PubMed:22270009 / 1173-1532 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T11 0-359 Sentence denotes Based on the parallelism between SAM and DDX3X along the progression of liver disorders, and the results reported here, it is tempting to suggest that reduced SAM in the liver may lead to DDX3X up-regulation contributing to the pathogenic process and that replenishment of SAM might prove to have beneficial effects, at least in part by reducing DDX3X levels.
T11 0-359 Sentence denotes Based on the parallelism between SAM and DDX3X along the progression of liver disorders, and the results reported here, it is tempting to suggest that reduced SAM in the liver may lead to DDX3X up-regulation contributing to the pathogenic process and that replenishment of SAM might prove to have beneficial effects, at least in part by reducing DDX3X levels.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3 72-77 denotes liver
T4 170-175 denotes liver


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4 41-46 gene:1654 denotes DDX3X
T5 72-87 disease:C0023895 denotes liver disorders
R3 T4 T5 associated_with DDX3X,liver disorders


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4 72-87 HP_0001392 denotes liver disorders


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T15 72-77 Body_part denotes liver
T16 170-175 Body_part denotes liver


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T172 0-5 VBN denotes Based
EnjuParser_T173 6-8 IN denotes on
EnjuParser_T174 9-12 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T175 13-24 NN denotes parallelism
EnjuParser_T176 25-32 IN denotes between
EnjuParser_T177 33-36 NN denotes SAM
EnjuParser_T178 37-40 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T179 41-46 NN denotes DDX3X
EnjuParser_T180 47-52 IN denotes along
EnjuParser_T181 53-56 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T182 57-68 NN denotes progression
EnjuParser_T183 69-71 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T184 72-77 NN denotes liver
EnjuParser_T185 78-87 NNS denotes disorders
EnjuParser_T186 87-88 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T187 89-92 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T188 93-96 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T189 97-104 NNS denotes results
EnjuParser_T190 105-113 VBN denotes reported
EnjuParser_T191 114-118 RB denotes here
EnjuParser_T192 118-119 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T193 120-122 PRP denotes it
EnjuParser_T194 123-125 VBZ denotes is
EnjuParser_T195 126-134 VBG denotes tempting
EnjuParser_T196 135-137 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T197 138-145 VB denotes suggest
EnjuParser_T198 146-150 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T199 151-158 VBN denotes reduced
EnjuParser_T200 159-162 NN denotes SAM
EnjuParser_T201 163-165 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T202 166-169 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T203 170-175 NN denotes liver
EnjuParser_T204 176-179 MD denotes may
EnjuParser_T205 180-184 VB denotes lead
EnjuParser_T206 185-187 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T207 188-193 NN denotes DDX3X
EnjuParser_T208 194-207 NN denotes up-regulation
EnjuParser_T209 208-220 VBG denotes contributing
EnjuParser_T210 221-223 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T211 224-227 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T212 228-238 JJ denotes pathogenic
EnjuParser_T213 239-246 NN denotes process
EnjuParser_T214 247-250 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T215 251-255 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T216 256-269 NN denotes replenishment
EnjuParser_T217 270-272 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T218 273-276 NN denotes SAM
EnjuParser_T219 277-282 MD denotes might
EnjuParser_T220 283-288 VB denotes prove
EnjuParser_T221 289-291 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T222 292-296 VB denotes have
EnjuParser_T223 297-307 JJ denotes beneficial
EnjuParser_T224 308-315 NNS denotes effects
EnjuParser_T225 315-316 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T226 317-319 IN denotes at
EnjuParser_T227 320-325 JJS denotes least
EnjuParser_T228 326-328 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T229 329-333 NN denotes part
EnjuParser_T230 334-336 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T231 337-345 VBG denotes reducing
EnjuParser_T232 346-351 NN denotes DDX3X
EnjuParser_T233 352-358 NNS denotes levels
EnjuParser_R167 EnjuParser_T195 EnjuParser_T172 arg1Of tempting,Based
EnjuParser_R168 EnjuParser_T173 EnjuParser_T172 arg2Of on,Based
EnjuParser_R169 EnjuParser_T187 EnjuParser_T173 arg2Of and,on
EnjuParser_R170 EnjuParser_T175 EnjuParser_T174 arg1Of parallelism,the
EnjuParser_R171 EnjuParser_T175 EnjuParser_T176 arg1Of parallelism,between
EnjuParser_R172 EnjuParser_T178 EnjuParser_T176 arg2Of and,between
EnjuParser_R173 EnjuParser_T177 EnjuParser_T178 arg1Of SAM,and
EnjuParser_R174 EnjuParser_T179 EnjuParser_T178 arg2Of DDX3X,and
EnjuParser_R175 EnjuParser_T178 EnjuParser_T180 arg1Of and,along
EnjuParser_R176 EnjuParser_T182 EnjuParser_T180 arg2Of progression,along
EnjuParser_R177 EnjuParser_T182 EnjuParser_T181 arg1Of progression,the
EnjuParser_R178 EnjuParser_T182 EnjuParser_T183 arg1Of progression,of
EnjuParser_R179 EnjuParser_T185 EnjuParser_T183 arg2Of disorders,of
EnjuParser_R180 EnjuParser_T185 EnjuParser_T184 arg1Of disorders,liver
EnjuParser_R181 EnjuParser_T187 EnjuParser_T186 arg1Of and,","
EnjuParser_R182 EnjuParser_T175 EnjuParser_T187 arg1Of parallelism,and
EnjuParser_R183 EnjuParser_T189 EnjuParser_T187 arg2Of results,and
EnjuParser_R184 EnjuParser_T189 EnjuParser_T188 arg1Of results,the
EnjuParser_R185 EnjuParser_T189 EnjuParser_T190 arg2Of results,reported
EnjuParser_R186 EnjuParser_T190 EnjuParser_T191 arg1Of reported,here
EnjuParser_R187 EnjuParser_T195 EnjuParser_T192 arg1Of tempting,","
EnjuParser_R188 EnjuParser_T193 EnjuParser_T194 arg1Of it,is
EnjuParser_R189 EnjuParser_T195 EnjuParser_T194 arg2Of tempting,is
EnjuParser_R190 EnjuParser_T193 EnjuParser_T195 arg1Of it,tempting
EnjuParser_R191 EnjuParser_T197 EnjuParser_T195 arg2Of suggest,tempting
EnjuParser_R192 EnjuParser_T197 EnjuParser_T196 arg1Of suggest,to
EnjuParser_R193 EnjuParser_T193 EnjuParser_T197 arg1Of it,suggest
EnjuParser_R194 EnjuParser_T214 EnjuParser_T197 arg2Of and,suggest
EnjuParser_R195 EnjuParser_T205 EnjuParser_T198 arg1Of lead,that
EnjuParser_R196 EnjuParser_T200 EnjuParser_T199 arg2Of SAM,reduced
EnjuParser_R197 EnjuParser_T200 EnjuParser_T201 arg1Of SAM,in
EnjuParser_R198 EnjuParser_T203 EnjuParser_T201 arg2Of liver,in
EnjuParser_R199 EnjuParser_T203 EnjuParser_T202 arg1Of liver,the
EnjuParser_R200 EnjuParser_T200 EnjuParser_T204 arg1Of SAM,may
EnjuParser_R201 EnjuParser_T205 EnjuParser_T204 arg2Of lead,may
EnjuParser_R202 EnjuParser_T200 EnjuParser_T205 arg1Of SAM,lead
EnjuParser_R203 EnjuParser_T205 EnjuParser_T206 arg1Of lead,to
EnjuParser_R204 EnjuParser_T208 EnjuParser_T206 arg2Of up-regulation,to
EnjuParser_R205 EnjuParser_T208 EnjuParser_T207 arg1Of up-regulation,DDX3X
EnjuParser_R206 EnjuParser_T208 EnjuParser_T209 arg1Of up-regulation,contributing
EnjuParser_R207 EnjuParser_T209 EnjuParser_T210 arg1Of contributing,to
EnjuParser_R208 EnjuParser_T213 EnjuParser_T210 arg2Of process,to
EnjuParser_R209 EnjuParser_T213 EnjuParser_T211 arg1Of process,the
EnjuParser_R210 EnjuParser_T213 EnjuParser_T212 arg1Of process,pathogenic
EnjuParser_R211 EnjuParser_T205 EnjuParser_T214 arg1Of lead,and
EnjuParser_R212 EnjuParser_T215 EnjuParser_T214 arg2Of that,and
EnjuParser_R213 EnjuParser_T220 EnjuParser_T215 arg2Of prove,that
EnjuParser_R214 EnjuParser_T216 EnjuParser_T217 arg1Of replenishment,of
EnjuParser_R215 EnjuParser_T218 EnjuParser_T217 arg2Of SAM,of
EnjuParser_R216 EnjuParser_T216 EnjuParser_T219 arg1Of replenishment,might
EnjuParser_R217 EnjuParser_T220 EnjuParser_T219 arg2Of prove,might
EnjuParser_R218 EnjuParser_T216 EnjuParser_T220 arg1Of replenishment,prove
EnjuParser_R219 EnjuParser_T222 EnjuParser_T220 arg2Of have,prove
EnjuParser_R220 EnjuParser_T222 EnjuParser_T221 arg1Of have,to
EnjuParser_R221 EnjuParser_T216 EnjuParser_T222 arg1Of replenishment,have
EnjuParser_R222 EnjuParser_T224 EnjuParser_T222 arg2Of effects,have
EnjuParser_R223 EnjuParser_T224 EnjuParser_T223 arg1Of effects,beneficial
EnjuParser_R224 EnjuParser_T197 EnjuParser_T225 arg1Of suggest,","
EnjuParser_R225 EnjuParser_T227 EnjuParser_T226 arg1Of least,at
EnjuParser_R226 EnjuParser_T228 EnjuParser_T227 arg1Of in,least
EnjuParser_R227 EnjuParser_T230 EnjuParser_T228 arg1Of by,in
EnjuParser_R228 EnjuParser_T229 EnjuParser_T228 arg2Of part,in
EnjuParser_R229 EnjuParser_T197 EnjuParser_T230 arg1Of suggest,by
EnjuParser_R230 EnjuParser_T231 EnjuParser_T230 arg2Of reducing,by
EnjuParser_R231 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T231 arg2Of levels,reducing
EnjuParser_R232 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T232 arg1Of levels,DDX3X


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
22270009-9#41#46#gene1654 41-46 gene1654 denotes DDX3X
22270009-9#72#87#diseaseC0023895 72-87 diseaseC0023895 denotes liver disorders
41#46#gene165472#87#diseaseC0023895 22270009-9#41#46#gene1654 22270009-9#72#87#diseaseC0023895 associated_with DDX3X,liver disorders


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-MAT-B_T3 72-77 denotes liver
PD-MAT-B_T4 170-175 denotes liver


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue mat_id
T3 72-77 Body_part denotes liver
T4 170-175 Body_part denotes liver


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue mondo_id
T7 72-87 Disease denotes liver disorders


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue uberon_id
T7 72-77 Body_part denotes liver
T8 170-175 Body_part denotes liver