PubMed:16267041 / 1800-1808
The role of the epsilon subunit in the Escherichia coli ATP synthase. The C-terminal domain is required for efficient energy coupling.
The role of the C-domain of the epsilon subunit of ATP synthase was investigated by fusing either the 20-kDa flavodoxin (Fd) or the 5-kDa chitin binding domain (CBD) to the N termini of both full-length epsilon and a truncation mutant epsilon(88-stop). All mutant epsilon proteins were stable in cells and supported F1F0 assembly. Cells expressing the Fd-epsilon or Fd-epsilon(88-stop) mutants were unable to grow on acetate minimal medium, indicating their inability to carry out oxidative phosphorylation because of steric blockage of rotation. The other forms of epsilon supported growth on acetate. Membrane vesicles containing Fd-epsilon showed 23% of the wild type ATPase activity but no proton pumping, suggesting that the ATP synthase is intrinsically partially uncoupled. Vesicles containing CBD-epsilon were indistinguishable from the wild type in ATPase activity and proton pumping, indicating that the N-terminal fusions alone do not promote uncoupling. Fd-epsilon(88-stop) caused higher rates of uncoupled ATP hydrolysis than Fd-epsilon, and epsilon(88-stop) showed an increased rate of membrane-bound ATP hydrolysis but decreased proton pumping relative to the wild type. Both results demonstrate the role of the C-domain in coupling. Analysis of the wild type and epsilon(88-stop) mutant membrane ATPase activities at concentrations of ATP from 50 mum to 8 mm showed no significant dependence of the ratio of bound/released ATPase activity on ATP concentration. These results support the hypothesis that the main function of the C-domain in the Escherichia coli epsilon subunit is to reduce uncoupled ATPase activity, rather than to regulate coupled activity.