> top > docs > PubMed:20351873 > spans > 556-573

PubMed:20351873 / 556-573 JSONTXT

Improving healthy behaviors in type 1 diabetic patients by interactive frameworks. Patient empowerment is considered to be one of the key factors in improving and maintaining a patient's health status. Patient empowerment in chronic illnesses involves educating the patient after the initial diagnosis and then keeping the patient motivated to adhere to the treatment in the follow up period. The aim of this research is creating an interactive framework to improve adherence to treatment in type 1 diabetic (T1D) patients based on an existing theoretical behavioral change model. The proposed framework learns from the patient's situation based on the patient's adherence to treatment and the patient's personal profile; and then the framework adapts itself to the new situation and creates new strategies to motivate the patient in order to reinforce positive behavior on the part of the patient. Thus, the embedded self-care interactive framework empowers T1D patients in achieving improved health outcomes by adhering to long term treatments.

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