight! https://t.co/KfJXdnHA1H 2 of 5 stars to The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken https://t.co/RZJFyRe9nC On page 211 of 496 of Frost Like Night, by Sara Raasch https://t.co/53QmmyCXeP @nautigirlreads YAY!!!! Celebrating #LoopDay the best way with @ransomriggs' newest! @quirkbooks #StayPeculiar https://t.co/apBg4sVKtS I found this Harry Potter at my local Barnes and Noble. Isn't this edition from 2008?? @BNBuzz https://t.co/o8ud6WOSQM @Kris10MFAF I be been averaging around 30/month this year. @PIVOTBOOKTOTES I was telling my husband about this and we both think it's dumb. Congratulations on finding your bae early 👌 I'm looking for ARCs of Snow Like Ashes and Illuminae! https://t.co/a0XWzgkSpK @quirkbooks @OutofPrintTees Forever loving @halfpricebooks and wishing there was one near me. #LoopDay #StayPeculiar @quirkbooks @PeregrinesMovie I can't wait to add the Funko Pop! figures to my collection! #LoopDay #StayPeculiar https://t.co/l3jkfrrv7Z @buttermybooks OH MY GOSH! 😍😍😍 @Netherreads Thanks 😊 @Netherreads Oh no 😕 @misskaraa99 @BNBuzz That's what I thought. Which is why it seemed weird that this is the first time I saw it in the store. @WithTheBanned @gingerlyreview YAY SARA!! When the mailman says he left a package at your door and it isn't there and you are expecting important deliveries. 😠😠😠😠 My Monday through Friday mail guy is great. The Saturday guy? Not so much. I'm surprised anything gets delivered on the weekends. Happy #LoopDay my fellow ransomriggs fans! How are you all celebrating? I was at my local… https://t.co/dkDyI7mOfd Happy #LoopDay! Don't forget to #StayPeculiar @quirkbooks https://t.co/UGNViy3aiN @lavendermud @quirkbooks It's a pack of five photos that Barnes and Noble was handing out. https://t.co/skslp9xbsF @thebooksbuzz Those pineapples are so cute! Where did you find them? @hesaidbooksorme Is there a HB and PB ARC? @hesaidbooksorme I didn't know that! I guess I need both then 😂 @hesaidbooksorme Whoa. I didn't know there were that many versions of the ARC. Maybe I don't want to collect these. I'm thinking a contemporary book where the girl's family owns a medieval themed event center. What book is this? A wedding is hosted there and the girl is working and falls for a guy attending the wedding. Then the guy gets a job at the event center. @NormalChey THAT'S IT!! YOU ARE AMAZING!! THANK YOU! @gone_pecan I feel you. I've been on a diet since Tuesday, and it hasn't gotten any easier. @NormalChey you should feel awesome! I can normally figure out the books that are on my mind, but this one had me stumped! @carlisajc https://t.co/Jdj7oPje8w @gone_pecan My hardest thing to give up has been Dr. Pepper. 😭 @MissyPrissy12 @bookchic13 😍😍😍😍😍 @gingerlyreview you need this quiz in your life. https://t.co/4dLpsQJo9G @MissyPrissy12 @bookchic13 Absolutely! I've opened Twitter just to look at it like five times. 😂 @carlisajc I searched for forever trying to find the perfect one! @MissyPrissy12 @bookchic13 We would be the classiest 😂😂 I just found out that Strange the Dreamer's pub date was pushed back 😭😭😭 @MissyPrissy12 @bookchic13 https://t.co/kaVpVzms6G Why is it that I can hardly stay awake past 10:30?! 😪 THANK YOU FOR 500 FOLLOWERS!! If you haven't read the Snow Like Ashes series yet, YOU NEED TO!… https://t.co/yO6NaGv4Q6 @seesarawrite HOLY MOLY! THAT is how you end a series! YOU ARE AMAZING AND A MASTER OF WORDS! 5 of 5 stars to Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch https://t.co/K61I0cgh72 @yearningtoread CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so exciting and you are amazing! Marked as to-read: The Color Project by Sierra Abrams https://t.co/60pQyfeJry @BooksWithMaps I'm on insta! https://t.co/tYV1AIVOgy @BooksWithMaps Ah, thank you!! Starting Ali's Pretty Little Lies, by Sara Shepard https://t.co/GaHtyuxsJm I GOT BARB!!!! Which “Stranger Things” Character Are You Actually? https://t.co/sG7CejNG88 via @matwhi @BuzzFeedOz @fictionfare I bought the Six of Crows box set and the Grisha box set. I couldn't help myself. @fictionfare Exactly. If I need to live off of crackers and water for a little bit, at least I'll have pretty books to look at 😂 @BlankSlaters He is tall! My husband surprised me with wonderful things! https://t.co/VgkgNwAvWF I don't know what's going on with my face, but I might have found this year's Halloween costume. https://t.co/xpkTF3xq01 @DisneyWitch22 I love it so much! @thealaskanyoung I seriously might have to go back for it. @MissyPrissy12 KIM POSSIBLE!! @MissyPrissy12 since last year I've been planning to be Louise Belcher, but I think I've changed my mind 😂 @MissyPrissy12 @Becky_LoveDemi I'm dying to watch this now. @thebooktraveler ❤🍩❤🍩❤🍩❤🍩 @thebooktraveler The bad part is that I'm on a diet and dressing up as a donut made me want a donut 😭 @MissyPrissy12 I think I'm going to have to be the donut and then take donuts with me to work while dressed as a donut 😂 @MissyPrissy12 OF COURSE! Hopefully my face decides to not do that same weird no lip smile again 😂😂😂 @thebooktraveler HAHAHAHAHA. My co-workers will all love me if I pass out carrots instead of donuts 😂 @thebooktraveler They might riot if I didn't bring veggie dip 😂 @hspaulds Definitely my favorite I've ever found! @gingerlyreview I'm just hoping they still have it when I go back. @MissyPrissy12 https://t.co/0frRBwFIfu @hspaulds Oh my gosh, this is GOALS On page 187 of 290 of Ali's Pretty Little Lies, by Sara Shepard https://t.co/Yv3ElMP609 @PolishedPage Hey! Did you get Quidditch Harry? Tracking said he was delivered, but I just wanted to make sure! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/Qey4n86Yg0 3 of 5 stars to Ali's Pretty Little Lies by Sara Shepard https://t.co/thfcvj7gZ8 On page 32 of 416 of Afterparty, by Ann Redisch Stampler: I am not loving this writing s... https://t.co/InlDD1Pn01 Sometimes you have to take a small break from your diet and eat some sushi and brown rice. https://t.co/z3XgFcT75O @genissa I loooove Foxes! I'm ashamed to say that I picked all these popular books from my unread bookshelf. Which one… https://t.co/bExyvG9x2o @whatsarahread Just spreading the word on this one! @BooksWithMaps Just spreading the word 😊 @BooksWithMaps You're welcome!! The husband and I started playing White Night. I am loving the black and white noir theme! @PolishedPage Good!! USPS tracking has not been the most reliable lately so I was worried. And I do still need Dobby! @MichelleHodkin Oh my god I love this so much!!! @seesarawrite Your audios are so well done! @RunYouCleverBoy I see so many in here that I want to read! May Queen Murders was alright. Devil and the Bluebird was good but not great. @RunYouCleverBoy 7 ways we lie not great, with MALICE and highly illogical behavior SO GOOD, wasn't a fan of Julia vanishes @gayleforman Nerves are normal, but #LeaveMe blew me away. Such beautiful writing and so many things hit close to home. Check out my latest #bookstagram post and help me decide which unread popular book I need to add to my TBR! https://t.co/bExyvFRVDO @skrandolph76 @PRationality This is such a fantastic idea! I love the thought of an annotated book! #otspsecretsister On page 158 of 416 of Afterparty, by Ann Redisch Stampler: Siobhan is toxic af. Why are ... https://t.co/ZkpVwQ14i1 Marked as to-read: The Weight of Zero by Karen Fortunati https://t.co/hOM7qAZ934 @Book_Junkie_ Welcome!! @theaprilnichole Happy birthday! 5 of 5 stars to Where She Went by Gayle Forman https://t.co/vn7qqGs32d 49% done with Exquisite Captive, by Heather Demetrios https://t.co/l3z96QdXPO I maybe came home to some book mail. https://t.co/LyeyVBKCfd @yearningtoread https://t.co/Pkf79wbS5A @Shybooknerd Veeerrrrryyy soooon @jocie_h It really is! Somebody please tell me that I do not need to collect different editions of Alice in Wonderland. First off, since Im going to Sabaa Tahir's signing on the 15th, I figured I should probably read her book. https://t.co/2jh5pjJQh6 Second, a HUGE thank you to @SheBookedIt for the #booksfortrade!! https://t.co/jyue1FMva4 And @gingerlyreview is going to get several tweets because THREE of the packages were from her! THANK YOU for helping with my Gayle Forman and Sara Raasch ARC quests! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/yqSHI51X9O Im also seriously excited to read these!!! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/f1KcjYy3ay @gingerlyreview also sent me these special edition Harry Potters!! https://t.co/n0K9ZdtXbG Last but not least, @gingerlyreview also sent me all these fun goodies! https://t.co/jgnMjhHJa3 @gingerlyreview I'm touched that you thought about me on your NYC trip. Those socks are purrrfect & will definitely be in my next socksunday @gingerlyreview Also, I teared up when I saw you printed off a picture from our first time hanging out. That made me so happy. ❤ @gingerlyreview They came early! @Shybooknerd I currently have three but I keep seeing such pretty editions! And I love the story! @bookaddictguide Which cover do you have? @bookaddictguide Oooh, interesting. I didn't know there was more than one ARC version. I'll have to track down the one with the cover too. @nautigirlreads I'm suuuuuper excited to read it!!! It sounds amazing! @bookaddictguide Do you have ARCs of You Can't Get There From Here or Sisters in Sanity? @nautigirlreads I will! @bookaddictguide Those are the last two I need. We recently had a big earthquake and I just discovered that Hagrid's umbrella broke off when he fell 😭😭😭 https://t.co/0ASZaEwYIE @Harlee_S Haha, oh no! I was thinking about trying hot glue. Or super glue. Some type of glue. @gingerlyreview You are WONDERFUL!! @CrazyBookLover_ Cora Carmack! @gingerlyreview What?! No! That was honestly my favorite part of everything. @MissyPrissy12 NO! STOP! DON'T ENCOURAGE ME TO GO DOWN THAT RABBIT HOLE! @gingerlyreview I love printed out pictures. They are one of the most special things to me. @MissyPrissy12 Hahahaha, perfect gif! https://t.co/UyY5XrFJIJ @Harlee_S https://t.co/hdqUxoWE1Y This book is AMAZING! Go win it! https://t.co/MROrhsr3tu My @gayleforman ARC collection is coming along! These books mean the world to me, and I would… https://t.co/hN1VWkPTki @Advtsbetweenpgs I'm not huge on retellings, but the Alice ones are my favorite! I just want all the Halloween decorations but my wallet says no. @brittany_reads @gingerlyreview I want to say it's only 5, 6, and 7 they did it for, but I could be wrong. Okay, why not. Do you find me: @deadtossedwaves I've made this before and it is soooo good! 2 of 5 stars to Afterparty by Ann Redisch Stampler https://t.co/2Hmza0wT4G When meeting your favorite author, how many of the books do you try and get personalized? Please RT! @carlisajc Thanks for the input! I'm looking at how many I have for Gayle Forman to sign, and I'm feeling bad. @cassiea1000 This event said there wasn't a limit, but I have a lot, so I didn't want to make anybody mad (the author or other attendees). 4 of 5 stars to Exquisite Captive by Heather Demetrios https://t.co/ltHDAOrsjC A few months ago I found out that my grandpa had cancer. This afternoon, the hospice doctor said he only has a matter of hours left. Even though I knew it was coming, I'm still unprepared. I'm so thankful I was able to talk to him one last time Saturday evening. I'm always going to wish I had one more one last time. He lives in Florida, so I've never been able to spend much time with him. I love him so much. After I got off the phone with him Saturday night, my cousin texted me and said he was emotional and so glad he was..... ....able to talk to his girl. I'm thankful for the love I have felt from him and for the lessons he gave me in perfecting sarcasm. @dragofchoice Thank you ❤ @Gallaghergirl17 I've already found an If I Stay. Thank you though. @hesaidbooksorme Thank you 💕 @NormalChey @gingerlyreview I hope you enjoy it! @MissyPrissy12 Thank you https://t.co/osRzjd6WoQ @Harlee_S Thank you 💙 @JordanStephanie Thank you❤ @yearningtoread Thank you, I appreciate your prayers 💕 @cassiea1000 That's a pretty good idea. @TheCharmingLass Thank you. The distance is definitely making this harder. So sorry you went through the same thing 💕 @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you 💙💙💙 @bookchic13 Thank you https://t.co/itvnPslJDk 11% done with Just One Day, by Gayle Forman https://t.co/G8R6PTL2xV So much anxiety. @gingerlyreview Thank you https://t.co/LwGkCoOKHT I AM SO GLAD THAT FOOTBALL IS BACK I'm really gonna miss Peyton Manning though. I did just learn that there is a Peyton Manning Funko. I'm going to have to get my hands on that PRONTO. @JordanStephanie Hey, you. Sorry I haven't been around. You're cover is amazing and your characters are amazing and you are amazing. @JordanStephanie I can't wait to read PRUDE! @JordanStephanie I LOVE FOOTBALL SO MUCH Noooooooooo! Why, Broncos, why?! You were doing so well! @JordanStephanie Thank you. I'm doing okay. My grandpa is holding on with everything he has right now. @JordanStephanie https://t.co/3ua97rYKiU @JordanStephanie https://t.co/8GThi5MgaR @JordanStephanie PACKERS ALL THE WAY!! And the Vikings as long as they aren't playing my Packers. @JordanStephanie No, he is pretty much asleep 24/7. And I'm at the point where I cry too much. And I dont want him to hear that. @JordanStephanie HAHAHAHA, the Titans certainly wouldn't know 😂😂😂 my husband is the same though. He hates football. @JordanStephanie Thank you 💕💕 @JordanStephanie YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!! I am ready for this! @JordanStephanie https://t.co/jkeMFTqSfl 5 of 5 stars to Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor https://t.co/AznuB7virP @bookchic13 It's what my life has been missing! I also really need the Aaron Rodgers Funkos!! https://t.co/WAFz3J8W0V My grandfather has passed away. I am absolutely heartbroken, but so thankful that he is no longer suffering. @dizzylizzii Thank you so much @TheCharmingLass It definitely helps. Thank you. @nautigirlreads Thank you ❤ @bookchic13 Thank you 💕 @beautylizzy2013 Thank you so much 💙 @XOmsugirlXO Thank you ❤ @MissyPrissy12 Thank you 💕 @tammygeo Thank you 💙💙 @murley_destiny My dad's dad in Florida. @BookNerdAddict Thank you 💕 @yearningtoread Thank you so much https://t.co/7VnnzP64U3 @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you. I really appreciate it. Marked as to-read: The Loose Ends List by Carrie Firestone https://t.co/dU5BelZUbY @hesaidbooksorme https://t.co/Ww9on1WmgZ @MarissaOsman Good to know! Thanks! @Melanie_Leanne Perfect, thanks! On page 120 of 320 of Rebel Bully Geek Pariah, by Erin Jade Lange: This is not what I wa... https://t.co/1WqfmZxnhd 38% done with Plus One, by Elizabeth Fama https://t.co/Mw2FLtXKdc Marked as to-read: Lucy and Linh by Alice Pung https://t.co/jGjUBoha9c 5 of 5 stars to Rebel Bully Geek Pariah by Erin Jade Lange https://t.co/LxTrZuJL62 On page 20 of 390 of Love & Gelato, by Jenna Evans Welch https://t.co/KZMnVFsY3x @bookchic13 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! https://t.co/WQIUD7vIJm I was having a rough morning, but a sweet co-worker brought me flowers and helped cheer me up. https://t.co/zJZxfYIYNK @guyliners Thank you 💙 66% done with Plus One, by Elizabeth Fama: This is kind of dragging on. https://t.co/xK5bsSz1fW 3 of 5 stars to Plus One by Elizabeth Fama https://t.co/I5FO7FIdLu On page 79 of 323 of Just One Year, by Gayle Forman https://t.co/kIvKybaqrQ Marked as to-read: Prude by Jordan S Gray https://t.co/CmBal3qUKF 5 of 5 stars to Just One Year by Gayle Forman https://t.co/lhDbe4irRe 5 of 5 stars to I Was Here by Gayle Forman https://t.co/elo1OEFPQ6 40% done with An Ember in the Ashes, by Sabaa Tahir: I'm really enjoying this more than ... https://t.co/7CuBYkcZDT Hey, guys! So sorry for my second mini absence. My grandfather passed away last week and I just… https://t.co/dcWEapbuaI @nerdherdreads Thank you 💙 And I know! I'm loving it! Also, I won't be able to go to the Sabaa Tahir signing 😕 @XOmsugirlXO Thank you ❤ Marked as to-read: Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith https://t.co/sHqaSiqyZD @JordanStephanie HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU https://t.co/PAayfutDk4 @aGREATreader YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS #otspsecretsister WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME ABLUT THIS I AM FREAKING THE FREAK OUT https://t.co/Da8Muu8LQk 5 of 5 stars to Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch https://t.co/47CX8n5UId On page 17 of 416 of Furthermore, by Tahereh Mafi: This is already quite delightful. https://t.co/Cgi96lerxV @nerdherdreads bummer 🙁 I'm almost halfway through Ember in the Ashes and really enjoying it! @gone_pecan I feel you on this. My PSL takes up like half of my daily allotted calories and I just want to cry. @gingerlyreview I miss you. https://t.co/Rz8aOWnBr7 @gingerlyreview You're such a gem 💕💕 https://t.co/cZwPQyhf4Y @gingerlyreview https://t.co/3XJgozjZac Thank you guys so much for the well wishes yesterday, it meant a lot to me. I'm extremely… https://t.co/rBpdhrwVpb @PIVOTBOOKTOTES @nerdherdreads I'm not able to go and I'm so sad! Have tons of fun, Becca!! I just found out that @GraceVanderWaal won AGT and I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW WITH HOW HAPPY I AM!!!!! I need her music in my ears all the time. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/9l7r9PSdif @gingerlyreview Thanks for being my friend https://t.co/SpGWZTmGRk @gingerlyreview https://t.co/duMCPrUnRr It's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's Friday it's I found shoes that match @gayleforman's #LeaveMe! @AlgonquinBooks https://t.co/64dkybaDvC @gayleforman What size do you wear? I will bring them to you in Wichita! @AlgonquinBooks @deadtossedwaves Yep! On the 27th to see Gayle Forman! @deadtossedwaves Bummer! Yes, it is. I'm sad that Leigh Bardugo will be there 2 days after, but I can't swing both since I'm in Tulsa. @deadtossedwaves Will you be able to come after you get off? Yeah, I saw she was going to be there too. I'm not a huge fan though 😕 @deadtossedwaves Yay! I hope you'll be able to make it! @deadtossedwaves I'm doing that tomorrow! So excited! #otspsecretsister I just want the Twilight Funkos so bad 😭 @carlisajc I thought the second one was coughing 😂 @gingerlyreview 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 I got a new air freshener for my car 🙃 https://t.co/YNC9hYgFPg HAPPY FRIDAY!! Yesterday felt like a Friday to me, but today doesn't. Still happy though! What… https://t.co/BN760KouTD @gingerlyreview I can feel the love even though there are miles and miles between us. You're the best. 💕 @Jess_Sankiewicz Tina is my patronus 😂 @NormalChey Girl, you need it. It's the best. And it smells good. @Harlee_S YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS https://t.co/zNN3KjZUMB I had to add some Anger to my life. Now though I need to find Joy, Disgust, Fear, and Bing Bong. https://t.co/Ua92Q1Wdfd @NormalChey I need to know if these are good! I almost bought some but didn't want to waste my money if they were disgusting. @deadtossedwaves Welcome to the club. Be prepared for major PLL related anxiety. https://t.co/7laqvGHF21 When you need some pumpkin bread to go with your pumpkin coffee. #pumpkinlife https://t.co/f9NFLdvief @litbeing Starbucks' is really good, but mmmmm, homemade would be so much better! Green! One of my favorite colors! Blue is also a favorite for me, which is why I've been… https://t.co/hVNRrTunmG @gingerlyreview YOU HAVE BEEN SICK?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! @gingerlyreview THAT IS NOT TRUE https://t.co/pxeSaOFzlc @gingerlyreview Are you feeling better? @gingerlyreview I wish I could bring you some chicken noodle soup. To my #otspsecretsister - I just got caught up on The Walking Dead and I AM NOT OKAY. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/eOwlMerWTu I recently discovered BioShock (my husband has been a long time fan, but he just introduced me… https://t.co/Z94zXeDfod @thebookishloner We are randomly paired with another participant and over the course of 6 months send cheer to our secret sister! Don't forget that I'm on Instagram too as MusingsOfAGirl! #bookstagram https://t.co/tW57mrJLMG Check out #FallCarnival2016 enter to win an ARC of FATE OF FLAMES at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/EHb645EcqL Check out #FallCarnival2016 enter to win a finished copy of Clanless by Jennifer Jenkins + tattoos at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/nUgEjauRx8 Check out #FallCarnival2016 enter to win a pre-order of FLASHFALL by Jenny Moyer + exclusive swag at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/8DOaN58aNd Check out #FallCarnival2016 enter to win a finished copy of Serpentine or Sacrafice by Cindy Pon at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/HSus6CqdsN Check out #FallCarnival2016 enter to win a hardcover of Vassa in the Night at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/oM8iTaDJoe Check out #FallCarnival2016 enter to win a signed copies of The Jewel & The White Rose by Amy Ewing at @bookiemoji!! https://t.co/LBeXuM6N7P Check out #FallCarnival2016 enter to win a hardcover of A DARKLY BEATING HEART by Lindsay Smith at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/goVrgaO5ew Check out #FallCarnival2016 enter to win a finished copy of KINGDOM OF ASH & BRIARS by Hannah West at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/2s1OUJlDKE Check out #FallCarnival2016 & enter to a signed copy of Wax by Gina Damico at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/lX6QPYKIwz Check out #FallCarnival2016 & enter to 1 of 2 finished copies of POISONED BLADE by Kate Elliot at @bookiemoji !! https://t.co/4kBLQGFIKh @gingerlyreview How are you feeling?? @gingerlyreview I'm so sorry 🙁 I've been thinking about you! I'm doing well. @gingerlyreview Me too. I need a Sara day! @jenandapen CONGRATULATIONS!! Definitely deserved! @KirkusReviews @gingerlyreview https://t.co/kDA50ONlNo Marked as to-read: The Hate U Give by A.C. Thomas https://t.co/FMaIMr97F9 25% done with Bone Gap, by Laura Ruby https://t.co/ecz4KHiCLo @gingerlyreview https://t.co/LxN9XAorz0 Marked as to-read: Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid https://t.co/jeuC9sEo28 I think I use too many exclamation points. Sometimes EVERYTHING is just so exciting! Enter for a chance to win a box of books and ARCs at Fiktshun #giveaway https://t.co/JJJsm9xKST 2 of 5 stars to Bone Gap by Laura Ruby https://t.co/mzZxcMTcSv 74% done with Furthermore, by Tahereh Mafi https://t.co/fys7qBQmEJ On page 14 of 296 of Prude, by Jordan S. Gray: I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow so ... https://t.co/EkJXw69Oh3 Marked as to-read: The Stone Heart by Faith Erin Hicks https://t.co/r15nZfX2e1 Marked as to-read: Frostblood by Elly Blake https://t.co/0rDPFF45El @gingerlyreview I hadn't heard of this book, but now I'm dying to read it! Also, your Halloween name is 👌 2 of 5 stars to Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi https://t.co/fghnJa7ECv @gingerlyreview It's so cute!! 👻👻👻 @JordanStephanie Thank you 💙💙 Marked as to-read: 99 Days by Katie Cotugno https://t.co/tUR9ZmG5Ah 24% done with Look Again, by Lisa Scottoline https://t.co/6mgQdW8szf @JordanStephanie You said you aren't on Instagram, right? @JordanStephanie Weirdo! Prude is in the picture I'm about to post! Besides young adult, new adult is one of my favorite genres. I started Prude by Jordan S Gray… https://t.co/U1pajM69rb @JordanStephanie THANK YOU!! I was gonna tag you in it, but I tagged your publisher instead. @JordanStephanie OH YOU 💙💙💙 https://t.co/yMTCzcZ2UF I'm getting the urge to rewatch Skins which is not good considering the amount of shows in my queue I haven't watched yet. @JordanStephanie https://t.co/Z36GwI5coA Marked as to-read: Trees, Vol. 1 by Warren Ellis https://t.co/1EJdRF3sxJ @xohoneyhale So glad one not the only one! Check out the cover for THE HEARTS WE SOLD by Emily Lloyd-Jones and enter to win an ARC! https://t.co/amwj6qWlG6 @em_llojo @TheNovl This cover is GORGEOUS! So excited for a new book from you. Illusive and Deceptive are favorites of mine! @nautigirlreads I was so excited to see these! They had me cracking up! @gingerlyreview YOU ARE THE BEST BOOK FRIEND AND I'M SO GLAD YOU ARE MY FRIEND I WOULD BE SO SAD WITHOUT YOU https://t.co/wrIHwvGG5e EXCITING NEWS! Come meet the author of LABYRINTH LOST, @zlikeinzorro, in Tulsa October 6! @SourcebooksFire #Tulsa https://t.co/Jy4ehooxty @gingerlyreview PSSH, I'M THR LUCKY ONE! On page 27 of 296 of Prude, by Jordan S. Gray: I feel a special kinship with Rebecca bec... https://t.co/Lx0jNKz9yq @gingerlyreview https://t.co/NJ4mW69X1s @Melanie_Leanne @otakutwins1 Jay kept saying the tour was going to be MASSIVE. The dates look like the typical tour with the typical stops. @Melanie_Leanne @otakutwins1 I'm pretty disappointed. @JordanStephanie I'm sorry I'm reading this so slowly 🙁 I want to just devour it all in a single sitting, but I've been so busy. @JordanStephanie I'm REALLY enjoying it though!! @JordanStephanie I'm hoping to finish it this weekend! And then I'm def writing a review and posting it EVERYWHERE! Also, so glad you like @JordanStephanie my reactions! Your characters are spot on. I've been so busy this week that mostly the only reading I've done has been via audiobooks. It's killing me. @otakutwins1 @Melanie_Leanne I'm the same way though, I always get my hopes up. @KaitlinS16 I want to use it so bad but I have an Android 😭 Looks like it's time to reread the Divergent series. @gingerlyreview I hope you have a better day tomorrow 💙 @KaitlinS16 I am ready!! I went from having one audiobook checked out to suddenly deciding I needed to reread ALL THE THINGS. https://t.co/uwfo9mTfuZ You can find me on Instagram at https://t.co/LUjcWopw4q! My goal is to reach 600 followers by the end of next month… https://t.co/N5aKacvk4M @the_bandar_blog Oh my gosh, thank you! Your feed has always been one I have admired! @ArtemisHi it's the worst! I hope you do too!! Well that is disappointing. My Patronus is a Black Mamba on J.K. Rowling’s @pottermore. Find yours: https://t.co/OgzINZQxI2 #ExpectoPatronum @gingerlyreview HAVE A GOOD DAY, OKAY? https://t.co/zZdBzWyzKF @XOmsugirlXO What are you looking for? Holding Up the Universe by @jenniferniven is ALMOST HERE! Ready my review to find out why you need this book! https://t.co/AZJrBkjHRK @XOmsugirlXO By Harper Lee?? @XOmsugirlXO I only have one copy and I had to annotate it so it's covered in writing. I'm sorry 🙁 @XOmsugirlXO I'll see if I can find it tonight. If not, I'll keep my eye out at used bookstores or for anybody trading a copy! @gingerlyreview @pottermore A freaking black mamba?! I was kind of mad. You should do it though. @XOmsugirlXO No problem! @BNSouthroads My patronus is a black mamba! @nerdherdreads I would rather be a mouse than a black mamba 😭 @gingerlyreview @pottermore OH MY GOD I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING 5 of 5 stars to Look Again by Lisa Scottoline https://t.co/9MddDidAWK Marked as to-read: Into White by Randi Pink https://t.co/m6m4mSotE8 My sweet husband drove far and wide to track this guy down. I'm only missing the New York Comic Con exclusive Dumbl… https://t.co/NYCnqGXgmx @JordanStephanie @pottermore Pretty sure it's just nonsense. I couldn't find an explanation. @gingerlyreview @pottermore Ahahahahahaha, perfect reference. @gingerlyreview @pottermore https://t.co/3TQHo1LHBt @PenguinTeen What an incredible stack! Thank you! #sweepstakes @gingerlyreview IS THAT HILARY DUFF?! I got so excited when I saw that today's #swoonyfictionseptember prompt was vintage! I adore old… https://t.co/gB0XCBpihU @Harlee_S @gingerlyreview Everybody else's patronuses are so cute, but Sara and I just go around and eat everything/everybody. @gingerlyreview THIS IS YOUR FAULT https://t.co/2jfpYKuCKF @gingerlyreview @Harlee_S https://t.co/OberDFnrYb @gingerlyreview Hilary Duff is a queen 👑 @Harlee_S @gingerlyreview AHAHAHAHA. Sara you have hade cracking up all day. Marked as to-read: Save Me by Lisa Scottoline https://t.co/2DLUlzghaU 65% done with Shatter Me, by Tahereh Mafi: I adore James! https://t.co/PntN76yO50 GO ENTER BECAUSE TRUST ME YOU WANT TO READ DREAMLAND BURNING https://t.co/sqJZKHXWLb @gingerlyreview https://t.co/HtM245C61b @getlitsy This happens any time I try to tag a book. Any tips? https://t.co/WerKJhpEpV I'm on #Litsy now as MusingsOfAGirl! Who else is?! #otspsecretsister @getlitsy Thank you! @KaitlinS16 Yes!!! I'm so happy! @KaitlinS16 What is your username?? @KaitlinS16 Yay! I found you! @gingerlyreview I'm just glad it's Friday.... https://t.co/0fucDk5onI @gingerlyreview https://t.co/6lHTbCRFvq @2ndRunReviews I found and followed you!! #otspsecretsister 4 of 5 stars to Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi https://t.co/bBgHXTUFPm @gingerlyreview How are you?? @gingerlyreview THOSE OR AMAZING!!!! @gingerlyreview Yes yes yes yes yes!!! Finalllllyyyyyy! I hope you love it! You can now find me on #Litsy! I'm super excited about this app! I'm looking for new accounts, follow me and I'll f… https://t.co/pApnYnhK1O It has been TOO LONG since I have done a Harry Potter picture. I'm so glad that it is the… https://t.co/WB45ONh0tO #MeInThreeCharacters https://t.co/s8YPtSsyXC @gingerlyreview I've been struggling for a few days on who to pick, and then it suddenly hit me. @JordanStephanie 💙💙💙💙 I was afraid nobody would recognize Jess from New Girl? @gingerlyreview LOVE AND GELATO!!!! violent Ends was good too. @JordanStephanie My husband and I were watching New Girl earlier, and I randomly said I thought Jess and I would be great best friends. He @JordanStephanie quickly agreed. 😂 @thebookishfeels I love her so much 😂😂 @thebookishfeels It's kind of scary how relatable she is sometimes @Jess_Sankiewicz YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS https://t.co/r3q103qyN9 @thebookishfeels https://t.co/CRuSGaNddv @Jess_Sankiewicz it's so hilarious! @thebookishfeels I LAUGHED WAY TOO HARD AT THIS @Shybooknerd Together! I can't separate the authors without having legit anxiety. @gingerlyreview WHAT?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE STARTINF IT?! @JordanStephanie I love Nick. My husband wishes he was Nick 😂 @Danielle_Reads I have those. Thank you though! @gingerlyreview Ahahaha, that's funny. I felt so betrayed! Not really, but it sounded like a good thing to say 😂 @gingerlyreview I always read your blog!! 💕 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/fAjDUFdU7M On page 68 of 296 of Prude, by Jordan S. Gray: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS https://t.co/V1JXm3luAP @crys_leach Peter was always my favorite too!! @crys_leach He gets even better as the show progresses! On page 114 of 296 of Prude, by Jordan S. Gray: I feel the same way about water fountain... https://t.co/rSDwuz5FLu 4 of 5 stars to Raven (2016-) #1 by Marv Wolfman https://t.co/fOm4nPvrQu Who else is on #Litsy?! You can find me under MusingsOfAGirl. Follow me and I'll follow you back! https://t.co/WxTZKivh4t @torialexandra_g I'm on there as MusingsOfAGirl! On page 130 of 296 of Prude, by Jordan S. Gray https://t.co/ioZ5TRhdz4 @JordanStephanie https://t.co/UxDmQELkJo On page 203 of 296 of Prude, by Jordan S. Gray: That was kind of one of the best things ... https://t.co/7LAuYDYYmF 5 of 5 stars to Prude by Jordan S. Gray https://t.co/Ikx0Kqu5Pg It hasn't really sunk in yet that I'll be seeing Gayle Forman tomorrow. @JordanStephanie I think this will be me this afternoon. She is hands down my all time favorite, and I never thought I would get the.... @JordanStephanie ....chance toeet her a second time. So it just doesn't feel real yet! Gayle Forman tomorrow, Zoraida Córdova, A.S. King, and Meg Cabot in Oct, and Rainbow Rowell in Nov. My heart cannot handle this excitement!! @alicesbookvault That is gorgeous! @aprillovesbooks I was kind of floored when I found out I would be able to meet her! @JordanStephanie Wedding planning is super stressful, but definitely worth it in the end. It's okay to let it get you down sometimes! 31% done with All These Things I've, by Gabrielle Zevin: I don't care about any of this. https://t.co/64lElTje0Y 51% done with All These Things I've, by Gabrielle Zevin: RON AND HERMIONE HAD A VERY GOO... https://t.co/7lf4iOXKHO @alicesbookvault There are some really incredible foreign editions! @aprillovesbooks That's exciting!! @JordanStephanie Girl, if you don't want a wedding, don't force yourself to have one. It's about you, and anybody who gets their feelings... @JordanStephanie ...hurt will get over it. Trust me. I hardly invited any of my family to the wedding. Only grandparents I think. Because... @JordanStephanie ...my family is the same way, so much drama, and I refused to have that at my wedding. Oh god. My collection of Gayle Forman books has tripled since I last met her. I have 18 books I need signed 🙃🙃🙃 Thank you #otspsecretsister! I've been wanting a HP pillow for my library, the socks are PERF, bath bomb smells 👌,… https://t.co/h6gs7rF9Jv @JordanStephanie You're welcome 💕 If you need anything just let me know. My wedding was very long ago! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/cK0DHA1eWe @Celeste_pewter I love it all! @JordanStephanie It actually kind of feels like it was forever ago, but it's only been about seven months! JUST KIDDING I FOUND TWO MORE I AM UP TO 20 @Jess_Sankiewicz Yes, you do! Which ones have you read? @saige_michael I saw a guy at kum and go and I thought it was you 🙃 @JordanStephanie I'll find some of my favorites for you 😊 @zoeytalbon IT IS SO SOFT AND COMFY! I've been carrying it around all night. @Jess_Sankiewicz YOU DO!! Willem's story is so incredible. @nautigirlreads 1. THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!! 2. Eeep, thank you!! @gingerlyreview I pretty much haven't put the pillow down yet 😂 @Dizneeee I'm dying to try these! Glad to hear they are delicious! @saige_michael I kind of started to walk toward them and when I got closer saw it wasn't you turned around awkwardly and walked away. @gayleforman Are you going to be at Rainy Day books in Kansas City or Watermark books in Wichita tonight? GUYS GUYS GUYS IT'S HERE!!!! https://t.co/3WFRyuJJtQ Although I'm really not impressed with how beat up this box is, @amazon. https://t.co/GJamv8AJJY WHAT THE HECK? THIS IS COMPLETELY TORN @amazon https://t.co/qdjsjfaebj I also couldn't resist ordering this gorgeous box set. I'm in love. https://t.co/1CYknFpXMI @gingerlyreview https://t.co/b0CvJYDTc8 @NoBentSpines THEY ARE SO PRETTY @gingerlyreview His was having a hard time keeping his evil side put away @gingerlyreview I pre-ordered them both from Amazon! @gingerlyreview Uuuuuh, no, I'm right there with you. @gingerlyreview The Grisha box set has a pretty map poster and exclusive content. You need it. Road tripping to Wichita to see Gayle Forman!!! https://t.co/500d5HEeDf @deadtossedwaves There are pictures further up in the thread! @gingerlyreview @deadtossedwaves I'm assuming YA too. I called the bookstore yesterday & they said there wasn't a limit on amount of books you could bring. @gayleforman @Watermarkbooks Okay, good! I'm driving up from Tulsa and didnt want to be at the wrong place! So excited!! @deadtossedwaves GOOD! Can't wait to meet you! So excited!! https://t.co/cm96yQffCw @lovedmetoruins_ I got the box set and my box was ripped/torn at the top! @lovedmetoruins_ That is so frustrating! This is mine. https://t.co/HMCHFkPo3R @otakutwins1 I followed you! 😊 @gone_pecan Your Leigh Bardugo boxes?? Mine were torn up too! @lovedmetoruins_ I had to leave town pretty soon after I got it, but once I get home I definitely will! @bookchic13 Thank you! I'm at the bookstore now nervous af. @gone_pecan What the heck? Seems like the majority of them are damaged. @gone_pecan Oh hell no, I would be so pissed. @otakutwins1 yay!! Looks like I'm the crazy person who brought 21 books to an event when everybody else brought 2. TFW you come out of the bathroom and Gayle Forman is waiting to go in and you awkwardly run away 😳😳😳 @deadtossedwaves I just left! I'm sorry! @deadtossedwaves I ended up with I think 21 books for her to sign. She was AMAZING about it! @deadtossedwaves Thank you!!! So sorry we missed each other. Hopefully I'll come back, I really liked the bookstore! Thank you for being so incredible and gracious, @gayleforman! It's always a pleasure to see you and read your words! https://t.co/KJg5vlEfQP @deadtossedwaves Yay!! @gayleforman I'm driving back to Tulsa now, but I can't wait to go through and look at all of them! Thank you again! @bookchic13 Oh, I did😂 @gingerlyreview still me https://t.co/1tw4vdsyF1 Taking a small break from my normal theme because I have to talk about last night. I was so… https://t.co/RqY0L2Tw8N @Shybooknerd I AM STILL ON A HIGH FROM ALL THE EMOTIONS @JordanStephanie IT STILL DOESN'T SEEM REAL @gingerlyreview AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS WAS BASICALLY ME @JordanStephanie You are the best 💙 @Advtsbetweenpgs YES! I could not be more in love with the cover for Crooked Kingdom. The gold is so beautiful and the… https://t.co/BOwsq6pLle @JordanStephanie https://t.co/VPQCRRu1Zk @Jess_Sankiewicz She was so nice about it! @Jess_Sankiewicz She really is! And she is so funny too. I am so excited to be entering my first rep search! I am such a fan of @c_bookaddiction and feel… https://t.co/K2x41aMT8m Here is my collage for the #nidesignsrep search! These are some of my favorite pictures, and I… https://t.co/bx8WNfwiW9 @Shybooknerd She loved it and was so kind about signing them all! She actually took a picture of me with them all for her Instagram! @BookNerdAddict Thank you!! Definitely one of the best nights of my life. @littlebookworm Thank you!!! @c_bookaddiction Oh my gosh, I just noticed that it converted novelinkdesigns to your Twitter handle when it posted here. How weird! @c_bookaddiction I didn't know it did that! So nifty! @BookNerdAddict 💕💕 @AlyssaC_HK Mine is https://t.co/ISX1pGtcIO! 2 of 5 stars to All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin https://t.co/eGwt0eoW02 I'm #reading Divergent by Veronica Roth https://t.co/nrHgnH7Joc 70% done with Divergent, by Veronica Roth https://t.co/aIvOjeEsFe One of my favorite things about Harry Potter is how relevant it still is today. I first read… https://t.co/FFtR2iJp76 Marked as to-read: The Pause by John Larkin https://t.co/W9vvyZdKvi @gingerlyreview https://t.co/Bq1OLgguXa @thebooktraveler DO IT!! I have eight. @thebooktraveler They can get pretty pricey. A lot of mine were small, so less than $100. Colorful ones tend to cost more. 5 of 5 stars to Divergent by Veronica Roth https://t.co/nrHgnH7Joc 19% done with Unravel Me, by Tahereh Mafi https://t.co/hpSZe5QdtA September wrap up! I read a total of 26 books, and excluding re-reads, these were my four and… https://t.co/190VaIZoxN @JordanStephanie What flabby chicken wing arms?! Girl, you are 👌 Also, a toddler?! What?! I didn't know you were a mom! @JordanStephanie That is my favorite age!! How fun! @JordanStephanie Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of babies. They look like potatoes 😳 On page 198 of 288 of A Fierce and Subtle Poison, by Samantha Mabry https://t.co/dZwJ95DLw3 600 followers?! You guys blow me away. Seriously, thank you! I love bookstagramming so much, and… https://t.co/HbUhVxHPQ6 @AlyssaC_HK Thank you!! 💕 At beginning of September, I started making a conscious effort to be healthier. Since then I've lost 10 lbs and am 4 away from my 1st goal! I honestly didn't think I would get even this far. I'm weak willed & I REALLY like food. Ten pounds isn't that much, but it's huge for me. 2 of 5 stars to A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry https://t.co/WBqgXrfPtf @onlynoor Thank you! I started drinking slim fast shake things for breakfast and lunch, eating fruits/veggies in between meals..... @onlynoor ...& then eating chicken breasts and veggies for dinner!Sometimes I'll have a sandwich on rye bread too.Or rice with the chicken. @abent0488 Thank you!! Read my five star review for PRUDE by @JordanStephanie! You NEED this book! https://t.co/n7MI2SdzvH GIVEAWAY! Follow and RT to win an e-copy of PRUDE by @JordanStephanie! Ends at 5pm CST on 10/21. https://t.co/n7MI2SdzvH For an extra entry, follow me on Instagram (MusingsOfAGirl), and reply to this tweet with your IG username. You must also RT original tweet. On page 30 of 346 of The Loose Ends List, by Carrie Firestone: This feels very disjointe... https://t.co/jF0t83barA @JordanStephanie THIS MAKES ME SL HAPPY! @gingerlyreview THAAAAANK YOOOUUUUU!!! @Jess_Sankiewicz YES!! It is so good!! @JordanStephanie @JordanStephanie It was all you. I wouldn't have been able to write a glowing review if you hadn't written such a good book! @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you!! @JordanStephanie https://t.co/L4YXj99BLZ I'm on Instagram too! https://t.co/ISX1pGtcIO #bookstagram https://t.co/lCGPVOos8w @JordanStephanie OH NO! I just saw this. How are you doing?? @Jess_Sankiewicz I love your covers!! This is my first #socksunday picture in a month! How do you guys take them?? They are seriously… https://t.co/URAGRUG1Pp @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you! @JordanStephanie Good!! @gingerlyreview Yay! I got mine yesterday and I'm in love with it! @brittany_reads @gingerlyreview They are the full books! @lizpatanders @brittany_reads @gingerlyreview They are the full books! I'm want to give you this amazing book!! See the corresponding tweet for an extra entry! https://t.co/K6barAJiP9 @gingerlyreview Yes. Just yes. @gingerlyreview OH MY GOSH I AM SO GLAD YOU SHOWED THIS TO ME!!! Have you seen the rest of wave 3?? It's amazeballs. https://t.co/LGtT7VfXpo @gingerlyreview dun dun daaaaaaaaa https://t.co/KFLwRwWiCT @gingerlyreview Have you seen the fantastic beasts ones?? @gingerlyreview https://t.co/v4jvKCBnd2 @gingerlyreview Would I be ridiculous if I asked for a raise due to extenuating circumstances so I can get all these? Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!! This is a FANTASTIC debut! https://t.co/K6barAJiP9 Turns out Twitter isn't showing me all of my notifications. Sorry if I've missed you! One of my goals for October is to hit 700 followers on my Instagram. Fingers crossed!! https://t.co/ISX1pGtcIO… https://t.co/i33pw4u4rm @zoeytalbon WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT @zoeytalbon I KNOW!! FIRST THING I DID WAS RUSH TO IMDB TO CHECK THE CAST LIST THEN I THANKED ALL THE STARS! OH MY GOD YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS AND ORLANDO BLOOM IS IN IT I JUST CAN'T EVEN https://t.co/5GQVcx56fk @MissyPrissy12 That's crazy! I hope it gets fixed pronto. I have to start preparing myself now. https://t.co/I2iKQ39igC When you forget your glasses at home https://t.co/5DgpWdZPMu On page 50 of 368 of Confessions of a Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella https://t.co/hH1bRT8Par When you want to take a video of your dog being cute but you take too many selfies. https://t.co/PXkwGqJUgJ Happy Monday, book lovers! In case you couldn't tell, I'm really excited for Halloween. I gave… https://t.co/u3ozv1g1G9 @c_bookaddiction I just saw all this. I'm so glad your daughter is okay!! Yep, I'm gonna need her 😍 I adore Breakfast at Tiffany's! https://t.co/LGuMugJsC9 How does everybody feel about zombies?? I love them! If you haven't read the Newsflesh trilogy… https://t.co/virWOJOHai Marked as to-read: Blood Red Snow White by Marcus Sedgwick https://t.co/OjkJIZxMWq @jocie_h I'm in love with it! @MissyPrissy12 I KNOOOOW! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL AND THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVE MOVIES!! I keep waiting for things to get easier. Missing my grandpa like crazy today. 💔 @gingerlyreview YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS https://t.co/OiAbPAcH5r @gingerlyreview Basically me. @hesaidbooksorme Thank you, dear. @bookchic13 I love love love this!! @XOmsugirlXO How exciting! Good luck!! Way too much on my mind to even expect to get any sleep tonight 😪 Starting November 9, by Colleen Hoover: Here's hoping a Colleen Hoover book can bring me... https://t.co/6O5YCdrxZU Okay, who took my life and put it on a shirt? https://t.co/JA7vkmUkKj @BooksWithMaps I have a business profile! I like the insights. 54% done with November 9, by Colleen Hoover: I honestly can't with Colleen Hoover's writ... https://t.co/lsnWN1dItA @NormalChey That is so cute!! DON'T FORGET!! Come see @zlikeinzorro at 7pm TONIGHT at Hardesty Library! @SourcebooksFire #Tulsa https://t.co/nxYcLe4tTF @NormalChey It would end up all over my apartment 😂 I'm nervous about Hurricane Matthew. Miami, FL is where my grandma is, & I'm worried about her now that she doesnt have my gramps anymore. @thebooktraveler Same! If anybody is coming tonight you can find me wearing my Meowgic shirt! https://t.co/s0jRvBb9fT @NormalChey I love this series!! My goal in life is to be featured on @EpicReads' weekly bookstagram roundup. No joke. @NormalChey It definitely took a different turn and was not what I expected at all! Still so good. @bookchic13 Thank you 💕💕 @MissyPrissy12 HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU WONDERFUL PERSON YOU!!!! https://t.co/TAonfLIIY2 @nautigirlreads @EpicReads https://t.co/Q5IFT3IjiO Gave myself a Halloween themed header, so it's already a good day. 63% done with November 9, by Colleen Hoover: That is so weird to me and kind of grosses ... https://t.co/CGXzZJR6mE I had an idea for a book last night, but I don't write. It never works out. Marked as to-read: Fireworks by Katie Cotugno https://t.co/y8gSzqZxTE Marked as to-read: In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware https://t.co/Sb97fsIvfu 5 of 5 stars to November 9 by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/zUllmMzume Marked as to-read: Once, in a Town Called Moth by Trilby Kent https://t.co/vHq9oOalMB 3 of 5 stars to Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs https://t.co/VhJmYWDMWf @thebooktraveler just spreading the word! @tayberryjelly You two are too cute!! @tayberryjelly Girl, being an adult has me lacking so much sleep 😂 @thebooktraveler Also, your new picture is GORGEOUS! ❤ @tayberryjelly YES PLEASE!!! I swear it just sounded like there was a child in my apartment giggling and saying mommy. #officiallycreepedout @Jess_Sankiewicz I don't think so. But my husband has been reading a lot of Stephen King lately..... 😨 @alexiareads Honestly, this isn't the first time I've felt like there was something else in this apartment. @MissyPrissy12 Basically me #byefelicia 👋 @alexiareads Do they ever bother you? @Jess_Sankiewicz https://t.co/BV4q3vLyFy There is something I am dying to get @gingerlyreview for her birthday and I CAN'T FIND IT. APPARENTLY I JUST NEEDED TO TWEET ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEN I FOUND IT @gingerlyreview @gingerlyreview YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW I AM ABOUT TO GO HOME AMD ARTS AND CRAFTS I'M SO GLAD YOUR BIRTHDAY IS FINALLY HERE LET ME CELEBRATE @cupcakes_books @alexiareads I am a definite believer, but I hate it. Freaks me out. @thealaskanyoung I feel that early termination of the lease should be allowed in situations such as these. Today has been amazing! I got caught up on my comics and picked up the new Teen Titans (hopefully it's good), & sna… https://t.co/5a7WCLCHbw @gingerlyreview YOU CAN DEFLECT ALL YOU WANT I'M NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU. @gingerlyreview I MISS YOUR FACE SO MUCH TOO 😭 5 of 5 stars to Teen Titans by Benjamin Percy https://t.co/W1c0fhmQom @zlikeinzorro I love it!! I ship Nick and Judy so hard! @NormalChey 😊😊😊 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/FdgVrxATF4 4 of 5 stars to Snotgirl #2 by Bryan Lee O'Malley https://t.co/v4mmk1Ulno 5 of 5 stars to Paper Girls #9 by Brian K. Vaughan https://t.co/RAnQG9KrHx On page 79 of 368 of Confessions of a Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella https://t.co/e0ahbt4rs7 I am definitely not ready for Monday. Marked as to-read: The Lost and the Found by Cat Clarke https://t.co/IYc8RnpGOY 29% done with Rule, by Jay Crownover: Oh my god, please drop the little girl nickname. ... https://t.co/yC5fQBxgbw Realizing the post office is closed today so your plans to get @gingerlyreview's birthday present to her the day of… https://t.co/JGjqhItU3k @gingerlyreview https://t.co/V9iueHe60x 73% done with Rule, by Jay Crownover: Gabe would definitely be a Trump supporter. https://t.co/TDkK8HyGtX 78% done with Rule, by Jay Crownover https://t.co/uxhedQOUHB On page 120 of 368 of Confessions of a Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella https://t.co/YYsf1l2GIQ 5 of 5 stars to Rule by Jay Crownover https://t.co/1qhMKyiOxq 5 of 5 stars to Animal Farm by George Orwell https://t.co/dyE3LauSk8 @gingerlyreview HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU ARE THE BEST I LOVE YOU!!! https://t.co/PkFvsytpTO YOU BETTER BE HAVING THE BEST DAY BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT SO MUCH!!! https://t.co/Gmm29Zz7An @gingerlyreview HAAAAPPPPPPYYYYYY BIIIIIIIRRRTTTHHDAAAAYYYYYYYY https://t.co/2JnzUpQ6by @gingerlyreview YOU HAVE BALLOONS BEST DAY EVER YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS https://t.co/YlVcPN0pl4 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/om9ATB3Fx0 @gingerlyreview I WANT YOU TO FEEL SPECIAL No but seriously if this isn't me then I don't know what is. https://t.co/f10LXjQoAh 12% done with Along for the Ride, by Sarah Dessen https://t.co/PPDRp0rmMC 16% done with Along for the Ride, by Sarah Dessen: I cannot stand Auden. https://t.co/SlUaTu1I2f @gingerlyreview I hope you had the best day!!! *Hugs* @Jess_Sankiewicz Yep! And I can't even. I use that probably too much 😂 @sierraiswriting It's kind of scary how spot on it is 😂 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/Tzk0z49bZK @ThePaige_Turner DID YOU SEE THIS?! https://t.co/aa90yf8KxP 56% done with Along for the Ride, by Sarah Dessen https://t.co/TjGoIIVN5E Long distance friendships are hard. I miss @gingerlyreview. https://t.co/vnIZdIEn7k @ThePaige_Turner okay good! I saw it and immediately thought of you! @gingerlyreview Hubs and I are talking about going to Texas again soon. It's very tentative right now, but the idea is there. @JordanStephanie basically me right now. https://t.co/edCYGfBHPR 82% done with Along for the Ride, by Sarah Dessen https://t.co/UinsCmH8dZ @JordanStephanie https://t.co/N1JNdY18Jg @gingerlyreview I love this! I really want a collarbone tattoo of some antlers reminiscent of her amplifier. Should I pierce my nose again? @steakuccino I had to take my original one out because of work, but my current job is cool with it. I miss it!! I'm in Oklahoma City today and found such a neat bookstore! I adored how the books went all the… https://t.co/pq8bECCME1 @nerdherdreads It was adorable! We don't have anything like it in Tulsa. @whatsarahread Thank you!!! @JordanStephanie I love you! If you need anything let me know. I understand what you're going through. ❤❤ Okay, going after work today to do this. Now I just have to decide between a small thin hoop or a stud. 2 of 5 stars to Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen https://t.co/Mq4zZ2ccCS @JordanStephanie https://t.co/5UTp9SsYFN @nerdherdreads this is the first book by her I haven't loved 😭 @Jess_Sankiewicz This will be my third time to get it done. I'm terrible when it comes to pain, but I love how it looks! @nerdherdreads @RachelllRaeee Oh no 😓 I'm glad you guys like it!! @Novel_Knight Just spreading the word! @Jess_Sankiewicz The first time I accidentally yanked it out, so I had to get it redone, then I had to take it out for a new job. @Jess_Sankiewicz This one should stay as my current employer is amazing! Currently having to wait while somebody else gets their piercing before me. Pretty sure this waiting around is making my anxiety skyrocket. I DID THE THING AND I FEEL LIKE YOU CAN HARDLY TELL 😓 But seriously, I just spent about 5 minutes trying to get a picture and it just looks like a weird coloration on my nose. BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE I LOVE IT https://t.co/U7lnzg9ETO @Jess_Sankiewicz It really is, because I forgot how much it hurt 🙃 @gingerlyreview mailed you half your birthday present 🙃🙃🙃 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/emOQqpqWz1 I rehomed one of my guinea pigs tonight. I know it was for the best, and everybody will be a lot happier, but I'm still feeling sad. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/2VQTKwL0JK @gayleforman OH MY GOSH! I love this!! Definitely going to have to figure out how I can get a copy for my collection! @gayleforman You are so wonderful! DMing you now. @MissyPrissy12 Thank you 💕💕💕 @gingerlyreview Yay!!! https://t.co/BGpLhn4pP6 @bookchic13 @gingerlyreview I wasn't a huge fan of it 😓 @JordanStephanie @ElspethWillems https://t.co/SMSudsC51v @bookchic13 Oooh, yeah, the cover is great! Should I still pick up his second even though I hated this one? @gingerlyreview @bookchic13 That would be lovely!! @gingerlyreview I don't know when I'm going to be able to watch it and I'm so sad 😭 TFW you're listening to the classic country radio station and they start playing things from when you were a kid. @gingerlyreview Me too, girl. Me too. https://t.co/UycPa7gbNj @bookchic13 https://t.co/B5RCREAlyf @gingerlyreview But seriously, without giving anything away, was it good?? I am in such a huge reading slump and I can't get out 😭 I went to a book event last night, and while most of the crowd seemed to connect with the author, I did not. I actually left without getting anything signed (which I had never done before) because I was so unimpressed with her. @iBlessThee13th Meg Cabot @iBlessThee13th I've only enjoyed two books by her that I've read, but I've been wanting to try her adult books. Not so much now. @thebooktraveler I'm so so sorry. (hugs) @iBlessThee13th She was very obnoxious, and came off as condescending and only caring about the money. @nerdherdreads Yeah, I wouldn't be too disappointed. Just had The Walking Dead spoiled. So that's how my day is going. In other news, these chips are hot as fuck and also delicious. https://t.co/5uaYnn3ChT GUYS!! A.S. King is going to be in Tulsa TOMORROW!!! She is fantastic and you definitely don't want to miss this ev… https://t.co/zUURyInUgB @JordanStephanie How is editing going?? Super obsessed with Glee right now. @TheQuietConcert Pumpkin spice milanos?! I need these in my life!! @gingerlyreview https://t.co/XG1L32IOuO I am in one hell of a reading slump. I have 0 desire to do any reading. https://t.co/sQx5bDAmM4 @Dizneeee Thinking about you this morning! I hope you are having a good week!💕 @gingerlyreview Have a good day https://t.co/tWvi2beDCg @NormalChey I am in love with this cover!! @NormalChey https://t.co/XumWWl8Org THANK YOU #otspsecretsister! I immediately put the comic in a protective sleeve, the Sadnesses are amazing, Daryl a… https://t.co/nXqUjW37fs ....and I loooove the way these pens write! I can't wait to take them to work on Monday! Thank you thank you thank you! #otspsecretsister So in love with Tove Lo's new album. I've had it on repeat since yesterday morning. @gingerlyreview hi https://t.co/SsoeMROF8X @gingerlyreview YOUR HALLOWEEN COSTUME SLAAAAYS https://t.co/8C0go1bYSF @gingerlyreview https://t.co/H89RNXtywu @ArtemisHi A guy I dated once told me that about my mental health issues. I quickly dumped his ass. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/hNXtWZeKZ7 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/cSm2fnSVI7 @ArtemisHi Amen! I can't sleep because there's a murderer on the loose & for some reason I'm convinced he's hiding on the golf course outside my window. 5 of 5 stars to Doctor Strange by Brian K. Vaughan https://t.co/XSW4RSB0FV @gingerlyreview NOT AS MUCH AS I MISS YOUR FACE https://t.co/76yEBc4uul #ImWithHer https://t.co/zCV1zSaIWB @gingerlyreview same https://t.co/3ebYzsHSGy 4 of 5 stars to Shade, The Changing Girl #1 by Cecil Castellucci https://t.co/GbLRAxcDq1 4 of 5 stars to Mercury by Hope Larson https://t.co/FqQKsUi8bv 5 of 5 stars to Exquisite Corpse by Pénélope Bagieu https://t.co/rU70YljvHd Marked as to-read: Little Monsters by Kara Thomas https://t.co/ilXOBbAZ4o @gingerlyreview Noooo, give it to somebody else. I don't feel right winning one of your giveaways. @gingerlyreview Yes! I do want to read Frost, but I'd feel better if it went to somebody else 😊 @gingerlyreview @MissyPrissy12 YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!! THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER!!!! https://t.co/SyO11xgTvT @gingerlyreview You are too sweet 😊 if you don't, no worries. I'm still deep in a reading slump. 😭 @gingerlyreview I miss YOU! @gingerlyreview I'm sorry 😓 @gingerlyreview Unfortunately, I think I just need to ride it out. I even tried reading Girl In Pieces, which was INCREDIBLE only a few.... @gingerlyreview ....pages in, but I still just couldn't concentrate and didn't feel like rrading. I'm trying to get through some comics.... @gingerlyreview ....and graphic novels now to at least be reading some. 2 of 5 stars to Harvey by Hervé Bouchard https://t.co/y9yCk4qwjg @gingerlyreview I know today is hard for you, and I'm so sorry. I wish I could be there, but I'm sending lots of hu… https://t.co/kHGFvkc8Dr I am honestly so worried and scared of what is going to happen now. My anxiety is at an all time high. @Advtsbetweenpgs I am so so sorry. This is not how things should be. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/3ofe0gC9sr @JordanStephanie Oh my goodness, you have no idea how much I needed to see this today. I love you and you are WONDERFUL. @emerylord @gayleforman @kelbi1lewis This is so terrifying and my heart is breaking. Sitting at work crying while watching Hillary Clinton's concession speech. I'm proud to say I supported her. In order to forget about the stress for a while, I finally watched the new Ghostbusters and LOVED it!! Holtzmann was my favorite character! But I'm gonna need Pop figures of them all (including Kevin)! @gayleforman Heavy, very heavy. @MissyPrissy12 I was surprised at how good it was! @SwoonReads Hillary Clinton was elected forty-fifth president of the United States. @LE_DeLano @SGarberGirl #10wordfantasy @iBlessThee13th https://t.co/sHyusLY5Dx @gingerlyreview GET ON THIS I JUST BOUGHT ONE https://t.co/Di8wvpwiyF @gingerlyreview https://t.co/82MZtsYTxt @gingerlyreview @Melanie_Leanne There were 14 I think when I ordered mine, they are going quick! @gingerlyreview @Melanie_Leanne I'm thankful to @BookOutletcom for shining some light in these dark times ❤ @Melanie_Leanne @gingerlyreview YAY!!!!! The fact that people still think like this astounds me. Women are strong and fierce, and we can do a lot more than… https://t.co/pY16avPZ1s Electoral College Electors: Electoral College Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19 - Sign th... https://t.co/CjGdHCbLQq via @Change @Jess_Sankiewicz I definitely recommend it. Perfect distraction/pick me up movie! @Jess_Sankiewicz Right?! Electoral College Electors: Electoral College Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19 - Sign t... https://t.co/CjGdHCbLQq via @Change @JordanStephanie IS THAT A T SWIFT ORNAMENT @JordanStephanie WHAAAAAAAAAAT MY LIFE NEEDS THIS https://t.co/OltKdpkVAk @gingerlyreview https://t.co/eqyaz92WES I'm tired of being called a sore loser because I'm upset that Hillary Clinton did not win. But I guess if caring about human rights makes me a sore loser, then I am one. #stillwithher @Celeste_pewter I could not agree more with this. @Advtsbetweenpgs I am so sorry that this has divided your family. The fact that this is happening to many breaks my heart. I'm #reading Confess by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/F8M2GWOm39 5 of 5 stars to Confess by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/F8M2GWOm39 @gingerlyreview You don't say it too much. I miss you too 😭 https://t.co/LyE7QP2rjg @genissa Oh absolutely. And I'm afraid their retaliation would have been scary bad. @Advtsbetweenpgs This was a reread of Confess for me. So far it's my favorite of hers. November 9 is so good too though! @jenandapen I will be there! HAPPY BIRTHDAY @thealaskanyoung https://t.co/ur2UvBqkYZ 4 of 5 stars to Raven (2016-) #2 by Marv Wolfman https://t.co/9btLCswwCZ 4 of 5 stars to Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella https://t.co/9GPFPsWzdC 5 of 5 stars to Bounty #1 by Kurtis J. Wiebe https://t.co/O6OXEIhozg On page 75 of 416 of Girl in Pieces, by Kathleen Glasgow https://t.co/7AxAxRzcaA 74% done with This Song Will Save Your Life, by Leila Sales https://t.co/6DwYCcl86L Marked as to-read: A List of Cages by Robin Roe https://t.co/u3Lp0YbWoo Marked as to-read: Lucky Girl by Amanda Maciel https://t.co/lsDASb30Ju 3 of 5 stars to Raven (2016-) #3 by Marv Wolfman https://t.co/lKUCk2JZqP When you stop to save a turtle on your way to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and name him Eddie in hon… https://t.co/7SSZehlPQn 5 of 5 stars to Rat Queens, Vol. 1 by Kurtis J. Wiebe https://t.co/TjvjTkBx3o @songbirdcloud71 Ummmm, what? I honestly enjoyed Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them so much and I'm already dying to see it again. @songbirdcloud71 Yeah, I'm with her. On page 188 of 416 of Girl in Pieces, by Kathleen Glasgow https://t.co/36H5qSNWeo Thank you so much for my November package, #otspsecretsister!! I will post pictures later. ❤❤❤ Yep, Facebook was definitely how I wanted to find out about my dad's new new girlfriend. I finally swapped out the stud in my nose for a hoop and it gives me life. https://t.co/YHLSuqWndX @Jess_Sankiewicz Aaah, thank you!!! 5 of 5 stars to Invincible Iron Man (2016-) #1 by Brian Michael Bendis https://t.co/GXBuhq4lSl 5 of 5 stars to Snotgirl #4 by Bryan Lee O'Malley https://t.co/x8Ywd4gEiO 5 of 5 stars to Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #1 by Chynna Clugston Flores https://t.co/ZdJsLUUstZ 5 of 5 stars to Lumberjanes Gotham Academy #2 by Chynna Clugston-Flores https://t.co/91hzyMtmAQ @bookchic13 Thank you!! I'm super in love with it. @ReaderAdventure I always get called Maria, when people pronounce my name and spell it, so it's kind of just an inside joke with myself. @ReaderAdventure I thought of it because Anne of Green Gables always specifies her name is Anne with an e. @jenandapen Oh no, feel better! 5 of 5 stars to Lumberjanes Gotham Academy #3 by Chynna Clugston-Flores https://t.co/QnusxN8b4c @ReaderAdventure It drives me crazy! The Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy crossover comics are pure GOLD! I am so glad that my tweets from forever ago are being dug up and being taken out of context AGAIN. For like the third time. 5 of 5 stars to Lumberjanes Gotham Academy #4 by Chynna Clugston-Flores https://t.co/yNdBeL0jz0 Things like this are one of the reasons why I have hardly been online. Nobody can get along and we are at each other's throats constantly. Any time I get on Twitter I get off two minutes later feeling like shit. Can we not just respect each other? @AngelinaFable Yep, because you can only say so much in 140 characters, but people don't read the string of tweets. Just one or two. @cupcakes_books @AngelinaFable Haha, same. I think my lack of sleep is making me ten times more grumpy about it. 5 of 5 stars to Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #5 by Chynna Flores https://t.co/nk9LN9mE4r 5 of 5 stars to Goldie Vance Vol. 1 by Hope Larson https://t.co/raPhnITLVT If you enjoy comics, then you MUST check out Goldie Vance. So much diversity, adventure, and humor. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/4cSRv0e9si @gingerlyreview https://t.co/sEmPSlwUJ0 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/YNss0Q37pD On page 94 of 320 of History Is All You Left, by Adam Silvera: This is going so much bet... https://t.co/J4E5xMhzNa My anxiety has gotten so bad that I've pretty much stopped sleeping. I'm so fucking tired. @JordanStephanie https://t.co/4JEWxBXqpM 43% done with Keep Quiet, by Lisa Scottoline https://t.co/2Abv2WJHZw 3 of 5 stars to Keep Quiet by Lisa Scottoline https://t.co/cPyNODFPbi Marked as to-read: Dead Little Mean Girl by Eva Darrows https://t.co/kswigFCOkR I love how my husband gets as into #otspsecretsister as I do! @ArtsyReaderGirl I'm so jealous! @YAundermyskin I will have to look into that. Thank you so much! @otakutwins1 Those socks!! 😍 Finally had time to take a pic of my Nov package! Thank you again, #otspsecretsister! Pivot Point has been on my WL… https://t.co/khdI6N8lkK ...already started Isle! It was just the book I needed right now. I LOVED Fantastic Beasts, so the bookmark is perf! #otspsecretsister The sticky notes are super cute, and Frozen is always appropriate!! You rock, #otspsecretsister! @NormalChey YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!! I give it a million thumbs up! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 @jenniferniven I also got your note in the mail today. I think I might know who you are! #otspsecretsister @hmz1505 Maybe Think Geek? @ArtsyReaderGirl So do I! I always hope we will get a lot, but we don't usually. On page 48 of 320 of The Isle of the Lost, by Melissa de la Cruz https://t.co/z2V0JMpgBH @Buffywnabe Right now my favorite is Newt Scamander! #otspsecretsister Does anybody use the One Click Digital app to get audiobooks from their library? @bookmarklit Do you remember if there is a way to speed up the audio? @Buffywnabe Me too! I need to track down the pop figure that is Newt and Picket! They are too cute! @Buffywnabe Yes!!! It's adorable! I think it is a Hot Topic exclusive maybe. @ThePaige_Turner YOU ARE TOO CUTE!! @bookchic13 GOOD ONE! @MarissaOsman @MarissaOsman Jane and Rochester are #1 with Nick and Judy from Zootopia a close second! #otspsecretsister https://t.co/JwNVa15pny @Harlee_S SAME!! @AngelinaFable My husband is a pro at this stuff. He said sometimes the game will have a ticker thing at the top with info regarding... @AngelinaFable ....stuff like that. Otherwise you just have to find out by following possibly the game on Twitter if there is one. @AngelinaFable Or just check for new available DLCs periodically. @AngelinaFable You're welcome! Sorry I didn't have a very good answer 😣 @AngelinaFable I think it normally takes a minute after the game is released for them to put out DLCs. @AngelinaFable Every game is different! @bookchic13 I seriously cannot get enough of them @MarissaOsman https://t.co/vCvmoM0Ms9 @bookchic13 I watch it when I go to bed and am falling asleep allllll the time. @bookchic13 What?! Noooooooooo. Do you have Netflix?? @bookchic13 okay GOOD! I was about to go to Target and get you a copy 😂 Are you and your family okay from the storms last night? @QualityFangirls I feel this so much. *hugs* @bookchic13 Good! I was thinking about y'all. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/g6pGyi5vMl @gingerlyreview https://t.co/0QAo5Rrs44 I'm #reading History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera https://t.co/Cy5FqcMmfo @AdamSilvera Okay, is there actually a website that will put my face on a superhero?? Please say yes. @AdamSilvera I just read that part of HISTORY and swooned. I have to find this. @gingerlyreview https://t.co/kfNwkSI6AA HAPPY DECEMBER Y'ALL https://t.co/7Qf52pzZw6 I've already been tagged in three book Christmas tree pictures on Facebook and it's only December 1st. HELP. @MissyPrissy12 I love the wrapping! And that Alice mirror is gorgeous! #otspsecretsister I'm super curious as to why people seem to suddenly have a problem with Veronica Roth. What did I miss?? @knoxdiver Just spreading the word! @foreverbookish 😊 https://t.co/g51v1xekNU @Buffywnabe I like the classic Frosty, Rudolph, and Grinch. Going to try and start a tradition with my husband of.... #otspsecretsister ....watching the animated How the Grinch Stole Christmas on Christmas Eve. #otspsecretsister @KamijoSullivan This looks like such a cute package!! #otspsecretsister @anovelread Nimona!!! 😍😍😍 So good! #otspsecretsister @foreverbookish You're welcome!! On page 155 of 320 of History Is All You Left Me, by Adam Silvera https://t.co/CdLlhFkhAa @gingerlyreview https://t.co/XQXLqtePIg What the hell?! This is disgusting. Islamophobia isn't a joke. @ABRAMSbooks https://t.co/5yS8vDWwp9 The other examples in the article are pretty vile too. @ABRAMSbooks @DunkinDonuts Are there still plans to bring DD to Tulsa, OK in 2017?? I'm dying over here from withdrawals! Today's motivation just flew right out the window. https://t.co/SXDGx9Hwsu OH MY GOD THIS WAS MADE FOR ME 😍 https://t.co/cVhSkYGCuV Apparently it's proper office etiquette to put IT on SPEAKER PHONE for two hours while they fix your computer. https://t.co/Yf9vg1AwNU Check out my top artists on @lastfm https://t.co/pCo6tZZFjV via @lastfm Does anybody use last.fm?? @bookwishblog We are no help 😂 OH GOD SHE IS BACK AT IT EXCEPT SHE IS ALSO TALKING ON HER CELLPHONE NOW TOO SO SHE HAS TWO CONVERSATIONS GOING ON USING SPEAKERPHONE. My day in a nutshell: I tried to get into a stranger's black Lexus instead of my black Civic. 🙃 I'm so in love with this song/music video and Noah Cyrus. https://t.co/Y95tjmmBzq @MissyPrissy12 Yes!!! I'm dyyyying to see it again! @MissyPrissy12 I almost did that when I saw it! My husband won't be home for another couple hours, so you best believe I'm in my jams reading with Taylor Swift cranked up. @bookchic13 soooooo perfect! Me twenty times a day. https://t.co/zJKueWgYu2 I just told my dog not to be a grumplepuss. Like, what does that even mean? @crys_leach I am so so happy for you and this gives me an immense amount of hope for myself. @NormalChey I loooove your leggings! And Girl in Pieces is phenomenal! @morganameridius I just bawled like a baby. They are so precious. @bookchic13 @Melanie_Leanne I remember pausing Zootopia the first time I watched it to read all those movie titles, but didn't know anything @bookchic13 @Melanie_Leanne about Moana at the time so I missed it. That's AWESOME!! I had caught the Frozen 2 one though. 4 of 5 stars to History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera https://t.co/abjbc9eDcY @bookstacksamber Drives me crazy when people do that to me! On page 96 of 320 of The Isle of the Lost, by Melissa de la Cruz https://t.co/BpnrOZmLL1 @bookstacksamber I unfriended somebody who kept doing it to me. It just isn't necessary. Marked as to-read: Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick https://t.co/4eaAK24ebt @gingerlyreview YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS 👏👏 I loooove Chuy's. It's one of my favorite places to eat. Has anybody ever had an Etsy order not ship by the estimated ship date? Something I ordered for my #otspsecretsister was supposed to ship... ...by the 2nd, but it still hasn't and I'm nervous! What should I do?? #otspsecretsister @gingerlyreview I'm on my way! https://t.co/8ydqEJHww2 4 of 5 stars to Falling Over Sideways by Jordan Sonnenblick https://t.co/TkUZMcAcFK The post office lost something I ordered for my #otspsecretsister. I'm stressing out hardcore! @Emren @gingerlyreview https://t.co/U04kmPVTAy @Advtsbetweenpgs Thanks! I did! @markiplier It's gonna be a bitch, but I know you'll be able to beat Golden Freddy 20/20 mode and I can't wait to see it 🐻 If anybody wants to get me something, but doesn't know what, any of these items are acceptable. https://t.co/ehuFXhd1MA I changed my Twitter bio for the first time in ages and I feel like it's now a more accurate description of me. I feel better. @otakutwins1 Only if I have a straw to drink out of because my teeth are so sensitive! @otakutwins1 I've had weird tasting ice before and it's one of the most disgusting things ever. Can't believe I'm doing this, but me 2006ish vs me in 2016. Thank god I don't look like that any more. https://t.co/FzTz5pX1o4 @otakutwins1 I use the 😂 emoji waaaaayyyyy too much 😂 @WithTheBanned Feel better!! @lovedmetoruins_ I haven't even read the book and the whole thing is frustrating me. People need to stop turning EVERYTHING into a big deal. @bookchic13 Thanks 😂 @deannareads I love your Hanukkah name!!! I've read three books in two days! Is my slump finally over?! https://t.co/nuVSNL3pgk Marked as to-read: Girl Out of Water by Laura Silverman https://t.co/DHnhkZmeHw 5 of 5 stars to Easy by Jordan S. Gray https://t.co/P6FsoZGgox @JordanStephanie https://t.co/aczfCXxNkk @JordanStephanie I love YOU! When do we get a cover?? @JordanStephanie Oh my gosh, so exciting!!!! @EIlieWrites Thanks for the tip! Marked as to-read: City of Saints & Thieves by Natalie C. Anderson https://t.co/mKxiFwgOzM @Jess_Sankiewicz I've already forgotten what it used to say 😂 Starting sentences w/no offense but/not trying to be racist but/not trying to attack you but doesn't excuse ur offensiveness/racism/attack @gingerlyreview Since I don't have the money to buy this, YOU SHOULD! https://t.co/29JnYXe7D4 @gingerlyreview Did you get it?! 45% done with And the Trees Crept In, by Dawn Kurtagich https://t.co/6aZqzZkifK @thebooktraveler I've done this more times than I would like to admit. Cutting myself with a rusty piece of metal was definitely how I wanted to start my day! 🙃 Trump being named the @TIME person of the year honestly disgusts me. I still can't believe we have sunk this low. https://t.co/Tv4oEQAbBT Disappointed by Ohio's decision to pass the 'heartbeat' abortion bill. It feels like America takes one step forward, and 100 steps back. Somebody asked me how old I was today and I had to stop and think about it. @JordanStephanie @ElspethWillems @SarahLBlair YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!! @knoxdiver I cried through the entire thing! It's such a good movie though. Tell me!! https://t.co/enHQmswWtY On page 88 of 346 of The Loose Ends List, by Carrie Firestone https://t.co/mb1QheDElT @NoBentSpines I've super excited for it since before it released, but I'm struggling 🙁 @NoBentSpines The cover is GORGEOUS! I love it! Marked as to-read: Once and for All by Sarah Dessen https://t.co/Ojh3F9AWs5 @JordanStephanie https://t.co/aKHriXnhUr I was exhausted until I went to bed. Now I'm wide awake. Be ready for the 20th, guys. I'm gonna have some BIG news. @JordanStephanie https://t.co/6a9Pq5GYYO On page 175 of 346 of The Loose Ends List, by Carrie Firestone https://t.co/hKJrJQwQT6 @Shybooknerd I got married in March! Also, thanks for the giveaway ❤ @gingerlyreview I hope you end up liking this one more than I did. @gingerlyreview my feels exactly @gingerlyreview https://t.co/6xKf4NHlpC On page 218 of 346 of The Loose Ends List, by Carrie Firestone https://t.co/BDtFYPeZm2 2 of 5 stars to The Loose Ends List by Carrie Firestone https://t.co/Gp70MctXgX 2 of 5 stars to And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich https://t.co/0LW8BBmSMa On page 120 of 259 of All in Pieces, by Suzanne Young https://t.co/pUie0ZOxnf @gingerlyreview What is Done Dirt Cheap?! 😍 @gingerlyreview OH MY GOD 😍😍😍😍 If somebody ever tells you that dogs can't sense things, they're lying. My dog definitely knows what's going on. 4 of 5 stars to All in Pieces by Suzanne Young https://t.co/kh0HtpzKkd @gingerlyreview https://t.co/pfvT8J2YR8 On page 90 of Unscripted Joss Byrd, by Lygia Day Peñaflor https://t.co/tg44k7Oa0C I can't sleep 😩 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/tAoa14n0rn On page 127 of Unscripted Joss Byrd, by Lygia Day Peñaflor https://t.co/iti1kPoNYm @gingerlyreview HAVE A GOOD WEEK! https://t.co/9BJa05EIGb @gingerlyreview So sorry it'll be a stressful week but YAY FOR VACATION! https://t.co/HQigNXCOFd @gingerlyreview It's just kind of meh. It isn't awful, but it isn't particularly good either. @gingerlyreview So far it's sitting at a solid three stars, just average. It is a quick read though. @gingerlyreview SELEEEEEENNNAAAAA! How do you always know what my heart love?! https://t.co/UG6JVzENP9 @SwoonReads Oh my gosh, thanks so much!! Could you follow me so I can DM you? 32% done with The Blood Between Us, by Zac Brewer: The way he is talking about this car ... https://t.co/XA5RvpnHCe 74% done with The Blood Between Us, by Zac Brewer: I'm convinced that nothing is ever go... https://t.co/KOKg0VIGSN Marked as to-read: The Merciless by Danielle Vega https://t.co/Y2X8fyqUfI I have news! I was planning on waiting until later to announce, but I'm just so darn excited. I'M PREGNANT! 2 of 5 stars to The Blood Between Us by Zac Brewer https://t.co/PodjKrWjux @CWbooks98 Thank you! @bookstacksamber Thank you, Amber! @otakutwins1 Thank you!! @ElspethWillems Thank you!!! @AwkwordlyEmma Thank you😁 @Harlee_S THANK YOU!!🤓 @genissa Thank you!!😊 @jenandapen Thank you, Jennifer!! @bookchic13 Thank you thank you thank you!! 👪😁 https://t.co/7277fJAHlH @clynn_johnson Thank you!😊 @Melanie_Leanne Thank you, Melanie! @callathekitten https://t.co/xpUur1lpsp @thebooktraveler Thank you, Sarah!!❤ @tammygeo Thank you!!!😁 @carlisajc Thank you! @iheartnandn Thank you so much!! @xsophiehoughton Thank you, Sophie!! @Shybooknerd Thank you, Stacie!!❤ @sierraiswriting THANK YOU!! I'm so excited!!! 💕 @KatrinaLeno Thank you!! ❤ @cbsmaby Thank you!! @hesaidbooksorme Thank you, Valerie!! @BookCatPin Thank you!😁 @brittany_reads Thank you!! @deadtossedwaves Thank you!!! @steakuccino Thank you!! @torialexandra_g Thank you!😁 Y'all's excitement is blowing me away! Seriously, thank you so much. It means more than you know! @tayberryjelly Thank you, Taylor!! @sierraiswriting https://t.co/3MUA0SprhX 2 of 5 stars to Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi https://t.co/oadfRWinTn @SwoonReads Could you follow me so I can DM you? 21% done with Beautiful Disaster, by Jamie McGuire: This is GREAT! https://t.co/rEhm1fXhTk @bookchic13 five weeks! @RachelllRaeee THANK YOU RACHEL!!! @EllenTalksBooks Thank you!! @MissyPrissy12 THANK YOU CHELSEA I AM SO EXCITED! @MarissaOsman This is the best gif 😂 and thank you!! @MsKATutin Awww, thanks so much! @Mybookishlife1 Thank you!! @thealaskanyoung Thank you, Joanie!!!! @nicolemoy Thank you! @nerdherdreads Thank you, Rachel!! 😁 @happyendingblog Thank you! @Gabi_Darling Thank you! Thank you SO MUCH for my @novelly_yours candle #otspsecretsister!! https://t.co/bZi4dVnxSZ @bookchic13 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MY CHRISTMAS CARD!! I looooved it! @MissyPrissy12 Thank you for my Christmas card! That was so sweet of you! @callathekitten Oh my gosh, me too!! https://t.co/FvdZ4wzuNX 3 of 5 stars to Unscripted Joss Byrd by Lygia Day Peñaflor https://t.co/FBlp6PjvFK Fingers crossed I can sleep tonight. 😴 On page 21 of 312 of Everything Leads to You, by Nina LaCour https://t.co/cUM9Zo4vro Thank you guys again so much for all the well wishes you sent my way today! I'm thankful for each and every one of you! I cut myself on both legs while shaving, and if that doesn't describe 2016 then I don't know what does. Marked as to-read: Saga, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan https://t.co/OPkVZhud6E @callathekitten Thank you! Me too 😂 @Dandelionns Thank you!! @gone_pecan Thank you! 😁 @readbyanna Thank you!! @SwoonReads Hi! I won a KISS CAM prize pack but can't DM you my address because you don't follow me. 🙁 @bubblybooknerd Thank you!!😊 @gingerlyreview YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Got on PotteryBarn's site for the 1st time to look at nursery things.Why did nobody warn me I'd want it all but could never afford anything? Ultimate Shelfie Sweepstakes: Enter to Win 50 Books + a Bookshelf! https://t.co/ORs8Y6LDgp via @ReadItForward @gingerlyreview Ummm, yes, please!! It's been a rough pregnancy day,but I came home to the most amazing package from @gayleforman!THANK YOU a million t… https://t.co/aAFpTjSwgA That brings my total collection of @gayleforman books to about 50! I'm shocked! https://t.co/xpTGKGrDCd @nautigirlreads THANK YOU!!!!! @bftReviews I'm so thankful to her for sending them all to me! @bookchic13 I know!! I'm so in love!!! @Shybooknerd I'm so thankful!! @JordanStephanie Oh my gosh you are the best 💕💕💕💕 @JordanStephanie Ahahahahaha https://t.co/HJGkwqVBKQ @gingerlyreview I hope you love this one! It's so good! @gingerlyreview yay!! I'm the best book pusher! https://t.co/BluluMTOHl I just really love @MelanieLBBH, okay? https://t.co/6BeinMEbWf @gingerlyreview https://t.co/39vb2BDu5N @NormalChey Thank you so much, Cheyanne!!! 💕💕 @JenniferAcres Thank you! @ElspethWillems About tenish I think! @Jess_Sankiewicz I knoooow 😍😍😍 @Jess_Sankiewicz Hahaha, thank you!!!💕 @bookchic13 you look so cute!! @SwoonReads Hi! I'm unfortunately still unable to DM you to claim my prize. Anybody know how I can get in contact w/ Swoon Reads? I won something, but I can't DM them like they've asked because they won't follow me.🙃 @SwoonReads Yay!! Thanks so much!! @miascorvere Thanks for the suggestion! When you're pregnant and hardcore craving @DunkinDonuts but the closest one is two hours away. https://t.co/3u78QIXgiw @gingerlyreview FEED!!! @MissyPrissy12 So many pretties! Thanks for the giveaway! Sleepless again 😩 @theyareader1 Yes!! The Portuguese editions are gorgeous! One of my favorites. @OhanaReads YES! This book is SO GOOD! @jenandapen @deadtossedwaves I recently had a problem with an Etsy order for that same reason. Rough day 😩 Want to win End of 2016 Book Prize Pack? I just entered to win and you can too. https://t.co/O63h43asnO 5 of 5 stars to NVRLND #1 by Stephanie Salyers https://t.co/1XQZMisIg2 5 of 5 stars to NVRLND #2 by Stephanie Salyers https://t.co/liFkDwFKxV @alexs_bookshelf Definitely this one! https://t.co/6dCQXhaJhp I want to read, and my book is going really well, but I just can't concentrate. @TheBumbleGirl Daughter of Smoke and Bone!! Why is there not a cinnamon roll delivery service?? @gingerlyreview Yep, you're definitely going to need the room 😆 @gingerlyreview Oooh, I just recently got this one. Tell me if I should move it up on my TBR? @NormalChey OH MY GOD 😍 @NormalChey It is glorious! Wear it loud and proud!! @otakutwins1 Just spreading the word 😊 5 of 5 stars to Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour https://t.co/H3jq01C7bf @thebooktraveler Just spreading the word! On page 13 of 432 of Windfall, by Jennifer E. Smith: I know this doesn't come out until ... https://t.co/yo9YIDbiRM Marked as to-read: Throwing My Life Away by Liz Czukas https://t.co/YarKCm2bmj @Novel_Knight Definitely @gingerlyreview 💕 @BlankSlaters Your pupper will be fine! Mine got into some any poison once and was perfectly fine. ☺ 4 of 5 stars to Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire https://t.co/0DDM8h20ZL @GReadsBooks YES!!! 😆 @BlankSlaters My dog is small too. I completely understand you being worried. My husband and I are so protective of our dog. @GReadsBooks You are so welcome!! It has been so hard keeping myself a secret these past couple months! @GReadsBooks You have been such a joy to send cheer to. Thanks for being a great #otspsecretsister! And thank you!! @GReadsBooks GOOD! I spent like 10 minutes trying to pick out the perfect treat and toy for her. My dog was so jealous 😂 @bookishbrian Just spreading the word! @gingerlyreview Are you going to go see Ellen Hopkins at Blue Willow?? https://t.co/V1IAERUav5 @gingerlyreview No, don't go just for me! @gingerlyreview Well, if you insist. You're seriously the best.💕 How many books is it appropriate for me to send you? 😂 Marked as to-read: Amina's Voice by Hena Khan https://t.co/T14ITQr7zY @gingerlyreview If you start snapping me I'll start using Snapchat again! @gingerlyreview I'm not going to send them all to you! I have over fifteen. I'll send you like five maybe. @gingerlyreview YAY!!! https://t.co/odtBKEDI01 I'm so done with the this whole no sleep thing. Marked as to-read: Without Merit by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/mJHkxcn0Aj @lovedmetoruins_ I feel the exact same. Marked as to-read: Royce Rolls by Margaret Stohl https://t.co/GMkAzQMv13 22% done with Nowhere But Here, by Katie McGarry: Does this girl like anything?? https://t.co/laR2Oy3rpa 32% done with Nowhere But Here, by Katie McGarry https://t.co/YIb49sxRg0 @gingerlyreview I just started reading this series! @GReadsBooks This is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen! Daisy is so precious! @NextPagePlease_ I am dying to watch this show. It reminds me is Skins, which I LOVED. Until 12/29 I'm collecting blankets for the homeless in my city.Have any spare blankets around your house you want to donate,mail 'em to me! It's super late notice, and the blankets might not get to me in time, so you can also donate money and I can go buy blankets with it too. My area Wal-Mart actually has blankets for only $2.50 right now! It doesn't take much to make a difference. @Jess_Sankiewicz They are really nice fleece blankets! @Celeste_pewter Thank you! If interested in sending $ for me to buy blankets,PayPal might be best.Thought about GoFundMe, but don't want to take $ away from donations. @mindcrazed No, I don't unfortunately. I appreciate the suggestion though! If you want to know more about the organization I am donating blanket to, you can find out about Night Light here: https://t.co/sRUjtEcacL Thread for the mid afternoon crowd. https://t.co/k7lLpwsmRg 91% done with Nowhere But Here, by Katie McGarry: Uuuuhhh, I don't really understand why... https://t.co/74FXzgSXst Thread for the evening crowd. Please let me know soon if you can help donate blankets or send money for me to buy t… https://t.co/mBn0kuWS8Q Finally made an official announcement 😊 https://t.co/dI3brXCiYC @gingerlyreview Oh my god, I don't remember the weak tea thing but that is hilarious and awful 😂 Marked as to-read: The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz https://t.co/M8t1YcTiJ0 @jenandapen Gateway Mortgage in Jenks! You can drop them off to me there or I could meet you somewhere! @NextPagePlease_ I think I found where to watch it online. I'm going to try and start it soon!! @inahreads Thank you!!! @bookchic13 Thank you! It was a spur of the moment idea. @Harlee_S Awww, thank you! I couldn't resist doing something book related 😂 @thebooktraveler Thank you! 😄 @TheresaJSnyder Thank you so much! @MarissaOsman Eep, thank you!! @xsophiehoughton Thank you! @theturningpages Thank you!! @ReadWriteLove28 Thank you, Nori!! @TheCharmingLass Thank you! 💕 @gingerlyreview I might have to reread it and look for it 😂 @murley_destiny Thank you, Destiny 💕 @callathekitten Thank you bunches!! @Novel_Knight HOW?! I apparently used to think 'liking' everything under the sun was cool, and now it's driving me crazy 😂 68% done with The Secret Horses of, by Megan Shepherd: I have an awful feeling that thin... https://t.co/LDBFppY4r4 @jenandapen You are too wonderful! Thank you!! 4 of 5 stars to The Secret Horses of Briar Hill by Megan Shepherd https://t.co/4HeCNAdFC8 I've eaten enough egg rolls today to turn myself into an egg roll. @JordanStephanie YES YES YES YES YES I 100% SUPOORT THIS Marked as to-read: Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare https://t.co/utWx3BiLVy 5% done with Essential Maps for the, by Deb Caletti: This third person narrative is driv... https://t.co/kzC9UjnhQJ 2 of 5 stars to Essential Maps for the Lost by Deb Caletti https://t.co/Pt6SQd5NR8 @gingerlyreview Andy helped wrap everything 😊 @gingerlyreview I love you too! I hope you like everything! @MissyPrissy12 Thank you 😊 5 of 5 stars to Honey by Sarah Weeks https://t.co/4MFb1o3Pdd My husband went to the store for milk and also came home with this pillow. No matter what else happens, my Christma… https://t.co/Dt7lgvFCaC On page 66 of 176 of Figgs & Phantoms, by Ellen Raskin https://t.co/DfilNF5VKc @gingerlyreview I'm so so so so glad! @NormalChey Hahahaha, agreed! 😂 @Dizneeee OF COURSE you are an honorary aunt!! And yes, it is! @gingerlyreview YES 4 of 5 stars to Bounty #4 by Kurtis J. Wiebe https://t.co/UlSe8zhNrz Marked as to-read: 10 Things I Can See from Here by Carrie Mac https://t.co/CNCzi42g40 I'm incredibly sad by the passing of Carrie Fisher, but I didn't actually start crying until I saw this. https://t.co/ODjTQesYdl @gingerlyreview I'm still crying 😭 @MissyPrissy12 These are so adorable!! I love them! 4 of 5 stars to Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol https://t.co/HTmu9Zqbwd 4 of 5 stars to Walk the Edge by Katie McGarry https://t.co/4Oky2TTtTD 2 of 5 stars to Figgs & Phantoms by Ellen Raskin https://t.co/8POl4EaaIo @MissyPrissy12 I loved it! There was so much character development and the story was good. I wish it hadn't sat on my shelf for so long. @bookchic13 I think they are pretty true to size. They will stretch just a little bit after wearing them for a while. It wouldn't be weird @bookchic13 for you to get a men's pair. My husband actually sometimes gets girl ones. You can't tell the difference. And they seriosuly @bookchic13 look good with anything. I ADORE Toms. I'd wear nothing but Toms if I could. Marked as to-read: My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella https://t.co/iY2ttkZot9 I'm giving up and accepting the fact that I will forever be called Maria and/or Megan, but never Mariah, my actual name. @GReadsBooks My dog is now scared of the oven because I set off our smoke alarm practically every time I use it. I'm such a bad cook 😓 3 of 5 stars to Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr https://t.co/zPcVuifA6K 3 of 5 stars to Teen Idol by Meg Cabot https://t.co/s3WKtr7VV9 17% done with Catacomb, by Madeleine Roux https://t.co/Ec9l0lrfu8 @noahcyrus is KILLING it! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/plkOFGFOZ1 Thank you so much, @PenguinTeen! I am beyond excited about this one!! https://t.co/0R2LAp3wrH @bookchic13 Oh my god, me and my dirty mouth love this 😂 On page 147 of 432 of Windfall, by Jennifer E. Smith: This is so perfect. https://t.co/zBlTETG16r Check out My Year in Books on Goodreads! https://t.co/WeEszk7wb9 via @goodreads Marked as to-read: When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon https://t.co/foabBg6aYX Marked as to-read: Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire https://t.co/u5vFILEkyQ Marked as to-read: Paper Princess by Erin Watt https://t.co/aBCgbf3O2p 57% done with Pirates!, by Celia Rees https://t.co/bINf17iOlL 68% done with Pirates!, by Celia Rees https://t.co/COhqWV7Lnz On page 240 of 432 of Windfall, by Jennifer E. Smith https://t.co/UZXQBBvc0D @bookchic13 @MissyPrissy12 ♥😓 hahahahaha @bookchic13 @MissyPrissy12 I don't even know what to prepare myself for 😂 5 of 5 stars to Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith https://t.co/aUL9p7e0KX I'll take it! https://t.co/80Ybpt3QFV On page 50 of 400 of You Before Anyone Else, by Julie Cross https://t.co/prB1088v1V I'm really unsure on what I should make my 2017 Goodreads goal be considering I'll have a baby in August. @sierraiswriting YAAAAAAS! I love it!!! @Jess_Sankiewicz That sounds good! I read 341 last year, so I think I'm going to aim for 150. That's close to half. @wemapthestars Thank you!!! @gone_pecan Oh my gosh the Niffler! Is he the flocked one?? 3 of 5 stars to You Before Anyone Else by Julie Cross https://t.co/etegM09N9O My husband had a stomach bug yesterday. I think the reason he is feeling better is because he gave it to me. 😩 @MrWigglesPie Do you even know what elitist means? Funny how snobbish and snobby are synonyms. @JordanStephanie https://t.co/yfwpQWltsl @Jess_Sankiewicz You never know what the year will bring! @gone_pecan They are so cute. I got the Niffler with the coin purse for Christmas, but still need all the others. @JordanStephanie Dude, it's just now starting to reeeeeally sink in for me. @JordanStephanie They are massive! @JordanStephanie I just couldn't handle him thinking he was all that. https://t.co/2bpNNw1LEi @MrWigglesPie Hey, if you're comfortable with lying to yourself, then go right ahead. We still know the truth though. @JordanStephanie @JordanStephanie 💕💕💕💕 I'm gonna need these. Especially Ursula. https://t.co/lj9zJYpCIl @OverstuffedBook I love these! Thank you!! 3 of 5 stars to Beyond by Graham McNamee https://t.co/HE7ON79cXU @ReadWriteLove28 I wasn't a huge fan of Love and First Sight, but it was a fast read. 3 of 5 stars to A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness https://t.co/VpyCp7LzHs On page 75 of 320 of Breathe, Annie, Breathe, by Miranda Kenneally: Really loving this. https://t.co/lORwOqSTjw Marked as to-read: One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus https://t.co/9YnuoGEKXd What age do they think gets pregnant?? https://t.co/4ZQ41WQes8 Marked as to-read: Small Admissions by Amy Poeppel https://t.co/VvglqOjOY7 2 of 5 stars to Mistik Lake by Martha Brooks https://t.co/0xfdLda1si 10% done with King Dork, by Frank Portman https://t.co/agUOqtwDdq 2017 is off to an awful start. @bookstacksamber I might have to go in and look then. @thealaskanyoung Haha, maybe they don't know the difference between plus size and maternity 😂 @GReadsBooks I appreciate you so much! @JordanStephanie @NovaBlogder @theyareader1 @thebookmermaidx 💕💕💕💕 @bookchic13 I've been pretty nauseated, but only been sick a few times. Big things right now are exhaustion and being ridiculously bloated. 1 of 5 stars to King Dork by Frank Portman https://t.co/1mUMUVWw8g 52% done with Kira-Kira, by Cynthia Kadohata https://t.co/rFsSWcsPvt @brokeandbookish CONGRATULATIONS!! @bookchic13 Pretty much! On page 103 of 320 of Breathe, Annie, Breathe, by Miranda Kenneally https://t.co/Eh8yNJkRua Marked as to-read: Wing Jones by Katherine Webber https://t.co/R40bGmH5P5 @brokeandbookish That's what happened when I announced my pregnancy too 😂 Marked as to-read: You Don't Know My Name by Kristen Orlando https://t.co/zNTUCYBUhH 4 of 5 stars to Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata https://t.co/2tUK9cvnIG @JordanStephanie This makes me so sad. Florida is my second home and this is the airport I fly into. I don't understand why things like this happen and it… https://t.co/4lfc6yAN3u @GReadsBooks I'm so sorry, Ginger. I'm sending you good vibes! On page 153 of 320 of Breathe, Annie, Breathe, by Miranda Kenneally https://t.co/Q9d6izvdQT 4 of 5 stars to Breathe, Annie, Breathe by Miranda Kenneally https://t.co/sVxn8HGg2j @FierceReads I have two bookish tattoos, but this one is my favorite. It is a silhouette of a woman, which was insp… https://t.co/MF1yBxbqPt What am I doing with my life? https://t.co/c5TK3HQq0a I need these in my life so bad 😩 https://t.co/zhXWf4AaZr I could use good vibes. My grandmother has cancer, she woke up this morning cold and unresponsive and is being taken to the hospital. It's the same kind of cancer that took my grandpa in September. @GReadsBooks Thank you, Ginger 💕 @SamjamRose Thank you @tayberryjelly Thank you, Taylor 💙 @GReadsBooks Aww, happy birthday to your dad!! 🎉 5 of 5 stars to It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/drZaRkOVqF @deadtossedwaves I could eat guacamole every single day. UPDATE: Currently in the ER room with her. They are trying to get an ICU room ready and get her transferred. It has been a long day. She is still hanging in there. I had to come home to get some rest. @ElspethWillems Thank you @gingerlyreview Thank you, you're the best 💕 @JordanStephanie Thank you 😚 @MissyPrissy12 Thank you 💙 @Celeste_pewter Thank you @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you 💕 @tammygeo Thank you 💙 @BookishinBed Thank you @callathekitten Thank you 💕 @C_L_McCollum Thank you @bookchic13 Thank you @XOmsugirlXO Thank you @tayberryjelly Thank you 💕 @inahreads Thank you @genissa Thank you 💙 @murley_destiny My dad's mom Thank you, #otspsecretsister! Things have been stressful lately, so this came at the perfect time. I don't have ver… https://t.co/dc6CZTzA1L ...things yet, so I'm glad to have more! And the little Frozen pops are so cute! I've been craving sweet things with... #otspsecretsister ...my pregnancy, so I can't wait to try these yummy looking Twizzlers! Hey, @Buffywnabe, are you my #otspsecretsister?? She is currently on a morphine drip & hospice is taking over.Trying to get her into an end of life facility for as much comfort as possible. @callathekitten She is currently on a morphine drip & hospice is taking over. trying to just make her comfortable at this point. On page 143 of 324 of Ugly Love, by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/u9LPOPAeGm It finally became real today. https://t.co/4ISOOVBLmG On page 198 of 324 of Ugly Love, by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/joUNHrPHT0 Can't stop thinking about these. Hopefully I can find them next time I go to the store. https://t.co/gAke28Iz4y Just got the call that my grandma has passed away. I'm incredibly sad, but thankful I was able to spend so much time with her yesterday. Marked as to-read: The Raft by S.A. Bodeen https://t.co/AixgWkS6iN 3 of 5 stars to Hunters of the Dusk by Darren Shan https://t.co/VVng2C3XMK 2 of 5 stars to Allies of the Night by Darren Shan https://t.co/i9GOchuRf0 15% done with Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, by Gary D. Schmidt https://t.co/7kfOUCuFtm On page 220 of 324 of Ugly Love, by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/zvT8HShGIW I'm so grateful for everybody's kind thoughts and words. I'm going to respond to you all, but I'm just really emotionally drained right now. Marked as to-read: Beautiful Chaos by Alex Tully https://t.co/QJfJd37VPX 79% done with Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, by Gary D. Schmidt https://t.co/ppK29FuBQs Marked as to-read: These Things I've Done by Rebecca Phillips https://t.co/SgKJoPW9E9 Marked as to-read: How to Break a Boy by Laurie Devore https://t.co/pcY65rKLys 1 of 5 stars to Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy by Gary D. Schmidt https://t.co/sJxZROIAPa 2 of 5 stars to Killers of the Dawn by Darren Shan https://t.co/8hqX30DUQ4 Marked as to-read: Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally https://t.co/WyMjs0uJwN 4 of 5 stars to Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover https://t.co/v2K2Q0bReH 5 of 5 stars to Lumberjanes, Vol. 4 by Shannon Watters https://t.co/oKntvPw3Kz 3 of 5 stars to Snotgirl #5 by Bryan Lee O'Malley https://t.co/cWh778nihj 5 of 5 stars to Bounty #5 by Kurtis Wiebe https://t.co/oNfLiUk68U On page 79 of 390 of The Last Time We Say Goodbye, by Cynthia Hand https://t.co/ENkbPvF2V7 Marked as to-read: Jonesy Vol. 2 by Sam Humphries https://t.co/gIHHAGbDc0 On page 140 of 390 of The Last Time We Say Goodbye, by Cynthia Hand https://t.co/YdolAQ8rnj Marked as to-read: Ronit & Jamil by Pamela L. Laskin https://t.co/YZT1VDfG2H 1 of 5 stars to Doing It by Melvin Burgess https://t.co/QfBQwmxULL 75% done with The Lake of Souls, by Darren Shan https://t.co/QAcV94Ibp7 On page 232 of 390 of The Last Time We Say Goodbye, by Cynthia Hand https://t.co/I1vRnWmyew Marked as to-read: Chasing Mr. Prefect by Katt Briones https://t.co/M7PGSEeoYP 2 of 5 stars to The Lake of Souls by Darren Shan https://t.co/LaEmbaZX3b 4 of 5 stars to Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan https://t.co/ytumcPLVBn 2 of 5 stars to Lord of the Shadows by Darren Shan https://t.co/vV237FS6Jy 1 of 5 stars to Sons of Destiny by Darren Shan https://t.co/FcomWw8yHF 26% done with Our Chemical Hearts, by Krystal Sutherland: I was expecting to be blown aw... https://t.co/2ihq3HDq5n 53% done with Our Chemical Hearts, by Krystal Sutherland: Being depressed doesn't make y... https://t.co/eFfegYZSE0 2 of 5 stars to Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland https://t.co/vtzY5cKxlc 33% done with What Light, by Jay Asher: The knife rumor is the most ridiculous thing I'v... https://t.co/EclwcRNcXJ 87% done with What Light, by Jay Asher https://t.co/R5d6wThkCa @NormalChey Thank you!! @Buffywnabe Yay! Thank you so much for thinking of me these past six months! And thank you! @Buffywnabe It definitely is! @bookchic13 I still haven't been able to find them. I'm about to stalk all area stores 😂 @thebookbratz Thank you! @booksandlists Thank you! I'm ten weeks! @Dizneeee I appreciate you so much, Lisa. Thank you 💕 @JordanStephanie Mostly audiobooks while I work 🙊 @JordanStephanie It's what I do! 💪 4 of 5 stars to What Light by Jay Asher https://t.co/GQQsn2SI7p On page 18 of 309 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, by J.K. Rowling https://t.co/X5c7k6KPAm 2 of 5 stars to When Zachary Beaver Came to Town by Kimberly Willis Holt https://t.co/Y1HQrwcA4T 5 of 5 stars to The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand https://t.co/twLfSp3kbC On page 61 of 256 of The F- It List, by Julie Halpern: Eeeehhhh....... Really not enjoyi... https://t.co/csGt8tr6PD Marked as to-read: The Secret History of Us by Jessi Kirby https://t.co/cPKTECZg1n Choose the best spelling! Marked as to-read: Whichwood by Tahereh Mafi https://t.co/XPihudAk1e Marked as to-read: The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo https://t.co/OpM8dd2XCy 4 of 5 stars to Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan https://t.co/UY6oLqkiVK 37% done with Don't Go, by Lisa Scottoline https://t.co/GOgJoFl3K3 5 of 5 stars to Don't Go by Lisa Scottoline https://t.co/5ZfsduwAHa 15% done with Beautiful Bastard, by Christina Lauren https://t.co/Zfe4bYWdHF 1 of 5 stars to David Goes To School by David Shannon https://t.co/VwRnHilVV1 5 of 5 stars to The Adventures of Beekle by Dan Santat https://t.co/mJxt7FrtjF 2 of 5 stars to Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren https://t.co/qUVlNtq5PM 26% done with Where They Found Her, by Kimberly McCreight https://t.co/mX2Vgt6TYC Marked as to-read: This Is How It Happened by Paula Stokes https://t.co/F9HhE5UMrV On page 91 of 256 of The F- It List, by Julie Halpern https://t.co/h2aM8um4vm 3 of 5 stars to A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers https://t.co/xyTQiV6OfT 4 of 5 stars to Gator Dad by Brian Lies https://t.co/mr5ZoHG5gI 1 of 5 stars to The F- It List by Julie Halpern https://t.co/Uv9hWkU16A On page 48 of 496 of The Death Code, by Lindsay Cummings https://t.co/LZR4KZgC4E 3 of 5 stars to The Death Code by Lindsay Cummings https://t.co/2sdRAVevVg 4 of 5 stars to The Hueys in... It Wasn't Me by Oliver Jeffers https://t.co/pV7FnwnQh5 @Buffywnabe Hey! Thank you so much for my last package. I've been sick and wasn't checking the mail like I should have, but I got it! @Buffywnabe I am so super excited about the book, and I loooove the bookmark and cute # sign. Plus, can't wait for a trip to B&N! @Buffywnabe Thank you for being my secret sister!!! @GReadsBooks I have absolutely loved being your sister 💙 On page 193 of 330 of P.S. I Like You, by Kasie West: If I didn't have to get some sleep... https://t.co/CJxLPVA0RA Marked as to-read: The Art of Holding On and Letting Go by Kristin Bartley Lenz https://t.co/1ImFwJLsPC 41% done with Where They Found Her, by Kimberly McCreight: There are so many characters ... https://t.co/dMW1jLFyuz 2 of 5 stars to Where They Found Her by Kimberly McCreight https://t.co/fdpHmf6Cup 32% done with Another Day, by David Levithan https://t.co/WXIGQmlLZC 2 of 5 stars to P.S. I Like You by Kasie West https://t.co/W0BvVgeM6Z 3 of 5 stars to Another Day by David Levithan https://t.co/pZoCTTxpKE 41% done with A Man Called Ove, by Fredrik Backman: This is so good, yet so sad. https://t.co/35jegaOXnG Marked as to-read: Here We Are by Kelly Jensen https://t.co/XXjEy40uGN 4 of 5 stars to A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman https://t.co/gWsOnBXqjG 38% done with Until Friday Night, by Abbi Glines: This is painfully terrible. https://t.co/KUM1bTdY62 On page 68 of 288 of Counting Backwards, by Laura Lascarso https://t.co/3uSccG7Kn0 Marked as to-read: Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner https://t.co/EsaMiIJSgK 1 of 5 stars to Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines https://t.co/KOvmJz6yGZ Marked as to-read: Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp https://t.co/d3lqZd7uTu 52% done with Zeroes, by Scott Westerfeld https://t.co/IxshE8GTML 5 of 5 stars to One Family by George Shannon https://t.co/KM2KXuYWwa 4 of 5 stars to Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld https://t.co/RobWz7RiDw 3 of 5 stars to Counting Backwards by Laura Lascarso https://t.co/X8UZrMjkBX On page 101 of 464 of Swarm, by Scott Westerfeld https://t.co/kLj9qPc2RJ 66% done with Under the Lights, by Abbi Glines: This is the most ridiculous love triangl... https://t.co/EwwbC2yL6k 1 of 5 stars to Under the Lights by Abbi Glines https://t.co/1HEiY21wYg 5 of 5 stars to Worm Loves Worm by J.J. Austrian https://t.co/oVfQutUxaR Marked as to-read: Here We Are Now by Jasmine Warga https://t.co/klmdO8NHth @GReadsBooks I saw so much cute pineapple stuff this week and of course it makes me think of you. I hope you're having a good week! Finally in the second trimester! In three weeks we get to find out if Elliott is a girl or boy! @bookchic13 We are going to name them Elliott, whether it's a boy or a girl! @bookchic13 Thank you! I am absolutely in love with it. 5 of 5 stars to Jet by Jay Crownover https://t.co/cgVBcWk2T7 https://t.co/Q23Rcz1sy7 I don't know who made this, but seriously, all the thumbs ups to you. @Dizneeee I'm soooo EXCITED!!! On page 324 of 464 of Swarm, by Scott Westerfeld https://t.co/NmcjKWRKP8 Roses are red Violets are blue I'd like to send @realDonaldTrump A great big FUCK YOU 17% done with Spontaneous, by Aaron Starmer https://t.co/LsERX7sDSE 4 of 5 stars to Swarm by Scott Westerfeld https://t.co/cVMmQTjlxX 93% done with Spontaneous, by Aaron Starmer https://t.co/N9J0kBKJGC 2 of 5 stars to Spontaneous by Aaron Starmer https://t.co/xiwfA1c1oB I'm #reading How It Feels to Fly by Kathryn Holmes https://t.co/dMvZ2qo46X 39% done with The Female of the Species, by Mindy McGinnis: I'm having a hard time getti... https://t.co/PSIZmrBV5e 2 of 5 stars to The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis https://t.co/LMdmtAJTGo 5 of 5 stars to Maybe Something Beautiful by F. Isabel Campoy https://t.co/vTJrSY4QWM 5 of 5 stars to Mother Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins https://t.co/rePnopY0zJ 4 of 5 stars to How It Feels to Fly by Kathryn Holmes https://t.co/dMvZ2qo46X Marked as to-read: Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley https://t.co/pAaVthj0s9 On page 89 of 336 of True Letters from a Fictional Life, by Kenneth Logan https://t.co/usORaFuDFu 5 of 5 stars to Ida, Always by Caron Levis https://t.co/2qJzHZflSv On page 210 of 336 of True Letters from a Fictional Life, by Kenneth Logan https://t.co/3MSBQCdENJ 5 of 5 stars to True Letters from a Fictional Life by Kenneth Logan https://t.co/iC10Qz5DrY On page 59 of 256 of Here We Are, by Kelly Jensen https://t.co/PRT25eFCEd Marked as to-read: Sofia Khan Is Not Obliged by Ayisha Malik https://t.co/NEvl28pYOI 5 of 5 stars to Quackers by Liz Wong https://t.co/rfo5FRt83u Marked as to-read: We Come Apart by Sarah Crossan https://t.co/JpEO2uDITV @SaraBLarson Thank you so so much!! Do I just need to DM you my address? 3 of 5 stars to Gilbert Goldfish Wants a Pet by Kelly DiPucchio https://t.co/Z3SWObZ79J Marked as to-read: Vinyl by Sophia Elaine Hanson https://t.co/6JNImthiGu https://t.co/9bfFBJMiSv @cbsmaby Thank you!! @BookishinBed Thank you! I'm excited! @AwkwordlyEmma Thank you! @thebooktraveler Thank you! 😊 No sleep for me tonight thanks to the first storms of the season. Anxiety running on high. @tayberryjelly Thanks!! @callathekitten aaaah, thank you! @RachelllRaeee Thank you!!! 😀 @callathekitten Thank you!!! https://t.co/d7CEkmxTwq @MissyPrissy12 Thank you!! 💙💙 @Shybooknerd Thank you! 😊 @nerdherdreads Thank you!!! @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you! 😊💙 @bookchic13 Thank you! 😀 @booksandlists Thanks!! I could really use good thoughts/vibes. 18wks into pregnancy and I just found out my insurance won't cover anything. Lots of fear/anxiety. @CLLFirestone Thank you so much. @Dizneeee Yeah. It completed blindsided me. Thank you 💙 @Dizneeee I am going to do my best. Now get some sleep! 😙 @CLLFirestone That is definitely my goal. @sierraiswriting Thank you 💙 I just have to find a way to pay for things I thought were taken care of. I'll do whatever it takes. @sierraiswriting Oh, he is already so so loved. I never knew I could feel love like this. @nerdherdreads Thank you @Jess_Sankiewicz That is so sweet of you. Thank you. 💙 @bookchic13 Thank you 💙 https://t.co/QCcm0PODUb @sierraiswriting yes!!! I'm so excited! https://t.co/TDkwvmP4eA My husband and I are absolutely blown away by your generosity, @bookchic13. This is such a huge blessing to us, mor… https://t.co/E7kqtfOFQu @bookchic13 I really just cannot tell you how much this touched us and how much it really does help. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. @bookchic13 You have no idea how much you did. Seriously. Thank you. https://t.co/3CWw9rbe5A @callathekitten @bookchic13 It is so adorable! I can't wait to put Elliott in it. My husband and I completed our registries for Elliott today and holy moly I don't have a clue how to do this whole… https://t.co/wagyWh6MZh Like, what is all this stuff I just registered for and why do I need it? Turns out I missed a lot of important stuff. Good thing I had an expert (aka my mom) look it over 😂 @callathekitten @bookchic13 I definitely will! @NormalChey This makes me feel so much better 😂 The book room is so empty now. I cannot wait to transform it into Elliott's nautical nursery! ⚓🌊⛵ https://t.co/HkmbjmQTyQ @bookchic13 @callathekitten 21 more weeks! @callathekitten Hopefully we will get things for the nursery soon!! @callathekitten @bookchic13 I'm sure there will be lots! @callathekitten I hope so! Enter to win a crazy baby essentials bundle from Babylist and 4moms! https://t.co/sREvBQBpTO I never thought I would be excited to have a baby, now I can't stop looking at my registry and dreaming about all the fun baby things. @thebooktraveler Happy birthday!? 🎉🎈 As soon as I figure out one problem, something bigger and worse gets thrown my way. I really don't know how much more I can handle. @theturningpages Thank you 💙 The first two items off our registry have been purchased and this makes it so much more real! This journey has been full of ups and a lot of downs, but I'm so glad to be going through it. @Jess_Sankiewicz I have heard amazing things about this one! @Jess_Sankiewicz I hope you enjoy it!! No matter how cool the rest of the apartment is, the bedroom is always ridiculously hot. So we hung some curtains! https://t.co/4HnyKHP8Hj I have ALWAYS wanted curtains, to me they really complete a room, so this is seriously one of the most exciting things to happen recently. I really hope they help the temperature in the room so I can start sleeping better at night. Thank you @bookchic13 for making them possible! @JordanStephanie I wuuuuuuv youuuu https://t.co/nCjsEtT4AX I found the exact stroller I wanted/had registered for at a Rhea Lana sale today and was able to save $60+ on it! I'm feeling so thankful! @tayberryjelly OF COURSE!!! @tayberryjelly This would be so amazing! You are too sweet! Let me think about colors for a minute and I'll let you know 💕 @tayberryjelly What about something like these circled colors aaaaannnndddd...... https://t.co/PsWKQfS8WZ @tayberryjelly .....A coral like this? Would those work together? I'm really bad at picturing things together. But… https://t.co/BbXOpstb5C @tayberryjelly ....To use coral as an accent color even though he is a boy, and that horizon tones thing is kind of the color palette I'm... @tayberryjelly ...Going for with navy blue thrown in too. Really whatever colors you want to use I'm good with. I like surprises! @tayberryjelly navy, coral, and grey would look great!! I love that combination. @tayberryjelly Thank you so so so much!!! @tayberryjelly I wish I was crafty so I could make all the things, but I'm not at all. 😂 @reallyamermaid3 We are registered at Target 🙂 https://t.co/5jmajguYU6 @NormalChey We just got some of these at the store and I already know this will happen 😂 We got a car seat today! I can't wait to install it in my car!! @reallyamermaid3 Give Pretty Little Liars a chance! Seriously one of my all time favorite shows. @reallyamermaid3 Haha, that happens to me. I'm on my second go of Secret Life of the American Teenager. Hated it first time, enjoying it now I have a ton of pop figures (out of their boxes) that I need to get rid of. If I post them, would anybody be interested? I'm thinking $2/each + $6 for shipping (so I can just do small flat rate priority boxes). I have a bit of everything, from Lion King to Harry Potter, Frozen to Twilight. @gone_pecan $6 shipping for each box. So if you want so many that I have to use two boxes, it would be $12. And then $2 for each pop. @gone_pecan Does that answer your question? I'm so tired right now 😂 @gone_pecan I'm gathering them all up and I'm going to try to take pictures tonight. It might be tomorrow morning before I post them, but... @gone_pecan ....I'll give you first pick of the Harry Potter ones 😊 @gone_pecan okay!! @gone_pecan No, I don't have her. I think the only Disney princess ones I have are Anna and Elsa. @RachelllRaeee but it's so cute and so cheap! @hermitlibrarian okay! If I decide to post them it will be tomorrow morning. I'll tag you. The cleaning phase of pregnancy has hit early. I'm exhausted but somehow wide awake so why not deep clean my bathroom?? @RachelllRaeee @MollysBookNook @book_junkee @Suz4AU0608 good choice! @suzanne_young Yes! And they are so cute! https://t.co/7A2ygqLu7v @MarissaOsman Both the 1996 film and 2006 miniseries are fantastic! @MarissaOsman It's a lot longer, but seriously so so so good! Pop figures! $2 each + $6 for flat rate shipping. Some of the girls need stands, and I do have them, they just aren… https://t.co/tlyDRUC6wB @hermitlibrarian here they are! US only please! International shipping is just too much. Sorry 🙁 @DisneyWitch22 The only one that doesn't is Rafiki. His base isn't wide enough to support his head I think. I just usually use the others @DisneyWitch22 to help prop him up. @NormalChey Yes! She is so cute! @NormalChey Yes, ma'am! I'll try to get them shipped out tomorrow! @jdetrapani Sure! DM me your address and I'll send you my email for PayPal. @bookstacksamber The Weasley twins just got claimed, but Luna and Draco are still available! @bookstacksamber Okay! DM me your address! @sierraiswriting They are still available! DM me your address! Updated pictures! This is what I have left! $2/each + $6 for flat rate shipping. US only, please! https://t.co/FaMD1QrFU3 @gingerlyreview You're a gem 😙 @bayy_2455 Louise is gone, but both Rons are available! @bayy_2455 You can! DM me your address and I'll send you my email for PayPal! @hermitlibrarian They do not! Go ahead and DM me your address! This is what I have left! $2/each + $6 for flat rate shipping! https://t.co/D058RL61i1 @reallyamermaid3 if I had any extra money right now I would send them to you! @reallyamermaid3 Okay! Just let me know. Mary Poppins is gone, but all the Annas and Elsas are still available. @reallyamermaid3 Of course!! Halfway there! https://t.co/15HdeKutuV If you bought pop figures from me, I'm going to try and get them shipped today, but it depends on the weather. They said it could get nasty. @Harlee_S Hehe, thank you!! @bookchic13 😄 @tayberryjelly Thank you!! ❤ @MissyPrissy12 Thanks 🙊 @MissyPrissy12 oh my god I am cracking up at this 😂 I had actually stopped eating ramen because I burnt myself out on it, but I've started @MissyPrissy12 eating it again thanks to pregnancy cravings 😂 @MissyPrissy12 Now you have me on Etsy trying to find a onesie with ramen on it 😂😂 @MissyPrissy12 Look at these! https://t.co/dVlNvCiymT and https://t.co/wTS4NcPMD6 @MissyPrissy12 NO NO NO THIS ONE!! https://t.co/N02X6YeDo5 @MissyPrissy12 oh. my. god. This is the one. It's so cute! My kid is going to think I'm so weird 😂 @sierraiswriting So much baby! @nerdherdreads Thank you! 😄😄 @MissyPrissy12 Hahaha, yesssss! @gone_pecan I thought it looked really good/scary! My ability to concentrate today is somewhere around here https://t.co/hpIx1YLoN1 @sierraiswriting These are adorable!! Finally watching Moana!! @tammygeo It was so so so good!!! Seriously. I liked it more than Frozen and Zootopia, which says a lot. Oooh, I really want to see Jackie! @osoordinary It was beautiful! It stirred my heart so much and I had so many goosebumps. Moana seriously touched me so much. That movie was so incredibly beautiful and it's going to be on my mind for a while. @tayberryjelly Congratulations!! That is so exciting! @literarykate I already want to watch it again 😂 13 Reasons Why hit Netflix today 🙌 15 minutes into the first episode and my wifi decides to stop working 😭 whyyyyyyy?! @NormalChey The first episode was so good! I'm obsessed with it now. @NormalChey In that case can somebody pick me up from work? I'm bored too. @bayy_2455 Ummmm, no. You eat those muffins. I would! I can officially use my stomach to hold things for me and I don't know how this makes me feel. https://t.co/SEbv3Z5bWx @reallyamermaid3 Yes! You should have, it's so amazing. @bayy_2455 Muffins are totally healthy. They have like, blueberries and stuff in them. @bayy_2455 Chocolate can lower the risk of heart disease! Eat those muffins and protect your heart! @NormalChey @KCPLoft OH MY GOSH CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This sounds so good!! #donutsunday #hurtsdonuts https://t.co/CmmgVrbWZm I've been awake for two and a half hours and only just now realized it isn't Saturday. @happyendingblog I don't blame you! Once I realized I was like, maaaannnn, I don't want to go to work tomorrow 😂 then I took a nap. @jenandapen It's actually kind of convenient 😂 @NormalChey Yay!!!! @gingerlyreview I liked All American Girl/Ready or Not, but didn't like the Princess Diaries series. Also, not a fan of her in person. @bayy_2455 I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE MINI TSUM TSUMS!! @bayy_2455 You have so many!! I only have like fifteen. @bayy_2455 They do tend to just fall all over the place I'm honestly starting to think that childbirth is going to be easier than shaving my damn legs. Marked as to-read: Here We Are by Kelly Jensen https://t.co/dYA8LBVOEC I'm super nervous about today's appointment for Elliott. We are having an anatomy scan to make sure he is developing properly. I know odds are everything is fine, but anxiety always makes me think it isn't. @cbsmaby Thank you!! @MissyPrissy12 Thank youuuu💙💙 @bookstacksamber I'm glad they are there! Your little Hedwig is so cute; @reallyamermaid3 Thank you @bookstacksamber Those gifts are so special!! Guys! I'm reading a book! For the first time in over a month. Marked as to-read: The (Best) Worst Case Scenario by Sandy Hall https://t.co/ASjX6hwsqc @gingerlyreview Yay!!!! 💙 @sierraiswriting I really cannot tell you how much your package for Elliott means. We had an extremely hard day, so thank you for..... @sierraiswriting .... showing that there is always something good coming. Your package honestly came at the most pe… https://t.co/9hJVZhFrBD @sierraiswriting The clothes are so absolutely adorable. I cannot get over how cute the little joggers are, & I'm q… https://t.co/088xKLpGLo I feel like I only get on here anymore to share bad news, & I'm sorry. My husband and I could really use your thoughts and prayers though. We went to a specialist yesterday and we found out that our little Elliott's heart isn't doing so well. He has a hole in his heart and.... ....the vessels are not arranged properly, so blood is not flowing in and out like it should. As long as he is inside me he is just fine.... ....but once he is born is another story. Yesterday's specialist couldn't really give us any answers other than something is wrong, so we... ....have to meet with a specific cardiac specialist on the 20th. @AwkwordlyEmma Thank you @tayberryjelly Thank you. That is really good to know. @cbsmaby Thank you so much @Harlee_S Thank 💙 @Shybooknerd Thank you so much. Knowing that is so encouraging. @bookchic13 Thank you 💙💙 @sierraiswriting @acjohns86 You don't have to do that!! We appreciate the clothes so much! @JordanStephanie Thank you 💙 @MarissaOsman Thank you @reallyamermaid3 Thank you, I really appreciate it. @MissyPrissy12 Thank you 💙💙 @gingerlyreview 28 for me! Only a few years off haha @gingerlyreview It was hard to pick the book sets because really I wanted them all. @gingerlyreview I found a coloring book for you. https://t.co/LTzVi7pVYB @JordanStephanie I love it!!! @gingerlyreview I saw it and it was basically screaming your name. @gingerlyreview 💙💙💙💙 Thanks to pregnancy, cherry limeades from @sonicdrivein are my new best friend. @tayberryjelly @sonicdrivein YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS. I hope they don't mind me paying them in pennies tomorrow morning. I… https://t.co/xM3HODRAur @tayberryjelly @bayy_2455 I've never had Shake Shack, but it looks so good! Also, I agree. LOVE your hair!!! @callathekitten Your bird!!! Thanks for tagging me @callathekitten! Sorry if those I've tagged have already done this! https://t.co/57ZXKz6HlU @bookchic13 Yay! @tayberryjelly @hughswolverine @CodyRoecker @HippoWrites @zoeytalbon @Jess_Sankiewicz @CandidCeillie @areadersmind… https://t.co/gVQCzOs6WU @MissyPrissy12 Your background 👌 and your hair 😍 @callathekitten That is so cute! I had a cockatiel a looooong time ago named Blossom. They are amazing birds! @tayberryjelly I love the colors!!!! @tayberryjelly @hughswolverine @CodyRoecker @HippoWrites @zoeytalbon @Jess_Sankiewicz @CandidCeillie @areadersmind… https://t.co/jm1BpyPbWE The lady at Sonic wasn't very happy with me paying for my $1.50 drink in pennies, but a preggo with cravings has to do what she has to do. @tayberryjelly So much anticipation!! @tayberryjelly I can't wait! @NormalChey WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT @NormalChey This is seriously not okay. @NormalChey This makes me so sad. I was still working my way through it. I got to meet my best friend's sweet girl tonight, and now I'm even more excited for Elliott! I'm ready to mom it u… https://t.co/EnYg0TzNUr @callathekitten 💙💙💙💙💙 @bookchic13 Thank you!!! 😊 Went and saw bae yesterday. https://t.co/s53ZFzJEhB Went back to an iPhone and I couldn't be happier. @JordanStephanie I missed it so much! @nerdherdreads https://t.co/XgPrujc5aL @deannareads Congratulations!!! Legit just googled best way to shave legs when pregnant because this is no walk in the park. @Shybooknerd I'm only in my fifth month 😭 I have to go the whole summer pregnant, and I don't know how I'll survive… https://t.co/ZZtrH7sjNR Feeling so overwhelmed/frustrated/scared. We went to see a cardiologist for Elliott today & I was planning on actually getting some answers. Really the only thing we learned is that I am going to have to go somewhere 2 hours away to deliver him, and that he definitely has heart defects, but they don't know for sure what all of them are, what kind of surgery he will need, or when until after birth. All of the uncertainties are just really starting to get to me. I just want to have a normal delivery & bring my baby home a few days later. I'm worried I'm going to have to return to work while he is still in the hospital 2 hours away and I don't know how I'm supposed to do that. I know there are a lot of what ifs, but no matter how hard I try, I can't stop worrying about them. @hermitlibrarian @Shybooknerd If only the rest of the world was okay with my hairy legs 😂 @bayy_2455 Thank you @bookchic13 https://t.co/lmLMh0rVR2 @n_n_nikki There are NICUs here, but they aren't equipped to give him the care he needs. @tayberryjelly Thank you so much 💕 @JordanStephanie Thank you https://t.co/v3n5S51HIv 5 of 5 stars to We Are Okay by Nina LaCour https://t.co/dbVvuCn9tN 2 of 5 stars to Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart https://t.co/w5FpJpCxvd I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling https://t.co/fLC7dEaw77 5 of 5 stars to We Are Okay by Nina LaCour https://t.co/GSWNkw02uR On page 85 of 467 of Firstlife, by Gena Showalter https://t.co/Hkyem8yN5V On page 100 of 467 of Firstlife, by Gena Showalter https://t.co/gSx0dE9Hjl On page 113 of 467 of Firstlife, by Gena Showalter https://t.co/ozSSsXfC2K On page 156 of 467 of Firstlife, by Gena Showalter https://t.co/jP7Yx8Q1EZ On page 199 of 467 of Firstlife, by Gena Showalter https://t.co/wfRWotJTrH 1 of 5 stars to Firstlife by Gena Showalter https://t.co/1CDtdR8fX1 On page 17 of 272 of What to Say Next, by Julie Buxbaum https://t.co/5joNh6B201 On page 37 of 272 of What to Say Next, by Julie Buxbaum https://t.co/O02TGTwEqW @callathekitten I'm so sorry, I just now saw this! Elliott was originally due August 15th, but I will be induced 2… https://t.co/gTCrwe6zB8 I know I've been the absolute worst when it comes to Twitter lately,& I'm so sorry.Things have been crazy,it's hard to keep up w/ everything Basically, we got Elliott's official diagnosis, and I'll be delivering him two weeks early at a hospital about two hours away. A GoFundMe was set up for us to help with all the medical expenses that will come with Elliott's surgeries. https://t.co/SrprebWZYF Absolutely everything helps, whether you donate, share the campaign, send good thoughts and vibes, or say a prayer for our little boy. My husband and I truly appreciate all the love and support that has come our way. @tayberryjelly Thank you so much 💙💙💙 @tayberryjelly You are so sweet! I'm excited!! @GReadsBooks Thank you so much, Ginger 💙 @gingerlyreview I miss your face too! @MissyPrissy12 Thank you 💙💙💙💙 @callathekitten Thank you!! Thank you so much to those who have shared and supported us thus far. It means the world to my husband and I 💙 https://t.co/NCf5742KMf On page 89 of 272 of What to Say Next, by Julie Buxbaum https://t.co/txBCCkDTor @callathekitten Thank you so very much 💙 I really appreciate you! I can tell that Elliott is super thankful too, he keeps flip flopping all around 😂 On page 145 of 272 of What to Say Next, by Julie Buxbaum https://t.co/f1LGDnAO8Q @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you so much for your support! Love you💙 @tayberryjelly 💙💙💙 I just wanted to share this one more time in case some didn't see it yesterday. I really can't say thank you enough… https://t.co/zYkX5hNbJQ @bookchic13 Wait, what?! I feel like I've missed so much! But yay!!! Cradle Baby Elliott With Love ❤️ https://t.co/pkjWNZIEag I think we've both grown a bit since November. https://t.co/THtYhAkQl3 @JordanStephanie ☺️ @sierraiswriting I'm going to make a playlist of all these songs today Today was baby shower day and it was so much fun! https://t.co/7lvqYfRqja My husband cannot wait until he gets to wear matching Nirvana shirts with Elliott. It's gonna be so adorable! https://t.co/iAefkMHLq8 Please don't forget that if you want to help w/Elliott's medical care,you can.Everything helps,even RTing the link. https://t.co/ETsbGR7oUy @callathekitten My feels exactly! @callathekitten I'm so confused as to how I wasn't already following you! Twitter is weird sometimes! @tayberryjelly Thank you!! Elliott's room is coming together so well! https://t.co/jrlwkZXEJz @callathekitten I swear I've found a way to make that face in real life 😂 I'm so in love with it! @MissyPrissy12 Thank you!! I just keep randomly walking in there and just smiling. 😂 @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you! I'm so pleased with how it's coming together. @callathekitten Thank you! ☺️ Elliott already has a pretty good library going and this makes me SO HAPPY! I love picture books! Air conditioner isn't working and that makes for one very uncomfortable/grumpy pregnant lady. It's been fixed! Thank god! 2 of 5 stars to What to Say Next by Julie Buxbaum https://t.co/SbzJUAsTcW 5 of 5 stars to Paper Girls, Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan https://t.co/DcUFpXvclT Super disappointed with the Pretty Little Liars finale 🙁 @tayberryjelly Yes! After everything that happened on the show, it just felt so cheap. @tayberryjelly Yep. It was one of my favorite shows, but I found I had a hard time keeping up with everything. It's the silliest thing to be afraid of, but June bugs freak me the eff out. OK during the summer is the worst place to be if you hate them. Marked as to-read: Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu https://t.co/aD0vJSn7NN @tayberryjelly have you seen this? 😂 https://t.co/KtQurcUQM4 @tayberryjelly It had me hardcore cracking up! This week is taking too long to go by. Like, is time even passing? I'm honestly not sure. Why work when you can be a cat instead? https://t.co/C0JA1qB1Tt When you remember you're drowning in debt and cats don't make paychecks. https://t.co/NOnT3RSDj2 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/0dqb8HpfHh @bayy_2455 I don't think I've ever related more to a tweet. @bayy_2455 Same. That $5 cravings box is my jam. @bayy_2455 That's what my husband has to get every time too. With extra jalapeño sauce. @bayy_2455 The spicier the better for me 😂 On page 71 of 672 of Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, by Cassandra Clare https://t.co/tmvbcu86kW Thread coming up because I have a lot on my mind and feel like Twitter is a better place for sharing than Facebook. This whole thing with Elliott & his heart has been the scariest experience of my life.I wish nobody had to go through this with their child. Knowing that I won't be able to see my son after he is born until the doctors decide that my body has recuperated enough gives me anxiety. Knowing that my precious little boy, who has done absolutely nothing wrong, will have to go through so much just to live, breaks my heart. Through all of this though,I've learned some really important things. No matter what is going on,it's still okay to be happy and enjoy life. At the same time, I don't have to be happy all the time. It's perfectly okay to break down and cry and be scared. And trust me, I have. It's also okay to ask for help. I've always felt like I needed to do everything on my own, because it's embarrassing to me when I can't. Sometimes though you need support, and that's okay. I've found that there are so many beautiful souls in the world and it amazes me. I've always been especially private when it comes to finances. Both in my childhood and adult life, I've never had very much money. Right now,my husband & I live paycheck to paycheck.We aren't able to set aside very much for things like medical bills, time off work, etc. I sold about 1/2 of my books,practically all of my Harry Potter stuff,all of our movies/video games,just to be able to pay the 1st dr bill. But it was so worth it,because I love my son so much.And I've learned that money is just money.Who cares if people know we are struggling? Don't ever be ashamed of where you are at in life. I know it's hard when you're drowning in debt and struggling to make ends meet. You aren't alone. Never forget that. I was so ashamed at first when a family member asked if they could set up a GoFundMe to help my husband and I with Elliott's care. I've learned though that people are willing to help, but they can't unless you give them the opportunity to. Always give people an opportunity to help if you need it. Just don't ever be ashamed of who/where you are in life. It will all be okay, even if it doesn't feel like it. @JordanStephanie Thank you https://t.co/GF4BAGES5G @callathekitten I've tried to keep a lot of what's been going on private, but I've realized that it's okay to share… https://t.co/Zie0FRHMFH Another thought I had on this, if somebody is brace enough to reach out to you for help, don't make them feel ashamed. If you can't help them, try to point them in the direction of someone else that can. If you do want to/can help, my cousin set up a #gofundme for us. Absolutely anything will make a difference. https://t.co/qVXawnKZIc @alexiareads Thank you so much! I'm sorry this is something you've had to go through. How has it affected you over the years? @alexiareads What kinds of things did it keep you from doing? Like, did the doctors tell you to be careful with physical activities? @jess_calla Thank you so so much for sharing and donating. You have no idea how much it means! My husband saying let's take a nap is the best thing I've ever heard 😴 @alexiareads That's what I was figuring. How is it possible to just crave ice? Because I am. @alexiareads I didn't love the first cardiologist we saw, but all of the out of town doctors we have started seeing… https://t.co/mNW5RxnjKL @n_n_nikki That's actually something I thought of, but I recently had blood work done and my iron was normal. @jenandapen I still need to watch that! The husband and I started Jane the Virgin and oh my gosh 😂😂😂 @n_n_nikki I might still mention it to my doctor at my next appointment just to be safe. What is an already released 2017 book that will really wow me? @bayy_2455 I have been seeing some pretty good things about that one! @StaceyONeale Is that the sequel to Lady Midnight? My husband & I could really use your help. We are already struggling, & we will have a long road ahead with Elliott. https://t.co/uI2pGRDl9k I know I've been mentioning it a lot, and this'll be the last time, I promise. I appreciate you guys a lot. @bayy_2455 My library has it! I'll have to put it on hold! @nerdherdreads Library doesn't have The Space Between the Stars, but they do have When Dimple Met Rishi which I was… https://t.co/QukmIwmgUU @StaceyONeale I still haven't read Lady Midnight😬I'm just now reading Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. I love h… https://t.co/F9940C5EZG @NormalChey Thank you so so much 💙💙💙 @nerdherdreads Thank you so much, Rachel! 💙 @StaceyONeale Yep, definitely going to have to make this series a priority! @StaceyONeale I'm such a black sheep on this one, but I haven't been able to get into Sarah J. Maas 😥 On page 187 of 672 of Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, by Cassandra Clare https://t.co/gpJjLUuFSZ @Shybooknerd Thank you so very much, Stacie 💙 Told my husband that all I want for my birthday is The Color Project by @sierraiswriting. 🤞🏻 @Jess_Sankiewicz I'm glad he is okay!! 5 of 5 stars to Paper Girls, Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan https://t.co/l6DsUNk5Uf @rebeccalynnh527 I'll have to look into that one, thank you!! Check out my top artists on @lastfm https://t.co/BNLKDmTDuI via @lastfm @sierraiswriting I'm just so excited!!! 🎉 On page 349 of 672 of Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, by Cassandra Clare https://t.co/0HNHw4Qqds Feeling really down and overwhelmed today. In just under a month baby Elliott will be here, & the financial aspect of his heart condition... ...is just really weighing on me. It's so scary. But I'll do whatever it takes. Trying to bury myself in a book so as not to think about it. @tayberryjelly All of your support has meant so much to me, thank you 💙 @callathekitten https://t.co/gkrguU7qAi @sierraiswriting Thank you so much 💙 @sierraiswriting You are so so wonderful! 💙 right now it's just trying to figure out how to pay bills while I'm off… https://t.co/UGq0qNgXg3 @sierraiswriting bills that will start coming in. @BlankSlaters Thank you so much for sharing, Claire 💙 @sierraiswriting I know we will find a way to make it, and our little boy is so worth it! @sierraiswriting Your prayers really do mean a lot to my husband and I! 4 of 5 stars to Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare https://t.co/utWx3BiLVy @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you. Sometimes things just seem so daunting that it's hard to remember that. Family time! https://t.co/EBm5lAKXCr @Jess_Sankiewicz Thanks 🙊 Thank you so so much to everybody that shared the GoFundMe for my husband, son, and I this weekend. It means the world to me! Crazy hair don't care - happy Monday! https://t.co/ZBsYHgd0kA Been in a reading slump for months and now finally all I want to do is read! @seesarawrite @play_buzz Hahahaha, I got 30 😂 @thebooktraveler Same! I get anxiety any time I have to talk to my boss. @thebooktraveler Really it's kind of any time I have to talk to anybody. @thebooktraveler My husband and I always fight over who has to call for takeout 😂 My favorite places are the ones I… https://t.co/zfzBNrfPIF @thebooktraveler Yay! I finally found a Chinese restaurant that will let me order online too. It was the best! haha @sierraiswriting OH MY GOSH SO AM I!!! 😍 @sierraiswriting The color is so perfect! You're giving me serious hair envy 😂 @BlankSlaters I use it/just redeemed a reward for $25 in PayPal credit.It's definitely legit and safe.If you sign u… https://t.co/EEWJiw2lnL @BlankSlaters My referral link is https://t.co/WzbjZJd3ro @tayberryjelly Oh my god, Taylor, you have both me AND my husband in tears. We seriously cannot thank you enough. 💙💙💙💙💙 @sierraiswriting It's definitely on my bucket list! @tayberryjelly Just the fact that you are willing to though touches us so much. When your boss buys pizza for the department https://t.co/9TD8wWBVd0 And now HR just came around and handed out bomb pops https://t.co/W7G86qsD0r @callathekitten *hugs* I really like using this video toco trip my breathing. Just breathe in as the shapes inflate… https://t.co/LfYHVqBFWP @callathekitten I guess it would help if I also gave you the link 😂 https://t.co/arPss0gk7I Check out this thread to find out how you can get your very own book snuggy! They are adorable and @tayberryjelly w… https://t.co/B5pvJ9tgKU @KatrinaLeno It's so pretty! 😍 @MissyPrissy12 😍😍😍 @MissyPrissy12 Abso-freaking-lutely!! @miss_melissalee This looks soooo delicious! 😍 @miss_melissalee I ate so many cream cheese danishes when I worked at a bookstore I'm surprised I didn't turn into one 😂 @miss_melissalee I'm way too weak willed when it comes to baked goods! RT please! @tayberryjelly wants to make YOU a custom book snuggy to keep your books safe and warm! See quoted threa… https://t.co/JbXoNgZLZH @MarissaOsman Thank you so so much, Marissa!! 💙 @Harlee_S Same @tammygeo The Lego Batman movie is so funny!! @tammygeo Oooh, I loved the Lego movie too. But this one is definitely different. @bookchic13 Thank you thank you thank you 💙 @hesaidbooksorme I keep forgetting that I'm off tomorrow 😂 @hesaidbooksorme It's definitely exciting every time I remember I'm off! I like watching fireworks, but it isn't even dark outside, so could people just not? How does water give me heartburn?! Elliott better come out with a full head of hair. On page 130 of 320 of Dark Breaks the Dawn, by Sara B. Larson https://t.co/YOzrVtODgh @tayberryjelly I want to read them alllllll! @tayberryjelly Then I will take him to the bookstore on new release Tuesday to get them! @tayberryjelly 💙💚💙💚💙💚💙 @Jess_Sankiewicz That's a good find!! @Jess_Sankiewicz I'm sure it's fine! @tayberryjelly I just about spit out my mouth wash when I read this 😂👌🏻 @bayy_2455 I had Frosted Flakes 😂 @tayberryjelly @bayy_2455 This looks so good 😍 @tayberryjelly @bayy_2455 I'd say that's a good deal!! @tayberryjelly @bayy_2455 Ooooh my gosh, one of each, please! @tayberryjelly @bayy_2455 I loooove red velvet! Blue velvet sounds really good too! As of today, there are only four more weeks until we get to meet Elliott! Don't forget, Taylor wants to make you a custom book snuggie! See the quoted thread for how you can get one, they'r… https://t.co/GHeNtOzSf2 @callathekitten I know!!!' 😆 @tayberryjelly @bayy_2455 I just really like cake 😂 @zoeytalbon Oh my gosh, Zoey, that's so nice of you!! @callathekitten Of course!! The next TWO people to donate $30 get a book of their choice from Amazon or TBD AND a custom book snuggie! https://t.co/NeNMUPghMF @gingerlyreview https://t.co/BCJWISWjH1 @callathekitten Yay!! I approve!! 😂 @bayy_2455 It's important to treat yourself! @sierraiswriting This is so gorgeous! Have a fantastic time!!! Dark Breaks the Dawn by @SaraBLarson was so exciting!! 4 of 5 stars to Dark Breaks the Dawn by Sara B. Larson https://t.co/q2jscRMBXT @SisonaCR @tayberryjelly Thank you so so much. It really does make a different in my husband and I's life 💙 We have new downstairs neighbors and all they do is watch tv. It's turned up so loud ALL THE TIME that it feels like I'm in their apartment. On page 79 of 352 of Denton Little's Deathdate, by Lance Rubin https://t.co/7OKthXXRAO How is it already almost 8:30? Where did this day go? Thread worth reading https://t.co/jMqaQnfwTS Now they are shooting off ridiculously loud fireworks right outside our bedroom window. I get that it's the 4th of July, but an apartment complex is not the place for fireworks. so much booming not much sleeping @callathekitten Exactly! They kept at it until about 11 o'clock last night. Not only did I want to go to sleep, but… https://t.co/M92JANNiLY @callathekitten a lot of trees around and I didn't want one of them to misfire and catch a tree on fire or shoot through our window. @tammygeo Oh my gosh that would be hilarious 😂 It's kind of by a window I think. @tayberryjelly Oooh, I understand, migraines are the worst. I hope you feel better real soon. @tayberryjelly Drink water and take care of yourself 💙 @jdetrapani Happy anniversary!! That's so exciting! @firelordmo I don't understand this, it seems so pointless. Skip making it a footnote and just put it in the paragraph! @firelordmo Or that. I refused to read NN because I flipped through it and saw the ridiculous amount of footnotes a… https://t.co/0nQCICeXGi @firelordmo I might have to give it a go then @sierraiswriting https://t.co/NJtxYfdxeB @tayberryjelly Eeeeep! 😆 @tayberryjelly You don't have to apologize! I think I of all people understand life being crazy 😂 @alexiareads You've been in my thoughts Instead of $30, donate at least $15 and @tayberryjelly will send you a custom book snuggie and @zoeytalbon will sen… https://t.co/iB6RLMKUAA @tayberryjelly @zoeytalbon A generous soul gave $30, so that two people can get the above for only $15! Does anybody know anything about pricing potentially rare beanie babies? My dad brought me two of my old beanie babies and told me I should look into them, but I feel like all these websites are shady. @tayberryjelly 😍😍😍😍 @zoeytalbon I hate it when this happens, it is seriously one of the scariest things. I am terrible with directions and hate being lost. Just picked up my first Paula Stokes book from the library and I'm SO EXCITED! @tayberryjelly Oh my gosh he is so cute!!!! @tayberryjelly You are ridiculously talented! @zoeytalbon It doesn't even matter if I've driven there several times, I still need my GPS. And I've lived in the same area my whole life 😂 @tayberryjelly I tried to learn how to crochet a year ago and it did not work at all haha @Kris10MFAF The mint Oreo thins! 🤤 @CassieopiaB I am LOVING that octopus wrapping paper! I got Transfigurations! Pack Your Trunk For Hogwarts And We'll Tell You Your Best Subject https://t.co/9AR7kf4u3d via @fana_lpz @tayberryjelly https://t.co/vU336FBztM @Kris10MFAF I like the filling to cookie ratio so much more on the thins @tayberryjelly Girl Against the Universe! I just happened to see it on the shelf and snatched it up! @tayberryjelly YAY!! I'm so excited to read it! @tayberryjelly Once I finish my current read I'm going to finally read The Hate U Give and then I'll read Girl Against the Universe! @tayberryjelly I ADORED We Are Okay!! @tayberryjelly Let me know when you do open your Etsy shop because I'm eventually going to need a Sadness from Insi… https://t.co/Bm7p861KzB @tayberryjelly It was a super fast read, but really emotional. On page 169 of 352 of Denton Little's Deathdate, by Lance Rubin https://t.co/oslnuFJION @tayberryjelly 😬 @CassieopiaB It's soooo cute. And I'm all about nautical themes! @zoeytalbon NOPE. I refuse to drive downtown because of all the one-way streets. Even with my GPS. @thebooktraveler @GetUnderlined Same! @thebooktraveler @GetUnderlined Definitely one of the better ones I've taken! @thebooktraveler @GetUnderlined Yes! The answers to the questions were pretty spot on! @BlankSlaters Thank you so much, Claire 💙 @CWbooks98 Thank you, Carrie 💚 @AnxiousBookBlog Thank you so so much! @inahreads Happy birthday!! I almost passed out on my way into work this morning so I guess I'm taking a rest day 🙄😣 @zoeytalbon He looks like he has a milk mustache 😍 @zoeytalbon I fully support changing her name to Santa! 🎅🏻🍪🥛 Me any time I go near a kitchen https://t.co/wPJYKVMeer @firelordmo My dog runs and hides under the bed any time I turn on the stove or oven because I've set he fire alarm off so many times. Spread the word! @tayberryjelly wants to crochet you custom goodies just for donating! See thread for all the fun/c… https://t.co/jUTkfb4Kx6 3 of 5 stars to Denton Little's Deathdate by Lance Rubin https://t.co/Hp6UQGaJKJ Finally reading The Hate U Give 🙌🏻 You might not think it will, but even $5 can help. It adds up, trust me. https://t.co/aMaF6kurOB RTing is also great, because you never know who will see it and can give because YOU shared it. If you click on the link, you can also share it on Facebook which can be really helpful too. I swear I'm not trying to be greedy or annoying, my husband and I just really need all the help we can get. On page 67 of 464 of The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas https://t.co/GXF09fChVf @callathekitten I'm less than 100 pages in and it's so good! @SKVetterWrites @tayberryjelly Thank you so so much 💙 @Jess_Sankiewicz My husband and I just started this show (maybe 4 eps in?) and I'm in love with it! @OhanaReads 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 @Jess_Sankiewicz Good! I love it when tv shows go there. @tayberryjelly Don't ever apologize for who you are. You aren't crazy, you just eat differently than others. And we… https://t.co/P21BoMsWzJ @tayberryjelly I am LOVING these colors! @TheBellaMaake @tayberryjelly Oh. My. Gosh. These are adorable! 😍 @tayberryjelly That's cool! I may not crochet or anything, but I really like yarn for whatever reason haha @AllisonBush2 And guacamole!! https://t.co/jw8YCpDCgH Seriously craving some Mexican food 😩 My mom is taking me out for Mexican food tonight 🙌🏻 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/VFgErJrJlD @gingerlyreview We are connected! YAAAAAAAS QUEEN 👑 https://t.co/FBWBsSxEUq @brokeandbookish One of the things that has been good about Elliott's heart condition is I will be having him two w… https://t.co/GSk4Mz1tNn @brokeandbookish ...LITTLE less time to wait. I'm still being super impatient though 😂 @StefaniSloma @bbookrambles You are so cute! I'm loving your shoes!! Happy birthday! 🎈 The next two people to jump on this also get a book of their choice from Amazon or The Book Depository! DON'T MISS… https://t.co/lVoB1A3eBd 😍😍😍😍 https://t.co/FWw5hQ88Z0 I sure do hope these are those fake contractions and not the real thing 😩 I know I'm supposed to be keeping track of like how long they are and how frequently they happen, but I'm super confused as to how? @alicesbookvault My bouquet was made out of Harry Potter pages too!! @callathekitten I don't know how to tell when one ends and another begins though is my problem. @callathekitten I just got an app though so I'm trying to time them. @callathekitten Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. My phone didn't tell me you had replied so I'm just now seeing this 😓 I g… https://t.co/gLKvKRVpwv @callathekitten Out how to time them and they finally dissipated. @theturningpages I was able to find an app that helped me time them! @Shybooknerd That's what I think they were. I'm 34 weeks, almost 35 now. @WithTheBanned This is amazing!! I love it! 😍 It's so nice and rainy this morning 😍 THREAD - My personal goal is to raise $1,000. It would only take 52 people donating only $5 to get us there. https://t.co/XugbQdMFAO This money is going towards medical bills, travel expenses (Elliott's specialists are 2 hours away), groceries, covering bills while I'm off work for at least twelve weeks to take care of Elliott (the majority of which will be unpaid). I am a very independent person, and would not be asking for your help if my family and I didn't truly need it. @gingerlyreview Thank you https://t.co/MG5sM6W0sF I second this! https://t.co/uETZKYalVO @nanogeekette Thank you so much for your tweets 💙 also, I survived homeschooling too! @nanogeekette Thank you!! @tayberryjelly https://t.co/EYryb73Ipw @bookmarklit @gofundme Thank you so very very much 💙 @callathekitten I'm doing pretty okay today! Thread for the afternoon crowd. https://t.co/URgzYzuqkF @tayberryjelly I love those blue flowers! So pretty! @SKVetterWrites Happy birthday!! 🎂 @EpicEmmy Yay! Thank you! Can you follow me so I can DM you? Check out 1996 TY Beanie Baby Claude the Crab with Two Rarest Errors in Mint Condition #Ty https://t.co/8EVtuApCzj via @eBay How about millennials can't afford marriage and kids because the college we were pushed to attend financially screw… https://t.co/X9RYirT43a @tayberryjelly It's so cute 😍 My husband is reading The Hate U Give at the same time as me and he is LOVING it! @BlankSlaters Good job! Don't stress over a 3, that's awesome! Especially since it was your first AP test. @SKVetterWrites Oh my god I'm dying 😂😂😂 If a pregnant lady holds a door open for you the least you could do is say thank you 🙄 Okay, @redbull, this pregnant lady needs you to make a caffeine free edition. Energy drinks and pregnancy don't mix, but I want one so bad! @BlankSlaters You're welcome! I understand being disappointed though. I was never satisfied with my ACT, SAT, or AP test scores. I wish I could sign up for the next round of secret sister, because I could really use the cheer and community right now, but I just don't know how I could swing it with being Elliott being in the hospital and his surgeries. 😔 @bayy_2455 I thought about the pen pal tier, but for the 6 weeks that he is in the hospital I'll be there too, and… https://t.co/VLTcz5I8Zj @bayy_2455 just don't know how easily I would be able to get the letters sent to me. @bayy_2455 And I know writing a letter wouldn't be hard, but I just don't know if it's a good idea to add something else to my plate. 😕 @deadtossedwaves Yumm! Sometimes you can do everything right & things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right. - The Hate U Give @acthomasbooks @acthomasbooks I needed to read that 😭 @jess_calla Thank you so much for tweeting this 💙 @bayy_2455 That would be awesome!! @tayberryjelly @bayy_2455 Yes!! That would be awesome! UPDATE! We are already down to needing only 46 people to donate $5 instead of over 50! Thank you, guys! https://t.co/XS3USZmhIq @bayy_2455 DMed! Taylor wants to crochet you super cute and fun customizable things! https://t.co/9avjmp071t @verilyfranklin I would love that! Thank you!! @rimpysreads Yay! https://t.co/MWpUtF9xWF @verilyfranklin Done! ☺️ Thank you to those who said they would send me letters. It warmed my heart. 💗 5 of 5 stars to The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas https://t.co/FMaIMr97F9 I just finished The Hate U Give and holy shit it's so powerful and important. @bayy_2455 I didn't think my husband would like it, but he even gave it 5 stars. @tayberryjelly Here I go! 🙆🏼 https://t.co/kJE0tEVV05 @tayberryjelly I'm so ready! @tayberryjelly 60 pages in and I'm reeeealllly liking it! On page 59 of 400 of Girl Against the Universe, by Paula Stokes: So glad I finally picke... https://t.co/1Izy2ZSi4C @litbeing @halseanderson Laurie Halle Anderson is a wonderful speaker! We are so close to hitting $1000! We just need 6 people to donate $5. https://t.co/3Dzgbgw6XB All money is going to the expenses related to my son's heart condition, including medical bills, traveling, etc. @tayberryjelly is offering a variety of fun crocheted items starting at $15 for donating! @NormalChey Oops, I deleted that tweet because I noticed an error in it 🤦🏼‍♀️ @NormalChey Oh my gosh thank you 😭 @tayberryjelly You got this! @tayberryjelly Oh I know! I'm going to bed right now 😂 @tayberryjelly I of course can't sleep 🙄 @Karnythia I'm trying to raise money for expenses related to my son's heart surgeries. https://t.co/fZOnPZJFIT On page 88 of 400 of Girl Against the Universe, by Paula Stokes https://t.co/IRTywkgPJE @sierraiswriting Your parents are seriously the ultimate OTP. They are too cute! Boosting! https://t.co/m0Nan7B2PL @GReadsBooks I tried to quote RT it but it didn't work for some reason, I'm just spreading the word! ☺️ @nautigirlreads It's the worst search function I've ever seen. @tayberryjelly PREACH! @tayberryjelly I didn't even know you were subtweeting I just thought it was a really good point 😂 @tayberryjelly Yep! Not every book is for every person and that is a-okay! @tayberryjelly This is so true too! Taylor's on a roll this morning! @gingerlyreview Do you have these editions of the Hunger Games? If not, you need them. https://t.co/nI2e19Aj8R @nanogeekette I ate some powdered Tide detergent as a baby before my dad caught me. Elliott is head down which is such a relief! Because he will be rushed to the NICU, me seeing him after he is born will depend on how.... ...quickly I recover from giving birth. So a c-section is the last thing I want. @callathekitten No, I just had my first of many appointments this week. @callathekitten I definitely will! We only have 3 weeks to go! July 31 at 8pm is when I check into the hospital for the induction. @gingerlyreview I thought so ☺️ I've gotten over $200 from Ibotta in a year, it really does work. Sign up and get $10! https://t.co/uJSaZX0Ys4 https://t.co/uJSaZX0Ys4 @gingerlyreview So do I! Those are definitely my favorite editions of the series. @gingerlyreview They are the Propaganda editions. I think they are UK. @gingerlyreview Haha, they are so pretty! I'm so ready! https://t.co/WgJokKx14t I'm thinking pancakes for dinner. Yep, I'm definitely going to need pancakes. I'm so glad that pancakes are easy to make because it's one of my big pregnancy cravings. @zoeytalbon YAY!!! @zoeytalbon It'll totally be worth it though! Florida is so beautiful! On page 168 of 400 of Girl Against the Universe, by Paula Stokes https://t.co/9y605G63fj @crys_leach Of course! Your feed is so gorgeous! Okay, shower and then bed. Hopefully it happens in that order and I don't fall asleep in the shower 😴 @ReadWithMikee This series is what REALLY got me into YA. @knoxdiver My dad thought it would be a good idea to let little 4 year old me watch this movie & now to this day I'… https://t.co/tgpsHYHGiP YAAAAASSSS QUEEN 🙌🏻 You are on fire! 🔥 @ddlovato #SorryNotSorry https://t.co/R1qPRZGF90 @Jess_Sankiewicz This happened to us a few weeks ago and of course all I wanted that night was to Netflix. So I fee… https://t.co/ufuKLv7CyB @Jess_Sankiewicz We of course sold all our DVDs and such to make money for this baby 😂 we give our animals voices,… https://t.co/RjdeoodbWo @Jess_Sankiewicz guinea pig talks like Strong Sad 😁 @Jess_Sankiewicz I hadn't actually watched any of it, just played through the games 🙇🏼‍♀️ Thought I was awake so I turned my alarm off, then promptly fell back asleep. So glad I was late to work when I needed to get here early. ⬆️⬆️⬆️ See above tweet for how you can get a signed copy of a The Breakup Support Group by Cheyanne Young! @gingerlyreview I have this on hold at the library, I'm so excited to read it! I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that Donald Trump hasn't been arrested for treason. @sierraiswriting Because he cover is GORGEOUS 😍 @sierraiswriting 💙💙💙💙 My dog went to stay with my Papa since we are going out of town this week for dr appointments and I'm going to miss him so much 😭 If I can't even be away from my dog for a few days without crying, how will I ever let my kid go to a sleepover?! Get on this! You need this series in your life! https://t.co/XpunyE3naX YOU NEED THIS BOOK TRUST ME https://t.co/7bwZ6jguYc @callathekitten Me all the time. https://t.co/o09QoCUdkW @callathekitten Treat yourself! @callathekitten I know the feeling. I think my guinea pig might be getting cataracts 😭😭😭😭 @NormalChey You can tell I'm turning into a mom because the only section I checked out was the baby stuff 😂 @cyraschaefer The rest of the season will be hitting Netflix sometime this month! @cyraschaefer @bayy_2455 It really is so terrible, but if you've stuck with it this long you have to finish it. @LiteraryRambles This is so cute! @LiteraryRambles I would want to visit every single day to see what people wrote. @LiteraryRambles Yyyyeeessssss! 🙌🏻 keep us updated! @NormalChey All of Bob's Burgers is now on Hulu!!! @NormalChey Yay! The discovery made my day too. I missed this show 😂 Why can't I ever sleep at night anymore 😩 @Celeste_pewter Oklahoma finally did something good! 🙌🏻 @karleighknapp I'm so in love with her new song! @MeredithIreland Thank you for this giveaway! I'm dying to get my greedy hands on Wonder Woman ☺️ @gingerlyreview Year 4 is my least favorite https://t.co/Jb3OU0dGR8 @NormalChey @gingerlyreview Even though it's my least favorite in the series, I still gave it 5 stars, because Harry Potter yanno? @StefaniSloma I love this 💙 I'm so happy you found where you are supposed to be! Work is dragging today, but my coworkers did make me pancakes for breakfast! Elliott loves pancakes! @sierraiswriting If you're gonna raise them right you have to start young 😂 @sierraiswriting Thank you ☺️ ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Check out the above quoted tweet for how you can get a signed copy of The Breakup Support Group by Cheyanne Young! @tayberryjelly I'm so happy and proud of you!!! @sierraiswriting Noooooo 😭😭😭😭 Eating cake before dinner because why not? Making doggies and cheese for dinner 🤤 @sierraiswriting These kind of things never used to get me and then I got pregnant and now I cry at everything 😭😂 Going to OKC tomorrow for appointments w/ Elliott's specialists.I'm always so nervous they'll find something else isn't going how it should. Heading to see Elliott's specialists tomorrow. Please continue to share & donate if you can, even just $5 can help💙 https://t.co/ey6kTcSjLN If you donate at least $20, you can get a signed book! https://t.co/m0Nan7B2PL And here is a thread of fun customizable crocheted items you can get for donating various amounts! https://t.co/LkYFX1gb6k On page 265 of 400 of Girl Against the Universe, by Paula Stokes https://t.co/0fzMThmla2 @Jess_Sankiewicz Yay! That's super exciting!!! @Dizneeee https://t.co/FF65uNUfbR @Dizneeee Love you too! I know being separated from somebody you love is really hard, but I'm sure she'll miss you just as much! @tayberryjelly Oh. My. Gosh. That store is so overwhelming. I'm having a kid and even I hated it. @tayberryjelly Yes! It's terrible. And Buy Buy Baby is just as bad. Target is more my jam. @tayberryjelly It's close to impossible to find anything gender neutral. @candylandgang @serialbiblio @rlynneal Ah, thank you so much! I gotta say, I think you have my favorite 10 year old!😂 @tayberryjelly I wanted to try and stay pretty gender neutral. You wouldn't know it by looking at his room because… https://t.co/fAAL4MvOBi @tayberryjelly have been that way even if he was a girl. And we would have still gone with the name Elliott actually too. @AwkwordlyEmma @BooknBooktastic Is that a paw print ice cub tray?! @AwkwordlyEmma @BooknBooktastic Oh how fun!! @tayberryjelly That's a good strategy! Don't ever let anybody pressure you about having kids though. You do you! @alexiareads Thank you 💙 I've been keeping you in my thoughts too. @tayberryjelly There are different ways you could make it happen! @tayberryjelly It's about time! 😂 @tayberryjelly That is the wooooooorst Heading to bed. Fingers crossed I can actually get some sleep tonight. Haha nope. It's like as soon as I lay down in bed I'm wide awake. @Celeste_pewter I love these colors! @Celeste_pewter My coworkers made me pancakes for breakfast since it's been one of my big pregnancy cravings, so th… https://t.co/XRZNAWcLlO @tayberryjelly 🚨🚨THE HATE U GIVE🚨🚨 @JordanStephanie Yaaaaaaassss 🙌🏻 @Celeste_pewter I'm super thankful for them! I'm doing alright.It's been a real stressful pregnancy with Elliott's… https://t.co/e7Jp4ZmCQd @Celeste_pewter Thank you 💙 Right now we are just trying to figure out how to make finances work. A GFM was set up… https://t.co/4axuR88lhQ @Celeste_pewter extremely helpful. @Celeste_pewter I missed this the first time around, so thank you for sharing it again! @journeysincolor CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🎊 @gingerlyreview I want to watch this one! A thing happened this morning. I had to leave for dr appts, but if he's still there when I get home I'll try and he… https://t.co/FB6ErL9ncT He was super sweet and really liked my husband and I so I hated to just leave him. But I did give him some milk! Also, we named him Alvin. @ATravelingBook Thanks for letting me know! @tayberryjelly Too soon to tell, but I'm thinking yes! @jcwelker @misallaneous1 Thank you!!!! @callathekitten I'm hoping he is still there when I get home. @callathekitten My husband just showed me this picture he took 😭 https://t.co/eUsbkPbpUB @callathekitten I know! HE WAITED FOR US TO GET HOME 😭 https://t.co/YP9OSRpZwS This is a big problem though because we cannot afford a cat. I'm not allowed to bring him inside so he is just sitting at my door meowing 😭 We took her to the vet to see if she was microchipped, she isn't ☹️ I've posted on Facebook trying to find her family. I can't keep her inside because we don't have any cat supplies, and we can't afford to buy them. It's at least starting to cool off outside and I left her some water. Even though she is a girl I'm still going to call her Alvin. @zoeytalbon I don't know. They are closed, so I'll have to check tomorrow. This is hurting my heart so much though because I like animals more than people tbh. Especially cats. And she is terribly sweet. I'm m going to officially post the update on Elliott on the GFM and Facebook tomorrow, but here is the update unoff… https://t.co/iEGFu4ZK0s Twitter tells me that the above link in this thread has been clicked on 395 times. If 395 people donated $5, that would be $1,975. Basically what that means is don't underestimate the power of $5. Or even $1. It isn't only $5, not to me. We have an update on Elliott! Please continue to share and donate if you... https://t.co/1yfOV7cq3F @JordanStephanie I get so nervous every time I ask for decaf since I have to watch how much caffeine is drink becau… https://t.co/eLLS2M5NS6 @JordanStephanie gave me caffeinated coffee and I'll drink too much caffeine. @jess_calla Mostly just a reader! I dabble in writing every now and then, but not consistently. I thought it would update the picture with the new one I added, so since it didn't here's our little Elliott. He lo… https://t.co/nCFg1HXeyP My family needs your help. The expenses associated w/ Elliott's heart condition is so overwhelming. Anything helps. https://t.co/ZuzqHfZLqj @GReadsBooks Happy birthday! I hope you've had a pineapple filled day! 🍍🍍🍍 https://t.co/AejByh84ph @MissyPrissy12 I know!!!! I'm so in love ☺️ @CLLFirestone Carrie! Thank you so very much!! 💙 @SKVetterWrites That's so fun!! @bookchic13 Thank you 😊 @bookchic13 Yayayayayay!!!! @sierraiswriting I just saw what is going on & I am SO SORRY! This isn't your fault & we will all stand by you. We are so excited to read @sierraiswriting your book, but we can be patient just a little bit longer. Let me know if you need anything. 💙 @CassieopiaB Always @GReadsBooks I was just thinking about Shipley Donuts this morning! I had them for the first time a year ago today. My BFF got me my first official mom shirt and I don't think I've ever worn anything that so accurately describes my… https://t.co/Iw4aMv9qtb @GReadsBooks Dunkin' Donuts will forever have my donut loving heart, but Shipley did come close to stealing it. @tayberryjelly Thank you 😊 Please RT! My husband & I need as much help as we can get as we embark on the journey of Elliott's heart condition. https://t.co/lJdOIqjQjg Absolutely anything and everything can help, even only $5. Even only sharing the campaign. It is only anything, it makes a difference. Please know that sharing it on Facebook can help tremendously too. You can do this by going to the GoFundMe link and clicking the FB option. The more people that see this the better. You never know who will be willing to help. And we wouldn't ask for it if we didn't need it. We are so extremely grateful for all of the love and support that we have received so far. It really touches my husband and I so very much. Please, if you have ANY ideas on how we can better spread the word, or encourage people to share/donate, give me your suggestions! I just want to make sure my little boy is able to grow up happy and healthy. We love him so very much. @tayberryjelly Soooo, I don't think I've ever seen a Hallmark Christmas movie before, but you are making me want to. It's just me and the dog today so do I read or binge Netflix? I don't knoooooow 😭 @Melanie_Leanne That's probably the best idea! @LinLina911 Happy first blogging anniversary!! 🎈 Okay, I've watched 3 episodes of my current show. Now let's see if I can finish my book. @brookesbookss Dreamland Burning for sure! Here's an idea: stop with all the live-action remakes and instead use your imaginations and come up with something… https://t.co/SNtwdZQmiG Probably an unpopular opinion but 🤷🏼‍♀️ @bayy_2455 It's all remakes and super hero movies. I just want to see something different. @bayy_2455 At least we are finally getting a sequel to The Incredibles! I'm hungry but the dog is sleeping on me so I guess I'm gonna starve. I haven't seen Alvin since Thursday so I really hope she found her family. I do miss her though. https://t.co/FSZpehz0Jq @gingerlyreview https://t.co/lTcoFFJktJ Now that I've finished Girl Against the Universe I'm making grabby hands at all the other @pstokesbooks books! https://t.co/j2kIGaYgIh 5 of 5 stars to Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes https://t.co/73ZAfeDlQF Heard a loud bang so I went into the bedroom to investigate and found this. I had been laying in that exact spot no… https://t.co/ZvMJ3lgaFS Based on how loud the bang was, I'm pretty sure that if I had been laying there still it would have really injured me. So I'm pretty freaked out and wary of all the ceiling fans in the apartment now. But I can't turn them off because it's too damn hot. @pstokesbooks I'm so glad you wrote different genres, that makes it really exciting! And thank you! 😊 @silhouettesumrs This one has always been rattly and kind of shaky, I don't know if that has something to do with it maybe? @SKVetterWrites Thank you, me too!! @NormalChey This is exactly what I've been saying! Eh, sometimes you have to live life on the edge 😂 https://t.co/JvOE07i83x @silhouettesumrs Ugh.I know!If there isn't any air movement in a room I feel like I can't breathe,so ceiling fans a… https://t.co/DUaNOwVA71 @zoeytalbon Haha, same. I don't have money to buy food without chemicals in it. @Jess_Sankiewicz HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 🎉🎈 @zoeytalbon Why would you want to be 😍 WE HAVE A FEMALE DOCTOR AND I REALLY CANNOT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME https://t.co/CjIkxkZrSE @AliceOseman Same! I'm so ready for this! I pretty much checked out when Clara became the companion. I could just never get on board with her. Maybe I just missed the Ponds too much? I never was a fan of Peter Capaldi either though. But I'm so here for this! @zoeytalbon Hahahaha, I love cats so much Yaaaassssss. I need this to happen! https://t.co/zjrh5fmsv8 @gingerlyreview https://t.co/rKwo2p1Dbp @DisneyWitch22 I'm excited! @bookchic13 Me too!! Go follow Nori you want regret it!!! https://t.co/PT6qg6wD7X Oh my gosh..... won't. You WON'T regret it. 🙄 @NotSoDorky @vesaldi I'm just so ready to see something fresh and new! @CassieopiaB Thank you!! @callathekitten I was pretty shaken up afterwards and couldn't stop thinking either about what if that had been Elliott's room? @ReadWriteLove28 Hahaha, I love you too! I also love the idea of Twitter having an edit button 😂 @GReadsBooks This sounds so delicious!! 🤤 @nautigirlreads I've never seen it! Please know that even something as simple as $5 can make a huge difference. Anything helps, we are really struggling right now. If you have any suggestions for how I can better spread the word, please let me know. @nautigirlreads It looks interesting, but at this point the idea of trying to get into it just seems way too daunting. 16% done with Whisper to Me, by Nick Lake https://t.co/heskamdnKp My coworkers started the cutest little bank for Elliott! https://t.co/UbeT5BK7V3 @BlankSlaters Nooooo, don't be ashamed because you feel you haven't read enough! You're awesome for even reading at all! I've entered to win a signed copy of Zenn Diagram by @WendyJoBrant https://t.co/jSixkYfIhF @BlankSlaters I read 341 last year and I'm only at 61 for this year, so I totally understand that! @BlankSlaters Your picture is so pretty!!! @zoeytalbon @BookishJessi Simon!!! @tayberryjelly Oh my gosh I'm so sorry ☹️ @BlankSlaters I listened to a looooot of audiobooks last year. This year I've been more into music. @zoeytalbon @BookishJessi LET ME BE YOUR MOTIVATION IT'S SO EFFING GOOD!! Also it's a quick read. @tayberryjelly I've never had poison ivy but I cannot imagine a worse place for it to be. Got our first bill from Elliott's specialists today 😬😓 @morganameridius I've watched this like ten times since I found it yesterday 😂 Thank you so much for the book mail, @misallaneous1!! I can't wait to dive in! https://t.co/gTFUDy8TfM Mariah Blue and green Cats Coffee The ocean https://t.co/WMGRzNmX0q @callathekitten I looooove Broods!! Sno cones are my greatest weakness right now. I just need one in my hands at all times. @KatrinaLeno One week is practically tomorrow! It's so soon!! Apparently I can pay somebody to promote my GoFundMe. If I had the money to do that, I don't think I would have a GoFundMe? 🤔🤦🏼‍♀️ Guys, how do I mute a hashtag from the app? Is that a thing that's possible? @nerdherdreads THANK YOU!!! Currently reading (and loving!) Whisper to Me by Nick Lake! We are down to only two more weeks until Elliott is here. Not gonna lie, I'm getting pretty nervous. 😶 54% done with Whisper to Me, by Nick Lake https://t.co/DxUXpLi03D @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you! I just have like no pain tolerance and medical stuff freaks me out, so I'm afraid I'm g… https://t.co/NNJThLSstK @Jess_Sankiewicz Or something and not be able to do what I need to do and ruin the whole thing. Go buy this series!!!! https://t.co/jFwwlnZFbX THREAD - please RT! We are still trying to raise money to help with the expenses related to Elliott's ❤️ condition. https://t.co/pedcajbyvt Some incredibly kind souls are offering incentives for donating to my family. Continue reading the thread to see what is being offered. Taylor wants to crochet you customizable goodies for donating various amounts! https://t.co/LkYFX1gb6k Cheyanne wants to send you a signed copy of The Breakup Support Group for donating $20! https://t.co/m0Nan7B2PL You can also place a Mary Kay order at https://t.co/GvaTBKnaXa & a percentage of the sale will go towards Elliott! If you do place a Mary Kay order, let me know so I can give you the email address to send your order info to to ensure it gets counted! Please know though that even $5 can help. Sharing the campaign on Twitter and Facebook can also help greatly. Thank you to everybody for all of your support. It has touched my husband and I so very much. @Jess_Sankiewicz Thanks ☺️ I know you're right! Finally getting into ebooks so I just want to load my Kindle up and read the days away. @bookchic13 Thank you 💙 @bookchic13 https://t.co/rZQnvFYTeO Laying down on your left side with your feet propped up is actually harder than it seems. @deadtossedwaves I love these new covers! @theturningpages CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is so exciting!! I love how I'm trying to read and Elliott feels the need to kick my book all around 😂 4 of 5 stars to Whisper to Me by Nick Lake https://t.co/4pXRJzpTZf If you know of/have any resources or connections that would help us get the word out, it would be greatly appreciated. @alexiareads I'm so sorry 😞 @KaitlinS16 This drives me crazy @pstokesbooks @zoeytalbon Popping in just to agree that canned pumpkin can do wonders when cats/dogs are throwing up! @pstokesbooks @zoeytalbon You might also try seeing if Friskies has an easy to digest formula for sensitive stomach… https://t.co/6xa6rzpoy7 @pstokesbooks @zoeytalbon food. We had to do that for my dog when the vet tried to get us to do a prescription food… https://t.co/mzshNtorjY @callathekitten I hope it all goes smoothly!! @bayy_2455 My husband and I eat a lot of chicken and rice. We like the rice in the steamable bags that come in different flavors. @bayy_2455 Also, make a big pot of pasta with a meat in it (ground beef, Italian sausage, or chicken). Lasts for days and is cheap! @callathekitten I will!! @otakutwins1 Thank you, Brianna 💙💙💙 @bayy_2455 Rice is a lifesaver 😂 @otakutwins1 Facebook shares are so helpful. You are amazing! @bayy_2455 My husband @acjohns86 is the spice expert 😂 @bayy_2455 @acjohns86 Onion powder is a good one to use too. 7% done with Optimists Die First, by Susin Nielsen https://t.co/BGodfY9tK0 @zoeytalbon Burn it down. Side note: In addition to RTs here on Twitter, Facebook shares can be extremely beneficial too. @c_bookaddiction Yay!! I love this! Things you do when pregnant - eat pancakes at 3:30 in the morning. @beatrice_delrow Me too! I also still have to use my fingers to count. I've already spilled orange juice on myself three times this morning. So, happy Wednesday? My family desperately needs your help with the costs associated with my son's heart conditions #gofundme #tulsa #chd https://t.co/mF3HmH6Q3y @gingerlyreview I LOVED Illusive and Deceptive, so I'm super excited to read this one!! @gingerlyreview It definitely seems like a very different book from her other two. And if you are willing to pass it along I would love it!! @candylandgang Just spreading the word this time! ☺️ @gingerlyreview You are the best! @candylandgang You're welcome!! And so are you! @LinLina911 Thank you so very much 💙💙💙 @kdpwrites Yay!!! Marked as to-read: Meet Me Under the Stars by K.D. Proctor https://t.co/uPUExv08yW @addiction2books She is so beautiful 😍 @gingerlyreview Do you need an ARC of Flame in the Mist? @gingerlyreview I have a copy but I'm just really not interested in it 😕 @gingerlyreview @NormalChey She really is!! @theturningpages YES! It is so miserable! Now there is something wrong with both of our cars. What else can go wrong? 😰 At least it's only going to be $80 to fix my husband's car. That's $80 more than I wanted to spend, but I know it could be way worse. @gingerlyreview I'll send it to you ☺️ @hdauubb1 Awwwww 💙💙 What was going to be $80 has turned into $200. So that's great. I'm so tired of being constantly stressed about money. I don't need to be rich, I just want to have enough to not be always worried. @candylandgang I am loving the things your 5yo says 😂 @candylandgang Yes! That is so awesome!! 27% done with Optimists Die First, by Susin Nielsen https://t.co/WwqGxeY4UU Pick my next read! @thebooktraveler It sounds soooooo good! It's the one I'm interested in most out of the three, but I still can't decide! It ended up being closer to $300, but at least it's fixed, right? 😶😓 @pstokesbooks Thank you so very much 💙 58% done with Optimists Die First, by Susin Nielsen https://t.co/d1eD6hZUro @sierraiswriting Thank you 💙 @sierraiswriting I love you too! And I'm so very thankful for you! At least I can make it look like I'm not exhausted and stressed out of my mind. https://t.co/O5q96zjyWO @tayberryjelly He is so adorable!! @tayberryjelly @thebookbratz I'm a few episodes into Jane the Virgin and it's really good so far!! We have now had unexpected car problems, so any help is appreciated, even $5 can make a difference. https://t.co/ghDlghv5LY Also, I have fliers for our campaign if there is any place in your community you would want to hang one? I could email it to you. @candylandgang This is the perfect gif 😂 This is so close! Only a few hours left to vote for my next read! At my next to last appointment with the specialists before Elliott gets here! If you want to help with the costs associated with Elliott's ❤️ condition we would be so grateful. Even $5 matters. https://t.co/Jr1ukawU8A Thanks to everybody that voted! Looks like I'll be reading 10 Things I Can See From Here next! https://t.co/aTJZd0pcgO We will have an update posted on Elliott tomorrow! @bookchic13 Oh no! I hope he doesn't have to stay too terribly late. @bookchic13 Thank you ☺️ @MissyPrissy12 Go big or go home 😂 Hey, @acjohns86 https://t.co/UBZ01omeRy @bookchic13 I hate having to clock out. If you're stuck there, it would be nice to at least make some extra money! @MissyPrissy12 I hope you feel better soon! 4 of 5 stars to Optimists Die First by Susin Nielsen https://t.co/Po4C4Lx2de I can't even remember anymore what my pre-pregnancy feet looked like. Pretty sure I'm just walking on feet shaped balloons. Update on things! Thank you to those who have shared and donated! #gofundme #tulsa #chd #chdawareness https://t.co/jg5OkK0Wea A coworker brought Elliott a bandana bib and it is the cutest!! https://t.co/PpMzZr031O @bookchic13 Bibs in general are usually pretty cute, but these bandana ones give me all the heart eyes! @Jess_Sankiewicz I do that ALL THE TIME! @MissyPrissy12 You haven't?! They are so adorable! We have these too! https://t.co/oAMnEJK4tM @bookmarklit Happy blogiversary!!!! Yay!! @bookslovegina @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you so very much. I hope your little guy is doing okay. 💙 I want to win one of these #SuchAGingerRead romances from GReads! https://t.co/aSh4w2E6QY Started 10 Things I Can See From Here tonight and holy shit it's fantastic!!! 43% done with 10 Things I Can See From Here, by Carrie Mac https://t.co/VOVLZZUGIK @bookslovegina @Jess_Sankiewicz I am so glad to hear that!! Because of your support we were able to pay off the 1st bill from 1 of the specialists! This was a huge relief since we know more are coming I tell you this because I really want you to know how grateful my husband and I truly are. Thank you times a million. @tayberryjelly If you need me I'm always here 💙 @tayberryjelly I hope you're doing okay and got some rest last night *hugs* My family still needs your help. We were able to pay off the first bill, but there will be a lot more coming. https://t.co/1d5fXecT12 If you have any ideas on how we can spread the word, please let me know! Absolutely anything helps! @sierraiswriting 💙💙💙💙💙💙 Please don't be willing/want to help but think that only giving $5 won't make a difference, because I assure you it will. It adds up. My husband and I are so incredibly grateful for absolutely everything. The small and the big donations, the shares and encouraging words. Y'all help keep us strong during this tough and scary time. Not able to join this round of #otspsecretsister, but seeing everybody get their pairings and being so excited is warming my heart!! Guys, seriously, if you haven't yet read 10 Things I Can See From Here, stop what you are doing and fix that. https://t.co/7TikHXgBNX This book is so honest, raw, real, and beautiful. You need it in your life. It's been forever since I've been on here! Things have been SUPER CRAZY and in one week I'll be… https://t.co/NVUSxZht3G I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing my stomach move on it's own. Being pregnant is weird. @Jess_Sankiewicz Weird but fascinating is the perfect way to describe it! I'll just sit and watch and be enthralled… https://t.co/hxqN4MySRh Why is deciding what I want to eat so stressful? It shouldn't be, but it is. 5 of 5 stars to 10 Things I Can See From Here by Carrie Mac https://t.co/CNCzi42g40 On page 25 of 368 of Aftercare Instructions, by Bonnie Pipkin https://t.co/uTvEE2zLTo @tayberryjelly Hahahaha, I love this 😂 Really craving a pumpkin spice latte but of course it's the middle of the summer instead of the fall. @readmaticbooks I have a Jane Eyre inspired tattoo on my forearm and a watercolor style book on the back of my shoulder! @SarahEWoodardYA I'm so ready!! @silhouettesumrs I like summer if I can be somewhere there is a beach, otherwise, I'm always ready for fall 😂 One week from tomorrow we head to the hospital 😬 @the_bandar_blog At first it popped up a warning but when I hit continue it let me through. https://t.co/cblRtiCK8M @the_bandar_blog You're welcome! Sorry you're having problems with it😕 @NormalChey @shopivoryella These are so cute!! TMI time but I finally got a maternity/nursing bra. I've been so uncomfortable the whole pregnancy in this area until now and it's so nice. And it was only $8 so 🙌🏻 Does anybody know anything on the possibility of buying a book through iBooks but reading it on my Amazon Fire tablet? @SKVetterWrites Thank you 💙 @AvalinahsBooks That's what I'm thinking! @hesaidbooksorme I've had this before and it's pretty good! Thread with so much truth. https://t.co/DLZtdv16Kb 5 of 5 stars to Aftercare Instructions by Bonnie Pipkin https://t.co/pvCGCBkfzS @thebooktraveler I just finished reading it and it was incredible! You have to pick it up. @thebooktraveler I'm really surprised that I haven't seen more buzz about it! My job bought movie tickets for everybody so tonight my husband and I get to see Spider-Man!! Plus we get free popcorn which makes this preggo extra happy! @CLLFirestone Thank you! I'm so excited that we get to go out and do something! @acjohns86 It's Milton if he was a cat. https://t.co/0wJipiNHpa @silhouettesumrs I really lucked out with my current employer! I've heard the movie is good, so I'm glad we have a… https://t.co/QWUZA2IXJG @silhouettesumrs To the movies. @acjohns86 And the rain! @NormalChey @f_morgan13 I am LOVING that puzzle!! @NormalChey @f_morgan13 Yyyyeeessssss. I like this idea. @silhouettesumrs Yep! Too much money. And too many people 😂 Since I won't have an income for the majority of my maternity leave I get to pay $1500 up front to make sure my son & I have health ins 😣 I don't even want to think about how much it would be if the GOP get their way..... @addiction2books I hate the circle they force the picture into! I can either have the top or bottom half of my face, but never all of it. @LillianJClark Just spreading the word! ☺️ @Melanie_Leanne I LOVE that Avett Brothers print! 32% done with Zenn Diagram, by Wendy Brant https://t.co/lf2VqpFpi6 I went from reading 5 books in the past 4 1/2 months to having read 9 books so far this month. I think my slump is finally over! A week from today I go to be induced and I'm already so exhausted. I just want to take this week off work to rest but I can't afford to. The US seriously needs better maternity leave laws to better care for mothers. Happy release day, @KatrinaLeno!! 🎉 Happy book birthday, @candylandgang! I can't wait to read #birdieandbash!! @candylandgang https://t.co/sbxCkEH865 @addiction2books Exactly. Birth is hard on us obviously, but the pregnancy itself takes a huge toll on our bodies too. We are so close to being 1/4 of the way to our main goal and I am incredibly grateful to those who have donated and shared the campaign 💙 @jetchez I love these tiny suns! 😍 Please help us keep the momentum going. A simple RT or $5 donation can go a long way. If everybody donated only $5, it would add up so fast. We understand that not everybody has $5 to spare,so please consider at least sharing the above campaign link.The more that see it the better @tayberryjelly You are wonderful! I'm so excited to see what you've made! Hopefully the mail people will understand the urgency 😂 Obviously this cat filter is my fave and I can't get enough of it 😸 https://t.co/lENFNI5hyr Did I download Snapchat just so I could take different cat filter pictures? Yes, yes I did. https://t.co/pZf6fufOdg @GReadsBooks Aaaah, thank you!! @tayberryjelly https://t.co/vghldOtTwx @candidcover I wish I loved going to work as much as I love books! #candidgiveaways I am honestly so terrified as to what the future holds for my son who is about to be born with congenital heart defects. My son, who has done absolutely nothing wrong, deserves to live. He deserves affordable healthcare. Kids are always told that the world is theirs and they can be whatever they want to be, but this is quickly being taken from them. @SKVetterWrites Our last appointment before induction if Thursday, so I'll have another update then! And of course!! I love how you are willing to do anything to help anybody. You are such a giving person. https://t.co/Ll5iEAWD08 @SKVetterWrites 😍😍😍😍😍 @acjohns86 Suuuuure 😂 If ACA is repealed & the new healthcare bill passes, my son will likely reach his limit of healthcare in a few years. #HowTheACASavedMyLife Elliott deserves healthcare the same as anybody else. It isn't anybody's fault that he is the 1 of 100 affected by CHD. 42% done with Zenn Diagram, by Wendy Brant https://t.co/kcQXS4UMQq @gingerlyreview Feed! @tayberryjelly Oh my goodness, Taylor, thank you so so much 💙 @candylandgang I am so sorry that happened to you. As a former bookseller I cannot imagine ever treating an author… https://t.co/uqHkbkOiJU @candylandgang jobs if you, the author, weren't writing books. I saw go in tomorrow morning and pretend like you ju… https://t.co/3CGqzpGJK9 @candylandgang your experience of seeing your book on the shelf for the first time ever. You deserve it. *hugs* @candylandgang You definitely deserve it!! 💙 @__brittbryan Right now I'm super into a grande iced coffee with milk and two pumps of classic instead of the normal four. @__brittbryan It's so good and cheap! If you like your coffee super sweet then get the four pumps of classic, but I… https://t.co/G6sJlHmrkv Okay, moms, question time. Were you an emotional wreck like the week before you had your first child? Not the normal hormonal mood swings that come with pregnancy, but like, really depressed and anxious? @nanogeekette @theturningpages I was definitely expecting it post-delivery, especially with everything that will be… https://t.co/3kJK9IHysW @nanogeekette @theturningpages has completely caught me off guard. @theturningpages @nanogeekette Thank you. It makes me feel better knowing it's normal. @bookslovegina That's what I figured, but I only ever here people talk after the after, never the before. Today is really getting me down. @pstokesbooks This cover is GORGEOUS!! 2 of 5 stars to Zenn Diagram by Wendy Brant https://t.co/PX5QRldn1R We have reached 1/4 of our goal! Please help us keep the momentum going. Sharing the campaign and/or a $5 donation can go a long way! Thank you so much for all your help and support. I honestly don't know where we would be without it. Tomorrow is our last appointment before they induce me on Monday which is both exciting and anxiety inducing. 3% done with Lucy and Linh, by Alice Pung https://t.co/TAZRC0LUyi Last appointment went well! Now we just wait for Monday to be induced and then begin the journey of Elliott here w/ his heart condition. @addiction2books It went so freaking slowly for me until the middle of last month, but now I can't believe it's already time! @wemapthestars Oh my gosh, he is ADORABLE! When the dog uses your pregnant stomach as a pillow. https://t.co/OQ6KZommlp If you can't call, then please please please do this. It seriously only takes a couple of minutes. https://t.co/oD8WRX5GPX @Celeste_pewter @GOP @SenatorEnzi It's no surprise considering he would rather go fly-fishing than represent the pe… https://t.co/YHPvBtgHlk @zoeytalbon Same @zoeytalbon Unfortunately I'll probably get to listen to my boss praise Trump and shit. @zoeytalbon Oh geez. I'll definitely be sending good vibes your way for that trip. #icalledmyreps because my son's life depends on it. https://t.co/CWbMeacBYS I can barely afford insurance right now. If my premium increases, I don't know what we'll do. @a_bookish_world Thank you so very much 💙 @CLLFirestone @Celeste_pewter I wholeheartedly second this. Thank you to those who have relentlessly been contacting their representatives. Thank you for making your voice heard. Thank you for caring. You only have a few more days to snag a SIGNED copy of The Breakup Support Group!! https://t.co/rPNT8UvdMf Don't miss your opportunity to have Taylor crochet you a plushie! They are so freaking adorable and she'll make wha… https://t.co/hCRhYOMIG3 @literarylyla Thank you so so much for your support 💙💙 ⬆️⬆️⬆️ #otspsecretsister friends! These might be fun for your sister! @tayberryjelly I saw this on Facebook and thought of you 😂 https://t.co/z4L97IaXKv @tayberryjelly I saw it and just started laughing 😂 @tayberryjelly Yay!! I'm so excited!! If it doesn't get here before we leave, my husband will be coming back home t… https://t.co/nPdEvRtf8b @tayberryjelly I already know it's going to be amazing because you're so talented!! @tayberryjelly Just knowing that you've been thinking of me and care enough to do this has already filled my heart with happiness! 💙 @nanogeekette I hope you're okay!! 💙 I'm exhausted, but of course I woke up at 4:30 in the morning feeling like I hadn't eaten in five days because pregnancy. @tayberryjelly These are so sweet! Last weekend together before things get crazy with Elliott! https://t.co/hHuE9hjnkL @tayberryjelly @CandidCeillie @asexualkara @CodyRoecker @Mars_aroace @IveyAlanaWaters @Jess_Sankiewicz Yaaaaaasssss ✊🏻 @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you!! 48 hours and 3 minutes until we check into the hospital 😬 14% done with Lucy and Linh, by Alice Pung https://t.co/KcPbYqV7cf @bookchic13 Oh my gosh, she is a cutie! And she looks so happy to be part of your family! I just want to be able to eat without getting sick 😩 This upset stomach better clear up before Monday. I just want to sleep 😭 @BlankSlaters I hated More Happy Than Not, but loved History is All You Left Me. @callathekitten Me too! And nervous 😂 @callathekitten I definitely will! Less than 23 hours 😶 @silhouettesumrs Thank you 👶🏼💙 @tayberryjelly I'm right there with you 💙 @callathekitten https://t.co/V3tg0CfnWs @tayberryjelly Yes!! I find it's easier to talk to people online/through text as opposed to face to face too. @callathekitten NO. Leave and never look back. @callathekitten I'm pretty okay with spiders as long as they are outside and not trying to live with me. @mrs_readsbooks Thank you so much!! @MissyPrissy12 Yay!! Thank you!! 😘 @candylandgang Why is there not an all of the above option?! @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank you 💙💙💙 Bags are packed and we are hitting the road. Four hours until check in time. 😰 @tayberryjelly I got your package just in time! Everything is so wonderful and my husband and I absolutely love it!! Thank you so so much!!! @tayberryjelly I'm super sad that I didn't have time to take pictures to show off, but I will when we get home! @Shybooknerd Thank you so much, Stacie 💙 Got to the hospital,checked in,waited for 30 minutes,& then the supervisor came & said she doesn't know when they'll have a room available. Needless to say I've had a lot of stress and anxiety that's been building up, so I'm pretty upset. I know it isn't anybody's fault, they can't predict how long people will be in labor or when it will happen, but having everything build.... ...up to a certain time and then for it to suddenly be like sorry we don't know when it'll happen is very hard for me. I like having a plan. Five hours later, we have a room! Nothing has even happened yet and I'm already so tired. First time getting an IV and I can say without a doubt I'm not a fan 😂 I'm having very painful contractions pretty consistently, but I'm still hardly dilated. I'm definitely ready for an epidural, but I'm trying to hold off because I don't want to get it too early. They came back and checked me and I'm at a 4 🙌🏻 Still sitting steady at a 4. It's gonna be another long night as we are just playing a waiting game at this point. They used a balloon to start the induction process, and that's what was making my contractions so terrible earlier in the day. Now they just have me on pitocin, and the contractions aren't bothering me at all. So I'm super thankful for that! Just got checked again and I'm still at a 4. I'm trying to sleep, but it's been extremely hard. They also have me on a clear liquids + only diet, so I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast yesterday morning, which means I'm pretty much starving. I know I haven't been responding to y'all, but I have been reading everything. Thank you so much for all the encouragement! They just broke my water in hopes that it will move things along since I'm still not dilating more. It could still be a while though. Still only at a four, but I do have an epidural now. Still stalled out at a four. The doctor is supposed to come in around midnight to start discussing c-section options. I'm pretty much a nervous wreck over the idea of a c-section. I've never had any type of surgery before and it really scares me. Elliott arrived at 4:38 am! He is 20 in long and weighs 6 lbs 12 oz. https://t.co/T2wCln00os He loves sucking on his hands and has already peed on a nurse. They are in the process of running all necessary tests so we can figure out + his surgery plan, but he is currently stable and doing well! @gone_pecan Thank you!! @literarylyla Thank you a bunch! @beatrice_delrow Thank you 💙 @tayberryjelly Thank you!! ☺️ @MissyPrissy12 Thank you ☺️💙 @xsophiehoughton Thank you!! @MarissaOsman Thank you! https://t.co/Eh6pDNbJLR @literaryetc Thank you! I'm doing alright. Very sore, but it's manageable, and emotions are rocky. @2many2read Thank you! @CassieopiaB Thanks!!! @clynn_johnson Thank you!! ☺️ @deadtossedwaves Thank you! @ana_karenm Thank you! @jenandapen Thank you! We are very much in love. @nerdherdreads Thank you!!! 💙 @jamsreadsbooks Thanks!! @rebeccalynnh527 Thank you 😊 @bookslovegina Thank you!! @tammygeo Thank you so much! 💙 @midwestbooknerd Thank you very much!! @mrs_readsbooks Thanks!! @litbeing Thank you! 😊 @xbackstagetweet Thank you!! @BookishinBed Thank you ☺️ @brittany_reads Thank you!!!! @CLLFirestone It's about time he got here 😂 @bookishalyssa Thank you so much! 💙 Elliott was holding on tight to mom and dad's fingers last night. It's so hard not having him with us all the time. https://t.co/dNtktNCqXM Elliott's first surgery is Monday. We are incredibly nervous, but hopeful things will be okay. https://t.co/wbiufDEL3J @KatrinaLeno Thank you so much!! @edwardanddamon Thank you! ☺️ @LinLina911 Thank you!! 💙 @Shybooknerd Thank you so very much! 💙 @BetweenDPages Thank you!! @brittany_reads Thank you so much for sharing 💙 You can get an update on Elliott via our GFM. Please consider sharing our campaign here and on FB. My family really… https://t.co/uMOWNZSSse @pstokesbooks Thank you so very much, Paula! @EllenTalksBooks Thank you!! @DeekRhewBooks Thank you so very much. Despite all he is connected to, they figured out a way for me to be able to hold Elliott before his surgery tomorro… https://t.co/D2PfwQrXAe @alexiareads Thank you so much 💙 Please keep us in your thoughts. They just took Elliott back for his surgery. Elliott is out of surgery and is doing very well! It's hard to give updates because of the chat limit, so you can see a full update + #NAME? I thought that once Elliott got through his surgery that things would start to get easier, but I was wrong. My husband is going back home tomorrow so he can return to work on Wednesday because we can't afford for him to be off any longer. This has always been the plan, but now that he's about to leave I'm having so much anxiety of being at the hospital w/ Elliott by myself. I know his mom lives close, and she will always come up if I need her too, but that isn't the same as having my husband by my side. I just wish we could afford for my husband to take more time off work so he could be with Elliott too during his recovery 😔 This is seriously just the hardest & scariest thing I've ever been through & I sound like a broken record but I want my husband by my side. If we sold #teamelliott shirts for $15, would you buy one? The money would go towards his medical costs. This is what the shirts would look like! You could choose between navy and grey and then either v-neck or crew neck. https://t.co/WAaAe0MIDX You can order a shirt to support Elliott for only $15! There are 2 shirt style/colors avail #TeamElliott on @Bonfire https://t.co/gh26R6SQ27 @callathekitten https://t.co/gh26R6SQ27 @CLLFirestone Thank you. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's all temporary. @callathekitten Thank you, I definitely will. @nerdherdreads Thank you so much, Rachel The easiest way to stay up to date on Elliott is through his Facebook page! https://t.co/kIGQlOYN7D Twitter is just so hard to update because of the character limit and there's so much going on with him. But he is doing well and making great progress! Please RT! For only $15 you can get a shirt to support Elliott & help raise awareness for CHD! #TeamElliott #CHD… https://t.co/4t85YD6RDd Marked as to-read: The Last Wish of Sasha Cade by Cheyanne Young https://t.co/CwziQ1IsqH We only need to sell 7 more shirts to meet our launch goal of 25! All proceeds go towards Elliott's medical expenses 💙 Only TWO away from our launch goal! $15 gets you a shirt, supports Elliott, & raises awareness of CHD! #CHDawareness https://t.co/gh26R7aqTF @brittany_reads Thank you for sharing!! @tayberryjelly THANK YOU!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙 24% done with Mister Romance, by Leisa Rayven https://t.co/Sr3YH8r3kH @thebookbratz Pssst @tayberryjelly 😏 @tayberryjelly You are marvelous! https://t.co/Ab3kurQtfL Just Love (@justlovereviews) interviewed Leigh Barudgo & they're giving away a WONDER WOMAN: WARBINGER prize pack! https://t.co/UdTRGz7HiI? @tayberryjelly I needed to hear that today, thank you. Please consider spending $15 to get a shirt that supports my son Elliott and help raise awareness for #CHD.… https://t.co/kawkQMnpvw Everybody keeps saying he looks just like his dad, but today they said he looks more like me 💙 https://t.co/zHpWyeRH1O Okay, guys, I'm ready! Tell me anything! #Sarahah https://t.co/Av03pTyfhP Not loving Elliott's nurse today. She is hardly ever in his room. I honestly think his respiratory therapist has been here more than her. There's supposed to be severe weather tonight and this mama is so nervous. Storms already freak me out, but being in an unfamiliar.... ....place makes it worse. Plus, knowing that I would need to take shelter without Elliott with me scares the hell out of me. @tayberryjelly Thank you 💙 @CLLFirestone Thank you! I thought I was a worrier before, but it's so much worse now 😂 @n_n_nikki We were told that in the PICU it was 1:1 and there would be a nurse with him constantly. Will they still… https://t.co/TlE6i457HP @n_n_nikki nurse in that situation? If that was the case I would definitely feel a lot different, though I still wish I had been informed. He got his breathing tube out and is MUCH happier! https://t.co/ajBVxfDaXB @tayberryjelly Thank you!! And I know! It's crazy how much he looks like Andy! @MarissaOsman He is so precious 💙 @brittany_reads He has been sooooo happy all afternoon! @n_n_nikki Thank you for making me aware of this! @Dizneeee I'm excited for the book, but I was pretty underwhelmed with the cover. @brittany_reads He loves sticking his tongue out 😂 I'm already not ready for him to grow up! @c_bookaddiction I love Half Price Books! And yes, they do buy used books! @brittany_reads You should see how much body wash I have stocked up..... 😂 @callathekitten He is the sweetest! @MissyPrissy12 Thank you!!! https://t.co/vELlKJCOW6 @nerdherdreads Thank you so much, Rachel! 💙 @callathekitten Thank you thank you thank you 💙 @TheBumbleGirl Thank you so much for sharing 💙 We are only 9 shirts away from our 2nd goal! Help us reach it in honor of my birthday & raise awareness for CHD? https://t.co/gh26R7aqTF Did you know that 1 out of every 100 babies are born with a congenital heart defect? A lot aren't even discovered until after birth. 65% done with Mister Romance, by Leisa Rayven https://t.co/4dVsZ2rGE3 @alexiareads Thank you 💙 @Jess_Sankiewicz Thank youuuuu!! ☺️ Husband got me the best birthday gifts! There was also a pair of socks with bulldogs on them, but they went on my f… https://t.co/8ESNt0mVFF Yep, I'm definitely ready to go home now. https://t.co/zyoOyrbfbC @sierraiswriting 💙💙💙💙💙 4 of 5 stars to Mister Romance by Leisa Rayven https://t.co/7AEwQfdXkI On page 7 of 464 of The Color Project, by Sierra Abrams: I already love Bee. https://t.co/usPmTKwtWe 5 of 5 stars to Paper Girls, Vol. 3 by Brian K. Vaughan https://t.co/EN6X6sPsjL @sierraiswriting I couldn't find one already made, so I did a thing. https://t.co/1cpWZZdqjG @KatrinaLeno I hope your week gets better! @callathekitten Yaaaaaassssss. This is a good life decision! Update from Elliott! https://t.co/mlvB2NlCnb My family could also still REALLY use your help. https://t.co/0E1HbaLjXT You can also buy a t-shirt for only $15 to support Elliott and raise awareness for CHD! https://t.co/gh26R6SQ27 @brittany_reads Thank you!! I am so in love with his eyes 😍 he is technically getting 38 mls every 3 hours right no… https://t.co/l6OowkwutZ @brittany_reads ...that tube you see in his nose. He'll only drink anywhere from 10-20mls through the bottle right… https://t.co/yEFh5ylRAR @brittany_reads ....needs to be drinking at least an ounce (about 30mls) through a bottle every 3 hours before he can come home. @brittany_reads He still has an IV in his foot & a picc line for just in case, and then an IV in his hand that he i… https://t.co/TRFRe3IvjM @MissyPrissy12 Thank you!!! And I knooooow! His eyes get me every time 💙😍 @brittany_reads We celebrate every time he gets something taken off. I took pics every step of the way because I ne… https://t.co/PHEbugJb8v @brittany_reads The ones from the couple days after his surgery are the worst though. He had even more attached to… https://t.co/c6X3E49r6U @brittany_reads much extra fluid in his body and it was absolutely heartbreaking. He didn't look like Elliott at al… https://t.co/NBb2RAIIZy @brittany_reads it again. But he's a strong little guy. It's a bit easier right now since we finally get to hold him whenever we want. @brittany_reads You're alright!! He will be disconnected from everything when we get to go home. They said if absol… https://t.co/FdwLadUxAi @brittany_reads ...feeding line in, just in case he won't eat from a bottle, but they don't like to send babies home like that. @callathekitten Hahaha, you have no idea how many people have had precious autocorrect to previous. It's hilarious 😂 @callathekitten I haven't either, but I loved it! @callathekitten Cuteness overload! 😂 More severe storms tonight. Yay... 😩 @sierraiswriting Is it my phone or your website? 😕 https://t.co/8DPkmWLlhV @sierraiswriting @brittany_reads Don't apologize! I just wanted to make sure you knew, especially with your book releasing tomorrow!! Happy book birthday to @sierraiswriting and this beautiful gem! Go buy it!!! https://t.co/zWfsZhVe1z https://t.co/8Vh05pytwS @alexiareads Thank you! And I know, he has the most beautiful eyes! @a_bookish_world Thank you!! @sierraiswriting We love you! 💙 Super rough week for me mentally. It's time to talk to somebody about postpartum depression, but I keep telling myself I'm better than that. I keep thinking it's just a today thing, that I'll feel better tomorrow, but I never do. My anxiety is telling me since I'm not home I have to talk to a social worker about it, & she'll think I'm not fit to take care of my son. WE ARE HOME! https://t.co/RWnaENYy4r @edwardanddamon Thank you for reminding me of that 💙 @tayberryjelly Thank you so very much 💙 @happyendingblog Thank you for encouraging me to talk to somebody, I appreciate it so much. @mrs_readsbooks Thank you 💙 @bookchic13 I often forget that he can sense what I'm feeling too, but he definitely can. @bookchic13 Thank you 💙💙 @MarissaOsman Thank you so much, Marissa 💙 @n_n_nikki Thank you for encouraging me to talk to my doctor. I'm working on getting it taken care of. Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement, it helped more than you know. https://t.co/lh3WofeijL @bayy_2455 Milton is totally in love with Elliott! It's the sweetest thing ever. @bayy_2455 He has to check on him any time he cries 💙 https://t.co/H5OriFDBeE @brittany_reads @bayy_2455 This afternoon Elliott was upset so Milton brought him toys https://t.co/8nQgPUA26r @2many2read Thank you! Things are so much better now that we are home. @callathekitten Hahaha I love that response 😂 @alexiareads Thank you! Me too! @MissyPrissy12 Thank you 💙💙💙 @Shybooknerd Thank you, Stacie! I never thought I would experience #NICU life, but I'm so thankful for my son & I'll spend forever there if I have… https://t.co/WS4HS2XsXr You can read about our journey with Elliott's heart conditions on our GoFundMe. https://t.co/0E1HbaLjXT #nicuawarenessmonth #NICU @brittany_reads @bayy_2455 I can't wait for Elliott to get older and start interacting with Milton. It's gonna be so sweet! @BetweenDPages Thank you so very much!! In the past 24 hours I binged the first season of Grey's Anatomy. Why did I wait so long to watch this show?! Being a #NICU parent often means not knowing when you will get to hold your child. #nicuawarenessmonth Being a #NICU parent means having to stand in line to check in before you can even go see your child. #nicuawarenessmonth Being #NICU parent means forgetting to eat/drink because you're so worried that you can't take your eyes off your child #nicuawarenessmonth Being a #NICU parent means feeling alone, even when surrounded by people. #nicuawarenessmonth Being a #NICU parent is hard and scary. You lose sleep and never feel okay. But for our kids, it's worth it. #nicuawarenessmonth Not only am I dealing w/ everything going on w/ Elliott, but it's now very apparent that my guinea pig is really sick. My heart is breaking. @ThePaige_Turner I thought the t-rex was riding the horse 😂
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