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GlycoBiologyAnnotations made to the titles and abstracts of the journal 'GlycoBiology'Jin-Dong Kim2019-03-10
GlyCosmos15Collection of annotations to the abstracts from the following journals: Analytical_Chemistry Biochim_Biophys_Acta Carbohydrate_Research Cell Glycobiology Glycoconjugate_Journal J_Am_Chem_Soc Journal_of_Biological_Chemistry Journal_of_Proteome_Research Journal_of_Proteomics Molecular_and_Cellular_Proteomics Nature_Biotechnology Nature_Communications Nature_Methods Scientific_Reports Jin-Dong Kim2024-09-19
PreeclampsiaPreeclampsia-related annotations for text miningJin-Dong Kim2019-03-10
DisGeNET5Associations obtained by text mining MEDLINE abstracts using the BeFree systemYue Wang2019-03-11
PIRProtein Information Resource (PIR)Yue Wang2019-03-12
AnEMthe largest manually annotated corpus on anatomical entitiesYue Wang2019-04-03
Glycan AbbreviationGlycan-Abbreviation in GlycoNAVIISSAKU YAMADA2019-07-17
med-device-indicationsPMA approval statements describing indications of class III devicestherightstef2020-02-05
Annotation of Human Phenotype-Gene Relations - Identification of Negative, False, and Unknown RelationsAccessible negative results are relevant for researchers and clinicians not only to limit their search space but also to prevent the costly re-exploration of the hypothesis. However, most biomedical relation extraction data sets do not seek to distinguish between a false and a negative relation. A false relation should express a context where the entities are not related. In contrast, a negative relation should express a context where there is an affirmation of no association between the two entities. Furthermore, when we are dealing with data sets created using distant supervision techniques, we also have some false negative relations that constitute undocumented/unknown relations. Unknown relations are good examples to further exploration by researchers and clinicians. We propose to improve the distinction between these two concepts, by revising the false relations of the PGR corpus with regular expressions.dpavot2020-02-21
GlyCosmos600A random collection of 600 PubMed abstracts from 6 glycobiology-related journals: Glycobiology, Glycoconjugate journal, The Journal of biological chemistry, Journal of proteome research, Journal of proteomics, and Carbohydrate research. The whole PMIDs were collected on June 11, 2019. From each journal, 100 PMIDs were randomly sampled.Jin-Dong Kim2021-10-22