PD-UBERON-AE-B | It annotates for anatomical entities, based on the UBERON-AE dictionary on PubDictionaries. It used the default threshold, 0.85. It uses the batch mode annotation, and may be used for annotation to a large amount of documents. | |
PD-GlycanStructures-B | | |
PD-GlycoGenes-B | | |
PD-GlycoProteins-B | | |
PD-FMA-PAE-B | Batch mode annotator of PD-FMA-PAE | |
PD-Preeclampsia-B | | |
PD-MONDO-B | PubDictionaries annotation with the MONDO dictionary. Asynchronous protocol. | |
EnjuParser | Enju HPSG Parser developed by University of Tokyo. | |
PD-CHEBI | Pubdictionaries annotation using the terms sourced from CHEBI, the 2020-03-31 version | |
PD-NCBITaxon-B | | |