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Jin-Dong Kim
User info
NameTDescription # Ann.Updated atStatus
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GO-CCAnnotation for cellular components as defined in the "Cellular Component" subtree of Gene Ontology17.6 K2023-11-30Developing
ICD10Annotation for disease names as defined in ICD101.6 K2023-11-29Developing
mondo_diseaseannotation for diseases and disorders as defined in MONDO. Automatic annotation by PD-MONDO.256 K2023-11-28Developing
EDAM-DFOannotation for EDAM terms for data, formats, and operations12.5 K2023-11-29Testing
EDAM-topicsannotation for EDAM topics11.6 K2023-11-29Testing
GlycoGenesannotation for glyco-genes based on GGDB1.01 K2023-11-29Developing
GO-MFAnnotation for molecular functions as defined in the "Molecular Function" subtree of Gene Ontology19.7 K2023-12-04Testing
NCBITAXONannotation for NCBI taxonomy. Automatic annotation by PD-NCBITaxon.502 K2023-11-24Developing
performance-testa project for performance test480 K2023-11-27Testing
GlyCosmos600-docsA random collection of 600 PubMed abstracts from 6 glycobiology-related journals: Glycobiology, Glycoconjugate journal, The Journal of biological chemistry, Journal of proteome research, Journal of proteomics, and Carbohydrate research. The whole PMIDs were collected on June 11, 2019. From each journal, 100 PMIDs were randomly sampled.02023-11-29Released
Automatic annotators
Name Description
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PD-FMA-PAEPhysical Anatomical Entities from FMA
PD-CHEBIPubdictionaries annotation using the terms sourced from CHEBI, the 2020-03-31 version
EnjuParserEnju HPSG Parser developed by University of Tokyo.
discourse-simplifierA discourse analyzer developed by Univ. Manchester.
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TextAE-oldTextAE version 4, which was the latest stable version until Apr. 19, 2020.
TextAETextAE version 5, which enables edition of attributes of denotations.