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Jin-Dong Kim
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Name DescriptionUpdated at
11-12 / 12 show all
CORD-19CORD-19 (COVID-19 Open Research Dataset) is a free, open resource for the global research community provided by the Allen Institute for AI: https://pages.semanticscholar.org/coronavirus-research. As of 2020-03-20, it contains over 29,000 full text articles. This CORD-19 collection at PubAnnotation is prepared for the purpose of collecting annotations to the texts, so that they can be easily accessed and utilized. If you want to contribute with your annotation, take the documents in the CORD-19_All_docs project, produce your annotation to the texts using your annotation system, and contribute the annotation back to PubAnnotation (HowTo). All the contributed annotations will become publicly available. Please note that, during uploading your annotation data, you do not need to be worried about slight changes in the text: PubAnnotation will automatically catch them and adjust the positions appropriately. Once you have uploaded your annotation, please notify it to admin@pubannotation.org admin@pubannotation.org, so that it can be included in this collection, which will make your annotation much easily findable. Note that as the CORD-19 dataset grows, the documents in this collection also will be updated. IMPORTANT: CORD-19 License agreement requires that the dataset must be used for text and data mining only.2020-04-14
bionlp-st-ge-2016The 2016 edition of the Genia event extraction (GE) task organized within BioNLP-ST 20162019-03-11
NameT Description# Ann.Updated atStatus
31-40 / 161 show all
CHEMDNER-training-testThe training subset of the CHEMDNER corpus29.4 K2023-11-27Testing
GlycoGenesannotation for glyco-genes based on GGDB1.01 K2023-11-29Developing
PubMed-2000abstracts published in 2000.02023-11-29Developing
GlycoBiology-Motifs4.15 K2023-11-29
uniprot-mouseProtein annotation based on UniProt11.5 K2023-11-28Developing
pubmed-2016abstracts published in 201602023-11-28
GlycoBiology-GOGO-based annotation to GlycoBiology abstracts02023-11-29Testing
Automatic annotators
Name Description
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TextAEThe official stable version of TextAE.