> top > docs > PubMed:11805075 > spans > 0-247 > annotations

PubMed:11805075 / 0-247 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 58-68 https://glytoucan.org/Structures/Glycans/G00017MO denotes hyaluronan
T2 105-115 https://glytoucan.org/Structures/Glycans/G00017MO denotes Hyaluronan


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 58-68 https://glytoucan.org/Structures/Glycans/G00017MO denotes hyaluronan
T2 105-115 https://glytoucan.org/Structures/Glycans/G00017MO denotes Hyaluronan


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue image
T1 58-68 Glycan_Motif denotes hyaluronan https://api.glycosmos.org/wurcs2image/0.10.0/png/binary/G00017MO
T2 105-115 Glycan_Motif denotes Hyaluronan https://api.glycosmos.org/wurcs2image/0.10.0/png/binary/G00017MO


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 58-68 https://glytoucan.org/Structures/Glycans/G00017MO denotes hyaluronan
T2 105-115 https://glytoucan.org/Structures/Glycans/G00017MO denotes Hyaluronan


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
_T1 58-68 FMAID:167396 denotes hyaluronan
_T2 58-68 FMAID:63014 denotes hyaluronan
_T3 69-85 FMAID:196731 denotes oligosaccharides
_T4 69-85 FMAID:82742 denotes oligosaccharides
_T5 105-115 FMAID:167396 denotes Hyaluronan
_T6 105-115 FMAID:63014 denotes Hyaluronan
_T7 132-149 FMAID:63011 denotes glycosaminoglycan
_T8 132-149 FMAID:167395 denotes glycosaminoglycan
_T9 214-236 FMAID:265717 denotes extracellular matrices


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 214-227 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005576 denotes extracellular


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 190-210 http://edamontology.org/topic_1770 denotes structural component


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 153-174 http://edamontology.org/data_1519 denotes high molecular weight
T2 190-200 http://edamontology.org/data_0883 denotes structural
T3 190-210 http://edamontology.org/operation_2483 denotes structural component


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T0 0-5 JJ denotes Novel
EnjuParser_T1 6-13 NNS denotes methods
EnjuParser_T2 14-17 IN denotes for
EnjuParser_T3 18-21 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T4 22-33 NN denotes preparation
EnjuParser_T5 34-37 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T6 38-54 NN denotes characterization
EnjuParser_T7 55-57 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T8 58-68 NN denotes hyaluronan
EnjuParser_T9 69-85 NNS denotes oligosaccharides
EnjuParser_T10 86-88 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T11 89-96 VBN denotes defined
EnjuParser_T12 97-103 NN denotes length
EnjuParser_T13 105-115 NN denotes Hyaluronan
EnjuParser_T14 116-118 VBZ denotes is
EnjuParser_T15 119-120 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T16 121-131 JJ denotes ubiquitous
EnjuParser_T17 132-149 NN denotes glycosaminoglycan
EnjuParser_T18 150-152 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T19 153-157 JJ denotes high
EnjuParser_T20 158-167 JJ denotes molecular
EnjuParser_T21 168-174 NN denotes weight
EnjuParser_T22 175-179 WDT denotes that
EnjuParser_T23 180-184 VBZ denotes acts
EnjuParser_T24 185-187 IN denotes as
EnjuParser_T25 188-189 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T26 190-200 JJ denotes structural
EnjuParser_T27 201-210 NN denotes component
EnjuParser_T28 211-213 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T29 214-227 JJ denotes extracellular
EnjuParser_T30 228-236 NNS denotes matrices
EnjuParser_T31 237-240 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_R0 EnjuParser_T1 EnjuParser_T0 arg1Of methods,Novel
EnjuParser_R1 EnjuParser_T1 EnjuParser_T2 arg1Of methods,for
EnjuParser_R2 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T2 arg2Of and,for
EnjuParser_R3 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T3 arg1Of and,the
EnjuParser_R4 EnjuParser_T4 EnjuParser_T5 arg1Of preparation,and
EnjuParser_R5 EnjuParser_T6 EnjuParser_T5 arg2Of characterization,and
EnjuParser_R6 EnjuParser_T5 EnjuParser_T7 arg1Of and,of
EnjuParser_R7 EnjuParser_T9 EnjuParser_T7 arg2Of oligosaccharides,of
EnjuParser_R8 EnjuParser_T9 EnjuParser_T8 arg1Of oligosaccharides,hyaluronan
EnjuParser_R9 EnjuParser_T9 EnjuParser_T10 arg1Of oligosaccharides,of
EnjuParser_R10 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T10 arg2Of length,of
EnjuParser_R11 EnjuParser_T12 EnjuParser_T11 arg2Of length,defined
EnjuParser_R12 EnjuParser_T13 EnjuParser_T14 arg1Of Hyaluronan,is
EnjuParser_R13 EnjuParser_T17 EnjuParser_T14 arg2Of glycosaminoglycan,is
EnjuParser_R14 EnjuParser_T17 EnjuParser_T15 arg1Of glycosaminoglycan,a
EnjuParser_R15 EnjuParser_T17 EnjuParser_T16 arg1Of glycosaminoglycan,ubiquitous
EnjuParser_R16 EnjuParser_T17 EnjuParser_T18 arg1Of glycosaminoglycan,of
EnjuParser_R17 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T18 arg2Of weight,of
EnjuParser_R18 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T19 arg1Of weight,high
EnjuParser_R19 EnjuParser_T21 EnjuParser_T20 arg1Of weight,molecular
EnjuParser_R20 EnjuParser_T17 EnjuParser_T22 arg1Of glycosaminoglycan,that
EnjuParser_R21 EnjuParser_T17 EnjuParser_T23 arg1Of glycosaminoglycan,acts
EnjuParser_R22 EnjuParser_T23 EnjuParser_T24 arg1Of acts,as
EnjuParser_R23 EnjuParser_T27 EnjuParser_T24 arg2Of component,as
EnjuParser_R24 EnjuParser_T27 EnjuParser_T25 arg1Of component,a
EnjuParser_R25 EnjuParser_T27 EnjuParser_T26 arg1Of component,structural
EnjuParser_R26 EnjuParser_T27 EnjuParser_T28 arg1Of component,of
EnjuParser_R27 EnjuParser_T30 EnjuParser_T28 arg2Of matrices,of
EnjuParser_R28 EnjuParser_T30 EnjuParser_T29 arg1Of matrices,extracellular
EnjuParser_R29 EnjuParser_T23 EnjuParser_T31 arg1Of acts,and


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T1 0-104 Sentence denotes Novel methods for the preparation and characterization of hyaluronan oligosaccharides of defined length.
T1 0-104 Sentence denotes Novel methods for the preparation and characterization of hyaluronan oligosaccharides of defined length.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T1 58-68 Body_part denotes hyaluronan http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma63014
T2 69-85 Body_part denotes oligosaccharides http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma82742
T3 105-115 Body_part denotes Hyaluronan http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma63014
T4 132-149 Body_part denotes glycosaminoglycan http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma63011


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue uberon_id
T1 214-227 Body_part denotes extracellular http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005576