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PubMed:15645282 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-99 Sentence denotes Diarrhoea as the presenting sign in an adolescent suffering from severe acute respiratory syndrome.
T2 100-111 Sentence denotes UNLABELLED:
T3 112-209 Sentence denotes Patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) may present with extra-pulmonary symptoms.
T4 210-284 Sentence denotes We report a 16-year-old adolescent with SARS who presented with diarrhoea.
T5 285-405 Sentence denotes Treatment directed against SARS was prompted by an epidemiological link and the clinical picture as the disease evolved.
T6 406-477 Sentence denotes This atypical presentation posed a diagnostic challenge for physicians.
T7 478-489 Sentence denotes CONCLUSION:
T8 490-597 Sentence denotes Proper disposal of patient excreta is important to prevent the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome.
T1 0-99 Sentence denotes Diarrhoea as the presenting sign in an adolescent suffering from severe acute respiratory syndrome.
T2 100-111 Sentence denotes UNLABELLED:
T3 112-209 Sentence denotes Patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) may present with extra-pulmonary symptoms.
T4 210-284 Sentence denotes We report a 16-year-old adolescent with SARS who presented with diarrhoea.
T5 285-405 Sentence denotes Treatment directed against SARS was prompted by an epidemiological link and the clinical picture as the disease evolved.
T6 406-477 Sentence denotes This atypical presentation posed a diagnostic challenge for physicians.
T7 478-489 Sentence denotes CONCLUSION:
T8 490-597 Sentence denotes Proper disposal of patient excreta is important to prevent the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome.