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Jin-Dong Kim
User info
NameDescriptionUpdated at
11-12 / 12 show all
PreeclampsiaPreeclampsia-related annotations for text mining2019-03-10
GlycoBiologyAnnotations made to the titles and abstracts of the journal 'GlycoBiology'2019-03-10
NameTDescription# Ann.Updated atStatus
101-110 / 158 show all
EDAM-topicsannotation for EDAM topics11.6 K2023-11-29Testing
EDAM-DFOannotation for EDAM terms for data, formats, and operations12.5 K2023-11-29Testing
GlyCosmos600-GlycoProteinsGlycoProtein annotations were made using the glycoprotein-name dictionary on PubDictionaries: http://pubannotation.org/projects/GlyCosmos600-docs The documents were imported from the GlyCosmos600-docs project: http://pubannotation.org/projects/GlyCosmos600-docs3.68 K2023-11-27Testing
LitCovid-sample-CHEBI1.44 K2023-11-29Testing
Automatic annotators
Name Description
31-39 / 39 show all
PD-UBERON-AE-2023It annotates for anatomical entities, based on the UBERON-AE-2023 dictionary on PubDictionaries. Threshold is set to 0.85.
PD-UBERON-AE-BIt annotates for anatomical entities, based on the UBERON-AE dictionary on PubDictionaries. It used the default threshold, 0.85. It uses the batch mode annotation, and may be used for annotation to a large amount of documents.
PubTatorPubTator annotation provided by NCBI
PubTator-ChemicalTo pull the pre-computed chemical annotation from PubTator.
PubTator-DiseaseTo pull the pre-computed disease annotation from PubTator.
PubTator-GeneTo pull the pre-computed gene annotation from PubTator.
PubTator-MutationTo pull the pre-computed mutation annotation from PubTator.
PubTator-SpeciesTo pull the pre-computed Species annotation from PubTator.
TextSentencersentence segmentation
1-1 / 1
TextAEThe official stable version of TextAE.