> top > docs > PubMed:16419642 > spans > 1123-1128

PubMed:16419642 / 1123-1128 JSONTXT

A novel missense mutation, F826Y, in the mineralocorticoid receptor gene in Japanese hypertensives: its implications for clinical phenotypes. A gain-of-function mutation resulting in the S810L amino acid substitution in the hormone-binding domain of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR, locus symbol NR3C2) is responsible for early-onset hypertension that is exacerbated in pregnancy. The objective of this study was to test whether other types of missense mutations in the hormone-binding domain could be implicated in hypertension in Japanese. Here, we screened 942 Japanese patients with hypertension for the S810L mutation in exon 6 in the MR. We did not identify the S810L mutation in our hypertensive population, indicating that S810L does not play a major role in the etiology of essential hypertension in Japanese. However, we identified a novel missense mutation, F826Y, in three patients in a heterozygous state, in addition to four single nucleotide polymorphisms, including one synonymous mutation (L809L). The F826Y mutation is present in the MR hormone-binding domain and might affect the ligand affinity. The F826Y mutation was also identified in 13 individuals (5 hypertensives and 8 normotensives) in a Japanese general population (n=3,655). The allele frequency was 0.00178. The frequencies of the F826Y mutation in the hypertensive population (3/942) and in the hypertensive group (5/ 1,480) and the normotensive group (8/2,175) in the general population were not significantly different, suggesting that this mutation does not greatly affect hypertension. Although it is unclear at present whether or not the F826Y mutation makes a substantial contribution to the mineralocorticoid receptor activity, this missense mutation may contribute, to some extent, to clinical phenotypes through its effects on MR.

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