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PubMed:24588438 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
SS1_24588438_2_0 83-105 expanded denotes medical emergency team
SS2_24588438_2_0 107-110 abbr denotes MET
SS1_24588438_3_0 276-287 expanded denotes end-of-life
SS2_24588438_3_0 289-292 abbr denotes EOL
SS1_24588438_13_0 841-871 expanded denotes Limitations of Medical Therapy
SS2_24588438_13_0 873-877 abbr denotes LOMT
AE1_24588438_2_0 SS1_24588438_2_0 SS2_24588438_2_0 abbreviatedTo medical emergency team,MET
AE1_24588438_3_0 SS1_24588438_3_0 SS2_24588438_3_0 abbreviatedTo end-of-life,EOL
AE1_24588438_13_0 SS1_24588438_13_0 SS2_24588438_13_0 abbreviatedTo Limitations of Medical Therapy,LOMT