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Below is a list of pre-registered, automatic annotation services which are interoperable with PubAnnotation.

If you do not know an applicable annotation service to your purpose, you may want to take a look at PubDictionaries, which is a highly customizable, dictionary-based text annotation service.

Name DescriptionMaintainerUpdated_at

61-80 / 83 show all
PD-CHEBI-B Jin-Dong Kim2021-12-14
PD-CHEBI Pubdictionaries annotation using the terms sourced from CHEBI, the 2020-03-31 versionJin-Dong Kim2021-12-14
OntoGeneER OntoGene Entity RecognitionNico Colic2023-05-31
LappsGridTimeML TimeML event annotator from GATE running on the Language Applications Grid.ksuderman2018-04-14
LappsGridStanfordPOSTagger Stanford Part-Of-Speech tagger running on the Language Applications Grid.ksuderman2018-04-14
LappsGridGeneTagger GATE Gene tagger running on the Language Applications Gridksuderman2018-04-14
LappsGridBioNER The Abner Tagger for BioMedical named entity recognition running on the Language Applications Grid.ksuderman2018-04-14
GlyCosmosGlycans kiyoko2021-01-19
Glycan-Motif-Image Jin-Dong Kim2022-11-09
Glycan-Motif ISSAKU YAMADA2023-11-16
GlycanIUPAC http://pubdictionaries.org/dictionaries/GlyTouCan-IUPAC_condensedkiyoko2021-01-19
Glycan-Image Jin-Dong Kim2024-11-30
Glycan-GlyCosmos Jin-Dong Kim2024-11-30
Glycan-Abbreviation ISSAKU YAMADA2019-07-17
FirstAuthorDictionay AikoHIRAKI2020-10-08
EnjuParser Enju HPSG Parser developed by University of Tokyo.Jin-Dong Kim2020-12-31
discourse-simplifier A discourse analyzer developed by Univ. Manchester.Jin-Dong Kim2019-08-16
Covid-19_Glycan-Motif ISSAKU YAMADA2023-08-02
Cellosaurus_v35 Annotator based on dictionary Cellosaurus version 35 in PubDictionarieszebet2020-08-12
Cellosaurus_v33 Annotator based on dictionary Cellosaurus version 33 in PubDictionarieszebet2020-04-15