PubMed:2118527 JSONTXT 15 Projects

Endotoxin induction of plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 mRNA in rat tissues in vivo. The tissue-specific distribution of tissue-type and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (t-PA and u-PA) and their inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) was analyzed at mRNA level in five major rat organ tissues. t-PA mRNA was detected in lung, kidney, heart, and liver. u-PA mRNA was detected in kidney and lung. Presence of PA mRNA correlated with the detection of PA activity in extracts of these tissues. PAI-1 mRNA was detected predominantly in heart and lung. Although PAI activity could not be measured directly in tissue extracts, the presence of PAI-1 mRNA correlated with the occurrence of PA.PAI complex in fibrin autography of tissue extracts. Endotoxin injection caused a very large increase in plasma PAI activity. This increase correlated with a marked increase in PAI-1 mRNA in nearly all tissues studied. The increase in PAI-1 mRNA is most pronounced in lung and liver. Endotoxin injection also caused an increased level of t-PA mRNA in heart and kidney, and an increased u-PA mRNA level in kidney. mRNA analysis of freshly isolated and separated subfractionated liver cells showed that the marked increase in PAI-1 mRNA in the liver after endotoxin injection may be due mainly to a strong increase of PAI-1 mRNA in the liver endothelial cells.

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