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PubMed:32006656 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T0 0-3 DT denotes The
EnjuParser_T1 4-15 NN denotes association
EnjuParser_T2 16-23 IN denotes between
EnjuParser_T3 24-32 JJ denotes domestic
EnjuParser_T4 33-38 NN denotes train
EnjuParser_T5 39-53 NN denotes transportation
EnjuParser_T6 54-57 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T7 58-63 JJ denotes novel
EnjuParser_T8 64-75 NN denotes coronavirus
EnjuParser_T9 76-77 -LRB- denotes (
EnjuParser_T10 77-86 NN denotes 2019-nCoV
EnjuParser_T11 86-87 -RRB- denotes )
EnjuParser_T12 88-96 NN denotes outbreak
EnjuParser_T13 97-99 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T14 100-105 NNP denotes China
EnjuParser_T15 106-110 IN denotes from
EnjuParser_T16 111-115 CD denotes 2019
EnjuParser_T17 116-118 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T18 119-123 CD denotes 2020
EnjuParser_T19 123-124 -COLON- denotes :
EnjuParser_T20 125-126 DT denotes A
EnjuParser_T21 127-138 JJ denotes data-driven
EnjuParser_T22 139-152 JJ denotes correlational
EnjuParser_T23 153-159 NN denotes report
EnjuParser_R0 EnjuParser_T1 EnjuParser_T0 arg1Of association,The
EnjuParser_R1 EnjuParser_T1 EnjuParser_T2 arg1Of association,between
EnjuParser_R2 EnjuParser_T6 EnjuParser_T2 arg2Of and,between
EnjuParser_R3 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T3 arg1Of transportation,domestic
EnjuParser_R4 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T4 arg1Of transportation,train
EnjuParser_R5 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T6 arg1Of transportation,and
EnjuParser_R6 EnjuParser_T8 EnjuParser_T6 arg2Of coronavirus,and
EnjuParser_R7 EnjuParser_T8 EnjuParser_T7 arg1Of coronavirus,novel
EnjuParser_R8 EnjuParser_T8 EnjuParser_T9 arg1Of coronavirus,(
EnjuParser_R9 EnjuParser_T10 EnjuParser_T9 arg2Of 2019-nCoV,(
EnjuParser_R10 EnjuParser_T11 EnjuParser_T9 arg3Of ),(
EnjuParser_R11 EnjuParser_T6 EnjuParser_T12 arg1Of and,outbreak
EnjuParser_R12 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T13 arg1Of outbreak,in
EnjuParser_R13 EnjuParser_T14 EnjuParser_T13 arg2Of China,in
EnjuParser_R14 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T15 arg1Of outbreak,from
EnjuParser_R15 EnjuParser_T16 EnjuParser_T15 arg2Of 2019,from
EnjuParser_R16 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T17 arg1Of outbreak,to
EnjuParser_R17 EnjuParser_T18 EnjuParser_T17 arg2Of 2020,to
EnjuParser_R18 EnjuParser_T18 EnjuParser_T19 arg1Of 2020,:
EnjuParser_R19 EnjuParser_T23 EnjuParser_T20 arg1Of report,A
EnjuParser_R20 EnjuParser_T23 EnjuParser_T21 arg1Of report,data-driven
EnjuParser_R21 EnjuParser_T23 EnjuParser_T22 arg1Of report,correlational
EnjuParser_R22 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T23 arg1Of outbreak,report


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-160 DRI_Background denotes The association between domestic train transportation and novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in China from 2019 to 2020: A data-driven correlational report.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 64-75 NCBITaxon:11118 denotes coronavirus
T2 77-86 SP_7 denotes 2019-nCoV


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T1 0-124 Sentence denotes The association between domestic train transportation and novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in China from 2019 to 2020:
TextSentencer_T2 125-160 Sentence denotes A data-driven correlational report.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
tok1 0-3 DT denotes The
tok2 4-15 NN denotes association
tok3 16-23 IN denotes between
tok4 24-32 JJ denotes domestic
tok5 33-38 NN denotes train
tok6 39-53 NN denotes transportation
tok7 54-57 CC denotes and
tok8 58-63 NN denotes novel
tok9 64-75 JJ denotes coronavirus
tok10 76-77 ( denotes (
tok11 77-81 CD denotes 2019
tok12 81-82 : denotes -
tok13 82-86 NN denotes nCoV
tok14 86-87 ) denotes )
tok15 88-96 NN denotes outbreak
tok16 97-99 IN denotes in
tok17 100-105 NNP denotes China
tok18 106-110 IN denotes from
tok19 111-115 CD denotes 2019
tok20 116-118 TO denotes to
tok21 119-123 CD denotes 2020
tok22 123-124 : denotes :
tok23 125-126 DT denotes A
tok24 127-138 JJ denotes data-driven
tok25 139-152 NN denotes correlational
tok26 153-159 NN denotes report
tok27 159-160 . denotes .
lookup1 24-32 jobtitle denotes domestic
lookup2 77-81 year denotes 2019
lookup3 97-99 country_code denotes in
lookup4 100-105 location denotes China
lookup5 111-115 year denotes 2019
lookup6 116-118 country_code denotes to
lookup7 119-123 year denotes 2020