> top > docs > PubMed:18549261 > spans > 120-384 > annotations

PubMed:18549261 / 120-384 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T2 0-264 Sentence denotes The evolutionarily conserved hsp60 ( heat-shock protein 60) family of molecular chaperones ensures the correct folding of nuclear-encoded proteins after their translocation across the mitochondrial membrane during development as well as after heat-shock treatment.
T2 0-264 Sentence denotes The evolutionarily conserved hsp60 ( heat-shock protein 60) family of molecular chaperones ensures the correct folding of nuclear-encoded proteins after their translocation across the mitochondrial membrane during development as well as after heat-shock treatment.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T3 48-55 Body_part denotes protein http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257
T4 138-146 Body_part denotes proteins http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257
T5 184-206 Body_part denotes mitochondrial membrane http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma66861


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T16 0-3 DT denotes The
EnjuParser_T17 4-18 RB denotes evolutionarily
EnjuParser_T18 19-28 VBN denotes conserved
EnjuParser_T19 29-34 NN denotes hsp60
EnjuParser_T20 35-36 -LRB- denotes (
EnjuParser_T21 37-47 NN denotes heat-shock
EnjuParser_T22 48-55 NN denotes protein
EnjuParser_T23 56-58 CD denotes 60
EnjuParser_T24 58-59 -RRB- denotes )
EnjuParser_T25 60-66 NN denotes family
EnjuParser_T26 67-69 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T27 70-79 JJ denotes molecular
EnjuParser_T28 80-90 NNS denotes chaperones
EnjuParser_T29 91-98 VBZ denotes ensures
EnjuParser_T30 99-102 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T31 103-110 JJ denotes correct
EnjuParser_T32 111-118 NN denotes folding
EnjuParser_T33 119-121 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T34 122-137 JJ denotes nuclear-encoded
EnjuParser_T35 138-146 NNS denotes proteins
EnjuParser_T36 147-152 IN denotes after
EnjuParser_T37 153-158 PRP-DOLLAR- denotes their
EnjuParser_T38 159-172 NN denotes translocation
EnjuParser_T39 173-179 IN denotes across
EnjuParser_T40 180-183 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T41 184-197 JJ denotes mitochondrial
EnjuParser_T42 198-206 NN denotes membrane
EnjuParser_T43 207-213 IN denotes during
EnjuParser_T44 214-225 NN denotes development
EnjuParser_T45 226-228 RB denotes as
EnjuParser_T46 229-233 RB denotes well
EnjuParser_T47 234-236 IN denotes as
EnjuParser_T48 237-242 IN denotes after
EnjuParser_T49 243-253 NN denotes heat-shock
EnjuParser_T50 254-263 NN denotes treatment
EnjuParser_R15 EnjuParser_T25 EnjuParser_T16 arg1Of family,The
EnjuParser_R16 EnjuParser_T18 EnjuParser_T17 arg1Of conserved,evolutionarily
EnjuParser_R17 EnjuParser_T25 EnjuParser_T18 arg1Of family,conserved
EnjuParser_R18 EnjuParser_T25 EnjuParser_T19 arg1Of family,hsp60
EnjuParser_R19 EnjuParser_T19 EnjuParser_T20 arg1Of hsp60,(
EnjuParser_R20 EnjuParser_T22 EnjuParser_T20 arg2Of protein,(
EnjuParser_R21 EnjuParser_T24 EnjuParser_T20 arg3Of ),(
EnjuParser_R22 EnjuParser_T22 EnjuParser_T21 arg1Of protein,heat-shock
EnjuParser_R23 EnjuParser_T22 EnjuParser_T23 arg1Of protein,60
EnjuParser_R24 EnjuParser_T25 EnjuParser_T26 arg1Of family,of
EnjuParser_R25 EnjuParser_T28 EnjuParser_T26 arg2Of chaperones,of
EnjuParser_R26 EnjuParser_T28 EnjuParser_T27 arg1Of chaperones,molecular
EnjuParser_R27 EnjuParser_T25 EnjuParser_T29 arg1Of family,ensures
EnjuParser_R28 EnjuParser_T32 EnjuParser_T29 arg2Of folding,ensures
EnjuParser_R29 EnjuParser_T32 EnjuParser_T30 arg1Of folding,the
EnjuParser_R30 EnjuParser_T32 EnjuParser_T31 arg1Of folding,correct
EnjuParser_R31 EnjuParser_T32 EnjuParser_T33 arg1Of folding,of
EnjuParser_R32 EnjuParser_T35 EnjuParser_T33 arg2Of proteins,of
EnjuParser_R33 EnjuParser_T35 EnjuParser_T34 arg1Of proteins,nuclear-encoded
EnjuParser_R34 EnjuParser_T29 EnjuParser_T36 arg1Of ensures,after
EnjuParser_R35 EnjuParser_T38 EnjuParser_T36 arg2Of translocation,after
EnjuParser_R36 EnjuParser_T38 EnjuParser_T37 arg1Of translocation,their
EnjuParser_R37 EnjuParser_T38 EnjuParser_T39 arg1Of translocation,across
EnjuParser_R38 EnjuParser_T42 EnjuParser_T39 arg2Of membrane,across
EnjuParser_R39 EnjuParser_T42 EnjuParser_T40 arg1Of membrane,the
EnjuParser_R40 EnjuParser_T42 EnjuParser_T41 arg1Of membrane,mitochondrial
EnjuParser_R41 EnjuParser_T38 EnjuParser_T43 arg1Of translocation,during
EnjuParser_R42 EnjuParser_T44 EnjuParser_T43 arg2Of development,during
EnjuParser_R43 EnjuParser_T47 EnjuParser_T45 arg1Of as,as
EnjuParser_R44 EnjuParser_T47 EnjuParser_T46 arg1Of as,well
EnjuParser_R45 EnjuParser_T36 EnjuParser_T47 arg1Of after,as
EnjuParser_R46 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T47 arg2Of after,as
EnjuParser_R47 EnjuParser_T29 EnjuParser_T48 arg1Of ensures,after
EnjuParser_R48 EnjuParser_T50 EnjuParser_T48 arg2Of treatment,after
EnjuParser_R49 EnjuParser_T50 EnjuParser_T49 arg1Of treatment,heat-shock


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue uberon_id
T1 198-206 Body_part denotes membrane http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016020|http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000094|http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000158