SeeDev-binary@ldeleger:SeeDev-binary-17158584-1 / 4009-4045 JSONTXT

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Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T152 0-36 Genotype denotes Plants that ectopically express ABI3
T153-0 0-31 _FRAGMENT denotes Plants that ectopically express
T154 32-36 Gene_Family denotes ABI3
E1 32-36 Is_Functionally_Equivalent_To denotes ABI3
E36 0-36 Regulates_Process denotes Plants that ectopically express ABI3
E44-0 0-31 _FRAGMENT denotes Plants that ectopically express
R87 E44-0 T153-0 Agent Plants that ectopically express,Plants that ectopically express
R1 E1 T154 Element1 ABI3,ABI3
R71 E36 T152 Agent Plants that ectopically express ABI3,Plants that ectopically express ABI3