PubMed:20973696 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"Allie","denotations":[{"id":"SS1_20973696_1_0","span":{"begin":230,"end":268},"obj":"expanded"},{"id":"SS2_20973696_1_0","span":{"begin":270,"end":274},"obj":"abbr"}],"relations":[{"id":"AE1_20973696_1_0","pred":"abbreviatedTo","subj":"SS1_20973696_1_0","obj":"SS2_20973696_1_0"}],"text":"Special education teachers' perceptions of benefits, barriers, and components of community-based vocational instruction.\nThis study investigated special education teachers' perceptions of the benefits, barriers, and components of community-based vocational instruction (CBVI). Participants included special education teachers (N   68) from randomly selected high schools in Illinois who had experience delivering vocational curriculum to students with disabilities. Data collection occurred via a survey. Special education teachers perceived CBVI to result in numerous benefits for students with disabilities. Limited resources, requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act, and student issues were identified as barriers to implementation. Incongruence existed between teachers' ratings of the importance and use of the components of CBVI. Years of teaching experience, types of students with disabilities served, size of school, and experience with CBVI affected teachers' perceptions of CBVI."}