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PubMed:9893662 JSONTXT

Modulation of the proteolytic balance plasminogen activator/plasminogen activator inhibitor by enhanced N-myc oncogene expression or application of genistein. The aim of this study was to determine whether enhanced expression of N-myc in a neuroblastoma cell line affects the balance of plasminogen activator/plasminogen activator inhibitor (PA/PAI), a shift towards proteolysis having been observed in other malignant tissues. Two transfected neuroblastoma cell lines with (WAC2 cells) or without (SH-EP007 cells) enhanced expression of the N-myc oncogene were examined by zymography and RNA extraction to determine UPA and PAI enzyme activity and uPA RNA and PAI RNA expression, respectively. The effect of genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine protein kinase, on uPA/PAI was also investigated. Both the uPA/PAI-1 ratio at mRNA level and the PA/PAI ratio at protein activity level were higher in the more malignant, WAC2 cell line. Genistein attenuated uPA activity and stimulated PAI activity in both cell lines, leading to a decrease in the PA/PAI ratio. This effect was more pronounced in the more malignant, WAC2 cell line.

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