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Jin-Dong Kim
User info
Name TDescription# Ann.Updated atStatus
141-150 / 161 show all
PubMed-French-testA collection of PubMed abstract written in French02023-11-29Developing
PubMed-German-testA collection of PubMed abstracts which are written in German02023-11-24Developing
pubmed-sentences-benchmarkA benchmark data for text segmentation into sentences. The source of annotation is the GENIA treebank v1.0. Following is the process taken. began with the GENIA treebank v1.0. sentence annotations were extracted and converted to PubAnnotation JSON. uploaded. 12 abstracts met alignment failure. among the 12 failure cases, 4 had a dot('.') character where there should be colon (':'). They were manually fixed then successfully uploaded: 7903907, 8053950, 8508358, 9415639. among the 12 failed abstracts, 8 were "250 word truncation" cases. They were manually fixed and successfully uploaded. During the fixing, manual annotations were added for the missing pieces of text. 30 abstracts had extra text in the end, indicating copyright statement, e.g., "Copyright 1998 Academic Press." They were annotated as a sentence in GTB. However, the text did not exist anymore in PubMed. Therefore, the extra texts were removed, together with the sentence annotation to them. 18.4 K2023-11-28Released
pubtator-sampleSample annotation of PubTator produced by Zhiyong Lu et al.282023-11-27Testing
semrep-sampleSample annotation of SemRep, produced by Rindflesch, et al. Rindflesch, T.C. and Fiszman, M. (2003). The interaction of domain knowledge and linguistic structure in natural language processing: interpreting hypernymic propositions in biomedical text. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 36(6):462-477.11.1 K2023-11-29Testing
sentencesSentence segmentation annotation. Automatic annotation by TextSentencer.6.96 M2023-11-24Developing
test-21061417.8 K2024-01-05Testing
Automatic annotators
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PD-UBERON-AE-BIt annotates for anatomical entities, based on the UBERON-AE dictionary on PubDictionaries. It used the default threshold, 0.85. It uses the batch mode annotation, and may be used for annotation to a large amount of documents.
PD-FMA-PAE-BBatch mode annotator of PD-FMA-PAE
PD-MONDO-BPubDictionaries annotation with the MONDO dictionary. Asynchronous protocol.
EnjuParserEnju HPSG Parser developed by University of Tokyo.
PD-CHEBIPubdictionaries annotation using the terms sourced from CHEBI, the 2020-03-31 version
Name Description
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TextAEThe official stable version of TextAE.