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PubMed:16823143 JSONTXT

Building a European biomedical grid on cancer: the ACGT Integrated Project. This paper presents the needs and requirements that led to the formation of the ACGT (Advancing Clinico Genomic Trials) integrated project, its vision and methodological approaches of the project. The ultimate objective of the ACGT project is the development of a European biomedical grid for cancer research, based on the principles of open access and open source, enhanced by a set of interoperable tools and services which will facilitate the seamless and secure access to and analysis of multi-level clinico-genomic data, enriched with high-performing knowledge discovery operations and services. By doing so, it is expected that the influence of genetic variation in oncogenesis will be revealed, the molecular classification of cancer and the development of individualised therapies will be promoted, and finally the in-silico tumour growth and therapy response will be realistically and reliably modelled. Its main design decisions and results at its current stage of development are presented.

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