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Jin-Dong Kim
User info
NameDescriptionUpdated at
11-12 / 12 show all
PreeclampsiaPreeclampsia-related annotations for text mining2019-03-10
GlycoBiologyAnnotations made to the titles and abstracts of the journal 'GlycoBiology'2019-03-10
NameTDescription# Ann.Updated atStatus
21-30 / 161 show all
LitCovid-sentences-v1Sentence segmentation of all the texts in the LitCovid literature. The segmentation is automatically obtained using the TextSentencer annotation service developed and maintained by DBCLS.16.5 K2023-11-27Released
LitCovid-PAS-EnjuPredicate-argument structure annotation produced by the Enju parser.125 K2023-11-28Beta
LitCovid-sample-PD-FMA1.93 K2023-11-28Beta
LitCovid-sample-sentences2.3 K2023-11-29Beta
LitCovid-sample-PD-NCBITaxon1.35 K2023-11-29Beta
DisGeNETDisease-Gene association annotation.3.12 M2023-11-24Beta
LitCovid-PubTator5.88 M2023-11-24Beta
LitCovid-PD-HP922 K2023-11-28Beta
LitCovid-sample-PD-IDO1.27 K2023-11-28Beta
Automatic annotators
1-1 / 1
TextAEThe official stable version of TextAE.