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Jin-Dong Kim
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NameTDescription# Ann.Updated at Status
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LitCovid-PD-CHEBI1.43 M2023-11-24Developing
CORD-19-PD-UBERONPubDictionaries annotation for UBERON terms - updated at 2020-04-30 It is disease term annotation based on Uberon. The terms in Uberon are uploaded in PubDictionaries (Uberon), with which the annotations in this project are produced. The parameter configuration used for this project is here. Note that it is an automatically generated dictionary-based annotation. It will be updated periodically, as the documents are increased, and the dictionary is improved.1.42 M2023-11-24Released
NCBITAXONannotation for NCBI taxonomy. Automatic annotation by PD-NCBITaxon.502 K2023-11-24Developing
GlyCosmos6-Glycan-Motif-StructureAutomatic annotation by Covid-19_Glycan-Motif.107 K2023-11-24Developing
GlyCosmos6-CLOAutomatic annotation by PC-CLO.1.18 M2023-11-24Developing
GlyCosmos6-Glycan-Motif-Image87.8 K2023-11-24Developing
Automatic annotators
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PubTator-SpeciesTo pull the pre-computed Species annotation from PubTator.
PubTator-MutationTo pull the pre-computed mutation annotation from PubTator.
PubTator-GeneTo pull the pre-computed gene annotation from PubTator.
PubTator-DiseaseTo pull the pre-computed disease annotation from PubTator.
PubTator-ChemicalTo pull the pre-computed chemical annotation from PubTator.
TextSentencersentence segmentation
PubTatorPubTator annotation provided by NCBI
PD-MONDO-BPubDictionaries annotation with the MONDO dictionary. Asynchronous protocol.
PD-MONDOPubDictionaries annotation with the MONDO dictionary.
PD-CHEBIPubdictionaries annotation using the terms sourced from CHEBI, the 2020-03-31 version
Name Description
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TextAETextAE version 5, which enables edition of attributes of denotations.
TextAE-oldTextAE version 4, which was the latest stable version until Apr. 19, 2020.