PubMed:10929203 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Characterization of a zebrafish (Danio rerio) desmin cDNA: an early molecular marker of myogenesis. Desmin is a muscle-specific protein and a constitutive subunit of the intermediate filaments (IF) in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles. It is an early marker of skeletal muscle myogenesis. We have characterized a clone of desmin cDNA from an embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio) cDNA library. The full-length cDNA comprised 1798 nucleotides, encoding a protein of 473 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of the zebrafish desmin shares a high degree of similarity to other vertebrate desmins, but also contains a sequence at the carboxyl terminal of the tail domain that is unique to the zebrafish. It carries many features which are distinctive of IF subunit proteins. These include the T/SSYRRXF/Y motif in the head domain, and the intermediate filament signature consensus, [I/V]-X-[T/A/C/I]-Y-[R/K/H]-X-[L/M]-L-[D/E], located in the carboxyl terminus of the central helical rod. Unlike other 3' UTR sequences, the 3' UTR of the zebrafish cDNA sequence has two CAYUG elements flanking a single polyadenylation site. The temporal and spatial expression patterns of desmin mRNA during early zebrafish development were studied. The onset of desmin expression occurred at the 1-3 somite stage (11 hpf). It increased throughout somitogenesis, with maximum expression at the Prim-6 stage (25 hpf), and decreasing expression towards the protruding-mouth stage (72 hpf). Desmin mRNA was initially localised exclusively to the somites, but was subsequently also detected in other musculature in the developing heart and fins. The onset of expression and the spatial localization of desmin mRNA in the zebrafish coincides with that reported for MyoD and myogenin.

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