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PubMed:21486442 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 353-366 HP_0003002 denotes breast cancer
T2 353-366 HP_0100013 denotes breast cancer
T3 360-366 HP_0002664 denotes cancer


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
SS1_21486442_0_0 25-54 expanded denotes Relative Total Dose Intensity
SS2_21486442_0_0 56-60 abbr denotes RTDI
SS1_21486442_2_0 258-287 expanded denotes relative total dose intensity
SS2_21486442_2_0 289-293 abbr denotes RTDI
SS1_21486442_2_1 342-366 expanded denotes metastatic breast cancer
SS2_21486442_2_1 368-371 abbr denotes MBC
SS1_21486442_6_0 613-640 expanded denotes time to disease progression
SS2_21486442_6_0 642-646 abbr denotes TTDP
SS1_21486442_6_1 652-668 expanded denotes overall survival
SS2_21486442_6_1 670-672 abbr denotes OS
SS1_21486442_9_0 972-999 expanded denotes primary disease progression
SS2_21486442_9_0 1001-1004 abbr denotes PDP
AE1_21486442_0_0 SS1_21486442_0_0 SS2_21486442_0_0 abbreviatedTo Relative Total Dose Intensity,RTDI
AE1_21486442_2_0 SS1_21486442_2_0 SS2_21486442_2_0 abbreviatedTo relative total dose intensity,RTDI
AE1_21486442_2_1 SS1_21486442_2_1 SS2_21486442_2_1 abbreviatedTo metastatic breast cancer,MBC
AE1_21486442_6_0 SS1_21486442_6_0 SS2_21486442_6_0 abbreviatedTo time to disease progression,TTDP
AE1_21486442_6_1 SS1_21486442_6_1 SS2_21486442_6_1 abbreviatedTo overall survival,OS
AE1_21486442_9_0 SS1_21486442_9_0 SS2_21486442_9_0 abbreviatedTo primary disease progression,PDP