PubMed:9822649 / 187-399
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
TextSentencer_T3 | 0-212 | Sentence | denotes | A cDNA cassette system was used to synthesize recombinant versions of procollagen II in which one of the four blocks of 234 amino acids that define a repeating D periods of the collagen triple helix were deleted. |
T3 | 0-212 | Sentence | denotes | A cDNA cassette system was used to synthesize recombinant versions of procollagen II in which one of the four blocks of 234 amino acids that define a repeating D periods of the collagen triple helix were deleted. |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T1 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T3 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T5 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T7 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T9 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T11 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T13 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T15 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T17 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T19 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T21 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T23 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T25 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T27 | 177-185 | | denotes | collagen |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
EnjuParser_T24 | 0-1 | DT | denotes | A |
EnjuParser_T25 | 2-6 | NN | denotes | cDNA |
EnjuParser_T26 | 7-15 | NN | denotes | cassette |
EnjuParser_T27 | 16-22 | NN | denotes | system |
EnjuParser_T28 | 23-26 | VBD | denotes | was |
EnjuParser_T29 | 27-31 | VBN | denotes | used |
EnjuParser_T30 | 32-34 | TO | denotes | to |
EnjuParser_T31 | 35-45 | VB | denotes | synthesize |
EnjuParser_T32 | 46-57 | JJ | denotes | recombinant |
EnjuParser_T33 | 58-66 | NNS | denotes | versions |
EnjuParser_T34 | 67-69 | IN | denotes | of |
EnjuParser_T35 | 70-81 | NN | denotes | procollagen |
EnjuParser_T36 | 82-84 | CD | denotes | II |
EnjuParser_T37 | 85-87 | IN | denotes | in |
EnjuParser_T38 | 88-93 | WDT | denotes | which |
EnjuParser_T39 | 94-97 | CD | denotes | one |
EnjuParser_T40 | 98-100 | IN | denotes | of |
EnjuParser_T41 | 101-104 | DT | denotes | the |
EnjuParser_T42 | 105-109 | CD | denotes | four |
EnjuParser_T43 | 110-116 | NNS | denotes | blocks |
EnjuParser_T44 | 117-119 | IN | denotes | of |
EnjuParser_T45 | 120-123 | CD | denotes | 234 |
EnjuParser_T46 | 124-129 | NN | denotes | amino |
EnjuParser_T47 | 130-135 | NNS | denotes | acids |
EnjuParser_T48 | 136-140 | WDT | denotes | that |
EnjuParser_T49 | 141-147 | VBP | denotes | define |
EnjuParser_T50 | 148-149 | DT | denotes | a |
EnjuParser_T51 | 150-159 | VBG | denotes | repeating |
EnjuParser_T52 | 160-161 | NN | denotes | D |
EnjuParser_T53 | 162-169 | NNS | denotes | periods |
EnjuParser_T54 | 170-172 | IN | denotes | of |
EnjuParser_T55 | 173-176 | DT | denotes | the |
EnjuParser_T56 | 177-185 | NN | denotes | collagen |
EnjuParser_T57 | 186-192 | JJ | denotes | triple |
EnjuParser_T58 | 193-198 | NN | denotes | helix |
EnjuParser_T59 | 199-203 | VBD | denotes | were |
EnjuParser_T60 | 204-211 | VBN | denotes | deleted |
EnjuParser_R24 | EnjuParser_T27 | EnjuParser_T24 | arg1Of | system,A |
EnjuParser_R25 | EnjuParser_T27 | EnjuParser_T25 | arg1Of | system,cDNA |
EnjuParser_R26 | EnjuParser_T27 | EnjuParser_T26 | arg1Of | system,cassette |
EnjuParser_R27 | EnjuParser_T27 | EnjuParser_T28 | arg1Of | system,was |
EnjuParser_R28 | EnjuParser_T29 | EnjuParser_T28 | arg2Of | used,was |
EnjuParser_R29 | EnjuParser_T27 | EnjuParser_T29 | arg2Of | system,used |
EnjuParser_R30 | EnjuParser_T31 | EnjuParser_T30 | arg1Of | synthesize,to |
EnjuParser_R31 | EnjuParser_T29 | EnjuParser_T30 | modOf | used,to |
EnjuParser_R32 | EnjuParser_T33 | EnjuParser_T31 | arg2Of | versions,synthesize |
EnjuParser_R33 | EnjuParser_T33 | EnjuParser_T32 | arg1Of | versions,recombinant |
EnjuParser_R34 | EnjuParser_T33 | EnjuParser_T34 | arg1Of | versions,of |
EnjuParser_R35 | EnjuParser_T35 | EnjuParser_T34 | arg2Of | procollagen,of |
EnjuParser_R36 | EnjuParser_T35 | EnjuParser_T36 | arg1Of | procollagen,II |
EnjuParser_R37 | EnjuParser_T60 | EnjuParser_T37 | arg1Of | deleted,in |
EnjuParser_R38 | EnjuParser_T33 | EnjuParser_T37 | arg2Of | versions,in |
EnjuParser_R39 | EnjuParser_T33 | EnjuParser_T38 | arg1Of | versions,which |
EnjuParser_R40 | EnjuParser_T39 | EnjuParser_T40 | arg1Of | one,of |
EnjuParser_R41 | EnjuParser_T43 | EnjuParser_T40 | arg2Of | blocks,of |
EnjuParser_R42 | EnjuParser_T43 | EnjuParser_T41 | arg1Of | blocks,the |
EnjuParser_R43 | EnjuParser_T43 | EnjuParser_T42 | arg1Of | blocks,four |
EnjuParser_R44 | EnjuParser_T43 | EnjuParser_T44 | arg1Of | blocks,of |
EnjuParser_R45 | EnjuParser_T47 | EnjuParser_T44 | arg2Of | acids,of |
EnjuParser_R46 | EnjuParser_T47 | EnjuParser_T45 | arg1Of | acids,234 |
EnjuParser_R47 | EnjuParser_T47 | EnjuParser_T46 | arg1Of | acids,amino |
EnjuParser_R48 | EnjuParser_T43 | EnjuParser_T48 | arg1Of | blocks,that |
EnjuParser_R49 | EnjuParser_T43 | EnjuParser_T49 | arg1Of | blocks,define |
EnjuParser_R50 | EnjuParser_T53 | EnjuParser_T49 | arg2Of | periods,define |
EnjuParser_R51 | EnjuParser_T53 | EnjuParser_T50 | arg1Of | periods,a |
EnjuParser_R52 | EnjuParser_T53 | EnjuParser_T51 | arg1Of | periods,repeating |
EnjuParser_R53 | EnjuParser_T53 | EnjuParser_T52 | arg1Of | periods,D |
EnjuParser_R54 | EnjuParser_T53 | EnjuParser_T54 | arg1Of | periods,of |
EnjuParser_R55 | EnjuParser_T58 | EnjuParser_T54 | arg2Of | helix,of |
EnjuParser_R56 | EnjuParser_T58 | EnjuParser_T55 | arg1Of | helix,the |
EnjuParser_R57 | EnjuParser_T58 | EnjuParser_T56 | arg1Of | helix,collagen |
EnjuParser_R58 | EnjuParser_T58 | EnjuParser_T57 | arg1Of | helix,triple |
EnjuParser_R59 | EnjuParser_T39 | EnjuParser_T59 | arg1Of | one,were |
EnjuParser_R60 | EnjuParser_T60 | EnjuParser_T59 | arg2Of | deleted,were |
EnjuParser_R61 | EnjuParser_T39 | EnjuParser_T60 | arg2Of | one,deleted |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | fma_id |
T2 | 124-135 | Body_part | denotes | amino acids | |
T3 | 177-185 | Body_part | denotes | collagen | |
T4 | 193-198 | Body_part | denotes | helix | |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | uberon_id |
T3 | 193-198 | Body_part | denotes | helix | |