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PubMed:9516515 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-53 Sentence denotes Torsion of a wandering accessory spleen: CT findings.
T2 54-149 Sentence denotes Torsion of an accessory spleen is a rare entity that can have a variable clinical presentation.
T3 150-264 Sentence denotes We report the computed tomographic (CT) findings of an acute torsion of an accessory spleen in a 13-year-old girl.
T4 265-343 Sentence denotes CT disclosed a hypodense mesenteric mass with peripheral inflammatory changes.
T1 0-53 Sentence denotes Torsion of a wandering accessory spleen: CT findings.
T2 54-149 Sentence denotes Torsion of an accessory spleen is a rare entity that can have a variable clinical presentation.
T3 150-264 Sentence denotes We report the computed tomographic (CT) findings of an acute torsion of an accessory spleen in a 13-year-old girl.
T4 265-343 Sentence denotes CT disclosed a hypodense mesenteric mass with peripheral inflammatory changes.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
AB1 68-84 HP:0001747 denotes accessory spleen
TI1 23-39 HP:0001747 denotes accessory spleen
AB2 225-241 HP:0001747 denotes accessory spleen