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NameTDescription# Ann.Author MaintainerUpdated_atStatus

281-300 / 316 show all
AnEM_full-texts 250 documents selected randomly from full-text papers Entity types: organism subdivision, anatomical system, organ, multi-tissue structure, tissue, cell, developing anatomical structure, cellular component, organism substance, immaterial anatomical entity and pathological formation Together with AnEM_abstracts, it is probably the largest manually annotated corpus on anatomical entities.687NaCTeMYue Wang2023-11-29Uploading
bionlp-st-pc-2013-training The training dataset from the pathway curation (PC) task in the BioNLP Shared Task 2013. The entity types defined in the PC task are simple chemical, gene or gene product, complex and cellular component.7.86 KNaCTeM and KISTIYue Wang2023-11-27Released
BLAH2015_Annotations_test_5 1.34 Knestoralvaronestoralvaro2023-11-30Testing
ENG_NER_NEL_pruas 582Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Developing
PT_NER_NEL_pruas 334Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Uploading
OryzaGP_2020_TO-all 0Pierre Larmandelarmande2023-11-29Developing
OryzaGP_2020 OryzaGP is a dataset of pubmed abstract related to Oryza sativa species0Pierre Larmandelarmande2023-11-29Developing
NCBIDiseaseCorpus The NCBI disease corpus is fully annotated at the mention and concept level to serve as a research resource for the biomedical natural language processing community.6.85 KRezarta Islamaj Doğan,Robert Leaman,Zhiyong LuChih-Hsuan Wei2023-11-29Released
semrep-sample Sample annotation of SemRep, produced by Rindflesch, et al. Rindflesch, T.C. and Fiszman, M. (2003). The interaction of domain knowledge and linguistic structure in natural language processing: interpreting hypernymic propositions in biomedical text. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 36(6):462-477.11.1 KRindflesch et al.Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
medical_relation This is about medical inner relation.0ruleryangruleryang2023-11-29Testing
Trait curation Project for trait curation in PGDBj479Sachiko ShirasawaSachiko Shirasawa2023-11-24Testing
Trait_curation150831 620Sachiko_ShirasawaSachiko Shirasawa2023-11-29Testing
Trait_curation150825 Trait curation0Sachiko_ShirasawaSachiko Shirasawa2023-11-29Testing
PMA_Manual Manually annotated examples of medical device PMA approval statements204Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-27Developing
PMA_MER PMAs annotated using MERpy.58.9 KStefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Developing
blah6_medical_device BLAH6 hackathon project to annotate medical device indications in premarket approval statement summaries. The documents in this project serve as a corpus of premarket approval (PMA) statements that have undergone quality control. In particular, we have (1) removed non-ascii characters, (2) fixed some text segmentation errors, and (3) fixed some capitalization errors.0Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Beta
Ab3P-abbreviations This corpus was developed during the creation of the Ab3P abbreviation definition identification tool. It includes 1250 manually annotated MEDLINE records. This gold standard includes 1221 abbreviation-definition pairs. Abbreviation definition identification based on automatic precision estimates Sunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilbur BMC Bioinformatics20089:402 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-4022.33 KSunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilburcomeau2023-11-29Beta
tagtog-test Test project only for tagtog submissions0tagtogtagtog2023-11-29Testing
tagtog OpenAccess annotations coming from tagtog.net0tagtogtagtog2015-02-23Developing
Test190926 test0Takeru Nakazatonakazato2023-11-29Testing
NameT# Ann.Author MaintainerUpdated_atStatus

281-300 / 316 show all
AnEM_full-texts 687NaCTeMYue Wang2023-11-29Uploading
bionlp-st-pc-2013-training 7.86 KNaCTeM and KISTIYue Wang2023-11-27Released
BLAH2015_Annotations_test_5 1.34 Knestoralvaronestoralvaro2023-11-30Testing
ENG_NER_NEL_pruas 582Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Developing
PT_NER_NEL_pruas 334Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Uploading
OryzaGP_2020_TO-all 0Pierre Larmandelarmande2023-11-29Developing
OryzaGP_2020 0Pierre Larmandelarmande2023-11-29Developing
NCBIDiseaseCorpus 6.85 KRezarta Islamaj Doğan,Robert Leaman,Zhiyong LuChih-Hsuan Wei2023-11-29Released
semrep-sample 11.1 KRindflesch et al.Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
medical_relation 0ruleryangruleryang2023-11-29Testing
Trait curation 479Sachiko ShirasawaSachiko Shirasawa2023-11-24Testing
Trait_curation150831 620Sachiko_ShirasawaSachiko Shirasawa2023-11-29Testing
Trait_curation150825 0Sachiko_ShirasawaSachiko Shirasawa2023-11-29Testing
PMA_Manual 204Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-27Developing
PMA_MER 58.9 KStefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Developing
blah6_medical_device 0Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Beta
Ab3P-abbreviations 2.33 KSunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilburcomeau2023-11-29Beta
tagtog-test 0tagtogtagtog2023-11-29Testing
tagtog 0tagtogtagtog2015-02-23Developing
Test190926 0Takeru Nakazatonakazato2023-11-29Testing