Title | Find all the cases where an epitope term co-occurs with a disease term in a sentence. |
Sparql | PREFIX pubann:<http://pubannotation.org/ontology/> SELECT ?s1 ?s2 WHERE { GRAPH prj:GlyCosmos600-GlycoEpitope { ?o1 tao:denoted_by ?s1 . } GRAPH prj:mondo_disease { ?o2 tao:denoted_by ?s2 . } ?o3 tao:denoted_by ?s3 . ?o3 a pubann:Sentence . ?s3 tao:contains ?s1 . ?s3 tao:contains ?s2 . } |
Reasoning | false |
Comment | |
Show mode | textae |
Annotations to show | GlyCosmos600-GlycoEpitope,mondo_disease |
Priority | 0 |
Active | true |
belongs to | GlyCosmos600-GlycoEpitope |