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@BLAH6-Tweets:19546372 JSONTXT

Just woke up, put some pants on and put both legs through one leg. Special that. @iMcAngus it was weirdly addictive, yeah. He got a semi at the end. Had to rewind that bit. Aha. Holy shit, if they ever do a re-make of The Predator. Get this guy! https://t.co/Yrelo2oV2W You would love this @willjw https://t.co/Diri5MNFag @Brianquizmaster some more than others ha Just over cooked a creme brûlée. Devastated. @MattWalms you don't understand my love for them. It hurt me throwing away that creamy glass of heaven. Aha. @MattWalms ah, we are on the same page! @MattWalms beautiful! Some guy just blew me a kiss as he drove by my car. Cheesy. @Swamps81 you've changed a lot in 5 hours. Aha. WUUUUT? https://t.co/rF1UGQGACk Christopher Biggins says he's a bit anal. He'd know all about anal. #CelebBigBrother Saira - is that her name? Another Loose woman. Jesus, how many of them are there? #CelebrityBigBrother Ariana Grande is gonna be like Frankie who? by the end of this. #CelebrityBigBrother @LucyMaryTaylor NEVER! @Swamps81 I don't know about that! Ha. Fucking fat boy. I'm gonna hate him as much as Eastenders. Fact. #CelebrityBigBrother Initial reaction who the fuck is that? but got a feeling she's gonna be TV GOLD. #CelebrityBigBrother Saira to Renee: You look scared. That would be the botox babe. Marnie I'm not a slag. The fact she has to point out she's not a slag means she's a massive slag. #CelebrityBigBrother @Swamps81 any time! Hahah. @kevinbaxter10 hahaha I only speak the truth. James - Friends with Farage AND a sexist wanker. GET HIM IN. #CelebrityBigBrother Blonde, Botox, boobs. Fat cunt will love her. #CelebrityBigBrother @whatroydidnext bet it looks like a bulldog chewing on a wasp. FUCKING BEAR!!!!!!!! LIFE MADE. He makes me cry. Actually CRY. #CelebrityBigBrother @LucyMaryTaylor I think he might get annoying! @willjw cant wait for all the sick and shit. Bring it on!! @LucyMaryTaylor hahaha trust me he's hilarious. Complete wanker but in such a funny way. @LucyMaryTaylor did you ever watch him on ex on the beach? Funniest thing I think I've ever seen. @LucyMaryTaylor WUT? I love both, ain't gonna lie. LOL. Katie Weasel? THUNDERCUNT. #CelebrityBigBrother @LucyMaryTaylor oh, guck yeah but that's what makes it so entertaining. They are thick and embarrass themselves. I hate to admit this but Lewis is very nice to look at. Having said that, he looks a bit American Psycho tonight. #CelebrityBigBrother Grant Bovey is such a wanker. Absolutely terrible with women. Wouldn't be surprised if he tries to finger Marnie. #CelebrityBigBrother Oh Chloe, those tits and lips. She don't do subtle, does she? #CelebrityBigBrother Bear is gonna shit himself with happiness when he sees her. LOL. Heavy D? Does that stand for heavily deranged? #CelebrityBigBrother Hahaha Sam Fox is in @kevinbaxter10 Touch me now! #CelebrityBigBrother @kevinbaxter10 I know, soooo much surgery. Don't even look like her now. @Freddiewhite23 hahah that would be terrifying! @FinneganCallum there is literally no point in the programme! Just an opportunity to get some dicks and tits on tele. @FinneganCallum how bloody embarrassing! Made me cringe. Never tell a Latina that she's crazy. Errr...you bat shit crazy 😂 https://t.co/8RnAYaJRLh Me: Shall we keep these cards? Will: I'm keeping the ones from you! Don't care about anyone else's. Awwwwww. Aha. @stehoare @willjw hahaha he just loves me Ste. @stehoare @willjw 😎 ☺️ https://t.co/gVRWiQ4NRw What did I fucking say?! Call me Mystic Meg. She's gonna get a good finger blasting at this rate. @kevinbaxter10 she's gonna get porked by grandad. LOL. When you're checking out your nipples and realise the curtains are open and there is a person standing in front of their window 👍🏼 @RhiannahRyan fucks sake 😂😂 @LucyMaryTaylor didn't make mine!! Haha xx @LucyMaryTaylor I really thought they were! I always close them when I come upstairs at night. Doh! xx Do you remember? https://t.co/c9QnRMUxsQ You wanna know where to book, don't ya babe? 😅 @willjw https://t.co/ffX6Tr8Mvg Thank you Franco, you dirty paedo. https://t.co/ayBZpbaa3s 😍😍😍😍 want that suit. https://t.co/4EJGe4hgLn Just put Naked Attraction on. I think it's too early to see this many fannies so early on in the day. Putting me off my breakfast. Ahaha. Men are attracted to women with fuller lips because it makes the male think of vaginal lips when aroused. Who knew?! I'm learning so much this morning. Aha. @giftedrascal apparently so! Kinda makes sense. @terrieAskham nope. I'm being thoroughly entertained. @giftedrascal same. I'm sure guys think that too, like yourself. Chubby guy who keeps covering his nob and fluttering his eyelashes. Noooooo. I'm cringing. Stop. It. Now. So happy I have stopped using Facebook. Such a pile of wank. I don't care that you went for a walk today. I find it depressing. The more I use it the less happy I am. Funny that. Fooooooking still love Twitter though. You guys are awesome! @kevinbaxter10 much better people. You end up hating the people you know on Facebook and loving the people you don't on Twitter. @richmilward you're so awesome. @charlienicola85 I'll cope babe! 😂 xx @LucyMaryTaylor exactly. It's not only benefiting me! We are all winning. Haha xx Heavy D makes me feel SICK 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷 #cbbuk @MercyRuled @willjw hahaha 😅 How has Chloe played Heavy D???!!! HAHAHA. Shut the fuck up you delusional fat cunt. #cbbuk Bloke on tv explaining how to attract women. Errrr... you're single at 30 and on a dating show mate ☕️🐸 Chilling at mamma's house 🌞 https://t.co/yRmBglo74e @richmilward mansion? @richmilward you mean that? https://t.co/wBfMe8DltQ @richmilward hahah. @richmilward dollar dollar. @richmilward not cheap to get rid of. They keep growing back the little bastards. @weeyin_x oh shit. Could have saved myself years of suffering if I'd have known. LOL. Big shiny bump 😅 https://t.co/PJBH9lVG3e And yes I'm missing a false nail. Aha. @RhiannahRyan haha I know. Got a right old belly on me now x @leeco197 hahah. Cheeky. @BeaHappyCF thanks babe! ❤️ @kevinbaxter10 I'm nearly 6 months now! It's gone quite quickly! @BalticSeaLady yep. Fingers crossed it continues! x @kevinbaxter10 yeah! Ahhh. Hahah. @kevinbaxter10 I will do. I'm sure you'll all get sick of seeing him hahah. @kevinbaxter10 that's true 😊 @chelseashae2 thank you! ❤️ My niece and nephew. Scrummy little buggers! https://t.co/bNUiheNBQk Woke up to this. Takeaway it is then. Aha. Have fun @willjw 😘 https://t.co/E07VBYYdP9 @kingofbitching hating on women again, eh? Ha. @kingofbitching that's why I laughed :) @_iamlewis if you go to Nandos full stop then you're a waste of sperm. @kingofbitching we are complex but we aren't all complete nut cases. @kingofbitching yeah, I think you're due some good luck. Ha. @willjw babe! I can now see the baby kicking me! Crazy! ❤️ @willjw yeah, just like that 😆 so strange seeing the skin move! @willjw I just went to record it and he stopped. It was like he knew haha! You'll see later ☺️ x Got Leo a present today @brunette1984 @mattpasternicki 💨💨💨💨💨 #WorldsLargest https://t.co/kuSlXjs1gs @brunette1984 @mattpasternicki it's bloody massive. He'll crack up when he hears it 😂 Absolutely dying that Dave Benson Phillips retweeted this. Wtf Dave? Haaaaaa. https://t.co/hSSLBtYnfb Everyone remembers Dave. https://t.co/INMWswkj1l What a time to be alive. https://t.co/yRBe346FpD Anybody else noticed how mini Haribos taste so much better than normal sized ones? Am I right or am I right? https://t.co/34uEXZiPzC Bear likes touching his arsehole. Putting things up his arsehole. Being an arsehole. There's a theme here. #bbuk https://t.co/P5fEVL5O1e @cleoalana84 I don't know! But they definitely do! Haha. Weird really xx @lukedady88 Happy Birthday you! Have a good'n :) xx @LucyMaryTaylor this wasn't from Facebook. So doesn't count ha xx @cleoalana84 I think it's because they are a bit harder! I'm sure it's that xx WOW. Is this guy for real? A prick to the highest degree. https://t.co/sDwONlUiXJ @Alan_Alger_ I thought that too initially to be fair. @kevinbaxter10 how can we be sure it's real? If it is, the guy got issues! @Alan_Alger_ I think you're right. @DuGi hopefully it's faked. Nobody would write that after one date, right? @CKRosekilly30 exactly! That crossed my mind. Do you think she's talking bullshit? Aha. @CKRosekilly30 he should have just banged her then ignored her messages after, like normal people do. LOL. @kevinbaxter10 she probably wanted hits to her blog and knew that would do it. I'm not one for inspirational quotes but how true this is. https://t.co/MCvKY15vfB I am so getting this for baby's nursery. Cutest light shade ever. ❤️ https://t.co/UOPRvB83cp @richmilward worth it though! Having a meal with Will and Lucy and they've been talking about Pokemon Go for about 20 minutes. Why am I friends with these nerds? LOL. HAHAHAHA. Okaaaay. @CFAware https://t.co/kuenE3ro7i @DaneJon @CFAware imagine. So much toilet fun. Aha. @weeyin_x @CFAware think I'll ignore that advice 😂 QVC is selling me shortbread. I want the shortbread. How do they do this? I don't even like bloody shortbread. @LucyMaryTaylor comes in a nice box 😂 @LucyMaryTaylor I didn't buy it! I'm not mental. They got me interested. Now it's protein balls! 😂 Now they got me wanting olives. I don't like olives either. For fucks sake. Just turned over to tjc because obviously my life is exciting, and this guy is so full of shit. https://t.co/R5DL1PrTKY If you rub the jewel on this ring it will release its own scent. You're talking shite, ain't ya Dave? @LucyMaryTaylor no, but they look such good quality and you get lots for your money! Aha. @LucyMaryTaylor I'm not, first time I've watched it. They were selling sausage rolls at one point too. Wtf? Ahaha. @LucyMaryTaylor yeah, how random is that? Who would buy them at 10 at night? Haha x @LucyMaryTaylor or fat bastards that want about a 50 sausage rolls in their fridge. Haha x @lovelifecf that is so you! Why does bleach smell so much like cum????? Actually gagging right now. @Mimekiller it's all over the floor. @Mimekiller yep not cum. @richmilward bleach on the floor. It stinks!! @kevinbaxter10 really does. The worst is when you get it on your hands and it lingers all day! Grim. Hahah. @richmilward yeah. It's a known thing. @lovelifecf https://t.co/9eTeDWEHQQ @lovelifecf https://t.co/eUX2p2TXdM @lovelifecf jeeeez he blossomed didn't he? https://t.co/NzDf01DpaT @lovelifecf it's perfect. I will just send you these all day. Not sorry @lovelifecf https://t.co/6Ea8KpnDMW Well hellooooo there @lovelifecf https://t.co/gAsmDboIYz This is us. Die every time @lovelifecf https://t.co/nXH3f9mSsw @DuGi @lovelifecf haha, I watched them all with Lucy when she was little. Soooo cheese! @DuGi @lovelifecf hahaha! Very funny. @radioleary @BBCRadio2 @rickygervais this was brilliant! Really enjoyed listening. He's missed me ☺️ https://t.co/ilR8tdVu2B When someone coughs near you without covering their mouth. Cuuuuuunt. @BeaHappyCF I'm ok babe. Hope you are too :) xx @kevinbaxter10 gives me anxiety! I don't want your fucking bugs. Cover your damn mouth. Some people, eh? @kevinbaxter10 same person was sneezing next to me too the other day. Gonna slam dunk the bitch if she does it again. I'm crying 😂😭 https://t.co/M1zcsMKPur Can anyone else in Leicester smell shit when they go outside? Actual shit. Like a farm park. Grim. @Becki_65roses it's sooo bad! Hahah. @RhiannahRyan Will just mentioned that to me. Hope it's gone by morning. Ha. @lilyfharris hey, I'm ok babe. On I.v's again but gonna do them at home from tomorrow. How are you? xx @lilyfharris feeling ok, felt tight chested and bit breathless as baby is coming up higher now and starting to squash me. Just have to... @lilyfharris power through! Glad you're feeling alright, has your lung function improved on the new meds? xx @lilyfharris main thing is you're feeling better! Best to have a boost before you go away. Got about 2 and a half/ 3 months left depending.. @lilyfharris on how I am coping. Not long to go really! Hope it goes quickly :) xx @lilyfharris yeah! Getting the nursery done this week, so looking forward to seeing it finished finally! xx @lilyfharris and can't wait to meet him! ☺️ xx My consultant has got me in stitches. He's talking about #NakedAttraction. He just said the words fanny and flaps. Hilarious. The junior doctor with him went a lovely shade of red. Aha. Dietician walks in. First thing she says ohhhh...your boobs look good. LOL. @RhiannahRyan does he?!!! Ahaha. When he said flaps I just lost it. @LucyMaryTaylor that would be awkward. Aha xx My Alfie is having his op today. He left the house so happy this morning, bless him. Can't wait till it's over and we have him back. @iMcAngus cheers! I'm ok. Hope you are too :) x @LucyMaryTaylor will let you know how it goes ❤️ Got a lovely call this morning. Have you had your flu jab? Yep. Good, hopefully you won't get the swine flu on the ward then. The word hopefully didn't really give me much confidence. They are worried about me as I'm higher risk pregnant. MARVELLOUS. @jimmystitch mate, that's exactly what I did! Fuck dat. @rebeccamcpoo yeah, not taking the risk being there pregnant, so I left. @jimmystitch good idea mate! 😅😅😅 Race walking is funny to watch. Looks like they've all shat themselves. #Olympics In my head it's a race to the nearest toilet. Joking aside, I do have the upmost respect for the competitors. Looks like a killer. @kevinbaxter10 yeah, even funnier watching the men do it haha @Michelle86xx i actually thought that! One of the girls pants were sagging at the back. @LucyMaryTaylor Alfie is back now Lucy and feeling a bit sorry for himself. He's had lots of cuddles and is resting xx @Michelle86xx that's awful, he must be gutted. @LucyMaryTaylor I will do 😊 xx @LucyMaryTaylor I'm ok babe. I'm plodding along (literally these days) haha. Hope you're ok too :) xx @LucyMaryTaylor going ok, doing them at home now for a bit :) xx @BeaHappyCF will do Bea 😊 xx @LucyMaryTaylor not sure, will see how I am next week and take it from there xx Tucked in and snuggled up ☺️ https://t.co/5eIiqa8qoX @DalosLegendCFC he's ok thanks Dale :) xx @LucyMaryTaylor hope I'm not on them for long too. He's moving around a lot :) Got another scan to see how he's growing next week xx Afternoon delight. https://t.co/tB54H65ivp https://t.co/LDVwyiaonz @elvisrockysly yeah, one is heparin. Jesus, that don't sound good mate. Bet on it. Bet on it. Bet on it. Bet on it @lovelifecf https://t.co/w76Bvcdh4W Never did thank you for this @lovelifecf https://t.co/lojc4TuUrF @lovelifecf it's a work of art! @lovelifecf hahah. @lovelifecf sexy lady!! @CKRosekilly30 bastard things! Hope you're not feeling too rough mate. @lovelifecf sexy leaking nipples lady. LOL. My milk brings all the boys to the yard... @CKRosekilly30 the air pollution in London is terrible mate. That wouldn't have helped. @cleoalana84 I'm ok thanks babe. How's you? I'm on Mero. xx @lovelifecf oh yeah, he loves it. It's well sexeh. @cleoalana84 yep, just the one pregnant. All seems good on the scans, having another next week to see how he's growing xx It's Christmas on channel 5 today. Wut. @cleoalana84 I'm being induced earlier so will most probably have him early November :) xx Practising yoga with Alfie asleep next to me, while Will cooks a roast. Lovely relaxing Sunday. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 @lovelifecf https://t.co/eY0TAaNOnM I'm 8 stone 7 now. What a chuffer. Aha. Baby normally wakes me up kicking but didn't this morning, so gave my belly a good shake and now he's going ape shit. I think I've pissed him off. If someone woke me up shaking me I'd be tamping too. Sorry bubba. Aha. @LucyMaryTaylor I know that now. Those were some angry kicks haha! x @CKRosekilly30 aww! Feels so amazing! I will miss it when he's born. Hope your little gorgeous one is well! @LucyMaryTaylor he must have been! I know his patterns now so I didn't like not feeling him this morning, so had to be done! Haha xxx You know when you have a nap and it's like the best nap ever? Just had one of those and it felt AMAZING. @LucyMaryTaylor he will just have to get used to me annoying him 😆 xx @CKRosekilly30 she's a special little lady Carl! Can't wait to meet him now ☺️ @Chloe__Goodman @JordanWeekender apologise? He's a thundercunt babe. Talks about women like utter shite. #Drip #MicroPenis LOL. Round of applause to @Chloe__Goodman You slaaaaaayed Bear. Impressed and amused me. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 @Chloe__Goodman MTV got rid of you because they want cheap little slags to fuck the guys. You actually have morals. Nice to see! 😘 @chiefbreenie @CKRosekilly30 ☺️☺️☺️😘 @CKRosekilly30 Most probably being induced early November so not long to go now. Ekkk. Had a growth scan yesterday and he's on target :) WTF?! Scripted. Wow. #CBB https://t.co/VNEwvmlFSj @CKRosekilly30 thanks mate, it's not been easy at times but great at other times. I'm doing ok and it will be worth it :) This @willjw https://t.co/DeeCvvj7v5 Jesus Christ, what was the beginning of The X Factor about? Diabolical. The only thing good about this pile of shite is Dermot and his bulge. Yes lad? *facepalm* Why am I watching this????? Course you're saying yes Louis. You want to bum the little pricks. Bloke with blonde mullet seems really sane. I'm dyslexic give me a record deal. Fuck off. @kevinbaxter10 he ain't fooling me. I don't actually think he knows where he is half the time. @kevinbaxter10 yeah, I don't know why he's just not honest about it. It's not like everyone doesn't know anyway. @iMcAngus @AndyWard1978 hahah does a bit, yeah! Is a picture really necessary? Just take your kid to the doctors and show them instead. https://t.co/Z6nljO1MVN Will and i just argued over roast potatoes. Pathetic. Hahah. @kevinbaxter10 it's not something I would do. Some people are so happy to share. Will: Babe, I love you.. even if we do argue over roast potatoes. I don't think he'll ever take the crispy roasties from me ever again. Little bit advice for the men out there. When your lady is with child, let her get her food first. Aha. @cleoalana84 I don't understand it personally. I looked thinking nah she wouldn't...then bam. Haha xx @lovelifecf 🎁🎈🎉 https://t.co/N1hq62Aj9C @lovelifecf you live on... https://t.co/fQzNEDX4p8 @lovelifecf I moved mate, a long time ago. You've got plenty of years left on slaggy lane. #justsayin @lovelifecf https://t.co/3jyDSkzqwR We can understand this. Ha. @willjw https://t.co/rVM6nphkW8 The best way to show someone you care is by viciously insulting them. If I insult you, I love you. @kevinbaxter10 haha you know, insult in a friendly way. If you're a cunt I'll just say it. Plenty of them about. @kevinbaxter10 wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of you. LOL. @kevinbaxter10 we all have our moments! Haha. @richmilward yeah, maybe I don't love everyone i insult. Always knew Alfie knows what I'm talking about :) https://t.co/5mmgUZM0iE Baby's first pair of jeans and t-shirt 😍 https://t.co/zo6x4gAV8j I've bought lots of baby grows and comfy clothes for him so far, but this is his first proper outfit. https://t.co/mENv6aV3hY Meal and mocktails (missed the cock to be honest) for @lovelifecf birthday today 🍹☀️ https://t.co/Ph8yIpCzcD @lovelifecf 😘 @charlienicola85 baby clothes shopping is addictive babe! @brunette1984 Primark! Got so much for my money in there. No wonder you're obsessed. Ha. @brunette1984 you'll have to go to the new store. You'll love it. @mattpasternicki put 218 on. Your favourite is on. @lilyfharris snap babe! Finished on Sunday and starting to feel tight already. Why are our spazzy lungs doing this to us?!! xx In bed before nine. Think this is a first for me. Not normally about that life. This one won't leave my side tonight. https://t.co/kPC33EbvVW @lilyfharris bastards!! Yeah, all ok over here thanks - hope things are ok your end too :) xx Morning daddy @willjw happy birthday! ❤️ https://t.co/RQy7cyEOJO @LucyMaryTaylor @willjw he's fine now! Back to his old self :) xx Anyone done a vazeline joke yet? #KeithVaz @mattpasternicki just needs some poppers and the party can really get started. @kevinbaxter10 the whole thing is hilarious but I feel sorry for his family. He's an MP for Leicester, where I live. He's a prick. Or should I say...was! He's stepped down from what I hear. @kevinbaxter10 yeah, exactly. He just fronted a safe sex campaign. How ironic? Having unprotected sex with prostitutes. @kevinbaxter10 you can't make it up 😂😂 His little face ❤️ https://t.co/GlTL6377xi Give me time.... RIP Alexis. https://t.co/YBVOPdwIVP @stehoare have you heard of Purple Aki? I'm just watching about him now. I thought it was a joke at first! @stehoare so bloody bizarre! @stehoare yeah, especially teenage boys muscles. Odd cunt. @willjw I'm still laughing. I am Joey Essex thick at the moment. WTF. https://t.co/cM1zFLvhap Must admit I got emotional watching this earlier. Just brilliant. https://t.co/mfcgQaeARF @brunette1984 @BBCSport I can't blame it on the hormones then haha x Thought you might find this amusing but also mortifying @grace__oshea I really do hope this is a joke! Ahaa. https://t.co/wqudPvLWX2 @BeaHappyCF thanks babe. He does look cute there! I'm ok, how are you? Only got 6 weeks left to go now 😅❤️💙 DOES IT? DOES IT REALLY? https://t.co/Z17o9cs9YU BBQ tongs? How big is her arsehole? @DuGi can't say I've ever got anything stuck up there. I think that's a win. LOL. @Gezzy0976 hahaha no shame. My dad would disown me. Got cut up on the road by my own sister today. Pissed myself when I realised it was her. Zero driving etiquette fro… https://t.co/m00IzMHeDj @RhiannahRyan she's such a tit 😂 And bloody babies can't even speak English. Just keep them inside until they can grasp the language. https://t.co/lJquR9mCoV AM I ON FUCKING DRUGS? Honey G? I've not been watching this series so far, so I don't get what the fuck is going on. @LucyMaryTaylor illegal ones babe. Aha. I truly don't get it. It's not even funny or entertaining. @LucyMaryTaylor I think she's an actress. I don't believe for a minute it's real x @LucyMaryTaylor she does. Like a proper bloke ahaha. @TommyBanks8 you're an incredible chef Tommy. Your grandfather would be so proud of you. Well done :) @lovelifecf WAAAT. @lovelifecf yesssssss. Contractions got me like 😭😭😭 @LucyMaryTaylor just so uncomfortable babe, my uterus is preparing to meet the boy haha xx @kakey89 that's right :) not long now ☺️ x @LucyMaryTaylor I haven't actually cried but it takes its toll after a while! Could have him within two weeks! 😅😍 @LucyMaryTaylor no not long at all. Feels like it's never going to end though in a weird way, so used to I now! xx @LucyMaryTaylor yeah! lots of different emotions. Tired too though! 😆 Been harder to sleep lately xx @lovelifecf hahah. @BalticSeaLady thank you sweet ☺️ xx @iMcAngus cheers Angus! :) x @charlienicola85 within two weeks probably babe x @chanmillward @charlienicola85 thanks Chan! Can't wait to meet him now! ☺️ Hope you're well lovely xx @sickchickchic can't come quick enough! I'm too tiny for him now. There's no more space haha x @electric_jake he is being really loving! He's kissing me constantly ☺️ xx @BeaHappyCF still so surreal babe! Can't believe it's so close to the end now ☺️ xx @lilyfharris I'm ok babe, just these contractions that I'm having that are tiring! Close to the end now so just gonna suck it up ha. You ok? @lilyfharris it really has gone fast! Lung function was only down 4% when I did my last LF test at 33 weeks. Which isnt bad... @lilyfharris so late through pregnancy. He was breech and his head was right under my right lung and rib when I did it. Ha. @lilyfharris I recommend getting pregnant Lily 😆 I've felt better at times during this pregnancy than not being pregnant ha xx @lilyfharris for me it hasn't been much harder. It's about the same. In fact my asthma has got a bit better. I think he turned but... @lilyfharris has turned around again. He loves it under my right rib! Ha. xx @lilyfharris I'm 8 stone 12. Never been nearly 9 stone in my life! 😂 @lilyfharris I was 7 stone 4 when I conceived 😂 @grace__oshea hope so Grace! Haha xx @electric_jake he loves babies and kids! So I think he'll be a good big brother haha x There's nothing more relaxing than watching a bearded fat man tapping glass. My Michael Bolton impression is fooking amazing. I am so talented. Aha. @CFAware his 80's style luscious golden locks? Well then yes. @BeaHappyCF @CFAware I could say yes but I'd be lying. Haha. @sowasred2012 it's TRUUUUE. @BeaHappyCF @CFAware doing ok thanks babe. Hope you are too :) xx When you nearly die after having a steroid shot. That was an eventful morning. LOL. @DuGi I'm ok now Morten. Just almost collapsed. Luckily the doctor got hold of me before i did. @RhiannahRyan bad reaction to a shot of steroid. My pulse dropped loads and so did blood pressure. Got low blood pressure anyway 😬 @BeaHappyCF fine thanks now lovely, just bad reaction to steroid shot for baby xx @RhiannahRyan not sure. Bloody big dose of it though. Aha. @CFAware @willjw thank you so much. Sorry for the late reply! xx I love this little man so much it hurts 😩😍☺️ https://t.co/1FiY1TDfwv @LucyMaryTaylor omg he has stolen my heart Lucy! 😍😍 xx @BalticSeaLady thank you! He was so worth it! We love him so much xx @Harley_Cottle thank you ❤️ @BeaHappyCF thank you :) promise I'll put more up ❤️❤️ @lilyfharris thank you! He has the cutest face 😍 I'm ok thanks babe. Recovering well. Was up and about the day after, my anaesthetist... @lilyfharris saw me in the corridor and said I'm proud of you...you're a fighter great guy hahah xx @gemfifield thank you! Xx @JodiieLouiise_x thank you Jodie ☺️ x @lilyfharris I had a c section by the way so he was impressed with me :) xx @lilyfharris it's really been fine! They give you enough pain relief to start with. Maybe I'm just good with pain but I didn't think.. @lilyfharris it was bad at all. Doesn't hurt at all now after 7 days. Thankfully :) xx @EleanorMaay_ thank you :) xx @congratsbot thanks! X @weeyin_x isn't he?! 😍😍😍 cutie pie xx @cleoalana84 ❤️❤️❤️ @LucyMaryTaylor @willjw sorry didn't reply to this sooner! Thank you Lucy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @DalosLegendCFC @LucyMaryTaylor @willjw thanks mate! xx @charlienicola85 @willjw thank you lovely! xxx @BalticSeaLady @LucyMaryTaylor @willjw ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ @OpenHerLungs thank you! :) xx @Paul1878G thanks mate! X @chiefbreenie thank you lovely! I've recovered really well :) 😊 xx @electric_jake thank you ❤️ Fucking horrendous. Hurt my heart reading this. Anyone reading this who isn't on the donor register please please s… https://t.co/Dcw6JEZJwO @AprilSinclair21 @weeyin_x Andrew Ward @lilyfharris can't imagine what they are going through at the moment x @meggzzie definitely. Should have been different x @BeaHappyCF she should have got to marry the love of her life. Life is so unfair sometimes x CF LYFE. https://t.co/gHJW8rcDjP @iMcAngus 5000 calories? What the fuck you eating? Aha. Tips please. We are ok. Beau is a bit poorly but ok :) @lilyfharris breastfeed from one breast and lose about 2 stone #CFLYFE aha. @lilyfharris it just gets annoying! I get sick of eating haha. @lilyfharris you lose some serious calories breastfeeding. I'm so tiny again now! Still have big tits though. Yay. 😂 @lilyfharris yeah, I literally tell my dietician to fuck off. Annoying twat she is 😂 @KittykpKitty thank you. Your girl is beautiful too! x @lilyfharris hahah well pregnancy would help with that Lily *wink wink* 😂 @lilyfharris that's true! 😬 I'm ok. Beau has been promoted to nursery so he's out of intensive care. Did I tell you about this? @lilyfharris Bringing him home next week hopefully :) xx @BalticSeaLady Beau :) x @lilyfharris here he is :) xx https://t.co/eE9HvaMme7 @BalticSeaLady thanks. I love it too :) x @charlienicola85 @lilyfharris Charlie that dummy is for premature babies as well! Ha x @lilyfharris he couldn't poo, bless him. So he's having bowel flushes till we get the results back from his last test. He's ok though :) xx @lilyfharris yeah, wasn't nice at all. Should be home next week though, so that's great :) bit of normality finally xx Never. LOL. https://t.co/7KwfKas6pM @lilyfharris will do! ☺️xx My boy Beau and my nephew Leo when he was a baby. They look so similar! 😍 https://t.co/6pyo0trjQZ @chanmillward the pictures don't even do him justice Chan! Haha 😍xx @chanmillward aww thanks babe :) ❤️xx When a guy next to you in the lift is breathing heavier than you. What the fuck man. You are one unfit mother. fucker. @weeyin_x thank you he is rather yummy! 😍 @DalosLegendCFC we are ok thanks Dale ☺️x @KittykpKitty he was born at 35+6 weeks. Thank you :) xx Really not loving the fact I'm like a bloodhound at the moment. I can smell EVERYTHING about 50 times more than normal. People stink. Aha. @BeaHappyCF thanks babe! He is a cutie ❤️x @elvisrockysly thanks Trevor! Hope you're well x ❤️ https://t.co/OaEosH8M5r @BeaHappyCF we are ok babe :) xx @charlienicola85 @lilyfharris we are both doing ok babe :) xx @BalticSeaLady ❤️ @iMcAngus @chiefbreenie my body hates milk!! It's bullshit. @iMcAngus @chiefbreenie I have been eating tablespoons of coconut oil but I've read that it actually makes you burn fat. Coconut milk.. @iMcAngus @chiefbreenie is an idea. Not sure I could drink pints of it a day though. Me? @willjw https://t.co/rne4YzD0l9 @willjw and you're good at clearing it up 😜 @willjw it's only because you love me 😊 @ashbergh @willjw haha oh god. The dog makes enough mess now 😅 @ashbergh @willjw something to look forward to 😂 Just had an epic coughing fit while breastfeeding. Beau didn't give any fucks whatsoever. That's my boy. Aha. Most girls would go all awww when their fiancé tells them they are proud of them and that they are their hero. I burst out laughing. @lilyfharris yeah! He must be. Didn't bat an eyelid and just kept sucking. What a dude. Haha xx Not being funny but what the fuck is this? It actually looks more appetising on the photo. https://t.co/sGFGpsYdsv ☺️❤️ https://t.co/nphBgMMxcP @Disappearer thank you :) This is actually brilliant. He looks like an 80's wedding singer. https://t.co/RBu35QclKb Watching Geordie Shore. These are what we call Geordies Beau...please don't turn out like them. *prays* https://t.co/sA7IrLgIKj Brothers ☺️ https://t.co/CfpQpNoEkb @iMcAngus yeah! Finally. There's no place like home. Ha. How cute is this outfit?! https://t.co/srv9zUUwS2 @lilyfharris we are good thanks Lily :) xx @Brianquizmaster bloody awful. https://t.co/cIJRHpLEzK @DuGi what do you mean Morten? :) @hollyrosanna 😢 My little boy is in intensive care after having an emergency operation yesterday. Still ventilated. Breaks my heart… https://t.co/obQ12liwku @gemfifield thanks Gem x @RhiannahRyan 😢 @richmilward Thank you Rich @87caaat thanks lovely :) xx @CFAware thank you x @chanmillward thanks babe. Really hope everything turns out ok 😔 xx @Michelle86xx thanks Michelle. Hope you're doing ok babe xx @elvisrockysly thanks Trevor x @lilyfharris Thanks Lily. Been a rough week. Hope everything will be ok 😔 xx @TheAntHarrison 😙 @kevinbaxter10 thanks mate. I hope so too x @sickchickchic thank you Josie xxx @LucyMaryTaylor thanks Lucy xxx My boy was due today 😔 @giftedrascal thanks Jon 😘 xx @stehoare hard to tell really, it's like to one step forward then two steps back. He seems stable anyway at the moment. @cleoalana84 Thank you, sorry not replied. Hard to know how he is at the moment, it's just a waiting game xx @ElliotSmith09 thanks Elliot 😘 @Brems59 thank you Peter x @JodiieLouiise_x thanks lovely :) xx @kevinbaxter10 it's shit Kevin. The helplessness is nothing I'd want anyone to experience x @CKRosekilly30 cheers Carl. Hope he has his mums fight. It's hard to tell how he is right now, it's a waiting game x @stehoare he is :) got his mums genes in him ha @LucyMaryTaylor seems stable. Still got lots of symptoms though, it's basically a waiting game babe 😔 xx @DalosLegendCFC thanks Dale, he seems stable right now x @matthewfedak thank you :) x @stehoare tell me about it. He hit his head once and couldn't wash his hair for a week - was miserable! @stehoare hahaha @LucyMaryTaylor thanks lovely! We are doing ok xxx @BalticSeaLady thank you! Willing this boy to fight xx @CKRosekilly30 😙 @TheAntHarrison he's ok, hard to know how long we'll be here with him. It's a waiting game mate. @kevinbaxter10 makes me wonder too. @cleoalana84 😘😘 @BalticSeaLady thanks sweet x Every cell in my body adores this. https://t.co/sti2gZJGrm @electric_jake beautiful, isn't it? That guitar solo 😩😍 @lilyfharris @LucyMaryTaylor thanks sweet 😘😘😘 @charlienicola85 he seems stable right now. Let's hope it continues :) xx @BeaHappyCF it's a slow process babe. Hard to know how he fully is yet. Seems stable so that's good at least. Thank you for the love ❤️ xx @KittykpKitty thanks Kitty. He's back on the ward now and recovering. Slow process xx @charlienicola85 thanks 😘 @kakey89 thanks lovely :) xx Absofuckinglutely, now please fuck off, thank you. https://t.co/xe0F0JOf52 Feel like punching something. @sowasred2012 I'm ok, just hate people Scott. Beau is ok. Still recovering from his op. @chanmillward I'm ok babe, just frustrated with the situation with Beau. Few people are pissing me off as well. You ok at the moment Chan? x Still swollen but still beautiful ❤️ https://t.co/2iKi8wBaY0 @BeaHappyCF he's ok. Still bit swollen but looks like it might be going down now xx @CKRosekilly30 I think we might be slowly getting there mate x @sickchickchic thanks lovely, he seems bit better right now. Still bit swollen but getting there. Hopefully there will be no setbacks :) xx @chanmillward babe, how long you got? Haha. Thanks babe. Hopefully can get him home before Xmas day xxx @lilyfharris I'm ok, just been stressed with Beau and certain things to do with his treatment. I'm a worrier. He's stable babe xx @BeaHappyCF thank you, its nice to know people care ❤️ @sickchickchic Hope so! That's the aim. Would be the best present ever :) xxx @BeaHappyCF given him a little kiss from you ☺️ xx @lilyfharris thanks Lily. He's kept us on our toes since he was born, the monkey xxx @cleoalana84 he seems bit better tonight lovely. Just got to take one day at a time :) xx @cleoalana84 thanks! That would be amazing! Fingers crossed xx @sowasred2012 fuck them right in the pussy. Cheers mate :) @BalticSeaLady ❤️❤️ ARSEHOLE OF THE YEAR. https://t.co/0ap9IjF3OD He literally made the argument for why it should be person of the year while arguing that it shouldn't. I'm not even mad, i'm impressed. His ability to say whatever the fuck he wants to at people's faces and they cheer him. The guy is a mind freak. @Mimekiller I was. Might be worth getting it again. @CFAware Beau is ok. I think we are getting somewhere slowly. Me and Will are fine, just tired. Thanks for the thoughts x @chiefbreenie I'm hoping he may get assassinated at some point. Which is highly likely actually. @chiefbreenie can he really be worse? Hope they all get assassinated then. Ha. @mrswillywonker thanks Melissa! Hope so ☺️😘 xx @chiefbreenie Hide and eat? Sounds good to me!! I'm with you. Ahaha. @chiefbreenie I just realised I'd be 36 in 4 years. I'm scared. @chiefbreenie probably still be a skinny prick with tits 😅😂 @chiefbreenie we can! I think 4 years is just enough time hahah. These are genuinely someone's profile pictures. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO THINK. https://t.co/MJtDxwospT 'No matter who their parents are?' It's Michael Bublé, not Hitler. https://t.co/QDz5ZgQJaL Will is making us dinner and bringing it to the hospital. Garlic butter chicken. Yes please. https://t.co/7okbK7YLof @chanmillward aww thanks lovely, likewise! I'm always here. Love and hugs xxx @elvisrockysly thanks Trevor. Hope we can be home for Xmas too. Fingers crossed. Hope you're ok at the moment :) x A nurse has just said I look so much like Beau. That's like the biggest compliment because he's so CUTE. Aha. @willjw you are pretty great big head :) Peanut butter jelly. Peanut butter jelly. Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat. @willjw https://t.co/RM1ZZx1Xcc @willjw love how Peter just disappears. @willjw when I'm sad I sing it to myself LOL. @willjw everybody knows the bird is the word :) Yep. https://t.co/riFsvpW4SZ Hallelujah cover by The Burke has just come on and I'm making Will listen to it. I'm evil. Why am I so evil? Aha. Do you think this is something a mother should wear?! Advice please. Ha. https://t.co/WMUekjtSAR Not sure the in laws would appreciate me walking in their pub wearing that this Xmas holding Beau. LOL. @Berns_Churches well you're awesome :) Stop talking shite Anya. https://t.co/dZKqGhv6y1 @lovelifecf SLAG FOR LYFE. @Berns_Churches fuck yeah!! @elvisrockysly I don't think anything could take away the attention from him :) ha x @lovelifecf yes! Got a pair in mind. @lovelifecf but you've got all that porn to watch. GO PORN! @Berns_Churches will do dude :) @lovelifecf hahahaha @lovelifecf that would be great, thanks :) @Nicole_Rennie awww thanks babe! x @chanmillward 😘😘😘 @charlienicola85 hilarious. WHERE ARE YOUR SOURCES ANYA?! Ha. @charlienicola85 you should still. It's so daft. Haha. @LucyMaryTaylor hahah some serious strong shit! @LucyMaryTaylor CRAY CRAY. @Kookaburra85 Someone was asking opinions on whether they should get the flu jab or not, then that anti-vaxer pipes up. What a div. aha. @electric_jake you know 👌🏻 @sickchickchic awwww 😍 @lovelifecf oh my goodness... 😭😭😭 https://t.co/ZpiBwwBhEB This is why my love for Snoop will NEVER die. Aha. https://t.co/gCot5jOiXL @charlienicola85 hit me right in the feels this morning. @djwood247 you'd have to be heartless not to cry at that. @TheAntHarrison mate! You twat 😂 Love him so much. https://t.co/NkmSswb2eb @kevinbaxter10 thanks Kevin. Means a lot :) Beau got a little present from the Leicester City Football team today. They've all just been on the ward 💙 #LCFC https://t.co/mnTMEw9DxD @BeaHappyCF got a stomach bug babe. He's lost a bit of weight. Need him to fatten up now xxx @BeaHappyCF thanks lovely, kisses and cuddles given to him :) xxx @TheAntHarrison @BeaHappyCF haha, better than that! https://t.co/BqiX2om6Ps @jimmystitch yeah mate, they've been at the royal. Everyone is talking about Vardy being here ha Ordered some food online that I REALLY fancy. They've just declined my order. HOPE THE RESTAURANT GOES UP IN FLAMES. @sowasred2012 I keep that fucking restaurant running from the amount of orders I make. Bastards should feed me for free. Overheard my dad on the phone: I just wish I could drink 10 pints a night like I used to. My mum spat her tea out with laughter. Crying. @electric_jake soon hopefully lovely! Before Xmas :) xx @AndyLipman1 @betseybunny Emma died three years ago. So not much chance her taking part, funnily enough. @AndyLipman1 eh? @AndyLipman1 yeah I do. @Michelle86xx you have! keep strong babe. You can do this xxx @AndyLipman1 thank you. Likewise. @Michelle86xx he's ok thanks. Seems better right now, which makes me happy :) xx @charlienicola85 @BeaHappyCF thanks, I know i'm biased but he is scrummy! He seems better babe :) xx @grace__oshea he's ok, back to his birth weight again. He lost a lot these last couple of weeks. So hopefully keeps going up :) xx My boy has the best eyes 😍 https://t.co/Tr5GaPtF3p @grace__oshea I'm ok, tired though. Cipro isn't helping, making me feel achy and horrid. It's evil xx @CKRosekilly30 will be soon Carl ☺️ xx @chanmillward thanks Chan ☺️ he's fine. Everything is looking ok right now. Hopefully it continues! xxx Just made a steak diane dinner for one. Eating steak makes me feel stuff. Someone online just referred to their breast as a 'restaurant' Bit weird. Handsome sod. https://t.co/NhIMs85kIK @c9ufc haha trust you. Does anyone else have an annoying person who sends you every bloody chain mail message going?! 😂 https://t.co/TzprIeKWHW I have a funny feeling Robbie Williams loves his life. @lovelifecf hahahah yep. LESTEH CITEH 💙#SPOTY Us....well more me. Aha. @willjw https://t.co/SpHW0h6kEo This is us outside chiquitos slag @lovelifecf https://t.co/53yOxHVkK2 So your son is like 67 months old? Okay, I have no idea if your child is 5 for 32. @asnp_steve thank you x @asnp_steve Merry Christmas to you too. Hope you have a wonderful time Steve :) x Zack Morris is on my tele! https://t.co/aeBdEDS7HK @MargaritaAlmanz love a cheesy Christmas film at Christmas haha x We are home and Alfie is acting the big brother. Love my boys. N'awwww. https://t.co/E6RYcSKXH4 @LucyMaryTaylor Alfie is being great! Won't bark to come in from the garden now. He doesn't want to wake Beau. Too cute!! Ha x @LucyMaryTaylor thanks lovely! It's great to be back 💕 @elvisrockysly thank you Trevor ☺️ Hope you have a wonderful Christmas too xx @c9ufc 😘 @charlienicola85 thanks! Looking forward to Xmas day now ☺️ xx @LucyMaryTaylor me babe! Always me ha. No, Will will do the 7 o'clock one to let me have a little nap, but I end up waking up anyway! 😅 x @sickchickchic thanks gorgeous! You too! With your lovely sparkly new lungs ☺️❤️ xx @gemfifield thanks Gem! x @Michelle86xx Thanks Michelle! Hope you're not feeling too bad right now. Keep going babe, thinking of you xxx @JodiieLouiise_x thanks Jodie! You too lovely ☺️ xx @CKRosekilly30 thanks Carl! You too mate! Have a good'n xx @meggzzie ☺️ x @BalticSeaLady so happy too 😘 xx @electric_jake thanks lovely! ❤️ xx @lilyfharris thanks Lily! 😘😘 @cleoalana84 just in time for Xmas :) thanks sweet xxx @grace__oshea thank you Grace ❤️ xxx @BeaHappyCF they are adorable! It's good to be back babe ❤️ xxx @BeaHappyCF I'm sure I'll be putting up lots of pictures babe ☺️ xxx @weeyin_x ❤️❤️❤️ @weeyin_x aww thanks babe ❤️ it's good to be back xxx I've just remembered I forgot to get a battery for my cock upstairs. Cock? Clock Sel. Makes more sense. Aha. @cleoalana84 why would my mother have a cock upstairs? What is wrong with my brain? Hahah. @cleoalana84 I'm a wrong'n clearly! Haaa. @cleoalana84 Good idea. Blame that. Aha xx WHAT IN THE WORLD HAS HAPPENED TO BIEBER?! https://t.co/O7HSQnI8lq I miss vinny. https://t.co/bpH8V4Yx3U @DuGi thank you so much for your gift and letter. I love fairy tales, especially Hans Christian Anderson. Beau will now grow up loving.. @DuGi them too. Really appreciate it Morten :) Lots of love to you and Signe xx @DuGi the book is absolutely beautiful too. He's definitely got the best ☺️ xx @DuGi more than like it! ❤️ Masterchef: The professionals has got me wanting to eat my arm off. Staaaaarving now. @DuGi @willjw I would love to come and visit! ☺️ xx @ashbergh that's a good idea. I don't really have that problem. I'm a pig. Ha. @ashbergh thank you :) Will be a crazy ride x @ashbergh Antibiotics make me even more hungry. Piggy:) @DuGi @willjw that sounds brilliant. Maybe one day Beau will ride it :) x @meggzzie @gemfifield WHAT IS GOING ON???? I was pregnant here. I miss it 😌 https://t.co/Rh4iPnrfRc Night feeds got me CRAY CRAY. Haaaaaaaa. I'm okay, really. I promise. Just woke Will up laughing to myself. Need to sleep. For about a week. Thank you please. Ain't nobody gonna out smoke Snoop. He been smoking that shit since In the womb. Ya get meh? https://t.co/J1TtHSR5vB Hey, guess what? I'm awake again, but it's all good when you get Alfie kisses and Beau cuddles. I'm a lucky girl. Christmas Eve is gonna look a lot like this. https://t.co/YZApDxZLOa I LOVE HER. https://t.co/6n1JW9k69v @DalosLegendCFC awwww Edda that! Hope you celebrate doing something fun :) Been with my bloke nine years too. 10 years in march ☺️ Merry fucking Christmas to whoever sent us this card without signing it - and what's with the question mark? Totall… https://t.co/Vack5hAr6m Because a cat would do all of that if given the chance. PRICKS. https://t.co/5UpnMp0Xdv I mean who doesn't like being nearly decapitated by hairy hateful little assholes? @charlienicola85 so strange. Spelt my name wrong too. Never known anyone to not sign a card before. Ha. @DalosLegendCFC Damn, can still make it nice later! 😅 ha x @BeaHappyCF I think they're dicks. Ha. @LucyMaryTaylor really heartwarming, isn't it? @LeeGant Fuck em' and fuck you too for loving the little cunts. @LeeGant I'll get someone to batter you. (Someone big innit) @LucyMaryTaylor I know, someone in my family dislikes me it seems. LOL. @BeaHappyCF hahaha 😅 x @LeeGant I could batter you in the balls. You'd probably like that though, you sick fuck. Sucking on his thumb. The CUTENESS. https://t.co/59bkqvnBGe Can we just ignore my freak voice please? Hearing it makes me die a little inside. @BeaHappyCF you are now OFFICIALLY a crazy cat lady! 😅😅 xx @LucyMaryTaylor admit it, you want one now, don't you babe?! 😉ha x @LucyMaryTaylor ha, it's the best thing! ☺️ x @BeaHappyCF thanks Bea. We are very lucky! ❤️ He came out of her and now he's going back in. Holy shit balls. https://t.co/1y71FDTgRp @DalosLegendCFC he's better, thank you!! ☺️ xxx @ryallm I remember this day Malcolm :( x OMG. My vinny has just been on the tele. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES??? https://t.co/Jiwh7fVd2q The way she just calmly destroys 'The GC' kills me. Love this bitch. https://t.co/a6nJ8ICpHd @EleanorMaay_ nightmare!! @EleanorMaay_ it's horrible! Been there. Ha. @EleanorMaay_ he's ok thanks, back home now for the time being :) x ❤️ https://t.co/9cCajopO4y My son is trying to roll over at six weeks. What is this craziness?! @ryallm so sorry Malcolm. Wish it could have been different x @DamianRyan3 he really does, he's getting more wriggly by the day :) @CKRosekilly30 @CFAware can't believe you didn't know this Carl! We've not had a real tree since I was born because of it.. @CKRosekilly30 @CFAware I'd have told you if I knew you had one! x @DamianRyan3 haha, i bet. He'll probably drive me mad :) @DamianRyan3 I will, not going to take anything for granted :) @DamianRyan3 he does, he's very aware. Has been like that since he was born. He knows who his mum is :) @CKRosekilly30 @CFAware wish I had known! Damn. Well now you know. Ha. @djwood247 @CKRosekilly30 @CFAware I would if I was you David. Not much point risking it really, is there? @DamianRyan3 your oldest is 22?! You don't look old enough for a 22 year old. @djwood247 @CKRosekilly30 @CFAware thank you. Have a great Christmas David :) @DamianRyan3 that's amazing. A lot of people don't tend to stay together these days. Been with my bloke 10 years in march :) @DamianRyan3 totally true. Anything that's worth it isn't easy :) @DamianRyan3 yeah, he is. He's wonderful. I can't remember life before him now :) @DamianRyan3 I wouldn't mind one more, I don't really want Beau to be an only child. Think it's good to have siblings. @lovelifecf forever a fetus. @lovelifecf you won't be complaining when you're 40 and looking fly and everyone else looks like they're dying. @DuGi @lovelifecf I got a grey hair this year. Devastated. LOL. @CKRosekilly30 @YouTube brilliant!! https://t.co/RhvSwtARat Someone hold my hand on the way down, please? Aha. https://t.co/CfsEKprean @lovelifecf https://t.co/E5aZiY5vo3 WEIRD SCIENCE IS ON. I REPEAT. WEIRD SCIENCE IS ON. I'm almost positive this is how we're gonna go @lovelifecf https://t.co/1pgno9KoCw Hugo wins the internet today. https://t.co/zYuDesOnwj https://t.co/OgBfkGPRXH Still love this all these years later! God, I love the 80's. https://t.co/OuO4ggYyOF I'm gonna be as positive in 2017. https://t.co/0zuxIegVWh Wish I was as smart. I'm so jealous. https://t.co/ELm1j9BV9U #SeeYouNextTuesday 😅😅 https://t.co/yMUUTmqGki Actually you @lovelifecf https://t.co/O3V8AVDpVU America, Fuck yeah! So lick my butt and suck on my balls. https://t.co/UFlhoNjvc8 @BeaHappyCF awwww cute! People don't just die in 2016 you know. Ok? Ok bye. @CKRosekilly30 hahaha the reason they're all dying is because they're all old as fuck. @CKRosekilly30 and that. You saying we aren't going to live forever Carl? @TheAntHarrison @CKRosekilly30 I thought I was too. DAMN. First alcoholic beverages consumed in about 10 months. The joy. Aha. Merry fucking Christmas you lovely bastards! Okaaaay, well second alchoholic beverage in 10 months. Wine makes you forget, hey? @giftedrascal thanks Jon! Same to you mate! 😚 xx Merry Christmas from this little one xx https://t.co/8dt4eZhTw6 @nojacko merry Christmas James :) x @chanmillward thank you Chantelle! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Lots of love xxx @nojacko thank you!! Haha ☺️ x @LucyMaryTaylor merry Xmas to you too lovely. Have a wonderful day! ❤️ @BalticSeaLady ☺️ xx Well that will certainly be his last Christmas. Too soon? Seriously though, I loved George. Great singer. Brother love ❤️ https://t.co/1gKtuY9VVy @giftedrascal so bloody cute Jon. Alfie adores Beau already! x You have to die a few times before you can really live. - Charles​ Bukowski @giftedrascal ☺️ xx Put a Christmas hat on and Leo says you look like Ella from Cinderella. Don't remember her wearing a cracker hat in the film.... ...but I'll take that. Aha. Leo: i'm gonna take a photo of your boobs. The kid is 5 years old. Hahaha. @BalticSeaLady he's cheeky ha. This still applies. 2016 isn't on some sort of rampage. I am hoping on a Kardashian massacre before the year is th… https://t.co/fJuwRaf2tS What a generous soul. https://t.co/WoYQDcZEPD @cleoalana84 many celebrities will die next year too unfortunately x https://t.co/PVVugVkxGL @LeeGant good to know. What is this, some sort of history lesson fam? @LeeGant just heard Carrie Fisher has died now. EVERYTIME I post how much bollocks it is, someone else drops dead. @charlienicola85 we can only hope Charlie. Ahaha. Shit, got the giggles at something that isn't even funny. You know when you're laughing so much you can't even explain why? That. @LeeGant Can't risk it. If Pete Doherty died I'd never FORGIVE myself. Why is it that when a celeb dies everyone is suddenly a fan? Fuck off. @actionjaxon666 hahaha spot on. It's crazy how much things change in a year. I never thought this time last year I'd have a six week old baby boy now... I'm in such a better place. Had a great Christmas and hopefully the rest of the year will follow suit (pleeeease) My New Years resolution is to avoid all politics and not die. That would be a win. Aha. Gigi ❤️#GirlCrush https://t.co/te93ZpUIV0 Can everyone pray that @TiffanyPollard is in Big Brother All Stars this January. Praying for the important things in life. OBVIOUSLY. 😍 https://t.co/Ic10c0pZi0 Wills dads pervy friend Alfie is almost as good looking as you. I'll be expecting an arse rub before I leave again this year. Ahaha 😩 Wine time. Give me all the wine. https://t.co/VDEusxK4EX @weeyin_x they are rather lovely ☺️ x @actionjaxon666 she does look really pissed off there! That did make me laugh x @actionjaxon666 she's getting happier the more wine she's drinking. Three cheers for the wine! Haha @kevinbaxter10 yeah! Everyone was like wtf Sel?! 😂 The smell of my boy ❤️ Cannot wait till I get back to my healthy eating and lifestyle in January. Feel wank eating 'normal' food... Don't understand how people eat bread everyday. Fucks me up. Health visitor has told me I will shape my sons personality as I'll be with him most. FUCK YEAH. So, he'll be good looking and funny then? 😉 ahaha. @DuGi he'll be a leicester supporter!! Ahaha 😝 Beau has been smiling at me loads today. OMG he makes my life. Need nobody else but him. @DuGi @willjw @kschmeichel1 can you support two teams? Or is that not allowed in the football world? Aha. @charlienicola85 bread makes me feel lethargic when I eat loads of it! Does it not you? @willjw @DuGi they are quite cute but I don't want him getting beaten up hahah. @DuGi @willjw or hell no. LOL. @charlienicola85 I've probably got a slight intolerance to it then x Think he's relaxed enough on me? 😆 https://t.co/XLfTG0M3ZO 2016 taught me to never trust what Ian says. https://t.co/voiIBDrErj Hahahahaha https://t.co/bIJG46LWFY The BUSEY ass. You. Are. Welcome. https://t.co/vLRdzXUCED I nearly die hahaha. https://t.co/Apvx2JlWdp These two make me smile. Family is everything. https://t.co/2pwINytdqM @BalticSeaLady they are adorable Anni :) Did you have a good Christmas? X Took only one photo. KIDDING. This was the best one out of about 20. Innit. https://t.co/zyFmMRKmxr @LucyMaryTaylor I get a bit snap happy! Hahah x Phill Collins has just come on and I now want to kill myself. One of his depressing tracks. Bejesus. I'm turning into a piece of Brie. PLEASE STOP EATING EVERY BIT OF BRIE YOU SEE SEL. @LucyMaryTaylor happy new year sweet! 😘 Dreams by Fleetwood Mac has now just come on so all can resume. Stevie Nicks, you hero. Now Purple Rain. Faaaack. @LucyMaryTaylor ❤️❤️❤️ @LucyMaryTaylor he's ok :) he's put 9 ounces on in a week. He'll be a chubber before we know it ha xx Happy new year prick @LeeGant Girls night out planned for the 21st of Jan. First time out since having Beau. Exciting much?!! I'm gonna get SOOOO drunk. LOL. I'm not going to get pissed really. I'm a mother now. Aha 😏 @LucyMaryTaylor same! I only put weight on my tits. Hahah. I love a chubby baby too. Can't wait till he's really fat! xx @LucyMaryTaylor goes to my face too! I get chubby cheeks haha xx @sowasred2012 happy new year dude! x @sowasred2012 of course! how about yourself? x @sowasred2012 lovely stuff pal. I'm getting there. All good fun. @chiefbreenie oh, I know. Tell me about it! Will have to take it slow. Ha. LOVE YOU GUYS. Happy new year cunts 😘 @RhiannahRyan hahaha ☺️ @hepimp hahaha that made me laugh out loud. It was an absolutely diabolical programme and I hated January because of it. @iMcAngus hahaha twat. @FrankieMcGinty love you too. Has anyone died yet? Or is everyone going to miraculously survive this year? @hepimp same!! Swear to god. The music would do it. This just came on. The feeeeels. https://t.co/GMLmcicR9A @iMcAngus hahaha winning! Sounds like a good night is being had. Happy new year mate! Just put my mum to bed because she's absolutely rat arsed. She nearly fell over the dog. Hahaha. Beau was my first kiss at 12 this year, and will be every year from now on until he tells me to fuck off. @kevinbaxter10 you're not allowed to die! Ok?! Happy new year too mate :) 😩😍 https://t.co/Uy4DlM7aMS Yes, my nails look shite. I'm a new mum. Ain't got time for a manicure right now. Ha. Okaaaay. Will is talking in his sleep and he just said kill them I have to sleep next to this guy. Hahahaha. THE TWEETS BELOW ARE KILLING ME. I'll sleep well tonight knowing Heavy D is dead. OBS. Seriously, if Will doesn't stop snoring I'm going to sit on his face. AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. @Harley_Cottle that's shit but hope you're feeling better babe :) x WAT? https://t.co/4SpDXZ9JR8 What is it with these failed live performances? I don't even think SHE gives a shit anymore. https://t.co/OT5XFXMmf6 @CKRosekilly30 @JimmyTraina hahah wrong choice of word! It's best she mimes these days. Her voice isn't what it once was. @CKRosekilly30 @JimmyTraina oh yeah, NOTHING going for her at all. Obviously. Haha. I'm an amazing fiancée. Letting Will watch Arsenal play even though he doesn't support them. I think that's pretty generous on my part. aha. Notice the word 'letting' 😁 I can think of better things to be doing with champagne in my hand, to be fair. @LucyMaryTaylor I think so! I get points for that. Ha x @Harley_Cottle good to hear! Hopefully you don't have long left :) x I think my perfect Sunday would be waking up next to you, Joe. https://t.co/WOLOtTHJRj The guy has balls the size of WATERMELONS. Still one of the best things I've seen. https://t.co/YXUkNIa1Xk @gemfifield awesome! x The struggle is real. https://t.co/JcdOOKaoQJ @Harley_Cottle hopefully doesn't drag too long lovely! x Miss you so much @betseybunny Wish I could go back four years and talk to you for one last time. Don't need a kid to watch this. Getting mums wet since 2016 https://t.co/9LWmQlmqs2 Why aye...get us a picture with me dead nan grandad WHAT THE FUCK. https://t.co/67KuQwtds3 @DuGi She was sleeping Morten. Sleeping FOREVER. Aha. @CKRosekilly30 what's distasteful too is the amount of fucking fake tan she's wearing. Why do girls do that??? The undateables is on in an hour!! Best programme EVER. @iMcAngus you know she thought about it. Aha. When the dog looks at the camera. Hahah. This is why I love dogs. https://t.co/Uj0HXejrL8 @CKRosekilly30 hahaha yup. My diet has consisted mainly of twiglets, cocktail sausages and tic tacs today. So nutritious and good for you. If going dry this month is some sort of achievement then I think you need HELP. @DuGi darts? Nooooo. @kevinbaxter10 SO WEIRD. Big dick is on my tele AKA Alexandra Burke. When you down three red bulls and then feel like you're going to die. Waking up to the sound of my dog licking his balls. Beautiful. @giftedrascal he got them removed? I'm not even mad, I'm impressed. Ha. @giftedrascal Poor little bugger. I can't do it to Alfie! I just can't. Ha. @giftedrascal mine used to like a fuck of a teddy and his bed but has calmed down now. Phew! @giftedrascal to be fair I'd have probably put up with it. Unless he started trying to shag my sofa, then fuck him. They'd be gone. Ha. Oh my gosh. This just made me hold my boy a little bit tighter. https://t.co/Gea3jJ9HGb Little bit in love with Chris Pratt. He's so witty. Humour does it for me everytime. Oh, he ain't bad looking either. @EleanorMaay_ I just want to squeeze him! @EleanorMaay_ you didn't know which bit of him I wanted to squeeze! Aha. The day I start enjoying Dickinsons Real Deal will be the day I end it all. *turns over swiftly* The orange of David's skin is blinding me. He looks radioactive. Pah. @richmilward His mahogany skin doesn't do it for me. So proud of my niece @lovelifecf for getting offers from both her chosen universities. Clever little slag ❤️ JOE IS ME. THIS IS ME. Nobody I know gets it. #ASMR https://t.co/Dc9oF1ecE3 @lovelifecf love ya too x @DalosLegendCFC yeah, that's him :) @DalosLegendCFC I've not seen it yet. Been busy ha. Why do some people feel the need to take photos of all their designer gear and post it online?Those people are not happy with themselves. It's vulgar. Nobody is impressed OR CARES. @weeyin_x staple pieces that last years and get worn I get, but some just buy it for the way it makes them feel, which is a bit sad. @weeyin_x I mean people can buy whatever they want but flaunting it all online is a bit pathetic. These bloody fat loss programmes. I can't relate as I'm forever thin. They need some fat gain programmes so I can get involved. Innit. @chiefbreenie hell yeah. Ignored because we are in the minority. Ha. @lilyfharris basically eat every bloody thing you see till you can't move anymore. You know you're a skinny prick when your nickname is 'tits on a stick' Thank god for the tits. That's all I'm saying. Aha. Just a heads up guuuuys. Big brother is starting in 5 minutes. I'm a LOSER. I don't care. WEIRDEST COUPLE EVER. They are terrifying. #cbb @Sheppyuk be proud man. Best known for being a.....PRICK #cbbJames Yesssss. Please put Lee back in. Pleassssssse. I like her. #cbbJasmine If Lee Cunt Ryan goes back in I will die. Would be AMAZING. @sickchickchic hahaha sorry. Could be worse! Ray J. Famous for cumming on Kim K's back. Can it get any better? #cbbRayJ Biaaaanca. Ray J is gonna tap that. You just know already. Aha. #cbbBianca @LucyMaryTaylor it should be Lucy. More fat people than thin though. Stalker Austin. James didn't even really like you mate. #cbbAustin Crying already. Jeeeeez. Expect a breakdown. WHERE THE FUCK IS TIFFANY? #cbb Coleen Nolan. CHRIST. You have got to be kidding me? Why does a Nolan or Loose Woman have to go in every year? Tell me why. Tell meeeee. @lilyfharris WAT? That sounds AMAZING. I have scones with butter, clotted cream and jam for after dinner! Anyone who's been in Game of Thrones gets a thumbs up from me. #cbbJamesC But really WHERE THE FUCK IS TIFFANY? #cbb @lilyfharris I'm gonna have to make that Lily. Thanks for the tip! 😍 @LucyMaryTaylor stop being polite hahah. @kevinbaxter10 hahaha Kevin. That's NOT Tiffany. That's not the HBIC. Fuck you Big Brother. #cbb @LucyMaryTaylor that's about right. Ha. I thought Brandon Block was dead. LOL. The amount of drugs that bloke has done. #cbbBrandon This bird is a TWAT. Why are they putting this melon back in? Nobody cares. #cbbNicola A stupid footballer. I'm genuinely SHOCKED. #cbbJamie @charlienicola85 hahah very good. IF TIFFANY DOESN'T GO IN I WILL LEGIT THROW MYSELF DOWN THE STAIRS. #cbb Calum Best. Ain't bad to look at but PLEASE he ain't exciting to watch, is he? Bet he's already grabbed Jasmine by the pussy. #cbbCalum Why put someone's mum in? What is there to gain from that? Bollocks. Yawn. #cbbAngie Hahahahaha his face. @lovelifecf massive whore. BIGGEST. TIFFANY ISN'T GOING IN. IT'S BEEN NICE KNOWING YOU ALL. GOODBYE MY FRIENDS. SEE YOU ALL IN HELL. #cbb Back in the hospital with Beau. They think he has bronchitis. Give him a break, please. @LucyMaryTaylor thanks, will do Lucy 😘 xx @gemfifield thanks Gem 😘 xx @DalosLegendCFC thanks Dale xx @BeaHappyCF given him a big kiss from you Bea xxx @weeyin_x ❤️❤️❤️ @lilyfharris he's had to be tested for whooping cough Lily. Waiting on results. Thankfully he's improving though xxx @grace__oshea thank you Grace. He seems better today, thankfully xxx @meggzzie Thank you Megan 😚 xx @KittykpKitty thank you Kitty xx These are a bit bloody naughty, aren't they? https://t.co/WXHy72pkJg @lilyfharris they don't think it's whooping cough from his blood results. Still waiting on swab though.. @lilyfharris The way things are going we should be home soon. Whatever he has should pass on it's own xxx @Brianquizmaster bit too nice. @CKRosekilly30 I think he likes to keep me on my toes Carl. Seems bit better today mate, so that's good x @sowasred2012 I've been a very bad girl. Aha. @lilyfharris going home now. Yay ☺️ xx @giftedrascal yes! Amazing. This was actually me when I was left alone with my uncle at Christmas. https://t.co/y2JkAYk6LA @lilyfharris 😘😘❤️❤️ Why is he wearing that scarf? Why is this the third time I've seen him this week? And why am I now horny? SO MANY Q… https://t.co/m3ZQ0ECIFe Looking more like his dad everyday ☺ https://t.co/9hzXP33yM3 @lilyfharris haha he certainly has my pout 😆 @gemfifield thanks. He looks bit poorly here but still a cutie ☺ x @kevinbaxter10 thanks Kevin :) @KittykpKitty thank you 😘 @charlienicola85 he's always pouting Charlie! Wonder where he gets that from? 😆 x @djwood247 we always say he's doing his Zoolander pout! Haha. Thanks David x @kakey89 thank you. Same back to you lovely x @charlienicola85 😝 ha x @BeaHappyCF he just said ahgagaha ha, I think that means thanks Bea 😉☺️ x @BeaHappyCF hahah ☺ xx You scummy fucker hahaha https://t.co/Tlqg4Q92Vl For @betseybunny ❤ https://t.co/attSe3H9un https://t.co/aLly7TV2wq https://t.co/0Ojl1bki3r We can all stop worrying about isis now. https://t.co/dYwjqBamx0 @lilyfharris don't forget the rapists. @meggzzie @cleoalana84 ruin the bloody dream Megan! Aha. @meggzzie @cleoalana84 hahaha wish that was true! Is there anything more representative of my life right now. Errr. No. https://t.co/wJ3gfaZO01 Heidi needs some toner on her hair. Fuck me. Looking at it gives me anxiety. #cbb @EleanorMaay_ YESSS FAM. Gordon Ramsey: I'm gonna kill your whole family you fat bastard faggit, twat loving, mother fucking pig faced cunt. Person: Yes chef. https://t.co/AseWyg1Cy4 Is it bad that this makes me really laugh? And do you think he might have anger issues? I think he MIGHT be a bit hostile sometimes. I just called a little kid a faggit. Hahaha. To his face. @Nettofabulous he was like that 15 years ago in a BBC documentary about opening a new restaurant. He did actually threaten.. @Nettofabulous to kill one of the chefs and his whole family. Was good viewing to be fair. @Nettofabulous savage. @lovelifecf some shit kid tried to get in our room when Beau was alone, while I went to the kitchen. Think his mum heard me. Loool. @lovelifecf yeah some shit kid just walked in our front door!! @lovelifecf hahaha you tit. @lovelifecf yeah haha. Going home in a bit. Yessssss. He's only 10 years younger. That's ok, right? https://t.co/UBv7fyI83x @Brianquizmaster hahah I've always liked the baby faced ones. Ryan Gosling in La La Land. Can I get a fuck yeah? FUCK YEAH. How is it that baby knows when you have a cup of tea in your hand? No mother you will not be finishing that...mwahaha. I get one at least once a month now. I ignore every single one. Aha. https://t.co/p0arOkeusl @BeaHappyCF so sorry my love! Xx And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one 'Cause most of us are bitter over someone. https://t.co/8vZyIWmd64 THIS SONG. https://t.co/z7SGEA5h5p Whispered something in your ear It was a perverted thing to say But I said it anyway Made you smile and look away I love this. This is us in ASDA. So fucking funny @lovelifecf https://t.co/NzIQ16S0cK @lovelifecf never forget. https://t.co/y5vNfUWgPE Had awful dreams when I actually had the opportunity to sleep last night. Hate that. @DuGi I think most people wish that was a dream! @DuGi the contrast between Trump and Obama is shocking. The hot water is playing up at mine again so came to my mums to bathe. Sweet Jesus. Feels good to have some pamper time. My hair goes past my belly button now. I have rapunzel hair. Someone put me in a Disney movie for heavens sake. Aha. @giftedrascal i think I could pull that off. I can belt out a tune, you know? Ha. @BalticSeaLady that's just creepy. @BalticSeaLady gets in the way sometimes! Always flicking it out the way when holding Beau but would miss it if I did. @BalticSeaLady definitely, needs lots of care and attention. Will bought himself an Aero mint and didn't get me one too. How fucking dare he. YOU DON'T KNOW ME @willjw @willjw pffffffffffffft. I just asked Will to massage my feet. I brought his child into the world, it's the least he can do. Know what I mean? Ha. I said they'll be no sex if he doesn't do it. Suddenly he's like a professional masseuse. Hahaha. Nat: Oh no, baby has had a shit. Alina: Shit. Nat: What did you say? Alina: Shit. Hahaha. She's just turned two. Ooops. Another one of my dreams has come back to me from last night. Justin Timberlake wanted me badly. AMAZING. Aha. Me, today. https://t.co/ejeRXnLHw3 If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. I got a email reminder in my inbox, telling me it was an ex boyfriends birthday today from about 12 years ago. AM I SUPPOSE TO CARE? @Fox1985 hahah I seriously don't get why I got it. I'm sure I did Jamie. My new nickname is little lesbian rapunzel for telling Will kissing him is like kissing a big gay bear. My best nickname yet. Aha. On the vodka tonight. Having a break from night feeding tonight for the first time in 9 weeks! Whoop. Let's wish @willjw luck! 😅😅😅 @willjw he will for daddy 💋 CF kids are the best. They have wonderful little personalities. Must be in the genes :) https://t.co/l9pd3Kn5Dp @richmilward @BalticSeaLady You two like eachother! Go on. Admit it ☺ @lovelifecf hahaha errr wat. @lovelifecf okaaaay not seen them fam. Are you sure? Hahah. @lovelifecf a friend sent me one the other day and I never saw that either. Will update. @lovelifecf will PM you now. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady she's more than alright and you know it. @BalticSeaLady we are ok thanks. Yeah, he put 5 ounces on this week. So slowly packing it on :) how are you? She was looking for me...for the Bob. #ChasingAmy https://t.co/SulpBCyycE Kevin Smith is a GENIUS. https://t.co/eKIzyMIwx5 This comment to this scene. Got me giggling. https://t.co/ovvk9hR6vW https://t.co/nbjl3ZQB1d I remember watching this when I was 15 and it got to me. There's only really a few films that have done that. Ones that impact you. Three films in fact. Chasing Amy, Swingers and Before Sunrise. If you haven't seen any of them, please do! You won't be disappointed. Alfie just farted and frightened himself. He jumped. Hahaha. That was so funny. This is me most days now. Aha. https://t.co/koCQvzt64A Got the cheese board, picks and bubbly out. And you know how happy I am when the cheese board is out. Ha. Told Will I didn't eat most of the salami...but I did. Shhhh. Don't tell him. If you leave sausage out. I'm gonna eat it. ALL OF IT. @dayl34 that good?! I can't wait. @dayl34 brilliant. Squatting hell. DEAD. Just your normal breakfast. Three chocolate eclairs. Start the day right. Ha. Beau is smiling and laughing so much today. Seems such a happy boy. It's the cutest thing eveeeer. @mattpasternicki and it's a no from me. Ha. @mattpasternicki @willjw Don't you dare!!! @mattpasternicki @willjw hahaha twat. Bromance. https://t.co/tgWxBfDZbe 😞 https://t.co/qu2FF5cEUU @BalticSeaLady literally. @BeaHappyCF he's doing good babe! Packing on the pounds. Here he is :) xx https://t.co/ZlRMOmtmoA @BeaHappyCF thanks babe! Will give him lots of kisses and cuddles from aunty Bea ☺😘 x Seriously, has Stephanie Davis been pregnant forever? She's like an Alpaca or summat. @RhiannahRyan not yet. Something popped up on Facebook about her being pregnant still. @RhiannahRyan praise the lord. FINALLY. Aha. @electric_jake @BeaHappyCF thank you! ☺he's a sweetie x You know when someone is overly optimistic and smiley but you know they are dying inside. Painful to watch. Love of my life. https://t.co/pWO5sMuhYI This is an example why you don't fuck with the Russians. They are crazy motherfuckers and hard as nails. https://t.co/zZ32Tt63Cn @weeyin_x we are both doing good babe. Beau has put loads of weight on so all good right now! ☺ x @zcelliott he's much better thanks :) starting to get chubbier which is great ☺ x @BlinkParawhore thanks lovely 😘 Beau just had a laughing fit in his sleep. That was so adorable and funny! Wish I knew what he was dreaming about. Boo hoo for you potato face. https://t.co/EKHbXGWMuj @meggzzie I should or just comment 'PRICK' @meggzzie fuck it, I'll send him both hahaha @CKRosekilly30 exactly what I was thinking! Can you lose weight from your head? My hat doesn't fit anymore. What that actual fuck? Will is listening to Nine inch nails. I wanna fuck you like an animal..I wanna feel you from the inside. SO ROMANTIC. @DuGi how will that help? Ha. @DuGi or buy a new hat. That would help :) Imagine being as thick as Chloe. IMAGINE. #cbb @brunette1984 That guy you fancy is still with/engaged to Olivia and they've bought a dog together. Try not to cry.… https://t.co/p8EfXzn2ph @Harley_Cottle same! He's always moaning, he's pathetic. @Harley_Cottle definitely x @meggzzie nutter! Some girls are cray. @meggzzie weirdo. Never understood that. Cheeky monkey. https://t.co/cqFsHiEc23 @lovelifecf yeah, getting chubbier now too :) @lovelifecf yeah, those chubby cheeks and legs are the best. @DalosLegendCFC thanks dude! ☺ Messy hair. Don't care. https://t.co/T4WTvxgOrW .......PRICK. https://t.co/ObmzkefHwp Piers Morgan talking about integrity. HAHAHA. He has zero morals. Hacking people's phones and lying about British troops comes to mind. @AprilSinclair21 hahaha 🔥🔥🔥 will feel so gooood. @DalosLegendCFC she's an odd one mate. @AprilSinclair21 been there! Best feeling. Trust me. Aha. @DalosLegendCFC mate I don't think she's even aware what day it is, so who knows. Hahah. @DalosLegendCFC Calum is increasingly looking shit scared hahaha. Spencer and Heidi are ok actually. Hated them last time! @DalosLegendCFC he's digging himself a hole! He should have politely told her he wasn't interested at the beginning. Hahah. @Becki_65roses hope everyone is ok lovely! xx *giggles* https://t.co/I9YsrbtpTj New York + Pacha + V.I.P = AMAZING. https://t.co/RPXTL7rcNH @giftedrascal awesome! Have a brilliant time! x Can't stop kissing Beau today. Just want to squish him!! Do you blame me? ☺ Does anyone wear a size 4/6 top? I have two bodysuits that won't fit over my boobs! Gah. So if anyone wants them... I will send them to you for free. Will put the links up in a bit so you can see what they look like. https://t.co/bDfgZ905wD https://t.co/ZTd9xc1PfQ And since when did Missguided change their return time? Was always 28 days now it's within 14. Grrrr. @giftedrascal that will be amazing! Be as annoying as you want. Americans love that ha x @kevinbaxter10 definitely getting squished :) @DuGi they are beautiful ☺ x @giftedrascal god yeah! Aha x @BeaHappyCF thanks babe 😘 x Well that was fucking terrible. My dad and I were waiting patiently for him to be shot. #Inauguration Dad: Now bring up the whores. Hahaha. @XVIICKK give it time. @RobTria we are pretty disgusting to be fair. @sowasred2012 I'm genuinely gutted. @RobTria fingers crossed!!! WAT???? https://t.co/MjaGhX7662 Nice one Sel, go upsetting the trump supporters. Aha. https://t.co/P88ZHSuB4i This prick mentions my son, deletes the tweet and I'm disgusting? Okaaay. Guys! Now trump is president all the terrorists are gone. It's incredible. God bless America. America, Fuck Yeah! Trump to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah. Joffrey Trump. https://t.co/jFByn80LLJ Will has been with me for far too long. Everything is a sexual innuendo these days. He was once such a nice boy. @rebeccamcpoo most people probably did ha x @lovelifecf https://t.co/H6NY6AUHMc Ah, this hurt. https://t.co/BVV0VCpgLq I'm going to get another dog one day. The plan in my head is buying a house in the country and then getting a boxer dog. They are the best. My big sister had a boxer when I was 13 called Maxine. She was the most intelligent, loving, protective animal. Such a lovely breed. ❤ https://t.co/i2SXuUxv59 @kevinbaxter10 100% proof god doesn't exist ha. @kevinbaxter10 it's easy to wind Americans up. They don't get sarcasm and most don't have a sense of humour ha. @weeyin_x 😍 Tom is a prick but a fucking FUNNY PRICK. https://t.co/0zA7ER7jG5 https://t.co/jqe1B8R8KZ Baby was craving pizza and cake. No, you were dickhead. Hahaha. I'm sorry but really come on. From the deepest depths of my soul, I wish this was true. https://t.co/8WA3oKbFoG @iMcAngus voice of an angel. @TorchofGod @kevinbaxter10 PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Pleeeeease. This is legit gonna be my new exercise routine. https://t.co/MAptBkr7nA The guy wearing pink. His jazz hands. I'm impressed. His name is Ray. Wonder what Ray is doing right now? Probably in some retirement home with all the old gays jazz handing the fuck out of it. Went on a bit of a tangent there. My brain works in strange ways. Ha. @iMcAngus happy birthday Rory! Dear god, a press conference on crowd size. You can't make this shit up. https://t.co/xhiMThdHKO @iMcAngus good, cuddles please too :) We can no longer be friends. Byeeeeeeeeee. https://t.co/Dne8cLAAuu Some serious calories. Get in my belleh. https://t.co/NhCpO06ou7 Hahaha love her! https://t.co/WLHqnWRDrG Eating Tempura with sweet chilli sauce. I think I could eat it everyday. Actually, I did the last few weeks of my pregnancy. That GOOD. Had the best sleep just now.. It wasn't for long but it was perfect. @kevinbaxter10 I've had meatballs but never Swedish ones. Guess they taste the same though. @asnp_steve same, love my bed! You can't enjoy anything these days without worrying it's going to kill you. NEWSFLASH. We are all gonna die anyway. https://t.co/4j2ZV7sxqV @meggzzie yep or not cooking them enough will give you cancer. Like who's going to eat roast potatoes everyday anyway?! @richmilward legendary! @RhiannahRyan same, said to Will I know what I'm dying of then ha. I'm obsessed. @DalosLegendCFC thought you'd find this amusing. Aha. https://t.co/W7qXat7riz @richmilward wat? How? The only place I know that sells them these days is the hospital so they are my hospital crisp of choice. @kevinbaxter10 yeah, I think genetics plays a big part. Some are fucked whatever they do. @richmilward you're kidding. Why they got to mess with everything? @richmilward it's bullshit. @Michelle86xx not a bad way to go Michelle! Hahah. How you keeping? Keep fighting you! xx This is actually gonna be me on my first night out since having Beau. https://t.co/mFOQvekUYO Errrr we are so making this @willjw https://t.co/ghUuftycks @giftedrascal you having fun?! @willjw @MuscleFoodUK I'll have the avo then 😍 Had my first healthy smoothie of 2017 today and been eating clean. It feels gooood. Have much more energy and that is very much welcomed when having a child. @giftedrascal lovely! Make sure you take lots of pics :) 😭😂 https://t.co/lwU7dzqRNL https://t.co/2t4tuv2fgq I get to fall asleep with my favourite person and wake up to that face 😍 https://t.co/jqzi0c1Pq1 @Michelle86xx good to hear! This year is your year babe! All my boys are good thank you and I'm not too bad either 😘 xx @cferthorney I gave up reading it a long time ago too David. Very depressing. More depressing than the CF. aha. Smile! https://t.co/GJ3K6L7rrL @DalosLegendCFC hahaha cringe. @Sheppyuk aha your way with words. Beautiful. Why do girls look like clones these days? They all have the same tan, eyebrows, eyelashes and make up. Bloody bizarre. Not forgetting the same hair extensions. The funny thing is most guys don't even like that. Take it all away, and what have you got? A troll probably. Aha. @getbentsaggy THIS IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. I love you so much it hurts Chris. When are we going to make sweet love? xox @kevinbaxter10 thanks Kevin :) Sad times. https://t.co/wFyLLaCevN Grew up watching him in 'Allo 'Allo. I'd sit on the floor with a bowl of pickled onions giggling to myself at it as a kid. Done so many squats lately I'm struggling to bend down but who cares when you have an ass that makes grown men cry. Ahaha 😅 @kevinbaxter10 awww mate :) @weeyin_x it's horrible!! @weeyin_x he looks like a bully. FFS 😭😂 https://t.co/kL04ikjkFk Me as fuck. https://t.co/LZuxaHqupz Basically me and Alfie. https://t.co/93rZaf2y17 Why is this making me laugh so much? I can't stop giggling. https://t.co/nCxFtcUeJZ @richmilward munchies!!! @richmilward didn't know they still made them. @iMcAngus they really can. Alfie can tell Beau's cries apart. The genuine painful poorly cry to the average baby cry. Amazing. @richmilward not seen them round my way in yonks! Dear god. She up for best minge award or summat? Put it away, love. https://t.co/SXWCeaEJAT And it's a no from me. https://t.co/5YTeumip1F That flick though hahaha. https://t.co/fpiN3QqE6Z HE LOVES STEAK AS MUCH AS I DO. https://t.co/774BQfb0G6 @LeeGant had to expose your sick ways. @DalosLegendCFC some people are weird Dale. Really weird. Ha. @jamierubicin this was me the other day! Scared myself. Aha. So on trend. https://t.co/IFKn1uWYYB Wowww, congratulations! Ahahaha. #RoleModel https://t.co/pJqItGea3a I've got a feeling these photos might be staged. NOT 100% SURE THOUGH. https://t.co/mLgoUBhNyb Actually belly laughing. Someone said Hello to me and I replied with love you once. Actually maybe twice. FML. Aha. https://t.co/gJKXlkhZ1W @lilyfharris so bloody funny. He looks a right numpty. Just sat on my phone and this came on. My ass knows a good song when it sees it. https://t.co/lt7AVHNLPg To be fair she has got her fathers nose. https://t.co/9ISPpA9Qye How do Vegetarian chicken dishes work? Tell meh please. #DeepFriedCrispyVegetarianChickenBreast https://t.co/SodYPDBzjA @Kookaburra85 me either! Bit of sick just came up into my mouth. https://t.co/OOkv2UVEtp @gemfifield child sized hands. It's weird! 100% true. https://t.co/a3AgXIBZR8 https://t.co/Tzo8fUEfXT @giftedrascal YEP. @giftedrascal yeah! Baby is hangry aha. @giftedrascal Alfie is in bed in my spot while I'm downstairs at the moment. Lucky git! Is it about 10 o'clock where you are? Woke up. Went in kitchen and ate whole pack of love hearts in the space of 20 seconds like a fucking zombie. Gaaah. @giftedrascal thought you were still in New York! Did you go in the prison? @giftedrascal hahaha of course they did. Lazy fat bastards. @cleoalana84 @sickchickchic @lilyfharris guys, science never lies hahahah I love you Bo. https://t.co/l7zLDh1L2P I am one lucky motherfucker. @asnp_steve I'm silly :) I love giving ASSHOLES the boot out of my life. There's no better fit than a high waist Vintage Levi 501 short. So ordered myself another pair for Spring. Thinking… https://t.co/m6xnNEdNEy Wearing shorts is my favourite thing. Live in them in the Spring and Summer. Guys, which colour bikini?! Help me! They also have it in black and blue. https://t.co/6Lng0Kym15 @leeco197 good call, is the pink too bright? @leeco197 true, it's my favourite colour. @asnp_steve thanks :) always been a silly sod who's found humour in things. @leeco197 black is sexy. @charlienicola85 bright blue, wasn't as keen on that one. @meggzzie all very true. Maybe I should just buy it in every colour ha! @richmilward it's a nice arse. @BeaHappyCF looks like it's gonna have to be the white one, makes your tan look good :) x @Disappearer I saw it. How insensitive. The poor relatives of those who died that might see it. https://t.co/AY0bogX8fV Will has just seen that I've ordered those shorts and is slightly excited about it. Are they gonna be that short?! LOL. Men eh? @BalticSeaLady course. Some of our nicest weather is in spring. @willjw here's the black, not thinking about the blue. https://t.co/m4t8EIwxt0 @charlienicola85 defo 😊 @willjw maybe I'll just get both 😋 @willjw https://t.co/3eLWxwnzak Can we all just stop and appreciate the fact that Game of Thrones is back on this year and the second season of Making a Murderer. Ekkkk. https://t.co/pWfTCfjHig Fucktard is at it again. How about banning guns instead of muslims. Guns have claimed more lives than terrorist at… https://t.co/crgwL1Ayem https://t.co/7NxeEOoBvF There's more chance you'll be shot by a toddler than a Muslim in the States. Actually so accurate hahaha https://t.co/mq0FdUFJMy @weeyin_x a guy I knew from when I was younger. Need to delete the wanker! @weeyin_x he's said worse, he's a massive prick. Women Who Kill on channel 4 is tragic but a fascinating watch. Some couples should not be together. Too much fire and passion. Ends badly. @kevinbaxter10 me and my fella are complete opposites, he is a calming influence on me. If I was with someone similar to me it wouldn't work @kevinbaxter10 or maybe it would. I suppose you don't know, but I'd imagine it would be a fiery relationship. I'm in hysterics. I'm crying. The dog is looking at me concerned @lovelifecf https://t.co/G0biAJhBnz In the background nobody fucking cares. LIKE IT'S SO NORMAL. Tickled me that. Only slept for two hours last night though so maybe I'm just not with it. Aha. @LucyxShadow @lovelifecf gets me every time. @lovelifecf why you slag? Ha. @kevinbaxter10 opposites attract as they say. Yup @lovelifecf https://t.co/Id53W0PyVt Have someone visiting me at 11 but I'm still wrapped up in my dressing gown in bed. CAN I NOT DO LIFE TODAY, PLEASE? https://t.co/yWDF2tJPV5 SO VERY TIRED. Waaa. @Nicole_Rennie let's hide away babe! @leeco197 I wish, been avoiding this person for weeks already aha. @leeco197 same haha. That's not lazy, is it? 😆 My two year old niece has just turned to me and said you're a good girl Nena. Bless her little heart. So please please please let me get what I want this time ❤ We really did hit the genetic lottery. https://t.co/srtIOlDWZL @Freddiewhite23 ❤❤❤ My boy just turned onto his side!! Clever little sausage 😍 And so it begins.... @LucyMaryTaylor think I might need it haha x @BalticSeaLady I know! It's early for him to be turning already! My mum and sister were like what? Ha. He's doing well thanks :) @lovelifecf okaaaaay When you were actually a real fetus @lovelifecf https://t.co/T3tmNZA38B Actually no - REAL fetus days @lovelifecf https://t.co/uuyfWNaUSC WHY IS THIS NOT IN MY LIFE ALREADY? https://t.co/1GhT5ufy83 My Alfie is a Taurus. Aha. https://t.co/lPTaAKyZUP Me as a parent. https://t.co/lgH5UjTACa @lovelifecf so many accounts fam @lovelifecf @FilmAndTV101 I said I'd take mum now. I thought you'd seen it already. Please help Charlie by donating for life saving treatment. I have donated. There's no worse feeling than seeing you… https://t.co/Zgx2UrnqOD @chrisguest54 it's really ok. Hope Charlie gets the treatment he so rightly deserves! xx Getting all emosh looking at posts from when Beau was born 😭😭😭 https://t.co/b7RHBz9Sv4 @chrisguest54 of course he does. There are lots of good within the NHS but also lots wrong with it too. This being one of them! @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Yes we are living in sin Richard. Wedding is not planned yet, although getting married isn't that important.. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady ..I don't think these days. @BalticSeaLady Yes, he is a good man. I'm very lucky :) @BalticSeaLady @richmilward exactly, wouldn't make any difference at all. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady hahah tit. Someone's happy ☺ https://t.co/75gmd1fbhO @KittykpKitty thanks Kitty 😘 @charlienicola85 gives the best smiles babe! @stehoare he is happy mate apart from when he's starving ha 😃 https://t.co/GU1346Rkxa @RhiannahRyan you sure you've got the right girl? Hahaha. @stehoare I've got to get him young! My dad is a nightmare at giving the kids chocolate though. Then all they want is chocolate. 😍😍😍😍😍 https://t.co/Vp2B28Og5C @stehoare damn, will just have to give it a go. If we fail, we fail! Haha. @stehoare good luck with that! What possessed her to bite into a mac lipstick at the end? BLOODY SACRILEGE!! https://t.co/I6CJs2HWIi @kevinbaxter10 they find me Kevin! Aha. @kevinbaxter10 thank you :) @charlienicola85 ☺😘 xx @elvisrockysly I want one hahah @mattpasternicki you know my birthday is coming up soon. https://t.co/Kk4W86bLZA @chelsdelaney11 @richmilward @BalticSeaLady I don't know you but I like you. Ha. @mattpasternicki hahaha I can just borrow Adams @chelsdelaney11 @richmilward @BalticSeaLady thanks, he is a cutie ☺ @BalticSeaLady @chelsdelaney11 @richmilward very difficult! @chelsdelaney11 @richmilward @BalticSeaLady I love Canadians. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 @BalticSeaLady Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling, Seth Rogan, Michael Cera etc @BalticSeaLady @chelsdelaney11 @richmilward I don't know any Germans apart from you and you're lovely. @DalosLegendCFC 😘 x @elvisrockysly they would be out of this world. ⭐️👌🏻 https://t.co/D1RZn0igBh @CFAware thanks! ☺ x Ok, so basically I'm being told by the horoscopes to stop buying shit. Errrr...never believed in them in the first place. Aha. When someone likes a tweet from about 300 years ago. Does it freak anyone else out? Creeping much. @kevinbaxter10 yeah could be that. Was a really random tweet and also a picture too. @elvisrockysly hahaha 😛 Wifi just went down and I think I had a silent panic attack. https://t.co/AKGtXPQ4uS @BeaHappyCF he is a happy boy Bea, unless he's hungry - well then he's not a happy boy. Bit like his mum haha xx @terrieAskham thanks Terrie. How are you doing? :) xx @JodiieLouiise_x thanks lovely 😘 I'm good thanks, hope you are too! xx @JodiieLouiise_x good to hear babe ☺️ xx @nojacko this is a real person. Nicola is a vile cackling cunt. She's the mean girl at school. I'd destroy her if I was in there. #cbb @nojacko hahah love your honesty. Kim would argue with her own shadow. Hahaha. #GangHanded #ChickenLiveredShits #cbb @kevinbaxter10 she's like a witch with that laugh. @grace__oshea ☺😘 xxx @grace__oshea AMAZING isn't it?! @terrieAskham yeah, I'm feeling good right now thanks x @kevinbaxter10 it's either that or her tits mate aha. @grace__oshea I've seen something like that. I would love that too! @kevinbaxter10 much better at it. I live in the shower 🌚 https://t.co/mENvQiavDN @nojacko creepy, honest and lonely? Honesty is a good trait to have. Not all bad. Aha. @nojacko @willjw CUNT. @nojacko meatloaf is a ledge!! @Nicole_Rennie haha so true! x Has anyone else randomly lost all their Facebook inbox messages? And did they come back? Fooking Faceache. @DalosLegendCFC FAT FRANK. @reemurrayx tell him deal with it. Aha. Ohhhhh pretty 🌸😍 https://t.co/jN1DYtZkY8 @DalosLegendCFC he takes criticism on the (double) chin. @DalosLegendCFC hahaha don't cry. You love it really. I'm in love with the shape of you 😈 Feels like I'm getting a sore throat. If I get sick after avoiding every bug this whole entire winter I will kick off. @SpamellaB I was a worry wart pregnant. Now I look back I really wish I hadn't - hormones contribute I think. Enjoy this special time.. @SpamellaB it goes by faster than you think! Your baby will be here and you'll be consumed with happiness ☺ xx So it was this lady who bought your old phone @willjw https://t.co/ikD2cobO5e You never truly know someone, do you? You never really know someone else's thoughts and feelings. Frightening really. Changes are coming - and I can't fucking wait. @LucyxShadow hahahaha being deep you prick. @Emzieness HA! Yup. @Emzieness very hard for some. It's an Essex thing I think. @terrieAskham he's doing well, gaining lots of weight which is fab. Time goes so fast babe. Scary! xx Alex from #ExOnTheBeach HOLY SHIT. Stop being a pussy. @kevinbaxter10 exactly. It's crazy. @lilyfharris Maisie's fanny is gushing hahaha @Paul1878G yep, if only mate. Nicola dissing Kim's hair is hilarious. Coming from the girl wearing cheap nasty straw like extensions. Okaaaay. LOL. #cbb @richmilward I like sucking them till they go white and soft. @richmilward don't tell me you don't do that. @richmilward well you should. @richmilward you will like. I need lemons. I need honey. I need whiskey. I NEED THIS SORE THROAT TO GO THE FUCK AWAY. When I call his name and I hear the little pap pap pap of his paws when he comes to see me. https://t.co/ubBvzrW56B Lenny Henry is on Sky Arts thinking he's Al Green. Ahaha. I would say stick to comedy but he's crap at that too. https://t.co/kbNSLkHdLB @damojag you put apple cider vinegar in the lemon water? @damojag might have to try adding that. I normally add some whiskey. @damojag that sounds pretty amazing actually. I could do with that now. @richmilward started sucking yet? @richmilward you can't start soon enough. Once you suck you never stop sucking 🤔 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/NxrFQE4mqw Dear ovaries. Calm. The. Fuck. Down. @jamierubicin or chestnut purée. Fuck off. Cunts. https://t.co/4krMnbPwwg Boobs and bubbles. Love bath time 😋 Big fuck you to whoever gave me this bug. My right lung is dying. Cheers prick. @leeco197 don't need a gym. Naturally trim me 😋 @leeco197 I could eat shit all day and be a skinny prick. Aha. @leeco197 I don't absorb fat very well so will always be like that. If anything I try to gain it. @leeco197 good idea. I'll get fat and then die hahah @leeco197 you're right, I'm fine as I am 😉 Who the hell is CUNT CUNT? Why did I save the number as cunt twice? 🙈 I have no idea who that is! https://t.co/By3b8kjvFO So tempted to ring it up and say Alright, cunt? Hahaha. @Nicole_Rennie I actually will though hahah. I'm SO immature. @BalticSeaLady @richmilward @MissLawrun https://t.co/7CDbT9fXWg @MissLawrun @BalticSeaLady @richmilward I'll eat them all but salt and vinegar is the best! Oh my bloody god 😩 How can that not bring tears to your eyes? https://t.co/cF8VyYVJV9 Oh my bloody god AGAIN. Facebook is killing me tonight. https://t.co/lmxqeRbgxd https://t.co/3X1uSDwvTv Celebrity dinner date is back. Yaaas. I love this shit. This week it's James Hill. Nice northern lad. Fit too. Ohhhhh young man... My other gorgeous boy 😍 https://t.co/fhIxfCUFtP He's dabbing @lovelifecf 😩😂 https://t.co/6YqNqU5rbB When your girl is going hard on the dick hahaha https://t.co/HsL73LvOO9 I miss you bye @lovelifecf https://t.co/twhujFC4qp Have I mentioned lately how much I love my son? Hahaha https://t.co/y01D3GhZcU Think I've found my soulmate. https://t.co/4mozp3Frb5 @lovelifecf doing it for his slag cousin. https://t.co/bB9kQtZyW5 #DinnerDate LOLZ https://t.co/KjKUBrNUlj Yes, I sound like I'm dying. It's so annoying that whenever I cough, splutter or sneeze it wakes Beau up. Grrrr. GO AWAY GERMS. @LucyMaryTaylor I know. Poor little bugger. He's really snotty too xx @LucyMaryTaylor thank you 😘 x Second shower of the day. Yup. So when I said I lived in the shower I actually do live in the shower. I really do have the best bloke @willjw I adore you Love my little family. I'm surrounded by boys and I wouldn't have it any other way. Does anyone else sit at the top of the stairs to just think about stuff? Weirdly I find it comforting. @gonzoboy @YouTube that is cute. The stairs are special. Aha. This is why the 80's was so fucking amazing. Haaaa. https://t.co/xOWcgundHi @weeyin_x same babe ☺ x @BalticSeaLady 😘 Confessions of a paparazzi is shameless but I can't stop watching. It's like a parody or something. George Bamby is… https://t.co/CvfnpAQwZB My beautiful niece 😍😍😍 https://t.co/RBirau5z9b Accidentally ordered too many spring rolls. My fingers have a mind of their own ☺ Come on spring rolls. Aha. https://t.co/7ID16pL7MW My takeaway. The rice. Tastes like fairy liquid. DEVASTATED. WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE? Luke Pasqualino is life. https://t.co/TPp8RXhg2E Now in English please. https://t.co/VBQf6vYLLH @iMcAngus yeah the kid is pretty much dead if he does. 3 months old today. I love you to the moon and back again baby boy ❤ https://t.co/nv9CuZgJhT I'm filled with so much love for Beau I could burst. Incredible feeling. Oh Trevor, I can't cope. Foot baths. Fucking foot baths @elvisrockysly https://t.co/PUg84cbCod These mothers who cry because their kids cry whilst getting their injections. Grow a fucking pair. Two mums on my Facebook talking about those horrible doctors hurting their babies. So close to telling them they're both dickheads. So glad my mum wasn't a pussy because it made me who I am today. @kevinbaxter10 not really surprising though, is it mate? I'm more surprised she lasted as long as she did. Who would eat this? Seriously. https://t.co/qmP2CExID0 Oh Maisie, you're SO classy 😭😂 #Vagina #ExOnTheBeach @lilyfharris she's utter filth Lily. Shameless! 😂 Anyone else go shops and Claire behind the counter asks you having a party? and you're like No Claire, I'm just a fat cunt. @lilyfharris @CKRosekilly30 yes, Carl. Always talking about her bloody fanny. Her parents must be so proud aha. When you born a fuckboy. https://t.co/WsFgiSlGzZ But what if she's got both? https://t.co/dWqVyUUH6P @CKRosekilly30 @lilyfharris she looks dirty 😭😂 I don't think a rapist is gonna go ah well, I tried...good day to you madam. Do you know what I mean?! https://t.co/F9nfYkowQC Holy hell, do I feel you. https://t.co/5GyLdPMMum @BlinkParawhore hahaha or can't get it off lock mode. Then you're fucked. Get away from me! #BrassEye https://t.co/T5rlIuF9fD Chris Morris was so far ahead of his time. Brilliant. When a drug dealer begs to be left alone. Aha. https://t.co/tAo6vELTnK ChilDRAN 😭😂 https://t.co/BsliTde1bB My teddy bear. https://t.co/ntuEDt3HWp @LucyMaryTaylor morning Lucy ☺ https://t.co/MzMJ38Cofc @lovelifecf @willjw I blame lack of sleep. Clearly not with it at the moment aha ☺ https://t.co/4GmDKkgn4s @lovelifecf I was so ill but the LOLS kept coming. Pah. Love. https://t.co/ze1v43vfwU @reemurrayx oh god yeah, I'd just end it. Ah, so this is why my dad likes Norfolk so much. https://t.co/6wPLijvElF @hepimp how was it? @richmilward https://t.co/oRsHQlDkBV You. Are. Welcome. @hepimp can never beat the originals, I don't think. You'll be going solo to see 50 shades at this rate. @TheOnlyCleoLuna @hepimp I think those with high expectations might be disappointed. Normally the case for sequels though! @TheOnlyCleoLuna @hepimp suppose it's just personal opinion! @hepimp @TheOnlyCleoLuna I'll probably enjoy it more, as I'll go in expecting less now. Hey, who doesn't? https://t.co/6xJfYFvKg4 @AndyStu1212 you know. @AndyStu1212 ha yep. @hepimp @TheOnlyCleoLuna you are useful :) I'm sending Little Dan Dinky a pack of these @lovelifecf aha. https://t.co/wEv3fkXzqy @grace__oshea @Livias_Kitchen maca is amazing! I have it everyday :) they look yum babe x @mattpasternicki https://t.co/N7bYE8X7cs 😎🦄 https://t.co/AnX4mvLTAj @lovelifecf he would LOVE it. @mattpasternicki it was pretty memorable! Didn't your dad used to cut it? Aha. *giggles* https://t.co/UmgeRbpblm Those eyes though 😩😍 https://t.co/zY80jHpAsX Let the camel see the toe. https://t.co/EOCZ1Whzr6 And if you think this a joke, you are very much mistaken. You can actually buy these... https://t.co/O0SZUJyZ39 Because every girl thinks ummmm, I know what's missing...beefy fanny lips. WHO WANTS EXTRA FANNY????? I've used the word fanny too much. @grace__oshea I'd buy them for a joke. How hilarious would it be to wear them on a night out?hahah. @grace__oshea the abuse I'd get loooool. @nojacko he can. He has since he was a newborn. He's very strong. Lungs feel like glue. My body aches. Fuck you body. Fucking fuck you. @weeyin_x it's sick. Who would want a massive fanny? Happy Sunday heathens. https://t.co/mgUCW9vP3E @nojacko errr no, he'll have good taste in music aha @grace__oshea @Becki_65roses thank you my lovelies! Likewise, hope you both feel better soon 😘 xx @nojacko @willjw nooooo. It's terrible. They're baaaaack. https://t.co/TONvtaruSG Guys, watch Lovesick on Netflix. Series 1 and 2. Witty and touching. Really enjoyable. Jeeeeez 🌚 https://t.co/jXlUy0BjkP @mattpasternicki sure that's near your parents house. https://t.co/CV2Uu9iE2c Professional footballer in the making right there aha. https://t.co/1KsUocEsyJ Someone who I've known since I was 16 can't spell my name right. Don't expect me to text back when you still call me Selina. Nah. @mattpasternicki CREEPY. @mattpasternicki I know, fucked up - and look at his house! Crime pays. Bet it's all cash in hand and pays no tax too. Love you both ❤ @lovelifecf https://t.co/lAP55hvw8c Leo is only 5 but looks about 12 already. He's tall, handsome and kind. Such a loving boy 😍 Makes me howl when people enter their babies into cute baby contests when their babies ain't even cute. @stehoare fuck off. Mine would win. Innit. @mattpasternicki absolute piss take. @stehoare was kidding! Shit, I don't think I'd ever enter Beau into something like that anyway. Load of bollocks. @elvisrockysly hahaha surprisingly no. @stehoare definitely, most of these parents are delusional anyway. @elvisrockysly Gigi 🖤 @LucyxShadow because you are a slag. @willjw I love you 🖤 https://t.co/RPyTEhe3po Angus 🖤 @willjw https://t.co/xp0aGCAQxQ @BalticSeaLady @BlakeLeyers @__heyitsheather this was me last night aha @willjw I do have a soft spot for Luke though https://t.co/hMpe0S8ugF I'll sleep well tonight. https://t.co/EPpM1Jew9w Ahahaha definitely 🙋😩 https://t.co/oa713CA8iA A man and his dog. Does it for me. https://t.co/CBEsqmmYMt I've literally only tweeted about Tom Hardy today. Bit eager? Aha. @richmilward https://t.co/6wpgdNm9o6 @richmilward https://t.co/N82icccaOQ @DalosLegendCFC that's one of my dads favourites but I've not seen it yet. Downloaded it the other day. @richmilward https://t.co/JuYYJNfhFP @DalosLegendCFC fucking great actor! You seen him play Bronson? Mentally good. @richmilward hahaha that dog is chill. https://t.co/8qVMgikzJ5 @Becki_65roses Good luck for today!! 😘 @Becki_65roses ohhh! Let me know how it goes! ❤ Alfie, come in quickly! Leisurely strolls in taking the absolute piss. SLOWEST. STEPS. EVER. #donlife #hedoeswhathewants Keep catching Beau staring at me today. It's the cutest thing. N'awwww. @hollyrosanna happy lung birthday! You're looking so well babe xx @hollyrosanna I can tell you are, you look amazing! Glowing! We are good, thank you! Xxx I WOULD DIE HERE. https://t.co/sgckTZmjrH Me. Drunk. Fuck load of balls. Disaster. Still wanna go though. Fuck yeah! The sitcom Not Going Out makes me want TO FUCKING GO OUT. @iMcAngus imagine all the dried juices on the balls. Aha. @charlienicola85 noooo Charlie. @Brems59 it's really not mate. Ha. My dream! Donald Trump was a nonce and he told me not to tell anyone. I'm mentally scarred this morning. For fucks sake. Can't cope with this 😩😢 https://t.co/y2fZdwElct @BalticSeaLady I don't want to know! @RhiannahRyan hey you, how you getting on? Still bad? xx @RhiannahRyan I'm in clinic on Thursday. Do you need anything? x @RhiannahRyan I could leave something with Bernie to give to you? Actually you'd probably never get it. You know what she's like aha. Skills 😭😂 @lovelifecf https://t.co/Zb3EUJWlAT @lovelifecf you're a nut job. It's official. https://t.co/1YgdVvUt52 Wine time. Bets on how many glasses I'll have tonight? Closest guess wins ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Accidentally text my mum something that was meant for Will 😩 *facepalm* @hepimp let it shite. Huh? *googles* Big fat NO. https://t.co/Nr0QCSSCxU 😢 Life is a cunt. @BeaHappyCF my mum has had another stroke babe x @BeaHappyCF thanks lovely 😘 xxx @willjw shall we have another? 😊 https://t.co/T7TVcizN8E @CKRosekilly30 yessss! @CKRosekilly30 we're all highly sexed too. Must be in the genes! 😅😂 @Emzieness WAT? Please tell me all about this. I LOVE HIM. https://t.co/6UcjtNpYsd @hollyrosanna me too! ☺ @richmilward you have a funny view of molesting Richard. @CKRosekilly30 hell yeah! aha. This is what I have to deal with daily. Aha. https://t.co/4n43oKGzwt @Emzieness that's incredible! I'm so very jealous. You have no idea! Ha. @Emzieness Don't blame you! @BeaHappyCF she's ok babe, thankfully not a full blown stroke, so that's good. A mild one that she can recover from. Still horrible though x @RhiannahRyan @BeaHappyCF 😘 hope you're feeling better today Rhi x Goats cheese pizza with double mozzarella, double red onion and chilli infused oil. Can I get a fuck yeah? https://t.co/nWE8CBo2am @lilyfharris dominoes dude!!! @BeaHappyCF I will do babe. Thank you 😘 I've given the sleepy boy a kiss from you. https://t.co/BZCtJIowmn This actually breaks my bloody heart. Can't stand drunks and those who can't handle their drink. https://t.co/QeoNwHpfRw @hollyrosanna @BeaHappyCF that's a family trait ☺ xx @mrichie10 yep, seen it all my life. God knows how I'm not a big boozer now. Rejoice! Rejoice! I have seen the light and its AMAZING. Aha. @mrichie10 yep, you definitely learn from that. @Alan_Alger_ god, you're good. @simonloverules I VERY much like this tweet and are we related? Aha. @elvisrockysly you'd love it. You must try it Trevor. @BalticSeaLady thank you 😘 @MissKrys65 thank you, wishing you the best too. Hope you're ok! x You know my birthday is coming up @willjw https://t.co/MJWs984VYz @willjw always thinking of you babe 😂 @electric_jake SO GOOD. @chelsdelaney11 one day you wake up and realise everything you thought was true is bullshit, but then you can move on. @chelsdelaney11 what's the etiquette on crying after sex? aha. @chelsdelaney11 hope you're ok. Fight through the cuntiness you. @lilyfharris I know! They have like these extra special ones at the moment. Hopefully they stay! @lilyfharris I'm ok, tired and bit chesty. Beau is good. Happy chubby dude now :) How are you? :) x @willjw This reminded me of Beau ☺ https://t.co/DkbCc9a5RQ @lilyfharris I could probably do with them too, but like you can't be arsed! Ball ache xx This is funny as fuck but equally fills me with fear. https://t.co/poVxcIREY3 Had the most awful dream. Ugh. So glad I woke up just now 😞 I watch a lady iron on YouTube for relaxation. However, I hate ironing in real life. The IRONY... *chuckles* Here all week. God, I'm sad. Health visitor said it made her day seeing Beau today. He makes everyone smile. Emotional mother alert 😭☺️ @jimmystitch hahah proper sad fucker now mate. This is me. Totally. https://t.co/80DHzMI8I0 @jamierubicin I read that initially as fuck a koala. @jamierubicin yeah, you don't look the type. DON'T TOUCH ME. https://t.co/HibJDAkTjV Won't be hard to figure out @willjw https://t.co/WK2r246qnz Body is not functioning. Was nice knowing you all. Good bye my friends. https://t.co/LDR4azkGOX Fuck off Doris. Cheers Doris. https://t.co/akpbzCdSki @BeaHappyCF I'll be alright babe. Felt dead earlier. Aha xx @lilyfharris I'll be ok. I think. Ha. Having some cipro for a bit and see how I get on. I get ya though - get your important shit done 😘 @BeaHappyCF hope you're ok sweet xxx Mum stops me mid conversation. Selena, your eyebrows, they are so good. Errrr...best compliment eveeeeer. @paulerhards massive slag. Feel sorry for the girls with cheap extensions and fake eyelashes today. Gonna need more than a snap chat filter to sort that out. Aha. @paulerhards what a bitch. Ever felt so stressed out about something it makes you feel sick? Ugh. @RhiannahRyan @BeaHappyCF fuck off. What's happening? xx @giftedrascal worried about a few things mate. Life just kicks you up the arse sometimes, doesn't it? @lilyfharris thanks. Fingers crossed! You doing them at home? xx @giftedrascal hahaha thanks 😚 @RhiannahRyan @BeaHappyCF what have the team said? Do you know how long this will all go on for? x @RhiannahRyan @BeaHappyCF you're gonna be in for a while then. If I can do anything, let me know xx When someone writes a witty tweet but you seen the meme 20 minutes before. Nice try. @lilyfharris I'm like that too. Rather do them at home even though it's tiring! xx Can everyone stop trying to make Craig David happen please. @lilyfharris definitely! So much better. Just hate making them up! xx Sardines? Hahahaha. Best cure yet. I'll just gonna nip Co op now. Daft cunt. https://t.co/GmHUz8JMSB @LucyMaryTaylor Julie knows the truth. @LucyMaryTaylor good call. I've just been in Marks and Spencer's food. Got me some extra special fuckers. Tomorrow I'm waking up healthy. @willjw I do an amazing Italian accent though. Aha. @Nicole_Rennie @LucyMaryTaylor my boy had TPN after his op. It's soya oil, peanut oil and egg lecithin. He swelled up! @weeyin_x @reemurrayx @LucyMaryTaylor I actually heard of a dog that had CF once. No joke. I NEED TO EDIT THIS TWEET 😩 Edit option majorly needed @Twitter I can't stand mistakes. Eats me up. Aha. @LucyMaryTaylor @Nicole_Rennie he's good thanks babe. Nearly 11 pounds now. Chunky monkey! Has a double chin. Aha. Check out his double chin @LucyMaryTaylor ☺️😆 It's so cute when he's lying down. https://t.co/ANxlhUte3m @LucyMaryTaylor thanks babe! I could just eat him hahah xx @BalticSeaLady @LucyMaryTaylor they are the best! Girls will be jealous when he's older ha x @reemurrayx but it's the cure. Just suck it up and get them down you aha x @lilyfharris awful! I know the pain. I get Will to draw up the Mero when he can because it pisses me off so much ha xx @Harley_Cottle @LucyMaryTaylor NUTCASES so many NUTCASES. @Nicole_Rennie @LucyMaryTaylor thank you lovely 😘 hope you're feeling better xx @DaleRobertsDR are you purposely sabotaging all the lads? I like how your mind works. @sickchickchic JESUS. Fucking Doris. Lucky escape Josie. @cleoalana84 @LucyMaryTaylor ☺️☺️ haha too bloody cute for his own good Cleo xx @cleoalana84 @LucyMaryTaylor yep, he's got me wrapped around his little finger already ha xx @sickchickchic Oswald? Yeah, that is VERY bad. Deed Poll worthy. @sickchickchic phewww! 🙋 https://t.co/t0fDxRnDQC In Leicester too. This could actually become a reality. Buzzing. Aha. BRADLEY HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE. https://t.co/Nlkl5JKO7U @kakey89 @LucyMaryTaylor I really am Kat! Can't believe he's mine sometimes 😩☺️ xx @kakey89 do you think you'll go for it and have one? xx Well that's cheered me up. Thanks Bryce. https://t.co/EWMWppfc8R @lilyfharris 😅😅😅 @gemfifield just what I wanted to read on a Saturday afternoon aha. @elvisrockysly something to look forward to. @Lasty1Richard hope you're out soon mate :) @kakey89 exactly, I know a few girls with transplants who have had babies. Would be lovely! x @LucyMaryTaylor fuck yeah. @BeaHappyCF I can't remember now! Something about how positive most CF's are or something. Ruin the mood much. aha. @Lasty1Richard best to keep busy! Nothing wrong with that. Make sure you're getting enough rest though, ok :) @kakey89 just PM'd you :) xx @BeaHappyCF I know! Was a really positive post about a girl with CF who has started her own fashion label and that was his contribution LOL. Yep. JUST WAIT. https://t.co/hJPjfnRfTx @BeaHappyCF his was the last message to that post. I'd have to go back and look. Not sure I want to aha. Mood killer 😳😂 Skunk. Fuck yeah. https://t.co/Yr1S75fNSf @BeaHappyCF it's been lovely. Hope yours has too! Mum is starting to feel a bit better, thanks 😘 x Without sound I cracked up. With sound ohhhhhhhh FUCK And then I cracked up again. https://t.co/dJroytPt50 this is legit something I would do and the same thing would happen. @BeaHappyCF ❤❤ Happy birthday @Shell_Rosex Miss you crazy girl 🖤🖤🖤 @gemfifield I like to mutter EBOLA as I'm spluttering. Aha FREAKY. https://t.co/R1rOslNiD4 @LucyxShadow they aren't the most empathetic people babe. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I'm thirty bloody three. Waaaat. @LucyMaryTaylor so old but don't look it babe 😋 @LucyMaryTaylor cf benefit right? Ha. Thank you 😘 x @Disappearer thanks Matt :) x @giftedrascal hahah 😉 thanks mate x @DalosLegendCFC hahaha thanks edda! xx @giftedrascal not today, just relaxing which is needed. Going out at weekend :) @gonzoboy winning. @meggzzie thanks Megan xx @terrieAskham age ain't nothing but a number babe. aha x @Harley_Cottle thanks gorgeous xxx @gonzoboy mum says the same to me. She told me the other day she'd have worried less if she knew. @CFAware thaaaank you! Xx @Nicole_Rennie thanks beaut. Hope you're feeling better! 😘 xx @iMcAngus thanks dude! x @elvisrockysly https://t.co/X7PrtvhIn3 @charlienicola85 thanks Charlie 😘 xx @chiefbreenie thanks you! 🖤 x @gemfifield Cheers Gem! 😘 x @sickchickchic I'm spoilt everyday babe! I'm one lucky bitch. aha. Thank you! xx @BalticSeaLady thank you lovely 😘 xx Actual cunts. https://t.co/Arp9RSbs5N @weeyin_x thanks sweet! 🖤 xxx @elvisrockysly hahaha bet he is. I just don't know who. NO WAY. https://t.co/DBYW8nTzto @CF_Mutant_84 @elvisrockysly you're the biggest cunt of them all maaaate hahah 😜 @CF_Mutant_84 @elvisrockysly you're grim! Never change. LOL. @JodiieLouiise_x thanks lovely! 😘 xx @sowasred2012 Cheers maaate! @CKRosekilly30 thanks FILF! 😋 I'm touched. #Milf #FuckYeah https://t.co/zybSEmEcDn @CKRosekilly30 just made it up hahaha. I think it works. @CKRosekilly30 I'm starting FILF. Sounds naughty aha 😆 @CKRosekilly30 yesss. You FILFY bugger 😜 @lilyfharris thanks lovely! We are all good thank you 😘❤ x @c9ufc thank you x @cliffe1 @cliffe1 awww, can't wait to see the little man! I had my little boy Beau in November. Best feeling in the world Louise! ❤ What is my mum getting at? Aha. https://t.co/0lP6nsuVS7 @DalosLegendCFC hahaha but I always let myself in. Doesn't matter that I don't live there anymore, does it? I did for 17 years! 😅 This was the bollocks! Who else watched California Dreams as a kid? https://t.co/MnTQoHhhkz @BeaHappyCF and tomorrow, why not eh? ☺ xx @lilyfharris Surf dude with attitude...laid back moods. Amazing. Aha. @Lasty1Richard ohhh, not far off the big 4 0! You'll have to go to town on the celebrations that year xx @chelsdelaney11 fucked it right in the pussy biatch. @lilyfharris funny how after all these years we remember the lyrics. Sad fuckers. But secretly I'm impressed ha @BeaHappyCF thank you by the way 😘 x @lilyfharris FOOTBALLERS WIVES. Incredible. @lilyfharris YES! And Tanya fucking Turner. Loved how fierce she was. Ha. @lilyfharris hahaha brilliant! He was a shit character 😂 @lilyfharris remember when Jason shagged Jackie/Gillian Taylforth on the snooker table and got her up the duff? Hahaha. @lilyfharris hahaha it's so cheesy it's class. I remember watching the scene when her boobs went up in flames and thinking WTF 😂 @hollyrosanna Lovesick. Get past episode 1. Keeps getting better x @electric_jake thaaank you xx @Brianquizmaster 😋 thanks for birthday message yesterday x Only I could have lady pains and kidney stone pain at the same time. Why meeeeeeee? WHY? I technically wouldn't have been born yesterday as I was born on the 29th. SO HAPPY NON BIRTHDAY to me AGAIN. #LeapYearBaby @weeyin_x torture!!! @CF_Mutant_84 CF girls don't age Chris, didn't you know? Ha. @CF_Mutant_84 hobbit? I'm tiny but COME ON! aha. @CF_Mutant_84 about 5'2. Cute small 😉 @CF_Mutant_84 hahaha Chris. You are dirt. @EleanorMaay_ thanks 😘 xx Brilliant idea! https://t.co/Mpa5gaW0s0 @gemfifield I had this. Is your mum or dad in? Mate, I'm in my thirties! It's a good thing babe ha. @FinneganCallum Disrespectful cunt, he is. @RyanJL she'd let you bang her for three and a half minutes, I know that. @gemfifield it's very funny! Can't complain ha x @CKRosekilly30 how are your puffers mate? :) @1MartinDelaney I definitely will ☺ @BalticSeaLady always gotta be different :) @BalticSeaLady I have lots of kidney stones. The pain comes and goes. I can go ages without pain though. Do you have stones? @BalticSeaLady when I say lots I mean 3 or 4 so I suppose it's not that many. I should probably up my water. They don't want to laser them. This is us @willjw https://t.co/LGMktROGXW @willjw your food tastes so much better though. You know better than to touch my food. Selena doesn't share food. @BalticSeaLady hopefully they will go eventually. They saw I had them when they were ultra sounding my liver. Hope you're not in pain x @BalticSeaLady about 6 years now 😩 I must have MUG written on my forehead. LOL. @BalticSeaLady haha thanks 😚 x @CKRosekilly30 not too bad then. I'm up clinic tomorrow. Not that I want to go. Ugh. Need to move hospital. @RhiannahRyan thanks for that Rhi 😉😩 haha xx @CKRosekilly30 yeah I have. Just need to get my finger out and sort it - been so busy with stuff lately. Been a crazy few months. @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 nottingham hopefully. It's closest one to me. Lots of people from my hospital have moved over. @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 oh shit, i might see you. Better avoid the place then. LOL. @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 pipe down. You're still a newbie!! Bwahah. @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 nah. Will never be nice 😝 @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 I have my moments. Little fire cracker sometimes aha. You have full on little man syndrome though. Pah 😅😅😅 @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 do you go to the Chelsea hospital Lily? @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 healthy crack head? That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me so far ☺️😋🖤 @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 not heard much about Barts to be honest. Any good? From your pictures of the rooms it looks good x @willjw that is allowed. aha. @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 no shit 😅😅 @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 sounds bloody great! Makes me want to move hospital more hearing that. @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 perfect then! Maybe I should move to London? Ha. @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 Glenfield in Leicester. The care is shit. Food is terrible. Have to pay for everything.. @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 rooms are crap etc etc. Need to move soon x @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 same babe. You could get stuff sent up from canteen instead of the microwaved menu shit.. @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 but they've stopped that now too, and they want us to gain weight? Laughable. It's the care.. @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 that bothers me the most though x @RhiannahRyan 😘😘😘 @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 @CKRosekilly30 exactly babe 😩 x Fuck yeah. https://t.co/4sBOqFiJpt Is it called beer? https://t.co/t7B3dV3l1Y @LeeGant I'd kick off. You know a girl means business when she puts her hair up. aha. #RightHook #EOTB https://t.co/EPrCojA25W @lilyfharris hahaha I know. When she described herself as a lady. Okay 😂 @CKRosekilly30 @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 ignore all of it mate. Hahah. @CKRosekilly30 @lilyfharris @CF_Mutant_84 no blue waffle. Zero waffles. LOL. @nojacko life? @nojacko won't solve your problems, but it's nice not to think about them for a bit sometimes. That's what it's getting at. Hahahaha this is a piss take, right? https://t.co/r8xYeYDqGK @nojacko not me, I could nap all day and still sleep like a baby at night. Depends on the person, I guess. @hollyrosanna It. Is. Amazing! I heart you @MelodyThornton Using these masks make you question your entire existence while taking them off. Ahaha. https://t.co/FMX8r0B3Ah @selenaLove there's a bit I think you'll like in this @willjw something we both find hilarious. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS? https://t.co/h6dodoAVmz PLEASE WATCH THIS TRAILER. I URGE YOU. Is he happy or sad? Nobody knows. https://t.co/GlNRzDi0z2 It's 4.28am and I want to eat dried meats. Some tapas. Nice bit of prosciutto. Fuuuuuuck. How can I sleep this hungry? I'm in physical pain here. Can you die from hunger? WHY AM I SO DRAMATIC? @electric_jake I know, right?! x @DalosLegendCFC looks like he's just shat himself. He's embarrassed about it but it feels so good. SO IN LOVE 👶🏻❤️ @BeaHappyCF he's great, happy and smiling loads. I wake up to the best smiles every morning 😍 xx @BeaHappyCF will do babe 😘 x Fucking morons who can't spell. Fuck off. Like I'm gonna take advice from someone who thinks right is spelt rite. @miss_lindley I know, right?! Boils my piss hahaha It's amazing how much Beaus personality was like mine when I was a baby. I am gonna have so much fun with this boy. @miss_lindley is for some people, it seems! I just cringe 😂 @RhiannahRyan hahah not aimed at you babe. I know you're dyslexic. That's different! x @richmilward @miss_lindley prick aha. @cliffe1 congratulations! He's beautiful x Shall we start taking crack? @lovelifecf https://t.co/maTA2r9YcN THIS IS MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. https://t.co/7Atq9U57dv @lovelifecf I'll sniff it, smoke it, stick it up my arse if it get me doing that shit. Bet Rachel is fun at parties. https://t.co/fSOd184m1B @EleanorMaay_ Rachel can bore off. Never happened. https://t.co/GFcgAaIPR7 Go drink bleach. https://t.co/X3lJEe0tCK @richmilward you would. There are Mr Bean books by the way. Does anyone else say the other day but it was actually more like five years ago? Hahaha he's having a gay relationship with his car. https://t.co/C0xWZhe7lj It's not even a nice car. @AprilSinclair21 yes! aha. @FreddyAmazin cum if you want is worse. Wanna get up and eat pizza but who does that at 5 in the morning? @Judino_Sensei @FreddyAmazin hahaha as if. @elvisrockysly *shudders* https://t.co/qe4Y1zX8IH BOOBIES NEED THIS. https://t.co/kFrpYVn1cV A diet of flumps is perfectly acceptable, right? @sowasred2012 @LeeGant Remember me always strolling in college late giving zero fucks? It was a good thing guys. https://t.co/adNQMNRlD7 @tonykellywriter me too! @OpenHerLungs of course you will. @LeeGant @sowasred2012 oi minion, shut your fucking mouth. This scumbag gave you the feels at one time. @sowasred2012 @LeeGant I only remember being late, Pell winking at me and eating hash browns. Good times! @LeeGant @sowasred2012 If you knew how special I was to him YOU'D HAVE A CORONARY. @OpenHerLungs it might feel like that now but I promise you things change. @lovelifecf https://t.co/ogLAvA2Qsk The old cunt will be 6ft under soon. Ignore him. https://t.co/Kgzj0HQBo7 Just got a message from a guy telling me a girl is pretending to be me on Twitter. Don't know whether to be flattered or freaked out. So if any of you guys get any nudes or naughty messages, they are not from me! @CF_Mutant_84 im not a FREAK! @giftedrascal not my nudes. Nudes of her pretending to be me! I'm just wondering who I've pissed off. LOL. @CF_Mutant_84 not nudes of me. Random nudes of who the hell I don't know and saying it's me. @c9ufc yes. Nudes. Not of me. @CF_Mutant_84 tell me about it. @CF_Mutant_84 tit ha @giftedrascal probably some jealous bitch who don't like me. Aha. Will is happy Liverpool beat Arsenal...I'm just happy it's over. Aha. @terrieAskham VERY. Haye throwing punches like he's pissed in town on a Saturday night. #HayeBellew YESSSS! Haye is going down. #HayeBellew Respect to Bellew for not celebrating immediately and going to speak to Haye first. More than Haye deserves. #HayeBellew Good luck @Michelle86xx thinking of you!! ❤❤❤ Will let me sleep in till 12 while he had Beau this morning. Serious points babe @willjw 🙌🏻💋 Standard Saturday night in Leicester. https://t.co/4i8WI4HbBk No. Just no. https://t.co/EJJNj98Qf2 @weeyin_x @sbadsgood you'd pull it off babe aha. @1974Hamilton @sbadsgood don't fancy a pair then? @1974Hamilton @sbadsgood haha they are bloody ugly. Mum rings me talking in a tone like something bad has just happened. Mum what's up? TV won't come on. Yep. Fucking TV won't come on. @1974Hamilton @sbadsgood holy Jesus. They are disgusting. What about these? https://t.co/HvEwEgepOr A STONE JUST CAME OUT OF MY PISSHOLE. I don't want to kill myself anymore from the pain. HALLELUJAH. Will: that's fucking massive. Big stone. Big pain. Don't even care if that's too much info. I'm just HAPPY. aha. @1974Hamilton @sbadsgood where are you finding these atrocities??! Check these out though... https://t.co/tieRPMPqzW @1974Hamilton @sbadsgood Christ! I think you win. Don't think I can beat those!! @CKRosekilly30 ouch! Hurts, right? I think the most painful part for me is the stone coming out the kidney though. @CKRosekilly30 no, never pissed blood! Did you? @1974Hamilton @sbadsgood hahaha good one. They are gross! Chewbacca wants his hair back... https://t.co/EC9a6UQbYC @MercyRuled @willjw are you done? aha. @1974Hamilton @sbadsgood Trump wishes he had hair like that! Aha. https://t.co/3FE2PsKuRz @CKRosekilly30 bet you shat yourself. That would have been scary! You had it again since? I know I have quite a few stones 😩 @1974Hamilton @sbadsgood it really is hilarious!! @sowasred2012 it's fun, ain't it? @CKRosekilly30 yeah, I think I heard that. Can be due to antibiotics too, I think I read once. @CKRosekilly30 well I had a c-section so I can't tell you. BUT I can imagine it's something similar. aha. Wanked himself to death. Proof too much of anything is bad for you. https://t.co/6ZzKmj2vpD ❤️🐶 https://t.co/3SVeL6lVcH @gemfifield there are worse ways, yeah! HOW IS THIS REAL? #DevilsDumplings https://t.co/txDtLj1YkP @giftedrascal isn't it like 14 gallons of cum per lifetime for a male? BABY TOM HARDY 😍 https://t.co/g8KxXD3xhm Can someone come prise the junk food out of my hand please? This is getting ridiculous. I know I'm slim but i hate eating crap food. For some reason I can't get enough of it at the moment. @kevinbaxter10 seriously, looks like a joke. @giftedrascal 7,200 'splashes' per lifetime averagely. God knows how many times he did. @giftedrascal and with his dick in his hand. @Brianquizmaster @willjw @SelBirthday can't wait to be rid of him :) @LucyMaryTaylor @sbadsgood they don't wear them in Wales then? Aha. @Fox1985 hahah very good Jamie 👏🏻 @giftedrascal maybe he's gone to a place that has unlimited porn. Some sort of kinky heaven. @LucyMaryTaylor @sbadsgood I'd tell them to sort their lives out. They are so beyond wrong. Going back blonde this week! After two years being brunette it's time to bring back the bimbo. Aha. @giftedrascal and BBC presenters! I say bimbo but obviously going classy blonde. Some highlights and lowlights. No full head bleach. Yuck. Yeeeep. https://t.co/AMVbmWSfni @lilyfharris it's like going back home! Ha. You know what I love most about this? That his name is Dick. https://t.co/bEFiVOtTbU @miss_lindley like my grandad used to say when the dick is hard the brain switches off. Aha. Beau's consultant is on BBC 1 now. Dr Cusack was absolutely amazing. He put me at ease immediately. The neo-natal at the Leicester Royal infirmary is incredible. Such wonderful, kind, hard working people. @miss_lindley YEP. Dickheads. Hahah. @LucyMaryTaylor I like to educate my followers aha. @LucyMaryTaylor yeah, something like that. LOL. Hell is gonna be so much fun. https://t.co/lLzUlA1byV @kevinbaxter10 I had to watch it like three times! Are my ears hearing correctly? Hahaha. @nrelston I love a yoga pant. I have a draw full. Ha. @weeyin_x same, I'll see you there babe. Will be awesome. Hahah. @sowasred2012 depends what the word witches means to you. Idolaters? Isn't that what Christians do? @terrieAskham fucking typos, eh? Ha. You know I love hearing someone move around upstairs when I'm HOME ALONE. @RhiannahRyan shhhhhh! xx @elvisrockysly @terrieAskham I'm pretty sure it was She-Male Sluts issue 11. Will brought back a maccies. Happy. Ate it. Unhappy. Swear it's given me a headache. It's EVIL. Pure EVIL. Beau giggles when I sing the Adams Family theme tune. No idea why, but he thinks it's really funny! aha. 😩😍 https://t.co/4GpQtzouuq @LucyMaryTaylor he thinks it's great ha x @BenWalkerFABS thank you Ben :) @BenWalkerFABS congratulations on your new baby :) @LucyMaryTaylor I know 😩❤ @BalticSeaLady @LucyMaryTaylor he does ;) @BeaHappyCF 😘❤ Really need to get back into my photography. Shame not to use my diploma in Photography. Gave away my old camera. Wish I still had it 😩 Nothing better than getting in the dark room and developing your shots. I had so much fun in those dark rooms in my younger years 😉😋 Head is absolutely banging. You know when you get the pain around the eyes? Fuck a duck. @c9ufc I say that everyday :) @leeco197 not been on it all day. Ha. Typical. @leeco197 same, that's why I turn the brightness right down. On full it's ridiculous. @mrichie10 yeah, might be because of this. I do feel tired. We had more than one quit. One even had a breakdown. Kids are PRICKS. https://t.co/cWoA3ID1nV @Nettofabulous bloody hell. Heartbreaking. Kids are the worst for bullying. @BalticSeaLady everything really! I was quite arty farty back then. Lots of black and white. Lots of street stuff... @Nettofabulous Christ. Wonder if these kids realised what they were doing? It's just so awful. @BalticSeaLady It's nice to catch unguarded moments. Will is making us both a roast. Ah, I do love him. The way to my heart is food. Especially when it's a great big slab of BEEF. Yeah boooooy! @Nettofabulous I don't think kids realise the impact of their actions. My sister was bullied. I got the cunt by the collar and sorted.. @Nettofabulous him out. Left her alone after that. Luckily I was strong willed and didn't take any crap. Hate bullies. @EleanorMaay_ yeah, been taking photos since I was 16. Did a Media course, then went on to photography. I do like Architectural.. @EleanorMaay_ ..did lots of editorial, did a bit of advertising, street, urban and artistic stuff. I would loved to have done forensic. @EleanorMaay_ I need a new camera. I like digital but I love developing my own shots. Something really special about it. @meggzzie same! Need to get back into the game :) @EleanorMaay_ you must :) xx @meggzzie definitely! I was saying the same thing to Will the other day ☺ x If nothing I have said today makes sense I am sorry. I'm so tired I can barely string a sentence together. Baaah. All completely true. https://t.co/vMb8hTAvRI Digestives just aren't good are they? If you're going for a basic biscuit it has to be Rich Tea or butter biscuit. I'm eating digestives now but they aren't hitting the spot. Crap. @elvisrockysly @EleanorMaay_ definitely genuine Trevor x @LucyMaryTaylor you know. Gotta dip them in your tea! @LucyMaryTaylor who the hell would eat them dry? Weirdos. @kevinbaxter10 same, only eating them because I was desperate to eat something quickly. Will bought them. Catching up with #EOTB @MissMcCleary Is killing me!! I'm literally crying with laughter. WAHHHHHHHHHH 😭😂 Beau had a full on giggle fit at me saying in an American accent Let's do this, man! Really tickled him. aha. He only laughs at me. He gets me. Awwww. LOL. WHEN YOU WAKE UP LATE FOR WORK AND DON'T HAVE TIME TO DO YOUR HAIR. https://t.co/BmS9bL9RyY @miss_lindley hahaha this. @iMcAngus he's suppose to be a bit cray, ain't he? @NickiWilliams89 I'm obsessed Nicki! Best for dunking in your tea! @iMcAngus I like him then. I think I'll stand. https://t.co/mr5APTEuUD RedBull and paracetamol is saving my ass right now. Been so tired the last two days. That's what eating crap food does to me. #CarbHell @miss_lindley we both move swiftly on hahah @ashbergh LOL granny wants some action. The only good thing about eating shit food is that all the calories go straight to my tits. So that's kinda a win, right? @chelsdelaney11 YEP. The only way this deeply unfunny show can be funny @willjw https://t.co/f0SXetizV6 @LilyLikesLemon wat @lovelifecf Happy International Women's Day. https://t.co/TpwfQ8WTBp https://t.co/9P7gegwtKr What's the point? Won't take long for others to realise you're actually a thick twat. https://t.co/AyN7WDFpSQ Just read a REALLY old group chat. Ah, pulled at my heart strings. So funny. #Moist Ooh Aah Cantona @willjw gave me a giggle. https://t.co/pucgUogyHJ Breast relaxation is a thing now. https://t.co/ofaB9POiCq Nooooooo @hepimp https://t.co/mp06ghOMIc If Will doesn't stop snoring I'm going to HURT him. @BalticSeaLady wake him constantly! @willjw it's truly awful. @LucyMaryTaylor I'm obviously getting myself some today. @reemurrayx it slowly got darker over time! Ha. But not been full blonde for ages! x @hepimp @MirrorTV exactly how I felt. https://t.co/GWRYm0URKM I know steak and blowjob day is soon but calm down lads. https://t.co/NX9TWuO78H @meggzzie shoplifters have gone a bit upmarket now. @Paul1878G beautiful! @mattpasternicki I'm terrified! @richmilward 14th of March. Pretending you don't know. How cute. @richmilward you eat steak and someone sucks you off. ONLY OVER FOUR MONTHS AWAY 😩😭 https://t.co/I4cnkaFGdL @richmilward well that's totally up to you. Tinder? Proof reading is important. #inconvenianceeaseckcjtxmgxjtxgk @richmilward you have five days to get a girlfriend. @richmilward that's bollocks. @richmilward why not? Jumped up prick. https://t.co/2IzWlcrQyl @richmilward hey, going out is overrated. @actionjaxon666 he's a selfish fat prick who can't even be arsed to help his wife get their bags down, even though she's holding their... @actionjaxon666 baby and has done the ENTIRE flight. @actionjaxon666 it says clearly at the end the woman was his wife. @actionjaxon666 Hahaha that explains that! @actionjaxon666 damn! Now do you understand? aha. @actionjaxon666 course! I'd have thought the same as you. @actionjaxon666 from their replies, they have seen it all! When ordinary people get blue ticks on twitter. Like people need confirmation it's actually you. For fucks sake. Why do I get distracted so easily? My brain is insane. I swear I can't keep up. @sowasred2012 I will never look at you in the same way. @sowasred2012 baaaah! I will make fun of you FOREVER. @BalticSeaLady @richmilward ah, yes! My bad. @richmilward HATE her. https://t.co/5LOCvw2qfY This will be you on a conference call when Beau is older and me whizzing in like a frickin ninja to get him out. https://t.co/Y9lJfFuuSP Would probably help if I'd tagged you in this tweet @willjw Fucking hell. Tired much? LOL. *Snorts* https://t.co/zFL6XFYXxz @AndyStu1212 I feel the same way right now :) @iMcAngus that's his wife! He's FURIOUS inside. @iMcAngus bet the poor cow got a right telling off after!! aha. @lilyfharris that's great news babe! I really want to try it too. No chance of that happening at my hospital. @Go0t3d where did you go?! Someone in their 40's has sent me a sticker on Facebook messenger. I'm too old for that shit, just say hello. @lilyfharris good luck! I mentioned it to my team and they pretty much told me it's a no go. Urgh x THAT DAMN DIABETUS. https://t.co/F31SfuHHYz @lilyfharris they are so negative sometimes! He's good babe. His next operation is on Wednesday, bit nervous about it the closer it gets xx @lilyfharris it's on his intestine. It's called a pull through. Hopefully he won't need anything else done after this xx @lilyfharris thank you 😘 xx @Go0t3d ah, yes! I see you now. @Go0t3d Christ. It all just gets worse, doesn't it? @Go0t3d I'm with you there. aha. Money talks, bullshit walks. Watching Crufts. Alfie's mum won at crufts. Two others of his bloodline have won too. His name was Prince Will when we went to see him. aha. I knew we had to get him when she told us his name ❤️ https://t.co/CCqMapcXiw I want the little Yorkshire Terrier to win Best in show. Love her. #crufts @nalaknip hahahaha. Take that back. @nalaknip the owners are wankers! LOOK AT IT. https://t.co/WqWDmv8HX7 @nalaknip hahahaha you prick. Love him. My bad. The bow led me to believe it was a girl. Ha. @RhiannahRyan pepe eh? Hahah. @RhiannahRyan Jesus. Alfie's dads name was Callucci's Shimmering Sun At Juwlri. LOL. @RhiannahRyan fuck knows?!! Why can't they just be called Dave or summat? Hahaha. The first few people you think of when you say “no one cares” are the people who care the most. So I'm learning pole by the way. https://t.co/iiNM1GmFrW Bunny boilers 🙈 https://t.co/hHSgSuGtEn Finds nearest window and jumps out of it. https://t.co/Rm3bE1H7g1 Did you notice this earlier? aha @willjw https://t.co/S0AMnyLp2j @willjw yeah, I've seen that before. Bit gay like. aha. Happy birthday Superman! 😘 x @BenMudgePT Will be a wonderful Mother's Day. #MummyPorn https://t.co/HJPT4ucDfc *See Mother's Day advert on tv* Me: Mothers day? Always bloody something, isn't there? Me: Hang on, im a mum....AWESOME! Hahaha thanks 🖕🏻@mattpasternicki https://t.co/LwcPora5ll So Will is off out to buy fillet steak..... #HappySteakAndBlowjobDay Is there a pill for spelling? https://t.co/8Izm1worLX My kid is hilarious. We giggle together like idiots. What's it gonna be like when he can actually talk?! Can't waaaait. GOD DAMN. This is sex. https://t.co/3621qNqv44 Lay down in a dark room and listen, you must. At hospital now. Beau's operation today. Positive vibes and thoughts would be very welcome guys! 😩 https://t.co/9B258JW2zV @zcelliott thanks Zoe xx @CFAware fingers crossed! Thank you x @jamierubicin thank you my lovely xx @gemfifield 😘😘 x @lukedady88 thank you Luke 😘 xx @c9ufc 😘 xx @CKRosekilly30 thanks mate :) x @BeaHappyCF thanks sweet 😘 xxx @chanmillward thanks beautiful ❤ x @HarryHugoGoat Cheers Harry x @lisacalderbank thank you xx @richmilward thanks @richmilward shhhhh. @RhiannahRyan thanks babe xx @djwood247 thanks David! :) x @cleoalana84 thanks gorgeous xx @stehoare thanks mate! x @sickchickchic thank you Josie 😘 x @LucyxShadow @willjw thanks Goosey xx @weeyin_x thanks lovely! 😘😘 hope you're feeling ok ❤ xx @lilyfharris 😘❤ xx Beau is in recovery finally after 6 hours in theatre. Took longer than expected as they encountered something they weren't expecting... hopefully we can see him soon!! Thank you all for your well wishes xx @elvisrockysly thank you Trevor xx @giftedrascal can't wait to see him!! xx @giftedrascal 😘 x @LucyxShadow that would be lovely!! Needs to see his mad cousin fam ❤❤❤ @c9ufc thanks for the positive vibes xx @kevinbaxter10 thank you Kevin. Me too. I hope this is it now! Fingers crossed x @LucyxShadow yep! Sees me everyday @cleoalana84 hope so, he's in pain a bit at the moment. Not nice to watch xxx @DalosLegendCFC thanks Dale. Means a lot xx @CfAdventurers thanks xx @LucyMaryTaylor thanks babe! Hopefully not in long. Fingers crossed! 😘 x @katieguacamole tried to keep my mind occupied Katie. Thanks for the love xx @BeaHappyCF no easy babe, tried my best to keep mind occupied. Thank you ❤ x @chelsdelaney11 it went ok. Just have to wait and see now. It was an op on his bowel. He has Hirschsprung's. @cleoalana84 he had an op on his bowel. A pull through. His large intestine was so sticky and blocked. He's calmer now sweet xxx @CfAdventurers 😘 x @mattpasternicki thanks matt. Op went ok. Just have to wait and see now, he's comfortable x @LucyMaryTaylor thanks lovely ❤ xx Thanks so much for all the love today. You guys are so bloody lovely. Love you all x Thanks Ronald. I HATE you. I love you in the moment but instantly regret you afterwards. @TheOnlyCleoLuna thank you lovely :) xx @JodiieLouiise_x thanks Jodie 😘xx @lilyfharris he's definitely that babe. He's been so good too. No trouble at all, bless him xx @mattpasternicki hope so soon. He's in pain now. Horrible to watch. Pain relief is quite difficult as he's so young x Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen? https://t.co/FxhuEMujdG This song brings back memories of my first kiss with a boy named Cliff. To be young. Mamma bear is so cute. Shit with technology, but cute. aha. ❤ her. https://t.co/k5mxE4eHyf @BalticSeaLady thank you! He's sleeping now xxx Is anybody else's twitter profile picture blurry? Why is this happening? I'm furious. aha. Okay, I just saved the same picture and the blurriness has magically disappeared. Phew. Who wants a blurry face? @chanmillward thank you gorgeous girl! Hope you're good 😘❤xx Those big feet. https://t.co/q8EG19C2t6 @c9ufc he's ok. Been really unsettled all morning from the pain. He's finally asleep now though :) @chanmillward he's ok babe. Good to hear you're well 😘 xxx 😇 https://t.co/q4heGaD0cH @ComeDineWithMe @mattpasternicki you interested? aha. @weeyin_x hahah I know babe! He's amazing ❤ @BeaHappyCF 😘❤ x @mattpasternicki @ComeDineWithMe we should both do it, fuck it. I'll make my chicken and mash and you can serve up some Polish shit ha. @weeyin_x he's ok, we just about managed to get a teeny tiny smile out of him earlier by singing to him xx Gutted. So gutted. No words right now @Michelle86xx can't believe you are gone 😭😭 Such a lovely girl. It's so unfair. @RhiannahRyan @Michelle86xx bloody awful. Ugh. @CfAdventurers @Michelle86xx thank you. Feel for Michelle's family so much x @LucyMaryTaylor @Michelle86xx isn't it Lucy. I really thought she'd be ok and get her chance. Wish I'd got in touch with her this week 😩 @CfAdventurers he's ok. Recovering, still uncomfortable a lot of the time but resting x @LucyMaryTaylor @Michelle86xx I know, wasn't expecting it 😞 xx Just starting feeling a bit broody. I have a four month old. Calm the fuck down Sel. Milk and honey. https://t.co/kvyyCcLKlK started* bah. Calm down and don't make typos. Wow. Certain people are so unsupportive and selfish, it's ridiculous. It's actually shocking some people's behaviour. @sowasred2012 HOPE YOU FEEL REALLY FUCKING TERRIBLE. 🐶 @willjw https://t.co/iSGhA1efuf @sowasred2012 prick. aha. Don't like seeing the people i love being made to feel shit. Love is excepting someone for who they are. DON'T NEED NO QUIZ. HELP ME DR. https://t.co/2nrcbahhCW This could not be more perfect. https://t.co/0xmER5dhH8 I've realised so many things the last few days. Life is short. Do what makes you happy. @_nxjx_ beautifully penned! x @richmilward @_nxjx_ and you're a bit annoying. My god, he won't be grabbing her by the pussy. https://t.co/kQDAaX66Tk @kevinbaxter10 scary how short x Someone left the toilet without flushing. I just saw something I didn't need to see. Some people are seriously. Fucked. Up. @ElliotSmith09 good luck for today! :) x @1974Hamilton I actually am. Need something nutritious! You gotta just down it. aha. @giftedrascal @andyparmo hahahaha. @LucyMaryTaylor I don't know who, I'm still at the hospital with Beau. What is wrong with some people? x @LucyMaryTaylor it's not the sort of present I want left for me aha. He's ok. He won't feed at the minute though and we don't know why xx @LucyMaryTaylor will do 😘 xx I'm a lucky lucky bastard. https://t.co/PvLiVFiEhq I want a boxer so badly. https://t.co/QkPb6cnhLE @Emzieness @meggzzie that's a great idea! I bet people would bugger off with the cameras though. @meggzzie actually hilarious! @meggzzie I'm sorry I'm laughing! My sister had a terrible photographer at her wedding. It's an in joke now about how shite he was! @mattpasternicki the fuck. A knife? Hahahaha. https://t.co/30VHYTb7wi @meggzzie it's a fortune too. Like you're gonna get someone inexperienced to do it for that sort of money! @mattpasternicki that explains the machete in your bathroom then. Cutting up those big fucking logs you do. aha. @meggzzie the brand new Samsung Galaxy S has a great camera now by the way. LOL. @mattpasternicki https://t.co/Inekruhu6H @NickiWilliams89 😞 big huge hugs ❤ xxx @ElliotSmith09 Heard a congratulations is in order! I knew you would smash it 😘xx @ElliotSmith09 I bet it was! Wish I could have seen it. I tried to donate earlier but the page wouldn't load. Will try again later 😚 x Michelle's fiancé Neil wrote this. So upsetting 😢 Please sign up to be a organ donor. #CysticFibrosis… https://t.co/RCznYcEsb9 Which one am I? ☺️ @willjw https://t.co/Ql3gGtjZtM @willjw hahaha that is actually me, isn't it? @willjw give it a few years and you'll be like me grandad. The longer you drive the more people piss you off. aha. Some guy just forcefully hit his car door into mine without knowing I was in the car. Your biggest mistake today buddy. Another visit to M&S food. Someone stop me. Costing me a fortune. BUT IT'S EXTRA SPECIAL THOUGH 😩 @giftedrascal I bloody well have! Too much aha x @LucyxShadow he is dead now yes. @LucyxShadow have you?! @LucyxShadow buuuuurn. @giftedrascal 😘 x @LucyxShadow yesssss. Thought you were skint? aha. @LucyxShadow I taught you well my child. @weeyin_x yesss! My dad said try these at Christmas. Only M&S wotsits. I was impressed. Ha. @iMcAngus I'm the queen at banana cake! I used to make one every week, add chocolate chips too mate. I agree, it is the best. @bet365bingo WANK. @iMcAngus ohhhhh, looks good! I like it a bit gooey in the middle. @weeyin_x you have an M&S food at your hospital? The hospital I'm at now has a fucking Spar 😭 @iMcAngus ha, still tastes the bollocks though! @weeyin_x how fucking unfair. I'm fuming hahaha. @giftedrascal absolute arseholes. Did you fuck him up? aha. @iMcAngus hell yeah! I'm being forced to watch MIC. That's a lie. All WANKERS. Binky announcing her pregnancy with a glass of red in front of her. Like I said. WANKERS. #MadeInChelsea BRING BACK SPENNY. I miss his coked up shenanigans. Pathological liar but BRILLIANT tv. #MadeInChelsea The girls and boys reactions to Binky's pregnancy: Girls: Ahhh, amazing!! Boys: WHAT THE FUCK, YOUR LIFE IS OVER...JUST DIE NOW. #MIC Why are all girls fake as shit? I'd have told her she's a prick for having a baby with an even bigger prick. #MadeInChelsea Why is Sam still alive? I thought he'd be dead by series 13. Fucks sake. #MadeInChelsea BECAUSE HE'S A MASSIVE FUCKING RETARD. https://t.co/jmVfBCcsMG Binky to JP: Let's not rush into anything. LOL. Bit fucking late for that Binks, you melon. #MadeInChelsea @djwood247 FOOKTARRRD. Who the hell would date/shag Sam? Fuck me. You'd have to be desperate or stupid. Or both. Or BRAINDEAD. #MadeInChelsea @willjw I want to be in between them both. @jamierubicin I went to zante once. Smelt. So. Bad. @Shaggers999 she needed a condom a couple of months ago. @weeyin_x can me and my boys move in with you?! Hahah. Forgot we can't mix 😩 @giftedrascal he'll think again about being a prick after that I bet. This is one of the best things I've ever watched. https://t.co/QxDZjkPazv @StripLeah you need a cuddle don't you. @giftedrascal oh, yeah 100% I'M DYING. *breathe* Actual tears at this. #catfish https://t.co/VpB4lsIEMT @StripLeah okaaay sista. @_nxjx_ I know, right?! The whole thing got me. ALMOST DIED LAUGHING. aha. @_nxjx_ it's cray! I've only seen a couple but the ones I have seen are shocking. Some people just go out of their way to be fucking awful human beings. I'm totally cool with my death being caused by chronic cheese ingestion. https://t.co/BkfDcJy582 Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck https://t.co/JfxEw0OupA My thoughts are with the victims of this terrorist attack. Bloody sad world we live in. Pray for London? Praying (obviously relating to religion) is the main reason for most of these attacks. We are better off without it. I understand the sentiment, it's just that asking some guy in the sky to help isn't really going to cut it. @LucyxShadow that's true. I just think it's all bollocks. @LucyxShadow there is a lot of good but also a lot of bad. You don't hear much about the good. Just heard my cousin was a minute away from the attack today. So terrifying. Why are racists the thickest pieces of shit alive? Why can they not spell or form a sentence? It's like arguing with a toddler. @sickchickchic Muslamic. Hilarious. LOL. @chelsdelaney11 Definitely. Higher IQ - less chance of ignorant ideology. @Brianquizmaster they love it. Juicy bit of news for them to run with. It's gross. @CF_Mutant_84 you're in my neck of the woods. ARE YOU STALKING ME?!! @kevinbaxter10 hits nail on head. Prayer does shit. Actively helping each other does a lot more. @Brianquizmaster it's what the lunatics want. https://t.co/1mGHLWqc3P Someone in Russia has tried to hack my Instagram account. How random is that? aha. @leeco197 it tells you the location. @leeco197 crafty bastards! Hahah. @sowasred2012 hahaha. I don't work for CNN Scott. @LeeGant THIS. @sowasred2012 @LeeGant never seen it mate. aha. Accepting his BAFTA whilst preparing for his Oscar. This is great. I love Jack. https://t.co/1PXFg8YNvm @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 I remember this. @Sheppyuk how you feeling today? Aha. She was far too polite. I'd have destroyed the prick. Me thinks the ginge has issues. https://t.co/i77BBfMTeT Tempted to join Tinder so I can find him and troll the shit out of him. LOL. Mature? Nah. But do I give a fuck. @TheOnlyCleoLuna Vile. People like that don't like themselves. @TheOnlyCleoLuna exactly. He's just trying to make her feel as bad as he does. Horrible cunt. Watching Netflix with my boys. Look around and they are all fast asleep. Time for a nap then. Ha. @richmilward watched a few of That 70's show. Now watching How to get away with Murder. Got good ratings. @richmilward what have you watched in that time? @richmilward that's it? What about Making a murderer? @richmilward seriously, give it a chance! You ever seen Gone Girl? @richmilward yeah, and?! You need to watch it. Trust me. You'll see him in a different light. @richmilward i'm a massively fussy fucker with films. It's amazing. @richmilward Before Sunrise. It's beautiful. Yours? @richmilward I saw that at the cinema in Florida when I was 8! Second favourite? @richmilward reaaaaly? @richmilward not seen this, guessing it's an old one. @richmilward you don't need to impress me Richard aha We live in a world where Casualty is on tv on a Saturday night. Does that piss anyone else off? PAUL RUDD DOES NOT AGE. I THINK HE MAY BE IMMORTAL. https://t.co/hD0gwP6ipc Brilliantly AWFUL. https://t.co/pFdw6hgDPU @leeco197 it is truly terrible. @kevinbaxter10 I'd have strangled the cunt. Hahaha. I have zero self control today. SO I'M GOING TO BE VERY BAD. @leeco197 I know, right?! It's Mother's Day. My first. Beau has forever changed me. Never known love like it. I'm so incredibly lucky to have him ☺❤ Happy Mothers Day to all you mums out there - especially my mine. Kindest, strongest woman I know. I get my grit and warmth from you ❤ Butterflies. What a feeling. ☺️💕 @mattpasternicki you're a faggit. @mattpasternicki https://t.co/o3c7GeXe8z @mattpasternicki https://t.co/R2hruDOQtq SO YOU'RE TELLING ME I'M DOING IT ALL WRONG? https://t.co/a83HvcXFD3 You're touching a lung. Exactly what I say when I do anal. https://t.co/cxBB9gG2z9 Hahahaha I joke of course. Or am I? Pretty sure this is standard. https://t.co/YcjPBtBq2y I don't know you Clare, but I like you. I like you very much. https://t.co/heyvkLhpF0 @jamierubicin GOOD POINT. BEST GIF EVER. https://t.co/PJUC5OiuRr @kevinbaxter10 no sense of reality. @kevinbaxter10 the modern age, eh?! Naughty Peppa. https://t.co/HA7LQdyWGK @LucyxShadow peppa has raging hard on 😭😂 @richmilward 😃 Just attempted to read a whole paragraph that had zero punctuation. PAINFUL. *Wipes away the tears* https://t.co/VsDshic8Di Fuck your faiths. Nobody is gonna save you.....APART FROM THE SCHOF. #IHaveConvertedToSchofield @chelsdelaney11 YES. How long is too long watching this? Eating pizza in bed. What a way to finish the day. Hopefully all the calories with go to my ass while I sleep. @chelsdelaney11 is that all? @willjw Alfie is cute as hell doing this. Fucking love dogs 😭 aha. Alfie is vomiting up blood this morning. He looks so weak 😢 No idea what's wrong with him. @electric_jake at the vets now! Poor little thing. Just don't understand it. So random. Thank you ❤ xx @charlienicola85 don't think so! Can't work it out babe x @giftedrascal it really wouldn't! @DuGi seems like we are sometimes! Thank you ❤ @BalticSeaLady @electric_jake he's had injection and meds. If he doesn't eat or drink by this afternoon we have to take him back x @reemurrayx he's back from the vets now. Has perked up slightly but is quite drugged up. Back tomorrow morning. Poor boy! xx @ElliotSmith09 just donated babe. Well done again! x I'm having fruit for dinner. When I say fruit, I mean wine. @miss_banksxx on the old rosé. Three or four glasses solves everything 😅 aha. @charlienicola85 perked up a bit thankfully. Taking him back tomorrow though x Mark Francis is the only male I'd let near me and he's gayer than cum on a moustache. Ya get meh? #MadeInChelsea I can't believe i'm gonna have a baby Well, that's what happens when you love the dick Binks. #MadeInChelsea Oh Tiff, you daft bugger. Of course Sam isn't thinking of proposing. He's a child in a child's body and borderline mental. #MadeInChelsea Stephanie has had so much surgery on her face - her boyfriend doesn't even recognise her anymore. HOLY SHIT. #MadeInChelsea @FMradioAlex I know, massive prick. TIFF DO US ALL A FAVOUR. HOLD SAM'S HEAD DOWN INTO THE SEA UNTIL HE STOPS BREATHING. THANK YOU PLEASE. #MadeInChelsea SNOG, MARRY, SHOOT IN THE HEAD. #alwight https://t.co/r01yo4P9s4 That buzzing is coming from the baby's bouncer, promise. https://t.co/ldQUJp2Tn4 Up at three in the morning wiping my baby's ass. The canine variety. I have two children. @electric_jake Yeah! He seems bit better today, still has dodgy belly though. Beau is just being his usual self aha xx Anyone else watching #TheBachelor? Seriously, girls scare me. They are TERRIFYING. Have always preferred the company of men. Much more chill and fun. @Becki_65roses hahaha 😅 @lilyfharris he's so well groomed and really does have a lovely face aha. @lilyfharris Tiff and Sam are both nobs. I don't think I've ever despised someone as much as him though! Booking holiday soon.. @lilyfharris so I took comfort in that! Need some sun, sea and cocktails badly xx @charlienicola85 thanks. Looks like he's on the mend babe xx @lilyfharris so embarrassing, he looks like Johnny Bravo! Do you know where you'll be getting married yet? Exciting! xx @BeaHappyCF he's a lot better now babe xx @lilyfharris that sounds lovely! My sister went to a wedding in a barn and said it was the best wedding she's ever been to! He's ok... @lilyfharris cheeky as ever! xx Take a walk and don't take a picture, just take it in, I promise you will remember it. https://t.co/tYa7v4F8oz Depression rates have risen since Instagram hit the scene. Instagram is image focused. That's why I like Twitter. It's more than that. Twitter connects you to people, people you don't even know. Opinions are shared openly because even the hate dissipates quickly. @kevinbaxter10 yeah, it's sad really. Looks fade I'm afraid. Then you're left with what? The best thing about Twitter is the humour that's shared and the laughter to be had. Some of the funniest people I know are on here. @kevinbaxter10 definitely, health is everything. @chelsdelaney11 haha you're a funny one x My nephew Leo is the cutest. If he can't give me a kiss goodbye he gets so stressed out. He has to give me one before I go 😩❤ How lovely to see that the bullies from my high school are still bullies. Even though I was never bullied, people I love were. Actually boils my piss. You'd think they'd have grown up by now, but NAH. @LucyMaryTaylor absolute wankers babe x @OpenHerLungs that's brilliant and not bad of you at all. Karma is a bitch babe 😂 Thought you'd both appreciate this @lovelifecf @Jessecryan_ https://t.co/GPJyCNzTVF WHAT THE FUCK. https://t.co/KpFSzIwB4x I think that's the worst bronze sculpture I have ever seen. I'm still laughing. Cristiano will not be happy with that. He's fucking raging somewhere right now. Hahaha. Having a midweek roast tonight. Big slab of beef. Baked onions (you gotta have a baked onion) stuffing etc. Ah, food makes me happy. I don't know where it all goes. My mum says I have hollow legs aha. Those teeth though. Paaaaah. https://t.co/XkW1Xirub2 @BalticSeaLady or the nearest bin. Is that really the best they could do?!! aha. @elvisrockysly if beau started vomiting blood I'd be hysterical! You must be tired Trevor. aha. I always end up watching sky sports news as it always comes on that channel when I put the tele on. I know too much about sports these days. Like I care about golf. (Yes, it's on now) Why do I punish myself? Baaaaaah. @weeyin_x I'd love to whip them into shape! You'd make a great teacher! x @richmilward basically this is correct. @meggzzie and a slight hint of Sloth (the eyes) Not only was it @Michelle86xx 31st birthday today, it was her funeral too. It shouldn't have been this way. It's not right. Will have a glass of bubbly for you tonight my darling. All my love ❤🌹 @TheAntHarrison @Michelle86xx 😩I know mate. Awful. Keep calm @lovelifecf https://t.co/HPcLxMpxwL I appreciate all of you. https://t.co/niUcVCrM85 Science. We love you. https://t.co/cW4I5Gx7HW @lilyfharris https://t.co/0ZDU0eiRjD @lilyfharris yeah! Not that we'd ever see it if it did become available ha. @lilyfharris same. No chance at my hospital! x @meggzzie @lilyfharris way less side affects apparently. Sounds promising! @RhiannahRyan we'll see. I suppose it depends on how good the results are. With Orkambi they didn't think it was worth it based on results. @meggzzie @lilyfharris I've heard that. Some people have had good results with it. Others horrendous. @meggzzie @lilyfharris yeah, I can imagine you feel disappointed! I'd be frustrated too. Keep chuckling away to myself. https://t.co/wSutW1HUxK https://t.co/4SFXRBQlDN I think this is one of my all time favourite photos. How happy Leo is to be holding Beau when I first brought him h… https://t.co/ZJo4994Xzf Leo was so upset that he couldn't meet him straight away. Chokes me up a bit. Love them both so much. @BalticSeaLady yes! Both my world. Adore them to the core. @WilliamDuffy3 @Michelle86xx you're doing well at 77! What's your secret? :) @Kookaburra85 I had that pregnant, it's horrid. I eat too fast. I don't think I actually chew the food sometimes aha. The original will shit all over this. https://t.co/Ab2yUONGou Date night? @willjw 😀🤡 Was it just me who laughed when the kid banged his head? @Mimekiller stop looking at my niece you PERV! @Mimekiller SHE LIED. @willjw pussssay. @Mimekiller END IT aha. @Kookaburra85 maybe you're intolerant to certain foods? Beau is getting a dimple 😍 So bloody annoying buying foundation. Most are really orangey. I don't wear fake tan these days and I don't want an orange face, thanks. It's like they are either really pale or really orange. There's no in between. So I usually just put a bit of powder on and that's it. Lily LoLo has a really nice mineral powder. Do any of you have any recommendations? My life. https://t.co/f2bJSmG4UW Perfect @willjw https://t.co/q8u1YyAje6 HOW IS THIS HAPPENING? https://t.co/1q0Op3oPnc I've tweeted this before and I'm going to again. Please donate! Let's try and save Charlie. https://t.co/5lxrh6DRnK @richmilward are you sure? @Emzieness I've found Mac quite orange! I do love their paint pots for eyeliner and they have the best pink blush. @Emzieness not tried their primer! Just bought a new one from DHC. It's really good. @richmilward you wear concealer? @richmilward what brand do you use? @lilyfharris will check that out. Sounds good! Can't go wrong with Chanel. I never wear foundation either but want to try again, actually... @lilyfharris thinking maybe a BB cream would be better suited. Or CC cream whatever the hell that is! Ha xx @kevinbaxter10 @NicolaRoberts I'm not that pale! I'm light but not overly fair. x @IainDoesJokes eeeeeeeeek! Nice countries you've got there. Be a shame if something were to *cracks knuckles* happen to them. Awful. https://t.co/T9rHYRHa3s @lilyfharris same, I'm like a boy in a girls body aha. @sowasred2012 well fuck me. That's a first. Don't watch Masterchef when you're starving. Bloody torture! @MissLawrun @richmilward The comedy roasts are the best! I think I've seen them all. I JUST ORGASMED. #GameofThrones https://t.co/UyNqyeQz83 @MissLawrun @richmilward Will have a look on YouTube! @BalticSeaLady The pennies!! @redwiing @iMcAngus You're reason enough to have Snapchat *downloads app* @richmilward @MissLawrun The battles and the comedy roasts are different, right? @richmilward @MissLawrun I don't know either aha. @MissLawrun @richmilward Awesome. @CKRosekilly30 @BalticSeaLady Do you mean the gold fingers Carl? @MissLawrun @richmilward I love the brutality. @ashbergh I feel for you. I don't think I've ever seen someone lie so much. If it wasn't so serious it would be hilarious. @ashbergh I mean I know politicians lie, but it's some other level shit with him. He forgets that the majority of w… https://t.co/wGsoM4dwhO @iMcAngus I was talking about you dude. These Z list celebs all advertise the same shite. It's hilarious. @iMcAngus Why they gotta mess with it?! If I want to whiten my teeth I'll go to a fucking dentist. @CKRosekilly30 @BalticSeaLady The rest can fuck off. @LucyMaryTaylor I was eating my dinner and I still couldn't cope. aha. THIS IS FUCKING BRILLIANT. I'm howling. Whoever made this is a genius. #MasterChef https://t.co/FBXjhaUsQH @ashbergh He's basically a reality game show star. It's terrifying. I just read two Paddington books to Beau. He loved them! Smiled and giggled all the way through. Bless him 💙 @hollyrosanna @cleoalana84 Mine is to my bum now and it's doing my head in at the moment. Beau grabs it constantly!… https://t.co/61b3cybwIf My god, if that was my kid I'd be doing time right now. https://t.co/NHTLRwgQIm @reemurrayx Clearly enjoying it. I'd have decked him. @Brems59 Just a bit. Been with this one @willjw for ten years! Happy Anniversary. You're a great fiancé but even greater dad. Love you l… https://t.co/ZMc9x5d7My @djwood247 I'm gonna put it out there. He's a nonce. @weeyin_x I want to hurt him. I think I have the most happiest, smiley baby EVER. Never seen a baby as joyous as Beau before. He has such a beautiful nature. 😩❤ And with everything he's been through too. He's so forgiving. What a guy. From three years ago, when my niece didn't have a heart of stone. LOL. https://t.co/X0Sean9YT6 @giftedrascal YEP. Like a young kid wearing t-shirt and shorts is a risk. He's being a dirty old man. @richmilward Jesus. @richmilward Whatever. That looks mega shite. @WilliamDuffy3 @Michelle86xx Waking up is a start. Ha. I'm double delta. @giftedrascal Ugh. I'm hoping he's had the sack now. @giftedrascal He needs the sack from life. @willjw https://t.co/vR3jgfV9M3 @willjw https://t.co/QGmWE1Nypd @willjw https://t.co/18LIm78eSZ @MercyRuled @willjw Hahah thanks! Laying in bed. Alfie comes up to me and licks my eyeball. Lovely. aha. I relate to Ozzy Osbourne so much. https://t.co/JIss9Djxqx @willjw It's exactly how you scream. @LucyxShadow @willjw It's brilliant. aha. Both boys are watching football so I'm in bed listening to ASMR as I drift off. Heaven. 🔥❤ https://t.co/h5AcQeAKba Good god, I hope this is an April fools joke. https://t.co/AFYAYcaFFa That's not a person - that's a rejected Madame Tussaud's waxwork. https://t.co/BrBE08E1V7 😩 gets me choked up #charliesfight https://t.co/EC5UtvhDma @BalticSeaLady Horror! Watching Family Guy - the one with Billy Finn. Now i like to think that all dolphins sound like @rickygervais @actionjaxon666 Didn't I look great back then? You NEVER looked like that back then. @actionjaxon666 Totally. All a bit mental really. YES!! Just checked the total and it's past the 1.2 million mark. So happy! People are so generous and wonderful.… https://t.co/EixVvrxhRt I AM SERIOUSLY SPOOKED RIGHT NOW. My tiny lady brain can't take it. The lengths people go to. CRAY. My nieces and nephew give me the feels 💙❤️💛 https://t.co/1aoaaRDQjo Found this one that you took from Chrimbo @lovelifecf n'awwww. @Go0t3d A salad? That's no way to live. @Go0t3d Waitrose? I bet it was beautiful. I've spent a 100 quid on probiotics this month. Bacteria is awfully expensive. @Go0t3d I don't doubt it. @BeaHappyCF @CFAware Happy birthday my love! 💜 @alicehobbisx Hope you're ok sweet 😘 x @mattpasternicki The only bit I understood was when he said cunt face hahaha @NickiWilliams89 😘😘😘😘😘 @leeco197 There are enough 'tits' about. Fancy a Chinese? https://t.co/U1ewYNNmHS @leeco197 Well, I guess I'm lucky. I can see mine whenever I want. @sowasred2012 Papa John is a prick. @leeco197 Boom boom ;) @AprilSinclair21 Good call. @gonzoboy It is quite possible. aha. @sowasred2012 I had one once, was SHITE. @sowasred2012 Maybe i need to try again. This was in Manchester. Those bloody northerners probably fucked it up. FFS. https://t.co/pcDRq1JKks @willjw https://t.co/Ah9fWpvc9W @sowasred2012 Reminds me of a time when I was deeply in love when I was 15! Tune! Why am I continuously being fucked up the ass? @stehoare @willjw I wish it was Will just fucking me in the ass, but no, life wants in too. This is the exact same reaction I get when I go out. aha. https://t.co/ZyxiA85vrP @lilyfharris Don't I know it 😩😂 My five year old nephew gave me some advice today. Be careful when you bend down, can see your boobs. I was unaware. Dude! @LucyxShadow He notices EVERYTHING! aha. And slag do you only use this twitter profile now? Beau the beautiful 😍😍😍 https://t.co/bIvWvlM6Ub @LucyxShadow You utter slag. I didn't know this. @LucyxShadow Twaaaaaaat. aha. Waking up from bad dreams like... https://t.co/Dcuwv8xNDd I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION. The morning after the proposal in Paris. 4 years ago today @willjw ❤️ https://t.co/Tsu3Iqt3PN @willjw The best breakfast in bed every morning. Loved it ☺️ HAS TRUMP DEFEATED ISIS YET? GOD BLESS 'MERICA @BalticSeaLady No not yet. We were busy buying a house and having a baby! x @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Hardly idle. aha. Anyway isn't marriage a curse? All goes downhill after. @BalticSeaLady @richmilward I was thinking this. I'm not bothered about getting married really. So expensive for on… https://t.co/o8XugHpW3m @BalticSeaLady @richmilward My sisters wedding cost over 25 grand. I'd rather spend that money on something else! @_nxjx_ @willjw ❤😘 I love stroking my boys face till he falls asleep. I love how when he wakes, he gives me a little smile then drifts off again ❤ My heart can't take his loveliness sometimes 😩❤ Remember when he said he'd have a 'plan to defeat ISIS within 30 days.' Time's up buddy. https://t.co/ZmIkn3f32u @giftedrascal Most the people at the top are sociopathic paedophiles mate. So corrupt. The fact they take fraud more seriously says it all. Feeling so much gratitude today. I'm so thankful for what I have. So soppy today. aha. @melanieinwales @TheLuluLife So glad you are safe! You're a very strong lady xx @melanieinwales @TheLuluLife Can't imagine what you've been through, must be so difficult. And I agree. Life isn't black or white x @melanieinwales @TheLuluLife It really can. I've seen it first hand in my family. That person didn't have the stren… https://t.co/xwS2IUaZcK @melanieinwales @TheLuluLife @womensaid Amazing. Amazing charity. Do such great work xx @giftedrascal Lowest of the low. Winds me up thinking about it. @melanieinwales @TheLuluLife I think people generalise. I'm probably guilty of that sometimes. I think getting your… https://t.co/PtntyhwQ71 @melanieinwales @TheLuluLife story and be enlightened and become more compassionate. I also think it's sometimes down to ignorance x @melanieinwales @TheLuluLife @womensaid Made my day that has. Glad you're free and happy! I wish you and your children all the best! xx @melanieinwales @TheLuluLife And I hope she's listening! ☺️ xx @BalticSeaLady @richmilward Haha no but they had an amazing soul band. Danced the night away and got drunk as fook… https://t.co/OIuvbIWDDU @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Hahaha I think I remember this. Said you were miserable or something like that - can't remember exactly what. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady She just didn't get you. I thought it was hilarious. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Who was this?! @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Was funny Richard. You was mad. Ha. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Were* mad. Before you tell me off. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Am I not a twat? @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Boring. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady You like me ☺️ @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Tell me now. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Well, yeah duh. It's twat, like then love. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady PM me. DO IT. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Fucks sake. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady Yeah, like...Trump. Dermot O'Leary (I like the bulge). Chris Pratt. @MarkVandelli This is my mothers dream! Fabulous. @sickchickchic Cheeky bastard. Ignore Josie. You always look beautiful x @richmilward @BalticSeaLady I don't want to. Plus I knew you'd tell me paaaaaah. @ArronRocks86 She's 120. Oldest living celebrity. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady What aura? aha. @BalticSeaLady @richmilward I'm with Rich on this. I don't get it. @richmilward @BalticSeaLady We can actually agree on stuff, you know. @sickchickchic Some people can be so rude though. It's something that really annoys me about people x My love for the parsnip will NEVER die. @sickchickchic Happy birthday!!! Have a fabulous day sweet 😘 x Coldplay kind of day. https://t.co/Cx5277XZcE One of their bests. https://t.co/HKbLxiYamH Received a lovely message last night. Made my day. If you're reading this you know who you are. aha. Put a bet on the horses just now. Measure of my Dreams and Cocktails at Dawn. How girlie are my choices? Ha. #TheGrandNational @enews I guess they are on a break. Too obvious? Meh. https://t.co/qf0e0Ssbhv This reminds me of you @LucyxShadow ❤ https://t.co/GISbT4CDkl @LucyxShadow 💋 @LucyxShadow It's all about you, it's all about you baby! Crying 😭😭😭😂😂😂 @LucyxShadow @mattpasternicki Hahaha looks exactly like my handwriting. Bless him. @mattpasternicki He's so funny. Hello, my name is Selena Love and I am addicted to food. All food. I'm hungry typing this. @noyourethebest Is that with Steve Coogan? @richmilward Not you as well. Its not the first time I've heard that. @LucyxShadow Alec surrendered to his urges and grabbed hold of his cock. Good grief. @LucyxShadow fucking me me. I swear I'm still laughing. @trashydaddario @LucyxShadow What is this language you are both speaking? @LucyxShadow If it was about the parsnip I'd be like... almost lightheaded, she* had never felt this pleasure so… https://t.co/cuBzZ7eyJk @LucyxShadow Five stages of cock. @trashydaddario @LucyxShadow Actual LOL. @LucyxShadow SCHSHLACHJDKLHSFOL. @chelsdelaney11 @richmilward Oh, you. I'm definitely a baby Love. @noyourethebest Not seen it, will check it out :) @richmilward You already know the answer to this. @RyanPhillippe 🙋 HELLO. 100% natural over here. @richmilward That is what you want to happen. @chelsdelaney11 @richmilward Of course you like me biatch. Dad: When I die you are going to be a very rich lady Selena...but I don't intend on going anywhere yet. Me: Damn. *Both piss ourselves* Dad: it's a die off...who's gonna go first. Hahahah. Brilliant. Why do some people retweet their own tweets? It screams EGO. @MercyRuled Behave. I just watched an episode of TOWIE. Don't ask me why, maybe I like torturing myself. Nothing happened. NOTHING. 🖤 https://t.co/hx23nBMA3S Ok, so my baby is only happy when I play Slide by Calvin Harris. He's falling asleep to it. He's so COOL. @LucyxShadow Ego maniac. @LucyxShadow Hahaha CRAY. @richmilward I want this played at my funeral. https://t.co/T0ND3kLOJe @LucyxShadow Wat da fuk hapen? @LucyxShadow Stress of fam too I bet. Ha. See you over Easter hopefully dawg. @LucyxShadow Slag. Even bigger slag. As it was #NationalSiblingsDay yesterday I think it's only right I share this... https://t.co/K34wzz9bu7 @LucyxShadow https://t.co/zGJ8ZlWwl5 YOU GERIATRIC FUCK! YOU KEEP YOUR LIVER-SPOTTED HANDS OFF MY BEAUTIFUL MOTHER, SHE'S A SAINT! I lose it every time. @meggzzie Boys are better friends! Always said this. Love my boy mates. Beau is looking at his hand like 'Whoah, what the hell is this?!' @1974Hamilton Makes me ashamed to be from Leicester. So much scum here. @CfMarion DON'T ACCEPT REQUEST. @sowasred2012 WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? @1974Hamilton Baffles me. Gross. This made me smile so much because of the ACCURACY. https://t.co/4z0szfIzMA Who knew eating so much fish would give you the memory of an actual fucking fish. https://t.co/5KwmCTt33e The concentration on his face. It's too good. aha. @KissJessicaJane Congratulations! Love her name 💛 Babe! @willjw We went here in Barcelona, remember? I still have my bottle. aha. https://t.co/Qo7jG4sd8H @willjw Hahah nice choice of sticker. Now I want sweets. So much. Beau and Alfie 🖤 @willjw #Brothers https://t.co/XT1KfSqY3G BECAUSE LOOKING CREMATED IS REALLY IN RIGHT NOW. https://t.co/QAx0GaTRYu @richmilward Tanning injections to resemble a over cooked cow on a BBQ. Attractive. All about The Smiths today. https://t.co/9PRoVTQeW9 @richmilward Do you like The Smiths? @richmilward Good. I THINK I'M GETTING SICK. LAWD JESUS, MAKE IT GO AWAY. PRAY FOR ME. @LucyxShadow Need all those prayers gurl. @Aisleyne1 Dinner? Pffft. That's a snack. Things I ain't got time for: your shit, my shit, bullshit, even more shit. @jamierubicin It was Stilton and broccoli mate. Woke up feeling like Roadkill. Morning! @iMcAngus https://t.co/cBZgppHJMc N Dubz are having a reunion. I'd like to be put to sleep now. At least put me in a coma till it's all over. @richmilward Prove it. @richmilward But I want to see :) @richmilward Booo. Just spent like 50 quid on chocolate eggs for the fam. Jeeeeeeez. I'm not eating chocolate now so I'm being left out. Baaaaah. #DairyFree #GlutenFree #TasteFree 😅 Eating clean around Easter. Great idea! Said. No. One. Ever. aha. Don't you just hate it when you accidentally smoke crack and get addicted. https://t.co/JLpkxiG2n7 That adds up to 101% DUMB FUCK @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/1hhmkmr1HS Does anyone else eat cold peas from a can? Am I a bit weird? @jamierubicin You should. It's ace. @richmilward Too hard to choose. You? @richmilward It's between three. @nrelston Cold mushy peas? Naaah! @jamierubicin I love peas too. I think we just bonded over peas. People literally take selfies for everything these days. I'm giggling like an idiot right now. https://t.co/suNE23otI8 Here's a selfie of me with my mug. WHY????????????????? @chelsdelaney11 @realDonaldTrump DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. @jamierubicin Hahahaha brilliant. It's beautiful. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 She's a disgrace. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 And if a double decker bus Crashes into us To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die. @LucyxShadow Are you asking or telling? aha. @LucyxShadow Really?! 🤔😁 @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 There is a light that never goes out is in my top three. Then it's between Please, Ple… https://t.co/UmmwIH8oUG @LucyxShadow I forgot about you! Can you believe it? @LucyxShadow Hahaha as if silly sod. @meggzzie Bizarre is correct. I don't understand it aha. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 That's awesome. It's a great song. This young lady is amazing. https://t.co/yJ65OjxCVB @LucyxShadow this was us on the phone the other night. Thought I was gonna die from laughing. https://t.co/trtv8Ubpzh @jamierubicin https://t.co/VLi1157nqV @ashbergh Ha, it's true! @LucyxShadow Really got me that. Lost control. aha. @LucyxShadow Her hair is such a beautiful colour. @LucyxShadow It's really vibrant! Yours isn't far off that really. @sparkles_se2 Good luck with whatever is happening 😘 @TheOnlyCleoLuna She's lovely! ❤ @TheOnlyCleoLuna Hahah! I understood. Yeah, she does! So cute x @sparkles_se2 Good luck Josh! He'll smash it! xxx @TheOnlyCleoLuna He's a Maltese. Those breeds look really similar. You having a lovely time with her?! x @TheOnlyCleoLuna Perfect :) enjoy the park, lovely day for it with the sunshine out! xx @TheOnlyCleoLuna I am now! He's fell asleep in his pram. Went park then shops to buy Beau a bouncer, he's desperate to sit up now :) x @Mimekiller Fucker! @TheOnlyCleoLuna Far too quickly! ☺️ All me and Will do is love eachother and eat. It's all I ever wanted. aha. Every other girl is trying to get skinny for summer and then there's me trying to get as thick as I can 💪🏼 It's all about the boooooty 🍑 Ashley Banjo would seriously get it. When he dances. Something happens inside me. Ya get meh? Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. It would be like trying to resurrect a dead relative. Fuck off. https://t.co/2VTe6lJC1c @_nxjx_ You know. And when he moves... well, he'd be in serious trouble ha. @kevinbaxter10 I'm with Joey on this one. https://t.co/JsOmv5qzGM Must go to sleep and stop watching Friends clips on YouTube. Ross and Rachel FOREVER. https://t.co/lNzGdM7J8e Shut up! The camera adds 10 pounds. Huh, so how many cameras are actually on you? https://t.co/5zHF7HaQrR @RhiannahRyan You saw the bulge again. Lucky you. aha. @_nxjx_ 😚 @cleoalana84 It's worth going to watch them just for him. aha. @RhiannahRyan I LOVE THAT BULGE. Are you missing the bulges babe? ha x Happy Easter mofo's! https://t.co/IsbkpM0KRk @RhiannahRyan Hahaha some are very scary. Others pathetic. Why is it that the people who smoke outside hospital entrances are always scummy little tramps? I'm about to have a fight with smoker. Wish me luck. @AndyStu1212 Yep. And in a wheelchair. @jimmystitch Hahah. Mate it's so true. They look fooked. @LucyxShadow @FilmAndTV101 https://t.co/Wv4idXsfpx @chelsdelaney11 Obvs. @elvisrockysly Car snogging contest? The fuck. This would be that guys wet dream! @reemurrayx I could see you being a great mum! It's so great being an aunty though, have so much fun with my lot ❤ @LucyxShadow Hahaha fuck yo momma. Always here to be a bad influence. I'm in! 😈 https://t.co/UB8NeBuWB4 58 friend requests on Facebook from mainly men. HOW DO THEY FIND ME? @LucyxShadow paaah. https://t.co/gJ4OM3ElEm @LucyxShadow Thank you for all the support. Second time this song has popped up this week. Turned it off the first time. A LOT of memories go with this one 🖤 https://t.co/xqrl7YeTa9 All the feeeeeeeeeeels. @reemurrayx Dog mamas are the best! ❤ @AndyStu1212 Top bloke! @leeco197 Cold mate ha. @miss_banksxx Cf benefit. We stay looking young! You are haaaawt :) @BlinkParawhore Sooooooo annoying. There is a school near where I live and I'm tempted to run them all down every time I pass them. LOL. @leeco197 A sniffle. @leeco197 Fuck that! @BlinkParawhore Hahaha such assholes 👌🏻 I feel moist. https://t.co/rHAxM1l4tg @Berns_Churches Not a bad night then. @giftedrascal Those French twins. Only a little nip and tuck they said. @Berns_Churches You're not miserable. Coughing is bullshit ha. My nights been good. Had a huge ass steak so life is good. @Berns_Churches Beaut ha. Hope you improve by the weekend. Fuck that shit! Everyone is sick at the moment. My lot are too. Bastard bugs. @giftedrascal Imagine getting intimate with one of them! Hahahah I'm laughing too much. @giftedrascal Left?! Are you joking? Naaaah. @giftedrascal Errrr...yeah! @miss_banksxx You'll still look a teenager at 30! Ha xx @miss_banksxx God, yeah! 😋hahah xx @miss_banksxx I still act like a teenager and I'm 33. I feel like a baby still aha xxx @LucyxShadow Yes you do. @LucyxShadow Mum and dad love mine. LOL. @richmilward Yes. Don't have a heart attack. @LucyxShadow I'm bit busy. Could you rearrange it for next week, please? @KaitlynCrabtre4 How adorable is she! 💛 The smaller the person, the more mess you make. It's a scientific fact. Mum: Is that a condom under your bed Selena? Me: Errr...condom wrapper. Mum: Could you move it please. Hahaha. Some absolute idiot has just said anxiety is bollocks. Just because she hasn't experienced it doesn't mean it's not real. Prick. https://t.co/yC0xQeld53 @giftedrascal You're right. So naive or should I say ignorant. I'm pissing people off left, right and centre today. I'M A GOOD PERSON. aha. I mean well. It all comes from a good place. Promise. @giftedrascal I agree with you on that, completely x The only person I haven't pissed off is my mum. Thank god that woman gets me. @giftedrascal We should be boss! :) @AndyStu1212 That's proof right there. THIS GIF WINS. https://t.co/EUHHZ2AYVi @AndyStu1212 I'm going to sleep better now. I'm not kidding. @MargettsG I don't really think much is going on inside to be honest Gemma. Hahaha that's really not how it works. https://t.co/iN9xUbP2SO Remember this @LucyxShadow?! Then he brings out a BANGER. https://t.co/dIDiPmBy1j @LucyxShadow I doooooooo. Line of duty is AMAZING. That is all. Anyone want a cute little Maltese? His name is Alfie. DOING MY HEAD IN TONIGHT. aha. @LucyxShadow Obvs. Hahaha. @DalosLegendCFC I've changed my mind. I take it back aha. @LucyxShadow You're like the biggest slag in Leicester fam. @LucyxShadow Okaaaay. @DalosLegendCFC 🙈 @richmilward Still a bit shaky over the bra? @sickchickchic Maybe it's in the doggy stars! Ha. What star sign is Freddy? @sickchickchic Aquarius! Does this sound like Freddy? https://t.co/jNoeHkJRy4 @sickchickchic I thought it seemed like Freddy from what you've tweeted about him! Alfie is a Taurus. Stubborn and… https://t.co/USAv17hOQz @LucyMaryTaylor You'd never give me him back though Lucy. aha. @LucyMaryTaylor Ha, if I ever need a dog sitter I know who to come to! x @richmilward You have no chill. So easy to wind up! @richmilward https://t.co/BR5fY7JoBP @richmilward Think it's quite obvious who. @richmilward You again. https://t.co/fihl8mslp8 @nojacko I'm sure he'd love that :) @richmilward https://t.co/Ub9IRCrORF @richmilward https://t.co/R8mWekm3Tj @sophshowell Ah shit, I'm sorry. It's wank. Please read the replies to this tweet. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT 😭😂 Loving your contribution @Sheppyuk https://t.co/5u0WyOJIcd @djwood247 Hilarious David! @sophshowell He's doing good thanks! Happy little chap :) x @mattpasternicki Hahahahaha! This is where Drake got his inspo for Hotline Bling @LucyxShadow https://t.co/hkZgx8Mlpd Sleep well kind sir. #dosomethingkind https://t.co/I4UXFy30lQ Sleep talking Will continues... Will: For you. Me: What? Will: Your Aunty. EH? He's fell asleep holding my hand with his lips on them. I'm not comfortable in this position, but I feel bad moving... So I'll just lay here awake till he moves first. Ha. Gaaaaaay. Read this thread, and do not vote for the tories. PLEASE. https://t.co/0VLftEJb95 N'awwwww! 💜 https://t.co/ng7oRwr6XS @elvisrockysly Fuckinghell! You can't make it up. It's vile. Makes me feel sick. Utterly vile. The Tories are heartless cunts. https://t.co/VEWJ3L0wMA 💕 https://t.co/sFhnO8JWC8 @richmilward Nah. @jamierubicin How many waffles does one shop need? The BBC are trolling us. aha. https://t.co/vGP0yeV8UA @jamierubicin Wow, I've not had a waffle since I was about 10. Glasses look ace by the way :) @elvisrockysly It's actually how it is. aha. Or close enough. @kevinbaxter10 No legs but can walk 🤔 Mental. Fucking hero! https://t.co/IutK6Qfyqp @BlinkParawhore Sorry but this made me laugh. Hope you're ok and not too fucked off! 100% you slag @LucyxShadow https://t.co/14X93eV76e @LucyxShadow @FilmAndTV101 That egg though. I am shook. @hollyrosanna She's not wrong. aha. Love this. https://t.co/U16DjSPdp2 It's not a name I'd choose. aha. https://t.co/xtCjXTFqtw What the fucking hell is that ass about? https://t.co/YuJaj4cuSG @willjw this is me first day eating clean. Pah. https://t.co/igCJtWwxAQ @willjw 🙈😂 @DuGi Doesn't look very comfortable. @richmilward Does that happen a lot? When you think someone cares but it's just Dominoes trying to sell you pizza. aha. Charlie Dimmock still loathes bras it seems. @c9ufc Very. @CraigS0309 Yeah, much bigger - just said the same thing. @kevinbaxter10 Her tits and lips have gone the same way. It's 'orrible. Natural is best. Barry Manilow doesn't look real. He's had so many facelifts that dimple on his chin used to be his belly button. @MaryOkeeffe19 And puffy! @OmedaJillie I've seen cartoon characters that look more real. aha. @hollyrosanna Still no hair bobbles. She likes flinging in about everywhere. Ha! @OmedaJillie 🙈😂 @MaryOkeeffe19 Awful but true. I didn't think Eastenders could get any worse. But it's proved me wrong. #LeeCuntRyan https://t.co/G9U2SZAEhC @OmedaJillie 😩😂😂 @hollyrosanna Some things never change! Happy birthday you! @sowasred2012 @miss_banksxx Definitely! I'm a serious squatter aha. I know you'll appreciate this @iMcAngus https://t.co/aVnhf3c5ru @iMcAngus I want to smell him. @momos55 Can't say I noticed the tie! @momos55 Nope. The last thing I want to think about is Manilows penis! aha. @iMcAngus I'll fight you for him. Someone is having a thrilling Friday night. https://t.co/WTASnrgcvz @Go0t3d Pisses me off that. @lilyfharris Jinx! How did it go? Did you get to do home IVs? xx @eliistender10 @RealLucyDavis @nickjfrost @edgarwright Yeah, boyyyeee! @DalosLegendCFC Naaaaah Joshua is gonna destroy him. @DalosLegendCFC Same. Hope he doesn't knock him out too early! @lilyfharris Glad it wasn't too bad! I'm ok. Got appointment next week, so can tell you then ha. Beau is good. Getting his chub on! xx Me: Babe, lets go shop and get healthy food. Will: Yeah, okay. COMES BACK WITH THIS. https://t.co/AJTldkwAWE @Berns_Churches I blame this tweet for this purchase today. You got donuts in my brain. https://t.co/P7HcRlJgaJ I am weak okay. @LucyxShadow I know. Sweet Jesus Mary and Joseph. @Berns_Churches THANK YOU 😩😂 @Berns_Churches Not had one yet. Will probably scoff them all while watching the fight tonight. @Berns_Churches Fuck yeah. @Berns_Churches They don't really show hockey in the UK. Used to play it at school though. Fucking hurts! aha. @sophshowell Happy birthday!! x @Berns_Churches Ah, course. I know a few Ice hockey players that play for Nottingham Panthers as I used to ice skate. @Berns_Churches Not for years! I did for a very long time though. Will take my son when he's old enough. Good to ge… https://t.co/xXQN346VRJ @Berns_Churches Five months old! Ha. Got a while to go but can get him on the ice at three! @Berns_Churches Never too late to start! It's awesome! Miss it loads. Me: Babe, lets cook something healthy tonight. Will: Yeah, okay. ORDERS THIS. https://t.co/MVV5BYseso This is how everyone should drink coke. https://t.co/gFEFOLt0II @Anni_Milberg Not so much of that. aha. YESSS! Give it to Klitschko. Kept Joshua on his toes. Not an easy win. #KlitschkoVsJoshua Everyone hates Eddie Hearn. Makes me piss. haaaa. @ashbergh Milk hates me. https://t.co/LduoIE4G1v SELENA 😋 https://t.co/HrG3uux5Ln @iane1986 He's a fucking LAD. aha. @weeyin_x 😜 missed out sex too. I like boxing, racing cars and doing other boy things. I'm basically a bloke in a really feminine body. I'M TOTALLY OKAY WITH THIS. @LucyxShadow Worth it. Looks soooo good. @LucyxShadow Grin and bare it bitch ;) @LucyxShadow 😈👌🏻 @miss_banksxx https://t.co/bjm4cfL5i9 @weeyin_x You poor sod 😩😂 @richmilward Prefer sports cars to be honest. @Anni_Milberg Yeah! Good fight, really thought Joshua might have lost it at one point. @richmilward Mclaren 570s, Jag F Type, Porsche Cayman etc.. @richmilward You're boring. Hell Yeaaaah. https://t.co/sE6nFRkxjs @leeco197 It's true. 100% Trust me. @LucyxShadow BUT I COULDN'T GIVE UP STEAK 😩 @LucyxShadow Someone ain't cooking that shit right in your fam. What about bacon? Even a few vegetarians I know struggle with that one. 10 MINUTES TO GO! @LucyxShadow Defo go veggie then. @LucyxShadow Yep, meat ain't cheap. Problem is you may start eating more carb to compensate. I NEED MORE. https://t.co/wq5IavHE8F @sowasred2012 You always have best ideas. Bet she doesn't get Monday morning blues doing that job. I would literally run to work. EVERYDAY. https://t.co/KgHIP3hu0k @chelsdelaney11 Who cares. She is allowed to touch him. @charlienicola85 Could you imagine?! It would be the best life ever. aha @lilyfharris Sorry you're feeling shitter! Do you get dizzy when oxygen levels go that low? Drink A LOT of milk! Haha x @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 Don't be bitter. @lilyfharris Take it easy babe! Get those drugs in you and then you can pick up the pace more. I don't drink milk either! x @chelsdelaney11 @richmilward Pure jealousy. @lilyfharris Yes! You must rest. Milk has puss in it. Sorry! Try not to vom 😂 x @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 Pfft. Beau has been watching Alfie shag his bed for the last 20 minutes. aha. https://t.co/p1mHc4T5f7 @giftedrascal Hahaha he better not be getting any ideas already! Facefuckers got me wanting to commit tonight. The best things in life are free. Like Wills Netflix account. I like to drink energy drinks and then have a nap. Cutting out all the crap tomorrow because I feel like I'm dyyyyyyyying. #RIP Gluten and sugar were invented by Satan. @LucyxShadow 👌🏻 @Mimekiller You have such little faith in me! aha. I think I'd actually feel better taking crack. Loooool. FFS. Ah right, so you've just finished cleaning the house and now you're nipping Tesco metro. This information is so important to me. OBVS. I'd care if you were dropping me off some skittles or a caramel egg or summat. But NAH. @LucyMaryTaylor Someone especially is cringing me out Lucy. I can't deal with it 🙈😂 @LucyMaryTaylor Forever cringed 😭😂 @LucyMaryTaylor What you trying to say love???!!! 🙈😂 @LeeGant Don't be so hard on yourself Gant. Fucks sake. @LucyMaryTaylor How bloody dare you 😋😂 @Nicole_Rennie Tell me about it babe! 🙈 Hope you're well honey! xx Why is it when something bad happens to a dog in a film I feel like I need to talk to a therapist after? @CF_Mutant_84 Don't mop what? Your floor? But it'll get dirty. @CF_Mutant_84 I'm sorry. Spelling Nazi here. Guilty! LOL. @Anni_Milberg What's that? @CF_Mutant_84 True though. Will give you that! aha. I'm ok thanks. Bit knackered but ok. You doing ok? :) @Anni_Milberg Oh no, I shall not be watching that. I'll be crying for days x @CF_Mutant_84 Good, keep fighting the fight! :) @Anni_Milberg Would still cry so will give it a miss. Not emotionally strong enough for that right now. aha. @Anni_Milberg I actually hate that film! With a passion! Oh dear 🙈 https://t.co/z5BT3pJe19 @RhiannahRyan You've put me off for life Rhi!! x Pre menstrual and pre gonna smash a mother fuckers face in. How's your day going? 😃 My baby box is destroying me. I feel like I want murder someone but also just want to eat cake. Love these little ones ❤ https://t.co/TgPngItfWI SCIENCE KNOWS. https://t.co/J9F562miih @RhiannahRyan I don't want my heart broken aha. Westeros forever. https://t.co/v9x8JljEup I'm such a wanker. #PurplePrince https://t.co/4yzP4guX2A LOL. https://t.co/xiBmgl9XQB I need to grow up. Someone said Siemens and I wanted to laugh. Ok. Bye. @DalosLegendCFC A week of Game of Thrones?! Makes that hospital visit worth it. It's back in June! Can't come quick enough 😩 @DalosLegendCFC Amazing isn't it?! Do you watch Line of duty? That's on Netflix if you fancy it? It's brilliant. @weeyin_x Hahahah I know. I can't help it. Keanu Reeves is one of the best people ever born. https://t.co/JGqRb6xzLp N'awww. Beau and I. #Soulmates ❤️💙 https://t.co/RxgZ2hCJbj @Lasty1Richard Ha, I'm silly. How are you doing? :) Does anybody else go to the fridge every ten minutes? Like new food will magically appear in there. aha. @LucyxShadow You knoooooow. @NickiWilliams89 👊🏼💪🏼😘 And you all wonder why I'm always so upbeat. https://t.co/GxUf72LqgX My cousin killed himself at the age of 28 because he couldn't share how he was feeling you PRICK @piersmorgan https://t.co/FxIyNDQqGg .@piersmorgan In fact man up were the words he heard from his father the day before he took his own life. @piersmorgan .@piersmorgan I think it's YOU who needs to get a grip you nasty bastard @piersmorgan @CfAdventurers Thank you x @DalosLegendCFC Glad someone finds them amusing mate hahah @kevinbaxter10 @piersmorgan Would take balls to end your life that's for sure. You don't do it lightly. @cferthorney The worst is steroid cf hunger. HANGRY. @MercyRuled It's bullshit. GOT needs to be on now. Can't actually cope anymore. @Charlottegshore Bear get his dick out again? Post something meaningful on Facefuck and nobody likes it. Post you're eating a biscuit and EVERY fucker likes it. FFS 🙈😂 You ex boyfriend likes it, your great grandma, that person you ain't spoke to since you were three. Fucking Facebook. @MercyRuled We must be patient Charlie. Good things come to those who wait. STILL MASSIVELY PISSED THOUGH. @Lasty1Richard Don't blame you! I would be too. I'm ok thanks, just cuddling Alfie. He had a general anaesthetic to… https://t.co/EhI7cyE1Qb @RhiannahRyan 😩😂 Can imagine my mum actually wetting herself watching this. She loves this shit. Hahaha. https://t.co/e8YIPQZ5Tv @LucyxShadow us in Manchester. https://t.co/6uL04ExWEd @LucyxShadow when we cry laugh. https://t.co/f4975nPErs @giftedrascal Your cat is a right bloody bastard from the sounds of it. But aren't all cats? @giftedrascal Same. They are satan. Can't you just kick it out? Hahaha. @giftedrascal Hahaha he's just left and on his way back. That's so funny. Cheeky little wanker! @giftedrascal Hahaha you're like she's my mum you dick. Cats just don't give a fuck do they. @giftedrascal Yeah, I don't like him. Prick. Pretend to be dead. Bye bye fuckboys. https://t.co/3KzkARrPTN I should hate myself but I don't. https://t.co/B90lrtfOPo @miss_banksxx It really does! ahaaa. Every damn time. https://t.co/vHIxGMbATO In the garden with my Beau listening to Led Zeppelin in the sun 💛 https://t.co/ZNPHt9Kk6J Isn't it wank when your internet goes out and you're forced to get to know your surroundings. People ask me how I deal with things so well and I always say the same thing.. I'M DEAD INSIDE. Everyone on twitter is crazy, right? IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY. When will Rick Moranis have his comeback? As an 80's baby this needs to happen. Grew up watching him. His best role was as Dark Helmet in Mel Brooks’ sci-fi spoof Spaceballs. Bloody classic. @Disappearer Really? I'm gonna have to google him. @Disappearer Didn't expect that. Awful he lost his wife so early. @Disappearer Kudos to him for bringing up his kids alone. Eating Vimto bon bons. Reminds me of the time I got so high I went mute for about 3 hours. True story. Al Greens smooth vocal over this beat. Yesssss. https://t.co/VkrxDE6oRB Will sends me a kiss over text, I then look over and I can see him blowing kisses through the window. Cheesy bastard. aha. @TheOnlyCleoLuna So good:) Good luck on the results of vote later! @TheOnlyCleoLuna I think you will defeat her. I think Macron has it, don't worry! @TheOnlyCleoLuna Me too :) @richmilward Good call. @richmilward https://t.co/21chHMmkT2 eel never live that down. https://t.co/inwWuf0UpS He was left with a nasty wound but was told not to worry, it will eel. I'll let myself out. Oh Dolly, I love you. https://t.co/eAbpD5T0ix Fuck you Tory scum. https://t.co/JZlXrt4R1I Happy for France right now! #Macron 🇫🇷 @Paul1878G *Boom boom* aha. @TheOnlyCleoLuna Phew! Happy for you all. I had faith Macron would win. @lilyfharris It's awful. One of the worst things about CF. There are times I just can't be arsed anymore, especiall… https://t.co/SYUciKhbx6 @lilyfharris Not seen that in years! Yeah I remember hahah. @lilyfharris Moan away! We all have those times but you'll be back fighting fit soon! Try fit in as many naps as you can lovely xx @jimmystitch Jinx! My nan was Irish and so similar. It's fucking weird 😂 @lilyfharris I love him Lily hahah. https://t.co/KYaRH25xDU @lilyfharris That's good going! Love a nap me. Ha. I had to cancel - clashed with another appointment. Naughty Sel. xx @lilyfharris I definitely don't do everything they say 🙈 hahaha you are a super fan! xx Someone rang me and asked me a question - I stupidly said yes not knowing what they said. They then asked me to repeat the question. FML. I honestly could barely hear anything they were saying. I was being polite. It's so embarrassing when you can't understand someone and you feel like you're constantly saying sorry, what did you say? @leeco197 So true. Makes me cringe. We tell eachother how lovely our son is everyday. aha. https://t.co/dLUeqTxtRt Beau loves this song. I sing it to him. Future Dolly fan here, like his mum. https://t.co/ejBFS76694 This is actually something my mum would do. Hahaha. https://t.co/RgOUcwksie The amount of times I've told her off for cleaning the windows with a ladder. Drives me mad. Eurovision is on this week. One of my favourite ever things. I'm so gay. @meggzzie Must be so tiring Megan x @giftedrascal https://t.co/w2cwCImznf @kevinbaxter10 Nooooo. How can you hate it?! @kevinbaxter10 And that's ok but COME ON KEVIN EMBRACE THE CHEESE. aha. Apart from Trump. Trump can go fuck himself. https://t.co/Rm0jWBMNeb A used condom. https://t.co/WMD4qiqWMJ https://t.co/BjplwYHkyo Downloading Snapchat purely to stalk Chris Pratt. Life just got 100000000 times better. @giftedrascal I am not surprised! aha. @kevinbaxter10 Will the UK ever win though? So political these days. @Anni_Milberg The beginning of your Eurovision song sounds like David Guetta - Titanium. @Anni_Milberg You are from Germany, right? He's already having sex with other people. Duh. https://t.co/MiCXcPOQne And why is the Daily Mail encouraging this? Who would want to go to a swingers party and watch their fella have sex with someone else? Stay asleep my little love bug. https://t.co/Xv1kJqEvEP @Anni_Milberg I am :) @giftedrascal Hahaha actually does. @giftedrascal He only shags his bed though! He really does need a gf. Shall I buy a bitch for him? aha. @giftedrascal Bit of smooth fm on the radio, some nice lighting. Get them in the mood. @giftedrascal Alfie prefers a nice cigar mate. I'll defo leave her money for a cab though hahah. @giftedrascal Desperate to get rid of her, like all blokes after one night stands. aha. Ok so like totally ordering this for when Will goes away. https://t.co/tDyOLamZvp Alfie had a wash today. He smells so good until he guffs. This is him mid blow dry. aha. https://t.co/JdQT9jxTuR This is in fact true. https://t.co/moVfJnSjsX Ghetto Boys make some noise Moochie Mama show you nanas. So inspirational. I love it when the same word is said over and over again. Makes my head melt. SO GOOD. @willjw Funneh. Her voice is like nails down a blackboard. aha. @willjw How quick she was to jump on Trumps dick #StrongAndStable https://t.co/C9vNMeQmqy @TheOnlyCleoLuna Hate CGI. Imagine The Labyrinth was made today and how it would look. Love that it's all practical fx. @willjw genuinely got the giggles. Look at the thread too. https://t.co/Z1Ejby60sD @TheOnlyCleoLuna It will be shit. Don't know why they are bothering really. I went clothes shopping alone without my baby and bought a shit load of clothes. It was GLORIOUS. Dollar. https://t.co/0MPLcSuKVf I told Beau to stop growing up so quickly today. Six months old. Love him so much. He is everything. https://t.co/pMZzOEG5xR @LucyxShadow @untilucamealong Awww don't! I feel emosh enough already. You know I'm like a cockroach. Can't get rid of me. @LucyMaryTaylor I know Lucy 😩 he's just the loveliest little boy. @giftedrascal Cheeky! I bloody grew him. Still blows my mind. How did that happen? @LucyxShadow @untilucamealong What can I say? It's those bloody love genes. aha. @giftedrascal Yeah, he's bloody great! Really really proud and true knackered but it's so worth it :) x @BeaHappyCF Thanks babe! ☺️ @LucyMaryTaylor Thanks lovely ❤ x @LucyMaryTaylor I'm alright babe. Hope you are too! Looks like you had a great time in Liverpool :) xx @CKRosekilly30 Second time I've heard that today. My uncle said the same thing. Pah. Totally something else mate an… https://t.co/VoVT03C2rx @CKRosekilly30 How is your gorgeous girl?! She's growing up fast too! :) @kevinbaxter10 Thanks Kevin :) @giftedrascal One of my nieces is two and she's a cheeky little fucker now! I wish my sister luck. aha. @LucyMaryTaylor Look brilliant from your pics! Won't be surprised when you finally move there ha x @CKRosekilly30 God yeah! If anything gives you more stamina, that's for sure! And when they smile it's all worth it ☺️ @CKRosekilly30 That will be amazing! Is she saying any words yet? @Anni_Milberg Who? @Anni_Milberg Read the tweet again :) Searching for someone ALIVE. He's so picky. https://t.co/sbUdR7mFcI @Anni_Milberg Yeah got some really nice stuff. Went a bit cray. @cleoalana84 Thanks lovely! I will tell him to not break too many girls hearts ha x @weeyin_x ☺️❤ Back at the hospital for Beau's last surgery. He's first on the list. Some more good vibes please guys!! @richmilward Cheers Rich. @gemfifield Thank you 😘 @zcelliott Thanks Zoe :) x @CKRosekilly30 My niece says taaaa! Especially when she gets given chocolate ha. Can't wait for Beau to say Mummy mate ☺️ @Anni_Milberg Need a new wardrobe. Like an actual wardrobe. No where to put it all! @Nicole_Rennie Thank you my darling, sending love back ❤ @miss_banksxx Thanks lovely! 😘❤ @djwood247 Cheers David :) @iMcAngus Thanks Angus. Hope you're well mate! :) @miss_banksxx Will do babe. Still waiting ❤️ @kakey89 Thanks Kat 😘 @lilyfharris Thanks Lily. Hope the I.v's have kicked in now and you're feeling better! xx @RhiannahRyan Thanks Rhi 😘 Hope you're feeling fatter this morning ☺️ xx @kevinbaxter10 Thanks mate! :) @charlienicola85 😘❤️ @RhiannahRyan The pain will go soon! And you'll be bouncing round on that fat bum of yours 😂 x @mrswillywonker They never do, you'll be saying the same thing to the next one! xx @RhiannahRyan Will be all worth it in the end! xx @CKRosekilly30 Yep! I'll be proper emosh. Hahah. @sickchickchic Thanks Josie. Hope you're well :) x @chanmillward Thanks gorgeous one! 😘❤️ @_nxjx_ He is going to break hearts! Ha 😘 x @grace__oshea The surgeon said it went smoothly so fingers crossed it carries on like that through recovery! x @charlienicola85 They said the operation went smoothly. So hopefully he will recover quickly and we can be home :) x @miss_banksxx Operation went smoothly and he's back on the ward. Fingers crossed it carries on like that 🙏🏼😘 @BeaHappyCF Thanks. Hope you're well Bea ☺️💛 x @miss_banksxx Thank you sweet! ❤️ @leeco197 Oiiiiiiii. That's my cousin you're talking about. @leeco197 Tom. aha. @leeco197 Nah. Couldn't give two shits really. You like who you like! @leeco197 Stop trying to dig yourself out of a hole. It's fine. Hahaha 😉 @LucyMaryTaylor Happy birthday!! Have a lovely day you! 😘 xx @CfAdventurers Thank you :) x @Mimekiller I'm only glad you have confirmed she's an adult. @Mimekiller Those devil women and their vaginas. @Mimekiller Nice that you make the effort. aha. @mattpasternicki you text my old number Matt. Put my old phone on yesterday and saw your message x And this weeks winning troll is Peter. Looool. https://t.co/glh2aP7XOe @iMcAngus Hahaha don't actually need any more internet today. @zlistsiBBley @SkyNews There is never a good time Alex. aha @enhughesiasm It's wonderful! Hope your mum is home soon :) @mattpasternicki https://t.co/dB4xXhmNtj @mattpasternicki That was brilliant. Love Andrew Neil. Portillo's face throughout that was amazing. aha. @mattpasternicki I just watched that one. Can't stop watching them now too. Absolute fucking idiot. She's embarrassing herself. His eyes...I can't get over how beautiful he is. My son has the ladies wrapped around his finger already. @richmilward If he ends up gay then he'll have the boys wrapped around his little finger. Why am I not married to this man? https://t.co/ZVMIhBPV5D #SaveTheNHS https://t.co/dC1vijBprM @itvnews @mattpasternicki even she's taking the piss. @Anni_Milberg @MissLawrun @richmilward Can't bloody wait! @willjw @mattpasternicki @itvnews You can't compare Boris with Diane. @willjw @mattpasternicki @itvnews Both awful and a joke but she's in another league. Israel's song is like walking into a gay bar on a Friday night. I'm ok this. #ISR #Eurovision Big voice. Big boobs. Her cleavage is better than the song though. Not a bad thing. What can I say...I LIKE BOOBIES #POL @LucyxShadow Daaaaamn!! I know. I was about to say 'are they brother and sister?' then they tongue the fuck out of eachother. Its a no from me. aha #BEL Forgot the song already and he's still singing. #AUT #Eurovision @LucyxShadow Really?! Fuck yeah. Is it a rockier song? Armenia STRIKE A POSE #Eurovision https://t.co/QFh9WGeRDb This reminds me of Wilson Philips - Hold on. Hell Yeah. #Netherlands #Eurovision https://t.co/euULobobJf Loving the SAX. I'm giggling at the dancing and what is with the girls in wedding dresses? WHAT IS GOING ON? Who cares..I LOVE IT. #Moldova Is the girl ok? She looks very distressed. Maybe it's because he has that shit man bun. #Hungary #Eurovision He's really good at waving his arms. I'm impressed. The gorilla. Are my eyes seeing this? #Italy #Eurovision I'm going for a piss #Denmark #Eurovision This is actually really sweet. I can imagine it playing in a film where the two leads kiss by a fire or summat. N'awwwww. #POR #Eurovision @DuGi Her teeth scared me. I'm kidding! It wasn't bad mate :) @charlienicola85 Boobies are life Charlie. aha. Man with a horse head on a ladder. Okaaaaaaaaay. #AZE #Eurovision @DuGi You better be!! GO BIG OR GO HOME. Literally. #Croatia #Eurovision @MattWalms I've caught up now! Phew. @DuGi Of course! You can count on me ☺️ You're not in Europe Australia. I'm politely going to ask you to go away. #AUS #Eurovision https://t.co/JBrKzjXSgm Nose goals. She has the BEST nose. She should win because of her nose. Nose. Nose. Nose. #Greece #Eurovision Do it for your lover or don't. WHATEVER. #Spain #Eurovision @LucyxShadow We are still in Europe Lucy! Just now everyone hates us! LOL. @LucyxShadow Actually they have always hated us. aha. I swear to god this is the song they play at B&M. #Norway #Eurovision @LucyxShadow Fuuuuuuck yeah. He is a beaut. 'Never give up on you?' Errr...isn't that exactly what we did to the EU? (We* NOT ME) Awks. #GBR #Eurovision Lucie did absolutely brilliant though. Well done lady! #GBR @prof_gt Hahahaha 🙈 BORING. Neeeeeeeext. #Cyprus #Eurovision @LucyxShadow Because she's Welsh?! Hahaha. @LucyxShadow You know 👌🏻 Not feeling this yodelling. Bloody hell make it stop. My ears are bleeding #Romania #Eurovision @prof_gt You could be right there. aha. @MattWalms Fuck you. I'm eating hahaha. Only have two hands. The beginning of Germany's song sounds just like Titanium by David Guetta. PLAGARISM. #GER #Eurovision @LucyxShadow I remember. Jedward beat her. Awks. Who doesn't love a giant head and tatts? #Ukraine #Eurovision DOES SHE EVEN WANT TO BE THERE???? Who is forcing her to do this?! #Belgium #Eurovision @LucyxShadow I agree with that! I can appreciate a treadmill with an attractive man on it. God dammit, stop thinking sexy thoughts Selena. #Sweden #Eurovision THIS IS THE WINNING SONG. No need to say anything else. #Bulgaria #Eurovision @LucyxShadow Winning song this! @LucyxShadow Yesssssss. VERY FUCKING GOOD. @LucyxShadow It's brilliant. Everyone else can go home! @LucyxShadow Cri evrityme. @DuGi So you kinda win. @BeaHappyCF Hell no. aha. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 Obviously is. Otherwise he'd be with me. Go home. Just fucking go home. #France #Eurovision @LucyxShadow He is winning. If he doesn't I'm jumping out the window to my untimely death. @LucyxShadow Wat?! Portugal might beat Bulgaria. @LucyxShadow Shiiiiiiiit. @LucyxShadow Hahaha fucking what is going on? On the phone when that guy flashed his ass. Mum, i'm looking at an ass right now. How is Will? Quality Banter mum. #Eurovision @LucyxShadow This is bullshit. @LucyxShadow This cannot be happening. I give up on life. @LucyxShadow Noooooooo. Two people have gone into the toilet together. Fucking hell I can hear everything. I take it all back Australia. You lovely bastards. #Eurovision @LucyxShadow Our own people have fucked us up the ass. @LucyxShadow Ok not our people that was the vote by the judges. The public vote next. @LucyxShadow He can still do it. @LucyxShadow Yeah! Should have won though. He had the winning song. 100% Kate Bush. BBC 4. Now ❤ @LucyxShadow The toilet next to our room. Two people doing something. @LucyxShadow did it happen today? @LucyxShadow Yeah! @LucyxShadow Fuck yeaaah. Knew you'd go through with it. Wanna see! Nat got a tattoo today on her foot and ankle. @LucyxShadow Awesome. I feel left out 😉 @LucyxShadow Yeah, would have to find somewhere else if not. I could watch this all night. Take my phone away. https://t.co/kjCRqepiMS Savage. https://t.co/IZ1hO1uZRp Guess who's going home?! Yay! HAPPY ❤💙 @willjw Not heard it. Will listen to it properly later. I like placebo though. Every you, every me is my fav of theirs. Hahaha you sweet talking fucker @ScottGShore https://t.co/LkcGbbrPLM Nothing says cunt more than.... https://t.co/uyinx0xe0z @leeco197 You miserable fuck hahah. @leeco197 Who doesn't like cheese? Two little gems - Ever Since New York and Meet Me In The Hallway on @Harry_Styles new LP. Surprised by how lovely it is. I get the feeling she might be murdered. Holy fuck. https://t.co/I41itOtgN7 My niece is having my name tattooed on her. That's love ❤ @kevinbaxter10 She's fantastic! @kevinbaxter10 Haha it is a good name ;) @kevinbaxter10 Really? Awww. I actually had a friend name his baby girl Selena after me. I was so shocked but touched :) @kevinbaxter10 It's Greek and means moon goddess :) Who has been writing about me on the internet again? Paaaaah. https://t.co/11TDiZcUBS @MightyGooner81 This is perfect. @LucyxShadow @jeeznametaken Is it worth a watch? I have them downloaded but not started yet. When you get more than 10 likes. https://t.co/qpdDCZyXU9 @LucyxShadow @jeeznametaken Might start tonight then. @EC_Lake Hi Emma, really touching blog post. I'm so sorry you've had to endure what you have. I know a cfer who had… https://t.co/0TdgS18vtw @EC_Lake 10 years and had 8 miscarriages. She's now pregnant with her second child. If you'd like me to get you in contact with her I can x @LucyxShadow some of these places look amazing. https://t.co/tL3klIQ6SR Remember the time we couldn't afford to buy our house because of all those damn avocados I was buying? @willjw https://t.co/ziLHLw0iyc @gemfifield happy birthday you! xx Need caffeine. Walking around like i'm in an episode of The Walking Dead. When people don't get your humour. Pricks. @LucyxShadow favourite song right now ❤ https://t.co/NJ0Iz4ks8y @prof_gt I know her from Eurovision. Not sure if she has a cult following here. @giftedrascal I'm the same until I've had a tea. @LucyxShadow Save those pennies slag. It's good. Beau and bunny ❤ https://t.co/O7AmuE1Wyn Helena Christensen in the Wicked Game music video. So beautiful. Her eyes. 100% would have gone gay for her. aha. The song is so sexy. Makes me feel horny and sad at the same time 😭😂 LOVE. Jorja Smith - Where Did I Go? https://t.co/syDuBPJUV2 Your life @LucyxShadow https://t.co/xxr0RMoa0Q @grace__oshea He's good, thanks! We are back home. Surgery went well, his bowel is working like normal now :) x @richmilward Well that sounds fun. @kevinbaxter10 I remember her! She is hot in that video. I swear she looks a bit like a better looking Leona Lewis. @richmilward Maniac yes. @kevinbaxter10 It's lovely seeing natural beauty. Everyone is so artificial these days. @kevinbaxter10 It's fucking weird. It's all weird. @leeco197 Jesus Christ. @willjw how pathetic is this? https://t.co/nxQ7Iwa5pT @EC_Lake Totally understand. The offer is always there Emma x What the hell is going on in Leicester at the moment? Murders, stabbings. Dead bodies being found is a daily occurrence. @weeyin_x I just told him you said that and he smiled. Awww. Ha 😘 @sowasred2012 It's cray right now. Tell your mum to watch her back. There's no mercy in this city. @richmilward Yeah yeah, let's take the piss because i'm related to one of the band members. @richmilward I didn't. @richmilward You said you were a maniac. I agreed. @richmilward Maniac nonetheless. @miss_banksxx Awww Hannah, I read about Iona's wedding in a newspaper at the time. She was so beautiful! Big hugs ❤ @chelsdelaney11 I really wanna fuck with you. @FilmAndTV101 @LucyxShadow https://t.co/moTKR0hPa0 @chelsdelaney11 I would well fuck you up with my vog mask on obvs. @FilmAndTV101 @LucyxShadow Some scary shit dat 😂 @chelsdelaney11 Stop turning me gay. Well sod saving those African children from Malaria so people with cars can buy even newer cars. https://t.co/fz6PxGVkq0 @AliceRoseCo Tell Philip he's a bloody ledge! @AliceRoseCo AMAZING! Ok so my belly is flatter and more toned than pre pregnancy. How does that work? I must have some seriously elastic skin. I DIDN'T REALISE I COULD LOVE YOU MORE THAN I ALREADY DO. STOP IT EMILIA. https://t.co/qfrozGdQf2 @Jemsec @DailyMailUK *EYE ROLL* @weeyin_x Thanks lovely. I know I'm a bit biased but he really is! ☺️ x @NickiWilliams89 I don't like this. *wraps my arms around you* @Becki_65roses This is will sound weird but paracetamol. *Disclaimer* Don't start popping them daily. aha. https://t.co/Uj0qoXKnKR @Becki_65roses Strange but I've noticed it helps my muscles relax. Yoga. Amazing for body and mind - has cured the… https://t.co/H5Fh3ZO8HJ @Becki_65roses Hope I've helped a little. Probably not though ha. Hugs! xx @LucyMaryTaylor Sure! aha. Why would you sit in bed with knickers on when you can sit in nothing? Why would you do that to yourself? https://t.co/cCoPj3tmRk @BlinkParawhore Hey! Yeah, it's been a while. How are you? My pregnancy went well, pretty smoothly really x That is my face when I'm with you @LucyxShadow https://t.co/1GPyg6vmfa @LucyxShadow Hahah imagine that. @LucyxShadow I know 😭😊 One of the best twitter conversations of all time. https://t.co/jB4fYefJLJ @BlinkParawhore Ah, shit. Your lungs struggling right now? LF stayed the same luckily :) @LucyxShadow Why am I not surprised by this? 🤔😂 @BlinkParawhore Shitting hell. They'll get you back up, don't worry x My child would rather watch Escape to the Country than Cartoons. Are you kidding me? He's so sophisticated. I love it. aha. @LucyxShadow Tweet has been deleted. Wat. @LucyxShadow FUCK OFF. @LucyxShadow Incest is best. Fuck me. This is someone trolling, surely?! 🙈 https://t.co/5sYnWaLulP @LucyxShadow With those eyes she already looks like the child of incest. @LucyxShadow Lucy love is love. Soz. Hahaha @LucyxShadow Laughing my ass off. @LucyxShadow After giving her brother a blowie https://t.co/qTIigdmJFA Yeah, you're so happy. Stop trying to convince yourself and everyone else. You don't fool me facefuck friend. I probably sound miserable and terrible but you know when someone is faking happiness. @LucyxShadow Hahahaha @giftedrascal Yes! You can see straight through it. All this happy bollocks 24/7 @iMcAngus I'm impressed with him Angus. @iMcAngus You can return them? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME? @giftedrascal This particular person had criticism from someone and replied I forgive you. Laugh or tell them to… https://t.co/xr06lzDLfN 🙏 please share @LucyxShadow https://t.co/CtUI9eHYsm @LucyxShadow Me too 😩 thanks for sharing though! Step Brothers is on Comedy Central. Just a heads up! Fuck yeaaah. @miss_banksxx Yessss! I love you, stay golden pony boy...i gotta pee. Oh my god. You're incredible. https://t.co/jKyUklQorv @LucyxShadow Draw a big cock or a shitting arse hahah. He's not wrong. @djwood247 @MattWalms @RealJaffaCakes Jaffa cakes are why I'm still alive. When you swallow a dry food and it feels like you're going to die if you don't drink something immediately after. Bread will be the death of me. It is no coincidence that wheat gluten is also named seitan. DID JESUS MAKE THESE? I'M SHOOK. https://t.co/37guf9loA8 Obviously legit. https://t.co/EXMSPyg18x @whyjuan So sorry x @whyjuan It's very cruel. Doesn't always sink in right away, sad how someone can be gone just like that. @Nettofabulous This sounds interesting ha. @sowasred2012 Campaign for what? Happy endings? @LucyxShadow waaaatch. https://t.co/lwxuDycJsu Lady in Tesco told me she could tell I was into healthy stuff because of my body.... Look in my basket love. Those donuts are not gonna eat themselves. @LucyxShadow Hahaha you know. Did you take your bits with you? Does anyone else love sucking on the plastic wrapper after you've ate a Peperami? Please tell me I'm not alone. @CKRosekilly30 Noooooo. Don't say that. Other people do this, right? aha. @leeco197 Well you know how it is ;) @CKRosekilly30 You're missing out!! @amysteadmann Yay! Thought I was the only weirdo that does for a moment. Ha. @amysteadmann https://t.co/aB4HsRAfzm @leeco197 Can't say I complained ha. @CKRosekilly30 I am too usually 😜 You're a bad influence on me @CKRosekilly30 We are all good thanks. Likewise! 😘 @Anni_Milberg Thank god. aha. @CKRosekilly30 Haha I know. Well actually... I've really had to up my calories since having Beau. Piggy. @kevinbaxter10 Hahah we live and learn, eh? @marshamaddison It tastes so good! @djwood247 @cftrust @CFAware Happy birthday Batman! :) @chelsdelaney11 I like it when dogs have human names. Like Samantha. @chelsdelaney11 What about Hunter? @weeyin_x @chelsdelaney11 Alan? LOL. I met a Christian once. I was like wat. OMG SO THIS IS WHY MY BELLY IS SO FLAT. https://t.co/6lIMQPLZFh @willjw I need a roast dinner. @chelsdelaney11 @weeyin_x Rachel. @willjw Gutted. Ha. @DuGi @willjw Don't do roast dinners on Just Eat. It's a bloody travesty. @DuGi @willjw Will is going shops quickly to get a beef joint now. Yay. @DuGi @willjw I said this! He's too good to me. I'm VERY lucky Morten. @willjw @DuGi FUCK YEAH. @MightyGooner81 Brutal. @chelsdelaney11 @weeyin_x Gary. Disney's Robin Hood is on. I fancy that fox so much. Always have done. My favourite ever Disney film. Eveeeeer. @LucyMaryTaylor Errrr he's fit. @LucyMaryTaylor I just love him so much. @lilyfharris @LucyMaryTaylor It's the best! @JamieMilligan So glad you get it. @TheOnlyCleoLuna Is it really a problem? aha. We must not be ashamed! @MightyGooner81 Well funny. @richmilward They don't all have American accents. @richmilward You know I never got that deep over it before. @richmilward This is true. The Labyrinth is on channel 5 now. Is this like the day of best films ever? @richmilward What? You've never fancied a fox before? Bowie's package. And what a package it is. It's glorious. Im the most annoying person to watch this with. I just basically say the whole script ALOUD. ALL THE WAY THROUGH. @leeco197 It's magical. @leeco197 Well this was the 80's! Bloody amazing decade. aha. @troubledspirits Hahah! I have the soundtrack. Bowie was a genius! @leeco197 No that's his dick. Pure cock and balls. Ha. @willjw you. https://t.co/OtotW81OTM @untilucamealong @LucyxShadow You dirty daaaaawg. LOL. @LucyxShadow @untilucamealong You did. I apologise 😂 @dmprsvn Lambrini girls just wanna have fun. @LucyxShadow @untilucamealong Love that parsnip. Isn't this one of the cutest things you've ever bloody seen? @LucyxShadow https://t.co/43peTE9h6F @giftedrascal Karma baby! I am that friend. https://t.co/5Ah0Nn7wq5 Bastards. https://t.co/7fgHyZQaKu @troubledspirits DON'T DO IT. @richmilward A dog? Gemma Collins comment though. Hahaha. https://t.co/M3WnI3wvsM https://t.co/sxUn9yW9I3 @jonoread Simpler times! aha. @richmilward Who is Samantha? @richmilward Those are some nipples aren't they? @richmilward Hahaha Was my first born's birthday this week. Three years old. Love the little bugger to bits ❤ https://t.co/hDr0STzqSG I'm pretty sure there are easier ways to find out before doing that. https://t.co/LyAcREBMO6 @sickchickchic Who was nasty? Let me at them! 😡 THE DESPERATION. #propaganda https://t.co/JnWt0xrfl7 @LucyMaryTaylor 😊😘 @BeaHappyCF Thanks Bea 😘 x This level of bullshit is getting ridiculous now. You can smell the desperation a mile off. https://t.co/YcIAylRpW8 Also @TheSun are fucking scum. #DontBuyTheSun @LeeGant @TheSun I always make sense you melon but yeah I get ya innit. I love Gordon Ramsay. He fascinates me. Before I die I want him to scream in my face FUCK OFF. https://t.co/1xg7eKWTs1 Is it wrong that I would actually love that? Ugh. Just heard @sophshowell has passed away. 21. Horrific. Rest easy little one xxx @BeaHappyCF Yeah. Horrible. Thanks lovely x @amysteadmann @sophshowell Same. Too young. Heartbreaking :( xx @BenMudgePT @sophshowell 😢 @amysteadmann @sophshowell She definitely will. She was a lovely person! xxx @gaelstara Sorry but what a twat. @hollyrosanna I was literally just saying the same thing. I think they are keeping it hush hush personally! @hollyrosanna I agree, some vote for the same party every time because they've been brought up to. Pathetic! I hate… https://t.co/pnOBvm0pqD @Freddiewhite23 @sophshowell I do too Freddie. Especially with her being so young :( Can't sleep. Children dead at a pop concert. Fuck me. This is the type of world we are living in today and it's grotesque. @kevinbaxter10 It's sick! World is full of cunts I swear. @David_Leavitt Your career just died you PRICK. @LeeGant Happy burfday lover x They're a bit busy. Fuck off. https://t.co/siPwceb25V @LucyxShadow Love you ❤ @LucyxShadow @willjw Always Lucy! 😘❤ @willjw @LucyxShadow 😘❤ @LucyxShadow @willjw Whatever you need, we'll always sort you out hahah 😘 @LucyxShadow @willjw ☺️😍 So many fucking racist idiots on Facebook. Read so much bullshit today my head is going to burst. These sort of atrocities really bring out people's true views. Can't these people understand that THIS IS WHAT THE EXTREMISTS WANT. More hate. More fear = More terrorists. @giftedrascal Sure is mate x @kevinbaxter10 You got that right. Simpletons. @giftedrascal I swear they get off on it. Practically wanking watching it unfold. Harsh but true. @LeeGant You're right. It's harder when you know the pricks. @miss_banksxx Beautiful 😍 @richmilward I've least felt sorry for Judy. She's aged from being with him. @richmilward Egomaniac. @willjw @LucyxShadow https://t.co/4Kt19Ae3fB @hollyrosanna Guilty pleasure! I love it. aha. @LucyxShadow @willjw @damnitsulley Saw this last night. I got very moist. Paaaaaah. @LucyxShadow @willjw 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 @willjw @LucyxShadow @damnitsulley Suddenly it's grim, is it? Weren't saying that the other night pal. LOL. @willjw @LucyxShadow @damnitsulley It's the worst word ever. It makes me feel ill. @mrichie10 @Ceiberfox Soilders are on the streets because she cut 20,000 police so she's had no choice. @mrichie10 @Ceiberfox Our secret services are hardly going to tell people what they are doing. They have stopped hu… https://t.co/dG8KCroeXe @mrichie10 @Ceiberfox I understand people's fear. This is what the extremists want. I don't know the answer but I d… https://t.co/AGvGdxJ14v @mrichie10 @Ceiberfox Impressionable Muslim boys before the radical leaders do. If we all stick together it will be… https://t.co/5y2mmCXAl0 😷 @DailyMailUK you are diabolical. https://t.co/PWbL2Gj5Uh @mrichie10 @Ceiberfox Where do you get your stats from? It's nonsense. Less then one percent within Europe. https://t.co/NKaoUY6Jox @mrichie10 @Ceiberfox Muslim boys religion is 40% radical That's numerical data which is a statistic. @mrichie10 @Ceiberfox 😊 Anyway, I don't think we are going to agree so let's leave it there. https://t.co/t4h8qGJFmx @mrichie10 @Ceiberfox I have lots of common sense :) It's usually those with simple minds who are ignorant and bigoted. @elvisrockysly Hahaha she must have low self esteem *winks* “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King @giftedrascal Man of the cunts. @richmilward https://t.co/CAS9PM9yo6 @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 Awks. https://t.co/BnIin7Js0f JUST SAYIN. https://t.co/tEGGvrLkBM @j_dady85 Don't criticize my life style. https://t.co/KKXSafnLXP @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 Should we persecute all white males because they are the race most likel… https://t.co/ifgOKUtush @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 The same goes for Muslim males. You can't ill treat a whole race, because of a minority. Get it? @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 This particular news article was singled out because of the attackers ra… https://t.co/QnQCM8r1jC @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 11 people are raped every hour in the United Kingdom. Where are those st… https://t.co/60yo0JX3kZ @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 ALL RAPE IS A PROBLEM. You're still statistically more likely to get rap… https://t.co/NAwqBFNU24 I do love conversing with utter fucking idiots. Nawwwwwt. Listening to Push it by Salt-N-Pepa. Reminds me of week nights at the club dancing to 80's music. Happy days! @paulakamaverick @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 And brits move abroad and commit abhorrent crimes too. What's your point? @paulakamaverick @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 Every year thousands of British men move to Thailand to… https://t.co/LMB4F87CRV @daisteelpaw @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 We were specifically talking about rape you racist cuntnugget. @daisteelpaw @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 It's a religion with many ethnic groups. But we all know the ones yo… https://t.co/VvrCSODoOM @daisteelpaw @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 Your anger leads me to believe you have a REALLY tiny penis. Am I right? @miss_banksxx I'm like this. LOL. https://t.co/yNRym8H5KD @daisteelpaw @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 You're* and I'm the thick twat? aha. Go have a wank fatty and chill out. @miss_banksxx Exactly that! Hahah. @kevinbaxter10 There's a 12 year age gap between my eldest sister and I - she used to do the same. 80s/early 90's looked amazing club wise! @giftedrascal That's gross mate! Some people are fucking tapped. Hope you're ok x @stehoare Cacking themselves! @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 It's certainly the case for the UK, Wales and US. Western c… https://t.co/40blv6oDmH @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 I'm going by the statistics from official rape organisation… https://t.co/Y8qsZvoZfL @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 You look up the statistics. I'm not here to research for yo… https://t.co/W7CgaU5hwe @LucyxShadow What the fuck is this?! @LucyxShadow It's suggested because they know you're a slag. @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 Yawn. What do you reckon? For each person/individual. Happy… https://t.co/VDyLz8sMzA @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 So your point is irrelevant. You still haven't answered my… https://t.co/JsVibvGAkR @LucyxShadow miss you slag. Let's sort out our matching tatt soon. @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 I care very much for rape victims. The original tweet was a… https://t.co/2k0tVUBGew @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 My point was this story was picked out to fit an agenda. Th… https://t.co/ya9607WJMS @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 It's scaremongering and going by the tweets this guy makes… https://t.co/b4GTbqIDUO @DeadYounger @ljswisc @TRobinsonNewEra @DavidJo52951945 Which is BULLSHIT. @LucyxShadow They are on my old phone bell end. @LucyxShadow Yeah yeah I will dick chops. @LucyxShadow Yeah cool. Let me know what's days you are free. Racists trying to get into my account. Wankers. https://t.co/BMxsEjSKfJ I am hurt by this. https://t.co/7n3WbzuUC4 Catharine did what she wanted when she wanted. We'd have been very firm friends. https://t.co/6fhvZ2wy2E I'd be really thankful if Beau wouldn't constantly pinch my boobs. He falls asleep doing it. Boys eh? aha. @leeco197 She is such a muppet. Fucking terrible human. @leeco197 I've been watching her cock ups on YouTube. Hilarious but equally as worrying. @Jasminelennard https://t.co/wgIdnmUz7s @leeco197 It bothers me, I'm not gonna lie. They really need to get rid. @miss_banksxx All day! @Jasminelennard I'm genuinely freaked out 😂😂 @Jasminelennard YUCK babe. @sowasred2012 Who haven't I pissed off Scott. @willjw You're in Asda you melon. @TheOnlyCleoLuna You can sing! Lovely voice :) xx @jamierubicin It was embarrassing watching him. Corbyn: I want social justice. Paxman: yeah, but what about when the queen dies. Me: *FACEPALM* How has Paxman become even more of a smug prick? @kevinbaxter10 I think he was amused at times himself. He came across pathetic. @weeyin_x Fuck yeah! x Such a bleeder I am. https://t.co/xQ21hfzlVh I just caught myself walking past a mirror. I look like a child with tits. aha. @TheOnlyCleoLuna It doesn't hurt! Just looks a bit ugly :) @gonzoboy Appropriate aha. Just been told I can't have certain treatment due to cost. Big fuck you to the Tories. #SaveTheNHS PLEASE! @MightyGooner81 Yeah, I'm ok! Need antibiotics so had a line put in me. @gonzoboy Thanks nurse! Ha. You ok at the minute mate? @MightyGooner81 Ha, don't worry! It's very suitable. Thanks :) @gonzoboy Awesome! Need a good boost. Lungs feel crabby. @Flurian_ Haha do you realise how much I'd have to pay to get it privately? I'm not even sure they'd insure me. @LoveLifeCF I'm alright, you know me gal. @cleoalana84 I'm ok. Just need a tune up babe! How are you? :) x @TheOnlyCleoLuna I'm ok lovely :) x @giftedrascal Need antibiotics. Lungs being pricks again. I'm ok though mate. @meggzzie Haha, I see it as a positive thing. At least it's in a good vein! x @meggzzie Yep. Crazy! Surprised we have any left x @chelsdelaney11 Got enough blood today from it. @giftedrascal Haha he'd try and fuck your cat probably. My eyes are leaking a bit. https://t.co/TaV0TXk2mU @giftedrascal Your pussy would love it! aha. I don't think you're suppose to put yarn in your vag. https://t.co/NCGhl9Xv2k @willjw https://t.co/BbANLemnvV @LucyxShadow Happy birthday Rosie bum x @chelsdelaney11 It screams toxic shock syndrome. If this bastard fly touches my food I am legit going to lose my mind. @willjw The gift that keeps on giving. https://t.co/HnZTgr36hC You ok? @justinbieber https://t.co/srooqiOwoJ @freyjascat @sashasimic @BBCNews 😂 oh please. @mrswillywonker How you doing lovely? x @ashbergh Orkambi yes, there's also a few other things too. My hospital doesn't get much funding. All budgets. Sad really. @mrswillywonker Feel better soon you :) x @mrswillywonker Hope so, I know the feeling especially when pregnant x Hope there's some vodka in that glass. She could do with it. https://t.co/MxCWxLFIqc @miss_banksxx We should send her a bottle. aha. @miss_banksxx Fuck it, we'll get her a crate of the stuff 😂 @miss_banksxx If the Tories don't win she's gone 100% bye bye Felicia 😂 @miss_banksxx I'm not religious but i'ma be praying 🙏😂 @Molitor1874 Absolutely wonderful. So happy for your brother and your family! ❤ @prof_gt Massively. In bed with mummy this morning. That pout. https://t.co/iTFjqW7RwC The Pringle. aha. https://t.co/sHZNXAgp11 @FilmAndTV101 Don't fancy a pigeon tattooed on me! aha. Oh, I need more time to think. I'll get back to you! @giftedrascal Ha, he woke up after I took it. The bugger! @FilmAndTV101 Cool, how did it go? @giftedrascal Majorly! x @giftedrascal No you're right :) x @MightyGooner81 And since this.. https://t.co/eFELM0tWh1 @MightyGooner81 YES. I'm a big fan too. I have a soft spot for Michael Keaton because of this. @MightyGooner81 You know it. My twin sisters daughter Alina and my best friends daughter Marissa BEING ALL CUTE. Absolutely love this photo! ❤ https://t.co/G4a18FazLP @miss_banksxx Really is! You want to see them talk to eachother. It's the sweetest thing. They are best friends ❤ @callum90CPFC Bullshit. TWO OF MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE IN ONE ROOM. https://t.co/IEbT4AyTq2 @callum90CPFC Do you really believe that? Labour are raising minimum wage by £10 an hour and are not increasing tax… https://t.co/LiCaARn1Bw @callum90CPFC Affect you. That's only the beginning. The Tories notoriously increase tax when they get back/stay in power. @callum90CPFC That defeatist attitude is why this government continually fuck us all up the arse because they know… https://t.co/Hdn78peb7D @callum90CPFC You really think your extra tax would even go to public servants under conservative? https://t.co/QPVdgiWdni @callum90CPFC You don't mind the conservatives running our NHS into the ground. It's almost dead. It will be privat… https://t.co/gX0e4tVxX8 @callum90CPFC Without it. Labour are actually going to stop this from happening. More funding, which is so desperately needed right now. @callum90CPFC At least he has costings! Fuck me. Conservatives couldn't even be arsed to. LOL. Have you even read their manifesto? @callum90CPFC Well that's ok then. Fuck everyone else. Fuck all the people who have helped you. And like it's that… https://t.co/O6mWNOozAm @callum90CPFC Me started on private healthcare. Americans healthcare is diabolical and they pay a fortune for it. @callum90CPFC And most Americans can't even afford to pay for their shit care. We have it made here. The NHS is the… https://t.co/ui2uuenf35 @callum90CPFC The right funding. I fucking care about it because it's kept me alive this long and saved my boys life. @callum90CPFC Oh, it will, because of people like you who don't care and will just fuck off. I'm glad not everyone has your attitude. @callum90CPFC Think you'd be very surprised. It's incredibly difficult to stay in Australia and New Zealand for example. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. @callum90CPFC Well duh, if nobody votes like you then they won't will they?! But some people actually give a shit. @callum90CPFC So nobody should vote then? You're they type of person who moans about everything and won't do anything positive 😂 @callum90CPFC Honestly, have you read their manifestos? That couldn't be further from the truth. @callum90CPFC Read this, Corbyn has shit up the very rich.. https://t.co/WTZrZe9T8g @callum90CPFC But it's about the parties and policies not just the leader. Mate, it's such a lazy attitude. @callum90CPFC But how do you know he isn't? Apart from what the media is telling you? You say you aren't feeding in… https://t.co/z2mQVTkVI5 @callum90CPFC Bet you voted for Brexit though. Am I right? @TheAntHarrison @callum90CPFC https://t.co/2XG56UtahX @Becki_65roses Too old? Hahah. Wat? You're a baby. @Becki_65roses Bloody hell. You should be out enjoying yourself sometimes at your age xx @Becki_65roses To be fair I don't either but I really am a granny at 33 haha. As long as you're enjoying yourself t… https://t.co/PlDMUpDwwQ @meggzzie @callum90CPFC Definitely Megan. Even then some will deny you. It's not that simple. @meggzzie @callum90CPFC 100% it is. @callum90CPFC Hahaha ok. Says it all. @callum90CPFC It was mainly uneducated bigots who voted for brexit. @callum90CPFC A lot of them yes. @callum90CPFC Why did you vote for Brexit? Has it affected your life? Made any difference? Funny how you don't care about the state of our.. @callum90CPFC country now. But straight to the voting booth to get rid of all those immigrants. I remember your views from Facebook. @callum90CPFC You're deluded. Of course the election will change lives. Think about what you are saying. @callum90CPFC Will brexit change your life? NO. What's the fucking difference? @callum90CPFC People were not told the truth about the costs of voting to leave the EU. You were mislead about savi… https://t.co/YZvfS6qSfE @callum90CPFC will not materialise. @callum90CPFC Where's this 350 million that they promised the NHS? Oh yeah, that was bullshit. You fed into it all. @callum90CPFC 350 million pound a week I might add, which we don't give to the EU anyway. @callum90CPFC Yeah but their voices were still an influence in people's decisions. They all fucked off after becaus… https://t.co/Ux4PHLoF2b @callum90CPFC One of the saddest things is racist attacks & hate crimes have risen 500% since Brexit vote. @callum90CPFC Well I'm going by policies. I've read their manifestos. I'm thinking about my son too now. Maybe if y… https://t.co/hxiyh5PG0d @callum90CPFC If you believe that, you're very naive. @callum90CPFC It was quite clear why some people voted for brexit. A lot of racists came out of the woodwork. @callum90CPFC And that's funny to you? I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it on social media. It happened. @callum90CPFC A breakdown of EU referendum data has shown people with a lower education level were much more likely… https://t.co/BkeaNuaZ0r @callum90CPFC I think utterly stupid people shouldn't be able to vote. Those with no understanding of politics. @callum90CPFC Some are simply too stupid to be given a say in decisions that affect everyone else. Sorry, no offence, but it’s true. @callum90CPFC I asked if you have read their manifestos. No answer. @callum90CPFC Anyway we aren't going to agree. So I'm gonna carry on with my day. Taking my son out. @LucyxShadow @willjw Oh my sweet god. @LucyxShadow Don't laugh at her you evil bastard aha. @TheOnlyCleoLuna That is my all time favourite film. Thinking of those who were killed and harmed in the terror attacks last night. Stay safe everyone. Thankfully they can't get hold of guns, as more would likely be dead asshole. https://t.co/p2IQUXLUPW @kevinbaxter10 Exactly. Imagine if they'd had guns instead of knives. @Anni_Milberg ❤ @Anni_Milberg Yeah, of course :) @Anni_Milberg He sounds bloody awful bless him. Not that note, not today. Hahaha that did make me laugh Robbie. The honesty. #OneLoveMachester @richmilward No to be fair but at least he's given it a good go. @Corbynator2 @jeremycorbyn @willjw @amysteadmann ❤ @MightyGooner81 It's been very slick. New found respect for Ariana. Ariana Grande. What a woman. Total respect 😍 @MightyGooner81 Seems a sweetheart and beautiful too :) @MightyGooner81 Me either to be fair! Ha. Coldplay singing Fix you is killing me. #OneLoveManchester @LucyxShadow So emotional. @LucyxShadow Love you too 😭❤ @noliano Thank you so much x @djwood247 Ah, mate. Always gets me too x My eyes are burning but it's so worth it. https://t.co/RvMsz2i9no @LucyMaryTaylor Amazing though, isn't it? My favourites are Trump and Boris. aha. @miss_banksxx Was so emotional! @LucyxShadow Unfollow me and you're dead fam. Looool. @LucyxShadow ❤ @meggzzie I like sucking them till they are no more! More Tory lies. Shocking. https://t.co/67bMK8IV3T This is truly terrifying for anyone with CF in the U.K. @CFAware Please share! #SaveOurNHS #ToriesOut https://t.co/WLcBkHQHWV @squareintheair @stevebrookstein 😷 @LoveLifeCF Wish you could vote. Not even bothered if it's fake bruh @LucyxShadow https://t.co/hQoW2pcspz @willjw I know what I want for lunch 🙈😂 https://t.co/ybEJFMFfPy He saw his opportunity and took it 😂 @mattpasternicki https://t.co/uAZey1QDys @iMcAngus @LucyxShadow I saw that after. It's mental! Fields of fucking wheat @willjw https://t.co/RPm7Tsl71j @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware You have no idea what you are talking about. Even IF you were right, how is that still ok with you? @kevinbaxter10 @willjw We are basically satan Kevin. aha. @kevinbaxter10 @willjw That was you, eh?!! Hahah ;) @LucyMaryTaylor Will be a fact of life for everyone eventually if the Tories get their way. It's slowly happening. @elvisrockysly @mattpasternicki I think she was secretly flattered. aha. @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware It will turn into one big dirty money making machine with profit as the central goal not p… https://t.co/EX35IgTmch @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware and their healthcare is some of the worst in the western world. Healthcare is a human righ… https://t.co/5clsXklZ33 @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware Do you have a chronic/life threatening illness out of interest? @kevinbaxter10 @willjw Naughty Kevin 😉😂 @kevinbaxter10 @willjw CRAY. https://t.co/lDiSLDavOe @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware That's bullcrap. Did you not read my tweet? The US pay a fortune for their healthcare and… https://t.co/EBtroyfSNS @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware richest countries and have the highest mortality rate among high-income countries. 1 in 5… https://t.co/PZlSVWSPVj @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware medical bills. So don't tell me paying for healthcare equals amazing care. It's just not true. @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware In 2014 it was rated best in the world. Due to this fucking government it's not at that le… https://t.co/9YKDhuF8Pn @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware Our system will go the same way as America. We must learn from them. It's the wrong way to go. @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware I can't engage with retards tonight. I'm sorry, I just can't. Have a lovely evening. @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware It's already been said that we are being taken towards the American style insurance system. Get it? This made me smile. https://t.co/QTSRJ30WTZ @TheOnlyCleoLuna Hugs my love x @SwenHandley @robdelaney I like you. I would walk a hundred miles through a shower of shit to cast my vote against the conservatives. @kevinbaxter10 @SwenHandley @robdelaney 😂 i like you too Kevin. @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware If that's all you can contribute don't bother replying. @kevinbaxter10 @SwenHandley @robdelaney I'm gonna go find some wheat fields right now and be a massive prick hahah. @JordanGoffin91 @CFAware Opinions are like arseholes. However, repeatedly saying it won't happen doesn't cut it.… https://t.co/czLOSbHMN2 @kevinbaxter10 @SwenHandley @robdelaney Yeah, wait till it heats up a bit. Your poor willy in this weather 😂 Sickening. Makes me angry. Pure manipulation and propaganda @MailOnline #ToriesOut #VoteLabour https://t.co/ESGK7LMX0L @Quizzie @KateEMcCann Thank you! x @meggzzie All backwards. The old cunts. @miss_banksxx I recognise her, I'm sure! Do you know her name Hannah? @kevinbaxter10 @MailOnline They so desperately want it to be true they'll believe anything. @miss_banksxx I tried to find her but couldn't. No way, really?! I've never got ill abroad so far! @LucyxShadow YOU'RE WATCHING ZAC EFRON WITHOUT ME? @LucyxShadow SLAG. Brilliant hahaha @willjw @kevinbaxter10 https://t.co/YNuMtMCd4d @LucyxShadow Voting today! Come on uncle jezza. @LucyxShadow You still free at weekend? WANKER. https://t.co/uRYc1KNumr @kevinbaxter10 @willjw Me too. Legend! aha. Horrible. Feel for Charlie's parents so much 😢 https://t.co/c1fa4875Ib @CKRosekilly30 They have taken their parental rights away. I'd be devastated mate. @LucyxShadow Baby sit my kid. He's a god damn saint aha. @LucyxShadow Baking what? @LucyxShadow PUNISH THEM. @LucyxShadow That would shut me up to be fair ha. @CKRosekilly30 Can't even imagine. Heart breaks for them. @iMcAngus I agree. So many people in this country want to die with dignity but cannot yet they won't even let this… https://t.co/fLLG62kRLk Guy at the polling station asked me what halls I was in when I went to vote just now. He assumed I was a student. At 33 and with a baby I'd say that's a win. aha. @LucyxShadow Hahah what are you letting the kids do?! @richmilward You're older than me. @LucyxShadow Empty packet. LOL. How old is she? @richmilward You're 38 @kevinbaxter10 Really? Where have you heard this? @richmilward 37 maybe. @miss_banksxx Yeah! I look like a child with knockers 😂 @LucyxShadow You could have told her about the birds and the bees then. aha. @miss_banksxx Hahaha it would be the best medal ever 😜😂 @LucyxShadow Probably cry. @richmilward https://t.co/DuEu3VENeX @miss_banksxx You will! You have a young face. You'll be loving life in your 30's 😂 @kevinbaxter10 I really hope that's not true. It can't be true, surely?! If you're registered you have the right. @kevinbaxter10 The fuck? I'd have gone ape shit. I'd still have voted, trust me. @miss_banksxx Wooooo!! How am I only 7 years away from being 40? Wtf 😂 Where the hell is my Chinese? I feel sick. I can't cope. Need spring rolls. I'm going to die. @kevinbaxter10 @lgcoytv @SLACK_TV So dodgy! @miss_banksxx Hahaha I like that and it's TRUE 👌🏻😂 @miss_banksxx Well I don't sunbathe and always wear a hat in the sun with factor 50 cream. So maybe I am 😉😛 @SLACK_TV @kevinbaxter10 @lgcoytv It's not even subtle anymore. They are shit scared. @hooperrp @CKRosekilly30 I'm pretty sure that doctor has prolonged the life of kids with the same illness. That's what I read anyway. @miss_banksxx Getting sun shagged fucks your skin babe. People end up looking like ball bags because of it 😂 So nurses, firemen, the police etc.. don't work hard? Get your head out of your arse. Prick. https://t.co/hFCkgkCwON My mum always said Jim Davidson was a nasty prick. She weren't wrong. @hooperrp @CKRosekilly30 A lot of that money is living costs as they'll be in the US for months and both not workin… https://t.co/XX4j42opwv @hooperrp @CKRosekilly30 I just know I'd be doing the same if I was them. My boy was born with Hirschsprung's disea… https://t.co/6S1WkK6cVQ @hooperrp @CKRosekilly30 he was seven months old. Luckily it was treatable. We were lucky. I feel for them so much. @hooperrp @CKRosekilly30 Seeing your child lay there helpless and in pain is heartbreaking. You'd do anything to try and make them better. @hooperrp I'm sorry about your daughter. Hope she's ok x @miss_banksxx You're young! I did when I was young. I loved sunbathing. Just ease it as you get older babe 😂 @hooperrp Carers are amazing and this government doesn't appreciate that. @hooperrp Me too! :) Actually me now. https://t.co/mrle6XD5g2 DUP assembly member Trevor Clarke (as of last year) was unaware that heterosexual people could contract HIV. Holy shit balls. @LucyxShadow I don't even know what the fuck to say. @LucyxShadow 💩🙃😩 that's my feelings on that. Errr u wot? @willjw https://t.co/esP7uehAGV @LucyxShadow @LoveLifeCF Bare tweets fam. Remember me. How is Richard Hammond still breathing? Dude has nine lives. @miss_banksxx Makes me so mad. Are you double delta babe? x @miss_banksxx He's always crashing! Think he might need to retake his test 🙈 @miss_banksxx Yeah, I am too. Really want to try it. Frustrating that it's technically available but funding won't let me have it! x @jamesdwyer192 Crazy! His poor family. Puts them through hell! @Strudle2807 Bloody good job. aha. @CKRosekilly30 @miss_banksxx Same, just want the chance to try it. Something better is in the pipeline though. Just… https://t.co/ZKUFs7gQaY @miss_banksxx Really unfair. It's like dangling a treat to a dog and not giving it to them. That analogy was a bit… https://t.co/VmDdntADIK @MightyGooner81 I thought I was mate. @chanmillward @miss_banksxx I'm at Glenfield in Leicester. There's no way I'll get it, even on compassionate ground… https://t.co/YqrxbI9DuF @chanmillward @miss_banksxx made any difference at all? xxx @RhiannahRyan @chanmillward @miss_banksxx Not what I was told. Fobbed off again for some reason. @RhiannahRyan @chanmillward @miss_banksxx You're not double delta are you? Do you know people on it from Glenfield? x @leeco197 You still going on? Take a day off ;) @leeco197 https://t.co/zMdlxgWLRp @leeco197 Yeah, don't do that. Actually avoid Facebook altogether. It's terrible. @shittybollock @leeco197 Eh? This is how we do it La ra ra ra ra ra... ya get meh? This remake of Dirty Dancing on channel 5 has got me howling. What the fuck were they thinking?! My face watching this trash. https://t.co/AVhJuu7Sc7 @kevinbaxter10 @rustyrockets @AnnickBidwell Hahahaha Why am I still watching this car crash? HELP ME. https://t.co/tU3SbcsFiE Just saw a woman breastfeed a dog. That's it, I'm going to bed to sleep the memory away. I'm all for breastfeeding but humans not fully grown animals. @LucyxShadow I'm done. @enhughesiasm No metaphor. This actually happens. The world constantly surprises me. @giftedrascal Dog was sucking on lady pillows. Yep. @giftedrascal Mexican I think. That's close enough to America ;) @chelsdelaney11 I wish it wasn't. @LucyMaryTaylor You're on a roll you. aha. @Freddiewhite23 @chelsdelaney11 Boom boom. @giftedrascal Far too close for orange Hitler. Steak dinner for ONE you crazy bastards. https://t.co/NBY9JkI8gn @Chelsea_Singh_ @bbuk Loser* Rang GP to make an appointment. I'm number 14 in the queue. Falling asleep. @miss_banksxx The lady practically woke me up when she came on the line. Such a tit. Ha. @miss_banksxx No, it's a joke. I wish I could just text them asking for an appointment. Would be so much easier. @willjw Shall I make it? :) @chanmillward @miss_banksxx Glad it's done something for you babe. Every little helps! xx 😍 https://t.co/7mKQePaFIc @kimberleytosh What? Why not do them at home then? Never heard of this before x @kimberleytosh I've just realised you mean put them through, not actually make them up from scratch because that would be crazy. ha. @RichardAyoade Happy non birthday Sir. Everyday is a day closer to your death. Be well. @kimberleytosh No way?! Strange. What's the point you being there then? @kimberleytosh Which hospital do you go to? x @kakey89 It was honestly one of the worst things I've ever seen. I could hear Patrick Swayze spinning in his grave. @kimberleytosh Bloody hell. I wouldn't be having that. You really poorly? x @kimberleytosh If it's too intense for you to do it at home they should be doing it all for you. Honestly, don't let them take the piss x @kimberleytosh Good luck! You need rest lovely. I'm doing I.v's at home right now and it's knackering. Rest as much as possible x @kimberleytosh Bless you, it's tough, the side affects can be rough. You'll be off them soon babe. I'm feeling better thanks x @RhiannahRyan Aylestone. Crazy busy. Don't know how they cope with it x @RhiannahRyan Bit of both really. Could be worse I suppose. Where you at? x @kimberleytosh Don't envy you! x @chanmillward @miss_banksxx 😘❤ @Becki_65roses @gemfifield I don't get this because I shower everyday normally while on I.v's. Am I naughty? aha. @Becki_65roses @gemfifield Ah, I don't have a port and now I never want one! Ha. I've got a midline in my arm x @Becki_65roses @gemfifield You know me too well Becki 😜😘 xx @RhiannahRyan Is that the one by KFC? Ha. @RhiannahRyan 😂 course I'd know that. Go suck a dick Suckvinder. Imagine being with someone as controlling as that mentalist. CRAY CRAY. #BBUK @Becki_65roses @gemfifield I remember! They looked ace ha x Well jel. https://t.co/W3ZFaKaOV3 Alfie just ran after a bird so fast he lost his footing and did a forward roll. Hahahaha. Anyone fancy fish and chips now? https://t.co/zxsk76HYTF @LeeGant And we've been Facebook friends for 10 years. STRONG 10 years. @kevinbaxter10 I've got into some states but never so bad that I've sucked someone off outside a pub. That's mental. aha. @kevinbaxter10 Fucking hell imagine knowing that was you. I'd die. Hahah. @RhiannahRyan You know I love me some chickaaaan. @RhiannahRyan Fatty bum bum! Big Daddy. Daddy. @willjw https://t.co/AKahyPzMFN Watching first episode of Love Island. Where are all the fit blokes? I can tell you where they AREN'T. @LucyMaryTaylor Last series was amazing! Shurrrrrup. aha. @miss_banksxx Why am I not surprised?! The guy from Blazin Squad though 😂 @LucyMaryTaylor https://t.co/Je11sdHI0C @LucyxShadow ❤ @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn It's the Tories who are vile. They were told about the safety fears of that building and ot… https://t.co/q72GcobE96 @saffronbierczak Makes me feel sick. I actually tear up thinking about it. Never read anything more true. https://t.co/TNa9gA3URt Pond scum. Actually no, @TheSun is the fungus that feeds on pond scum. https://t.co/KWEjHAGxIE @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn What exactly has he said? This tragedy happened due to the consequence of politics. We need… https://t.co/a76FguMYzU @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn There is evidence emerging already. It is possible to be devastated for the victims but als… https://t.co/0UNW4M9CAR @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn If one of my family members died in such circumstances. I'd want to know fucking why and ho… https://t.co/QvDGQMHGZz @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn Tory MPs voted against forcing landlords to make properties fit for human habitation That's vile. @willjw Yup. aha. @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn I don't think it's about scoring points, these types of events highlight failings that need… https://t.co/oDKBNzRGV9 @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn I do see your point, I also understand why people are so angry at the moment. Guuuurl 👊🏼🔥@miss_banksxx https://t.co/pqKQJD3fPI Makes me feel ill seeing people talk about what they saw happen at Glenfell Tower. I feel anxious hearing about it, so can only imagine.. how the people involved feel. Horrendous. It's one tragedy after another at the moment 💔 @miss_banksxx Hahaha, love it! 👌🏻xx @miss_banksxx I'm a speed freak. This would be amazing! xx @richmilward @RJonesUX Tell me about it. Fucking unbelievable. @miss_banksxx Not three times a day? aha 😛 Alina : Nena, where's baby Beau's dad? Me: You mean Will? Alina: No, not him. Me: Oh, you mean baby Beau's real dad. Don't you love kids. aha. @iMcAngus This is so weird - was having this exact same conversation with someone no less than an hour ago. Paaah. @miss_banksxx So you don't need to stop the sun beds babe, just get a randy man. Sorted! 😂 @DuGi Let's not tell him, okay? aha. @miss_banksxx Boom boom 😂 @LucyxShadow Errrr the parsnip is his father. @MightyGooner81 Same, it's too much. Makes me feel sick. @LeeGant Fucking wankers. @LeeGant Cunts mate. Dark. https://t.co/2SfrwS4g4B @kevinbaxter10 Happy for you! Some girl is threatening to go live in Turkey because her friends haven't been around much. I'm sure they're all thinking bugger off love. I mean, who says that? Attention seeking to the max. People and their Facebook drama. @kevinbaxter10 Turkey is quite a liberal, no? @LucyxShadow If you look at this without clicking on it, it's someone twerking upside down. See what I'm sayin? @kevinbaxter10 It's definitely progressive compared to it's middle eastern neighbours. I've never been though. @LucyxShadow You know I'm right. Pour it up pour it up... https://t.co/kdbKn6OVl8 @AndyStu1212 Awww he looks content with you :) @AndyStu1212 He looks very happy. He's lovely :) @miss_banksxx what the fuck Is that Chris about? Arrogant wanker or what?! I'm like a polar bear. Wat. aha. @miss_banksxx he really does think he's the best person to have ever been born. Wish I could go in there and tell him he's a prick 😂 Can actually have a bit of a relax and lay in this morning but now there's a fucking car alarm blasting away. FML. Will: Have a rest Selena. Car: Nah, get up you twat. Thank you life. @miss_banksxx The only thing he'd be fucking is my foot as I ram it up his arse for being a massive twat. He'd prob… https://t.co/XSLAIdWiW0 @willjw https://t.co/bQbdvbIfkq @miss_banksxx Yeah, you know it! Sick fuck 😂 What a beautiful day! Out with my boys in the sunshine ❤ Just spent a fortune in Waitrose. My god. So worth it. Maybe shouldn't have worn the shortest crop top in Waitrose. The middle aged men can't handle it. aha. I buy the best Father's Day presents. https://t.co/GB02I8tmIh @AndyStu1212 I certainly would. aha. @kevinbaxter10 Well you better get ordering! It's going to be a long hot summer! Why are all the boys on Love Island arguing about who's better looking? I've seen better in Yates on a Friday night. Dickheads. @kevinbaxter10 They are amazing! The hospital I go to has one. The price though! 😅 @giftedrascal Massive cunts. Entertaining watching how high their cunt levels reach. @elvisrockysly Braintree's best apparently. aha. Huge prick. I'm eating French Pyrenees cured ham. Life is the best it's ever been. Have you ever noticed how REALLY clever people walk? They all walk the same. Swear to god. @AndyStu1212 Hahaha you all have a bounce when you walk. Like Mr soft. @richmilward Knob. aha. @AndyStu1212 I've seen about 10 minutes of Harry Potter. No idea how Hagrid walks. Pure joy 😭 https://t.co/G4S5DmI21k @evann_lfc https://t.co/ZfKYDC3JMz Will and I are listening to 80's music (because we are cool) and this little slice of fried gold came on... https://t.co/Lyz8r8lFbQ @chelsdelaney11 I had the biggest crush on him when I saw the first twilight, but only as the vampire. Not in real life. Is this weird? @dmprsvn 🙋 @CKRosekilly30 This is too cute! x Taking Cipro today got you like... @CFAware https://t.co/xy1q5dAZSY @CKRosekilly30 Awww! That's ace. She's a little star! @chelsdelaney11 Had so much make up on, but strangely suited him. @iMcAngus @CFAware That's impressive! I went out for 20 minutes few weeks ago and came back in a different colour. Stuff is mental. aha. @iMcAngus @CFAware Shit, really? Good tip! Hahah. @CKRosekilly30 We are good, thanks! Glad you've had a good day :) @kevinbaxter10 Bloody brilliant. Love the 80's. @Maisierhiannonx @djwood247 @strawfie @CFAware I'd have such fun! The eggs would be coming out. @Maisierhiannonx @djwood247 @strawfie @CFAware If you do, please film it. Ha! @Maisierhiannonx @djwood247 @strawfie @CFAware Yay! 😚 @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn 🤦🏼‍♀️ @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn It was a facepalm. aha. @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn Haha noooo! Why do we follow eachother on here again? Do we agree on anything? ;) @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn Hahaha that is probably true. @leeco197 @jeremycorbyn Yeah yeah ;) Daddy got me giggling. https://t.co/epe6oSr20v @richmilward Hilarious. @richmilward Proper little cunt. I could just sit and stare at my son for hours. He's so beautiful. My brain is extremely confused. https://t.co/8y4HOs32CM It went from fuck you to fuck me real damn quick. https://t.co/SRUFAVAKER A fly just touched me. https://t.co/BGlDyDcnsq 😍 https://t.co/rCZWlR8Gft @LucyxShadow You ok my love? @LucyxShadow Keep calm. You'll be totally fine. I believe in you. @chelsdelaney11 YEP. https://t.co/kXV1dfHwfl @chelsdelaney11 @DrSalty Wat. @DrSalty @chelsdelaney11 It is one of my all time favourite films. @chelsdelaney11 I miss skinny Vince. @chelsdelaney11 @DrSalty Hell yeah. Tory Manifesto? @rickygervais ;) https://t.co/A5nQjGh50k @LucyxShadow Good luck for today! x Basic fucking bitch with cankles hating on me 😂 #FuckingFatLegs @kevinbaxter10 Hahaha so much effort but still fails. A man is staring at me like he wants to wear my skin as a coat. @LucyxShadow He wants to eat me. I can tell. 😭😂 https://t.co/rsTKN8xBXt Will: Make sure you eat. Me: I will, I want to gain more weight. Will: You can have mine.... *Grabs Will's belly* Me :Your fat? Will: No, my food. Oops. Thankfully he found it hilarious, and that's why I'm with him. aha. Will has a Pokemon Go stalker. 2017 folks. Attempted to change my profile picture, but as it's now a circle, only my tits fit in it so I gave it a miss. All lips and boobs which actually ain't half bad but imagine the type of followers I'd get. Nah mean? Beau's eyes when he smiles @willjw ❤ https://t.co/6SHyAC1Bso I love Marcel. I want him to be my best fwend. #LoveIsIand @ladbible @willjw about fooking time. @kevinbaxter10 Near enough get that now! aha. Will wakes me up for a cuddle at half two, then shouts out my name in his sleep at three. Wide awake. Thanks babe. Eating a mint magnum and milkshake in bed. Because sugar will cure my insomnia. Said nobody ever. I want a glitter ass. https://t.co/x92j9mxg64 He makes me want to stab myself with a very blunt object. https://t.co/Qjm5pWcu7B @LucyxShadow Bitch you got this. @ashbergh Mint flavoured condom. Yum! aha. @LucyxShadow Yeah, i actually nearly died from laughing so hard. I got a flush on. Haaa. If anyone is wondering how cool I am. https://t.co/szFsapq62Y @jimmystitch I need to high five your brother. Too cool for skool 😂 @thomasbentley12 @Stormzy1 🤦🏼‍♀️ :) @nrelston @cftrust Spot on Neil. He's a wanker. Bad choice. No words. https://t.co/YFTnzckFKA I remember it like it was yesterday 😭😂 https://t.co/sEJkrD4hHH New York is the greatest reality show personality of all time. She's witty as fuck - I love her. I strive for her level of confidence. aha. You're a fucktard Danny boy. https://t.co/PiixHlYwDk @chelsdelaney11 I have a baby, so no. Beau always ends up snuggled asleep right next to me no matter how far in the middle I put him between his dad and I. Which is really cute but I always end up on the edge of the bed. Ass hanging off. aha. I just turned to look at him and he put his little hand on my belly 😍 love this boy so much. @thomasbentley12 @Stormzy1 Hahaha I use it a lot. Got Beau a new wardrobe today. I think his clothes are now cooler than mine. Dude. @ravenmaster1 @melanieinwales Oh my gosh 😍 Did the snail forget about all the grass it ate or summat? I call bullshit. https://t.co/pxexRENwIh I googled it - apparently it's true. Well, where do I sign up? Plenty of people I could do with forgetting. ☺️ @willjw https://t.co/0qJp8373HD I'm snorting @willjw https://t.co/Xz3RX4xRJ7 I don't know if you could take it. Know you wanna see me nakey, nakey, naked 🔥 https://t.co/IQveiljZPR @_nxjx_ Hope you're ok lovely x @_nxjx_ We are good thanks. Keep fighting on babe ❤ I think I've had melted Camembert everyday this week. I need an intervention. My dairy free life is going well. @elvisrockysly What a prick. I've not been watching this series. So fucking glad. Ha @elvisrockysly That so makes sense! I get really addicted to it. @elvisrockysly I agree, it was once brilliant. I missed a few and then never bothered to catch up. Too many wannabe… https://t.co/niIY38RmTL Barry Gibb. Absolute bloody legend 🙌🏻 #Glastobury2017 Singing falsetto now guys, sounds amazing. Obvs. aha. @chelsdelaney11 I should just keep eating it everyday? @elvisrockysly Losing viewers apparently. Maybe one day they'll go back to basics with average joe people Doesn't it look like my son has took a selfie? aha. https://t.co/gO9mlRBsVx He's a corker. https://t.co/Q14p2WsWOg Anyone else in the middle of a power cut? @leeco197 Thanks for that :) @leeco197 Fuck off. It's too quiet. Freaks me out. @leeco197 Thank god for 3G. aha. @leeco197 Ok. I do have 4G. Doh. @SkyNewsBreak Will probably get off with a slap on the wrist. The worlds gone fucking mental. @DalosLegendCFC Happy birthday for tomorrow mate! Glad you've had a good day :) @BeaHappyCF Hello Bea! (He says) ha. He looks pretty startled here, bless him. Probably thinking get that phone out of my face mum xx @BeaHappyCF Will do lovely ❤ xx @DalosLegendCFC No worries you Edda ☺️ x @weeyin_x Thanks lovely. He is precious, I fully agree 😍☺️ @wogggieee @chelsdelaney11 Jesus. @weeyin_x Good thanks! His ops are all done now and his bowel is now normal. Yay. How are you babe? xx The fell of piss is burning my nostrils. I'd like to clarify I'm not the one who smells of piss. Just putting that out there. @miss_banksxx Those pair are best friends 😍 x @LucyxShadow Trust you to pipe up slag. Fell? Did I get dropped on the head as a child? Smell* Is this not me? @willjw https://t.co/HKxDIhsmdD @meggzzie I have dollar. @willjw https://t.co/yyGmVSqg6f @LucyxShadow https://t.co/g0l3B346Lv @meggzzie 😭😂 https://t.co/BlvHSXwecZ @miss_banksxx I'll send them straight over for the night haha! @meggzzie When Will got down on one knee, I said what are you doing?! in a really scared tone. Then big pause. He… https://t.co/Kd6pGJHjq2 @meggzzie That would have been embarrassing. Can imagine that's happened though! @LucyxShadow @FilmAndTV101 You had me at balls. Extra salty please. @emmango13 They are the staple of my life. I eat at least three everyday. I think my corner shop buys them just for me now. Ha. Why do I have to have the most grotesque gremlin feet? Ruins the look of my new CK sliders. Facking hell. @emmango13 Enjoy every minute ha x @LucyxShadow Bastard rich teas. Why was I cursed? Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Game of Thrones starts in THREE WEEKS. https://t.co/T2OdiCO0Dp @LucyxShadow Nooooo. He's an actual turtle. @enhughesiasm Someone who I had never even had the pleasure of conversing with blocked me once. Very odd. @enhughesiasm I'm probably a bit offensive sometimes. Maybe they took what I say seriously? You're really nice though! Oi @theresa_may you found that money tree then - was it in that field of fucking wheat, all along? @Castieluk @MarkOneinFour You're a carer. That's unpaid work. @kevinbaxter10 @theresa_may Horrible bloody woman. @kevinbaxter10 @theresa_may How can she get away with bribery? Austerity is a delusion. Proves the NHS could be fully funded. I'm furious. @kevinbaxter10 @theresa_may It's fucking mental. We need a revolution. Can't stand this anymore. @kevinbaxter10 @theresa_may You're hundred percent right. Whole government needs being flipped on its arse. @meggzzie @theresa_may She is digging the Tories grave. Not a bad thing I suppose. They won't get in power again af… https://t.co/4H0q7plAJr He's got that sun in your eyes pose down @LucyxShadow https://t.co/Xj8Xo1Svnw Hair goals. https://t.co/tzyKYsMpGc Can you only sell charcoal toothpaste if you've been on reality tv? @kevinbaxter10 No, never tried it. All the z list celebs love it though. aha. Glad Chloe has left #LoveIsland. Don't have to listen to her horrible bloody accent anymore - and those awful false lips 😷 @kevinbaxter10 Can't hurt. Think there's better stuff on the market though mate. Will has gone shops to get me all the sweet things because I'm pre menstrual and am going to have an emotional breakdown probably. *breathe* @iMcAngus Piss fucking take. @iMcAngus I understand fat people need healthier options but don't fuck around with a classic like that. Bastards. @iMcAngus Exactly dude. They better not change frosted wheats or I'm kicking off. @RhiannahRyan happy birthday fatty! 26 and still look 16 😘 xx Laying in bed starving. I need snackage, a little somethin-somethin to nosh on. Like now. @LucyxShadow @willjw He was practically hysterical showing me this, this morning. @LucyxShadow 😍 https://t.co/kuPHuOwDu0 @LucyxShadow Soon hopefully. When you next free? @LucyxShadow Yes. Let's get together and sort this tatt out @LucyxShadow Good luck for tomorrow. Last one. Wooo. @LucyxShadow 🔥🔥🔥🔥 @LucyxShadow You'll blag the fuck out of it. Almost over now. Hang in there slut. And so it continues... https://t.co/tTXKEPz2A3 https://t.co/obHcTgPaGK @LucyxShadow Hahaha @LucyxShadow No regrets fam. Brap. @LucyxShadow Omg it's that email me ass man @LucyxShadow @willjw Yessss. I like. @giftedrascal Yes. In about 3 minutes. Ridiculous. @ISayPorter @giftedrascal The rind smells like cum so I give that bit a miss. aha. @giftedrascal Because it tastes so damn good! Ha. @willjw @LucyxShadow Beau approves too. 💔 https://t.co/ClgRoxcDgT 👍🏼@David_Cameron https://t.co/f3TUDWDZn2 I HATE him. https://t.co/f4o1RWbhME @giftedrascal Can imagine you being escorted out of Lidl for hanging around the cheese isle for far too long. aha. Will: I'm going to eat healthy now. Me: Do you fancy a Chinese? Will: YEP. That's my boy. @giftedrascal Cry wanking as you're being escorted out. Hahaha. Watching Camilla cry over Jonny is like watching a sad little puppy in pain. MAKE IT STOP. I CAN'T DEAL WITH IT. #LoveIsIand @giftedrascal Is that the Brie we can smell or.... Too much?! @giftedrascal Yummmmmy! @LucyxShadow What's happened? Let Charlie go home to die @GreatOrmondSt it's disgusting. I'm very upset reading this. https://t.co/VDHg8Ac4y7 @GreatOrmondSt My heart is broken for them. I'm crying. Stuff of nightmares 💔 @GreatOrmondSt The world is watching @GreatOrmondSt remember that. This will taint your reputation forever. You're… https://t.co/5NPbBFbe4J @chelsdelaney11 I paid for my Maccies and then drove off without the food once. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 No. I was mugged at a cash point once though. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 Yep. 40 quid down I was. Wanker. LOVE THIS 😍 happy birthday Ollie. You're a little star! https://t.co/eDdchHp19z This thread restores my faith in humanity. @giftedrascal I'm the same. Makes me all warm inside. Went on Facebook for the first time in two weeks. First post I see is a girl revealing she's had the shits all day. I made a mistake. Hope the cunts who did that are burnt alive. https://t.co/ymqkECnYTs THIS @miss_banksxx https://t.co/H6v2GG4ZSk @TopRankin @libbibriscoe This made me chuckle. @miss_banksxx Yesssss! 😂 @kevinbaxter10 I bloody hate it. So close to deleting my account. Hate most of the people on it hahah. Yesssss i feel you 🔥 https://t.co/3dqHapRIK6 @tooley_evans Use the mute button dumbass. @sowasred2012 And couples pretending to have the perfect relationship when you know it's complete bollocks. It's dull as fuck. @Disappearer I don't. She's not a particularly nice person. Perhaps best I unfriend her. @kevinbaxter10 One person who I actually liked isn't on it anymore, so that's rubbish. You really do end up hating… https://t.co/GcObbfPbhp @kevinbaxter10 You know them more but you dislike them more. Greater degree of humour and intelligence on Twitter. Why was I dreaming about Oprah Winfrey and snow last night? @miss_banksxx Why are we dreaming about snow?! I need to google this - dream analysis. aha. @Disappearer Obviously deep down I'd be gutted. @miss_banksxx I do too. Well random crap. Stuff doesn't make sense. Maybe we are dreaming about snow because we are… https://t.co/LEmusShpu9 @miss_banksxx Is that why my bloke looks like a golden retriever?! ha x @MightyGooner81 It's GREAT tv. @MightyGooner81 I don't know actually, I think you'd get into it. Girls in bikinis all day? Not bad to watch for a start. @MightyGooner81 I'll be there to tell you I told you so if you ever do change your mind ;) My phone is full of bangers. https://t.co/ukfK2roCjv @miss_banksxx He's definitely a bit of an animal ;) haha x @miss_banksxx 👌🏻😅 x Beau is giggling in his sleep. It's actually the cutest thing ever 😍 YES Arnie. You legend. https://t.co/1DcFRgBQhE @joeheenan Oh shit. Before I clicked on this I thought you were holding your really diseased penis. @joeheenan https://t.co/ALGqQRJvrE @LucyxShadow Oh my god. @LucyxShadow I had two Camembert's on Thursday. TWO IN ONE DAY. 600 calories each. Heeee. Wot u sayin @LucyxShadow https://t.co/cqgDUaGIzr @LucyxShadow I'm up for it. Gotta try everything at least once. @LucyxShadow Many tings gal. @LeeGant His mum is me as a parent hahaha. Also, I'm thinking he's either hilarious or hung like a fucking elephant. Good lad. I snorted. https://t.co/vKBoBhAfY3 @Pirate_4_life86 @jeremycorbyn @DailyMirror That's why there would the choice to opt-out. No one will be forcing an… https://t.co/w1Lj0bWKFn ❤ https://t.co/nOOMreAZWC @Pirate_4_life86 @jeremycorbyn @DailyMirror I'm always fashionably late. Your argument - language barrier. Okaaay. @ashbergh @LucyxShadow WAT. Cherry? I love cherry. I wish I was involved. aha. https://t.co/E4mepJJTWA @MissLawrun @robinedwardcook N'awwww! Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Is it just me? https://t.co/P4C3pfg08U @AndiBDesign Yep. Hell. Hell I tell you. @richmilward I don't even get that at the moment. @richmilward It's worth it. @richmilward You're saying my boy isn't worth it? @richmilward Mine is. He's the best boy. @richmilward You could well be right but so are you. Mine smells like actual shit most of the time. My boy shits ALOT and likes a good fart. Proper lad. https://t.co/0xwNmWexYB @leeco197 Lee shurup man!! @leeco197 Ok carry on. @leeco197 Noooo we don't agree on shit! Hahah. @leeco197 Very true. @leeco197 Hahaha as if! @leeco197 I am that. @chelsdelaney11 I've tried but failed before. This is too fucking funny 😭😂 https://t.co/Hg2Gh7dTWM @jamierubicin Chicken is life. @jamierubicin I made Turkey lasagne. Bloody amazing! @jamierubicin So basically you had Pork lasagne. @jamierubicin 99 % pork 1% beef @jamierubicin Of course. They've found dog before too. @jamierubicin Horse is bad enough, innit. @jamierubicin I ate rabbit once. Tastes like turkey. @jamierubicin Yeah, tastes alright. I only had it the once though. Kept thinking about the cute little bunnies as I was eating it. @miss_banksxx Swap the coffee for redbull and you're about right 😂🙈 @jamierubicin I understand this. @chanmillward @inthestyleUK You beaut ❤ And I thought I was kinky. https://t.co/mCap7peodr This guy decided to have a wank than get out alive. Legend. @giftedrascal Do you think he got confused between evacuate and ejaculate? @giftedrascal Hahaha very good. @LucyxShadow Barry in a wig? @LucyxShadow @Obsidiayan JUST RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. @ukfashionbible You stole this. Awks. https://t.co/OXwKtqPNJS @LucyxShadow Could you be anymore happy from moving away from the HELL HOLE. Burrrn. https://t.co/vrSqYZ1P4C @LucyxShadow I'm almost sad Barry doesn't exist. @LucyxShadow Sla...g? aha. I thought I did. I did type something. Will do now. @LucyxShadow https://t.co/CbQTMLdbGV But my vagina looks so pretty. https://t.co/3NzNCkR1Bd And at number one.... *drum roll* FUCKBOYS. https://t.co/Wouwb7o1DK @prcoley It's like I wrote this tweet. @LucyxShadow Mum ain't ready for that shit. Never ready. aha. Kem gave it his all ❤😭😂 https://t.co/dxEG4jqpek This is a beautiful piece of fine artistry. aha. I STILL LAUGH TILL I CRY WATCHING THIS. https://t.co/v6HIJq7IA0 @trollblack Saw him. Thought of you @kevinbaxter10 @TheOnlyCleoLuna It's horrendous but brilliant tv. @TheOnlyCleoLuna It's crazy. Cat fishing a completely different sex too. The guy handled it well to be fair. @TheOnlyCleoLuna I think there has been a couple of times when the person has been who they've said they've been. Not seen them though! @TheOnlyCleoLuna I've never seen that. Is it any good? @TheOnlyCleoLuna I'll download it and check it out! I trust your opinion. @TheOnlyCleoLuna I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it :) @OpenHerLungs I suppose some people can be shy. It's obvious when they have an empty profile with no friends or fam… https://t.co/EiS4KSS9y3 @TheOnlyCleoLuna I will do x This is what I do in my spare time. https://t.co/H7Y0p7P2Kn @chelsdelaney11 Are we the same person? @kevinbaxter10 @trollblack I thought you might say that! Ha. I'm heartbroken. Saying goodbye hurts. I will forever remember tasting you for the first time. https://t.co/JGyHDMskOn The old me. https://t.co/rFP375mQJ1 Well, me approximately 30 minutes ago. Still us @LucyxShadow https://t.co/Awu9WZ80jD @giftedrascal They think of everything these days, don't they?! @giftedrascal I don't think I could eat the blue cheese one though. Does it smell? @LucyxShadow https://t.co/WEGBOTLJJs @VicEbuwaSlick You kill me Victor 😂 @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 Shut your fucking mouth Rich. Jeeeeeeeeeeez. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 You're jealous I'm cooler than you. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 You know the answer to that. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 Still cooler than you. I honestly made the BEST cupcakes of my life, then a fly landed on them. Someone hold me. @LucyxShadow I'm devastated. @LucyxShadow I'd literally just finished them. He must have been waiting ready to attack. Little bastard. Alfie just ate the fly. A beautiful moment. That's KARMA motherfucker. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 I'm obviously really bothered. @AndyStu1212 @iMcAngus I'd have probably cheered him as well and then been hysterical that he ate a damn fly. aha. @chelsdelaney11 You don't. I told my bloke if he ever tried/did cheat on me he'd be gone, but he's a boy and they t… https://t.co/kCKGr5Vznw @chelsdelaney11 I wish I could be more positive but they have a whole other brain downstairs. aha. @chelsdelaney11 I love men by the way! I get along with them better then women I think. No man hater here. Just sayyyyin. @chelsdelaney11 Thank fuck for that. When's the meat going in? https://t.co/UcW6Mrnwdk @miss_banksxx Hope you're alright my love! x Not done yoga for almost a week and I feel so much worse for it. It makes such a difference with how I feel body/health wise, even mentally. Gotta start eating better like I used to as well - I was always hardcore but lately been craving crap constantly. Waaaah. She says after eating a mountain made of curry. Ffs. @leeco197 Grease up that turkey. Hahah. Grim. @LucyxShadow Good times. Hahaha. @LucyxShadow Obviously loved it. This just came on. I'm dancing like a twat. Beau is thrilled. https://t.co/gaLI7hwstM This will never get old. Prick 😂 https://t.co/I0srrOooBC @miss_banksxx 10 hours? Oh, the days before I had a baby. I loved a 10 hour sleep 😩😆 Glad you feel better x @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 You're on Orkambi Rich? @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 Since when? @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 How did you get it? @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 This is a joke because I asked about this at my hospital and they said they don't have… https://t.co/FWpr3qj8u6 @sickchickchic They did this to Alfie once. It upset me aha. @LucyxShadow Where the FUCK is my thread of love? @kakey89 One of the best. aha. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 Can I come live with you? @sickchickchic He still looks beautiful Josie! Haha x DON'T THANK ME IT WILL BE BRIEF AF. https://t.co/bTgaTYDayR This has just ruined my life. https://t.co/1HhFlrd6Bl @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 DAMN. I'll just have to die then. @richmilward @chelsdelaney11 That might have to do, you know. @LucyxShadow Jinx. We are like so connected innit. @LucyxShadow I ❤ U x Practically begged for this. https://t.co/MW96OnqxV3 @LucyxShadow Why man? Hormones? @LucyxShadow Shit. Down the painkillers fam. @LucyxShadow NOT POSSSSSIBLE. @RhiannahRyan Nooooooo. @kevinbaxter10 @catterall_simon @trollblack Basically. https://t.co/oYgdZQM4XK My nephew randomly just ran up to me then motorboated me. MOTORBOATED ME. HE'S FIVE. @giftedrascal Did you just walk by me? @giftedrascal You caught me on a bad day mate hahah. You from up north? @giftedrascal I do like a northerner. Cracking people. Midlands here. I've realised I'm grumpy when I'm hungry or thirsty or tired or hot or cold or....oh. My magnum has a nubin. Why has this happened to me? https://t.co/jGrsHqMDtX As it's international kissing day.... YOU. ARE. WELCOME. https://t.co/YxrcTHbVBA Fuckin hell, I think I'd sell a kidney for a kiss with Ryan Gosling. For a shag, I'd sell my SOUL. aha. @LucyxShadow Can you blame me though? Ughghughgugh. @richmilward https://t.co/KKep5BLGpk As if this has come on again. First song to come on. Nothing's gonna stop heart from playing this song it seems. https://t.co/dj7crHgRny @richmilward Yes. https://t.co/RQJw5ealnM There's teenagers moaning they're getting old. Come on, your mams still sore. Ya get meh? @richmilward Why are you trying to hurt me? @richmilward I might cry. @richmilward Yeah, I know this. I'm sitting in front of my tele counting down the minutes. Just stop saying horribl… https://t.co/ldT1SVfoMU @miss_banksxx Kids, eh? ahaha. @LucyMaryTaylor Hahaha it's very tame, isn't it? You see, I am a nice girl really :) x @kevinbaxter10 I actually had some amazing times as a teen. Thought I knew everything obviously but actually knew jack shit. Mummy loves you and she'll love you even more IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP DURING LOVE ISLAND. https://t.co/zK9DQ4zJ9u @LucyxShadow Yessssss. bounce. bounce. bounce. @LucyxShadow Can it ever really beat this though? https://t.co/iWQa5nFkLZ @LucyxShadow All day. @kevinbaxter10 I think it's pretty standard for most people. I definitely felt more confident in my twenties. You'r… https://t.co/higOym6BY2 @miss_banksxx Hannah help me. I'm starting to find Chris from Love Island attractive. Actually HELP ME. @miss_banksxx Zilch! I know, very worrying. I've always been attracted to Gaz from Geordie Shore and he's a tosser… https://t.co/hh7AeAfIuJ @miss_banksxx I wish I was drunk 😅😂 @miss_banksxx #NeedACrateOfGrape 😭😂 @iMcAngus Angus I like him. Jesus. Christ. Hate to say it but doesn't this feel a bit Hilter-ish? https://t.co/tQHhNtlaBD @miss_banksxx I fixed it. https://t.co/eUM3bwNcsx @miss_banksxx 100000% better 😂 @iMcAngus I've started to 'like' like him. It's wrong. aha. He is gold though, I agree. @miss_banksxx Hahaha brilliant. @giftedrascal Cunts. NEED SOMETHING STIFF. To drink you dirty bastards. @giftedrascal They probably want to deep down mate. I've just caught a bit of Big Brother. It's so fucking boring. WHAT THE HELL. It's weird watching ugly people on tv again. Hahaha. Love island wins ALL DAY. @Disappearer Definitely. Truly awful. @1974Hamilton He's waiting for someone, ain't he. Excellent. https://t.co/EhYylglmC0 https://t.co/J6EPLc1OZ9 SO PROUD. https://t.co/mVTdxT7rj0 @richmilward Well, you're safe. I love twitter. Check YOURSELF Thomas. https://t.co/1GLGV4Z4Wd @LucyxShadow I'll take you. Let's go this week? @lilyfharris Ah babe, you ok? What do you weigh now if you don't mind me asking? xx @LucyxShadow Yeah! I wanna see it too! Will DM you about what day 😘 @dmprsvn Gaaaaaay. @LucyxShadow he's back. https://t.co/9Ds3nUWDHe @dmprsvn It is good shit. Current mood. https://t.co/vqpN7KYPWH @iMcAngus https://t.co/iF3K7dvR5g @lilyfharris Hate this! Just try again tomorrow babe. You'll get there xx Maaaaate @iMcAngus https://t.co/O9MYssZOVy @lilyfharris Yeah, exactly! Just great you ate it all. A good sign! xx @LucyxShadow give them to me. https://t.co/zvgOFlw3hC *Bursts out laughing in quiet waiting room* https://t.co/CxcapgieBz @willjw https://t.co/Mw8p6QHYNB Fucking hell I love the internet so much. https://t.co/HZKyfUrKLO When you go to the gynaecologist is he suppose to grab the top of your thigh when he's doing the business? @richmilward Something I noticed. Not noticed it before. @Nettofabulous I'm not even mad. I'm impressed. @mattpasternicki https://t.co/cGSRyRQRhW @mattpasternicki https://t.co/Bx1ZNtB5ri @Disappearer An island full of shagging and girls in bikinis. I've watched worse shows. I love him 😂 https://t.co/VNDtKLkkqV @meggzzie I suppose they can't relate. They need a vagina to understand what it's like for us gals. @giftedrascal A true professional. @Disappearer They need me working for them. @richmilward I would be pissed. @richmilward A good one. @jamierubicin That was predominantly my diet growing up in the 80's. @jamierubicin Well nice. Oven chips really took off back then. @RhiannahRyan Cuuuuuunt :) I didn't have dinner tonight and am now living to regret that decision. @RhiannahRyan I know everything cunt related ;) Tempted to order pizza. My excuse being I may faint if I don't. CANNOT FUCKING WAIT @miss_banksxx https://t.co/h7x72wmaot @chelsdelaney11 10am till 5am How incredibly sad. https://t.co/yGRVqmUi7o Why am I crying? 😭😂 @LucyxShadow https://t.co/CLr8AYmFVO @miss_banksxx Yesssss girl! Gonna be AMAZING! 🔥 @miss_banksxx Hahaha it's happened to everyone. Everyone loves Chris now. We are normal! Phew 😅 @RhiannahRyan Boy could sing! @giftedrascal Pick us up one of these please. Got enough cash on you? https://t.co/y2Dbp76S66 @LucyxShadow I did that last night. Felt fucked. @LucyxShadow Stress probably. @LucyxShadow I do that. Especially in the day sometimes. @LucyxShadow Hahaha vouchers on my mind vouchers vouchers on my mind @chelsdelaney11 Nah. I had a milkshake instead. @giftedrascal Not tasted apricot brandy since I was a kid! My mums tipple back in the day. @LucyxShadow Thank fucking god. Truuuuuth. https://t.co/c4cuNBTMo9 @LucyxShadow Barry? @LucyxShadow Barreh! @babyballout @CFAware No shit Sherlock ;) @Obsidiayan @LucyxShadow Nice to meet you Bazza. @miss_banksxx 😭😭😭😭 https://t.co/3klX6LFZ8l @Obsidiayan @LucyxShadow *waves* @LucyxShadow @Obsidiayan https://t.co/wb6SPWJTVT @LucyxShadow @Obsidiayan Because she's a dirty whore bitch. Fucked and sucked her way to the top. Hahaha. @babyballout @CFAware I'll survive darling. aha. @JodieMarsh So sorry Jodie. You gave him a gorgeous life 💜 x @miss_banksxx I don't actually know 😳🤔 My Alfie is at the groomers today. Really want him back for a cuddle 😩 THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN @miss_banksxx https://t.co/07SPS5THDB @Obsidiayan @LucyxShadow I know this as fact. My brother in laws brother works for the BBC. Let's just say she likes the dick. Ahaha. @miss_banksxx I'm gonna tweet ITV. Begging. Make a bitches life. We need this 😂 @LeeGant Do you watch this like every couple of days or summat? @leeco197 It's gonna be hilarious and I can't wait! That green light means go asshole. @miss_banksxx @itv2 you reading this? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. @weeyin_x Still as adorable! x @MightyGooner81 He's my daddy. @MightyGooner81 Fucking ledge. @Disappearer @jesterdiablo @Randall77 @JusSumChick @Supernovaa30 Am I missing something? @LeeGant Good man. @miss_banksxx Can't stand bad drivers babe. It bothers me. aha. @Becki_65roses Hugs my love ❤ x @miss_banksxx I think we are the same person! Hahah. Cocktail number one. Night out for mama. Yeaaah boi. https://t.co/jjYsJ4NrDC @willjw @LucyxShadow Hahaha 🙈 This is my future son. https://t.co/GnSWG0MEmA @LeeGant Who cares if it looks like someone has cum on my cockytail. @LeeGant I wish I was as cool as you. Reunion WILL happen. Who's inviting Bec? LOL. @miss_banksxx Hahahaha Theo gives no fucks. @chelseashae2 Congratulations! Gorgeous x @chelseashae2 Didn't even realise you were pregnant again lovely x @amysteadmann Why won't you lovely? x @amysteadmann Don't give up hope till you get the results babe. Even then, they can do amazing things today x @chelseashae2 Thank you. We both make beautiful babies. ha ❤x @zlistsiBBley @LewisHamilton Hahaha. Always. @brokeymcpoverty Tracy your reaction was my reaction and I'm BRITISH ffs. Too much pussy and bollocks for me. aha. MDF hell. https://t.co/axGMNFUK7g @lilyfharris I love him Lily x WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GUY? @miss_banksxx https://t.co/fTp8ijCem1 @miss_banksxx It can't be Marcel. It looks nothing like him! I'm confused. aha. @EleanorMaay_ You ok sweet? x Men are just so underrepresented, aren't they? https://t.co/e3o9KiUecq @_mrsmp_ It's a bit pathetic how people care so much about a fictional character with what's happening in the world today. @EleanorMaay_ We all can do without stupid men. Sounds like you did the right thing. Hope your health improves lovely x @giftedrascal Idiotic! @_mrsmp_ Exactly. So very true, it's sad. @giftedrascal I'm sure most of them are geeks. @Disappearer My heart bleeds for you all. aha. @LucyMaryTaylor Good lads!! @LucyMaryTaylor https://t.co/4ULva0xMSA The difference between Men and Women. We worry and they get boners. The end. EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP WHILE I WATCH GAME OF THRONES. @giftedrascal Hahaha. Don't. Had an experience with a paedo teacher at school who got the sack. @giftedrascal Yep. Let's just say he'd shave his beard if I shaved mine. @giftedrascal GRIM. @giftedrascal Fuck knows where he is now. By the way I never shaved mine. aha. @LucyxShadow YA FUCKIN WOT? @LucyxShadow Love it. @LucyxShadow 😍 @LucyxShadow SLAG. @LucyxShadow Did you love it? @giftedrascal In this weather? He's just murdered some poor fucker and driving their car. @giftedrascal The Bolton? Definite psychopath. @amysteadmann Gotta love a beard on a man. @amysteadmann Basically. aha. https://t.co/owa5wuVFPU @JodiieLouiise_x @jordonneharris WTF? @JodiieLouiise_x @jordonneharris Oh god, awful 😞 @LucyxShadow Brilliant. That would be my dream job I think ha. @giftedrascal Hahaha well if it turns out he has butchered someone we know what to call him. @MightyGooner81 You fucking love it. You talk about it more than me. @MightyGooner81 I want to punch you in the dick. @MightyGooner81 I believe you. @giftedrascal I'm laying in bed singing Soul Provider to myself. It won't leave me. Why am I okay with this? @MightyGooner81 Okay, something we can agree on. It's only one of my all time favourite films. I feel less urge to damage your privates now. @MightyGooner81 Yeah I have, not a patch on Swingers though. @giftedrascal You know the saying 'if you can't beat them, join them.' Fuck it. https://t.co/DNld3ksmYl @MightyGooner81 Best thing he's ever done. It's a shame he got fat. aha. @MightyGooner81 https://t.co/DaGW3natAA @MightyGooner81 Don't ever call me again. This scene is brilliant. https://t.co/LVhIHDhXwy @MightyGooner81 Honestly, so many good scenes! It's amusing to me when the ignorant moan about the ignorance of other people. The unmitigated lack of self awareness is astounding. I'd pay Chris Evans to stop. Also, not enough vaginas on the list. https://t.co/47U1xQi3ef @kevinbaxter10 Ha! I've never understood it either. He's got worse the older he's got I think. Chris crying over his fake baby. I'm officially in love. He's so sweet and dumb. #LoveIsland @miss_banksxx Omg. I know. I love him too 😂😩 @miss_banksxx 😭😂 https://t.co/VWpuqXC93I @giftedrascal How dare you diss his beautiful mane Jon. @miss_banksxx I fucking love twitter 😂 @giftedrascal Pure jealousy. His locks are a dream. @miss_banksxx 😂 I love it. Best account on twitter. @giftedrascal I'm a bit gutted that this will never actually happen. Just saw a guy on his motorbike with Maccies tied to his back. I'm talking Mcflurry too. Not gonna lie, I'm impressed. @TheOnlyCleoLuna You never really know how someone is feeling inside. It's terrifying really. Poor guy x @TheOnlyCleoLuna Sad fact is I don't think anything anyone could have said to him would have kept him alive. He had 6 kids. Tragic x @TheOnlyCleoLuna The pain they must be feeling right now. My cousin committed suicide. Never seen two people more b… https://t.co/GpBN5Iq4oa @TheOnlyCleoLuna watch. Thoughts are with his family and friends right now x WHAT IS THAT? https://t.co/cvNYSQE8o7 @miss_banksxx Every time I watch this I burst out laughing! https://t.co/tlKX7gdChN @richmilward @petefrasermusic You don't have children though. I assume if you did, you would. @leeco197 I hate this. It should be preserved. @petefrasermusic @richmilward Not aimed at you Pete. That was in reply to Richard. @richmilward @petefrasermusic Thought as much Richard. Why you protecting your tweets? @petefrasermusic @richmilward No worries! @richmilward @petefrasermusic Fair enough. 😩😍 https://t.co/HfUiiEBQcZ @brianmoore666 Face palming on your behalf Brian - as some of the replies to your tweet are idiotic. Can people not… https://t.co/A9bAVxsIQs I CAN'T COPE. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS ATROCIOUS. https://t.co/KL1wpxvpKN @miss_banksxx Just watched it again and giggled. I'm so lame 😂 @LucyxShadow Those last 10 seconds. Why did she not edit it out? Hahaha. @libbibriscoe How embarrassing. aha. Walk in my mums living room. Big Brother is on. WHAT IS THAT RADIO ACTIVE THING IN THE HOUSE? HAAAAAAAAA. I'M HOWLING. This reminds me of the time I was followed home by a guy wearing black leather gloves - I had to run when he starte… https://t.co/XMPQT6K4UJ @mattpasternicki That is going to be ICONIC. So what - I ate the equivalent of a cow daily and stayed a size six pregnant. Now, that's impressive. https://t.co/qDHtEAYdl4 @AndyStu1212 I thought the same. Not that you can trust anything the mirror says. @MissKrys65 It's not true. You don't need them. Trust me. This is a ridiculous situation but what a wonderful photograph! https://t.co/UHmNdi9WKo @LucyxShadow why is this you? https://t.co/xixi9KVHNW @LucyxShadow Go sit on the bog of eternal stench all day. @LucyxShadow Your fucking life in one article hahaha @LucyxShadow You literally can't win. @jamierubicin Mine is cum ring. Beaut. @CFAware @CF_Mutant_84 Chris will bang anything I hear. aha. @CF_Mutant_84 @CFAware You LOVE disgusting. https://t.co/guVxPhnpdD This is totally abhorrent. It has nothing to do with Charlie or his parents, their agenda has been hijacked by complete utter morons. @Berns_Churches WIN. @Berns_Churches I'm alright. Tired but I think that's standard. How you doing? You're under a citizens arrest, put your hands on the car and get ready to die. HAAAAAAAAA. https://t.co/9Yd2987rTu @Berns_Churches Please be ok! You got this. I'm kicking something not sure if it's ass right now. aha. Big Slut. HAAAAAAAA. I'd be screaming laughing if I was there. Dude is mental. @Berns_Churches Not quite kicking the bucket yet. Ha. Beau is good, happy little chappy and getting chubby :) @hollyrosanna @BBCR1 Electric Feel is a particular favourite of theirs. Such good times back then. I love you sweet boy. https://t.co/rzW0ZUZx1m DIDN'T HAPPEN. https://t.co/PxGzdTxwS7 @MightyGooner81 https://t.co/nnKy1EZa2p Me: Am I a bit like Olivia? Will: A bit?!...You're more like twins with her than with Nat. Oh Jesus. Skinny with big tits, witty, fiery, opinionated, pessimistic and impulsive. Yep. Basically I'm SATAN. @MightyGooner81 You didn't try hard enough. I'm tutting. I'd like to point out I do have a softer side. Scrap that, I'm a big pussy deep down. @amysteadmann Yes and spending an absolute fortune. Happens. Every. Time. *cackles* https://t.co/Gl5hRocjcQ @amysteadmann Me to the cashier. https://t.co/73fO6cGA4d Love Island is over. Someone hold me. @LucyxShadow Is this your shitty mood or the satanists you live with? @LucyxShadow Here if you need to rant. @CF_Mutant_84 Hahahahaha. Is he feeling ok? https://t.co/Q5yPcjzLTX @CF_Mutant_84 Guy thinks he's Jay-Z. Fucking can't cope. @DaleRobertsDR Don't be a big slut tonight Dale. @CF_Mutant_84 Chill out mate. It's just a bit of fun. Jeeeeeeez. @CF_Mutant_84 Grumpy old twat. aha. @CF_Mutant_84 I'm a tiny cunt compared to your gigantic cuntiness. Urghurghurghh. @CF_Mutant_84 Yeah, yeah blame that ;) @mapleleith You're in for a treat. Series 1 and 2 were great also! @mapleleith Nobody does. Fuck reality. @TheOnlyCleoLuna @FatalAttractPod @Afrofilmviewer @FilmFan1971 @blackholemedia @PaulCinephile That scene after they… https://t.co/NWQIqIqKMf @TheOnlyCleoLuna @FatalAttractPod @Afrofilmviewer @FilmFan1971 @blackholemedia @PaulCinephile The one where he craw… https://t.co/ockIePfyeb @TheOnlyCleoLuna @FatalAttractPod @Afrofilmviewer @FilmFan1971 @blackholemedia @PaulCinephile I'm sure he's in a cr… https://t.co/znzYBQ6TOY @TheOnlyCleoLuna @FatalAttractPod @Afrofilmviewer @FilmFan1971 @blackholemedia @PaulCinephile Ah, right. Bloody weird movie! aha. Realness @LucyxShadow https://t.co/BLLJ9p48RE @LucyxShadow Life begins. @johnram71703075 @itvnews @voguemagazine Oooh, someone has a teeny tiny penis. @hollyrosanna Ekkkkkkk!! @johnram71703075 @itvnews @voguemagazine Fuck me, you're fucking hilarious. Please stop, I can't type for laughing. @miss_banksxx Hahaha just imagining us sobbing into each others shoulders with all the grape. @miss_banksxx I'm going bed. Can't cope with this 😭😂 #ExOnTheBeach is making me feel sick. They're all patchy and grim. It's a no from me. Tanned bird talking about non tanned bird: As if you'd come here that pale. HOW DARE SOMEONE BE THEIR NATURAL SKIN COLOUR. Most people don't want to look like they've rolled their face in a bag of Doritos. I'm losing brain cells watching this bullshit. Time for bed. @MightyGooner81 I've watched two episodes! aha. My time has come. https://t.co/AklHEN4q5O @giftedrascal This has got me wanting the Red Leicester melts from Maccies. @LucyMaryTaylor Hurray!! @LucyMaryTaylor I don't really have cf to blame though I was born with a round face. Ha xx @LucyMaryTaylor Not had steroids in years. I'd look a right twat taking them. Ha 🙈 xx @LucyMaryTaylor 12 years?! What dose are you usually on? xx @miss_banksxx What did you do in the end? I had an early night. Felt brilliant this morning for it. aha. @cryanmiariver She looks like a sad alcoholic in the third picture. You. Are. Welcome @mattpasternicki https://t.co/i1zc2Te4Oa @cryanmiariver I want to hug her and tell her it's going to be ok. @mattpasternicki Your raging boner says something else Matt. @SarahO_Connell I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Love and hugs x @chelseashae2 😍 @miss_banksxx BEST FEED EVER 😂 @LucyMaryTaylor @mattpasternicki You're telling me you don't like them?! aha. Some people are addicted to alcohol. Some are addicted to drugs. I'm addicted to Red Leicester melts from Maccy D's. It's becoming a serious problem. I think I'm holding up McDonald's financially at the moment. Help. @MightyGooner81 PREDATOR OBVIOUSLY. @MightyGooner81 For some reason I find this a harder choice. I'm still thinking about it. @MightyGooner81 Fuck yeah but Predator is something else. @LucyMaryTaylor @mattpasternicki https://t.co/my8PGDmUO5 @MightyGooner81 https://t.co/syefhaiLtQ @emmango13 @LucyMaryTaylor I have the Cherry Bakewell! Gonna go make myself one now :) @MightyGooner81 TRY THE HOLY WATER, DEATH BREATH! @mattpasternicki Natalie Jane. https://t.co/Ns3B8NaCBg @mattpasternicki Natalie Jane is popular in India. @libbibriscoe Didn't know you were pregnant! Congratulations! x I had Beau at 35+6 weeks. How could you abort so late? Shocking. https://t.co/SFjCVWSr5E @libbibriscoe Awww, lovely. So exciting! I loved being pregnant and feeling my boy kick me. Do you know the sex? X @libbibriscoe The best feeling, I agree! Aww, a little girl. She'll be giving massive jabs in the ribs soon enough.… https://t.co/wkKHlLoMcO @libbibriscoe Thank you! xx @LucyxShadow haaaa. https://t.co/BTUtsGM1wb @RavenOffical97 @ladbible Pipe down. Are you a hand model? aha. This hurt me. I hate him. https://t.co/eIw0rpvEyj 💔 https://t.co/bW9DrAj9fC @libbibriscoe Really? It's lovely for a girl too! I understand, i basically didn't like any other boys names. So difficult. Haha x @MightyGooner81 He was absolutely brilliant. @MightyGooner81 Purple rain gets me in the feels every time. @giftedrascal I see the hate in his god damn evil eyes. @leah_forde Try not to take it on an empty stomach babe xx @miss_banksxx how cringe is this?! Said more here than in the entire show 😭😂 https://t.co/Rmi5wf7Vww I ❤ you Nick. Even more. https://t.co/vG0RNcSFU5 @miss_banksxx I keep repeating him say 'YO' it's soooooo bad 😂 BUS WANKER. https://t.co/b4Zl7VDits @miss_banksxx Don't forget Love Island Reunion is on in 15 minutes my love! 😅😍 @Lasty1Richard @miss_banksxx Guilty! aha x @kevinbaxter10 His face!!! Nooooo. @miss_banksxx We are the same person, that's why! 😘👌🏻 This reminds me of the time I thought I was looking at my sisters white boxer dog when in fact it was my dads naked… https://t.co/8SiNyACQxC He fell asleep on the bathroom floor totally rat arsed one night. Yep. The Bachelorette. Sweet baby Jesus. It's one of the best things I've ever watched. I live for that programme. I live for it like a crack whore lives for a score. @kevinbaxter10 Someone got their knob out to me on a bus once, in the daytime. I burst out laughing. Always attract… https://t.co/l94rU8pnjH @kevinbaxter10 Yeah, they want you to be shocked and scared. Absolute weirdos. @Lasty1Richard This is no rebound thing. aha. It's incredible tv! xx @Lasty1Richard You watch it? How good is it though? This series shits all over The Bachelor. Ha x @ElliotSmith09 Not aged a day Ell x @ElliotSmith09 Fuck off! ;) Still look the same to me. Young maaaan. Hahah x She be doing some dick sitting too. https://t.co/EQVwHCIqiB So irritable. Nothing is satisfying me today. Thank god I have an episode of #GOT to watch. @Berns_Churches Irritating, isn't it? @Lasty1Richard Amazing, isn't it? I'm obsessed x @Berns_Churches I was pissing myself off last night. ❤🐘 https://t.co/p6C3p3NupL @Berns_Churches Because I was so irritable. It was doing my head in! @Berns_Churches Fuck, how did that happen?! ;) @Berns_Churches Must have been a good phone call! aha. Very happy it cheered your ass up. @Berns_Churches I get what you're about hahaha ;) @Berns_Churches I'm funny with good hair too. Did we just become best friends? aha. @Berns_Churches https://t.co/wp28Ehubfb @Berns_Churches https://t.co/GuZ19SNV6C @willjw Obviously I'm thrilled 😅 @SquirrelAnni Absolutely beautiful animals. @Berns_Churches https://t.co/qH3GBqivhP THEY NEVER LEFT. https://t.co/jVWNmCtCSN Barreh! https://t.co/XVu0nPKK6R #CBB @LucyxShadow BAZZZZZ. I predict Sarah Harding will have a mental breakdown. Not sure she'll cope without the ol' white stuff. #CBB NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. If there is a god, make this twat drop dead in the first week, pleeeeease. #CBB @emmango13 @AndyLipman1 What's he on about? Haaaa. @jamierubicin Absolute mother fucking cuntnugget. Hahahaha Derek. He used to have me in hysterics on Most Haunted. He's nuts. https://t.co/Y15DhGZdER #CBB @emmango13 @AndyLipman1 Me too 😂😂 Mob Wife. NO IDEA WHO SHE IS BUT I LIKE HER. #CBB @actionjaxon666 Bye bye! @jamierubicin It's a gift x @actionjaxon666 You know the rules, and so do I! @jamierubicin Pinky promise x I like Sandi but will it work without Sandra? Time will tell babes. #CBB Heeeeeeeeeello. I just got pregnant looking at Chad. Twins. No. Triplets. Jeeeeeez. #CBB @VicEbuwaSlick I'm not even mad. I'm impressed! The goddess Tiffany 'New York' Pollard. https://t.co/ELaj1bMqsS Helen will be brilliant. She's a very smart, witty lady. Big Ab Fab fan here. #CBB The big K........nobhead. #CBB https://t.co/bxHXenpy3C Pausing CBB because my child has decided to wake up. How dare he. Go back to sleep satan. I don't think he's really Satan for those of you who can't take a joke. Apart from today. He WAS Satan today. But he's teething AND has nappy rash so he can be excused. Where has the rest of Brandi's nose gone? #CBB @libbibriscoe He's gone back to sleep now after a cuddle and kiss :) xx This Jordan is a big prick with a TINY dick. Fact. NEXT. #CBB 'How to lick your own vagina?' Trisha darling, WHY? #CBB @LucyxShadow The one and only. Jemma Lucy the sket. Fucking horror show. #CBB @LucyxShadow She'll be great on this. Mentalist. Amelia Lily the BIG celebrity. Fuck me. #CBB @emmango13 She's going to be amazing on this. Crazy! @VicEbuwaSlick 😋 Paul Danan is a fucking lunatic. Almost died snorting heroin. Get ready for trouble. #CBB @DaleRobertsDR Hope the cunt gets chinned. @LucyxShadow what the fuck did I just watch? https://t.co/iXZh5HFPfz LOVE HER. https://t.co/4O2NzjJPdw @Berns_Churches I'll read it night hawk. @Berns_Churches https://t.co/bVTctpfcAE @LucyxShadow This is a wild guess but I think he might be a bit crazy. Most babies first words are Mama or Papa. Mine says Yeah, boyyyeee! He's awesome. @leoniemcsorleyx @mtvex It's most likely Tinea versicolor. Wash with selenium sulfide shampoo and it will go away w… https://t.co/xtTXpPc4NT @Berns_Churches https://t.co/MPhj3odnBU Why is Paul Danan so orange? I swear it's developing darker as the show goes on. Haaaaa. #CBB Sam is celebrating another birthday. How unfortunate. For everyone. #CBB @_nxjx_ happy birthday my love x @_nxjx_ You had a good day? x I'm sinking into my bed. It feels like a cloud. @_nxjx_ Lovely! Glad you've enjoyed it xx https://t.co/CYSR7JHFVC Go on Facebook for the first time in ages - first thing I see is someone I know passed away two days ago and I didn't know. Ughh. @kevinbaxter10 You can tell just from looking at her. She's trying to keep it together already. @LeeGant @Pizza_Suplex I love that narcissistic dream weaving bastard. @BeaHappyCF Thank you 😚 @alfiebullock59 @DaleRobertsDR As classy as a gob shite? The replies to this. aha. https://t.co/D2Z5YeL8eG @Helen_Wood86 Okaaaaaay tramp. https://t.co/H1SBlnwFEc @LucyxShadow Ffs, I'm starting to miss Nicole and I ain't even met her. @MightyGooner81 https://t.co/Wm3Ag985a3 Time to log off. https://t.co/0rVobNL5NQ @Nicole_Rennie Sending you all the love in the world ❤❤❤ My baby Beau 😍 https://t.co/DD14HvWugV @Berns_Churches Thank you. He is rather cute! @LucyMaryTaylor Such big eyes Lucy.He always gets what he wants when he looks at me ha xx @BeaHappyCF Thank you. A big kiss has been given! ❤ x @Berns_Churches If he could talk. https://t.co/EM1Dr1E3AA @Berns_Churches I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany. @Berns_Churches Hahaha! @Berns_Churches He's 8 months old now. Time is flying by! @LucyMaryTaylor He'll end up a brat who has never heard the word no! Ha xx @Berns_Churches Some sleep better than others! Mine ends up in bed with me at 5 in the morning and smacks me in the… https://t.co/0FYtiTVtwn @Berns_Churches They don't give a shit. Tiny little satans hahah. @kakey89 Thank you ❤ x @TRobinsonNewEra @MrBrendanCox @crusaderkeif @danhett @BowlersMcr Coming from the guy who's built a career on the b… https://t.co/5Hfb8ZxEma @weeyin_x I know babe. I'm the same everyday 😍😩 Just bought a new camera. Can't wait to use it now. Yay. @Berns_Churches A Panasonic LUMIX. Do you take many photographs? @SquirrelAnni Naughty! 🙈 @Berns_Churches I do too, so I think it counts! Is he? Taking good photographs has always come naturally to me - so I studied photography. @LeeGant That fucking fox. Does it drown? If you say yes, you will be responsible for my breakdown. @Berns_Churches Awesome. Nah, I don't do it for a living. I should do really. I want to be a yoga teacher so concen… https://t.co/Yq4mwwFAl5 @VicEbuwaSlick I couldn't watch this years Big Brother because they were all so grim Victor 😂😂 There's always one prick who has to cycle in the middle of the bloody road. @CKRosekilly30 So you're saying it's ok if I knocked him over? aha. @chelsdelaney11 @SquirrelAnni My exact reaction. Did not expect that from Anni. aha. @Berns_Churches It's fucking true though and then they look at YOU like shit. Wankers. aha. SWEAR TO GOD I'D HAVE KNOCKED HER THE FUCK OUT. https://t.co/ZgH0W6L7WA I'm stressed watching this. That puppy would not be in the hands of that woman if I was there. I know she looks mentally ill, but I'd have seen red. @Berns_Churches You are so on my wavelength. @CKRosekilly30 Noted 😂 @SquirrelAnni @chelsdelaney11 You think you know someone 😉 @VicEbuwaSlick Can't beat the days you were on it on channel 4! Pile of shite now 😂 @actionjaxon666 Definitely, she's high as a kite. How you could just sit there and watch that happening, I do not know. Turns my stomach. @edwin_spindrift @Berns_Churches Reading your twitter makes me want to hurt myself. @Berns_Churches https://t.co/nqMhoncGq6 @edwin_spindrift @Berns_Churches If you keep messaging me I will. Zzzzzzzz. @elvisrockysly @BeaHappyCF Totally agree Trevor. It's a bastard. Hope you're doing ok x @LucyxShadow those vegetarian sausages pal. https://t.co/B7g8OaN5qD @LucyxShadow fack. https://t.co/q0vbFwKZCC @LucyxShadow The answer is chicken nuggets. @danimansuttii Someone obviously never watched Celebrity Love Island. He's always been like that. @kevinbaxter10 Really hope she doesn't have children. So horrible to watch - she is seriously fucked up. THERE IS HOPE FOR ME. https://t.co/ieHNujNgkx @BlinkParawhore I know, right? What a pussy he is to just sit there and do fuck all. Pissed me off. @kevinbaxter10 Apparently they know who the woman is and she's being investigated now. Standard Thursday night breaking hearts 😂 https://t.co/Nwb2nXxh9r @LucyxShadow @cryanmiariver CORN PARTICLES. @LucyxShadow @cryanmiariver https://t.co/C90nV8dft5 @Berns_Churches She's good fun though! @Berns_Churches Yeah but at least she has some sort of sense of humour. Most girls are dull. aha. @Berns_Churches Yeah me too, I'm quite dark sometimes. Scrolling through twitter. Huge pair of tits pop up. Guy appears behind my chair and looks at my phone. I LOOK LIKE A PERVERT. My life is a frequently embarrassing incident. I follow too many guys who like breasts on here. aha. @richmilward Boom boom. Pair of pricks I'd go with. @LucyxShadow Shhhhhh slag. @LucyxShadow Tits are life. aha. @giftedrascal Of course not you Jon. That you do it private. aha. @giftedrascal In* typo bollocks. I'm so happy you do. Ha. @chelsdelaney11 LIES. @LucyxShadow You know 👌🏻 @enhughesiasm Sorry mate x The 8 to 10 month sleep regression is VERY real. Pray for me. @LucyxShadow my neck, my back... https://t.co/K0kRGgZdMA If the nuking could be put on hold until I've finished watching the last ever Game of Thrones I'd appreciate it, thanks. I saw a baby and it looked like a glazed doughnut. Honestly, twitter need to sort it with an edit button because I'm OCD with typos. Y'all understand? @chelsdelaney11 No where is safe with the orange one President. @lukedady88 You're 40 today and still smart, good looking and funny. Life is good! Happy birthday mate x HE JUST ASKED ME IF I WANT EXTRA SPRING ROLLS. https://t.co/ELePjnfpB7 Of course I do. I am not stupid. SO EMBARRASSING. https://t.co/OMiHuMtZ3N He can't talk in coherent sentences. I can't help but experience an inward shiver of embarrassment and disgust whenever he says anything. Fellas, you better start playing Call Of Duty again. WW3 is around the corner so you need to start practising. @richmilward Yep. It makes a lot of people nervous Well, that explains why he kicked a ball about for a living. https://t.co/b4Im9x6jmB https://t.co/c7wgKW462H Adverts before ASMR videos should be illegal. It's abuse you stupid fucks. https://t.co/SGSprSLvhw @willjw Ffs. How does he get some much work as a pundit? @richmilward Because I like to torture myself. @kevinbaxter10 China are fucking brutal with animals! My son takes the remote from me and somehow puts on the adult channel. I think he likes booty already. Remember I nearly got a hairless terrier and was gonna call him Blue? @LucyxShadow You're my boy, Blue! You're m… https://t.co/sWjFH78t9R @LucyxShadow Haha fuck it, I still might! https://t.co/822PQ7WFSa @LucyxShadow Somebody else please. @LucyxShadow Got emotional watching this ❤ Strictly Ballroom is on BBC One tonight at 11.05pm. If you've not seen it, prepare to fall in love! It's wonderful. Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam. https://t.co/94nuci4wbz @EC_Lake Likewise Emma. It's definitely up there. I know a few people like this. I like to call them pricks. https://t.co/QpCEqBfDuT @LucyxShadow Awwww babe kfdjusbshdbxnnxxbbxbxbdgdbdbdbdbdbdbbdbxnxbxbxbxbx @LucyxShadow Would have been once slut. @LucyxShadow Bitch. @LucyxShadow I'll DM you. WHY IS SHE ASKING FOR PERMISSION FOR CHIPS? https://t.co/ie50KZDfJv @kevinbaxter10 I know, fuck him! @miss_banksxx haaaaaaa ffs https://t.co/O2Rit9w4dx @MightyGooner81 The skeletor woman? @DalosLegendCFC FUCK ME ITS AMAZING. @lilyfharris Hugs my love! xx @MightyGooner81 She's vile. She is Americas Katie Hopkins. @miss_banksxx So tragic. I'm imagining his eyes bobbling about as he was replying back. Haaaaa. @miss_banksxx Good girl. Who the hell asks? Fuck that! xx @miss_banksxx Exactly that! Hahahah @miss_banksxx Yes girl 🙌🏻 https://t.co/58apB7O91i @miss_banksxx I bet he's wishing he never went on the show now. Ffs 😂 Taste the rainbow 🌈 https://t.co/HYldJgbyBz @LucyxShadow LESTOR. @josiestewart04 I'm impressed. Most blokes can't multitask. aha. @miss_banksxx @josiestewart04 I speak the truth always 😂 Congrats to my clever niece @LucyxShadow on her A Level results today. You did amazing. Very proud of you slut ❤ @LucyxShadow Always up for eating shit with you dawg. In a bit. @LucyxShadow you this Halloween. https://t.co/dmmilZIMPP @miss_banksxx Yooooooooooo Alex is never gonna live that down 😂 @miss_banksxx And I most definitely would 😋😂 @richmilward Charlie Dickman. aha. @richmilward Oprah Swift. @miss_banksxx HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL! 💖 @FilmAndTV101 What type of peas we talking here? @CF_Mutant_84 Sorry mate, hope you're coping ok xx @FilmAndTV101 If she lost it over garden she's crazy but Marrowfat I totally get. @FilmAndTV101 Maybe they were processed? I'm a big pea fan if you didn't already guess. @FilmAndTV101 They were garden. Jesus. And I liked what you did there. Very good. @LucyxShadow @willjw the dream. https://t.co/vwFAseJTCo @SquirrelAnni Yeah, I'm fine. You? :) x @SquirrelAnni There's nothing to worry about. It's nice to know you miss me. aha. @chelsdelaney11 @SquirrelAnni Everyone misses the boobs. @chelsdelaney11 @SquirrelAnni Now who's the big lesbian. @chelsdelaney11 @SquirrelAnni So much lesbian love going around. Fucking love dogs. https://t.co/AOMKYs4HTL @Gezzy0976 @DestroyingClip 100% @_garvin So sorry to hear this mate x You. That's who @LeeGant https://t.co/Ntay5zYCLI @Ryokotze @makeyouchuckle @ChessieCannon What you smoking pal? @Ryokotze @makeyouchuckle @ChessieCannon Wake up dickhead. YOOOOOOO its your boy Alex at Poundland it's gonna go OFF @miss_banksxx 😭🙈 https://t.co/qAcqVqLTBm @lilyfharris @miss_banksxx 🙈😂 Cringe! MEMAYS @LucyxShadow https://t.co/k2uTM1mhbC @LucyxShadow Always me me. @LucyxShadow When are you free slutty pants? @miss_banksxx It's very real. How bad do things have to be?!! Haaaa. @LucyxShadow I'll DM you biatch. I just watched a girl clean her room on YouTube. Am I ok? @Berns_Churches Thanks man. @TheOnlyCleoLuna That mouthy git is my cousin :) Sorry if I've mentioned that before. Memory like a fish sometimes! Who's this remind you of? @willjw https://t.co/DAM8Ntx1Zq @_nxjx_ Truth. @TheOnlyCleoLuna He can't sit still! Are you sure you still want to marry him? aha. Safe to say I'm not sleeping before the fight. My alarm was on for 4 but fuck it, might as well stay awake now. I'm sure I'll regret this in the morning. Looking after a nine month old while absolutely shattered isn't fun. Gah. Also, why is it when I'm actually awake my son sleeps through? If I was asleep now the little fucker would be awake. @TheOnlyCleoLuna Is he? Growing up he always had the girls after him. Used to drive his parents mad. Ha. @actionjaxon666 Yep, but I can't sleep. @DaleRobertsDR Absolutely lovely bloke too. @_SK23_ @AndyStu1212 @anthonyfjoshua You are what I like to call a cunt. @AndyStu1212 @_SK23_ @anthonyfjoshua He's a piece of shit. @_nxjx_ Hope you are too lovely :) x @TheOnlyCleoLuna I'm getting the impression you might like him a little bit. Ha ;) Sweet dreams @Nicole_Rennie Thinking about your husband and family right now 💔 Lost so many friends already this year. Pissed off. You innit @LucyxShadow https://t.co/352PM2aQn9 @AdamFutcher @MainlyOasis @liamgallagher Ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️ @ashbergh @Nicole_Rennie So sorry Ashley x @kevinbaxter10 Seems that way mate :( @TheOnlyCleoLuna He has one babe but if he's ever single I'll send him your way ha x GOT and KFC tonight. The usual then. Fuck yeah. @LucyxShadow Fuk u @LucyxShadow You jel bitch. @LucyxShadow Slut. @kevinbaxter10 Yeah, I agree. I'm blessed in so many ways though. I appreciate what I have. @kevinbaxter10 @DanniGBrooke I watched it too. That girl who trolled Nicola McLean literally gave zero fucks. Unbelievable. @kevinbaxter10 @DanniGBrooke The way she tarted herself up for the interview. No shame! @kevinbaxter10 @DanniGBrooke That is actually the perfect description of her. aha. @LucyxShadow Mandem. @giftedrascal Sounds good to me! @giftedrascal Now that sounds even better :) I just read we may have to wait up to two years for the next series of GOT. https://t.co/Eykb7I6gPq @LucyxShadow It was worth him shagging his aunt for that alone. @giftedrascal It's how it has to be! @LucyxShadow Peachy. https://t.co/ME2qfCw8w6 @LucyxShadow Djfjxjcudjndnfcddbfjcjcjdnvcjhchcndbdnccjhsndfhcucttvjddbbfcjychdbdbdfjcycghdbdfb @giftedrascal Like your cat and my fist. Jooooooke. I'm not evil. @giftedrascal He's such a wanker. aha. @giftedrascal Cheeky fucker. @hepimp LIESSSSSS. Also just read the last series only has 6 episodes. https://t.co/KJb34sRfzp Can't wait to die. https://t.co/NQ7LwRdlET @TheOnlyCleoLuna Hahaha I'll see what I can do ;) @TheOnlyCleoLuna https://t.co/CnMRQHtVH5 My favourite ever #GOT character is The Hound. ABSOLUTE FUCKING HERO. https://t.co/I6W3sCAqRa https://t.co/xVII6XDnBW https://t.co/1SIAOaTS1o https://t.co/NMxlkAn7lA https://t.co/OAhPs5Ttv3 The beast who has committed terrible crimes yet still follows a moral code. I wish people wouldn't treat Facebook like a diary. Write that shit down and put it away. Jeeeeeez. @elvisrockysly mate, I just got a lucozade as I have tummy bug. Now I know why you've been moaning. What have they done to it?! @BeaHappyCF Not sure why to be honest, but can't wait that long! @miss_banksxx It's too much. I don't go on much but when I do I feel like vomiting at some of the shit I read 🙈 @miss_banksxx You're so like me Hannah x @Berns_Churches Just doesn't suit some. @Berns_Churches You know. https://t.co/ENDR9b6Dbt @miss_banksxx The CF mutation began in Northern Europe so we could well have similar ancestors somewhere! x There's a children's programme on some cheap channel called farting victor and he just keeps farting. @Berns_Churches I know. Well random. aha. @elvisrockysly Glucose and a shit load of sweeteners. Fucking aspartame. Hate the taste of it. @miss_banksxx @EleanorMaay_ My favourite time of the year too! HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVOURITE SLUT @LucyxShadow LOVE YOUUU ❤😘 https://t.co/wX1J44NCjw That's how I look at cheese. https://t.co/y5f273biEG @LucyxShadow https://t.co/uID0ToyogJ @LucyxShadow https://t.co/VAgscJaUN4 @LucyxShadow You. https://t.co/7vaB8uWWQ0 @LucyxShadow Hahahaha. @charlienicola85 @elvisrockysly It's yuck. Sort it out @LucozadeEnergy And people are surprised by this? https://t.co/3nIR1UtukS @LucyxShadow your life on the daily. https://t.co/TbCAydoUts @willjw @LucyxShadow This one reminds me of you. It was on one of the CD's you made me :) @chelsdelaney11 @EleanorMaay_ @SquirrelAnni Parry Hotter is bloody awful. Sorry guys. I never got it. @EleanorMaay_ @chelsdelaney11 @SquirrelAnni Star Wars? Hell no. But GOT is life! @SquirrelAnni @chelsdelaney11 @EleanorMaay_ I was 13 when the first book came out you tit. @EleanorMaay_ @chelsdelaney11 @SquirrelAnni *pulls you back* Why not? You really should if you like fantasy stuff. @SquirrelAnni @chelsdelaney11 @EleanorMaay_ Yep. I'm not great at maths but can work that out. Too old? 17 is old?… https://t.co/vmjikZjUy3 @EleanorMaay_ @chelsdelaney11 @SquirrelAnni Well if you're ever bored in hospital you know what to do. Seriously, y… https://t.co/gJjAx42Pgp @SquirrelAnni @chelsdelaney11 @EleanorMaay_ I had a crush on the blonde elf 🙈 @richmilward @SquirrelAnni @chelsdelaney11 @EleanorMaay_ I do understand. It's poo. @SquirrelAnni @chelsdelaney11 @EleanorMaay_ Yeah, Orlando Bloom was hot as an elf. Aragorn was cool too. Been ages since I saw it. San Diego's top rated newsMAN is on Comedy Central right now. Just a heads up! And I'm Ron Burgundy. Go fuck yourself, San Diego. Me @LucyxShadow https://t.co/thpFXwW7Sa @djwood247 https://t.co/jZCDMuzqpe @miss_banksxx WANKERS! ahahah. @kevinbaxter10 Happy birthday! Hope you've had a great weekend :) You sit on a settee you prick. If only your jaw was broken so you couldn't talk anymore bullshit. https://t.co/K05tlY466t @kevinbaxter10 Totally worth it though! @richmilward Piece. Of. Shit. @kevinbaxter10 Ive had some awful hangovers on vodka. Lying fucker. To be fair I probably didn't just drink vodka. aha. @LucyxShadow https://t.co/6IbCxV5nit But I'm not wearing underwear. https://t.co/mjhmqv0imy @AndyStu1212 Hahaha definitely not. @AndyStu1212 Ohhhh sexeh. @AndyStu1212 I'll never forget. @richmilward Yep. @richmilward https://t.co/FBYP17ioLI @cryanmiariver This is perfect. @LucyxShadow Because you are you prick. My name is Jeff @LucyxShadow https://t.co/MD22E4Mzqh @samzfan12 It hates you because you're a thundercunt. I have the biggest grin on my face watching this ❤️ https://t.co/dSlKvbS7vg @mrichie10 They've been together since they were kids. She has three babies with him and another on the way. That's complete crap. @mrichie10 Millions of people stay with cheating partners daily, has nothing to do with money. Shock. Horror - she… https://t.co/3aTNfm70D3 @CKRosekilly30 @JamesGunn And incest. @mrichie10 She's set for life anyway. She doesn't need to be with him to enjoy his wealth now. So maybe she just ge… https://t.co/mFH8f64Y3m Check out those teggies! https://t.co/ZoivuziS3t @SquirrelAnni Big boy now :) @TheOnlyCleoLuna No way you're gonna be 35! Cocktail for mummy. Milk for baby. Both happy. Go figure. https://t.co/lvyP7wAGxV @TheOnlyCleoLuna Well you look good on it! I'm 34 in Feb. Thirty bloody four. @TheOnlyCleoLuna I think we've both won a little bit today. aha. @CFisNoParty50 @roofio2 @cftrust My CF team have never given me or replaced my e-flow. I've bought two over about 1… https://t.co/WYqFv4JM1B @willjw https://t.co/HmEvrYPeFq @willjw Bullshit :) @CFisNoParty50 @roofio2 @cftrust It's crazy! Really glad your boys have been given them. It's not something you need to be worrying about :) @willjw @JayAll1n YEP :) Seriously, I have asbestos hands. Picked up a pan just took out the oven with my bare hands. Didn't even hurt. WTF. Don't try that at home kids. Not that you're that stoooopid. Unlike moi. @jimmystitch Awww like Trump. LOL. Mine are small too but they can handle really high heat. Can't handle holding co… https://t.co/5zglTbsUm2 Celebs Go Dating is back. Yessss. https://t.co/OQ3Jt01g1s @TheOnlyCleoLuna 😜 https://t.co/HsbGGWERCG @AndyStu1212 Old School. An iconic film. aha. @chelsdelaney11 Obviously gets it from his mum. Walk in shop. Go to pay for items. Guy behind the counter suddenly says to me this is a banging tune, this! Points his finger in.. the air and then starts to dance. I swear to god it cheered me right up. @kevinbaxter10 Haha I like people like that. @kevinbaxter10 Normal is boring! @MightyGooner81 Mac and me!! @MightyGooner81 So shit it's good! @MightyGooner81 It's basically one big advert for McDonald's. @MightyGooner81 Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. Please tell me you've seen this? What about Heathers? @MightyGooner81 Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead was from 1990. Damn! @Jasminelennard Sending positive vibes sweet 😘 @TheOnlyCleoLuna Happy birthday lovely! 😘 @LucyxShadow 💩💩💩💩 https://t.co/ywgJfXC0qz @FilmAndTV101 That would legit last me a day. @FilmAndTV101 One plate full won't hurt. @LucyxShadow @FilmAndTV101 This is true. @miss_banksxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @willjw Practically spot on. @LucyxShadow Blades of Glory is on and it reminds me of you loads. Remember watching it when you were little? @LucyxShadow We used to piss ourselves. You were so little hahah. @LucyxShadow She's going to miss you! @LucyxShadow https://t.co/SblCzakr2G best five minutes of my life watching this. https://t.co/501GT5cbD8 @willjw I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room. Chicken. https://t.co/TJUzbNWDvR Beau has the hiccups and looks shocked after each one. It's too cute ❤ @LucyxShadow SO INSPIRATIONAL. https://t.co/Laq87CRrRP @LucyxShadow I hear you wanted new music to listen to hahahaha https://t.co/p6LfTkEwAw @meggzzie Some are TERRIBLE. @meggzzie Oh, shit! You chose anyone yet? My favourite moment from The Big Bang Theory... https://t.co/7rKPeiD71Y https://t.co/kARmPhRBmz @meggzzie Glad you've found someone. You must be so relieved! Is everything almost sorted now? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Died in 1997 - still dead in 2017 https://t.co/Fo86TjwMgE @meggzzie Phew! Now you can kinda relax. Has it been stressful? Or is that a stupid question? aha. @stevebrookstein My cousin died from this at 40. Absolutely horrendous disease. @TheOnlyCleoLuna Completely normal ha :) @TheOnlyCleoLuna She really does!! ❤️ @lilyfharris Bloody hell Lily! How you feeling? Pretty shit I'm guessing x @TheOnlyCleoLuna They really are :) x Will has nipped shop to buy me a new dressing gown. My other two are in the wash and I'm not emotionally ready to be without one right now. @jamierubicin SO important. @richmilward Nah. @sparkles_se2 They are the best. I'm obsessed. @richmilward Yeah, being washed. @richmilward A TOWEL? It is in no way the same thing. @richmilward https://t.co/jHfPZ22MFc @richmilward Mariah most likely has a room full. @marshamaddison The thing that bothers me about onesies is when you need to pee you end up shivering on the toilet naked. aha. THIS WAS MY IDEA FFS. aha. @willjw https://t.co/bTqPXx5RmU @lilyfharris So glad the drain is working. Hopefully you'll be out of pain soon, must be awful! You must be so piss… https://t.co/umKBQKJ3Pl @lilyfharris Beau is good too. He can climb up me now and stands up - he is very happy with himself when he does it haha xx @CF_Mutant_84 @DannyCF30 @CFAware 30? Fake news. Surely a typo - they probably meant 3. @lilyfharris Not surprised you're annoyed! Hopefully you're out soon as. Must be draining (pardon the pun) ha. It'… https://t.co/I3XYd1oQMl @lilyfharris I.v's soon as I need a boost! xx @rainbowheII @TalindaB Keep strong my love ❤️ Why is this you @LucyxShadow https://t.co/XnOKRMFf2G @LucyxShadow 100000% @miss_banksxx Ffs he has his own private jet 😂 @miss_banksxx I don't see any 😂 Uncle jezza is the don. https://t.co/8SkOoozCid
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