> top > docs > PubMed:22341919 > spans > 501-629 > annotations

PubMed:22341919 / 501-629 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T5 0-128 Sentence denotes In this study, we prepared S- and R-form MEL homologs with similar fatty acyl groups, and compared their interfacial properties.
T5 0-128 Sentence denotes In this study, we prepared S- and R-form MEL homologs with similar fatty acyl groups, and compared their interfacial properties.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T76 0-2 IN denotes In
EnjuParser_T77 3-7 DT denotes this
EnjuParser_T78 8-13 NN denotes study
EnjuParser_T79 13-14 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T80 15-17 PRP denotes we
EnjuParser_T81 18-26 VBD denotes prepared
EnjuParser_T82 27-29 NN denotes S-
EnjuParser_T83 30-33 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T84 34-40 NN denotes R-form
EnjuParser_T85 41-44 NN denotes MEL
EnjuParser_T86 45-53 NNS denotes homologs
EnjuParser_T87 54-58 IN denotes with
EnjuParser_T88 59-66 JJ denotes similar
EnjuParser_T89 67-72 JJ denotes fatty
EnjuParser_T90 73-77 NN denotes acyl
EnjuParser_T91 78-84 NNS denotes groups
EnjuParser_T92 84-85 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T93 86-89 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T94 90-98 VBD denotes compared
EnjuParser_T95 99-104 PRP-DOLLAR- denotes their
EnjuParser_T96 105-116 JJ denotes interfacial
EnjuParser_T97 117-127 NNS denotes properties
EnjuParser_R73 EnjuParser_T93 EnjuParser_T76 arg1Of and,In
EnjuParser_R74 EnjuParser_T78 EnjuParser_T76 arg2Of study,In
EnjuParser_R75 EnjuParser_T78 EnjuParser_T77 arg1Of study,this
EnjuParser_R76 EnjuParser_T93 EnjuParser_T79 arg1Of and,","
EnjuParser_R77 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T81 arg1Of we,prepared
EnjuParser_R78 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T81 arg2Of homologs,prepared
EnjuParser_R79 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T82 arg1Of homologs,S-
EnjuParser_R80 EnjuParser_T82 EnjuParser_T83 arg1Of S-,and
EnjuParser_R81 EnjuParser_T84 EnjuParser_T83 arg2Of R-form,and
EnjuParser_R82 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T84 arg1Of homologs,R-form
EnjuParser_R83 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T85 arg1Of homologs,MEL
EnjuParser_R84 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T87 arg1Of homologs,with
EnjuParser_R85 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T87 arg2Of groups,with
EnjuParser_R86 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T88 arg1Of groups,similar
EnjuParser_R87 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T89 arg1Of groups,fatty
EnjuParser_R88 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T90 arg1Of groups,acyl
EnjuParser_R89 EnjuParser_T93 EnjuParser_T92 arg1Of and,","
EnjuParser_R90 EnjuParser_T81 EnjuParser_T93 arg1Of prepared,and
EnjuParser_R91 EnjuParser_T94 EnjuParser_T93 arg2Of compared,and
EnjuParser_R92 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T94 arg1Of we,compared
EnjuParser_R93 EnjuParser_T97 EnjuParser_T94 arg2Of properties,compared
EnjuParser_R94 EnjuParser_T97 EnjuParser_T95 arg1Of properties,their
EnjuParser_R95 EnjuParser_T97 EnjuParser_T96 arg1Of properties,interfacial