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PubMed:12875974 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 160-417 DRI_Approach denotes To analyze differential gene expression of putative prostate tumor markers we compared the expression levels of more than 400 cancer-related genes using the cDNA array technique in a set of capsule-invasive prostate tumor and matched normal prostate tissue.
T2 418-579 DRI_Background denotes The overexpression of Bax inhibitor-1 (BI-1) in prostate carcinoma and prostate cancer cell lines was confirmed by using Northern blot and Western blot analyses.
T3 580-689 DRI_Background denotes Quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on intact RNAs from 17 paired
T4 720-813 DRI_Background denotes epithelial tissue samples confirmed up-regulated BI-1 expression in 11 of 17 prostate tumors.
T5 814-966 DRI_Outcome denotes In addition, it was demonstrated that BI-1 expression is down-regulated in stromal cells as compared to matched normal epithelial cells of the prostate.
T6 967-1098 DRI_Background denotes In situ hybridization experiments on prostate sections also revealed that BI-1 expression is mainly restricted to epithelial cells.
T7 1099-1301 DRI_Background denotes Furthermore, quantitative RT-PCR on RNAs derived from five benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) samples showed no significant difference in BI-1 expression as compared to normal epithelial prostate tissue.
T8 1302-1563 DRI_Background denotes To determine the function of BI-1 in vitro, human PC-3, LNCaP, and DU-145 prostate carcinoma cells were transfected with small interfering double-strand RNA (siRNA) oligonucleotides against the BI-1 gene leading to a specific down-regulation of BI-1 expression.
T9 1564-1731 DRI_Background denotes Furthermore, transfection of PC-3, LNCaP, and DU-145 cells with BI-1 sequence-specific siRNAs caused a significant increase in spontaneous apoptosis in all cell lines.
T10 1732-1949 DRI_Outcome denotes Taken together, our results indicate that the human BI-1 gene contains the potential to serve as a prostate cancer expression marker and as a potential target for developing therapeutic strategies for prostate cancer.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
12875974-0#0#15#gene7009 0-15 gene7009 denotes Bax inhibitor-1
12875974-0#36#51#diseaseC0376358 36-51 diseaseC0376358 denotes prostate cancer
12875974-0#36#51#diseaseC0600139 36-51 diseaseC0600139 denotes prostate cancer
12875974-0#134#152#diseaseC0600139 134-152 diseaseC0600139 denotes prostate carcinoma
12875974-3#189#193#gene7009 769-773 gene7009 denotes BI-1
12875974-3#217#232#diseaseC0033578 797-812 diseaseC0033578 denotes prostate tumors
12875974-6#137#141#gene7009 1236-1240 gene7009 denotes BI-1
12875974-6#59#86#diseaseC1704272 1158-1185 diseaseC1704272 denotes benign prostate hyperplasia
12875974-6#88#91#diseaseC1704272 1187-1190 diseaseC1704272 denotes BPH
0#15#gene700936#51#diseaseC0376358 12875974-0#0#15#gene7009 12875974-0#36#51#diseaseC0376358 associated_with Bax inhibitor-1,prostate cancer
0#15#gene700936#51#diseaseC0600139 12875974-0#0#15#gene7009 12875974-0#36#51#diseaseC0600139 associated_with Bax inhibitor-1,prostate cancer
0#15#gene7009134#152#diseaseC0600139 12875974-0#0#15#gene7009 12875974-0#134#152#diseaseC0600139 associated_with Bax inhibitor-1,prostate carcinoma
189#193#gene7009217#232#diseaseC0033578 12875974-3#189#193#gene7009 12875974-3#217#232#diseaseC0033578 associated_with BI-1,prostate tumors
137#141#gene700959#86#diseaseC1704272 12875974-6#137#141#gene7009 12875974-6#59#86#diseaseC1704272 associated_with BI-1,benign prostate hyperplasia
137#141#gene700988#91#diseaseC1704272 12875974-6#137#141#gene7009 12875974-6#88#91#diseaseC1704272 associated_with BI-1,BPH


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 457-461 Gene denotes BI-1
E1 422-436 Gene_expression denotes overexpression
E2 422-436 Positive_regulation denotes overexpression
T2 489-504 prostate cancer denotes prostate cancer
T3 466-484 prostate cancer denotes prostate carcinoma
R1 T1 E1 themeOf BI-1,overexpression
R2 E1 E2 themeOf overexpression,overexpression
R3 T1 T2 CGE-increased BI-1,prostate cancer
R4 T1 T2 CCS-normalTOcancer BI-1,prostate cancer
R5 T1 T2 PT-observation BI-1,prostate cancer
R3 T1 T2 IGE-unchanged BI-1,prostate cancer


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2 1784-1788 gene:7009 denotes BI-1
T3 1831-1846 disease:C0600139 denotes prostate cancer
T4 1784-1788 gene:7009 denotes BI-1
T5 1933-1948 disease:C0376358 denotes prostate cancer
T6 1784-1788 gene:7009 denotes BI-1
T7 1933-1948 disease:C0600139 denotes prostate cancer
T0 1784-1788 gene:7009 denotes BI-1
T1 1831-1846 disease:C0376358 denotes prostate cancer
R1 T0 T1 associated_with BI-1,prostate cancer
R2 T2 T3 associated_with BI-1,prostate cancer
R3 T4 T5 associated_with BI-1,prostate cancer
R4 T6 T7 associated_with BI-1,prostate cancer