PubMed:22341919 / 1339-1497 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T12 0-158 Sentence denotes These results suggest that the differences in MEL carbohydrate configurations significantly affect interfacial properties, self-assembly, and hydrate ability.
T12 0-158 Sentence denotes These results suggest that the differences in MEL carbohydrate configurations significantly affect interfacial properties, self-assembly, and hydrate ability.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T2 50-62 Body_part denotes carbohydrate


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T214 0-5 DT denotes These
EnjuParser_T215 6-13 NNS denotes results
EnjuParser_T216 14-21 VBP denotes suggest
EnjuParser_T217 22-26 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T218 27-30 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T219 31-42 NNS denotes differences
EnjuParser_T220 43-45 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T221 46-49 NN denotes MEL
EnjuParser_T222 50-62 NN denotes carbohydrate
EnjuParser_T223 63-77 NNS denotes configurations
EnjuParser_T224 78-91 RB denotes significantly
EnjuParser_T225 92-98 VBP denotes affect
EnjuParser_T226 99-110 JJ denotes interfacial
EnjuParser_T227 111-121 NNS denotes properties
EnjuParser_T228 121-122 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T229 123-136 NN denotes self-assembly
EnjuParser_T230 136-137 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T231 138-141 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T232 142-149 NN denotes hydrate
EnjuParser_T233 150-157 NN denotes ability
EnjuParser_R209 EnjuParser_T215 EnjuParser_T214 arg1Of results,These
EnjuParser_R210 EnjuParser_T215 EnjuParser_T216 arg1Of results,suggest
EnjuParser_R211 EnjuParser_T225 EnjuParser_T216 arg2Of affect,suggest
EnjuParser_R212 EnjuParser_T225 EnjuParser_T217 arg1Of affect,that
EnjuParser_R213 EnjuParser_T219 EnjuParser_T218 arg1Of differences,the
EnjuParser_R214 EnjuParser_T219 EnjuParser_T220 arg1Of differences,in
EnjuParser_R215 EnjuParser_T223 EnjuParser_T220 arg2Of configurations,in
EnjuParser_R216 EnjuParser_T223 EnjuParser_T221 arg1Of configurations,MEL
EnjuParser_R217 EnjuParser_T223 EnjuParser_T222 arg1Of configurations,carbohydrate
EnjuParser_R218 EnjuParser_T225 EnjuParser_T224 arg1Of affect,significantly
EnjuParser_R219 EnjuParser_T219 EnjuParser_T225 arg1Of differences,affect
EnjuParser_R220 EnjuParser_T231 EnjuParser_T225 arg2Of and,affect
EnjuParser_R221 EnjuParser_T227 EnjuParser_T226 arg1Of properties,interfacial
EnjuParser_R222 EnjuParser_T227 EnjuParser_T228 arg1Of properties,","
EnjuParser_R223 EnjuParser_T229 EnjuParser_T228 arg2Of self-assembly,","
EnjuParser_R224 EnjuParser_T231 EnjuParser_T230 arg1Of and,","
EnjuParser_R225 EnjuParser_T228 EnjuParser_T231 arg1Of ",",and
EnjuParser_R226 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T231 arg2Of ability,and
EnjuParser_R227 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T232 arg1Of ability,hydrate