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PubMed:12618764 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T1 0-127 Sentence denotes MEK5 overexpression is associated with metastatic prostate cancer, and stimulates proliferation, MMP-9 expression and invasion.
TextSentencer_T2 128-317 Sentence denotes The novel mitogen/extracellular-signal-regulated kinase kinase 5/extracellular signal-regulated kinase-5 (MEK5/ERK5) pathway has been implicated in the regulation of cellular proliferation.
TextSentencer_T3 318-474 Sentence denotes MEK5 expression has been detected in prostate cancer cells, although the significance of the MEK5/ERK5 pathway in human prostate cancer has not been tested.
TextSentencer_T4 475-658 Sentence denotes We examined MEK5 expression in 127 cases of prostate cancer and 20 cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) by immunohistochemistry and compared the results to clinical parameters.
TextSentencer_T5 659-767 Sentence denotes We demonstrated that MEK5 expression is increased in prostate cancer as compared to benign prostatic tissue.
TextSentencer_T6 768-885 Sentence denotes Strong MEK5 expression correlates with the presence of bony metastases and less favourable disease-specific survival.
TextSentencer_T7 886-1018 Sentence denotes Furthermore, among the patients with high Gleason score of 8-10, MEK5 overexpression has an additional prognostic value in survival.
TextSentencer_T8 1019-1180 Sentence denotes MEK5 transfection experiments confirm its ability to induce proliferation (P < 0.0001), motility (P = 0.0001) and invasion in prostate cancer cells (P = 0.0001).
TextSentencer_T9 1181-1256 Sentence denotes MEK5 expression drastically increased MMP-9, but not MMP-2 mRNA expression.
TextSentencer_T10 1257-1497 Sentence denotes Luciferase report assays suggest that the -670/MMP-9 promoter is upregulated by MEK5 and electromobility shift assay further suggests the involvement of activator protein-I (AP-1), but not the NF-kappa B, binding site in the MMP-9 promoter.
TextSentencer_T11 1498-1608 Sentence denotes Using an AP-1 luciferase construct, activation of MEK5 was confirmed to enhance AP-1 activities up to twofold.
TextSentencer_T12 1609-1721 Sentence denotes Taken together, our results establish MEK5 as a key signalling molecule associated with prostate carcinogenesis.
TextSentencer_T13 1722-1815 Sentence denotes As the MEK5/ERK5 interaction is highly specific, it represents a potential target of therapy.
T1 0-127 Sentence denotes MEK5 overexpression is associated with metastatic prostate cancer, and stimulates proliferation, MMP-9 expression and invasion.
T2 128-317 Sentence denotes The novel mitogen/extracellular-signal-regulated kinase kinase 5/extracellular signal-regulated kinase-5 (MEK5/ERK5) pathway has been implicated in the regulation of cellular proliferation.
T3 318-474 Sentence denotes MEK5 expression has been detected in prostate cancer cells, although the significance of the MEK5/ERK5 pathway in human prostate cancer has not been tested.
T4 475-658 Sentence denotes We examined MEK5 expression in 127 cases of prostate cancer and 20 cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) by immunohistochemistry and compared the results to clinical parameters.
T5 659-767 Sentence denotes We demonstrated that MEK5 expression is increased in prostate cancer as compared to benign prostatic tissue.
T6 768-885 Sentence denotes Strong MEK5 expression correlates with the presence of bony metastases and less favourable disease-specific survival.
T7 886-1018 Sentence denotes Furthermore, among the patients with high Gleason score of 8-10, MEK5 overexpression has an additional prognostic value in survival.
T8 1019-1180 Sentence denotes MEK5 transfection experiments confirm its ability to induce proliferation (P < 0.0001), motility (P = 0.0001) and invasion in prostate cancer cells (P = 0.0001).
T9 1181-1256 Sentence denotes MEK5 expression drastically increased MMP-9, but not MMP-2 mRNA expression.
T10 1257-1497 Sentence denotes Luciferase report assays suggest that the -670/MMP-9 promoter is upregulated by MEK5 and electromobility shift assay further suggests the involvement of activator protein-I (AP-1), but not the NF-kappa B, binding site in the MMP-9 promoter.
T11 1498-1608 Sentence denotes Using an AP-1 luciferase construct, activation of MEK5 was confirmed to enhance AP-1 activities up to twofold.
T12 1609-1721 Sentence denotes Taken together, our results establish MEK5 as a key signalling molecule associated with prostate carcinogenesis.
T13 1722-1815 Sentence denotes As the MEK5/ERK5 interaction is highly specific, it represents a potential target of therapy.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
12618764-0#0#4#gene5607 0-4 gene5607 denotes MEK5
12618764-0#39#65#diseaseC0936223 39-65 diseaseC0936223 denotes metastatic prostate cancer
12618764-0#39#65#diseaseC1282496 39-65 diseaseC1282496 denotes metastatic prostate cancer
12618764-11#38#42#gene5607 1647-1651 gene5607 denotes MEK5
12618764-11#97#111#diseaseC0596263 1706-1720 diseaseC0596263 denotes carcinogenesis
12618764-2#98#102#gene5598 416-420 gene5598 denotes ERK5
12618764-2#120#135#diseaseC0376358 438-453 diseaseC0376358 denotes prostate cancer
12618764-2#120#135#diseaseC0600139 438-453 diseaseC0600139 denotes prostate cancer
12618764-5#7#11#gene5607 775-779 gene5607 denotes MEK5
12618764-5#55#70#diseaseC0153690 823-838 diseaseC0153690 denotes bony metastases
12618764-7#0#4#gene5607 1019-1023 gene5607 denotes MEK5
12618764-7#126#141#diseaseC0376358 1145-1160 diseaseC0376358 denotes prostate cancer
12618764-7#126#141#diseaseC0600139 1145-1160 diseaseC0600139 denotes prostate cancer
0#4#gene560739#65#diseaseC0936223 12618764-0#0#4#gene5607 12618764-0#39#65#diseaseC0936223 associated_with MEK5,metastatic prostate cancer
0#4#gene560739#65#diseaseC1282496 12618764-0#0#4#gene5607 12618764-0#39#65#diseaseC1282496 associated_with MEK5,metastatic prostate cancer
38#42#gene560797#111#diseaseC0596263 12618764-11#38#42#gene5607 12618764-11#97#111#diseaseC0596263 associated_with MEK5,carcinogenesis
98#102#gene5598120#135#diseaseC0376358 12618764-2#98#102#gene5598 12618764-2#120#135#diseaseC0376358 associated_with ERK5,prostate cancer
98#102#gene5598120#135#diseaseC0600139 12618764-2#98#102#gene5598 12618764-2#120#135#diseaseC0600139 associated_with ERK5,prostate cancer
7#11#gene560755#70#diseaseC0153690 12618764-5#7#11#gene5607 12618764-5#55#70#diseaseC0153690 associated_with MEK5,bony metastases
0#4#gene5607126#141#diseaseC0376358 12618764-7#0#4#gene5607 12618764-7#126#141#diseaseC0376358 associated_with MEK5,prostate cancer
0#4#gene5607126#141#diseaseC0600139 12618764-7#0#4#gene5607 12618764-7#126#141#diseaseC0600139 associated_with MEK5,prostate cancer


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-UBERON-AE-B_T1 760-766 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000479 denotes tissue


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T69 0-4 gene:5607 denotes MEK5
T70 39-65 disease:C0936223 denotes metastatic prostate cancer
T71 416-420 gene:5598 denotes ERK5
T72 438-453 disease:C0376358 denotes prostate cancer
T73 1019-1023 gene:5607 denotes MEK5
T74 1145-1160 disease:C0376358 denotes prostate cancer
R1 T69 T70 associated_with MEK5,metastatic prostate cancer
R2 T69 T70 associated_with MEK5,metastatic prostate cancer
R3 T71 T72 associated_with ERK5,prostate cancer
R4 T71 T72 associated_with ERK5,prostate cancer
R5 T73 T74 associated_with MEK5,prostate cancer
R6 T73 T74 associated_with MEK5,prostate cancer


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-UBERON-AE-B_T1 760-766 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000479 denotes tissue


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-4 Gene denotes MEK5
E1 5-19 Gene_expression denotes overexpression
E2 5-19 Positive_regulation denotes overexpression
T2 50-65 prostate cancer denotes prostate cancer
R1 T1 E1 themeOf MEK5,overexpression
R2 E1 E2 themeOf overexpression,overexpression
R3 T1 T2 CGE-increased MEK5,prostate cancer
R4 T1 T2 CCS-normalTOcancer MEK5,prostate cancer
R5 T1 T2 PT-causality MEK5,prostate cancer
R3 T1 T2 IGE-unchanged MEK5,prostate cancer


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T0 1647-1651 gene:5607 denotes MEK5
T1 1706-1720 disease:C0596263 denotes carcinogenesis
R1 T0 T1 associated_with MEK5,carcinogenesis