> top > docs > PubMed:14736728 > annotations

PubMed:14736728 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue uberon_id
T1 553-566 Body_part denotes intracellular http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005622
T2 964-969 Body_part denotes Golgi http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue mondo_id
PD-MONDO-B_T1 113-158 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0015674 denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
PD-MONDO-B_T2 113-158 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0008769 denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
PD-MONDO-B_T3 118-158 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0019261 denotes infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
PD-MONDO-B_T4 118-158 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0009744 denotes infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
PD-MONDO-B_T5 128-158 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0016295 denotes neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
PD-MONDO-B_T6 160-165 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0015674 denotes LINCL
PD-MONDO-B_T7 160-165 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0008769 denotes LINCL
PD-MONDO-B_T8 283-288 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0015674 denotes LINCL
PD-MONDO-B_T9 283-288 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0008769 denotes LINCL
T1 113-158 Disease denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0008769|http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0015674


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 202-211 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005764 denotes lysosomal
T2 658-664 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001230 denotes HEK293
T3 665-670 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T4 870-875 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 103-111 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001658 denotes activity
T2 202-211 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005764 denotes lysosomal
T3 543-551 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001658 denotes activity
T4 658-664 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001230 denotes HEK293
T5 665-670 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T6 870-875 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 128-158 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/ICD10/E75.4 denotes neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
_T1 29-39 FMAID:82750 denotes asparagine
_T2 29-39 FMAID:196739 denotes asparagine
_T3 66-73 FMAID:67257 denotes protein
_T4 66-73 FMAID:165447 denotes protein
_T5 128-136 FMAID:166033 denotes neuronal
_T6 128-136 FMAID:54527 denotes neuronal
_T7 128-136 FMAID:150783 denotes neuronal
_T8 202-211 FMAID:63836 denotes lysosomal
_T9 202-211 FMAID:162299 denotes lysosomal
_T10 608-615 FMAID:67257 denotes protein
_T11 608-615 FMAID:165447 denotes protein
_T12 665-670 FMAID:169002 denotes cells
_T13 665-670 FMAID:68646 denotes cells
_T14 870-875 FMAID:68646 denotes cells
_T15 870-875 FMAID:169002 denotes cells
_T16 881-885 FMAID:217859 denotes rate
_T17 1016-1023 FMAID:67257 denotes protein
_T18 1016-1023 FMAID:165447 denotes protein
_T19 1174-1181 FMAID:67257 denotes protein
_T20 1174-1181 FMAID:165447 denotes protein
_T21 1328-1343 FMAID:82742 denotes oligosaccharide
_T22 1328-1343 FMAID:196731 denotes oligosaccharide


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 212-235 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O14773 denotes tripeptidyl peptidase-I


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 212-235 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O89023 denotes tripeptidyl peptidase-I


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 113-117 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/8186 denotes Late
T2 665-670 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/STY/T025 denotes cells
T3 870-875 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/STY/T025 denotes cells
T4 1029-1044 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/NCBITAXON/8004 denotes electrophoretic


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T1 0-112 Sentence denotes Mutation of the glycosylated asparagine residue 286 in human CLN2 protein results in loss of enzymatic activity.
TextSentencer_T2 113-252 Sentence denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (LINCL) is caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal tripeptidyl peptidase-I encoded by CLN2.
TextSentencer_T3 253-389 Sentence denotes We previously detected in two LINCL patients a homozygous missense mutation, p.Asn286Ser, that affects a potential N-glycosylation site.
TextSentencer_T4 390-616 Sentence denotes We introduced the p.Asn286Ser mutation into the wild-type CLN2 cDNA and performed transient expression analysis to determine the effect on the catalytic activity, intracellular targeting, and glycosylation of the CLN2 protein.
TextSentencer_T5 617-723 Sentence denotes Expression of mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 in HEK293 cells revealed that the mutant was enzymatically inactive.
TextSentencer_T6 724-876 Sentence denotes Western blot analysis demonstrated that at steady state the amounts of expressed p.Asn286Ser CLN2 were reduced compared with wild-type expressing cells.
TextSentencer_T7 877-1024 Sentence denotes The rate of synthesis and the sorting of the newly synthesized p.Asn286Ser CLN2 in the Golgi was not affected compared with wild-type CLN2 protein.
TextSentencer_T8 1025-1271 Sentence denotes The electrophoretic mobility of the immunoprecipitated mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 was increased by approximately 2 kDa compared with the wild-type CLN2 protein, whereas deglycosylation led to the generation of polypeptides of the same apparent size.
TextSentencer_T9 1272-1386 Sentence denotes The data suggest that mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 lacks one oligosaccharide chain resulting in enzymatic inactivation.
T1 0-112 Sentence denotes Mutation of the glycosylated asparagine residue 286 in human CLN2 protein results in loss of enzymatic activity.
T2 113-252 Sentence denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (LINCL) is caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal tripeptidyl peptidase-I encoded by CLN2.
T3 253-389 Sentence denotes We previously detected in two LINCL patients a homozygous missense mutation, p.Asn286Ser, that affects a potential N-glycosylation site.
T4 390-616 Sentence denotes We introduced the p.Asn286Ser mutation into the wild-type CLN2 cDNA and performed transient expression analysis to determine the effect on the catalytic activity, intracellular targeting, and glycosylation of the CLN2 protein.
T5 617-723 Sentence denotes Expression of mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 in HEK293 cells revealed that the mutant was enzymatically inactive.
T6 724-876 Sentence denotes Western blot analysis demonstrated that at steady state the amounts of expressed p.Asn286Ser CLN2 were reduced compared with wild-type expressing cells.
T7 877-1024 Sentence denotes The rate of synthesis and the sorting of the newly synthesized p.Asn286Ser CLN2 in the Golgi was not affected compared with wild-type CLN2 protein.
T8 1025-1271 Sentence denotes The electrophoretic mobility of the immunoprecipitated mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 was increased by approximately 2 kDa compared with the wild-type CLN2 protein, whereas deglycosylation led to the generation of polypeptides of the same apparent size.
T9 1272-1386 Sentence denotes The data suggest that mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 lacks one oligosaccharide chain resulting in enzymatic inactivation.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 16-28 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0070085 denotes glycosylated
T2 370-383 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0070085 denotes glycosylation
T3 582-595 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0070085 denotes glycosylation
T4 533-551 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0003824 denotes catalytic activity
T5 889-898 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0009058 denotes synthesis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 202-211 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005764 denotes lysosomal
T2 553-566 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005622 denotes intracellular
T3 665-670 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T4 870-875 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T5 964-969 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005794 denotes Golgi


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-8 http://edamontology.org/topic_0199 denotes Mutation
T2 55-60 http://edamontology.org/topic_2815 denotes human
T3 66-73 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes protein
T4 202-211 http://edamontology.org/topic_0616 denotes lysosomal
T5 320-328 http://edamontology.org/topic_0199 denotes mutation
T6 420-428 http://edamontology.org/topic_0199 denotes mutation
T7 453-457 http://edamontology.org/topic_3512 denotes cDNA
T8 567-576 http://edamontology.org/topic_0154 denotes targeting
T9 608-615 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes protein
T10 1016-1023 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes protein
T11 1061-1079 http://edamontology.org/topic_3557 denotes immunoprecipitated
T12 1174-1181 http://edamontology.org/topic_0078 denotes protein


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 40-47 http://edamontology.org/data_1756 denotes residue
T2 66-73 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes protein
T3 66-73 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes protein
T4 267-275 http://edamontology.org/operation_2423 denotes detected
T5 482-501 http://edamontology.org/operation_2410 denotes expression analysis
T6 482-501 http://edamontology.org/operation_2495 denotes expression analysis
T7 493-501 http://edamontology.org/operation_2945 denotes analysis
T8 608-615 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes protein
T9 608-615 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes protein
T10 737-745 http://edamontology.org/operation_2945 denotes analysis
T11 746-758 http://edamontology.org/operation_2246 denotes demonstrated
T12 1016-1023 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes protein
T13 1016-1023 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes protein
T14 1174-1181 http://edamontology.org/format_1208 denotes protein
T15 1174-1181 http://edamontology.org/data_1467 denotes protein
T16 1218-1228 http://edamontology.org/operation_3429 denotes generation
T17 1276-1280 http://edamontology.org/data_0006 denotes data


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T1 66-73 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257 denotes protein
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T2 128-136 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma54527 denotes neuronal
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T3 202-211 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma63836 denotes lysosomal
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T4 608-615 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257 denotes protein
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T5 665-670 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma68646 denotes cells
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T6 870-875 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma68646 denotes cells
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T7 1016-1023 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257 denotes protein
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T8 1174-1181 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257 denotes protein
PD-FMA-PAE-B_T9 1328-1343 http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma82742 denotes oligosaccharide


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
14736728-1#99#122#gene1200 212-235 gene1200 denotes tripeptidyl peptidase-I
14736728-1#134#138#gene1200 247-251 gene1200 denotes CLN2
14736728-1#0#45#diseaseC0022340 113-158 diseaseC0022340 denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
14736728-1#47#52#diseaseC0022340 160-165 diseaseC0022340 denotes LINCL
14736728-1#0#45#diseaseC0022340 113-158 diseaseC0022340 denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
14736728-1#47#52#diseaseC0022340 160-165 diseaseC0022340 denotes LINCL
99#122#gene12000#45#diseaseC0022340 14736728-1#99#122#gene1200 14736728-1#0#45#diseaseC0022340 associated_with tripeptidyl peptidase-I,Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
99#122#gene120047#52#diseaseC0022340 14736728-1#99#122#gene1200 14736728-1#47#52#diseaseC0022340 associated_with tripeptidyl peptidase-I,LINCL
99#122#gene12000#45#diseaseC0022340 14736728-1#99#122#gene1200 14736728-1#0#45#diseaseC0022340 associated_with tripeptidyl peptidase-I,Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
99#122#gene120047#52#diseaseC0022340 14736728-1#99#122#gene1200 14736728-1#47#52#diseaseC0022340 associated_with tripeptidyl peptidase-I,LINCL
134#138#gene12000#45#diseaseC0022340 14736728-1#134#138#gene1200 14736728-1#0#45#diseaseC0022340 associated_with CLN2,Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
134#138#gene120047#52#diseaseC0022340 14736728-1#134#138#gene1200 14736728-1#47#52#diseaseC0022340 associated_with CLN2,LINCL
134#138#gene12000#45#diseaseC0022340 14736728-1#134#138#gene1200 14736728-1#0#45#diseaseC0022340 associated_with CLN2,Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
134#138#gene120047#52#diseaseC0022340 14736728-1#134#138#gene1200 14736728-1#47#52#diseaseC0022340 associated_with CLN2,LINCL


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue db_id
T1 55-60 OrganismTaxon denotes human NCBItxid:9606


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T0 0-8 NN denotes Mutation
EnjuParser_T1 9-11 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T2 12-15 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T3 16-28 VBN denotes glycosylated
EnjuParser_T4 29-39 NN denotes asparagine
EnjuParser_T5 40-47 NN denotes residue
EnjuParser_T6 48-51 CD denotes 286
EnjuParser_T7 52-54 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T8 55-60 JJ denotes human
EnjuParser_T9 61-65 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T10 66-73 NN denotes protein
EnjuParser_T11 74-81 VBZ denotes results
EnjuParser_T12 82-84 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T13 85-89 NN denotes loss
EnjuParser_T14 90-92 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T15 93-102 JJ denotes enzymatic
EnjuParser_T16 103-111 NN denotes activity
EnjuParser_T17 113-117 JJ denotes Late
EnjuParser_T18 118-127 JJ denotes infantile
EnjuParser_T19 128-136 JJ denotes neuronal
EnjuParser_T20 137-143 NN denotes ceroid
EnjuParser_T21 144-158 NN denotes lipofuscinosis
EnjuParser_T22 159-160 -LRB- denotes (
EnjuParser_T23 160-165 NN denotes LINCL
EnjuParser_T24 165-166 -RRB- denotes )
EnjuParser_T25 167-169 VBZ denotes is
EnjuParser_T26 170-176 VBN denotes caused
EnjuParser_T27 177-179 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T28 180-183 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T29 184-194 NN denotes deficiency
EnjuParser_T30 195-197 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T31 198-201 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T32 202-211 JJ denotes lysosomal
EnjuParser_T33 212-223 NN denotes tripeptidyl
EnjuParser_T34 224-235 NN denotes peptidase-I
EnjuParser_T35 236-243 VBN denotes encoded
EnjuParser_T36 244-246 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T37 247-251 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T38 253-255 PRP denotes We
EnjuParser_T39 256-266 RB denotes previously
EnjuParser_T40 267-275 VBN denotes detected
EnjuParser_T41 276-278 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T42 279-282 CD denotes two
EnjuParser_T43 283-288 NN denotes LINCL
EnjuParser_T44 289-297 NNS denotes patients
EnjuParser_T45 298-299 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T46 300-310 JJ denotes homozygous
EnjuParser_T47 311-319 JJ denotes missense
EnjuParser_T48 320-328 NN denotes mutation
EnjuParser_T49 328-329 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T50 330-341 NN denotes p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_T51 341-342 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T52 343-347 WDT denotes that
EnjuParser_T53 348-355 VBZ denotes affects
EnjuParser_T54 356-357 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T55 358-367 JJ denotes potential
EnjuParser_T56 368-383 NN denotes N-glycosylation
EnjuParser_T57 384-388 NN denotes site
EnjuParser_T58 390-392 PRP denotes We
EnjuParser_T59 393-403 VBD denotes introduced
EnjuParser_T60 404-407 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T61 408-419 NN denotes p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_T62 420-428 NN denotes mutation
EnjuParser_T63 429-433 IN denotes into
EnjuParser_T64 434-437 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T65 438-447 JJ denotes wild-type
EnjuParser_T66 448-452 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T67 453-457 NN denotes cDNA
EnjuParser_T68 458-461 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T69 462-471 VBD denotes performed
EnjuParser_T70 472-481 JJ denotes transient
EnjuParser_T71 482-492 NN denotes expression
EnjuParser_T72 493-501 NN denotes analysis
EnjuParser_T73 502-504 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T74 505-514 VB denotes determine
EnjuParser_T75 515-518 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T76 519-525 NN denotes effect
EnjuParser_T77 526-528 IN denotes on
EnjuParser_T78 529-532 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T79 533-542 JJ denotes catalytic
EnjuParser_T80 543-551 NN denotes activity
EnjuParser_T81 551-552 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T82 553-566 JJ denotes intracellular
EnjuParser_T83 567-576 NN denotes targeting
EnjuParser_T84 576-577 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T85 578-581 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T86 582-595 NN denotes glycosylation
EnjuParser_T87 596-598 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T88 599-602 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T89 603-607 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T90 608-615 NN denotes protein
EnjuParser_T91 617-627 NN denotes Expression
EnjuParser_T92 628-630 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T93 631-637 JJ denotes mutant
EnjuParser_T94 638-649 NN denotes p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_T95 650-654 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T96 655-657 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T97 658-664 NN denotes HEK293
EnjuParser_T98 665-670 NNS denotes cells
EnjuParser_T99 671-679 VBD denotes revealed
EnjuParser_T100 680-684 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T101 685-688 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T102 689-695 NN denotes mutant
EnjuParser_T103 696-699 VBD denotes was
EnjuParser_T104 700-713 RB denotes enzymatically
EnjuParser_T105 714-722 JJ denotes inactive
EnjuParser_T106 724-731 NN denotes Western
EnjuParser_T107 732-736 NN denotes blot
EnjuParser_T108 737-745 NN denotes analysis
EnjuParser_T109 746-758 VBD denotes demonstrated
EnjuParser_T110 759-763 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T111 764-766 IN denotes at
EnjuParser_T112 767-773 JJ denotes steady
EnjuParser_T113 774-779 NN denotes state
EnjuParser_T114 780-783 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T115 784-791 NNS denotes amounts
EnjuParser_T116 792-794 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T117 795-804 VBN denotes expressed
EnjuParser_T118 805-816 NN denotes p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_T119 817-821 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T120 822-826 VBD denotes were
EnjuParser_T121 827-834 VBN denotes reduced
EnjuParser_T122 835-843 VBN denotes compared
EnjuParser_T123 844-848 IN denotes with
EnjuParser_T124 849-858 JJ denotes wild-type
EnjuParser_T125 859-869 VBG denotes expressing
EnjuParser_T126 870-875 NNS denotes cells
EnjuParser_T127 877-880 DT denotes The
EnjuParser_T128 881-885 NN denotes rate
EnjuParser_T129 886-888 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T130 889-898 NN denotes synthesis
EnjuParser_T131 899-902 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T132 903-906 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T133 907-914 NN denotes sorting
EnjuParser_T134 915-917 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T135 918-921 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T136 922-927 RB denotes newly
EnjuParser_T137 928-939 VBN denotes synthesized
EnjuParser_T138 940-951 NN denotes p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_T139 952-956 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T140 957-959 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T141 960-963 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T142 964-969 NNP denotes Golgi
EnjuParser_T143 970-973 VBD denotes was
EnjuParser_T144 974-977 RB denotes not
EnjuParser_T145 978-986 VBN denotes affected
EnjuParser_T146 987-995 VBN denotes compared
EnjuParser_T147 996-1000 IN denotes with
EnjuParser_T148 1001-1010 JJ denotes wild-type
EnjuParser_T149 1011-1015 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T150 1016-1023 NN denotes protein
EnjuParser_T151 1025-1028 DT denotes The
EnjuParser_T152 1029-1044 JJ denotes electrophoretic
EnjuParser_T153 1045-1053 NN denotes mobility
EnjuParser_T154 1054-1056 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T155 1057-1060 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T156 1061-1079 VBN denotes immunoprecipitated
EnjuParser_T157 1080-1086 JJ denotes mutant
EnjuParser_T158 1087-1098 NN denotes p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_T159 1099-1103 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T160 1104-1107 VBD denotes was
EnjuParser_T161 1108-1117 VBN denotes increased
EnjuParser_T162 1118-1120 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T163 1121-1134 RB denotes approximately
EnjuParser_T164 1135-1136 CD denotes 2
EnjuParser_T165 1137-1140 NN denotes kDa
EnjuParser_T166 1141-1149 VBN denotes compared
EnjuParser_T167 1150-1154 IN denotes with
EnjuParser_T168 1155-1158 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T169 1159-1168 JJ denotes wild-type
EnjuParser_T170 1169-1173 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T171 1174-1181 NN denotes protein
EnjuParser_T172 1181-1182 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T173 1183-1190 IN denotes whereas
EnjuParser_T174 1191-1206 NN denotes deglycosylation
EnjuParser_T175 1207-1210 VBD denotes led
EnjuParser_T176 1211-1213 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T177 1214-1217 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T178 1218-1228 NN denotes generation
EnjuParser_T179 1229-1231 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T180 1232-1244 NNS denotes polypeptides
EnjuParser_T181 1245-1247 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T182 1248-1251 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T183 1252-1256 JJ denotes same
EnjuParser_T184 1257-1265 JJ denotes apparent
EnjuParser_T185 1266-1270 NN denotes size
EnjuParser_T186 1272-1275 DT denotes The
EnjuParser_T187 1276-1280 NNS denotes data
EnjuParser_T188 1281-1288 VBP denotes suggest
EnjuParser_T189 1289-1293 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T190 1294-1300 JJ denotes mutant
EnjuParser_T191 1301-1312 NN denotes p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_T192 1313-1317 NN denotes CLN2
EnjuParser_T193 1318-1323 VBZ denotes lacks
EnjuParser_T194 1324-1327 CD denotes one
EnjuParser_T195 1328-1343 NN denotes oligosaccharide
EnjuParser_T196 1344-1349 NN denotes chain
EnjuParser_T197 1350-1359 VBG denotes resulting
EnjuParser_T198 1360-1362 IN denotes in
EnjuParser_T199 1363-1372 JJ denotes enzymatic
EnjuParser_T200 1373-1385 NN denotes inactivation
EnjuParser_R0 EnjuParser_T0 EnjuParser_T1 arg1Of Mutation,of
EnjuParser_R1 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T1 arg2Of residue,of
EnjuParser_R2 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T2 arg1Of residue,the
EnjuParser_R3 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T3 arg2Of residue,glycosylated
EnjuParser_R4 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T4 arg1Of residue,asparagine
EnjuParser_R5 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T6 arg1Of residue,286
EnjuParser_R6 EnjuParser_T0 EnjuParser_T7 arg1Of Mutation,in
EnjuParser_R7 EnjuParser_T10 EnjuParser_T7 arg2Of protein,in
EnjuParser_R8 EnjuParser_T10 EnjuParser_T8 arg1Of protein,human
EnjuParser_R9 EnjuParser_T10 EnjuParser_T9 arg1Of protein,CLN2
EnjuParser_R10 EnjuParser_T0 EnjuParser_T11 arg1Of Mutation,results
EnjuParser_R11 EnjuParser_T11 EnjuParser_T12 arg1Of results,in
EnjuParser_R12 EnjuParser_T13 EnjuParser_T12 arg2Of loss,in
EnjuParser_R13 EnjuParser_T13 EnjuParser_T14 arg1Of loss,of
EnjuParser_R14 EnjuParser_T16 EnjuParser_T14 arg2Of activity,of
EnjuParser_R15 EnjuParser_T16 EnjuParser_T15 arg1Of activity,enzymatic
EnjuParser_R16 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T17 arg1Of lipofuscinosis,Late
EnjuParser_R17 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T18 arg1Of lipofuscinosis,infantile
EnjuParser_R18 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T19 arg1Of lipofuscinosis,neuronal
EnjuParser_R19 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T20 arg1Of lipofuscinosis,ceroid
EnjuParser_R20 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T22 arg1Of lipofuscinosis,(
EnjuParser_R21 EnjuParser_T23 EnjuParser_T22 arg2Of LINCL,(
EnjuParser_R22 EnjuParser_T24 EnjuParser_T22 arg3Of ),(
EnjuParser_R23 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T25 arg1Of lipofuscinosis,is
EnjuParser_R24 EnjuParser_T26 EnjuParser_T25 arg2Of caused,is
EnjuParser_R25 EnjuParser_T29 EnjuParser_T26 arg1Of deficiency,caused
EnjuParser_R26 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T26 arg2Of lipofuscinosis,caused
EnjuParser_R27 EnjuParser_T29 EnjuParser_T27 arg2Of deficiency,by
EnjuParser_R28 EnjuParser_T29 EnjuParser_T28 arg1Of deficiency,the
EnjuParser_R29 EnjuParser_T29 EnjuParser_T30 arg1Of deficiency,of
EnjuParser_R30 EnjuParser_T34 EnjuParser_T30 arg2Of peptidase-I,of
EnjuParser_R31 EnjuParser_T34 EnjuParser_T31 arg1Of peptidase-I,the
EnjuParser_R32 EnjuParser_T34 EnjuParser_T32 arg1Of peptidase-I,lysosomal
EnjuParser_R33 EnjuParser_T34 EnjuParser_T33 arg1Of peptidase-I,tripeptidyl
EnjuParser_R34 EnjuParser_T37 EnjuParser_T35 arg1Of CLN2,encoded
EnjuParser_R35 EnjuParser_T34 EnjuParser_T35 arg2Of peptidase-I,encoded
EnjuParser_R36 EnjuParser_T37 EnjuParser_T36 arg2Of CLN2,by
EnjuParser_R37 EnjuParser_T40 EnjuParser_T39 arg1Of detected,previously
EnjuParser_R38 EnjuParser_T38 EnjuParser_T40 arg2Of We,detected
EnjuParser_R39 EnjuParser_T40 EnjuParser_T41 arg1Of detected,in
EnjuParser_R40 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T41 arg2Of mutation,in
EnjuParser_R41 EnjuParser_T43 EnjuParser_T42 arg1Of LINCL,two
EnjuParser_R42 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T43 arg1Of mutation,LINCL
EnjuParser_R43 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T44 arg1Of mutation,patients
EnjuParser_R44 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T45 arg1Of mutation,a
EnjuParser_R45 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T46 arg1Of mutation,homozygous
EnjuParser_R46 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T47 arg1Of mutation,missense
EnjuParser_R47 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T49 arg1Of mutation,","
EnjuParser_R48 EnjuParser_T50 EnjuParser_T49 arg2Of p.Asn286Ser,","
EnjuParser_R49 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T51 arg1Of mutation,","
EnjuParser_R50 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T52 arg1Of mutation,that
EnjuParser_R51 EnjuParser_T48 EnjuParser_T53 arg1Of mutation,affects
EnjuParser_R52 EnjuParser_T57 EnjuParser_T53 arg2Of site,affects
EnjuParser_R53 EnjuParser_T57 EnjuParser_T54 arg1Of site,a
EnjuParser_R54 EnjuParser_T57 EnjuParser_T55 arg1Of site,potential
EnjuParser_R55 EnjuParser_T57 EnjuParser_T56 arg1Of site,N-glycosylation
EnjuParser_R56 EnjuParser_T58 EnjuParser_T59 arg1Of We,introduced
EnjuParser_R57 EnjuParser_T62 EnjuParser_T59 arg2Of mutation,introduced
EnjuParser_R58 EnjuParser_T62 EnjuParser_T60 arg1Of mutation,the
EnjuParser_R59 EnjuParser_T62 EnjuParser_T61 arg1Of mutation,p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_R60 EnjuParser_T62 EnjuParser_T63 arg1Of mutation,into
EnjuParser_R61 EnjuParser_T67 EnjuParser_T63 arg2Of cDNA,into
EnjuParser_R62 EnjuParser_T67 EnjuParser_T64 arg1Of cDNA,the
EnjuParser_R63 EnjuParser_T67 EnjuParser_T65 arg1Of cDNA,wild-type
EnjuParser_R64 EnjuParser_T67 EnjuParser_T66 arg1Of cDNA,CLN2
EnjuParser_R65 EnjuParser_T59 EnjuParser_T68 arg1Of introduced,and
EnjuParser_R66 EnjuParser_T69 EnjuParser_T68 arg2Of performed,and
EnjuParser_R67 EnjuParser_T58 EnjuParser_T69 arg1Of We,performed
EnjuParser_R68 EnjuParser_T72 EnjuParser_T69 arg2Of analysis,performed
EnjuParser_R69 EnjuParser_T72 EnjuParser_T70 arg1Of analysis,transient
EnjuParser_R70 EnjuParser_T72 EnjuParser_T71 arg1Of analysis,expression
EnjuParser_R71 EnjuParser_T74 EnjuParser_T73 arg1Of determine,to
EnjuParser_R72 EnjuParser_T69 EnjuParser_T73 modOf performed,to
EnjuParser_R73 EnjuParser_T58 EnjuParser_T74 arg1Of We,determine
EnjuParser_R74 EnjuParser_T76 EnjuParser_T74 arg2Of effect,determine
EnjuParser_R75 EnjuParser_T76 EnjuParser_T75 arg1Of effect,the
EnjuParser_R76 EnjuParser_T74 EnjuParser_T77 arg1Of determine,on
EnjuParser_R77 EnjuParser_T85 EnjuParser_T77 arg2Of and,on
EnjuParser_R78 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T78 arg1Of activity,the
EnjuParser_R79 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T79 arg1Of activity,catalytic
EnjuParser_R80 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T81 arg1Of activity,","
EnjuParser_R81 EnjuParser_T83 EnjuParser_T81 arg2Of targeting,","
EnjuParser_R82 EnjuParser_T83 EnjuParser_T82 arg1Of targeting,intracellular
EnjuParser_R83 EnjuParser_T85 EnjuParser_T84 arg1Of and,","
EnjuParser_R84 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T85 arg1Of activity,and
EnjuParser_R85 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T85 arg2Of glycosylation,and
EnjuParser_R86 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T87 arg1Of glycosylation,of
EnjuParser_R87 EnjuParser_T90 EnjuParser_T87 arg2Of protein,of
EnjuParser_R88 EnjuParser_T90 EnjuParser_T88 arg1Of protein,the
EnjuParser_R89 EnjuParser_T90 EnjuParser_T89 arg1Of protein,CLN2
EnjuParser_R90 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T92 arg1Of Expression,of
EnjuParser_R91 EnjuParser_T95 EnjuParser_T92 arg2Of CLN2,of
EnjuParser_R92 EnjuParser_T95 EnjuParser_T93 arg1Of CLN2,mutant
EnjuParser_R93 EnjuParser_T95 EnjuParser_T94 arg1Of CLN2,p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_R94 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T96 arg1Of Expression,in
EnjuParser_R95 EnjuParser_T98 EnjuParser_T96 arg2Of cells,in
EnjuParser_R96 EnjuParser_T98 EnjuParser_T97 arg1Of cells,HEK293
EnjuParser_R97 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T99 arg1Of Expression,revealed
EnjuParser_R98 EnjuParser_T103 EnjuParser_T99 arg2Of was,revealed
EnjuParser_R99 EnjuParser_T103 EnjuParser_T100 arg1Of was,that
EnjuParser_R100 EnjuParser_T102 EnjuParser_T101 arg1Of mutant,the
EnjuParser_R101 EnjuParser_T102 EnjuParser_T103 arg1Of mutant,was
EnjuParser_R102 EnjuParser_T105 EnjuParser_T103 arg2Of inactive,was
EnjuParser_R103 EnjuParser_T105 EnjuParser_T104 arg1Of inactive,enzymatically
EnjuParser_R104 EnjuParser_T102 EnjuParser_T105 arg1Of mutant,inactive
EnjuParser_R105 EnjuParser_T108 EnjuParser_T106 arg1Of analysis,Western
EnjuParser_R106 EnjuParser_T108 EnjuParser_T107 arg1Of analysis,blot
EnjuParser_R107 EnjuParser_T108 EnjuParser_T109 arg1Of analysis,demonstrated
EnjuParser_R108 EnjuParser_T121 EnjuParser_T109 arg2Of reduced,demonstrated
EnjuParser_R109 EnjuParser_T121 EnjuParser_T110 arg1Of reduced,that
EnjuParser_R110 EnjuParser_T121 EnjuParser_T111 arg1Of reduced,at
EnjuParser_R111 EnjuParser_T113 EnjuParser_T111 arg2Of state,at
EnjuParser_R112 EnjuParser_T113 EnjuParser_T112 arg1Of state,steady
EnjuParser_R113 EnjuParser_T115 EnjuParser_T114 arg1Of amounts,the
EnjuParser_R114 EnjuParser_T115 EnjuParser_T116 arg1Of amounts,of
EnjuParser_R115 EnjuParser_T119 EnjuParser_T116 arg2Of CLN2,of
EnjuParser_R116 EnjuParser_T119 EnjuParser_T117 arg2Of CLN2,expressed
EnjuParser_R117 EnjuParser_T119 EnjuParser_T118 arg1Of CLN2,p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_R118 EnjuParser_T115 EnjuParser_T120 arg1Of amounts,were
EnjuParser_R119 EnjuParser_T121 EnjuParser_T120 arg2Of reduced,were
EnjuParser_R120 EnjuParser_T115 EnjuParser_T121 arg2Of amounts,reduced
EnjuParser_R121 EnjuParser_T121 EnjuParser_T122 arg1Of reduced,compared
EnjuParser_R122 EnjuParser_T123 EnjuParser_T122 arg2Of with,compared
EnjuParser_R123 EnjuParser_T126 EnjuParser_T123 arg2Of cells,with
EnjuParser_R124 EnjuParser_T126 EnjuParser_T124 arg1Of cells,wild-type
EnjuParser_R125 EnjuParser_T126 EnjuParser_T125 arg1Of cells,expressing
EnjuParser_R126 EnjuParser_T128 EnjuParser_T127 arg1Of rate,The
EnjuParser_R127 EnjuParser_T128 EnjuParser_T129 arg1Of rate,of
EnjuParser_R128 EnjuParser_T130 EnjuParser_T129 arg2Of synthesis,of
EnjuParser_R129 EnjuParser_T128 EnjuParser_T131 arg1Of rate,and
EnjuParser_R130 EnjuParser_T133 EnjuParser_T131 arg2Of sorting,and
EnjuParser_R131 EnjuParser_T133 EnjuParser_T132 arg1Of sorting,the
EnjuParser_R132 EnjuParser_T133 EnjuParser_T134 arg1Of sorting,of
EnjuParser_R133 EnjuParser_T139 EnjuParser_T134 arg2Of CLN2,of
EnjuParser_R134 EnjuParser_T139 EnjuParser_T135 arg1Of CLN2,the
EnjuParser_R135 EnjuParser_T137 EnjuParser_T136 arg1Of synthesized,newly
EnjuParser_R136 EnjuParser_T139 EnjuParser_T137 arg1Of CLN2,synthesized
EnjuParser_R137 EnjuParser_T139 EnjuParser_T138 arg1Of CLN2,p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_R138 EnjuParser_T139 EnjuParser_T140 arg1Of CLN2,in
EnjuParser_R139 EnjuParser_T142 EnjuParser_T140 arg2Of Golgi,in
EnjuParser_R140 EnjuParser_T142 EnjuParser_T141 arg1Of Golgi,the
EnjuParser_R141 EnjuParser_T131 EnjuParser_T143 arg1Of and,was
EnjuParser_R142 EnjuParser_T145 EnjuParser_T143 arg2Of affected,was
EnjuParser_R143 EnjuParser_T145 EnjuParser_T144 arg1Of affected,not
EnjuParser_R144 EnjuParser_T131 EnjuParser_T145 arg2Of and,affected
EnjuParser_R145 EnjuParser_T145 EnjuParser_T146 arg1Of affected,compared
EnjuParser_R146 EnjuParser_T147 EnjuParser_T146 arg2Of with,compared
EnjuParser_R147 EnjuParser_T150 EnjuParser_T147 arg2Of protein,with
EnjuParser_R148 EnjuParser_T150 EnjuParser_T148 arg1Of protein,wild-type
EnjuParser_R149 EnjuParser_T150 EnjuParser_T149 arg1Of protein,CLN2
EnjuParser_R150 EnjuParser_T153 EnjuParser_T151 arg1Of mobility,The
EnjuParser_R151 EnjuParser_T153 EnjuParser_T152 arg1Of mobility,electrophoretic
EnjuParser_R152 EnjuParser_T153 EnjuParser_T154 arg1Of mobility,of
EnjuParser_R153 EnjuParser_T159 EnjuParser_T154 arg2Of CLN2,of
EnjuParser_R154 EnjuParser_T159 EnjuParser_T155 arg1Of CLN2,the
EnjuParser_R155 EnjuParser_T159 EnjuParser_T156 arg2Of CLN2,immunoprecipitated
EnjuParser_R156 EnjuParser_T159 EnjuParser_T157 arg1Of CLN2,mutant
EnjuParser_R157 EnjuParser_T159 EnjuParser_T158 arg1Of CLN2,p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_R158 EnjuParser_T153 EnjuParser_T160 arg1Of mobility,was
EnjuParser_R159 EnjuParser_T161 EnjuParser_T160 arg2Of increased,was
EnjuParser_R160 EnjuParser_T153 EnjuParser_T161 arg2Of mobility,increased
EnjuParser_R161 EnjuParser_T161 EnjuParser_T162 arg1Of increased,by
EnjuParser_R162 EnjuParser_T165 EnjuParser_T162 arg2Of kDa,by
EnjuParser_R163 EnjuParser_T164 EnjuParser_T163 arg1Of 2,approximately
EnjuParser_R164 EnjuParser_T165 EnjuParser_T164 arg1Of kDa,2
EnjuParser_R165 EnjuParser_T161 EnjuParser_T166 arg1Of increased,compared
EnjuParser_R166 EnjuParser_T167 EnjuParser_T166 arg2Of with,compared
EnjuParser_R167 EnjuParser_T171 EnjuParser_T167 arg2Of protein,with
EnjuParser_R168 EnjuParser_T171 EnjuParser_T168 arg1Of protein,the
EnjuParser_R169 EnjuParser_T171 EnjuParser_T169 arg1Of protein,wild-type
EnjuParser_R170 EnjuParser_T171 EnjuParser_T170 arg1Of protein,CLN2
EnjuParser_R171 EnjuParser_T173 EnjuParser_T172 arg1Of whereas,","
EnjuParser_R172 EnjuParser_T161 EnjuParser_T173 arg1Of increased,whereas
EnjuParser_R173 EnjuParser_T175 EnjuParser_T173 arg2Of led,whereas
EnjuParser_R174 EnjuParser_T174 EnjuParser_T175 arg1Of deglycosylation,led
EnjuParser_R175 EnjuParser_T175 EnjuParser_T176 arg1Of led,to
EnjuParser_R176 EnjuParser_T178 EnjuParser_T176 arg2Of generation,to
EnjuParser_R177 EnjuParser_T178 EnjuParser_T177 arg1Of generation,the
EnjuParser_R178 EnjuParser_T178 EnjuParser_T179 arg1Of generation,of
EnjuParser_R179 EnjuParser_T180 EnjuParser_T179 arg2Of polypeptides,of
EnjuParser_R180 EnjuParser_T180 EnjuParser_T181 arg1Of polypeptides,of
EnjuParser_R181 EnjuParser_T185 EnjuParser_T181 arg2Of size,of
EnjuParser_R182 EnjuParser_T185 EnjuParser_T182 arg1Of size,the
EnjuParser_R183 EnjuParser_T185 EnjuParser_T183 arg1Of size,same
EnjuParser_R184 EnjuParser_T185 EnjuParser_T184 arg1Of size,apparent
EnjuParser_R185 EnjuParser_T187 EnjuParser_T186 arg1Of data,The
EnjuParser_R186 EnjuParser_T187 EnjuParser_T188 arg1Of data,suggest
EnjuParser_R187 EnjuParser_T193 EnjuParser_T188 arg2Of lacks,suggest
EnjuParser_R188 EnjuParser_T193 EnjuParser_T189 arg1Of lacks,that
EnjuParser_R189 EnjuParser_T192 EnjuParser_T190 arg1Of CLN2,mutant
EnjuParser_R190 EnjuParser_T192 EnjuParser_T191 arg1Of CLN2,p.Asn286Ser
EnjuParser_R191 EnjuParser_T192 EnjuParser_T193 arg1Of CLN2,lacks
EnjuParser_R192 EnjuParser_T196 EnjuParser_T193 arg2Of chain,lacks
EnjuParser_R193 EnjuParser_T196 EnjuParser_T194 arg1Of chain,one
EnjuParser_R194 EnjuParser_T196 EnjuParser_T195 arg1Of chain,oligosaccharide
EnjuParser_R195 EnjuParser_T196 EnjuParser_T197 arg1Of chain,resulting
EnjuParser_R196 EnjuParser_T197 EnjuParser_T198 arg1Of resulting,in
EnjuParser_R197 EnjuParser_T200 EnjuParser_T198 arg2Of inactivation,in
EnjuParser_R198 EnjuParser_T200 EnjuParser_T199 arg1Of inactivation,enzymatic


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-UBERON-AE-B_T1 128-136 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_2000602 denotes neuronal


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T0 212-235 gene:1200 denotes tripeptidyl peptidase-I
T1 113-158 disease:C0022340 denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
T2 212-235 gene:1200 denotes tripeptidyl peptidase-I
T3 160-165 disease:C0022340 denotes LINCL
T4 247-251 gene:1200 denotes CLN2
T5 113-158 disease:C0022340 denotes Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
T6 247-251 gene:1200 denotes CLN2
T7 160-165 disease:C0022340 denotes LINCL
R1 T0 T1 associated_with tripeptidyl peptidase-I,Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
R2 T2 T3 associated_with tripeptidyl peptidase-I,LINCL
R3 T4 T5 associated_with CLN2,Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
R4 T6 T7 associated_with CLN2,LINCL