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Below is a list of pre-registered, automatic annotation services which are interoperable with PubAnnotation.

If you do not know an applicable annotation service to your purpose, you may want to take a look at PubDictionaries, which is a highly customizable, dictionary-based text annotation service.

Name DescriptionMaintainerUpdated_at

61-80 / 85 show all
PD-ORYZAGP-RAPDB-SYMB larmande2021-07-08
PD-ORYZAGP-RAPDB-SYMB-B larmande2021-07-08
PD-ORYZAGP-SYMB larmande2021-07-08
PD-ORYZAGP-SYMB-B larmande2021-07-08
PD-ORYZAGP-UNIPROT use dictionary with rice gene mention and UniProt URIslarmande2021-07-07
PD-ORYZAGP-UNIPROT-B use dictionary of rice gene mentions with UniProt Urislarmande2021-01-29
PD-ORYZAGP-UNIPROT-SYMB larmande2021-07-13
PD-ORYZAGP-UNIPROT-SYMB-B larmande2021-07-13
PD-Preeclampsia-B Jin-Dong Kim2020-04-04
PD-SNOMEDCT Jin-Dong Kim2024-12-25
PD-UBERON-AE It annotates for anatomical entities, based on the UBERON-AE dictionary on PubDictionaries. Threshold is set to 0.85.Jin-Dong Kim2021-10-03
PD-UBERON-AE-2023 It annotates for anatomical entities, based on the UBERON-AE-2023 dictionary on PubDictionaries. Threshold is set to 0.85.Jin-Dong Kim2023-12-14
PD-UBERON-AE-B It annotates for anatomical entities, based on the UBERON-AE dictionary on PubDictionaries. It used the default threshold, 0.85. It uses the batch mode annotation, and may be used for annotation to a large amount of documents.Jin-Dong Kim2021-12-03
PTO-all Yue Wang2019-12-03
PTO-exact Yue Wang2019-12-03
PubTator PubTator annotation provided by NCBIJin-Dong Kim2020-04-15
PubTator-Chemical To pull the pre-computed chemical annotation from PubTator.Jin-Dong Kim2018-12-10
PubTator-Disease To pull the pre-computed disease annotation from PubTator.Jin-Dong Kim2018-12-10
Pubtator-Gene Pubtator Gene annotations from pubmed idalo332022-05-06
PubTator-Gene To pull the pre-computed gene annotation from PubTator.Jin-Dong Kim2018-12-10