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Jin-Dong Kim
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NameDescription Updated at
11-12 / 12 show all
Glycosmos6This collection contains annotation projects which target all the PubMed abstracts (at the time of January 14, 2022) from the 6 glycobiology-related journals: Glycobiology Glycoconjugate journal The Journal of biological chemistry Journal of proteome research Journal of proteomics Carbohydrate research 2023-11-16
LitCovid-sampleVarious annotations to a sample set of LitCovid, to demonstrate potential of harmonized various annotations.2021-01-14
NameTDescription# Ann.Updated at Status
141-150 / 161 show all
PubMed-2017abstracts published in 2017.02023-11-24Developing
PubMed-German-testA collection of PubMed abstracts which are written in German02023-11-24Developing
LitCoin-GeneOrGeneProduct-v3GeneOrGeneProduct after false positive control4.67 K2023-11-24
genia-medco-corefCoreference annotation made to the Genia corpus, following the MUC annotation scheme. It is a product of the collaboration between the Genia and the MedCo projects.45.9 K2023-11-24Developing
LitCoin-training-merged14.8 K2023-11-24
CORD-19-PD-UBERONPubDictionaries annotation for UBERON terms - updated at 2020-04-30 It is disease term annotation based on Uberon. The terms in Uberon are uploaded in PubDictionaries (Uberon), with which the annotations in this project are produced. The parameter configuration used for this project is here. Note that it is an automatically generated dictionary-based annotation. It will be updated periodically, as the documents are increased, and the dictionary is improved.1.42 M2023-11-24Released
Automatic annotators
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TextAEThe official stable version of TextAE.