PubMed:32134681 / 1312-1391 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T220 0-8 JJ denotes Multiple
EnjuParser_T221 9-16 NNS denotes lesions
EnjuParser_T222 17-21 VBD denotes were
EnjuParser_T223 22-26 VBN denotes seen
EnjuParser_T224 27-29 IN denotes on
EnjuParser_T225 30-33 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T226 34-41 JJ denotes initial
EnjuParser_T227 42-44 NN denotes CT
EnjuParser_T228 45-49 NN denotes scan
EnjuParser_T229 50-52 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T230 53-55 CD denotes 52
EnjuParser_T231 56-58 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T232 59-61 CD denotes 62
EnjuParser_T233 62-70 NNS denotes patients
EnjuParser_T234 71-72 -LRB- denotes (
EnjuParser_T235 72-76 CD denotes 83.9
EnjuParser_T236 76-77 NN denotes %
EnjuParser_T237 77-78 -RRB- denotes )
EnjuParser_R216 EnjuParser_T221 EnjuParser_T220 arg1Of lesions,Multiple
EnjuParser_R217 EnjuParser_T221 EnjuParser_T222 arg1Of lesions,were
EnjuParser_R218 EnjuParser_T223 EnjuParser_T222 arg2Of seen,were
EnjuParser_R219 EnjuParser_T221 EnjuParser_T223 arg2Of lesions,seen
EnjuParser_R220 EnjuParser_T223 EnjuParser_T224 arg1Of seen,on
EnjuParser_R221 EnjuParser_T228 EnjuParser_T224 arg2Of scan,on
EnjuParser_R222 EnjuParser_T228 EnjuParser_T225 arg1Of scan,the
EnjuParser_R223 EnjuParser_T228 EnjuParser_T226 arg1Of scan,initial
EnjuParser_R224 EnjuParser_T228 EnjuParser_T227 arg1Of scan,CT
EnjuParser_R225 EnjuParser_T228 EnjuParser_T229 arg1Of scan,of
EnjuParser_R226 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T229 arg2Of patients,of
EnjuParser_R227 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T230 arg1Of patients,52
EnjuParser_R228 EnjuParser_T230 EnjuParser_T231 arg1Of 52,of
EnjuParser_R229 EnjuParser_T232 EnjuParser_T231 arg2Of 62,of
EnjuParser_R230 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T234 arg1Of patients,(
EnjuParser_R231 EnjuParser_T236 EnjuParser_T234 arg2Of %,(
EnjuParser_R232 EnjuParser_T237 EnjuParser_T234 arg3Of ),(
EnjuParser_R233 EnjuParser_T236 EnjuParser_T235 arg1Of %,83.9


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13 0-79 DRI_Outcome denotes Multiple lesions were seen on the initial CT scan of 52 of 62 patients (83.9%).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 34-41 SO:0000014 denotes initial


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15 62-70 Species:9606 denotes patients


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T14 0-79 Sentence denotes Multiple lesions were seen on the initial CT scan of 52 of 62 patients (83.9%).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
tok254 0-8 NNP denotes Multiple
tok255 9-16 NNS denotes lesions
tok256 17-21 VBD denotes were
tok257 22-26 VBN denotes seen
tok258 27-29 IN denotes on
tok259 30-33 DT denotes the
tok260 34-41 JJ denotes initial
tok261 42-44 NNP denotes CT
tok262 45-49 VB denotes scan
tok263 50-52 IN denotes of
tok264 53-55 CD denotes 52
tok265 56-58 IN denotes of
tok266 59-61 CD denotes 62
tok267 62-70 NNS denotes patients
tok268 71-72 ( denotes (
tok269 72-74 CD denotes 83
tok270 74-75 . denotes .
tok271 75-76 CD denotes 9
tok272 76-77 NN denotes %
tok273 77-78 ) denotes )
tok274 78-79 . denotes .
lookup37 42-44 state denotes CT
lookup38 76-77 percent denotes %
event15 45-49 OCCURRENCE denotes scan
event25 22-26 PERCEPTION denotes seen


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15 53-55 denotes 52


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue tao:has_database_id
47 62-70 Species denotes patients Tax:9606


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14 0-79 Sentence denotes Multiple lesions were seen on the initial CT scan of 52 of 62 patients (83.9%).