> top > docs > PubMed:8991513 > annotations

PubMed:8991513 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
_T1 123-147 http://acgg.asia/db/diseases/pacdb/lec?ids=LEC297 denotes Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
_T1 61-65 FMAID:198663 denotes gene
_T2 203-219 FMAID:196731 denotes oligosaccharides
_T3 203-219 FMAID:82742 denotes oligosaccharides
_T4 283-289 FMAID:196724 denotes sugars
_T5 326-339 FMAID:62925 denotes glycoproteins
_T6 326-339 FMAID:167256 denotes glycoproteins
_T7 393-409 FMAID:82742 denotes oligosaccharides
_T8 393-409 FMAID:196731 denotes oligosaccharides
_T9 436-440 FMAID:198663 denotes gene
_T10 588-604 FMAID:198528 denotes membrane protein
_T11 588-604 FMAID:89997 denotes membrane protein
_T12 597-604 FMAID:67257 denotes protein
_T13 597-604 FMAID:165447 denotes protein
_T14 734-741 FMAID:67257 denotes protein
_T15 734-741 FMAID:165447 denotes protein
_T16 806-817 FMAID:165003 denotes endoplasmic
_T17 806-817 FMAID:66856 denotes endoplasmic
_T18 806-827 FMAID:210694 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T19 806-827 FMAID:67429 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T20 806-827 FMAID:165250 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T21 806-827 FMAID:212510 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T22 806-827 FMAID:188464 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T23 806-827 FMAID:165144 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T24 806-827 FMAID:67434 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T25 806-827 FMAID:165026 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T26 806-827 FMAID:211269 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T27 806-827 FMAID:162308 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T28 806-827 FMAID:63842 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T29 806-827 FMAID:210679 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T30 806-827 FMAID:67438 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T31 806-827 FMAID:199093 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T32 806-827 FMAID:165142 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T33 806-827 FMAID:165141 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T34 806-827 FMAID:66897 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T35 806-827 FMAID:165027 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T36 806-827 FMAID:66898 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T37 806-827 FMAID:80351 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
_T38 818-827 FMAID:94520 denotes reticulum
_T39 818-827 FMAID:7646 denotes reticulum
_T40 872-885 FMAID:162310 denotes Golgi complex
_T41 872-885 FMAID:63843 denotes Golgi complex
_T42 913-920 FMAID:67257 denotes protein
_T43 913-920 FMAID:165447 denotes protein
_T44 933-941 FMAID:165447 denotes proteins
_T45 933-941 FMAID:67257 denotes proteins
_T46 989-997 FMAID:165447 denotes proteins
_T47 989-997 FMAID:67257 denotes proteins
_T48 1138-1151 FMAID:63843 denotes Golgi complex
_T49 1138-1151 FMAID:162310 denotes Golgi complex
_T50 1314-1319 FMAID:196724 denotes sugar


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 829-831 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P03372 denotes ER
T2 1320-1332 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q99484 denotes transferases


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 829-831 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P19785 denotes ER
T2 1096-1117 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P23336 denotes galactosyltransferase
T3 1320-1332 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P38649 denotes transferases


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 89-96 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/353209 denotes related
T2 123-136 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/4895 denotes Saccharomyces
T3 123-136 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/4930 denotes Saccharomyces
T4 123-136 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/4891 denotes Saccharomyces
T5 123-136 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/36034 denotes Saccharomyces
T6 1060-1079 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/4930 denotes Schizosaccharomyces
T7 1060-1079 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/34346 denotes Schizosaccharomyces
T8 1060-1079 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/4895 denotes Schizosaccharomyces
T9 1060-1085 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/4896 denotes Schizosaccharomyces pombe
T10 1306-1313 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/353209 denotes related


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 181-190 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0009058 denotes synthesis
T2 228-230 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0004306 denotes et
T3 480-491 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0046960 denotes sensitivity
T4 855-864 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0051179 denotes localized
T5 1224-1233 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0051179 denotes localized
T6 855-877 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0051645 denotes localized to the Golgi
T7 1218-1233 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0051645 denotes Golgi-localized
T8 1086-1117 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0031278 denotes alpha 1,2 galactosyltransferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 588-596 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016020 denotes membrane
T2 762-767 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794 denotes Golgi
T3 872-877 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794 denotes Golgi
T4 1138-1143 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794 denotes Golgi
T5 1218-1223 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794 denotes Golgi
T6 806-827 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005783 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
T7 829-831 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005783 denotes ER
T8 872-885 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794 denotes Golgi complex
T9 1138-1151 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794 denotes Golgi complex


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 14-24 http://edamontology.org/topic_0625 denotes phenotypic
T2 248-256 http://edamontology.org/topic_0199 denotes mutation
T3 516-525 http://edamontology.org/topic_0625 denotes phenotype
T4 527-535 http://edamontology.org/topic_0080 denotes Sequence
T5 527-535 http://edamontology.org/topic_3168 denotes Sequence
T6 527-544 http://edamontology.org/topic_0080 denotes Sequence analysis
T7 597-604 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes protein
T8 597-620 http://edamontology.org/topic_2814 denotes protein with structural
T9 597-629 http://edamontology.org/topic_0166 denotes protein with structural features
T10 734-741 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes protein
T11 806-827 http://edamontology.org/topic_0616 denotes endoplasmic reticulum
T12 913-920 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes protein
T13 913-929 http://edamontology.org/topic_0741 denotes protein sequence
T14 913-929 http://edamontology.org/topic_3043 denotes protein sequence
T15 913-941 http://edamontology.org/topic_3543 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T16 913-941 http://edamontology.org/topic_0157 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T17 913-941 http://edamontology.org/topic_0639 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T18 913-941 http://edamontology.org/topic_3510 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T19 913-941 http://edamontology.org/topic_0623 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T20 921-929 http://edamontology.org/topic_0080 denotes sequence
T21 921-929 http://edamontology.org/topic_3168 denotes sequence
T22 933-941 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes proteins
T23 963-972 http://edamontology.org/topic_3489 denotes databases
T24 989-997 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes proteins


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 14-24 http://edamontology.org/data_3275 denotes phenotypic
T2 25-33 http://edamontology.org/operation_2945 denotes analysis
T3 61-76 http://edamontology.org/data_2790 denotes gene identifies
T4 61-76 http://edamontology.org/data_2127 denotes gene identifies
T5 61-76 http://edamontology.org/data_1035 denotes gene identifies
T6 61-76 http://edamontology.org/data_1025 denotes gene identifies
T7 61-76 http://edamontology.org/data_2749 denotes gene identifies
T8 66-76 http://edamontology.org/data_2611 denotes identifies
T9 66-76 http://edamontology.org/data_0842 denotes identifies
T10 516-525 http://edamontology.org/data_3275 denotes phenotype
T11 527-535 http://edamontology.org/data_2044 denotes Sequence
T12 527-535 http://edamontology.org/operation_3218 denotes Sequence
T13 527-544 http://edamontology.org/operation_0258 denotes Sequence analysis
T14 527-544 http://edamontology.org/operation_2408 denotes Sequence analysis
T15 527-544 http://edamontology.org/operation_2404 denotes Sequence analysis
T16 527-544 http://edamontology.org/operation_3197 denotes Sequence analysis
T17 527-544 http://edamontology.org/operation_2403 denotes Sequence analysis
T18 527-544 http://edamontology.org/operation_3229 denotes Sequence analysis
T19 536-544 http://edamontology.org/operation_2945 denotes analysis
T20 545-553 http://edamontology.org/operation_2423 denotes predicts
T21 597-604 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes protein
T22 597-604 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes protein
T23 597-620 http://edamontology.org/data_1460 denotes protein with structural
T24 610-620 http://edamontology.org/data_0883 denotes structural
T25 621-629 http://edamontology.org/data_1255 denotes features
T26 697-701 http://edamontology.org/data_0006 denotes data
T27 734-741 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes protein
T28 734-741 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes protein
T29 889-899 http://edamontology.org/operation_2424 denotes comparison
T30 913-920 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes protein
T31 913-920 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes protein
T32 913-929 http://edamontology.org/data_2974 denotes protein sequence
T33 913-929 http://edamontology.org/data_2976 denotes protein sequence
T34 913-929 http://edamontology.org/data_2071 denotes protein sequence
T35 913-941 http://edamontology.org/data_3085 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T36 913-941 http://edamontology.org/operation_2509 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T37 913-941 http://edamontology.org/data_2886 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T38 913-941 http://edamontology.org/data_0897 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T39 913-941 http://edamontology.org/data_1245 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T40 913-941 http://edamontology.org/operation_2479 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T41 913-941 http://edamontology.org/operation_0366 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T42 913-941 http://edamontology.org/operation_2516 denotes protein sequence to proteins
T43 921-929 http://edamontology.org/operation_3218 denotes sequence
T44 921-929 http://edamontology.org/data_2044 denotes sequence
T45 933-941 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes proteins
T46 933-941 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes proteins
T47 963-972 http://edamontology.org/data_0581 denotes databases
T48 963-983 http://edamontology.org/data_1062 denotes databases identified
T49 963-983 http://edamontology.org/data_1048 denotes databases identified
T50 973-983 http://edamontology.org/data_2611 denotes identified
T51 973-983 http://edamontology.org/data_0842 denotes identified
T52 989-997 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes proteins
T53 989-997 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes proteins
T54 1123-1130 http://edamontology.org/data_2619 denotes resides


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T1 61-65 Body_part denotes gene http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma74402
T2 203-219 Body_part denotes oligosaccharides http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma82742
T3 283-289 Body_part denotes sugars http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma82737
T4 326-339 Body_part denotes glycoproteins http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma62925
T5 393-409 Body_part denotes oligosaccharides http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma82742
T6 436-440 Body_part denotes gene http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma74402
T7 597-604 Body_part denotes protein http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257
T8 734-741 Body_part denotes protein http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257
T9 806-827 Body_part denotes endoplasmic reticulum http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma63842
T10 829-831 Body_part denotes ER http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma63842
T11 872-885 Body_part denotes Golgi complex http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma63843
T12 913-920 Body_part denotes protein http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257
T13 933-941 Body_part denotes proteins http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257
T14 989-997 Body_part denotes proteins http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257
T15 1138-1151 Body_part denotes Golgi complex http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma63843
T16 1314-1319 Body_part denotes sugar http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma82737


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T0 0-9 JJ denotes Molecular
EnjuParser_T1 10-13 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T2 14-24 JJ denotes phenotypic
EnjuParser_T3 25-33 NN denotes analysis
EnjuParser_T4 34-36 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T5 37-40 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T6 41-43 FW denotes S.
EnjuParser_T7 44-54 FW denotes cerevisiae
EnjuParser_T8 55-60 NN denotes MNN10
EnjuParser_T9 61-65 NN denotes gene
EnjuParser_T10 66-76 VBZ denotes identifies
EnjuParser_T11 77-78 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T12 79-85 NN denotes family
EnjuParser_T13 86-88 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T14 89-96 JJ denotes related
EnjuParser_T15 97-117 NNS denotes glycosyltransferases
EnjuParser_T16 119-122 DT denotes The
EnjuParser_T17 123-136 NNP denotes Saccharomyces
EnjuParser_T18 137-147 NNP denotes cerevisiae
EnjuParser_T19 148-153 NN denotes mnn10
EnjuParser_T20 154-160 NN denotes mutant
EnjuParser_T21 161-163 VBZ denotes is
EnjuParser_T22 164-173 JJ denotes defective
EnjuParser_T23 174-176 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T24 177-180 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T25 181-190 NN denotes synthesis
EnjuParser_T26 191-193 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T27 194-202 JJ denotes N-linked
EnjuParser_T28 203-219 NNS denotes oligosaccharides
EnjuParser_T29 220-221 -LRB- denotes (
EnjuParser_T30 221-227 NNP denotes Ballou
EnjuParser_T31 228-230 FW denotes et
EnjuParser_T32 231-234 FW denotes al.
EnjuParser_T33 234-235 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T34 236-240 CD denotes 1989
EnjuParser_T35 240-241 -RRB- denotes )
EnjuParser_T36 243-247 DT denotes This
EnjuParser_T37 248-256 NN denotes mutation
EnjuParser_T38 257-260 VBZ denotes has
EnjuParser_T39 261-263 DT denotes no
EnjuParser_T40 264-270 NN denotes effect
EnjuParser_T41 271-273 IN denotes on
EnjuParser_T42 274-282 JJ denotes O-linked
EnjuParser_T43 283-289 NNS denotes sugars
EnjuParser_T44 289-290 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T45 291-294 CC denotes but
EnjuParser_T46 295-302 VBZ denotes results
EnjuParser_T47 303-305 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T48 306-309 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T49 310-322 NN denotes accumulation
EnjuParser_T50 323-325 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T51 326-339 NNS denotes glycoproteins
EnjuParser_T52 340-344 WDT denotes that
EnjuParser_T53 345-352 VBP denotes contain
EnjuParser_T54 353-361 RB denotes severely
EnjuParser_T55 362-371 VBN denotes truncated
EnjuParser_T56 372-380 JJ denotes N-linked
EnjuParser_T57 381-392 JJ denotes outer-chain
EnjuParser_T58 393-409 NNS denotes oligosaccharides
EnjuParser_T59 411-413 PRP denotes We
EnjuParser_T60 414-418 VBP denotes have
EnjuParser_T61 419-425 VBN denotes cloned
EnjuParser_T62 426-429 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T63 430-435 NN denotes MNN10
EnjuParser_T64 436-440 NN denotes gene
EnjuParser_T65 441-443 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T66 444-459 NN denotes complementation
EnjuParser_T67 460-462 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T68 463-466 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T69 467-477 NN denotes hygromycin
EnjuParser_T70 478-479 NN denotes B
EnjuParser_T71 480-491 NN denotes sensitivity
EnjuParser_T72 492-501 VBN denotes conferred
EnjuParser_T73 502-504 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T74 505-508 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T75 509-515 JJ denotes mutant
EnjuParser_T76 516-525 NN denotes phenotype
EnjuParser_T77 527-535 NN denotes Sequence
EnjuParser_T78 536-544 NN denotes analysis
EnjuParser_T79 545-553 VBZ denotes predicts
EnjuParser_T80 554-558 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T81 559-565 NN denotes Mnn10p
EnjuParser_T82 566-568 VBZ denotes is
EnjuParser_T83 569-570 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T84 571-575 CD denotes 46.7
EnjuParser_T85 576-579 NN denotes kDa
EnjuParser_T86 580-584 NN denotes type
EnjuParser_T87 585-587 CD denotes II
EnjuParser_T88 588-596 NN denotes membrane
EnjuParser_T89 597-604 NN denotes protein
EnjuParser_T90 605-609 IN denotes with
EnjuParser_T91 610-620 JJ denotes structural
EnjuParser_T92 621-629 NNS denotes features
EnjuParser_T93 630-644 JJ denotes characteristic
EnjuParser_T94 645-647 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T95 648-649 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T96 650-669 NN denotes glycosyltransferase
EnjuParser_T97 671-682 JJ denotes Subcellular
EnjuParser_T98 683-696 NN denotes fractionation
EnjuParser_T99 697-701 NNS denotes data
EnjuParser_T100 702-710 VBP denotes indicate
EnjuParser_T101 711-715 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T102 716-720 JJS denotes most
EnjuParser_T103 721-723 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T104 724-727 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T105 728-733 NN denotes Mnn10
EnjuParser_T106 734-741 NN denotes protein
EnjuParser_T107 742-756 VBZ denotes cofractionates
EnjuParser_T108 757-761 IN denotes with
EnjuParser_T109 762-767 NNP denotes Golgi
EnjuParser_T110 768-775 NNS denotes markers
EnjuParser_T111 776-779 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T112 780-784 RB denotes away
EnjuParser_T113 785-789 IN denotes from
EnjuParser_T114 790-797 NNS denotes markers
EnjuParser_T115 798-801 IN denotes for
EnjuParser_T116 802-805 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T117 806-817 JJ denotes endoplasmic
EnjuParser_T118 818-827 NN denotes reticulum
EnjuParser_T119 828-829 -LRB- denotes (
EnjuParser_T120 829-831 NN denotes ER
EnjuParser_T121 831-832 -RRB- denotes )
EnjuParser_T122 832-833 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T123 834-844 VBG denotes suggesting
EnjuParser_T124 845-851 NN denotes Mnn10p
EnjuParser_T125 852-854 VBZ denotes is
EnjuParser_T126 855-864 JJ denotes localized
EnjuParser_T127 865-867 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T128 868-871 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T129 872-877 NNP denotes Golgi
EnjuParser_T130 878-885 NN denotes complex
EnjuParser_T131 887-888 DT denotes A
EnjuParser_T132 889-899 NN denotes comparison
EnjuParser_T133 900-902 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T134 903-906 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T135 907-912 NN denotes Mnn10
EnjuParser_T136 913-920 NN denotes protein
EnjuParser_T137 921-929 NN denotes sequence
EnjuParser_T138 930-932 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T139 933-941 NNS denotes proteins
EnjuParser_T140 942-944 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T141 945-948 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T142 949-952 CD denotes two
EnjuParser_T143 953-962 JJ denotes different
EnjuParser_T144 963-972 NNS denotes databases
EnjuParser_T145 973-983 VBD denotes identified
EnjuParser_T146 984-988 CD denotes five
EnjuParser_T147 989-997 NNS denotes proteins
EnjuParser_T148 998-1002 WDT denotes that
EnjuParser_T149 1003-1006 VBP denotes are
EnjuParser_T150 1007-1017 JJ denotes homologous
EnjuParser_T151 1018-1020 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T152 1021-1027 NN denotes Mnn10p
EnjuParser_T153 1027-1028 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T154 1029-1038 VBG denotes including
EnjuParser_T155 1039-1040 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T156 1041-1045 RB denotes well
EnjuParser_T157 1046-1059 VBN denotes characterized
EnjuParser_T158 1060-1079 FW denotes Schizosaccharomyces
EnjuParser_T159 1080-1085 FW denotes pombe
EnjuParser_T160 1086-1091 NN denotes alpha
EnjuParser_T161 1092-1095 NN denotes 1,2
EnjuParser_T162 1096-1117 NN denotes galactosyltransferase
EnjuParser_T163 1118-1122 WDT denotes that
EnjuParser_T164 1123-1130 VBZ denotes resides
EnjuParser_T165 1131-1133 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T166 1134-1137 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T167 1138-1143 NNP denotes Golgi
EnjuParser_T168 1144-1151 NN denotes complex
EnjuParser_T169 1153-1158 VBN denotes Taken
EnjuParser_T170 1159-1167 RB denotes together
EnjuParser_T171 1167-1168 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T172 1169-1174 DT denotes these
EnjuParser_T173 1175-1182 NNS denotes results
EnjuParser_T174 1183-1190 VBP denotes suggest
EnjuParser_T175 1191-1195 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T176 1196-1201 NN denotes MNN10
EnjuParser_T177 1202-1209 VBZ denotes encodes
EnjuParser_T178 1210-1211 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T179 1212-1217 JJ denotes novel
EnjuParser_T180 1218-1233 JJ denotes Golgi-localized
EnjuParser_T181 1234-1253 NN denotes mannosyltransferase
EnjuParser_T182 1254-1263 VBN denotes contained
EnjuParser_T183 1264-1266 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T184 1267-1271 DT denotes this
EnjuParser_T185 1272-1282 RB denotes previously
EnjuParser_T186 1283-1295 JJ denotes unrecognized
EnjuParser_T187 1296-1302 NN denotes family
EnjuParser_T188 1303-1305 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T189 1306-1313 JJ denotes related
EnjuParser_T190 1314-1319 NN denotes sugar
EnjuParser_T191 1320-1332 NNS denotes transferases
EnjuParser_R0 EnjuParser_T3 EnjuParser_T0 arg1Of analysis,Molecular
EnjuParser_R1 EnjuParser_T0 EnjuParser_T1 arg1Of Molecular,and
EnjuParser_R2 EnjuParser_T2 EnjuParser_T1 arg2Of phenotypic,and
EnjuParser_R3 EnjuParser_T3 EnjuParser_T2 arg1Of analysis,phenotypic
EnjuParser_R4 EnjuParser_T3 EnjuParser_T4 arg1Of analysis,of
EnjuParser_R5 EnjuParser_T9 EnjuParser_T4 arg2Of gene,of
EnjuParser_R6 EnjuParser_T9 EnjuParser_T5 arg1Of gene,the
EnjuParser_R7 EnjuParser_T9 EnjuParser_T6 arg1Of gene,S.
EnjuParser_R8 EnjuParser_T9 EnjuParser_T7 arg1Of gene,cerevisiae
EnjuParser_R9 EnjuParser_T9 EnjuParser_T8 arg1Of gene,MNN10
EnjuParser_R10 EnjuParser_T3 EnjuParser_T10 arg1Of analysis,identifies
EnjuParser_R11 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T10 arg2Of family,identifies
EnjuParser_R12 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T11 arg1Of family,a
EnjuParser_R13 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T13 arg1Of family,of
EnjuParser_R14 EnjuParser_T15 EnjuParser_T13 arg2Of glycosyltransferases,of
EnjuParser_R15 EnjuParser_T15 EnjuParser_T14 arg1Of glycosyltransferases,related
EnjuParser_R16 EnjuParser_T20 EnjuParser_T16 arg1Of mutant,The
EnjuParser_R17 EnjuParser_T18 EnjuParser_T17 arg1Of cerevisiae,Saccharomyces
EnjuParser_R18 EnjuParser_T20 EnjuParser_T18 arg1Of mutant,cerevisiae
EnjuParser_R19 EnjuParser_T20 EnjuParser_T19 arg1Of mutant,mnn10
EnjuParser_R20 EnjuParser_T20 EnjuParser_T21 arg1Of mutant,is
EnjuParser_R21 EnjuParser_T22 EnjuParser_T21 arg2Of defective,is
EnjuParser_R22 EnjuParser_T20 EnjuParser_T22 arg1Of mutant,defective
EnjuParser_R23 EnjuParser_T22 EnjuParser_T23 arg1Of defective,in
EnjuParser_R24 EnjuParser_T25 EnjuParser_T23 arg2Of synthesis,in
EnjuParser_R25 EnjuParser_T25 EnjuParser_T24 arg1Of synthesis,the
EnjuParser_R26 EnjuParser_T25 EnjuParser_T26 arg1Of synthesis,of
EnjuParser_R27 EnjuParser_T28 EnjuParser_T26 arg2Of oligosaccharides,of
EnjuParser_R28 EnjuParser_T28 EnjuParser_T27 arg1Of oligosaccharides,N-linked
EnjuParser_R29 EnjuParser_T28 EnjuParser_T29 arg1Of oligosaccharides,(
EnjuParser_R30 EnjuParser_T30 EnjuParser_T29 arg2Of Ballou,(
EnjuParser_R31 EnjuParser_T35 EnjuParser_T29 arg3Of ),(
EnjuParser_R32 EnjuParser_T30 EnjuParser_T31 arg1Of Ballou,et
EnjuParser_R33 EnjuParser_T30 EnjuParser_T32 arg1Of Ballou,al.
EnjuParser_R34 EnjuParser_T30 EnjuParser_T33 arg1Of Ballou,","
EnjuParser_R35 EnjuParser_T34 EnjuParser_T33 arg2Of 1989,","
EnjuParser_R36 EnjuParser_T37 EnjuParser_T36 arg1Of mutation,This
EnjuParser_R37 EnjuParser_T37 EnjuParser_T38 arg1Of mutation,has
EnjuParser_R38 EnjuParser_T40 EnjuParser_T38 arg2Of effect,has
EnjuParser_R39 EnjuParser_T40 EnjuParser_T39 arg1Of effect,no
EnjuParser_R40 EnjuParser_T38 EnjuParser_T41 arg1Of has,on
EnjuParser_R41 EnjuParser_T43 EnjuParser_T41 arg2Of sugars,on
EnjuParser_R42 EnjuParser_T43 EnjuParser_T42 arg1Of sugars,O-linked
EnjuParser_R43 EnjuParser_T45 EnjuParser_T44 arg1Of but,","
EnjuParser_R44 EnjuParser_T38 EnjuParser_T45 arg1Of has,but
EnjuParser_R45 EnjuParser_T46 EnjuParser_T45 arg2Of results,but
EnjuParser_R46 EnjuParser_T37 EnjuParser_T46 arg1Of mutation,results
EnjuParser_R47 EnjuParser_T46 EnjuParser_T47 arg1Of results,in
EnjuParser_R48 EnjuParser_T49 EnjuParser_T47 arg2Of accumulation,in
EnjuParser_R49 EnjuParser_T49 EnjuParser_T48 arg1Of accumulation,the
EnjuParser_R50 EnjuParser_T49 EnjuParser_T50 arg1Of accumulation,of
EnjuParser_R51 EnjuParser_T51 EnjuParser_T50 arg2Of glycoproteins,of
EnjuParser_R52 EnjuParser_T51 EnjuParser_T52 arg1Of glycoproteins,that
EnjuParser_R53 EnjuParser_T51 EnjuParser_T53 arg1Of glycoproteins,contain
EnjuParser_R54 EnjuParser_T58 EnjuParser_T53 arg2Of oligosaccharides,contain
EnjuParser_R55 EnjuParser_T53 EnjuParser_T54 arg1Of contain,severely
EnjuParser_R56 EnjuParser_T58 EnjuParser_T55 arg2Of oligosaccharides,truncated
EnjuParser_R57 EnjuParser_T58 EnjuParser_T56 arg1Of oligosaccharides,N-linked
EnjuParser_R58 EnjuParser_T58 EnjuParser_T57 arg1Of oligosaccharides,outer-chain
EnjuParser_R59 EnjuParser_T59 EnjuParser_T60 arg1Of We,have
EnjuParser_R60 EnjuParser_T61 EnjuParser_T60 arg2Of cloned,have
EnjuParser_R61 EnjuParser_T59 EnjuParser_T61 arg1Of We,cloned
EnjuParser_R62 EnjuParser_T64 EnjuParser_T61 arg2Of gene,cloned
EnjuParser_R63 EnjuParser_T64 EnjuParser_T62 arg1Of gene,the
EnjuParser_R64 EnjuParser_T64 EnjuParser_T63 arg1Of gene,MNN10
EnjuParser_R65 EnjuParser_T64 EnjuParser_T65 arg1Of gene,by
EnjuParser_R66 EnjuParser_T66 EnjuParser_T65 arg2Of complementation,by
EnjuParser_R67 EnjuParser_T66 EnjuParser_T67 arg1Of complementation,of
EnjuParser_R68 EnjuParser_T71 EnjuParser_T67 arg2Of sensitivity,of
EnjuParser_R69 EnjuParser_T71 EnjuParser_T68 arg1Of sensitivity,the
EnjuParser_R70 EnjuParser_T71 EnjuParser_T69 arg1Of sensitivity,hygromycin
EnjuParser_R71 EnjuParser_T71 EnjuParser_T70 arg1Of sensitivity,B
EnjuParser_R72 EnjuParser_T76 EnjuParser_T72 arg1Of phenotype,conferred
EnjuParser_R73 EnjuParser_T71 EnjuParser_T72 arg2Of sensitivity,conferred
EnjuParser_R74 EnjuParser_T76 EnjuParser_T73 arg2Of phenotype,by
EnjuParser_R75 EnjuParser_T76 EnjuParser_T74 arg1Of phenotype,the
EnjuParser_R76 EnjuParser_T76 EnjuParser_T75 arg1Of phenotype,mutant
EnjuParser_R77 EnjuParser_T78 EnjuParser_T77 arg1Of analysis,Sequence
EnjuParser_R78 EnjuParser_T78 EnjuParser_T79 arg1Of analysis,predicts
EnjuParser_R79 EnjuParser_T82 EnjuParser_T79 arg2Of is,predicts
EnjuParser_R80 EnjuParser_T82 EnjuParser_T80 arg1Of is,that
EnjuParser_R81 EnjuParser_T81 EnjuParser_T82 arg1Of Mnn10p,is
EnjuParser_R82 EnjuParser_T89 EnjuParser_T82 arg2Of protein,is
EnjuParser_R83 EnjuParser_T89 EnjuParser_T83 arg1Of protein,a
EnjuParser_R84 EnjuParser_T89 EnjuParser_T84 arg1Of protein,46.7
EnjuParser_R85 EnjuParser_T89 EnjuParser_T85 arg1Of protein,kDa
EnjuParser_R86 EnjuParser_T89 EnjuParser_T86 arg1Of protein,type
EnjuParser_R87 EnjuParser_T89 EnjuParser_T87 arg1Of protein,II
EnjuParser_R88 EnjuParser_T89 EnjuParser_T88 arg1Of protein,membrane
EnjuParser_R89 EnjuParser_T89 EnjuParser_T90 arg1Of protein,with
EnjuParser_R90 EnjuParser_T92 EnjuParser_T90 arg2Of features,with
EnjuParser_R91 EnjuParser_T92 EnjuParser_T91 arg1Of features,structural
EnjuParser_R92 EnjuParser_T92 EnjuParser_T93 arg1Of features,characteristic
EnjuParser_R93 EnjuParser_T93 EnjuParser_T94 arg1Of characteristic,of
EnjuParser_R94 EnjuParser_T96 EnjuParser_T94 arg2Of glycosyltransferase,of
EnjuParser_R95 EnjuParser_T96 EnjuParser_T95 arg1Of glycosyltransferase,a
EnjuParser_R96 EnjuParser_T99 EnjuParser_T97 arg1Of data,Subcellular
EnjuParser_R97 EnjuParser_T99 EnjuParser_T98 arg1Of data,fractionation
EnjuParser_R98 EnjuParser_T99 EnjuParser_T100 arg1Of data,indicate
EnjuParser_R99 EnjuParser_T107 EnjuParser_T100 arg2Of cofractionates,indicate
EnjuParser_R100 EnjuParser_T107 EnjuParser_T101 arg1Of cofractionates,that
EnjuParser_R101 EnjuParser_T102 EnjuParser_T103 arg1Of most,of
EnjuParser_R102 EnjuParser_T106 EnjuParser_T103 arg2Of protein,of
EnjuParser_R103 EnjuParser_T106 EnjuParser_T104 arg1Of protein,the
EnjuParser_R104 EnjuParser_T106 EnjuParser_T105 arg1Of protein,Mnn10
EnjuParser_R105 EnjuParser_T102 EnjuParser_T107 arg1Of most,cofractionates
EnjuParser_R106 EnjuParser_T107 EnjuParser_T108 arg1Of cofractionates,with
EnjuParser_R107 EnjuParser_T110 EnjuParser_T108 arg2Of markers,with
EnjuParser_R108 EnjuParser_T110 EnjuParser_T109 arg1Of markers,Golgi
EnjuParser_R109 EnjuParser_T108 EnjuParser_T111 arg1Of with,and
EnjuParser_R110 EnjuParser_T113 EnjuParser_T111 arg2Of from,and
EnjuParser_R111 EnjuParser_T113 EnjuParser_T112 arg1Of from,away
EnjuParser_R112 EnjuParser_T107 EnjuParser_T113 arg1Of cofractionates,from
EnjuParser_R113 EnjuParser_T114 EnjuParser_T113 arg2Of markers,from
EnjuParser_R114 EnjuParser_T114 EnjuParser_T115 arg1Of markers,for
EnjuParser_R115 EnjuParser_T118 EnjuParser_T115 arg2Of reticulum,for
EnjuParser_R116 EnjuParser_T118 EnjuParser_T116 arg1Of reticulum,the
EnjuParser_R117 EnjuParser_T118 EnjuParser_T117 arg1Of reticulum,endoplasmic
EnjuParser_R118 EnjuParser_T118 EnjuParser_T119 arg1Of reticulum,(
EnjuParser_R119 EnjuParser_T120 EnjuParser_T119 arg2Of ER,(
EnjuParser_R120 EnjuParser_T121 EnjuParser_T119 arg3Of ),(
EnjuParser_R121 EnjuParser_T107 EnjuParser_T122 arg1Of cofractionates,","
EnjuParser_R122 EnjuParser_T102 EnjuParser_T123 arg1Of most,suggesting
EnjuParser_R123 EnjuParser_T125 EnjuParser_T123 arg2Of is,suggesting
EnjuParser_R124 EnjuParser_T107 EnjuParser_T123 modOf cofractionates,suggesting
EnjuParser_R125 EnjuParser_T124 EnjuParser_T125 arg1Of Mnn10p,is
EnjuParser_R126 EnjuParser_T126 EnjuParser_T125 arg2Of localized,is
EnjuParser_R127 EnjuParser_T124 EnjuParser_T126 arg1Of Mnn10p,localized
EnjuParser_R128 EnjuParser_T126 EnjuParser_T127 arg1Of localized,to
EnjuParser_R129 EnjuParser_T130 EnjuParser_T127 arg2Of complex,to
EnjuParser_R130 EnjuParser_T130 EnjuParser_T128 arg1Of complex,the
EnjuParser_R131 EnjuParser_T130 EnjuParser_T129 arg1Of complex,Golgi
EnjuParser_R132 EnjuParser_T132 EnjuParser_T131 arg1Of comparison,A
EnjuParser_R133 EnjuParser_T132 EnjuParser_T133 arg1Of comparison,of
EnjuParser_R134 EnjuParser_T137 EnjuParser_T133 arg2Of sequence,of
EnjuParser_R135 EnjuParser_T137 EnjuParser_T134 arg1Of sequence,the
EnjuParser_R136 EnjuParser_T137 EnjuParser_T135 arg1Of sequence,Mnn10
EnjuParser_R137 EnjuParser_T137 EnjuParser_T136 arg1Of sequence,protein
EnjuParser_R138 EnjuParser_T132 EnjuParser_T138 arg1Of comparison,to
EnjuParser_R139 EnjuParser_T139 EnjuParser_T138 arg2Of proteins,to
EnjuParser_R140 EnjuParser_T132 EnjuParser_T140 arg1Of comparison,in
EnjuParser_R141 EnjuParser_T144 EnjuParser_T140 arg2Of databases,in
EnjuParser_R142 EnjuParser_T144 EnjuParser_T141 arg1Of databases,the
EnjuParser_R143 EnjuParser_T144 EnjuParser_T142 arg1Of databases,two
EnjuParser_R144 EnjuParser_T144 EnjuParser_T143 arg1Of databases,different
EnjuParser_R145 EnjuParser_T132 EnjuParser_T145 arg1Of comparison,identified
EnjuParser_R146 EnjuParser_T147 EnjuParser_T145 arg2Of proteins,identified
EnjuParser_R147 EnjuParser_T147 EnjuParser_T146 arg1Of proteins,five
EnjuParser_R148 EnjuParser_T147 EnjuParser_T148 arg1Of proteins,that
EnjuParser_R149 EnjuParser_T147 EnjuParser_T149 arg1Of proteins,are
EnjuParser_R150 EnjuParser_T150 EnjuParser_T149 arg2Of homologous,are
EnjuParser_R151 EnjuParser_T147 EnjuParser_T150 arg1Of proteins,homologous
EnjuParser_R152 EnjuParser_T150 EnjuParser_T151 arg1Of homologous,to
EnjuParser_R153 EnjuParser_T152 EnjuParser_T151 arg2Of Mnn10p,to
EnjuParser_R154 EnjuParser_T152 EnjuParser_T153 arg1Of Mnn10p,","
EnjuParser_R155 EnjuParser_T152 EnjuParser_T154 arg1Of Mnn10p,including
EnjuParser_R156 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T154 arg2Of galactosyltransferase,including
EnjuParser_R157 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T155 arg1Of galactosyltransferase,a
EnjuParser_R158 EnjuParser_T157 EnjuParser_T156 arg1Of characterized,well
EnjuParser_R159 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T157 arg1Of galactosyltransferase,characterized
EnjuParser_R160 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T158 arg1Of galactosyltransferase,Schizosaccharomyces
EnjuParser_R161 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T159 arg1Of galactosyltransferase,pombe
EnjuParser_R162 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T160 arg1Of galactosyltransferase,alpha
EnjuParser_R163 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T161 arg1Of galactosyltransferase,"1,2"
EnjuParser_R164 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T163 arg1Of galactosyltransferase,that
EnjuParser_R165 EnjuParser_T162 EnjuParser_T164 arg1Of galactosyltransferase,resides
EnjuParser_R166 EnjuParser_T164 EnjuParser_T165 arg1Of resides,in
EnjuParser_R167 EnjuParser_T168 EnjuParser_T165 arg2Of complex,in
EnjuParser_R168 EnjuParser_T168 EnjuParser_T166 arg1Of complex,the
EnjuParser_R169 EnjuParser_T168 EnjuParser_T167 arg1Of complex,Golgi
EnjuParser_R170 EnjuParser_T174 EnjuParser_T169 modOf suggest,Taken
EnjuParser_R171 EnjuParser_T169 EnjuParser_T170 arg1Of Taken,together
EnjuParser_R172 EnjuParser_T174 EnjuParser_T171 arg1Of suggest,","
EnjuParser_R173 EnjuParser_T173 EnjuParser_T172 arg1Of results,these
EnjuParser_R174 EnjuParser_T173 EnjuParser_T174 arg1Of results,suggest
EnjuParser_R175 EnjuParser_T177 EnjuParser_T174 arg2Of encodes,suggest
EnjuParser_R176 EnjuParser_T177 EnjuParser_T175 arg1Of encodes,that
EnjuParser_R177 EnjuParser_T176 EnjuParser_T177 arg1Of MNN10,encodes
EnjuParser_R178 EnjuParser_T181 EnjuParser_T177 arg2Of mannosyltransferase,encodes
EnjuParser_R179 EnjuParser_T181 EnjuParser_T178 arg1Of mannosyltransferase,a
EnjuParser_R180 EnjuParser_T181 EnjuParser_T179 arg1Of mannosyltransferase,novel
EnjuParser_R181 EnjuParser_T181 EnjuParser_T180 arg1Of mannosyltransferase,Golgi-localized
EnjuParser_R182 EnjuParser_T181 EnjuParser_T182 arg2Of mannosyltransferase,contained
EnjuParser_R183 EnjuParser_T182 EnjuParser_T183 arg1Of contained,in
EnjuParser_R184 EnjuParser_T187 EnjuParser_T183 arg2Of family,in
EnjuParser_R185 EnjuParser_T187 EnjuParser_T184 arg1Of family,this
EnjuParser_R186 EnjuParser_T186 EnjuParser_T185 arg1Of unrecognized,previously
EnjuParser_R187 EnjuParser_T187 EnjuParser_T186 arg1Of family,unrecognized
EnjuParser_R188 EnjuParser_T187 EnjuParser_T188 arg1Of family,of
EnjuParser_R189 EnjuParser_T191 EnjuParser_T188 arg2Of transferases,of
EnjuParser_R190 EnjuParser_T191 EnjuParser_T189 arg1Of transferases,related
EnjuParser_R191 EnjuParser_T191 EnjuParser_T190 arg1Of transferases,sugar


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T1 829-831 http://purl.uniprot.org/uniprot/P03372 denotes ER
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T2 829-831 http://purl.uniprot.org/uniprot/P16058 denotes ER
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T3 829-831 http://purl.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9YHZ7 denotes ER
PD-GlycoProteins-B_T4 1234-1253 https://acgg.asia/db/gpdb/id/GPDB0000192 denotes mannosyltransferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T1 0-118 Sentence denotes Molecular and phenotypic analysis of the S. cerevisiae MNN10 gene identifies a family of related glycosyltransferases.
TextSentencer_T2 119-242 Sentence denotes The Saccharomyces cerevisiae mnn10 mutant is defective in the synthesis of N-linked oligosaccharides (Ballou et al., 1989).
TextSentencer_T3 243-410 Sentence denotes This mutation has no effect on O-linked sugars, but results in the accumulation of glycoproteins that contain severely truncated N-linked outer-chain oligosaccharides.
TextSentencer_T4 411-526 Sentence denotes We have cloned the MNN10 gene by complementation of the hygromycin B sensitivity conferred by the mutant phenotype.
TextSentencer_T5 527-670 Sentence denotes Sequence analysis predicts that Mnn10p is a 46.7 kDa type II membrane protein with structural features characteristic of a glycosyltransferase.
TextSentencer_T6 671-886 Sentence denotes Subcellular fractionation data indicate that most of the Mnn10 protein cofractionates with Golgi markers and away from markers for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), suggesting Mnn10p is localized to the Golgi complex.
TextSentencer_T7 887-1152 Sentence denotes A comparison of the Mnn10 protein sequence to proteins in the two different databases identified five proteins that are homologous to Mnn10p, including a well characterized Schizosaccharomyces pombe alpha 1,2 galactosyltransferase that resides in the Golgi complex.
TextSentencer_T8 1153-1333 Sentence denotes Taken together, these results suggest that MNN10 encodes a novel Golgi-localized mannosyltransferase contained in this previously unrecognized family of related sugar transferases.
T1 0-118 Sentence denotes Molecular and phenotypic analysis of the S. cerevisiae MNN10 gene identifies a family of related glycosyltransferases.
T2 119-242 Sentence denotes The Saccharomyces cerevisiae mnn10 mutant is defective in the synthesis of N-linked oligosaccharides (Ballou et al., 1989).
T3 243-410 Sentence denotes This mutation has no effect on O-linked sugars, but results in the accumulation of glycoproteins that contain severely truncated N-linked outer-chain oligosaccharides.
T4 411-526 Sentence denotes We have cloned the MNN10 gene by complementation of the hygromycin B sensitivity conferred by the mutant phenotype.
T5 527-670 Sentence denotes Sequence analysis predicts that Mnn10p is a 46.7 kDa type II membrane protein with structural features characteristic of a glycosyltransferase.
T6 671-886 Sentence denotes Subcellular fractionation data indicate that most of the Mnn10 protein cofractionates with Golgi markers and away from markers for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), suggesting Mnn10p is localized to the Golgi complex.
T7 887-1152 Sentence denotes A comparison of the Mnn10 protein sequence to proteins in the two different databases identified five proteins that are homologous to Mnn10p, including a well characterized Schizosaccharomyces pombe alpha 1,2 galactosyltransferase that resides in the Golgi complex.
T8 1153-1333 Sentence denotes Taken together, these results suggest that MNN10 encodes a novel Golgi-localized mannosyltransferase contained in this previously unrecognized family of related sugar transferases.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
GlycanIUPAC_T1 283-289 "http://rdf.glycoinfo.org/glycan/G59665TO" denotes sugars
GlycanIUPAC_T2 1314-1319 "http://rdf.glycoinfo.org/glycan/G59665TO" denotes sugar
GlycanIUPAC_T3 283-289 "http://rdf.glycoinfo.org/glycan/G32915EI" denotes sugars
GlycanIUPAC_T4 1314-1319 "http://rdf.glycoinfo.org/glycan/G32915EI" denotes sugar
GlycanIUPAC_T5 283-289 "http://rdf.glycoinfo.org/glycan/G60625TS" denotes sugars
GlycanIUPAC_T6 1314-1319 "http://rdf.glycoinfo.org/glycan/G60625TS" denotes sugar


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
Lectin_T1 231-233 https://acgg.asia/db/lfdb/LfDB0344 denotes al


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue db_id
T1 41-54 OrganismTaxon denotes S. cerevisiae 4932
T2 123-147 OrganismTaxon denotes Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4932
T3 1060-1085 OrganismTaxon denotes Schizosaccharomyces pombe 4896


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue uberon_id
T1 588-596 Body_part denotes membrane http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016020|http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000094|http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000158
T4 762-767 Body_part denotes Golgi http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794
T5 818-827 Body_part denotes reticulum http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0007361
T6 872-885 Body_part denotes Golgi complex http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794
T7 1138-1151 Body_part denotes Golgi complex http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794
T8 1218-1223 Body_part denotes Golgi http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794