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PubMed:3318334 JSONTXT

[Adenomatous polyps with prostatic type epithelium: a report of two cases]. Two cases of adenomatous polyps with prostatic type epithelium are reported. The first case was of a 62-year-old male suffering from asymptomatic hematuria. Cystoscopic findings showed an urethral tumor in the prostatic urethra. He was treated by transurethral resection of the prostate. The second case was of a 47-year-old male with complaints of hematuria and doubtful findings in urinary cytology. Cystoscopic findings showed that he had an urethral tumor in the prostatic urethra as well as bladder tumor. Both were resected transurethrally. Histological examination revealed that both urethral tumors were papillary adenoma of the prostatic urethra, corresponding to the adenomatous polyps with prostatic type epithelium in the classification of AFIP. The peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex method was performed using the anti-prostatic acid phosphatase antibody and anti-prostatic-specific antigen antibody, and positive reactions were obtained which confirmed that the tumors originated in the prostatic tissue. Benign urethral tumor in males is not common and description of adenomatous polyps with prostatic type epithelium is very rare. We could find only 11 cases in the Japanese literature.

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