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PubMed:12649483 JSONTXT

Accumulation of phosphorylated repressor for gibberellin signaling in an F-box mutant. Gibberellin (GA) regulates growth and development in plants. We isolated and characterized a rice GA-insensitive dwarf mutant, gid2. The GID2 gene encodes a putative F-box protein, which interacted with the rice Skp1 homolog in a yeast two-hybrid assay. In gid2, a repressor for GA signaling, SLR1, was highly accumulated in a phosphorylated form and GA increased its concentration, whereas SLR1 was rapidly degraded by GA through ubiquitination in the wild type. We conclude that GID2 is a positive regulator of GA signaling and that regulated degradation of SLR1 is initiated through GA-dependent phosphorylation and finalized by an SCF(GID2)-proteasome pathway.

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